The Ham from ZOT: Captured by MEOW

In honor of Johnathan Pollard and the other Prisoners of Zion

In honor of Johnathan Pollard and the other Prisoners of Zion

Aliens to M.E.O.W. Cat: “Even now ZOT agents are infiltrating M.E.O.W. H.Q…. They must be apprehended.
Cat: Right-oo I’ll send Beauregard.”
Beauregard listening on his cell phone to the Cat: Check the back of the store right now!”
Beauregard in shock finds the two ZOT agents going up the stairs in the back. Agent 8: “Always too many stairs.”
Beauregard to Cat: “Dang hamsters have gone through the secret terminal.”
Cat: “Use your Phaser!”
Beauregard fires his Phaser at the hamsters.”
Two Cat Guards with Phasers march Agents 8 and 87 to their Dungeon Cells. Guard: “Forward!”
Agent 8: “Don’t worry… We will escape.”
Agent 87: “Yes 8″
Fat Campbell Soup Children to Ronald McDonald: “Hey…Are they torturing you?”
Thin Ronald McDonald: “yeah thy only give me Campbell’s Soup.”
Fat Campbell Soup Child: “What! Oh that’s funny…They only been giving us McBurgers.”

Blessed be Israel Freedom for Gilad Shalit!

Rocky7425 29July2008

BoxerBros Productions – Jonathan Pollard – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

boxerbroscom 12January2011