We have no other country – אין לנו ארץ אחרת

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סיפורו האישי-לאומי של ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s personal-national story

14February2015 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/191334#.VOlt3mP1G1E

“Many people around the world ask me, ‘how does such a young country, such a small country, who is attacked by enemies at every turn – how does such a country reach such great achievements?” Netanyahu begins.

Netanyahu then related to a personal story, about his grandfather, Natan Netanyahu Mileikowsky.

“He stood at a train station in the heart of Europe at the end of the 19th century, along with his younger brother Yehuda – two yeshiva [Torah academy – ed.] students,” he recounted. “Suddenly, they saw many anti-Semitic thugs waving batons, screaming, ‘Death to Jews.”

“My grandfather turned to his brother and told him, ‘Run, Yehuda, run!'” he continued. “He tried to chase after the thugs to save his brother. They beat him until he lost consciousness.”

“They left him to die.”

“Before he lost consciousness, lying in his own blood, he thought to himself: ‘What a shame. The descendants of the Maccabees are lying here in mud, unable to defend themselves,” he continued. “He promised himself that if he would survive the night, he would bring his family to the Land of Israel and help build a new future for the Jewish people in Israel.”

Netanyahu then brought the scene back to the present-day.

“I am sitting here now as the Prime Minister of Israel because my grandfather kept his promise,” he said. “Here in the Land of Israel we have returned to what the Jewish nation did not have for thousands of years: security.”

“Security to stand up for ourselves and secure ourselves under our own sovereignty, to protect ourselves with our own power – security not just to survive, but to alloy one of the most advanced countries in the world,” he continued.

“We are a nation that aspires to peace – our hands are extended in peace to all who choose to grasp them,” he added.

“But to our enemies, I say: there is no baton, there is no rocket, there is nothing that can defeat us – because we are united in our faith and in our right to our land – the Land of Israel.”

Holocaust IDF Sci-Fi israelhayom

Holocaust IDF Sci-Fi israelhayom


Holocaust IDF Sci-Fi israelhayom

Israel Torah – Rabbi Shalom Gold | Bring Them Home – Aliyah Now https://skazmdesign.wixsite.com/bringthemhome

The coming into being of a Jewish state in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand, or even three thousand years.”
(Winston Churchill)

The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus

Examples of Israel taking action to rescue and protect Jews:

Israeli attack on Osirak reactor - Operation Opera (Hebrew: אופרה‎), also known as Operation Babylon, was a surprise Israeli air strike carried out on 7 June 1981, which destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor under construction 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) southeast of Baghdad. The operation came after Iran's Operation Scorch Sword that had damaged the same nuclear facility the previous year. Operation Opera, and related Israeli government statements following it, established the Begin Doctrine, which explicitly stated the strike was not an anomaly, but instead “a precedent for every future government in Israel.” Israel's counter-proliferation preventive strike added another dimension to their existing policy of deliberate ambiguity, as it related to the nuclear capability of other states in the region.

Israeli attack on Osirak reactor – Operation Opera (Hebrew: אופרה‎), also known as Operation Babylon, was a surprise Israeli air strike carried out on 7 June 1981, which destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor under construction 17 kilometers (10.5 miles) southeast of Baghdad. The operation came after Iran’s Operation Scorch Sword that had damaged the same nuclear facility the previous year. Operation Opera, and related Israeli government statements following it, established the Begin Doctrine, which explicitly stated the strike was not an anomaly, but instead “a precedent for every future government in Israel.” Israel’s counter-proliferation preventive strike added another dimension to their existing policy of deliberate ambiguity, as it related to the nuclear capability of other states in the region.

IDF-tweet-4July2016-Entebbe-Rescue 40 yrs ago, the IDF rescued 102 hostages in the historic Operation Entebbe rescue mission

IDF-tweet-4July2016-Entebbe-Rescue 40 yrs ago, the IDF rescued 102 hostages in the historic Operation Entebbe rescue mission

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)

 IDF-tweet-12April2018 Hamas terror organization is planning more violent riots tomorrow. For many Israeli families the Gaza Strip is a short walk from their backyard. IDF soldiers don’t just protect a border but what lies behind it - our families, our homes, and our children. WATCH

IDF-tweet-12April2018 Hamas terror organization is planning more violent riots tomorrow. For many Israeli families the Gaza Strip is a short walk from their backyard. IDF soldiers don’t just protect a border but what lies behind it – our families, our homes, and our children. WATCH

Hamas terror organization more violent riots on Gaza Border.

Since we did not have a strong Jewish state during the Holocaust, where Jews could come home for protection and to fulfill their destiny to serve HaShem:

Night by Elie Wiesel

Night by Elie Wiesel

Some people are still torn as a result of what they had to cope with, Rabbi Krieger says. Auschwitz (Photo: EPA)

Some people are still torn as a result of what they had to cope with, Rabbi Krieger says. Auschwitz (Photo: EPA)

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH UK 0800 075 7200 Come home to the Land of Emuna


Why Didn't You Save Us By: Asher Schwartz http://www.jewishpress.com/cartoons/god-will-save-us/ Published: February 16th, 2015

Why Didn’t You Save Us By: Asher Schwartz http://www.jewishpress.com/cartoons/god-will-save-us/ Published: February 16th, 2015

When do we leave?

Lori Palatnik of the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project thinks it is time for Jews to send their kids to live in Israel.

You have seen the news of anti semitic attacks in Europe, Canada, the US and Australia.

It’s time to pack up and come home before you are a statistic.

Crossing the Line 2: The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus

The New Face of Anti-Semitism on Campus

 AMCHA-logo http://www.amchainitiative.org/

AMCHA-logo http://www.amchainitiative.org/


10 Forms of Antisemitic Activity

  1. Denying Jews Their Right to Self-Determination
  2. Using Symbols and Images Associated with Historical Anti-Semitism
  3. Comparing Jews to Nazis
  4. Accusing Jews and Israel of Inventing or Exaggerating the Holocaust
  5. Demonizing Israel
  6. Delegitimizing Israel
  7. Holding Israel to a Double Standard
  8. Promoting Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Against Israel
  9. Condoning Terrorism Against Jews, Supporting Terrorist Organizations
  10. Targeting Jewish Students for Discrimination, Harassment, or Intimidation
Survey: More Than Half of Jewish College Students Report Antisemitism on Campus  Click to download PDF file Download the Report trinity-Anti-Semitism 24February2015 http://brandeiscenter.com/publications/research_articles/ldb_trinity_college_report
The 10 Campuses With The Worst Anti-Semitic Activity 21Febraury2015 http://www.jewhatredoncampus.org/news/10-campuses-worst-anti-semitic-activity
The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.

The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.

The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values. http://www.canarymission.org/

For those who keep insisting that everything is hunky-dory for Jews in the U.S.A. These are your workers and leaders!

Canary Mission: Radicals Exposed

Israel a Safe Haven for Jews? Come on! P. III
Grand Rabbi - Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wassertheil - the Riminover Rebbe

Grand Rabbi – Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wassertheil – the Riminover Rebbe

From Rabbi Lazer Brody 29March2015 http://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2015/03/brothers-and-sisters-come-home.html

Brothers and Sisters, Come Home!

For the last seven years, my beloved teacher Rabbi Shalom Arush and I have been pleading with Jews around the world to make Aliya and come home to the Land of Israel. Many of our brothers and sisters, especially in the USA, have been looking at us as if we’re from another planet. Does this remind you of the attitude of European Jews before the Holocaust?

We’re no longer the lone voice. A holy tzaddik in Brooklyn, Grand Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Elazar Wassertheil – the Riminover Rebbe (image, above) – is now calling for all of America’s Jews to leave and go to Israel. He warns of civil war in the USA.
Pesach is coming, and it’s time to leave Egypt. We await you here in the holy Land of Emuna.

Haredi Aliyah Initiative – Na’ava Kodesh

Naava Kodesh

NBN University | Your First Two Weeks in Israel

Israel Torah – Rabbi Pinchas Winston | Bring Them Home – Aliyah Now https://skazmdesign.wixsite.com/bringthemhome

The Mitzvah to Live in Eretz Yisrael

One should always live in the Land of Israel, even in a city where the majority are idol worshippers, and not in chutz la Aretz, even in a city where the majority are Jews. (Kesubos 110); also included in the Rambam (Hilchos Melachim Chapter 5)

Said the Holy One Blessed be He: A small group in the Land of Israel is dearer to Me than a full Sanhedrin outside the Land. (Yerushalmi, Sanhedrin 86)

There are ten measures of Torah in the world. Nine are in Eretz Israel. and one in the rest of the world. (Esther Rabba)

Better is a dry piece of bread with tranquility in it than a house full of quarrelsome feasts (Mishle 17:1): Better is a dry piece of bread with tranquility in it: R. Yochanan said, “This refers to Eretz Israel, for even if a person eats (dry) bread and salt every day while dwelling in Eretz Israel, he is assured a portion in the World to Come…Than a house full of quarrelsome feasts: This refers to Chutz LaAretz, which is full of violence and robbery.” (Yalkut Shimoni 2:956)

Settling Eretz Israel is a Mitzvah that encompasses all the Torah, for all those who walk in it four Amot have a portion in the World to Come which is all life. (Or ha Chayim ha Kaddosh Devarim 30:20)

“It is preferable to dwell in the deserts of Eretz Israel than the palaces of Chutz LaAretz” (Bereshit Rabba 39:8).

According to Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg zt”l, (Dean of Ner Yisrael Yeshiva), the message we are to learn from this is that even though “my body and clothes are mine no matter where I live, my house is not truly mine – unless it is in the Land of Israel.” A Jew must see himself as a vagabond and wanderer all over the face of the globe, except in the land of Israel. This is where we belong – the only place we can truly call Home.

Alyah : mode d’emploi

Alyah : mode d'emploi https://www.jewishagency.org/fr/ Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur notre site Internet en cliquant ICI ou par téléphone, en appelant le Global Center au 0-800-916-647 (si vous entendez un message vocal d'accueil, vous devez patienter jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un vous réponde). Le Global Center est joignable 6 jours par semaine, de 7h00 à 19h00 (du dimanche au jeudi) et de 8h00 à 12h00 le vendredi.

Alyah : mode d’emploi https://www.jewishagency.org/fr/ Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur notre site Internet en cliquant ICI ou par téléphone, en appelant le Global Center au 0-800-916-647 (si vous entendez un message vocal d’accueil, vous devez patienter jusqu’à ce que quelqu’un vous réponde). Le Global Center est joignable 6 jours par semaine, de 7h00 à 19h00 (du dimanche au jeudi) et de 8h00 à 12h00 le vendredi.

Reports in Israel on Friday indicated that the Jewish Agency received hundreds of calls from French Jews seeking to make aliya (immigrate) to Israel.

French Jews arriving at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, November 2, 2016. (JTA/IFCJ)

French Jews arriving at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, November 2, 2016. (JTA/IFCJ)

Aliá – Información general

 Elegibilidad, Beneneficios, Estudios y más. Todo lo que siempre te preguntaste con respecto a la Aliá, en un solo lugar.

Elegibilidad, Beneneficios, Estudios y más. Todo lo que siempre te preguntaste con respecto a la Aliá, en un solo lugar.

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The Jewish Agency Global Service Center


We’re here to help you overcome your Aliyah-related challenges. Especially now.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused seismic shifts for the world and for individuals and families. We know. We understand. And we’re here for you every step of the way.
Your representative at The Jewish Agency’s Global Service Center will explain the entire process to you and guide you throughout. Just find your local toll-free number below. (If you don’t see your country listed, call +972-2-636-7701 from any landline, or fill out this form, and we’ll contact you.)

Not even a global pandemic can stop the return of the Jewish People to our homeland. We can’t wait to see you.



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Israel means Family! It’s time to come home to your Family.

What does it mean to be an Israeli?


מה הכי ישראלי בעיניכם? What Does Being Israeli Mean to You

‬‎ Raise your blue and white flag

‬‎ Israel’s 70th – Do You See The Miracle?

NBN University | US Taxation and the Oleh

For those who keep insisting that everything is hunky-dory for Jews in the U.S.A. I suggest taking Biden’s message into consideration. Remember that Vice President Joe Biden speeches are written in advance and checked for snafus. This is a very clear message from the American Government that Jews are not full-fledged Americans.

Trump Tells American Jews: Israel is Your Country

Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Biden Reveals American Jews Can Only Rely on Israel, Not US

By Ari Yashar, Tova Dvorin 3/30/2015 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/193387#.VRk3mc37tC0

US Vice President Joe Biden

US Vice President Joe Biden

An incredible admission by US Vice President Joe Biden has been revealed, in which he told Jewish leaders that should the American Jewish community be in danger, it has only Israel to rely on – and not America.

Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg reveals in the April issue of The Atlantic how at a [official] Rosh Hashana event in Biden’s home last fall, the vice president told Jewish leaders and Jewish officials in US President Barack Obama’s administration how he met former Prime Minister Golda Meir when he was a young Senator.

“I’ll never forget talking to her in her office with her assistant – a guy named (Yitzhak) Rabin – about the Six-Day War,” he recalled. “The end of the meeting, we get up and walk out, the doors are open, and…the press is taking photos. …She looked straight ahead and said, ‘Senator, don’t look so sad…Don’t worry. We Jews have a secret weapon.'”

Biden states he asked Meir what the weapon was, noting “I thought she was going to tell me something about a nuclear program” – an ironic comment given the US’s recent declassification of documents revealing Israel’s nuclear program in a breach of understandings with the Jewish state.

But according to Biden, “she looked straight ahead and she said, ‘We have no place else to go.'” Addressing his guests at Rosh Hashana, Biden paused for effect and repeated, “we have no place else to go.”

“Folks, there is no place else to go, and you understand that in your bones,” Biden said. “You understand in your bones that no matter how hospitable, no matter how consequential, no matter how engaged, no matter how deeply involved you are in the United States…there’s only one guarantee.”

“There is really only one absolute guarantee, and that’s the state of Israel,” he stated.

Responding to the statement, Corey Robin of Salon wrote how disturbing the statement is, given that it consists of “a sitting vice president telling a portion of the American citizenry that they cannot count on the United States government as the ultimate guarantor of their freedom and safety.”

“The occupant of the second-highest office in the land believes that American Jews should look to a foreign government as the foundation of their rights and security,” she added. “A country that once offered itself as a haven to persecuted Jews across the world now tells its Jews that in the event of some terrible outbreak of anti-Semitism they should…what? Plan on boarding the next plane to Tel Aviv?”

Brothers and sisters, it’s time to contact Nefesh B’Nefesh. Don’t waste any time, for this is the time to leave your Egypt and start a new life in the Land of Emuna.


Could Hashem be talking to us through the American Vice President? This message was given to the leaders of the American Jewish Community on ROSH HASHANA. It was made public for everybody to hear on 10 Nissan — the anniversary of the day we entered the Land of Israel.

An Israeli Soldier’s song to the world for Passover


Wesley Clark advocates interning “disloyal” Americans in camps proposed during the notorious Nine Days

20July2015 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-07-20/general-wesley-clark-suggests-putting-disloyal-americans-internment-camps

Dachau, the first Nazi concentration camp established in March 1933 and located about 10 miles northwest of Munich, didn’t start out as a camp for Jews; it started out as an internment camp for “disloyal” individuals, or what Heinrich Himmler called “political prisoners.”

Those early “disloyal” prisoners, according to historian Lucy Dawidowicz, were “social Democrats, Communists, members of other opposition parties, journalists and writers (especially Jews), and various other ‘unpopular’ categories.” It wasn’t until after Kristallnacht in November 1938 that Jews started to get rounded up and sent to Dachau and other camps in Germany because eventually there was no other group in Germany’s eyes more “disloyal” than the Jews.

But could this really happen again today? Could there one day be internment camps for Jews on American soil?

As US Army General Wesley Clark(Ret.) advocates interning “disloyal” Americans in camps, US Army Regulation 210-35 reveals there are already American civilian prison and labor camps on US Army installations. This regulation states that these camps are “currently limited to” inmates from US prisons, but there are “a few exceptions” that could easily include Americans deemed disloyal for political reasons. Couple this with the historical pattern of host countries eventually turning against the Jews no matter how successful, influential, productive and economically beneficial the Jews may have been. After decades and even centuries of relative peace and prosperity, every Golden Age of Jewish life ended in ruins. And with today’s skyrocketing anti-Semitism and a current administration perpetually angry at the Jewish State of Israel, it wouldn’t take much to suspend one’s disbelief that an economic catastrophe (which many economists predict) or a national emergency could be the spark to ignite the dark side of Jewish history on American soil.

To make matters possibly worse is Article 10 in the 159-page Iran nuclear deal. According to Israel National News, Article 10 (which was buried toward the end of the agreement), says the US and the other P5+1 powers will help Iran through “training and workshops to strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to, nuclear security threats, including sabotage, as well as to enable effective and sustainable nuclear security and physical protection systems.”

Translation: The US becomes allies with Iran in the event of an attack on an Iranian nuclear facility. When asked if the USA would defend Iran during an attack by Israel, John Kerry replied, “Yes, but that would never happen!” If and when it does happen, Jews who send money to Israel could be accused of “aiding a terrorist state/enemy”, and interned under the Homeland Security Act.

Alarmingly, this would potentially place the US on the same side as Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who recently outlined his strategy to annihilate the Jews and Israel in a new book called “Palestine”. If this were to happen, Wesley Clark’s “disloyal” could take on a frightening new dimension for Jews in America.

Perhaps just as significant as what Clark said during his MSNBC interview was when he said it. His proposal to place “disloyal” Americans in camps occurred during the notorious Nine Days, the Jewish calendar’s most mournful period culminating with Tisha B’Av — the day when both Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed, when Spain expelled its large Jewish population in 1492, when World War I began (which led to World War II and the Holocaust) and when countless other tragedies occurred.

That Wesley Clark’s chilling proposal occurred during the Nine Days makes it pretty obvious this wake-up call is from Hashem. Knowing this and believing that Hashem is doing everything for our absolute best, that the only future we have is in the Land of Israel and that Mashiach is just around the corner is the emuna we need to help us be the ones to make it through.

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Tisha B’Av and the threat of a new Holocaust

24July2015 Elder of Ziyon http://elderofziyon.blogspot.co.il/2015/07/tisha-bav-and-threat-of-new-holocaust.html#.VbPTULb7tTA
On Sunday we will mark Tisha B’Av (pushed off a day so as not to be on Shabbat.) It is the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, one that marks several tragedies that happened on that day. mostly the destruction of the Temples.

Usually I write a historical post on Tisha B’Av.

But this year it is hard to concentrate on anything but the danger of nuclear weapons being built for the purpose of destroying Israel.

The genocidal words from Iranian leaders indicate that destroying Israel is their top priority – not the economy, not the war in Iraq, but destroying Israel. They have dedicated an annual holiday just to call for Israel’s destruction. They have ensured that even during sanctions, their payments to Hezbollah remain sacred.

But Israel has a much larger problem.

The US allowed this situation to happen. It was not just naivete in negotiating skills, although that played a part. If the White House truly wanted to minimize the possibility of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon, it would not have given up concessions the way it did. It would not have communicated its message that the military option is impossible. It would not have publicly defended Iran’s cheating on its existing promises.

No, the Obama administration has made a conscious decision that a nation that encourages chants of “Death to America” is a better strategic partner than Israel (and the Gulf states.)

That goal of a long-term alliance with a crazed Islamic theocracy was more important than the goal of erasing nuclear weapons capability. Demands from Iran during the negotiations were not treated with derision but with the respect of a would-be suitor. “Well, of course Iran cannot be expected to cave on demand X, Y and Z – it would not be fair!”

The situation is mind boggling. And now we are in a lose-lose situation, where the options have dwindled down to a nearly meaningless choice. Because President Obama chose the priorities, and those priorities do not include Israel.

Taking a long-term view, this is the direction that the US is going anyway. College students are being poisoned against Israel and they are the leaders of tomorrow. This blog and many others regularly point out the hypocrisy of the “liberals” who embrace Iran and Hamas but it does not make a dent – logic does not enter the picture. As mainstream media uncritically parrots the lies of the Arabs, we can expect the trend to be less and less sympathy to Israel in the coming decades – and more sympathy for those who want to destroy Israel. The US will act like Europe in the not-too-distant future. Israel will be alone, again.

Perhaps prayer on Tisha B’Av is the most logical response.

America Tomorrow

Howard Morton 17April2013 http://www.breslev.co.il/articles/society/current_affairs/america_tomorrow.aspx?id=24281&language=english

America TomorrowWhat the Kabbalist Foresaw

Shortly before his death in 2010, the Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz revealed to his student, Rav Shalom Arush, three historic events he foresaw would happen throughout the world.

Two of them have already materialized — namely, the “Arab Spring” uprisings and the fact that Netanyahu was unable to attack Iran when he wanted to.

The third prediction Rav Yehuda Zev revealed to Rav Shalom Arush has not yet occurred. Hopefully it never will.

That third prediction is especially alarming. When Rav Lazer Brody originally announced Rav Yehuda Zev’s three predictions in a January 2012 “Lazer Beams” posting, Rav Brody chose not to disclose the third prediction.

That was more than a year ago. With economies crumbling, anti-Semitism skyrocketing and North Korea and Iran notching up their nuclear threats, the world is seemingly about to erupt. Literally. So with Rav Brody’s permission, I’m relating here Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz’s third prediction — which is no longer a secret.

But before I do, it’s important to first get a brief glimpse of who Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz was.

Rav Yehuda Zev was said to be one of the 36 hidden righteous people of the generation. Born in 1921, Rav Yehuda Zev studied in his youth under the famed Rav Yoel Teitelbaum in Satmar and was the only member of his family to survive the horrors of the Holocaust. After immigrating to Israel, he studied with leading Kabbalists and authored works on Kabbalah. Though he concealed his greatness and preserved his anonymity most of his life (his neighbors considered him a simple Jew), the heads of yeshivas knew him as an extraordinary holy and pure man. It was also known he could work wonders.

So what was this holy Kabbalist’s third prediction (the only one that has not yet taken place)?

That the Jews in America would be targeted and attacked.

Call it a holocaust. Call it state-sponsored pogroms with a 21st century, technological twist. Call it whatever you want; it’s one of the most worn-out plots in history: the Jews enjoy a “golden era” in whatever exile-land they happen to be living in and it turns horrifically sour. It’s happened too often before, and it takes a lot of suspension of disbelief that Jewish citizens of the U.S. are somehow immune to it.

Yet the obvious question remains: Would the United States government today actually kill its own citizens?

Shockingly, the answer appears to be yes.

In the beginning of this year, NBC News obtained a 16-page, confidential Justice Department white paper that justifies the killing of American citizens by targeted drone strikes. All without an arrest. All without trial. And all in the name of national security.

The white paper states that if an American poses an “imminent threat of violent attack against the United States,” he or she “does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future.”

Not only that, but the white paper reveals that an “informed, high-level official of the U.S. government” can authorize the killing of that American.

Who is this “informed, high-level official”? A senator? A police chief? A Chicago alderman? The white paper doesn’t say. But what it does say is that the only thing this unnamed official has to do to knock off an American citizen is to “determine” that this citizen has “recently” been involved in “activities” threatening an attack on the U.S.

The Justice Department white paper calls this a “lawful killing in self-defense.”

Andrew P. Napolitano, author of seven books on the U.S. Constitution and a former judge of the New Jersey Superior Court, disagrees.

In a recent Fox News article, Napolitano wrote that under the Constitution, the only time the president (not to mention any “high official”) can order a lawful killing is by “using the military when the U.S. has been attacked,” “when an attack is so imminent that delay would cost innocent lives” or by “using the military in pursuit of a declaration of war enacted by Congress.”

What makes the targeted drone-killing of Americans especially dangerous is that it clearly opens the door to genocide. All it takes is for some “high officials” to decide one day that Jews in America pose a threat to the country.

And if the idea of singling out Jews in the 21st century sounds far-fetched, take a look at today’s Hungary. Lawmaker Marton Gyongyosi of Hungary’s third-largest political party, Jobbik, called on the Hungarian government to compile a “list of Jews” he believes “present a national security risk to Hungary.”

This implication that by merely being a Jew poses a security risk sounds like Nazi-era rhetoric. But it was uttered less than five months ago.

And much more recently than that, the Jews of Greece are also finding themselves at increasing risk. A headline from an April 2013 issue of The Times of Israel exclaims: “Greeks Find Cause of All Their Woes: The Jews.” The subhead continues: “As Greece’s economy teeters on the brink, virulent anti-Semitism is making an alarming comeback.”

Could that possibly happen here in the United States?

Many economists warn of a near-future financial collapse in the U.S., and historically Jews are always the first to be blamed. After all, who would be easier to blame for an economic disaster than the Treasury Secretary (Jacob Joseph Lew) and the Federal Reserve chairman (Ben Shalom Bernanke)?

Finally, there’s the concept of emunat chachamim (faith in the sages). If the Kabbalist Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz said there will be a catastrophe for the Jews in America (and he was right about his other two predictions), then it doesn’t seem prudent to ignore the warning.

So what should those of us in America do then?

Let me quote Rav Lazer Brody:

“If you don’t plan to make aliya in the near future, do two things:

1. Start praying every day that you and your family will be able to make aliya;

2. Do what you can to spread emuna — that way, you are Hashem’s shaliach (emissary) wherever you are.”


ISRAEL AT WAR 5784: Time and Again

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-21June2024-Shabbat Shalom
#ShabbatShalom is a bit like the Jewish version of “TGIF” but with a dash of spiritual elegance. “Shabbat Shalom” is Hebrew for “peaceful Sabbath,” and it’s a greeting used by Jews around the world to wish each other a serene and meaningful day of rest.
The expression of “Shabbat Shalom” embraces the spirit of the Sabbath. It’s our chance to unplug from the hustle and bustle of the week. Shabbat reminds us that we are souls and not robots. Shabbat replenishes the soul. Shabbat means connecting with Hashem, with family and with our own souls
So, whether you’re praying, munching on challah, sipping a glass of fine Israeli dry red wine or just taking a nap in the middle of the day, remember to spread the “Shabbat Shalom” love and enjoy a peaceful day of rest. Shabbat Shalom, cherished friends.

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-21June2024-Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-21June2024-Shabbat Shalom


Israeli Citizen Spokespersons’ Office

4 Hostages rescued ALIVE from Gaza

This is what happens when you make peace

Israel Derangement Syndrome

Los Angeles – Pico-Robertson Pogrom 23June2024

Around the World

“If today the heads of government are unsure of their ability to withstand the nations – if they are fearful and weak – it is better that they leave the task of leadership to others.”

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-8July2024-if they are fearful and weak
Prophetic words of the Lubavitcher Rebbe osb”m, 1970: “If today the heads of government are unsure of their ability to withstand the nations – if they are fearful and weak – it is better that they leave the task of leadership to others.” Tonight, 3 Tammuz, is his 30th yahrtzeit.

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-8July2024-if they are fearful and weak

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-8July2024-if they are fearful and weak



Dr. Einat Wilf

Episode #1 UNRWA | Deep Dive with Dr. Einat Wilf

Introducing Episode #1 – UNRWA of the Deep Dive series with Dr. @EinatWilf

Dr. Einat Wilf is a former member of the Knesset and author of the best-selling book “The War of Return.”

#deepdive #israelicitizenspox




Episode #1 UNRWA | Deep Dive with Dr. Einat Wilf


Episode #2 – ‘Anti Zionism’ is now live!

IsraeliCitizenSpox-tweet-6June2024-Anti Zionism is now live
Dr. @EinatWilf is back with Deep Dive!

Episode #2 – ‘Anti Zionism’ is now live!

If you like to access a free course on Zionism and Anti-Zionism taught by Dr @einatwilf
you can access the link here: https://tikvahfund.org/course/zionism-and-anti-zionism-the-history-of-two-opposing-ideas/

#israelicitizenspox #deepdive #einatwilf #antizionism


IsraeliCitizenSpox-tweet-6June2024-Anti Zionism is now live

IsraeliCitizenSpox-tweet-6June2024-Anti Zionism is now live


Episode #2 Anti-Zionism | Deep Dive with Dr. Einat Wilf



4 Hostages rescued ALIVE from Gaza

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-8June2024-4 Hostages rescued ALIVE from Gaza
Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40) were rescued in a special operation by the IDF, ISA and Israel Police from 2 separate locations in the heart of Nuseirat after being kidnapped by Hamas from the Nova music festival.

They are in good medical condition and have been transferred to the ‘Sheba’ Tel-HaShomer Medical Center for further medical examinations.

We will continue to make every effort to bring the hostages home.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-8June2024-4 Hostages rescued ALIVE from Gaza

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-8June2024-4 Hostages rescued ALIVE from Gaza



Noa Argamani’s dad praying at the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s holy gravesite

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-9June2024-Noa Argamani’s dad praying at the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s holy gravesite
Noa Argamani, taken hostage on Oct.7, was rescued yesterday in a miraculous special-forces mission in Gaza. Despite 2 rescue vehicles that broke down, Hashem made the mission succeed. The photo, from a few months ago, is her dad praying at the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s holy gravesite.
harabi_770-tweet-8June2024-Ya’akov Argamani praying at Lubavitcher Rebbe’s holy gravesite

הבקשה שנענתה: יעקב ארגמני, אביה של נועה שחולצה השבת מהשבי בעזה, מעתיר בתפילה על ציונו הקדוש של הרבי לפני מספר חודשים.

Translated from Hebrew by

The request was answered: Ya’akov Argamani, the father of Noa, who was rescued on Shabbat from captivity in Gaza, petitions in prayer for the Rebbe’s holy grave a few months ago.

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-9June2024-Noa Argamani's dad praying at the Lubavitcher Rebbe's holy gravesite

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-9June2024-Noa Argamani’s dad praying at the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s holy gravesite



hostages return celebrations

Im Tirtzu-tweet-8June2024-hostages return celebrations
Just imagine the celebrations when all the hostages return!

Im Tirtzu-tweet-8June2024-hostages return celebrations

Im Tirtzu-tweet-8June2024-hostages return celebrations




If our leaders would say, “Thank You, Hashem” and “B’ezrat Hashem,” Hashem would give them many more reasons to smile

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-9June2024-say Thank You Hashem
If our leaders would say, “Thank You, Hashem” and “B’ezrat Hashem,” Hashem would give them many more reasons to smile. Before you do something, solicit Hashem’s help by saying “B’ezrat Hashem.” Once you’ve done it, say “Thank You, Hashem”. Wait and see how successful you’ll be.

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-9June2024-say-B'ezrat Hashem-Thank You Hashem

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-9June2024-say-B’ezrat Hashem-Thank You Hashem




Hamas abuses the hostages

Eylon Levy-tweet-10June2024-Hamas abuses the hostages
We are learning more about how Hamas abuses the hostages (and these are the ones held in civilian homes):

▪️Beatings “almost every day”
▪️No protein, so muscle wastage
▪️Malnutrition, periods of “almost no food whatsoever”
▪️Medical neglect
▪️No sunlight

Eylon Levy-tweet-10June2024-Hamas abuses the hostages

Eylon Levy-tweet-10June2024-Hamas abuses the hostages


Hostages were beaten, abused ‘almost every day,’ says doctor who treated rescuees

10 June 2024, 10:05 pm https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hostages-were-beaten-abused-almost-every-day-says-doctor-who-treated-rescuees/


File: Itai Pessach, director of the children’s hospital at Sheba Medical Center, during a television interview (courtesy of Sheba Medical Center)

File: Itai Pessach, director of the children’s hospital at Sheba Medical Center, during a television interview (courtesy of Sheba Medical Center)


The doctor in charge of treating the hostages rescued from Gaza on Saturday tells CNN that the abductees were regularly beaten by their captors.


“It was a harsh, harsh experience, with a lot of abuse, almost every day,” Dr. Itai Pessach of Sheba Medical Center says. “Every hour, both physical, mental and other types, and that is something that is beyond comprehension.”


According to the American outlet, Pessach says the eight months the hostages spent under Hamas captivity “left a significant mark on their health,” despite them appearing outwardly to be in good shape.


“They had no protein, so their muscles are extremely wasted, there is damage to some other systems because of that,” he says, adding that they said the supply of food and water varied, and that they were moved a few times and dealt with different guards.


“There have been periods where they got almost no food whatsoever,” Pessach adds. “There were other periods where it was a little better, but all in all, the combination of the psychological stress, malnutrition or not getting enough food or not getting the right kind of food, medical neglect, being limited to space, not seeing the sun and all of the other things have [a] significant effect on health.”


Elaborating on the psychological strain, he says: “As time passes, hope of being released kind of decreases and you start wondering if this would ever end… losing that faith, I think, is where you get to the breaking point.”



Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov

Oli London-tweet-13June2024-Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov
Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov had his hands and feet bound for 2 months during captivity.

His parents have revealed the horrific conditions he was subjected to during the 245 days he spent as a hostage.

“He told us that for two months, they were tied up by their hands and feet. In the first weeks, their hands were tied behind their backs…

In other cases, they had to relieve themselves in a bucket. The terrorists engaged in psychological abuse, constantly telling each captive, ‘Israel has forgotten you.”

Source: Ynet News

Oli London-tweet-13June2024-Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov

Oli London-tweet-13June2024-Rescued hostage Andrey Kozlov





The inside story of Israel’s dramatic Gaza hostage rescue

The JC can reveal previously unknown details of the daring mission, which was the result of weeks of intelligence work culminating in a 45 minute shoot-out with Hamas terrorists

BY Elon Perry

13June2024 08:32 https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/the-inside-story-of-israels-dramatic-gaza-hostage-rescue-e2t1d8qu#:~:text=On%2012%20May%2C%20Israel%20received,to%20locate%20the%20exact%20location


On 12 May, Israel received intelligence about the location of four hostages in the Nuseirat refugee camp area in the Gaza Strip. From that day on, every branch of Israeli intelligence was focused on the area 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to locate the exact location. A team of undercover ‘Mista’arvim’ (units that assimilate into local populations to gather intelligence) were sent there, mainly in the local market of Nuseirat.


Their role was not only to gather intelligence from locals but also to check information from the interrogations of captured terrorists. In addition, information was gathered by aerial observation and other sophisticated technological means.


After 19 days of intensive cooperative intelligence gathering work, the combined units managed to compile solid and accurate information about the location of the Israeli hostages. It was discovered that the hostages were being held in two separate buildings in the same area. Noa Argamani was held in the first floor of one and three other hostages were in another building, 800 metres away, on the third floor.


At the beginning of June, this information was brought to the War Cabinet, and the Chief of Staff of the IDF and head of the Shin Bet were asked to present a rescue plan. The intelligence was kept top secret. Even the other forces in Gaza, including senior commanders, were not informed about it. As the War Cabinet discussed options, the preparations and training for the operation began.


In order to finally verify the information and to prepare the ground for the operation, another team of undercover soldiers (including several women dressed in hijabs and long black dresses) was sent into the Nuseirat refugee camp. Pretending to be two Gazan families looking for a large house in Nuseirat, they arrived in two cheap-looking old cars loaded with domestic items characteristic of those families displaced in the Strip, such as mattresses and clothing identical to those of the locals.


When the residents of the Nuseirat camp asked the undercovers where they came from and what they were looking to do in Nuseirat, they replied that they had fled from Rafah due to “deadly shelling from the Israeli army”, and decided to rent a house in the area. Then they pointed to the building where Noa Argamani was being held. They showed one of the locals a large amount of cash and offered to pay three times the going rate for rent. The local agreed to help and within three hours found a large house on the very street where Argamani was held. This was only 800 metres away from where the other three hostages were held.


A few days later, after settling into the house and getting to know the area, including shopping at the local market, and realising that they did not arouse suspicion, the undercovers began their mission: verifying the location where the hostages were held. They split into two teams. One team consisted of two commandos, a man dressed as a typical Gazan local and a woman dressed in a long black dress and hijab. They began marching down the street towards the ‘Al-Auda’ medical centre where, in a nearby residential building 200 metres from the hospital, Noa Argamani was held. The undercovers walked with complete confidence as if they were walking down a street in Tel Aviv. To add to their authenticity, they stopped from time to time at stalls along the sides of the street, showing interest in the products while complaining about the difficult situation in Gaza. This was done in fluent Arabic with a perfect Gazan accent. Behind them, walked four more undercover men, armed to give backup in case a ‘Fauda-like’ situation occurred (Fauda in Arabic means unexpected chaos).


The second team consisted of four female soldiers dressed as typical Arab women (one feigning being pregnant) carrying plastic bags full of food products and vegetables. They walked in two pairs (a young Muslim woman is not allowed to walk around alone) towards a nearby residential building, where, on the third floor, the three male hostages were held. Behind them walked four more undercover men armed to give them backup.


Meanwhile five other members of the undercover team stayed at the house to guard it and make sure the teams had not been exposed and that no nasty surprises would await them.


Three hours later, at the prearranged time, the two teams came back to the rented house and began to process the information they had obtained. Now it was confirmed: the four hostages were being held in two homes of Gazan families. The force commander confirmed to Israel that the two locations were correct.


The cabinet decided to act. Twenty-eight fighters from the ‘Yamam’, a commando unit that specialises in fighting terrorists and rescuing hostages, began training on two specially built models that replicated the two buildings where the hostages were held. After three days of training, the commander of the force informed the IDF Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, who then informed the Minister of Defence, Yoav Gallant, that they were ready to carry out the operation. After Prime Minister Netanyahu had been informed and given permission to launch the operation, it was able to proceed.


On Thursday night, 5 June, the undercovers were ordered to leave the area of Nuseirat refugee camp without arousing suspicion, although four remained to keep an eye on the buildings to make sure that the hostages were not transferred to another location.


Only at this time were senior Israeli commanders and other cabinet members informed about the operation.

On Friday morning, 6 June, the 28 commandos of the ‘Yamam’ unit began making their way in two teams towards the two buildings in Nuseirat refugee camp. To maintain the element of surprise as much as possible, the unit’s fighters travelled hiding in two trucks.


Just before 11 am the commandos arrived with precise timing at the two targets and awaited the order to attack. Observations and technological surveillance measures from IDF aircraft reported that the area was ‘clean’, with no suspicious movements near the two buildings. The information and live coverage of the alleys and the 800-metre-long street that separated the two target buildings were transmitted directly to the screens in two command and control rooms in Israel from which the operation was being overseen.


At 11.00 am exactly the commandos received the order to go ahead and stormed both buildings simultaneously in full coordination, to prevent the terrorists from endangering the hostages and the entire operation.


The Israeli soldiers eliminated the terrorists guarding Noa Argamani, and within six minutes had rescued her unharmed from the apartment. They then took her to a waiting helicopter that immediately flew her back to Israel.


But while the rescue of Argamani went smoothly, the task of rescuing the other three hostages on the third floor of the second building became complicated.


They were held in the home of Dr Ahmed al-Jamal, a medical doctor, who was a Hamas activist. His son, Abdullah, a journalist who had written for Al-Jazeera, was also staying in the apartment.


Some of the commandos used a ladder to enter directly into the room where the three hostages were held. This coincided with the entry of the rest of the force who came up the stairs from the main entrance of the building.


But Commander Arnon Zamora’s team, which broke into the apartment at the head of the force, encountered massive fire from around thirty Hamas terrorists in the apartment They fired with machine guns, threw grenades and some even fired rocket-propelled grenade missiles at the surprised Israelis. This is how Arnon Zamora was killed.


The fact of the presence of 30 terrorists in the apartment had not been known to the undercover teams who had reported the information about the hostages’ location back to Israel. It is assumed that the terrorists arrived at the apartment only that morning or the night before, to strengthen the guarding of the three hostages.


Nevertheless, the experienced Israeli commando fighters were not deterred by the deadly surprise and continued to fight the terrorists with determination at close range, joined by the other fighters who were waiting outside the apartment. The three hostages had to hide in the bathroom of the apartment, protected by several Israeli fighters, during the battle. There was no way to leave the apartment due to the massive unexpected gunfire as it might endanger the hostages.


After a long face-to-face battle, the Israelis managed to eliminate all the terrorists in the apartment. But during the shooting from dozens of guns inside a crowded two-room apartment, Arnon Zamora was hit and lay on the floor bleeding, while three medics and a doctor leant over him, under heavy fire, trying to save his life.


Meanwhile, dozens of terrorists emerged from the tunnels around the building and began to fire at the Israeli fighters with machine guns and RPG missiles. The Israelis started making their way out of the building (several of them carrying Arnon Zamora on a stretcher), running through smoke-filled alleys and the nearby market which was crowded with thousands of Gazans who would not have hesitated to lynch them. The Israeli forces tried, under constant fire, to get to the rescue vehicle that was waiting for them, but it was hit by two RPG missiles.


The commander of the operation in Israel then activated ‘Plan B’, the rescue plan that had been prepared in advance: a daring operation under massive, very close fire from the enemy, covered by Israeli fire from ground, sea and air.


With the help of tanks, hundreds of soldiers (from the Golani and Givati infantry brigades and paratroopers) charged on foot into the refugee camp, fighting face-to-face battles with Hamas terrorists while navy ships covered them from the west and air force helicopters from the east. Fire from the air hit the terrorists just ten metres from the Israeli soldiers.


The reinforcement forces and the air force managed to isolate the battle scene, providing a safe escape route for the main force escorting the three hostages.


At the end of an exhausting and continuous battle the Israeli fighters eliminated all the armed threats in the battle arena.

Hamas claims that during the rescue operation in the crowded streets of the refugee camp, 274 Palestinians were killed. However, the IDF says that 104 Palestinians were killed or wounded – all of whom were Hamas terrorists or armed civilians who collaborated with the terrorist organisation.


After the battle, the three abductees (who had kept their cool throughout) were led by the fighters to one of the Israeli helicopters waiting for them and flew them to Israel.


Meanwhile, the air force planes bombed the building which collapsed within seconds.

The special forces soldiers then boarded the other two helicopters that took off back to Israel. Attempts to revive Arnon Zamora continued on the short flight, but l he was pronounced dead on arrival in hospital.


Elon Perry is a journalist and former commando in the Golani Brigade of the IDF




Everyone in Gaza is Hamas! There are NO Civilians.

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-8June2024-Why did Hamas hide hostages among 30,000 people
Why are not enough people asking the question: Why did Hamas hide hostages among 30,000 people?

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-8June2024-Why did Hamas hide hostages among 30,000 people

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-8June2024-Why did Hamas hide hostages among 30,000 people



Hamas is intentionally involving the civilian population of Gaza in its war crimes

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-10June2024-Hamas intentionally involving Gaza civilian population
We need to talk about the elephant in the room.

Many Gazan civilians participated in killing, raping, and kidnapping Israelis on October 7.

It is also reported that Gazan civilians were paid by Hamas to hold hostages captive in their homes.

Hamas is intentionally involving the civilian population of Gaza in its war crimes.

The world must condemn this in the strongest terms.

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-10June2024-Hamas intentionally involving Gaza civilian population

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-10June2024-Hamas intentionally involving Gaza civilian population



Al-Jazeera held hostages

The Persian Jewess-tweet-10June2024-Al Jazeera tries to deny links to kidnapper Abdullah Aljamal
Al Jazeera tries to deny links to kidnapper Abdullah Aljamal, despite the fact that he is literally listed on the Al Jazeera website.

But even more telling, they call the rescued Israelis “PRISONERS” and not “HOSTAGES.”

Prisoners? What was their crime? Being Jewish?
The Persian Jewess-tweet-10June2024-Abdallah AlJamal-Al Jazeera journalist terrorist
Meet Abdallah AlJamal, Al Jazeera journalist by day, terrorist kidnapper of Jewish civilians from peace festivals by night.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-10June2024-Al Jazeera tries to deny links to kidnapper Abdullah Aljamal

The Persian Jewess-tweet-10June2024-Al Jazeera tries to deny links to kidnapper Abdullah Aljamal


Abdallah AlJamal-Al Jazeera journalist terrorist

Abdallah AlJamal-Al Jazeera journalist terrorist


OSINTdefender-tweet-9June2024-Al-Jazeera held hostages
The Israel Defense Force has now Confirmed what was reported earlier today, which is that Abdallah Aljamal, a Photojournalist as well as Writer/Editor for Al-Jazeera and several other Palestinian New’s Organizations was a Member of Hamas and was holding several of the Hostages which were Rescued yesterday from the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, inside of his Home in the Central Gaza Strip. Both Abdallah and several Members of his Family were Killed while trying to Resist the Rescue of Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv who were all being held within the Home; with Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, the Commander of the Israeli Police’s “Yamam” National Counter-Terrorism Unit, who the Operation is now named after, being Killed while entering the House.

OSINTdefender-tweet-9June2024-Al-Jazeera held hostages

OSINTdefender-tweet-9June2024-Al-Jazeera held hostages



Rescued hostage filing lawsuit against U.S. non-profit

Oli London-tweet-9July2024-Rescued hostage filing lawsuit against U.S. non-profit
Rescued hostage filing lawsuit against U.S. non-profit The Palestine Chronicle after one of its employees held him hostage.

Almog Meir Jan was held in the home of Abdallah Aljamal, a contributor to the website The Palestine Chronicle for nearly 250 days.

His captor also worked as a spokesman for the Hamas-run labor ministry in Gaza before being killed in the rescue mission to free Almog and the other hostages.

The Palestine Chronicle is a U.S. operated non-profit, run by the tax-exempt group, the People Media Project.

Whilst Aljamal kept the Israeli man hostage, he continued to write articles for the newspaper and pushed anti-Israel propaganda.

The lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday in Washington state alleges The Palestine Chronicle “knowingly and willfully procured and disseminated Hamas propaganda to the Palestine Chronicle’s readers in the United States,” citing reports alleging “at least six Palestine Chronicle writers and contributors have been affiliated with Iranian propaganda outlets.”

Source: Fox News


Oli London-tweet-9July2024-Rescued hostage filing lawsuit against U.S. non-profit

Oli London-tweet-9July2024-Rescued hostage filing lawsuit against U.S. non-profit



Hostages were held here

The Persian Jewess-tweet-9June2024-Everyone Knew about the imprisoned hostages
As a Middle Easterner, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that there is ZERO CHANCE Abdullah Al Jamal imprisoned hostages in his home for 246 days without his neighbors, in laws, cousins, second cousins, siblings, and mother’s uncle’s cousin’s dentist knowing about it.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-9June2024-Everyone Knew about the imprisoned hostages

The Persian Jewess-tweet-9June2024-Everyone Knew about the imprisoned hostages


Nioh Berg-tweet-8June2024-hostages were held here
Apparently this was the location in Nuseirat where the hostages were held.

If you as a civilian agree to keep hostages imprisoned in your home, you become a combatant. Simple as that.

Nioh Berg-tweet-8June2024-hostages were held here

Nioh Berg-tweet-8June2024-hostages were held here




Hamas firing RPGs in a populated area

HonestReporting-tweet-10June2024-Hamas firing RPGs in a populated area
🤷 It’s really that simple.

No one is saying Palestinian lives don’t matter. It’s about who you’re blaming and where you’re directing your anger. Hamas firing RPGs in a populated area during the IDF rescue mission tells you everything you need to know.

HonestReporting-tweet-10June2024- Hamas firing RPGs in a populated area

HonestReporting-tweet-10June2024- Hamas firing RPGs in a populated area




The Entebbe Rescue

IDF-tweet-4July2016-Entebbe-Rescue 40 yrs ago, the IDF rescued 102 hostages in the historic Operation Entebbe rescue mission

IDF-tweet-4July2016-Entebbe-Rescue 40 yrs ago, the IDF rescued 102 hostages in the historic Operation Entebbe rescue mission

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)

Operation Entebbe was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976. A week earlier, on 27 June, an Air France plane with 248 passengers was hijacked by a hijacker of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – External Operations (PFLP-EO)


Operation Entebbe

This is the remarkable account of the successful completion of Operation Entebbe as Lt. Col. (res.) Avi Mor – the navigator of three of the four planes sent to rescue the hostages in Uganda – describes in detail his experience in directing 103 Jewish hostages to freedom.

IDF Editorial Team


Lt. Col. (res.) Mor knows what it means to fight for freedom. He was born in Poland and escaped to Israel with his parents and seven siblings during the Nazi regime. He enlisted in the Israel Air Force and passed the rigorous Flight Academy course. During his time as a captain in the IAF, he became a trained navigator. His talent for navigation was put to the test when, on June 27, 1976, Air France Flight 139 was hijacked.

Evacuated Entebbe hostages

Evacuated Entebbe hostages


The flight, which had originated in Tel Aviv, had a scheduled layover in Athens, Greece, before it was to continue to Paris, France. Shortly after taking off from Athens, four of the new passengers hijacked the flight and demanded the release of hundreds of prisoners worldwide. The hijackers – Wilfried Böse and Brigitte Kuhlmann of the German Baader-Meinhof militant group, and two Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – directed the hijacked flight to Entebbe Airport in Uganda, where Ugandan soldiers, under the leadership of then-Ugandan President Idi Amin Dada, helped support the hijackers and trap the hostages.


Upon arrival, the terrorists immediately separated the Jewish and Israeli hostages from the rest of the captives. “Even now, as I am telling you the process by which the terrorists selected their hostages, it hurts me to say it,” Lt. Col. (res.) Mor said, recounting that “it was a similar selection process the Nazis administered when selecting who would go work and who would be sent to the gas chambers.”

Evacuated Entebbe hostages landing in Israel

Evacuated Entebbe hostages landing in Israel


The Israeli security establishment faced a ticking clock. Room for negotiation? None. Information about the terrorists’ plans? Minimal. Deadline for terrorists’ demands? Forty-eight hours – or else, they threatened, they would start murdering hostages.

Gathering Intelligence

With the deadline in motion and little known about the underlying motives of the hijackers, their exact whereabouts in Entebbe Airport, and their plans moving forward, Israel’s government and security officials sought to collect information about the situation as quickly as possible.


“One of the biggest problems we had,” recalled Lt. Col. (res.) Mor, “was that we were operating with minimal clarity throughout the entire mission, as we had no reliable source of information. And, when faced with an ultimatum, time is of the essence.”


In the week before the raid, Israel tried a number of political avenues to release the hostages. Faced with little choice, the Israeli government announced that it would enter into negotiations. This provided Israel with just enough time to consolidate a seemingly impossible military rescue operation, as the terrorists issued a new ultimatum for July 4.


Gathering intelligence took a few days and, by midday Tuesday, IDF forces were able to gather enough information about the situation to provide them with basic clarity to work desperately on a possible rescue attempt.


In the middle of the night on Wednesday, Lt. Col. (res.) Mor received a house visit from a friend and fellow soldier in the Israel Air Force.


“My wife answered the door. My friend told her ‘Norit, I suggest you go to your room and close the door,’” Lt. Col. (res.) Mor recalled. “By 6 the following morning, I was at an exercise with Sayeret Matkal.” From that moment on, every single person who was in some way relevant to the mission was in a period of intensive brainstorming for the best possible rescue scenario to present to Israel’s governing officials.


A few options were thrown around until, on July 1st, the mission’s main commander, Brig. Gen. (res.) Dan Shomron (later to become the IDF’s Chief­ of­ Staff), presented the rescue plan to Lt. Gen. (res.) Mordechai Gur (then Chief of Staff), Shimon Peres (then Israel’s defense minister) and Yitzhak Rabin (then prime minister) for final authorization to complete the highly secretive rescue mission.


One of the aircraft crews that landed at Entebbe poses with their plane after the mission.

One of the aircraft crews that landed at Entebbe poses with their plane after the mission.


One of the aircraft crews that landed at Entebbe poses with their plane after the mission.

Ready, Set, Don’t Fire

Out of this plane emerged two jeeps and a black Mercedes, practically identical to the car of then-Ugandan president Idi Amin Dada. Lt. Col. Netanyahu’s unit drove slowly and calmly towards the old terminal, appearing as if they were Ugandan forces in familiar vehicles. They were ordered not to shoot before reaching the old terminal and to take the terrorists by surprise. However, one of the IDF soldiers shot at a Ugandan soldier who was heavily armed and close to their vehicle. They were no longer undercover, and their plan was now altered as they had to reach the old terminal as quickly as possible.


The second and third Israeli planes arrived six minutes later, carrying reinforcements and troops assigned to help fight the Ugandan forces surrounding the airport. “I had the great honor of being the leading navigator for aircrafts two, three, and four,” Lt. Col. (res.) Mor said proudly.


The fourth aircraft – the only aircraft with enough gas to fly to Entebbe and back to Israel, arrived empty, ready to evacuate the hostages and take them home. “The rest of us had no details about the first aircraft and what was going on down there. I was in the second aircraft and, whether the first was successful or not, we had to land at the airport precisely six minutes after them,” Lt. Col. (res.) Mor said. “Luckily, they succeeded and, in six minutes, killed the terrorists and rescued the hostages.”


Within 20 minutes of their arrival, IDF soldiers began evacuating the hostages in the fourth aircraft. “Our mission was accomplished the instant the hostages had left Entebbe,” Lt. Col. (res.) Mor recalled.


Entebbe Raid-two jeeps and a black Mercedes

Entebbe Raid-two jeeps and a black Mercedes


Everyone was accounted for besides one: Lt. Col. Yonatan Netanyahu, the commander of the first aircraft’s Sayeret Matkal rescue unit, who had been shot and killed while helping hostages return to the aircraft. At least five other soldiers were wounded during the escape, but the soldiers finished evacuating the hostages, loaded Lt. Col. Netanyahu’s body into one of the planes, and left Entebbe Airport only 58 minutes after their arrival. The operation was later named “Operation Yonatan” in honor of its commander and one of Israel’s greatest soldiers.

Returning Home

On the morning of July 4, 1976, the rescued hostages and their defenders landed safely in Israel, concluding one of the most daring chapters in the history of the IDF. “I did not register it then, as we were still in mission mode,” Lt. Col. (res.) Mor explained, “but we landed at Ben Gurion [Airport in Israel] to a sea of Israelis swarming with pride, elated to welcome us home.”


Looking back, Lt. Col. (res.) Mor insists this was one of Israel’s finest moments, as its heroic actions were heard around the world. “It marked one of the best times in Israel’s history in terms of international recognition and respect,” Lt. Col. (res.) Mor stated.


Operation Entebbe marked a dramatic victory over international terrorism, but it did not eliminate the danger. Thirty seven years later, as Israel continues to cope with the threat of terror, the rescue at Entebbe serves as a reminder that victory is worth the fight.




They Criticized the Entebbe Rescue, Too

The Soviet and Chinese governments denounced what they called “the Zionist aggression.” United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim charged that Israel had committed a “serious violation of the sovereignty” of Uganda.



It may seem perplexing that anybody would criticize Israel’s rescue of four hostages from Gaza. But in 1976, there was criticism of Israel’s rescue of hostages from Entebbe, too.


While Israelis celebrated the June 8 rescue of hostages held by Arab terrorists and civilians in Gaza, United Nations special rapporteur Francesca Albanese accused the Israeli commandos of “perfidiously hiding in an aid truck” in order to enter the neighborhood where the hostages were imprisoned.


MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin asserted that the rescuers’ tactics “raise(d) moral and ethical questions,” while former MSNBC host Krystal Ball denounced celebrations of the rescue as “depraved.”


In June 1976, Palestinian Arab terrorists hijacked a French plane on its way to Israel and forced it to fly to the Entebbe airport in Uganda. There they released the non-Jewish passengers, and held the remaining 106 passengers and crew hostage, demanding the release of terrorists who were imprisoned in Israel. Ugandan dictator Idi Amin was deeply sympathetic to the terrorists, and Ugandan soldiers helped the hijackers guard the hostages.


On July 4, Israeli commandos raided the airport and freed the hostages. All seven terrorists, and several dozen Ugandan soldiers, were killed. The only rescuer killed was the raid’s leader, Yonatan Netanyahu, brother of Israel’s current prime minister. Mrs. Dora Bloch, an elderly passenger who had been taken to a local hospital, was murdered there by Ugandan soldiers.

Most of the world celebrated the rescue raid on Entebbe. But not everybody.


The Organization of African Unity, consisting of several dozen African countries, accused Israel of “wanton aggression” and demanded reparations for damage to the airport. The Soviet and Chinese governments denounced what they called “the Zionist aggression.”


United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim charged that Israel had committed a “serious violation of the sovereignty” of Uganda. A few years later, Waldheim’s past as a Nazi war criminal was exposed. (However, that did not prevent his election as president of Austria in 1986.)


The Mexican government criticized Israel’s “flagrant violation” of Ugandan sovereignty, and declared its “firm rejection of the use of armed force by any state as a means of trying to solve conflicts.”


The Mexican position was especially surprising because just months earlier, it had explicitly promised to refrain from anti-Israel policies. That promise was made in order to secure an end to the boycott of Mexico announced by Jewish organizations following its support of the infamous Zionism-is-racism resolution at the U.N. in 1975.


The French government’s response to the Entebbe rescue was particularly troubling, given the fact that it was a French plane that was hijacked, and French crew members who were held hostage. The French Foreign Ministry issued a brief statement which expressed satisfaction at the rescue, but emphasized its condemnation of the casualties, almost all of whom were the terrorists or the soldiers who assisted them.


A spokesperson for the Air France crew read a statement hailing President Amin for his “constant care to ensure our safety, our material comfort and even our health.” The statement appeared to have been dictated by French officials.


The U.S. government publicly praised the Israeli rescue mission, but it also introduced an “even-handed” resolution at the U.N. Security Council. While condemning the hijacking, the resolution also affirmed “the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States.” The resolution did not secure enough votes to pass, so it was withdrawn.


At the same time — according to declassified documents — Secretary of State Henry Kissinger informed Israel’s ambassador in Washington that because the Israelis had used US equipment in the raid, “we will have to put a temporary freeze on military shipments.”


Ambassador Simcha Dinitz replied: “You are kidding me.” Kissinger was not kidding. “You know you have no right to do this without prior consultation,” he admonished the ambassador. Dinitz argued that the relevant U.S. law applied to “only weaponry, not equipment.” But Kissinger insisted that the U.S.-made C-130 transport planes were a “military version” of that aircraft and therefore could not be used outside Israel’s borders. Kissinger could have looked the other way; instead, his response was to penalize Israel following its miraculous rescue of the hostages.


Israel’s prime minister in those days was Yitzhak Rabin, and the government was ruled by the Labor Party — a reminder that whether Israel’s government is from the political left or the right, and whether its leader is named Rabin or Netanyahu, there will always be those who complain when Israel takes action to defend the lives of its citizens.

Dr. Medoff is founding director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies and author of more than 20 books about Jewish history and the Holocaust. His latest is “Whistleblowers: Four Who Fought to Expose the Holocaust to America,” a nonfiction graphic novel with artist Dean Motter, published by Dark Horse / Yoe Books.



Making peace with invaders

Brett Chapman-tweet-13June2024-Land stolen from Native Americans
Native Americans didn’t simply “lose” land, it was stolen from. Important distinction.
Historic Vids-tweet-13June2024-Land stolen from Native Americans
This is a map that shows the land loss of Native Americans in the United States

Brett Chapman-tweet-13June2024-Land stolen from Native Americans

Brett Chapman-tweet-13June2024-Land stolen from Native Americans




Jose Muniz-tweet-11July2024-Christians kick Islam out of the Peninsula
In 722 a group of christians in the north of Spain decided that they would wake up every day for the next 800 years with just one mission. To kick Islam out of the Peninsula.
In 1492 they did it

Jose Muniz-tweet-11July2024-Christians kick Islam out of the Peninsula

Jose Muniz-tweet-11July2024-Christians kick Islam out of the Peninsula




Israel gave up the Sinai and Southern Lebanon for what?

Remember Gush Katif, What did the “Disengagement” get you? Rockets landing in Tel Aviv!

Map of Israeli Withdrawal from Sinai

Map of Israeli Withdrawal from Sinai

South Lebanon security zoneSouth Lebanon conflict (1985–2000)

South Lebanon security zone
South Lebanon conflict (1985–2000)

Israel gave up land for a piece of Paper

What did the Jews of Israel get with the “Disengagement”?

Rockets from Gaza rain havoc on Israeli cities in latest war

15 Seconds in Sderot, Israel


An Open Letter to Critics of Israel

BLOOD CELLS EVERYWHERE: An IDF map of the locations of rockets launched from Gaza from July 8th to August 4th. (Still awaiting a map from Hamas, in case the terrorist group disagrees.)

BLOOD CELLS EVERYWHERE: An IDF map of the locations of rockets launched from Gaza from July 8th to August 4th. (Still awaiting a map from Hamas, in case the terrorist group disagrees.)

Violent Hamas Riots and Rockets summary 2018

Violent Hamas Riots and Rockets summary 2018

Friday, 11 July 2014 Miracle in Ashdod: Direct Hit on Gas Station, no Fatalities What's the war like in Ashdod?

Friday, 11 July 2014 Miracle in Ashdod: Direct Hit on Gas Station, no Fatalities What’s the war like in Ashdod?

Tel Aviv hit with rocket fire from Gaza

Tel Aviv hit with rocket fire from Gaza

LONGSHOT: At a cost of as much as $100,000 per unit, Israel’s Iron Dome, seen here in action, has a rocket-interception rate of 85-90%. But it doesn’t cover the whole country—not by a longshot.

LONGSHOT: At a cost of as much as $100,000 per unit, Israel’s Iron Dome, seen here in action, has a rocket-interception rate of 85-90%. But it doesn’t cover the whole country—not by a longshot.




Listening to Bad Advice

Alex Traiman-tweet-20June2024-This is when momentum shifted in the war
This is when momentum shifted in the war:

When photos began to surface of Hamas terrorists and their supporters being arrested, blindfolded and stripped to their underwear, I knew the end of the war, including the release of hostages was just weeks away.

Yet almost just as quickly, the images stopped appearing, with the Biden Administration claiming the images were “disturbing.”

These images were actually benevolent, and could have saved thousands of lives.

Why? If you want to survive in the Middle East, it is critical to understand the Arab culture of honor vs shame.

These images completely humiliated Hamas. To destroy Hamas, and to make the Palestinians stop supporting them, they need to be thoroughly humiliated by the IDF.

The IDF’s killing Hamas terrorists, in the eyes of Palestinian society, is projected as an honor. Those killed are “martyrs.”

To defeat Hamas, Israel needs to create less martyrs, and create more losers.

In preventing the IDF from publishing the photos, and by Israel’s adhering to the Biden administration’s Western sensitivities and directives, the war has dragged on to the detriment of all parties.

Alex Traiman-tweet-20June2024-This is when momentum shifted in the war

Alex Traiman-tweet-20June2024-This is when momentum shifted in the war






June 19, 2024 | The Washington Times

Israel’s long war

A “ceasefire deal” won’t end it

Clifford D. May
Founder & President https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/06/19/israels-long-war-2/


The Nova Music Festival was billed as a celebration of “Friends, Love, and Infinite Freedom.” On Oct. 6, 2023, attendees from more than two dozen countries gathered in Israel’s Negev Desert just three miles from Hamas-ruled Gaza to sing, dance, and celebrate peace through the night.


At dawn the next day, Hamas terrorists used bulldozers and bombs to break through Israel’s high-tech fence that was thought to secure the border. Arriving at the festival grounds, they began slaughtering, raping, mutilating, and kidnapping concertgoers, exuberantly shouting: “Allahu Akbar!” – “God is greatest!”


On a visit to Israel earlier this month, I wandered through that killing field, now a makeshift memorial. Atop a small forest of poles are pictures of the more than 360 victims, most of them young, and, in these photos, smiling and full of life. Flowers and Israeli flags surround them.


I also toured Be’eri, a nearby kibbutz, a farming community, where the invaders from Gaza gleefully tortured, shot and burned alive men, women, children, toddlers, and babies.


Oct. 7 was the bloodiest day in Israeli history, the worst Jew-killing orgy since the Nazis overran Europe. Within hours, jihadists and their secular allies were blaming Israelis and/or Jews for Hamas’ crimes and atrocities.


Hamas, they insisted, was responding to the Israeli “occupation” – ignoring the plain fact that, in 2005, the Israelis withdrew from Gaza, a territory they’d taken from Egypt in the defensive war of 1967.


Hamas seized full control of the territory in 2007, after waging a brief war to oust the Palestinian Authority.


Hamas then began importing weapons and ammunition – provided mostly by Iran’s rulers – and constructing the expensive and elaborate subterranean fortress in which Yahya Sinwar and other Hamas honchos are believed to be ensconced, presumably surrounded by hostages in chains.


Aboveground, Hamas fighters have blended in with noncombatants serving as human shields.


That this is a key component of Hamas’ warfighting strategy was confirmed by the Wall Street Journal’s publication last week of secret messages Mr. Sinwar has sent to his compatriots outside Gaza. Dead Gazans, he told them, are “necessary sacrifices” in the long war to annihilate Israel and exterminate Israelis.


Israel’s many critics and enemies refuse to recognize this reality. On June 8, Israeli commandos staged a daring broad-daylight rescue of four hostages from two civilian buildings in Nuseirat, a city in central Gaza.


Joseph Borrell, the European Union’s foreign minister, called the operation a “massacre.” How dare Israelis return fire at those trying to kill them as they were extricating their citizens! Indeed, the leader of the Israeli mission was mortally wounded by heavily armed Hamas terrorists.


The Washington Post headlined: “More than 200 Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage raid in Gaza.” The Post is one of many media outlets that parrots whatever numbers Hamas provides without attempting to verify or distinguish civilians from combatants. (Israel’s military estimates about 100 Gazans were killed or wounded, most of them gunmen.)


BBC news anchor Helena Humphrey asked Jonathan Conricus, a former officer in the Israel Defense Forces, whether Gazans should not have been warned of the impending rescue operation. (The BBC has gone beyond parody.)


While the media remains focused on Gaza, there are other fronts in this war. Most significantly, since Oct. 8, Hezbollah, Tehran’s most formidable foreign legion, has been firing rockets and drones from southern Lebanon into northern Israel, the Galilee and the Golan. The attacks have sharply escalated over recent days.


This demonstrates – to anyone with eyes that see – that “ceasefire deals” and “peace agreements” with proxies of Tehran are useless or, worse, lethal traps.


Recall that Hezbollah’s last major war against Israel was in 2006. U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701 mandated a “full cessation of hostilities” by Israel in exchange for the establishment of a zone from Lebanon’s border with Israel to the Litani River “free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons other than those of the Government of Lebanon” and U.N forces. It also called for Hezbollah’s disarmament.


But the 10,000 U.N. troops charged with enforcing the demilitarization of southern Lebanon merely watched as Hezbollah hid thousands of missiles in mosques, hospitals, schools, and homes. And the American-supported Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) has acted as Hezbollah’s auxiliary.


Hezbollah’s attacks have forced more than 60,000 Israelis to abandon their homes, farms, villages and cities. Hezbollah rockets have sparked fires that have consumed thousands of acres of forest.


Another full-blown war with Hezbollah would cause many deaths and much destruction in Israel. As for Lebanon, already a failing state thanks largely to Hezbollah, it might never recover.


But it’s hard to see how the Israelis can long allow a proxy of Tehran to turn regions of their small country into an uninhabitable free-fire zone.


Final note for today: On June 10, the U.N. Security Council passed an American ceasefire proposal for Gaza. Biden administration officials then pleaded for Mr. Sinwar to agree to it.


Secretary of State Antony Blinken observed that Gazans are “suffering every day,” adding – with determined naivety – that if Mr. Sinwar “has their interests at heart, he will come to a conclusion to bring this to a conclusion.”


To what should be nobody’s surprise, Mr. Sinwar rejected the proposal. He expects President Biden to pressure the Israelis to offer more concessions – or end the war as Mr. Biden ended the conflict in Afghanistan: by capitulating.


For now, the Israelis are continuing to battle Hamas in Gaza while preparing for the eventuality of an all-out war against Hezbollah. And, at some point, they will need to attend to unfinished business with the patron of both terrorist groups, the jihadist and genocidal regime in Tehran.


Clifford D. May is founder and president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) and a columnist for the Washington Times.




Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-12June2024-Islamophobia
They can’t live peacefully with Hindus
They can’t live peacefully with Jews
They can’t live peacefully with Christians
They can’t live peacefully with Atheists
They can’t live peacefully with Buddhists
They can’t live peacefully with other sects of Islam
They can’t live peacefully with LGBT.
They don’t like Free Speech
They don’t like Religious Freedom
They don’t like free Women

But they constantly want Islamophobia criminalized.

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-12June2024-Islamophobia

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-12June2024-Islamophobia



This is Islam

Salwan Momika-tweet-14July2024-This is Islam
This is Islam

Salwan Momika-tweet-14July2024-This is Islam

Salwan Momika-tweet-14July2024-This is Islam




Oscar Ekman-tweet-12June2024-Freedom of religion
Freedom of religion was designed for Christian denominations or Judaism.

But it should not apply to Islam as a warfaring and conquering religion. It should only be allowed with severe and specific restrictions.

Oscar Ekman-tweet-12June2024-Freedom of religion

Oscar Ekman-tweet-12June2024-Freedom of religion


Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-12June2024-Famous Personalities from Different Religions
Famous Personalities from Different Religions

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-12June2024-Famous Personalities from Different Religions

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-12June2024-Famous Personalities from Different Religions


Famous Personalities from Different Religions

Famous Personalities from Different Religions


Amateur Jew-tweet-12June2024-Buddhists on Islam

Amateur Jew-tweet-12June2024-Buddhists on Islam

Amateur Jew-tweet-12June2024-Buddhists on Islam


Buddhists on Islam

Buddhists on Islam




How to properly treat Islamophobia

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-14June2024-K9 Neutralizes Terrorist
K9 Neutralizes a Terrorist that Threw an Explosive on Soldiers and then Went into Hiding.

Jihadists killed by women or dogs don’t win 72 virgins. They become unclean and lose the heavens pass.

There is no “I’ll just be a tough guy” when one of these dogs bites you. Same for all the big predators of the animal kingdom. It’s somewhat like taking pliers to your body.

Congrats! You are food. Your primal brain is now on fire.

Add to your knowledge. Jihawg ammo (You can Google)

Not only does Jihawg guarantee that all of their ammunition meets or exceeds S.A.A.M.I. standards for velocity, penetration, and accuracy, they also coat each projectile with a special ballistic paint infused with pork to make it “Haraam” or unclean to a radical Jihadist.

This makes Jihawg Ammo the only commercially available ammunition with the added deterrent factor of eternal damnation for the fundamentalist Islamic Jihadist.
Christian Hall-tweet-14June2024-ammo

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-14June2024-K9 Neutralizes Terrorist

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-14June2024-K9 Neutralizes Terrorist





Start fighting for our existence


The Persian Jewess-tweet-11June2024-Start fighting for our existence
Dear Jews,

We could be perfect and they would still find reasons to hate us.

It’s time to stop apologizing for existing and start fighting for our existence.

Because if we won’t do it for ourselves then why in the world would anyone else want to do it for us?

The time for silence is over. SPEAK UP!
Precious Ndlovu-tweet-11June2024-

The Persian Jewess-tweet-11June2024-Start fighting for our existence

The Persian Jewess-tweet-11June2024-Start fighting for our existence



Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel


Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back
Not something you’d see very often 6 months ago, but a pretty normal thing you’d see now.

I know that it’s inconvenient that the Jews are able to fight back but you’re just gonna have to get used to it.


Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back

Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back




Muslim countries taking Palestinian refugees-No Fucking Way

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-16June2024-Muslims taking Palestinian refugees-No Fucking Way
On auspicious Eid day, feeling charitable, 57 Muslim countries’ foreign ministers voted in a Zoom meeting, on taking Palestinian refugees.

The results are: 46 countries politely voted, “No”
11 countries voted non politely, “No Fucking Way”

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-16June2024-Muslims taking Palestinian refugees-No Fucking Way

Imtiaz Mahmood-tweet-16June2024-Muslims taking Palestinian refugees-No Fucking Way






Despite conflict, scores of Jews move to Israel

Despite the ongoing war and lack of safety, a new wave of Jews from the US and France choose to make aliyah, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the State of Israel.

JUNE 10, 2024 15:33 https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-805738


The October 7 Hamas attack on Israel sparked an emotionally charged phenomenon: a new wave of Jews choosing to move to Israel despite the war, lack of safety, and numerous challenges.


For more stories from The Media Line go to themedialine.org


According to Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, from the war’s onset until the end of May 2024, 1,169 new immigrants arrived from the US and 587 from France. Remarkably, the number of new Israelis from America and France has not decreased in comparison to last year. The same period last year saw 1,321 immigrants from the US and 628 from France.


Marc Rosenberg, vice president of Diaspora partnerships at Nefesh B’Nefesh, a nonprofit organization that promotes and facilitates aliyah from North America, told The Media Line that Americans are now mainly moving to Israel for ideological reasons, although some are also coming for practical reasons.


Desire for connection

“We’ve seen that a majority of North American Jews want to make their connection with Israel stronger. Therefore, those who were thinking about immigration to Israel, have sped up their plans,” Rosenberg said.


“People seem to be determined, despite the insecurity that’s happening here. War increases passion for Israel, they want to be a part of the story,” he continued.


According to Rosenberg, Nefesh B’Nefesh now sees three main groups of people who are immigrating to Israel: singles under the age of 30, who are coming to serve in the Israeli army or study in Israel; people who are 60+ and are coming to retire; and families.


“We see an increase of people asking about serving in the army, which is fascinating considering the danger that is involved,” Rosenberg said.

An event for Israeli immigrants. (credit: Gvahim)

An event for Israeli immigrants. (credit: Gvahim)


Another reason that American Jews are immigrating to Israel is antisemitism, which has increased since the war in Gaza began, asserted Rosenberg. “It’s something that people are mentioning, but usually it is not the main reason [for their move t Israel]. But surely, even a few antisemitic cases create a certain atmosphere,” he said.


Twenty-four-year-old Hadar Amar from California hadn’t thought about moving to Israel before last year, although her two older siblings moved to Israel six and nine years ago, respectively.


“I got my degree in the States and started working at a corporation. However, there was always a sense of loneliness. I just didn’t feel connected; in America, I felt like a stranger,” she told The Media Line.


In 2023, when Amar found herself in a romantic relationship with an Israeli, she started thinking about moving to the Jewish state. She got a job offer during the summer of 2023 and planned to make aliyah on October 18. But then the war happened.


“On the 7th of October, I was still in America with my family and boyfriend. He was visiting us at that time. As the war started, at first I was doubting my decision to come to Israel,” Amar explained. “Physically, I was in America, but my heart was in Israel,” she added.


‘My heart was in Israel’

Amar said that both her brother and boyfriend serve in the Israel Defense Forces.


“They were in reserves for weeks, and I decided to come to Israel and be with them. Talking to them with the difference in time zones was horrible. Being far from them was pure torture,” she said.


Amar came to Israel on November 6 and received Israeli citizenship on November 14. Amar’s mother decided to travel to Israel with her daughter to support her children and stayed in the country for five months.


“My parents understood that I wanted to be in Israel, although everyone was scared. They were trying to be as supportive as possible, but I know it was hard for them,” she shared.


Regarding antisemitism, Amar said that although it hasn’t affected her personally, she saw many instances of antisemitic while still in California.


“When the war started, I saw that a lot of people who I grew up with were sharing pro-Palestine posts on Instagram. I know that they just aren’t educated about the situation. There was nothing that personally targeted me. I did lose some friends though, but I am okay with it because now I know that they weren’t my true friends,” she said.

Jacob, Panina and Miriam Licht. (credit: Courtesy)

Jacob, Panina and Miriam Licht. (credit: Courtesy)


In the middle of February 2024, Jacob Licht, 50, moved to Israel from the US with his wife Panina and their daughter Miriam.


“One of our other daughters had already made aliyah and was serving in the Air Force in Israel. Now she is working for the year, and then she’ll start college in Israel,” Licht told The Media Line.


Licht explained that 22-year-old Miriam has a disability, and she gets better support in Israel than she does in the US.


“That’s why we had started the [immigration] process and decided that we want to move over the summer, but when October 7 happened, it accelerated the process in our minds,” he explained.


“Our desire was even stronger after October 7, because there was an attack on our people and our land,” Licht added.


Licht emphasized the importance of Jewish people having a homeland, a place to live unconditionally.


Working in the business side of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, Licht expressed his deep desire to help Israel develop this industry.


“I’ve been doing this for 25 years, and some of my work has overlapped with Israeli companies, but I’ve mostly worked in the US, Europe, and in Asia. I understood that Israel has a lot to offer, and I want to be a part of the Israeli ecosystem,” he explained.


“I want to be here and help companies grow through partnerships and alliances with the rest of the world,” he added.


Licht further shared that his niece is now finishing her first year at Columbia University.


“She couldn’t go to Pesach seder there as the police said that it would require protection… My daughter then said to me: ‘Isn’t it strange that we’re sitting in a restaurant in a country that’s actually at war, and it’s my cousin in America who is afraid?’” he recalled.


Besides the US, Israel has seen an influx of new immigrants coming from France, despite the ongoing war.


Leon Cohen, the head of France projects in Gvahim, an organization that facilitates the successful integration of new immigrants into the Israeli labor market, explained to The Media Line that Zionism has been one of the most important reasons for French Jews to move to Israel during the war.


“In their hearts, October 7 activates and embraces the thought that Israel is their place, it’s the place where they have to go,” he said.


According to Cohen, in his professional experience, most of the Jews in France have felt an increased desire to come to Israel since the war began.


“They were hurt in their hearts, as if they, themselves, were in the Kibbutz Be’eri, as if the attack happened to them. For many, it felt like something terrible was happening to their family members and they just have to be in Israel,” he said.


Cohen also mentioned that for some new immigrants, ordinary household situations also motivated them to leave France and come to Israel. “They divorce, or don’t like their job in France, or want to change something in life… Some people also immigrate to Israel simply because of it,” he said.


Conversion to Judasim

Meanwhile, Rebecca, who requested not to use her surname, immigrated to Israel from France in April 2024 with her husband Michael and their 3-year-old daughter after October 7.


Rebecca grew up in Morocco but felt a strong connection to Israel and the Jewish people. She converted to Judaism three years ago.


“I come from Sumerian parents. My path of life made me discover Judaism and feel very close to it and to the land of Israel. Conversion took years. It [the desire to convert] emerged when I was 17 years old, and I started the process when I was 21. I had to study for three years,” she explained.


Given that she hasn’t yet found unemployment in Israel, Rebecca said that she feels “new” to the country and as if she’s still experiencing the aliyah process.


Rebecca shared that although she and her husband had thought about moving to Israel before the Hamas attack on October 7, the events of that day inspired them to embark upon the immigration process faster.


“We felt that everything that’s happening in Israel was affecting us. We felt that for us it is better to be here,” she said.


Rebecca shared an example of antisemitism that she had experienced in France. Their nanny had refused to take care of her daughter once Rebecca told her that they were Jewish.


Another Zionist who made aliyah from France is 27-year-old Maxime Horwitz from Metz, who moved to Israel in mid-November 2023.


“It was planned at the beginning of mid-October. I really wanted to come but because of the situation, my parents were really afraid. We had a clash because of my departure, and I agreed to wait, but no more than one month or a few weeks,” he told The Media Line.


Horwitz explained that he prefers to live in a Zionist environment.


“I feel that there is one place for Jewish people, and it’s in Israel. I just knew that I want to live in Israel,” he shared.


Today, despite the difficulties of immigration and the danger of war, Israel’s new immigrants felt that living in a Jewish state was a positive experience.


“Being in Israel now makes me feel safe, happy and connected. I’m with my loved ones. I’m also creating the life that I have been waiting for, for years. It’s not easy, especially having the people closest to you serving in the army, but this experience helped me to realize what it’s like to be a Jew in today’s society,” concluded Amar.



The Paris 2024 Olympics and Israeli society

An Israeli mother-tweet-23July2024-The Paris 2024 Olympics and Israeli society
A thread on some of the Israeli delegation to #paris2024olympics. It’s also a thread on Israeli society.

Let me begin by saying to all of those who will use the incredible diversity of the team to pretend we’re not “indigenous”: you’re WRONG.
Jews, as we celebrate today with the 17 Tammuz fast, have been exiled and dispersed all over the world, that’s true. Now they’re BACK, each with what they picked during their travels.

It would have been easier, and many did it, to just forget about our roots and assimilate.

That’s why each and every Israeli Jew you see here is the scion of a family Jewish enough, and attached enough to its ancestral Land of Israel, to bear 1950 years of exile and humiliation, in the inextinguishable, stubborn waiting to go back home.

We came back from places as diverse as Ghana and Ukraine, USA and China. We’re coming home.

An Israeli mother-tweet-23July2024-The Paris 2024 Olympics and Israeli society

An Israeli mother-tweet-23July2024-The Paris 2024 Olympics and Israeli society




Haredi leader Goldknopf on army draft: ‘You don’t want us and you don’t need us’

At event marking Bnei Brak centenery, UTJ chief wonders why ultra-Orthodox parties’ electoral achievements do not enable them to strike deals to avoid enlistment for their community

By ToI Staff
17 June 2024, 5:00 am https://www.timesofisrael.com/haredi-leader-on-army-draft-you-dont-want-us-and-you-dont-need-us/


Leader of the United Torah Judaism party Yitzhak Goldknopf argued Sunday night that Israel does not need or want Haredi conscripts, while wondering whether ultra-Orthodox parties’ electoral victories did not give them the right to strike deals to avoid enlistment for their community.


Goldknopf, speaking at an event celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Bnei Brak, a city whose population is mostly Haredi, said: “You still don’t understand us, why we say we live on the Torah, that without the Torah who knows where we’d be.”


Citing a tweet by former politician Haim Ramon, Goldknopf claimed that “four thousand Haredim asked to enlist since the beginning of the year — though that’s not good to hear — but you ruled out 3,300 of them. You don’t want us and you don’t need us. Why do you abuse us?” (Ramon in his tweet cited data from the Knesset, though he later acknowledged that some individuals had challenged the data as problematic.)


Goldknopf went on to ask: “Have we no worth, since we won elections? The attorney general says ‘This can’t be done, this can be done.’ It has nothing to do with her legally. Do we have no right in elections to negotiate and receive what we deserve?”


Israel has seen an intensifying public and legal debate over blanket ultra-Orthodox exemptions from the military draft, as the High Court of Justice considers multiple petitions demanding the immediate drafting of young Haredi men.


Ultra-Orthodox men of military age have been able to avoid being conscripted to the Israel Defense Forces for decades by enrolling in yeshivas for Torah study and obtaining repeated one-year service deferrals until they reach the age of military exemption. In 2017 the High Court ruled that mass exemptions to military service on a group basis are illegal and discriminatory. Successive governments have since that time tried and failed to formulate new legislation to settle the matter, while requesting repeated deferrals from the court.


However, justices have shown diminishing patience, and the need to fill the military’s manpower shortfalls has become far more acute since the outbreak of the war in Gaza and the threat of war on the Lebanese border.


The court ruled in March that the state must cease subsidizing Haredi yeshivas whose students are eligible for the draft, since the legal framework for doing so had expired. As a result, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had to deal with a severe political headache owing to the high priority Haredi political parties place on both yeshiva funding and military exemptions.


Lawmakers last week voted to apply “continuity” to a bill from the previous Knesset dealing with the military service of yeshiva students, reviving the contentious legislation, but it is not expected to solve the matter.


If eventually approved, the bill would lower the current age of exemption from mandatory service for Haredi yeshiva students from 26 to 21 and “very slowly” increase the rate of ultra-Orthodox conscription. The vote was to renew the legislative process where it left off, without having to start from scratch in the current session. The legislation will now advance to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to be prepared for the second and third readings it must pass to become law.

Netanyahu declared his support for advancing the bill last month after failing to come to an agreement with his ultra-Orthodox partners on legislation to enlist members of their community. By working to advance the legislation, Netanyahu appeared to be trying to show the High Court that he is working on the enlistment issue, which would buy him time while keeping his Haredi coalition partners on board.


However, deep abiding disagreements over the bill between Haredi lawmakers and Likud members mean it is highly unlikely to advance through the committee stage.


Meanwhile the government on Sunday gave its backing to a draft bill raising the retirement age for IDF reservists, amid widespread criticism of its recruitment policies, which many Israelis believe place unequal burdens on different segments of the population.


The proposal, a Defense Ministry-backed “draft Security Service Law,” calls to extend for several more months a temporary measure raising the exemption age for reserve military service from 40 to 41 for soldiers and from 45 to 46 for officers due to an ongoing manpower shortage.


Specialists such as doctors and air crewmen will be required to continue serving until 50, instead of 49.

The current law raising the exemption age, which was initially passed by the Knesset late last year, is set to expire at the end of the month.


After canceling a scheduled cabinet discussion on the measure on Sunday morning following harsh public criticism, the government referred the matter to the Ministerial Committee for Legislation. The committee approved sending the legislation to the Knesset, where it must pass three readings to become law.


If eventually approved by the Knesset, the draft bill would mark the second extension of the measure, which was intended as a stopgap solution to prevent a mass release from the reserves of those soldiers reaching the exemption age amid ongoing combat operations in Gaza.


It was first extended for four months by 44-33 a Knesset vote in late February.

Despite the Defense Ministry calling to extend the measure until the end of the year, the committee only supported a three-month extension, following objections by Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara.


Baharav-Miara told the government on Sunday that the bill was legally unacceptable unless an immediate effort is made to draft extra military power “from the entire population,” a reference to the tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students who receive blanket exemptions from military service.


The government has faced harsh public backlash over extending reservists’ service while appearing to take little action to draft the ultra-Orthodox.


While being careful not to comment on any current legislation or wade into politics, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi also endorsed integrating the ultra-Orthodox into the army during comments released on Sunday.


Speaking to soldiers during a visit to Gaza over the weekend, Halevi said that there “is now a clear need” for Haredi soldiers and that every new “ultra-Orthodox battalion [the army establishes] decreases the need for the deployment of many thousands of reservists.”


Over the past eight months, reservists have complained of economic and familial problems brought about by their long, repeated stints in the army. In many cases, spouses were left alone to care for children — sometimes with schools and kindergartens closed due to the war, depending on the area — and were unable to work for months.


Jeremy Sharon contributed to this report.




Irrationally anti-Israel

How is a rational person to deal with someone under the influence of Israel Derangement Syndrome? One possibility: Don’t waste your time with such a person.

By  Alan G. Futerman and Walter E. Block – Published on  04June2024 11:14 – Last modified: 04June2024 11:14 https://www.israelhayom.com/opinions/irrationally-anti-israel/


Participants march way up Fifth Avenue in New York City during the annual Israel Day Parade on June 4, 2023 | Photo: Getty Images / Ryan Rahman

Participants march way up Fifth Avenue in New York City during the annual Israel Day Parade on June 4, 2023 | Photo: Getty Images / Ryan Rahman


There is a new virus that has been spreading all over the world. It is called Israel Derangement Syndrome. It is especially virulent at prestigious university campuses, newsrooms and left-wing political parties the world over. It consists of simply being unable to see any merit in the Israeli side in its present battle with Hamas, and also, to see any fault with the latter group of terrorists. As early as October 8, 2023, one day after one of the worst, most vicious attacks on civilians in all of history, those afflicted with IDS were blaming the victims.


Consider trying to show someone suffering from IDS the error of his ways. If you show him pictures, he’ll claim they’re fake; show him videos, he’ll claim they are created by AI; show him testimonies, he’ll say they are lies; show him documents, he’ll claim they are fabricated; show him audio, he’ll claim they are hoaxes; show him historical facts, he’ll claim they never happened or are lies; show him the videos uploaded by Hamas assassins themselves, he’ll claim that Israelis died of “friendly fire” anyway; show him that even if Israelis died as a result of “friendly fire”, this was in the course of eliminating the Hamas invaders and as a consequence of Hamas genocidal invasion, he’ll claim that in fact it was all a false flag because the border “could not have been easily overcome by Hamas” (paraphrase); show him that Hamas indeed prepared for the attack and launched its operation motivated by what they themselves say in their own Charter, he’ll claim that the Charter changed; show him that the Charter really never changed, he’ll claim that Hamas in fact was created by Israel; show him that Hamas was created by followers of the Muslim Brotherhood and is funded by Qatar, Iran and Turkey, he’ll claim that Hamas is the result of Israeli “occupation”; show him that the intent to destroy Israel preceded Israeli control of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, he’ll claim that it all began in 1948 with the ethnic cleansing of Arabs; show him that there was no ethnic cleansing of Arabs in 1948 and that the Arabs who left (most of them due to fear) or were displaced while the ongoing fighting during the War of Independence did so as a result of the war the Arab states themselves launched, he’ll claim that Arabs were dispossessed before the creation of Israel and that created the animosity against Jews; show him that Jews were attacked by Arabs in the preceding decades even before the creation of the state of Israel, he’ll claim again that this was due to dispossession; show him that Arabs sold land to Jews and Jews homesteaded a part of the land, he’ll claim that Arabs owned most of the land anyway; show him that Arabs did not own most of the land, that a great part of that which was regarded as Arab land was considered “uncultivable” and hence unhomesteaded and illegitimately owned actually as government concessions, and that most of the land was really owned by the government (Ottoman or British), he’ll claim that the Jews had no right to any land in any case and that the land was “Arab” anyway; etc. etc. etc.


In other words, it is impossible to convince someone who doesn’t want to be convinced. No evidence could be shown to those who are not willing to look at it in the first place. He already knows that Israel and Jews are to blame and that no good can come from Jews and no bad can come from Israel’s enemies since Israel is the source of all evil.


The motto of those afflicted with IDS might well be, “Don’t confuse me with the facts.” Or, “No matter what has happened, Israel is in the wrong.” Or, “No matter what are the facts, Israel is a colonist, racist, genocidal, western, evil country, unmatched by any other in all of human history.”


How is a rational person to deal with someone under the influence of Israel Derangement Syndrome? One possibility: don’t waste your time with such a person. Another is to keep on trying since this issue is so important, not only to Israel but to all civilized people. If Hamas can get away with its depredations, no civilized people are safe. Perhaps IDS can be overcome with patience and generosity despite the foregoing considerations.


We doubt it because IDS, as the Anti-Zionist mentality in general, is not motivated by reason but by hate. In any case, truth will eventually prevail.



Antisemitic Zombies in Valley Village-California

Stephanie-tweet-21June2024-Antisemitic Zombies in Valley Village-California

Outside the school at Shaarey Zedek Congregation in Valley Village

Protestors yelling in loudspeaker at Jewish school: “FREE FREE PALESTINE!”
Parent: “You’re coming to our school?!”
Protestors: “Go across the street if you’re going to be an agitator!”

Parent to police: “But this is our school!”
Police to parent: “We understand but they have the right to protest.”

Is this a protest? Or is it targeted harassment of Jewish kids?

Stephanie-tweet-21June2024-Antisemitic Zombies in Valley Village-California

Stephanie-tweet-21June2024-Antisemitic Zombies in Valley Village-California




Los Angeles-Pico-Robertson Pogrom 23June2024


‘They came for the Jews’: Inside the LA pogrom

Caroline B. Glick
(June 25, 2024 / JNS) A mob attacks Jews outside of a synagogue in Los Angeles; pro-Hezbollah and pro-Hamas protests crop up across America; AOC spreads antisemitic rhetoric; and a new communications hire at the White House, Tyler Cherry, has a terrible history of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish rhetoric.


All this and more on Caroline Glick’s “In-Focus!”


Inside the LA Pogrom: “They came for the Jews” | Caroline Glick In-Focus



Canary Mission-tweet-24June2024-police were told to stand down
Anti-Israel mob surrounded a synagogue in LA hosting an Israel real estate event Sunday. The mob spread out to a Jewish neighborhood & restaurant. In all locations, they were met by Jews defending themselves & pushing back after word went out that police were told to stand down.

Canary Mission-tweet-24June2024-police were told to stand down

Canary Mission-tweet-24June2024-police were told to stand down




Hen Mazzig-tweet-24June2024-Jewish victim Pico-Robertson Pogrom
Jewish victim of the Palestine mob, outside of a synagogue in LA.

This is not what fighting for human rights looks like.

Hen Mazzig-tweet-24June2024-Jewish victim Pico-Robertson Pogrom

Hen Mazzig-tweet-24June2024-Jewish victim Pico-Robertson Pogrom




frontpage mag logo https://www.frontpagemag.com

What I Saw at a Terrorist Rally Outside a Synagogue

“Billions of us will come and kill you.”

25June2024 by Daniel Greenfield


Los Angeles-Pico-Robertson Pogrom 23June2024-protest-clip2

Thirty minutes after Hamas supporters first set up their operation outside a Los Angeles synagogue, they maced their first Jew. And the Los Angeles police did nothing.


Not until an hour into the terrorist rally outside a synagogue, did the LAPD finally step in, pushing back masked Jihad supporters in keffiyeh terror scarves from the entrance of Congregation Adas Torah (Congregation of the Bible) which they had occupied.


And then the mob, chanting calls for “intifada” and the destruction of Israel, moved outward to target two smaller synagogues attended by Persian Jewish refugees from Islamic terror in Iran.


“Billions of us will come and kill you,” a heavily accented Middle Eastern man in a keffiyeh unprompted rasped at me as I walked up. Only dozens had actually shown up, but they made up for it with bullhorns, robotic chants, and assaults in the middle of a Jewish neighborhood.


The Jewish counterprotesters had come waving American and Israeli flags while the other side was a sea of terrorist flags. A man wore an Antifa cap, another had come in ski goggles during 90-degree heat, while others toted bear spray, metal bottles, and other implements of violence.

Los Angeles-Pico-Robertson Pogrom 23June2024-protest-clip3

The Jewish community members included older men and women, as well as families, while the Hamas contingent was mostly young and many were masked. A pair of rabbis led a melodic song that could hardly be heard over the harsh clatter of the hateful terror chants.


Despite knowing that a terrorist rally was planned outside a synagogue, the LAPD had allowed the terrorist supporters to take over the entire sidewalk leaving only a thin lane for attendees to walk through to get inside. The LAPD did little to interfere with the terrorist supporters, but did block Jewish counterprotesters from reaching their own synagogue. The police also did nothing as clumps of masked Hamas supporters broke away from the synagogue and began confronting, threatening, and attacking Jewish community members on the street.

Los Angeles-Pico-Robertson Pogrom 23June2024-protest-clip1

LAPD officers did not stir as confrontations escalated into assaults, shoving into mace and bear spray. Jewish community members rushed to provide water bottles to the affected. Only after several such incidents did the LAPD finally bring in reinforcements and push the Hamas supporters away from the synagogue entrance (dispersing them to harass and threaten two other synagogues) while also clearing Jewish families away from the other side of the street who had been peacefully waving flags near a children’s school.


The terrorist hate rally spread outside three synagogues, Congregation Adas Torah, Chabad Persian Youth, and Congregation Ateret Israel (Glory of Israel), and the confrontations in the center of the street continued. There were running battles along the large commercial street with violent assaults outside a Kosher luncheonette and running battles down a residential street in the Jewish neighborhood.


The terrorist hate rally was not an aberration, It’s become the new normal.

The terrorist hate rally was not an aberration, It’s become the new normal.

Los Angeles-Pico-Robertson Pogrom 23June2024-protest-clip4

On Thursday, Hamas supporters showed up at Congregation Shaarey Zedek (Gates of Righteousness) in the San Fernando Valley formerly attended by Ben Shapiro, yelling abuse at parents taking their children to school. Other Jewish schools have been similarly targeted.


Beginning with the assault on the Museum of Tolerance when it was screening a documentary on the Oct 7 massacre to the violence at UCLA, it has played out this way for 8 months.


The LAPD has consistently failed to secure protest zones, to separate different groups of protesters and to prevent violence, and only steps in when it escalates past a set point. That point usually comes when the Jewish counterprotesters start fighting back. And then the LAPD begins arresting both sides while politicians, including Mayor Bass, deplore the violence.


Media accounts, especially from the Los Angeles Times, CNN and the JTA, falsely characterize the violence as coming from the Jewish counterprotesters rather than the terrorist supporters.


I had previously heard first person accounts from people who were assaulted while the police and security at UCLA did nothing, but now I saw it for myself. And after 8 months of the same thing, it’s hard to believe that it’s simple incompetence or that a major urban police force has no idea how to handle the same kind of protests and is incapable of figuring out how to do so.


Especially when it’s been standard procedure by other urban police forces.


The LAPD is clearly aware of the potential for violence because it sends out offices in riot gear. But rather than engaging in proactive policing to prevent violence, they stand passively and wait for orders from higher up before taking any action. This is not normal policing during protests and counterprotests when the standard doctrine is for police to set up barriers and stand between groups of protesters before they bring out the riot gear. But the LAPD brings out the riot gear, allows the radicals free rein and waits as long as possible before taking any action.


Why is this happening? I previously reported that Mayon Karen Bass is a close political ally of BLM LA boss Melina Abdullah, who has backed the pro-terrorist campaign against Jews. When Jews were attacked at UCLA, Democrat members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion to fund legal support for the terrorist supporters. The resolution to use taxpayer money to fund legal defenses for antisemites was put forward by Supervisor Lindsey Horvath who ‘represents’ CD3 where the synagogue hate riot was taking place. After all the antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only one facing serious charges is a Jewish student.


The Democrat leadership of Los Angeles does not stand with the Jewish communities being targeted by hate, but with the antisemitic mobs surrounding synagogues.


Behind the masks, keffiyehs and the terrorist flags is the new Democratic Party.

Behind the masks, keffiyehs and the terrorist flags is the new Democratic Party.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.



Fed up Canadians are leaving

Gad Saad-tweet-7June2024-Leaving Canada
Hopefully my family and I will follow suit. Canada is a failed society. The top 5% of earners are sucked dry in order to create the parasitic Ponzi scheme known as the socialist welfare state.
Maxime Bernier-tweet-6June2024-fed up Canadians are leaving
While the Liberals are destroying our economy and society, and importing the third world, fed up Canadians (including disillusioned immigrants) are leaving for greener pastures in increasing numbers.

Gad Saad-tweet-7June2024-Leaving Canada

Gad Saad-tweet-7June2024-Leaving Canada



Hamas celebrates October 7 in New York

“Long Live October 7”

Aviva Klompas-tweet-11June2024-Hamas outside the Nova Exhibit in NYC-Long Live October 7
Cover of today’s @nypost shows the mob outside the Nova Exhibit in NYC with a banner that reads “Long Live October 7”

Aviva Klompas-tweet-11June2024-Hamas outside the Nova Exhibit in NYC-Long Live October 7

Aviva Klompas-tweet-11June2024-Hamas outside the Nova Exhibit in NYC-Long Live October 7


Hamas at Nova Exhibition in NYC

Israel-tweet-11June2024-Hamas at Nova Exhibition in NYC
Pro-Hamas demonstrators violently set off smoke bombs in front of the Nova Exhibition in NYC which commemorates the hundreds of Israelis murdered by Hamas at a music festival.

When people show you who they are believe them.

Israel-tweet-11June2024-Hamas at Nova Exhibition in NYC

Israel-tweet-11June2024-Hamas at Nova Exhibition in NYC



Todd Richman-tweet-11June2024-Hamas Protesting in front of the Nova exhibit
OMG THESE PEOPLE HAVE LOST ALL THEIR MORALS!!!! Protesting in front of the Nova exhibit, honoring the hundreds massacred, raped and kidnapped by Hamas. Totally disgusting and shameful. My sister said she was trapped inside and could not get out. Really, 2024 in NYC and Jews are unable to leave a building!?!? I thought we had a few decent people there. On my way to a charity event I stopped to speak to a few people. We even shook hands thinking we could agree to disagree. Had a good feeling about them until they started telling me that I was a Nazi and all Zionists were Nazis. And that Hitler was a Zionist and then to F@&k off. And then another got in my face until the @nypdnews told him to back off. Wow, these are my fellow New Yorkers. Freakin scary!!!!! Well you know what, I am a Loud and Proud Zionist! And I love @Israel and America. #AmYisraelChai! @bringhomenow #BringThemHomeNow

Todd Richman-tweet-11June2024-Hamas Protesting in front of the Nova exhibit

Todd Richman-tweet-11June2024-Hamas Protesting in front of the Nova exhibit




New York City Jewish voters are terrified of living in NYC

Marina Medvin-tweet-11July2024-New York City Jewish voters are terrified of living in NYC

New York City Jewish voters are terrified of living in NYC.

44% has experienced personal fear about living in NYC. That’s astounding.

Marina Medvin-tweet-11July2024-New York City Jewish voters are terrified of living in NYC

Marina Medvin-tweet-11July2024-New York City Jewish voters are terrified of living in NYC



Auschwitz style selection line at Heathrow Airport


UK Lawyers For Israel-tweet-12June2024-Auschwitz style selection line at Heathrow Airport
Customs officers @HeathrowAirport selected all incoming passengers from El Al flight last night after seeing Israeli flag on suitcase & directed them to room on left where their bags were scanned. No other passengers selected for this treatment at the time. @UKLFI writing to HMRC. Does it remind you of anything?
Jacklondon-tweet-11June2024-the last time Jews’ luggage was segregated in Europe
@HeathrowAirport the last time Jews’ luggage was segregated in Europe:

UK Lawyers For Israel-tweet-12June2024-Auschwitz style selection line at Heathrow Airport

UK Lawyers For Israel-tweet-12June2024-Auschwitz style selection line at Heathrow Airport


Jacklondon-tweet-11June2024-the last time Jews’ luggage was segregated in Europe

Jacklondon-tweet-11June2024-the last time Jews’ luggage was segregated in Europe




Heathrow accused of Harassment of Jewish and Israeli passengers as Security Staff sport Pro-Palestine Badges 

June 19, 2024  https://www.uklfi.com/heathrow-accused-of-harassment-of-jewish-and-israeli-passengers-as-security-staff-sport-pro-palestine-badges flag, Travelling

All five security staff at Heathrow Terminal 4’s Fast Track lane were sporting Palestinian Flag badges when scanning El Al passengers and their luggage.

El Al passengers who were on their way to catch their flight back to Tel Aviv last Sunday 16 June 2024 felt intimidated by this display of badges on the lanyards of the security staff.  Two of the staff were also wearing watermelon badges – these days a symbol for Palestinian solidarity and “resistance”.


One of the passengers remarked “The people responsible for making sure terrorists don’t blow up aeroplanes were wearing badges that identify with terrorists.”  A passenger complained and eventually the five security staff were moved and replaced by others, and their badges were taken.


UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) has written a letter of complaint to Heathrow’s services director, pointing out that not only were the staff in breach of Heathrow’s own uniform regulations by wearing political badges, they were also breaching the Equality Act 2010.


By wearing the badges, the security staff engaged in “unwanted conduct” relevant to a protected characteristic  (being Jewish and Israeli), and this had the purpose of creating an intimidating and hostile and offensive environment for them.


This show of anti-Israel feeling amongst Heathrow staff comes just a week after all the passengers from an  El Al flight were taken to one side at customs at Heathrow, whilst going through the Nothing to Declare channel, and made to have their luggage scanned. The passengers were made to feel as if they were being called out as Jews.


A spokesperson from UKLFI commented:  “It is obvious that if staff wear these badges it would make most Jewish, Israeli and Israel supporting passengers feel uncomfortable and unsafe, particularly in the area of security checking at Heathrow.


We would like to know why so many security officers were allowed to wear highly offensive, divisive and political badges attached to their Heathrow uniform, when it was a breach of Heathrow’s uniform policy.”



Canary Mission-tweet-22June2024-Heathrow Airport security staff identify with terrorists
“The people responsible for making sure terrorists don’t blow up airplanes were wearing badges that identify with terrorists.” El Al passengers called out security guards in @HeathrowAirport who had Palestinian flags pinned to the lanyards of their uniform https://www.uklfi.com/heathrow-accused-of-harassment-of-jewish-and-israeli-passengers-as-security-staff-sport-pro-palestine-badges

Canary Mission-tweet-22June2024-Heathrow Airport security staff identify with terrorists

Canary Mission-tweet-22June2024-Heathrow Airport security staff identify with terrorists



Israel puts the people of Lebanon first

Fatima J-tweet-18July2024-Israel puts the people of Lebanon first
September 5-6 1972 Palestinian terrorists of the group Black September kidnapped, held hostage and killed the Israeli team that was in Munich for the Olympics. One of the terrorists Ali Hassan Salameh became Arafat’s right hand man, an asset for the CIA and husband to Miss Universe Georgina Rizk (Lebanese) He was living in Beirut, Lebanon.

October 1978 – for 6 months Operation Maveer observed the going and comings of Salameh, studying his routine and the company around him.
January 22, 1979 – Salameh left his 6 month pregnant wife’s apartment and began heading to his mothers who was also living in posh Beirut. As him and his convoy turned onto Rue Madame Curie in Beirut the terrorist was assassinated by explosives that were attached to a parked car.

It took 6 months to find the perfect time to assassinate this terrorist because Israel wanted to be certain of there would be no civilian deaths.

Lebanon was housing a terrorist. Lebanon is still housing terrorists.
Lebanon’s daughter sold herself to a terrorist. Lebanon’s sons still sell their daughters to terrorists. Lebanon was protecting a terrorist. Lebanon still protects terrorists.
It was Israel that puts Lebanon’s civilians first. It is Israel that continues to put the people of Lebanon first.
Lebanon has and continues to put herself in the devil’s hands.

I am a Lebanese Maronite and I stand with Israel.

Fatima J-tweet-18July2024-Israel puts the people of Lebanon first

Fatima J-tweet-18July2024-Israel puts the people of Lebanon first



List of massacres that the Palestinians did in Lebanon

Phalangist – Lebanese Forces-tweet-20July2024-List of massacres that the Palestinians did in Lebanon

Phalangist - Lebanese Forces-tweet-20July2024-List of massacres that the Palestinians did in Lebanon

Phalangist – Lebanese Forces-tweet-20July2024-List of massacres that the Palestinians did in Lebanon



IDF magical bunker busting mushrooms

Cheryl E-tweet-13July2024-IDF magical bunker busting mushrooms
Many studies on the effect of psychedelics on depression and mood have proven that they are an effective therapy to treat anxiety and depression.

Well, I can say without any doubt that these magical bunker busting mushrooms that took out Mahmoud Deif, Rafe Salame and 75+ other Hamas terrorists made me feel very very bloody happy 🤭. I can’t stop smiling and dancing.

Cheryl E-tweet-13July2024-IDF magical bunker busting mushrooms

Cheryl E-tweet-13July2024-IDF magical bunker busting mushrooms




Houthis in Yemen attack Israel, The results.

Israel Nitzan-tweet-19July2024-Iranian-made Yemen Houthis UAV exploded last night in Tel Aviv
Iranian-made UAV exploded last night in Tel Aviv. The drone was launched from Yemen by the Houthis.
This attack is part of the Iranian war against Israel, using Iran’s terrorist militias in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria.
It’s not about Gaza.
It’s about Iran.

Israel Nitzan-tweet-19July2024-Iranian-made Yemen Houthis UAV exploded last night in Tel Aviv

Israel Nitzan-tweet-19July2024-Iranian-made Yemen Houthis UAV exploded last night in Tel Aviv



Israel Defense Forces-tweet-20July2024-Israel attacks Yemen Houthis Port
After 9 months of continuous aerial attacks by the Houthis in Yemen toward Israel, IAF fighter jets conducted an extensive operational strike over 1,800km away against Houthi terrorist military targets in the area of Al Hudaydah Port in Yemen. This port serves as an entryway for Iranian weapons for the Houthi terrorist regime.

The IDF is capable of operating anywhere required and will strike any force that endangers Israelis.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-20July2024-Israel attacks Yemen Houthis Port

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-20July2024-Israel attacks Yemen Houthis Port

War Monitor-tweet-20July2024-Israel attacks Yemen Houthis Port
Big. Mistake.

War Monitor-tweet-20July2024-Israel attacks Yemen Houthis Port

War Monitor-tweet-20July2024-Israel attacks Yemen Houthis Port



Visegrád 24-tweet-20July2024-largest port of Yemen is now completely engulfed in flames

2 days ago, the Houthis in Yemen carried out their first ever deadly drone attack against Israel.

Now, Israel has answered with their first ever missile strikes against the Houthis.

The largest port of Yemen is now completely engulfed in flames.

Visegrád 24-tweet-20July2024-largest port of Yemen is now completely engulfed in flames

Visegrád 24-tweet-20July2024-largest port of Yemen is now completely engulfed in flames




Summary of the Israeli strike

Open Source Intel-tweet-20July2024-Summary of the Israeli strike
Summary of the Israeli strike according to what is known so far:

– Approximately 25 F-15 and F-35 aircraft, accompanied by refueling planes, flew about 2000 kilometers toward the city of Hodeidah in Yemen.

– The strike was carried out in 8 waves.

– The attack destroyed fuel depots, inflicted damage on the port, and destroyed a power station north of the port.

– The fire is still burning and is expected to continue for several more days.

– There is a power outage across the entire region.

– The message of the strike is clear: this is not a strike on military targets (which has been done by the coalition over the past 9 months) but an attack on the already struggling Yemeni economy, causing significant economic damage.

– The attack on the port is a direct response to the damage Yemenis have caused to the port of Eilat.

– The message to the rest of the Middle East is also clear: the Bandar Abbas port and the Kharg Island, from where most of Iran’s oil is exported, are in Israel’s sights, as well as the port of Beirut.

– Israel has decided to take off the gloves; this is not a minor strike like those in Iran.

– The Houthis are threatening to retaliate, but it is unclear what the threat entails, as they have already attacked Israel 200 times.

Open Source Intel-tweet-20July2024-Summary of the Israeli strike

Open Source Intel-tweet-20July2024-Summary of the Israeli strike




Hamas on Campus

Columbia Encampment Antisemitism April 17 24 2024

Columbia Encampment Antisemitism April 17 24 2024

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-24April2024-Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses
Anti-Semitism on campuses in the United States is reminiscent of what happened in German universities in the 1930s.

The world cannot stand idly by.

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-24April2024-Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-24April2024-Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses




Hamas on Campus

Columbia Encampment Antisemitism April 17 24 2024

Posted 26April2024 Documenting Jew Hatred on Campus:

This is what’s going on at Columbia University. Must Watch.
Antisemitic Pro Terrorist, Pro Communist, Hamas supporting Students camping out on the grounds of Columbia University during Finals Week. They are intimidating and fighting Christian Americans Students and Jewish Students.


Columbia University judenrein

Canary Mission-tweet-30April2024-Columbia University judenrein
Chaos @Columbia as President Minouch Shafik clearly has made a decision not to intervene and allow her campus to be LITERALLY taken over by the pro-Hamas mob. WATCH

Canary Mission-tweet-30April2024-Columbia University judenrein

Canary Mission-tweet-30April2024-Columbia University judenrein


Students chant “Kill the Jews” at the Northeastern University

Oli London-tweet-27April2024-Students chant Kill the Jews at the Northeastern University
Students chant “Kill the Jews” at the Northeastern University campus last night.

Oli London-tweet-27April2024-Students chant "Kill the Jews" at the Northeastern University

Oli London-tweet-27April2024-Students chant “Kill the Jews” at the Northeastern University



UCLA 2024 Germany 1938

Nazis prevent Jewish Students from entering University of Vienna, Austria 1938

Nazis prevent Jewish Students from entering University of Vienna, Austria 1938


Dr. Eli David-tweet-30April2024-Jewish UCLA student is prevented entry
Jewish @UCLA student is prevented entry by masked pro-Palestinian mob 👇

These are exactly the scenes last witnessed in 1938 Germany.


Dr. Eli David-tweet-30April2024-Jewish UCLA student is prevented entry

Dr. Eli David-tweet-30April2024-Jewish UCLA student is prevented entry





The Chabad Rabbi of UCLA was just physically assaulted

Shabbos Kestenbaum-tweet-11June2024-The Chabad Rabbi of UCLA was just physically assaulted
The Chabad Rabbi of UCLA was just physically assaulted live on camera. The students subsequently began calling him a “Zionist pedophile Rabbi,” telling him to “go back to Poland.” We are in such a dark, dangerous time in our country, with almost no leadership fighting back

Shabbos Kestenbaum-tweet-11June2024-The Chabad Rabbi of UCLA was just physically assaulted

Shabbos Kestenbaum-tweet-11June2024-The Chabad Rabbi of UCLA was just physically assaulted


The Chabad Rabbi of UCLA was just physically assaulted-11June2024




What the real intifada is

Eylon Levy-tweet-3May2024-What the real intifada is
Come closer, children, you have nothing to fear. Your friendly neighborhood jihadists just want to wish you a peaceful intifada. Take a candy.

Eylon Levy-tweet-3May2024-What the real intifada is

Eylon Levy-tweet-3May2024-What the real intifada is



Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing (MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem – 19August2003)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmuel_HaNavi_bus_bombing

The Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing was the suicide bombing of a crowded public bus (Egged bus 2) in the Shmuel HaNavi quarter in Jerusalem, Israel, on August 19, 2003. Twenty-four people were killed and over 130 wounded. Many of the victims were children, some of them infants.[1] The Islamist militant group Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

The attack

Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing was the suicide bombing of a crowded public bus (Egged bus 2) in the Shmuel HaNavi quarter in Jerusalem, Israel, on August 19, 2003. Twenty-four people were killed and over 130 wounded. Many of the victims were children, some of them infants. The Islamist militant group Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing was the suicide bombing of a crowded public bus (Egged bus 2) in the Shmuel HaNavi quarter in Jerusalem, Israel, on August 19, 2003. Twenty-four people were killed and over 130 wounded. Many of the victims were children, some of them infants. The Islamist militant group Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

On August 19, 2003 (22 Av 5763), a Hamas suicide bomber sent out by the organization’s Hebron cell disguised himself as a Haredi Jew and detonated himself on a No. 2 Egged bus traveling through Jerusalem’s Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood. He blew himself up after entering the back door.[2] The double-length bus was crowded with Orthodox Jewish children returning from a visit to the Western Wall. The huge explosion killed 7 children and 16 adults, among them an eight-months-pregnant woman, and injured more than 130 people. The bomb was spiked with ball-bearings designed to increase injuries on the crowded bus. Hamas said the bomber was a 29-year-old mosque preacher from the city of Hebron.

Because so many of the dead were young children,[3] the media dubbed it the “children’s bus”. According to an Associated Press report,

Strollers were scattered near the stricken bus, medics carried away children with blood-smeared faces and a baby girl died in a hospital before doctors could find her parents. At least five children were among the 18 dead in Tuesday’s suicide bombing by a Palestinian militant who blew himself up on a Jerusalem bus. Forty children were among more than 100 people injured. The attack was the 100th Palestinian suicide bombing against Israelis since the latest round of fighting began in September 2000. The youth of the victims stands out in that grim list, and the government said the choice of target was particularly cold-blooded.[4]

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs logo

Suicide bombing of No. 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem
August 19, 2003

MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem - 19-Aug-2003-1©Scoop 80 

MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem - 19-Aug-2003-2

MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem - 19-Aug-2003-3

©Scoop 80 

MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem - 19-Aug-2003-4

©Scoop 80 

MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem - 19-Aug-2003-5

©Scoop 80 


Twenty-three people were killed and over 130 wounded when a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated a five-kilogram device packed with ball-bearings on a crowded No. 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem’s Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood. Many of the passengers were returning from prayers at the Western Wall when they were killed. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

For the ultra-Orthodox, the attack took place not only during the vacation, but also on the eve of the month of Elul, the month of selihot – the special penitential prayers recited during the week before Rosh Hashanah.

As a result of the attack, the Cabinet decided on September 1, 2003, among others, to wage an all-out war against Hamas and other terrorist elements, and to freeze the diplomatic process with the Palestinian Authority.

The victims:

– Avraham Bar-Or, 12, of Jerusalem
– Binyamin Bergman, 15, of Jerusalem
– Yaakov Binder, 50, of Jerusalem
– Feiga Dushinski, 50, of Jerusalem
– Miriam Eisenstein, 20, of Bnei Brak
– Lilach Kardi, 22, of Jerusalem
– Menachem Leibel, 24, of Jerusalem
– Elisheva Meshulami, 16, of Bnei Brak
– Tehilla Nathanson, 3, of Zichron Ya’acov
– Chava Nechama Rechnitzer, 19, of Bnei Brak
– Mordechai Reinitz, 49, and Issachar Reinitz, 9, of Netanya
– Maria Antonia Reslas, 39, of the Philippines
– Liba Schwartz, 54, of Jerusalem
– Hanoch Segal, 65, of Bnei Brak
– Goldie Taubenfeld, 43, and Shmuel Taubenfeld, 3 months, of New Square, New York
– Rabbi Eliezer Weisfish, 42, of Jerusalem
– Shmuel Wilner, 50, of Jerusalem
– Shmuel Zargari, 11 months, of Jerusalem.
– Fruma Rahel Weitz, 73, of Jerusalem died of her wounds on August 23.
– Mordechai Laufer, 27, of Netanya died of his wounds on September 5.
– Tova Lev, 37, of Bnei-Brak died of her wounds on September 12.

MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem - 19-Aug-2003-The victims

MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem – 19-Aug-2003-The victims


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Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH



JerusalemCats Comments: Showing the Truth about the Antisemite George Soros is not Antisemitic just because he claims to “Be A Jew”. Just look at Korach. He was so bad they gave him his own Parshah, Parshah Korach, Numbers 16:1.

The Punishment of Korah (detail from the fresco Punishment of the Rebels by Sandro Botticelli (1480–1482) in the Sistine Chapel) From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

The Punishment of Korah (detail from the fresco Punishment of the Rebels by Sandro Botticelli (1480–1482) in the Sistine Chapel) From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository



George Soros paying student protesters across US Colleges – report

Brendan Taylor April 26. 2024

George Soros paying student protesters across US colleges – report


George Soros is paying student radicals who are sparking a nationwide surge of anti-Israel protests at colleges throughout the country, NY Post reported.

George Soros and Rockefeller foundations paying students of US colleges who are arranging nationwide protests

Two major American philanthropic foundations, Rockefeller and Soros, are backing a group that pays certain activists. These protestors are disrupting college campuses across the country, WSJ reported.


The anti-Israel demonstrations initially erupted when students occupied Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, now spreading across the nation.


Copycat tent encampments have emerged at various colleges, such as Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, Ohio State University, and Emory in Georgia. All were arranged by branches of the Soros-backed Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), resulting in clashes with law enforcement at some locations.


At three colleges, protests are being fueled by paid radicals who are fellows of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).


The USCPR offers community-based fellows up to $7,800 and campus-based fellows between $2,880 and $3,660 to dedicate eight hours a week to organizing campaigns led by Palestinian organizations. They’re taught to “rise up, to revolution.”


This radical group has received over $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019. The SJP’s main organization has been financially supported by a network of nonprofits ultimately backed by Soros and other left-wing investors.

USCPR fellows driving protest actions on college campuses

Three individuals serving as “fellows” have been prominent figures in the nationwide protest movement. Nidaa Lafi, previously the president of the University of Texas Students for Justice in Palestine, was spotted at a encampment at UT Dallas on Wednesday, delivering a speech urging an end to the conflict in Gaza.


At Yale, USCPR fellow Craig Birckhead-Morton was arrested on Monday and charged with first-degree trespassing as SJP’s branch, Yalies4Palestine, occupied the school’s Beinecke Plaza, according to the Yale Daily News. Birckhead-Morton, who also previously interned for Democrat Maryland representative John Sarbanes, later spoke at a sit-in blocking traffic in New Haven after being released from custody.


The most prominent fellow is Malak Afaneh from Berkeley, who serves as co-president of the Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine. She has been actively speaking at an anti-Israel protest on campus this week. Previously, Afaneh gained attention for disrupting a dinner at the law school dean’s house by shouting anti-Israel slogans. She later accused the dean’s wife of assaulting her when asked to leave.




George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

By Isabel Vincent
Published April 26, 2024, 6:00 a.m. ET


George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.


The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.


Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.

Israel hate camps explode - funded by Soros

Israel hate camps explode – funded by Soros

George Soros is paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.

The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor.


At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).


At three colleges, the protests are being encouraged by paid radicals who are “fellows” of a Soros-funded group called the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).


USCPR provides up to $7,800 for its community-based fellows and between $2,880 and $3,660 for its campus-based “fellows” in return for spending eight hours a week organizing “campaigns led by Palestinian organizations.”


They are trained to “rise up, to revolution.”


The radical group received at least $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and also took in $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

George Soros and Wall Street moguls financed radical anti-Israel groups behind campus protests at Columbia University. Rikki Schlott

George Soros and Wall Street moguls financed radical anti-Israel groups behind campus protests at Columbia University. Rikki Schlott


The University of Texas-Austin is one of the campuses where anti-Israel protests have exploded this week, copycatting the takeover of Columbia University’s lawn. AP

The University of Texas-Austin is one of the campuses where anti-Israel protests have exploded this week, copycatting the takeover of Columbia University’s lawn. AP

It has three “fellows” who have been major figures in the nationwide protest movement.


Nidaa Lafi, a former president of the University of Texas Students for Justice in Palestine, was seen at an encampment at UT Dallas Wednesday making a speech demanding an end to the war in Gaza.


Lafi, a former legislative intern for the late Democratic Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, graduated from the school last year with a degree in global business and is now a law student at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

Lafi was seen at the University of Texas-Austin on Wednesday leading a protest against Israel. Alamy Live News

Lafi was seen at the University of Texas-Austin on Wednesday leading a protest against Israel. Alamy Live News


Nidaa Lafi returned to the University of Texas, Dallas, campus Wednesday to lead a “teach-in” at the Students for Justice in Palestine’s occupation of the college lawn. She is paid as a “fellow” by a group backed by George Soros.

Nidaa Lafi returned to the University of Texas, Dallas, campus Wednesday to lead a “teach-in” at the Students for Justice in Palestine’s occupation of the college lawn. She is paid as a “fellow” by a group backed by George Soros.

In January, she was detained for blocking the route of President Biden’s motorcade after he arrived in Dallas for the funeral of Johnson, her former boss.


At Yale, USCPR’s fellow Craig Birckhead-Morton was arrested Monday and charged with first-degree trespassing when SJP’s branch, Yalies4Palestine, occupied the school’s Beinecke Plaza, the Yale Daily News reported.

Birckhead-Morton — also a former intern for a Democrat, Maryland rep John Sarbanes — emerged from custody to address a sit-in blocking traffic in New Haven.

At Yale, Craig Birckhead-Morton (circled) is paid up to $3,360 for his work encouraging protests. He was arrested for trespass Monday and charged with first-degree trespass.

At Yale, Craig Birckhead-Morton (circled) is paid up to $3,360 for his work encouraging protests. He was arrested for trespass Monday and charged with first-degree trespass.


The most high-profile of the fellows is Berkeley’s Malak Afaneh, co-president of the Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine.


She has been a serial speaker at an anti-Israel protest on the campus this week — which came after she first shot to prominence by hijacking a dinner at the law school dean’s home to shout anti-Israel slogans, then accused the dean’s wife of assaulting her when she asked the radical to leave.


Serial protester Malak Afaneh is paid by the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights as a “fellow.” She has repeatedly spoken to an encampment of students at the University of California, Berkeley, where she is a law student.

Serial protester Malak Afaneh is paid by the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights as a “fellow.” She has repeatedly spoken to an encampment of students at the University of California, Berkeley, where she is a law student.


UC Berkeley law student Malak Afaneh speaks to a large crowd of pro-Palestinian protesters during a protest on the campus of UC Berkeley in Berkeley, Calif., Monday, April 22, 2024. AP

UC Berkeley law student Malak Afaneh speaks to a large crowd of pro-Palestinian protesters during a protest on the campus of UC Berkeley in Berkeley, Calif., Monday, April 22, 2024. AP


The cash from Soros and his acolytes has been critical to the Columbia protests that set off the national copycat demonstrations.


Three groups set up the tent city on Columbia’s lawn last Wednesday: Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) and Within Our Lifetime.


At the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” students sleep in tents apparently ordered from Amazon and enjoy delivery pizza, coffee from Dunkin’, free sandwiches worth $12.50 from Pret a Manger, organic tortilla chips and $10 rotisserie chickens.


Afaneh posted this video after hijacking a dinner to which she was invited by the dean of the law school and shouting anti-Israel slogans — then claimed she was the victim. TikTok/@realsairarao

Afaneh posted this video after hijacking a dinner to which she was invited by the dean of the law school and shouting anti-Israel slogans — then claimed she was the victim. TikTok/@realsairarao


An analysis by The Post shows that all three got cash from groups linked to Soros. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund also gave cash to JVP.


The fund is chaired by Joseph Pierson, and includes David Rockefeller Jr, a fourth-generation member of the oil dynasty, on its board of directors. The non-profit gives money to “sustainable development” and “peace-building.”


And a former Wall Street banker, Felice Gelman, a retired investment banker who has dedicated her Wall Street fortune to pro-Palestinian causes, funded all three groups.


Free sandwiches from upscale takeout joint Pret a Manger are on offer at the encampment, worth up to $12, and $10 rotisserie chickens. Cash for the encampment has come from billionaire investor George Soros. NYPJ

Free sandwiches from upscale takeout joint Pret a Manger are on offer at the encampment, worth up to $12, and $10 rotisserie chickens. Cash for the encampment has come from billionaire investor George Soros. NYPJ


Both SJP and JVP were expelled from Columbia University in November for “threatening rhetoric and intimidation.” JVP blamed Israel for the Oct 7 Hamas terrorist attack that left 1,200 Israelis dead.


“Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression — are the source of all this violence,” JVP said in a statement on its website.


SJP called the terrorist strike on Israel “a historic win.”


Also on offer for the thirsty anti-Israeli protesters camped out at Columbia is free coffee from Dunkin’. Behind the scenes, the groups organizing the encampment have received cash from Soros and another former Wall Street banker. NYPJ

Also on offer for the thirsty anti-Israeli protesters camped out at Columbia is free coffee from Dunkin’. Behind the scenes, the groups organizing the encampment have received cash from Soros and another former Wall Street banker. NYPJ


An analysis by The Post shows how Soros and Gelman’s cash made its way to the students through a network of nonprofits that help obscure their contributions.


Soros has given billions to the Open Society Foundations which his son Alexander — whose partner is Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide and the estranged wife of pervert Anthony Weiner — now controls.


In turn, Open Society has given more than $20 million to the Tides Foundation, a progressive nonprofit “fiscal sponsor” that then sends the cash to smaller groups.


George Soros, the billionaire investor, is the ultimate source of cash for JVP and SJP, two of the groups encamped on Columbia’s lawn. It comes via a series of intermediaries. Andrew Toth

George Soros, the billionaire investor, is the ultimate source of cash for JVP and SJP, two of the groups encamped on Columbia’s lawn. It comes via a series of intermediaries. Andrew Toth


Those groups include A Jewish Voice for Peace, which between 2017 and 2022 has received $650,000 from Soros’ Open Society. Its advisers include the academic Noam Chomsky and the left-wing feminist author Naomi Klein.


JVP has been a prominent part of the protests at Columbia and one of its student members was among a group expelled from the university for inviting the leader of a proscribed terrorist group, Khaled, to the “Resistance 101” Zoom meeting.


Soros has also donated $132,000 to WESPAC, called in full the Westchester People’s Action Coalition Foundation.


Soros’ Open Society Foundations is now controlled by his son Alexander. It has been the ultimate source of funds for all three groups that set up camp on the Columbia lawn.

Soros’ Open Society Foundations is now controlled by his son Alexander. It has been the ultimate source of funds for all three groups that set up camp on the Columbia lawn.


The White Plains-based nonprofit was founded in 1974 to rally for civil rights and against the Vietnam War but is now a major funder of anti-Israel groups, including Within Our Lifetime and Students for Justice in Palestine.


SJP has also received funding from the Sparkplug Foundation, a New York-based nonprofit run by Gelman and her husband, Yoram Gelman.


The couple funneled their $20,000 donation to the group through WESPAC in 2022, according to public filings.


Alexander Soros’ partner is Huma Abedin. The Hillary Clinton aide separated from her husband Anthony Weiner after he was caught sexting an underage girl. X/@humaabedin

Alexander Soros’ partner is Huma Abedin. The Hillary Clinton aide separated from her husband Anthony Weiner after he was caught sexting an underage girl. X/@humaabedin


Gelman was previously on WESPAC’s committee for Justice and Peace in the Middle East in 2009 when she was invited to Gaza by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, according to the group’s website.


The UN group has been slammed for its support of Hamas.


Gelman is on the board of the Bard Lifetime Learning Institute, an offshoot of the infamously progressive college, as well as the Jenin Freedom Theatre, located in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank.


David Rockefeller Jr., seen with daughter Ariana, is a fourth-generation scion of the Standard Oil fortune. He chaired the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which champions progressive causes until 2022. It is now chaired by Joseph Pierson. Paul Bruinooge/PatrickMcMullan.c

David Rockefeller Jr., seen with daughter Ariana, is a fourth-generation scion of the Standard Oil fortune. He chaired the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, which champions progressive causes until 2022. It is now chaired by Joseph Pierson. Paul Bruinooge/PatrickMcMullan.c


Felice Gelman, a former Wall Street investment banker, gave Students for Justice in Palestine $20,000 through Sparkplug, her family foundation. Bard LLI

Felice Gelman, a former Wall Street investment banker, gave Students for Justice in Palestine $20,000 through Sparkplug, her family foundation. Bard LLI


WESPAC president Howard Horowitz, a former Orthodox Jew, is a member of the New York chapter of JVP, which says it works for “advocacy and public education for Palestinian human rights.”


Horowitz said he embraced the Palestinian cause after time spent living in Israel, according to a report in the Israel Times.


WESPAC has also given money to Within Our Lifetime, founded by the ubiquitous anti-Israeli protester Nerdeen Kiswani.


Howard Horowitz, a former Orthodox Jew from New York, is the longtime leader of WESPAC, which funds radical anti-Israel groups, including Students for Justice in Palestine. 914Wired/ YouTube

Howard Horowitz, a former Orthodox Jew from New York, is the longtime leader of WESPAC, which funds radical anti-Israel groups, including Students for Justice in Palestine. 914Wired/ YouTube


Within our Lifetime uses a loophole in the law to avoid declaring how much it receives from donors by not being a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, meaning it is unknown how Kiswani has benefited.


However, WESPAC is named as a fiscal sponsor of Within Our Lifetime.


After The Post published our story, an Open Society Foundations spokesperson said: “For the record, Open Society Foundations has a long history of fighting antisemitism, islamophobia and all forms of racism and hate.


“Open Society has funded a broad spectrum of US groups that have advocated for the rights of Palestinians and Israelis and for peaceful resolution to the conflict in Israel and the OPT.


“This funding is a matter of public record, disclosed on our website, fully compliant with US laws, and is part of our commitment to continuing open debate that is ultimately the only hope for peace in the region.


“The Open Society Foundations proudly support the right of all citizens to peaceful protest — a bedrock principle of our democracy.”


None of the other groups responded to requests by The Post for comment.




Who Is Funding the Pro-Hamas Protests; Are They Aiming to Take Down America?

by Robert Williams
4June2024 https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20680/funding-pro-hamas-protests


  • Rather more jarring is that the Biden administration, and therefore taxpayer money, is also funding the protests, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • “U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee… discussed oversight findings from the EPW Committee that revealed a $50 million grant was awarded from the EPA through the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to ‘Climate Justice Alliance,’ a group that engages in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic activities.” — US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, May 21, 2024.
  • “[We] went to the website of Climate Justice Alliance. This is what we found on the website that our taxpayer dollars are going to organizations such as this. This, at the bottom, is a picture of the bulldozer that went through the fence when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7.” — Senator Shelley Moore Capito, May 21, 2024.
  • The People’s Forum’s executive director Manolo De Los Santos called for the complete destruction of the United States at the conference to great applause: “We have to bring down this empire with one million cuts, and those one million cuts have to come from every sector of struggle in this room.”
  • Terrorists and their billionaire, as well as less-affluent supporters, are actively conspiring to destroy the US with the backing of foreign powers — and very little, if anything, is being done to stop it.


The answers to the question of who is funding the groups behind the pro-Hamas, anti-Israeli protests on US campuses, continue to grow in complexity. It appears that a multitude of donors are falling over each other to help promote the cause of the officially designated terrorist group, Hamas – whose openly stated aim is the destruction of Israel and the Jews — to impressionable young students and the public at large.


Politico revealed — to those who still had doubts — that many of the people bankrolling the campus protests are the same as Biden’s largest donors. They include Democratic mega-donors George Soros, and David Rockefeller Jr. of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Both have donated to anti-Israeli groups through the Tides Foundation, once described as a “charitable money laundering” organization. It sponsors anti-Israeli groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, both of which are active in the protests. In addition, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund has given nearly $500,000 directly to Jewish Voice for Peace over the past five years, and donated to the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR).


Hamas-affiliated Professor Hatem Bazian, a founder of Students for Justice in Palestine and chairman of American Muslims for Palestine, calls himself “an ally and partner with Jewish Voice for Peace.” Bazian began calling for an intifada in the US at least 20 years ago.


The Libra Foundation, founded by Democratic megadonors Susan and Nick Pritzker, heirs to the Hyatt hotel empire, has also donated money to organizations behind the protests, including Solidaire Network. According to Influence Watch:

[Susan] Pritzker is board treasurer of Solidaire Network, a left-of-center donor group supporting race, gender, and climate based causes. Its 10-year strategy is “a roadmap to liberate wealth for movements to build lasting left power in the United States.”

Rather more jarring is that the Biden administration, and therefore taxpayer money, is also funding the protests, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference and Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee… discussed oversight findings from the EPW Committee that revealed a $50 million grant was awarded from the EPA through the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to ‘Climate Justice Alliance,’ a group that engages in pro-Hamas, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic activities.”

According to Moore Capito:

“[We] went to the website of Climate Justice Alliance. This is what we found on the website that our taxpayer dollars are going to organizations such as this. This, at the bottom, is a picture of the bulldozer that went through the fence when Hamas attacked Israel on October 7. They have a rendering on their website, it says ‘Decolonize Palestine’ and it has a picture of that same bulldozer going through that fence.


“If you dig deeper. They want to defund the police, defund the military, either them or their affiliates, want to have very radical, drastic initiatives that I think are anti-American, and they’re certainly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. So, the Biden administration doesn’t seem to care. $50 million dollars in December, who knows how much more in the future and other like groups because there are other associated groups with this group… all they care about is the mission, the climate mission, no matter what the radical ideas that are associated with the groups.”

Foreign actors are involved behind the scenes to foment chaos and reap the benefits of a United States in turmoil: China, for instance, is maneuvering by means of an organization named Code Pink, which has been highly active in demonstrations, sit-ins and harassment of members of the pro-Israel camp.


According to the New York Times, American millionaire Neville Roy Singham, “works closely with the Chinese government media machine and is financing its propaganda worldwide.” He does so through a web of organizations and in a mix of “progressive advocacy with Chinese government talking points.” The Times describes how Code Pink went from criticizing China’s human rights violations to defending its reportedly genocidal treatment of Muslim Uyghurs after Singham, in 2017, married Jodie Evans, the co-founder of Code Pink. Singham, a long-time admirer of Mao Zedong, lives in Shanghai, where he helps promote the Chinese Communist Party. His wife ardently defends China. “If the U.S. crushes China,” she said in 2021, it “would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth.” Code Pink is currently under investigation by the House Committee on Natural Resources for its ties to the CCP.


Singham is also the primary sponsor of the People’s Forum, which has helped organize many anti-Israel walkouts in New York City public schools – telling students to chant the slogan advocating the destruction of Israel: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”


Significantly, the People’s Forum was behind the recent three-day conference in Detroit, “People’s Conference for Palestine”. The event featured Wissam Rafidi, a member of the terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) — a US designated terrorist entity — who said that “there is no longer a place for a two-state solution for any Palestinian. The only solution is one democratic Palestinian land which will end the Zionist project in Palestine.”


Sana’ Daqqa, the wife of late PFLP terrorist Walid Daqqa — who served a life sentence in prison for kidnapping and murdering an Israeli soldier — praised the US campus protests, and then said, referring to the October 7 massacre, in Arabic called “Al-Aqsa Flood”:

“The only thing that can stop this is a flood…. This is what the resistance intended, that the flood would become floods throughout the entire region.”

US Representative Rashida Tlaib was also at the conference, where she called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “murderous war criminal”. The People’s Forum’s executive director Manolo De Los Santos called for the complete destruction of the United States at the conference to great applause:

“We have to bring down this empire with one million cuts, and those one million cuts have to come from every sector of struggle in this room. I know all of you in this movement are exhausted… but it is not about gathering and talking. It is about transforming that work into action.”

Terrorists and their billionaire, as well as less-affluent supporters, are actively conspiring to destroy the US with the backing of foreign powers — and very little, if anything, is being done to stop it.


Meanwhile, at the end of May, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei thanked and praised the pro-Hamas protesters on US campuses.

“Dear university students in the United States of America, you are standing on the right side of history.


“You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government’s ruthless pressure – which openly supports Zionists.”

Khamenei then added:

“Dear university students in the US, my advice to you is to become familiar with the Quran.”

Robert Williams is a researcher based in the United States.



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Lawsuit by October 7 Victims Against Two Pro-Palestinian Groups

A battle for justice.

20June2024 by https://www.frontpagemag.com/lawsuit-by-october-7-victims-against-two-pro-palestinian-groups/


There is no point in invoking morality, decency, or any suchlike stuff, in appealing to the pro-Palestinian groups that have been spewing their antisemitic venom on campuses from sea to shining sea to cease and desist. But a just-announced lawsuit against two of those groups could lead to a possible hit to their pocketbook, and that’s another matter. That will get their attention. That will fill them with anxiety. And so will another possible outcome of that lawsuit: both the groups, and those of their officers who are non-citizens, could also face expulsion from the country.


Now a group of nine victims of Hamas’ attacks on October 7 are suing two of the most important anti-Israel groups on American campuses, the umbrella groups National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJUP) and American Muslims For Palestine (AMP), for aiding Hamas as “collaborators and propagandists.” More on their lawsuit, which will bring great grief to both NSJUP and AMP, including possibly bankrupting both groups and their officers, as well as leading to the expulsion of both groups from the United States, can be found here: “Israeli Terror Victims Sue Anti-Semitic Campus Groups for Aiding Hamas,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, May 2, 2024:

Israeli victims of Hamas’s Oct. 7th terror spree are suing two anti-Israel campus groups, alleging they are partially liable for the attack due to their role “as collaborators and propagandists for Hamas.”


The lawsuit, filed in U.S. district court Wednesday, seeks damages for nine American and Israeli victims of Hamas’s unprecedented terror assault. It targets two campus umbrella groups—American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP)—that are responsible for fomenting a tidal wave of antisemitic protests on college campuses across the country.


The suit marks the first time terror victims are taking aim at campus anti-Israel groups for their alleged role in bolstering Hamas propaganda on campus and driving a series of increasingly violent protests that have endangered Jewish college students across the country.


“Survivors of Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack, family members of those murdered by Hamas, civilians still under fire from Hamas’s ongoing terrorism, and persons displaced by Hamas’s ongoing terrorism have been, and continue to be, injured because AMP and NSJP knowingly provide continuous, systematic, and substantial assistance to Hamas and its affiliates’ acts of international terrorism,” the lawsuit states.


In a joint statement, the terror victims and their families said the AMP and NSJP should be held legally liable for Hamas’s terror campaign and face expulsion from the United States….


Arsen Ostrovsky, an attorney and CEO of the International Legal Forum, one of several groups supporting the lawsuit, said that NSJP “has effectively become the U.S. campus arm of Hamas.” The suit is jointly being handled by Greenberg Traurig, the National Jewish Advocacy Center, Schoen Law Firm, and Holtzman Vogel.


These groups are “directly aiding and abetting the terror group on American colleges, and facilitating the conditions necessary for Hamas to continue carrying out acts of terror and the holding of hostages, including American nationals,” Ostrovsky said. “Enough is enough, we must bring to justice not only the perpetrators of the most heinous massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, but hold accountable all those who enable, support, and collaborate with them, like NSJP and AMP.”

The legal team arrayed against the Hamas “collaborators” AMP and JSJP is formidable. It is led by lawyers from Greenberg Traurig, one of the biggest firms in the world, with 2750 lawyers. It should not be hard for those seasoned lawyers — who are going to be relentless, because for them, given their backgrounds, far more than billable hours are at stake — to prove that both groups have aided and abetted Hamas, providing It on hundreds of campuses with moral and political support, justifying and praising the October 7 atrocities, vilifying Israel, and acting as propagandists for the likes of Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh.


A world of woe awaits AMP and NSJP in the courtroom. It will be a pleasure to observe.




Antisemitism surging, report finds, prompting fear for future of ‘Jewish life’ in West

The US saw a 103% increase in incidents fueled by Gaza war, a global report for 2023 shows, while France stands out with near-quadrupling of cases

By Canaan Lidor
5May2024, 11:07 am Updated at 1:05 pmhttps://www.timesofisrael.com/in-global-surge-of-antisemitism-france-stands-out-with-near-quadrupling-of-cases/


Thousands gather for a march against antisemitism in Paris, France, November 12, 2023. (AP Photo/Sylvie Corbet)

Thousands gather for a march against antisemitism in Paris, France, November 12, 2023. (AP Photo/Sylvie Corbet)


In 2023, France registered the highest increase in recorded antisemitic incidents of any country with reliable statistics, according to data released in a new report that warned that current trends could threaten the very “ability to lead Jewish lives in the West.”


Published Sunday by Tel Aviv University and the Anti-Defamation League, the report showed a near-quadrupling of incidents in France, from 436 in 2022 to 1,676 last year. It also highlighted antisemitism on US campuses, which the head of the ADL called the “most alarming” aspect of the surge of Jew-hatred in the United States.


Of last year’s antisemitic incidents in France, the tally showed that 74% happened after October 7, when invading Hamas terrorists killed some 1,200 people in Israel and abducted another 253, triggering a still-ongoing military campaign by Israel in Gaza and daily exchanges of fire with Hezbollah along the border with Lebanon.


In the United States, the tally more than doubled, from 3,697 incidents in 2022 to 7,523 last year, with 52% of the 2023 total occurring after October 7. In Canada, the increase was from 65 to 132; in the United Kingdom from 1,662 to 4,103; in Germany from 2,639 to 3,614, and in Italy from 241 to 454.


On an incident-per-capita basis, French Jews, who according to the report number about 440,000, were three times likelier to experience an antisemitic attack than Jews in the US, whose population the report estimates at 6 million.


“For those whose views serve an anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist ideological and instrumentalist purpose, October 7 was a golden opportunity to advance further their hateful and racist fringe perspectives into mainstream conservative discourse, using it to attack rivals, mobilize supporters and attract new followers,” wrote the authors of the US chapter of the report, which is titled “Antisemitism Worldwide Report for 2023.”


Illustrative: Anti-Israel protesters call for an intifada at a protest in New York City, September 17, 2021. (Luke Tress/Flash90)

Illustrative: Anti-Israel protesters call for an intifada at a protest in New York City, September 17, 2021. (Luke Tress/Flash90)


The authors of the chapter on France interviewed Jonas Jacquelin, the rabbi of the Copernic Street Synagogue, the first Reform synagogue in France. He does not wear his kippa on the street, partly because he was raised not to and in part because he does not want to provoke antisemitic attacks, the authors wrote.


“The year is not 1938, not even 1933,” Prof. Uriya Shavit, head of The Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and the Irwin Cotler Institute, wrote in a press release. “Yet if current trends continue, the curtain will descend on the ability to lead Jewish lives in the West – to wear a Star of David, attend synagogues and community centers, send kids to Jewish schools, frequent a Jewish club on campus, or speak Hebrew.”


The 148-page report features an essay devoted to antisemitism on US campuses, where the ADL recorded 913 incidents in 2023, or 12% of the annual tally for the entire country.


“Antisemitism today seems to have taken firm root in the academy,” the author of that essay, Dr. Sara Yael Hirschhorn, wrote.


On campuses across the US, anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian students have staged demonstrations that included the occupation of campus buildings and other disruptions and led to clashes with police, who have arrested hundreds of student protesters. A standoff at Columbia University in New York City between police and students occupying campus grounds ended in fresh arrests last week.


A car with smashed windows and anti-Israel graffiti reading ‘Intifada’ and ‘Free Gaza’ is seen at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon on May 2, 2024. (John Rudoff/AFP)

A car with smashed windows and anti-Israel graffiti reading ‘Intifada’ and ‘Free Gaza’ is seen at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon on May 2, 2024. (John Rudoff/AFP)


“Jewish and pro-Israel students have been physically assaulted, verbally harassed, bullied online, and generally made to feel unsafe on campus, while Jewish fraternities, Hillel and Chabad houses, and even dorm rooms have been vandalized,” Hirschhorn added.


Nearly 75% of American university students have said they experienced or witnessed some form of antisemitism since the academic year began, the ADL report notes.


“All this occurred as the leadership of academia fell silent, particularly at America’s most elite universities,” wrote Hirschhorn. She connected that reality, as she described it, to ethnic studies and discourses that vilify Jews and Israel as colonialist or oppressive; prevailing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) frameworks that fail to account for antisemitism; and Qatari and other funding from the Middle East.


“By dint of their affiliations, campuses sponsored by despotic and anti-Zionist regimes are sometimes silent partners to rampant human rights abuses and illiberal agendas,” Hirschhorn wrote.


Jonathan Greenblatt participates in a panel during the TAAF Heritage Month Summit at The Glasshouse on May 5, 2023 in New York City. (JP Yim/Getty Images via AFP)

Jonathan Greenblatt participates in a panel during the TAAF Heritage Month Summit at The Glasshouse on May 5, 2023 in New York City. (JP Yim/Getty Images via AFP)


In his essay in the report, Jonathan Greenblatt, the CEO of the ADL, called the proliferation of antisemitism on US university campuses the “most alarming” aspect of the national surge of Jew-hatred after October 7.


“We have seen instances where Jewish students barricaded themselves in a library because a pro-Palestinian mob was outside. We have heard stories of students being afraid to cross their campuses at night for fear of being attacked, or attending Shabbat dinners at their Hillels with armed guards posted at the doors,” wrote Greenblatt.


These and other events on US campuses, he added, mean that “the Jewish community is facing a crisis unseen in generations.”



In Our Name: A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia University

Published using Google Docs 8May2024  https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vRQgyDhIjZupO2H-2rIDXLy_zkf76RoM-_ZIYsOfn9FkI7TETgRtOfXK9VobMvGh6iEZfDPgALXJTCR/pub?pli=1

Shai Davidai-tweet-8May2024-In Our Name
Hundreds of Jewish students at @Columbia just published one of the most incredible student letters I have ever read.

It’s not only magnificently written, but it also clearly articulates their experiences on campus for the past six months.

Their letter tells the story of what’s it like being a Jewish student right now better than any professor like myself could ever do.

Please take 4-5 minutes to read their letter.

Give Jewish students a voice.


Shai Davidai-tweet-8May2024-In Our Name

Shai Davidai-tweet-8May2024-In Our Name


In Our Name: A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia University

To the Columbia Community:

Over the past six months, many have spoken in our name. Some are well-meaning alumni or non-affiliates who show up to wave the Israeli flag outside Columbia’s gates. Some are politicians looking to use our experiences to foment America’s culture war. Most notably, some are our Jewish peers who tokenize themselves by claiming to represent “real Jewish values,” and attempt to delegitimize our lived experiences of antisemitism. We are here, writing to you as Jewish students at Columbia University, who are connected to our community and deeply engaged with our culture and history. We would like to speak in our name.

Many of us sit next to you in class. We are your lab partners, your study buddies, your peers, and your friends. We partake in the same student government, clubs, Greek life, volunteer organizations, and sports teams as you.

Most of us did not choose to be political activists. We do not bang on drums and chant catchy slogans. We are average students, just trying to make it through finals much like the rest of you. Those who demonize us under the cloak of anti-Zionism forced us into our activism and forced us to publicly defend our Jewish identities.

We proudly believe in the Jewish People’s right to self-determination in our historic homeland as a fundamental tenet of our Jewish identity. Contrary to what many have tried to sell you – no, Judaism cannot be separated from Israel. Zionism is, simply put, the manifestation of that belief.

Our religious texts are replete with references to Israel, Zion, and Jerusalem. The land of Israel is filled with archaeological remnants of a Jewish presence spanning centuries. Yet, despite generations of living in exile and diaspora across the globe, the Jewish People never ceased dreaming of returning to our homeland — Judea, the very place from which we derive our name, “Jews.” Indeed just a couple of days ago, we all closed our Passover seders with the proclamation, “Next Year in Jerusalem!”

Many of us are not religiously observant, yet Zionism remains a pillar of our Jewish identities. We have been kicked out of Russia, Libya, Ethiopia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Poland, Egypt, Algeria, Germany, Iran, and the list goes on. We connect to Israel not only as our ancestral homeland but as the only place in the modern world where Jews can safely take ownership of their own destiny. Our experiences at Columbia in the last six months are a poignant reminder of just that.

We were raised on stories from our grandparents of concentration camps, gas chambers, and ethnic cleansing. The essence of Hitler’s antisemitism was the very fact that we were “not European” enough, that as Jews we were threats to the “superior” Aryan race. This ideology ultimately left six million of our own in ashes.

The evil irony of today’s antisemitism is a twisted reversal of our Holocaust legacy; protestors on campus have dehumanized us, imposing upon us the characterization of the “white colonizer.” We have been told that we are “the oppressors of all brown people” and that “the Holocaust wasn’t special.” Students at Columbia have chanted “we don’t want no Zionists here,” alongside “death to the Zionist State” and to “go back to Poland,” where our relatives lie in mass graves.

This sick distortion illuminates the nature of antisemitism: In every generation, the Jewish People are blamed and scapegoated as responsible for the societal evil of the time. In Iran and in the Arab world, we were ethnically cleansed for our presumed ties to the “Zionist entity.” In Russia, we endured state-sponsored violence and were ultimately massacred for being capitalists. In Europe, we were the victims of genocide because we were communists and not European enough. And today, we face the accusation of being too European, painted as society’s worst evils – colonizers and oppressors. We are targeted for our belief that Israel, our ancestral and religious homeland, has a right to exist. We are targeted by those who misuse the word Zionist as a sanitized slur for Jew, synonymous with racist, oppressive, or genocidal. We know all too well that antisemitism is shapeshifting.

We are proud of Israel. The only democracy in the Middle East, Israel is home to millions of Mizrachi Jews (Jews of Middle Eastern descent), Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of Central and Eastern European descent), and Ethiopian Jews, as well as millions of Arab Israelis, over one million Muslims, and hundreds of thousands of Christians and Druze. Israel is nothing short of a miracle for the Jewish People and for the Middle East more broadly.

Our love for Israel does not necessitate blind political conformity. It’s quite the opposite. For many of us, it is our deep love for and commitment to Israel that pushes us to object when its government acts in ways we find problematic. Israeli political disagreement is an inherently Zionist activity; look no further than the protests against Netanyahu’s judicial reforms – from New York to Tel Aviv – to understand what it means to fight for the Israel we imagine. All it takes are a couple of coffee chats with us to realize that our visions for Israel differ dramatically from one another. Yet we all come from a place of love and an aspiration for a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.

If the last six months on campus have taught us anything, it is that a large and vocal population of the Columbia community does not understand the meaning of Zionism, and subsequently does not understand the essence of the Jewish People. Yet despite the fact that we have been calling out the antisemitism we’ve been experiencing for months, our concerns have been brushed off and invalidated. So here we are to remind you:

We sounded the alarm on October 12 when many protested against Israel while our friends’ and families’ dead bodies were still warm.

We recoiled when people screamed “resist by any means necessary,” telling us we are “all inbred” and that we “have no culture.”

We shuddered when an “activist” held up a sign telling Jewish students they were Hamas’s next targets, and we shook our heads in disbelief when Sidechat users told us we were lying.

We ultimately were not surprised when a leader of the CUAD encampment said publicly and proudly that “Zionists don’t deserve to live” and that we’re lucky they are “not just going out and murdering Zionists.”

We felt helpless when we watched students and faculty physically block Jewish students from entering parts of the campus we share, or even when they turned their faces away in silence. This silence is familiar. We will never forget.

One thing is for sure. We will not stop standing up for ourselves. We are proud to be Jews, and we are proud to be Zionists.  

We came to Columbia because we wanted to expand our minds and engage in complex conversations. While campus may be riddled with hateful rhetoric and simplistic binaries now, it is never too late to start repairing the fractures and begin developing meaningful relationships across political and religious divides. Our tradition tells us, “Love peace and pursue peace.” We hope you will join us in earnestly pursuing peace, truth, and empathy. Together we can repair our campus.


Eliana Goldin, GS/JTS ’26

Elisha Baker, CC, ’26

Eden Yadegar, GS/JTS ’25

Rivka Yellin, Barnard ‘26

David Hidary, CC, ’26

Natan Rosenbaum, Columbia School of General Studies ‘26

Jesse Spear, GS 26

Amiel Nelson, General Studies ‘27

David Tarrab, SEAS ‘27

Nicholas Baum, General Studies/JTS ‘27

Daniella Coen, GS ‘24

Rosie Alchalel, Barnard ‘26

Robbie Fox, CC ‘24

Stephanie Tarrab, SEAS ‘25

Charlotte Roiter, Columbia/JTS ’26

Jonathan Lederer, CC, ’26

Benjamin Trau, Columbia ‘26

Daniel Katz  CC’27

Michael Pagovich, GS/JTS

Gabriel Nelson, CC ‘27

Tova Segal, Barnard/JTS, ’25

Shira Weiss-Ishai, GS/JTS ‘27

Eliana Wagner , CLS ‘26

Ayelet Glaser, Barnard ‘24

Adam Vogt, General Studies ’24

Rachel Halpern, Barnard ‘26

Rebecca Kalimi, Barnard ‘23

Mariana Lederman, Teachers College ‘24

Cecile Toussaint, School of General Studies, 2024

Jonathan Rosen, Columbia ‘25

Daniel Kroll, Columbia 24

Alexander Rosenberg GS/JTS ‘26

Josef Korich, SEAS ’27

Rachel Lisbona, general studies, 2025

Alice Loiferman, Barnard ‘27

Jamie Cappell law school 24

Jonny Rosen GS/JTS ‘25

Menachem Weiss, Columbia Law ’24

Talia Rabban, Barnard ‘25

Jacob Schmeltz, Columbia College ‘24

Shira Eisman, GSAS ‘26

Austin Stoll, GS ’24

GSAPP, 2024

Jordan Sumberg GS/JTS ‘27

Haley Wiener, Barnard ‘24

Danya Gewurz, Barnard ‘24

Maytal Polonetsky, Barnard ‘27

Kyra Weisberger, Barnard ‘27

Beth Kahn ‘25

Jake Schwalbe, Columbia ‘24

Talia Bodner, GS/JTS ‘27

Bo Kizildag, Columbia ‘25

Lily Penn, GS/JTS ‘25

Matthew Meltzer, CLS ’25

Asher Strell Columbia school of General Studies 26

GF, Barnard ‘24

Dore Feith, LAW ‘25

Kendall Bender, Columbia Law School ‘24

Jessica Yeroshalmi, Columbia Law School ’26

Ron Chalamish, GS, 26

Brandon Rosenberg, Columbia Law School ‘24

Jaime Israel CLS ‘24

Raphael Kepecs, SEAS ’27

Shiri Gil, GS, ‘25

Maya Jamil, GS ‘26

Jonathan Shapiro, CC ‘18, LAW ‘25

Laura Bellows, Barnard/JTS ‘27

Lior Kreindler, Biomedical Engineering PhD

Bar Maman, GS ’26

Avital Kobrin, Barnard ‘27

Inbar Brand, GS/TAU ’25

Jacob Dubin, CLS ‘25

Gabriel Kahane, General Studies, ‘26

Noam Josse, CLS ’26

Saphira Samuels, Barnard ‘26

Aliza Ruttenberg, Barnard ‘27

Jessica Weinfeld, CC ‘27

Noa Siegel, GS ‘24

David Lederer, SEAS, ‘26

Parker De Dekér Cabral-Vásquez, Columbia College ’27

Alix Gilkarov, GS/JTS ‘26

Liv Shalom, Columbia ‘26

Sheina Benzaquen, General Studies ‘25

David Padover, CBS/CLS ‘24

Mark Kava, Law School ‘26

Daniel F. CLS ‘24

AR, Law ‘24

Dina Herzig, Columbia Law School ‘25

Dalia Moallem, Mailman ‘24

Stella Vayner, Columbia Engineering, 2026

Jonah Chill, Columbia Law School, ‘26

Avi Fixler, Columbia Law School, ‘24

Dahlia Bernstein, Barnard ‘27

Sam Lisner, SPS, 2024

Hannah Wander, CLS ‘25

Noga Aharony, CUIMC 26’

Esther Kishk, Columbia Law School 26

Victoria Kontsevich, General Studies ‘24

Maytal Rahimzada, Teachers College Columbia University ’25

Beverly Dweck, Barnard ‘27

Olya Skulovich, PhD,  ‘24, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science

Ariel Nurieli, Gs, 25

Ezra Dayanim, GS/JTS ‘24

Marc Nock, Mailman MPH ’24

Moshe Gershenfeld, Columbia Law School ‘24

Liam Schorr, GS/JTS ‘27

Franziska Sittig, GSAS ‘24

Rachel Freilich, CC ’27

Matan Malka, VP&S ‘25

Dori Baron, CC ‘26

Ella Waisman, SEAS, ’27

Sarah Ginsberg, Barnard ‘27

Risa Farber, SEAS ‘27

Robyn Beyda, Barnard ‘27

Frieda Catton, Barnard ‘27

Joy Reeve ‘25

Aryeh Krischer, Columbia, ’26

Bracha Weinberger, Barnard 24′

Rachel Landesman, Barnard ’25

Sam Nahins, Columbia GS ‘24

Eytan Abramowitz, SEAS ’27

Nathan J Saldinger, GS ‘24

Omer Nauer, GS ‘24

Ilana Bramson /GS/JTS ‘27

Yehuda Dicker, Columbia College ‘25

Leo Salkind Columbia GS 26

Daphna Spira, Barnard ‘24

Lucy Hecht, CC ’26

Abraham Jacobs, Columbia ‘24

Ali Levontin, GS 24

Zachary Krivine, SIPA ’24

Gideon Marcus, GS, ’25

Sally Schuster, SIPA ‘24

Yahli Bibi, GS ‘27

Michael Kolber, GS 26’

Katya Kantor, GS ‘22 SIPA ‘24

Sarah Hamerman, Columbia College ‘27

Dor Lev GS 26

Maya Jubas, CC ’25

Evgeny Manzhosov, PhD Candidate, Columbia

Aiden Englander, SEAS ‘25

Caroline Ulrich, BC ‘25

Elya Levi, SPS ‘24

Jaya Fainzilber, Touro ‘27

Lihi Tal, GS ‘25

Danielle Feit, Barnard ‘24

Danelle Tuchman, CC ’25

Jacob Resnick, GS/JTS’ 26

Liana Marks, GS/JTS ‘27

Alexander Dobensky, School of the Arts ’24

Shai Goldman, CC ’24

Andrew Stein, GS, ’25

Rebecca Dyckman, Barnard ’27

Henna Krauss, Barnard ‘27

Molly Nelson, Barnard ‘24

Simone Miller, CC ‘26

Emily Silverstein, Barnard ‘25

Stella Lessler, Columbia Engineering ‘24

Ariella Burnstein, Barnard ‘27

Ariel Slomka, Columbia GS ‘25

Yael Amiel, CLS ’24

Joseph Kaplan, CC 25

Sonya Poznansky, Columbia GS ’24

Sabrina, Columbia TAU 25

Mendi Hecht, GS ‘26

Zippy Wilson, Barnard ’26

Avi Kohn, CLS ’26

Tal Zussman, SEAS PhD

Esther Rotlevi, Neurobiology and Behavior (GSAS), ’27

Mali Lobel, GS ‘26

Tans Rosen, SEAS ’26

Meira Saffra, Barnard ’24

Eliza Binstock, Columbia College ‘27

Yasmine Abouzaglo, Columbia ‘27

Rebecca Glanzer, Columbia College ’16, Columbia Business School ’24

Nora Samadi, Barnard ‘25

Daniel Glick, SEAS 24’

Riva Rubin, Columbia College ’25

Jared Axelowitz, Columbia Law School ’25

Annika Erickson, Barnard ’24

Talia Kesselman, Columbia School of Social Work, ’24

Tallie Steiner, Barnard ‘24

Gal Lev Ari, GS’26

Noam Zolty, CLS ’22

Natalie Carnoy, Columbia College ’26

Emily Kahan, Columbia College ‘26

Noam Woldenberg, CC ‘27

Joel Sontag, Columbia Law School, ’24

Lexi Berger, Barnard ‘24

Rachel Neplokh, TAU General Studies Dual Degree ‘24

Ava Quinn, GS/JTS ’25

Ann Mizrahi, Columbia University ’24

Shimon Nataf, Columbia Law School ’26

Sam Horowitz CLS 25

Josh Sussman, Columbia Mailman School of Public Health ‘25

Eden Shaveet, Bridge to Ph.D. Scholar, ’24

Nickia Muraskin, SEAS PhD Student

Joshua Strongin, Teachers College ‘24

Sasha Isler, SEAS ‘26

Molly Litvak, CC ‘26

Alon S. Levin, Electrical Engineering PhD Student

Alex Malamud, Barnard ‘24

Hannah Solon, GS/JTS ’25

Danielle Yahalom, Barnard ’25

Emily Vayner GS/JTS ’27

Daniel Barth, GS ’24

Noa Salkind GS 26

Sapir Agam GS ‘25

Rebecca Wernick, Barnard ‘25

Asher Dayanim GS ‘24

Ariel Weinsaft, Barnard ’25

Samantha Tarlowe, GS/JTS ‘27

Simone Glajchen, Columbia College ‘27

Jessica Major, Columbia School of Social Work, ‘25

Aaron Bruce, JTS/GS ’25

Lola Hurst, Barnard ‘27

Michael Lippman, GS ‘25

Yaniv Yatziv, CBS ’25

Emma Vorchheimer, Barnard, 25’

Yola Ashkenazie, Barnard ‘24

Clementine silver Schwartz, GS ‘27

Daniel Becker, GS Tel Aviv Dual-Degree ‘25

Jessica Brenner, Barnard ‘26

Sharon Nagy, Tau-Columbia 28‘

Eliana Steinlauf, Barnard ’24

Hana Cohen, GS/JTS ‘26

Tomas Fiure, SEAS ‘24

Gabriela Bentolila, SEAS ‘25

Gabriela Bentolila, SEAS ‘25

David Rabbani, CC ‘25

Emily Bejerano, SEAS PhD ‘27

Benjamin Hadar, CSSW ’25

Ilana Goldstein, Barnard/JTS, ’26

Katie Friedman, TAU GS ’25

Danielle Dorfman, Barnard ’24

Andrew Leibert, SIPA ’24

Daniella Davis, GS, 2027

Mikael Rochman, GS 25’

Ben Wald, JTS/GS, 25’

Chloe, TAU/GS Dual Degree Program, ’25

Danielle Gillai, Barnard ‘27

Thomas Zev Huneycutt, GS ‘27

Sarah Cohen, SIPA ‘25

Maya Gal, GS/TAU ‘24

Gabriella Jacobs, TAU-Columbia ‘27

Ariana Pinsker Lehrer, Columbia School of Social Work, 25

Ayal Yakobe, GS ’24

Talia Escobedo, SOA ‘24

Trevor Siegel CC ‘24

Ara Nazmiyal, Columbia ’26

Almog Ankori, GS ‘27

Matthew Shtaynberg, JTS/GS ‘25

Maayan Malter, CBS PhD ’24

Sahar Paz, Columbia GS, 2025

Kayla Venger, Barnard ‘27

Edan Mortman, GSAS, ’26

Eliana Khoobian, GS, ‘26

Ayelet Kurz, Columbia College ’26

Loren Kertsman, Dual Degree ‘26

John Morozov, School of General Studies, ‘26

Ellie Stallman, Columbia ’26

Benny Attar, GS ’26

Corey Brooks, Columbia ‘26



JerusalemCats Comments: This is Important!

Natan Sharansky: A landmark letter from 500 Jews at Columbia University

Natan Sharansky, Former Jewish Agency Chairman<br />https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/natan-anatoly-sharansky

Natan Sharansky, Former Jewish Agency Chairman


The 500

A letter from 500 Jews at Columbia University may be a landmark in the struggle to escape a stifling regime of doublethink and ensure the American Jewish future through proud and open dissent

by Natan Sharansky

May 28, 2024 https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/500-jewish-students-columbia-university

Columbia University, April 29, 2024 SOPA Images Limited/Alamy

Columbia University, April 29, 2024 SOPA Images Limited/Alamy


Twenty years ago, just after the second intifada, I went on a tour of American and Canadian campuses. Shaken by what I saw and heard, I told (then) Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that the major battle for the future of American Jewry will be fought on campuses. So disturbed was I by this visit, that I titled the article I wrote about it in the Hebrew press “a journey into occupied territory.”


The “occupiers” in my metaphor were the centers for Middle East studies that had sprouted like mushrooms in American universities to spread anti-Zionist propaganda. Their influence was palpable, not only in events they organized, but also in their effect on the Jewish students I met. While many expressed deep solidarity with Israel and support for its struggle against terror, a few young men and women told me that for them, as liberal Jews, it would be better if Israel didn’t exist. “Then,” they told me, “I won’t be perceived as responsible for such awful crimes.”


Such statements, which foreshadowed attempts by groups like Jewish Voice for Peace to dissociate themselves from Israel, didn’t concern me as much as yet another, and far more alarming, set of statements. People who wish to fully sever their association with Israel neither reflect nor sway the sentiments and opinions of the overwhelming majority of American Jews. No, the statements that concerned me and led me to speak of occupation and battlefields were the many variations I heard on one young woman’s quietly spoken and regretful admission that she would very much like to speak against divestment and other anti-Israel measures, but she couldn’t. Her professors won’t like it, she told me. It would harm her future career.


“The ideological regime of antisemitism that has entrenched itself in America’s universities will only collapse when enough Jews stop being afraid and stop unwillingly aiding it by hiding and self-censoring.”


Dear Lord, I thought, when I first heard these words. We are not in the Moscow of my youth, where one’s career depended on pretending to buy the Soviet credo hook, line and sinker! Yet the more students I met, the more I heard of similar, stifling concerns. Having grown up in the Soviet Union, I knew very well how catching and pervasive self-censorship can become. No one will need to “occupy” the campuses physically if the Jewish students will carry out their own occupation themselves by growing too afraid to speak their own truths.


Totalitarian societies survive by relying on a core of true believers to frighten even those who don’t buy the ideological party line into becoming “doublethinkers”—people who adhere to the party line in public regardless of their private thoughts—rather than outright dissidents. In the normal course of events, the percentage of doublethinkers is always on the rise, as more and more people grow disillusioned with the false promises of the regime yet continue to pledge allegiance to it out of fear instead of faith. The regime controls them not through their own convictions but through the power its institutions hold over their lives, livelihoods, and safety. In other words, it controls them by frightening them into censoring themselves on the regime’s behalf.


Of course America is a free country and not a totalitarian regime. However, it was impossible to miss the resemblance between the culture I encountered in the American academy 20 years ago and the Soviet worldview of my youth. Like the Communist party (following Marx), more and more people started dividing the world into oppressors (read: always bad, always in the wrong) and oppressed (read: always in the right), and claiming that whoever belonged to the first camp wasn’t worthy of the same rights, freedoms, and protections as the latter. Since Israel and successful “white” Jews elsewhere were a priori classified as oppressors, hating and indeed abusing them became less and less taboo.


In the past 20 years, the ideologues of this new antisemitism continued to pour their fervor into demonizing Israel, and to use every tool at their disposal to press the majority of American Jews who don’t believe their lies into becoming doublethinkers. They made it more and more difficult to get a public position in a student body for students who supported Israel or even visited it on a Birthright trip. They gaslighted Jewish students who spoke about their personal experiences of antisemitism by telling them that what they experienced was really “only” and “legitimate” anti-Zionism, putting them on the defensive for their so called “alarmism” and “rejection of legitimate criticism.” More and more Jewish students found that standing up for their beliefs marked them for discrimination and harassment. Jewish students found themselves unwilling doublethinkers in the very places that are supposed to be the bedrock and bastion of free society.


After Oct. 7, the campaign to vilify Israel and scare its potential supporters on campuses has exploded into the open. Explicit antisemitism became legitimate and accepted on many American campuses, as so-called “anti-Zionism” revealed itself to be a flimsy cover for unadorned antisemitism. At Drexel University, “anti-Zionist” protesters demanded that the university sever its association with Hillel and Chabad, eliminating Jewish life on campus. At the University of Toronto and other campuses, protesters proudly recite classic antisemitic canards about Jewish control of the banks and the press while calling for genocide and praising Hitler. At UCLA, the university administration reached an agreement with protesters allowing them to bar students with the “wrong” opinions—i.e., Jews—from campus. At Columbia, a leader of the student protests expressed his personal desire to kill Jews.


None of these are isolated incidents; they are in fact true expressions of what “anti-Zionism” means to its proponents, namely, to drive Jewish students and professors off campus or at the very least to force them to live in disguise. Jews are now routinely warned not to speak Hebrew or wear a kippa on campuses for their own protection, while their would-be harassers are lauded as heroes and are at best given slaps on the wrist which are revoked weeks or days later, when presumably fewer people are watching (imagine the outrage if female students were warned not to dress immodestly on campus for their own protection, while their would-be harassers were lauded as heroes!). A flat denial of Israel’s right to exist became an axiom that goes without saying. Surrounded by classmates and professors who celebrate the worst violations of human rights in recent history—Hamas’ horrific massacre on Oct. 7—as a legitimate step toward liberation, the Jewish students are left to fend for themselves, abandoned by the progressive allies that Jewish institutions and individuals supported unquestioningly in their own hours of need.


The occupation of the campuses, which 20 years ago was but a metaphor, has become a real movement with funding, leadership, and physical presence. Young Jews no longer face ostensible threats against their professional futures; they face daily threats against their physical safety and the core of their identities as Jews and as human beings.


It was into this foul atmosphere that Columbia’s Jewish students wrote their letter. Five hundred of Columbia’s Jewish students declared that they won’t be cowed by the haters, that they reject the attacks against their Jewish identity, and that Zionism is a part of Jewish identity. They called out their haters for the antisemites they are, and the administration of the university for downplaying and mishandling the attacks that target Jews. They flatly rejected attempts to victim-blame the Jews for the hatred that targets them. Most remarkably, they all signed the letter with their full names, proudly and openly, shedding the self-censorship and silence of the doublethinker for the proud stance of the dissident. In the days since then, more and more Jews added their names to this list.


When I was a dissident in the USSR, my friends and I knew well that a revolution can only start when a critical mass of doublethinkers stops being afraid and crosses the line into open dissent. Only when the masses lose their fear and drop the mask of pretense, can they lead their society into a different future. It was true in the USSR, and it is true today: The ideological regime of antisemitism that has entrenched itself in America’s universities for decades will only collapse when enough Jews stop being afraid. It will only collapse if they stop unwillingly aiding it by hiding and self-censoring, and instead speak their truths openly and loudly.


When we were fighting the USSR from within, we estimated that once approximately a fifth of the population will transform from doublethinkers into dissidents, the authorities will no longer be able to contain the spread of free thought. Heartwarmingly, more than a fifth of the Jews of Columbia University have already signed the letter that marks them as dissidents to the reigning ideological regime. I hope that our estimations decades ago about the tipping point from oppression to revolution will prove right in the case of this revolution as well.


The next year will likely be as tough for Jews on campus as this one. Of course, in democratic America there are many tools that can be used to fight antisemitism: going to court, encouraging hearings in Congress, using the press to unmask the dangerous actors who finance the new antisemitic waves, and so forth. But in order to defend your rights, you have to first define and claim them. Until America’s Jewish students publicly claim their right to their Jewish and Zionist identity, they will continue to fight at a disadvantage.


However, if the Jewish students of Cornell, Stanford, Harvard, and the other campuses will join Columbia’s Jews in their public statement, they stand a chance to do more than stand up for their own truths—they stand a real chance to revolutionize the campuses, defeat the antisemitic forces that have occupied them, and win the battle for American Jewry’s future.


Dear Jewish students of America, today, you are on the front line. The future of American Jewry, and maybe even America itself, is in your hands. Be brave.

Natan Sharansky is a former political prisoner in the Soviet Union, former minister in Israeli governments, former Chairman of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Israel, and Chair of the Advisory Board of ISGAP (Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy) and CAM (Combat Antisemitism Movement), and founder and Chair of the Adelson Shlihut Institute of the Jewish Agency.



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Natan (Anatoly) Sharansky

(1948 – )


Natan Sharansky, Former Jewish Agency Chairman https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/natan-anatoly-sharansky

Natan Sharansky, Former Jewish Agency Chairman https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/natan-anatoly-sharansky


Natan Sharansky is one of the most famous former Soviet refusniks and an Israeli politician, author and human rights activist.


Sharansky (born January 20, 1948) was born and raised in the Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union), and graduated with a degree in mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.


Early on, Sharansky got associated with the human rights movement when he became an English interpreter for Andrei Sakharov. Later, Sharansky emerged in his own right as one of the foremost dissidents and spokesmen for the Soviet Jewry movement.<


In 1973, Sharansky applied for an exit visa to Israel, but was refused on “security” grounds. Following this denial, Sharansky became more overtly involved with the refusnik movement and became an activist for Soviet Jews.


He remained prominently involved in Jewish refusenik activities until his arrest in 1977. In 1978, Sharansky was convicted of treason and spying on behalf of the United States, and was sentenced to thirteen years imprisonment in a Siberian forced labor camp. For the first 16 months of his sentennce he was held in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison, frequently in solitary confinement and in a special “torture cell,” before being transferred to a notorious prison camp in the Siberian gulag.


Years after his release, Sharansky stressed the need he maintained throughout his imprisonment to remain emotionally independent. He attributed his survival of the lengthy incarceration and the brutal conditions to his resistance to any sort of emotional surrender. Hence Sharansky’s expression of the paradox that while an ordinary Russian, he was in fact a slave to the system; but that once he discovered his Jewish roots and was restricted for his allegiance to them, he was in reality a free man. Sharansky’s memoirs of his years as a prisoner of Zion are described in his book Fear No Evil.


Natan Sharansky, with wife Avital, thank President Ronald Reagan after his release from Soviet prison in 1986. (Photo By Nati Harnik,cuurtesy of the Israel Government Press Office(2/11/86)

Natan Sharansky, with wife Avital, thank President Ronald Reagan after his release from Soviet prison in 1986. (Photo By Nati Harnik,cuurtesy of the Israel Government Press Office(2/11/86)


During the years of his imprisonment, Sharansky became a symbol for human rights in general and Soviet Jewry in particular.


A campaign for his release was waged tirelessly by his wife, Avital, who emigrated to Israel immediately following their wedding with the hope that her husband would follow shortly. Intense diplomatic efforts and public outcries for his release were unsuccessful until 1986, when Sharansky was released as part of an East-West prisoner exchange. Sharansky became the first political prisoner ever released by Mikhail Gorbachev due to intense political pressure from Ronald Reagan and the United States.


Freed on the border of a still-divided Germany, he was met by the Israeli ambassador who presented him immediately with his new Israeli passport under the Hebrew name of Natan Sharansky.
He arrived in Israel on February 11, 1986, and was greeted by leading government officials, including then Prime Minister Shimon Peres, and was given a hero’s welcome.


In 1988, he was elected President of the newly created Zionist Forum, the umbrella organization of former Soviet activists. He also served as an associate editor of the Jerusalem Report.


Increasingly disappointed with Israel’s absorption of the large influx of Soviet Jews, he wrote frequently on the subject, and in 1995 created a new political party, Yisrael b’Aliyah, dedicated to helping immigrants’ professional, economic and social acculturation. In the elections the following year, the party won seven Knesset seats, and Sharansky was named Minister of Industry and Trade.


Sharansky served as Minister of Industry and Trade from June 1996-1999. He served as Minister of the Interior from July 1999 until his resignation in July 2000 and as Minister of Housing and Construction and Deputy Prime Minister from March 2001 until February 2003. In February 2003, Natan Sharansky was appointed Minister without Portfolio, responsible for Jerusalem, social and Diaspora affairs.


Sharansky resigned from the government on May 2, 2005, because of his opposition to Ariel Sharon’s disengagement plan. He had served in four different Knesset governemnts.


In November 2006 Natan Sharansky resigned from the Knesset and assumed the position of Chairman of the then newly-established Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies of the Shalem Center in Jerusalem. In June 2009, he was elected and sworn in as Chairman of The Jewish Agency for Israel, a post he still holds.


Natan Sharansky’s memoir, Fear No Evil was published in the United States in 1988 and has been translated into nine languages. Another book, The Case for Democracy: The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror (2004) attracted wide-spread attention and was famously quoted by President George Bush during his presidency.


Sharansky’s latest book,  Defending Identity: Its Indispensable Role in Protecting Democracy (2008) is a defense of the value of national and religious identity in building democracy. He also maintains a website and blog.


He is married to Avital and has two daughters, Rachel and Hannah.

Sources: Joint Authority for Jewish Zionist EducationIsrael Ministry of Foreign AffairsWikipedia




UC-Berkeley Law Prof: Don’t Hire My Anti-Semitic Law Students

“It’s time for the adults to take over, and that includes law firms looking for graduates to hire.”

Posted by Mike LaChance October 16, 2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/uc-berkeley-law-prof-dont-hire-my-anti-semitic-law-students/


Steven Davidoff Solomon is trying to hold these students accountable. There is a lot of this going around right now and it’s encouraging.


He writes at the Wall Street Journal:

Don’t Hire My Anti-Semitic Law Students


I teach corporate law at the University of California, Berkeley, and I’m an adviser to the Jewish law students association. My students are largely engaged and well-prepared, and I regularly recommend them to legal employers.


But if you don’t want to hire people who advocate hate and practice discrimination, don’t hire some of my students. Anti-Semitic conduct is nothing new on university campuses, including here at Berkeley.


Last year, Berkeley’s Law Students for Justice in Palestine asked other student groups to adopt a bylaw that banned supporters of Israel from speaking at events. It excluded any speaker who “expressed and continued to hold views or host/sponsor/promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.” Nine student groups adopted the bylaw. Signers included the Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, the Queer Caucus and the Women of Berkeley Law.


The bylaw caused an uproar. It was rightly criticized for creating “Jew-free” zones. Our dean—a diehard liberal—admirably condemned it but said free-speech principles tied his hands. The campus groups had the legal right to pick or exclude speakers based on their views. The bylaw remains, and 11 other groups subsequently adopted it.


You don’t need an advanced degree to see why this bylaw is wrong. For millennia, Jews have prayed, “next year in Jerusalem,” capturing how central the idea of a homeland is to Jewish identity. By excluding Jews from their homeland—after Jews have already endured thousands of years of persecution—these organizations are engaging in anti-Semitism and dehumanizing Jews. They didn’t include Jewish law students in the conversation when circulating the bylaw. They also singled out Jews for wanting what we all should have—a homeland and haven from persecution.


The student conduct at Berkeley is part of the broader attitude against Jews on university campuses that made last week’s massacre possible. It is shameful and has been tolerated for too long.


It’s time for the adults to take over, and that includes law firms looking for graduates to hire.




CEOs Vowing Not to Hire Harvard Students Who Signed Letter Blaming Israel for Hamas Attack

“I would like to know so I know never to hire these people”

Posted by Mike LaChance, 12October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/ceos-vowing-not-to-hire-harvard-students-who-signed-letter-blaming-israel-for-hamas-attack/


Some of the student groups at Harvard who signed on to this are already scrambling to distance themselves from it. This is why.


The New York Post reports:

A dozen CEOs back Bill Ackman’s call to not hire Harvard students who blamed Israel for Hamas attack

At least a dozen business executives have endorsed Bill Ackman’s call to deny hiring members of student groups at Harvard who signed on to a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ deadly attack on Saturday that killed more than 1,200 people, including at least 22 Americans.


Jonathan Newman, the CEO of salad chain Sweetgreen, was among a group of business honchos who seconded Ackman in urging that the signatories of the letter circulated by the a coalition of 34 Harvard student groups who “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”


“I would like to know so I know never to hire these people,” Newman wrote in response to Ackman’s post on X on Tuesday.


“Same,” David Duel, CEO of healthcare services firm EasyHealth, wrote in response to Newman.


The backlash and possible blacklisting has led to a flurry of backpedaling by four of the initial student organizations attached to the inflammatory statement — while board members of other groups have quit to distance themselves.


Late Tuesday, 17 other Harvard groups joined around 500 faculty and staff and 3,000 others in signing a counter-statement attacking the other groups’ letter as “completely wrong and deeply offensive,” according to the campus paper, the Harvard Crimson.


A third letter from nearly 160 faculty members also ripped Harvard’s response to the scandal, writing that it “can be seen as nothing less than condoning the mass murder of civilians based only on their nationality.”


Fears that some of the nation’s brightest young minds had doomed their futures led former Harvard President Larry Summers to caution against singling out students who were “naive and foolish” about what they were signing.


Joel M. Petlin-tweet-2November2023-message for the deans of law schools
Some of the largest law firms in the country have a message for the deans of law schools who have tolerated Antisemitic activities conducted by their students:

If you want your graduates to get good jobs in our law firms, stop producing Antisemites.

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-2November2023-message for the deans of law schools

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-2November2023-message for the deans of law schools

largest law firms-Letter to Deans

largest law firms-Letter to Deans


Joel M. Petlin-tweet-12November2023-message for the deans of law schools
More law firms keep lining up in the fight against Antisemitism.

There are now 2️⃣0️⃣6️⃣ firms that have signed the @sullcrom
letter to law school deans.

Each one sends an important message. I hope that they get it and remove Antisemitic students and faculty from their campuses.

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-12November2023-message for the deans of law schools

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-12November2023-message for the deans of law schools

largest law firms-Letter to Deans-12November2023

largest law firms-Letter to Deans-12November2023


Examples of Anti-Semitic Law Students

See Post: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/corporations/harvard-letter-israel-columbia-ivy-davis-polk-law-firm-student-rcna120881

NBC News-tweet-17October2023-Top US law firm Davis Polk announces it had rescinded letters of employment for three law students

NBC News-tweet-17October2023-Top US law firm Davis Polk announces it had rescinded letters of employment for three law students


The @ColumbiaSJP @ColumbiaJVP letter had nothing to do with supporting Palestine & everything to do with celebrating & glorifying the torture, murder and mutilation of 1,300 Israelis and abduction of an additional 200. Civilians. Women. Babies. Innocents.
Do better, @Newsweek.

HonestReporting-tweet-18October2023-The @ColumbiaSJP @ColumbiaJVP letter had nothing to do with supporting Palestine & everything to do with celebrating & glorifying the torture, murder and mutilation of 1,300 Israelis and abduction of an additional 200. Civilians. Women. Babies. Innocents. Do better, @Newsweek

HonestReporting-tweet-18October2023-The @ColumbiaSJP @ColumbiaJVP letter had nothing to do with supporting Palestine & everything to do with celebrating & glorifying the torture, murder and mutilation of 1,300 Israelis and abduction of an additional 200. Civilians. Women. Babies. Innocents.
Do better, @Newsweek


Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers

Noah Pollak-tweet-20November2023-Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers
Some of the biggest names in finance have signed a public statement declaring they will not hire Hamas supporters and anti-semites at their firms:

“We call on our colleagues to join us in pledging to protect and support our Jewish and Israeli employees, family, and friends against violence and hate.”

Signatories include @BillAckman, @CliffordAsness, David Einhorn, Michael Steinhardt, Sander Gerber, Jon Jacobson, Peter Feld, Seth Fisher, Jeff Talpins, Doug Silverman, Ross Stevens, @boazweinstein, @michaelfertik, Dan Sundheim, Ryan Tolkin, and many more. Over $1T total under management.

Thank you gentlemen for taking a stand.

Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers

Alex Berger New York https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/asset-manager-community-supports-israel

Asset Manager Community Statement of Support for Israel

We stand united in our support for the State and people of Israel. We mourn the senseless and barbaric acts of mass terror. We condemn Hamas and their collaborators.

The attack in Israel is an attack on all of us. Israel is the Start-Up Nation. Its innovations make the world a better place.

We stand with Jewish communities around the world, which are experiencing antisemitic harassment and violence. We are profoundly disturbed by people who are indifferent when confronted with Jewish suffering or who organize to blame Jews and celebrate hate. Supporters of hate will have no place in our organizations or our community.

We call on our colleagues to join us in pledging to protect and support our Jewish and Israeli employees, family, and friends against violence and hate.

Since 1948, the State of Israel has been a source of hope, strength, and innovation. Israel has given our industry and the world an abundance of moral, intellectual, and material gifts. Now, in Israel’s hour of need, we, the undersigned, pledge to do everything we can to support the Jewish state and the Jewish people. We support Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas, and against all people, states, and organizations who threaten the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Never again will we sit by while peace-loving people are slaughtered en masse.


The following are among the signatories to the petition.

Sander Gerber, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner, Hudson Bay Capital

Yoav Roth, Managing Partner, Hudson Bay Capital

Bill Ackman, Chief Executive Officer, Pershing Square Capital Management

Robert Agostinelli, Co-Founder, Rhone

Clifford Asness, Managing and Founding Principal, AQR

Brett Barth, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, BBR Partners

Zachary Berger, Managing Director, ArchPoint Investors

Andrew Bernstein, Chief Executive Officer, Aeolus Capital Management

Marty Burger, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Artisan RE Ventures

Douglas Cifu, CEO, Virtu Financial

Brett Cohen, JGB Management

Aaron Cowen, Chief Investment Officer, Suvretta

Alexander Crisses, Managing Director, General Atlantic

David Einhorn, President, Greenlight Capital

Isser Elishis, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Waterton Global Resource Management

Peter Feld, Managing Member, Starboard Value

Seth Fischer, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Oasis Management

Matan Friedman, Chief Investment Officer, Generate Capital

Stephen Goldstein, Senior Managing Director, Evercore

Adam Herz, Co-Founder, Coalition Investment Partners

Jon Jacobson, Non-Executive Chairman, HighSage Ventures

Todd Kantor, Founder and Managing Member, Encompass Capital Advisors LLC

Adam Katz, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Irenic Capital Management

Jeremy Katz, President and Chief Operating Officer, D1 Capital

Ilya Koffman, Founder and Managing Partner, Turnspire Capital Partners

Jonathan Kolatch, Partner, Jasper Lake LLC

Greg Lippman, Chief Investment Officer, LibreMax Capital

Marc Majzner, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Clearline Capital

Candice Richards, MidOcean Partners

Evan Roth, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, BBR Partners

Steven Roorda, Partner, Stonebridge Capital

George Rohr, President, NCH Capital

Douglas Silverman, Managing Partner, Senator Investment Group

Paul Singer, Chief Executive Officer, Elliott Management

Michael Steinhardt, Steinhardt Management

Ross Stevens, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Stone Ridge Asset Management

Dan Sundheim, Founder, D1 Capital

Jeffrey Talpins, Chief Executive Officer, Element Captial

Udi Toledano, Managing Partner, Good Springs Capital

Ryan Tolkin, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, Schonfeld

Boaz Weinstein, Founder, Saba Capital

Rich Abbe, General Partner, Iroquois Capital

Aimee Almeleh, BlueMountain Capital

Alex Berger, Managing Director, Hudson Bay Capital

Scott Black, Chief Legal Officer, Hudson Bay Capital

Shlomo Cohen, Managing Director, Jones Trading

Halit Coussin, Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer, Pershing Square Capital Management

Seth Damski, Chief Executive Officer, Old City Securities

Victoria Drabkin, Senior Vice President, Macquarie

David Feldman, Portfolio Manager, L1

Michael Fertik, Founder & Managing Director, Heroic Ventures

Jay Freedman, Principal, KPMG

Ian Jacobs, Managing Partner, 402 Capital

Max Karpel, Partner, Akin Gump

Nadav Klugman, Partner, Mayer Brown

Sam Leffell, Hudson Bay Capital

Alan Leifer, President, Leifer Capital Advisers, LLC

Noam Lipshitz, Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig

Amy Margolis, Hudson Bay Capital

Michael Masri, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis

Abel S. Osorio, Partner, Turnspire Capital Partners

Greg Racz, President and Co-Founder, MGG Investment Group

Zoya Raynes, Managing Director, Bank of America

Brian Rebhun, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

David Reichsfeld, JP Morgan

Adam Rosenbluth, Managing Director, Bank of America

Michael Roth, Ares

David Salanic, Co-Managing Partner, Whitefort Capital

Craig Sedaka, LibreMax Capital

Mark B. Spiegel, Stanphyl Capital

Matthew Weinstein, Portfolio Manager, Hudson Bay Capital

Rami Zaitchik, Director, Bank of America

Noah Pollak-tweet-20November2023-Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers

Noah Pollak-tweet-20November2023-Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers




White-shoe law firm Sullivan & Cromwell to screen job applicants for participation in anti-Israel protests

By Ariel Zilber
Published July 9, 2024, 12:13 p.m. ET https://nypost.com/2024/07/09/business/white-shoe-law-firm-to-screen-job-applicants-for-anti-israel-protests/


A white-shoe law firm whose clients have included Goldman Sachs, Google and Tesla will screen job applicants to determine whether they took part in incendiary anti-Israel protests, according to a report.


Sullivan & Cromwell has hired HireRight, a company that specializes in background checks, to scrutinize pro-Palestinian college graduates fresh out of law school who are seeking a job with the firm, the New York Times reported Tuesday.


Job applicants who seek to work at Sullivan & Cromwell can be disqualified if they are found to have taken part in demonstrations in which protesters utter phrases that are “triggering” to Jews, according to Joseph Shenker, a partner at the firm.


Sullivan & Cromwell will review news footage, social media feeds and viral videos to determine whether anyone applying for a job at the firm took part in protests.


Shenker said the firm, which employs more than 900 lawyers in 13 offices scattered across four continents, could disqualify a prospective employee even if they do not utter phrases that are deemed controversial.


He told the Times that anyone who takes part in a protest in which demonstrators chant antisemitic slogans was embracing a “mob mentality” and that they would be held responsible for comments made by others.


Shenker said the law firm will not interrogate applicants about their personal beliefs and opinions.


According to the Times, Sullivan & Cromwell rivals are mulling the adoption of similar rules for applicants


The Post has sought comment from Sullivan & Cromwell.


On Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists overran Israeli towns near the border with the Gaza Strip, killing nearly 1,200 people and taking scores hostage.


Israel’s military response against Hamas in the Gaza Strip sparked massive protests and demonstrations across college campuses nationwide — with some participants chanting slogans deemed antisemitic.


In the weeks following the Hamas attacks, Davis Polk, a prominent law firm, rescinded job offers for three law students from Harvard and Columbia over their alleged connection to a letter circulating across the two campuses which blamed Israel.


Another law firm, Winston & Strawn, revoked a job offer for a New York University law student who wrote in a student bar association online publication that “Israel bears full responsibility” for Hamas’ deadly attack.


Rawda Fawaz, an attorney with the Council on American-Islamic Relations who was hired by a big law firm after graduating from Columbia in 2022, criticized the policy implemented by Sullivan & Cromwell.


“When we went through big law recruitment, we knew your social media better be clean, you better not have on there anything that you can’t defend, you have to be a respectable person to be able to get a job at any of these places,” Fawaz told the Times.


“That has always been the practice. Why do you have to have a special policy on this?



Harvard 2024


Harvard Chabad-tweet-25April2024-Harvard Passover 2024
I’m hearing from first-year students who, while studying for exams in their dorm room, are being confronted with terrifying chants of globalize the Intifada – a call for the murder of Jews. I’m now receiving calls from their parents who are frightened to learn that Hamas supporters are being allowed to camp out in Harvard Yard – in brazen defiance to the university’s explicit guidelines – and are chanting in support of terrorism and call for the murder of Jews.

The last two nights at the Harvard Chabad Seder table, along with Jews around the world, we read the words of the Passover Haggadah
how “in each and every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. And the Holy One, blessed be He, rescues us from their hands.” That those who seek the destruction of the Jewish people are receiving support from Harvard students and other university students around the country – as we heard today from Hamas, should shake every moral person to their core.

We call on University leadership to remove these Jew haters and Hamas lovers who are continuously and brazenly violating university code of conduct, not to mention their own humanity.

– Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi, Jackie and Omri Dahan Harvard Chabad Jewish Chaplain

Harvard Chabad-tweet-25April2024-Harvard Passover 2024

Harvard Chabad-tweet-25April2024-Harvard Passover 2024


Hillel Fuld-tweet–24April2024-Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating
One month ago, I heard this sentence over and over: “You are being an alarmist. Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating. It can never happen in America. The public wouldn’t allow it.”

Ladies and gentleman, Harvard, 2024.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-24April2024-Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating

Hillel Fuld-tweet-24April2024-Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating


Yael Bar tur-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Yard 2024
Harvard Yard 2024: Jewish students woke up this morning to see posters of innocent Israeli hostages completely defaced.

Let’s put aside discussions of codes of conduct and ousted presidents for a moment. I want to ask @Harvard: what is the value of my degree when fellow students think that it’s acceptable to use intimidation and violence as an argument? What are they learning if they repeat hateful lies to a point where the face of a kidnapped baby held by Hamas for over 4 months is too offensive to bear?


Yael Bar tur-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Yard 2024

Yael Bar tur-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Yard 2024


AsperGirl-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze
1. Declare a boycott/moratorium on hiring Harvard grads
2. Recruit firms & large companies to sign on

Do we really want to encourage student bodies behind this culture? Students of the classes of 2024 – 2028 should be held to a standard


AsperGirl-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze

AsperGirl-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze

Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze

Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze


Bill Ackman-tweet-31December2023-Company Background Check Won’t Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Bill Ackman-tweet-31December2023-Company Background Check Won't Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Bill Ackman-tweet-31December2023-Company Background Check Won’t Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Company Background Check Won't Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Company Background Check Won’t Turn Up a Harvard Diploma



A Jewish social work student was forced to leave her clinical rotation due to blatant antisemitism

Shirion Collective-tweet-25May2024-Jewish Student Ejected Over Woke Antisemitism
🚨 Jewish Student Ejected Over Pernicious Woke Antisemitism

Then this student receives the following email. 👇

⚠️ “We Will Not Condone White Violence. Decolonize Your Mindset (Jew).”

📰 A Jewish social work student was forced to leave her clinical rotation due to blatant antisemitism.

She then received an email from her clinical supervisor, Barbara Andrea Garza Guzman of the Transformative Justice Project of Colorado, stating,

👉👉 “TJP is not the internship for you. We stand with Palestine and denounce Zionism. We will not condone white violence. I encourage you to decolonize your colonial mindset and learn the true history of the world.”👈👈

ℹ️ It’s clear these individuals took joy in excluding her because of her faith.

🚨 Absolute scumbags: The toxic spawn of DEI brainwashing, controlled by their extreme leftist puppet masters.

✅ Want to ask the business responsible what happened?
Email, call, visit:

📇Barbara Andrea Garza Guzman, MSW, SWC
Email: barbs@tjpcolorado.org
Phone: (303) 961-7048

Elie Zwiebel
Email: elie@tjpcolorado.org

Erin Pier
Email: erin@tjpcolorado.org

Shirion Collective-tweet-25May2024-Jewish Student Ejected Over Woke Antisemitism

Shirion Collective-tweet-25May2024-Jewish Student Ejected Over Woke Antisemitism




When You Realize Nearly Everyone In Your University Wants You Dead

How, how, how did this come to pass? There is no evil like the academic who provides the ideological foundation for the extermination of a people, and insists that you call that program “virtue.”

Posted by Andrew Pessin 22October2023  https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/when-you-realize-nearly-everyone-in-your-university-wants-you-dead/

University of Wisconsin–Madison 11October2023Hamas Israel Palestine Protest

University of Wisconsin–Madison 11October2023Hamas Israel Palestine Protest


Four days in, after explicit images of the slaughter had been blasting around the internet nonstop for days, my college administration, and my faculty colleagues, had remained silent. In contrast, when a single Black man died by a police officer far away a few years ago the place had exploded for days. When an administrator more recently scheduled an event at a venue that 40 years earlier had racist admissions policies there were weeks of outrage, the canceling of classes and then of the administrator. The misuse of pronouns here can get you disciplined on a bias charge, in this age of microaggressions and in the name of promoting inclusion.


But when (now) 1400+ Jews are slaughtered in cold blood, live on camera, there is—silence.

And not just slaughtered: bloodthirsty murderers going house to house, murdering entire families, children, grandparents, medics and first responders, raping women and little girls, abusing corpses, burning down houses with their families inside like in medieval times, paragliding into a music festival with automatic weapons gunning down 260 young adults (same age as our students), not to mention taking 200+ hostages (women, children, elderly) whom they have threatened to execute publicly (assuming they are still alive) —no different from the Nazi Einsatzgruppen, except that the Nazis didn’t have the ability to also livestream their atrocities—


There was silence.

Actually worse: business as usual. Chatter about upcoming events, department business, the usual weekly newsletters, announcements re upcoming meetings. Nothing to talk about, folks, it’s just Jews being slaughtered on the largest scale since the Holocaust.


“We must take care of our students”—a wonderful rallying cry that fills up our airwaves whenever any identity group is perceived to have received a harm, however abstract that harm is, however removed that harm might be from them directly and personally.


Except for Jews—whose family members, friends, and acquaintances were literally just gunned down, raped, burned alive, decapitated, all livestreamed. (They used one grandmother’s phone to film their execution of her, then posted the video to her own Facebook account so everyone she knew could witness it—which is how her family learned of her fate.)


How would they feel if that were their grandmother?

If they watched her be executed with their own eyes?

Did this community truly have no care or concern for its Jewish members?

I didn’t want to believe it.

But this isn’t just about my institution. Apart from a small handful of university presidents who responded appropriately (such as at the University of Florida), most were either silent like mine or (eventually) expressed tepid, neutral, general words of dismay without truly acknowledging what had just happened before our very eyes. Although admittedly these responses were at least marginally better than what happened and continues to happen on many other campuses: active, large, loud rallies where students and faculty and at least the occasional administrator openly endorsed and called for the deaths of Jews.


But only marginally: the silence, and the tepidness, convey the same message, if slightly less explicitly.

The problem is nearly—everywhere.


Other people saw the problem earlier, but for me it was around 2014 that I began to understand that nearly everyone not merely at my institution but at these very many institutions, including the best institutions, really—hated—the Jews. But since I first saw it I’ve also seen it getting worse, and now it is shockingly unambiguous. I no longer have the occasional worry that my concerns are maybe a little paranoid, apocalyptic, overly emotional.


It is now clear.

Many, many people in our universities don’t merely really hate the Jews, but actually—want them dead.

In 2023 America, not to mention around the globe.

Take a look at the rallies the first week after the massacre at Harvard, at Yale, at Princeton, at Columbia, at Georgetown, and at the University of North Carolina where one very excited young woman screamed exuberantly, “We are all of us Hamas!”


Hamas, which openly calls for, and acts to bring about, the death of every Jew on the planet.

At the University of Washington rally “for Palestine” a young woman Jewish student was filmed sobbing in front of a seemingly indifferent administrator, “Why are you allowing this to happen here? They want us dead!”


How, how, how did this come to pass?

Know this to start: Israel is home to half the world’s Jews, and the majority of the other half are closely connected to it, identify with it, support it, have family, friends, acquaintances there. It is safe to assume that most Jewish persons on your campus either know someone who was just murdered in their homes or taken hostage and perhaps soon to be executed publicly, or knows someone who does. That means not only that most Jews on your campus have just suffered an incalculable concrete personal loss, but that anyone who wants Israeli Jews dead must also want these Jews dead—because these Jews mostly support those Jews, and may even be related to them.


There is no comfort in imagining, well maybe they want to kill the Jews there, but here, in the US of A, in 2023, I am safe.

Do not forget that point.

This may be the US of A in 2023, but what we’re seeing is an old story, dressed up fresh for the 21st century Western world.


Years of lies, fertilizing the soil, all deliberately designed to delegitimize and dehumanize the Jew, to label the Jew as inhuman, demonic, pure evil. Once you are convinced that the Jew represents evil, then killing Jews becomes not only acceptable but even obligatory. If the Jew is evil, then you in turn must be a very good person in killing him. The Christians did this for centuries, portraying the Jew as literally the fleshly embodiment of evil in their rejection and crucifixion of Jesus. The Germans and the Nazis did this for decades in racial terms, inspired by the antisemitic conspiracy-theory forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion, even developing a whole academic discipline to document and thus demonstrate the evils of the Jews. After some decades of this program, killing Jews isn’t merely easier but becomes an act of virtue.


The newer lies, now also several decades old, are merely superficial variations on the older lies, aiming to better reflect the specific evils of today. The charges of “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “settler colonialism,” “apartheid,” and more recently “Jewish supremacy,” not to mention probably every single thing most people believe about Gaza—you may be sure that all of these are lies, in fact easily documentable and demonstrable lies for anyone who takes a few minutes to honestly evaluate them. (Maybe people don’t know that rather unlike most “open air prisons” or “concentration camps” Gaza has four-star hotels and restaurants, luxury cars, ritzy malls, affluent neighborhoods, fancy beach resorts, and an obesity problem, not to mention a massive military infrastructure.) These charges don’t have to be true, they just have to be widely circulated, widely repeated, and widely believed, so that the Jew becomes the embodiment of whatever is considered most evil today.


And this is what the “pro-Palestinian” movement, along with its numerous “progressive” allies, has successfully accomplished.


After twenty years of the “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” (BDS) movement against Israel, orchestrated on campus by the now more than 200 chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), their short-term goal, that of damaging Israel economically, was a bust; but the long-term goal, the real goal, has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Whether or not a particular BDS resolution passes or fails on a given campus, the campaign itself soaks the campus in all the lies above for weeks on end, year after year. Most students don’t really follow the details, but come away thinking, man, those Jews with their genocide, apartheid, and supremacy, must really be pretty evil.


And now in 2023 no one blinks an eye when SJP asserts boldly, baldly, as if factually, on their recent social media celebrating the slaughter of 1400 Jews, that every single Israeli Jew is a “settler.” In today’s campus vernacular the slur “settler” rivals in evilness the slur “Nazi,” which they also sling against Israelis. If every Israeli Jew is a settler, then every Israeli Jew is evil, and therefore legitimately murdered. That includes the babies, and the grandmothers, and the unarmed dancing teenagers, and by the way it also justifies torturing them and raping the women before you murder them, which also occurred on a significant scale. (The first report to the Red Cross on the hostages noted that many suffered from “severe injuries due to rape.”)


Every Israeli Jew is guilty. And if every Israeli Jew is guilty, is evil, then so is every other Jew who supports them and may even be related to them.


There are no innocent Jews.

The actual Nazis couldn’t have orchestrated it better.


Those administrators, those faculty members, those students who say nothing while 1400 Jews are slaughtered—and livestreamed, with the most horrific recordings circulating the globe getting millions of views and shares and likes and celebratory comments—Do they remain silent because they too believe these Jews actually—deserve this?


One liberated kibbutz included the bodies of 40 babies.


Some beheaded.

Are there no innocent Jews, who don’t deserve this fate?


Babies, grandmothers, dancing peaceniks, living in their ancestral homeland, in an internationally recognized UN member state, in territory that is not disputed except by those who believe that no Jew is innocent?


If they can’t condemn this—if they remain silent—then they must believe these Jews deserve it. I can draw no other conclusion. Is it possible that these academic colleagues, sophisticated, educated, refined, “experts” in values—for do they not daily proclaim their expertise in values, in their anti-racism, their anti-hate, their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion?—is it possible that the people we work with, share offices with, who teach our children, share the belief and value system of the ancient and medieval Christians, the modern Nazis?


And of the contemporary Islamic Resistance Movement, otherwise known as Hamas?


Hamas has made no secrets of its views. From its founding charter—which literally openly endorses the murder of every Jew on earth, and quotes repeatedly, and “factually,” from the antisemitic Nazi-worshipped forgery Protocols in order to support its view that every Jew deserves to be murdered—to literally every action, every behavior, and every statement in the 40 years since, it has been telling you exactly what it thinks.


They tell us this openly, and have been telling us this openly for decades. A week after the massacre their leaders called on every Muslim on earth to bring the jihad to everywhere on earth, which prompted attacks in several European countries and had the FBI on alert here.


This isn’t hard to figure out. This movement is not about peace, about negotiation, not about “two states,” not about “justice,” not about Palestinian self-determination, not even about bettering the lives of Palestinians, all the things that should rightly matter to genuine progressives.


It is about murdering every Jew on earth, starting with the ones in Israel. (They also are interested in removing Christians, for the record, but the Jews are the first priority.)


That the animus is not restricted to Israeli Jews is also clear by the global reaction. Mass rallies in major cities around the globe, celebrating the slaughter and attacking local Jews and Jewish institutions. And back to campuses: SJP immediately launched a social media campaign celebrating this mass slaughter of Jews (which they call “resistance”), and then launched a campaign to “bring the resistance” to every campus they could, in order to “dismantle” Zionism on every campus. Lovely words—except when “resistance” openly means “slaughter every Jew,” when “dismantling Zionism” means removing, “by any means necessary,” anyone on campus who believes that Jews have human rights too, and when they illustrate their campaign with a celebratory image of the paraglider armed with automatic weapons about to embark on gunning down every unarmed dancing teenager in his sight.


This is open endorsement of, and incitement to, mass homicidal violence—occurring on, and directed towards, not only Israel and Israelis but our very campuses.


They don’t even hide it. They’re proud about it.

They were exulting in it.

“We are all Hamas!” the young woman in North Carolina screamed. Can you imagine if she were your roommate, your classmate, your student?


Hamas, SJP, have never hid their intentions. “Resistance,” and “By any means necessary,” even “decolonization,” are the sanitized way they like to put it, but as you see them chuckle in glee, in ecstasy, over this mass slaughter, giving those snuff videos millions of views and likes and glowing reviews, it looks a lot less sanitary.


When an openly genocidal Jew-hating group declares, and then perpetrates, their intention to slaughter Jews, is it not advisable to #BelieveThem?


And when a campus group does the same?



Is there any other identity group about which it would be acceptable to celebrate their mass slaughter, and campaign to bring that slaughter to your campus? What exactly are all those diversity and inclusion administrators paid to do, if not to prevent this?


Or at least condemn it?

But silence is what we got on my campus, and on many campuses.


Is that because people—our administrators, our colleagues, our students—agree? That every Jew is guilty, that every Jew is evil, that every Jew must be eliminated?


Is that what they are thinking, when they look at their Jewish colleagues, students—at you—even if they are good enough not to say it aloud?


That the answer is yes is supported by what, of course, predictably, happened next.


Jews began to defend themselves. And the world, including campuses, promptly erupted and continues to erupt in outrage at every single measure Jews take in so doing. There isn’t a single nation on earth that wouldn’t respond massively to such an attack, but when Jews do it, every measure is instantly labeled an aggression, an atrocity, a war crime, there will be international tribunals, etc. That is because in their eyes Jews do not have the right to defend themselves, the right that all other human beings have—because after a generation of the program academics and their students now apparently believe that Jews are so demonic they are not even endowed with the “human rights” championed by all the anti-Israel “human rights” NGOs, whose condemnations of Israeli self-defense are as loud as anyone else’s.


One other thing also happened next. The more decent among the academy did have some words of concern about the massacre but couldn’t resist even a nanosecond before appending to those words their “explanations,” their “context,” the “nuance,” the “what choice did they have” rhetoric—invoking, after all, the “blockade,” the “occupation,” the “apartheid,” etc. The lies, the damned lies, doing all the work, obscuring the fact that the Palestinians, even Hamas, did and do have many other choices available besides slaughtering Jews, including that of actually making peace with Israel.


One academic actually said the following to me. The reason she was silent to that point wasn’t that she hated Jews, she said, but that she was trying to understand the conflict from multiple sides, because it is after all extremely complicated. When this person was confronted with the mass sadistic slaughter of 1400 mostly civilian Jews including babies, in other words, her response was “I need to hear more perspectives.” Imagine saying on a campus today that you were suspending judgment on the George Floyd case, and on the general phenomenon of anti-Black racism, and while you’re at it on slavery too because the situation is “complicated” and there are other “sides,” including the side that held that all Blacks are evil and deserve to be enslaved or eliminated.


Is there any other identity group about which it would be acceptable to justify their mass slaughter by providing “context,” insisting on “nuance,” wanting to see the “other side”?


Academics are supposed to be in the subtlety and nuanced business, and indeed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex, and there is lots of room for reasonable debates about many aspects of it.


But that is not what’s going on here.

The issue at hand really is extraordinarily simple: either those raped and murdered and abused and burned and decapitated babies and families and grandmothers deserved that fate, or they did not. Any “but,” any “explanation,” any “context,” any “complication,” any “both sides,” any “all lives matter” (as many of those tepid university statements exhibited) blames the victim for their slaughter and comes down as a vote that they deserved it—because, in the end, because no other explanation is possible, they must believe that every Jew is evil, and that the medieval Christians and modern Nazis and contemporary Hamasniks have it right.


Anything less than outright unqualified condemnation of this act is a signal to your Jewish colleagues, peers, and students, that their very existence on this planet is an aggressive provocation to you. The tepidity and the silence may be marginally better than the “Intifada!” and “Resistance by any means necessary!” and “Death to the Jews!” chants heard on all too many campuses this past week, but they signify exactly the same thing.


Here is one other neat trick, pointing again to the same conclusion. Many instantly responded to the onset of the Israeli response by calling for de-escalation, by condemning genocide. Beautiful: who could be against de-escalation, and for genocide? But here’s the problem. Wasn’t Hamas’s mass sadistic slaughter of some 1400 mostly civilians just a little bit of a, you know, escalation? And part of an explicit campaign of, you know, genocide? How does one come out for de-escalation only after the Jew-slaughterers have finished their slaughter, and without even acknowledging that slaughter? How does one come out against genocide only after the openly genocidal group has finished its round of genocidal activity, and do so without even acknowledging that genocidal activity? Think about the message that sends to Jewish community members: we have no objection when you are attacked, but we condemn you when you respond. Or maybe: genocide is dreadful, except when it’s perpetrated against Jews.


Not to mention that there is a whole other mode of de-escalation, and genocide prevention, that these folks entirely overlook. They could demand that Hamas return all the hostages immediately and surrender, and then the war is over, instantly. You don’t get more de-escalating and anti-genocidal than that. Yet somehow that is not the mode they are calling for.


Make that condemnation of the Hamas slaughter, full stop, unconditional—and then perhaps we can have reasonable discussions about many things, including about the scope and nature of the Israeli response.


Anything else and the conclusion is inescapable: they just want Jews dead.

For the record, it is possible to be “pro-Palestinian” yet also condemn this massacre, full stop. That really isn’t so hard to work out. And yet finding a person or two on a campus taking that position will keep you busy for a pretty long time.


Even as I write this I cannot fully believe it, but it really is past denying. As that young woman at the University of Washington sobbed, “They want us dead.”


It is Hamas, I obviously believe, that is profoundly evil. But one thing to their “credit,” I suppose: they at least tell you who they are, they are open about it, they may be violent religious extremist fanatics but at least you know who you are dealing with.


But the academics—the professors, the administrators, now a full generation of students and young alumni—the people who justify that violence, who create entire ideologies that fertilize the ground by painting the victim as the evil one, as the one who deserves this extermination, are at least equally evil. They may not pull the trigger but they create the conditions that make the trigger pulling justifiable and therefore feasible, and do so in a massively deceptive way. The entire “Anti-Zionism” campaign of the past two decades was just that, a wolf in sheep’s clothing: take the eternal hatred of the Jew and wrap it up as “political critique,” or “human rights,” so that it will be allowed to enter the academic arena, where it will seep into the brains of unsuspecting students. In the past decade the “wokeness” and “diversity” program added fuel to this fire, prettying up that sheep, turning Western Jews into privileged white supremacist oppressors of people of color while their Israeli Jewish siblings oppress the Palestinians of color, so that in the name of all the higher virtues it became acceptable and then obligatory to start hating the Jews, all of the Jews, who now represent the ultimate evil in their 21st-century eyes. That is precisely what the medieval Christians and the modern Nazis did, and what those academic “progressives” and “Anti-Zionists” who have been propagating these vicious lies for many years under their various jargony names have been doing.


There is no evil like the academic who provides the ideological foundation for the extermination of a people, and insists that you call that program “virtue.”


“Death to the Jews!” at least has the decency to be explicit.

But the tepidity, and the silence from administration, from the diversity administrators, from the faculty, on so many other campuses—says the same thing.


They really want us dead.

[Featured Image: Pro-Hamas protest at University of Wisconsin (“Glory to the martyrs, glory to the murders”), via Twitter]


Andrew Pessin is Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies at Connecticut College, and Campus Bureau Editor of the Algemeiner. Among other works he is co-editor of Anti-Zionism on Campus: The University, Free Speech, and BDS. More information about him and his work may be found at www.andrewpessin.com.

[See Next Post: Not So Safe Space ]


Stumbled upon a protest today at the @UWMadison
campus, gross chants including “glory to the murders”

They believe the only good Jew is a dead Jew #IStandWithIsrael

Geoffrey Datz-tweet-11October2023-protest at the UWMadison campus-gross chants including-glory to the murders

Geoffrey Datz-tweet-11October2023-protest at the UWMadison campus-gross chants including-glory to the murders



The folks screaming “Intifada, Revolution” on college campuses aren’t talking about Israel anymore

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18April2024-The folks screaming Intifada Revolution
The folks screaming “Intifada, Revolution” on college campuses aren’t talking about Israel anymore.

They’re talking about America.

Wake Up and Smell the Jihad.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-18April2024-The folks screaming Intifada Revolution

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18April2024-The folks screaming Intifada Revolution




Why Can’t They Just Leave The Jewish Hostage Posters Alone?

Mentally healthy people just walk by a poster they don’t like. Psychopaths and sociopaths tear them down, and when you throw in DEI-infused dehumanization of Jews, you get the anti-Israel movement we now have.

Posted by William A. Jacobson, 9November2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/11/why-cant-they-just-leave-the-jewish-hostage-posters-alone/


NYU Students Destroy Israeli kidnapped Posters

NYU Students Destroy Israeli kidnapped Posters

There has been a wave of vandalism of posters placed in various locations of Israelis who were kidnapped by Hamas, other terrorist groups, and “civilians” on October 7.


While I haven’t done a rigorous statistical survey, anecdotally I and others have noticed that the poster-rippers and other violent anti-Israel protesters disproportionately are young women.

Ian Haworth-tweet-9November2023-Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women
Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women?
Israel War Room-tweet-8November2023-
NEW: A USC student is caught on camera laughing and tearing down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas.


Ian Haworth-tweet-9November2023-Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women

Ian Haworth-tweet-9November2023-Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women



William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-kidnapped poster destroyers are young women
What’s really striking is how many of these violent demonstrators and kidnapped poster destroyers are young women, seems like a significant majority
Ron M.-tweet-9November2023-
Higher education in America.
@UCLA: Covered faces wearing keffiyehs and beating the effigy of the Jew/PM of Israel.

Los Angeles. 2023.


William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-kidnapped poster destroyers are young women

William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-kidnapped poster destroyers are young women



StopAntisemitism-tweet-1November2023-NYC-couple tearing down flyer of kidnapped Israeli children
NYC – a couple is spotted on West 4th tearing down flyers of kidnapped Israeli children taken into Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

Recognize them? DM us!


StopAntisemitism-tweet-1November2023-NYC-couple tearing down flyer of kidnapped Israeli children

StopAntisemitism-tweet-1November2023-NYC-couple tearing down flyer of kidnapped Israeli children



Manhattan Mingle-tweet-This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against
This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against. Parents, it’s time to delete Tik Tok from your children’s devices! UES 79th Lexington @bethanyshondark @visegrad24 @canarymission @StopAntisemites @ViralNewsNYC


Manhattan Mingle-tweet-This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against

Manhattan Mingle-tweet-This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against



Viral News NYC-tweet-7November2023-She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages
Mill basen Brooklyn NY
This person came out with a knife and started cutting a poster of kids who were either killed or kidnapped by hamas terrorists.
She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages.


Viral News NYC-tweet-7November2023-She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages

Viral News NYC-tweet-7November2023-She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages



Noah Pollak-tweet-7November2023-This is what our schools are producing now
It’s amazing how many of these psychos either work in higher education or graduated from college within the past few years. This is what our schools are producing now:
Canary Mission-tweet-7November2023-
NEW Canary Mission profile. Azali Ward, who is the VP of Student Mentor Leads for Diversity Chief Office @FordhamNYC
& an asst coach @BaruchCollege, helped rip down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. https://canarymission.org/individual/Azali_Ward


Noah Pollak-tweet-7November2023-This is what our schools are producing now

Noah Pollak-tweet-7November2023-This is what our schools are producing now



New York Post-tweet-9November2023-NYC woman ranted-I’ll kill you Jews
NYC woman who tore down hostage fliers ranted ‘I’ll kill you Jews’ before attack, victim says https://nypost.com/2023/11/09/metro/melissa-ugur-ranted-ill-kill-you-jews-victim-says/
“The incident unfolded as hate crimes against Jewish New Yorkers skyrocketed since the raging Israel-Hamas war started last month, with a whopping 214% surge in antisemitic incidents in October, the NYPD announced Wednesday.”


New York Post-tweet-9November2023-NYC woman ranted-I’ll kill you Jews

New York Post-tweet-9November2023-NYC woman ranted-I’ll kill you Jews


StopAntisemitism-tweet-17October2023-The lack of humanity is extremely concerning
HORRIFYING- NYU students walking around campus removing posters featuring missing Israelis being held in Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

The lack of humanity by your students is not only heartbreaking but extremely concerning @nyuniversity


StopAntisemitisms-tweet-17October2023-The lack of humanity is extremely concerning

StopAntisemitisms-tweet-17October2023-The lack of humanity is extremely concerning



There are many more examples posted at StopAntiSemitism, Canary Mission, and elsewhere on Twitter.


They have smug grins and a glee on their faces just like the sadists who tortured and mutilated Israelis on October 7. The posters for them are a proxy for Jews in the flesh. If you wonder how “normal” people can turn into barbarians, you are witnessing it in real time.


William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-It’s the same glee you see
It’s the same glee you see on the faces of the people tearing down the Kidnapped posters
John Roberts-tweet-8November2023-This Canadian journalist’s reaction to screening the raw footage of 7October
This Canadian journalist’s reaction to screening the raw footage of Oct. 7:
I watched Hamas hack innocents to death. The worst part was their glee | National Post

SEE: Sabrina Maddeaux: I watched Hamas hack innocents to death. The worst part was their glee


William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-It's the same glee you see

William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-It’s the same glee you see


The posters attract these deranged haters like flies. They just can’t help themselves.

Why not just walk on by? Why not put up your own posters? Why the need to destroy? They are taking out some life frustration and letting loose the demons within them on Jews who are victims.


I read a really good description of what is at least part of the problem, by Antonio García Martínez writing at The Tablet:

The poster-rippers are merely physically enacting what most of the Western left thinks, which is that Jews cannot play the role of victim, no matter what atrocities they’ve suffered. Their ethnic antagonists, the Palestinians, have that role reserved for them, so don’t bother us with your tales of woe, Israeli Jews, no matter how sinister….


Westerners view the Middle East with a new wokified Orientalism: It’s an exotic stage on which to project (if not enact) their own political dramas around identity and oppression. The problem is that the liberal mind cannot imagine what’s inside the illiberal mind….


A lot of people are waking up to the dehumanization of Jews through CRT/’anti-racism’/DEI. We’ve been screaming about it for years. We even started a website to document how deeply the racialized pathology has spread (CriticalRace.org).


But we’re just “right wing” so we never penetrated the broader and mostly liberal American Jewish community. Now that Bari Weiss is writing about it, though, its okay for liberal Jews to call out the DEI monster:

People were to be given authority in this new order not in recognition of their gifts, hard work, accomplishments, or contributions to society, but in inverse proportion to the disadvantages their group had suffered, as defined by radical ideologues. According to them, as Jamie Kirchick concisely put it in these pages: “Muslim > gay, Black > female, and everybody > the Jews.”What we must do is reverse this….


The answer is not for the Jewish community to plead its cause before the intersectional coalition, or beg for a higher ranking in the new ladder of victimhood. That is a losing strategy—not just for Jewish dignity, but for the values we hold as Jews and as Americans….


It is time to end DEI for good.

It’s no coincidence that so many of the poster-rippers are in college or work at colleges. That is where the DEI-indoctrination is the most intense.


This is not a working class phenomenon.

NYScanner-tweet-27October2023-Friday morning in Forest Hills, Queens
Friday morning in Forest Hills, Queens. Seems like some good old New Yorkers are pissed.


NYScanner-tweet-27October2023-Friday morning in Forest Hills-Queens

NYScanner-tweet-27October2023-Friday morning in Forest Hills-Queens



This is a DEI-addicted illness.


Of course, there are other factors. Some are motivated by traditional Islamist Jew-hatred, some by traditional leftist-Jew hatred, some are just deeply unhappy and disturbed people with deep emotional problems who have found someone else to make miserable.


Mentally healthy people just walk by a poster they don’t like. Psychopaths and sociopaths tear them down, and when you throw in DEI-infused dehumanization of Jews, you get the anti-Israel movement we now have.



Liberals more distant from Israel

JPPI-tweet-6November2023-New JPPI Poll

New JPPI Poll: The survey examines whether the events make US Jews feel “closer” or “more distant” from Israel. In this question, there is a substantial decrease in the proportion of very liberal or fairly liberal Jews who consider that the events will make them feel closer to Israel, alongside a slight increase in those who estimate that the events will make them feel “more distant ” from Israel (notably, among very liberals, from 5% to 13%). Additionally, there is an increase in the proportion of those who believe that the events will “not change” their degree of closeness to Israel.

The survey was conducted among 696 Jews in the United States.

JPPI-tweet-6November2023-New JPPI Poll

JPPI-tweet-6November2023-New JPPI Poll


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-6November2023-If your entire worldview

If your entire worldview is that the world is divided between “oppressors” and the “oppressed,” then anything that shows that you are wrong and sometimes Jews can be oppressed enrages you.

Which is why people tear down the “kidnapped” signs. The signs violate their religion.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-6November2023-If your entire worldview

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-6November2023-If your entire worldview



Please walk away from the people in your life who are..

Jordyn-tweet-8November2023-Please walk away from the people
To my Jewish American brothers and sisters – I mean this with love: Please, PLEASE have some self-respect. Walk away from the people in your life who are liking or sharing social media posts wrongfully accusing Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing, or apartheid after Israeli communities were just massacred in the most inhumane, barbaric ways. I am begging you. Have some self respect and let them go.

Let. Them. Go.

Jordyn-tweet-8November2023-Please walk away from the people

Jordyn-tweet-8November2023-Please walk away from the people



How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus?

How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus?

A @UBCPsych study is recruiting Jewish students to take part in a study on stress and coping. If you self-identify as Jewish and attend a college or university, we would love to hear from you.


How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus

How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus



Jewish students, university campuses can be tough places these days

noa tishby-tweet-3March2024-Jewish students university campuses can be tough places these days
I recently spoke to more than 4000 Jewish teens at @BBYOInsider. And I told them, very soon, most of you will go to college. That’s exciting. But for Jewish students, university campuses can be tough places these days.

So I want to run through a few things that you will encounter on college campuses. Because you need to be prepared.

When you get to college you’re going to run into groups which are a part of the boycott Israel movement. These groups will pretend to be all about justice, freedom and human rights, which is great, except that’s not what they are about. These groups intention is to destroy the only Jewish state in the world. They don’t hide it, they just hide it from you.

They will tell you that they don’t hate Jews, they just hate Israel or even better “Zionists”. Never mind that Zionism only means that Jews are allowed to have a state, like every other people, and that most Jews believe in that.

They will tell you that Jews have nothing to do with the Land of Israel. But the simple truth is: Israel is a massive part of Jewish identity. It’s where Jews and Judaism come from and where we have always had a presence. We’re called Jews because we come from Judea.

Why am I telling you all this? Because they want to tell you that your identity is wrong and that there is something wrong with you. That being Jewish, being a Zionist is something to be ashamed of. They want you to hide your Jewish identity.

But Jewish people are done hiding. We are not going to live in hiding. We live in a time when everyone is encouraged to celebrate who they are. Every identity is expected to be accepted. And should be. Gender identity. Sexual identity. Ethnic identity.

We have to celebrate our Jewish identity as well!

So now, at college and beyond: walk with your heads held high. Take pride in who you are and what you represent. Flaunt your star of David, invite all your friends for Shabbat. find a nice Jewish boy. We will not hide and we will not let the haters tell us who we are or who we can be.

Now go have a great weekend, have fun get inspired and don’t forget – Am Yisrael Chai

noa tishby-tweet-3March2024-Jewish students-university campuses can be tough places these days

noa tishby-tweet-3March2024-Jewish students-university campuses can be tough places these days



21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University, “Return home as soon as possible and remain home antisemitism explodes on campus.”

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home
🇺🇸✡️ — NEWS: Jewish Rabbi at Colombia University and Barnard College, Rav Elie Buechler, sent a WhatsApp message to all Jewish students warning them to “return home as soon as possible and remain home antisemitism explodes on campus.

“It deeply pains me to say that I would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home…”

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home-Rav Elie Buechler-21April2024
Rav Elie Buechier
Dear Yavneh,
What we are witnessing in and around campus is terrible and tragic.
The events of the last few days, especially last night, have made it clear that Columbia University’s Public Safety and the NYPD cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy.

It deeply pains me to say that I would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home until the reality in and around campus has dramatically improved.

It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus.
No one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school.

If you need assistance please reach out to me.

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home

Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home-Rav Elie Buechler-21April2024

Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home-Rav Elie Buechler-21April2024


Dr. Logan Levkoff-tweet-22April2024-Jews are not safe in NYC
Jews are not safe in NYC.

Shame on you @Columbia.
Shame on you @nyuniversity.
Shame on you @TheNewSchool.

@NYCMayor @GovKathyHochul it’s fucking time to do something.

Dr. Logan Levkoff-tweet-22April2024-Jews are not safe in NYC

Dr. Logan Levkoff-tweet-22April2024-Jews are not safe in NYC

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH



Israeli student at Columbia “We currently fear for our personal safety”

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia
I just got an email from an Israeli student at @Columbia.

Don’t listen to me. Listen to them:

“Dear Shai,

I am writing to you as a concerned Israeli student at Columbia University, along with 133 fellow Israeli students. On April 23rd at 8:00 AM, we addressed a letter to President Shafik, Co-Chair Shipman, and Co-Chair Greenwald, expressing our fears about our safety on campus and the critical need for immediate action. I have attached the letter for your reference. We are reaching out because we believe that our concerns are being neglected by the university administration, and we recognize the significant role that the media is playing in these recent events. We fear further escalation of violence on campus and want to ensure that our voices are heard and that preventive measures are taken to safeguard all students. We believe that increased media attention can help bring about the necessary changes and hold the university accountable for ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

We request that when posting the letter it is done anonymously, as we currently fear for our personal safety.”

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia


Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia_letter

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia_letter



Columbia deans sneering at antisemitism and Jewish students

Canary Mission-tweet-3July2024-Columbia deans sneering at antisemitism and Jewish students
House Committee on Education releases a trove of new messages from @Columbia deans sneering at antisemitism and Jewish students. When asked to comment on his texts, one of the deans called the cops on the reporter. Columbia has become a cesspool. https://freebeacon.com/campus/amazing-what-can-do-new-text-messages-show-columbia-deans-sneering-at-privilege-of-jewish-students/

Canary Mission-tweet-3July2024-Columbia deans sneering at antisemitism and Jewish students

Canary Mission-tweet-3July2024-Columbia deans sneering at antisemitism and Jewish students


freebeacon-com-logo The Washington Free Beacon

‘Amazing what $$$$ can do’: New Text Messages Show Columbia Deans Sneering at ‘Privilege’ of Jewish Students

House Committee on Education releases newly obtained text messages from Susan Chang-Kim, Matthew Patashnick, Cristen Kromm, and Josef Sorett

Aaron Sibarium and Jessica Costescu
2July2024 https://freebeacon.com/campus/amazing-what-can-do-new-text-messages-show-columbia-deans-sneering-at-privilege-of-jewish-students/


The deans at the center of the Columbia University texting scandal scoffed that Jewish students concerned about the eruption of anti-Semitism on campus are “coming from a place of privilege” and suggested those students have more institutional support than their peers because of their supposed wealth, according to new messages reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.


The messages, obtained by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and released on Tuesday, show that three of the deans—Susan Chang-Kim, Matthew Patashnick, and Cristen Kromm—engaged in a more extensive pattern of disparagement than has been previously reported and shed new light on how Columbia officials reacted in real-time to a panel on anti-Semitism held during the university’s alumni weekend.


“I’m going to throw up,” Chang-Kim, Columbia’s vice dean and chief administrative officer, wrote to her colleagues roughly an hour into the panel. The text’s timing aligns with remarks from an audience member and daughter of a Holocaust survivor, Orly Mishan, who described how her own daughter, a Columbia sophomore, “was hiding in plain sight” on campus after the Oct. 7 attacks.


“Amazing what $$$$ can do,” replied Kromm, the dean of undergraduate student life.

The new messages suggest that the administrators, who were placed on leave pending a university investigation after a Free Beacon report revealed snippets of their text exchanges, see concerns about anti-Semitism as manifestations of entitlement.


“They will have their own dorm soon,” Patashnick, the associate dean for student and family support, said of Jewish students, after the head of Columbia Hillel, Brian Cohen, said that many Jews felt more comfortable spending time at the Kraft Center he runs than in their own dormitories following the Oct. 7 attacks.


“Comes from such a place of privilege,” Chang-Kim wrote two minutes later. “Trying to be open minded to understand but the doors are closing.”


The deans also ridiculed Cohen’s efforts to provide support services, including psychological counseling, to Jewish and Israeli students following Oct. 7, implying that they were receiving special treatment denied to other groups.


“Not all heroes wear capes,” Patashnick texted sarcastically. “If only every identity community had these resources and support,” Kromm replied.


In 2024, Columbia hosted separate graduation events for black, Asian, Native American, LGBT, and “Latinx” students. Jews were one of the only minority groups not to host a ceremony of their own.


The release of the texts comes as Columbia faces renewed pressure to take action over the ordeal. A petition put forth on Tuesday by Columbia alumni, students, and community members calls on the Ivy League institution to remove Sorett, Chang-Kim, Patashnick, and Kromm “from their positions immediately.”


“All four of the deans implicated must be held accountable and terminated. This incident exposes a profound issue at Columbia that cannot be dismissed,” the petition reads. “Failure to address this quickly can only be interpreted as a lack of seriousness and urgency in dealing with campus antisemitism within Columbia’s administration. Columbia University must deliver an immediate and unambiguous message that antisemitism will not be tolerated.”


Sorett, Chang-Kim, Kromm, and Patashnick did not respond to requests for comment. A Columbia spokeswoman pointed the Free Beacon to a June 12 statement saying the school is “committed to combatting antisemitism and taking sustained, concrete action to ensure Columbia is a campus where Jewish students and everyone in our community feels safe, valued, and able to thrive.”


Other text messages obtained by the Free Beacon from the same panel show the four deans dismissing claims of anti-Semitism.


At one point during the panel, Chang-Kim texted Sorett to say the panel “is difficult to listen to but I’m trying to keep an open mind to learn about this point of view.” Sorett responded, “Yup.”


Kromm, meanwhile, used vomit emojis—”🤢🤮”—to reference an op-ed from Columbia campus rabbi Yonah Hain that raised concerns about the “normalization of Hamas” on campus.


After the release of those messages, Sorett issued a private apology to Columbia’s Board of Visitors, saying the texts did not “indicate the views of any individual or the team.” He later informed his colleagues that Chang-Kim, Patashnick, and Kromm had been placed on leave. Sorett was not included in the disciplinary move, and a Columbia spokesman declined to say why.


Shortly thereafter, on June 21, the Free Beacon obtained a photo of another text sent during the panel that showed Sorett sneering at Cohen. After Chang-Kim sent Sorett a sarcastic text calling Cohen “our hero,” Sorett responded, “LMAO.”


On the same day, Sorett broke his silence on his involvement in the scandal in an email to the Board of Visitors. “I deeply regret my role in these text exchanges and the impact they have had on our community,” he wrote. “I am cooperating fully with the University’s investigation of these matters. I am committed to learning from this situation and to the work of confronting antisemitism, discrimination, and hate at Columbia.”


Sorett sent that message after calling the cops on a Free Beacon reporter who knocked on his apartment door to ask him about his involvement in the texts. While Sorett never came to the door or asked the Free Beacon to leave, when the Free Beacon left the building, several New York City police and campus security officers were outside. A Columbia security official said Sorett “raised a whole big issue.”


The new texts obtained by the committee, meanwhile, show Kromm and Chang echoed an assessment from Patashnick that Cohen took “full advantage of this moment” for its “huge fundraising potential.”


Those texts were sent around the time Cohen cited a visit to Columbia’s campus from prominent Israeli politician and human rights activist Natan Sharansky.


“Who was the speaker he mentioned?” Kromm asked. “Natan Sharansky,” Patshnick responded before sending a link to Sharansky’s Wikipedia page.



Columbia is currently preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22April2024-Columbia is preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus
🚨 Breaking: @Columbia is currently preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus.

A dark day in the history of the US 🇺🇲

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22April2024-Columbia is preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22April2024-Columbia is preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus



Purge Jewish faculty from universities

Caroline Glick-tweet-5May2024-Purge Jewish faculty from universities
Before 1933, Nazis were most popular in the universities. They promised upward mobility to mediocre academics who couldn’t compete with Jews.
One of the Nazis’ first acts in power was to purge Jewish faculty from German universities.
This is happening now in America.
David Bernstein-tweet–5May2024-drive Jews out of the academy
Benjamin Ginsberg of Johns Hopkins presciently argued that part of the “antizionist” coalition at American universities is motivated in significant part precisely by the desire to drive Jews out of the academy, and especially out of leadership in the academy. They see mainstream Jews as an unwelcome moderating influence (think Larry Summers), and they also resent the prominent role Jews have played in the modern university, thinking that they should be displaced by an emerging coalition of groups that does not include Jews, or at least does not include Jews who are not on the very far left.
Yashar Ali-tweet–4May2024-demanding that Hillel be fully removed from UC Santa Cruz
Let me tell you something: if you’re demanding that Hillel be fully removed from UC Santa Cruz, you’re an antisemite.

Hillel is a cultural lifeline for Jewish students.

If you want it gone – that means you want Jews gone.

There’s no negotiating on the antisemitic nature of this demand.

Also, I am intentionally not mentioning other demands because I think it’s important to focus solely on Hillel here, as the demand is so plainly antisemitic there isn’t even room for a nuanced discussion.

Caroline Glick-tweet-5May2024-Purge Jewish faculty from universities

Caroline Glick-tweet-5May2024-Purge Jewish faculty from universities



Soros DA dropped charges against Columbia University protesters

Caroline Glick-tweet-21June2024-Soros DA dropped charges against Columbia University protesters
Where’s the outrage? Not at the Dept. of Education. Not at the Justice Department. Not at the White House.
They created the environment of tolerance for Jew hatred that engendered these Islamo-Communist mobs destruction of every major university in America.
Marina Medvin-tweet-20June2024-Soros DA dropped charges against Columbia University protesters
Nearly all criminal charges against the protesters arrested for wreaking antisemitic havoc at Columbia University have been dropped by a Soros DA.

Caroline Glick-tweet-21June2024-Soros DA dropped charges against Columbia University protesters

Caroline Glick-tweet-21June2024-Soros DA dropped charges against Columbia University protesters



Technion Israel Institute of Technology Invitation to Faculty and Students letter 26April2024

Technion Israel-tweet-28April2024-Invitation to Faculty and Students
Following the surge of antisemitism and anti-Israel rhetoric around the world: the Technion invites undergraduate and graduate students and academic faculty residing abroad to come to our campuses in Haifa to carry out their research, teaching and learning

Technion Israel-tweet-28April2024-Invitation to Faculty and Students

Technion Israel-tweet-28April2024-Invitation to Faculty and Students


Invitation to Faculty and Students

The Technion, Israel’s leading technological university, is troubled by the growing prevalence of anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric on university campuses around the world.

We extend an invitation to all faculty and students who are facing these distressing circumstances to join us for study, teaching, and research at our Haifa Campuses.

Technion, Israel invitation letter 26April2024

Technion, Israel invitation letter 26April2024


Talia Khan-tweet-26April2024-Technion Israel invitation letter 26April2024
Israeli universities are offering spots to people in US universities who don’t feel safe. This is circulating at @MIT right now. People will certainly take them up on the offer.

There is a Jewish brain drain going on elite US universities. We should all be concerned about the future of technological innovation in this country when some of our greatest minds are being pushed off campus for being Jews.

Talia Khan-tweet-26April2024-Technion Israel invitation letter 26April2024

Talia Khan-tweet-26April2024-Technion Israel invitation letter 26April2024



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Aliyah is now an emergency – act on it

Israel was caught off guard and unprepared on October 7th. Is it prepared to facilitate the mass wave of Aliyah that may be coming?

Tzvi Fishman / 25April2024 https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/389003

63rd Nefesh B’Nefesh chartered Aliyah flight - Shahar Azran

63rd Nefesh B’Nefesh chartered Aliyah flight – Shahar Azran


In the wake of the events which took place on October 7, and because of Israel’s ongoing war against demonical enemies, the Israeli public has come to realize that many previous false conceptions must be changed in order to guarantee a better future.


Just as military conceptions must be changed and illusions about Hamas and other Islamic groups must be altered, conceptions regarding Aliyah must be rethought and altered as well.


Israel was caught off guard and unprepared on October 7th. Is it prepared to facilitate the mass wave of Aliyah that may be coming? Does Israel have a plan to evacuate the Jews of Paris, London, New York, South Florida, and LA if the violence against Jews explodes out of control around the world? Is Israel prepared to house the millions of Jewish refugees who sooner or later will flock to our shores? Has the Government of Israel purchased hundreds of thousands of emergency tents?


This may seem like a futuristic scenario, but it could easily come to pass and soon. Who ever thought that 300 missiles would be launched against us from Iran? Who can promise that the situation won’t heighten? The State of Israel was founded to be a refuge for all Jews. Is it prepared today to fulfill its chartered mission?


In response to the increasing global anti-Semitism and the havoc on college campuses throughout the United States, grassroots Aliyah activists in Israel are holding an emergency conference after the Pesach holiday in Jerusalem.


Yosef Mendelevich, Jonathan Pollard, Rabbi Leo Dee will be present, along with representatives from NBN and the Israel Ministry of Aliyah and Klita, and a hall filled with grassroots Aliyah activists.


It is obvious to us that the Master of the World is bringing about upheavals in Israel and throughout the world in order to bring His Chosen People home, just as He has done many times in out past. For decades since the founding of the State of Israel, He has waited patiently for the Jews of the West to come home on their own, but now His patience seems to be ending. As Ze’ev Jabotinsky warned a decade before the Holocaust: the Diaspora must be liquidated before the Diaspora liquidates us. It is time to come home.


Due to the urgency and seriousness of the situation, and to the likelihood that world Jewry will face greater outbursts of hatred as Israel continues to fight its very just war, we have to think “out-of-the-box.” Old formulas won’t help. While new programs of outreach and new incentives to lure immigrants are important, they will only succeed in bringing a few thousand more immigrants to Israel if Aliyah does not become a number-one national priority.


Fortunately the heads of Nefesh B’Nefesh and the Ministry of Aliyah and Klita are open to implement new ideas. They will be present at the Aliyah conference to hear what we have to say. Since they, along with the Government of Israel and its various agencies dealing with Aliyah like the Jewish Agency and the WZO, have the manpower and funding to put new ideas into practice, we hope that we can influence their dedicated, around-the-clock work.


By thinking together as a team, we can, with G-d’s help, bring about a revolution in our continuing Redemption which began long ago in ancient Egypt and which must gain momentum today with the ingathering of our millions of brothers and sisters from their no longer comfortable exile in the West. The call, “Let my people go!” must be resounded once again.


Just as Israel needs to be more aggressive in Gaza, we need to be more aggressive in Jewish communities and on college campuses throughout Diaspora. Israel is at war but there is a burgeoning war against the Jewish People everywhere. Instead of spending billions of dollars in trying to strengthen Jewish identity in the exile, the focus must be switched to Aliyah.


For example, the Jewish groups at work on college campuses blessedly try to strengthen Jewish students against the rabid anti-Israel sentiment – but Aliyah is not in their agenda at all.


-“Aliyah commando” teams of young idealistic Israelis must be sent to college campuses immediately to invite the beleaguered Jewish students to become a part of a much higher mission in the Jewish Homeland.


-The Government of Israel will provide free tuition for students making Aliyah and the word must be spread. Full university bachelor-degree curriculums must be immediately created in several Israel universities in various majors to offer the beleaguered college students in America a real option for escape.

Aliya college programs - Jewish Agency

Aliya college programs – Jewish Agency

-Other teams of idealists, for example from the settler community, must be sent out far and wide to bring families to Judea and Samaria where the Government is prepared to offer new and significant incentives.


-Diaspora Rabbis must begin to encourage aliyah. To help inspire this change, leading Rabbis in Israel must be summoned to issue a proclamation calling on Rabbis and Jewish educators in the Diaspora to actively teach the Torah commandment of living in Israel.


-Diaspora congregations must establish funds to help people make aliyah.


-Parents must push their children to go to college in Israel.


-Chabad must jump on the aliyah bandwagon and hand out aliyah brochures in addition to Hanukah candles and Tefillin. In addition, Chabad must be pushed to relocate its world headquarters to Israel to carry out our Pesach yearning: “Next year in Jerusalem.” It must no longer provide a “fig-leaf heksher” to Diaspora Jews as if it is OK to live in gentile lands where assimilation is constantly skyrocketing and where Jewish hatred will only get worse.


-And the Government of Israel must begin to build the proper infrastructure to absorb the mass wave of Diaspora refugees who will soon seek a safer haven in Israel.


Concurrently a much greater effort must be extending in bringing the Lost Tribes home, the myriads in India, Afghanistan, South America, and other places who maintain Jewish traditions and who want to be fully converted and immigrate to Israel. These people have proven to become outstanding citizens in Israel, hard-working, hard-fighting, happy with their new life in the Holy Land.


(These are just a few of the proposals that will be discussed at the upcoming Emergency Aliyah Conference and then passed on to the official government bodies. All Aliyah activists are invited to attend. The Emergency Aliyah Conference will be held at the Hibba Center in Jerusalem, 75 Herzog Boulevard, on May 1 between 5-9pm. For further information call: 0507810595).


Tzvi Fishman was awarded the Israel Ministry of Education Prize for Jewish Culture and Creativity. Before making Aliyah to Israel in 1984, he was a successful Hollywood screenwriter. He has co-authored 4 books with Rabbi David Samson, based on the teachings of Rabbis A. Y. Kook and T. Y. Kook. His other books include: “The Kuzari For Young Readers” and “Tuvia in the Promised Land”. His books are available on Amazon. Recently, he directed the movie, “Stories of Rebbe Nachman.”



Not So Safe Space


Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university

Visegrád 24-tweet-3March2024-Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university
Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university, choking her as other “protesters” spit in the face of another Jewish student while shouting “Jew Jew Jew Jew”

Crickets in national media.

Antisemitic physical attacks at universities are becoming a norm

Visegrád 24-tweet-3March2024-Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university

Visegrád 24-tweet-3March2024-Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university


Retsef Levi-tweet-19November2023-Liyam Chitayat antisemitism at MIT

Courageous and authentic testimony by Israeli-American MIT PhD, Liyam Chitayat, about antisemitism at MIT.

Commons in Boston, Nov 19, 2023.

@BillAckman @MIT

Retsef Levi-tweet-19November2023-Liyam Chitayat antisemitism at MIT

Retsef Levi-tweet-19November2023-Liyam Chitayat antisemitism at MIT

Antisemitism at MIT


Heartbreaking 💔- students at UC Berkeley plead with Vice Chancellor of DEI Dania Matos and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Steve Sutton to protect their Jewish students as promotion of Hamas intensifies on campus.

StopAntisemitism-tweet-16October2023-students at UC Berkeley plead with Vice Chancellors to protect their Jewish students

StopAntisemitism-tweet-16October2023-students at UC Berkeley plead with Vice Chancellors to protect their Jewish students



Kassy Dillon-tweet-5March2024-Smith College’s antisemitism problem
NEW: Mezuzahs were stolen from door frames and swastika graffiti has appeared near Smith College’s campus.

In response, the school’s president felt the need to condemn Islamophobia and have an advisory committee consider divesting from companies doing business with the IDF.

Kassy Dillon-tweet-5March2024-Smith College’s antisemitism problem

Kassy Dillon-tweet-5March2024-Smith College’s antisemitism problem



Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-
Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell
discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul


Kyle Becker-tweet-25October2023-
NOW: Jewish students at @cooperunion
are locked in the school library because a pro-Hamas gathering found out scared Jews were sitting in the library.

So they brought the protest inside and blocked all the exits. Then the banging started.
This is an attempted pogrom.

Kyle Becker-tweet-25October2023-Jewish students at cooperunion are locked in the school library

Kyle Becker-tweet-25October2023-Jewish students at cooperunion are locked in the school library

Whateverdear-tweet-25October2023-This is an attempted pogrom

Whateverdear-tweet-25October2023-This is an attempted pogrom

The Reaction to the pogrom

Benjamin B@dejo-tweet-26October2023-See below my email

Benjamin B@dejo-tweet-26October2023-See below my email

Benjamin B@dejo letter to cooperunion president

Benjamin B@dejo letter to
cooperunion president


Not So Safe Space

Eliana Rudee – Not So Safe Space 2017 contest video 1080p
2017 contest video from “Inspired by Israel” Video Contest http://www.israelvideonetwork.com/inspired-by-israel-video-contest-gallery/ on the Israel Video Network. http://www.israelvideonetwork.com/not-so-safe-space/ or https://player.vimeo.com/video/207474009
Written and Produced by Eliana Rudee, Actresses: Dana Mileguir
“Thank you to the Sderot Media Center for their footage! Published: March 20, 2017”


Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh University Student Association ‘You have a chance to avert a very great evil’

Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student’s Association
An incredible letter written by a non-Jewish Scottish professor to his students who voted to boycott Israel

It’s a response from Dr. Denis MacEoin to the motion put forward by The Edinburgh Student’s Association to boycott all things Israeli, in which they claim Israel is under an apartheid regime.

Denis is an expert in Middle Eastern affairs and was a senior editor of the Middle East Quarterly. Here’s his letter to the students.

TO: The Committee Edinburgh University Student Association.

May I be permitted to say a few words to members of the EUSA? I am an Edinburgh graduate (MA 1975) who studied Persian, Arabic and Islamic History in Buccleuch Place under William Montgomery Watt and Laurence Elwell Sutton, two of Britain ‘s great Middle East experts in their day. I later went on to do a PhD at Cambridge and to teach Arabic and Islamic Studies at Newcastle University . Naturally, I am the author of several books and hundreds of articles in this field. I say all that to show that I am well informed in Middle Eastern affairs and that, for that reason, I am shocked and disheartened by the EUSA motion and vote.

I am shocked for a simple reason: there is not and has never been a system of apartheid in Israel .

That is not my opinion, that is fact that can be tested against reality by any Edinburgh student, should he or she choose to visit Israel to see for themselves. Let me spell this out, since I have the impression that those members of EUSA who voted for this motion are absolutely clueless in matters concerning Israel, and that they are, in all likelihood, the victims of extremely biased propaganda coming from the anti-Israel lobby.

Being anti-Israel is not in itself objectionable. But I’m not talking about ordinary criticism of Israel . I’m speaking of a hatred that permits itself no boundaries in the lies and myths it pours out. Thus, Israel is repeatedly referred to as a “Nazi” state. In what sense is this true, even as a metaphor? Where are the Israeli concentration camps? The einzatsgruppen? The SS? The Nuremberg Laws? The Final Solution? None of these things nor anything remotely resembling them exists in Israel , precisely because the Jews, more than anyone on earth, understand what Nazism stood for.

It is claimed that there has been an Israeli Holocaust in Gaza (or elsewhere). Where? When? No honest historian would treat that claim with anything but the contempt it deserves. But calling Jews Nazis and saying they have committed a Holocaust is as basic a way to subvert historical fact as anything I can think of.

Likewise apartheid. For apartheid to exist, there would have to be a situation that closely resembled how things were in South Africa under the apartheid regime. Unfortunately for those who believe this, a weekend in any part of Israel would be enough to show how ridiculous the claim is.

That a body of university students actually fell for this and voted on it is a sad comment on the state of modern education. The most obvious focus for apartheid would be the country’s 20% Arab population. Under Israeli law, Arab Israelis have exactly the same rights as Jews or anyone else; Muslims have the same rights as Jews or Christians; Baha’is, severely persecuted in Iran, flourish in Israel, where they have their world center; Ahmadi Muslims, severely persecuted in Pakistan and elsewhere, are kept safe by Israel; the holy places of all religions are protected under a specific Israeli law. Arabs form 20% of the university population (an exact echo of their percentage in the general population).

In Iran , the Bahai’s (the largest religious minority) are forbidden to study in any university or to run their own universities: why aren’t your members boycotting Iran ? Arabs in Israel can go anywhere they want, unlike blacks in apartheid South Africa . They use public transport, they eat in restaurants, they go to swimming pools, they use libraries, they go to cinemas alongside Jews – something no blacks were able to do in South Africa .

Israeli hospitals not only treat Jews and Arabs, they also treat Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank.

On the same wards, in the same operating theatres.

In Israel , women have the same rights as men: there is no gender apartheid.

Gay men and women face no restrictions, and Palestinian gays often escape into Israel, knowing they may be killed at home.

It seems bizarre to me that LGBT groups call for a boycott of Israel and say nothing about countries like Iran , where gay men are hanged or stoned to death. That illustrates a mindset that beggars belief.

Intelligent students thinking it’s better to be silent about regimes that kill gay people, but good to condemn the only country in the Middle East that rescues and protects gay people. Is that supposed to be a sick joke?

University is supposed to be about learning to use your brain, to think rationally, to examine evidence, to reach conclusions based on solid evidence, to compare sources, to weigh up one view against one or more others. If the best Edinburgh can now produce are students who have no idea how to do any of these things, then the future is bleak.

I do not object to well-documented criticism of Israel . I do object when supposedly intelligent people single the Jewish state out above states that are horrific in their treatment of their populations. We are going through the biggest upheaval in the Middle East since the 7th and 8th centuries, and it’s clear that Arabs and Iranians are rebelling against terrifying regimes that fight back by killing their own citizens.

Israeli citizens, Jews and Arabs alike, do not rebel (though they are free to protest). Yet Edinburgh students mount no demonstrations and call for no boycotts against Libya , Bahrain , Saudi Arabia , Yemen , and Iran . They prefer to make false accusations against one of the world’s freest countries, the only country in the Middle East that has taken in Darfur refugees, the only country in the Middle East that gives refuge to gay men and women, the only country in the Middle East that protects the Bahai’s…. Need I go on?

The imbalance is perceptible, and it sheds no credit on anyone who voted for this boycott. I ask you to show some common sense. Get information from the Israeli embassy. Ask for some speakers. Listen to more than one side.

Do not make your minds up until you have given a fair hearing to both parties. You have a duty to your students, and
that is to protect them from one-sided argument.

They are not at university to be propagandized. And they are certainly not there to be tricked into anti-Semitism by punishing one country among all the countries of the world, which happens to be the only Jewish state. If there had been a single Jewish state in the 1930’s (which, sadly, there was not), don’t you think Adolf Hitler would have decided to boycott it?

Your generation has a duty to ensure that the perennial racism of anti-Semitism never sets down roots among you. Today, however, there are clear signs that it has done so and is putting down more. You have a chance to avert a very great evil, simply by using reason and a sense of fair play. Please tell me that this makes sense. I have given you some of the evidence.

It’s up to you to find out more.

Yours sincerely,

Denis MacEoin

Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student's Association-1

Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student’s Association-1


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Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student’s Association-2


Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student's Association-3

Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student’s Association-3


Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student's Association-4

Hillel Fuld-tweet-30May2024-Dr. Denis MacEoin to Edinburgh Student’s Association-4



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How Were the Universities Lost?

The Ivy league and their kindred so-called elite campuses may soon go the way of Disney and Bud Light

By 7December2023  https://amgreatness.com/2023/12/07/how-were-the-universities-lost/


After October 7, the public was shocked at what they saw and heard on America’s campuses.

Americans knew previously they were intolerant, leftwing, and increasingly non-meritocratic.


But immediately after October 7—and even before the response of the Israeli Defense Forces—the sheer student delight on news of the mass murdering of Israeli victims seemed akin more to 1930s Germany than contemporary America.


Indeed, not a day goes by when a university professor or student group has not spouted anti-Semitic hatred. Often, they threaten and attack Jewish students, or engage in mass demonstrations calling for the extinction of Israel.


Why and how did purportedly enlightened universities become incubators of such primordial hatred?

After the George Floyd riots, reparatory admissions—the effort to admit diverse students beyond their numbers in the general population—increased.


Elite universities like Stanford and Yale boasted that their so-called “white” incoming student numbers had plunged to between 20 and 40 precent, despite whites making up 68-70 percent of the general population.


The abolition of the SAT requirement, and often the comparative ranking of high school grade point averages, have ended the ancient and time-proven idea of meritocracy. Brilliant high school transcripts and test scores no longer warrant admissions to so-called elite schools.


One result was that the number of Jews has nosedived from 20-30 percent of Ivy League student bodies during the 1970s and 1980s to 10-15 percent.


Jewish students are also currently stereotyped as “white” and “privileged”—and thus considered as fair game on campus.

At the same time, the number of foreign students, especially from the oil-rich Middle East, has soared on campuses. Most are subsidized by their homeland governments. They pay the full, non-discounted tuition rates to cash-hungry universities.


Huge numbers of students have entered universities, who would not have been admitted by the very standards universities until recently claimed were vital to ensure their own competitiveness and prestige.


Consequently, they are no longer the guarantors of topflight undergraduates and professionals from their graduate programs.


Faculty are faced with new lose/lose/lose choices of either diminishing their course requirements, or inflating their grades, or facing charges by Diversity/Equity/Inclusion commissars of systematic bias in their grading— or all three combined.


The net result is that there are now thousands of students from abroad, especially from the Middle East, far fewer Jewish students, and student bodies who demand radical changes in faculty standards and course work to accommodate their unease with past standards of expected student achievement.


And, presto, an epidemic of anti-Semitism naturally followed.

In such a vacuum, advocacy “-studies” classes proliferated, along with faculty to teach them.

“Gender, black, Latino, feminist, Asian, Queer, trans, peace, environmental, and green”-studies  courses demand far less from students, and arbitrarily select some as “oppressed” and others as “oppressors”.  The former “victims” are then given a blank check to engage in racist and anti-Semitic behavior without consequences.


Proving to be politically correct in these deductive gut-courses rather than pressed to express oneself coherently, inductively, and analytically from a repertoire of fact-based-knowledge explains why the public witnesses faculty and students who are simultaneously both arrogant and ignorant.


At some universities “blacklists” circulate warning “marginalized” students which professors they should avoid who still cling to supposedly outdated standards regarding exam-taking, deadlines, and absences.


All these radical changes explain the current spectacle of angry students citing grievances, and poorly educated graduates who have had little course work in traditional history, literature, philosophy, logic, or the traditional sciences.


Universities and students have plenty of money to continue the weaponization of the university, given their enormous tax-free endowment income. Nearly $2-trillion in government-subsidized student loans are issued without accountability or reasonable demands that they be repaid in timely fashion.


Exceptions and exemptions are the bible of terrified and careerist administrators.

Faced with an epidemic of anti-Semitism, university administrators now claim they can do little to curb the hatred. But privately they know should the targets of similar hatred be instead blacks, gays, Latinos, or women, then they would expel the haters in a nanosecond.


What is the ultimate result of once elite campuses giving 70-80 percent of their students As, becoming hotbeds of dangerous anti-Semitism, and watered-down curricula that cannot turn out educated students?


The Ivy league and their kindred so-called elite campuses may soon go the way of Disney and Bud Light.

They think such a crash in their reputations is impossible given centuries of accustomed stature.

But the erosion is already occurring—and accelerating.

At the present rate, a Stanford law degree, a Harvard political science major, or a Yale social science BA will soon scare off employers and the general public at large.


These certificates will signify not proof of humility, knowledge, and decency, but rather undeserved self-importance, vacuousness, and fanaticism—and all to be avoided rather than courted.


Honest Reporting New Logo

Israel-Hamas War Proves America’s Ivy League Colleges Are Festering With Violent Antisemitism – Part One

“Astonishing,” “astounding,” “awesome,” and “incredible” were some of the adjectives used by Columbia University tenured professor Joseph Massad to describe the rape and murder rampage by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel on October 7. Massad, who…

Rachel O’Donoghue 5November2023 https://honestreporting.com/israel-hamas-war-proves-americas-ivy-league-colleges-are-festering-with-violent-antisemitism-part-one/

SEE: Why Antisemitism, Anger and Intolerance Have Infected America’s Ivy League Colleges – Part Two



“Astonishing,” “astounding,” “awesome,” and “incredible” were some of the adjectives used by Columbia University tenured professor Joseph Massad to describe the rape and murder rampage by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel on October 7.


Massad, who has taught Modern Arab Politics at the New York institution since 1999, lavished praise on the barbaric attack in a piece published in the Electronic Intifada, which is edited by Ali Abunimah and infamous for promoting hateful rhetoric.


“What can motorized paragliders do in the face of one of the most formidable militaries in the world?” Asks Massad in his opening line, referring to the armed paragliders who swooped on the Supernova musical festival and slaughtered hundreds of revelers. “Apparently much in the hands of an innovative Palestinian resistance,” he crows in response to his question.


It’s truly sickening stuff; a shameless celebration of wanton violence against primarily unarmed men, women and children by a professor at one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States.

And yet, it is not surprising.

Something is rotten in America’s elite educational establishments; Ivy League schools are becoming breeding grounds for extremism and intolerance.


This has been no better exemplified than in the weeks since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, when students at nearly every Ivy League college have attended marches and protests where they have openly voiced their support for the Hamas attacks and called for the extermination of the world’s only Jewish state.


HonestReporting-tweet-5November2023-Eretz Nehederet takes pro-Hamas university students to task

Eretz Nehederet or ‘A Wonderful Country’ takes pro-Hamas university students to task for ignoring what’s right in front of them.

HonestReporting-tweet-5November2023-Eretz Nehederet takes pro-Hamas university students to task

HonestReporting-tweet-5November2023-Eretz Nehederet takes pro-Hamas university students to task

Columbia University

Massad’s support for Islamist terrorism and indiscriminate violence against Jews is disturbing. Even more disturbing, though, is the Columbia University leadership’s refusal to take any action against — even to condemn — the academic.


Shortly after Massad penned the article, Columbia student Maya Platek started a petition, which has now been signed by nearly 70,000 people, calling on Columbia University to hold him accountable.


“Massad’s decision to praise the abhorrent attack encourages violence and misinformation in and outside of campus, particularly putting many Jewish and Israeli students on campus at risk. Moreover, many students have expressed that they feel unsafe in the presence of a professor who supports the horrific murders of civilians,” states the petition.


While the university has completely ignored the petition and the concerns voiced by Jewish students, members of the faculty have come out in support of pro-terror students, including more than 100 academics who signed a letter demanding that such students not face consequences for praising the attacks.


“In our view, the student statement aims to recontextualize the events of Oct. 7, 2023, pointing out that military operations and state violence did not begin that day, but rather it represented a military response by a people who had endured crushing and unrelenting state violence from an occupying power over many years,” the academics wrote of the attack.


The academics’ letter was released after a leading law firm rescinded job offers to students at Columbia University and Harvard University who signed statements in support of the attacks.


While Columbia University President Minouche Shafik joined forces with other college heads to announce a vague plan to combat antisemitism on campus, it appears to be a superficial effort considering that Shafik also praised the “persistence” of Columbia students accused of antisemitism.

Visegrád 24-tweet-1November2023-Jewish students at Columbia University

Jewish students at Columbia University in New York City release at statement saying they are being intimidated on campus and that the university is doing absolutely nothing about it


Visegrád 24-tweet-1November2023-Jewish students at Columbia University

Visegrád 24-tweet-1November2023-Jewish students at Columbia University


Harvard University

Among the worst behavior witnessed on college campuses since Hamas launched its attack on Israel last month has been at Harvard University, where students belonging to the recently-formed group Graduate Students 4 Palestine (GS4P) spearheaded numerous campus protests.


The most shocking scenes of anti-Israel and antisemitic hatred occurred at a so-called “Stop the genocide in Gaza” die-in demonstration at the Harvard Business School on October 18, when a pro-Israeli student attempting to film the protest was assaulted by a mob that had surrounded and taunted him with screams of “Shame, shame, shame.”


The mob of aggressive pro-Palestinian students reportedly included one of the founders of GS4P, Elon Tettey-Temalko, a graduate student at Harvard Divinity School, and Harvard Law Review editor Ibrahim Bharmal, whose name has since been scrubbed from the website page naming the board of the editors.

Aviva Klompas-tweet-1November2023-The pro-murder-pro-kidnapping mob

The pro-murder, pro-kidnapping mob is targeting and harassing Jewish students at @Harvard.


Aviva Klompas-tweet-1November2023-The pro-murder-pro-kidnapping mob

Aviva Klompas-tweet-1November2023-The pro-murder-pro-kidnapping mob

Antisemitism and hostility toward Israel and Israeli students are not new phenomena at Harvard — indeed it is a festering problem that has long been ignored by the university administration.


There have been numerous incidents at the elite college over the years, including the Cornel West tenure controversy, which HonestReporting has documented and is indicative of a culture of intolerance toward Israeli and Jewish students.


Just last month, Harvard refused to take action against Harvard Kennedy School Professor Marshall Ganz, who was found to have discriminated against Israeli students, subjecting them to “anti-Israel and antisemitic bias,” according to a third-party investigator.


Far from rebuking the academic, Ganz was praised for his civil rights work in the Harvard Gazette, which is the university’s official news website.

Cornell University

Classes had to be canceled at Cornell University and 21-year-old computer science student Patrick Dai was arrested after he posted several violent threats directed at Jewish classmates on a Cornell student forum.


Dai appeared in federal court earlier this month after he logged onto the forum using the screen name “Hamas” and threatened to slit the throats of Jewish people and described them as rats and pigs. In one post he warned he was “gonna shoot up 104 west,” in reference to a dining hall that mostly caters to Jewish students and is next to the Cornell Jewish Center.


While Cornell University’s president made the decision to cancel classes and condemned antisemitism on campus in a statement, it is clear that the problem of anti-Jewish hate at Cornell is more entrenched and widespread than one individual student.


Russell Rickford, a history professor at the college, issued an apology after he was filmed at an October 15 pro-Palestinian rally on the Ithaca, New York, campus praising the attack that had occurred one week previously. “Hamas has challenged the monopoly of violence” and “shifted the balance of power,” he told a crowd of young people. “It was exhilarating. It was energizing,” Rickford added of watching the attack unfold.


After initially standing by his statements, Rickford later rowed back on his remarks and apologized “for the horrible choice of words,” admitting they were “reprehensible.” He is currently on a leave of absence from the university and will not teach this semester.


Cornell president Martha Pollack and board of trustees chairman Kraig Kayser condemned Rickford and explained the college is “taking this incident seriously and is currently reviewing it, consistent with our procedures.” Whether that review will result in Rickford’s permanent dismissal remains to be seen.

Yale University

There have been accusations that Yale University ignores the problem of antisemitism on its campus — from inviting antisemitic speakers to visit campus and address students during Jewish holidays to anti-Jewish fliers being handed out on campus.


Yale also proved little had changed with regard to how it deals with antisemitism following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, including the university refusing to remove a professor who praised the Hamas attack.


Zareena Grewal, associate professor of American studies, ethnicity, race and migration, described the events of October 7 as “extraordinary,” adding in another post on X (formerly Twitter) that “Israel is a murderous, genocidal settler state and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle, solidarity #FreePalestine.”


Despite a petition calling for her to be fired being signed by tens of thousands of people, Yale released a statement in support of Grewal’s right to “freedom of expression.”


Meanwhile, the Yale Daily News, which is the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States, published the most extraordinary apology after initial articles it published reporting on the Hamas attacks were later “corrected” to remove reference to terrorists raping and beheading people.


Explaining how the actions of murderous terrorists were sanitized in this way, the student newspaper’s editor Anika Seth explained they were “wrong to publish the corrections” and claimed they only did so because the “specific forms of violence” had not been independently confirmed by the source cited in the article.


“It was never the News’ intention to minimize the brutality of Hamas’ attack against Israel. We are sorry for any unintended consequences to our readership and will ensure that such erroneous and damaging material does not make it into our content, either as opinion or as news,” the apology added.


Zach Kessel-tweet-30October2023-Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas

At the end of a column by @sahar_tartak, editors at @yaledailynews affixed a “correction”, saying claims that Hamas raped women and beheaded men are “unsubstantiated”. @Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas.


Zach Kessel-tweet-30October2023-Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas

Zach Kessel-tweet-30October2023-Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas


Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!

Photo credit: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images




Honest Reporting New Logo

Why Antisemitism, Anger and Intolerance Have Infected America’s Ivy League Colleges – Part Two

We recently examined the alarming escalation in antisemitism seen on US college campuses — specifically at the Ivy League universities of Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Columbia — since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on October…

Rachel O’Donoghue November 8, 202 https://honestreporting.com/why-antisemitism-anger-and-intolerance-have-infected-americas-ivy-league-colleges-part-two/


We recently examined the alarming escalation in antisemitism seen on US college campuses — specifically at the Ivy League universities of Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Columbia — since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7.


In this second part, we will look at the remaining four Ivy Leagues, charting how America’s most elite educational establishments have become havens of intolerance and why so many of their students harbor such hatred toward both Jews and the State of Israel.

University of Pennsylvania

Two weeks before Hamas’s barbaric rampage through southern Israeli communities resulted in the biggest loss of Jewish life in a day since the Holocaust, the University of Pennsylvania was embroiled in an antisemitism scandal when notorious Jew-hating musician Roger Waters was invited to speak on campus.


Waters, who is best known as a founding member of the rock band Pink Floyd and for goose-stepping on-stage while dressed as a Nazi, was asked to address attendees at the “Palestine Writes Literature Festival” before he was banned from campus following a backlash by critics who had noted that the event was scheduled to coincide with the Jewish High Holiday period, thus reducing the likelihood of Jewish students protesting antisemitic speakers.


In the lead-up to the festival, which went ahead as scheduled with Waters speaking remotely, numerous incidents of antisemitism were recorded on campus, including a swastika that was drawn inside the school’s Stuart Weitzman School of Design and the arrest of a man who entered the Penn Hillel and screamed statements such as, “F—k the Jews” and “They killed JC,” a reference to the myth that Jews are responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus.


In light of the Waters controversy, UPenn President Liz Magill belatedly announced her personal commitment to addressing antisemitism at the college, adding: “The University of Pennsylvania has a long and proud history of being a place for people of all backgrounds and faiths, and acts of antisemitism have no place at Penn.”

How utterly hollow those words were.

In the days and weeks after Hamas terrorists murdered and kidnapped more than 1,400 Israeli civilians, UPenn has again allowed antisemitism to rear its head on campus.


The university administration’s first statement to condemn the Hamas atrocity was more than a week after it took place. On Sunday, October 15, Magill sent an email to the university community.


“I want to leave no doubt about where I stand,” it said. “I, and this university, are horrified by and condemn Hamas’s terrorist assault on Israel and their violent atrocities against civilians. There is no justification — none — for these heinous attacks…”

However, the email apparently only came after Jon Huntsman Jr, the former governor of Utah and former US ambassador to China, Russia, and Singapore, told Magill that his charitable organization, the Huntsman Foundation, would be pulling donations from the university over the issue of antisemitism.


For some UPenn students, though, the email’s failure to mention Palestinians was akin to not recognizing their “existence,” and they organized a mass walkout of classes in response. Videos and photos taken of the protest show students chanting slogans such as, “Intifada, Intifada,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Israel, Israel, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.” A handful of students reportedly harassed a rabbi who was manning a tefillin stand on the route marchers took.


Other wealthy UPenn donors have since followed Huntsman Jr’s lead and pulled funding from the college, including Marc Rowan, who contributed more than $50 million in 2018, and Steve Eisman, who demanded his name be removed from a university scholarship.

Canary Mission-tweet-5November2023-Canary Mission profile-Tara Tarawneh
NEW Canary Mission profile. Tara Tarawneh, a student at @Penn
& writer for Penn’s student newspaper, glorified the massacre of Jews at a pro-Hamas rally: “I remember feeling so empowered and happy…I want all of you to hold that feeling in your hearts.”

Canary Mission-tweet-5November2023-Canary Mission profile-Tara Tarawneh

Canary Mission-tweet-5November2023-Canary Mission profile-Tara Tarawneh


Princeton University

In August this year, Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli wrote a letter to Princeton University’s senior leadership about a book that was approved to go on the syllabus of the Near Eastern Studies Department’s “Decolonizing Trauma Studies from the Global South” course.


The book, “The Healing Humanities: The Right to Maim,” written by Jasbir Puar, falsely claims that Israel harvests the organs of Palestinians and that the country has a policy of trying to maim Palestinians.


Despite the text promoting a modern-day blood libel, Princeton’s President Christopher L. Eisgruber refused to remove the text from the syllabus on the grounds that it would be “censoring” the curriculum.


“Those who disagree with a book, or a syllabus, are free to criticize it but not to censor it,” he wrote. “Such arguments are the lifeblood of a great university, where controversies must be addressed through deliberation and debate, not administrative fiat.”


However, one must question the sincerity of Eisgruber’s view about fighting censorship, considering the fact that under his tenure, Princeton scrubbed the name of America’s 28th President, Woodrow Wilson, from its public policy school on the basis that Wilson’s “racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school or college whose scholars, students and alumni must stand firmly against racism in all its forms.”


Incidentally, as Michael Goldstein pointed out in the Jewish Journal, the inclusion of Puar’s antisemitic tome in the curriculum actually marked the second time the “Israelis harvest Palestinian organs” blood libel had been legitimized on campus. Just months before the Puar controversy, professional Palestinian activist Mohammed El-Kurd, who has accused Israelis of eating Palestinian organs and lusting after their blood, was paid to give the Edward Said lecture at the university’s English Department.


Many in Princeton’s undergraduate student body have also been gunning to pass a resolution in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign, which seeks to isolate and eventually dismantle the Jewish state.


What followed a March 2022 vote on BDS was reminiscent of something out of a banana republic. In total, 44 percent of students voted in favor, 40 percent voted against and 16 percent abstained, which was supposed to mean the resolution immediately failed, because abstentions prevented a majority.


However, a dispute ensued about how abstentions would be counted, with Eric Periman, then-president of the Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP), which sponsored the resolution, arguing the pro-BDS camp had won.


Around the same time that PCP was pushing for Princeton to support BDS, the group made crystal clear its real target when it held a protest outside the campus Center for Jewish Life (CJL) in which protestors held signs with phrases commonly used by Hamas such as, “from the river to the sea” and during which PCP President Periman suggested Princeton’s Jewish students were complicit in human rights violations.

Dartmouth College

Two pro-Palestinian students were arrested at Dartmouth last month after they allegedly trespassed on the grounds of the university’s Parkhurst Hall late at night and threatened to “escalate” and take “physical action” against college administrators in a document titled the “Dartmouth New Deal,” which demands the school divest from “Israeli apartheid.”


“You have until the first day of the winter term to publicly address our demands and outline a plan to meet them. If you fail to do so, we will escalate and take further action,” the document reportedly warned.


The arrests followed at least one pro-Palestinian rally in which attendees reportedly chanted, “Israel is a terror state.”


The Dartmouth Review-tweet-28October2023- Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters
Around 1AM today, Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters who were camped on Parkhurst Hall’s front lawn, charging them with a misdemeanor for criminal trespassing. The two students were released on bail later in the morning.

The Dartmouth Review-tweet-28October2023-Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters

The Dartmouth Review-tweet-28October2023-Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters


However, while Dartmouth has grappled with more isolated incidents of anti-Jewish hatred on campus, including a swastika being carved on the college green and a public menorah being shot at with pellets, it should be noted that the general response by the university leadership to the Israel-Hamas war last month has been commendable.


Spearheaded by a group of Middle Eastern academics at the college, two public forums were set up on October 9 that featured professors from Israel, Lebanon and Egypt discussing the conflict, which were attended by hundreds of students in-person and online.


Encouraging students to attend the forums, the university’s President Sian Leah said: “I watched with growing horror the Hamas attack on Israel this weekend, the escalating violence, and the devastating loss of life, especially among civilians… In every conflict, one of the most important roles a university can play is to help us understand it, and to make a space for dialogue and community.”


Leah’s dither-free response to the attacks, which was in stark contrast to the leaders of so many other colleges, was a welcome change from her predecessor Philip Hanlon, whose role in attempting to hire BDS-supporting Professor N. Bruce Duthu as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences had been criticized as another “chapter in the school’s history of anti-Semitism.”

Brown University

Brown’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), an organization that has a well-documented history of disseminating vicious anti-Israel propaganda and vilifying Jewish students, was already organizing pro-Palestinian campus protests as Hamas terrorists were still cutting their bloodsoaked path through southern Israel.


In addition to organizing several student walkouts, the group posted on October 12 a statement to its Instagram account in which it claimed Israel was responsible for the Hamas massacre and stated it stands in “solidarity with the Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation.”


At one such campus rally, an SJP member was captured on film telling the crowd: “Palestinians will die for justice and will die to return to our land. Glory to our martyrs from the river to the sea … Palestine is the hope of the world.”


Apparently, explicitly supporting a proscribed terrorist organization that is sworn to the destruction of both Jews and Israel is not enough to get the group banned from Brown’s campus.


Although Brown University’s President Christina H. Paxson has opposed calls for the college to adopt a pro-BDS stance, the school’s response to antisemitism among the Brown community has been criticized, particularly after several high-profile incidents at the college over the past two years, including swastikas drawn around campus and antisemitic threats directed toward Brown Hillel.



View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Brown SJP 🇵🇸🐻 (@brown.sjp)

Brown University-Students for Justice in Palestine-instagram-12October2023

Brown University-Students for Justice in Palestine-instagram-12October2023

Brown University-Students for Justice in Palestine-instagram-12October2023


It is not so difficult to explain why so many students — many of whom would proudly describe themselves as “anti-fascist” — are so intolerant toward Jews and Israel.


Wall Street Journal columnist Barton Swaim described the scenes on American campuses as a product of the Marxist theories that have been taught for decades in higher education establishments:

“That’s why they particularly hate Israel—a wealthy nation among neighbors whose poverty is relieved only by oil revenue. Israel is the one country in the Middle East where ordinary people stand a good chance of creating prosperity for themselves and their families. For modern progressive academics, weaned on the Marxian concept that wealth is the result of exploitation, that is precisely the reason for Israel’s guilt. They can’t behold its prosperity without concluding that the Jews have stolen their wealth from their neighbors.”

And that is the crux of it: for American students, Israel and Jews are privileged, and privilege is the new original sin.

Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!

Photo credit: Simona Granati/Corbis via Getty Images


Shurat HaDin sues “Students For Justice in Palestine”

Shurat HaDin-tweet-3May2024-Shurat HaDin sues Students For Justice in Palestine
Victims of Hamas, represented by Israeli NGO Shurat HaDin, launch multi-million-dollar lawsuit against “Students For Justice in Palestine”.

Shurat HaDin-tweet-3May2024-Shurat HaDin sues Students For Justice in Palestine

Shurat HaDin-tweet-3May2024-Shurat HaDin sues Students For Justice in Palestine





Israeli NGO Shurat HaDin, representing the victims,: Extremist SJP is a front-cover for Hamas and provides material support to terrorism


(New York)  Eight families of terror victims with 60 plaintiffs, among them victims of October 7th, have filed a multi-million-dollar lawsuit in the Middle District of Florida under the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) against Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), its affiliated network of student organizations and their leaders. The plaintiffs argue that SJP is a network established by Hamas and the ‘Muslim Brotherhood”, supported by the terror organization and directly provides Hamas with material support and resources – all in violation of American law.


The complaint demonstrated how Hamas has, over the last two decades, covertly extended its terrorist influence on college campuses in the United States. It furthermore showed how SJP has established a student arm of the terrorist group with the purpose of facilitating intimidation tactics, coercion policies, and spread its terrorist agenda among impressionable college students.


The plaintiffs are represented by attorneys Nitsana Darshan-Leitner of Tel-Aviv, Israel and Robert J. Tolchin of Brooklyn, New York.


The complaint described how SJP has been established as a successor for other organizations which have been designated as terrorist organizations by the Justice Department, such as The Holy Land Foundation, and how it was deliberately created as a “network comprising more than 200 university chapters of ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ across the United States”, acting under national “terror-linked, violence-promoting” umbrella.


The complaint further elaborates how, by spreading Hamas’s terrorist agenda to the United States and establishing a student arm of Hamas to serve in the United States as its ‘alter‑ego’, SJP and its affiliated organizations have “knowingly conspired with and aided and abetted Hamas – a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization”. According to the complaint, SJP provided material support and resources to Hamas and “aided, abetted, and conspired with Hamas to commit international acts of terrorism.”


“It is time to uncover the true colors of SJP and to take off the masks that covered the faces of those who stand behind this blood thirsty and violence encouraging entity” said Nitsana Darshan Leitner, founder and President of the Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center, “These aren’t innocent, peaceful college student: it is the same terrorist conspiracy that butchered thousands of innocent people, tortured and raped men, women and children. If we don’t act urgently against these organizations, America will face the very real threat of its own October 7th.”


According to one a family member of one of the Negev kibbutz victims: “The cries of joy, rising from all over America’s campuses, on the very same day they butchered my son/daughter, the intimidating parades calling to murder what’s left from my family, the calls to annihilate Israel, the Jewish students that are repeatedly intimidated and attacked on campuses, the burning of the American flag – where do they think it will all end? I urge Americans to wake up, before so many will suffer the terrible fate my family did.”


Shurat HaDin is assisting the families to go on the legal offense against the extremist student groups who are simply instrumentalities of Hamas in Gaza.




StandWithUs legal Action against Antisemitism


StandWithUs Supporting Israel

StandWithUs Supporting Israel

The StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department has never been busier as we respond to the explosion of antisemitic events since the massacre by Hamas on October 7. In a given year, we typically receive around 270 requests for legal help. In the last few weeks, since October 7, we have received nearly 400 requests through our legal hotline.


In response, we are utilizing all legal tools at our disposal, including sending demand letters and preparing Title VI complaints against universities, filing discrimination complaints, building cases for potential lawsuits, holding campus police accountable for misconduct, and so much more.


While many of the cases are coming from StandWithUs-affiliated students, we are also seeing an influx of new students, professors, and community members who have never before reached out to StandWithUs. We are also utilizing the hundreds of lawyers in our pro bono network like never before. We are so grateful for the outpouring of support
from the legal community.

We Have Reached Out to Thousands of Universities Nationwide

In line with StandWithUs’ commitment to supporting students facing anti-Jewish bias, we’ve reached out to thousands of universities nationwide. We’ve reminded them of their legal responsibilities to Jewish and Israeli students and outlined specific actions they should take to align themselves with Title VI, civil rights laws, and criminal laws.
Read the letter here.

 Click to download PDF fileClick to download PDF file StandWithUs Letter to General Counsel and VP Student Affairs

Read an op-ed in Algemeiner about this initiative here or Below.

Reminding Schools of Their Legal Obligations During Anti-Israel Protests

In light of ongoing anti-Israel rallies and protests, the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department has written legal letters to universities and high schools. Sample university letters are UCLA and Pomona. For a high school sample letter, click here.

Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file UCLA Letter re Nov 9 Event, Pomona Letter Re Nov 9 Event and StandWithUs Letter to High Schools Regarding Walkouts

Setting the Stage For Title VI Civil Rights Filings

Check out an example of one of StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department’s recent demand letters to a university, setting the stage for a Title VI civil rights filing. This letter sheds light on the various challenges Jewish and Israeli students face on campus, including assault, disruptive protests, and illegal masking at George Mason University. Read the letter here, and explore other demand letters here.

Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file George Mason University Letter from StandWithUs


Taking Action Against Medical Professionals Espousing Bias Against Israel and Jews

StandWithUs, in collaboration with Stop Antisemitism and the National Jewish Advocacy Center, is actively working to hold medical providers accountable for expressing antisemitism. Such expressions may interfere with their ability to provide proper care to Jewish and Israeli patients. Keep an eye on our newsletters for campaigns targeting medical providers in your area and learn how you can support these efforts.

StandWithUs Legal Hotline

To report an antisemitic incident:

The Importance of Reporting Antisemitic Crimes 

This new fact sheet  from StandWithUs Legal explains how to report an antisemitic hate crime and how to interact with the police, including what information to give and ask for. See Matt Lebovics’s article HERE on the underreporting of antisemitic hate crimes, interviewing Yael Lerman, Director of the StandWithUs Legal Department.

Antisemitic Crimes Fact Sheet


Click to download PDF file Click to Download the Fact Sheet Antisemitic Crimes Fact Sheet
This fact sheet from StandWithUs Legal explains how to report an antisemitic hate crime and how to interact with the police, including what information to give and ask for. For any questions, please contact legal@standwithus.com.



Jewish Students are standing up to the Antisemites

The Persian Jewess-tweet-26April2024-Shofar Blast at UCLA
Shofar Blast as counter protest against the Pro-Hamas encampments at @UCLA.



The Persian Jewess-tweet-26April2024-Shofar Blast at UCLA

The Persian Jewess-tweet-26April2024-Shofar Blast at UCLA



Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-26April2024-A UCLA professor being schooled by a Jewish student
A @UCLA “professor” being schooled by a Jewish student on the definition of “genocide”

These schools are infected by Islamist, Communist, Leftist feelings and emotions of rage based on no logic. 🤦

Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-26April2024-A UCLA professor being schooled by a Jewish student

Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-26April2024-A UCLA professor being schooled by a Jewish student




Jews on these campuses need to leave

Caroline Glick-tweet-5December2023-Jews on these campuses need to leave
Jews on these campuses need to leave. These Nazis are done with us. We need to be done with them — except for the lawsuits. Those need to be filed one after another, after another, until they are bankrupt. We can’t win them back. But we can make them poor.
Rep. Elise Stefanik-tweet-5December2023
🚨🚨🚨Presidents of @Harvard @MIT and @Penn REFUSE to say whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” is bullying and harassment according to their codes of conduct. Even going so far to say it needs to turn to “action” first. As in committing genocide.

THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE AND ANTISEMITIC. They must all resign immediately today.

Caroline Glick-tweet-5December2023-Jews on these campuses need to leave

Caroline Glick-tweet-5December2023-Jews on these campuses need to leave



Let’s Meet the Challenge of Rising Campus Antisemitism Through Legal Remedies

by Carly Gammill and Yael Lerman 9November2023 https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/11/09/lets-meet-the-challenge-of-rising-campus-antisemitism-through-legal-remedies/

The surge in anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment in response to Hamas’s October 7 massacre, especially its blatant celebration by people around the world, is cause for serious alarm. This is particularly the case on college campuses, where Jewish, Israeli, and Zionist students across the nation face incidents of ostracism, harassment, discrimination, threats, and violence in unprecedented numbers.


Of course, antisemitism and its glorification are not new phenomena. In 1939, for example, the freshman class at Princeton University voted Adolf Hitler the “greatest living person.” The following year’s freshman class repeated the vote with the same results, as, regrettably, did students at Georgetown University.


But we have two key advantages over our 1930s and 1940s counterparts. First, we know what happened the last time we hoped and waited for the antisemitic rhetoric rampaging universities to subside. Instead of being eradicated, it merely appeared to lay quiet for a few decades as it simmered and then exploded in the last few weeks, beyond any level we’ve previously experienced in the US.


We therefore have a duty to ensure that university administrators are on clear notice of their legal obligation to protect their Jewish and Israeli students from a pervasively hostile campus environment. And if they deliberately ignore our warnings, it is our duty to hold them accountable.


This is where our second advantage comes into play. We now have a powerful legal tool in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI). A cornerstone of American anti-discrimination law, Title VI prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs receiving Federal financial assistance. Recipients who fail to comply with their responsibilities under Title VI risk the loss of their Federal funding. While there is no confusion that the “national origin” category of Title VI covers Israeli students, the US Department of Education has repeatedly affirmed that its protections also extend to groups based on real or perceived shared ethnicity or ancestry, including Jews.

Click to download PDF file Click to Download UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS-antisemitism-dcl

In accordance with the lessons of history and the longstanding commitment of StandWithUs to support students in the face of anti-Jewish bias and bigotry, on November 6, 2023, our Center for Combating Antisemitism and the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department wrote to university general counsels and vice presidents for student affairs across the nation to remind them of their legal duties to Jewish and Israeli students and identify specific actions they should take to align themselves with the requirements of Title VI and other civil rights laws. As explained in the letter:


(1) While students generally have the right to express their views on campus, academic departments, student government bodies, and registered student groups, do not have the right to misuse university resources — such as official school social media accounts and access to email listervs — to propagate hatred or incite violence. Such actions run afoul of professional standards, violate university policies, and create a hostile environment for Jewish and Israeli students.


(2) Universities have the responsibility to ensure that hateful speech does not escalate to harassment, discrimination, or criminal conduct on campus. If and when it does, it is not protected by academic freedom or freedom of speech, and the university administration is obligated to take the necessary steps — including punitive measures — to remedy the harm caused and deter such conduct from recurring.


(3) It should be self-evident that Hamas’ massacre, dismemberment, rape, beheadings, and kidnapping against anyone, let alone children, babies, the disabled, and the elderly, can never be justified. Yet moral clarity on these matters appears to be lacking within higher education institutions. University administrators should set the tone on their universities by using their voices to unequivocally condemn such acts of terror.  This would clarify the university’s position as opposed to allowing the appearance by student groups who are pro-Hamas to represent the university.


(4) University administrators must ensure that faculty are unable to misuse their class time (including cancelling classes) for political indoctrination, especially when it may serve to marginalize Jewish students and support or promote terrorism.


(5) While the right to protest is generally protected under the First Amendment, allowing outside community members, who may harbor antisemitic intentions, to participate in student protests on university grounds is not necessarily protected. Administrators should do all in their power to limit non-student access to student events, check for valid student identification, and address unlawful behavior — including by making arrests where appropriate — to help protect the safety of all students.


(6) To the extent permissible under applicable law, universities should prohibit the wearing of masks during demonstrations. They should also ensure robust enforcement of laws prohibiting the wearing of a mask to conceal one’s identity during the commission of a crime. These actions can help prevent violence and harassment on campus and protect the safety of all students.


Universities today once again find themselves torn between asserting their inclusive values and acting on them. This time, we have the benefit of hindsight and the legal tools to protect students. It is the obligation of college and university administrators to apply both. And it is our organization’s mission to ensure that they do.


Carly Gammill is the director of the StandWithUs Center for Combating Antisemitism. Yael Lerman is the director of the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department. 



Massive class action lawsuit just filed against Columbia University

Shelley G-tweet-29April2024-Massive class action lawsuit just filed against Columbia
Massive class action lawsuit just filed against @Columbia 🚨

The plaintiffs are seeking relief for the Jewish students at Columbia who have been harmed and displaced by the rampant antisemitism on campus.

Click to download PDF file Click to download the file CS_Columbia_Complaint

Shelley G-tweet-29April2024-Massive class action lawsuit just filed against Columbia

Shelley G-tweet-29April2024-Massive class action lawsuit just filed against Columbia



A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:

Please send this to anyone at a School, College or University. Parents, Students, Administrators and Teachers. These are Felony Death Threats. This violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/antisemitism-dcl.pdf
This is not free speech.
Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS-antisemitism-dcl

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies
Re-upping this meme for those who witnessed the disgusting worldwide demos on Shabbat.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at 'pro-Palestinian' rallies:

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:

A guide to the chants at 'pro-Palestinian' rallies:

A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:


Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients & Impact

Daniel Pipes-tweet-24October2023-
I just rediscovered @MitchellGBard’s Nov. 2021 study, “Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients & Impact.”

According to @USEdGov figures, colleges and universities in 1986-2021 “received nearly $8.5 billion from [official] Arab sources.”



Daniel Pipes-tweet-24October2023-Arab Funding of American Universities Donors Recipients Impact

Daniel Pipes-tweet-24October2023-Arab Funding of American Universities Donors Recipients Impact

Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients and Impact



‘Dark Money Nightmare’: How Qatar Bought the Ivy League

by Robert Williams
31December2023 https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20265/qatar-bought-ivy-league


  • “At least 100 American colleges and universities illegally withheld information on approximately $13 billion in undocumented contributions from foreign governments, many of which are authoritarian…. Speech intolerance—manifesting as campaigns to investigate, censor, demote, suspend, or terminate speakers and scholars—was higher at institutions that received undocumented money from foreign regimes.” — ISGAP report, “The Corruption of the American Mind,” November 2023.
  • Qatar makes it possible for Ivy League universities to claim that they receive no funds from the Qatari state, because the donations are funneled through the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, a not-for-profit organization established in 1995 by the Emir of Qatar. This ensures that the foundation can identify itself as a private organization, which enables Qatar to conceal its state funding as private donations.
  • “At the time of writing, the State of Qatar contributes more funds to universities in the United States than any other country in the world, and raw donation totals omit critical, concerning details about the nature of Qatar’s academic funding.” — ISGAP report, “Networks of Hate,” December 2023.
  • “We would pay them [journalists]… Some of them have become MPs now. Others have become patriots…. We would pay [journalists] in many countries. We would pay them every year. Some of them received salaries. All the Arab countries were doing this. If not all, then most of them.” — Former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim, February 2022.


Testimony by three Ivy League university presidents

Testimony by three Ivy League university presidents

The hapless testimony by three Ivy League university presidents from Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce can be traced to Qatar and its insidious campaign to buy itself influence in US academia. Pictured L-R: Claudine Gay, President of Harvard University, Liz Magill, then-President of University of Pennsylvania, Professor Pamela Nadell of American University, and Sally Kornbluth, President of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, testify before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce on December 5, 2023. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)


The hapless testimony by three Ivy League university presidents from Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce can be traced to Qatar and its insidious campaign to buy itself influence in US academia.


Qatar, oil-rich and with an estimated population of only 2.5 million, is the largest foreign donor — that we know about — to American universities, with at least $4.7 billion donated between 2001 and 2021. Many of those billions went unreported to the Department of Education, according to research done by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). Under federal law, colleges and universities that receive donations from foreign sources that total at least $250,000 must disclose such transactions to the Department of Education.


Qatar is far from the only authoritarian nation that donates to American universities. According to a Department of Education report from April 2023, American universities and colleges have received $19 billion from unreported sources, more than half of which has come from authoritarian and antidemocratic Middle East governments.


Flouting the law by failing to disclose foreign donations to universities has been declared a “dark money nightmare.”

Former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos wrote in February 2023:

“While there’s nothing inherently inappropriate about foreign-sourced gifts, there is a significant reason for concern if these gifts are not disclosed, as required by law.

“Unfortunately, the higher-ed lobby has made it no secret it opposes true transparency. The American Council on Education — the lobbying organization for colleges and universities — praised the Biden administration in an open letter for ending the investigations we launched into schools that were skirting the law and failing to report sources of foreign money.

“One major cause for concern is the high correlation between foreign gifts, especially from our geopolitical adversaries, and American universities that are home to major research laboratories, including those with Department of Defense contracts.”

To assess properly the damage that Qatari influence in the US is causing, it is important to understand what Qatar stands for and promotes. Qatar has for decades cultivated a close relationship with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, whose motto is: “‘Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Its aim appears to be ensuring that Islamic law, Sharia, governs all countries and all matters.


Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, has enjoyed Qatar as its main sponsor, to the tune of up to $360 million a year, and was until recently the home of Hamas’ leadership. In 2012, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the terrorist group’s political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzook, and Khaled Mashaal, among others, moved to Qatar for a life of luxury. This month, likely because of Israel’s announcement that it will hunt down and eliminate Hamas leaders in Qatar and Turkey, the Qatar-based Hamas officials reportedly fled to other countries.


Qatar was also home to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who was exiled from Egypt, until his death in September 2022. According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center:

“Qaradawi is mainly known as the key figure in shaping the concept of violent jihad and the one who allowed carrying out terror attacks, including suicide bombing attacks, against Israeli citizens, the US forces in Iraq, and some of the Arab regimes. Because of that, he was banned from entering Western countries and some Arab countries…. In 1999, he was banned from entering the USA. In 2009, he was banned from entering Britain…”

Qaradawi also founded many radical Islamist organizations, which are funded by Qatar. These include the International Union of Muslim Scholars, which released a statement that called the October 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas against communities in southern Israel an “effective” and “mandatory development of legitimate resistance,” and said that Muslims have a religious duty to support their brothers and sisters “throughout all of Palestine, especially in Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Gaza.””


Qatar also still is home to the lavishly-funded television network Al Jazeera, founded in 1996 by Qatar’s Emir, Sheikh Hamad ibn Khalifa Al Thani. Called the “mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Al Jazeera began the violent “Arab Spring,” which “brought the return of autocratic rulers.


In 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, made 13 demands of Qatar: “to cut off relations with Iran, shutter Al Jazeera, and stop granting Qatari citizenship to other countries’ exiled oppositionists.” They subsequently cut ties with Qatar over its failure to agree to any of the demands, including ending its support for terrorism, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Jazeera.


The Saudi state-run news agency SPA said at the time:

“[Qatar] embraces multiple terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at disturbing stability in the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS [Islamic State] and al-Qaeda, and promotes the message and schemes of these groups through their media constantly,”

This is the kind of influence that US universities and colleges are more than happy to see on their campuses in exchange for billions of dollars in Qatari donations. According to ISGAP:

“[F]oreign donations from Qatar, especially, have had a substantial impact on fomenting growing levels of antisemitic discourse and campus politics at US universities, as well as growing support for anti-democratic values within these institutions of higher education.”

In November 2023 ISGAP published a report, “The Corruption of the American Mind: How concealed foreign funding of higher education in the United States predicts the erosion of democratic values and antisemitic sentiment on campus.” It found that there is a direct correlation between antisemitism and censored speech on campus and undocumented contributions from foreign governments, notably Qatar. According to the report:

“At least 100 American colleges and universities illegally withheld information on approximately $13 billion in undocumented contributions from foreign governments, many of which are authoritarian.

“In institutions receiving such undocumented money:

  • Political campaigns to silence academics were more prevalent.
    — Campuses receiving undocumented funds exhibited approximately twice as many campaigns to silence academics as those that did not.
  • Students reported greater exposure to antisemitic and anti-Zionist rhetoric.
  • Higher levels of antisemitic incidents were reported on their campuses.
  • This relationship of undocumented money to campus antisemitism was stronger when the undocumented donors were Middle Eastern regimes rather than other regimes.
    — From 2015-2020, Institutions that accepted money from Middle Eastern donors, had, on average, 300% more antisemitic incidents than those institutions that did not….

“Speech intolerance—manifesting as campaigns to investigate, censor, demote, suspend, or terminate speakers and scholars—was higher at institutions that received undocumented money from foreign regimes.”

Qatar makes it possible for Ivy League universities to claim that they receive no funds from the Qatari state, because the donations are funneled through the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, a not-for-profit organization established in 1995 by the Emir of Qatar. This ensures that the foundation can identify itself as a private organization, which enables Qatar to conceal its state funding as private donations.


In a report published this month, “Networks of Hate: Qatari Paymasters, Soft Power and the Manipulation of Democracy,” ISGAP wrote:

“At the time of writing, the State of Qatar contributes more funds to universities in the United States than any other country in the world, and raw donation totals omit critical, concerning details about the nature of Qatar’s academic funding. For instance, Qatar concentrates its donations within a contained number of elite U.S. universities to maximize its influence. This targeted approach suggests that strategic motivations for instance—to advance Qatari state interests, influence the Qatari strategy—rather than pure philanthropy.”

The issue of Qatar on US campuses, as serious as it is, is only part of a larger picture of Qatari influence in the US and the rest of the West.


Qatar funds US think-tanks, such as the Richardson Center for Global Engagement and the Brookings Institution, and infiltrates US media. In 2021, Qatar pledged that it would invest $10 billion in US ports. According to the US State department:

“In recent years, Qatar has significantly bolstered its U.S. investments through its sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), and its subsidiaries, notably Qatari Diar. In 2019, QIA pledged to allocate $45 billion to U.S. investments; it opened an office in New York City in 2015 to facilitate its U.S. investments. The fifth U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue took place in Doha from November 2022 to March 2023 and further strengthened strategic and economic partnerships and addressed obstacles to investment and trade.”

In February 2022, former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim said in an interview, according to MEMRI, that Qatar had many journalists “in different countries” on its payroll.

“We had Journalists on our payroll. In many countries, we would pay them. Some of them have become MPs now. Others have become patriots. I know them. We would pay [journalists] in many countries. We would pay them every year. Some of them received salaries. All the Arab countries were doing this. If not all, then most of them.”

Robert Williams is a researcher based in the United States.



Cornell Hillel Posts Warning After Threats To Jewish Students, Kosher Dining Hall

“Cornell Police Department is on site and monitoring the situation…. We advise that students and staff avoid the building out of an abundance of caution.”
Posted by William A. Jacobson 29October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/cornell-hillel-posts-warning-after-threats-to-jewish-students-kosher-dining-hall/


Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

104 West is the home of Cornell’s Kosher Dining Hall, and is also next to the Center for Jewish Living.

Cornell Hillel has posted a warning on Facebook that the dining hall is on lockdown after online threats:

Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

These apparently are some of the online threats:

Isaac de Castro-tweet-29October2023-There’s more.

Isaac de Castro-tweet-29October2023-There’s more.

Isaac de Castro-tweet-29October2023-There’s more.


[See referenced Tweet next.]

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-
Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell
discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul

I have warned the Board of Trustees about the antisemitism problem on campus, but have been ignored, “Cornell did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Jacobson’s call to evaluate antisemitism on campus”.


We don’t know yet the source or seriousness of these threats, or who is behind them. (I should also add that at Legal Insurrection we have covered here a long line of campus hate hoaxes, so we can’t rule that out until more is known.)

But anti-Israel activists have been getting more and more aggressive, Anti-Israel Graffiti Appears on Campus at Cornell University.



Israel War Room-tweet-25October2023-Amid increasing Jew-hatred and several pro-Hamas rallies on campus

Israel War Room-tweet-25October2023-Amid increasing Jew-hatred and several pro-Hamas rallies on campus

The President of Cornell issued this all campus email at approxiately 7 p.m. tonight (emphasis in original):

Dear members of the Cornell community,

Earlier today, a series of horrendous, antisemitic messages threatening violence to our Jewish community and specifically naming 104 West — the home of the Center for Jewish Living — was posted on a website unaffiliated with Cornell. Law enforcement was immediately notified.

At this time, Cornell Police (CUPD) are on the scene and investigating. Police will continue to remain on site to ensure our students and community members are safe.

Cornell Police have also notified the FBI of a potential hate crime.

Threats of violence are absolutely intolerable, and we will work to ensure that the person or people who posted them are punished to the full extent of the law. Our immediate focus is on keeping the community safe; we will continue to prioritize that.

We will not tolerate antisemitism at Cornell. During my time as president, I have repeatedly denounced bigotry and hatred, both on and off our campus. The virulence and destructiveness of antisemitism is real and deeply impacting our Jewish students, faculty and staff, as well as the entire Cornell community. This incident highlights the need to combat the forces that are dividing us and driving us toward hate. This cannot be what defines us at Cornell.

All of our community deserves to feel safe at Cornell. If you become aware of any threats to your safety or to the safety of the community, please contact CUPD at 607-255-1111. We also encourage you to download the RAVE Guardian app, which will enable you to report any safety concerns to CUPD in real time.

In the days ahead, we will work to reinforce a culture of trust, respect and safety at Cornell. Regardless of your beliefs, backgrounds or perspectives, I urge all of you to come together with the empathy and support for each other that we so greatly need in this difficult time.


Martha E. Pollack




Why Was It So Hard For Elite Universities To Condemn Hamas Terrorism?

by Tyler Durden, 21October2023 – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-was-it-so-hard-elite-universities-condemn-hamas-terrorism

Authored by Marc Zvi Brettler & Michael B. Poliakoff via RealClear Wire,


America’s leading universities have an antisemitism problem—and it starts at the top. This past week, university presidents and deans across the country wrote to their students and faculties to express concern in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas. What they said, and what they did not say, provides a window into the culture of intellectual and moral rot and cowardice that reigns at these once-great institutions.


Those who attack Jews or Israel are all too often exempt from their excoriation. Hamas terrorists massacred some 1,300 Israelis, took approximately 200 hostages, most of them civilians, and left an additional 3,200 injured, but you would not know it from some university leaders’ missives this week.


At Harvard University, President Claudine Gay has issued three muddled statements, under pressure, on the horrific events. Her first statement was a tepid confession of “heartbreak” that implied an equivalence between the Hamas attacks and Israel neutralizing the terrorists. This embarrassment was signed by all the university’s senior deans. Only after a barrage of online criticism—and threats by donors—did she muster the strength to condemn the child killers. Not content to leave it alone, she has issued another statement, but still without criticizing the 30-odd student groups who professed to “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible” for the murder, rape, kidnapping, and torture of Jews, referring instead to the principle of freedom of speech. Let us be clear that these students have freedom of speech, but so does Claudine Gay. She has the right to condemn their words. In 2022, Harvard denounced in no uncertain terms “the capricious and senseless invasion of Ukraine.” Harvard knows how to speak clearly about Ukrainian victims but not, apparently, about Jewish victims.


Columbia University President Minouche Shafik offered a masterfully slippery statement: “I was devastated by the horrific attack on Israel this weekend and the ensuing violence that is affecting so many people.” While all lives matter, the mention of “ensuing violence” is a reference to Israeli targeting of terrorists—putting it on a par with raping and pillaging by Hamas. She implied moral equivalence.


The moral lassitude and obscurantism of Shafik’s statement trickled down. Columbia College Dean Josef Sorett emitted the following: “The events in Israel and Gaza over the past several days have shocked the world and impacted many of our students.” Dean Sorett’s “events in Gaza” are, of course, Israeli military operations undertaken in self-defense and in an effort to kill murderers, which he places on par with the door-to-door murder of civilians in Israel.


The dean of Columbia Law School did not outclass her colleague. Gillian Lester wrote to her students and faculty, “The violence that erupted in Israel and Gaza this past weekend is nothing short of tragic,” again implying a moral equivalence between the enemies of the Jewish people and their victims.


At Middlebury College, the senior leadership wrote to “acknowledge the untold pain, suffering, and loss of life unfolding from the violence happening now in Israel and Palestine.” President Laurie Patton seems unclear about who is making the violence “happen.” She goes on to warn against “hate, racism, ethnic discrimination, antisemitism, or Islamophobia.” The equivalence is complete, and we can move on to meet the real threat: Islamophobia. Compare this muddle to the perfect clarity of Middlebury’s official response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine: It “wreaked untold havoc in the lives of innocent civilians. Russia’s aggression against its democratic neighbor is a violation of international law, made only more egregious by its escalation in the face of international condemnation. I join that condemnation in solidarity with our Middlebury community.” How easy it would have been to revise that statement ever so slightly to say that Hamas “wreaked untold havoc in the lives of innocent civilians. Hamas’s aggression against its democratic neighbor is a violation of international law, made only more egregious by its escalation in the face of international condemnation. I join that condemnation in solidarity with our Middlebury community.”


The University of California–Berkeley, which spends $36 million annually on its Division of Equity & Inclusion, may be the most openly antisemitic campus in the country. Its law school is under federal investigation for discriminating against Jews. Student organizations there expressed their “unwavering support” for the Hamas pogrom. The president refused to condemn this statement. Instead, he expressed his heartbreak at “the violence and suffering in Israel and Gaza,” pointedly comparing Israel’s self-defense to the terrorist attacks themselves, gesturing, like too many others, to the “complex history” of the situation.


In reality though, no complexity is so great as to obscure the distinction between the intentional slaughter of innocents and targeted strikes against terrorists. Some schools eventually issued careful statements—but their initial reaction—or lack of reaction—is most telling, especially when contrasted with quick and decisive past declarations of outrage.


At Stanford University, the administration has covered itself in special disgrace by adding dishonesty to cowardice, despite finally acknowledging the horror. Criticized for its silence about the weekend’s slaughter, Stanford claimed in an unsigned statement that it “does not take positions on geopolitical issues and news events.” But when Russia invaded Ukraine, Stanford’s president released this statement: “The unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and the attack it represents on democracy, is beyond shocking.” He continued, “It has been remarkable to witness the courage and resilience of the Ukrainian people.” Stanford also commented when a child’s skipping rope was found in a tree in 2021, where it had been tangled for some years, officially denouncing it as a “a potent symbol of anti-Black racism and violence that is completely unacceptable under any circumstances.” Stanford discovered the principle of institutional neutrality, it seems, just in time for the Sabbath assault on Israeli civilians.


Under the principle of institutional neutrality, colleges and universities should indeed refrain from speaking corporately on contemporary social or political issues, unless they transcend the institution’s values as a whole (such as the wanton taking of innocent life by terrorists). Higher education’s mission is to encourage diversity of thought. But condemning brutality and savagery, whether the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a policeman, or the civilian carnage Hamas wrought, is not a political statement. No one has asked presidents to endorse Zionism or the two-state solution or anything vaguely geopolitical. They needed only to affirm human decency without which the university is a place of moral chaos.


However serpentine the ongoing contortions of these administrators, what is revealed in these official reactions by colleges is a cancerous moral rot and intellectual confusion. Bothsidesism is a symptom; the root cause is worse. They were perfectly able to rush to condemn the murder of George Floyd, the seedy depravities uncovered by the #MeToo movement, and the brutal invasion of Ukraine—as they should. They pronounce vocally and volubly on the events of January 6, 2021, and on horrible killings at houses of worship. They take flamboyant public positions on everything from affirmative action to climate policy to marriage equality. So why is it so hard to condemn the slaughter of Jewish babies? Why is it so hard to offer proper support and empathy to their grieving Jewish students?


The University of Pennsylvania’s president had no word of censure for Penn’s Palestine Writes festival, which ran between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and featured Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, notorious for exhibitionist antisemitism. Then came the anemic initial response of Penn’s president to the Hamas atrocities. Jon Huntsman, a Penn graduate and donor and a former governor of Utah, pinpointed the cause of his alma mater’s failure: “Moral relativism has fueled the university’s race to the bottom.” If only Penn’s administration possessed such moral (and pedagogical) clarity.


To be fair, some universities have offered proper statements that unambiguously condemn the pogrom of Hamas. But these are few and far between. The United States used to lead in higher education, but now we need to look for leadership abroad, for example in the exemplary statement of the German Rectors’ Conference that noted quickly, clearly, and unambiguously:


We are deeply shocked and appalled by the terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel, the terrible massacres, and the kidnappings. 


On behalf of all German universities, I would like to express our sincerest condolences and heartfelt sympathy. We are deeply saddened by the senseless loss of life. Our thoughts are with those killed and injured, those still in danger, and their families and friends.


As the German Rectors’ Conference, the voice of German universities, we stand in solidarity with the Israeli universities and academic colleges and all their members. We would be grateful if you could share this message of sympathy and solidarity with your member institutions.


Educational institutions have a responsibility to educate and lead—not only in subject matters but in basic issues of morality. Those who fail to condemn the slaughter of children and fail to show empathy to their students who identify with this slaughter, are failing their mission at the most basic level.




Antisemitic NGOs justify terror in three stages – opinion

It is incumbent that the audiences for NGO propaganda – diplomats, UN officials, journalists, academics and the government allies and funders of these NGOs – firmly reject lies and fictitious claims.

20OCTOBER2023 https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-769333

It must be difficult to be a pro-Palestinian propagandist these days. After all, how can you possibly defend the gruesome slaughter of over 1,400 innocents, torture, rape, defiling corpses?! Yet there is a network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are doing their best to justify the unjustifiable.


For the past week, my colleagues and I at NGO Monitor have carefully examined the output of NGOs that claim human rights agendas, many funded by European governments, and analyzed their claims and argumentation. We have identified a three-staged process by which NGOs work to erase the heinousness of Hamas crimes and fuel the international demonization of Israel.

Justifying and celebrating attacks

The first stage is open justification and celebration of the attacks as “resistance” against a “settler-colonial state.” For example, the 150-member Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) “saluted this honorable image that our people are sketching,” having faced, “for more than 75 years, a racist, fascist occupation,” and stated that “the Palestinian people… are resisting this with all valor and sacrifice.” BADIL, a Palestinian “return” NGO, wrote, “resistance is the most human and legitimate act” because “the Palestinian people have been suffering for 75 years of colonial-apartheid regime, ethnic cleansing, forcible transfer/displacement.”


Similarly, an advocacy officer from Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P) referred to “Palestinians resisting Israeli colonization & trying to take back their land.”


These and other examples demonstrate how the initial NGO responses celebrated the “accomplishments” of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist groups, i.e. the mass killing, abduction, and other heinous crimes against thousands of civilians.

Whataboutism and shifting focus

Next, NGOs moved on to stage two: trying to shift media and political focus by inventing Israeli atrocities that are similar to the actual brutality of Hamas. Palestinian NGOs have always delegitimized Israel’s right to self-defense and denied the existence of Palestinian terrorism, which they invariably decorate as “resistance.”


Israel’s military response targeting terror infrastructure in Gaza provided another opportunity to accuse Israel of committing the worst crimes. For example, a joint statement from the PFLP’s NGO network – Al-Mezan, Bisan, Al-Haq, DCI-P, Addameer, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committes (UPWC), and others – demanded that the EU “fully denounce Israel’s indiscriminate military reprisals…and intervene to protect the Palestinian people against Israel’s incitement to genocide.”


In another statement, Al-Haq accused Israel of “targeting male and female civilians and civilian objects in such a way that amounts to acts of genocide.” Zakaria Bakr, who heads the Union of Agricultural Work Committees’ Gaza Fisherman Committee, wrote, “We are living through an action of ethnic cleansing and genocide accompanied by starvation…what we are living through is more powerful and stronger than the holocaust which the Zionists talk about.” Palestinian Medical Relief Society Director Mustafa Barghouti published a statement referencing an Israeli “plot…to carry out the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip.”


Of course, all these NGOs, primarily funded by their European government patrons under the facade of “human rights,” were entirely silent on Hamas’s genocidal violence. Stage three is reminiscent of a standard tactic employed by those caught red handed – deny, deny, deny. As they recognized the need to salvage international support for the Palestinian cause, some NGOs began denying that the atrocities and crimes against humanity perpetrated by Hamas actually happened. Good Shepherd Collective, which describes itself as “an anti-Zionist, anti-colonial organization,” alleged that “zionists” (sic) were sharing “AI generated images, trying to convince us that Palestinian resistance fighters simply must be the barbarians they believe them to be.”


An official of Al-Haq, described as a “highly respected Palestinian NGO,” claimed that the Israeli Air Force bombed Israeli cars – burning the occupants – and that an Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs video of the aftermath was “deceptive and misleading.”

Denying Israel’s claims as honest

This third stage is particularly pernicious, since it is often accompanied by the notion – sometimes explicitly, sometimes implied – that Israel orchestrated the deception to fool the world into a permissive attitude towards war crimes in Gaza.


These three stages might be familiar. They are the same tactics used by antisemites who deny the Holocaust and its magnitude, e.g., claiming that only “a few hundred thousand were killed.” Or by those who suggest that Jews were persecuted because of their economic status, because “they engaged is usury,” or for their “social behavior.” And then there are conspiracy theorists like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who declare that Zionists cooperated with the Nazis or that Jews were behind the Holocaust.


The NGO propaganda playbook is not unique to the political dimension in the war to eliminate Israel or even to centuries of antisemitism against the Jewish people. But now, it a central front in a deadly conflict involving a heinously brutal terrorist group. It is incumbent that the audiences for NGO propaganda – diplomats, UN officials, journalists, academics and the government allies and funders of these NGOs – firmly reject their lies and fictitious human rights claims.


The writer is a researcher at NGO Monitor (www. ngo-monitor.org), a Jerusalem-based research institute. 



VIDEO: Israel Complies With The Law Of Armed Conflict When Defending Against Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians

Proportionality relates to loss of civilian life “which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated…. So there is some requirement of proportionality in international law, but it’s not proportionality between the casualties on your side and the casualties on the other side….’

Posted by William A. Jacobson 14June2021 https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/06/video-israel-complies-with-the-law-of-armed-conflict-when-defending-against-terrorists-hiding-among-civilians/

LIF-How Israel Implements The Law Of Arme Conflict In Targeting Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians-Speaker

LIF-How Israel Implements The Law Of Arme Conflict In Targeting Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians-Speaker

On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, the Legal Insurrection Foundation held an online event on How Israel Implements The Law Of Armed Conflict To Defend Against Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians. 


The event was a reaction to the outrageous lies, misinformation, and disinformation spread regarding Israel’s conduct in the May 2021 conflict initiated by Hamas firing thousands of rockets at Israeli cities.

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-speakers screenshot

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-speakers screenshot

The original event post has full biographies of the speakers. You know me and Kemberlee, and we were honored to be joined by two experts in the fields of international law and the law of armed conflict:


Eugene Kontorovich is a Professor of Law and Director, Center for the Middle East and International Law, at George Mason’s Antonin Scalia School of Law. As head of the International Law Department at the Kohelet Policy Forum, a Jerusalem-based think tank, he is recognized as one of the world’s preeminent experts on international law and the Israel-Arab conflict. He is a widely sought-after speaker. He has testified repeatedly in both houses of Congress, and regularly briefs visiting European and American legislators and celebrities on their trips to Israel. Legal Insurrection readers may recall Prof. Kontorovich’s must-watch lectures, The Legal Case for Israel, and The Legal Case for Israel’s ‘Settlements’.



Eli Bar-On concluded his career in the Israel Defense Forces holding the position of instructor at the IDF National Defense College (the INDC). Prior to that position Bar-on served as the Deputy Military Advocate General of the IDF (2012 to 2015), where he was in command of approximately 1,000 lawyers and legal experts, including prior to, during and following Operation Pillar of Defense & Operation Protective Edge. He also served as the Chief Legal Advisor for the IDF in the West Bank from 2009 to 2012. A prolific lecturer, Bar-on has provided expert presentations to hundreds of high level, international delegations in Israel and throughout the international community. He is a Senior Legal Analyst at The MirYam Institute, lecturing and writing on a variety of topics related to the law of warfare.


The presentations by Prof. Kontorovich and Col. Bar-On contain many interesting and important visuals:

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Legal Input into IDF Operations

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Legal Input into IDF Operations


Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Target Spreadsheet

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Target Spreadsheet



Israel Complies With Law Of Armed Conflict – Highlights


Read More HERE


Israel Complies With Law Of Armed Conflict – Full Program



Calls for Israel to restrain itself are ILLEGAL | The Caroline Glick Show

Posted 15October2023 JNS TV:

Is Israel really violating international law in the war against Hamas?

The Biden administration, the EU, the UN, Arab nations and others have begun to wage a campaign to restrain Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas in Gaza. The campaign is based on allegations that there is a contradiction between Israel’s military operations and the laws of war.

To understand the nature of these claims, and what the laws of war require from Israel, as well as from the nations waging this campaign against Israel, Caroline spoke with Prof Avi Bell. Bell is a world expert on the laws of war and international humanitarian law.


Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Better Question: What Does International Law Require The Rest of The World To Do About Hamas? (Daled Amos)

18October2023  https://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2023/10/better-question-what-does-international.html

daled amos

daled amos

By Daled Amos

These days, when people talk about what International Humanitarian Law requires in the aftermath of the Hamas massacre of Israeli citizens, the discussion falls first on what limitations need to be placed on Israel. Almost as an afterthought do a few people ask what international law requires of Hamas.

That in itself demonstrates an odd sense of priorities among the global community.

But a third topic in international law is being ignored, namely: what are the obligations of the international community in the face of this terrorist attack. By merely sitting back and focusing on Israel’s obligations, the nations of the world run the risk of themselves violating international law.


First of all there is the Genocide Convention. It was approved for ratification by the UN General Assembly in 1948 and went into effect in 1951. According to Article I:

The Contracting Parties confirm that whether committed in time of peace or of war, genocide is a crime under international law which nations are obligated to prevent and to punish.

The convention addresses an act committed with the intent to destroy, even in part, a

o  ethnical
o  racial or
o  religious group

Genocide includes — among other things — killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm and deliberately inflicting conditions with the intent to cause the group’s physical destruction in whole or in part. In addition to being directly involved in the genocide, this law also applies to conspiracy, incitement, complicity and even the mere attempt to commit genocide. In addition, the convention not only rulers but also public officials and private individuals liable for punishment.


Then there is UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), which was passed in response to the jihadist attack on 9/11, making this resolution especially relevant to the current situation, given the obvious similarities. It was passed under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, making it binding on all UN members, unlike other UN resolutions.


According to Article 2, All States shall:

(a) Refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists;

(c) Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support, or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens;

(e) Ensure that any person who participates in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is brought to justice and ensure that, in addition to any other measures against them, such terrorist acts are established as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations and that the punishment duly reflects the seriousness of such terrorist acts;

According to Article 3, All States shall:


(f) Take appropriate measures in conformity with the relevant provisions of national and international law, including international standards of human rights, before granting refugee status, for the purpose of ensuring that the asylum seeker has not planned, facilitated or participated in the commission of terrorist acts;

(g) Ensure, in conformity with international law, that refugee status is not abused by the perpetrators, organizers or facilitators of terrorist acts, and that claims of political motivation are not recognized as grounds for refusing requests for the extradition of alleged terrorists;

Furthermore the resolution


5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations;

On Sunday, Caroline Glick spoke with Professor Avi Bell — an expert in International Law — about the legal obligations of the rest of the world in response to the Hamas terrorist attack, and how nations are violating those obligations. Some of his insights are summarized in a JNS article published yesterday.


Bell makes reference to UN Security Council Resolution 1373, and illustrates how some of its requirements are being violated. For instance:


Resolution 1373 stipulates that all U.N. member nations must “Refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts.”

Any provision of any aid to Gaza, which is completely controlled by Hamas, is of course either “active or passive” assistance to Hamas, and hence illegal.


This puts the claims of the obligation to provide humanitarian aid to Gazans in a different light, considering how Hamas terrorists are sure to take – and have taken – the aid for themselves.


Professor Bell also points out how Qatar’s involvement, supported by the Biden administration, is also in violation of Resolution 1373:

Resolution 1373 also requires all U.N. member states to “Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens.”

Following Blinken’s visit to Israel last Thursday, he traveled to Qatar. Qatar houses Hamas’s top terror masters. They planned their atrocities from Qatar. Iran’s cash and arms are funneled to Hamas through Qatar. Qatar’s Al Jazeera satellite channel is an integral component of Hamas’s terror machine. On Monday morning, the IDF announced that Al Jazeera reporters are transferring information about IDF troop placements and numbers to Hamas both directly and through their broadcasts…

By embracing Qatar as an ally rather than punishing it for its central role at all levels of Hamas’s terror infrastructure, the administration is breaching international law, yet again. It is also betraying Israel.


Like Resolution 1373, article VII of the Genocide Convention also addresses the issue of extradition:


Genocide and the other acts enumerated in article III shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition.


The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force.


This becomes relevant because CDR David Levy writes about Hamas Leadership and America’s Extradition Option for The Begin-Sadat Center For Strategic Studies:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Hamas has conducted the most devastating terror attack in Israel’s history, demonstrating humanity’s worst depravity. The attack led to the tragic loss of over 1,200 lives, including at least 22 Americans, with many more individuals held hostage. The US has a responsibility to its citizens to demand the extradition of Hamas leadership to face trial in the US. Drawing upon precedent and previous successful extraditions of international terrorists, the US can leverage diplomatic relationships and military assets to actively pursue their extradition from Qatar, Lebanon, or other locations where they may reside. [emphasis added]

Levy writes that the fact that the US does not have an extradition treaty with Qatar does not have to make it impossible to get that country to hand over the terrorist leaders:


The US does not have extradition agreements with Qatar or Lebanon, but it has leverage. In requesting extradition from Qatar, Washington has some influence over Doha. Initially, Doha will almost certainly not accept. However, the US can orchestrate the desired outcome with a well-constructed “carrot and stick” approach. The US has a significant military presence in Qatar, including the Al Udeid Air Base, a crucial regional strategic asset. The future of this base and broader military cooperation, such as access to military sales, could be used as a bargaining chip. Economic levers could offer incentives like future trade deals or impose targeted sanctions against individuals or entities. Also, the US can endeavor to work with other allies, like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, to influence Qatar.

The article details examples of the US “holding those responsible for the deaths of its citizens accountable” and Levy brags that this is part of a long-standing US tradition. The article would be more convincing if we had not seen the failure of multiple administrations to apply the necessary leverage to get Jordan to hand over the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre, responsible for 16 deaths, including 2 Americans.


If a country like the US will not apply international law for itself, what are the odds we will see any country apply international law for others?



Women in Islam

Sana Ebrahimi-tweet-2May2024-Women in Islam
I hope our peanut brain students, especially the girls, know what they are advocating and own the second-class citizenship that Islam has given to them as women.
When praying with Muslims:
– Women should fully cover their hair.
– Women should also cover their bodies, revealing only the hands up to the wrists, the face up to the hairline, and the feet.
– Women stand behind men during group prayers. Because in Islam, you are not equal to men. You are less than.
– Ritual washing is required before prayer. Women who are menstruating can not be cleaned and are not allowed to pray during this time.
– If you have consumed any alcohol in the last 40 days, you are considered unclean and should not participate in prayer.
Amateur Jew-tweet-2May2024-Women in Islam

Sana Ebrahimi-tweet-2May2024-Women in Islam

Sana Ebrahimi-tweet-2May2024-Women in Islam


Amateur Jew-tweet-2May2024-Women in Islam

Amateur Jew-tweet-2May2024-Women in Islam


Women in Islam

Women in Islam



The results of the total lack of action the Administrations

Shai Davidai-tweet-25July2024-Fire them all
Hey @Columbia University,

This message is for you.


Please help me spread this video by retweeting/quoting it.

Shai Davidai-tweet-25July2024-Fire them all

Shai Davidai-tweet-25July2024-Fire them all





History is repeating itself. Remember 30November. Don’t Be A Statistic!

Why Didn't You Save Us By: Asher Schwartz http://www.jewishpress.com/cartoons/god-will-save-us/ Published: February 16th, 2015

Why Didn’t You Save Us By: Asher Schwartz http://www.jewishpress.com/cartoons/god-will-save-us/ Published: February 16th, 2015

From UK: Make Aliyah! Have them call Jewish Agency to start the formal application  0800-085-2105 / 0800-051-8227 or email gci-en@jafi.org
Depuis la France : faites votre Aliyah ! Demandez-leur d’appeler l’Agence juive pour lancer la candidature formelle 0-800-916-647 ou par courrier électronique à gci-fr@jafi.org

US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH Israel 02-659-5800 www.nbn.org.il
Alyah : mode d’emploi https://www.jewishagency.org/fr/  Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur notre site Internet en cliquant ICI ou par téléphone, en appelant le Global Center au 0-800-916-647
The Jewish Agency Global Service Center http://www.jewishagency.org/global_center

כ”ב בתשרי, תשמ”ד  October 7, 2023 should be called ‘White Shabbat’ because on that day, the light of repentance came down to this world!

כ”ב בתשרי, תשמ”ד  October 7, 2023 – “שבת שחורה Shabbat HaSh’chora – Black Shabbat” (Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah) when Palestinian militants from Hamas, along with other groups and civilians, invaded Israel and proceeded to systematically kill civilians, including women, children, the elderly and babies. They literally raped, pillaged and plundered their way through several Israeli communities close to the Gaza border.

 Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 ext. 1 https://www.nbn.org.il/ aliyah@nbn.org.il WhatsApp: 1-551-800-5414

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 ext. 1 https://www.nbn.org.il/ aliyah@nbn.org.il WhatsApp: 1-551-800-5414

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH

When do we leave?
“When they start shooting Jews in the street, get out.”

When do we leave?

‎28 ‎January ‎2016  Lori Palatnik of the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project thinks it is time for Jews to send their kids to live in Israel.
She explained that after 9/11, she started reading about “the end of days,” and asked “a very great” rabbi – “when do we leave?” He said that the time to get out was when “they start killing Jews in the street.”Unfortunately, she said – this is precisely what is already happening in France and New York.

The Antisemites are in Full force!

The Palestinian  and their Antisemitic supporters are now after EVERY JEW IN THE WORLD. THEY WANT TO DO TO YOU WHAT THEY DID IN ISRAEL

Let’s Come Back Home Again

This corridor is the most magical place on earth.

Joe Roberts-tweet-25December2023-this corridor is the most magical place on earth
Forget Disneyworld, this corridor is the most magical place on earth.

Joe Roberts-tweet-25December2023-this corridor is the most magical place on earth

Joe Roberts-tweet-25December2023-this corridor is the most magical place on earth


We are waiting for you family! be safe, dont take too long.

Roark-tweet-25April2024-We are waiting for you family
We are waiting for you family! be safe, dont take too long.

Roark-tweet-25April2024-We are waiting for you family

Roark-tweet-25April2024-We are waiting for you family


“There is one place in the world to which you do not escape, nor do you immigrate, You come Home – The Land of Israel” – Hannah Szenes

Im Tirtzu-tweet-23May2024-Hannah Szenes quote There is one place in the world to which you do not escape
We have no other land, we need no other land.
“There is one place in the world to which you do not escape, nor do you immigrate, You come Home – The Land of Israel” – Hannah Szenes

Im Tirtzu-tweet-23May2024-Hannah Szenes quote There is one place in the world to which you do not escape

Im Tirtzu-tweet-23May2024-Hannah Szenes quote There is one place in the world to which you do not escape


"There is one place in the world to which you do not escape, nor do you immigrate, You come Home - The Land of Israel" - Hannah Szenes

“There is one place in the world to which you do not escape, nor do you immigrate, You come Home – The Land of Israel” – Hannah Szenes


Joe Roberts-tweet-20February2024-Aliyah is up
🇮🇱’s Aliyah and Integration Ministry reports applications for Aliyah (immigration to Israel) are up:

300% from 🇫🇷

100% from 🇺🇸

150% from 🇨🇦

40% from 🇬🇧

Joe Roberts-tweet-20February2024-Aliyah and Integration Ministry reports, Aliyah is up

Joe Roberts-tweet-20February2024-Aliyah and Integration Ministry reports, Aliyah is up


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14May2024-Our people give us hope for tomorrow.
Our people give us hope for tomorrow.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14May2024-Our people give us hope for tomorrow.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14May2024-Our people give us hope for tomorrow.



Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-4March2024-Golda Meir-The Jewish people have regained our sovereignty
Golda Meir famously said: “The world hates a Jew who hits back. The world loves us only when we are to be pitied.”

She was right! Looking at the world reaction to Israel’s response to the Oct 7 Hamas massacre, I would just add:

“Well, no more will we settle for the world’s pity. The Jewish people have regained our sovereignty, our army and our independence, having made a solemn promise of Never Again, whereas Hamas seeks to repeat the massacre of Oct 7 again and again.”

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-4March2024-Golda Meir "The Jewish people have regained our sovereignty"

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-4March2024-Golda Meir “The Jewish people have regained our sovereignty”


The world has lost it. Don’t play their game. Step away. Shut it down. Take a breather.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-7April2024-The world has lost it
Note to self on a Sunday afternoon.

I see you’re having a moment.

You open your X feed, Jew hatred.

Your Instagram? Jew hatred.

TikTok? 🤮

You are ready to give up. I get it.


It’s ok to not be ok. In fact, if you were ok, that would be reason to worry.

So shut it down. You don’t have to be there all day. Consuming the news like a junkie helps no one.

Shut it down for now. You can go back later.

But I need to remind you of some things.

When you’re told you’re crazy enough times, you start to question whether you really are crazy.

So let’s just get this out of the way.

You’re not crazy.

I know everywhere you look, people are telling you you’re crazy, but guess what? They are. You’re not. You care about facts. You care about truth. You don’t have hate in your heart.

They’re the sick ones. You’re healthy.

Don’t forget that for a second.

The lies being told about Jews are extremely reminiscent of what came before the darkest days in our history. The rhetoric. The blood libels. The calls for violence. It’s Deja vu on steroids.

So here, come back to this post every time you are having a moment.

So let’s break this down.

Israel is the good guy here. Hamas and all of its supporters wherever they may be? They’re the bad guys.

That is not up for discussion.

The world has lost its moral compass. That doesn’t mean you have to. They can’t differentiate between good and evil. You can, and don’t let anyone confuse you.

Israel is, in no way whatsoever, the aggressor here. Israel didn’t start the war. Israel wants to end the war. There is one aggressor here and that is Hamas. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Humanitarian crisis in Gaza?

Oh, where do I even begin?

If anyone has a problem with what’s going on in Gaza, let them turn to Egypt to open their borders to Gazans. If someone talks about Gaza and doesn’t mention Egypt, then they don’t have a problem with Gaza. They have a problem with Israel. Don’t fall for their tricks.

Besides, let me say this as clearly as possible.

There. Is. No. Genocide. In. Gaza!

The numbers the press blindly quotes originate from a savage barbaric terrorist organization. They are lies. The numbers you’re being fed are straight up lies.

There are way less people dead in Gaza than the lies in the press, and out of those dead, the majority are either terrorists or terror supporters.

Genocide my butt.

Remember. Keep your moral clarity. Keep your honesty in a world full of deception. Don’t let them get to you. Don’t let them make you question your values. They are ideologically lost. You aren’t.

By no honest standards is Israel committing anything even remotely resembling a genocide. The Palestinian population has grown exponentially. That proves there is no genocide. Period. Glad that conversation is now over.

Israel must enter Rafah. It is the moral thing to do. You don’t put out 75% of a fire. Sure, Israel can try to minimize civilian death, but that has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the upcoming Rafah operation. You don’t decide whether a war is morally justified based on how many innocent people will die. By that standard, WWII was unjustified. Enough with that nonsense. Don’t let them confuse you.

Anything less than the total destruction of Hamas is both immoral and dangerous. Anyone who says otherwise is morally bankrupt. Don’t doubt yourself. Hamas must not exist for the world to be safe. Period. Full stop. Not one Hamas terrorist should be spared. Not a single one. That doesn’t make you immoral. That is the epitome of morality, irrelevant of what the world says.

There is ZERO indiscriminate fire in Gaza. I mean, by the IDF. Hamas does nothing BUT fire indiscriminately. No matter what anyone tells you, the IDF has never and will never intentionally kill innocent people. I know that’s what everyone is saying. They’re all liars. It’s a modern day blood libel. Don’t let it in.

As far as innocent people, every single innocent life lost in this war is on Hamas. There is nothing else to say about that. The IDF has ZERO responsibility to protect Gazans who Hamas is using as human shields. Sure, the IDF can do what it can, but every one of those deaths is on Hamas.

I know that diplomatic isolation is not fun. I know you’re worried about it. That’s fine. It’s worrisome. But again, remember morality. Biden can say what he wants and we can take his opinion into account, but that doesn’t make him right. He isn’t. Hamas needs to be a thing of the past. Biden can either get on board with that mission or not, but the mission remains.

I know it’s infuriating and frustrating that everywhere you look, Jews are being vilified.

This isn’t a new phenomenon. But it’s new for you. And so it’s hard. I never thought I’d see this level of antisemitism in my lifetime.

But let me just remind you, anyone who ever tried to annihilate us is extinct.

Right now you feel very alone, I get it.

You’re not. The vast majority of people in the western world support Israel’s right to defend itself. They don’t make headlines. They’re not as exciting as Neo Nazis marching in the streets. But the majority has our back. And those who don’t, made a very big mistake that they’ll pay for. That’s not a threat. It’s a historical fact.

Oh, and another thing… This is going to anger some people and that’s fine.

Enough with the artificial differentiation between Jews and Zionists. The vast majority of Jews are Zionists. The anti Zionist Jews that all the antisemites love to quote are statistically non-existent. They are a fraction of a percentage. If you think Jews don’t deserve self determination in their eternal homeland, you’re antisemitic. There, I said it.

Anti Zionism is antisemitism. End of story. Enough with the ridiculous notion that you can be against Zionism and pro Jewish. That’s impossible.

So, I know you’re feeling overwhelmed and sad by all the news. Step away. Shut it down. Take a breather.

The world has lost it. Don’t play their game. Step away, stay sane, and remember, you are one of the good guys, no matter what the world keeps telling you.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-7April2024-The world has lost it-1

Hillel Fuld-tweet-7April2024-The world has lost it-2

Hillel Fuld-tweet-7April2024-The world has lost it-3



StandWithUs Supporting Israel

StandWithUs Supporting Israel

For Jews, every day is October 7th


The Times of Israel
Michael Dickson

Jewish Star Of David on Brick Photo via: StandWithUs/Shutterstock

Jewish Star Of David on Brick Photo via: StandWithUs/Shutterstock

Experiencing violent trauma would have been enough.


Now imagine experiencing violent trauma, the rape of your loved ones, their murder in ways so brutal as to be almost unimaginable, and then their dismemberment and the defilement of their bodies. Add to this unfathomable loss, the constant fear of attack as you attempt to grieve, the inability to give your surviving family a sense of security and the consistent dripfeed of new, gruesome testimony – and indeed video as the perpetrators filmed it all – on a daily basis. And as each shiva in each mourning-house takes place, the shadow of anxiety about the wellbeing of the mass-kidnappees is ever-present.


I studied the psychology of resilience in the face of terrible ordeals and wrote a book about it, but there is no psychologist on this earth that is fully equipped to counsel the victims of the Hamas massacre of October 7th. Help is certainly at hand – but there will never be a coming to terms with what happened that grisly Sabbath morning in southern Israel.


Your Jewish friends are suffering. Days, weeks have passed since the news started to seep out and the revelations began to be heard, but it is as if the clocks stopped on that unbearable day and time has yet to move on.

Jewish friends are mourning Photo via: StandWithUs/Shutterstock

Jewish friends are mourning Photo via: StandWithUs/Shutterstock

I studied the psychology of resilience in the face of terrible ordeals and wrote a book about it, but there is no psychologist on this earth that is fully equipped to counsel the victims of the Hamas massacre of October 7th. Help is certainly at hand – but there will never be a coming to terms with what happened that grisly Sabbath morning in southern Israel.


Your Jewish friends are suffering. Days, weeks have passed since the news started to seep out and the revelations began to be heard, but it is as if the clocks stopped on that unbearable day and time has yet to move on.


The deadliest day for the Jewish People since the Holocaust, a shadow that looms large in the mind of every Jew. The parallels abound. Yet – with the exception of a decreasing amount of people – we didn’t live through the Holocaust. We did live through October 7th. (One awful thought I had following the massacre: for the first time, I am pleased that most Holocaust survivors are no longer with us so they were spared having to see this atrocity take place again in their lifetime.)


It is as the terrorists intended. The Nazis carried out systemic murder, and cruelty and took pride in it. But they didn’t have social media. The Hamas jihadists tortured and massacred families – and uploaded it to Facebook in real-time so their extended family and friends would have to watch. The psychological damage alone to so many – including children – is gargantuan.

“Trawl through your favorite digital platform of choice and see denial, minimization and justification – not just from Hamas – but from people who live near you. Antisemitic attacks and threats peak. Never again is ever again.”

It took time for modern-day racists to begin to deny the Holocaust. Today’s massacre-deniers did not pause for breath. Trawl through your favorite digital platform of choice and see denial, minimization and justification – not just from Hamas – but from people who live near you. Antisemitic attacks and threats peak. Never again is ever again.


Jews are the eternal survivors. From Greek and Roman attempts to snuff out our nationhood and appropriate our symbols, to the bloodletting of the Crusades, the pogroms of Eastern Europe, the Arab Farhud attacks of Middle Eastern Jews and beyond, we are still here. We are also no strangers to terrorism. Hamas and their allies have murdered civilians riding buses, eating out, dancing at clubs and at prayer. We are still here.


And we will be here forevermore. Hamas will be relegated, much like the aforementioned Jew-oppressors, to the recesses of history. Jews will continue, never the same, but as committed to life and their peoplehood as ever. Meanwhile, we grieve and we would appreciate your solidarity.


For now, every day is October 7th. It will be October 7th for some time.


Caroline Glick-tweet12-November2023-We don’t want peace
We don’t want peace. We want liberation.
Globalize the Intifada (that means kill Jews everywhere)..
Some of the zingers at the LA march for peace for Hamas.
Oh, one more, Israel’s genocide of Palestinians started Oct. 7.
And the U.S. needs to disappear.

Caroline Glick-tweet-12November2023-We don't want peace

Caroline Glick-tweet-12November2023-We don’t want peace


Dr. Eli David-tweet-1December2023-long airport security lines
Ever wondered why you’re standing in long airport security lines?

Not because a Jew blew up or hijacked an airplane. In all cases they were the same “peaceful” people:

1970: Four airplanes blasted in Jordan
Perpetrators: Palestinian Liberation Front (PLO)

1985: American TWA flight 847 hijacked
Perpetrators: Hizbullah

1988: American Pan-Am Flight, 243 passengers killed.
Perpetrator: Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi

2015: Russian Metrojet Flight, 224 passengers killed
Perpetrators: ISIS-backed Ansar Bait al-Maqdis

2001: 9/11 Twin Towers New York
Perpetrators: Al-Qaeda

Dr. Eli David-tweet-1December2023-long airport security lines

Dr. Eli David-tweet-1December2023-long airport security lines


Jewish wedding pictures-Lakewood, NJ.

Frum TikTok-tweet-19February2024-Jewish wedding pictures-Lakewood NJ
Jewish wedding pictures looking different these days. 😉

Location: Lakewood, NJ.

Mazel Tov! ❤️

Frum TikTok-tweet-19February2024-Jewish wedding pictures: Lakewood, NJ.

Frum TikTok-tweet-19February2024-Jewish wedding pictures: Lakewood, NJ.



Rabbi Lazer Brody lazerbrody-net-logo
Tuesday, 05 June 2018 https://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2018/06/rav-yehuda-zev-leibowitzs-third-prediction.html  Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20180607122634/https://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2018/06/rav-yehuda-zev-leibowitzs-third-prediction.html

Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz’s Third Prediction

Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz's Third Prediction


If I were running for office or attempting to win a popularity contest, I wouldn’t be writing this post. Many of our readers outside of Israel are not going to like this. But what can a person do if he doesn’t like the weather? Bury his head in the ground? Close the curtains and say that there’s no hurricane with killer winds outside? Once a person’s house becomes flooded, the closed windows and curtains don’t help anymore. There comes a time when one cannot escape the storm outside. Yet, once the storm is predicted, he doesn’t sit with folded arms until it washes him away. He can get in the car or on a plane and move to a more amenable climate.


Don’t forget that the inclement weather, as well as the inclement political climate, all come from Hashem and for a reason.

Be patient, I’m getting to the point. But first, I must preface and ask a question: Why are we so happy on Passover Seder night? Any 7-year-old will laugh and say, “What a dumb question! That’s when Hashem took us out of slavery in Egypt!”


Is it such a dumb question when I show little 7-year-old Chaimk’e and his parents that in the three days that preceded our Exodus from Egypt in the Hebrew year of 2448 (1282 BCE), eight million Jews died, and that’s according to the conservative figure. Some say it was 10 million. Rashi explains that only 1 out of 5 Jews left Egypt in the Exodus; the other 4 died during the three days of darkness. Since a minimum of 2 million left, that means that at least 8 million perished!


Why, therefore, do we not mourn during the three days that precede Pesach, and declare them as national Holocaust Days, when 33% more Jews died than during the entire six years of the Nazi Holocaust? Not only do we not mourn, we rejoice! What’s going on?


Our sages rule that we do not mourn anyone who denies the Redemption and refuses to be a part of it, just as we don’t mourn a heretic who denies the veracity of Moses’s prophecy and the Torah (Rambam, Laws of Teshuva, 3:8, and other places). This notion is even anchored in The Code of Jewish Law (see Shulchan Oruch, Yora Deah 345:5; Mishna Berura on Orach Chaim 126:1, letter b). Moses, in the Name of Hashem, told the Children of Israel to arise, we must quickly leave Egypt. 80% didn’t listen to him. They paid a steep price but we don’t mourn for them. They had become used to Egypt and had no desire – despite what Hashem wanted – to leave Egypt. Even though they were slaves, they liked the Egyptian culture, music, pastimes and food. Moses said no, we must go to our Promised Land. Egypt is not our home.


Moses’s voice saying, “We must go to our Promised Land”, echoes through all of our history.


The periodic “Golden Ages” of our Diaspora have always been followed by calamity. The Golden Age of Jewry in the Iberian Peninsula culminated in 1492, when the horrendous Inquisition began. Jews were either killed, exiled or forcefully converted to Catholicism. The Golden Age of German and Eastern European Jewry ended in Hitler’s Holocaust.


There is only one, true Golden Age in Judaism, and that’s when our exiles return home, Moshiach comes and our Holy Temple is rebuilt.


Hashem wants to redeem His people but in the meanwhile, He won’t until they come home. The sand of that “meanwhile” keeps is emptying out from the top of that 2,000 year hourglass. When a certain date comes according to Hashem’s timeline, He won’t wait anymore and Moshiach will come whether we like it or not or whether we’re here in Israel or not.


Rav Yehuda Zev, of saintly and blessed memory, lived through the Nazi Holocaust. He witnessed the slaughter of his parents, his siblings and his fiance. He never had children because of the torture that the satanic Nazis did to his body. He did not take the word “Holocaust” lightly – he lived through it and experienced it on his own flesh and in his own heart in the most excruciatingly painful way. Though scarred, completely, inside and out, he was a tzaddik of perfect emuna and not bitter in the slightest. He knew that everything was from Hashem. Yet, with all his heart, he did everything to prevent another Holocaust. He didn’t want Moshiach to come if the price would be tragic.


A tzaddik of Rav Yehuda Zev’s caliber has 20/20 spiritual vision because nothing in this world can fool, sway or tempt him. No wonder he was so accurate in predicting the Arab Spring and Bibi’s inability to attack Iran as we wrote on our No Go post from this past Friday.


A movie clip has now become public, where Rabbi Aharon Stern shlit’a from Bnai Brak, who was Rabbi Yehuda Zev’s personal attendant, reveals the tzaddik’s third prediction and says: “Before his death, Rav Leibowitz told me that the anti-Semitism in the United States is only going to continue to grow, until it gets to the point where the Jews will be forced to flee. They must come to Israel soon; if they wait too long, they’ll be lucky to exit with the shirt on their backs…come soon, the Redemption will be here in the Land of Israel, not anywhere else.” In case anyone doubts the veracity and authenticity of the quote, at the bottom of this post is the vid in Hebrew where you can see Rav Stern saying this (see minutes 2:48-3:40).


Hashem wants to redeem us, so He wants us all here. But what about those who for any number of reasons can’t come now? What about those with joint custody on children from a previous marriage or those with an elderly parent? (Plug in your own reason…)


Rav Shalom Arush shlit’a says that even if you can’t come now, you can do 2 things:

1) Pray daily for Aliya, so that you too can come home to the Land of Israel;

2) Spread emuna far and wide, in any way you can. This will protect you in the meanwhile, because the spread of emuna is also needed to expedite Geula, the full redemption of our people, speedily and in our days, amen!

ביבי בוקר טוב – הרב אהרון שטרן שליט”א


Kristallnacht 1938 and 2018

Kristallnacht 1938 and 2018


Spotted in Los Angeles

Kylie Ora Lobell-tweet-11April2024-Spotted in Los Angeles
Spotted in Los Angeles

Kylie Ora Lobell-tweet-11April2024-Spotted in Los Angeles

Kylie Ora Lobell-tweet-11April2024-Spotted in Los Angeles




Kristallnacht 2024 | Chabad Shul-Pomona NY-Arson-17April2024

The Voice Of Truth-tweet-21April2024-Chabad Shul-Pomona NY-Arson-17April2024
The Chabad Shull (synagogue) in Pomona NY was set on fire last Wednesday.

The holy Torah books were burnt to ashes.

This was no accident .

It reminds me of dark ages we all thought we won’t have to go through again.💔


The Voice Of Truth-tweet-21April2024-Chabad Shul-Pomona NY-Arson-17April2024

The Voice Of Truth-tweet-21April2024-Chabad Shul-Pomona NY-Arson-17April2024

Kristallnacht-Burning synagogue Siegen, Germany

Kristallnacht-Burning synagogue Siegen, Germany



Canada in 2024 is Germany in 1939!

Michael Sachs-tweet-21March2024-Canada in 2024 is Germany in 1939
If you are a #Jew in #Canada in 2024, it is resembling Germany in 1939👇🏼

🚨Targeted radical protests of intimidation and hatred

🚨Daily incidents of #antisemitism

🚨Theatres canceling plays and banning #Jewish films

🚨Upcoming ban of #Kosher slaughter

🚨Politicians using #antisemitic tropes on the floor of parliament

🚨Systemic antisemitism unmasked in government, healthcare and multiply public services

🚨Jewish students having to hide being Jewish on campus

History will judge our leaders


cc @JustinTrudeau @theJagmeetSingh @yfblanchet @ElizabethMay @Dave_Eby @NikiSharma2

Michael Sachs-tweet-21March2024-Canada in 2024 is Germany in 1939

Michael Sachs-tweet-21March2024-Canada in 2024 is Germany in 1939




The World does not want to see

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-2December2023-The World does not want to see
“We were foolish to believe after WWII, the world will never forget. At least back then, people could use the excuse they did not know. And now what you’re really saying, is not that you don’t know, is just that you don’t want to see.”

Every word @lucyaharish.

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-2December2023-The World does not want to see

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-2December2023-The World does not want to see



Canary Mission-tweet-19December2023-Prof Rabab Abdulhadi at SFSU
Prof @AbdulhadiRabab @SFSU objects to @IlhanMN calling Hamas’ massacre of Jews “senseless violence.” Abdulhadi says the attacks were self-defense. Imagine being a Jewish student at SFSU & having your prof justify the brutal slaughter of 1,200 Israelis. https://canarymission.org/professor/Rabab_Abdulhadi

Canary Mission-tweet-19December2023-Prof Rabab Abdulhadi at SFSU

Canary Mission-tweet-19December2023-Prof Rabab Abdulhadi at SFSU


Don’t say we didn’t warn you

The Persian Jewess-tweet-25March2024-Don’t say we didn’t warn you
There hasn’t been a single country that has prospered after turning against its #Jewish population.

The rise of Jew Hate is always the harbinger of the fall of society into tyranny and totalitarianism.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-25March2024-Don’t say we didn’t warn you

The Persian Jewess-tweet-25March2024-Don’t say we didn’t warn you





Poster of abducted Israeli

Poster of abducted Israeli

Poster of abducted Israeli

Poster of abducted Israeli


On October 7th, 2023 more than 240 innocent civilians were abducted from Israel into the Gaza Strip by Hamas. Ranging in age from 3 months to 85 years old, these people were kidnapped in the midst of a vicious attack against Israel during which thousands of children, elderly, women, and men were slaughtered, raped, and wounded.


With the clear goal of returning these hostages back home safely and immediately, thousands of people have been hanging photos of the hostages in dozens of cities around the world, pasting up posters that were circulated via dropbox for individuals to print independently.

These are the Posters. Please Download and Print them out.

Click to download PDF file Bring them home November 7 English


Emily holds up her own kidnapped poster

Aviva Klompas-tweet-30November2023-Emily holds up her own kidnapped poster
Emily holds up her own kidnapped poster.

I hope every horrible person who tore down her poster sees this.


Aviva Klompas-tweet-30November2023-Emily holds up her own kidnapped poster

Aviva Klompas-tweet-30November2023-Emily holds up her own kidnapped poster



Antisemites caught ripping down posters of kidnapped Israelis.

Baruchy-tweet-7November2023-Try Again
Try again
Baruchy-tweet-7November2023-Bring Them Home Now
Bring Them Home Now

Baruchy-tweet-7November2023-Try Again

Baruchy-tweet-7November2023-Try Again


UPDATE: NY County public defender Victoria Ruiz has resigned from her position after she was caught ripping down a poster of kidnapped Israelis.
StopAntisemitism-tweet-7November2023-Victoria Ruiz caught removing posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas terrorists
NYC – New York County public defender Victoria Ruiz caught removing posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas terrorists.

It is absolutely unacceptable for someone with such bias and hate to serve in your office @nyc_defenders

StopAntisemitism-tweet-7November2023-Victoria Ruiz caught removing posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas terrorists

StopAntisemitism-tweet-7November2023-Victoria Ruiz caught removing posters of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas terrorists



Caroline Glick-tweet-19June2024-No price for attacking Jews in America
No price for attacking Jews in America
Anti-Semitic in the US is making life impossible for Jews from coast to coast.
Maybe the fact that Attorney General Merrick Garland is refusing to prosecute the perpetrators has something to do with the rise.

Caroline Glick-tweet-19June2024-No price for attacking Jews in America

Caroline Glick-tweet-19June2024-No price for attacking Jews in America




Attorney General Garland refuses to fight antisemitism

Why is Garland giving a free pass to those who attack and kill Jews?


Farley Weiss https://www.jns.org/attorney-general-garland-refuses-to-fight-antisemitism/
Farley Weiss is chairman of the Israel Heritage Foundation (IHF) and former president of the National Council of Young Israel.


(June 17, 2024 / JNS) Attorney General Merrick Garland claims that he is enforcing the law in an unbiased fashion. However, his failure to do precisely this against those who attack Jews belies his claim.


As early as November 2022, FBI Director Christopher Wray noted, “A full 63% of religious hate crimes are motivated by antisemitism—targeting a group that makes up just 2.4% of our population.”


Wray’s statement came well before Garland’s June 4 testimony in which he said there has been a “terrible explosion of antisemitic threats” since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.


Despite the massive discrepancy between those attacking Jews and those attacking any other religious group—including Muslims—Garland went on to talk about “anti-Arab, anti-Muslim threats in this country that make all of these communities afraid.”


Garland went on, “We regard it as an important element of our civil rights work to deter and to investigate and to prosecute and to stop these threats.”


But Garland failed to explain his glaring lack of prosecutions against those attacking Jews.

For example, university anti-Israel encampments have led to Jewish students being physically prevented from going to class. They have also included the harassment of Jewish students on campus.


There are no Jewish encampments on university campuses and no one is preventing Muslim students from going to class. Jewish demonstrations are completely peaceful. Jews are not invading school buildings. Yet the Jews must suffer and the antisemites get a free pass.


The fact is that under Garland’s leadership, there have not been anywhere near enough indictments and federal prosecutions of antisemitic attacks on Jews. Thus, there is no deterrence against such attacks and Jews in America feel afraid.


Not only Jews are being harassed. Even pro-Israel legislators like Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. John Fetterman, Rep. Richie Torres and Rep. Brian Mast have been subject to demonstrations and harassment by antisemitic thugs, including at Cruz’s and Fetterman’s homes.


Jewish homes have also been subject to thuggery, including those involved in the Jewish Museum in Brooklyn and the former head of AIPAC in California.


There should be laws that restrict demonstrations outside private residences and the arrest and prosecution of demonstrators violating those laws.


In November 2023, 69-year-old American Jew Paul Kessler was demonstrating against a pro-Hamas “protest” in a suburb of Los Angeles. The “protest” included Muslim professor Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji. Alnaji was likely a leader of the pro-Hamas demonstration, as he was holding a megaphone used in that demonstration.


He then used that megaphone to hit Kessler on the head, killing him. County medical examiner Dr. Othon Mena testified that Kessler died from blunt force caused by the blow from the megaphone and the subsequent fall. Kessler’s DNA was found on Alnaji’s megaphone.


The police took over a week to charge Alnaji. Initially, the killer’s bail was set at $1,000,000. Then it was massively dropped to $50,000. After a preliminary hearing, Alnaji was charged with two felonies: involuntary manslaughter and battery causing serious bodily injury with special allegations of personally inflicting great bodily harm injury on each count.


Thus, Alnaji faces a maximum sentence of a little over four years. He was not even charged with a hate crime. The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office claimed that it did not do so because Alnaji did not say anything to Kessler before the attack.


It should have been obvious from Alnaji’s antisemitic social media posts and his presence at an antisemitic demonstration that his murderous attack on Kessler was a hate crime.


Attorney General Garland has the authority to charge Alnaji with a hate crime for violating Kessler’s civil rights. He has not done so. So much for “civil rights work.”


This is part of a pattern of depraved neglect. The group Americans Against Antisemitism recently examined 194 antisemitic attacks on persons and 135 attacks on Jewish property in the New York area that occurred since 2018. The group’s July 2022 report found that only two of the criminals were given jail time.


Attorney General Garland has the authority to prosecute many of those attackers for hate crimes. He has failed to do so. So much for his pledge “to prosecute and to stop these threats.”


Garland’s failure to enforce existing U.S. laws and prosecute those who attack and kill Jews like Paul Kessler has helped lead to the rapid rise of antisemitism in America. Garland must fulfill his promise to fight such hate by taking action. If he does not, his hypocrisy will speak much louder than his words.




Senior CIA Official Posts, Then Deletes Pro-Palestine Content

by Tyler Durden, 29November2023 – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/senior-cia-official-posts-then-deletes-pro-palestine-content

Via Middle East Eye,


A senior official at the CIA posted a pro-Palestine photo on her Facebook page amid Israel’s bombardment of the Gaza Strip but later deleted the post and other pro-Palestinian content after it was reported by the media.


The Financial Times reported on Tuesday that the CIA associate deputy director for analysis changed her Facebook cover photo on 21 October to an image of a man waving a Palestinian flag.

The photo of a man waving a Palestinian flag that was shared on the Facebook page of a senior CIA official (Photo by Ahmed Abu Hameeda/Unsplash)

The photo of a man waving a Palestinian flag that was shared on the Facebook page of a senior CIA official (Photo by Ahmed Abu Hameeda/Unsplash)

The image posted to the CIA official’s Facebook page, as identified in FT.

The official also published a selfie with a sticker saying “Free Palestine” superimposed on the photograph, which the Financial Times reported was posted to Facebook years before the ongoing war, citing an unnamed person familiar with the image.


The images were deleted on Monday after the Financial Times contacted the official, the report said. Middle East Eye reached out to the CIA associate deputy director for analysis on LinkedIn for comment but didn’t receive a reply by the time of publication.


While CIA officials like those in the directorate of operations mainly work undercover with their identity obscured, others who provide analysis for the agency can have a more public profile. It is extremely rare, however, for officials working in government intelligence, particularly senior officials, to share their political views on current events.


The associate deputy director for analysis at the CIA reviews and studies the raw intelligence that field officers collect from foreign sources abroad. That intelligence goes into a highly classified document known as the President’s Daily Brief, which the US leader receives almost daily.


The revelation that a senior US intelligence official was posting images widely seen as supportive of the Palestinian cause comes at a sensitive time for the Biden administration, which has faced pushback from officials over its unconditional support for Israel.


Middle East Eye reported in October that State Department officials had penned dissent cables calling for the US to push Israel for a ceasefire. The Biden administration’s stance has also pitted senior officials within the National Security Council against younger staffers, particularly those from diverse backgrounds, who have expressed concern over the support to Israel.


A former US official was recently filmed advocating for killing Palestinian children. New York police arrested Stuart Seldowitz, a former US State Department official, earlier in November after he was captured on video calling an Egyptian halal food street vendor a terrorist and saying the death of 4,000 Palestinian children “wasn’t enough”.


Seldowitz was deputy director in the US State Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs. He was later National Security Council advisor to President Barack Obama.


The Financial Times report is notable because it is the first to suggest that a senior US official within the intelligence community has expressed pro-Palestinian sentiment since the outbreak of war on 7 October.


The CIA official was later identified by name in a Washington Free Beacon report…

Chuck Callesto-tweet-28November2023-CIA Officer Found Sharing Pro-Palestinian Material
JUST IN: High-Ranking CIA Officer Found Sharing Pro-Palestinian Material on Social Media..

Amy McFadden, the Associate Deputy Director for Analysis at the CIA, altered her social media cover photo to one supporting Palestine, which occurred two weeks after Hamas, recognized as a terrorist organization by the United States, launched attacks against Israel.

Chuck Callesto-tweet-28November2023-CIA Officer Found Sharing Pro-Palestinian Material

Chuck Callesto-tweet-28November2023-CIA Officer Found Sharing Pro-Palestinian Material

The CIA prides itself on being apolitical and delivering unbiased intelligence to the US president regardless of the political views of its officers and staff. It is extremely rare for a senior intelligence officer to make personal political statements.


The disclosure comes as the head of the spy agency, Bill Burns, takes on a leading role in managing the administration’s response to the conflict. The CIA director has met with leaders from Egypt, Jordan, Israel, and Gulf states to discuss Israel’s battle plans and the release of hostages. On Tuesday, he was in Doha for talks with his Israeli counterpart and Qatari officials serving as mediators with Hamas.


JerusalemCats Comments: Look at the News with all the pro-Palestinian riots, look at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Look at the Universities! Hamas is in America and Europe!

Netanyahu Warns America: “You’re Next” If IDF Doesn’t Decimate Hamas “Barbarism”

by Tyler Durden, 14November2023 – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/netanyahu-tells-americans-youre-next-if-idf-doesnt-defeat-hamas-barbarism


Israel has been ramping up its global messaging campaign at a moment it faces increased isolation from Global South countries, and amid growing criticism from large powers like China, Russia, and major Latin American countries such as Brazil.


But there have been signs of dissent even within the Biden administration as well, with pushback especially coming from the State Department of late, as US officials want to see the White House become more publicly critical of alleged Israeli war crimes, given also the immense death toll, at over 11,200 Gazans killed – with some half of these believed to be women and children.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now taking his message to the American public, in a Monday night appearance on Fox News’ Sean Hannity, warning that the US will be “next” if his military doesn’t decimate Hamas.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and biden Via AP

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and biden Via AP

“We have to win not only for our sake, but for the sake of the Middle East, for the sake of our Arab neighbors. You know what, for the sake of Gazans who’ve been held by this dark tyranny that has brutalized and brought them nothing but bloodshed and poverty and misery,” Netanyahu introduced.


“We have to win to protect Israel. We have to win to safeguard the Middle East. We have to win for the sake of the civilized world. That’s the battle we’re fighting, and it’s being waged right now. There is no substitute for that victory.”


And that’s when he emphasized the potential dire repercussions for the West if Israel fails in its objectives. “If we don’t win now, then Europe is next and you’re next. And we have to win,” he added.


Netanyahu’s words carried a theme of a war between ‘barbarians’ and ‘civilization’, with an intent to make Americans believe what’s happening in the Middle East is “your fight” as well. According to Fox:

Netanyahu stressed that “our fight is your fight” and that there is “no substitute for victory.”

“We have to have the forces of civilization beat these barbarians because otherwise this barbarism will spread and will endanger the entire world,” Netanyahu said. “Every American, every civilized country will be under peril. We have to win. There is no substitute for victory. Total victory.”

Such messaging filled with a ‘good vs. evil’ motif was also heavily relied upon by the Bush administration and neocons in selling the Iraq War in 2003. Netanyahu has in past years also painted such simple contrasts when speaking about Iran and its supposed ‘nuclear threat’ as well.


Netanyahu may have been responding to rare words of restraint issued by President Biden on the same day. “I have not been reluctant in expressing my concerns about what’s going on and it’s my hope and expectation that it will be less intrusive action relative to the hospital,” Biden said Monday regarding the worsening humanitarian crisis at al-Shifa hospital in the center of Gaza City.


Zelensky’s playbook of “you’re next”?…

Michael Tracey-tweet-14November2023-Netanyahu on Hannity
Netanyahu on Hannity last night:

– Israel is invading Gaza “for the sake of Gazans.” Sounds very generous and humanitarian

– War boils down to “good guys” versus “bad guys”

– If Israel doesn’t occupy the Gaza strip, “Europe is next, and you’re next.” I guess he means Ohio

Michael Tracey-tweet-14November2023-Netanyahu on Hannity

Michael Tracey-tweet-14November2023-Netanyahu on Hannity

“So, I remain somewhat hopeful but the hospital must be protected,” he said. This was in response to growing international condemnation, including from the UN, of Israeli troops laying siege to the large Gaza hospital, amid reports that patients – including the very young – are dying, and as the hospital has run out of fuel to keep vital generators going.



EU Supreme Court has just outlawed kosher slaughter in the EU

Caroline Glick-tweet-13February2024-EU bans kosher slaughter
The EU Supreme Court has just outlawed kosher slaughter in the EU. That means the EU has just declared Judaism illegal within its boundaries.
This comes the day after the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell called for a weapons embargo against Israel.
The Palestinians are Europe’s way of maintaining its 2,000 year war against the Jews.

Caroline Glick-tweet-13February2024-EU bans kosher slaughter

Caroline Glick-tweet-13February2024-EU bans kosher slaughter



The lives of French Jews today

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-28November2023-The lives of French Jews today
This article in Le Figaro describes the lives of French Jews today:

” A hairdresser refusing a Jewish client
* Jews changing their names on mailboxes so as not to be targets
* 74% of French Jews say they have already experienced anti-Semitic behavior, from mockery to physical aggression.
* 48% sometimes avoid saying that they are Jewish in a discussion
* 55% of parents ask their children not to wear distinctive Jewish clothing
* Taxi driver at Orly airport: “Dirty Jew! If I would take you (in my cab), I would have slaughtered you, your wife and your children ”
* Muslim Uber drivers are giving low ratings to visibly Jewish customers
* Delivery people refuse to take food from kosher restaurants
* Post office employees purposefully “lose” mail and packages to and from Israel


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-28November2023-The lives of French Jews today

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-28November2023-The lives of French Jews today



Are the Jews on their way to get thrown out of the French education system?

An Israeli mother-tweet-11July2024-Are the Jews on their way to get thrown out of the French education system
France- “They” didn’t wait long after the elections.

Are the Jews on their way to get thrown out of the French education system? The latest baccalaureate scandal (and not by the system. By the ones who rot it from the inside).

I’ll begin with some background for those less familiar with France: we are the proud fruits of the French State Education System: “Secular, Free, and Obligatory” per the Jules Ferry laws: a pair of laws on primary education in France passed in 1881-1882 under the Third Republic, which enabled poor kids to receive an excellent if basic education, and made France the powerhouse of industry and literature it used to be. A cornerstone of “la belle France”.

This “Ecole de la Republique” even enabled poor Holocaust orphans/refugees to become my parents: a highly educated, financially comfortable couple, where at some point my father CHOSE to become a teacher to pay forwards to other disfavored kids the chance he’d had (and do other things, too).

We all went to the same school, the janitor’s kid with the ambassador’s son. I experienced some antisemitism from obtuse teachers, but minor. We all went on to live our lives knowing orthograph, grammar, some sciences and the importance of colorblind, merits-based appreciation of people.

Well, it’s over.

My nieces in France, with their uber-Jewish sounding patronym, cannot go to the public school in Paris’ rather chic area where they live: it’s too dangerous because of the “immigrant populations”. We all remember the 12yo girl raped last month, because her ex-boyfriend understood she was Jewish (which she had carefully hidden) and flipped.

Jewish families spend thousand of Euros every month for Jewish private schools, which are not a luxury anymore….
And this week it appeared it’s not enough.

The undisputed Queen of Jewish schools in Paris is Yabne-
In order to get in, the kid must justify an excellent academic level and capacities, discipline, social qualities, read perfectly in French and passably in Hebrew before the first grade….what have you, and even so there’s a waiting list long as your arm (tuition help is available for poorer families).

Yabne consistently boasts a baccalaureate success rate of 100%, an extra honors rate around 92%, in line with the best of the best of the cream of French schools (see diagram).

Which made it all the more surprising (or not), when this week, 15 final-year students were reportedly “sacked” (unfairly given bad grades) in the Grand Oral of the 2024 baccalaureate .

Summoned at the end of June to another school to take their final exam (as is the norm for all schools), they had the unpleasant surprise of discovering their grades all fluctuate between 4 and 8/20.

FAILING GRADE, or at least a weight which may hamper the students’ chances to be admitted to top universities.

We’re talking 15 teenagers enrolled in mathematics and physics-chemistry specializations, so even there, the “cream” out of the 138 Yabne’s final year students this year.

The lawyer mandated by the school to assist it wrote on X, “The oldest and largest Jewish school under contract with the State has noted a bias in grading (…). We are talking about a 9 point difference (out of 20 ) on average compared to the 123 other candidates from the high school who appeared before other juries .” Translation- if those students got 7 in average, the others got 16.

Usually, Yabne students get more than 17 for this exam, and the national average is 15/20. A grade between 4 and 8 would mean the student came drunk, or spit on the teachers?

“This year, the high school was alerted by parents of a particularly aggressive attitude from the jury when their child took the exam ,” said the management of the Yabné school. Before adding: “One of our teachers present on this site also told me about discussions in the teachers’ room stigmatizing Yabné as a “school outside the contract”. Our students have Jewish surnames and the forms that the students present to the jury are stamped by Yabné . ” In addition, comments about the students’ attire were allegedly made by teachers on the “problematic” juries.

An administrative investigation has been launched by the Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet, who also reacted on X:

“Many of you have alerted me to this situation. As soon as I became aware of the facts, I asked my services to launch an in-depth investigation. If the facts were proven, they would be intolerable in our School. And I won’t let anything go.”

Thanks, Madame.
Still. Sometimes, I’m almost happy my Dad is dead.

JerusalemCats-tweet-11July2024-my Daughter could not find a High School
in 2010 my Daughter could not find a High School in Los Angeles, CA. So my wife and I made a pilot trip to Israel with just our Daughters transcripts. They were both accepted into Schools. They are now married. We are all living in Israel.
An Israeli mother-tweet-12July2024-
Best story in the whole thread!

An Israeli mother-tweet-11July2024-Are the Jews on their way to get thrown out of the French education system

An Israeli mother-tweet-11July2024-Are the Jews on their way to get thrown out of the French education system

JerusalemCats-tweet-11July2024-my Daughter could not find a High School

JerusalemCats-tweet-11July2024-my Daughter could not find a High School



Lyon, France: pro-Hamas Palestinian demonstrators burst into an Aliyah fair

Franckalbert-tweet-21May2024-Lyon, France: pro-Hamas Palestinian demonstrators burst into an Aliyah fair
Lyon : A serious incident in France: pro-Hamas Palestinian demonstrators burst into an immigration fair in Israel with hundreds of Jews – violence on site

Franckalbert-tweet-21May2024-Lyon France pro-Hamas Palestinian demonstrators burst into an Aliyah fair

Franckalbert-tweet-21May2024-Lyon France pro-Hamas Palestinian demonstrators burst into an Aliyah fair




Paris Grand Synagogue Rabbi: ‘There is no future for Jews in France’

“It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France,” Rabbi Moshe Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. “I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country.”

JULY 1, 2024 16:48 Updated: JULY 1, 2024 21:45 https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-808521


A man walks past graves desecrated with swastikas at the Jewish cemetery in Westhoffen, near Strasbourg, France, December 4, 2019.(photo credit: Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters)

A man walks past graves desecrated with swastikas at the Jewish cemetery in Westhoffen, near Strasbourg, France, December 4, 2019.(photo credit: Arnd Wiegmann/Reuters)


Following the success of the right-wing National Rally Party in Sunday’s first round of French parliamentary elections, Grande Synagogue of Paris Chief Rabbi Moshe Sebbag cast doubt on the future of Jews in France and advocated for youth to immigrate to Israel or other countries.


“It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France,” Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. “I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country.”


In previous conversations with the Post, Sebbag had struck a more cautiously optimistic tone, hopeful that French Jewry would continue despite his worries about antisemitism and a changing society.


France was facing an identity and integration crisis, Sebbag explained. Post-World War II Jewish immigrants had come to France, endured housing their families in one-room apartments while imbibing French culture. They learned the language, the “spirit” of the society, and French cuisine.


“Every country has its history, and its history is part of its identity. The moment you feel part of a country’s history, it doesn’t become another country’s history,” said Sebbag. “After generations, the French Jews are very French and feel very French.”


Immigrants from other countries had come to France seeking a better life, but some had not integrated as well as the Jews, said the rabbi. France is a secular society, in which religious items are not worn at public school or by employees of a hospital.


Marine Le Pen, President of the French far-right National Rally (Rassemblement National - RN) party parliamentary group. Paris, France, June 2, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/CHRISTIAN HARTMANN/FILE PHOTO)

Marine Le Pen, President of the French far-right National Rally (Rassemblement National – RN) party parliamentary group. Paris, France, June 2, 2024. (credit: REUTERS/CHRISTIAN HARTMANN/FILE PHOTO)


“There is freedom of religion, but is not for display in state spaces,” said Sebbag.


Yet many Muslims have refused to comply with such aspects of French society, with more head scarfs worn in state spaces.


How has French society responded to local issues?

Different segments of France have responded differently to the problems of mass immigration and failures of integration. According to Sebbag, on the one hand, there is a fear of losing  French culture and a desire to throttle immigration; on the other hand, those with a humanistic ideological bent want to help the immigrants with exorbitant social benefits and to fight discrimination against them. This requires raising taxes for the rich and raising the age for pension benefits.


Sebbag said that many places with enclaves of unintegrated immigrants have seen the far Right grow in strength. National Rally’s founder Jean-Marie Le Pen was sympathetic to the Nazis and accused of antisemitism. Sebbag said that his daughter Marine Le Pen had for 15 years tried to distance the party from its founder and focus on protecting French identity and culture.


Many on the Left had offered justification for the October 7 Massacre, while the Right had offered support for Israel’s ability to defend itself. The Left had also facilitated and embraced Pro-Palestinian protests and activism, which coincided with a dramatic rise in antisemitism.


Sebbag accused the left-wing New Popular Front Party of engaging in manipulation by naming its coalition after French Jewish statesman Leon Blum’s Popular Front, which had fought for workers’ rights and against antisemitism. The Left coalition has so far claimed second place in the elections, above President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Ensemble alliance.


Jewish groups have called for French Jews to vote for the Center, which has been supportive of Israel, but under their leaders, the problem of antisemitism has proliferated.


“Many Ashkenazi Jewish families here since before World War II couldn’t think to vote for National Rally, yet the Left has been antisemitic in recent times,” said Sebbag. “The Jews are in the middle because they don’t know who hates them more.”



PeterSweden-tweet-1July2024-The far-left has been rioting all night in France
The far-left has been rioting all night in France after the massive victory by the right-wing party.

They refuse to accept a democratic election.

And mainstream media is hiding this from you.

SHARE – Let everyone see the true face of the left 👇

PeterSweden-tweet-1July2024-The far-left has been rioting all night in France

PeterSweden-tweet-1July2024-The far-left has been rioting all night in France




Marina Medvin-tweet-9July2024-France-While waiving Palestinian flags
While waiving Palestinian flags, Arabs walked through France shouting the following phrases:

Marina Medvin-tweet-9July2024-France-While waiving Palestinian flags

Marina Medvin-tweet-9July2024-France-While waiving Palestinian flags



More than 2,000 French Jewish families have opened aliyah files in the past 48 hours

Hen Mazzig-tweet-9July2024-2000 French Jewish families have opened aliyah files in the past 48 hours
More than 2,000 French Jewish families have opened aliyah files in the past 48 hours, amid skyrocketing antisemitism and post-election uncertainty.

Antisemites make life impossible for Jews around the world.

They are exactly why we need a Jewish state 🇮🇱

Hen Mazzig-tweet-9July2024-2000 French Jewish families have opened aliyah files in the past 48 hours

Hen Mazzig-tweet-9July2024-2000 French Jewish families have opened aliyah files in the past 48 hours



Jihad Watch

French-Israelis call on Jews to flee France and join them

9July2024 By


The recent French elections and the far left victory is leading to nervousness among France’s Jews. Islamic antisemitism rose to alarming levels during the surge of Muslim migration to France in 2015 and the years thereafter. Open-door migration has come to define leftist politics.


Since 2020, the World Zionist Organization (WZO) has been “working on a plan to bring hundreds of thousands of French Jews to Israel.” The population of Jews in France is roughly 453,000.


WZO Vice-Chair Yaakov Hagoel said at that time: “Anti-Semitism is increasing and France is surrendering to jihad.”


And in 2018, Ricard Abitbol, President of the Confederation of Jews in France, declared: “In a few decades, there will be no Jews in France….We can be hurt by words, but we don’t mind, but when we are hurt by a knife, a gun, you can’t say I don’t mind.”


Since October 7, the Palestinian “resistance” has gone global, further threatening Jews everywhere. Palestinian propaganda is rife in the West, and fully protected by the woke ideology, in which Muslims are the perceived victims, despite a 1,400-year history that proves otherwise. The history of Israel’s founding shows the “resistance” is really about obliterating the state of Israel, which Islamic supremacists consider to be an affront to Islam.


Islam managed to conquer the entire Middle East via the sword, and hold it all with the exception of Israel. Yet it is the tiny state of Israel that suffers international persecution to this day. Leftist leaders have proven themselves to be biased against Israel and uncritically supportive of the Palestinian cause.


“Dan” in the story below has identified the role of the alliance between the left and “radical Muslims” in the escalation of antisemitism.

France and other European countries could well see an exodus to Israel in the coming years, which could mean a brain drain.

Traitorous Western globalist leaders, however, will continue to prosper on the backs of taxpayers.


Thousands march in Paris against antisemitism

Thousands march in Paris against antisemitism

“French-Israelis call on Jews to flee France and join them,” by Thomas Helm, The National, July 7, 2024:

As the line grew at a boarding gate in Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport, Dan waited by a plug socket charging his phone until the last minute before joining the throng of mostly French Jews bound for Marseille.


Israel’s carrier, El Al, makes the trip five times a week. Marseille is home to France’s second-largest Jewish community, numbering about 80,000 people. After the US, France has the biggest Jewish community outside Israel.


Dan was going back to vote in France’s snap election called by President Emmanuel Macron in June.


The election, which held its second round on July 7, sparked huge debate among French-Israelis about the future of the Republic and more particularly about the future of French Jews, who say they desperately need the state to step up and tackle spiralling anti-Semitism.


Dan said he would be voting for the far right, something that would have been unthinkable not so long ago, having been established by openly antisemitic politicians.


Despite the far right’s history, Dan was certain about his choice. “There is an urgent need to stop the far left, which has allied itself with radical Muslims – if we don’t stop it France will become even more dangerous for Jews,” he said.


Other Israelis have given up on France entirely and are calling for all French Jews to migrate to Israel, despite the country being in the middle of a war with Hamas in Gaza and possibly facing another more devastating one with Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.…




Dear diaspora Jews: It’s over

The past month has reinforced my belief that there is one place we’re meant to be, and it isn’t New York, Buenos Aires, or London

Josh Feldman  Nov 19, 2023, https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/dear-diaspora-jews-its-over/


As an Australian Jew, I’ve always proudly contended that I live in the safest Jewish community in the world. We have no lists of synagogues shot up by white supremacists, nor politicians whose campaign to become prime minister prompted nearly half the country’s Jews to consider leaving (high standards, I know). And while Australian Jewry — which is believed to have the world’s largest Holocaust survivor population per capita outside of Israel — is well aware of the dangers of antisemitism, much of the community has long-shared this sentiment. Antisemitism has always been present, but it was rarely, if ever, a cause for widespread anxiety.


If the outbreak of Jew-hatred after the October 7 Massacre didn’t change that, then November 10 did. As Melbourne’s Jews welcomed Shabbat, a mob of Arab and far-left thugs traveled from the other side of the city to protest in the heart of Melbourne’s Jewish community, forcing a synagogue only meters from the protest to evacuate mid-prayer.


Masked in keffiyehs, waving Palestinian flags, and accompanied by an astonishingly useless police force, the group chanted “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — that all-too familiar call for the Jewish state’s destruction — and hurled vile insults at Jewish locals who exited their homes in a show of defiance, sparking violent clashes. Multiple witnesses told me protesters threw rocks and full water bottles at Jewish attendees.


One protester, keenly aware of the significance of harassing Jews in their backyard on Shabbat, taunted Jewish counter-protesters that they “can’t do this in Broadmeadows,” a heavily Muslim suburb around 40 minutes by car from where the protest took place. “People inside their homes having Shabbat dinner terrified hearing the chants of Allahu Akbar,” one Jewish local wrote during the ordeal.


To say this has shaken Melbourne’s Jewish community is a gross understatement. The quiet suburban life for Melburnian Jews, often accompanied by varying levels of naivety and denial about the dangers facing us, is over as we know it.


Such a story has become chillingly familiar for too many Diaspora Jewish communities since Hamas’s sadistic orgy of terror on October 7 and the terrifying explosion of antisemitism that followed. Jews have begun removing mezuzahs from their front doors. Jewish schools are telling their students they don’t have to wear school uniform so as to avoid being identifiably Jewish in public. Others are letting students study at home, while some Jewish parents have banned their children from taking public transport to school.


The night of the Melbourne protest, a Jewish family friend had invited people over to celebrate their birthday. Some refused to go: they were too scared to leave their homes.


The confident assertion that now is the best time in history to be Jewish has been all but forgotten. Welcome to the new Jewish reality.


For much of Diaspora Jewry, this is an immensely disorientating time, and understandably so. But as I told a friend who said the other day that no matter where we live, Jews will always be outnumbered by those who hate us, there is, in fact, one place we can go. It’s home to some seven million Jews, is run by Jews, for Jews, and three of its last six prime ministers have been veterans of one of the most elite Jewish fighting forces in our people’s history.


If ever there was a time to move to Israel, it’s now.

Modern Zionism’s founding father Theodor Herzl’s rationale was simple: Europe is not safe for Jews; only in an independent Jewish state in the land of Israel can we guarantee our own safety. He was right. In a post-Holocaust West, however, many Jews believed that they too, had found countries that could guarantee not just their safety, but their sense of security. As long as that remained true, there was little reason to leave — hence why approximately half of world Jewry lives outside of Israel.


The last few weeks have shattered that illusion for many Jews. In response, some Jewish writers and activists have argued that now is the time for Diaspora Jewry to create new institutions, rethink who its allies are, and change how it educates the non-Jewish world about antisemitism.


While well-intentioned, these miss the point entirely. Generation after generation, Jews were expelled from their homes, shoved into ghettos, and murdered at will. Nothing our ancestors did could change that. Jewish communities today need to come to the same realization. This is not, and never has been, a question of allyship or education. Antisemitism is not an enemy you can defeat with well-funded and cleverly planned campaigns. The game is up. It’s over.


For some, moving to Israel now might feel like giving up, and I can understand why. I began the process of making aliyah months before October 7, and as someone who has never had much faith in the non-Jewish world’s ability or desire to guarantee Jewish safety, the past month has only reinforced my belief that there is one place we’re meant to be, and it isn’t New York, Buenos Aires, London, or Johannesburg.


For other Jews, however — many of whose families have spent generations flourishing in the Diaspora — it’s far from simple to admit that the societies they, their parents, and their grandparents invested in have proven to be a false promise.


But moving to Israel is not giving up. It is an embrace of Jewish destiny. It is to unapologetically declare that as Jews, we are choosing to direct our energy towards helping our ancestral homeland instead of spending countless hours and dollars contributing to societies that are already beginning to turn on us. My sense of Jewish pride demands that I accept nothing less than a society that will do everything in its power to guarantee my ability to live safely as a proud Jew. A world in which Jews are scared to be publicly Jewish is not one I want to live in.


Diaspora Jews have long-described Israel as the one place we can go to if we no longer feel safe in our host countries. It’s our insurance policy on which we hoped we’d never have to make a claim. But since October 7, what was usually little more than a comforting remark has been violently transformed, against our will, to a concrete reflection of reality.

It’s time for us to cash in.



Jewish professional discovers vitriolic antisemitism coming from his colleagues

Gabe Stutman-tweet-11July2024-the gaslighting
Just got off the phone with a young professional in the Bay Area who broke down sobbing about the amount of vitriolic antisemitism coming from his colleagues. It was striking to hear a grown man cry, but my main takeaway was that the worst part is the gaslighting–

Gabe Stutman-tweet-11July2024-the gaslighting

Gabe Stutman-tweet-11July2024-the gaslighting


You now realize you are in the Matrix! It is time to “FREE YOUR MIND”.

Free Your Mind



1970-2020 Jewish golden age

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-30January2024-1970-2020 jewish golden age
Some seven decades of limited antisemitism in the West has come to an end. People can now publicly harass and attack Jews at will, and Jews are reverting to living in fear.

History will look at 1970-2020 as a golden age, where Jewish men in most Western cities could walk openly with a kippah without much concern. Where Jews could go on family outings with only a vague worry that there is a tiny chance that some crazy person might harass them. Where no one had a second thought about walking to and from synagogue with the kids.

Certainly there are some neighborhoods where this is still true, but the map of where Jews can walk without fear has been shrinking over the past several years, and shrank dramatically since October 7, after decades of expansion.

Like it or not, the normal state of the world over the past 2000 years is where Jews are outcasts and demeaned. These last decades were not a trend as we had hoped, but an anomaly.

The West should be nervous. Jews are the canary in the coal mine, and this is just the beginning. History shows that the future for countries that decide that it is too much trouble to protect their Jews is bleak indeed.
JerusalemCats-tweet-31January2024-Baal Teshuva movement
1970s Baal Teshuva movement; Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Aish HaTorah, The Jewish Catalog, 1980-1990s Russian Refuseniks Aliyah, Rabbi Meir Kahane, 2000s Nefesh B’Nefesh, 2010s Gaza Wars,

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-30January2024-1970-2020 jewish golden age

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-30January2024-1970-2020 jewish golden age

JerusalemCats-tweet-31January2024-Baal Teshuva movement

JerusalemCats-tweet-31January2024-Baal Teshuva movement

JerusalemCats Comments: I would add that the start of the “Golden Age” was the Six Day War on June 5 to 10, 1967 and ended on October 7, 2023




The truth is Israel’s narrative

It took 30 years, billions in petrodollars and billions more from cultural Marxists to develop a language of lies and manipulation that placed Jews in Israel and the Diaspora in the oppressor column.

A single photograph of a couple remains on the wall of a bullet-riddled home in Kfar Aza in southern Israel after Hamas terrorists rampaged through the community on Oct. 7, murdering families and taking civilians hostage, Oct. 16, 2023. Photo by Rina Castelnuovo.

A single photograph of a couple remains on the wall of a bullet-riddled home in Kfar Aza in southern Israel after Hamas terrorists rampaged through the community on Oct. 7, murdering families and taking civilians hostage, Oct. 16, 2023. Photo by Rina Castelnuovo.


Caroline B. Glick

Caroline B. Glick

Caroline B. Glick
Caroline B. Glick is the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate and host of the “Caroline Glick Show” on JNS. She is also the diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, as well as a columnist for Newsweek. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington and a lecturer at Israel’s College of Statesmanship.


(November 8, 2023 / JNS) Paul Kessler went to a pro-Hamas demonstration in the Los Angeles area waving an Israeli flag to stand down the crowd gathered to support the genocide of Jews. A pro-Hamas demonstrator, who tracked the 69-year-old before he approached him, clubbed Kessler in the head with a megaphone. Kessler fell to the ground and died of cerebral bleeding.


Forty-eight hours after Kessler was killed, his murderer was still free, even though the police know who he is. Ventura County Sheriff Jim Fryoff hadn’t arrested him because he couldn’t decide whether the murderer’s blow was the reason that Kessler died. Maybe he would have fallen on the ground head-first anyway. These things happen.


Fryoff isn’t the only one who can’t see the connection between A and B these days.

From coast to coast, university presidents can’t figure out whether Israel is to be supported and Hamas condemned, or Hamas is to be supported and Israel is to be condemned. It’s true Hamas murderers savagely executed, raped, sodomized, decapitated, dismembered and kidnapped thousands of innocent Israelis. But then again, Israel retaliated and stuff.


The confusion isn’t limited to police chiefs and professors.

Consider Sen. Bernie Sanders. The Socialist from Vermont told CNN that a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is impossible. As he put it, “I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire, a permanent ceasefire with an organization like Hamas, which is dedicated to turmoil and chaos and destroying the State of Israel.”


But then again, Sanders said: “The immediate task right now is to end the bombing, to end the horrific humanitarian disaster, to build—go forward with the entire world for a two-tier, two-state solution to the crisis to give the Palestinian people hope.”


So, on the one hand, you can’t have a ceasefire because Hamas won’t cease firing since it seeks Israel’s annihilation. And on the other hand, Israel needs to stop firing on Hamas and give the people who elected Hamas a state. Sanders’s confusion makes sense, given his Jewish roots on the one hand, and his ties to the Hamas caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives on the other.


The obvious contradiction in his position resonates with President Joe Biden’s viewpoints as well. True, Biden says, Israel has a right and a duty to defeat Hamas. But it must do so without harming any of Hamas’s human shields, and it needs to accept a ceasefire that will allow Hamas to regroup, resupply and rearm.


True, Biden admits, Hamas wants to annihilate the Jews. And true (although he won’t acknowledge it), the unpopular PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority also wants to annihilate the Jews. All the same, Biden insists that they must always be empowered and never punished for anything.


Deeper than the competence of spokespeople

On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told ABC News that after the war, Israel will need to maintain overall security control over the Gaza Strip to prevent Hamas from rebuilding its military capabilities. The next day, the U.S. State Department publicly rejected the notion that Israel might stick around. State Department spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters, “Our viewpoint is that Palestinians must be at the forefront of these decisions, and Gaza is Palestinian land and will remain Palestinian land.”


People keep comparing Hamas’s slaughter of civilians to Sept. 11 and Israel’s counterattack as its invasion of Iraq. But as Capt. Thomas Wheatley, a professor of international law at West Point, explained in a paper he published in a George Mason University international legal journal, the analogy is wrong. Hamas didn’t hijack a plane. It invaded Israel. It occupied Israeli territory for several hours and used its time in power to conduct crimes against humanity and genocidal acts. It seized 244 hostages. The proper analogy of Israel’s counterattacks isn’t Mosul but Normandy. Israel needs to treat Gaza how the United States and the Allies treated Nazi Germany, Wheatley explained.

Why can’t the West’s “best and brightest” understand this basic truth?


Israelis like to blame ourselves for this fiasco. We say that our public diplomacy, aka hasbara, is a complete failure. Our spokespeople are incompetent, the critics insist. But the truth is different. Israel’s official spokesmen are generally competent and often well-spoken. Palestinian spokesmen are just as often incompetent, and look and sound like terrorists.

The problem is much deeper than the competence of official spokespeople.


Partly, it’s that a lot of people around the world simply hate Jews. We’ve been getting a good look at the dimensions of the phenomenon since the Oct. 7 mass slaughter. Jew-haters from Pakistan to Philadelphia like Hamas because Hamas is killing Jews.


But not all of the people who insist that Israel is in the wrong—or simply can’t see the difference between Israel and Hamas—are motivated primarily by bigotry.


Their problem isn’t that they despise Jews or even that Israel isn’t providing the facts. Their problem is that they have been trained to care more about “the narrative” than the facts. And “the narrative” tells them to stand with the Palestinians, who seek to annihilate the Jews.


Whether the problem began with Edward Said’s destruction of Middle East Studies with the publication of his anti-intellectual and glamorous Orientalism in 1978—or with the imposition of groupthink under the title “political correctness” as a litmus test for social, academic and professional advancement in the 1990s—over the last generation and a half, the details of the narrative were filled in. Across all fields of human endeavor and experience, humankind was divided into the oppressed, who can do no wrong, and the oppressors, who can do no right.


It took 30 years, billions in petrodollars and billions more from cultural Marxists to develop a language of lies and manipulation that placed Jews in Israel and the Diaspora in the oppressor column. But with enough money and indoctrination, David was transformed into Goliath, and Goliath was transformed into the Jews who were so scared of the Philistine giant that they sent a 13-year-old shepherd with a slingshot in to defend them.

“David and Goliath” fresco, 1509, by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel. Credit: Web Gallery of Art via Wikimedia Commons.

“David and Goliath” fresco, 1509, by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel. Credit: Web Gallery of Art via Wikimedia Commons.


The ‘new’ David and Goliath

None of this made any sense. None of it had anything to do with history, facts or scholarship. Indeed, to believe these lies, it was necessary to reject objective truth as a measuring rod for academic or professional advancement.


Faced with a state of affairs where public discourse was dominated by a narrative that vilified Jews, Jewish liberals in Israel and the United States invented their own narrative they hoped would satisfy their indoctrinated and incentivized colleagues in the West. They based their narrative on the same oppressor-oppressed narrative their Western counterparts embraced. But their narrative distinguished between “good Jews” and “bad Jews.”


They were the good Jews. And as good Jews, they accepted that Israel was Goliath. But they insisted that they didn’t want to be Goliath. They wanted to give the oppressed Palestinian David a state. They embraced the “two-state solution” that requires Israel to give up Israel’s biblical heartland—Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem along with the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. The “bad Jews,” the oppressor Jews, refused to do so based on their atavistic, messianic belief that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews.


The key to peace, the “good Jews” proclaimed, is for the liberal Jews to be supported by all right-thinking people. Right-thinking, narrative-driven people need to oppose the leaders of the “bad Jews”—first and foremost, Netanyahu—and to deny tenure, promotions and even legitimacy to Jews in Israel and abroad who think like Netanyahu about certain things, particularly the “two-state solution.


Like their Western counterparts, these Jewish liberals were immune to rational debate. True, the Palestinians rejected the “two-state solution,” and all factions of Palestinian society call for the elimination of Israel. And true, the “two-state solution” foresees Israel shrinking to indefensible boundaries that invite invasion. But since the “two-state solution” would end Israel’s status as an oppressor, the Palestinians and their allies would bury the hatchet, and Israel could live securely in indefensible boundaries because no one would think of attacking it. Many liberal Jews accepted the slaughter of wrong-thinking Jews with something bordering on equanimity. They were asking for it, of course, by refusing to end the so-called “occupation.”


The problem with liberal Israelis’ and Diaspora Jewry’s acceptance of narrative over facts is that facts have proven their narrative—and the broader oppressed/oppressor narrative—false. As they wake up to the realization that Israel’s enemies see no difference between “good” Jews who support the “two-state solution” and the “bad” Jews who oppose it, they are coming to realize that their colleagues on the left really don’t care. They prefer their narrative to reality—and won’t reject it even if keeping the faith with the oppressed means embracing the eliminationist slogan, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free.”


Which brings us back to public diplomacy.

It is the liberal Jewish embrace of the oppressor-oppressed narrative about themselves that has rendered Israel’s hasbara efforts dead in the water. If Israel is in the wrong and the Palestinians are in the right, then Hamas is right to slaughter and rape and abduct Israeli Jews. After all, we had it coming. And Israel has no right to annihilate Hamas because Hamas is oppressed. Rape isn’t a form of oppression if it is carried out by the oppressed against the oppressor. What does it matter how many women were brutalized? The same is the case with burning babies.


What’s missing from Israel’s hasbara isn’t facts and figures—of dead, of atrocities, of dates and of genocidal covenants, or even decent English.


What is missing is our story. Our history is the most compelling tale of human will and hope that the world has ever known. Our Jewish state is an apotheosis of justice. Jewish freedom is the triumph of the oppressed Jews against an oppressive humanity. Jewish settlement of the land of Israel from north to south, east to west is the victory of a native people against centuries of colonialist, imperialist invaders and occupiers. The Palestinians have organized themselves as a cult that sanctifies death, sadism, mass murder and destruction. They have no identity independent of their hatred of Israel. Were Israel to vanish, the Palestinians would be forgotten immediately.


It’s time to tell the truth about them, too.

Perhaps more than we need to tell our story to the world, we need to tell it to ourselves. We need to let the truth remind us of who we are after a generation of unwarranted and deeply destructive self-flagellation. The more we tell our story, the less we will care whether people are persuaded because we will understand that our greatest triumphs across time happened when we were true to ourselves, our people, our traditions and our God. And when we stop caring whether we are alone or not, we will see that people of goodwill around the world will be standing with us.



New York is turning into a Nazi city

Caroline Glick-tweet-13February2024-New York is turning into a Nazi city
New York is turning into a Nazi city. Can’t go to the MOMA, can’t walk down the street, can’t get to the airport, can’t go to school or get a coffee without being assaulted by Nazi goon squads who hate Jews and want to banish them from public spaces.
Oliya Scootercaster-tweet-12February2024-Pro-palestine protesters shut down a tunnel
#NOW Pro-palestine protesters shut down a tunnel on 40th street and Park Avenue in Manhattan.

Video by @yyeeaahhhboiii2 Desk@freedomnews.tv to license

Caroline Glick-tweet-13February2024-New York is turning into a Nazi city

Caroline Glick-tweet-13February2024-New York is turning into a Nazi city






Elderly Jewish man dies after being beaten by pro-Palestinian protester

A video posted to the social media platform by StopAntisemitism captured the event.

NOVEMBER 7, 2023 02:26 Updated: NOVEMBER 7, 2023 03:51 https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-772031


PRO-PALESTINE demonstrators protest outside the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles in May. (photo credit: LUCY NICHOLSON / REUTERS)

PRO-PALESTINE demonstrators protest outside the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles in May. (photo credit: LUCY NICHOLSON / REUTERS)


An elderly Jewish man [65 years old] was allegedly beaten to death at a pro-Israel rally in Los Angeles on Monday in America by a pro-Palestinian demonstrator, the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed.


According to eyewitnesses a confrontation developed between the elderly man and the suspect. The elderly man was then found on the ground bleeding and was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead from a cerebral hemorrhage.


“We are devastated to learn of the tragic death of an elderly Jewish man who was struck in the  head by a megaphone wielded by a pro-Palestinian protestor in Westlake Village,” the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles said in a statement. “Our hearts  are with the family of the victim.


“While we wait for more information from our law  enforcement partners, we remind you that this is the fourth major antisemitic crime committed in Los Angeles this year alone,” the federation continued. “Violence against our people has no place in  civilized society. We demand safety. We will not tolerate violence against our community.  We will do everything in our power to prevent it.”

The incident was caught on film by locals and shared with a warning of graphic content on X by the NGO StopAntisemitism.

[EDD: updated tweet]

StopAntisemitism-tweet-7November2023-Jewish man murdered by pro Palestinian protestor
Content warning ⚠️ – an elderly Jewish man has been killed by a pro Palestinian protestor who hit him over the head with a megaphone at yesterday’s Israel rally.

Sadly, the victim has passed away from internal bleeding.

May his memory be a blessing and his attacker be prosecuted to the fullest degree of the law!

StopAntisemitism-tweet-7November2023-alleged attacker
These photos of the alleged attacker are circulating online; we will update this thread once we learn more.

StopAntisemitism-tweet-7November2023-Jewish man murdered by pro Palestinian protestor

StopAntisemitism-tweet-7November2023-Jewish man murdered by pro Palestinian protestor



'Long live the Intifada': Palestinians and pro-Palestinian supporters protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza amid days of conflict between the two sides, in Brooklyn, New York, US, May 15, 2021. (credit: RASHID UMAR ABBASI / REUTERS)

‘Long live the Intifada’: Palestinians and pro-Palestinian supporters protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza amid days of conflict between the two sides, in Brooklyn, New York, US, May 15, 2021. (credit: RASHID UMAR ABBASI / REUTERS)


Police have declined to provide further details and it is unknown if the suspect has been arrested


StopAntisemitism-tweet-8November2023-College Professor Loay Alnaji Murdered Paul Kessler
Los Angeles area – a pro Hamas video has been discovered on the Instagram feed of Loay Alnaji, the college professor who hit Jewish individual Paul Kessler in the face with a megaphone, ultimately killing him.

Kessler was holding an Israeli flag and standing with other supporters when two pro-Palestinian agitators crossed the street to start trouble.

Paul Kessler passed away from skull fractures, as well as brain swelling and bruising.

Meanwhile, Loay Alnaji STILL has not been arrested. This is unacceptable @VENTURASHERIFF!
Becca-tweet-9November2023-Alnaji deliberately crossed the intersection to confront Paul
Kessler’s friend who was holding signs with him that day said that Alnaji and/or his allegedly gun toting friend was also filming them earlier, before the attack. He also said Alnaji deliberately crossed the intersection to confront Paul. This shows plan and intent to attack.


StopAntisemitism-tweet-8November2023-College Professor Loay Alnaji Murdered Paul Kessler

StopAntisemitism-tweet-8November2023-College Professor Loay Alnaji Murdered Paul Kessler

Becca-tweet-9November2023-Alnaji deliberately crossed the intersection to confront Paul

Becca-tweet-9November2023-Alnaji deliberately crossed the intersection to confront Paul





Suspect Arrested in Death of Jewish Man at California ‘Pro-Palestine’ Rally

An autopsy ruled Paul Kessler’s death a homicide. The medical examiner concluded a blunt-force head injury killed him.

Posted by Mary Chastain 16November2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/11/suspect-arrested-in-death-of-jewish-man-at-california-pro-palestine-rally/


The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department announced the arrest of Loay Abdelfattah Alnaji, 50, in the death of Paul Kessler, a Jewish man, at an anti-Israel rally in Thousand Oaks, CA.

The police charged Alnaji with involuntary manslaughter. His bail is set at $1 million.

The department did not mention if authorities will add a hate crime charge

An autopsy ruled Kessler’s death a homicide. The medical examiner concluded a blunt-force head injury killed Kessler.

People on the scene claimed that Alnaji, a computer science professor at Ventura County Community College, hit Kessler with a megaphone:

At the scene, Alnjai was filmed telling a police officer he was trying to hit Kessler’s phone away.

But witnesses including Kessler’s friend, Jonathan Oswaks, say he punched him with his megaphone.

‘All of a sudden, I see a punch…the white megaphone flying through the air,’ Oswaks, speaking at the scene of the protest last week, said.

Oswaks implored the police to act sooner.

Alnaji stayed at the scene after Kessler was taken away in an ambulance. He later cooperated with police at his home.

Videos taken after he fell show Palestine supporters continuing to chant against Israel, and some making antisemitic remarks about Hitler.

Leftism-tweet-7November2023-pro-Palestine protester has been arrested after killing
BREAKING: A pro-Palestine protester has been arrested after killing a 65 year old Jewish man by hitting him over the head with a megaphone during a verbal altercation in the Thousand Oaks area of LA.
The man suffered from a brain hemorrhage as a result & succumbed to his injuries.

Leftism-tweet-7November2023-pro-Palestine protester has been arrested after killing

Leftism-tweet-7November2023-pro-Palestine protester has been arrested after killing





Citing Jew-hatred, Jewish families seek transfers out of Oakland school district

At least 30 Jewish families had their transfer requests approved to leave the Oakland Unified School District, per media reports.

Jessamyn Dodd https://www.jns.org/citing-jew-hatred-jewish-families-seek-transfers-out-of-oakland-school-district/


(January 18, 2024 / JNS) On Jan. 16, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced a Title VI investigation of alleged “discrimination involving shared ancestry” at the Oakland Unified School District, which consists of about 34,000 students and nearly 2,300 teachers at 80 schools in Oakland, Calif.


The department doesn’t specify the nature of the discrimination. But a few days beforehand, J. The Jewish News of Northern California reported that at least 30 Jewish families had transfer requests approved between October and Dec. 19 to leave the Oakland Unified School District “specifically due to issues related to the Israel-Hamas war,” according to John Sasaki, the district’s communications director.


“I just felt that there wasn’t a path forward for Jewish families, because I had reached out to OUSD and asked them to have a conversation about how they were going to keep Jewish families feeling safe and included,” a parent named Rebecca told CBS News Bay Area.


“When there were lesson plans that were being taught that said, ‘Draw the Zionist bully,’ or ‘I for Intifada, J is for Jesus.’ And to me, it felt like—honestly—we were being targeted and singled out and alienated,” she added in the interview.


A catalyst for the exodus of Jewish families, reportedly, was a “teach-in” of the Oakland Education Association, a teachers union, that drew dozens of teachers. The union encouraged using pro-Palestinian lesson plans about the war in Gaza, including a coloring book for elementary-school students that states: “A group of bullies called Zionists wanted our land, so they stole it by force and hurt many people.”


The parents reportedly felt it was important to transfer their children out of the school district mid-year, despite the inconvenience, to protect their kids. Some were reportedly unable to do so, as other districts were at capacity.


JNS contacted the Oakland Unified School District for a statement but did not receive a response by publication time.




Even before Oct. 7, Jewish groups struggled with security issues, burnout

A survey of more than 18,000 employees and CEOs puts forth ideas on how to keep Jewish employees energized and engaged.

DAVID SWINDLE https://www.jns.org/even-before-oct-7-jewish-groups-struggled-with-security-issues-burnout/


(January 4, 2024 / JNS) Leading Edge released its report “The State of the Jewish Workplace 2023” based on data from 18,212 employees and 304 CEOs at 327 organizations. The information comes from a May 2023 survey.


The results of the survey—the largest of its kind researching Jewish organizations—offered five conclusions presented by Leading Edge

First, the organization urged increased security, given that 14% of employees in May reported not feeling safe. Leading Edge pointed out that post-Oct. 7 polls showed that 70% of American Jews now feel less safe. The survey also found a link between workers feeling a sense of belonging and their on-the-job performance.


The research also revealed that organizations’ managers also needed more support. Leading Edge also reported that 66% of employees felt that employee well-being was a priority at their organization, a number below that of the average employer. Leading Edge urged an improvement here to reduce burnout, which it described as a “crisis.”


The report also found that the primary problem with employee engagement was a lack of confidence in organizational leadership—an issue that could be relieved with greater dialogue between workers and their bosses.


“Check in frequently with your team about their workloads and well-being. You can do that with employee surveys, conversations in one-on-one meetings, and other ways of checking in,” Gali Cooks, the president and CEO of Leading Edge, told JNS. “Set aside frequent, official times to ask for help. Ask in every weekly all-staff meeting if anyone has a project they need support on.”


Cooks urged for the occasional organization-wide shutdown, saying: “Giving all employees the chance to be ‘offline’ at the same time gives everyone permission to truly shut down and recharge, and allows executives to model the behavior for everyone. Plus, when everyone is out of the office, no one returns to a full inbox or a sense of missing out on key meetings.”




Background: Remember Germany and look around you.

Brownshirt Clouds

1932: The Jewish ‘grape vine’ has information that the Brown Shirt’s are already getting military training and will soon be getting firearms as well…

Yaakov Bar Nahman Posted on 16April2023 https://breslev.com/365103/


Meanwhile on a fine afternoon in the autumn of 1932 in grand Vienna, the city of the Blue Danube, the Waltz, Kneissl skis, delicious cakes made more of whipped cream and butter than flour —


“Moshe Paul, look at you!” his mother shouted, “Just look at you, bruised, dirty, your shirt torn. You and your rowdy friends got into another silly fight?”


“Boys will be boys Mama.”

“Go clean yourself up and change your clothes. You and your friends are 17 years old already. When will you boys calm down?”


“Yes Mama I’ll go clean up. Sorry I cause you grief. We didn’t look for this one. A gang of thugs from the third quarter came over and beat up cousin Rudolf Klinger and Bobbi Levi, and stole their bicycles. We went to rescue them. You know that the police won’t do anything to help Jews or catch those thugs.”


“Nu, fine but why are you always involved in such things?”

“Oh, Mama, you know I care about my fellow Jews. Also we have so many cousins that almost every attack by neighborhood gangs involves at least one of them. Really Momma can I let family get hurt and stand by doing nothing?”


“Nu fine what can I say? Go wash up and come down for dinner.” “Martha, please bring a clean set of clothes to the bath for our knight in shining armor. Ernst, hot water for his bath, please.”


Moshe Paul climbed the oak staircase with the carved cherry wood banister and went to the bath. There Ernst was already preparing the bath. They chatted while waiting for the water boiler to heat enough for the bath, and for Martha to bring fresh clothes.


“Master Paul”, said the servant Ernst, “You and your friends must be more careful.”

“Why do you say that Ernst?”

“You know the servants ‘grape vine’. Before you came home I already knew about the fight you and your buddies were in today. And I know about your group and what you do. But don’t worry, as you see we have not told your mother, Frau Hermina.”


“Good, thank you. Thank God she believed my story too. Well it is at least half truth. I wouldn’t want Mama to know that I am in the Yuden Bundt. It will likely soon come a day that it would be dangerous for her to know.” Silently he thought to himself, ‘and not just a member but an officer and secret weapons maker, and whenever Ze’eiv comes to Vienna I am his body guard.’


Ze’ev Vladamir Jabotinski, was a controversial man of vision, a man with guts. Early on he saw the oncoming danger to European Jewry that would come from that little Austrian madman who gained power in Germany. Ze’eiv wanted to Jews to get out and to be ready to fight for their survival. The Vienna Yuden Bundt crew was operating by his inspiration and guidance. They were the youths of the Herut Movement.


Paul Feldman, Stephan Goldschmidt, Moti Klinger, Aharon Glick, Dudi Shmerler and Moshe Paul were the core of the defense crew in their neighborhood and in the high school.


Paul Feldman was later during war to escape to the U.S.A. to become a heavyweight wrestling champion.

“You know Ernst, that in a few months I will be eligible to go to the army to get military training. It will serve us well to fight better against those who seek to harm us.”


“Yes, master Paul. Yet even so, I tell you that you and your friends must be careful. The ‘grape vine’ brings us information from the Brown Shirt’s side as well. They are already getting military training and will soon be getting firearms as well. On top of that, in the police they have more and more sympathizers. The police soon will not only refuse to help Jews against the Nazi Youth gangs, but will help those gangs against you. In case you haven’t heard any news lately, there is growing fear that the Anschluss will hit Austria soon, and there is great effort to infiltrate the police force and army command with their sympathizers.”


“Thank you Ernst, though Ze’ev has already warned us about the approaching take over by the Anschluss. He has ordered us that the day Austria falls to the Nazis we are to leave immediately. By the way that reminds me, I need you to buy me some items for survival, a hunting knife etc. I will give you a list and the money.”


“As you wish young master. Well the bath is ready and here are your clean clothes. Wash up quickly and I’ll clean up the bath room when you’re done. Your mother is waiting for you with dinner. Oh and here is the bottle of iodine for your scrapes if you wish.”


After the hot bath, Moshe now refreshed and polished descended the decorative stair case and entered the posh dining room. His mother and the kitchen servant were awaiting him.


“Mama, here I am, sparkling clean. What a wonderful smelling gulash (stew). You are indeed a kitchen marvel, God bless you. You can teach our cooks their profession.”

“Thank you Mosheleh, now sit down and eat please.”

“Mama has Papa returned from his sales tour yet?”

“Not yet. This tour is a little longer since he’s going through Yugoslavia as well. He’s using the trip as a way to get to visit with his big brother Layish too.”


“Uncle Layish?! Oh I haven’t seen him in a long time. Pity Papa didn’t take me too. I love visits with him. I remember him still wearing the turban and long cloaks like our previous generations. I remember when I was six and Papa took me to visit uncle’s home in Yugoslavia seeing him fire his rifle while standing on horseback. Not only shooting, but hitting bullseye of the target while stepping from one horse’s back to another with both horses running.


He’s a master swordsman too. Mama did you know that he is a super horseman & rifleman as well? Well at least he came to visit here now and then and sent his sons sometimes.”


Pondering to himself he recalled the training sessions in the woods, learning the ancient martial arts system used by King David and his brethren in the Tribe of Judah. “Ben Teimah … light as an eagle … audacious as a panther …” The system served him well against the Brown Shirts and would yet serve him well later in life too.


“Oh yes Layish is indeed a dashing fellow. You know Moshe, you do look a lot like him too.”

Rally of Hitler youth

Rally of Hitler youth

Photo above: Rally of Hitler youth



JerusalemCats Comments: Remember the Democrats hate the Jews and Israel

Protester burn Israeli flag outside DNC, Byron Tau/ Wall Street Journal

Protester burn Israeli flag outside DNC, Byron Tau/ Wall Street Journal


White House Sanctions Israeli Settlers For 1st Time Since Clinton Administration

by Tyler Durden, 06December2023 – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/white-house-sanction-israeli-settlers-1st-time-clinton-administration


The Biden administration is moving to impose sanctions on Israeli settlers involved in attacks on Palestinians, which will involve banning them from traveling to the United States.


Fresh Axios reporting on Tuesday has cited government officials who specify that multiple dozens of known Israeli settlers will be impacted by the visa ban, expected to be implemented by the State Department.


The US government has not sanctioned Israeli settlers going all the way back to the Clinton administration, but Washington has consistently condemned settler expansion in the West Bank, at least as far as public policy and rhetoric goes.


Gaza sources have said the death toll in the Strip has reportedly surpassed 15,200. Meanwhile the White House has come under increased international pressure to impose limits on Israel’s military operations as well as usage of US-supplied bombs.


The conflict centered on Gaza has received by far most international media attention, but there’s been a parallel war happening in the West Bank. Nablus, for example, last week was declared a closed military zone, and is under blockade by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for 55 days.


Regional sources say that since Oct.7 more than 250 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank – mostly in army raids and clashes with Israeli security forces, but also as a result of settler violence.


Axios has noted that since the conflict’s start there’s been “a spike in the number of attacks by settlers against Palestinians.”

Two weeks ago the Biden administration circulated a memo to top State Department and other officials asking them to prepare action “against individuals or entities who directly or indirectly engaged in actions that threaten security or stability in the West Bank or take actions that intimidate civilians in the West Bank or actions that significantly obstruct, disrupt or prevent efforts to achieve a two-state solution.”


Abdelrahman Badawy-tweeet-5December2023-NY Times Antisemitic Propaganda

Abdelrahman Badawy-tweeet-5December2023-NY Times Antisemitic Propaganda

Abdelrahman Badawy-tweeet-5December2023-NY Times Antisemitic Propaganda


European countries like France are also said to be readying sanctions against settlers. European leaders have long been more vocal in highlighting the problem.


Since the Hamas terror raids which kicked off the Gaza war, individual Israeli citizens have sought to obtain assault rifles in droves. This has sparked concerns over US small arms being used by hardline Jewish settlers to attack Palestinians. Often it’s for the sake of removing entire West Bank families from their land or olive groves.




Victory is more important than US support

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ministers must remember that Israel is not an American vassal state.


Caroline B. Glick

Caroline B. Glick is the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate and host of the “Caroline Glick Show” on JNS. She is also the diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, as well as a columnist for Newsweek. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington and a lecturer at Israel’s College of Statesmanship.

(January 10, 2024 / JNS) At his press conference Tuesday evening, U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken showed that contrary to popular belief, the Biden administration is not Israel’s ally. It is the greatest obstacle to Israel’s victory.


Blinken began his remarks by drawing a moral equivalence between the suffering of Israeli hostages and their families and that of the Palestinians in Gaza. The Palestinians in Gaza, who overwhelmingly support Hamas, are just as innocent as the hostages, Blinken insisted.


Blinken said nothing about the torture, rape, mutilation and deliberate starvation of the hostages carried out by Hamas terrorists and its civilian accomplices alike. Instead, Blinken spoke of the “acute food insecurity,” that Gazans suffer from—and blamed that “acute food insecurity” on Israel.


“Israel needs to do everything it can to remove any obstacles from [aid] crossing to…Gaza. Improving deconfliction procedures to ensure that the aid can move safely and securely is a critical part of that,” he said.


The body responsible for distributing “humanitarian aid” in Gaza today is the United Nations, through UNRWA. Blinken ignored completely the documented fact that thousands of UNRWA employees  posted fulsome praise for the Oct. 7 slaughter on social media. He ignored the overwhelming evidence that UNRWA schools and clinics are Hamas military bases. He ignored that UNRWA employees have been credibly accused of holding Israeli hostages and deliberately starving them. And he ignored that UNRWA employees, including all of its regional directors in Gaza, have been credibly accused of being Hamas terrorists themselves.


Burying his head deep in the sand, Blinken cooed, “The United Nations is playing an indispensable role in addressing the immense humanitarian needs in Gaza. There is simply no alternative.


“UN personnel…in Gaza are demonstrating extraordinary courage by continuing to provide lifesaving services in what are extremely challenging conditions.”


Israel, he demanded, must join the United States in giving the United Nations its “full support.”

As for Israel’s military campaign to wipe out Hamas, Blinken said that military operations must take no toll on civilians, even if that means that Israel will lose the war.


“We know that facing an enemy that embeds itself among civilians—who hides in and fires from schools, from hospitals—makes this incredibly challenging. But the daily toll on civilians in Gaza, particularly on children, is far too high,” said Blinken.


The only way to separate the civilians from the terrorists and so protect them is by permitting them to leave Gaza, just as 6 million Ukrainians left their country since the Russian invasion.


Gazans are so eager to leave that the Guardian reported they are paying $10,000 to middlemen to bribe Egyptian officials to let them leave. But the United States will have none of it.


“The United States unequivocally rejects any proposals advocating for the resettlement of Palestinians outside of Gaza,” said Blinken with a scowl.


Not only must Israel force the Palestinians to stay in Gaza and care for them, Israel must allow them to return to northern Gaza, thus subverting Israel’s main sustained operational achievement since the ground operation began.


“In today’s meetings” with Israeli leaders, Blinken said, “I was also crystal clear: Palestinian civilians must be able to return home as soon as conditions allow.”


The only way for the now abandoned Israeli towns and villages bordering Gaza to be rebuilt and for their surviving residents to return safely is to block Hamas from rebuilding its terror infrastructure, including its forces in northern Gaza.


Keeping that area unpopulated, or lightly populated, for the foreseeable future is a military imperative.

After demanding that Israel permit Hamas to survive and regroup in Gaza, Blinken moved to the northern front against Hezbollah. There too, the United States demands that Israel lose.


“As I told the war cabinet and other senior officials, the United States stands with Israel in ensuring its northern border is secure. We’re fully committed to working with Israel to find a diplomatic solution that avoids escalation and allows families to return to their homes, to live security in northern Israel and also in southern Lebanon,” he said.


The problem is that the “diplomatic solution,” the United States proposes will make it impossible for Israel to secure its northern border or permit the 80,000 civilians that were forced to flee their homes along to border to return to their homes.


Blinken and the administration are pushing for a deal that will see no decrease in Hezbollah’s forces trained to invade Israel and commit genocide. Their deal will see no decrease in Hezbollah’s missile and drone arsenal, which are capable of destroying strategic targets and civilian populations throughout Israel.


The administration’s “diplomatic solution” requires Israel to surrender sovereign territory to Hezbollah in exchange for the removal of Hezbollah forces from the border area.


There are two problems with the plan. First, it requires Israel to surrender its land to terrorists. And second, the only force capable of pushing Hezbollah away from the border is the Israel Defense Forces, a prospect the deal is geared towards blocking at all costs.


In other words, just as is the case with Gaza, U.S. policy is to enable Israel’s enemies to win strategic victories against Israel by forbidding Israel to defeat them on the battlefield.


Leaving aside the administration’s slavish commitment to establishing Iran as the regional hegemon by empowering the regime and its terror proxies, the expressed goal of the administration’s effort to induce an Israeli defeat is to establish a Palestinian state.


As the administration sees things, the main obstacle to this goal is Israel, and specifically, the Netanyahu government, which represents the people of Israel.


To push this obstacle aside, the administration is working to overthrow the Netanyahu government. On Sunday, CNN’s Jake Tapper reported that an administration official told him that Netanyahu has to choose between his coalition partners from the nationalist Religious Zionism and Otzma Yehudit parties led by Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, respectively, and his ties to President Biden and the United States.


In other words, Netanyahu needs to choose between the Israeli public, which elected him to office as the head of a right-religious governing coalition, and Washington, which rejects the will of the Israeli people.


During his visit Tuesday, Blinken took the unprecedented step of meeting privately with Minister Benny Gantz and Knesset member Gadi Eisenkot. In the wake of the Oct. 7 invasion, Gantz and Eisenkot brought their leftist opposition party into the government to form an emergency unity coalition. The administration has been all but explicit about its intention to use these men and their party to overthrow the Netanyahu government.


Immediately after their meeting, reports began to stream in that Gantz’s inclination to leave the government is growing. Blinken and the administration see two scenarios for Gantz to seize power. Either Gantz can incite a revolt in Likud that can lead to Netanyahu’s ouster and the formation of an alternative government led by Gantz in the current Knesset; or by working with the administration, Gantz can force Netanyahu to accept pro-Palestinian policies that will compel Smotrich and Ben-Gvir to bolt the government. If they leave and Gantz remains in the coalition, Netanyahu will become completely dependent on Gantz to remain in power.


Under both scenarios, the administration believes that it will be in a position to force Israel to crown the terrorist Fatah-led Palestinian Authority as the new leader of Gaza. That in turn will set the stage for a massive pressure campaign to coerce the Gantz-controlled government to make massive strategic concessions to the P.A. in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem that will facilitate the establishment of a Palestinian state.


Blinken’s statements on the topic were nearly bereft of diplomatic niceties.

“As I told the prime minister, every [Arab] partner that I met on this trip said that they’re ready to support a lasting solution that ends the long-running cycle of violence and ensures Israel’s security. But they underscored that this can only come through a regional approach that includes a pathway to a Palestinian state,” he said.


“To make this possible, Israel must be a partner to Palestinian leaders who are willing to lead their people in living side by side in peace with Israel and as neighbors,” he continued, adding, “and Israel must…stop taking steps that undercut Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves effectively.”


Doubling down on his practice of slandering Israelis as the moral equivalents of terrorists, Blinken then libeled the half million Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria as well as IDF forces operating in these areas.


“Extremist settler violence carried out with impunity, settlement expansion, demolitions, evictions all make it harder, not easier, for Israel to achieve lasting peace and security,” he said.


Finally, echoing Tapper’s report, Blinken took a shot at Israel’s leadership, stating that, “If Israel wants its Arab neighbors to make the tough decisions necessary to help ensure its lasting security, Israeli leaders will have to make hard decisions themselves.”


Blinken made his remarks during the primetime news hour. Before he spoke, commentators from left to right insisted that Blinken is a friend and an ally in Israel’s war. After his diatribe, they sheepishly changed their tune.


Blinken, they admitted, presented demands that would foment Israel’s defeat. The only way for Israel to rout its enemies and enable its citizens to return to their homes in southern and northern Israel is to do precisely the opposite of what the United State demands. Israel must end the farce of “humanitarian assistance” to Gaza. It must stop providing electricity and fuel to Gaza. It must fully control the distribution of food and water to the population. It must block the return of the population to northern Gaza. And it must open the Egyptian border with Gaza to permit the Gazans to leave or permit them to exit through Israel.


As for Hezbollah, the government must stop participating in the destructive farce of U.S. diplomacy. Instead, Israel should strike missile stores and terrorist barracks and be prepared to carry out a ground operation in the immediate term.

Israel must defeat Hezbollah. It is the only way Israelis in northern communities will be able to live safely in their homes.


If the United States retaliates by placing a weapons embargo on Israel, then Israel must make do with what it has and what it can produce. Use of imprecise missiles will expand collateral damage, but it will also win the war faster at less risk to IDF soldiers.


Since entering office, the Biden administration has treated Israel with colonialist contempt. Rather than respect Israel as an independent ally, Biden and his aides have acted like imperial overlords barking orders at a backwater, troublesome province.


Despite the pressure, Netanyahu and his ministers must remember that Israel is not a vassal state. We are a successful regional power. It is Israeli power, not U.S. charity that has sustained us to date. And it is Israeli power, not U.S. largesse that will bring us victory in this war for our survival. If forced to choose between support from Washington and victory, the choice is an easy one.



Jews In Name Only promoting Antisemitism

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-17November2023-JINOs-Jewish activists
OK, so “Jewish Voice for Peace” and “IfNotNow” have been shutting down federal buildings, major bridges, and major commuter hubs, with banners and T-Shirts and signs with “JEWS SAY CEASEFIRE NOW!” printed.

And some media is referring to them as “Jewish activists” even though they represent no one in the Jewish community besides themselves.

But think about it: average working people, who don’t have the privilege these pseudo-Jews have to spend all day protesting, just want to get to their work or home to his or her family. Who’s stopping them? All these jerks with big signs claiming they are JEWS.

Not only are these self-entitled jerks directly promoting antisemitism with their “anti-Zionist” rhetoric, they are potentially causing ordinary Americans to hate Jews because they see these “Jews” disrupting their lives for a cause most don’t care about.

These progressive “Jews” are not only antisemites. They are actively choosing to piss normal people off as Jews.

This is what is known in real Judaism as a “chilul Hashem” and there are very few sins that are worse than this.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-17November2023-JINOs-Jewish activists

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-17November2023-JINOs-Jewish activists



YNet Logo https://www.ynetnews.com/

Denial of Hamas’ October 7 massacre spreads in US

‘False flag attack’: Washington Post reports that US groups saying Israel staged attack to justify ‘genocide’ in Gaza grow on social media despite ample proof of Hamas’ atrocities

Ynet| 22January2024 | https://www.ynetnews.com/article/syxgwasy6


A U.S.-based news outlet The Washington Post reported Sunday on a disturbing phenomenon that is gaining momentum: the denial of the massacre carried out by Hamas on October 7. The newspaper said despite numerous pieces of evidence indicating that Hamas committed these horrible acts, including footage captured by the terrorists themselves, denial continues to spread.

Pro-Palestinian protest in New York (Photo: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz)

Pro-Palestinian protest in New York
(Photo: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz)


According to The Washington Post, the number of massacre deniers in the United States is currently small, but growing. Some claim the IDF carried out the massacre to “justify genocide in Gaza,” while others believe some hostages were kidnapped by Israel. Some are even confident that the United States is behind the attack.


These false narratives have circulated on social media, and users on platforms like TikTok and Reddit are already blaming Israel for a “false flag” attack – a staged attack designed to justify a harsh retaliatory action.


This phenomenon is troubling Jewish leaders and researchers who see a connection between it and Holocaust denial. They also identify similarities between the denial of the massacre and conspiracy theories with antisemitic foundations, including supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory.


In The Washington Post article, the news outlet shared the story of Mirela Monte, a real estate agent and holistic healer from South Carolina, who was shocked when she first heard about the October 7 massacre.


She continued to read more about it on Uncensored Truths, a Telegram group with 2,958 members focusing on international news and “supposed perils” related to vaccinations. According to posts in the group, Israel stood behind the attack.

Pro-Palestinian protest in New York (Photo: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz)

Pro-Palestinian protest in New York
(Photo: REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz)


Now, Monte is convinced that the massacre is a “false flag” attack by Israel – carried out with American assistance – to justify “genocide” in Gaza. Monte called Israel “pure evil.”


The false narrative according to which “Israel murdered their own people on October 7,” isn’t only growing online but is also present in anti-Israel demonstrations and protests where posters of Israeli hostages were hung in London, Chicago and other cities.


Following Hamas’ attack, Basem Naim, a senior Hamas official, claimed the terrorist organization didn’t kill Israeli civilians, saying it was “Israeli propaganda.” Some Reddit users are convinced he’s telling the truth.


“So basically the Hamas attack was a false flag for Israel to occupy Gaza and kill Palestinians. Expected behavior from Nazi wannabes.'” wrote one user in r/LateStageCapitalism, a left-wing forum on Reddit.

Pro-Palestinian protest in New York (Photo: AP)

Pro-Palestinian protest in New York
(Photo: AP)


This claim can also be seen on extreme news websites like Electronic Intifada and GrayZone, where it was written that most Israeli victims were killed by operations carried out by the IDF, and not Hamas. According to The Washington Post, it’s not only extreme left-leaning individuals who blame Israel for killing its civilians, but also extreme right-wingers and Holocaust deniers.


Holocaust denial, the American newspaper wrote, is gaining momentum among American youths. According to a survey by The Economist and YouGov conducted in early December 2023, one in five Americans under the age of 30 agrees with the statement that the “Holocaust is a myth.” More than a fifth of respondents in the survey believe the data published about the Holocaust are exaggerated.




Israel’s Response To October 7 Massacre Triggers Virulent Antisemitic Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Europe

UK media, politicians slam ‘far-right’ for disrupting London’s ‘pro-Palestinian’ demonstration.

Posted by Vijeta Uniyal 12November2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/11/israels-response-to-october-7-massacre-triggers-virulent-antisemitic-pro-hamas-demonstrations-across-europe/

Pro-Hamas demonstration-UK-Germany-Europe

Pro-Hamas demonstration-UK-Germany-Europe

Israel’s counter-terrorism operation in Gaza triggered angry pro-Hamas demonstrations in London, Berlin, Brussels and other European cities. Tens and thousands of largely immigrant Muslims turned out for anti-Israel rallies, marked with violent clashes and antisemitic incidents.


Islamist and pro-jihad demonstrators are joined by useful idiots from the European Left, who see terror-supporting Palestinians as allies in their struggle for Utopian Socialism.


These ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies are accompanied with antisemitic attacks on Europe’s tiny and dwindling Jewish population “The public prosecutor’s office is investigating the attempted arson attack on a Jewish community in Berlin,” German state TV ARD reported recently. “Since Hamas’ attack on Israel, more than 200 antisemitic cases have been registered in Germany.”


Turning Point UK-tweet-11November2023-Pro-Palestine protestors attack man
Pro-Palestine protestors attack man holding up “Hamas is ISIS” sign in London.

Isn’t it interesting that at all these “ceasefire” protests they never condemn the terrorist group Hamas.

In fact whenever someone criticises Hamas they react violently.

Turning Point UK-tweet-11November2023-Pro-Palestine protestors attack man

Turning Point UK-tweet-11November2023-Pro-Palestine protestors attack man

In London, hundreds and thousands of pro-Hamas marchers on Saturday were confronted by English nationalists, who wanted to prevent them from desecrating British monuments and war memorials as their anti-Israel rally coincided with Armistice Day, marking the end of the WWI.


The UK media and politicians condemned ‘far-right’ demonstrators for guarding national symbols. “Far-right protesters repeatedly tried to ambush pro-Palestinian supporters on a huge march across central London,” The Times of London reported Saturday.


Oli London-tweet-11November2023-Police surround British men carrying the British flag
Police surround British men carrying the British flag during Remembrance Day in London.

Police officers have been repeatedly targeting those who carry the British flag whilst allowing those carrying the Hamas flag and chanting hate to march freely.

Oli London-tweet-11November2023-Police surround British men carrying the British flag

Oli London-tweet-11November2023-Police surround British men carrying the British flag


The mainstream media blamed the ‘far-right’ for disrupting the pro-Hamas demonstration. “More than 300,000 people gathered in London for a pro-Palestinian march as police arrested dozens of mainly far-right counter-protesters seeking to disrupt what had turned into a hot political issue,” the Bloomberg reported.


Emily Schrader-tweet-11November2023-Hamas supporter in London
Hamas supporter in London:

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people”




Ahead of Saturday’s pro-Hamas march, the London police apparently remove the Union Jacks from national war memorial. The Daily Mail (UK) reported November 5:

The Metropolitan Police vowed to use ‘all its powers’ to prevent disruption on the day of reflection and were seen out in force this weekend guarding the Cenotaph, which has been stripped of its British flags and surrounded by metal barriers.


Scotland Yard said the Union Jacks had been removed as part of a routine clean ahead of the memorial weekend adding that they would be returned soon after anger and confusion erupted on social media at the sight of the bare monument.


Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁-tweet-11November2023-British government minister attempted murder by Hamas
Without the bravery of the police a senior British government minister would have been murdered by Hamas-supporting thugs on the streets of London today.

Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁-tweet-11November2023-British government minister attempted murder by Hamas

Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁-tweet-11November2023-British government minister attempted murder by Hamas


Uncontrolled mass-migration from the Middle East and Muslim-majority North Africa, has converted major European cities into strongholds for Islamic radicalism. Israel’s anti-terror offensive in Gaza gave many jihad-supporters an opportunity to come out in full force.


“Several thousand people took part in a demonstration in Dublin city centre in support of Palestine today,” Irish state broadcaster RTÉ reported. “Around 1,500 people attended the march in Cork city in support of Palestine.”


Similar “peaceful” pro-Hamas demonstration took place in the Belgian capital of Brussels. The France24 TV channel reported:

Many of the protesters yelled “free Palestine” and “stop the genocide” as they participated in the peaceful demonstration that took place on Armistice Day, a public holiday in Belgium and other countries to mark the signing of the armistice that ended World War I.


Some also cried out “EU, shame on you” for perceived bias towards Israel at the expense of Palestinian lives and rights.


Brussels police, which put the turnout at 21,000, watched over the march and closed traffic on several roads as it wended through the city for two hours.

Berlin: Pro-Hamas mob angered by Israel flag; Berlin state bans antisemitic “From the River to the Sea” slogan

In Berlin, a mob of Hamas supporters got enraged when a resident waved an Israeli flag from his apartment. A video clip showed demonstrators kicking the person’s door and shouting threats at him.


“Residents waved an Israeli flag,” German weekly Der Fokus reported Saturday. “This angered the Demonstrators, who booed and screamed.” According to the magazine, “one of the Israel-haters reportedly broke into the house. Another video shows an unknown person kicking the residential apartment’s front door.”


But there is still some silver lining despite this dark pro-jihad cloud over Germany. Berlin reportedly became the first German state to ban the antisemitic “From the River to the Sea” slogan. “Berlin appears to be the only one of the 16 German federal states to outlaw the chant ”From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free,” which has often been heard at mass rallies in the capital city. The criminal penalty for incitement to hate can be a prison term or a fine,” the Israeli TV channel i24NEWS reported Friday.


ZOKA-tweet-12November2023-Palestinian and Hamas supporters today in Germany tried to break in jew apartment
Palestinian and Hamas supporters today in Germany tried to break in jew apartment after he showed them Israel flag.
How is Germany allowing rise of antisemitism again? I don’t get it. This isn’t diversity. It is pure hate.

ZOKA-tweet-12November2023-Palestinian and Hamas supporters today in Germany tried to break in jew apartment

ZOKA-tweet-12November2023-Palestinian and Hamas supporters today in Germany tried to break in jew apartment

Pro-Israel demonstrations are a rare thing in German cities nowadays. Every pro-Israel gathering is met with a much larger pro-Hamas mob.


Here is a video I myself took on October 19 in the Germany city of Bonn, showing a few dozen of us (pro-Israel demonstrators) surrounded by 600 Hamas supporters screaming Allahu Akbar and trying to shout us down. Only a strong police presence prevented them from getting into a hitting-distance from us.


vijeta uniyal-tweet-19October2023-Israel supporters surrounded by hundreds of angry pro-Hamas demonstrators
A few dozen Israel supporters surrounded by hundreds of angry pro-Hamas demonstrators. Police protecting us. Germany 2023

vijeta uniyal-tweet-19October2023-Israel supporters surrounded by hundreds of angry pro-Hamas demonstrators

vijeta uniyal-tweet-19October2023-Israel supporters surrounded by hundreds of angry pro-Hamas demonstrators


Protester Wraps Palestinian Flag Around World War I Memorial In London, U.K., On Armistice Day



The Telegraph logo

Britain is the new capital of anti-Israel hate

As their country unites in the face of terrorist evil, ours is exposing a nasty and divided underbelly

16 November 2023 • https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/16/britain-new-capital-anti-israel-hate/

London's marching season Anti-Israel protestors head for the US embassy in Vauxhall

London’s marching season Anti-Israel protestors head for the US embassy in Vauxhall

London’s marching season: Anti-Israel protestors head for the US embassy in Vauxhall


I have spent recent weeks in Israel, and goodness knows this is a country that has plenty of challenges. But one question I have been asked a lot by an alarmingly wide array of Israelis is: “What happened to Britain?”


Generally, I get protective after this question, and reassure people that Britain is still Britain and that our core of decency remains as it always was. But the response is always the same: “But these marches?” Now perhaps they will say “… and the vote?”


It amazes most Israelis – as it amazes me – that Britain has seen some of the worst scenes of all the anti-Israel marches across the world. And I say “anti-Israel” for a reason. The first protests in London happened before Israel had even begun its military response to October 7. Rallies were held within hours of the massacres. To most Israelis this is nearly unfeasible.


What other country would see 1,400 of its citizens slaughtered, 240 kidnapped and countless more wounded for life, and not be allowed even a day to mourn? What other country, having suffered a set of atrocities hardly superseded in the whole history of violence wouldn’t get even one day of sympathy?


Only the Jewish state. And everybody in Israel knows as much. Pakistan is currently in the process of forcibly deporting two million Afghans. Nobody cares. Bashar al-Assad is in his twelfth year of killing Muslims in Syria and the world’s cameras turned away long ago. Only Israel, when involved in any military action, or even when it is simply on the receiving end of extreme violence, cannot rely even on the world’s understanding.


And it is in this light that Israel notices the British politicians calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The ignorance of a large number of figures in British political life, from Humza Yousaf to Jess Phillips, can hardly be exaggerated. As it happens, a ceasefire of a kind existed in Gaza. Israel withdrew from Gaza unilaterally, and very painfully, in 2005 – removing every Jew from the strip. They handed over the land and got rockets in return.


Everyone around the Gaza border and across wider Israel was used to running from rockets to the shelters. But despite various exchanges over the years, nobody ever foresaw the battalion-sized terrorist attack of October 7. It was Hamas who broke what ceasefire existed that day when its legions gunned down young people at a music festival, went door to door in small communities, and burned people alive in their homes.


I have been to the sites of many of these massacres. I passed by one – the utterly destroyed kibbutz of Be’eri – earlier this week as I went into Gaza. It is a reminder of a dream that once was. Many of the residents of kibbutzim such as Be’eri were peace activists. I have seen with my own eyes the peacenik literature that lies among the blood stains and looted remains of their houses. Their dream died with them on October 7. Not one Israeli believes they can now live with Hamas – a group whose leaders say they want to repeat the October 7 time and again.


To call for a ceasefire now shows an astonishing lack of military understanding but also a horrific lack of decency. I have watched the Israeli Defence Force manage the evacuation of Gazans from the north of the strip to the south, so that the IDF can try to isolate Hamas and destroy them. It is a righteous mission, though one that is likely to prove incredibly hard.


I have also met many of the parents of the children and others stolen into Gaza. They want their children back. Why has there been no mass movement of MPs – from Labour, say – demanding that there be no ceasefire until Hamas hand back the hostages? Such a move seems to have never been on the cards.


Anti-Israel Labour MPs and others only ever campaign and condemn when they attack Israel. Perhaps because they know that Hamas would never listen to them anyway. These MPs are internationalist eunuchs. But my, do they talk a big game. Especially while they whip along the sectarian politics, which are the real driver of the protests on our streets.


In my view, Israel can look after itself. Watching the unity of this nation at war assures me of that.

But as I watch hooligans clamber over our war memorials and statues and hold our city centres hostage, I wonder whether it isn’t Britain that is the one in real trouble here.


They’re literally just hunting Jews on the streets of England.

Marina Medvin-tweet-18November2023-They’re literally just hunting Jews on the streets of England
They’re literally just hunting Jews on the streets of England.
From Harry’s Place

Marina Medvin-tweet-18November2023-They’re literally just hunting Jews on the streets of England

Marina Medvin-tweet-18November2023-They’re literally just hunting Jews on the streets of England



Amy Mek-tweet-18November2023-Islamized UK
Islamized UK

Muslim School Children march through the streets chanting the Islamic battle cry: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar…”

Most popular name among those born in England in 2022 is Mohammed

Britain has the 3rd largest Muslim population in the EU, after France, then Germany

Notice the young sharia-compliant school girls wearing their Hijabs…

Hijab is supposed to prevent men from being tempted to sin by the appearance of women, right!?

So, what exactly is tempting about the body of little girl that needs to be covered?


Amy Mek-tweet-18November2023-Islamized UK

Amy Mek-tweet-18November2023-Islamized UK





London just canceled the Jews

Marina Medvin-tweet-29November2023-London just canceled the Jews
London can’t control its Islamist problem so they decided to take the easy way out and just canceled the Jews.

Marina Medvin-tweet-29November2023-London just canceled the Jews

Marina Medvin-tweet-29November2023-London just canceled the Jews



This is the new Justice Minister in the UK.

Shurat HaDin-tweet-7July2024-This is the new Justice Minister in the UK
This is the new Justice Minister in the UK.

With a “free Palestine” supporter in charge, how many terrorists will be let off?

How many antisemitic protests will be ignored? Antisemitism won’t be getting better anytime soon.

Shurat HaDin-tweet-7July2024-This is the new Justice Minister in the UK

Shurat HaDin-tweet-7July2024-This is the new Justice Minister in the UK




London is now a “no-go zone for Jews.”

The International Legal Forum – ILF-tweet-8March2024-London is now a ‘no-go zone for Jews.’
#London is now a “no-go zone for Jews.”

The International Legal Forum - ILF-tweet-8March2024-London is now a 'no-go zone for Jews.'

The International Legal Forum – ILF-tweet-8March2024-London is now a ‘no-go zone for Jews.’




metpoliceuk-swastikas disturbing public order “depends on context”

Yad Vashem-tweet-31March2024-The Swastika is a symbol of evil cruelty and death
The Swastika was used to rouse and galvanize Nazi followers during the Holocaust; it terrified both the Nazis’ victims and the innocent bystanders of the world

The Swastika is a symbol of evil, cruelty and death
Emily Schrader-tweet-30March2024-swastikas disturbing public order depends on context
When the @metpoliceuk refuse to arrest Hamas supporters with a swastika sign today in London one officer told a girl that swastikas disturbing public order “depends on context”

If you’re holding a sign with a swastika at an anti-Israel march — this is blatantly antisemitic. Come on Met Police…this is pathetic.


Emily Schrader-tweet-30March2024-swastikas disturbing public order depends on context

Emily Schrader-tweet-30March2024-swastikas disturbing public order depends on context





Let’s Come Back Home Again

Living Lchaim-tweet-7November2023-Let’s Come Back Home Again

We will come back home. 🫶🏻

Not sure who made this. It’s brilliant.

Living Lchaim-tweet-7November2023-Let's Come Back Home Again

Living Lchaim-tweet-7November2023-Let’s Come Back Home Again


Posted 3November2023 Abraham’s Legacy:


Am Yisrael, it’s time we stop chasing “their” cheers and instead awaken to our inner strength, unashamed of who we are, “Orr Lagoyim”. The time to return is NOW – Let’s COME BACK HOME AGAIN!


My greatest hope with this film is that it doesn’t simply inspire but rather that it inspire each of us to ACTION. It may seem impossible to drop everything and return back to our homeland, but isn’t that what we pray for day in and day out? The power to return is in our hands, we simply need to heed the wake up call of Hashem and make the journey; to head out on our very own “Lech Lecha”.


I do not own this footage or music – just did the edit. This message has been in my heart for several years and I hope it inspires you.


Song Rights: The Greatest Showman | “From Now On” Lyric Video | Fox Family Entertainment



“We’re home” | A Yom Ha’atsmaut message from The Habura

“We’re home” | A Yom Ha’atsmaut message from The Habura

Posted13May2024 The Habura:
This is a short film by TheHabura.com in honour of Yom Ha’atsmaut.

Text by Eitan Goodman (@eitangood)
Video by Michael Oliel (@modern_israelite)


כן סבתא חזרנו הביתה-
Yes Savta, we came home.

My child?

? כן, סבתא-
Yes, Savta ?

.תלחפ. תלחם עד הסוף. עד שהאמת תתגלה שוב ישכון שלום-
Fight. Fight until the end. Until the truth is revealed and peace reigns once more.

?אפילו אם זה אנחנו מול העולם-
Even if it’s us against the whole world?

?אפילו אם זה אנחנו מול העולם –
Even if it’s us against the whole world?

.אפילו אזץ בדיוק כמו סבא דלך לפניף, עם חול בידיים ואלוקים בשמים.
Even then. Exactly like your grandfather before you. with “sand in hand” and God above.



The Jews built #Israel 🇮🇱 from nothing!

Sami Alexis-tweet-20April2024-The Jews built Israel from nothing
The Jews built #Israel 🇮🇱 from nothing!

Sami Alexis-tweet-20April2024-The Jews built Israel from nothing

Sami Alexis-tweet-20April2024-The Jews built Israel from nothing




Nefesh B’Nefesh

Strengthening Olim in Times of Crisis

Nefesh B’Nefesh is staying focused on its responsibilities and unique capabilities committing our efforts to three main areas:

Relief for Olim in distress, support for our Lone Soldiers and their families, and recruitment and coordination of volunteer physicians to bolster Israel’s national health care system.




Cleansing the World

Rabbi Shalom Arush Posted on 13November2023 https://breslev.com/video/cleansing-the-world/?_atscid=2_92797_86200982_4966760_0_Tawxttjaeucshh8uw

Miracles!! How many miracles – protection from missiles, teshuva, unity! This war is global and affects all Jews. Who will hold firm to emuna in Hashem? Hashem is ridding the world of evil and those who oppose Him. CRITICAL: Aliyah – come now to experience the miracles! Importance of daily teshuva in personal prayer.


Humanity-Howard Klineberg

Hillel Fuld-tweet-14February2024-Humanity-Howard Klineberg
“When we were led into the gas chamber, YOU said nothing.

When we were forcibly converted, YOU said nothing.

When we were thrown out of a country
just for being Jews, YOU said nothing.

When we now defend ourselves
all of a sudden, YOU have something to say.

How did we take our revenge
on the Germans for their Final Solution?

How did we take revenge
on the Spanish for their Inquisition?

How did we take revenge
on Islam for being Dhimmis?

How did we take revenge
on the lies of the Protocols of Zion?

We studied our Torah
We innovated in medicine
We innovated in defense systems
We innovated in technology
We innovated in agriculture
We made music
We wrote poetry
We made the desert bloom
We won Nobel prizes
We founded the movie industry
We financed democracy
We fulfilled the word of Hashem by becoming a light unto the Nations of the Earth.

So World, when you criticize us for defending our heritage and our ancestral homeland, we the Jews of the world do exactly what you did, we ignore you.

You have proven to us for the last 2,000 years that when the chips are down, you don’t care.

Now leave us alone and go sort out your own backyard whilst we continue our 5784-year-old mission, enhancing the world we share.”

– Howard Klineberg,

Hillel Fuld-tweet-14February2024-Humanity-Howard Klineberg

Hillel Fuld-tweet-14February2024-Humanity-Howard Klineberg




My Lot in the Land of Life

This week, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. Let’s be thankful for being able to live in Eretz Yisrael! The Land of Israel is stronger than all other mitzvot, and therefore it is important to always remember the greatness of living there!

Rabbi Shalom Arush Posted on 21November2023 https://breslev.com/4073222/

My Lot in the Land of Life by Rabbi Shalom Arush

My Lot in the Land of Life by Rabbi Shalom Arush

Never Get Used to This!

The Torah warns us time and again not to get used to abundance. When a person gets used to abundance, he loses his ability to feel it; he loses any sense of gratitude. He doesn’t appreciate – and that is precisely the sin of “Yeshurun (Yisrael) grew fat and kicked” that leads to distance from Hashem to the point of doing avoda zara (worshiping false gods).


We have much good, much light, much chessed, much abundance in the Land of Israel. And, unfortunately, we became accustomed to it. We didn’t thank Hashem enough, and did not appreciate all this, and due to our sins, we were forced to learn to appreciate our existence here in the Holy Land the hard way.


The greatest chessed is the very fact that we are living in the Land of Israel!


This is not the place to bring all the amazing sayings of Chazal about the Land of Israel and its holiness.


So many generations yearned and prayed, cried and hoped to set foot on the land of Eretz Yisrael and to kiss it, and even just to be buried in it. The greatest rabbis endangered their lives to travel to this land. Hashem yitbarach had mercy on us and gave us the merit to live in the Holy Land, and to breathe the holy air, and to observe Torah and mitzvot here, including the mitzvot that are dependent on living here, and to visit the graves of our forefathers and ancient luminaries.


Tie-breaking Weapon

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Bender zt”l, who was one of the greatest of Breslev chassidim, conveyor of its message in the previous generation, would say to his disciples: “Avreichim! Test me on this one! Do your best to remember that you are in Eretz Yisrael and be happy about this fact – and you will feel a great positive influence on all your service of Hashem.”


That means that if Rabbi Nachman of Breslev said that all of one’s service of Hashem depends on a person always searching for and finding good points, merits, mitzvot – Rabbi Levi Yitzchak says that there is one special point that is a “tie-breaking weapon” – and that is the Land of Israel. In other words, the Land of Israel is not just one other mitzvah, but rather a super-mitzvah, a mitzvah so big and powerful that it is stronger than all other mitzvot, and therefore it is important for a person to remember at all times the greatness of the merit of being in the Land of Israel and to think of it as a huge asset.


This is very useful for our service of Hashem because we have a rule: Every mitzvah brings glow to a person according to his attitude, his appreciation, and his yearning for the mitzvah. The rule of “As water reflects the face shown to it, so does one man’s heart reciprocate another’s” is true for mitzvot as well. All the immense light of the mitzvah of living in the Land of Israel depends on our appreciating the mitzvah, loving the Land of Israel, and thanking Hashem for this gift, and on our never taking for granted the immense merit we have earned.



Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), too, “gains” from our residing in it. Eretz Yisrael glows only when the Jewish people live there. Rashi explains this in parashat Chayei Sarah.


In this parasha an amazing thing happens in the history of the Jewish People. Avraham Avinu purchases the first tract of land in Eretz Yisrael. “The Promised Land” is not just “on paper” anymore: it becomes a real property of the Jewish People.


Even before we were a Jewish People, we had a plot in Eretz Yisrael.


And after the transaction, the Torah says: “Vayakom – And Efron’s field rose”. (Bereishit 23:17) What does vayakom mean? How can a field rise? Says Rashi: “Tekuma haita lo: It rose in importance, for it passed from the hand of a commoner to the hand of a king.”


When Eretz Yisrael was in the hands of other nations it was actually in a state of falling; but when Eretz Yisrael passes into the hands of the Jewish People – that is the rising. Eretz Yisrael rises and brushes off the dirt, renewing itself as in times of old.


Rabbi Natan explains wondrous things in the parasha relating to the purchase of Me’arat HaMachpelah (Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron) according to the sod – the secrets of the Torah. He says that Efron had the aspects of afar – of dirt, of the Serpent, of sadness, and therefore the holy field of Me’arat HaMachpelah seemed dark and full of foreboding for him, and he didn’t have the merit to see the immense light and smell the fragrance of Gan Eden in this field.


The rectification of the trait of sadness is the trait of emuna (faith), as explained in the books of Rabbeinu. Avraham Avinu was the first of the believers, and therefore it was he who had to rectify the klipa of sadness of Efron and transfer the Land of Israel from being controlled by the klipa, to being controlled by kedusha – holiness.


And Eretz Yisrael itself was elevated, it had tekuma. Its holiness and light were revealed, and it became “the Land of Life”, as David Hamelech calls it. And therefore, the first act that Avraham Avinu performs in the land is to bury a righteous person in it. Because righteous people have the aspect of life; long life. Righteous people are considered to be alive even when they’re dead, and therefore immediately after buying a plot in the Land, it says about Avraham, “And Avraham was old, advanced in days (years),” for he merited a long life thanks to the holiness of Eretz Yisrael.


It is explained in several places in the books of Rabbi Nachman of Breslev that a long life doesn’t mean only living for many years, rather, that the days themselves should be long and full of Torah and tefilla, full of yir’at Shamayim (fear of Heaven) and love of Hashem.


Now we will go back to our piece of advice: never forget for a minute the extent of the merit, be joyful and thank Hashem endlessly.


No More Sleeping

It is clear that the focal point of this entire tragedy and terrible massacre [Editor: on Simchat Torah], and the whole difficult situation that the Jewish People finds itself in is the control over Eretz Yisrael. The cruel enemy – enemy of Hashem and enemy of the Jews – is willing to die for Eretz Yisrael. And our answer to that is to strengthen our connection with Eretz Yisrael, strengthen our emotional connection, our joy in the mitzvah of living in Eretz Yisrael.


And as I have said repeatedly since this terrible disaster occurred, we must pray with all our might and insist in our prayers to Hashem that we get the complete Ge’ula (Redemption) – nothing less. So too we must pray to Hashem ceaselessly and without compromise for Eretz Yisrael, that the entire land should be in the hands of the Jewish People, with no exceptions.


Unfortunately, the main parts of Eretz Yisrael – all the places where our holy forefathers lived, and all the holiest places are in the hands of the lowliest of the nations. The princes, sons of the queen, have been shunted off to the coastal plain, whereas the prime parts of the Land are being ruled by the children of the maidservant.


Holy Jews, we were not given this difficult situation in order to ask Hashem only for peace and quiet, so that we can go back to slumbering.


Hashem has shaken us and woken us up in such a painful way, so that we will truly wake up and not go back to sleep again.


And waking up means to rise and shout: We are asking for the complete Ge’ula, we are asking for the kingdom of Heaven, we are asking for the kingship of the House of David and not for any cheap substitute. And we want the Land of Israel in its entirely, and specifically our holy Temple in its full glory that precisely from this big crisis will be built speedily in our days, Amen.



End the Shame

We don’t need Mashiach to come to solve our problems. We need Mashiach to come so that Hashem’s glory will be fully revealed and the desecration of His Name will end.

Rachel Avrahami | 11January2024 | https://breslev.com/4085308/


End the Shame by Rachel Avrahami

End the Shame by Rachel Avrahami

Since my last article on antisemitism, of course things are only getting scarier.


At some point, I realized that I was drowning in terror – but where was my emuna? If Hashem does everything for the best, then clearly this also must be the “darkness before the dawn,” or as Rabbi Arush puts it – the light of salvation that just hasn’t been revealed yet.


Clearly the 400%+ rise in Aliyah applications is a result of that fear (I actually wish that number was much higher based on Rabbi Arush’s warnings). I’ve spoken with Jews around the world who are starting to get closer to Hashem specifically through this tragedy. As Rabbi Arush said, “It’s forbidden to call it [Oct 7] ‘Black Shabbat’ – call it ‘White Shabbat’ because on that day, the light of repentance came down to this world!”


Even more than that, I realized that I can understand one of Rabbi Arush’s teachings about Mashiach a lot better now.


Some months ago, Rabbi Arush said, “What do we need Mashiach for? He is not coming for us or for our problems – there is the Law of Gratitude. Whatever suffering you have, do the Law – we don’t need Mashiach for our troubles.


“We need Mashiach because Hashem’s name is being desecrated and humiliated. Mashiach is coming for God’s Honor, not for us.”


Now I understand better the rampant antisemitism and the outrageous lies being spread about Jews, the IDF, and Israel. The Jews do represent God and a good portion of the world recognizes that, even if it’s subconsciously.


So, when the world has completely reversed the roles of the Jewish people and thinks that Israel i.e. JEWS are occupier-Nazis who are committing genocide – we have here a desecration of Hashem’s name of the worst kind.


The issue here is not what Israel is doing. The issue is that the hatred for Jews runs so deep. No matter how hard Israel tries to prove that these are just the usual blood libels (it’s just a modern twist on the “Jew killed a non-Jewish baby to use its blood in Passover matzah”) – the reality is that truth doesn’t matter when there is an agenda. The world and many people in it simply don’t want the truth. No matter what the circumstances, Jews are always to blame, and the current situation is no exception.


Herein lies the quintessential problem. The world does not recognize that goodness and morality come from the Jewish people – because we learned it from God Himself, Who is all good! Rather, the world thinks that the Jewish people are the evilest of all peoples! Evil incarnate! This thinking demonstrates complete psychopathic gaslighting role-reversal. This is the twisted, crooked thinking of so many people living on this planet!


Just a small example – We are the most righteous country, definitely human and imperfect but even in Gaza, the civilian death rate is 0.8%, compared to a global average of 4.5% and better than the US civilian death rate in Afghanistan! Rabbi Arush actually bemoaned and cried over this fact, because Jewish soldiers are dying to protect Gazan civilians. As Rabbi Arush put it, “The government is putting our boys in danger in order to protect our enemies.”


Another example – When the IDF did a military operation in Jenin to clear out terrorists a few months ago with ZERO civilian deaths, the UN Secretary General called it an illegal use of “excessive force.” Clearly then, any use of force is considered illegal or excessive if Jews are the ones wielding it. Every human on the planet is granted basic human rights, including the right of a country to strike offensively to defend its population. Self-defense is part of international law, and the US has been doing this recently with strikes in Syria to defend American troops. Clearly, Jews must not be humans with the basic right to defend themselves. I mean, what other country in the world even needs to have major politicians declare that Jews DO in fact, have a right to defend themselves?! Since when is it even a question? But clearly despite all the equal rights promises – Jews just don’t make the cut. We’re just not humans.


The truth is that in a certain respect, they are right. The Jews are called “the light unto the nations,” God’s “chosen people”, and a “priestly nation.” We ARE different, and we are supposed to be different. Even Hitler himself, his name should be erased, said “Conscience is a Jewish invention.” 1


Hitler continued: If one little Jewish boy survives without any Jewish education, with no synagogue and no Hebrew school, it [Judaism] is in his soul. Even if there had never been a synagogue or a Jewish school or an Old Testament, the Jewish spirit would still exist and exert its influence. It has been there from the beginning, and there is no Jew, not a single one, who does not personify it. 2


Sometimes an enemy can say it best.


Israel is going out of its way to prove its righteousness to the world, with little visible results. Jews are making Hashem’s name great by going to war, but with none of the typical war crimes that have been committed for centuries. The world is blaspheming God by saying that Israel is anyway doing all of that and worse. The world ignores the real act of genocide committed by Hamas against Israel and the captives, who are quite possibly near death in tunnels in Gaza. The massacre by Hamas was against all international laws. The hypocrisy and double standard are breathtaking.


I just don’t see any way out of this pit without Mashiach showing up and proving the world wrong. Mashiach will vindicate Hashem’s holy name. And THAT is why we want Mashiach to come as fast as possible!


It’s true that Rabbi Arush has been stressing the need to scream every day for Mashiach to come save us (watch the intro of The Geula is Ready! ) just like the Jews in Egypt did. Hashem immediately sent Moshe (Moses) after the Jews cried out from the oppression.


But what we should be screaming the most about is the terrible desecration of His name currently taking place.


If the purpose of creation is to learn emuna and recognize God – and that is true for every human on this planet, Jew and non-Jew – well, if this much of the world thinks what they do of emuna, God, and His people – we’re in big trouble.


So, scream for Hashem to not only save us, but most importantly, for God Himself to show up and prove Who is right – once and for all. And then the nations will recognize Him, and His name will be made great, and everyone will know that Hashem is good and will learn emuna – amen.


1 The complete quote: “The tablets of Mount Sinai have lost their validity. Conscience is a Jewish invention. Like circumcision it mutilates man…”. Published in Hitler Speaks (English translation of Gespräche mit Hitler) by Hermann Rauschning, p. 220, 1939.




Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel. 


Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.

Reader’s Comments:

1. Tamar

Israel on trial – with tremendous international media coverage!

When this article went to press, the ICJ (International Court of Justice) began hearing South Africa’s case of genocide against Israel.

Such an unfounded accusation is a major chillul Hashem on a planet-wide scale!

How true is Harav’s call to cry out to Hashem for Mashiach to vindicate Hashem’s honor!



We’re still broken from this

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-5May2024-We’re still broken from this
We’re still broken from this 🌀


The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-5May2024-We're still broken from this

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-5May2024-We’re still broken from this




Don’t threaten us with cutting off aid to give up our principles.

Netanel Worthy-tweet-19February2024-Don’t threaten us
“Don’t threaten us with cutting off aid to give up our principles. I’m not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

-Prime Minister Menachem Begin to Senator Joe Biden, 1982

Netanel Worthy-tweet-19February2024-Don’t threaten us

Netanel Worthy-tweet-19February2024-Don’t threaten us




freebeacon-com-logo The Washington Free Beacon

Survey Shows ‘Complete Collapse’ of Israeli Left Since Oct. 7

Tel Aviv rally for Hamas to release hostages (Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images)

Tel Aviv rally for Hamas to release hostages (Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images)

Andrew Tobin
3July2024 https://freebeacon.com/israel/survey-shows-complete-collapse-of-israeli-left-since-oct-7/


JERUSALEM—Nearly nine months after Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack, the Jewish state’s political divisions have reemerged, with protests criticizing the government for various and often opposing reasons breaking out across the country.


But a sweeping new public opinion survey by pollsters affiliated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has revealed how the Oct. 7 attack on Israel solidified a national consensus on what used to be the country’s main political disagreement. When it comes to the Palestinians, the survey found, almost everyone is a right-winger now.


“Oct. 7 caused a complete collapse of the old Israeli left,” Hebrew University political psychologist Nimrod Nir, who led the survey, told the Washington Free Beacon. “Until a few years ago, I could find out which political camp you were in by asking you one question: Palestinian state, yes or no? Today, that question doesn’t really differentiate the two camps because no one supports the old idea of a Palestinian state.”


The findings help explain why the Biden administration has so far failed to persuade Israel to end its war to destroy the Palestinian terror group Hamas in Gaza and recommit to a two-state solution.


“There isn’t even a majority for a Palestinian state among liberal voters anymore,” Nir said. “It’s just not on the table.”

Nir and his team, known as Agam Labs, surveyed a nationally representative sample of 4,000 Jewish Israeli adults in August and then, from Oct. 9 through last month, checked back in with most of them every 10 days or so. By tracking so many of the same individuals over time, the pollsters were able to minimize noise and uncertainty—yielding the most comprehensive picture to date of how Israeli politics have shifted since Oct. 7.


Each round of polling had a margin of error of about 4 percentage points. But changes as small as 2 percentage points are significant if consistent over time, according to the pollsters.


The survey found that the rightward ratchet of Israeli politics across decades of Palestinian terrorism and rejectionism has lurched ahead since Oct. 7. Based on political self-identification, the right has grown by 5 percentage points to include 36 percent of Jewish Israelis, or 60 percent when the poll factors in the moderate and hard right. The left has shrunk by 3 percentage points to just 8 percent of the public, or 13 percent factoring in the moderate and hard left. And the center has held steady at about a quarter of the political spectrum.

Israeli political self-identification (Agam Labs)

Israeli political self-identification (Agam Labs)

The results correspond to more than 160,000 of Israel’s some 7 million Jews abandoning the left and more than 110,000 joining the right, according to the pollsters.


Debbie Sharon, 60, a criminal defense attorney from Yated, a town in southern Israel, counts herself among the newly minted right-wingers. She recalled that prior to Oct. 7, she subscribed to the then-prevailing conception that Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 and subsequent economic support for the strip encouraged quiet and might one day lead to peace between Israel and the Palestinians.


“People on the right warned us that the Palestinians don’t think the way we think: They don’t care about peace for their children. They only care about eliminating us,” Sharon said. “But we didn’t believe them. We said, ‘They’re all mad. They’re all right-wing extremists.'” Then, several thousand Hamas terrorists and ordinary Palestinians burst through the Gaza border, a few miles from Sharon’s house. As she hid in her safe room for more than 30 hours, the terrorists slaughtered dozens of her friends, neighbors, and clients. Altogether, about 1,200 people were killed, most of them civilians, and 250 were taken hostage.


“I’ve always been a centrist, so it’s very hard for me to straight-out say that I’m a right-wing person now,” she told the Free Beacon. “But I probably am, and I am probably going to vote way more right-wing in the next elections than I ever did before.”


Earlier this year, Sharon volunteered for Tzav 9, a grassroots movement that sprang up to protest Israel’s provision of humanitarian aid to Gaza during the war. She eventually left the group—which has recently been linked to violence and sanctioned by the Biden administration—saying it had become too divisive. But she stood by her opposition to the aid.


“They can have aid in Gaza when they give us back our hostages. That’s how I feel,” she said. “I guess that makes me a right-wing extremist.”


According to the Agam Labs survey, 52 percent of Jewish Israelis oppose the government’s wartime facilitation of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and just 30 percent support the policy—roughly the reverse of the numbers prior to Oct. 7.


Support for direct Israeli aid to and cooperation with the Palestinians has fallen even faster and farther, down to roughly one-fifth of the public in both cases.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict-Cooperation and Aid (Agam Labs)

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict-Cooperation and Aid (Agam Labs)

When it comes to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, just 30 percent of Jewish Israelis are still believers, per the survey, an 8-point decline since Oct. 7.


At the same time, support for potential Israeli annexation of Palestinian territory is also low and effectively unchanged from before Hamas’s massacre, and initial fervor to resettle Gaza has quickly cooled and is now supported by just over a third of Israelis. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ruled out the idea of settlements.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict-Annexation vs. A PA State (Agam Labs)

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict-Annexation vs. A PA State (Agam Labs)

The Jewish public’s turn against the Palestinians since Oct. 7—which has reversed slightly over the course of the Gaza war—is less about right-wing ideology than about hard-headed security considerations, according to the survey.


“This shift offers a rare opportunity for changing public positions on the conflict,” the pollsters wrote. “Israelis who previously opposed a Palestinian state on ideological grounds may support it if convinced it benefits Israel’s security and prevents future attacks like Hamas’s, or if the costs of refusing a political move are too high. However, a plan presenting a viable vision for independent Palestinian rule while maintaining Israel’s security interests is a categorical step.”


Israelis have yet to hear an explanation of how the Biden administration’s Middle East peace plan would protect their national security interests. According to Nir, even among Jews who plan to vote for Israel’s liberal opposition parties, support for a two-state solution has fallen to about 40 percent. No major Jewish politician has come out in support of U.S. demands that Israel give the Palestinian Authority, Hamas’s terrorism-supporting rival faction, civil control of Gaza and commit to a “credible pathway” to Palestinian statehood.


Yoram Yitzhaki, 58, a businessman from Hanita, a communal settlement on Israel’s evacuated border with Lebanon, said that as a son of Israel’s kibbutz movement, he sees the left as his political tribe even if he “has nothing to do with those Kaplan Streets protests [against the government in Tel Aviv].” He plans to vote for “The Democrats,” a new merger of the venerable left-wing parties Labor and Meretz, and he believes Israel should seek peace with the Muslim world wherever possible.


But, Yitzhaki said, “Oct. 7 proved to me that we will never be able to trust the Palestinians, and we need to be much much stronger.”


From the start of the war, Yitzhaki has refused government orders to evacuate Hanita, staying behind with a handful of other residents even as Israeli tanks park on the sidewalks and occasionally exchange fire with Hezbollah terrorists across the border. He likened the Gaza war—which has threatened to expand to the north and beyond—to Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, during which an Arab siege cut off Hanita from the rest of Israel.


“The kibbutzniks were the original settlers,” he said. “We were the original patriots.”




SOVEREIGNTY-logo https://www.ribonut.co.il/

SOVEREIGNTY-logo https://www.ribonut.co.il/

74% of Israeli citizens oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state

womeningreen@womeningreen.org from E-Mail 25January2024

Ad that Haarestz doesnt want you to see 2024

Ad that Haarestz doesnt want you to see 2024

An ad by the Sovereignty Movement with data from a survey that was conducted, stating that 74% of Israeli citizens oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state – was rejected for publication in the Ha’aretz newspaper. The Sovereignty Movement: “Ha’aretz is trying to hide from its readers the awakening of Israeli citizens”.


Also, according to the survey that was conducted by the Direct Polls Survey Institute for the conference organized by the Sovereignty Movement and the Yesha Council entitled “Wake-up call from Gaza – putting an End to the Two-States Paradigm”, a mere 20% of Israeli citizens support the idea of two states, and 6% responded with “no opinion” on the matter.

SEE: https://www.ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=861&lang=2



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SOVEREIGNTY-logo https://www.ribonut.co.il/

83% of Israeli citizens support total victory

Overwhelming support for encouraging emigration and against a Palestinian state – the survey

Meir elipur 12January2024 https://www.ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=858&lang=2

Here are the results of the survey presented by the Sovereignty Movement at the Lessons of the Gaza War Conference. The voice of the people is clear and unequivocal: no to a Palestinian state, yes to encouraging emigration of the Arabs from the Gaza Strip

49% of Israeli citizens support total victory and tell the US to “Go to Hell”.
33% of Israeli citizens support total victory and we need to talk to the US.

Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-1

Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-1


Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-2

Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-2


Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-3

Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-3


Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-4

Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-4



SOVEREIGNTY-logo https://www.ribonut.co.il/

SOVEREIGNTY-logo https://www.ribonut.co.il/


Meir elipur  16January2024 https://www.ribonut.co.il/BlogPostID.aspx?BlogPostId=860&lang=2

Minister of Intelligence Gila Gamliel laid out her plan for the day after the war at a conference organized by the Sovereignty Movement, in collaboration with the Yesha Council.

Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-1

Sovereignty Movement Poll 10January2024-1

76% of Israeli citizens support voluntary emigration of the residents of the Gaza Strip to other countries

[JerusalemCats Comments: How about New York, London, Los Angeles, The Hague, San Francisco, Michigan, Minnesota,  Massachusetts, Vermont and so on 🇺🇸🐎, 🇪🇺] 

To read the article in its entirety
Jerusalem Post Article by Atara Bec* January 15, 2024


The conference, titled “Lessons from Gaza – an end to the idea of two states,” held at the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem last Thursday, focused mainly on opposition to the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


According to a poll presented at the conference, in the wake of the Oct. 7 massacre, an overwhelming majority (74%) also said they were against a two-state solution; 20% were in favor, and 6%
had no opinion.


The poll, conducted by Direct Polls Ltd. for the Sovereignty Movement a day ahead of the conference, also asked: “Are you for or against voluntary transfer emigration of the residents of the Gaza Strip to other countries?” A clear majority – 76% – responded in favor; 16% were against, and 8% had no opinion.


Surprisingly, center-left voters from the Yesh Atid and National Unity parties, headed by Opposition leader Yair Lapid and Minister Benny Gantz respectively, responded similarly regarding the issue.  Among the Yesh Atid voters, 61% were in favor of the emigration, 24% were against, and 15% had no opinion. Among those who voted for Gantz’s party, 71% were in favor, 18% were against, and 11% had no opinion.


*Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel, a longtime supporter of sovereignty over all of Judea and Samaria, addressed the conference on the issue of voluntary emigration.*


“Now is the time that we must try new solutions,” she told the audience. “It is clear that much has to change if any conceptions were proven wrong on the day of the pogrom of October 7.

“Every time Israel retreated from territory, it became a base for terror and bloodshed”

“Gaza has long been thought of as a problem without an answer. The greatest failure was the disengagement from Gaza,” she said.  The State of Israel tried many solutions – enrichment, conflict management, and building high walls – in the hope of keeping the monsters of Hamas out of Israel. These have all failed.


“One of the issues on which my office has been working diligently is how to proceed the day after Hamas has been defeated and annihilated. We will still have about two million people, many of whom voted for Hamas and celebrated the massacre of innocent for men, women, and children. Gaza is a breeding ground for extremism… Gaza is a place devoid of hope, stolen by the genocidal terrorists of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups.”


*‘Open the door’*
Gamliel then referred to a recent article in the Guardian (UK) that described the hopelessness of the Palestinians in Gaza. “These people are desperate, and the international community, which claims to care about the Palestinians, sits by idly and watches. This is an opportunity,” she declared.


“Unfortunately, for the last 75 years, UNRWA has done zero to help the Palestinian people even though it has an annual budget of well over one billion dollars,” she continued. “Instead of funneling money to rebuild Gaza or to the failed UNWRA, the international community can assist in the cost of humanitarian voluntary resettlement, helping the people of Gaza build new lives in their new host countries


“I will make it simple by stating it in three simple words: Open the door.


“I say to the international community: No one is pushing or forcing anybody out, but surely you can’t be indifferent to their suffering. Just open the door and let those who wish it to join the hundreds of thousands of Gazans who have already left voluntarily in the last few years…


“It is an obligation of leadership to propose solutions and not just circle back to the same tired ideas and cliches,” she concluded.



The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies BESA https://besacenter.org/

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies BESA https://besacenter.org/

The Occupation of Territory in War: A Diplomatic and Strategic Achievement for Israel

By Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Meir Finkel | 14February2024 | https://besacenter.org/the-occupation-of-territory-in-war-a-diplomatic-and-strategic-achievement-for-israel/


BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,263, February 14, 2024

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The occupation and holding of territory, which used to be a central component of the IDF’s war concept at all levels, became almost irrelevant during Israel’s many years of fighting terrorism and guerrillas in Gaza and Lebanon. But there are three reasons why it is a big mistake to discount the value of conquered territory. First, the occupation by Israel of enemy territory (while evacuating the local population for its own protection) is considered by Israel’s enemies to be a painful loss, and the possession of territory can serve as a bargaining chip in political negotiations. Second, occupation offers the IDF an asymmetric advantage, as only it can occupy territory, clear it of the enemy, and protect it from counterattack. Third, after a long period of “wars of choice” in which Israel was the strong side, we have returned to the era of “wars of no choice” in which the occupation of territory has both internal and external legitimacy. These insights should be applied to any future war in Lebanon.


Until the 1980s, the occupation of territory and transfer of the war into enemy territory for the purpose of removing the threat of invasion into Israel were central components in the IDF’s perception of warfare. But combat against guerrilla warfare in the security zone in Lebanon, and against terror and guerrilla warfare in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, caused a shift in this perception. The holding of conquered territory that contained an enemy population prepared to conduct guerrilla warfare was perceived as a liability rather than an advantage.


The transition of enemy behavior to a pattern of stand-off bombardment of Israeli territory, and the development of an Israeli response of counter-fire and active defense implemented in limited “rounds” in Gaza, almost completely removed the occupation of territory from Israeli military and public discourse. This diminished the IDF’s focus on maintaining the military capability meant to implement occupation: the ground maneuver.


This trend can be seen in IDF strategic documents over the years. In the IDF Operations Concept document of Chief of Staff Dan Halutz (2006), for example, an emphasis was placed on developing the capability of operational-level fire against armored fighting vehicles as an alternative to the strategy of occupying territory when fighting enemy states. Occupation was perceived as an unacceptable burden because of the guerrilla warfare to which occupying IDF forces would be subjected.


The prolonged influence of the IDF’s experience in Lebanon is evident here. In the IDF Strategic Concept document of 2015, written almost a decade after the Second Lebanon War, a return to ground maneuver capability was stressed, with two components: the “focused maneuver” against key political and authoritative centers and the “distributed maneuver” against dispersed enemy artillery units and military infrastructures. However, occupying territory to be used as a diplomatic bargaining chip was not defined as an objective.


The Victory Concept authored by Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi had three pillars: long-range fire strikes, ground maneuver, and defense. With the ground maneuver emphasizing “neutralizing capabilities” – in other words, maneuvering for the purposes of destroying specific enemy assets: artillery, combatants, and military infrastructure, but not for the purpose of occupying territory.


Israel’s operations in Gaza clearly illustrate the IDF’s preference for stand-off fire and defense. The offensive maneuver was activated during Operation Protective Edge only to neutralize the threat of the attack tunnels. Ever since the Second Lebanon War, the IDF has immediately withdrawn from every territory it conquered, forfeiting any achievement provided by the occupation of territory. In all documents and operations, occupation was meant to neutralize artillery fire or tunnels but was not viewed as an objective unto itself.


This is a narrow view, as occupying territory serves multiple purposes on all levels of warfare. On the tactical level, it can be used to capture advantageous positions from the enemy. On the operational level, it can disrupt enemy formations. On the strategic level, the enemy’s capital can be occupied for the purpose of regime change. On the diplomatic level, occupied territory can be a bargaining chip for negotiation.


There are three reasons why it is a serious mistake to devalue the achievement of occupying territory.


The first reason is at the diplomatic and strategic level: It’s the land, stupid. Losing territory is a painful loss for Israel’s enemies. Hamas in Gaza wants to “return” to Jaffa, Ashdod, Ashkelon (Majdal), and indeed the rest of the State of Israel, either through direct occupation, by exhausting Israel until it collapses, or by exerting enough political pressure to force the “right of return”. Hezbollah is fighting for the Galilee foothills, and the Rashidun force wanted to conquer the Galilee. Territory remains as important to Israel’s enemies as it ever was. Therefore, Israel’s occupation and holding of enemy territory constitutes a serious loss for those enemies.


Holding territory is also a bargaining chip in diplomatic negotiations. This was the case with Egypt and Syria in the agreements on the separation of forces at the end of the Yom Kippur War, and later in the framework of the peace agreement with Egypt, which insisted on the complete return of Sinai.


This will always apply when Israel occupies territory. Hamas’s claim that it will return the captives as long as the IDF withdraws from Gaza’s population centers proves that occupied territory is once again a diplomatic bargaining chip.


The second reason is at the operational level: The occupation of territory gives the IDF a clear asymmetrical advantage. This exploits enemy vulnerabilities and maximizes the IDF’s strengths. Only the IDF can occupy territory, clear it of the enemy, defend it against counterattack, use it to reduce the threat of infiltration, and hold it as a bargaining chip for diplomatic negotiations. None of Israel’s enemies can occupy territory and hold it for more than a few hours.


This asymmetry is especially important when it comes to firepower. Though the IDF is reluctant to admit this, a sort of symmetry has emerged between Israel and Hezbollah. Hezbollah has built a vast arsenal containing statistical rockets, short-range rockets, precision missiles, 120mm mortars, and drone-delivered explosives. The IDF has a highly sophisticated air force with precise intelligence-guided targeting capabilities on a world-class scale. The problem is that a symmetry has emerged. Both sides are capable of inflicting significant damage on the other, and victory in this operational space will be by points.


It has been argued for many years that occupying territory is not worth the price it will cost in terms of heavy casualties and exposure of IDF troops to guerrilla warfare. The “Iron Swords” war demonstrates that both these risks are limited in scope. It appears that with adjustments, territorial occupation can be restored during a future war in Lebanon. This can be done with relatively low attrition ratios (harder to achieve in Lebanon than in densely built Gaza) and with the evacuation of the local population from the battlefield area (easier to achieve in Lebanon than in Gaza).


Territory captured in a future war must be cleared of military infrastructure. Residents should not be allowed to return until Israel’s desired diplomatic arrangement is achieved, even if this means the IDF maintains a security zone for months or years in the enemy’s territory. I stress that preventing the return of the population is not for the purpose of punishing them. Rather, it is for the same reason that they were evacuated before the war: to minimize the chances of their being harmed. Territory captured during ground combat will remain largely destroyed and will lack any basic electricity or water infrastructure, and it will be filled with ruins and explosive remnants. Fighting is also likely to continue to occur in the area, even if only sporadically.


The third reason is that warfare changes constantly, both globally and regionally. Unlike advanced science, which progresses forward, the phenomenon of warfare sometimes returns to old motivations and patterns. When Israel was perceived as the stronger side against Hamas, the limitations placed upon it were severe. The Western world expected Israel to defend its citizens solely with active defense systems and counter-fire, without resorting to ground action. In terms of internal legitimacy, the cost of occupying territory was believed to outweigh the benefits when each round of conflict ended with relatively minor damage.


But on October 7, 2023, both Israel’s and the world’s understanding of the conflict with Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran changed completely. In response to Hamas’s brutal, genocidal massacre and mass hostage-taking, the State of Israel declared a comprehensive war. After a long period of “wars of choice” in which Israel was the stronger side, the Jewish State has returned to an era of “no-choice wars”. In a comprehensive multi-front war, which will include fighting against Hezbollah and Iran and possibly other elements, Israel will have to utilize all means at its disposal to defend itself. This includes occupying and holding territory.


Occupying territory in Lebanon – for the fifth time


Without attempting to broadly speculate on how the next war in Lebanon will unfold, we will consider a situation in which Israel has decided to enter Lebanon on the ground. In such a scenario, a defensive zone would be established and held as a security belt to protect the northern border settlements from surface-to-surface fire and ground attack until a diplomatic arrangement is reached. The conquered territory would remain “sterile”, with neither an enemy presence nor returned local residents, in order to protect those residents from the fighting that is likely to continue in the area as the enemy attempts to reconquer the territory or attack IDF forces.


Israel has a great deal of experience in Lebanon. During Operation Hiram in October 1948, the IDF captured 14 villages in the eastern sector. Israel withdrew half a year later as part of an agreement with the Lebanese government, but in Operation Litani in 1978, the villages were recaptured. In the First Lebanon War in 1982, they were captured a third time; in the Second Lebanon War in 2006, they were captured a fourth time. If we were to capture them a fifth time, as well as other areas along the border for a fourth time, we will need to ensure as much as possible that that will be the last time they pose a threat to the border settlements.


The way to do this, given the history I have described, is to gain internal and international legitimacy by turning these rural areas into a security zone under Israeli control. They should remain under Israeli security control until an agreement is reached that ensures that if Israel withdraws, the areas will no longer pose a threat.


view pdf


Brigadier General (res.) Dr. Meir Finkel is head of research at the Dado Center and its former commander. He has written a series of books about the IDF’s senior headquarters: the Chief of Staff (2018), the General Staff (2020), Air Force Headquarters (2022) and Ground Headquarters (2023).



Protect yourselves; Hire Jewish Labor



7 Shevat 5784 16January2024 http://palmtreeofdeborah.blogspot.com/2024/01/never-forget.html


The message seems to have finally gotten through that we cannot safely employ Arabs from Palestinian areas.  (Petition)  Now, if only people will understand that no Arab can be trusted and that’s just how it is.


But, never forget that it is not only Yishmael whom we are fighting but Eisav and their attached Erev Rav as well.  As more and more Jews are rejecting Arab labor, there is going to be a big push on by The Other Side to replicate the Hayovel model across the country, replacing Arab labor with imported Christian Evangelical “lovers of Israel.”  God forbid!!


Watch out for it!



Beit Shemesh residents concerned for security say YES to Jewish & Foreign workers

Citizens of Beit Shemesh 31December2023  https://www.change.org/p/beit-shemesh-residents-concerned-for-security-say-yes-to-jewish-foreign-workers


Residents of Beit Shemesh concerned for their security, say YES to Jewish and foreign workers!


We, the residents of Beit Shemesh, write with deep concerns regarding the potential entry of non-Israeli Arabs into our city. We understand the economic needs and the importance of cooperation, but recent events, particularly the tragic October 7th massacre, have heightened our fears for the safety of our residents and families.


In the aftermath of this terrible incident, with many of our men drafted to serve in various capacities, our community is already facing a heightened sense of vulnerability. The trauma and anxiety stemming from the events of October 7th have left us grappling with a profound sense of insecurity. In light of these circumstances, we are apprehensive about the introduction of non-Israeli Arabs into Beit Shemesh, even with the presence of guards.


While we acknowledge the necessity of labor from various sources, we believe that the safety of our families should be the top priority. The recent tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of the region, and we fear that allowing non-Israeli Arab workers to roam freely, even with security measures in place, exposes our community to unnecessary risks.


In light of these circumstances, we respectfully request that the government reconsiders any plans to allow non-Israeli Arabs into Beit Shemesh. We understand the complexities of balancing the economic needs of our residents and security concerns but believe that alternative solutions can be explored to address labor needs without compromising the safety of our families.




The residents of Beit Shemesh



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Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH

French Jews arriving at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, November 2, 2016. (JTA/IFCJ)

French Jews arriving at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel, November 2, 2016. (JTA/IFCJ)


Anything but Aliya

The Evil Inclination will do anything in the world to keep a Jew from moving to the Land of Israel. When the EI hears the word Aliya – it goes on the warpath. Why?

Rabbi Shalom Arush Posted on 09October2023  https://breslev.com/479379/

Anything but Aliya by Rabbi Shalom Arush

Anything but Aliya by Rabbi Shalom Arush

Rebbe Nachman couldn’t say enough good things about the Land of Israel. It’s therefore no wonder that the Yetzer Hara (the evil inclination, or “EI”) wages an ongoing battle on both Rebbe Nachman’s teaching and Aliya (immigration) to the Land of Israel.


The EI will do anything in the world to keep a Jew from moving to the Land of Israel. When the EI hears the word Aliya – it goes on the warpath. And, once a person has made Aliya and has moved to Israel, the EI doesn’t give up; it still fights tooth and nail to convince a person how terrible Israel is, Heaven forbid, and how good life once was in New York, LA, Chicago, Miami, or Toronto.


Why does the EI get so upset about a Jew living in the Land of Israel? On a national scale, the EI doesn’t want Geula (redemption), including Mashiach and our Holy Temple. Every Jew who comes here hastens the Geula. On an individual level, the EI wants you and your children wallowing in the diaspora, stressed and depressed, and not coming home to where your soul belongs. The Yetzer doesn’t want you attaining your soul correction, so he fights to keep you away from here and gives you fifty reasons to remain in the Diaspora.


With so much opposition from the Dark Side, a person with spiritual awareness can begin to realize the value of living in the Land of Israel.


The holiness of the Land of Israel is honey for the soul. Rebbe Nachman teaches that emuna leads to having one’s prayers answered. All prayers rise by way of the Land of Israel. A person’s prayers are strongest in the Land of Israel, to the extent that they can work miracles, above the limitations of nature.


The Land of Israel is the place to acquire emuna, for one sees Hashem’s hand very clearly here, every single day, especially in recent current events.


Shofar sounding as Jewish Olim land on a Nefesh B' Nefesh flight to Israel

Shofar sounding as Jewish Olim land on a Nefesh B’ Nefesh flight to Israel

Rebbe Nachman teaches that the Land of Israel is the place for children. Our forefathers were barren outside of Israel, but Abraham and Sarah came here and had children. This can work for you too.


The Land of Israel can save a person from all evil, because of its high-level kedusha. Only in Israel can a person attain the level of emuna where natural restrictions and limitations don’t affect him at all, for here is the place of upper-level holiness.


The air of the Land of Israel makes a person’s brain function better. The Talmud teaches that a person can fulfill his intellectual potential only in the Land of Israel. That’s understandable, because the more emuna a person has, the better his or her mind functions. Since the Land of Israel is the land of emuna, one can attain a broadening of the mind here.


Rabbi Zeira fasted 100 times in order to forget the Babylonian Talmud, so that he could have a clean mind to learn the Torah of Eretz Yisrael.


Every Jew has a share in the Land of Israel – it’s your home!


The Torah teaches that Hashem’s eyes never depart from the Land of Israel. Therefore, those who are privileged to dwell here enjoy a maximum measure of Divine providence over their lives.


The Land of Israel is the source of blessings, for all blessings are derived from here.


There’s an optical illusion that money is easier to come by outside of the Land of Israel. That’s another trick of the Evil Inclination.


Why do you pray three times a day for the in-gathering of the exiles if you have no intention of coming here?


It is surprising the extent to which Shabbat-observant people don’t want to come to the Land of Israel. Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, who had nothing but good to say about every Jew, said that if a Jew doesn’t earnestly strive to come to the Land of Israel, and if he doesn’t long for the Land of Israel, and pray to come here and beg Hashem to let him have a foothold in the Land of Israel – then he won’t have a share in the redemption of our people in the Land of Israel! Are you waiting for Mashiach before you come?


Mashiach will say, “Now you’ve come? Where were you when we needed you?”


The Land of Israel is the place to get to know Hashem. The Land of Israel is the place where body and soul find unity and happiness. You can change your life for the better by coming here. If you yearn for fulfillment, emuna, fulfilling your potential, raising your children the best way possible, living as a Jew, and attaining personal freedom, there is no better place on earth than the Land of Israel!


Ask Hashem to take you home to Eretz Yisrael. I sincerely hope to see you here soon, with Mashiach, the in-gathering of the exiles, and the full redemption of our people speedily and in our time, amen.

Olim from North America arrive in Israel - Nefesh B'Nefesh

Olim from North America arrive in Israel – Nefesh B’Nefesh



You Get What You Ask For

The world is increasingly dangerous for Jews and supporters of Israel. How can we protect ourselves? Let’s take our enemies’ message to heart and grab our weapons!

Rachel Avrahami | Posted on 14November2023 | https://breslev.com/4070244/

You Get What You Ask For by Rachel Avrahami

You Get What You Ask For by Rachel Avrahami


Jews around the world are alarmed by the sharp increase in antisemitism around the world in the wake of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Besides the war on the ground in Gaza, there are “battles” being fought in protests, both for Israel and ever-increasingly violent mobs of pro-Palestinian protesters, in addition to the war of comments all over social media.


I just saw a comment on X that “all Israelis are illegal occupiers.” With one swipe we’re no longer civilians, no longer HUMANS, we’re “occupiers” – and therefore our death and abduction is “justified,” dismissed and even celebrated. Who cares about international law or history?

“Our weapon is prayers and mitzvot – begging God to save us, our soldiers, our captives.”

So I add – if antisemites say essentially that we’re all soldiers, no civilians here – then let’s realize that’s a wake up call from G-d Himself! Everyone needs to fight in this war! Our weapon is prayers and mitzvot – begging G-d to save us, our soldiers, our captives. Our weapon is holiness and modesty, that Hashem should be “in our camp… to save us” and not “turn away from behind us.”


Even the nations recognize that, like it or not, we are all soldiers in Hashem’s army – so let’s act like it!!!


We have already seen the silence of the UN, the EU, and other international bodies and countries in the face of the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. We can’t make them care. We can’t make them not hate us or our continued existence despite all their efforts to the contrary.


I keep thinking about all the miracle stories of our enemies. In the Gulf War, some captured Iraqi generals admitted that they sent thousands of missiles, they carpet bombed Israel with everything including chemical weapons! And they watched the missiles simply disappear off the radar. Only 39 missiles fell in Israel – 39, for the 39 types of prohibited work on Shabbat and the 39 lashes that can be given by the Jewish court. Hashem sent them to atone for the people.


There are so many more stories. They openly admit that “their G-d is moving the missiles.” So why are they still fighting? Why continue to fight G-d Himself???


The answer is that it doesn’t make any sense, correct. But Hashem is making them fight against all reason, and be stubborn against all reason – because we Jews are fighting Hashem against all reason! We are stubborn and refuse to listen to Him, to obey His laws for our own benefit! It’s midda k’neged midda – tit for tat.

“Israel is the only country in the world that is forced to defend itself for defending itself.”

The reality is that Israel is the only country in the world that is forced to defend itself for defending itself. The world is screaming for a cease-fire. Excuse me, is anyone screaming for Ukraine to make a cease-fire? Since when does anyone get to say boo about what another sovereign country decides to do? And when Hamas still has hundreds of hostages???


It’s not just a double-standard – it’s downright ridiculous! I continuously remind myself that all of these people have a special place in Hell, don’t worry! And the media is first in line…


So, what CAN we do in the face of all of this terrifying reality that we cannot directly change??? Clearly, we need special protection from above!


Rabbi Shalom Arush makes an awesome comment in The Garden of Emuna

He says that the only way to merit 100% Divine Providence – is to ask for it!!! 

And that someone who doesn’t ask for it and doesn’t focus on the reality that Hashem is the only power and only good comes from Him – can have real evil, that was not originally part of his soul correction, happen to him, G-d forbid!


The idea is simple. Hashem loves us and only wants to do good things for us. Every parent knows just how much they want the best for their children, even better than for themselves! Could it be that the Creator is less loving than a flesh and blood parent?! As Rabbi Arush repeats over and over: Emuna is – Hashem loves me, everything is good and it’s only getting better and better!


So, what’s the catch? Everything goes according to the emuna! We have to believe!!!


Hashem is pushing us, individually and collectively, way past our ability to cope. He is asking us to wake up, to repent, to realize that our old way of living is gone, and He wants to give us something so much better in response.


We only have to respond – but we must respond.


We have to dig deep and create a connection in this darkness, which will light our way. To recognize that Hashem is always there with us. To believe He is here, loving us.


To not shrug off thousands of missiles and hardly any casualties, and a baited and ready Hamas just waiting for the IDF to come in and get slaughtered – and not see Hashem protecting us, and fighting for us, with outright miracles!


To work hard on our emuna, building those emuna muscles, that Hashem is the only power in the world, ein od milvado. Nothing and no one can hurt me, or anyone who calls out to Him, if it’s not His will. And if it’s His will, then it’s good – so there is nothing to be afraid of!


Rabbi Arush promises that anyone who strengthens their emuna and trust in Hashem in this way – Hashem will personally guard him and nothing bad can happen to him. As King David says in Psalms, “G-d is with me – what can a human do to me?” (Psalm 118:6)


And the opposite is true as well – if we don’t do this work, if we don’t focus on Hashem’s protection, if we don’t work on our absolute rock-solid belief that the only power in the world is G-d – then G-d forbid real evil could happen.


In the face of the evil on the streets, emuna isn’t just a nicety anymore. It’s our ticket to salvation. Please read my article Not Just Another War which includes specific segulot for protection during this very dangerous time.


They know we are Hashem’s people – that’s why they hate us! 


But when we step up and call out to Hashem, to fight for us, to protect us, because really this is His war after all – and we act like Hashem’s people by trusting in Him and really try, really WANT, to return to His ways – then we will surely see wonders even greater than the Exodus of Egypt!


Amen soon and in our days!



Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.  
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.



Why Hashem Loves the Activist 

We are living in the days of Avraham Avinu, Abraham Our Father.  It is our birthright to follow in his footsteps as mankind’s first activist. We must continue his work of acknowledging the One True God and of serving Him with determination and faith.

David Ben Horin Posted on 21November2023 https://breslev.com/4072624/

Why Hashem Loves the Activist by David Ben Horin

Why Hashem Loves the Activist by David Ben Horin

The world was created three times.  Twice it was destroyed. The third time it survived.


Adam lived 930 years. He gave birth to the succeeding generations. He introduced the concepts of sin, free choice, and forgiveness to the world.


After ten generations, God destroyed the world he lived in.


Noah lived 950 years. He saved the world. He introduced the concept of reward for the righteous, the seven universal standards of mankind, and eating meat to the world.


After ten generations, God scattered his world into a multitude of languages.


Both of these great men, Adam and Noah, were the focus of their portion of the Torah (parshat Bereishit and parshat Noach respectively). But neither are mentioned beyond their parsha.

Breaking His Limitations

Avraham was different.  He deduced the Kingship of God at the age of three!


He fought for Hashem by destroying his father’s idols. He gained followers. He confronted Nimrod, the king of the earth, and was willing to die al Kiddush Hashem when Nimrod threw him into a fiery furnace.


Avraham lived 175 years. He introduced to the Jewish People the commandment to live in the Land of Israel, hosting guests, eternal and limitless faith in God, and the covenant of circumcision.


Avraham is the first to be mentioned beyond a single parsha in the Torah. He is mentioned hundreds of times through the Book of Deuteronomy whose events take place over three hundred years later.


How did Avraham merit to outlive his parsha?

Avraham’s Mission

Adam and Noah knew the truth, but the world didn’t listen.


Adam fasted for 120 years after the sin in the Garden of Eden. Noah spent 120 years building the ark. People had time to reflect on what they were doing and mend their ways. Adam and Noah were shining lights to the world. Anyone who chose to look could see the truth and live accordingly.


Avraham refused to shine like a light. He chose to blaze like a fire.  A fire’s job is to spread its flame to everything it touches. When a fire shares a part of its flame with another object, that object gets its own flame while the original fire maintains its strength.


This is Abraham.

A Holy Cause

Avraham rebelled against his father. He rebelled against the country of his birth. He rebelled against all the idols of the day. He rebelled against what society considered to be moral, socially just, and progressive. He rebelled against 2,000 years of what everyone was comfortable with and pledged to change the course of history by recognizing the King of the earth and refusing to follow anyone else.


By following the One True God, Avraham rebelled against mankind. He was just like Adam and Noah throughout their lives.


Then, he took it one step further. He refused to be a spark in a world of darkness. Like a flame, he vowed to spread his light to others – Avraham became an “activist”.


He invited people to his tent for dinner and taught them about the True God. He begged Hashem for more guests, even as he nursed the most sensitive part of his body after performing the covenant of circumcision at the age of 99.


From the moment he learned the truth, he made it his mission to tell everyone. His vision was to transform mankind into a God-serving world.


It made him immortal. Right now, almost four millennia later, there are millions of Jews around the world all praying the Shemonei Esrei prayer three times a day by invoking God’s Name as the God of Avraham.

Fighting for the Truth Today

Once again, our world is drowning in darkness. On Oct 7, the world bore witness to women being raped, men beheaded, and babies burned alive by Hamas terrorists.


The world did nothing to stop the slaughter during the Holocaust. Likewise, world media today is siding with Hamas to the point of justifying their savagery.


Only a world that has blinded itself to Truth can reach such an abyss of human behavior. How can we convince the world that murder is wrong when they refuse to acknowledge He Who establishes that murder is wrong?


We are living in the days of Avraham. We possess a truth that few hold. We own knowledge that most have relinquished.


It is our birthright to follow in the steps of our forefather Avraham and to continue his work. We must acknowledge the One True God of Heaven and earth. We must serve Him with determination and with unbounded and unbending faith. We must scream to the four corners of the earth that His Name is One, His universe is one, His Torah is one, His reign is one, and His vision of right and wrong is one.


We, the sons of the world’s first activist, will continue the revolution until the world is set right.


David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. David‘s Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show.



‘The safest place to be Jewish’: 2,600 people have moved to Israel since Hamas invaded

New arrivals cite incidents of being spat on, bullied, and general rise in antisemitism; many had intended to make aliya and accelerated plans; authorities predict many more to come

By Deborah Danan 23December2023


JTA — When Yona and Mikhael Benichou decided over the summer to move to Israel from their home in France, they set a target date of around a year later — in time for their eldest son, David, 15, to begin his studies for Israel’s matriculation exams.


But after the murderous Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, they sped up their plans to immigrate, known in Hebrew as making aliyah. The straw that broke the camel’s back, Yona Benichou said, came a week after the attack in which the terrorists killed some 1,200 people — mostly civilians — and took 240 hostage in Gaza, when the family, who wear identifiably Jewish symbols, were spat on by a group of rugby fans while walking down the street in their hometown of Marseilles.


“I was in total shock, I didn’t know how to react. Lots of other people saw what happened but no one tried to help us,” she told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.


“The antisemites were always there. But after October 7, we felt like they have a platform to do whatever they like and that no one — and definitely not the French authorities — can stop them.”


The Benichous landed in Israel on October 31, arriving in a country still reeling from Hamas’s devastating attack on its southern communities and in the early stages of a grueling ground war that has reshaped society.


They are among the more than 2,600 people whom Israeli authorities say have chosen to move to Israel over the last two months despite the crisis.

Accelerated aliya

Almost all of the new arrivals had been planning to move to Israel for some time, though a handful, like the Benichous, have accelerated their immigration.


Aaron Gold, 26, had planned to move to Israel next year and was in the country visiting when the war broke out. His parents, alarmed by the emergency evacuation of American citizens and by the fact that Gold did not live in an apartment with a safe room, pressured their son to return to the United States. He flew back to Philadelphia on October 18, but said he “despised” being there and returned to Israel as a new immigrant on November 16.


Gold, a product manager at Deloitte, said making aliyah had “always been a dream of mine” and said he felt waiting to see how the war played out would not make any difference.


“Hezbollah could attack now, they could attack in six months, they could attack in six years,” he said. “You can’t plan it.”

According to Israel’s Immigration and Absorption Ministry, 2,662 people have made aliyah since October 7, including 1,635 from Russia, 218 from the United States, 128 from Ukraine, 116 from France, and 106 from Belarus.


The numbers are smaller than the average in recent years and dramatically lower than in the same period in 2022, when 16,400 new immigrants arrived, propelled by people escaping the war in Ukraine. They also come at the end of a year when political discord in Israel had already depressed immigration beyond the usual rate.

More expected

Still, the new immigrants, known as olim, demonstrate that during challenging times, some Jews will still choose to move to Israel. And the organizations that support them say they anticipate a flood of arrivals soon, once the war ends but concerns about spiking antisemitism are still fresh.


The Benichous reached out to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, which has helped 317 people make aliyah since October 7. The organization purchased flights for the family and donated around $2,000 toward the cost of furniture for the family’s new apartment in the central Israeli city of Beit Shemesh.


According to the group’s president, Yael Eckstein, fewer new immigrants have arrived in Israel since October 7 than in other years due to a combination of canceled flights and decisions to put plans on hold until the security situation stabilizes. Israel quickly retaliated to the Hamas attacks of October 7, launching a dedicated operation to topple the Hamas rule in Gaza. At the same time, Hezbollah has consistently sent rockets and armed drones over the northern border, leading to a months-long tit-for-tat campaign.


But Eckstein said she has seen an “increase in the number of requests for information about the immigration process from countries where cases of antisemitic incidents have risen.”


Nefesh B’Nefesh has facilitated aliyah for 384 people from the US and Canada since the start of the war, mostly for people who had begun the process long before October 7, the group’s vice president of communications, Yael Katsman, told JTA.


Still, like Eckstein, Katsman pointed to a “vast surge” in interest since the attack, marking an “an unprecedented increase” of more than 100% in aliyah applications compared to the same timespan in 2022. She attributed the spike to an increased “commitment to building Israel” by Diaspora Jewry during “difficult historic events.”


Many people who initiate aliyah applications, required for new immigrants to secure a range of benefits, do not end up completing them. But the chair of the Jewish Agency, which facilitates immigration, recently told an Israeli news station that he expects 1 million new Jewish immigrants in the coming years — a number that would dramatically reshape the country of about 10 million.


The agency’s head of international relations, Yigal Palmor, was more circumspect in comments to JTA but likewise said signs pointed to a rise in new arrivals. One thousand people initiated applications in France in October and November, according to agency data, marking a 470 percent increase over the previous two months.


“We’ve witnessed a dramatic rise in aliyah applications since the outbreak of the conflict, most notably in France and the US,” Palmor said. “We will probably see the results in the coming months, but it’s premature to predict numbers.”


Immigration Minister Ofir Sofer told JTA in a statement that his ministry was preparing for a surge in immigration as a result of the war.


Since October 7, there has been “a lot of interest [in immigration] from young people, students and young couples from western countries, including those from western European countries where people in the past did not show much interest in immigrating,” Sofer said.


The two main reasons, he said, were “growing antisemitism around the world, and solidarity with Israel.”


Gold said antisemitism in the United States redoubled his commitment to move to Israel permanently.


“You kind of realize you’re afraid to go to work, not only of physical violence but just emotionally,” he told JTA about his return in October. “I was with coworkers who told me that from their office they were able to hear people saying, ‘Restart the Intifada, death to the Jews’ and things like that.”

The safest place to be Jewish

Daniel Bleiweiss, 51, made aliyah with his 14-year-old son Emiliano this fall from Buenos Aires, Argentina. He had made the decision years ago, but postponed it because of the pandemic as well as bureaucratic issues related to Emiliano’s adoption, a yearslong process that was resolved only in 2019.


Bleiweiss, a physician, planned on arriving in Israel on October 10 with his wife Natalia and her teenage daughter, Lucia, from a previous marriage. The war threw a wrench into their original plan and the flights were canceled. Ultimately, the family decided that Daniel and Emiliano would move immediately, while Natalia and Lucía would join them in the future when conditions become more stable.


Bleiweiss cited several reasons for wanting to make aliyah, including Argentina’s economic crisis and the South American country’s inadequate resources to support his son, who has learning and social difficulties. But like the other new immigrants JTA spoke to, the main impetus was a rise in antisemitism coupled with a strong desire to live in the Jewish homeland, which he described as a “historic responsibility.”


Bleiweiss recounted a recent incident in which his wife had tried to check into a hotel where she had a reservation. The clerk saw the Israeli visa in her passport and subsequently refused to allow her to stay at the hotel, Bleiweiss said, adding that his wife chose not to press charges. He also said that his son had been bullied at school for being Jewish.


“It is painful, but it reinforces our conviction that Israel is the safest place to be Jewish right now, and it is perhaps the only place where we can express our identity proudly and in peace,” he said.


Bleiweiss said that another reason he didn’t want to delay his aliyah again was because he felt compelled to be in the Jewish state in its time of need.


“If a friend is in trouble, you shouldn’t wait for a better time to go see him,” he said. “That’s the time you should be there.”


Meanwhile, in Beit Shemesh, life isn’t without its challenges for the Benichou family. Because of how suddenly they left France, they didn’t have time to save up money or sell their belongings.


“We never thought in a million years we would come within a month. We came without any money,” Yona Benichou said. “It’s not easy to build yourself anew.”


But there are no regrets for Benichou or her children, who she said were understanding of the fact that this Hanukkah they wouldn’t be receiving gifts on every night of the festival as they were used to from previous years.


She said: “My 8-year-old son told me, ‘Mommy, we don’t need Hanukkah presents this year. The biggest present is that we’re here.’”



Jewish Heroes

Aviva Klompas-tweet-20November2023-Adar defended 120 newly enlisted soldiers
“My 20-year-old daughter Adar, an officer, commander and combat soldier in the Search and Rescue Brigade, heard on October 7 that terrorists had infiltrated her military base. With great determination, she and her friends defended 120 newly enlisted soldiers. Adar directed all of them to the shelter and went bravely to fight the terrorists. Please share her story in her memory.” -Zehava (Adar Ben Simon’s mother)

May Adar’s memory forever be a blessing🕯️

Aviva Klompa-tweet-20November2023-Adar defended 120 newly enlisted soldiers

Aviva Klompa-tweet-20November2023-Adar defended 120 newly enlisted soldiers



The indomitable spirit of volunteerism in wartime

From English teacher to volunteer chef for soldiers. a young American discovers a new Israel.

ETGAR LEFKOVITS https://www.jns.org/the-indomitable-spirit-of-volunteerism-in-wartime/

American Israel Tolchinsky (right) and another volunteer with IDF soldiers. Photo: Courtesy.

American Israel Tolchinsky (right) and another volunteer with IDF soldiers. Photo: Courtesy.


(November 14, 2023 / JNS) When the war with Hamas broke out last month, 25-year-old Israel Tolchinsky from Queens, New York, had been in Israel for less than six weeks on an educational program aimed at immersing Diaspora Jews into Israeli society.


Then, with rocket attacks raining down nationwide, the phone calls from the U.S. started coming in urging him to come home. With most airlines suspending service to and from Israel, his father found him a connecting flight via Europe and urged him to take it.


“I love it here so much, I need to stay,” Tolchinsky responded. “The flight will be sold out, take it,” his father exhorted. “That’s OK,” he responded.

Israel Tolchinsky prepares a barbecue for soldiers. Photo: Courtesy.

Israel Tolchinsky prepares a barbecue for soldiers. Photo: Courtesy.

From English teacher to volunteer chef

Tolchinsky arrived in Israel in late August on a Masa Israel Journey program, to teach English in an elementary school. He had “fallen in love” with Israel on an earlier Birthright trip, and was looking for something steady to do for the year when the idea of teaching came up.


“It seemed like the perfect opportunity to come to Israel and give back to my own country and teach kids at the same time,” he told JNS in an interview.


Tolchinsky began teaching in the Tel Aviv suburb of Rishon Letzion this fall, not without some trepidation, amid cautionary tales that Israeli kids are much more aggressive than their American peers.

His experience was just the opposite.


“I fell in love with the school and felt the love and connection real closely,” he said. When his pupils heard he was from New York, they assumed he must be an actor, he recounted.


But no sooner had the school year started—quickly followed by the fall Jewish holidays—than the war erupted on the very last day of the extended holiday period, before he had a chance to make friends with any Israelis.


With the educational program put on hold, and some of his roommates packed up to leave, Tolchinsky was determined to find something useful to do and not waste his days staying in his apartment.


“I got to be more Israeli,” he told himself, and with his minimal Hebrew, he walked into a bar that had put up signs asking for volunteers to help pack food clothes and essentials for soldiers.


“Everybody was so welcoming,” he said, with some finding his story crazy and others telling him he really must stay in the country.


As the rocket fire grew in the first weeks of the war, the calls from home intensified (“every second,” in his words) to as many as three times a day. His aunt offered to buy him a ticket; his cousin told him to just get on the plane. But Tolchinsky would have none of it.


“’I’m sorry, I feel something,” Tolchinsky told them. “This is my real home. I need to be here.”

Having worked in catering in New York for some years, he decided to volunteer as a chef and connected with an organization of veteran American immigrants in Modi’in, “Grilling for the IDF,” which makes barbeques for soldiers.


Next, he volunteered with Israeli chefs making meals for soldiers. He was even asked to cook for a wartime wedding in the IDF for 150 people.


“It felt so good to go to the bases and be thanked by the soldiers,” Tolchinsky said. “Bro, you are from New York—we love it,” they told him.


“We are all one family,” Tolchinsky said in the interview last week from a bustling cooking school kitchen in Or Yehuda, east of Tel Aviv, where meals were being prepared for soldiers and bereaved families.


Israel Tolchinsky with some buddies from the Israel Air Force. Photo: Courtesy.

Israel Tolchinsky with some buddies from the Israel Air Force. Photo: Courtesy.

A nation of volunteers

Nearly 50% of Israelis volunteered during the first month of the war, a recent survey found.

Some 48.6% of the population engaged in volunteering during the war, including 28% who had not previously volunteered, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem study found.


The rate of volunteerism among the Israeli Arab population also reached a record high during the war, 29%.


Meanwhile, nearly 4,000 of the 5,700 young Jewish adults (aged 18-30) from abroad on the Masa Israel Journey program ended up staying in Israel during the war, a Masa spokesperson said. Many of those who left at the beginning of the war are now coming back.


In addition, the organization has launched a new six-week volunteer program after receiving more than 1,000 requests from young Jewish adults to volunteer in Israel.


Since its founding in 2004, Masa Israel has provided long-term educational programs to about 200,000 young people from more than 60 countries, aimed at immersing Diaspora Jews into Israeli society.


Israel Tolchinsky with some friends from the army. Photo: Courtesy.

Israel Tolchinsky with some friends from the army. Photo: Courtesy.



For Tolchinsky, the war opened a whole new Israel to him.


“I would never have met all these wonderful people if not for the war,” he said. “You don’t feel this connection in New York that you feel here.”


In the meantime, with school back on in central Israel, Tolchinsky is mixing his English teaching with volunteer cooking, with this past month in a country both at war and united irrevocably shaping his life.


“Nearly all my friends here are now Israelis,” he said. “I feel I should live my life here more than ever before.”



Sultan Knish - The Journalism of Daniel Greenfield

1 in 10 American Jews Showed Up in D.C. on a Tuesday to Stand for Israel

published November 19, 2023 href=”http://www.danielgreenfield.org/2023/11/1-in-10-american-jews-showed-up-in-dc.html


On a Tuesday in November, around a third of a million American Jews left their jobs, skipped class and headed to Washington D.C. Some didn’t make it. In Detroit, bus drivers deliberately stranded hundreds of Jews heading to D.C. Others ran into less widely reported problems.


Even among those who arrived, tens of thousands never made it through into the secured area. In the final count, 290,000 people passed through the metal detectors at the ‘March for Israel’.


This was not only the largest ever rally by American Jews, but the largest gathering against Islamic terror.

Having a third of a million people show up at the National Mall is not completely extraordinary. Farrakhan’s Million Man March did manage to turn out 400,000 black people from a total population of 34 million. The ‘March for Israel’ brought over 300,000 out of 4.2 million Jews.


There are an estimated 4.2 million American Jews by religion. 7% of them showed up.

Accounting for the very old and very young who could not have made the trip, that’s 1 in 10 American Jews traveling to be in D.C. on a random Tuesday on fairly short notice.


The demographic equivalent would be 3 million black people, 4.5 million Latinos, 1.2 million Asians and 14 million white people rallying on the National Mall.


While the Million Man March received widespread media coverage at the time and in succeeding anniversaries, and was immortalized in movies like Spike Lee’s ‘Get on the Bus’, the media offered less coverage of the ‘March for Israel’ than it did of far smaller anti-Israel events.


The March for Israel ruined the media’s narrative that American Jews are turning on Israel. And so the media did what it always does: it protected the narrative by spinning and suppressing..


rally dc frameThe Washington Post. which recently censored an anti-Hamas cartoon, falsely claimed that only “thousands” had attended the rally even though its own photos clearly showed far more than that. The AP began its coverage with the false claims of “thousands” and later updated it to the still false claims of “tens of thousands”. It’s easy to see from aerial photos that this is not true.


While the Post put the Women’s March, which turned out 470,000 participants, on its front page, it buried the ‘March for Israel’ in its metro section.


But despite the predictable media bias and the flaws of the rally, organized by liberal groups, it was an important statement of where American Jews stand. After weeks of the media providing disproportionate coverage to pro-Hamas rallies of hundreds of people by hate groups like If Not Now, hundreds of thousands of Jews stood with Israel and its war against Islamic terrorism.


In contrast to the pro-Hamas rallies in D.C. where flags were burned and monuments vandalized, the pro-Israel rally was a sea of American flags and attendees sang the anthem. Police officers were assaulted at pro-Hamas rallies and thanked at the ‘March for Israel’.


It wasn’t just across the ocean that the difference between Israel and Hamas was made clear, but right here in America. Pro-Israel rallies don’t break down into violence, vandalism and orgies of hatred for America. It’s the pro-Hamas rallies that turn into riots over and over again.


The ‘March for Israel’ had plenty of flaws. Like most liberal Jewish establishment projects, it sacrificed meaningful commitments for simple truisms (Hamas is bad, Israel is good) even if these truisms are now being disputed by academia, the media and large parts of the Left. Rather than taking a direct position on the issues being debated in D.C., pauses in the fighting, trading a ceasefire for hostages, and whether the PLO will take over Gaza, the march sought the broadest possible unity platform which maximized turnout, but didn’t break new ground.


Some rally speakers pledged support for a two-state solution: meaning an Islamic terrorist state inside Israel, whose existence is the reason for thirty years of terrorism against Israelis. The only Israel they seemed to be willing to support was one willing to give its enemies every possible chance until they finally do something so horrific that fighting back becomes justified.


There was little concept of who the enemy was, apart from Hamas, and what the issue was, apart from antisemitism coming from undefined sources, including on college campuses. And so there was also little concept of what standing for Israel actually meant beyond opposing Hamas. Speakers at the rally expressed pain, grief and determination, but lacked any real focus.


Biden spurned the rally, refusing to send a high-profile official, instead dispatching Deborah Lipstadt, the administration’s antisemitism monitor, but offering no larger presence at the event as another sign that he is moving even further away from his support for the war on Hamas. Other elected officials however showed up as did a whole lot of other seemingly random people.


The emphasis on unity did bring together people you would otherwise have trouble imagining participating in the same event. Not just Speaker Mike Johnson alternating with Democrat House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, but Pastor John Hagee and former Will and Grace star Debra Messing, a baffling appearance by Van Jones who didn’t seem to know which rally he was at, and a musical performance by Ishay Ribo, a major Israeli Orthodox Jewish pop star probably unknown to much of the parts of the audience that binge watches Will and Grace.


While to outsiders, American Jews may seem like members of the same group and reflect familiar stereotypes, the reality is those few millions consist of a dizzying variety of different groups which have little in common with each other and inhabit echo chambers. The ‘March for Israel’ brought together devout and secular, Reform and Orthodox, Christian supporters of Israel and Hollywood celebrities: people whose worlds never really meet.


And it took a major crisis to get at least some Jews from suburban temples and urban synagogues, those who study the Talmud and those who believe in Tikkun Olam, to temporarily stand in the same place and realize that Islamic terrorists, like the Nazis, want to kill them all.


That brief community is not likely to last, just as the unity of unity that brought together New Yorkers after 9/11 fell apart into infighting and routine, but it still is a meaningful moment.


Although it may not last, it is a rehearsal for what needs to happen for all of us, Jews and Christians, people who believe in something and those who believe in nothing, in the face of an enemy that wants to destroy us all.


There is plenty to criticize about the ‘March for Israel’, but the content of the march mattered less than the statement that bringing so many people together to stand up to terror made.


The flaws of the rally were those of American Jews: many still addicted to the illusion of peace with terrorists, incapable of questioning their partisan political allegiances and trapped in their echo chambers, in pain, but failing to understand where the pain is coming from.


But for all its failures of imagination, the March for Israel was representative of American Jews. From the mother of a hostage to a standup comedian outraged at the hypocrisy of his industry hostage, from angry college students to the politicians they hope will save them, the rally was a snapshot of what is wrong with American Jews, but also a reminder that there is hope.


The Left has put out a narrative that American Jews are turning on Israel. Those who are still Jewish, rather than merely possessing Jewish last names, have not. American Jews suffer from a painful ignorance and some of their lost descendants, like Kamala’s stepdaughter, may rally for the enemy, but those who have not given up on being Jewish have not abandoned Israel.


In Washington D.C., representatives of the scattered strands of American Jewry briefly met and stood together in the shadow of enormous hate and evil. And briefly became one.


After the Passover Massacre by Hamas in 2002, one hundred thousand Jews had rallied in Washington D.C. That rally may have been smaller, but resembled this one in many ways.


Elie Wiesel, then still alive, told the crowd that, “this day will be remembered in the history of American Jewry.” It was not. But that failure of memory is a choice. Whether or not this one will be remembered is also a choice. The choice is a matter of commitment and priorities.


If American Jewry is to have a history, it will have to remember and more importantly act.

Nearly 1 in 10 American Jews showing up in D.C. on a random Tuesday is a historic moment. But whether it will change history is up to that third of a million and all the others who watched from home and attended rallies locally. History is made up of the choices that we make.


Will the March for Israel crystalize a wave of commitment in Jewish communities? Will it change how people vote, how they act and the cultural values that they pass on to their children?


Either we make history or we become history.
Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. This article previously appeared at the Center’s Front Page Magazine.


Rabbis for Ceasefire vs. God’s Vow About Israel


‘Rabbis for Ceasefire’ Start Reciting Torah Before Rally with Rashida Tlaib, Then Reader Gets to God’s Vow About Israel

By Rachel M. Emmanuel 20November2023 https://www.westernjournal.com/rabbis-ceasefire-start-reciting-torah-rally-rashida-tlaib-reader-gets-gods-vow-israel/

That awkward moment when the undiluted Word of God gets in the way of your agenda.

On Nov. 13, dozens of Jewish leaders from “Rabbis for Ceasefire” gathered near the U.S. Capitol in Washington to pray and call for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to ABC News.


The Detroit News reported the event was accompanied by a news conference that included members of the “squad” of left-wing lawmakers: Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, some of whom have made grossly anti-Semitic statements in the past.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib(D-Gaza)-tweet-14November2023-Hamas-Useful Idiots
I stood in solidarity with Rabbis from across the country and Jewish peace advocates calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the violence. Their commitment to recognizing our shared humanity inspires me.

Translated from DoubleSpeak by

These Useful Idiots will say or do anything to screw the Jews.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib(D-Gaza)-tweet-14November2023-Hamas-Useful Idiots

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib(D-Gaza)-tweet-14November2023-Hamas-Useful Idiots


“This is a public Shacharit, the Jewish morning service, so prayers for a CEASEFIRE will ring into the streets and our elected officials’ offices,” the group said in a post on X.


Rabbis for Ceasefire-tweet-13November2023-Act 1-Shacharit
RIGHT NOW: Over 40 Rabbis, members of their congregations, and communities are gathered in front of Congress. This is a public Shacharit, the Jewish morning service, so prayers for a CEASEFIRE will ring into the streets and our elected officials’ offices. Livestream link in bio!

Rabbis for Ceasefire-tweet-13November2023-Act 1-Shacharit

Rabbis for Ceasefire-tweet-13November2023-Act 1-Shacharit


During the service, rabbis also chanted a portion of the Torah in keeping with Jewish custom to read the same section across communities in the same week.


What happened next is proof God has a sense of humor.


As several Jewish posters on social media pointed out, the week’s reading included God’s promise to Isaac, the son of the Jewish patriarch Abraham, found in Genesis 26:3.


“Watch her drop her voice to a whisper TWICE when she awkwardly gets to the text, ‘to you and to your descendants will I give all these lands (Israel)…,’” Israeli entrepreneur Lazer Cohen noted on X.

Lazer Cohen-tweet-19November2023-You can’t make this stuff up
You can’t make this stuff up!
Token anti-Israel Jews were holding a Torah reading before a rally with Rashida Talib. Watch her drop her voice to a whisper TWICE when she awkwardly gets to the text, “to you and to your descendants will I give all these lands (Israel)…”

Lazer Cohen-tweet-19November2023-You can't make this stuff up

Lazer Cohen-tweet-19November2023-You can’t make this stuff up



“This is delicious,” said Ari Hoffman, a host at KVI-AM in Seattle. “Anti-Israel ‘Jews’ were reading the Torah at a rally with Rep. Rashida Talib (D-Gaza). The person reading goes quiet when she gets to the Hebrew for ‘…to you and to your descendants will I give all these lands (Israel).’”


Ari Hoffman-tweet-20November2023-This is delicious
This is delicious

Anti-Israel “Jews” were reading the Torah at a rally with Rep. Rashida Talib (D-Gaza).

The person reading goes quiet when she gets to the Hebrew for “…to you and to your descendants will I give all these lands (Israel)”

Ari Hoffman-tweet-20November2023-This is delicious

Ari Hoffman-tweet-20November2023-This is delicious


Rabbi Yaakov Menken called it like it is, posting, “For those who don’t understand, when the so-called ‘Rabbis for Ceasefire’ read the Torah portion, they deliberately mumbled & skipped over God’s promise of the Holy Land to the Jews.


“What do you call a ‘Rabbi’ who repudiates Torah? A fraud. They are frauds, each & every one.”


Rabbi Yaakov Menken-tweet-17November2023-Rabbi who repudiates Torah-A fraud
For those who don’t understand, when the so-called “Rabbis for Ceasefire” read the Torah portion, they deliberately mumbled & skipped over God’s promise of the Holy Land to the Jews.

What do you call a “Rabbi” who repudiates Torah? A fraud.

They are frauds, each & every one.
Vaad HaBadchanim-tweet-17November2023-

“Ok so then we’ll do Torah reading in Hebrew and English.”

“Great, love it. Oh wait, what Parsha?”


“Shoot, not good. There’s some stuff in there about how Hashem promised the land to the Avos.”

“Not to worry, we’ll handle that.”

Rabbi Yaakov Menken-tweet-17November2023-Rabbi who repudiates Torah-A fraud

Rabbi Yaakov Menken-tweet-17November2023-Rabbi who repudiates Torah-A fraud


Maybe these rabbis should have checked what the reading of the week was before deciding to read it out loud before the world, publicly disproving themselves.


The Torah — included in the Bible’s Old Testament — is clear that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people as promised to Abraham and his descendants through his son Isaac.


While some people may disagree on policies and politics related to the Holy Land, it is entirely contradictory to say you believe in the Scriptures and yet deny the right of the Jewish people to possess the land.


The ridiculousness of the rabbi trying to mumble away an inconvenient passage serves as a powerful reminder that the Word of God transcends our agendas.


Although some try to interpret Scripture in ways that align with their views, God’s truth will always remain unchanged.



SEE: South Africa takes Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, UN) for the Gaza War

NEW-ENGLISH-REVIEW-logo https://www.newenglishreview.org


SHYLOCK AT THE HAGUE: Embracing Shylock and Disdaining the International Criminal Court

12January2024  https://www.newenglishreview.org/shylock-at-the-hague-embracing-shylock-and-disdaining-the-international-criminal-court/


Illustration from Phillip Medhurst Collection depicting Joshua fighting Amalek (Exodus 17).

Illustration from Phillip Medhurst Collection depicting Joshua fighting Amalek (Exodus 17).

by Howard Rotberg


“As for legal niceties, the team of august lawyers Israel summoned to the Hague gives a shot in the arm to the ICJ, signalling that Israel concedes the case can be won on legalities. Israel was naive to rely only on jurists to defeat antisemites. One expert on anti-Israel propaganda could be worth a bench full of gowns.”  – Steve Apfel


I am trained as a lawyer, but sometimes great literature is more enlightening than great law.


“Thou callst me dog before thou hadst a cause;
But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs:”
– Shylock in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice


Anti-Israelism has passed into the realm of anti-Semitism through its holding of Israel to different standards than any other country, and its focus on the retributive aspects of Israeli reactions, rather than the actions of murderers attacking Israel.


The underlying premise is that modernity and culture itself, whether it was the modernity of a supposedly cultured German society in 1939, or whether it is present day modernity and culture, offers no protection for the well-being and safety of Jewish civilians.   To the extent that modernity has embraced moral relativism, it is by nature hostile to our cause.   And no assertion of a higher morality, be it religious, secular, judicial, or (as the Jews and later the American founding fathers saw it), a type of hybrid where religious notions could be adapted to a liberal, secular, and just democracy will be attractive to post-modern relativists.


The relativists, however, have eliminated the notion of personal and community responsibility from their lexicon.  The severance of rights from responsibilities is the essence of today’s anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism.   If the Palestinians are going to have the right to a sovereign nation, they must accept the responsibility to stop killing Jewish civilians, and the responsibility to create some kind of justice system and some freedoms in their own society.   If the relativists simply critique Israel’s reactions without dissecting the actions that caused those reactions, that is bias, and a rather nasty bias, too. In a world of moral relativism, in a world of violent Islamism where European countries again are sacrificing Jews to aggressive totalitarianism (this time Islamism), we need more than ever a vigilance in our pursuit of justice.  Tragically, the more vigilant we Jews and our homeland are, the more we are labeled “vengeful”, “disproportionate”, “unmerciful” and “extreme”.   In other words, we risk being seen as Shylocks.


At least, Shakespeare gave Shylock the voice to ruminate over his situation (“Hath not a Jew eyes?”); the vast majority of persecuted Jews, including those of the Holocaust, had no Shakespeares to emphasize their profound moral struggles and their ultimate fates, which were certainly no more palatable than Shylock’s.


Jonathan Pollard, about whom I wrote in The Second Catastrophe, stepped outside the law; Shylock tried to have his “contract” enforced within the law.  In fact, Shylock was judged in a sham of a trial, presided over by Portia impersonating a Roman doctor named Balthasar.   Driven to madness by his faith that a Court controlled by anti-Semites could ever dispense justice, Shylock continues to assert his claim for a surety’s pound of flesh, even when presented with the option of taking three times the monetary indebtedness.   Pollard’s greatest error, ultimately, was also his faith in a corrupted Justice system (corrupted by Caspar Weinberger’s secret memo to the Judge.)  He also passed into a form of madness due to the refusal of his superiors to pass on a clear threat to an ally, and so he also ignores justice while he continues to insist on it.   He thought a plea bargain for a charge of passing secrets to a friendly nation would attract the appropriate sentence for that crime, not a sentence commensurate with treason.   Shylock’s fate was forced conversion to Christianity; Pollard’s fate was abandonment by his community – many American Jews would “excommunicate” him if they could.  Finally, after serving his unjust sentence he has been released and is now living in Israel.


If, as American politician Barry Goldwater argued, “moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”, and if there were some severe problems in the administration of justice when it comes to both Pollard and the fictional Shylock, there is a problem, that too many commentators have glossed over.   The actions of Pollard and Shylock can be seen as neurotic responses to travesties of justice, rather than themselves being unjust.  In Shylock’s case, look at what the Duke, who presided over the Court in Venice (before turning it over to Portia’s impersonation) had to say to Antonio, at the very start of the trial, about the other litigant:


“I am sorry for thee: thou art come to answer
A stony adversary, an inhuman wretch.”


A Court this predisposed against him could not render justice to Shylock, and he knew it.  That knowledge more than anything else explains why he turns aside an offer of three times the debt, and instead insists on his contractual “pound of flesh”.  As he states in the quote at the start of this Chapter, having been called a “dog” without any cause, and since he has been pre-judged to be a dog, then, he states, “beware my fangs”.


The Jewish “dog”, says Shakespeare, is forced to seek salvation in justice because he cannot understand Christian concepts of mercy.   Says Portia in the famous speech which starts with the words:


“The quality of mercy is not strained…”:
“And earthly power doth then show likest God’s
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That, in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much


To mitigate the justice of thy plea;
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence against the merchant there.”


Goldwater disagreed:   Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.


Goldwater says that the Americans are with the Jews on this one.


This is the key to understanding our current cultural struggle against Islamism, and why the Americans and the Israelis are on one side, and most Europeans are on the other side. It is an issue of Justice and Liberty.  Unfortunately, any Jew in England or France or Israel today who insists on Justice, may find himself descending into that particular madness of Shylock.  Israel avoids this fate only because of its military and other elements of its power and is not as isolated as Shylock.


Given their situations, neither Pollard nor Shylock had any alternative to the courses of action they tried.   If their sad fates are meant to serve as a warning, however, I think we should rethink the whole matter of just what the warning tells us. The reader might ask, “Understanding Shylock is one thing, but embracing him is surely going too far?”   I respond:  In embracing Shylock we are not condoning his acts of madness, but instead we are embracing him as he faces his horrible situation.  We are showing mercy.  We are showing mercy towards one whose very existence is marginalized by an anti-Semitic society that allows him only the occupation of a usurer.  We are showing mercy to one who clings to Justice as his only friend, his only protector, even as it is clear that the rules of justice have been subverted, subverted by the Duke who at the outset of the trial calls him an “inhuman wretch” and then abdicates his judicial duties by turning over the decision-making to a supposed Roman doctor, who is actually Portia in disguise. The anti-Semite focuses on Shylock’s evil character.  We focus on the evil character of the Justice system as described by Shakespeare.  Surely, the Judge in the trial between Shylock and Antonio could simply have directed Shylock to accept the funds tendered by Bassanio and release the bond.  Instead, Portia tricks Shylock by pointing out that his bond is only a pound of flesh and not any blood, so that it is impossible to take the flesh without causing bleeding, thus voiding this evil bond.  Throughout the
Court scene, the Duke and Portia (in her disguise as Balthasar) subvert justice rather than carry it out.  Poor Shylock – surely the modern mind realizes that his sanity has been jeopardized by the actions toward him; his actions and words are not as much the result of his evil character, or the evil Jewish character, as they are of the anti-Semitism of Venetian society.


And so we embrace him, embrace him for the pitiful example of what happens to the Jew who is powerless, who ceases even to recognize that it is ridiculous to insist on Justice in a world in which the justice system is itself corrupted and used against him. We embrace him because of what he tells us about the world today.  Even in America, the left is weaponizing the justice system and using injustice such as lawfare and removal of candidates from the ballot. Israel in the United Nations is like Shylock in the Court of Venice.   Jonathan Pollard in the American Court system in the time of Caspar Weinberger and CIA Director Bobby Ray Inman, was like Shylock in the Court of Venice.   Israel, defending itself against Hezbollah and Hamas missiles aimed at Israeli civilians, is seen by much of the world as exacting its “pound of flesh” against the “innocent” Palestinian civilians, notwithstanding that these civilians had allowed Hezbollah and Hamas to use their apartment blocks as launching sites, and notwithstanding that Israel dropped warning leaflets before bombing the launching sites. Yet Shakespeare’s Shylock was powerless.   In the end, he is forced to convert to Christianity.   We do not embrace him for the sad fact of what was his fate in 16th century Venice; we embrace him because of what it tells us about 16th century Venice, about 20th century Europe, and now about 21st century Iran.   The evil is not in the Jew; it is in the anti-Semite.   The Duke characterizes Shylock as inhuman even as the trial begins.   The mullahs of Iran characterize Israel as deserving of destruction as they prepare their nuclear weapons knowing that America is appeasing them.   Shylock tried to adhere to Justice, but in his society, justice was not meant for the Jews.  Israel tries to adhere to Justice, and then is told by the United Nations that it is a Shylock, it is vengeful, it uses “disproportionate force”, and its ruthless neighbours are hardly criticized.


We return to Shylock’s words:


“Thou calledst me dog before thou hadst a cause;
But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs:”


No we do not depart from our quest for Justice and Liberty, but be sure, if you make us into dogs, because of your animal conduct, beware our fangs. Yet here is the question:  how do we use our fangs, in a just and productive manner? To use our fangs is to empower Shylock, and thus to transform him.  Have we not learned anything from the history of the Holocaust and modern day Israel?  Strength of the Jewish state, Israel, creates respect; Weakness conduces to anti-Semitism.  It is that simple.  Diaspora Jews must learn that lesson, above all.  Respect does not come from our accomplishments; it does not come from our wealth.  Look how quickly Europeans are turning on their Jews in the last few years.   Shylock’s wealth did not save him.  Only a strong Jewish state could inhibit the unjust actions of the corrupt Venetian Court.  Only the option of removing himself entirely from their jurisdiction (to a jurisdiction where a Jew could obtain justice) would give Shylock the strength and sanity he lacked.


The late Isi Leibler, a heroic and wise former leader of Australian Jewry, who moved to Israel, wrote the following in the October 31, 2006 edition of the Jerusalem Post: “The reality is that when Israel is perceived as strong and able to stand up to its foes, anti-Semitism tends to decline.  Public manifestations of Judeophobia reached their lowest point following the Six Day War.  In contrast, the exponential revival of anti-Semitism can be traced back to the Oslo Accords, reaching its climax in the course of the Gaza disengagement and during the Lebanese war, which were perceived by our enemies as manifestations of weakness.


“Unlike the 1930s there is an Israel and it is not powerless in the face of anti-Semitism and, together with Jewish communities throughout the world, not least the influential American Jewish community, we can defend ourselves.   But we must galvanize to confront the barbarians in the war of ideas with no less determination than our adoption of countermeasures against terrorists seeking to bleed us.   The decision is ours.”


So, to answer the question, how do we use our fangs, in a just and productive manner: The fangs that ultimately protect every Jew around the world, every potential Shylock, are the fangs of the Israel Defence Forces, and the strength and wisdom of Israel’s political and military leaders, to keep Israel strong and safe, while at the same time upholding freedom and justice.  We Diaspora Jews must give our support, both financial and moral, to keep Israel strong.   Israel’s strength, then protects all Jews from future victimhood, and protects all Jews from becoming pathetic Shylocks. Yet strength is one thing; knowing when to use it is another.  In other words, if we are constrained by our confusion, or by international pressures, from using our strength, we begin to lose it, and our enemies know this.  Accordingly, we must examine the threshold issue of when to use our strength.


This is a particularly difficult question in an age of moral and cultural relativism, which is loath to label anyone as “evil” and holds that in all conflicts, there must be wrong on each side, there must be evil on both sides; otherwise there would have been some way to avoid the conflict, some negotiated settlement possible.  For example, the relativists still see Israel as faulty as the Palestinians that there is no settlement of the dispute, notwithstanding that Israel has tried every type of offer, even vacating Gaza, only to have Palestinian violence and terrorism increase. An ideologically based reluctance to label any people or any leader as evil is the trend today.  I am opposed to that trend, because I contend that the leader of Iran, with his holocaust-denial, his threats to create a nuclear bomb and “wipe out” Israel, is more than just “nasty”;  I contend that he is evil,  just as Hitler was evil.  I know that my language is outside the norms of the language used by the post-modernists, the relativists and the politically correct.   But that is because I take seriously the words of the Jewish Torah.  In particular I take seriously the teaching concerning Amalek. In Deut. 25:17-19 we read: “Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way, when ye were come forth out of Egypt; How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God. Therefore it shall be, when the Lord thy God hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget it.”


Rabbi Marc Gellman has written:  “What made Amalek so dastardly was that unlike any other enemy who attacked the Israelites fleeing slavery in Egypt from the front, Amalek attacked the rear. This meant that his soldiers could kill women and children, the elderly and the infirm and in so doing avoid engagement with the soldiers at the front. In this way he could produce maximum carnage and maximum terror. The moral problem the Bible addresses is that this is not warfare, it is the slaughter of innocents—it is terrorism.”


Rabbi Gellman concludes:  “Why, I wondered, would God command us to remember the terrorist Amalek? There are other villains in the Bible, but there is no biblical command to remember Pharaoh or Nebuchadnezzar, or Cyrus. We are commanded only to remember Amalek… Indeed our remembrance of Amalek is combined with a chilling pledge from God that is also unique in the Bible: ‘The Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation’ (Exod. 17:16). Our enemies are just our enemies except if our enemy is Amalek. In that case our enemy is also the enemy of God. Amalek thus becomes the symbol of terrorism in every generation. He is the symbol not of evil but of radical evil.  In our generation Amalek is alive and well.”


And so the Jewish people have faced an Amalek in every generation.  In my father’s generation, he was Hitler;  in my generation, he is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.  We are commanded, not to seek out what might be good with such Amaleks, not to try to appease and negotiate with such Amaleks, but we are commanded to “blot” them out, that is, to wipe them out.  When doing so, we shall try to minimize the death or injury of innocent civilians, but we are commanded to do so, and do so we must.  Then we must never lose sight of the distinction that our armies, uniformed and
subject to the laws of warfare, are morally different from non-uniformed terrorists who fight under the cover of their own civilians and intentionally attack our weakest, that is, our women, children and old people.   Amalek represents the terrorists; the moral world must defeat Amalek, must defeat the terrorists, and must understand that failure to use our strength is not a moral position.


Shylock failed to understand the evil of the pseudo-justice system of the Venetian Court, and that is why he submitted his case to it.   So many of use today fail to understand the evil of Radical Islam and that is why some of us submit to it or fail to meet it with the strength and determination required.   Let us not make Shylock’s mistake.  Let us understand the lesson of the Torah that when we face an evil, we must call it an evil, and we must blot it out as we have been commanded to do.


Relying on an unjust court system is, as Steve Apfel argues in the quote that starts this essay, “naive”.


Howard Rotberg is the author of The Second Catastrophe:  A Novel About a Book and its Author;  Tolerism:  The Ideology Revealed;  The Ideological Path to Submission; and the forthcoming Second Generation Radical;  The World Through One Man’s Second Generation Lens, from which this essay is excerpted.




Indian journalists, including Muslims from Kashmir, tour Israel

“It was important to bring this group to see the truth firsthand so that they bring this story to millions of their readers and followers.”

Etgar Lefkovits https://www.jns.org/indian-journalists-including-muslims-from-kashmir-tour-israel/


Sajid Yousuf Shah, head of media for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party in Kashmir, visits Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Jan. 16, 2024. Credit: Sharaka

Sajid Yousuf Shah, head of media for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party in Kashmir, visits Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Jan. 16, 2024. Credit: Sharaka


(January 19, 2024 / JNS) A delegation of Indian journalists and social media influencers, including three Muslim writers from Kashmir, are in Israel on a weeklong media tour in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre and the three-month-old war in Gaza as Israel seeks to bolster its case in the world of public opinion.


The group, which also includes an Afghan journalist living in exile in Germany, is visiting amid a bitter media war over the narrative of the war with the Islamic terrorist organization in Gaza and growing international focus on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, where Hamas uses civilian buildings to launch attacks from densely populated urban areas.


“How do I stop the support for the evil things that Hamas has done,” Yana Mir, Kashmir’s first Muslim female blogger, told JNS in an interview.


Mir has been threatened for her support for Israel in Muslim-dominated Kashmir.


She said that reading a children’s book at the age of nine about the birth of Christianity changed her worldview and put her at odds with the universal teaching in Kashmir that Israel is the land of the Muslims.


“How can Israelis and Jews occupy their own land?” Mir asked. Of the Oct. 7 massacre that killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and triggered the war, she said, “Now in our era, Jews are being exterminated again.”


Columnist Irfan Ali Pirjade added, “We felt the parallels with what Hamas is doing after visiting the [Yad Vashem] Holocaust Museum.”


“I am Muslim, but Jews deserve life and dignity,” said Sajid Yousuf Shah, the founder and CEO of The Real Kashmir News who now serves as media head of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party in Kashmir. “It’s not a matter of land but a matter of existence.”


He noted that his mother and uncle were killed in Kashmir by Islamist terrorists in front of his four-year-old cousin.

Educational tour

The weeklong study visit, which was funded by an Israeli NGO, included time at hard-hit southern kibbutzim attacked by Hamas, which have become a focus of war tours, and the traditional tourist stops at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Center and the Knesset in Jerusalem.


“Especially during these times, it was important for us to bring this group of journalists and social media influencers to see the truth firsthand so that they bring this story to millions of their readers and followers in India,” said Amit Deri, chairman of Sharaka (“Partnership” in Arabic), an Israeli NGO founded after the Abraham Accords were signed that seeks to shape a new Middle East built on dialogue, understanding, cooperation and friendship.


The Afghan journalist on the delegation, Abdulhaq Omeri, said that he had no clue before the visit that Muslims make up 20% of Israeli citizens, noting that he was pleasantly pleased to freely visit the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and hear the Muslim call to prayer by the muezzin, things that he did not think were possible.


Swati Goel Sharma, an editor at “Swarajya” magazine in India, visits Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Jan. 16, 2024. Credit: Sharaka.

Swati Goel Sharma, an editor at “Swarajya” magazine in India, visits Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Jan. 16, 2024. Credit: Sharaka.


News cycle moved on

“People have forgotten the brutality of October 7 with the relentless propaganda of the media,” said Swati Goel Sharma, an editor at Swarajya magazine who is Hindu.


She said that while the Qatari-based Al Jazeera television network openly picks a side in the conflict, the Western media was more deceptive in their pretense of reporting on both sides’ perspectives.


The Indian journalist noted that the majority Hindu India was largely supportive of Israel, with the exception of the upper class and the cinema world, which follow the cue of the American left.


“Not too many people in Bollywood have an understanding about Israel, but if [American actress] Susan Sarandon says something about Jews or Israel then it’s fashionable,” Sharma said.




Torah’s blueprint for the Simchat Torah war

The war is one scene in the biblical story of Jacob’s return from exile and his taking on an Israeli identity.

Shlomo Vile https://www.jns.org/the-torahs-blueprint-for-the-simchat-torah-war/

Shlomo Vile is the webmaster and digital marketing director for JNS.


(January 18, 2024 / JNS) Knowing that we’re in a biblical story can help make us less anxious. Knowing where we are in the story and what needs to happen next can help cement our commitment to wiping out Hamas and moving us toward the story’s glorious conclusion.


Jacob’s return is the central theme of the Torah portion Vayishlach (Genesis 32-36), and it is the prototype for all the subsequent returns of the Jewish people from exile. The modern return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel closely follows the Genesis prototype. In the story, when Jacob returns to the land of his fathers, he is renamed Israel.  Curiously, he is renamed Israel twice in two separate incidents.


The first renaming: All-night wrestling match
The first renaming takes place after Jacob wrestles all night with the angel of his brother, Esau. In the wake of this struggle, the angel renames Jacob. “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel.” In this first renaming, the meaning of the name Israel is given explicitly in the Torah text: “You have wrestled with Gods and with men and prevailed.”


Our sages associated Esau with Rome and with Christian Europe. The wrestling match between the Jewish people and Christian Europe was indeed a dark night of struggle, culminating in the darkest night of the Holocaust.


Even after the Holocaust ended in 1945, the Jewish people still had to struggle with Great Britain to gain its independence. In 1945, the British Empire spanned the globe; it was the Esauian power of the day. The Jewish underground organizations waged an intense and bloody struggle with Britain in order to gain independence. In the biblical story, Jacob did not destroy Esau’s angel, but the angel “could not prevail” over him (Genesis 32:16). So too, the Jewish underground guerrillas did not destroy Great Britain, but they convinced Britain to leave and allow the Jews to create an independent state named Israel.


The second renaming, Part 1: Rape and kidnapping of Dina
The second time that Jacob is renamed Israel, he is renamed by God. But first, Jacob and his family have to deal with the rape and kidnapping of Jacob’s daughter by the prince of the city of Shechem (Genesis 34).


When we read this section of the Torah—most recently, the week of Nov. 26—the story had a disturbing resonance with current events. Rape and kidnapping were central to what happened on Oct. 7.


The second renaming, Part II: Shimon and Levi wipe out Shechem and look bad to the neighbors
The two sons of Jacob—Levi and Shimon—were the elite commandos of Jacob’s 12 sons. They kill every male inhabitant of Shechem, and they successfully rescue their sister.


Right now, every Jew around the world who treasures their Jewish identity is hoping and praying for two outcomes of war that are unmistakably similar: the utter destruction of Hamas; and the rescue of our sisters and brothers who were kidnapped.


Jacob voices two criticisms of Shimon and Levi for their actions. The first criticism (עֲכַרְתֶּ֣ם אֹתִי֒) is explained by the 13th-century sage, Rabeinu Bahaya, to mean that Shimon and Levi appear to the surrounding people as having spilled innocent blood. The 11th-century commentator Rashi, says that the term indicates that Jacob’s mind was clouded by what Shimon and Levi did.


The second criticism (הַבְאִישֵׁ֙נִי֙) means that Shimon and Levi’s actions made Jacob’s family smell rotten to the surrounding people.


It is uncanny how accurately these terms characterize the negative impact of the war on Israel’s image in the world. The world is accusing us of killing innocent Gazans, and Israel’s image in most of the world’s media stinks right now.


In response to these concerns, Shimon and Levi ask their father: “Shall we allow our sister to be turned into a prostitute?”


Have you seen the videos and heard the witnesses describe what happened on Oct. 7? Can we allow our sisters and brothers to be raped/murdered/mutilated in such a horrific and degrading way? Can we allow the fear of not looking good to the world to cloud our minds and prevent us from doing what must be done to destroy Hamas?


The second renaming, Part III: Idolatrous conceptions are buried
In the next scene of the Genesis story, Jacob has his family undergo a spiritual cleansing in which they relinquish and bury their false idols.


So, too, the belief that Israel can live in peace with a Palestinian state needs to be buried. The belief that we can rely on technology for our security needs to be buried. These and other false conceptions that have guided Israel’s leaders over the last three decades need to be rejected and buried.


The second renaming, Part IV: Israel achieves security and God-awareness grows
In the next verses of the biblical narrative, we learn that the neighboring people felt fear of God and did not pursue Jacob’s family (Genesis 35:5). Wiping out Shechem instilled a fear of God in the surrounding people and provided Jacob’s family with security.


So, too, in the current story, destroying Hamas is a prerequisite to Israel’s security. This war truly is a second War of Independence.


More than that, the story implies that a heightened global awareness of God will follow in the wake of Israel’s destruction of Hamas.


The second renaming, Part V: Israel rises to leadership
God renames Jacob as Israel. The meaning of Israel here, according to Rashi, is a prince or a leader. In this second renaming, Israel’s stature is elevated in the world. Israel and the Jewish people are looked up to for leadership and guidance.


For the last 100 years, we have been living in the biblical story of the return of our forefather Jacob to the land of Israel and his taking on Israeli identity, and we are now reaching the climax of that story.


My hope in writing this article is that everyone reading this can feel more at ease in these unsettled times, knowing that we’re living out an old story with a glorious ending.


Secondly, I hope that knowing where we are in the story can strengthen our nation’s commitment to fulfilling the two conditions necessary to reach that glorious ending:

  • destroying Hamas and
  • burying the false conceptions that led to Oct. 7.

The opinions and facts presented in this article are those of the author, and neither JNS nor its partners assume any responsibility for them.



Ultra-Orthodox will be able to maintain empty kibbutzim and settlements in the south and north within the framework of the purity of the holy place.

Emuna and Dancing with the IDF near Gaza

Emuna and Dancing with the IDF near Gaza

JerusalemCats Comments: YES! Each kibbutzim and settlement will have a Yeshiva and Jews will be able to Learn Torah, Dance and Sing to Hashem beside guard the Land and People of Israel!

berale_crombie-tweet-1February2024-ultra-Orthodox will maintain empty kibbutzim and settlements

מקור בכיר במשרד הביטחון אומר לי: בחודשים הקרובים החסר של חיילים בצבא יגיע ל-2500. אנחנו שוברים את הראש איך מביאים עוד חיילים בלי למוטט את המשק והאפיק היחידי שעומד כרגע על הפרק הוא הציבור החרדי. לדבריו חרדים יוכלו לשמור על קיבוצים וישובים ריקים בדרום ובצפון במסגרת על טהרת הקודש.

Translated from Hebrew by

A senior source in the Ministry of Defense tells me: in the coming months the shortage of soldiers in the army will reach 2500. We are racking our brains on how to bring in more soldiers without collapsing the economy and the only channel that is currently on the agenda is the ultra-orthodox public. According to him, ultra-Orthodox will be able to maintain empty kibbutzim and settlements in the south and north within the framework of the purity of the holy place.

berale_crombie-tweet-1February2024-ultra-Orthodox will maintain empty kibbutzim and settlements

berale_crombie-tweet-1February2024-ultra-Orthodox will maintain empty kibbutzim and settlements



Nefesh B’Nefesh
THE CONTINUING STORY…November 15, 2023  https://www.nbn.org.il/stories/standing-with-israel-physician-volunteers-from-overseas/

Standing with Israel: Physician Volunteers from Overseas

With continued stress on Israel’s national healthcare system, Nefesh B’Nefesh, together with Israel’s Ministries of Health and Aliyah as well as The Jewish Agency for Israel, is working to help alleviate the nation’s physician shortage

Nefesh B’Nefesh -Standing with Israel: Physician Volunteers from Overseas

Nefesh B’Nefesh -Standing with Israel: Physician Volunteers from Overseas

Jerusalem, November 15, 2023 – In response to Israel’s pressing healthcare challenges during wartime, Nefesh B’Nefesh has been collaborating with the Israeli Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration and The Jewish Agency for Israel on assembling a comprehensive database of thousands of Jewish and non-Jewish physician volunteers from around the world. The Iron Swords War has heightened the demand for additional medical professionals in Israel, particularly in areas affected by the conflict in the south and north and this new initiative serves as an immediate solution for the shortage.


Designed to immediately bolster Israel’s national healthcare system, this extensive database includes essential information about the volunteers’ medical specialties, Hebrew-language proficiency and the documentation necessary to expedite the process for obtaining a temporary Israeli medical license. This enables the physicians to begin volunteering in hospitals and medical facilities around the country as quickly and efficiently as possible. Each participating physician will generously dedicate an average of two weeks of their time, although some may choose to extend their stay to provide longer-term assistance.

If you are a physician from overseas who would like to volunteer in Israel, click the button below.

Physician Volunteer Application

American Jewish medical professionals seen at Galli Medical Center as they volunteer to help Israel's medical system during the war.

American Jewish medical professionals seen at Galli Medical Center as they volunteer to help Israel’s medical system during the war.

“Supporting Israel’s healthcare system and finding an immediate solution for the physician shortage is extremely vital today,” said Tony Gelbart, Chairman and Co-Founder of Nefesh B’Nefesh. “We are honored to lead this joint initiative, in order to immediately provide Israel with essential care while alleviating the pressure on the nation’s healthcare system in areas where assistance is most urgently needed. In addition, Nefesh B’Nefesh is exploring ways to help solve Israel’s long-term physician shortage as part of a broader strategic plan.”


“The Israeli healthcare system is one of the best in the world, and its remarkable capabilities were demonstrated as soon as the war broke out. At present, we see great importance in strengthening our medical system with highly skilled, value-oriented, Zionist professionals who seek to tie their fate with that of the State of Israel,” said Israel’s Minister of Health, Uriel Buso. “These physicians are offering to help from a deep sense of national mission and love of the people and the Jewish homeland. I thank the doctors who have volunteered to come and help Israel and who are embodying the expression of ‘all of Israel are bound to each other’ in the purest of ways. And I’d like to especially thank Nefesh B’Nefesh, the Jewish Agency, and the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration for their cooperation on this blessed issue.”


“The support, solidarity, and rallying of our Jewish brothers in the Diaspora, in general, and in North America, in particular, during the war, is very heartfelt and strengthens the State of Israel,” said Minister of Aliyah and Integration, MK Ofir Sofer. “I want to thank them and salute them for helping our healthcare system by saving the lives of our soldiers as well as the civilians on the home front. Together with all the partners in the project – the Ministries of Aliyah and Integration and Health, Nefesh B’Nefesh, and the Jewish Agency – the people of Israel will win.”


“The mobilization of the Jewish communities in support of the State of Israel, at this difficult time, is particularly moving and strengthens us all,” said Maj.-Gen (ret.) Doron Almog, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel. The physicians who have come to volunteer in the Israeli healthcare system and the volunteers from the Jewish communities who are working side by side with the Israelis in essential fields throughout the country, are a tremendous display of strength and resilience.”


Over seventy physicians from various specialties, including emergency and urgent medicine, surgery, anesthesiology, pediatrics, cardiology, orthopedics and psychiatry have already arrived in Israel and additional doctors are expected to arrive in the coming weeks as needed. These doctors have integrated into medical centers throughout the country, including Ichilov, Barzilai, Soroka, Beilinson, Hadassah, Rambam, Shamir, Galil Medical Center, and the Magen David Adom Association. There is a particular emphasis on centers in combat areas, such as Sderot and Ashkelon.


This first-of-its-kind program has been made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of The Marcus Foundation, an organization committed to making a difference in the lives of countless individuals and communities.



Am Ysroel Chai עם ישראל חי

IDF Praying at Western Wall

IDF Praying at Western Wall

Eitan Chitayat-tweet-2May2024-A Jew
A Jew. There’s nothing I’d rather be.

#Jewish #Jew
#imthatjew #Israel

Eitan Chitayat-tweet-2May2024-A Jew

Eitan Chitayat-tweet-2May2024-A Jew




And Israel shall dwell securely, alone (Devarim 33:28).

Lion of Israel

Lion of Israel

Excerpted from The Chanukah Scroll by Hagi Ben Artzi:
[When Antiochus sent a demand for the return of captured ‘Greek cities’ in Eretz Yisrael] …Shimon rebuffed these demands…, and responded in resolute and firm terms:

“We didn’t take a foreign land and we didn’t exist on the spoils of other nations, but on the lands of our fathers that through the years was illegally seized by our enemies. We, when we had the opportunity, restored our birthright.” – Shimon Maccabee to the Greek Antiochus 2158 year ago. 3626 -136BCE

If Israel was like any other country they would have dropped Nukes on October 8th. Remember what the US did to Japan, Napalm Tokyo, Nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Fake International Law just for the JEWS. That’s Antisemitism.


Im Tirtzu-tweet-6May2024-True then. True now
True then. True now.
Golda Meir-“We refuse, absolutely, to be the only people in the world which consents to having its fate decided by others.”

Im Tirtzu-tweet-6May2024-True then. True now

Im Tirtzu-tweet-6May2024-True then. True now


Golda Meir-"We refuse, absolutely, to be the only people in the world which consents to having its fate decided by others."

Golda Meir-“We refuse, absolutely, to be the only people in the world which consents to having its fate decided by others.”


Am Ysroel Chai עם ישראל חי

עמית סגל Amit Segal

*בקשה לסיוע בהמשך*

אני חוזר עכשיו נפעם ממוקד העשייה הציונית מהגדולים במדינה כרגע: המרכז של אחים לנשק בגני התערוכה.

באולם אחד למידת מכונה שמזהה מצב חטופים לפי צבע המכנס בסרטונים, בחניון מרכז לוגיסטי עצום שממיין תרומות עד רמת סוג השמפו ומשגר למי שצריך באמצעות מחשב.

באולם אחר חמ״ל שדואג לאנשי העוטף שנמצאים כעת במלונות.

בשבוע האחרון הם חילצו פיזית אלפיים איש ממוקדי הקרבות בדרום.

במוקד אחר מתאמים ציוד ששומר על חיילי צה״ל, מאיתור מפעלים, דרך תשלום על ידי תורמים, הטסה שחרור ממכס ועד הרכבה. בכל רגע נתון מאה מתנדבים 24/7 מרכיבים את הציוד כדי לשמור על החיילים שלנו.

יש אפילו חמ״ל לחילוץ כלבים שנותרו בעוטף ועל הלוח הגדול יש שמות של אנשים שמאוד הרגיזו אותי עד השבוע שעבר וגם אני אותם מן הסתם, אבל עכשיו מתגייסים בלי חשבון ובלי להבחין בין דעה ודעה.

יש 15,000 מתנדבים ברחבי הארץ, מכל ההשקפות והדעות.

מה נחוץ עכשיו?
1. ציוד צבאי (לא נשק אלא ביגוד, בדגש על חם, מעילים, נעליים, פנסים) – כל מה שיש תביאו דחוף לגני התערוכה למרכז הלוגיסטי.
2. האתגר הבא זה משפחות המפונים בים המלח ובאילת. הן זקוקות לכל סיוע אפשרי, וזה יהיה ממושך ויסודי. אסור לנו להרשות אירוע הומניטרי מתמשך.

ובעיקר חזרתי עם מחשבה: כמה כוחות יש בעם הזה, איזו תעוזה, אנחנו נצטרך לעשות הכל, מכל הצדדים, כדי שביום שאחרי הם יושקעו רק בביטחון ובכלכלה ולא אחד נגד השני.

Translated from Hebrew by

*request for further assistance*

I am now returning thrilled by one of the largest centers of Zionist activity in the country at the moment: the Center of Brothers in Arms in the Exhibition Gardens.

In one hall a machine learning that identifies the situation of abductees based on the color of the pants in the videos, in a parking lot a huge logistics center that sorts donations down to the level of the type of shampoo and sends them to those who need them via computer.

In another hall, a military officer who takes care of the Otaf men who are now in hotels.

In the last week, they physically rescued two thousand people from the fighting centers in the south.

In another center, equipment that protects IDF soldiers is coordinated, from locating factories, through payment by donors, flying, customs clearance to assembly. At any given moment, a hundred volunteers 24/7 assemble the equipment to keep our soldiers safe.

There is even a rescue team for dogs that were left in Otaf and on the big board there are names of people who really upset me until last week, and I probably also them, but now they are enlisting without calculation and without distinguishing between opinion and opinion.

There are 15,000 volunteers across the country, of all views and opinions.

What is needed now?
1. Military equipment (not weapons but clothing, with an emphasis on warm, coats, shoes, flashlights) – bring everything you have urgently to the exhibition grounds to the logistics center.
2. The next challenge is the families of the evacuees in the Dead Sea and Eilat. They need all possible assistance, and it will be prolonged and thorough. We must not allow an ongoing humanitarian event.

And above all I came back with a thought: how much strength this nation has, what courage, we will have to do everything, from all sides, so that the day after they will be invested only in security and the economy and not against each other.

Amit Segal-tweet-15October2023-request for further assistance

Amit Segal-tweet-15October2023-request for further assistance


The Persian Jewess-tweet-19February2024-EL_AL_ISRAEL
This beautiful @EL_AL_ISRAEL commercial has me crying like a baby.


David Oh-tweet-19February2024-My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL
My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL, She says that they let people seat in the toilet at takeoffs, the planes were full of Israelis coming back home to join the army. We have a wonderful people, great young generation.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-19February2024-EL_AL_ISRAEL

The Persian Jewess-tweet-19February2024-EL_AL_ISRAEL

David Oh-tweet-19February2024-My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL

David Oh-tweet-19February2024-My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL




StandWithUs-tweet-17July2024-El Al-Israel and its athletes are never alone
A moving commercial by El Al Airlines reassuring that #Israel and its athletes are never alone, as we gear up for the 2024 #Paris Olympic and #Paralympic games! Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱🎥Video: elalisrael

StandWithUs-tweet-17July2024-El Al-Israel and its athletes are never alone

StandWithUs-tweet-17July2024-El Al-Israel and its athletes are never alone




The Jewish people liberated their homeland

Caroline Glick-tweet-29February2024-The Jewish people liberated their homeland
When David Ben Gurion came before the Peel Commission to plead the case that Britain fulfill its legal obligation to transfer the land of Israel to Jewish sovereignty, he brought a copy of the Bible with him, and said that the Bible is the deed.
Everyday more proof is found attesting to the truth he spoke.
The Jewish people liberated their homeland. We are not occupiers. This is our land. https://armstronginstitute.org/995-3000-year-old-phoenician-electrum-earring-pendant-discovered-in-jerusalem

Caroline Glick-tweet-29February2024-The Jewish people liberated their homeland

Caroline Glick-tweet-29February2024-The Jewish people liberated their homeland


Israel-tweet-10December-2023-two links in a long chain of Jewish survival and triumph
In 1950, 13 year old Holocaust survivor Yisrael Meir celebrated his bar mitzvah as an orphan (his parents were murdered by the Nazis).

73 years later, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (the former Chief Rabbi of Israel) stood beside 13 year old Ariel Zohar -an orphan whose parents were murdered on October 7th- as he marked his Bar Mitzvah.

Two orphans, two heroes, two links in a long chain of Jewish survival and triumph over darkness.

Am Yisrael Chai.

Israel-tweet-10December-2023-two links in a long chain of Jewish survival and triumph

Israel-tweet-10December-2023-two links in a long chain of Jewish survival and triumph


Eden Golan showed the world the resilience, bravery, and strength of Israel at Eurovision 2024

Marina Medvin-tweet-11May2024-Eden Golan’s Eurovision2024 performance
Here it is — Eden Golan’s Eurovision performance from the finale show

Marina Medvin-tweet-11May2024-Eden Golan’s Eurovision2024 performance

Marina Medvin-tweet-11May2024-Eden Golan’s Eurovision2024 performance



Iris-tweet-21May2024-Watch the hidden massages and signs of the Oct 7 massacre
It can now be revealed: 🎗️🇮🇱🧸
Watch the hidden massages and signs of the Oct 7 massacre during Eden Golan’s Eurovision performance of ‘Hurricane’ .
Thank you Eden 🩷🧸and the team .
Thank you Matthew Taub .
Watch Here :
BionicZionist-tweet-21May2024-The ring represents the Tunnels
You forgot one more thing…

The ring represents the Tunnels

Iris-tweet-21May2024-Watch the hidden massages and signs of the Oct 7 massacre

Iris-tweet-21May2024-Watch the hidden massages and signs of the Oct 7 massacre





Ouriel-tweet-25May2024-What really happened the eurovision
INSANE. What really happened the #eurovision

Now revealed


Two weeks after the #Eurovision final, the head of the Israeli delegation revealed in an interview with Ynet what happened behind the scenes:

– The delegation was not allowed to leave the hotel

– Each member of the delegation had with them an Airtag type GPS signal in order to be permanently located by Israeli security

– Delegations from other countries demanded not to be filmed with Eden Golan and threatened Israelis if they published photos or videos with them. The team of the Finnish singer of 2023 shouted at the Israeli digital team to ask them to remove a video in which Eden and the Finn are seen together.

– The relationship between the Israeli delegation and the others deteriorated from the moment when #Israel moved to 2nd position in the betting, after the semi-final. Several other delegations suddenly let their hatred burst forth. “Suddenly they have launched into a competition who will be the most aggressive towards Israel”

– He ensures that a message was sent to judges from several countries not to vote for the Israeli song (evidenced by the difference, 52 points given by the judges and more than 300 by the public)

– When the organizers of the competition asked the Israeli delegation to leave the main venue and be placed in a place far from the other delegations, he replied: “the last time in Europe we set the Jews apart like this… “It was 1939, it didn’t impress them much.”

In short, a battlefield more than a music competition.

Ouriel-tweet-25May2024-What really happened the eurovision

Ouriel-tweet-25May2024-What really happened the eurovision


Eden Golan had to disguise herself for her safety during the competition

Hen Mazzig-tweet-11July2024-Eden Golan had to disguise herself for her safety during the competition

“It’s sad that a Jewish girl has to hide her identity to protect her safety”

Eden Golan, the Israeli singer to the Eurovision who was abused by mob of Palestine protesters in Malmo, reveled today that she had to disguise herself for her safety during the competition.

Hen Mazzig-tweet-11July2024-Eden Golan had to disguise herself for her safety during the competition

Hen Mazzig-tweet-11July2024-Eden Golan had to disguise herself for her safety during the competition


She showed the world the resilience, bravery, and strength of Israel and the Jewish people

Eric Schorr-tweet-11May2024-Eden Golan showed the world the resilience, bravery, and strength of Israel at Eurovision 2024
She showed the world the resilience, bravery, and strength of Israel and the Jewish people. In the face of boos, bullying, and hatred, Eden stood tall and gave it everything on stage. And she was rewarded for it. Not by judges who were bankrupt of both ethics and musical acumen, but by the silent majority, the world that has stood up and said, “enough”. Thank you to everyone who voted for Eden.

Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱❤️

Eric Schorr-tweet-11May2024-Eden Golan showed the world the resilience bravery and strength of Israel Eurovision 2024

Eric Schorr-tweet-11May2024-Eden Golan showed the world the resilience bravery and strength of Israel Eurovision 2024


Ben M. Freeman-tweet-11May2024-We will dance again

You represented your country, and your people, with resilience, strength, pride and dignity.

We love you and are so proud of you.

We will dance again.

Ben M. Freeman-tweet-11May2024-We will dance again

Ben M. Freeman-tweet-11May2024-We will dance again


Eylon Levy-tweet-12May2024-A young artist mercilessly bullied by obnoxious bigots
This is what really happened in the Eurovision arena, without the audience sound filtered out. A young artist mercilessly bullied by obnoxious bigots. So glad she’s back home safely.

Eylon Levy-tweet-12May2024-A young artist mercilessly bullied by obnoxious bigots

Eylon Levy-tweet-12May2024-A young artist mercilessly bullied by obnoxious bigots



The Persian Jewess-tweet-11May2024-After being snubbed by ALL 37 Eurovision juries
After being snubbed by ALL 37 Eurovision juries, Israel receives 323 POINTS from public votes.

This is the SECOND highest # of public points received by ANY COUNTRY (Croatia received 337 points).

Switzerland, which won Eurovision, received over 50% of the jury votes, and only 226 public points.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-11May2024-After being snubbed by ALL 37 Eurovision juries

The Persian Jewess-tweet-11May2024-After being snubbed by ALL 37 Eurovision juries


Oli London-tweet-11May2024-Who is a better role model for children
Who is a better role model for children?

🇮🇪Bambie Thug:

A self-described ‘witch’ who promotes satanic sacrifice, blood rituals and moral depravity?

🇮🇱Eden Golan:

An angelic woman, with the voice of an angel who promotes God, respecting others and kindness?

Oli London-tweet-11May2024-Who is a better role model for children

Oli London-tweet-11May2024-Who is a better role model for children


Dr. Eli David-tweet-11May2024-Israel vs Palestine at music festival
Israel 🇮🇱 at music festival
Palestine 🇵🇸 at music festival

Dr. Eli David-tweet-11May2024-Israel vs Palestine at music festival

Dr. Eli David-tweet-11May2024-Israel vs Palestine at music festival


Yitzchak Schochet-tweet-20February2024-There will be no hungry soldiers on my bus
Noa is a combat soldier in the IDF. She got on a bus & sat near the driver. They chatted; she shared some of her missions, that she just left the field & hadn’t had a chance to eat. The driver pulled over by a restaurant, took money from his pocket & told her: “There will be no hungry soldiers on my bus. Go get some food.” The whole bus happily waited till she returned. Only in #Israel

Yitzchak Schochet-tweet-20February2024-There will be no hungry soldiers on my bus

Yitzchak Schochet-tweet-20February2024-There will be no hungry soldiers on my bus


Living Lchaim-tweet-30October2023-
This is an extraordinary story.

This morning, 3 tank soldiers planted an orange tree in Kfar Azza, one of the communities that was devastated in the Hamas attack on Oct 7 – Simchat Torah.


Because these men were the brave first defenders of the Kibbutz and were part of the team who killed over 100 Hamas murderous terrorists.

On that awful day they entered the Kibbutz in a tank, and they ran over a tree and destroyed it.

They didn’t forget.

Today, 3 weeks later, they returned to replant a new tree! (see the fallen tree in the background.)

Are we not a remarkable nation? A people who, in the middle of a war, stop to build and replant with such humanity and hope, can never be defeated.

As the prophet Amos wrote:
“They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them… They will plant gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them, says the Lord”

Source: Almog Boker

Living Lchaim-tweet-30October2023-This is an extraordinary story

Living Lchaim-tweet-30October2023-This is an extraordinary story


This poor abused dog found in Gaza was rescued by an IDF soldier

Israel War Room-tweet-5February2024-This poor abused dog found in Gaza was rescued by an IDF soldier
We’re not crying, you’re crying.
This poor abused dog found in Gaza was rescued by an IDF soldier.
She’s now living her best life in Israel.

Israel War Room-tweet-5February2024-This poor abused dog found in Gaza was rescued by an IDF soldier

Israel War Room-tweet-5February2024-This poor abused dog found in Gaza was rescued by an IDF soldier

This poor abused dog found in Gaza was rescued by an IDF soldier


Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-The owners of a small plant nursery in Kibbutz Be’eri had to evacuate

The owners of a small plant nursery in Kibbutz Be’eri had to evacuate following the Hamas attack.

They returned to their shop expecting to find all the plants dried up.

Instead, they found healthy thriving plants and a sign from IDF soldiers that read:

“Sorry we broke in. We had to water the plants. With love, the soldiers.”

We care about people, animals, plants and all.

Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-The owners of a small plant nursery in Kibbutz Be’eri had to evacuate

Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-The owners of a small plant nursery in Kibbutz Be’eri had to evacuate



Living Lchaim-tweet-3November2023-He just gave 30 brand new cars to the survivors
He just gave 30 brand new cars to the survivors…

The fellow below is Shmuel Charlap.

He just gifted 30 brand new Mitsubishi cars to the survivors of Kibbutz Nachal Oz which was demolished by Hamas.

This is just the beginning of his generosity as the survivors of Beeri and Kfar Aza are next on the list of this tzaddik!

Post by: Rabbi Shlomo Landau

Living Lchaim-tweet-3November2023-He just gave 30 brand new cars to the survivors

Living Lchaim-tweet-3November2023-He just gave 30 brand new cars to the survivors


Over 9 million Israelis have just put all 5 fingers down.

Posted 17October2023 Israel Defense Forces:

The impact of the Hamas terror attacks and the Gaza war on Israeli and Jews worldwide


They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-17February2024-They tried to bury us They didn’t know we were seeds
They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.

leekern-tweet-15February2024-Flowers growing at the site of the Nova Festival massacre
Flowers growing at the site of the Nova Festival massacre. The world can’t help it. It wants to be beautiful in spite of the bastards.

The Persian Jewess-tweet-17February2024-They tried to bury us They didn’t know we were seeds

The Persian Jewess-tweet-17February2024-They tried to bury us They didn’t know we were seeds


Life Unplugged A Doctor’s Regret, Steipler’s Guidance, and Life Beyond Death – Rabbi Lazer Brody

Stories To Inspire – Audio Only

Elder-of-Ziyon-tweet-18October2023-Here’s where the Arab honor/shame psyche becomes hugely important
Here’s where the Arab honor/shame psyche becomes hugely important.

Arab leaders, across the board, as engaging in extreme rhetoric against Israel because of the Al Ahli bombing.

Admitting they were wrong in blaming Israel for the catastrophic bombing and that it was really done by a Palestinian terror group is out of the question. No matter what evidence is offered. No matter that Al Jazeera’s own video proves it. They blamed Israel and it would be shameful to publicly admit they were wrong.

So they will continue to blame Israel. And whip up their people into a frenzy.

And such a major crime must be avenged, even though deep down they know it wasn’t done by Israel. They have to keep the anger going, because if they try to soft-pedal it, their people will turn on them.

And they will be pressured to do something rash.

Wars have started for less.

Now, out of fear for an escalation, the West will be spooked about Israel continuing the campaign against Hamas. And even if Arab leaders privately know the truth, they will be happy to feign outrage and point to the “street” as a reason to pressure Israel to stop its campaign.

The EU will cave and start publicly denouncing Israel for defending itself legally and morally. And the US might not be far behind.

All because of Islamic Jihad killing possibly hundreds of their brethren while attempting to murder Jews.

We live in a post-truth world, and mere facts and truth aren’t as important as feelings and beliefs. And, too often, lies.

Will Israel be able to withstand this pressure and continue its moral campaign to destroy Hamas? There is no choice – but it might come at a greater political cost than anyone thought.

All because of a lie.

Elder-of-Ziyon-tweet-18October2023-Here's where the Arab honor/shame psyche becomes hugely important

Elder-of-Ziyon-tweet-18October2023-Here’s where the Arab honor/shame psyche becomes hugely important


Mycological-tweet-17October2023-MSM is the mouthpiece of leftist elite. - Nothing but garbage

Mycological-tweet-17October2023-MSM is the mouthpiece of leftist elite. – Nothing but garbage



Without the world, it will be fine

Eretz_Nehederet-tweet-27March2024-Without the world, it will be fine

בלי העולם, יהיה בסדר.

Translated from Hebrew by

Without the world, it will be fine.

Eretz_Nehederet-tweet-27March2024-Without the world, it will be fine

Eretz_Nehederet-tweet-27March2024-Without the world, it will be fine


Without the world, it will be fine (Israeli satire)



For the Merit of the Mitzvah of Hafrashas Challah – “The Separation of Dough”

SEE: The Secret of Challah – How to Separate Challah

The Untold Story of The Rescued IDF Soldier from Hamas

Posted 31October2023 thelandofisrael:


Rabbi Shmuel Reichman-tweet-30October2023-
Inspiring beyond words! 🇱 💙
The mother of Ori Megidish, the observation soldier taken hostage by Hamas  in Gaza and rescued by the IDF, is seen here a week ago praying to G-d to return her daughter home as she performs the Mitzvah of Hafrashas Challah – “The Separation of Dough”.

This is just a reminder that everything we do in life matters; everything.

And everything we do in life has consequences; everything.

Every. Mitzvah. Counts.

(And just as we need to distinguish the Kodesh (holy) from the Chol (mundane), we need to distinguish good from evil.

Not doing so is actually the highest form of evil.)

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman-tweet-30October2023-The mother of Ori Megidish-Hafrashas Challah

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman-tweet-30October2023-The mother of Ori Megidish-Hafrashas Challah



Living Lchaim-30November2023-hafrashas challah-Her husband is finally coming home

She was literally doing the sacred mitzvah of hafrashas challah when she got the best call of her life.

Her husband is finally coming home ♥️

Living Lchaim-30November2023-hafrashas challah-Her husband is finally coming home

Living Lchaim-30November2023-hafrashas challah-Her husband is finally coming home


Living Lchaim-tweet-3November2023-Thank you IvankaTrump

Thank you @IvankaTrump for performing the beautiful mitzvah of Challah in solidarity with our brothers and sisters.

We won’t stop until we bring them home.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Shabbos.

Living Lchaim-tweet-3November2023-Thank you IvankaTrump

Living Lchaim-tweet-3November2023-Thank you IvankaTrump



Making Aliyah during the War

Kylie Ora Lobell-tweet-4December2023-feel safer under the IDF than under my American government
Am I insane for wanting to make aliyah during a war and right after the worst massacre of the Jews since the Holocaust because I’d feel safer under the IDF than under my American government due to the rise in antisemitism here?

Just my thought every morning when I wake up.

Kylie Ora Lobell-tweet-4December2023-feel safer under the IDF than under my American government

Kylie Ora Lobell-tweet-4December2023-feel safer under the IDF than under my American government



The Generations


Eylon Levy-tweet-22February2024-One in eight widows of fallen soldiers since October 7 are pregnant
One in eight widows of fallen soldiers since October 7 are pregnant, per @N12News.

Their children will be born without fathers, who fell defending their people from terrorists who burn and abduct babies.

Eylon Levy-tweet-22February2024-One in eight widows of fallen soldiers since October 7 are pregnant

Eylon Levy-tweet-22February2024-One in eight widows of fallen soldiers since October 7 are pregnant


Yaakov Langer-tweet-11January2024-The first orphan baby girl of the Iron Swords War
A very bitter sweet moment.

The first orphan baby girl of the Iron Swords War. The widow of Roi Moshe HY” D, who was killed on Simchas Torah when he went out to save his brothers and sisters, gave birth tonight, Rosh Chodesh Shevat, to a healthy baby girl who she named Gili.

This was the name her father z’l chose for her before he was killed r’l.

Shai Graucher relates: The emotional widow told me about the incredibly difficult experience of having to have a baby without her husband. “It was hard mentally and physically… I heard my husband talking to me and I cried out to Hashem to please bring Mashiach already so I can see my husband once again!”

Baruch Hashem the month has begun with a big simcha. Mazel tov!

Yaakov Langer-tweet-11January2024-The first orphan baby girl of the Iron Swords War

Yaakov Langer-tweet-11January2024-The first orphan baby girl of the Iron Swords War


Rabbi Shmuel Reichman-tweet-8November2023-Dor-new generation
The best video you’ll see today!!! 🇮🇱

Even while fighting against Hamas terrorists, there was no stopping Ran from attending his son’s Bris Milah (Circumcision), even if it meant being on the phone.

When it came time to naming his newborn son, everyone waited to hear the name he would choose.

Despite intense gunfire sounds in the background, you can hear Ran name his son “Dor,” which roughly translates to “new generation.”

This is because Ran and his wife hope that this will be the beginning of the next generation of the Jewish People, where all hate and terror can finally end.

How incredible is this?! 🥹

Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱


Rabbi Shmuel Reichman-tweet-8November2023-Dor-new generation

Rabbi Shmuel Reichman-tweet-8November2023-Dor-new generation


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9November2023-This is LTC Or Ben Yehuda
This is LTC Or Ben Yehuda, commander of the Caracal Battalion, whose troops successfully eliminated approximately 100 Hamas terrorists—ultimately saving countless lives.

Heroism appears to be a family tradition, as her mother earned a military commendation 50 years ago for defending Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

We salute these extraordinary women for their courage and dedication to protecting the State of Israel.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9November2023-This is LTC Or Ben Yehuda

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9November2023-This is LTC Or Ben Yehuda


S block-tweet-8November2023-Ezra Yachin-95-IDF Reservist
Ezra Yachin, at 95, is the IDF’s oldest reservist

S block-tweet-8November2023-Ezra Yachin-95-IDF Reservist

S block-tweet-8November2023-Ezra Yachin-95-IDF Reservist



Mobile Protection Unit and Artillery


Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-mobile protection unit
On top of Israel’s superior infantry, navy, intelligence, and airforce, Israel also has a secret weapon, a defense system that no other army or nation can ever have.

No money in the world can buy it and it’ll ultimately, with the help of God, be the weapon that brings Israel’s enemies to their knees.

It’s the only defense system the Jewish people have had for thousands of years and it’s what helped them survive despite all the empires that tried to annihilate the Jews.

The best part? It’s built into every single Jew’s heart, even if they don’t realize it.

This defense mechanism was designed thousands of years ago, but statistically speaking, has achieved better results than any cutting edge defense system.

Israel is fortunate to have the privilege of this system and no matter what, it continues to accompany the Jewish people generation to generation. ✡️🇮🇱💪

Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-mobile protection unit

Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-mobile protection unit

Don’t forget the Artillery

IDF LtCol Battalion Commander res-blowing a Shofar, Israel October 2023

IDF LtCol Battalion Commander res-blowing a Shofar, Israel October 2023


The power of Tehilim!

Living Lchaim-tweet-23November2023-The power of Tehilim
The power of Tehilim!

It stopped a bullet.


Source: @emanumiller

Living Lchaim-tweet-23November2023-The power of Tehilim

Living Lchaim-tweet-23November2023-The power of Tehilim





Purim parade

Jerusalem will host its first Purim parade since 1982 under the shadow of the five-month-old war with Hamas in Gaza.

Purim parade 2024

Purim parade 2024

Dry Bones
Brooklyn, N.Y.-born (in 1938) cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen made aliyah to Israel in 1971 and began drawing his “Dry Bones” cartoons in January 1973. He is a member of both America’s National Cartoonists Society and the Israeli Cartoonists Society. “Dry Bones” was internationally syndicated and ran in The Jerusalem Post for 50 years, being reprinted by The New York Times, Time magazine, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal and other major media publications. The “Dry Bones” story has been covered by CBS, CNN, Forbes and many others.

(March 20, 2024 / JNS) Jerusalem will host its first Purim parade since 1982 under the shadow of the five-month-old war with Hamas in Gaza.



Purim Unity Parade kicks off in Jerusalem

Formerly known as “Adloyada,” the march was last held in Jerusalem 42 years ago.

Amelie Botbol https://www.jns.org/purim-unity-parade-kicks-off-in-jerusalem/


The Purim Unity Parade in Jerusalem, March 25, 2024. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

The Purim Unity Parade in Jerusalem, March 25, 2024. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.


(March 25, 2024 / JNS) The Purim Unity Parade kicked off on Monday morning in Jerusalem for the first time in 42 years, led by families of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza and featuring a giant yellow ribbon, representing the call for their safe return.


Also included were a procession of original displays designed by Jerusalem cultural institutions, local children and children of evacuees promoting national unity and resilience.


The parade, formerly known as “Adloyada,” was renamed following a meeting on Thursday between Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion and representatives of the hostages’ families.


The Purim Unity Parade outside Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem, March 25, 2024. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

The Purim Unity Parade outside Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem, March 25, 2024. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

“After 42 years without the Purim Unity Parade in the capital, it returns this year to honor the heroes of Israel past and present,” said Lion.


The parade “celebrates the Israeli victorious spirit. Jerusalem opens its gates and hosts everyone with love and joy, hoping for a promising future and the unity of the people,” he added.


The procession included the families of captives Lior Rudaeff, Romi Gonen, Carmel Gat, Omer Shem-Tov, Ofer Kalderon, Tal Shoham, Uriel Baruch and Itzik Elgarat.


“We thank the city of Jerusalem and Mayor Moshe Lion for their willingness and sensitivity in adapting the Purim events to the spirit of these times,” the families said, according to a press release by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum.


“We see the capital as a beacon guiding the entire nation on the vital mission to return all its sons and daughters home, rehabilitate the living and bury the dead. There is no greater mitzvah than redeeming captives,” they added.


The Purim Unity Parade in Jerusalem, March 25, 2024. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

The Purim Unity Parade in Jerusalem, March 25, 2024. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.


Internally displaced communities from Israel’s north and south and families of Israel Defense Forces reservists marched alongside displays created by artists from towns in the Gaza Envelope.


The Unity Parade’s carnival featured 30 original projects including a roaring lion blowing soap bubbles, created by an artist evacuated from Israel’s north; a giant mechanical spider dancing through the streets; an Anime band with giant puppets and a cloud machine with colors floating out of the head of renowned scientist Albert Einstein.


The parade began on King David Street, continued to Zion Square through Shlomo HaMelech Street, Jaffa Street and King George Street, and was set to conclude early afternoon at the “Old Mashbir” Square.


Seven entertainment stages were set up along the route, at the YMCA courtyard, Mamilla Junction, Tzahal Square, Safra Square, Beit Yoel, Zion Square and Old Mashbir Square, with performances including a 40-member wind instrument orchestra, the Big Band group, DJs, Shaman Shaman and Tzilei Ha’od.


Following the march, the traditional Purim party was slated be held at Nissim Bachar Square.


The Purim Unity Parade is part of dozens of events, celebrations, and parties in the city in honor of the Purim holiday.



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

A Soldier’s Perspective: What we really need from Diaspora Jewry

The greatest boost of strength I can receive as a soldier is the knowledge that what I’m doing is inspiring those around me to want to take part in what we’re building as well. Op-ed.

Jacob Lerer
8February2024, 9:50 AM (GMT+2) https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/384880<


Jacob Lerer made Aliyah with his family four and a half years go from Teaneck, New Jersey and currently resides in Raanana. After finishing his Hesder army service, he returned to Yeshiva, where he learned until Oct 7. Since then, he’s been fighting with his battalion in Gaza. May he and all the IDF soldiers return home safely.


Am Yisrael needs help.


We all want to make a difference, but being so distant from Israel has left many Jews wondering what substantial difference they can make. As someone who appreciates Diaspora Jewish identity, having grown up in Teaneck, and who has spent the last three months in Azza, I want to offer a perspective which can hopefully speak to your heart.


Life in Israel hasn’t been simple for anyone in the last few months. We all know someone killed or kidnapped on Simchat Torah. We all have friends or family who have been killed in battle, and the cycle of pain doesn’t end. Regular life, for all intents and purposes, has completely paused even if people outwardly seem to go about their regular lives.


However, while sadness has definitely anchored itself in our lives, no feeling has been stronger than the display of hope and pride that our wonderful nation has put forth. The support I, and everyone around me, have received is a testament to the unbreakable will of our People. And as a relative of one of the kidnapped told me yesterday, the silver lining of all the horror he has gone through has been Am Yisrael.


This reality speaks to one of the core differences which divide Israeli and Diaspora Jewish society, a schism which today is driving a wedge between our two communities. It’s why I feel a difference in the barbeques I’ve received from Israelis and Americans, and why the entire enterprise of solidarity missions has been so controversial throughout olim communities. To live the American Jewish dream means to create for oneself a personal spiritual utopia while in Israel, it means to become one with our nation around us.


Many ask how they can help but are not willing to sacrifice anything that removes any real comfort from their personal lives. Of course financial help is important. In fact, it’s vital. But that doesn’t discharge us of our obligation of עמו אנכי בצרה! (being with Am Yisrael in difficult times, as Rashi says the burning bush symbolized) With that being said, we Olim appreciate the struggle of connecting to Israel while not physically being here because we, too, once lived that reality.


Even so, there are many passionate Jews still doing whatever they can to do their part, by sending money, coming to Israel, raising awareness, and most importantly never letting Israel leave their hearts. And this is all the more impressive, given that many others around them seem to go on with their lives as if it’s time to move on. What more can these Jews do? After all, whether they’re happy about it or not, the reality is that they don’t live in Israel.

Families try to connect with their loved ones in any way they can

Families try to connect with their loved ones in any way they can

To these people, I’m really grateful; their perspective is not self-evident. But at the same time, while all the gear, snacks, and missions support us physically and allow those helping to feel a connection, it’s not enough. It’s not what we need. The best way to help our soldiers, the families of our חטופים – hostages -, those who lost their homes, and the nation as a whole, is to show that you’re genuinely with us.


Show that you wish to join in the pain of the nation.


Show that you wish you were here with us, both suffering the lows and rejoicing in the highs.


The greatest boost of strength I can receive as a soldier is the knowledge that what I’m doing is inspiring those around me to want to take part in what we’re building as well.


From our perspective as Torah Jews in Israel, the choice to live here and fight rests on the holy notion that all of this sacrifice is required in order to enable our nation, our holy nation, to take off and become a light to the rest of the world. And the more of us invested in this mission, the greater the impact we’ll be able to make.


It’s possible that this isn’t the goal for some Diaspora Jews, but if so, it’s important that they don’t hide behind their barbeques and solidarity missions and instead, own that belief.


This is what we’re fighting for. This is what our whole nation is fighting for.


For us, we’re not merely protecting a safe haven for Jews. We’re building our future. And each Jew in the world must think deeply about whether or not they want to be a part of it. While it’s easy for me, as someone already quite integrated in Israeli life, to demand that everyone make Aliyah immediately, such a demand is neither realistic nor fair. Therefore, I want to offer a proactive solution which both empowers anyone willing to capture the moment, and additionally, may show Israeli Jewry a form of comfort which no donation can impart. All you have to do is prove to yourself that while you may not be here yet, your heart and soul are, and when the time comes, the rest will follow.


I created a pledge which states that you will genuinely try your best to one day make Aliyah, and that already now, you’ll commit to a proactive change in your life (of your choosing) to keep those convictions real. You’ll be sent a monthly reminder of your pledge with a personal note you can choose to write to yourself, capturing your feelings during this deeply emotional time.


The ball is now in your court. Am Yisrael Beeretz Yisrael is standing at a crossroads and needs all the help it can get. This simple pledge will stand before us as a testament to our true convictions. Destiny is watching. Are you ready to join us?


The Pledge: https://forms.gle/2EXJPWn4KRUWCJHJ7



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Haredi rabbi: No rain? ‘Acknowledge miracles’

Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein urges public to recognize ‘outstanding, amazing miracle’ of lack of damage by rockets launched towards Israel.

Israel National News / 6January2024 / http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/383154


Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein, a leading haredi rabbi, said in a Torah class on Saturday that the lack of rain this year stems from a lack of acknowledgement of the miracles taking place in Israel.


“G-d brings clouds, and even those who are not professionals can see that the black clouds are chock-full of water, but in practice only a few drops fall on us, and they do not make up the lack,” he said. “The public wishes to know what needs to be improved.”


“And here, if we pay attention to how many missiles and shells are fired towards the Land of Israel, and almost none of them hit a person. A bit here, a bit there, but of all the tens of thousands of missiles and weapons of destruction which have infiltrated Israel, there have not been people who suffered fatal injuries, and the monetary damage is very little.


“This is an outstanding and amazing miracle! And anyone who does not remember the Gulf War, during which Saddam Hussein fired dozens of missiles into the Land of Israel, and not a single one hurt someone …. So much so that people started to think that maybe those missiles were made of paper … and really unable to cause harm.


“Until there was one missile which was fired at a US military camp, and killed 28 US soldiers! So then we understood it all – that these are very deadly missiles, and it was the kindness of G-d that, miracle of miracles, none of the Jews of the Land of Israel were hurt.”


Rabbi ZIlberstein stressed the importance of recognizing and giving thanks for the miracles: “And when we do not thank G-d for the miracles that He does with us, G-d does not continue His chain of kindness, and does not bring down rain for us.”


“And this is similar, really, to a child whose father does many good things for him, and if the child gets used to saying, ‘thank you,’ the father is encouraged by this and continues to do things for his son. But if he sees that the son is receiving the good things that he does for him as things which are self-understood, he stops doing favors for him.”



Our kids are strong, compassionate Jews, and they’ll make Israel better

An Israeli mother-tweet-20January2024-Our kids are strong, compassionate Jews, and they’ll make Israel better
Talked with a 5th grade teacher in a primary school yesterday.
In her class, 4 kids out of 30 are mourning a brother, a cousin, a father (two cousins are mourning the same boy-hero, HYD).
When the elections for class delegates came on, all the students voted for those four, “so they have something good to think about”.

What made it more poignant, is that one of the fallen soldiers had sat on the same chairs, only nine year ago.

Almost every generation of Jewish children has grown up in some measure of existential fear and in the absolute, primal knowledge that many people all around us have dedicated their existence to terminate ours.

It’s true of our kids today too, traumatized by the #October7Massacre pics you can’t really hide here, worrying for their parents and elder siblings fighting the absolute evil of the #hamasnazis in Gaza, rushing their smaller siblings to the shelter/safe room and soothing them even though they themselves are terrified. Hugging their mourning classmates.

Our kids are hurt.
Our kids are scarred.
Our kids are strong, compassionate Jews, and they’ll make #Israel better.

And for once @PaliHistory has made a pic he can be proud of. Ha.

An Israeli mother-tweet-20January2024-Our kids are strong compassionate Jews and they'll make Israel better

An Israeli mother-tweet-20January2024-Our kids are strong compassionate Jews and they’ll make Israel better



Rescued from Palestinian captivity-completed her IDF training course — with honors

Marina Medvin-tweet-10July2024-Rescued from Palestinian captivity-completed IDF training course
I love this story!

Noga Weiss, one of the girls who was taken on October 7 and then rescued from Palestinian captivity in November, has now completed her IDF training course — with honors.

“I finish the course with the feeling that I have won. I am excited for what is to come.”

I love this girl’s positive outlook on life and her ability to bounce back quickly.

Marina Medvin-tweet-10July2024-Rescued from Palestinian captivity-completed IDF training course

Marina Medvin-tweet-10July2024-Rescued from Palestinian captivity-completed IDF training course



Haka for Israel: One Indigenous People to another

Avi Yemini-tweet-20November2023-Haka for Israel-Māoris are standing for Israel
🚨 Why so many Māoris are standing for Israel

I caught up with the brave Indigenous activists who gathered in Brisbane yesterday to ‘Haka for Israel’, forcing a pre-planned pro-Hamas rally to change the location for their hatefest.

Full story: http://rebelne.ws/3R5I6fV

Avi Yemini-tweet-20November2023-Haka for Israel-Māoris are standing for Israel

Avi Yemini-tweet-20November2023-Haka for Israel-Māoris are standing for Israel





WHY is Hashem Doing This to Us?

A MUST READ on the situation in Israel! One of the most important messages by Rabbi Arush ever! READ AND SHARE!

Rabbi Shalom Arush | Posted on 30October2023  https://breslev.com/4064147/

WHY is Hashem Doing This to Us? by Rabbi Shalom Arush

WHY is Hashem Doing This to Us? by Rabbi Shalom Arush

Excerpted from Rabbi Arush’s weekly class in Holon from Thursday night 5 Cheshvan 5784 – Oct. 19, 2023.

Today I am going to focus on self-strengthening (hitchazkut).


I had prepared a different class, but on the way here there was a siren. My driver pulled over to the side of the road, and we stood there thanking Hashem that He protected us until now with outright miracles and is protecting us now too. I saw how terrified people were, so Hashem put into my heart a different lesson on how to be strong right now, and what we need to do.


Hashem, the King of Kings, God Almighty – He loves us so much! He is protecting us with outright miracles! “Behold, the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” God is guarding us! So, what exactly is Hashem doing right now? He is showing us how much He loves us. Eye to eye, we are seeing how much He loves us!


Look – thousands of rockets, missiles, bombs, whatever they are called – are falling on the Land of Israel and almost zero have been killed! Statistically, the percentage is called zero, the number of people dying is essentially zero.


Hashem sends one of their missiles, but He turns it around and makes it land on them, killing a lot more people. (Editor’s note: This is the missile fired by Hamas toward Tel Aviv. Instead, the missile misfired and landed next to a hospital in Gaza.) You see what just one bomb can do.


So, Hashem is showing us eye to eye – I love you! I am guarding you!


They have sent so many missiles and zero have died! Every missile is another miracle! This one falls in between buildings, that one Hashem made sure no one was there.


So, what does Hashem want?


Hashem wants the Jewish people to return in repentance and do teshuva. This is what Hashem wants!!!


Hashem is making us scared in order to make us do teshuva. All these sirens, everything that is going on, all of it is to scare us and get us to repent and change our ways. That’s the general message.


What exactly are we supposed to work on? Where do we need improvement? A few things:

Hitbodedut – Personal Prayer 

Someone who does personal prayer every day including 30-60 minutes cheshbon nefesh, doing an accounting of everything he did from the last hitbodedut until now – is totally fine. Such a person isn’t scared at all! He’s totally fine, every day he repents.



Shabbat guards us!


The two communities around Gaza that keep Shabbat – they were both saved! The families were saved! Shabbat guarded them! “The one who guards Shabbat, God guards him.” What miracles there were!


One story: A boy at the party (the Rave) saw the terrorists shooting and felt guilty for being there. He said to Hashem, “If You will save me, I promise to keep Shabbat!” He managed to grab a gun, kill some terrorists. Hashem guarded him until he was able to run away.


Another story – one of my students who is going to the IDF bases told me about a soldier who was given my booklet Source of Salvation, about bringing in Shabbat earlier. This soldier never kept Shabbat, but he told my student that last week he kept Shabbat and even brought in Shabbat early!


Hashem wants that people should see eye to eye how He wants us to return in teshuva.



The first story – My daughter told me this story, she knows the girl personally and the girl told her this story: This girl was at that party on Simchat Torah but she was dressed modestly. The terrorists surprised the party and started shooting. The terrorist saw her covered properly, STOPS SHOOTING and yelled – “Get out of here! You don’t belong here!” He stopped shooting!


Editor’s Note – This girl not only saved her life with her modest dress, but she surely saved the lives of others, since the terrorist stopped shooting, giving others time to run away.


I also heard the story of another girl from the party not dressed properly. She was forced to walk two hours to the border of Gaza to be a hostage. As she saw the wall and understood what was about to become of her, she said to God, “If You will save me, I promise to start dressing modestly!”


Suddenly the terrorist turns towards her and says, “Get out of here!” She started running, afraid he would shoot her. She made it all the way home safely.


Girls, you must know – when you dress modestly, you are guarding our soldiers. And if you don’t dress modestly, I don’t want to say what will happen, G-d forbid. 


It’s against all reason! There is no terrorist, no nothing – there is only God in the world! Only Hashem! She took upon herself to dress modestly, and Hashem saved her.


Ladies, this is critically important. David Hamelech says, “There is no breach, no going into captivity, and no cries on the streets. Praiseworthy is the nation that is like this, praiseworthy is the nation that Hashem is their God.”


If there is no pritzut – immodesty (“breach” – paretz), if there is no lack of modesty (again Rabbi Arush plays on the word used in Psalms) – then there is no screaming on the streets! Praiseworthy is that nation, praiseworthy is the nation that Hashem is their God!


Ladies, now all together, be careful with modesty! Dress modestly, the pinnacle of modesty! Be a model of modesty! You are guarding our soldiers, and the entire Jewish people! And the opposite – you are endangering everyone. 


Breslev Israel is happy to partner with Bring the Shechina Home – protect a soldier or hostage by taking upon yourself some extra effort in modesty. For women and girls in Israel, an evening of tefillot and inspiration will be held on Nov 4 at 7:30PM in Beit Shemesh. Check the website for details as they are updated.


Thanking Hashem

Here is a story that needs to go into the next book “Say Thank You and See Miracles.”


A woman in the south has a safe room in her house, but the handle broke. Someone managed to get it working so that the door can lock from the inside, but it can still be opened from the outside. (The idea of the safe room is that it can also protect from terrorists in that it can be locked from the inside and then cannot be opened from the outside).


Now, in this war, the sirens went off and she went into the safe room. Twelve terrorists came into her home, and they were trying to get into the safe room. What did she do? She stood there thanking Hashem for every second He protected her. She didn’t keep Shabbat or anything, but Hashem put into her heart to thank Him. She was saved – they didn’t manage to open the door! I said thank you, and my life was saved!


We also must thank Hashem for protecting us! Thank you, Hashem, for every missile that falls, and no one was killed! 


God Fights Our Wars

The last thing we need to strengthen is staying far away from “the might of my right hand.”


Read this section in Tanach, Chronicles II, Chapter 20. The story is about King Yehoshafat, a mass of soldiers of Amalek, Moav, and Amnon come to Jerusalem. The King calls the people to the Holy Temple, and speaks to Hashem, “Behold You are God and You rule all the nations! With any suffering that comes to us, You tell us to come to this House and cry out to You from our suffering, listen and save us!”


We need to scream to Hashem: “Listen and save us!”


There was a prophet there who received a prophesy at that time and said, “Hashem says, Do not be afraid!”  (Chronicles II, Chapter 20:15)


The prophet tells us not to be afraid! First thing, don’t be afraid!


“…and do not sin before this mass… because this war is not for you, because Hashem will fight for you…” (Chronicles II, Chapter 20:15)


Do not let your spirits be broken! Do not sin, do not lose your emuna! Hashem will fight for you! We must pray and ask Hashem to fight for us!


So what did King Yehoshafat do? He got a band! He got everyone singing “Thank you Hashem, because His mercy is eternal” (הודו להכי טוב כי לעולם חסדו) and at that time they starting singing and praising Hashem… Hashem smote them with a plague! (Chronicles II, Chapter 20:21-22)


Everyone needs to sing and dance and thank Hashem! How many miracles, how much Hashem is protecting us! I know an elderly tzaddik, every night he dances with his community 2-3 hours after evening prayers. In my community we dance to “Hodu l’H’ ki tov” for an hour or more!


May it be Hashem’s will that everyone should be scared and return in complete repentance!

Don’t forget – I want everyone to have a Likutei Moharan in their house. Recommended – Rabbi Arush’s Likutei Moharan-One Million Edition, or for the car, stroller and more, the pocket-sized edition. Distribute them to others! Distribute books of emuna to others!



Avenging their Blood

What can we do to avenge the blood of those who were killed on Simchat Torah? Forget about eradicating Hamas, we have a mission much more powerful and important!

Rachel Avrahami | Posted on 30October2023 https://breslev.com/4065588/

Avenging their Blood-by Rachel Avrahami

Avenging their Blood-by Rachel Avrahami


Rabbi Arush’s class from last week is a MUST READ – one of the most important I’ve ever heard Why is Hashem Doing This to Us? That article is the foundation of this article.

The first thing we need to strengthen is the basis – emuna. Read The Garden of Emuna, and then read it again! Harav said recently that this book is our manual for life, especially right now.

Miracles in Front of Our Eyes

My daughter was scared to go to sleep the other night. I am grateful that things are quiet in Jerusalem right now, but the war weighs on all our hearts. I reminded her that the fact that we exist as Jews is already a huge miracle and the biggest proof of God there is. We should be found only in history books between Persia-Media, the Greeks, and the Romans. Oh, and there were these people the Jews, they lived in a land called Israel, their capital was called Jerusalem, they were conquered in 70CE… So although we do what we can to protect ourselves, the reality of the Jew is that we rely on miracles and Hashem to guard us from the non-Jews who hate us. My daughter is old enough to need to know that God Himself is protecting her! And she can talk to Him whenever she wants.


If that wasn’t proof enough, try to consider what these missiles should be doing. A single missile can easily kill tens of people, and yet thousands of missiles have killed very, very few – statistically zero. It’s part of the problem of “death equivalency” – thousands of Gazans have been killed (assuming you can trust Gaza Health Dept, which is a BIG assumption) and yet almost no Israelis since the massacre of Simchat Torah. How is that fair? Well, war isn’t fair and who is right and wrong is not determined by death counts. But besides that, there SHOULD be thousands of dead Israelis and there SHOULD be hospitals that are over-filled. The only explanation is God Almighty Himself (no offense, it’s not the Iron Dome – there are plenty of missiles that get through, unfortunately).


Add that to the personal stories like Rabbi Arush mentioned in Why is Hashem Doing This to Us? – I don’t need to tell you that these stories are way above nature – such things absolutely cannot be! It’s even more crazy than thousands of bombs landing in big cities but killing almost no one. We are literally witnessing outright miracles in front of our eyes. It’s absolute proof that God exists, and that every Jew has personal Divine Providence, regardless of where he is spiritually and what mitzvot he keeps or doesn’t keep.


Antisemitism is still the same. Who is surprised that BLM supports Hamas? Not me. Clearly Black lives matter, but certainly not Jewish ones… Who is surprised that campuses continue to be hotbeds of antisemitism? More than 300 campuses have Hamas-funded campus organizations! Forget about the quotes from some professors that I’ll skip quoting here. Who is surprised that there were more than 1,000 antisemitic attacks in France in the 48 hours after the Simchat Torah massacre, and that many other antisemitic things happened around the world against Jews as well?


If Russia did in the Ukraine or in France what Hamas did in southern Israel, NO ONE would say anything positive about Russia. No one would say a peep that Russia had a right to do what they did. Suddenly, somehow, Hamas is different?!

Time to Wake Up

Those who were killed al Kiddush Hashem (for the sanctification of Hashem’s name), who were butchered simply because they were Jews – they are in the highest chamber in Heaven. Why Hashem did that is a very lengthy discussion which includes the Holocaust, pogroms, and the like. But the biggest thing we can do to not let them die in vain is to wake up and see what Hashem is doing!


When we do a mitzvah because of the tragedy, we are avenging their blood. We are giving the martyrs  merit. You cannot forget them! And the captives – we can give them merit to be saved! Every second, remember – what can I do for them?


There is a verse: “Don’t be afraid of them… because Hashem your God walks with you, to fight your enemies, to save you.” (Devarim 20: 3-4)


We see from here how critically important it is that Hashem be with us now! Reality on the ground – without miracles, thousands of soldiers and citizens throughout the entire country are in grave danger. The very existence of the State of Israel is now on the line. Regardless of what we think of its leadership, without it, millions of Jews are in grave danger.

What Can We Do?

What can we do to make sure Hashem is with us?



Strengthen observance of Shabbat! The two communities around Gaza that keep Shabbat were both saved that day! The press does not report this miracle, because they only talk about those who were killed. Shabbat guarded them! It’s impossible! When we keep Shabbat, Hashem is with us. Also, I heard from a Rabbi I used to know, that the Hebrew word “neshek” (which means “weapon”) stands for “neirot Shabbat kodesh” – candles for the holy Shabbat. Ladies, your Shabbat candles give the Jewish people spiritual weapons that fuel the physical weapons!


Here is the real kicker – a hidden tzaddik quoted the Torah, “Lest something immodest be seen in you and God will turn away from behind you.” He said the modest dress of the women is critical to Hashem being “with us” and not needing to “turn away” to avoid seeing our immodesty.


Rabbi Yaakov Ades recently called for “kedusha elyona” – the highest levels of personal holiness. So are many other tzaddikim, including Rabbi Arush.


Every centimeter of longer sleeves, longer skirt, wider clothing, etc. saves lives. Rabbi Arush said that a short skirt kills a soldier, and a long skirt guards the soldier with miracles! And oy va voy, a see-through garment kills a battalion, Hashem should save us.


Hashem simply hates and despises sexual lust. A woman’s beauty is powerful, and the entire basis of holiness is that a man be able to think about Hashem instead of running after short skirts. And for a woman, Hashem also keeps the Torah in a certain respect. A man is not allowed to look at or say a blessing around a woman dressed immodestly. So too Hashem can’t “look at” her either, and hence does not hear her prayers in the same way.


The holiness of the men is also very, very important – no Jew is exempt. But there is a reason why it says, “In the merit of the righteous women we were redeemed from Egypt, and in the merit of the righteous woman we will be redeemed from exile!” (Talmud, Sotah 11b)


Breslev Israel is happy to partner with Bring the Shechina Home – protect a soldier or hostage by taking upon yourself some extra effort in modesty. For women and girls in Israel, an evening of tefillot and inspiration will be held on Nov 4 at 7:30PM in Beit Shemesh. Check the website for details as they are updated.


Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.  
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.



Not Just Another War

Many tzaddikim are saying this is the war of Gog and Magog. How do we win – and how do we survive?

Rachel Avrahami | Posted on 02November23 https://breslev.com/4067862/

Not Just Another War by Rachel Avrahami

Not Just Another War by Rachel Avrahami

This is not just another war. More than one of the 36 hidden tzaddikim that I am connected to is saying that this is the last war, and after this, Mashiach will come. We are fighting a war on two fronts. Some missiles have come in from Syria, an ominous sign. Yemen has been sending missiles and drones and officially declared war. And now US army bases have been attached in Syria and Iraq. Big, big signs.


The Gemara says that Mashiach will come when everyone has already despaired of him coming. I know that I for one am feeling that despair right now. However, I did hear from one reliable source that it’s not actually wrong. It’s just that the Redemption is a long process and we don’t understand how it’s unfolding. But looking back after Mashiach is revealed, we will understand how these were years of the Redemption, years during which important background processes happened that were necessary.


And the Holocaust that the Jewish people just experienced on Simchat Torah is one of them. Another stop along the way, another big contraction in this birth of a new world, a perfected world, of the Full Redemption and the revelation not only of Mashiach himself, but of the Kingship of Hashem. That there is one God who runs the world and manages and decides every detail in it. Ein od milvado – there is none other.


Additionally, Rabbi Kaduri’s son recently came to Rabbi Arush, explaining that his father left him a sealed envelope before his passing, telling him not to open it until he was given permission. Friday night of Parshat Bereishit, the week after the Holocaust of Simchat Torah – Rabbi Kaduri zt”l came to his son in a dream telling him to open the envelope. Inside, it said that when terrorists will come into Israel and butcher Jews in the south – this is the sign that the Geula is now beginning in earnest. And then Rabbi Kaduri’s son learned with Rabbi Arush the section in Chronicles that Harav then discussed in his class last week: Why is Hashem Doing This to Us?


Another sign I heard in the class of a prominent Kabbalist, Rabbi Biton, is that everything happened between 6 and 7. In the Jewish year, we are in the year 5783, getting towards the end of the 6th millennia. The 7th millennia is Shabbat – Mashiach, the world in a perfected state. So right now, we are in Chevlei Mashiach – the “birth pangs” of Mashiach, as Hashem prepares the world to transition. The terrorists butchered most of the Jews on Simchat Torah between 6 and 7 in the morning, a hint from Hashem as to where this attack falls in the spectrum of time. There were several other hints from the Zohar he brought between 6 and 7, including a hint to this attack on page 298 – רצח – in the Zohar (in Hebrew, letters are also numbers and can be used to number pages in books). That page number spells out retzach – which means “murder” in Hebrew.


Hence, there are hints and signs everywhere! The question is: What are we supposed to do about it?


More and More Prayer

I’ve already written extensively about how everyone needs to fight this war with everything they have in my previous articles in this series, particularly my article Avenging their Blood. A hidden tzaddik recently mentioned a section in the Rambam which discusses the positive mitzvah to cry out to Hashem in times of distress. Hence, this tzaddik said that every letter of Psalms right now is a positive Torah commandment – not just Rabbinical, but Torah obligated! He said it is the biggest cruelty right now to not say Psalms when all the Jewish people is in terrible danger. Hamas is loaded to the gills with weaponry not only in Gaza, but all over the land – and we have nothing to protect ourselves with. The least we can do is use the power we do have – “the voice is the voice of Jacob” – personal prayer and Psalms!


More and More Emuna

I was discussing with a friend last week that all of Rabbi Arush’s teachings to date were all preparation for RIGHT NOW. Rabbanit Arush mentioned when she brought a group of women with her to pray at Kever David Hamelech that everything that is happening is part of the final and most painful birur – clarification of souls.


You can’t sit on the fence anymore, nor can you hide. It’s time to choose if you’re with the Jewish people, or not. Your actions prove your decision! We see how many people are – thank You, Hashem! – keeping Shabbat for the first time, putting on tefillin and tzitzit, saying Psalms, more and more. The war is pushing us to action!


The key is to tone down thinking about the physical war and remember that the real war of Gog and Magog is spiritual! A spiritual war over each and every Jewish soul.

Will you hold onto your emuna? Will you pray, or be glued to your phone? And most importantly – will you be afraid – or will you be filled with emuna and trust in Hashem?


Evil in the world is rising, but it’s only a mirage. If you trust only in Hashem, nothing can touch you. Every bullet has an address. Ein od milvado – there is nothing besides God!


A few ideas to do in these times of distress:

  1. Say Shema: A proven segula for protection from the Zohar!
    Shema Yisrael, Ado-nai Elo-henu, Ado-nai Echad. Then quietly – Baruch shem kavod malchuto l’olam vaed. When you say “malchuto” – pray for the revelation of Hashem as God, King Mashiach ben David, and rebuilding of the Holy Temple.
  2. Ein od milvado: Another proven segula is remembering that there is only Hashem, and He manages the world with perfect Divine providence. Nothing can harm you if it is not His will, and if it is His will, then it’s good and I accept Your will with love!
  3. Hashem’s Name. This is from Rabbi Biton – imagine in your head the letters of Hashem’s name,  י -ה- ו-ה. Imagine the letters getting bigger and bigger, filling up all the space in your mind. Whenever you are focused on this, you are focusing essentially on Hashem, you are with Hashem, and you are totally protected!

Those who continue to focus only on Hashem, who truly want to serve Hashem, who trust Hashem and know that He is the only real power, who stay away from “fallen fears” and “the might of my right hand,” who do lots of acts of loving-kindness and loving fellow Jews – Hashem will indeed save them, and they will merit to see Mashiach and outright miracles, very soon, amen!



Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.  
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.




The Battle No One is Exempt From

The current war calls all of us to arms. No exemptions! Our war effort now is teshuva and prayer for the complete redemption in a merciful way.

David Ben Horin | Posted on 31October2023 https://breslev.com/4066907/

The Battle No One is Exempt From by David Ben Horin

The Battle No One is Exempt From by David Ben Horin


God bless the People of Israel.


Days after the horrific massacre on Simchat Torah, 130% of the people called to fight have reported for duty. Reservists who weren’t called up to enter the minefields of Gaza refused to sit on the sidelines, and they came without orders.


Israelis stand in line for 10 hours to donate blood to their brothers.


The support given to the victims of the attacks, soldiers serving on the front, and Israeli refugees who have been evacuated from their homes on both the northern and southern borders is staggering.


Everybody has abandoned their politics for the good of the nation. Left-wing leaders have joined the right-wing government. Former finance ministers on both the right and left advise Betzalel Smotrich on piloting our economy through this unprecedented war.


There is so much charity. There is so much unity. There is so much goodness.


In the merit of Jewish unity, may Hashem bless us with victory.

The Same Playbook, the Same Tactics

Our first steps were powerful. We bombed Gaza fearlessly. We laid a total blockade to starve them into releasing our brothers and sisters taken hostage. We amassed hundreds of thousands of troops on the Gazan and Lebanese borders to eradicate our adversaries.


Moments before we were about to give the go-ahead for our troops to enter Gaza, President Biden announced, without coordinating with us, he was coming to Israel.


His staff spent seven hours in our IDF war room dictating terms of what we were allowed to do. Suddenly, the siege on Gaza was lifted, and Hamas is eating Swiss chocolate from the Red Cross again. Even when we want to be bold, the Americans put a leash on our leaders and handcuff our army. We are restricted from doing anything that we haven’t done in previous operations.


The only side that is permitted to do something new is Hamas. As long as America limits us to military and humanitarian actions that we’ve used in the past, Hamas has the advantage. Hamas knows what Israeli actions come next, and they are prepared accordingly.


Old is the New New

The only way to win this brutal war is to do something we haven’t done before.


As a nation, we haven’t prayed before. We haven’t made universal repentance before. We haven’t rallied each other to perform mitzvot before.


The one exception was the first week in June 1967. We saw the blessing Hashem gave us from our unity, humility, and repentance.


Unfortunately, the exception did not become the rule. We still rely on the IDF to do the nation’s job of teshuva. There is more to be done and every one of us must do it.


We still rely on our political leaders to do God’s job. We must petition our Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth to earn redemption, protection, and salvation. It is the job of every Jew to look to our Father to protect us from our enemies. The way to win this war is to cry out to our Father in prayer.


Before charity, volunteering, and social media activism, our sworn duty is to recite Psalms daily for our brothers and sisters, the people of Israel. All Psalms are powerful. Our Sages recommend Psalms 20, 22, 69, 83, 121, 122, and 124.


Take one mitzvah and do it with more intensity. Increase your Torah learning. Tell God you love Him.


God has His eyes on Israel from the first day of the year to the last. He is infinitely stronger than the US State Department. He is immensely greater than Europe.


Hashem can squash Hamas in Gaza like ants. We must ask Him. Every day.


This is the battle nobody is excused from.


David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. David‘s Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show.



The Tzaddik of Simchat Torah

The tremendous story by a survivor of the Simchat Torah massacre came out. How did he survive against all odds? Let’s follow his example to bring the Final Redemption mercifully!

David Ben Horin Posted on 10November2023 https://breslev.com/4067654/

The Tzaddik of Simchat Torah by David Ben Horin

The Tzaddik of Simchat Torah by David Ben Horin

Even out of the carnage of the Simchat Torah massacre of more than a thousand Jews, we find a story of repentance and salvation.


While 3,000 partygoers were dancing away at sunrise, Hamas terrorists breached the Gaza border fence that separates us and them. The terrorists didn’t come wearing terrorist garb. They came in IDF uniforms and dressed as medics. Hamas terrorists knew that the partygoers would flee to the “soldiers” and “medics” whom they thought were there to rescue them.


It was an ambush.  Instead of rescue, the terrorists raped, tortured, beheaded, and butchered 1,400 Israelis. They wounded over 5,000 more. They took over 220 hostages.

A Survivor’s Story

One of the partygoers ran with a group of his friends. He saw a pile of leaves and quickly buried himself inside. Surrounded by bullets coming at him and his friends from all sides, he started to pray to God. He began to make repentance at what he thought would be the last moments of his life.


God saved him.  All his friends who kept running were murdered by these soulless barbarians. He lived.


He recounted that he prayed all day until he was able to escape. He survived. He beat the odds. Everyone around him was executed, but he did something different – he appealed to God to protect him.

Our Story

We are all fighting the same war against the same enemy. UN Aid trucks are now coming into Gaza. Every time they unload their “assistance,” it starts to rain missiles on Tel Aviv. Even after this massacre, the world is still arming Hamas to do to us what ISIS did to the Yazidis.


To beat these monsters once and for all, we need to act like this brave man. We need to increase our prayer. We all need to strive to become righteous.


Netivot is as close to Gaza as Sderot. The great Baba Sali is buried in Netivot. The entire city was spared.  We have the greatest protection in the universe. If we want to be safe, we must seek shelter in the shadow of God. This is how to protect our children from our enemies.

The World is Hamas

Torah and mitzvot beseech Hashem’s protection from a physical enemy. They also guarantee Hashem’s protection from a cultural and spiritual enemy.


How many religious Jews want to dress up as a member of the opposite sex? How many religious Jews give their hard-earned money to senseless causes? Does even 1% of the religious community protest in favor of Hamas?


When we seek shelter in the shadow of God, He will protect us from Hamas in Gaza and every type of Hamas in the world.


“Hamas” (חמס) is a Hebrew word and is found in the Torah:

ותשחת הארץ לפני ה’ ותמלא הארץ חמס

And the earth had become corrupt before G-d; and the earth had become filled with robbery. (Bereishit 6:11)


God judged that the world was filled with hamas right before He destroyed it in the flood.  “Hamas” is robbery, theft, lying, cheating, murder, perversion, and all forms of injustice. “Hamas” is every abomination in this world that God hates.


Hamas is our physical and spiritual enemy. The way to win our war against Hamas is through prayer and mitzvot. A life of Torah is the Divine antidote to the sickness of Hamas and everything it represents.

We are at War

This war has been raging for a long time. Now it’s time for all of us to fight.


Brothers and sisters: God has given us a very clear path to victory and total obliteration of our enemies. Let us follow the survivor’s example.


Here is how you can protect yourselves and your loved ones:

God will lead the charge to destroy the enemies of Israel.


Our job is to fall in behind Him.


David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. Davids Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show.




The Global Pidyon

by Rivka Levy 31December2023 https://thinkforyourselfpublishing.com/the-global-pidyon/


Last week, one of the biggest tzaddik nistarim in Israel was asked what could be done, to get this horrible war to stop.

He said that there was nothing that could be done, because (I’m paraphrasing here) ‘the other side’ had already made sure to tie the hands of the ‘One in a Generation’ who could actually ‘sweeten’ the global harsh decrees that are made against the Jewish people.

These days, that person can’t so much as even mention the word ‘pidyon’, or they will get sent straight back to jail.

And they certainly can’t put out any statements explaining what a ‘global pidyon’ actually is, or how it’s going to help to change the whole, horrible, picture around here, in the Holy Land.


So, what’s to be done?

While I was pondering all this, I got word that the Rav has been taken ill with pneumonia, and is currently very weak…

This has happened so many times in the past, including even recently.


And the timing is always meaningful, and always coincides with another big ‘uptick’ in the dinim hanging over the Jews…. Which then have a habit of melting away, like they never existed in the first place.


Halavai, this should happen this time around.


But in the meantime, I started going through OIAG 2, to find some more examples of when the Rav took ill exactly the same time as there were massive ‘wars’, or waves of terrorism, about to erupt involving Eretz Yisrael and the Jewish people.


(There have been literally tens of examples, in recent years.)


And that’s when I tripped across these passages, talking about the ‘98 global pidyon’.


OIAG 2 was first published back in 2019 – four years ago.

And these statements from the Rav were actually made back in 2015 – eight years ago.


But, they are still so relevant for right now.


I know all this is a bit cryptic.


All I can say, is that ‘the evils’ planned this whole thing meticulously, to literally take the Rav out of action, outlaw pidyonot, and stick him in prison, the same week ‘Covid’ turned up in Israel….

I.e. – precisely the time when the pidyonot would be most required.


I am now looking for more of what the Rav said back in 2015 about the ‘98 pidyon’, but what follows all comes from OIAG 2, beginning on page 234, in the chapter called THE THIRD INTIFADA BEGINS.


It starts with when the Rav’s heart literally stopped for many minutes in Holland, and he almost died, God forbid.


It’s truly prophetic – and is describing exactly what we’ve been going through here in Eretz Yisrael, since October 7th, 2023:


[The excerpt from OIAG 2 starts here]

On the January 7, 2015, less than a week after the Rav was hospitalized and fitted with a pacemaker, Muslim terrorism hit the French capital, Paris, in a dramatic way.

First, armed Muslim gunmen forced their way into the offices of a French satirical periodical called Charlie Hebdo and started firing. They killed 12 people and injured another 11, before being tracked down by French police and killed in a gun battle.


At the same time the Charlie Hebdo massacre was occurring, another armed Muslim terrorist broke into a kosher supermarket called Hypercacher in the Île-de-France region, where five Jews were murdered in cold blood and another 11 were wounded.


The twin terror attacks on the French capital shocked the world, and signaled the beginning of a new, and increasingly violent, chapter in Muslim terrorism.



A couple of weeks later, on Rosh Chodesh Shvat 5775 (January 21, 2015), the Rav delivered the following rousing call to his followers, and to the nation of Israel:

“Now, we’re in a war. This is a new intifada. In Paris, they murdered five Jews. In Holland, they also tried to kill a couple of Jews. They closed all the schools, and they closed all the offices. The children are scared to go to school now, because of what happened in Toulouse[1]. Am Yisrael, we’re in more danger now than ever before. This is a terrible intifada that is spreading throughout the whole globe, the whole world.”


“Yesterday, they stabbed 12 innocent, sinless Jews on a bus[2], and no one even paid any attention; no one was even shocked by it. No one is talking about this, but we need to publicize this. The whole world is applauding each Jew that is murdered and killed.



It’s impossible to sweeten the harsh judgments over the people of Israel, except by jumping into the fire [i.e. acting with mesirus Nefesh].

Only if we jump into the fire will we be able to sweeten all the judgments, so that there won’t be any more judgments against Am Yisrael. 


Every man is obligated to guard his eyes! This is true mesirus Nefesh! If people would guard their eyes, it would sweeten all of the harsh decrees.


All the bad decrees are due to a lack of guarding the eyes. Each time an eye is opened [to see forbidden things], a Jew is killed. Each time an eye is opened, a Jew is stabbed.



If someone would see how many demons and spirits [there are in every square meter of the world], even a little, then immediately his soul would leave him.


Therefore, Hashem gave us the ability not to see. And now is the time when all of the demons and spirits are coming out of the bottle and are bursting forth.


All of the terrorists are demons and spirits. All of Hamas and all of Al–Qaida and all of ISIS, they are demons and spirits.


[When a person is reciting the Shema,] he needs to have the proper intention, he needs to have proper attention when saying Hashem Aechad [God is one]. AecHaD also stand for: Al-Qaida, Hamas and Da-ash (the Arabic name for ISIS).


A person needs to have the correct intention that Hashem Aechad, God is One. If a person has the intention that God is One, then he will excise all of Al-Qaida, all of Hamas, and all of Da-ash (ISIS), [those] who decapitate others, and kill children and babies.



“This whole intifada is being encouraged by the nations of the world.

The whole world is egging on this intifada, all of the nations, and all of them are sorry that Hitler (may his name be erased) didn’t finish the job.

Now, they’re relying on the Arabs [to finish the job]… 

All the nations of the world long for Jewish blood Now, there’s an intifada like there hasn’t been since the beginning of the world. Twelve innocent people got stabbed on a bus, and the [nations of the world] don’t flinch. The world didn’t shake, and the world didn’t even pay it any attention.



They only pay attention if a shot is fired in Gaza [in self defense], then the whole world is shaken up.

‘They fired a bullet in Gaza!? How could they do such a terrible thing!? Who did this terrible crime?! Judge him in The Hague, judge him in Brussels!’


So, we have arrived at the end of days. This is the prophecy of the end of days. This is why Yaakov was scared to reveal the prophecy of what would happen at the end of days.”



On Erev Sukkos 5776 (September 27, 2015), the Rav wrote an unusual prayer about the so-called “blood-red moon” that was seen in the skies above Jerusalem on the first night of Sukkos. The Rav wrote: “About this [the blood moon] the Zohar wrote in parsahas Shelach 162 that ‘the moon will turn to blood.

Immediately after the blood-red moon appeared, the third intifada began, with the cold-blooded murder of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Henkin on October 1, 2015, who were shot to death by Palestinian terrorists in front of their four children as they were driving in the Shomron hills.

Just a few days later, on October 3, 2015, the holy martyrs Aharon Bennett and Rav Nechemia Lavi were also murdered in cold blood in front of their children, in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem….



A little before Purim 5755, Rav Berland issued a call for every member of Am Yisrael to contribute a sum of money, however small, toward a communal “pidyon hakollel” that would sweeten the harsh decrees of the so-called Third Intifada that the Rav could see looming on the horizon.

The goal was to raise $600,000 — a dollar for each of the root souls of the nation of Israel — and to sweeten the judgments that way.



At that time, he sent out a message saying:


“We are in a new intifada, and it’s a terrible intifada that will spread around the globe. It’s impossible to stop it [by natural means].”


Unfortunately, even though the request to participate in the “pidyon hakollel” was repeated many times, with announcements appearing in many of the Breslov yeshivos encouraging people to donate, and many people took the Rav’s plea to heart, most of these people were not wealthy, and barely a sixth of the total required was raised.



Then the Festival of Sukkos 5776 arrived, and with it came the beginning of the prophesized upswing in Arab violence.

When the shootings, stabbings and other attacks began in earnest in Eretz Yisrael, everyone saw that the prophecy of the Rav had indeed materialized. The Third Intifada, foreseen by the Rav and which he’d hoped to avoid and sweeten, had begun.


At this time, the Rav publicized an important message that whoever would donate 98 shekels a month for a pidyon would be saved, in that merit, along with his whole family, from the terrorist attacks.



The Rav promised this himself, in the following words where he said:


“As long as the intifada continues, everyone is obligated to give, every Jew in every place of the world. Even non-Jews should give 98 shekels — which is $26, or €25, every month, for as long as this continues.*


In every place in the world there are terror attacks. Whoever wants to be saved from this new intifada that is spreading over the entire globe, needs to give.


Everyone who gives the pidyon will be saved from all attacks, and from all stumbling blocks, and from all types of sin.”



All of this comes directly from the pages of OIAG2, written 4-5 years ago, describing comments the Rav made eight years ago.


The bit to pay attention to is this:

At this time, the Rav publicized an important message that whoever would donate 98 shekels* a month for a pidyon would be saved, in that merit, along with his whole family, from the terrorist attacks.

The Rav promised this himself, in the following words where he said:


“As long as the intifada continues, everyone is obligated to give, every Jew in every place of the world. Even non-Jews should give 98 shekels — which is $26, or €25, every month, for as long as this continues.


In every place in the world there are terror attacks. Whoever wants to be saved from this new intifada that is spreading over the entire globe, needs to give.

Everyone who gives the pidyon will be saved from all attacks, and from all stumbling blocks, and from all types of sin.”



*The 98 shekels ($26, €25) was later changed by the Rav, as the killings increased to 98 shekels for those living in Israel, 98 USD for those living in US, and 98 euro for everyone else. And it should be done for each member of the household on a monthly recurring basis.


Ad kan, from OIAG 2, published back in 2019.



There are no ‘promises’ today, let’s be 100% clear.


The Rav was sent to prison for two years because the State claimed he was promising stuff he couldn’t deliver.


This whole deal is emunat tzaddikim.


If you don’t have emunat tzaddikim – move on, don’t donate, and don’t participate in trying to get this ‘pidyon kollel’ raised to bring this horrible war to an end here in Israel.


Go find some other solution, some other response, that ticks your box more.



But in the meantime, let me bring a few more snippets from that same OIAG2 – published four years ago:





The language that Chazal use to describe “money” is damim, which literally means “blood” or “bloods” in Hebrew. When there are harsh decrees hanging over Am Yisrael, they can only be sweetened by immense amounts of mesirus nefesh, or self-sacrifice from the Jewish people, which often entails the spilling of blood.


But there is another way of sweetening the decrees.

Instead of spilling real blood, God forbid, it’s also possible to fulfill the requirement to “spill blood” by the self-sacrifice required in giving money, or damim.


If you give whatever amount you’re able to give, with mesirus nefesh, then you fulfill the verse that states, “Charity saves from death[3].”



A pidyon nefesh where each person gives a fixed amount is called pidyon hakollel, or “communal redemption.”


And this sweetens all of the judgments that are currently hanging over the nation of Israel, which means we won’t see any more blood spilled in our country.



As the toll from the terrible stabbings, murders and other terrorist attacks in Israel continued to mount, shortly before the Fast of Esther 5776 (March 22, 2016), Rav Berland issued a call for at least 10,000 people to come together at Me’aras Hamachpelah in Chevron.


Rav Berland promised that if a minimum of 10,000 participants would go to Chevron on the forthcoming Fast of Esther to pray, the attacks would stop.



A little over 10,000 people — including some of the nation’s leading Rabbis — heeded the call and went to Chevron for the prayer gathering.


After the crowd had finished reading through the entire book of Tehillim, Rav Berland was contacted to speak to the gathering on a phone that was attached to a number of loudspeakers.


Over 10,000 people heard him say that night: “In the merit of this gathering, the Intifada will stop”.



Miraculously from that night on, the stabbings and attacks that had been occurring on an almost daily basis beforehand did indeed abruptly stop.



After the event, Rav Yekusiel Fish commented: “Whoever can’t put two and two together is an idiot.


Specifically, at the same time that we are under constant attack from the Iranian nuclear threat, Rav Berland is being persecuted and is suffering in exile.


Without question, Rav Berland has been fighting the [Iranian’s] spiritual source, as is hinted to in his name “Berland”, which means ‘land of the bear’ in Yiddish. It’s known from the Gemara, (Tractate Yoma 77a) that the spiritual source of the Persian nation is called “Dubiel” the heavenly bear.


There is no question that Rav Berland is fighting them at their source, as well as all the other threats that Am Yisrael is facing. Whoever doesn’t put two and two together….


Here’s a Tzaddik who is halting the tragedies himself, who is stopping a nuclear attack.


He said: “Go and make a prayer gather on the night of the fast of Esther and it will stop the Intifada.” They went and did this, and immediately the Intifada stopped after half a year that not one day passed without killings!”



Speaking shortly before Pesach 5776, Rav Shalom Arush commented:


“After the last prayer gathering in Chevron on the Fast of Esther, we clearly saw with our own eyes the strength of our teacher, Rav Eliezer Berland, shlita. 


After the prayer gathering that the Rav called for in Chevron, the terrorist attacks halted altogether.

We suffered so much from those terrorist attacks and now we see with our own eyes that it stopped.”



Rav Berland had requested that another prayer gathering should be organized in Chevron on April 27, 2016, and Rav Arush was encouraging people to attend.


Rav Arush continued:


“Pesach is the time of redemption, and there is no other place that can work salvations like Me’aras Hamachpelah… 


Everyone is obligated to make an effort and to participate. It’s really important. We clearly saw with our own eyes how the last prayer gathering truly worked miracles on behalf of Am Yisrael… We need to [pray to] continue to bring the geulah the sweet way, and that the Rav should return [to Israel].”



Pray on this, mull this over, above all else, think for yourself, about the clues these passages contain.


About how we can actually start to turn things around spiritually, and protect our soldiers being sent to fight in the Gaza death trap – and ourselves.


BH in the next post, I’ll bring more translated material from a few years ago, explaining why specifically 98.


With Hashem’s help, we can start to turn things around today, too, using the same strategy.





[1] On March 19, 2012, four Jews, including a father and his three small children, were shot to death by a gunman at the Otzer HaTorah Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse.

[2] On January 21, 2015, 12 Israelis were stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist on a Tel Aviv commuter bus.

[3] Mishlei 11:4.




Hidden things

by Rivka Levy 23November2023 https://www.thinkforyourselfpublishing.com/hidden-things/

Yesterday, I went to the evening prayers of the Rav, and he wasn’t there.

Someone thought he’d gone to Tel Aviv or something – but he had definitely left Jerusalem.

This last week, the Rav’s been keeping his comments after the evening prayers pretty short, just repeating how ‘tznius’ and smashing i-Phones are the key to getting the war to end with no more Jewish lives lost.


I am still going through his comments from 2-3 weeks ago, and if I have time I will put some more of them up soon.

But the stuff that’s already gone up here should be enough to clue us in to the following basic ideas:

  • All of politics, the world over, is a sham, a stage-managed farce full of ‘actors’ who pretend they are the ones deciding policy and laws.
  • All these wars all over the world are being ‘stage managed’ from behind the scenes, by the cabal who actually profits from all this death, suffering and hatred.
  • That cabal is run from the shadows, by the people at the very top of all these ‘secret societies’ – the names of which don’t actually matter so much, as they are connect straight back to demonic forces, and transcend country, faith and people.
  • The real war is the one being fought between ‘good’ and ‘evil’.


If you want to carry on wasting your time and energy and ‘soul power’ arguing over politics, decrying the puppets for acting as though they are not actually working for the best outcome for the Jewish people (like, duh!) – that’s your choice.

You won’t change anything real like that, and you’ll probably just end getting very bitter, depressed and despairing about the state of the world.

That’s why the Rav – and other genuine Jewish leaders – have been putting the emphasis right on the start on us upping our own game, spiritually.


That means more tehillim, teshuva, tznius, mitzvot – and of course, understanding that only the people who were listening to the instructions of Moshe Rabbenu actually got out of Mitzrayim, regardless of all the other good stuff they were engaged in.


Right now, you and me have no idea what is really going on.

And don’t think that listening to Army Radio, or watching Channel 14 news 24/7 is going to change that – it’s just going to give you a headache and make you even more stressed and worried.

But there are a group of our holy leaders who have been fully aware of this evil, and fighting it, for decades.

If you do your best to identify who the really holy people are, and to do what they say, you’ll get through this OK, God willing.


In the meantime… life continues in Israel.

Weddings are still happening, BH, (I will tell you more about what a rollercoaster ride that has been, the last few weeks, once the happy couple actually get hitched, BH.)

People are still going down to the Kotel.

There is still food in the shops, and sales in the malls for ‘blue November’.

Kids are back in school, mostly.


And more and more people are now understanding that we only have Hashem to rely on.

If they didn’t figure that out when our corrupt government spent millions of shekels chasing the Rav all over the world a decade ago….


Or, when our corrupt government then went ‘full fascist’ with Covid lockdowns and green passports…


Or, when 45 people got deliberately murdered at Meron….


Or even, when our whole security establishment ‘went to sleep’ that horrible morning of Simchat Torah (and also, three months beforehand when Hamas were training for the attack right next to the fence….)

Now, they are finally starting to get it.

Which means that soon, very soon, all this WILL turn around for the very best.


So, going forward, some recommendations for how to maintain optimal emotional equilibrium in this very difficult situation we still find ourselves in:

  1. Turn off the news, and stop engaging with the ‘puppet theatre’ that is politics. No marches, demonstrations, hasbara, or ranting about Biden, Hamas or anyone else is going to achieve anything positive – and actually does the opposite. The forces of evil actually ‘feed off’ all those negative emotions of fear, despair, anger, hatred etc, that the corrupt media is so good at inducing in us all.
  2. Chuck out your smartphone and switch online stuff to a computer or tablet that stays in your house, and doesn’t come with you every where like a digital ball-and-chain.
  3. Keep going with the prayers and tehillim – aim for an hour of day of talking to God in your own words, which you can combine with walking, washing dishes, sitting with a cup of tea etc.
  4. In times of war, the attribute of Heavenly Judgement focusses in especially on kedoshim tiyehu – you shall be holy! Hence, the Rav’s massive emphasis on more modest dress and behavior, and getting the sources of pritzus out of dalet amot.
  5. Keep updated on the ravberland.com site, or if you read Hebrew, shuvubanimint.com site – that last one has the Shivivei Or newsletters with the Rav’s weekly shiurim in PDF format, that you can print out and read in the original.
  6. In past years when there were times of war in Israel, the Rav asked people to contribute ’98’ in their local currency a month, as a global pidyon for the Jewish people. He is now forbidden from saying anything about money or pidyonot at all, so I’m extrapolating that what held then, still holds now.

Do some hitbodedut, come to your own conclusions.


In the meantime, here’s the headline of another of the latest translated shiurim from the Rav, from the ravberland.com website, which basically spells out exactly what is really going on here:

The Whole World Regrets that Hitler Didn’t Finish Off the Jews” – R’ Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

The Rav has been saying this for years, and honestly, I used to think he was exaggerating a little.

But not anymore.

And may we see with our own eyes, how all this turns around very, very soon for the best.



Better News So Far:


Yoni Leviatan-tweet-12November2023-Two predictions about this war that have not played out so far
Two predictions about this war that have not played out so far:

1. Everyone said a ground op into Gaza would greatly increase the casualties on both sides, but the opposite has happened – far less innocent Gazans have died from ground forces in the last few days than they did when the air force was busy preparing the battlefield.

Most of the people dying now are Hamas.

Just as important, far less @IDF soldiers have died than anyone expected, notwithstanding the tragic few we’ve already lost. They’ve also been able to safely evacuate 200,000 more Gazans from the northern strip – Gazans that Hamas was shooting at in order to get them to stay and die as human shields.

The slow and steady strategy seems to be working well for everyone (except Hamas).

Again, this is only true at this point, but the larger point is Americans forgot that Gaza isn’t Fallujah while Europeans forgot that Israelis aren’t blithering cowards.

All of which goes to show why @Israel
should continue to ignore the naysayers and stick to the business of eradicating Hamas, haters be damned.

2. Everyone said Israel would ruin its ties with the Arab world, but not a single friendly Arab country has chosen to do so.

In fact, Saudi Arabia said it intends to continue pursuing relations with Israel. It also called for the hostages to be released at the Arab League/OIC summit this weekend.

Additionally, Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, Mauritania, Djibouti and Saudi Arabia all voted against a proposal that wanted to: cut ties, disrupt oil supplies to Israel and its allies, prevent the transfer of US equipment to Israel from bases in Arab countries, prevent flights to and from Israel using Arab countries’ air space, and form a joint mission to put pressure on Western nations for a ceasefire.

Numerous Arab countries rejected all of that.

Just as we should reject all of the NGOs, government quacks, armchair quarterbacks and keyboard commandos who don’t know the first thing about how to survive in the Middle East.

Yoni Leviatan-tweet-12November2023-Two predictions about this war that have not played out so far

Yoni Leviatan-tweet-12November2023-Two predictions about this war that have not played out so far



Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-3December2023-IDF troops eliminated exposed shafts to Hamas’ underground tunnels
IDF troops eliminated 500 of the 800+ exposed shafts to Hamas’ underground tunnels located near or inside kindergartens, schools, playgrounds and mosques.

To be clear, these places aren’t childproof, but rather teeming with terrorism.

Every tunnel shaft and weapon we find is further proof of how Hamas deliberately uses the residents of Gaza for their terrorist agenda against Israelis.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-3December2023-IDF troops eliminated exposed shafts to Hamas’ underground tunnels

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-3December2023-IDF troops eliminated exposed shafts to Hamas’ underground tunnels




Hanukkah-IDF-Our Light will overcome Hamas’ Darkness

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-7December2023-Hanukkah-IDF-Our Light will overcome Hamas’ Darkness
Tonight, while all those celebrating Hanukkah light the first candle, the IDF will be here, on the ground watching over our home.

Together our light is stronger.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-7December2023-Hanukkah-IDF-Our Light will overcome Hamas' Darkness

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-7December2023-Hanukkah-IDF-Our Light will overcome Hamas’ Darkness




The Maccabean revolt of 2023

Caroline B. Glick https://www.jns.org/the-maccabean-revolt-of-2023/

The Maccabean Revolt of 2023-The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus

The Maccabean Revolt of 2023-The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus


Special Chanukah episode of the Caroline Glick Show “IN-FOCUS.”

(December 11, 2023 / JNS) Caroline Glick examines the Macabees, Hellenists and the struggle for Jewish identity throughout Jewish history, including during this present moment in the battle for Israel against neighboring terrorism.
Tune in to a special Chanukah episode of “IN-FOCUS.”


SPECIAL HANUKKAH EPISODE: The Maccabean Revolt of 2023 | The Caroline Glick Show In – Focus



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Government approves hostage release deal, Otzma Yehudit ministers vote against

Government approves deal under which 50 living Israelis will be released in batches during a four-day ceasefire. The releases will begin on Thursday. Religious Zionist Party votes in favor, Otzma Yehudit votes against.

Emphasis: https://www.israpundit.org/government-approves-hostage-release-deal-only-three-ministers-vote-against/

Published:  22November2023, https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/380717


The government overnight Tuesday approved the deal for the release of some of the hostages being held in Gaza in exchange for the release of Palestinian Arab terrorists who are imprisoned in Israel and at least four days of a ceasefire.


The Religious Zionist Party voted in favor of the deal after a consultation among the members of the faction. The ministers from Otzma Yehudit voted against the deal.


According to the outline, 50 living Israelis will be released in several batches throughout the four days of the ceasefire.

Every day, 12 to 13 hostages will be released. For every 10 additional Israeli hostages who are released – another day of a pause in the fighting will be given.Israeli officials believe that in addition to the 50 hostages, Hamas can release another 30 Israelis.


Accordingly, 140 terrorists will also be released in several phases. The IDF will continue to encircle the northern Gaza Strip. In addition, fuel will only enter Gaza during the days of the ceasefire. The IDF and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) will continue intelligence gathering operations.


Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has pledged to return 30 out of 40 children. About 8 out of 13 mothers will be returned, and an additional 12 elderly women will be returned as well.


The Israeli government said in an official statement on Tuesday night: “The Israeli government is committed to bringing home all the hostages. Tonight, the government approved the outline for the first stage of achieving this goal, according to which at least 50 hostages – women and children – will be released over 4 days, during which there will be a lull in the fighting. The release of every ten additional hostages will result in an additional day of respite.”


“The Israeli government, the IDF and the security forces will continue the war in order to return all the hostages, complete the elimination of Hamas and ensure that there is no renewed threat from Gaza to the State of Israel,” the statement added.


During the discussion, a confrontation broke out between ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Benny Gantz, after Smotrich expressed concern that Hamas would extend the truce beyond what was agreed upon and announce that it had found more hostages.


Gantz replied to Smotrich: “What kind of question is this? We are telling you that this is the deal. What, do you trust us less than Sinwar?”


Meanwhile, Culture Minister Miki Zohar criticized National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, and asked why Otzma Yehudit gathered for a faction meeting before the cabinet meeting. Ben Gvir replied to Zohar: “Because we saw everything in the media before the meeting, so it is very good that we held a meeting. We are not united. This is a that could cause damage for years to come and that will harm us badly.”


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the start of the meeting, and made clear to the ministers that the deal would include visits by the Red Cross to those hostages who will not be released and will include the supply of medicine. The ministers were told that the first day of the ceasefire will be on Thursday and the first batch of hostages will be released that day.


The Prime Minister also promised the ministers that at the end of the ceasefire and the release of the hostages – the fighting against Hamas in Gaza will be resumed with all its might.


“We are at war – and will continue the war. We will continue the war until we achieve all of our war aims: To eliminate Hamas, return all of our hostages and our missing, and ensure that there is no element in Gaza that threatens Israel,” said Netanyahu.


He recalled, “Yesterday evening, I met, together with the members of the War Cabinet, members of the hostages’ families. I listened closely to their plight. With shaking voices, sometimes in tears, they described the nightmare they are in. I told the dear families: ‘Returning our hostages is a sacred and supreme task – and I am obligated to it together with my colleagues. As Maimonides says: There is no greater precept than redeeming captives.”


“We will not relent in our efforts until we redeem them all, until we return them all, the boys and girls, the mothers and fathers, the young men and women, the elderly men and women, the male and female soldiers, all of them,” he stated, adding, “In war there are stages, and in returning the hostages there are stages, but we will not relent until we achieve the absolute victory and until we bring them all back. This is my sacred duty, of all of us.”


“In recent days, I have spoken with our friend, US President Joe Biden and I requested his intervention in order to improve the outline that will be presented to you. Indeed, it has been improved to include more hostages and at a lower cost. These talks have been productive. President Biden joined in the effort and I thank him for it. Before you this evening, now, is a difficult decision but it is the correct decision. All of the security agencies fully support it; they have made it completely clear in their professional assessment, that the security of our forces will be ensured during the pause and that the intelligence effort will be maintained in those days. They have made it clear that not only will the war effort not be harmed, it will enable the IDF to prepare for the continuation of the fighting,” said Netanyahu.


The Prime Minister reiterated, “The war is continuing and the war will continue until we achieve all of our goals – Eliminating Hamas, returning all of our hostages and assuring that the day after Hamas, Gaza will no longer threaten Israel, that there will be no other element that supports terrorism, educates its children for terrorism and threatens the State of Israel. With G-d’s help, we will do it and we will succeed – and together we will win.”


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said, “In the coming hours and days we will be required to make important decisions. The focused, professional and precise operations of the IDF will lead to the results that we hope to achieve in the near future.”


“As a result of the decision taken about a month ago to intensify our ground operations, to enter [Gaza] and to increase the pressure on Hamas, there is now a chance to create a plan that will lead to the release of hostages. I view the release of hostages first and foremost as an issue related to values – a moral issue, an issue that points to the [unwritten] agreement between the State, the government and its citizens. All members of the cabinet, all the members of the IDF, ISA, and Mossad, everyone who is working on the issue of the hostages and missing persons – is dedicating all their time, soul and energy to this issue, day and night,” he added.


“IDF soldiers risk their lives every day, and we see the results. For me, the release of the hostages is of immense value. We all see the pictures, the videos, the people [around us] and think about the [kidnapped] children, soldiers, adults, and Holocaust survivors- and we all understand how important this is.”


“At the same time, without continuing [military] pressure, there will be no chance of bringing [home] additional hostages. Therefore, upon my request and that of the defense establishment, the government has included in its decision, the unequivocal demand that immediately after we have exhausted this phase, all operations by the IDF, ISA and all the security forces, will continue in full force – first in order to defeat Hamas, and secondly, in order to create the necessary conditions to bring home additional hostages,” said the Minister of Defense.


“I would like to take this opportunity together with all members of the government, to express my appreciation, and the appreciation I am sure we share, for all the security forces that are fighting in this war – the IDF, ISA, and Mossad, and every single person working on the issue of the hostages and missing persons. We have a great establishment, and a large part of its strength is in the unity that is demonstrated by this forum, in the government, in the cabinet and in the war cabinet. Thank you very much,” he concluded.



Israel War Room-tweet-22November2023-Hostage-temp ceasefire deal is delayed
Hostage/temp ceasefire deal is delayed:
▪️ Hamas hasn’t signed the deal
▪️ Not all the details have been agreed upon
▪️ Israeli officials: we don’t think the gaps will lead to the collapse of the ceasefire, but “who knows”
▪️ No ceasefire tomorrow, hostages will be released *not before Friday*
▪️ Israel has not received the list of the first hostages to be released (@AmichaiStein1)

Israel War Rooms-tweet-22November2023-Hostage/temp ceasefire deal is delayed

Israel War Rooms-tweet-22November2023-Hostage/temp ceasefire deal is delayed



The released child hostages

Aviva Klompas-tweet-24November2023-The released child hostages
An IDF soldier has been assigned to accompany every released child hostage back to Israel.

If a child asks where their mother or father is, the soldiers have been told to say, “I’m sorry sweetie, I don’t know. My job is to bring you to Israel to a safe place where people you know can answer all your questions.”

Some of the children don’t have parents to return to.

Aviva Klompas-tweet-24November2023-The released child hostages

Aviva Klompas-tweet-24November2023-The released child hostages


Marina Medvin-tweet-25November2023-The luckiest man in the world
The luckiest man in the world — the father of the two little girls and their mother, who were kidnapped by Palestinian terrorists and held as hostages, is reunited with his girls after 49 days of them being kept in the underground tunnels of Gaza.

Marina Medvin-tweet-25November2023-The luckiest man in the world

Marina Medvin-tweet-25November2023-The luckiest man in the world



David/Dovid Bashevkin-tweet-25November2023-Yahel Shoham-Kidnapped by Hamas
Yahel Shoham, young enough to still need a car seat.

Kidnapped by Hamas.

Finally released.

Young enough for a car seat.

We will never forget these horrors. Never.

David/Dovid Bashevkin-tweet-25November2023-Yahel Shoham-Kidnapped by Hamas

David/Dovid Bashevkin-tweet-25November2023-Yahel Shoham-Kidnapped by Hamas


Israel War Room-tweet-27November2023-the returned abductees
The doctors who treated the returned abductees: “They arrived in a state of malnutrition with poor indicators”

At Wolfson Hospital, they told about the medical condition of the freed people, and the conditions they were provided with in Gaza. “Their diet in captivity was mainly based on rice, hummus with flour and pita bread, one of them lost 20 kg,” said the director of the department. “There were days when they didn’t get any food at all.”

Israel War Room-tweet-27November2023-the returned abductees

Israel War Room-tweet-27November2023-the returned abductees


This is where Hamas held hostages

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-21January2024-This is where Hamas held hostages
This is where Hamas held hostages.

IDF soldiers operated in a tunnel located at the heart of a civilian area in Khan Yunis that was used to hold about 20 hostages at different times. The tunnel was about 830 meters long and about 20 meters deep.

We cannot and will not rest knowing innocent civilians are being held in compounds like this one. We will not stop operating until we bring the hostages home.


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-21January2024-This is where Hamas held hostages

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-21January2024-This is where Hamas held hostages




No Aid to the Nazi Society.

The War is Not About Hamas. It’s About Gaza as a Society – Jeremy Gimpel


Hillel Fuld-tweet-29February2024-Gaza is rotten to the core and needs to be denazified from the ground up
Some of the truly insane things I’ve heard from friends and family who are fighting in the depths of Gaza.

I was told that a friend had been to three Hamas bases. I asked him what he means by a base? Like a building they call a base?

Nope. He said Hamas has full army bases equipped with everything a normal base has including obstacle courses, shooting ranges, and more. They’re all over Gaza.

I was also told that they could not walk three feet without seeing a tunnel opening. Gaza is absolutely covered with tunnel holes. I was told that Gaza is literally duplicated under ground.

I was told that every single house, EVERY one, had weapons hidden somewhere. They didn’t enter a single house without some weapons somewhere.

I was told that none of the Hamas terrorists wear uniforms. They are all dressed in civilian clothes so when they’re killed, Hamas can claim they were innocent.

I was told that we have no idea to what extent they use human shields. Hamas terrorists open fire on IDF soldiers with one hand, while holding an elderly lady with the other. This is their most popular tactic.

I was told that they have not met a single innocent civilian there and every single person, even those who pretend they’re innocent in the beginning, are somehow connected to Hamas. Everyone there supports Hamas.

I was told that there are days in which the IDF eliminates hundreds of terrorists.

I was told that it is widely known that if (when) Israel enters Rafah, it’s all over for Hamas. Everyone knows that hundreds, maybe thousands of them are hiding in Rafah hoping the world manages to stop the IDF from going in there. They’re banking on that.

I was told they keep finding books, from children books to text books, describing the history of the Jews, and general information about Jews explaining why they should be killed.

I was told that when an IDF soldier is killed, everyone there celebrates. Somehow they all know about it within minutes and firecrackers are their main method of celebration. Firecrackers and firing guns into the air. And of course, candies. They love giving out candies when a Jew is murdered.

I was told that Hamas terrorists in Gaza are like athletes or movie stars in other places. They are absolute heroes to the Palestinian people who have pictures of them on their walls and describe them as total rockstars.

And finally, the doozy. I was told that on every single computer they find in people’s homes in Gaza, there is porn everywhere. Every single computer has porn on it. But get this, in addition to porn, every single house has sex artifacts all over the place. Sex toys, sexy outfits, and more. All over the place.

All in all, seems like a solid society they’ve built over there in Gaza…

Israel is dealing with some seriously twisted and morally depraved human beings who are told from age zero that Jews are nothing more than animals that deserve to be killed wherever they are.

This society is rotten to the core and needs to be denazified from the ground up. Anything else will just be a bandaid on a society that needs open heart surgery.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-29February2024-Gaza is rotten to the core and needs to be denazified from the ground up

Hillel Fuld-tweet-29February2024-Gaza is rotten to the core and needs to be denazified from the ground up




Israeli protester unite to stop aid trucks from entering Gaza

26January2024 7:02 am | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem


Israelis demonstrate at a protest action at Kerem Shalom border crossing on January 24, 2024. (Courtesy Reut Ben Haim)

Israelis demonstrate at a protest action at Kerem Shalom border crossing on January 24, 2024. (Courtesy Reut Ben Haim)

No humanitarian aid will be allowed until the hostages are treated humanely.

Israelis from left and right have united to physically block the entry of truck convoys containing aid for Gazans but which in fact has fallen directly into Hamas control while Israeli hostages don’t get food, medicine or visits from anyone.


For the second days in a row, no trucks were allowed in, and the dozens of protesters in the first day have swelled to hundreds, with even more expected on the weekend.


The protesters include relatives of hostages held in Gaza and parents of soldiers who have fallen in battle. Unlike the leftist Israelis politicizing the issue and raising the price of hostagews, the Kerem Shalom blockaders have taken a firm and unifying stance that improves Israel’s bargaining position and increases pressure on Hamas.

[EDD: Protesters from the “Order 9” movement demanded that “no aid goes through until the last of the abductees returns, no equipment be transferred to the enemy.”

(An Order 8 call-up notice is an order for the emergency mobilization of an IDF reserve soldier outside the framework of regular reserve duty. Many were issued after Hamas’s Oct. 7 invasion of the northwestern Negev with the mobilization of some 360,000 reserve soldiers).]

Their demand is uncompromising: halt humanitarian aid to Gaza until their loved ones are freed from captivity. This group’s resilience was evident as they bypassed roadblocks, walking kilometers to make their voices heard for the second consecutive day.


Tsufit Libman, directly affected by this crisis, articulates the sentiment of many, labeling the ongoing aid delivery a “moral failure.” Her powerful words, “While we don’t know where our families are and if they are alive, they [Gazans] are getting humanitarian aid,” capture the heart of the protest. This statement, accusing Gazans of abetting Hamas and hiding crimes, reflects deep frustration and a sense of betrayal.


Dani Elgarat, another voice in this chorus of despair, appeals to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bravery. His message is clear: resist international pressure, notably from the U.S., and prioritize the return of captives. Elgarat’s call to action, urging others to physically impede aid, resonates with a community united in anguish and determination.


The situation at the border is more than a blockade; it’s a reflection of a community’s outcry against perceived injustice. Protesters like Elgarat highlight the grim reality that the captives are likely not benefiting from the humanitarian aid entering Gaza. His words, “There are no visits by the Red Cross, no food, medications, signs of life, nothing humanitarian is happening to our captives,” underline the dire situation of the hostages.


The Biden Administration is really exercised about this, insisting that Israel allow the aid to enter. But a government that can’t even keep the Ayalon freeway in Tel Aviv open may find it hard to cope with the groundswell of opposition to the “humanitarian hypcrisy” where only Gazans are entitled to humane treatment.


The Israeli government, however, has failed to stop the growing protests and may not be in such a big hurry to do so. The government would like nations demanding that Israeli fulfill “humanitarian” demands to do something, even the bare minimum, for the civilians and soldiers in Hamas captivity.



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

What is Netanyahu’s “Something Else”?

Military rule without a settlement presence does not yield results that guarantee calm and stability. Op-ed.

Yehudit Katsover & Nadia Matar

21November2023, https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/380670

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar are Co-chairs of the Sovereignty Movement


“Something else.” That is how the Prime Minister characterized the entity that will control the Gaza Strip on the day after the war.


We, citizens of Israel, ask, what is that unnamed “something else.”


As we recall, in response to journalist Moti Kastel’s question: “What will be on the day after?” – the Prime Minister replied: “Security control including the ability to enter whenever we choose in order to eliminate terrorists who might resurface. I can tell you what will not be. There will not be Hamas. I will tell you what else there will not be. There will not be a civil authority there that educates its children to hate Israel, to murder Israelis, to liquidate the State of Israel. There cannot be an authority that pays families of murderers based on the number of victims they killed. There cannot be an authority whose leader, more than 30 days after the massacre, still has not condemned the horrific massacre. That cannot be. There must be something else there, but in any case, we must have security control. I am saying this. There might also be pressure in this regard, but I do not intend to capitulate.”


The clear and resolute words of the Prime Minister that Hamas and the current Palestinian Authority will no longer be able to rule over Gaza are praiseworthy. Indeed, our movement, which is conducting a hasbara (public information) campaign on this issue, supports his position on this, but we remain with the question lingering in the air:


What is this “something else” that will be on the day after? What political framework are the Prime Minister and the members of the political cabinet, especially the members of the limited war cabinet, seeking to establish?


In recent days, many plans and ideas have emerged, and we will enumerate only a few examples.


1. Some suggested that Gaza’s status would be similar to that of the territories of Area B in Judea and Samaria, like the model of Shechem and Jenin, leaving security and military control in Israel’s hands while transferring civil control over everything else to the Arabs. Past experience in Israel and worldwide has proven that the result of military rule without a settlement presence is failure and withdrawal. This was the case in Southern Lebanon, so it was proven in northern Samaria, and we saw the same in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Military rule without a settlement presence does not yield results that guarantee calm and stability.


According to this model, our courageous soldiers enter these areas almost every night, fighting terrorist nests and their surrounding armed supporters, yet we are far from genuine security calm. Israel is spilling the blood of its precious children in countless small, dangerous, and painful military operations, but there is no real fundamental solution.


2. Another suggestion is to transfer the Gaza Strip under the rule of the United Nations, but past attempts, whether worldwide or right next door in the Lebanon sector, teaches that multinational forces are not willing to spill their blood for the security of another nation, certainly not for the sake of our nation’s security. On the contrary; the UN has collaborated with Hezbollah. With the first security incident, they quickly capitulate and disappear from the area. Consequently, all agreements that signed the Second Lebanon War were voided, and Hezbollah, that was supposed to remain north of the Litani River, have positioned themselves at the border fence and no UN force dares confront them there.


3. Meanwhile, the name of Mohammed Dahlan, a former senior official of the Palestinian Authority, has also been raised as a candidate to assume leadership of the Gaza Strip. He is a “terrorist in a suit and tie” that do not successfully conceal his aspiration to establish a Palestinian Arab state on the ruins of Israel. Dahlan is responsible, among other things, for the terrorist attack on the children’s bus in Kefar Darom, and considers the establishment of settlements as an act of terror in every sense. His hatred for Israel is no less than that of any of his fellow graduates from the Palestinian Authority academy of terror.


Here is the time and the place to present the Prime Minister and the government ministers other plans that should be placed on the public agenda and tabled for political discussion.


The important suggestion of Members of Knesset Ram Ben-Barak and Danny Danon included encouraging voluntary emigration and called upon each of approximately 100 countries worldwide to absorb between 10 and 20 thousand Gazans in their territories, where they would be guaranteed a better future than the destroyed cities that remain in Gaza can offer them. (After all, their lives before the war were controlled by Hamas elites who let them languish in crowded poverty while Hamas leaders lived in luxury, ed.).


Now we must bring to the forefront the Zionist program that includes full Israeli control, applying sovereignty and Jewish settlement throughout Gaza, establishing cities, communities, and industrial and agricultural areas. Similarly, Israel must have control over the curricula in the Arab education system, strict oversight that will prevent anti-Israel incitement in mosques, and more. This plan will ensure the wellbeing of the communities in the Gaza periphery that will be rebuilt, blossom, and flourish.


In our view, a plan combining the proposal of Ben-Barak and Danon that will reduce the Arab population in Gaza with the Zionist plan of imposing sovereignty and settlement will ensure resolution, deterrence, victory, and security. A political step of that kind will clarify to all the peoples of the region that Israel will always command the steepest price for terrorism, the price of land, that is the most highly held commodity in Arab culture, especially when it comes to land that was never theirs.


We must remember and remind ourselves, first and foremost, that Gaza is part of the tribal portion of Judah. It is ours. It is highly moral that we keep it, not in the sense of Samson’s formula of “let my soul die with the Philistines” (Judges 16:30), but in the sense of “in your blood, you shall live, in your blood, you shall live” (Ezekiel 16:06).


IDF make men great again

Lola-tweet-26October2023-IDF make men great again

Lola-tweet-26October2023-IDF make men great again



The-Mossad-Satirical,-Yet-Awesome-tweet-24October2023-I love this trend

The-Mossad-Satirical,-Yet-Awesome-tweet-24October2023-I love this trend



Israel Defense Forces-tweet-25October2023-“We refuse to forget our values. We are fighting for our home.”

The Golani Brigade was the first to respond to the brutal attack by Hamas on the morning of October 7.

The soldiers fought hard battles against hundreds of terrorists and suffered many losses. Now they are undergoing in-depth, extensive training to stay ready for anything.


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-25October2023-"We refuse to forget our values. We are fighting for our home." The Golani Brigade was the first to respond to the brutal attack by Hamas on the morning of October 7. The soldiers fought hard battles against hundreds of terrorists and suffered many losses. Now they are undergoing in-depth, extensive training to stay ready for anything.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-25October2023-“We refuse to forget our values. We are fighting for our home.”
The Golani Brigade was the first to respond to the brutal attack by Hamas on the morning of October 7.
The soldiers fought hard battles against hundreds of terrorists and suffered many losses. Now they are undergoing in-depth, extensive training to stay ready for anything.


Why draft older men not youngsters.

From an Email 19October2023

When one pensioner’s military application gets rejected on the grounds of being too old, he gets really, really mad!
I’m a pensioner and the armed forces think I’m too old to track down terrorists. If you’re over 42, then you can’t join the military. They’re got their whole system backwards!


Instead of sending 18-year-olds to war zones, they should take us old guys. They shouldn’t let you join the military until you’re at least 35!


18-year-olds have been proven to think about sex every 10 seconds, while pensioners only think about it once or twice a month. This leaves us an extra 280,000 seconds per day to focus on the enemy. Young soldiers don’t have enough life experience to be cranky, and a cranky soldier is a terrifying soldier! ‘I’m tired and hungry, my back hurts, I can’t sleep!


We’re impatient and bad-tempered, so perhaps letting us kill some jerk who desperately deserves it will cheer us up and keep us quiet! 18-year-olds never usually get up before 10am. Old guys always wake up early to pee! Besides, like I’ve already said, since I can’t get to sleep, I may as well be off killing some fanatical son-of-a-bitch!


If they capture us we’d never spill the beans, because we wouldn’t remember where we put them. Name, rank, and serial number would be a huge brainteaser! Old guys would ace boot camp! We’re used to people yelling at us, and we’re accustomed to eating soft food.


We also have a deep appreciation of firearms. We’ve been using them for years as an excuse to get away from all of the yelling! They could lighten up on the obstacle course, though. I’ve been in combat, but I’ve never come across a 20-foot wall with ropes hanging over either side! They can probably get rid of the running part as well. I’ve never seen anybody outrun a bullet!


18-year-olds have their whole lives ahead of them. They should still be learning how to shave, and how to talk to pretty girls. They still haven’t even figured out how to properly wear a baseball cap! These are all good reasons why we should keep our kids at home. Let us old guys track terrorists down!


No enemy wants to see a couple million old guys, with automatic weapons and bad attitudes, who know that their best years are behind them! And what about recruiting women in their 50s? In menopause! You think only men can have a bad attitude? You ain’t seen nothing yet! If nothing else, they can be put on border control. It’ll be secured by the end of the first night!



The nation of Israel is alive and well.

Record 1,823 births in one month at Shaare Zedek


Living Lchaim-tweet-2November2023-
I am a midwife in Shaare Zedek.

On a difficult day when we count the fallen, I wanted to share another count.

Last night we counted and found out that we broke an all-time record for the number of births in one month.


I am attaching the photo from the department’s birth book, a photo that moved us very much tonight and we wanted to tell our people about it.

This figure comes thanks to the southern families who now live in the city.

Thanks to the soldiers’ wives who came to their parents, And thanks to the women of Jerusalem and the surrounding area who come in droves to give birth with us.

This gives us a lot of strength and hope, and a clear knowledge:

The nation of Israel is alive and well.

We are a nation for eternity and this answer, all these sweet babies, will help bring joy to the world with great pride.

Rachel Levy
Shaare Zedek Medical Center


Living Lchaim-tweet-2November2023-Record 1,823 births in one month at Shaare Zedek

Living Lchaim-tweet-2November2023-Record 1,823 births in one month at Shaare Zedek



17,629 babies born in Israel since 7October2023

Hillel Fuld-tweet-24November2023-17,629 babies born in Israel since 7October2023

That’s the number of babies born in Israel since October 7th.

In a country with less than 10 million people, that’s huge!

45 of the babies were named Be’eri and three of them named Nova.

Oh and hundreds of thousands have made Aliyah and come home to Israel since the war started.

An Israel Chai!

Hillel Fuld-tweet-24November2023-17,629 babies born in Israel since 7October2023

Hillel Fuld-tweet-24November2023-17,629 babies born in Israel since 7October2023



Nicholas Winton saved 669 Jewish Children from the Holocaust. Here is the Video of the Grown Children thanking Him. Please Share.




“In every generation they rise up to destroy us” was, and is, a warning to be taken seriously.

DRY BONES-Generations Credit: Yaakov (DryBones) Kirschen.

DRY BONES-Generations Credit: Yaakov (DryBones) Kirschen.


Brooklyn-born (in 1938) cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen made Aliyah to Israel in 1971 and began drawing his Dry Bones cartoons in January of 1973. He is a member of both America’s National Cartoonists Society and the Israeli Cartoonists Society. Dry Bones was internationally syndicated and ran in The Jerusalem Post for 50 years, being reprinted by the New York TimesTime magazine, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal and other major media publications. The Dry Bones story has been covered by CBSCNNForbes and many others.


(October 24, 2023 / JNS) Hamas’s Oct. 7 pogrom has changed us.

It has smashed our youngsters with an explosive and frightening reality.

How will they deal with this trauma? What will they be like as adults? What will their Israel be like?

“Never again” is a great slogan.

But “In every generation they rise up to destroy us” was, and is, a warning to be taken seriously.

SEE: ‘I Understood My Life Is Going to End’: A Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room


Bari Weiss-tweet-25October2023-
You hear stories from the Holocaust of people with little children in hiding, and I always thought, “How do you keep a child that small, that young, quiet in this situation?” But the energy was so heavy and we were so quiet.

I told my daughter, “You need to be as quiet as a mouse. We’re not talking now.” And she whispered through the whole day. Even when she fell over, she didn’t cry.

“‘I Understood My Life Is Going to End’: A Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room”

‘I Understood My Life Is Going to End’: A Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room

Bari Weiss-tweet-25October2023-Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room

Bari Weiss-tweet-25October2023-Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room



That is Beit Hanoun

Ron M.-tweet-7March2024-That is Beit Hanoun
That’s Beit Hanoun – a primary staging ground for tens of thousands of rocket attacks on Israel, and a Hamas stronghold from which many of the OCT 7 Massacres were planned and executed. It got exactly what was coming in heavy fighting that lasted weeks. Israel should prevent reconstruction here ENTIRELY.

🟥 Beit Hanoun, GAZA.
🟦 Sderot, Israel.

Ron M-tweet-7March2024-That is Beit Hanoun

Ron M-tweet-7March2024-That is Beit Hanoun




Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Footage from Huwara: IDF demolishes pizzeria which demeaned woman who was abducted to Gaza

IDF bulldozer operates in Huwara to demolish pizzeria that encouraged terrorism through an advertisement featuring an elderly woman abducted by Hamas to Gaza.

Israel National News

Published: Oct 13October2023, https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/378404


An IDF bulldozer was documented on Thursday evening demolishing a pizzeria in Huwara that encouraged terrorism and published an ad promoting its products which used a photo of an elderly woman who was abducted by Hamas terrorists to Gaza and forced by them to make a “V” sign with her fingers.


Earlier it was reported that legal advisers do not approve the demolition of the building and only its sealing, but a bulldozer was subsequently brought to the site and carried out demolition operations.


In addition, the owner of the pizzeria has been detained for questioning.

The Honenu legal aid organization had earlier sent an urgent letter to the head of the IDF Central Command, Major General Yehuda Fox, demanding that the Huwara pizzeria be shut down.


Attorney Ofir Steiner, from the civil department of the organization, wrote in the letter that the business in question is named “Eiffel Bakery”, which is located in the center of Huwara. Another publication stated that the owner of the pizzeria is Salah Hamous who several years ago seriously injured a boy from Yitzhar with a rock, but was released due to lack of evidence.


Translated from Hebrew by

Documentation: The IDF destroys a pizzeria in Hawara that looted an elderly woman who was kidnapped to Gaza
@carmeldangor | @ItayBlumental

kann_news-tweet-12October2023-The IDF destroys a pizzeria in Hawara

kann_news-tweet-12October2023-The IDF destroys a pizzeria in Hawara


“We are in a time of war, after a murderous terrorist incident, the most terrible and the largest seen in human history,” Steiner wrote in his letter to Major General Fox. “At this time, any support for the said murderous and unprecedented terrorist event is like support for the great haters of the Jewish people – the Nazis, may their name be erased. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of immediate enforcement, in a deterrent and decisive manner, which is needed at this time against phenomena of this kind.”

About an hour after the pizzeria was demolished, an apology in Hebrew was published on its official Facebook page.


“Hello, we are very sorry for the photo that was posted. The photo obviously was not posted with our consent. Someone tried to harm us. We are against harming people and women, and just want to earn a living with dignity and live in peace with everyone. We apologize to the members of the family that was hurt and the other people that were hurt,” said the post.

Post Comments:



Israel Police arrest 63 on suspicion of terror incitement

Police in Jerusalem have been “operating in an increased format… to monitor and address publications on social media networks that incite terrorism and violence.”

UPDATE DESK https://www.jns.org/israel-police-arrest-63-on-suspicion-of-terror-incitement/


(October 17, 2023 / JNS) Police have arrested 63 suspects on charges of incitement and support for terrorism in the wake of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror assault, the Israel Police said on Monday.


The Hamas terrorist organization killed at least 1,400 Israelis and wounded more than 4,100 in a massive offensive launched from the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7, which included the firing of thousands of rockets at Israel and the infiltration of the Jewish state by terrorist forces.


The terrorists butchered men, women, children, the elderly, the disabled and infants—some were decapitated while others were raped or burned alive. At least 199 hostages, including children, were taken to Gaza, Israel Defense Forces Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel confirmed on Monday.


The Jerusalem District Police has been “operating in an increased format, in cooperation with other security agencies, to monitor and address publications on social media networks that incite terrorism and violence,” warned the Israel Police on Monday.


Indictments will be filed “in the coming days,” added the statement.

Among other suspects, police officers arrested a 20-year-old female resident of Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood, Israel’s Walla news site reported. The suspect allegedly shared pictures of fallen IDF soldiers on social media and praised their Palestinian killers.


In another case, officers detained a cook who worked in a central Jerusalem restaurant. After losing his job due to his public support for Hamas terror, he reportedly threatened to carry out an attack on the diner.


Amid fighting on Israel’s southern and northern borders, as well as ongoing attempts to open a front in Judea and Samaria, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir last week said his ministry was preparing for possible Arab riots in mixed Jewish-Arab cities.


During a visit to the western Negev city of Sderot, one of the communities attacked by Hamas on Oct. 7, Ben-Gvir announced that he ordered Israel Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai to make preparations for “a scenario of ‘Guardian of the Walls II,’ which I think is looming.”


Ben-Gvir’s remarks referred to the widespread Arab rioting in Israeli cities with large numbers of Arab and Jewish residents that took place during the IDF’s May 2021 aerial operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


Over the weekend, suspected Hamas sympathizers burned down a bicycle shop in Tayibe, an Arab city in central Israel, after its owner donated 50 bicycles to survivors of Hamas’s terror assault on southern Israel.


Meanwhile, on Sunday, the Kol Yehudi news outlet shared footage of what it said showed Israeli Arabs from the central city of Umm al-Fahm conducting military exercises at a training camp in northern Israel.


“All of them are well known to the authorities, but Gaza-Hamas was also known to the authorities,” Kol Yehudi journalist Elchanan Groner wrote on X (formerly Twitter). “The problem is the concept. These guys are the enemy.”


Translated from Hebrew by

A few months ago, when we saw in the Jewish Voice that Hirak al-Fahmawi (the branch of the northern faction that we exposed that led the Tashfa riots) were training in paintball, mounted convoys of all-terrain vehicles and horses around Kibbutz Megiddo, and conducting combat training in a special club, we understood that they were planning to fight as part of a multi-arena campaign, but we were afraid that we will be hospitalized >

elchangr-tweet-15October2023-Hirak al-Fahmawi

elchangr-tweet-15October2023-Hirak al-Fahmawi




IDF’s Latest Hamas Weapon Cache Discovered in a Kindergarten in Northern Gaza

“IDF troops located dozens of mortar shells that were hidden by Hamas in a kindergarten in the northern Gaza Strip.”

Posted by Mary Chastain 17November2023  https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/11/idfs-latest-hamas-weapon-cache-discovered-in-a-kindergarten-in-northern-gaza/


How much more proof do the left and antisemitics need?


The IDF finds Hamas weapons in hospitals, rooms belonging to children, and now a kindergarten classroom:

“IDF troops located dozens of mortar shells that were hidden by Hamas in a kindergarten in the northern Gaza Strip. In addition, IDF troops located numerous Hamas weapons hidden in the ‘Al-Karmel’ elementary school,” the IDF said.


Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian-tweet-17November2023-kindergarten mortars
Troops of the Bislamach Brigade located a cache of mortars inside a kindergarten in northern Gaza, footage published by the IDF shows.

Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian-tweet-17November2023-kindergarten mortars

Emanuel (Mannie) Fabian-tweet-17November2023-kindergarten mortars


From The Times of Israel:

Troops of the IDF’s Bislamach Brigade located a cache of mortars inside a daycare center in northern Gaza, footage published by the military shows.


The IDF says the Golani Brigade’s reconnaissance unit, meanwhile, raided the al-Karmel school in Gaza City, and found firearms, RPGs and military equipment.


Separately, the IDF says troops of the 7th Armored Brigade’s 12th Battalion identified a group of Hamas operatives in Gaza City, and attempted to chase after them. As the gunmen fled, the troops called in a drone strike to kill them.




Kidnapped by Terrorists, Elderly Couple Defies Abduction to Gaza and Emerges Unharmed

13October2023 https://unitedwithisrael.org/kidnapped-by-terrorists-elderly-couple-defies-abduction-to-gaza-and-emerges-unharmed/

Even after sustaining injuries in the Hamas invasion, Diana and Moshe Rosen resisted the terrorists’ insistence to accompany them to the Gaza Strip.

By United with Israel Staff

An elderly Israeli couple taken hostage by Arab terrorists during the Hamas invasion of southern Israel managed to defy their captors and live to tell the tale.


Diana Rosen and her husband Moshe, residents of Nir Yitzhak, a kibbutz near the Gaza frontier, were both shot and wounded by terrorists, after their town was overrun early Saturday morning.


The couple were eventually taken hostage by marauding terrorists, but refused to go with them to Gaza.


Days later, the two recalled the harrowing events in an interview with Channel 12, conducted at their bedside in Jerusalem’s Hadassah Mount Scopus Medical Center.


“We are used to this nightmare, but very quickly we understood that this was a different kind of event,” Moshe said. “At a certain point, there was a notification that terrorists had entered the community.”


“We heard loud knocking on the front door. I said to Diana, ‘They are inside the home; they are here.’”


Diana and Moshe managed to lock themselves in their safe room, preventing the terrorists from forcing their way in.


Eventually, however, the terrorists shot the locking mechanism open, wounded the couple in their hands.


Five terrorists rushed into the safe room, seizing the couple and forcing them out of their house.


Walking towards the Gaza border, Moshe and Diana saw the border fence had been breached in multiple places.


“They told us to be quiet and indicated with a hand to the throat that if we speak it will be the end of us,” Moshe continued.


“We dared to tell the terrorists that we simply aren’t going to Gaza.”


Moshe said that he used English words to explain their refusal to enter Gaza.


“We told them we are injured, bleeding, and need to go to a hospital. Of course, their leader didn’t accept that. I said to him ‘ambulance, hospital,’ and he said ‘Gaza.’”


Eventually, the terrorists told Moshe and Diana: “Okay, go,” in English.


“We turned around and walked. During those long moments, we feared they would shoot us. We didn’t turn around to see what he was doing.”


This Ongoing War https://thisongoingwar.blogspot.com/

This Ongoing War https://thisongoingwar.blogspot.com/

17-Mar-13: A little village in the hills, and the monsters it spawns

Sunday, March 17, 2013 https://thisongoingwar.blogspot.com/2013/03/17-mar-13-little-village-in-hills-and.html

New York Times Magazine: Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start?

New York Times Magazine: Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start?

Today’s New York Times Magazine [Image Source]


If you want to affect how people think about an issue, putting your case onto the cover of the New York Times Magazine must be one of the most effective ways to go.


And, given the intense competition, one of the hardest.

So if the editors of the NYT (108 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other news organization; 30 million unique visitors per month to its website; the largest local metropolitan newspaper in the United States – according to Wikipedia) give you the cover of the prestigious Magazine, it’s a massive vote of confidence, a huge privilege, a platform of the most effective kind that (we’re assuming) can’t be bought for money.


Friends have pointed us to this week’s New York Times Magazine cover story, published today. It’s devoted to a Palestinian Arab village set in the hills a few kilometers north of where we live in Jerusalem.


It’s a place the author calls “spirited”, where “on warm summer evenings, life… could feel almost idyllic. Everyone knows everyone.” He says “a pilgrimage” to this magical place “has achieved a measure of cachet among young European activists, the way a stint with the Zapatistas did in Mexico in the 1990s”.


How can you not be captivated?

* * *

But there is much wrong with the picture he conjures up. We know because for years we’ve been tracking the media’s romance with the community called Nabi Saleh. Sitting here and looking over the online version of it, we are livid with anger about what the article says. And what the writer and his editors carefully avoid saying.


Start with some background. The Wikipedia entry for Nabi Saleh describes the village of some 550 people in notably gentle terms. Centred on an old religious shrine to the prophet Shelah whom we encounter in Genesis as the son of Judah and grandson of the patriarch Jacob, it was a hamlet of a mere five houses in the late nineteenth century when the Turks ruled the area. It grew slowly under the Jordanian military occupation that started in 1948; then declined when Israel took control of the West Bank in 1967, and flourished and multiplied in the past two decades.


Today, it’s the scene of weekly protest demonstrations and, to judge from Wikipedia’s English-language version, a place where things are done to passive inhabitants and for no apparent reason.


But when you go to the Arabic-language version of Wikipedia, you see a strikingly different emphasis. And note that it’s not at all a direct translation of the English version.


Created by different people for a different audience and different sensibilities, the Arabic Wikipedia entry depicts Nabi Saleh as a place of “popular resistance” that boasts of having taken a prominent role in two Intifadas, providing “hundreds of prisoners” and 17 so-called “martyrs on the altar of freedom”.

[August 2015 update: The link we embedded above to the Arabic Wikipedia page is to the archived version as it was on May 20, 2013. The Arabic Wikipedia page on Nabi Saleh, the village, has been substantially changed since then (see the revised version here), possibly in response to this post of ours. All references to the Tamimis and their passion for jihad, murder and martyrdom have been carefully removed. But they remain preserved in the archived version. We address this rewriting of history in a later post of ours: see “29-Aug-15: Revisiting a Palestinian Arab village and its monsters“]

The most prominent of the prisoners (Wikipedia’s word) is a woman called Ahlam. It’s a surname shared with almost every other inhabitant of the village: Tamimi. But it’s Bassem Tamimi who is the focus of the article. He calls the Intifada launched by Yasser Arafat in 2000 “the big mistake… Politically, we went backward”.

The writer helps us understand what kind of backward he means:

“Much of the international good will gained over the previous decade was squandered. Taking up arms wasn’t, for Bassem, a moral error so much as a strategic one. He and everyone else I spoke with in the village insisted they had the right to armed resistance; they just don’t think it works.”

Or to say it another way: they are entitled to kill the Israelis and have done so again and again, but it’s not that effective. A different kind of warfare needs to be adopted.


Half-way through today’s essay, he introduces a figure who embodies that “big mistake”:

In 1993, Bassem told me, his cousin Said Tamimi killed a settler near Ramallah. Eight years later, another villager, Ahlam Tamimi escorted a bomber to a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem. Fifteen people were killed, eight of them minors. Ahlam, who now lives in exile in Jordan, and Said, who is in prison in Israel, remain much-loved in Nabi Saleh.

That’s all he writes about Ahlam Tamimi. But we can tell you more.


Ahlam Tamimi is a Jordanian who was 21 years old and the news-reader on a Palestinian Arab television program when she signed on with Hamas to become a terrorist. She engineered, planned and helped execute a massacre in the center of Jerusalem on a hot summer afternoon in 2001. She chose the target, a restaurant filled with Jewish children. And she brought the bomb to its target.


The outcome (15 humans killed, a sixteenth still in a vegetative state today, 130 injured) was so uplifting to her that she has gone on camera again and again to say, smiling into the camera lens, how proud she is of what she did. She is entirely free of regret. A convicted felon and a mass-murderer convicted on multiple homicide charges, she has never denied the role she embraced. She justifies it fully.


Yet the only thing this New York Times piece says about Nabi Saleh’s favourite one-time resident is that she was an escort “who now lives in exile in Jordan”. Period.


This is no mere oversight.

* * *

The editors at the New York Times showcased this same happy murderer once before, six years ago. Then, as now, we  felt someone needed to push back. We posted two blog articles: “7-Aug-07: Hot House: Cold Truths” and “28-Jun-07: About sweet-faced young women”, and got a little attention for a while. But it was clear to us that those who thought they perceived greatness of spirit in the woman continued to think it.


One of the lives she snuffed out was that of our precious daughter Malki who was fifteen years old. Malki was the kind of young woman whose abbreviated life and its achievements ought to have entitled her to at least a fraction of the media coverage bestowed by the NYT editors and others on her killer. But that’s not how things work.


Those editors, and the author of today’s NYT Magazine piece as well, are evidently less moved by the innocent lives of the victims, lived and lost, than by the hypnotic power of symbolism.


Of the lethal rock-hurling attacks directed at Israelis, the blood-drenched little village’s Bassem Tamimi says

he didn’t worry over whether stone-throwing counted as violence. The question annoyed him… If the loincloth functioned as the sign of Gandhi’s resistance, of India’s nakedness in front of British colonial might, Bassem said, “Our sign is the stone.” The weekly clashes with the I.D.F. were hence in part symbolic. The stones were not just flinty yellow rocks, but symbols of defiance… The message they carried, he said, was “We don’t accept you.”

Creative. Stone-throwing as a symbolPeople have been killed and (as recently as this past Thursday) critically injured by the rocks and cement blocks and boulders hurled by the ‘stone’ throwers. But we’re being picky.


Perhaps “we don’t accept you” is what people living far from the scene imagine goes through the minds of baby-killers and restaurant bombers. But from the vantage point of where we live, such innocent-sounding turns of phrase leave us dumbfounded.

* * *

Ahlam Tamimi’s post-massacre trajectory has been like something out of Hollywood – or perhaps the New York Times Magazine.


On being convicted by an Israeli court in October 2003, she was sentenced to 16 consecutive life terms in prison. The presiding judge speaking for his colleagues on the bench and having heard her proudly claim credit for the killings and maimings, added for the record their view that Tamimi should “not be eligible for pardon by the military commander, nor to early parole by any other means”.


He and his fellow judges and my wife and I as well were coldly and very deliberately ignored when eight years later, almost to the day, she walked free as one of the 1,027 murderers and assorted other terrorists unjustly freed – not pardoned – as part of Israel’s agreement to the extortionate terms of the Gilad Shalit transaction.


Tamimi who had been bussed to Cairo with many other delirious convicted terrorists flew to Jordan the same day. That’s where she was married in an event carried live on mainstream Jordanian television channels to another freed and unpardoned murderer. He is her cousin, a Tamimi from Nabi Saleh, convicted of the cold-blooded murder we mentioned above when we mentioned Bassem Tamimi who was his mother’s brother.


Ahlam Tamimi’s handlers soon sent her off to address rallies in various Middle East capitals outside Jordan. She evolved into a media hero as the presenter of a weekly Hamas satellite television program, devoted to the interests of imprisoned Palestinian Arab terrorists, and broadcast from Amman to all corners of the Arabic-speaking world.


How the twists and turns of this life have impacted on her victims has never, as far as we know, been explored by any branch of the media, presumably for reasons of lack of interest. But within the Arab world, she is a celebrity.


Bassem Tamimi receives a salary from the foreign-aid-funded Palestinian Authority. But, like many thousands of other Palestinian Arabs on the massively-bloated PA payroll, he admits to the NYT Magazine that he almost never has to report to his office or do any work – while blaming this on the Israelis, naturally.


The article might have pointed out, but did not, that massive servings of no-strings-attached funds paid by European governments to the terrorism-friendly PA are the reason men like Bassem Tamimi have the time and energy it takes to become a star of the New York Times and a source of videos, interviews and opinions.


His own photogenic daughter Ahed Tamimi has achieved fame and influence and even been awarded a prize by one of the Middle East’s more Israel-phobic political figures for playing her part. Photos of her sticking a fist in the face of IDF servicemen in Nabi Saleh, the personification of an innocent sort of juvenile courage, are everywhere. (The NYT article mentions that she has been dubbed “Shirley Temper” in some quarters; you can see why in this video clip.)


In reality, those images of defiance were captured by a horde of press agency photographers arranged by her parents. They followed the girl around as she walked up to one Israeli officer after another, hoping to provoke a camera-worthy (meaning violent) response. It never came, though not for lack of effort by the Tamimis.


Ahed Tamimi has been used and abused in this way again and again by her parents and community; there is no shortage of collaborators among the paparazzi. Any connection between this contrived set-piece and reality is entirely accidental.

* * *

Two years ago, in the New York Review of Books, a writer launched into his experience of the same hilltop town (spelled differently, but the same place) with these words:

The first thing I saw in al-Nabi Salih was a huge sign in Arabic and English: “We Believe in Non-Violence. Do You?” It was World Peace Day, and speaker after speaker reaffirmed a commitment to peace and to nonviolent resistance to the occupation.

What kind of non-violence do these people actually espouse?


We wonder how often public opinion about the complex lives and unwanted war in which we and our neighbours live is formed by people who don’t speak the local languages, and don’t know much of its history or geography. Lacking the ability and sometimes the will to actually delve, they are left to read romanticized narratives, signs painted onto walls, political analysis crafted by full-time practitioners of public relations, staged photographs and other tendentious imagery.


The result is a kind of entrancement: messy, nasty complexity reduced down to simple pill form. Swallow this, and join us.

This process, of the kind that an astute observer has called auto-stupefaction, has an antidote: reality. We wish there were enough courageous and ethical journalists to deliver what has not yet been done: a blunt look directly into the face and deeds of Ahlam Tamimi and those who share her views, who admire her demonic actions.


That the New York Times Magazine focused on Nabi Saleh while barely mentioning the convicted child killer celebrated by the residents of the town as an honored daughter (for confirmation, see Arabic Wikipedia) indicates how manipulated its readers are. Also: how far we are from beginning to blunt the ongoing threat of the terrorists.


UPDATE March 23, 2013: This post has gotten what for us is a very large number of views, and was republished on several other sites including Algemeiner, FrontPageMag, The Jewish Press, and the Check the Pulse and Love of the Land blogs. Thanks for helping us get it out. Frimet submitted a letter to the editors at the New York Times Magazine some days ago, and we are still hoping to see them decide to publish it, but no indication so far. [It’s here.]


UPDATE September 2, 2015: The post above is by far the most widely-read item we have ever published in this blog. There’s evidently something about the extraordinary Tamimi clan and their extraordinary ugliness, brazen weaponization of their children and striking success at winning allies like Amnesty International that seems to capture people’s attention. Also their passion for killing.


To read other posts of ours that are indexed with the search term “Nabi Saleh” (there are already several dozen in our blog), click here. We want to recommend these two posts in particular:


UPDATE December 28, 2017: The arrest last week of Ahed Tamimi, known widely (as mentioned above) by the not-exactly-complimentary name of Shirley Temper has provoked a storm of media attention. Here are three pieces we have put out in the past few days:




IDF arrests Ahed Tamimi who called for Jews to be slaughtered

Last week, Tamimi called for the murder of settlers in the West Bank in an Instagram post.

By JOANIE MARGULIES 6NOVEMBER2023 https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-771867


Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, 22, was arrested Monday morning by the IDF, according to Israeli media citing Palestinian reports. Tamimi has gained prominence in her community for her violent actions against the IDF and has been deemed by many as a national hero for West Bank Palestinians.


Tamimi has become something of a symbol in the Palestinian struggle against Israeli policy in the Palestinian territories, becoming an honorary member of the Palestinian National Council in May 2018.


Last week, the Palestinian inciter called for the murder of settlers in the West Bank in an Instagram post. “We are waiting for you in all the West Bank cities from Hebron to Jenin – we will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke,” she wrote on social media.

We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we are waiting for you,” she wrote on Instagram.

In March 2018, Tamimi was convicted on four counts of assaulting an IDF officer and soldier, incitement, and interference with IDF forces, and was sentenced to eight months in prison and eight months of probation. She was released on July 29, 2018, after serving her full prison term.

How did Tamimi rise to ‘fame’?

The 21-year-old became famous following the distribution of videos and photographs in which she attacked IDF soldiers in several incidents in her home village, Nabi Saleh.


Following her arrest, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir posted on Facebook congratulating the IDF for arresting her.


“Kudos to the IDF and the rest of the security forces who arrested the terrorist and ‘human rights activist’ Ehad Tamimi Manbi Saleh, who was previously convicted of attacking IDF soldiers and since the outbreak of the war has expressed sympathy and support for the Nazi human beings on social media,” he wrote. “Zero tolerance with terrorists and supporters of terrorism! Just like that!”


Marc Zell-tweet-6November2023-Meet Ahed al-Tamimi

Meet Ahed al-Tamimi, a member of an infamous family of Palestinian terrorists. Yesterday she posted on Instagram a call for the Palestinian Arabs of Judea & Samaria (West Bank) to slaughter the Jews living there (my wife and I, 2 daughters, one son-in-law and 10 grandchildren are among them) saying, “after we’re finished with you, you’ll think what Hitler did to you Jews was a joke.” She’s shown in the photo being arrested by security forces for incitement. THIS IS ANOTHER REASON WHY WE ARE FIGHTING.

Marc Zell-tweet-6November2023-Meet Ahed al-Tamimi

Marc Zell-tweet-6November2023-Meet Ahed al-Tamimi



Israeli housing minister kickstarts process to evict UNRWA

Yitzhak Goldknopf instructed the Israel Lands Authority “to immediately end all agreements” with the “nefarious” organization over its ties to Hamas



(February 13, 2024 / JNS) Israeli Housing and Construction Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf has instructed the Israel Land Authority (ILA) to immediately cancel all lease agreements with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency and evict it from its main headquarters in eastern Jerusalem.


UNRWA “acted in the service of Hamas and even took part in the brutal massacre on Oct. 7, and mounting evidence shows that the organization has been supporting, assisting and educating [Palestinians] to harm Israel,” Goldknopf wrote in a letter made public on Monday night.


The minister instructed ILA head Yanki Quint “to immediately end all agreements of the Israel Land Authority with the nefarious UNRWA organization and remove them from the territories leased to them and from all the territories that the organization uses in the State of Israel.”


UNRWA maintains extensive facilities in Jerusalem, including a large compound on Shlomo Zalman Shragai Street in Maalot Dafna and structures in the capital’s northeastern Kafr Aqab neighborhood.


YinonMagal-tweet-12February2024-sever all ties with UNRA

שר השיכון גולדקנופף הנחה את רמ”י לנתק כל קשר עם אונר”א ולפנות את הארגון שיושב על אדמה השייכת למדינה

Translated from Hebrew by

Housing Minister Goldknopf instructed Rami to sever all ties with UNRA and evacuate the organization that sits on land belonging to the state

YinonMagal-tweet-12February2024-sever all ties with UNRA

YinonMagal-tweet-12February2024-sever all ties with UNRA


The agency has been embroiled in scandal since last month’s revelation of the involvement of 12 of its employees in Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre.


One of the UNRWA workers is accused of kidnapping a woman, another of participating in the Kibbutz Be’eri massacre, in which nearly 100 people were killed, and a third of distributing ammunition.


Last week, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich ordered the annulment of tax benefits granted to UNRWA, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked the country’s military to find alternatives for the distribution of humanitarian aid to Palestinians.


The Prime Minister’s Office said on Jan. 30 that intelligence “indicates that out of approximately 12,000 UNRWA employees in the Gaza Strip, about 10% are Hamas or Islamic Jihad operatives, and another 50% are first-degree relatives of a Hamas operative.”


Late last week, Israeli forces exposed a Hamas data center underneath the Gaza headquarters of UNRWA, replete with servers, electricity, a backup power station and living quarters for terrorists.


Israel Defense Forces soldiers have also found missiles hidden among UNRWA relief supplies, while UNRWA-marked aid sacks were found filled with dirt and used in the lining of Hamas terror tunnels.


“UNRWA is totally infiltrated [by] Hamas,” Netanyahu told a visiting delegation of U.N. ambassadors earlier this month.




A Seismic Victory in Gaza: Mapping the Tunnels of the “Gaza Metro”

By Malcolm E. Whittaker
16November2023  https://realclearwire.com/articles/2023/11/16/a_seismic_victory_in_gaza_mapping_the_tunnels_of_the_gaza_metro_993093.html


Gaza OneArmedMan, Wikimedia Commons

Gaza OneArmedMan, Wikimedia Commons

According to sources, Hamas’ tunnels under Gaza extend “a few dozen miles.” Other sources believe these tunnels extend hundreds of miles and rival the underground of a major European city. This has caused some commentators to refer to Hama’s tunnels as the “Gaza metro.” The ‘Gaza metro’: The mysterious subterranean tunnel network used by Hamas | CNN. Whatever their length, they shield fighters from surveillance and allow movement without fear of observation or attack. What if these tunnels could be precisely located? Rather than being safe locations, they would become death traps.


Commentators suggest the tunnels give Hamas an asymmetric advantage. The noted publication Foreign Affairs, states that only “[b]ulldozers can be used to expose tunnels during a ground operation. Drones, robots, or dogs can help clear tunnels. There might be a need to enter the tunnels to rescue hostages, as a measure of last resort. … This is how most states have eliminated subterranean threats in the past, and this is what Israel should do, as well.” (November 9, 2023, “Israel Must Destroy Hama’s Tunnels, Demolishing the Groups Infrastructure Is More Important Than Eliminating Its Leaders”). In short, according to Foreign Affairs, only personnel on the ground can locate and destroy Hama’s tunnels. Of course, Israeli personnel searching open ground to locate the entrances to the tunnels would be exposed to attack.


Currently used seismic equipment could locate tunnels using a system of geophones and pulse generators. However, personnel placing the geophone data acquisition equipment on the surface would be exposed to small arms fire and potential capture. The need to potentially expose personnel to attack while emplacing geophones would seem to defeat use of this well-understood technology that could readily and accurately locate Hama’s tunnels.


At its most basic, a seismic system can map layers in the earth’s surface. To do so, as seen in the figure below, a source generates a seismic wave. This wave travels through the earth and reflects off reflecting subsurface layers, such as the roof and floor of a tunnel, and these reflected waves are collected by a receiver. A source and be anything that generates a seismic wave. Currently, stamper trucks and explosives are frequently used to generate these waves. Seismic receivers are generically referred to as “geophones.” Geophones collect seismic data, i.e., seismic waves, and map the earth’s subsurface.

Fig. 1 – Schematic of Seismic Reflection Method – courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Geophysics webpage Seismic Reflection Methods | Environmental Geophysics | U.S. EPA

Fig. 1 – Schematic of Seismic Reflection Method – courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Geophysics webpage Seismic Reflection Methods | Environmental Geophysics | U.S. EPA

Fig. 1 – Schematic of Seismic Reflection Method – courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Geophysics webpage Seismic Reflection Methods | Environmental Geophysics | U.S. EPA


Current seismic technology readily available from the oil field will allow identification (and then destruction) of these tunnels. Wireless Seismic METIS (Multiphysics Exploration Technology Integrated System) uses a seismic recording channel collected by autonomous drones. These drones also drop DART (Downfall Air Receiver Technology) receivers, i.e., geophones. The DARTs are dropped by the drone and impale themselves into the ground creating a system of geophones to model the subsurface data. This system was thoroughly evaluated in Papua New Guinea in 2018. Wireless Seismic News — METIS field test yields excellent results. A single drone dropped 60 DARTs in one hour and these drones recovered “real time seismic data” thereby imaging subsurface data of underground voids. Precision guided artillery shells could provide the seismic source needed for the geophones to collect subsurface data. The DART’s would be dropped inside Gaza to model any location, i.e., not just locations close to where Israeli troops are located. Thus, METIS could accurately map the entire Gaza strip.


Once the location of the tunnels is known, they can be destroyed using deep penetrating bombs fused to detonate deep in the ground and dropped from aircraft. This could potentially interdict the entire system of tunnels. Even an extensive metro-like system of tunnels could be defeated if important chokepoints could be detected and collapsed.


Finally, this technology could resolve the ongoing factual dispute over whether Hamas has placed tunnels underneath hospitals, United Nations positions, schools, and other places that are protected from attack. While not a panacea, the METIS system could answer these basic questions and, potentially, turn Hama’s tunnels into a death trap for fighters using the tunnels. At least, it would mitigate any asymmetric advantage Hama’s tunnels provide.

Malcolm E. Whittaker is a former candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives. Malcolm is an engineer and patent attorney in Houston, Texas.
This article was originally published by RealClearDefense and made available via RealClearWire.


IDF evacuated Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza

Marina Medvin-tweet-13November2023-IDF evacuated Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza
A doctor from Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza says that IDF evacuated the hospital — that it is empty. Remember this moment because the Gaza Healthy Ministry will inevitably claim something like Israel killed 5627 hospital babies with umbilical cords attached.

Marina Medvin-tweet-13November2023-IDF evacuated Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza

Marina Medvin-tweet-13November2023-IDF evacuated Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza




The war for Jewish survival

Caroline B. Glick

This is What We're Fighting For - Caroline B. Glick

This is What We’re Fighting For – Caroline B. Glick

A week into the war against Hamas, it is important to remember why Israel is vital to the Jewish people. The Caroline Glick Show IN FOCUS

(October 13, 2023 / JNS) With the end of a week that started with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declaring war on the Hamas terror organization that rules Gaza and Jews being threatened by Hamas supporters worldwide, Caroline discusses Israel’s role in the survival of the Jewish people.


ISRAEL AT WAR – WEEK 1: The War for Jewish Survival | The Caroline Glick Show. IN FOCUS

Posted 13October2023:

As Jews worldwide are threatened by Hamas supporters, Caroline discusses the purpose of Israel and its role in the survival of the Jewish people in Israel and worldwide.



T. Belman. This is a great interview. The protest movement in Israel is growing. The soldiers and their families are opposed to the elite policies. And the country supports them big time. Watch it grow. A clear victory means Palestinians must be allowed to leave and Gaza must be annexed.

Major in reserves: ‘This time, we must demand complete victory in Gaza’

Caroline B. Glick


Major in reserves ‘This time, we must demand complete victory in Gaza - Caroline B. Glick’

Major in reserves ‘This time, we must demand complete victory in Gaza – Caroline B. Glick’

“The Caroline Glick Show,” Ep. 87

(January 8, 2024 / JNS) This week, Caroline Glick spoke with the founder of “Courage for Israel” Gilad Ach, a major in the Israeli reserves. This group of reservist Israeli Defense Forces soldiers demands from the government that the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip continue until the terror group is completely destroyed.


They discuss the breaking of morale among veteran soldiers who feel that they have been fighting Hamas for decades because of government indecision; what complete victory in Gaza would look like; as well as the disconnect between the dedicated soldiers on the ground and Israeli leadership at the top.

Posted 8January2024 JNS TV:
This week, Caroline Glick spoke with Major in Reserves and founder of Courage for Israel Gilad Ach. Courage for Israel is a group of reserve soldiers that are demanding from the government that they do not stop the war in Gaza until Hamas is completely destroyed.

They discuss
– the breaking of morale amongst veteran soldiers who feel that they have been fighting Hamas for decades because of government indecision
– what complete victory in Gaza looks like
– the disconnect between the wholly dedicated soldiers on the ground and the Israeli leadership at the top.



Israel’s reality in 10 seconds.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13October2023-Israel’s reality in 10 seconds
Israel’s reality in 10 seconds.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13October2023-Israel's reality in 10 seconds

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-13October2023-Israel’s reality in 10 seconds



We are coming back!

Malkah Fleisher-tweet-26February2024-We are coming back
We are coming back.

With our tractors, with our builders, with our rabbis, with our children.

We are coming back. 🇮🇱
Jeremy Gimpel-tweet-22February 22, 2024-Jewish Farmers from the South
AMAZING!!! Jewish Farmers from the South going past the fence in Gaza and starting to plow the fields to plant new crops. That is Redemption!

Malkah Fleisher-tweet-26February2024-We are coming back

Malkah Fleisher-tweet-26February2024-We are coming back



Israel Victory Project https://www.meforum.org/israel-victory-project/

Israel Victory Project https://www.meforum.org/israel-victory-project/

Israeli Victory Is the Only ‘Proportional’ Response

by Nave Dromi
18October2023 https://www.meforum.org/israel-victory-project/65002/israeli-victory-is-the-only-proportional-response

Published originally under the title “Victory Is the Only ‘Proportional’ Response.”


Israeli VictoryOnce again, the international community and the media are becoming obsessively focused on the ridiculous notion of “proportionality” in regard to Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre.


First, it should be clearly understood that there is no accepted or exact definition of the term “proportionality” or a formula for calculating it.


In general, the principle of proportionality involves a balance between the military advantage that will likely result from a proposed operation and the harm that is likely to be inflicted on civilians and noncombatants.


This is extremely hard to assess for those outside of a military and intelligence apparatus, simply because outsiders do not have access to all the information necessary to make such an assessment.


Unfortunately, however, many ill-informed commentators believe proportionality is simply a numbers game, as if war and conflict were some sort of sports match.


Already, the international media is presenting the casualties among Israelis and Palestinians side-by-side and asking if Israel’s response to the horrors and atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists is proportionate.

Israel seems to be the only country in the world who are never allowed to win a war. Whenever Israel begins to win it is told to stop.

This is outrageous. It implies that once Israel has killed more Palestinians than Palestinians killed Israelis, Israel’s war suddenly becomes illegitimate.


British author and journalist Douglas Murray said during a recent interview that this “would mean that, in retaliation for what Hamas did in Israel on Saturday, Israel should try to locate a music festival in Gaza, for instance—and good luck with that—and rape precisely the number of women that Hamas raped on Saturday. Kill precisely the number of young people that Hamas killed on Saturday.”


“They should find a town of exactly the same size as Sderot, and make sure they go door-to-door and kill precisely the correct number of babies that Hamas killed in Sderot on Saturday, and shoot in the head precisely the same number of old age pensioners as were shot in Sderot on Saturday, just to choose one town,” Murray added.


This response immediately shut up the interviewer who had tried to press Murray on the issue of proportionality. It was an excellent retort, but I would like to turn to another comment of Murray’s that is even more important.


In a recent meeting with Jewish leaders in the U.K., Murray said, “Israel seems to be the only country in the world who are never allowed to win a war. Whenever Israel begins to win it is told to stop.”


This is the crux of the issue.

The proportionality obsessives know Israel cannot be defeated by Hamas, so they want to ensure that Israel does not defeat Hamas.

By mercilessly pushing the proportionality narrative, Israel is being told that, in its wars of defense, it will not be allowed to achieve victory. The proportionality obsessives know Israel cannot be defeated by Hamas, so they want to ensure that Israel does not defeat Hamas.


This diminishes Israel’s security, to which every sovereign nation has a right.


Even if were possible to put aside the bestial manner in which Hamas mercilessly raped women, beheaded and burned babies, and kidnapped old women and children, it is almost trite to say that any nation that lost the same proportion of Israelis in one day to terrorist attacks would use overwhelming force to ensure that those who perpetrated the attacks could never do so again.


We have seen such reactions around the world and the word “proportionality” was never once used during or after such military operations. It is a word that seems to apply only to the Jewish state.


Israeli leaders and the IDF should dismiss such hypocritical criticisms from the international community. They should seek victory and nothing else. Victory must be the only word in our lexicon when we decide how to respond to Hamas’s atrocities.

Hamas must never be allowed to raise their heads again to massacre Israelis. This must be the last war against Hamas.

Hamas cannot be allowed to stand after this war. They must never be allowed to raise their heads again to massacre Israelis. This must be the last war against Hamas. The international community must understand why victory is essential for Israel, for the innocent Gazans who are oppressed by Hamas and for the region and beyond.


Hamas’s defeat will immediately make millions of innocent people more safe and secure. It will end the group’s genocidal actions and aspirations. It will also stand as a warning to other extremist and terrorist organizations around the world who threaten the lives of tens if not hundreds of millions of people.

Clearly, defeating Hamas is the only proportional response possible.

Nave Dromi is director of the Middle East Forum’s office in Israel and head of the Israel Victory Project. She is the author of the book, Rifle Full of Roses, which examines how radical agendas have influenced the IDF in recent decades.



The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies BESA https://besacenter.org/

The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies BESA https://besacenter.org/

A New Existential War – Part III: Forming a Clear Post-War National Vision Means Returning to the Roots of Zionism

By | 8January2024 | https://besacenter.org/a-new-existential-war-part-iii-forming-a-clear-post-war-national-vision-means-returning-to-the-roots-of-zionism/

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 2,251, January 8, 2023

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On the morning of October 7, 2023, the strategic Israeli security concept collapsed, marking the end of the 30-year era since the Oslo Accords. With the shocking force of an earthquake, a cultural concept that had its roots planted in the dream of peace, and in the illusion that the State of Israel could aspire to become a kind of Denmark, disintegrated completely. For Israel to achieve victory in the war with Hamas, it will have to adapt its security concept to reflect a new and deeper understanding of the enemy’s perception of the nature of its struggle with Israel.


In the wake of October 7, the State of Israel, its society, and all its institutions are at a critical crossroads. One path forward demands a thorough investigation and examination of everything that failed on that day so the necessary corrections can be made. The second path directs Israel towards a comprehensive inquiry across all dimensions and urges the formulation of a new and updated national narrative in the face of the existential challenge. The question is, which of the two paths is worth pursuing?


This article is divided into three parts. The first examines the roots of the failure of October 7 and Israel’s perception of the struggle on the opposing side. The second describes the ways in which the Israeli security perception needs to evolve to provide a proper response to the opposing side’s perception of the struggle. This, the third, presents the components of the national vision and the principles of action that will ensure the existence of the State of Israel in the face of emerging threats.

“Nation of Israel, for what purpose do you live?”

Despite broad Israeli agreement on the immediate goals of the war as formulated by the cabinet, the debate over its ultimate objectives is intensifying.


This dispute will likely be reflected in the fundamental questions that will be asked post-war, and may also penetrate the discussions of the state inquiry committee that will undoubtedly be established. The committee will naturally address operational and technical questions, the workings of the IDF, General Staff, Southern Command, and Air Force, and regulatory relations between the IDF and the civil leadership. But the depth and scope of this crisis require a comprehensive cultural and spiritual rethinking of how we perceive ourselves and the enemy, focusing on the question of why the enemy fights and what we are fighting for.


Hamas and Hezbollah fight out of religious belief. By contrast, we are not clear on our reasons for uniting to fight wars beyond our desire to safeguard our existence and survival.


A.B. Yehoshua once posed an existential question: “Nation of Israel, for what purpose do you live?” Later, he clarified: “Survival is considered the most prominent aspect of the Jewish people… but it is not survival that is the prominent aspect, but rather how it is done, what its agenda is, what values it holds, and primarily, what its cost is.” (A.B. Yehoshua, Haaretz Books Supplement, 20.2.2013)


This question must be applied to clarify the central inquiry: Nation of Israel, for what purpose do you fight, and how do you fight?


I am not aware of a framework for a state inquiry committee that would know how to address such questions and critically examine the connections between them and the focal points of failure in the security system. Nevertheless, this inquiry, whether conscious or subconscious, will shed light on the investigation into everything that happened at the outset of the war and everything that will happen from its conclusion onwards in the context of the ongoing internal struggle in Israel over conflicting dreams.

What has Zionism achieved? The imposition of doubt

The sudden strike by Hamas thrust the Zionist idea back to the dilemma of its earliest days. It prompted an echoing of the doubt cast during Herzl’s visit: “You might solve the Jews’ problem, but you won’t solve the problem of Judaism.” On October 7, we were forcefully confronted with the fundamental Zionist question: What do the Jews want in the Land of Israel?


The current war, which has enveloped us all, is intertwined with the anxiety of the cultural war that erupted in Israel last year. The crisis of the Jews, which focuses on the question of physical existence, has become entangled with the crisis of Judaism, which has lost its spiritual path.


As early as 2005, Dan Meron touched upon the Zionist dilemma in his book Healing for Touching. A professor of 20th century Hebrew literature, Meron cast doubt on the ultimate goal of the Zionist enterprise, questioning what it has truly achieved since its inception:


…[T]he expectation of Zionism that the distancing of Jews from European societies and their concentration in their own country would lead to the disappearance of antisemitism did not materialize. Even the security of Zionism, which was supposed to be able to extricate the Jewish people from existential threats, leading to a new Jewish existential activism, did not come to fruition and may not reach the goal it set for itself…The historical development of Zionism and its success in achieving Jewish statehood have only led to the replacement of one type of existential threat with another. (Dan Meron, 2005, Healing for Touching, p. 63, translated from the Hebrew)


With these words, Meron raises two challenging questions about the state of Zionism, both of which have been debated since its beginnings.


In one dimension of the Zionist vision, Herzl sought a response to antisemitism. With his visionary breakthrough, he acknowledged that the Jews had not succeeded in finding a solution to the problem of antisemitism even though they had exhausted every possible avenue, including assimilation. He believed that if the Jews could only gather in their own normal state, where they could be accepted as a nation among nations, a state among nation-states, it would bring an end to antisemitism.


We must ask whether over the hundred years since the beginning of the Zionist effort to gather the Jews in their homeland, Herzl’s expectation of the disappearance of antisemitism has been realized. It appears that the opposite has occurred. Antisemitism has emerged in a new form that is more sophisticated, as it is shielded by a kind of vaccine: it is ostensibly not hatred of Jews as Jews, but merely criticism of the State of Israel. Yet fierce antipathy is directed against Jews worldwide whenever they voice complaints about actions that threaten the State of Israel, actions they feel endanger them as well. Jews around the world are thus forbidden to defend Israel or the Jews who live in it or be themselves the victims of antisemitism. The process that was supposed to solve antismitism has instead generated, over the past two decades, a new and equally dangerous form of it. In this way, Meron argues, the Zionist vision has become caught in a deadlock.


In the second dimension, Zionism sought a response to the problem of the need to physically protect Jews, who have never ceased suffering persecution, pogroms, and other threats around the world. In this dimension as well, Meron raises a concern that has troubled many Israelis. There is a fear that despite Israel’s independence and military strength, Zionism has achieved nothing more than to replace one existential problem, like pogroms in Kishinev, with another one, like the Iranian nuclear threat that threatens Tel Aviv or the Simchat Torah massacre of the northwestern Negev. In essence, Zionism has merely swapped ailment A for ailment B.


Yet despite Meron’s reservations, to those who witness the combat spirit of the IDF soldiers and the full support of their parents, the Zionist narrative manifests itself in all its practical simplicity by demonstrating a readiness to fight without hesitation to defend the people and the country. This is a major historical achievement.

Cracks in the “Iron Wall”

A hundred years ago, in the article “The Iron Wall,” Ze’ev Jabotinsky laid the cornerstone for the foundations of Israel’s security perception. As early as 1923, he identified the motivations behind Arab resistance to the Zionist enterprise in the Land of Israel and proposed a strategic approach to achieving Zionist goals.


The relevance of his article to the security challenges of modern-day Israel can be summarized in three statements.

First: The Arab resistance and struggle against Zionism express a religious-nationalist struggle with enduring motivational roots. The idea promoted by the American government and European Union leadership that a positive, lasting solution to the conflict can be arrived at through suitable compensation and willing compromise has been repeatedly revealed as overly optimistic.

Second: The Arab struggle and adoption of terrorist methods and violence do not stem from economic hardship, poverty, and despair, as many in the West and certain prominent Israeli “peace-seekers” claim. Instead, it arises from the Arab hope that Zionist dominance can be consistently challenged and weakened until its ultimate demise. It is not despair that generates Arab terrorism but hope.

Third: In recognizing the first two statements as true, the concept of the “Iron Wall” negates the Arab hope of achieving gains through incessant resistance to the Zionist Israeli presence and authority.


In 1936, during a discussion at the Mapai Center, David Ben-Gurion stated that “there is no chance for an understanding with the Arabs.” Therefore, efforts should be directed towards an understanding with the British. He said, “What can push the Arabs towards mutual understanding with us? Facts! Only after we manage to create a significant Jewish presence in the Land of Israel, with a Jewish force that everyone will see cannot be moved, only then will the preliminary conditions for discussion with the Arabs be established.”


The language and spirit of these words express the Iron Wall position as articulated in Jabotinsky’s article: “As long as the Arabs have even a glimmer of hope of getting rid of us, they will not give up on this hope… A living people agrees to concessions on fateful questions whose importance is immense only when it has no hope, only when not a single crack is visible in the Iron Wall.”


In recent years, deep cracks have appeared in the Zionist Iron Wall. The goal of the current war should be to restore the Zionist Iron Wall and establish it with renewed strength for the next hundred years.


Within this context, the rehabilitation of the communities damaged in Hamas’s attack and the return of the communities to the Galilee and Negev are critical components in the reconstruction of the Iron Wall. This means far more than simply renovation and construction. Ben-Gurion wrote about the sources of strength for victory in 1948: “We reached victory through three paths: the path of faith, the path of pioneering creativity, and the path of suffering.” These will be the paths to victory in today’s war as well.

The collapse of the dream of peace

In his eulogy at the grave of Ro’i Rothberg in Nahal Oz in April 1956, Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan said: “A generation of pioneers we are, bareheaded, with steel helmets and the rifle. We cannot plant a tree and build a home. Our children will not have a life if we do not dig shelters…” The speech concluded with the statement: “Ro’i – the light in his heart blinded his eyes, and he did not see the flash of the mortar. The yearning for peace silenced his ears, and he did not hear the voice of the ambush…”


In the midst of the War of Attrition, at the end of the Command and Staff College course in 1969, Moshe Dayan stated his existential philosophy: “Rest and heritage are longed-for aspirations for us, not realities. And if we occasionally achieve them, they are only short intermediate stations – aspirations for the continuation of the struggle.” Explaining the necessity of an endless struggle, he said: “The only basic answer we can give to the question ‘what will be’ is – we will continue to fight, just as we did in the past, and now too. The answer to the question ‘what will be’ must focus on our ability to withstand difficulties, our ability to cope – more than on absolute and final solutions to our problems. We must prepare ourselves mentally and physically for a prolonged process of struggle.”


These words differ significantly from those expressed by the Israeli leadership in recent decades. For instance, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, in his speech at the UN, chose to emphasize: “What Israelis want is a good life for themselves and their families and a future ready for their children.”


Moshe Dayan, despite his emphasis on normalcy, always highlighted the presence in our consciousness of the struggle. This was brutally expressed in his will, where he instructed his three children: “Serve the inheritance of the fathers each one, and the sword over your beds, and in the evening, it will become a legacy to your sons. And now, let each one take his backpack and stick and cross the Jordan in his own way…” (Yael Dayan, My Father’s House, p. 207).


Yael Dayan, representing a generation that has refused to reconcile with the inevitability of constant struggle, described in her book her deep dissociation from her father’s will: “I felt like a person banished from paradise, a curse more than a blessing. We were all destined to work the land and fight, and this was a commandment for our children.” (ibid.)


On Saturday, October 7, the dream of an Israeli paradise collapsed. With the war in Ukraine and even in Western Europe, it has become clear that despite hopes for peace everywhere, there is no paradise on Earth. As expressed in the Negev lullaby my mother sang to me in my childhood, “There is no deep silence without a weapon…sleep, son.”


The State of Israel is in one of the most difficult crises it has ever known. It suffered an unprecedented blow and is required to receive an unprecedented punishment. Asking to return to the familiar track after making technical repairs is asking to escape the true magnitude of the repair that is required. The national leadership of the State of Israel, together with the security system, must be committed in the face of this crisis to formulating a new national security concept.


After the surprise attack by Hamas on October 7, will residents of Rosh HaAyin and Kfar Saba lend a hand in the establishment of a Palestinian state that would turn them into border settlements akin to Nahal Oz or Metula? Any arrangement of the territory of Israel between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea that aims at a Jewish withdrawal from Judea and Samaria, an uprooting of Israeli settlements, and a defining of the eastern border of the State of Israel in the Rosh HaAyin-Kfar Saba region along Highway 6 would be a Palestinian national victory and an Israeli defeat.


Despite all our faith in the IDF and its capabilities, there is not now, and there will not be, an option to defend the State of Israel along the coastal strip. This fact must be brought to broad national consensus and placed at the center of the Israeli security perception.

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Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen is a senior research fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. He served in the IDF for 42 years. He commanded troops in battles with Egypt and Syria. He was formerly a corps commander and commander of the IDF Military Colleges.


Israel to launch the largest military campaign in West Bank history

Mudar Adnan Zahran-tweet-8January2024-Israel to launch the largest military campaign in West Bank history
Israel is about to launch the largest military campaign in the history of the West Bank to completely exterminate armed cells, dozens of names on the target list…
The operations will introduce “a different utilization of drones “, fighting will be parallel the war in Gaza at the hottest points; those are Jenin and its camp, Nablus and Balata camp, Tulkarm camp, and Shuafat camp…

Mudar Adnan Zahran-tweet-8January2024-Israel to launch the largest military campaign in West Bank history

Mudar Adnan Zahran-tweet-8January2024-Israel to launch the largest military campaign in West Bank history



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

The war against Hamas should bring with it a paradigm shift

For far too long, Zionism has been stuck in a defensive mode. Op-ed.

Howard Rotberg  9December2023 https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/381680


Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’


Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’
For the loser now will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’

– Bob Dylan


Watching the protests in American and Canadian and European cities where predominantly young people call for a genocide of the Jews in Israel – “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free” – one is struck by some important facts.


First, a lot of the protests are in universities and while Antifa and other anti-liberal groups participate, one can assume that the protesters have a high representation among Muslims and/or university students. Looking at the female protestors, anywhere from 50% to 75% are wearing hijabs.


Second, university professors, mainly in Middle Eastern studies and gender and diversity studies, are indoctrinating their students to hate Israel and Jews everywhere.


Third, while many may be in a country on student or other temporary visas, looking at the population figures for Muslims in the West, they are a growing presence and a growing influence. Surely if we allow people with vile opinions into the country, we must be prepared to live with the consequences once they assume elected office.


Third, this growing influence can be seen in American Muslim areas like Dearbor, Michigan and Minneapolis, Minnesota..

Fourth, although not all the residents there are radical Islamists, we see that they are electing university trained Islamists, such as Ilhan Omar in Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib in Dearborn.


Fifth, these elected representatives organize themselves into radical caucuses allying with left-wing Black radicals and spend a lot of time trying to pressure their governments to take anti-Israel actions.


Sixth, we see in the case of American Secretary of State Blinken, who is apparently Jewish, that efforts are made to pressure Israel to lose the war against Hamas by allowing some Palestinian Arab group, be it the corrupt and hateful Palestinian Authority or others, to participate in the governance of Gaza after the war. Anyone who understands the facts about the history of Palestinian Arab terrorism and rejectionism of peace proposals should understand that America and other western countries have become financial backers of Palestinian Arab terrorism and leaders in the international efforts to isolate and endanger Israel.


And so, in this context, we who support Israel must begin to look at a paradigm shift. According to Merriam-Webster is “an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way.”


We need a new way of looking at those who support Islamist terrorism whether it is in the UN, in the universities, in the media, or from elected officials who are Islamists – and a new way of dealing with them.


For far too long, Zionism has been stuck in a defensive mode, whether it is trying to deal with an evil United Nations, UNRWA and UNHCR, or international NGOs, including those funded and controlled by antisemites such as George Soros and including BDS boycotters and advocates for diversity and inclusion – which promises inclusion for everyone except the Jews of Israel and their supporters.


Israel has become a powerful country in terms of its military, its high tech sector and its finances, but what good is power if you don’t use it? I am thinking here of using power to shift the paradigm. Specifically the paradigm that Muslims are growing all around the world and have through immigration and demographics grown so much in terms of power in the West that there is nothing we can do, except submit. I discuss this sad submission in my book The Ideological Path to Submission … and what we can do about it. We must address the issue head on – we shall never submit to Sharia Law, jihad and a world-wide Caliphate just as we shall never submit to Hamas, no matter what naive talks emanate from the talking heads in the media.


I have written a lot about Germany and the gradual evolution of its Israel policy from that of “special relationship” to that of a typical European antipathy. See my essays in israel National News: “Germany’s Moral Choice”, January 20, 2020, “Michelle Goldberg and Angela Merkel seek moral absolution in the wrong place”, October 31, 2021 and “A two-state solution for Germany and other migrant-filled European countries”, November 17, 2023.


The demographic situation in Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium etc., and the rise of European leaders on the right, including Orban in Hungary and Gert Wilders in the Netherlands has perhaps opened the floodgates, where the alliance between leftists and Islamists is seen to be bad for society, and people are unafraid to say so and risk the opprobrium from the politically correct.


Here is a speech given by German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck on Nov. 2.

“Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel took place almost four weeks ago now. A lot has happened since then. Not only politically, but especially for the people. So many people’s lives are now consumed by fear and suffering. Public debate since the attack has been heated, sometimes muddled.


“Too much seems to me to have been mixed up too quickly. The phrase, ‘Israel’s security is part of Germany’s raison d’état’ has never been an empty phrase, and it must not become one. It means that Israel’s security is essential for us as a country. This special relationship with Israel stems from our historical responsibility.


“It was the generation of my grandparents that wanted to exterminate Jewish life in Germany and Europe. After the Holocaust, the founding of Israel was the promise of protection to the Jews — and Germany is compelled to help ensure that this promise can be fulfilled. This is a historical foundation of our republic.


“Our historical responsibility also means that Jews must be able to live freely and safely in Germany.”

This statement shows to me that classical antisemitism rising in places where Islamists are taking power means the beginning of a realistic assessment of liberalism and whether individual human rights can coexist with radical Islam.


Germany, despite the passage of time is still known for Naziism just as the Arabs should be known for their terrorist groups. Hamas, while it has awakened the protesting antisemites, has also awakened Good people everywhere to advocate for Good over Evil. It should also awaken the Arab countries who were attracted to the Abraham Accord and who fear Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.


Toby Axelrod reports in JTA: “Recognizing Israel’s right to exist is now mandatory for those who want to become German citizens in the former East German state of Saxony-Anhalt.


“Applicants living in the state will have to confirm in writing ‘that they recognize Israel’s right to exist and condemn any efforts directed against the existence of the State of Israel.”


The paradigm shift must be that the advantages of citizenship in the freedom loving western nations must be reserved for those who do not hate our freedoms and wish to replace them with Sharia law and jihad. America under Biden not only has an open border policy but also does not properly vet regular immigrants. The shift in assumptions and policies must take into account that the world is a nasty place and evil must be constantly fought, and that multiculturalism must be adjusted to recognize that not all cultures are equal.


On the bright side, I believe some young people are ready for a paradigm shift away from the reflexive UN anti-Israel resolutions and the totalitarian leftist-Islamist alliance. For example, the youth wing of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), called the Jusos, in late November, 2019, condemned its leadership’s anti-Israel voting record at the UN. This organization of 14 to 35 year-olds has over 70,000 members. who adopted a resolution that the “disproportionate condemnation of Israel, the only democratic state in the Middle East” is a problem affecting UN bodies “that is carried on not only by states of the Middle East, but also European states, who pass, or abstain from, anti-Israel resolutions”. They urged the leadership to “dissociate from the initiatives and alliances of antisemitic member states in the bodies and specialized agencies of the United Nations.


Donald Trump was a great U.S. President in foreign matters including Israel and specifically his Abraham Accord. Joseph Biden, perhaps just a tool of his far left and anti-Israel advisors has been one of the worst presidents, specifically for empowering and enriching Iran, the country that boasts of its intentions to use nuclear weapons against Israel.


A paradigm shift must take account of the damage wrought by Biden and how Israel will be able to live safely in a world full of appeasers and antisemites. Although he is helping Israel with arms, Biden wants a shrunken weakened Israel and a strong Iran.


Every Jew must see himself or herself as a Maccabee. From the Maccabees to the IDF, we fight, but on Hanukkah we don’t celebrate a military victory as much as a religious victory. Our Maccabees throughout history will sacrifice on our behalf, and our duty is to properly analyze the shifting paradigms so that we can win the war of ideologies.


Howard Rotberg is the author of The Second Catastrophe: A Novel About a Book and its Author, (about Israel during the Second Intifada), TOLERism: The Ideology Revealed, and The Ideological Path to Submission… and what we can do about it.



Keppler, Victor. Buy war bonds: Third War Loan., poster, 1943; [Washington, D.C.]

Keppler, Victor. Buy war bonds: Third War Loan., poster, 1943; [Washington, D.C.]

Israel needs to Sell War Bonds to Rebuild her Industries.


Rising from the ruins of a generation of Israeli doctrine

It will take years to correct the damage the generals wrought by reducing the size of the IDF and inducing its total dependence on the United States

Caroline B. Glick

Caroline B. Glick is the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate and host of the “Caroline Glick Show” on JNS. She is also the diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, as well as a columnist for Newsweek. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington and a lecturer at Israel’s College of Statesmanship.



(December 22, 2023 / JNS) Two underlying assumptions guided Israel’s security establishment for the past generation. The first asserted that with the end of the Cold War, the era of conventional wars had ended. In the present age, brains, rather than brawn, would rule the roost.


The primary author of the “small and smart IDF” doctrine was Ehud Barak, who served as Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces when the Berlin Wall crumbled. In later years, the slogan was finessed.


A generation of IDF Chiefs of General Staff organized around the vision of a “small, technological and lethal army.”

As Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Brick, (retired) who served as the IDF ombudsman for ten years, has documented, operating under the spell of Barak’s doctrine, the IDF shut down multiple reserve divisions. It cut its artillery forces by 50%. Armored brigades were shut down. The reserve force was reduced by 80% between 2003 and 2017. The non-commissioned officer corps was gutted. The bulk of the IDF budget and nearly all the U.S. military aid were diverted to the Air Force—the strategic arm of the “small, technological and lethal” IDF.


The doctrine was repeatedly exposed as a farce. But to no avail. The air force didn’t defeat the Palestinian terror factories in Judea and Samaria in 2002. The ground forces did. The air force never had a response to missiles from Hezbollah to the north and Hamas to the south. Without regional brigades defending the borders, Israel’s “peacetime” borders with Jordan on the east and Egypt at its west became highways for weapons smugglers.


Brick’s warnings fell on deaf ears until the “small, smart army” fallacy was obliterated by Hamas invaders on Oct. 7. Israel’s multi-billion shekel “smart fence” was felled by bulldozers. Its automatic response system was obliterated by RPGs. Hundreds of soldiers manning these worthless technological wonders were slaughtered or kidnapped. Everything failed.


A microcosm of all things oppressive

This brings us to the second underlying assumption that guided Israel’s security establishment for the past generation. This assumption, also championed by Barak, asserted that Israel’s most important strategic asset was the United States.


Leaving aside the obvious fact that a strategy of dependence on an outside actor effectively gutted Israel’s national independence, on the surface, Barak’s dependence concept seemed reasonable.


The Americans rescued Israel with its weapons airlift in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In 1992, the United States was the sole global superpower. Because Israel was seen as Washington’s “mini-me,” countries worldwide lined up to be friends with Israel, which they perceived as the gateway to Washington. The vast majority of Americans supported Israel. U.S. military aid to Israel enjoyed wide bipartisan support.


Under the spell of Barak’s U.S. dependence doctrine, Israel gutted its domestic military production capabilities. Nearly everything that it had produced domestically—from uniforms to rifles to bullets, to artillery and tank shells—was shut down. Thousands of military industry workers lost their jobs. Knowledge was lost. The contracts moved to the United States. Even projects developed jointly by Israeli engineers financed by America were transferred to the United States for production. So it happened that Israel’s Iron Dome missiles are solely produced in the United States.


Along with Barak, the dependence doctrine’s biggest champions were the air force generals. Under their leadership, Israel’s air force effectively became a U.S. asset. The air force cannot operate without U.S. platforms, spare parts and bombs. All air force ordnance is made in America.


But even during the 1990s and 2000s, the writing was appearing on the walls telling us that things were changing in America. A generation after the United States emerged from the Cold War as the sole global superpower, it struggles to contend with the threat of China, which surpasses it in several key technologies.


Under the spell of globalization, the United States gutted its industrial base. Even if it wanted to, today it is hard-pressed to repeat the 1973 airlift in real time.


Even worse, the end of the Cold War initiated changes in American society that over the past 20 years have exploded in convulsive transformations.


Since the early 2000s, hard-core cultural Marxist progressives have seized control over the U.S. education system at all levels. As a result, young Americans are emerging from high schools and universities with values unlike anything we have ever seen.


The new American values are built around a division of humanity into two classes: oppressor and oppressed. “Oppressors,” young Americans now believe, are evil and must be punished. “Oppressed” are pure and must be empowered. The United States is the chief oppressor. Its social and economic orders must be radically transformed to expiate its sins.


Israel (America’s “mini-me”), and Jews generally, are presented as a microcosm of all things oppressive.

The implications of this progressive indoctrination present America with an existential challenge. If allowed to continue into the next generation, the United States will be destroyed.


For Jews, the threat this indoctrination poses is immediate, as a survey published last week by Harvard-Harris demonstrated.


Harvard-Harris asked their respondents’ views on the Israel-Hamas war, and more broadly, about Jews and Jew-hatred. The answers showed that unlike their parents and grandparents, young Americans have embraced a comprehensive, internally consistent and genocidal hatred for Israel and Jews.


Two-thirds of Americans aged 18 to 24 believe that Jews are oppressors and should be treated as such. Around 70% in that same age bracket believe that antisemitism is rising in the United States generally and on university campuses specifically. They believe that calls for genocide of Jews are hate speech and a form of harassment.


At the same time, 53% of them think this harassment and hate speech should go unpunished.

Similarly, 66% of 18- to 24-year-olds agree that Hamas’s attack on Oct. 7 was genocidal. All the same, 60% believe it was justified.


Logically flowing from these sentiments, 51% of young Americans believe that the proper end of the Palestinian-Israel conflict is the destruction of the Jewish state and its replacement with a Hamas-controlled Palestinian entity. That is, the majority of young Americans support the annihilation of the Jewish people.


Unlike the generals’ “small, smart army” doctrine, it took several weeks for the public to see the devastating consequences of their “America-dependence doctrine.”

America in a holding pattern

In the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7, their faith in American support seemed to be borne out. President Joe Biden and his top advisers pledged their total support for Israel. Biden deployed U.S. aircraft carrier groups to the Eastern Mediterranean and promised $14.3 billion in supplemental military aid to Israel to ensure that Israel has what it needs to successfully win the war.


But in recent weeks, particularly since Israel resumed its operation in Gaza at the end of November after the 10-day hostages-for-terrorists ceasefire, that assessment has changed dramatically. The public has realized that friendliness and declarations of solidarity aside, the United States does not share—and in some areas opposes—Israel’s war aims. To win the war, Israel must eradicate Hamas in Gaza and remove the threat Hezbollah poses to northern Israel. It must also take action to prevent the Houthis from maintaining their effective maritime blockade of the Port of Eilat.


On all of these fronts, Biden and his top aides have made clear that their goals are not the same as Israel’s. They do not seek the eradication of Hamas and the return of the hostages. They seek the end of the war and the return of the hostages. And at the end of the war, they want to rebuild Gaza. They want to use the war’s end as a means to compel Israel into a “peace process.” The goal of that process is to establish a Palestinian state in Gaza, and Judea and Samaria, led by terrorists from the Palestinian Authority which, like Hamas, seeks the annihilation of the Jewish state.


In Lebanon, the administration seeks to prevent war, even though doing so will leave Hezbollah with its capacity to invade the Galilee and destroy strategic targets all over Israel with its massive missile arsenal.


As for Yemen, the United States has demanded that Israel take no offensive action against either the Houthis or the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ overlords directing Houthi operations from their spy ship in the Red Sea.


Instead, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has formed a multinational task force from which Israel has been excluded. While its purpose is subject still to speculation, to many U.S. and Israeli observers, it appears that America intends to use its coalition to beef up its efforts to intercept Houthi missiles and drones launched against merchant vessels in the Red Sea. That is, as with Hezbollah, the U.S. goal vis-à-vis the Houthis seems to be to end Houthi assaults on merchant ships without diminishing their capacity to carry them out.


As for military supplies, the $14.3 billion is still languishing in Congress. It won’t be considered until Congress reconvenes on Jan. 9 after the Christmas and New Year recess.


It will take years to correct the damage the generals wrought by reducing the size of the IDF and inducing its total dependence on the United States.

‘The IDF is changing its view’

But this week, the Defense Ministry let it be known that it is moving to correct the situation. On Tuesday, Ynet reported that the Defense Ministry is initiating what it refers to as “Independence Project.”


According to the report, the Defense Ministry is launching a crash program with Israel’s military industries and major industrialists to make Israel independent in everything related to ordnance. In the initial phase, Israel will begin producing bombs for its aircraft. Jerusalem also intends to expand its production of tank and artillery shells, as well as assault rifles and bullets. Separately, there is increased discussion regarding the establishment of a missile force as an independent arm of the IDF. The force would reduce reliance on the air force and develop more versatile, more easily defended missile launch platforms and massively expand Israel’s missile and drone arsenals.


After meeting with Defense Ministry Director General Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir, Ron Tomer, the head of Israel’s Industrialists Union, told Ynet, “The war demonstrates our need for a powerful and advanced industrial base to ensure Israel’s national strength and independent capabilities. The IDF is changing its view of how it arms its forces, enlarging domestic production lines in order to be less dependent on ordnance from abroad. The ideal of a small high-tech military did not prove itself.”


Brick and others argue that had Hezbollah joined Hamas in invading and bombing Israel on Oct. 7, Israel may well have been destroyed that day. A combination of Hezbollah’s 10,000-man Radwan Brigades perched at the border and capable of invading the Galilee, and a barrage of up to 4,000 missiles with various payloads targeting Israel’s air bases, and other strategic sites and civilian population centers every day for weeks, would have caused irreparable damage equal in force to a nuclear bomb.


Iran’s decision not to involve Hezbollah on Oct. 7 has given Israel the opportunity to reorganize its forces and prepare for the multi-front war that awaits us. We don’t have a moment to lose.




Israel should stop subsidizing the US military

Israel and the U.S. would both benefit from a transactional relationship.

Lawrence Solomon

Lawrence Solomon is a financial writer, a former contributor to The Wall Street Journal, a former oped editor of Toronto’s Financial Post and the author of seven books.


July 25, 2024 / JNS) Much is made of the $3.8 billion annual subsidy Israel’s military currently receives from the U.S. Little if anything is ever said of the far greater in-kind annual subsidy—estimated at tens of billions of dollars—that Israel has provided the U.S. over decades.


Israel’s subsidy to the U.S. isn’t readily quantified because no one attaches dollars and cents to the upshot of the close working relationship between the two countries’ militaries—the closest it’s ever been, as stated by their military leaders and as seen by last year’s largest-ever joint military exercise involving naval, land, air, space and cyber-warfare elements.


Informal estimates, however, speak to the extent of the Israeli contribution. According to the U.S. aerospace industry, the U.S. has been the beneficiary of billions of dollars thanks to more than 700 Israeli upgrades to the F-16 fighter jet and numerous others to the F-15. The U.S. windfall from Israeli arms technology is, in fact, ubiquitous and literally incalculable, reaching into every area where the two militaries interact.


A high-profile case in point involves the Iron Dome, an Israeli invention that is now manufactured in the U.S. and used by the U.S. military as part of its missile defense system. When President Ronald Reagan first proposed his Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983, it was mocked as “Star Wars” and, many billions later, abandoned by President Bill Clinton. The Iron Dome, along with Israel’s other state-of-the-art missile defense systems, now enables the U.S. and NATO to meet military goals that had long evaded them.


The provision of intelligence services to the U.S. may represent Israel’s greatest contribution.


The late Daniel Inouye, former Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said: “Israel’s contribution to US military intelligence is greater than all NATO countries combined.”


According to retired Air Force intelligence chief General George F. Keagan, “The ability of the U.S. Air Force in particular and the Army, in general, to defend whatever position it has in NATO owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any other single source of intelligence, be it satellite reconnaissance, be it technology intercept, or what have you. He added: “I could not have procured the intelligence . . . with five CIAs.”


The CIA’s annual budget today, according to leaked information from Edward Snowden, exceeds $14 billion. Since the U.S. Air Force likely utilizes Israeli intelligence at least as much now as before, the subsidy that Israeli intelligence imparts to the U.S. military could exceed $70 billion per year.


Another estimate of Israel’s military contribution came from Alexander Haig, then U.S. Secretary of State, formerly NATO’s Supreme Commander, who estimated that Israel saved the U.S. $15 billion annually by granting the U.S. use of its strategic location in the Middle East.


“Israel is the largest American aircraft carrier in the world that cannot be sunk, does not carry even one American soldier and is located in a critical region for American national security,” he stated.


Both countries, of course, benefit immensely from their military and security cooperation, but the support for Israel is hardly extraordinary. The U.S. more heavily subsidizes Israel’s adversaries and much more heavily subsidizes Ukraine’s military.


Meanwhile, Israel’s benefit to the U.S. is often taken for granted. U.S. Air Force planes refuel at Israeli bases, U.S. Navy ships dock in Haifa and the U.S. Department of Defense pre-positions $1.2 billion in arms and medical equipment in Israel to shorten the supply lines needed for its own troops or those of its allies.


Over the past year, Israel and Ukraine have both drawn from those stocks. In Israel’s case, it not only pays for the weapons it pulls from this stockpile for its own use, but it also pays 90% of the costs of maintaining this U.S. military facility on Israeli territory. Moreover, because Israel’s $3.8 billion aid package comes with strings attached—almost the whole of it must be spent in the U.S.—it also acts as a subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers.


In foreign policy, former President Donald Trump has often complained that other countries take advantage of the U.S., whether by failing to meet their NATO obligations or by paying too little for the U.S. troops stationed abroad for their protection. As a remedy, he has generally sought reciprocal relationships and a balanced playing field, often by treating foreign alliances on a transactional, businesslike basis.


A more businesslike relationship between the U.S. and Israel would serve both countries well. If Israel and the U.S. each purchased material and services from the other at market prices rather than relying on mutual largesse, the enemies of the U.S. would lose one of their most effective rhetorical weapons: The accusation that the “Israel Lobby” is controlling Congress to wring financial concessions from the U.S. that are then used to oppress Palestinian Arabs. The U.S. would instead be seen as profiting financially from its military sales to Israel.


Israel would likewise avoid opprobrium for being “subsidized” by the U.S. and, to the perturbation of its critics, be the richer for it.



Israel can mobilize & equip 350,000 soldiers, its economy, and homefront

Ron M.-tweet-27February2024-Israel can mobilize
Unprecedented: The most important thing learned from the GAZA War is that Israel can mobilize & equip 350,000 soldiers, its economy, and homefront, along with tanks & aircraft to fight for 5 months of daily combat & missile war.

Trust me Iran & Hezbollah noticed. 🇮🇱

Ron M-tweet-27February2024-Israel can mobilize

Ron M-tweet-27February2024-Israel can mobilize




Betrayal of allies: US pauses munitions, while threatening Israel’s security – editorial

Delaying aid emboldens Israel’s adversaries; the US must provide not just military aid, but also a clear and consistent message of solidarity.

9MAY2024 Updated: 9MAY2024 https://www.jpost.com/international/article-800476


Amid the conflict in Gaza, the United States administration’s decision to delay a crucial shipment of munitions to Israel is not just a logistical delay; it is a major erosion of trust between staunch allies.


On a seemingly ordinary Monday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin made a startling revelation: the US would withhold one shipment of essential munitions from Israel due to concerns about possible civilian casualties in the strategic Rafah region. This announcement added a layer of complexity and doubt at a time when decisive action is most needed. Austin’s move strikes at the heart of the operational readiness of the IDF and sends a worrying signal about the US’s resolve to stand by its ally.


The timing and reasoning behind this pause are particularly troubling. It came during a critical phase of Israel’s operations against Hamas, a terrorist organization that poses a relentless threat to the security of Israeli civilians. Allies depend on consistent and reliable support in times of crisis; however, this decision by the US suggests a wavering commitment, raising questions about its reliability as a strategic partner.


Israel-US tensions help Hamas

Criticism from The Wall Street Journal underscores the strategic missteps. Its editorial earlier this week pointed out that such hesitations directly benefit Hamas, allowing it a respite when Israeli forces are applying pressure. This not only potentially prolongs the conflict but risks increasing the civilian casualties the US wants to prevent. It’s a paradox that undermines the intended ethical stance of the US and illustrates a misunderstanding of the dynamics in fighting entrenched terrorist elements.


Moreover, the decision represents more than a temporary tactical shift; it signals a possible change in US foreign policy that could have long-lasting geopolitical  repercussions. The US has historically been Israel’s staunchest ally, providing not just military aid but also standing by its right to defend itself on international platforms. This pause in military aid is at the very least, a moment of hesitation that adversaries could exploit.


The internal US political climate further complicates this scenario. Recent debates in the US Congress and among the public reflect a polarized view on the extent of support the US should offer Israel. This division is not just a domestic issue; it affects international perceptions and can alter strategic calculations for other global actors who closely watch US commitments and policy shifts.


Israel’s need to maintain pressure on Hamas cannot be overstated. Rafah is not just another battleground; it is a critical node in the network of tunnels and supply lines that Hamas uses to fortify its positions and launch attacks against Israel. The strategic need to control or neutralize this area is vital in preventing further escalations, and in striving toward a scenario where civilian lives on both sides can be safeguarded.


This US’s decision can affect the region’s delicate balance of power. It emboldens Israel’s adversaries, who may perceive the pause as a weakening of Israeli resolve because of less certain US support. It also complicates the broader Middle East’s geopolitical puzzle, where regional actors soon capitalize on shifts in traditional alliances.


In response to these challenges, the US must reassess its approach and consider the broader implications of its foreign policy moves. Allies do not merely support each other during convenient times; they stand by each other resolutely, particularly during periods of existential threats. The principle of mutual support is foundational to any alliance, and any deviation from this can have disproportionate impacts on the ground.


Moving forward, the US administration must clarify its position and align its strategic objectives with the realities of the conflict in Gaza. Resuming the shipment of munitions would be a step towards reaffirming its commitment to Israel’s security needs. It would also signal to other international actors that US alliances are not subject to abrupt changes based on shifting political trends.


As Israel continues to face significant security challenges, the unequivocal support of its principal ally is indispensable. The US must provide not just military aid, it must also send a clear and consistent message of solidarity. This is crucial not only for the stability of the region but for the integrity of international relations where commitments must be honored and alliances respected. The strength of a promise, much like the strength of a nation, is its consistency over time. Allies must not and cannot afford to leave each other adrift, especially when the stakes are as high as national survival.




Israel Signals Self-Reliance for Weapons

By Simone Ledeen
04January2024 https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2024/01/04/israel_signals_self-reliance_for_weapons_1002676.html

Israel’s declaration that it intends to expand its domestic munitions production heralds a new chapter in U.S.-Israel relations, where strategic recalibration meets the challenges of an evolving international arms landscape. Israel’s announcement signifies a dual aim: to diminish U.S. leverage in its military operations and to confront the relentless shortages prevalent in the global market. In the volatile landscape of global munitions sales, the Black Sabbath massacre orchestrated by Hamas has seemingly propelled Israel into a serious reassessment of how much leverage over its military decision-making it is willing to give the United States.


On December 29th with Israel engaged in heavy fighting during clearing operations in Gaza, and a looming regional conflict on the horizon, the Biden White House approved the second emergency transfer of the month for Israel, this one totaling nearly $150 million in military equipment, including critically important 155mm artillery ammunition. In response to Israel’s previous emergency request, the US expedited the delivery of over 13,000 tank shells.


Historically, the United States has been a key supplier of military aid to Israel, offering critical support in times of conflict. However, the increasing acknowledgment within Israel’s leadership that this dependence also translates to a degree of subservience in military decision-making seems to have prompted a reevaluation. By cultivating a more self-reliant approach to armaments, Israel aims to reduce its vulnerability to external influences, particularly, the leverage that U.S. armaments confer on its military decisions.


While the alliance is rooted in shared values and common interests, the leverage the U.S. holds through the provision of military aid has, at times, led to complex diplomatic negotiations, acknowledging the occasional divergence in goals between Israel and the U.S. The U.S. imperative is not just to address regional conflicts but to grapple with a global market in flux. The global weapons market is always driven by geopolitical shifts, and now more than ever, an insatiable demand for artillery ammunition as two hot shooting wars are taking place.


In recent months, the U.S. had to some extent stepped up production within our defense industrial base to meet immediate demands and replenish stockpiles, but more is needed and quickly. The urgency for increased production becomes not just a response to immediate needs, but a strategic imperative to stay ahead in an ever-evolving defense landscape where the future is increasingly violent and difficult to predict.


In addition to old-fashioned artillery, unmanned aerial vehicles, particularly First Person View (FPV) drones, have emerged as transformative assets. The ability to deploy munitions from drones reshapes the dynamics of conflict, presenting both opportunities and ethical challenges.


FPV drones, equipped with real-time video transmission systems, have become linchpins in modern warfare. In both Israel’s war with Hamas and Ukraine’s war with Russia, these drones provide tactical advantages by offering military forces a valuable tool for reconnaissance, target identification, and even the delivery of munitions. Yet, the integration of FPV technology also raises ethical concerns. Battlefield videos from Ukraine show these drones sometimes being used for activities that violate international norms.


In this landscape, the FPV drone discussion stands as a microcosm of the broader challenges and opportunities that define our American path forward. Israel is signaling an intent to chart its own course in the coming months and years, as it must defeat Hamas both militarily and politically, despite pressure for a ceasefire from some quarters.


The recent emergency transfers of military equipment from the Biden White House to Israel have highlighted the constraints that come with heavy reliance on external support. The expedited deliveries, while addressing immediate needs, have underscored the vulnerability inherent in relying on a foreign ally for crucial military supplies during times of conflict and the many reasons why this current global environment requires a new approach.

Simone Ledeen is an accomplished national security professional with expertise spanning defense policy, intelligence, counterterrorism, counter threat finance, and emerging technologies. As Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Middle East Policy, Ms. Ledeen was responsible for U.S. defense policy for Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. She strengthened key U.S. defense relationships through close collaboration with foreign counterparts and oversaw the development and implementation of critical policies and initiatives including in counterterrorism, information operations, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies. Ms. Ledeen advises several venture capital and early-stage defense technology firms. Previously, Ms. Ledeen held various leadership roles across the U.S. Government, executing complex operations overseas and spearheading initiatives to counter extremist threats. She received her MBA from Bocconi University and her B.A. from Brandeis University.




Israel begins shift to domestic ammunition production

“The lesson from the war in Ukraine and against Hamas is identical: Israel must significantly increase its arsenal,” said a former Israeli defense official.

Yaakov Lappin https://www.jns.org/israel-begins-shift-to-domestic-ammunition-production/

Yaakov Lappin is an Israel-based military affairs correspondent and analyst. He is the in-house analyst at the Miryam Institute; a research associate at the Alma Research and Education Center; and a research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University. He is a frequent guest commentator on international television news networks, including Sky News and i24 News. Lappin is the author of Virtual Caliphate: Exposing the Islamist State on the Internet. Follow him at: www.patreon.com/yaakovlappin.


(February 8, 2024 / JNS) In the wake of the ongoing war against Hamas and its exposure of Israel’s near total dependence on the United States to replenish its stocks of ammunition, Israel has begun shifting toward greater domestic ammunition production.
The Israeli Defense Ministry has begun reaching out to local defense companies to boost production lines and place orders that will ensure they churn out ammunition for years to come, as a top priority.


The ministry saw domestic production as a priority even before the war, but the issue has now risen to the top of the national agenda.


“The lesson from the war in Ukraine and against Hamas is identical: Israel must significantly increase the arsenal with which it enters the campaign,” a former defense official told JNS.


This includes a variety of arms, ranging from Iron Dome interceptors to sophisticated guided air-to-ground munitions and artillery shells. Tank shells could also be a candidate for domestic production.


Yet not everything can be moved to Israel. Military aircraft will continue to be made in the United States.


The cost of producing aircraft for a single military without exporting them to additional clients would make their production a financial non-starter for Israeli defense industries. Nor would the U.S. agree for Israel to begin competing with it in the global fighter aircraft market, as the 1980s Lavi jet project, which shut down for these reasons, demonstrated.


On Jan. 25, ministry director general Maj. Gen. (res.) Eyal Zamir concluded a working visit to Washington, D.C., where he met with senior U.S. Department of Defense and State Department leadership, as well as with Lockheed Martin and Boeing executives.


Those two companies produce the Israeli Air Force’s growing fleet—F-35s, CH53 transport helicopters, Apache helicopters and F-15s. Israel is reportedly attempting to fast-track some of those deliveries, particularly the Apaches.


“The visit underscored the close cooperation between Israel and the United States since the beginning of the ongoing Swords of Iron war,” the ministry said in a statement at the time. “Maj. Gen. (res.) Zamir engaged in discussions with his American counterparts about armament procurement, aligning with preparations for evolving combat scenarios. The discussions also focused on plans for force build-up in the upcoming multi-year strategy, including the acquisition of advanced platforms and capabilities to maintain the IDF’s qualitative military edge and readiness for diverse scenarios. This approach integrates lessons learned from the war into strategies for obtaining military equipment,” it stated.


Nevertheless, it has become painfully clear that Israel’s dependence on American ammunition supplies, which saw more than 200 cargo planes touch down Israel following Hamas’s Oct. 7 invasion, has become a danger to national security and independence.


This dependence means that any Israeli Cabinet must consider the principle of “legitimacy” in its warfare planning—a principle that could become paralyzing if leverage over Israel becomes too great.


Should that principle trickle down into operational decision-making, the result can only harm Israel’s war efforts.


IDF combat officers should be thinkingly purely about how to accomplish missions, while of course adhering to the IDF’s own internal ethical code and upholding its own internal commitment to adhering to the laws of armed conflict. But if concerns over “legitimacy” in the eyes of a foreign government, no matter how close an ally, creep in, due to ammunition reliance, that is a serious problem.


Furthermore, Israel’s current lack of independent mass ammunition production has meant that the IDF needs to weigh its uses of resources carefully in Gaza, when looking at multi-arena threats in the north and at Iran, both of which could become involved in full-scale wars at any time.


Such precaution means that the IDF has been running an “armament economy” regarding certain munitions.


Both the air force and the ground forces must take the prospects of additional fronts catching fire into account.


All of this means that mass domestic ammunition production is a must-have for Israel going forward, and there are encouraging signs that this is in fact what is developing.


This will also create very real economic burdens in the future; American ammunition was bought with U.S. aid money.


For Israel to create and fund new production lines among its defense industries, it will also need to ensure that society can manage this burden by having as many economically productive citizens in the work force as possible.




As war wages on, the local arms industry is booming

While many businesses are shut down due to the war with Hamas, the Israeli arms manufacturing industry has never been in such high demand. 190,000 new applications for weapons licenses were also added to the growing needs of the army and the new readiness teams, with tens of thousands of rifles and pistols already delivered to civilians. The price: loss of contracts abroad

Yuval Azulay
13November2023 https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/o41wmf8hy


A look around at the huge production hall of the pistol and rifle manufacturer IWI in Ramat Hasharon shows the unprecedented panic and pressure that are rising from all directions, on all fronts. All the production machines have been working here non-stop and around the clock for more than a month, even on weekends, providing hundreds of assault rifles every day to the IDF units fighting on the front and to the readiness teams that are arming themselves as well as personal pistols to the civilian market, which woke up frightened by the terror of the October 7 massacre in the south and jumped by hundreds of percent in the last month.


It’s not easy these days in the industry, and in the firearms factories that are urgently needed for both the front lines and on the home front, which is doubly difficult and complex. Many workers were recruited into the reserves by emergency call-ups, and at the same time, the demand from the field is soaring. About 40% of the employees of the arms manufacturer Ematan from Karmiel, owned by Reuven Zada, and about 20% of the employees of IWI, owned by the veteran arms manufacturer Samy Katsav, were drafted into the reserves last month. Both companies are trying to take in dozens of replacement workers to staff the production and assembly floors in order to be relevant to the Israeli arms race.


IWI factory in Ramat Hasharon (Photo: IWI)

IWI factory in Ramat Hasharon (Photo: IWI)

Already in the first week of fighting, Katsav recruited all his family members, including children and grandchildren, and put them on the assembly production lines. “Anyone who comes to help these days is welcome and blessed,” he says. “This situation reminds me of the World War II movies of American citizens enlisting in the war effort to defend the home and working in weapons factories.”


Chaya (75) has been working in the assembly workshop for a month with her friend Livna (72), and both roll up their sleeves and assemble guns with skilled fingers in an eight-hour shift. “Look, I already have the hands of a worker,” she says. She is now assembling components for the Jericho pistols, a bit of variety after spending all of last week working on pickguards for Masada pistols.


This is the first time she has joined the effort on the production line, and this indicates the magnitude of the hour. “There has not yet been a situation where I had to come here to contribute to the general effort. During the coronavirus period, there was an extreme shortage of manpower and I wanted to come but they were afraid I would get infected so I stayed at home. My daughter and I are happy here. We feel that we are contributing something.”


The opening shot of the Ministry of Defense

Had this war not broken out, IWI workers would have been busy these days moving their factory from the Elbit Systems complex in Ramat Hasharon to the industrial area in Kiryat Gat. The construction of their new complex, which measures approximately 23,000 square meters, was completed not long ago, and the complex adjustments to its workforce resulting from the dramatic change were also completed. Many dozens of workers from Netanya and northern communities have finished their work at the company in recent months and in their place about 200 workers from Kiryat Gat and the south have been recruited. This period when the demand for weapons soars daily is not the right time to move, and the workers from the Kiryat Gat area are transported daily to Ramat Hasharon.


The engineers of the development department also locked away plans for future products in the vault and left the laboratories to strengthen the production floor. “These are unusually busy weeks, guns are produced here endlessly,” says Lior, head of the gun team at IWI. “We all understand that this is the order of the day. We all have a strong sense of mission, and what is most important to us is that our brothers in the south have reliable and good weapons to protect them.”


But it is much more than “Brothers in the South”. Many more sisters and brothers throughout the country are arming themselves with everything possible: pistols, long guns, short guns, and sights that improve accuracy. “All this demand expresses a very serious vacuum that was created in the field due to previous decisions by the government,” says Ron Pollak, the VP of marketing for EMTAN, who lives in a kibbutz seven kilometers from the border with Lebanon. “In recent years we have gone down to nothing, to zero. Now there is panic and everyone wants to stock up and fill warehouses.”<


Since the beginning of the war, more than 190,000 applications for weapons licenses have been submitted to the Ministry of National Security, and in the first ten months of 2023, more than 210,000 applications have been submitted, and the year is not over yet. So far, about 31,000 licenses have been issued. For comparison, in 2022, 42,000 applications were submitted and approximately 13,000 licenses were granted. In 2021, about 20,000 applications were submitted and about 10,000 licenses were issued. This process of arming is dangerous for many reasons, but the manufacturers and dealers of weapons pull out their ready answers such as “it’s not the gun that kills but the person who pulls the trigger”, and “the licenses are issued selectively and in a professional and responsible process”.


EMTAN’s best-selling gun is the Ramon, named after the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon. About two years ago EMTAN signed a contract with the Spanish Federal Police for the supply of about 10,000 such pistols. It is sold in the same markets where IWI aims its best-selling pistol, the Masada, which was also developed in recent years and weighs significantly less than that of the old and well-known pistol, the Jericho. In both cases, the price of one gun ranges between NIS 3,000 and NIS 4,000 ($776-$1,000). Both companies clarified that they did not take advantage of the situation to raise prices.


The guns made in Israel are only a small part of the Israeli gun market, which is mostly made up of imported brands such as Glock, Sig Sauer, CZ, Beretta, Smith, and more. “98% of the guns in Israel are imported,” says the chairman of the firearms division of the Association of Chambers of Commerce, Amos Golan. In the past, Golan was in command of the Counter-Terrorism School and the Duvdevan unit, and today he is the owner of Silver Shadow, which manufactures M4s and related weapon accessories. The focus on purchasing imported guns is mainly due to their international branding, personal taste, and convenience of the user, even though the price level is usually close to that of the local guns.


“There is a large aftermarket for all this equipment, and it can be a tremendous engine of growth. The reality on the ground justifies this. In all the terrorist incidents in recent years, we have seen that in places where there was intervention by armed civilians, the terrorists were neutralized. Even in the Hamas attack in the south, in places where the terrorists responded with fire there was less killing,” says Golan.


A few weeks ago the head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan came to Katsav’s factory and left an order for 200 Arad-type assault rifles. The Arad is based on the M4, went on the market last year, was quickly adopted by the Navy, and became the main service rifle of the special unit fighters. Now that the defense system has opened the budget dam, the demand for the Arad is also increasing from units in the Ministry of Defense and members of standby units, for whom the new standard is of a standard infantry fighter in the IDF.


At the beginning of the month, the Ministry of Defense’s procurement administration ordered thousands of long-barreled M4 tools manufactured by their two companies from Mazada and Matsav, for more than NIS 100 million ($25 million). The Ministry of Defense’s invitation is only an opening shot. The IDF intends to equip itself in the coming months with tens of thousands more M4 rifles, and the procurement administration of the Ministry of Defense intends to publish another tender. In the upcoming tender, a third Israeli manufacturer, Golan’s Silver Shadow, which manufactures in Or Yehuda and is supposed to move the production to a new factory it has established in Modiin, will come into the picture in the coming months. He owns another factory in the USA. “It is important that the state purchases its assault rifles from Israeli companies,” says Golan. He expects the Ministry of Defense to divide the procurement pie equally between the three manufacturers and prefer them over foreign manufacturers.


Katsav looks at the procurement fever, knows that this is only the beginning, and remembers the days that followed the Yom Kippur War. Katsav, 77 years old, is a veteran of Israel’s defense industries. He founded the SK group of arms companies which, apart from IWI, includes Meprolight which develops and manufactures electro-optical sights for rifles and pistols, and Camero which deals with radar technology which detects and identifies happenings behind walls. In addition, he owns Israel Shipyards together with Shlomi Fogel and Asi Shmelzer.


The shock of the massacre in the south does not leave him. “They did things to us here that were not seen even in the Yom Kippur War,” he says, “These are exactly the same stories I heard from my mother-in-law, may she rest in peace, a survivor of Auschwitz from the time of the Holocaust. How is it possible? How does the world not want to see we are right and understand us?”


“Abroad, they take advantage of the situation to steal contracts”

The war in Gaza has captured the entire Israeli arms industry, IWI, and its members within it, with the production floors busy with work against the background of the global armament fever created by the war between Russia and Ukraine. On the first day of the war, they quickly aligned with the Ministry of Defense’s expectations, diverted all production to the needs of the IDF, and stopped exports, for all that this implies. “We immediately stopped the export work and diverted all activity to Israel without waiting to be told to do it,” Pollak says. “The very next day we sent out the first truck and in the first week of the war we supplied about 12,000 rifles to readiness teams and the army and thousands more guns to stores.”


Katsav also understood very quickly the magnitude of the catastrophe: “First and foremost is the priority of the IDF, the police, and our security forces, there is no doubt at all. The needs of the Israeli security forces are at the forefront of our minds, and only then exports.”


The VP of Marketing and Sales of SK Ronen Hamudot says that most customers abroad show empathy for the situation in Israel, but there are also those who are less patient and insist on receiving the goods on the specified date. “We do all we can to postpone delivery dates abroad. Most customers understand, but there are those who insist on receiving at the time we agreed on in advance. We understand that whoever buys something needs it and this situation requires us to make tremendous efforts because the country is also under a kind of siege. It is very difficult to fly in raw materials, the prices have soared and we are constantly looking for creative solutions.” Katsav and Hamudot also recognize attempts by competitors in a world where contracts have been taken from us. “They understand that we are all here being recruited for war and are trying to steal contracts from us, turning to our customers with tempting offers,” says Katsav.


Normally, about 90% of its produce is intended for export. However, against the background of the huge surge of manifestations of antisemitism that is sweeping the world, IWI canceled its participation in three defense exhibitions – in Thailand, France, and Colombia – in order to reduce prominence, also on the recommendation of security officials. “There aren’t many flights anyway and most of our attention is directed to the IDF anyway,” says Pollak.


The arms companies do not mourn the opportunities they are losing these days abroad. There they know that in the thick of the battles it will be very easy to sell to the world weapons that were used by the IDF’s special units in the war in Gaza. “Sales to the IDF and the Israeli security forces are a sign of quality for any product in the arms sector,” Hamudot says. “Sometimes the first question a potential customer asks us is whether the IDF and the police have been equipped with weapons. If the answer is positive, the chances are that we will move forward towards a deal.”




Israel’s going to need a bigger army and other lessons from this war

Israel must also lower its dependency on the US for arms. On the bright side, the Abraham Accords are still intact

Efraim Inbar  23December2023  https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/israels-going-to-need-a-bigger-army-and-other-lessons-from-this-war/
The war on Hamas is not over, but certain lessons already seem very clear.


The US has displayed great support for vanquishing Hamas, and this has enhanced Israel’s position as a valued American ally. Yet, the American motives are suspect. The Biden administration’s support is predicated by an obsession with the Two-State paradigm, which requires eliminating Hamas from Gaza and restoring the moribund and corrupt Palestinian Authority (PA) there. Moreover, the American embrace aims to restrain Israel from attacking Iranian proxies, a move that could lead to a regional escalation – something Washington is eager to avert. This has been the major motive for sending aircraft carriers to the region.


The US has no appetite to take on the main culprit for the Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi aggression against Israel, Iran. Washington, which had pressured Saudi Arabia to stop fighting the Houthis, even warned Israel not to take independent action to defend the freedom of navigation for its ships in the Bab-al Mandeb Straits. It is not clear how determined the international flotilla that the US has initiated will be against the Houthi threat. So far Washington has preferred a defensive posture.


The war has proved also that the two-state paradigm is still the international Pavlovian response to the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, even though the war shows clearly that the Palestinians cannot become a good neighbor – not even in the next generation. The PA refused to condemn the Hamas atrocities and even called upon Hamas to join the PA as a junior partner in ruling over the Palestinians. Palestinian hatred towards Israel has reached incredibly high levels. A September 2023 poll showed that the Hamas candidate for prime minister has a 60 percent support rating in the Palestinian territories. A June 2023 poll indicates that two-thirds say Israel will not celebrate the centenary of its establishment, and the majority believes that the Palestinian people will be able in the future to recover Palestine and return its refugees to their homes. Polls taken after October 7 show immense support (around 80%) for the barbaric Hamas attack. Unfortunately, this ideology has many adherents in the Muslim world. Moreover, Hamas has established kindergartens, schools, social services, and mosques, ensuring that it is firmly entrenched in Palestinian society. Its messages are popular and fall on responsive Palestinian ears. The antisemitic wave engulfing many Western states reinforces the current high level of Palestinian hostility toward Israel. Much of the world refuses to see the unpleasant facts that defy a widely-held paradigm.


The war also facilitates the continuation of the global ostrich syndrome concerning Iran’s nuclear advances. Despite the worrisome November report by the IAEA about further growth in Iran’s breakout capabilities as a result of the continued growth of enriched uranium stockpiles, the US appears to have paid scant attention. Moreover, Iran, in a continuation of its strategy to reduce transparency over its sensitive nuclear programs, withdrew the designation of European inspectors with experience in enrichment technology, thus further handicapping attempts to inspect its nuclear programs. This elicited no Western response. Israel is busy with its war on Hamas without a clear effective strategy to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.


On the bright side, the Abraham Accords seem to have overcome a difficult test. The UAE and Bahrain maintained their diplomatic relations and even Saudi Arabia signaled its intention to continue with the normalization process. Similarly, Egypt and Jordan cooperate with Israel in providing humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza. All these Arab states relish the fact that Israel is doing the dirty job of administering a serious blow to the Palestinian offshoot of the Muslim Brothers.


Israel needs a quick decisive victory over Hamas, primarily to restore lost deterrence. It cannot survive in the Middle East if it is not feared. Fear is the best political currency in this region. In addition, it must meet several immediate challenges.


Jerusalem cannot change the asymmetric nature of its relations with Washington which will always act upon its perceived interests. Yet, it is imperative to lower the dependency upon the US for ammunition and weaponry. It is largely a question of allocating enough money to have a larger storage capability and more investment in R&D. Israel’s military industries probably need compensation for a quick transition to an emergency mode to supply the IDF. The goal is not to free Israel of the need to rely on the US but to increase Israel’s freedom of action for longer periods in emergencies when the two states do not see eye to eye. [Israel needs to copy what Russia did with her Military-Industrial Complex to beat any Sanctions or Arms Package Vetoes]


Indeed, Israel must allocate much larger amounts of money for its defense budget. It needs a larger standing army that can better protect Israel’s borders and a stronger military able to fight at least on two fronts simultaneously. Shortening the period of compulsory military period is no longer an option and increasing the pool of available conscripts is necessary.


Hezbollah’s joining the fray could have been an opportunity to defeat another Iranian proxy, but Israel did not capitalize on this because of a shortage of adequate available military might. In the future, an opportunity for a preemptive strike should not be missed. Deterrence requires maintenance, and the use of force is one of its lubricants.


A nuclear Iran is an existential threat that the international community, and primarily the US, refuses to deal with. Israel is on its own, and it is naive to believe that anything but a preventive Israeli military strike, will eliminate this challenge. Israel has to refocus and prepare to end the nuclear threat.


Dealing with the Palestinian challenge requires patience because there is no ending to the conflict any time soon. There is little chance of the dysfunctional Palestinian national movement evolving into a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority (PA) of the nature the Americans dream about. Any Palestinian entity will continue to constitute only a marginal security risk as long as Israel is determined to mow the grass as often as needed.

About the Author
Efraim Inbar is president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS) and head of the program on Strategy, Diplomacy, and National Security at the Shalem Academic Center.




Israel’s declared goals similar to Russia’s – Lavrov

The fight against Nazism is what historically unites Russia and the Middle Eastern country, the foreign minister believes

28December2023 https://www.rt.com/russia/589831-lavrov-israeli-gaza-hypocrisy/

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov © Ramil Sitdikov; RIA Novosti

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov © Ramil Sitdikov; RIA Novosti

The declared goals of Israel in its ongoing operation against Hamas militants in Gaza seem nearly identical to Moscow’s in its campaign against the Ukrainian government, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said in an interview with RIA Novosti on Thursday.


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has been carrying out a relentless bombing campaign in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza over the past two months following a surprise Hamas attack on Israeli territories on October 7. The attack by the Palestinian militants left some 1,200 people dead and saw the kidnapping of over 200 hostages. Israel’s response, meanwhile, has reportedly cost the lives of over 21,000 people, according to Gaza health officials.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that the end goal of the IDF is the complete destruction of the Hamas movement in all its forms, as well as the elimination of all extremism in Gaza.


Lavrov, however, noted that these goals seem similar to “demilitarization” and “denazification,” which Moscow has been pursuing in Ukraine since it launched its offensive in February 2022.


The diplomat noted the hypocrisy demonstrated by Israel’s former government under Prime Minister Yair Lapid, who condemned Russia’s military operation and accused Moscow of attacking the civilian population and annexing parts of Ukraine. “This was unfair,” said Lavrov.


At the same time, the minister pointed out that the current Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu – who took office for a sixth term in December 2022 – has avoided making any statements against Russia, despite international criticism and finding himself in “a difficult situation.”


Lavrov further recalled that Netanyahu had held two phone conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and that the Israelis had helped Moscow evacuate Russian citizens from Gaza.


“Therefore, we need to be very careful about our common history with Israel and, above all, the history of the fight against Nazism. This is the main thing that unites us historically,” Lavrov said.


Russia has repeatedly called on both Israel and Hamas to stop hostilities in Gaza, with Putin stating that the only way to resolve the Middle East crisis was through a “two-state” formula approved by the UN Security Council.


Netanyahu, meanwhile, has refused to send military aid to Ukraine and has instead offered himself as a potential mediator for peace talks between Moscow and Kiev.




Khamenei Silent As Russia Again Undermines Iran’s Territorial Integrity

Peloni:  As Alex Grinsberg noted earlier this year, Russia and Iran are each driven by their respective national interests which are not mutually aligned.

Iran International Newsroom, December 24, 2023  https://www.israpundit.org/khamenei-silent-as-russia-again-undermines-irans-territorial-integrity/ Original Source: https://www.iranintl.com/en/202312248912


Russia’s support for the United Arab Emirates in its dispute with Iran over the ownership of three Persian Gulf islands has turned into a controversy in Tehran.


The Iranian leadership, typically reticent about Russia’s double standards, has, for the second time this year, heightened its response to Moscow’s stance. Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s most senior foreign policy adviser, former Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Velayati, implicitly criticized Russia’s behavior by stating, “Iran will not allow any foreign entity to intervene in its internal affairs.”


In a similar situation earlier this year, Velayati, following Russia’s joint statement with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in September, emphasized the importance of Iran’s friendly and strategic ties with Russia. He pointed out that both sides’ bilateral and regional interests should be considered. Notably, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei remained silent, as is often the case, regarding Russia’s actions that undermine Iran’s territorial integrity.


Recently, the Iranian Foreign Ministry criticized “part of the statement of the 6th Arab-Russian Cooperation Forum held in Morocco, dismissing the claims on three Iranian islands as baseless and unacceptable.” Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani asserted that “The Islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb are eternal parts of Iran and inseparable from the Islamic Republic.” He underscored that Iran’s sovereignty over these islands is non-negotiable, emphasizing the country’s commitment to protecting its territorial integrity.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Tehran on July 19, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Tehran on July 19, 2022

In response to the Foreign Ministry’s statement, Iranian international lawyer Reza Nasri highlighted that Russia’s support for the UAE’s sovereignty claims over the Persian Gulf islands contrasts with Iran’s support for Russia in the Ukraine conflict. Nasri emphasized the need for Russia to be a strategic ally to Iran and called for respect for Iran’s territorial integrity.


Britain, which maintained control of Abu Musa, and the Greater and Lesser Tunb it had occupied in the 19th century, withdrew its forces from the Persian Gulf in 1971 and the United Arab Emirates was formed. However, Iran’s Imperial government at the time decided to reclaim what it believed were historical Iranian islands.


Mohammad Reza Shah sent the Iranian navy to secure all three in November of the same year, two days before UAE was established. Iranian forces remain on the islands, with only Abu Musa having much of a civilian population of several thousand.


X (Twitter) users criticized the untimeliness of Russia’s behavior, especially as Iran is working to finalize a strategic security pact with Russia. Some social media users labeled Iranian officials as “traitors” over Tehran’s response.


Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Amirabdollahian called on Moscow to respect Iran’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, after Russia supported the UAE’s sovereignty claims over three Persian Gulf islands. He said during a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov: “The Islamic Republic of Iran completely rejects any claim in this regard by any party. Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of countries is one of the fundamental principles in relations between countries, and Tehran makes no compromises with any party when it comes to respect for its territorial integrity and sovereignty issues.” Lavrov responded that “The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been respected by Russia and Moscow’s official policy in this regard should never be doubted.”


Earlier in this year, the media pointed out that some Iranian hardliners supported Russia’s humiliating stances on the three Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf. At the time Raisi-administration-owned daily Iran charged that Iranian media outlets that criticized Russia’s positions get their orders from the United States.




The Shocking Truth

Antisemitism, Jew-hatred – whatever term you use – is soaring to alarming levels not seen since the Holocaust. How did it get to be so bad, so quickly when we have equality, civil rights, and religious freedom?!

Rachel Avrahami | Posted on 22December2023 | https://breslev.com/4079674/

The Shocking Truth by Rachel Avrahami

The Shocking Truth by Rachel Avrahami

Shocking. Unbelievable. Unconscionable.


The now infamous and completely morally corrupt testimony of the three University presidents of MIT, UPenn and Harvard was shocking beyond words. The Presidents didn’t even try to lie or cover up their gross and intentional negligence towards Jewish students. Even more appalling than the smug and brazen refusal to answer simple yes or no questions by Representative Stefanik in the now famous clip, was the utter silence they gave to Rep. John James, an African-American congressman, when he asked the question: “Just remind us, what each of you are doing on your college campuses [to combat antisemitism]?” (I highly recommend that you take a minute to watch it for yourself HERE).


We all know that if these questions were directed at the Universities’ responses regarding the rights of any other minority group, the answers would have been decisive and definitive.


We see across the board – whether it’s University silence about the threats to Jews on campus that lead one student of UPenn to testify before Congress that “I do not feel safe,” or the silence of the UN and other leading feminist organizations in the face of the atrocities and crimes against humanity against Jewish women committed by Hamas on Simchat Torah, or the silence and deafening inaction of the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) to help the hostages in any way – the world has once again chosen to stand against Jews, against morality, and against God Himself.


Even worse, bodies like the UN and the ICC which were created supposedly to ensure that there would “Never Again” be a Holocaust allowed on this planet – are exactly the bodies that are not only silent in the face of the Holocaust and blatant act of genocide that occurred on Simchat Torah, openly refusing to condemn Hamas, openly refusing to help Jews, but have even become Israel’s worst enemies, gaslighting Israel to say that Israel is doing to Gazans what Hamas actually did to us! The world bodies are even bringing incredible pressure to bear to try to stop Israel from retaliating and eliminating the threat Hamas poses to doing what it already promised to try to do: to commit the genocide of October 7 again and again and again, God should save us!


When the pot boils, the froth comes to the surface. Against this backdrop, global antisemitism is soaring. Neo-Nazis are marching in broad daylight at the University of Wisconsin, and pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas antisemites are marching around the world. Antisemitic attacks and vandalism are reaching a tipping point. Jewish college students are told not to wear Jewish symbols, and a student at NYU testified before Congress that she was attacked by another student while wearing an American-Israeli flag pin – and nothing whatsoever was done to her attacker who continues to roam freely around campus! [Editor’s Note: According to data compiled by the Mosaic organization for the Knesset Subcommittee for Foreign Policy and Public Diplomacy, campus antisemitism has risen by 700% since 7-Oct.] So much for “speech can become harassment if it leads to conduct” – it’s a bunch of bull anyway, but even to that they turn a blind eye! And hot off the press – hundreds of bomb threats to synagogues across America this past Shabbat.


Scary and depressing does not even begin to describe the deep sea of terror and dread shaking every Jew on the planet to the core. It’s like we’ve been taken back in time into a black and white Holocaust horror film that we never dreamed we would be in.


I know as a born JAP (Jewish American Princess) I’ve found myself thinking many times that all this is just too much for me. We were taught that this level of Jew-hatred was over, put into a glass box in a Holocaust memorial. Isn’t the new post-modern world past all this hatred?


It seems that the answer is very clear – all the rules and protection and equality apply to everyone except Jews. 


Jews are still hated, still gaslighted, still held to double-standards, still labeled with whatever the society deems as bad – even if it means total hypocrisy. Even if it means that Jews defending themselves will be labeled as the very “Nazis” who murdered 6 million of us. That Jews in our own lawful land will be called “occupiers.”


And it’s showing no signs of letting up anytime soon. In fact, Rabbi Arush has already given multiple warnings (see Rabbi Arush’s video Q&A on Aliyah) that the danger to Jews is liable to get a lot worse, Hashem should save us.


(PS – Check out Rabbi Arush here saying that while Jews outside the Land do not feel safe, the most secure place is in the Land of Israel and especially in Jerusalem, which enjoys Hashem’s special protection. And contrary to what most think, Rabbi Arush says that after Mashiach comes, it will be a lot HARDER to get to Israel.
So come NOW! We don’t know when it will be too late… I shake while reminding you that the Jews in Europe also thought they had more time.)


I don’t know about you, but having our belief and trust in equality being spit in our faces in this matter has me shocked – and scared.


Emuna – or Hell

The point is not to bring everything out of the shadows in order to wring our hands. The point is to see where the world is going and realize that Rabbi Arush’s motto of “emuna or Hell” has never been so clear as right now.


What’s the emuna? Rabbi Arush recently said that it’s forbidden to refer to the massacre of Simchat Torah as “Black Sabbath.” He said, “It was White Sabbath! The light of repentance came into the world! We see how many Jews are returning to Hashem because of what happened! Every day – more Jews! The light and happiness in the Upper Worlds are unimaginable. The whole world has waited for these days since creation!”


Meanwhile, every week Rabbi Arush reminds us to never stop seeing Hashem in the miracles of the thousands of missiles of every type launched at Israel, and “statistically, zero killed.” How much Hashem is protecting us every minute – and to be filled with gratitude, thanking Hashem all the time.


I don’t know about you, but it’s incredibly difficult to hold on to that reality out here in “the real world.” A world filled with yet another soldier who fell in battle. A world filled with a true war on social media, and yet another story from a captive who was taken hostage on Oct. 7.


This is exactly the point. 


As I mentioned in my article Not Just Another War, this is fundamentally a spiritual war for each and every Jewish soul. Will we hold onto our emuna, as Rabbi Arush teaches us to – or not???


Will we spend all day crying over the news and the feed, worried about what the next moment will bring? Or will we spend all day thanking Hashem for protecting us?


Will we see the heavy darkness of antisemitism everywhere? Or the beautiful light of Jews unifying to help each other and finding their Jewish identity as never before?


No one is immune from this war. Each and every one of us is struggling with it – and victory is not guaranteed, no matter who you are! 


Take it from me – I’m first in line to testify that I struggle with this fight multiple times each and every day, even with all my closeness to the teachings of emuna. I lose battles, and sometimes I feel that I can’t win. But the energy I receive when I’m in “emuna” mode keeps me going, even if I unfortunately spend plenty of time reeling in Hell…


What gives me strength is Rabbi Nachman’s teaching: “Who is the one called victorious? The one who doesn’t put down his weapon.”


The weapon of the Jew is prayer.


So as long as you keep praying and begging Hashem for emuna, and doing your very best to follow Rabbi Arush’s advice, reading The Garden of Emuna and strengthening your emuna – Rabbi Nachman promises you will win!

Update: If you still aren’t convinced of just how clear and present the danger is to Jews in America, journalist Ami Horowitz spoke to 35 random students on a left-leaning campus. 80% of them supported killing Jews around the world, specifically hitting soft targets like schools and synagogues. 50% were willing to put money towards the cause. Not one pushed back. Watch for yourself.


Please read the continuation of this article – Why is There Antisemitism?


Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel. 
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.



Simchat Torah for Our Martyrs

On Simchat Torah, Hashem reminded us that those who celebrate and follow His Torah are protected. What can we do for those who were killed on that day while celebrating a licentious event? A LOT!

David Ben Horin | Posted on 24December2023 | https://breslev.com/4080632/

Simchat Torah for Our Martyrs by David Ben Horin

Simchat Torah for Our Martyrs by David Ben Horin

All the pundits on podcasts are trying to tell us why the Simchat Torah massacre happened and what they think will happen next. They’re all wrong. 


Somebody asked me whether to call the massacre the “Oct 7 Massacre” or the “Simchat Torah Massacre”.


It’s Simchat Torah.


It’s the day Hashem reminded His children, the Jewish people, and the rest of the world that those who dance around His Torah celebrate His blessing and protection. Those who spend their days dancing around a huge idol lose His protection against the savages and monsters of this world.


The IDF can’t protect us. On Simchat Torah, they didn’t. The Mossad, Shin Bet, or American aid didn’t turn away the barbarians at the gate.


The gates that turned away these animals were at the only two kibbutzim in the Gaza Belt that were dancing around the Torah.


This reaffirms the Torah truths in the portion Ki Tavo. It’s a reaffirmation of the Jewish way of life: The life Hashem commands us.


From the day Adam was cast out of Paradise to today, Hashem blesses His people with strength. Hashem blesses His people with peace. (Psalms 29:11)


Hashem makes a distinction between those who follow His Torah and those who don’t. These are the lessons of the Simchat Torah Distinction.


What Happens Next

It’s a hard truth to swallow.


We are at war. Our brothers are still in captivity. The wounds of this horrible catastrophe are still open.


However, we in Israel are strong. In our Land, Hashem blesses us with the mental toughness to accept the truth, and the truth is that we must make repentance. We must return to God.


We must place a carpet ban on idolatry, sodomy, non-kosher foods, and breaking Shabbat or Jewish Holidays that Hashem commands His people. 


In his Mishnah Torah, the Rambam tells us that when we are physically sick, what normally tastes good tastes repulsive, and what normally tastes repulsive tastes good. When you get a sore throat, somehow Ginger Ale becomes a delicacy.


The Rambam takes it to the next step by teaching that the same is true for our soul. When we are spiritually sick, things like sex, drugs, clubbing, flashy cars, and all-night gambling binges seem appealing.


Investing the night in Torah study, prayer, and visiting the sick doesn’t seem as enticing – even when we know where the first set of activities will ultimately place us versus the second set of Divine mitzvot.


The secular professors and military analysts, along with many generals and ministers, are talking about conquering Gaza, only to give it back to the PLO or to the local Gazan population on “the day after.”  Didn’t Hamas mutate out of the local population? Doesn’t the PLO still pay its citizens a monthly salary to kill Jews?


It’s the Rabbis who are saying we must conquer Gaza and rebuild its Jewish communities so that we can always keep an eye on the Gazans.


For the past 5,000 years of human history, that’s what conquering nations did. They annexed the land and started planting their people on it. The only difference is that God never commanded America to conquer Mexico and start putting its people in their northern provinces of Nevada and California.


We are commanded to live in Gaza because it is part of the Land of Israel.


Following the Rambam’s teachings, the spiritually healthy are the ones who are morally and intellectually healthy. They are the ones who know right from wrong – in everything.


Make Martyrs Out of Them

What will become of those who were murdered on Oct 7? What of those who were violated? What of those 1,200 people who were murdered, raped, and tortured after two days of dancing around an idol and licentiousness?


We send them to the highest levels of heaven.


Every Rosh Hashanah, we are all judged — both the living and the dead.


Hashem judges the living on their actions. But what about the dead? They have no actions to speak of in this world. What will they be judged on?


The dead are judged on the actions they cause after their death.


Suppose a man teaches his children to guard Shabbat every week. If his children continue to keep Shabbat after he passes, then Hashem will judge this man for the mitzvot his children do because he showed them how.


There are countless times where a parent came to a son or daughter in a dream and asked them to perform a mitzvah in this world so the parent could rise higher in the Next World.


Like on earth, heaven has good places and better places. You can live in a simple 2-bedroom apartment in Lod. You save up, get a higher-paying job, and pretty soon, you can move into a nice penthouse in Beit Shemesh. Hashem can pull you from a place in heaven that feels equivalent to the 2-bedroom flat in Lod and elevate you to the heavenly equivalent of the penthouse in Beit Shemesh – or better.


This is what we can do for the fallen.


Every prayer we recite, every charity we give, every kindness we perform, every line of Torah we learn because of what happened last Simchat Torah transforms our brethren into catalysts of mitzvot. Immediately, they are Zicuy Rabin – they bring us closer to Hashem.


They go from victims to martyrs. They go from being buried beneath the earth to vaulted high above the heavens.


They can get judged for performing the greatest mitzvah in the Torah.


If you recite the Shema tonight because of the horrors of October 7 and the lessons learned, it is in their honor. They were the reason you did something for Hashem that you never did before.


God gives you the chance to raise their spirits – literally! 


With every step of repentance we make, as individuals, as communities, and as a nation, we elevate Klal Yisrael. Hashem willing, we merit God’s protection against all our enemies. This is also promised in parsha Ki Tavo.


If we learned on October 7 that the curses of parsha Ki Tavo are as real today as they always were, then we know for a fact that the blessings of Ki Tavo – that we will be powerful and prosperous and that Hashem will bless us in victory for everything we do – are also as real today as they always were.


This is the Simcha of the Torah our Father gives us.



David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. David‘s Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show.



You support Terrorists, you get..

Ari Sade-tweet-8November2023-You support Terrorists, you get
You murdered, raped, burnt, beheaded, and kidnapped our people. Men, women, children and babies, and you celebrated it! And streamed it live! Proudly!
This is a fraction of your punishment. Return the hostages and surrender. We might let you live.


Ari Sade-tweet-8November2023, You support Terrorists-you get

Ari Sade-tweet-8November2023, You support Terrorists-you get


Dr. Eli David-tweet-31December2023-You celebrated the massacre on 7October and now expect us to have sympathy for you
You celebrated the massacre on October 7, and now expect us to have sympathy for you?

Dr. Eli David-tweet-31December2023-You celebrated the massacre on 7October and now expect us to have sympathy for you?

Dr. Eli David-tweet-31December2023-You celebrated the massacre on 7October and now expect us to have sympathy for you?


Why Islam canot coexist with not just the Israelis but all non-Muslims

Why Islam canot coexist with not just the Israelis but all non-Muslims



American farmhands and cowboys on their way to Israel

Lenny Ben-David-tweet-6November2023-American farmhands and cowboys on their way to Israel
American farmhands and cowboys on their way to Israel to help farmers in Israel after the #Hamas attack. Many lost their lives and/or farm workers.

That’s love! Thank you.❤️


Lenny Ben-David-tweet-6November2023-American farmhands and cowboys on their way to Israel

Lenny Ben-David-tweet-6November2023-American farmhands and cowboys on their way to Israel




Republicans Press Pentagon Over American-Made Weapons in Hamas’s Hands

Lawmakers want answers from the Pentagon on how U.S.-made weapons may have ended up in the hands of Hamas terrorists who slaughtered Israeli civilians.

A young boy holds a U.S.-made M4A1 rifle during a rally of Hamas supporters, at the Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza Strip, on Dec. 12, 2014. (Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty Images)

A young boy holds a U.S.-made M4A1 rifle during a rally of Hamas supporters, at the Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza Strip, on Dec. 12, 2014. (Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty Images)

By Tom Ozimek

(emphasis zerohedge https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/unconscionable-republicans-press-pentagon-over-american-made-weapons-hamass-hands)
23October2023 Updated: 24October2023 https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/republicans-press-pentagon-over-american-made-weapons-in-hamass-hands-5515455


Citing reports that advanced U.S.-made firearms have ended up in the possession of the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza, several House Oversight Committee Republicans are demanding answers from the Pentagon about what’s being done to make sure American-made weapons don’t end up in the wrong hands.


“The Committee has seen reports that U.S.-manufactured weapons are being redistributed and resold in secondary markets to terrorist organizations, including Hamas,”  wrote House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) in an Oct. 23 letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.


Mr. Comer and Ms. Greene cited a series of media reports indicating that American-made weapons were being diverted and ending up in the hands of terrorists.


One source of these U.S.-made weapons is reportedly the roughly $7 billion stockpile left behind in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Another is related to the arms that the United States is providing to Ukraine amid its war with Russia but that are being diverted to the Middle East by various actors, including gun-smuggling criminal groups.


“The potential possession of U.S. weapons by terrorists is alarming in light of the terrorist group’s recent horrific attack on Israel,” the pair of lawmakers wrote, referring to the Oct. 7 assault by Hamas operatives that killed about 1,500 Israelis, mostly civilians—many of them in barbaric fashion.


In their letter, they demanded a staff briefing from the Pentagon by the end of October on what procedures the Department of Defense (DOD) has in place “for preventing, addressing, and mitigating weapon diversion abroad.”

A Ukrainian serviceman checks his U.S-made M4A1 carbine after cleaning it at a base in the Donetsk region, Ukraine, on Feb. 23, 2023. (Yasuyoshi Chima/AFP/Getty Images)

A Ukrainian serviceman checks his U.S-made M4A1 carbine after cleaning it at a base in the Donetsk region, Ukraine, on Feb. 23, 2023. (Yasuyoshi Chima/AFP/Getty Images)

‘Arsenal of Anarchy’


Israel Captures Hamas Navel Commander; 9 Americans Killed by Hamas Attacks: US

In their letter, Mr. Comer and Ms. Greene cited a number of media reports indicating that American-made weapons were ending up in the hands of those who may wish to use them to harm the United States and its allies.


One of these is a June 15 report by Newsweek that cites a high-ranking Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commander as saying that the Israeli military was concerned that U.S.-made weapons provided to Ukraine were being diverted and ending up in the hands of Israel’s enemies in the Middle East.


“We are very worried that some of these capabilities are going to fall to Hezbollah and Hamas’ hands,” the IDF commander told the publication.


Since the Russia–Ukraine conflict erupted in February 2022, the United States has sent more than $46 billion in military assistance to Kyiv, sparking worries that some of that massive flow of arms was being diverted and ending up in other regions.


While a report in March from the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime found that “there is currently no substantial outflow of weapons from the Ukrainian conflict zone,” it warned of the prospect of serious proliferation.


The report’s authors warned in a statement that when the war ends, “Ukraine’s battlefields could and will become the new arsenal of anarchy, arming everyone from insurgents in Africa to gangsters in the streets of Europe.”


While it’s impossible to tell without further investigation where the weapons are coming from, it’s been alleged that some U.S.-made weapons are finding their way to Gaza and into the hands of Hamas.


In their letter, the GOP lawmakers said that “recently released photos show Hamas terrorists allegedly holding what appear to be H4A1 Carbines,” a type of weapon that they point out was specially designed for U.S. Special Operations Forces.


“This would not be the first time our military service members and allies have been targeted by terrorist organizations misappropriating American-made weapons,” the lawmakers wrote, citing the massive $7 billion arsenal that ended up in the hands of the Taliban.


Taliban Seize $7 Billion Worth of US Weapons and Equipment

After U.S. forces withdrew from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021, they left behind billions of dollars of American-made weapons and equipment.


A Pentagon watchdog reported in August 2022 that “U.S.-funded equipment valued at $7.12 billion was in the inventory of the former Afghan government when it collapsed, much of which has since been seized by the Taliban.”


The report, which was confirmed by the DOD, indicated that the equipment that had fallen into Taliban hands included military aircraft, ground vehicles, weapons, and other military equipment.


The items that ended up in Taliban hands included large equipment like Black Hawk helicopters and Humvees, as well as small but sophisticated arms like M16 assault rifles and M4 carbines.


“We have already seen Taliban fighters armed with U.S.-made weapons they seized from the Afghan forces. This poses a significant threat to the United States and our allies,” Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told Reuters in an email last year.


Lt. Col. Emron Musavi, an Indian army spokesperson, told CNBC in an email last year that weapons left behind by U.S. forces during the withdrawal from Afghanistan were making their way into other conflict zones, including in India-controlled Kashmir, which some terror groups are trying to annex for Pakistan.


“It can be safely assumed that they have access to the weapons left behind,” he told the outlet, amid reports that operatives from Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba, two Pakistan-based groups designated by the United States as terrorist organizations, had been spotted with U.S.-made arms like M4s and M16s.


Military vehicles transferred by the U.S. to the Afghan National Army in February 2021. (Afghanistan Ministry of Defense/via Reuters)

Military vehicles transferred by the U.S. to the Afghan National Army in February 2021. Afghanistan Ministry of Defense/via REUTERS


Taliban stand guard at an entrance gate outside the Interior Ministry in Kabul, on Aug. 17, 2021. (Javed Tanveer/AFP via Getty Images)

Taliban stand guard at an entrance gate outside the Interior Ministry in Kabul, on Aug. 17, 2021. (Javed Tanveer/AFP via Getty Images)


Demands for Oversight

The letter from Mr. Comer and Ms. Greene is not the first time Republicans have pressed the Pentagon on U.S.-made weapons falling into the wrong hands.


Shortly after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, several Republican senators demanded the DOD provide full accounting over the weapons and equipment that were captured by the Taliban.


“As we watched the images coming out of Afghanistan as the Taliban retook the country, we were horrified to see U.S. equipment—including UH-60 Black Hawks—in the hands of the Taliban,” Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and two dozen other senators wrote to Mr. Austin.


“It is unconscionable that high-tech military equipment paid for by U.S. taxpayers has fallen into the hands of the Taliban and their terrorist allies,” the Republicans added.


“Securing U.S. assets should have been among the top priorities for the U.S. Department of Defense prior to announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan.”


Tom Ozimek

Author (Reporter)

Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.




Narendra Modi has shifted India from the Palestinians to Israel

The pivot reflects Indian domestic politics and new interests in the Middle East

Banyan 2November2023  https://www.economist.com/asia/2023/11/02/narendra-modi-has-shifted-india-from-the-palestinians-to-israel


FOREIGN NEWS usually gets short shrift in India. Yet for the past month the country’s television channels have been dominated by wall-to-wall coverage of events in Israel and Gaza, mostly from Israel’s perspective. News anchors in bulletproof vests stand in the desert delivering breathless reports on the aftermath of Hamas’s atrocities in Israel on October 7th. Talk-show hosts restage the Palestinian terrorist group’s attack from Gaza with toy soldiers and miniature bulldozers. Weeks into the war, coverage remains intense.


The media’s fascination with Israel’s plight and retribution coincides with a marked shift in the Indian government’s stance on the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It has moved from backing the Palestinians to more or less unqualified support for Israel. The pivot is based on a realist reappraisal of Indian interests in the Middle East. It has also met with strong public backing from Narendra Modi’s domestic supporters, which is gratifying for Mr Modi’s government ahead of state elections this month and a general election next year.


In the past, like many countries in the global south, India tempered any expression of support for Israel with expressions of concern for the Palestinians’ plight. No more. Mr Modi took to X (formerly Twitter) within hours of Hamas’s assault to express his horror at the “terrorist attacks” and declare that “we stand in solidarity with Israel”. It took five days for India’s Ministry of External Affairs to reiterate, in response to questions from reporters, that India continued to support a two-state solution to the conflict. On October 27th, in a departure from its usual voting record, India abstained as the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza; it objected that the text did not condemn Hamas’s assault.


The shift reflects India’s growing defence and commercial ties to Israel. Co-operation between the two countries has been deepening ever since Israel provided India with military help during the Kargil war against Pakistan in 1999. That was long before America took a serious interest in military co-operation with India. Over the past decade India has bought missiles, drones and border-security equipment (and probably surveillance software, though it has not admitted this) from Israel, making it the Israeli defence industry’s biggest foreign customer.


A bromance between Mr Modi and Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, has deepened the relationship. So has the two countries’ shared preoccupation with fighting terrorism, especially the Islamist variant. Explaining the abstention in the UN vote, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India’s foreign minister, said in a speech on October 29th that India took a strong position on terrorism “because we are big victims of terrorism”.


India has also been increasing its ties with Gulf Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. And it can ill afford to alienate them; it depends on them for much of its oil and goodwill towards an estimated 9m expatriate Indian workers. Yet the fact that both countries have recently moved closer to Israel has allowed Mr Modi to effect his shift with alacrity. Even in the current crisis, the Saudis and Emiratis appear reluctant to allow the events in Gaza to cause a rupture in their long-term rapprochement with Israel.


Domestically, the Modi government’s pivot is essentially all upside. The Congress-led opposition has condemned it; leaders of India’s 200m Muslims have heavily criticised Israel’s military response. Yet the Indian middle-class that mostly backs Mr Modi is especially concerned about Islamist terrorism. Its members look on Hamas’s attack and recall the tragedy Mumbai suffered in 2008, when Pakistani Islamists killed 175 people and wounded more than 300 during a four-day rampage. It included an attack on a Jewish community centre in the city, where the terrorists murdered the rabbi and his pregnant wife.


There is a small risk the government will overplay its hand. As the civilian death toll in Gaza rises, India’s Arab partners might turn against the Israelis and their backers more aggressively. Mr Modi has latterly hedged against that possibility. He has reached out to Palestinian leaders, offering Indian condolences and humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, his Hindu-nationalist henchmen are unrestrained in using the conflict to stoke the Islamophobia that has propelled their party’s rise. Even if Mr Modi’s pivot becomes difficult abroad, it will probably help him win elections.



Salwan Momika-tweet-16July2024-they will stab you in the back
No matter how much you help them, they will stab you in the back.

These are Islamic teachings

Salwan Momika-tweet-16July2024-they will stab you in the back

Salwan Momika-tweet-16July2024-they will stab you in the back



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

the diplomatic battle between Israel and Egypt can decide the future of Gaza

For Egypt, Gaza is a forward outpost that keeps IDF forces occupied in the south, disturbs Israel, and prevents it from strengthening. Op-ed.

Tzachi Levi

20October2023  https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/378874


The diplomatic tug-of-war between Israel and Egypt over the opening of the Rafah Crossing has the potential to decide the future of the Gaza Strip and the war altogether.


The question is as follows: Which side will succeed in forcing the other to take responsibility for the residents of the Gaza Strip? Israel has demanded the opening of the Rafah Crossing in one direction, and according to several media outlets, has offered Egypt, along with the United States and the United Arab Emirates, a series of economic benefits in exchange for opening the crossing.


The Egyptians, for their part, refuse to open the crossing even to Gazans who are citizens of foreign countries, and instead calls for sending supposedly “civilian” aid into the Strip to prevent a humanitarian crisis and the wave of refugees that Egypt fears.


Not for nothing, this issue was ostensibly at the center of the Egyptian President’s meetings with international leaders, came up in the Netanyahu-Biden meeting, and received special attention from the King of Jordan.


What is unfolding before us us is a diplomatic “chicken fight,” the outcome of which may decide the entire war and shape the Middle East for years to come.


Many in Israel, from all ends of the political spectrum, understand that even if we eliminate all the tens of thousands of terrorists in the Strip exactly as the Israeli government has stated, Iran is not going anywhere, and, absent a meaningful permanent Israeli or international force on the ground, in a few short years a new Hamas or some other radical regime will be established in the Strip, thus setting up the next inevitable confrontation. Under such conditions, it will be impossible to rehabilitate the towns around Gaza that were ravaged by Hamas’s war crimes.


In light of this reality, the resettlement of the civilian population of the Gaza Strip in Egypt and elsewhere in the Muslim world, should become an overt political goal of Israel. This is the most humane solution to the situation, both for Israel and for the Gazans, many of whom want to emigrate from the Strip anyway and were imprisoned in it by Hamas.


It is worth noting, in addition, that there is nothing that discourages Arab aggression more than the loss of land. Therefore, in addition to the military goal of ending Hamas’ rule with minimum loss of civilian lives, the extension of Israeli sovereignty to all or some of the Gaza Strip would act as a powerful deterrent against Israel’s other enemies which are thinking about attempting to commit another heinous act such as the one we witnessed on the morning of October 7th.


Egypt sees the situation differently.

For the Egyptians, the loss of the Strip would be a strategic problem. For Egypt, Gaza is a forward outpost that keeps the IDF forces occupied in the south, disturbs Israel, and prevents it from strengthening.


Anyone who follows the strengthening of the Egyptian army from visible sources, and sees the huge bridging array it is building above and below the Suez Canal, and the military procurement in the tens of billions of dollars in all army arrays: sea, land, air and even satellites, understands that Egypt sees Israel as its main military adversary, in spite of the peace agreement.


Most of Egypt’s military exercises are directed against Israel, and that is why we can see reports, in the open media, about a long series of Egyptian violations of the peace agreement, which limits the deployment of Egyptian forces in Sinai, under the pretext of a war against ISIS.


For many years, Egypt has allowed the strengthening of terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, during both the Mubarak and Morsi eras. During the el-Sisi era, Egypt increased its supervision and control over what entered the Strip while building a massive barrier on the Egyptian side of the border. All this is just an indication that what did enter, apparently entered with an Egyptian “blind eye”.


Israel needs to think strategically about how to encourage Gazans to make their way into Egypt.

Israel must take advantage of the severe economic crisis in Egypt in favor of organizing international aid to the country in exchange for the absorption of all or some of the Gazans. Just recently, the Moody’s rating agency lowered the Egypt’s credit rating from B3 to Caa1. Indeed, Egypt is on the verge of insolvency, which may endanger the stability of the regime in the near term.


In the first stage, Israel needs to increase the humanitarian pressure on the Gaza Strip so that eventually hundreds of thousands of hungry and thirsty Gazans will break through the Rafah Crossing.


In the second stage, when Egypt will face the finished fact of an influx of refugees in its territory, it is recommended that Israel and the US organize the international community, UNRWA, and the International Monetary Fund, to flow economic aid to Egypt, to enable the absorption of some of the Gazans in Egypt.


It is important to understand: The Gazans whom Hamas imprisoned in the Strip, very much want to emigrate from it. Turkey, which is ready to take them in, is a very popular destination, as is Europe, which is obliged to take in those to whom UNRWA has granted a refugee certificate. The percentage of the Gazan population that will eventually be taken in by Egypt is lower than the country’s annual birth rate, which is over 2 million babies a year.


And in relation to housing solutions – in Egypt there is a stock of vacant apartments for immediate occupancy of at least 2 million apartments, a result of the regime’s planned economy.


Success in the diplomatic struggle with Egypt over the opening of the Rafah Crossing will shorten the war and therefore reduce the risk of opening more fronts.


Emptying the population of its Arab inhabitants while applying Israeli sovereignty means an overwhelming victory that will restore deterrence in all sectors, strengthen the Abraham Accords, and bring peace with Saudi Arabia.


In the Middle East, one does business only with the powerful, and Israel must recognize the opportunity to project power, while changing the Middle East for generations.



Another True Account of Shabbat Saving a Life, Plus a Message from the Next World

23October2023 http://myrtlerising.weebly.com/blog/another-true-account-of-shabbat-saving-a-life-plus-a-message-from-the-next-world


Someone wrote me the true story of a young man, a friend of the correspondent’s son, who was encouraged by other friends to attended the “rave” party near the Gaza Strip on Shabbat/Simchat Torah.


As the correspondent explained:

My son says the parties are full of eastern “spirituality” and he’s been warning his friends who go to them about the avodah zora aspects of them.

He says they “worship the speakers” or something.

​They don’t mean it to be avodah zora, but it’s not good.

Yet the son’s friend recently took Shabbat upon himself and managed to resist his friends’ repeated urgings to go with them to the party.


As is now self-understood, that refusal to attend the party for the sake of Shabbat saved that young man’s life.

So many people saved their own lives by either not attending the party at all or leaving before Shabbat!

​Yet the brother of another friend did attend the fateful party.

Afterwards, no one knew where he was.

One night shortly after, the father of the missing boy had a dream. As the correspondent describes it:

…his father dreamed that his son was holding a golden sefer and he said, “Don’t worry, Abba. I’m learning Torah with Hash-m.”

The next day, the family was informed the boy was found, but hadn’t survived the attack.

Who Knows the Cheshbonot of Shamayim?

While we’ve been hearing a lot about people saved from slaughter by last-minute teshuvah or even just progress in their mitzvah-observance, we remain unable to know the final moments of those who didn’t survive.


Yet from the accounts of the people who knew them well, we can glean indications regarding their last moments, that some managed to do some kind of teshuvah or some kind of kavanah to die al kiddush Hashem (for the sanctification of God’s Name).


And we know from great tzaddikim and talmidei chachamim like Rav Yehudah Petayah, that even a split-second thought of teshuvah the moment before death still holds tremendous power for atonement in the Next World.


(For more on that topic, please see here: minchat-yehudah-part-i-teshuvah-and-what-happens-after-you-die.html.)


In conclusion, let’s take comfort in the words of the Me’am Lo’ez on Parshat Beresheit (page 184):

If a person has been killed by the gentiles, his image is engraved on [the angel’s] vestments, and [the angel] brings it to the highest heaven.

There, this person is recorded in the Great Book.




Dr. Emuna: Overcoming the Terror

Emuna gives us powerful tools to cope with anxiety, fear, pain, and confusion. How can we use those tools to strengthen ourselves in the war situation?

Rachel Avrahami | Posted on 13October2023  https://breslev.com/4061929/

Overcoming the TERROR - Rachel Avrahami

Overcoming the TERROR – Rachel Avrahami

Hashem is God, ein od milvado, there is no nature and no Hamas. What happened is somehow for the best and will go down in the annals of history along with the Holocaust as something we cannot understand why. Now, we look forward, never forgetting that the Guardian of Israel does not slumber and does not sleep!

That being said, we’re all nervous wrecks. We’re all shocked, appalled, suffering, and overwhelmed. We’re all glued to our phones and computers to check the news. Round-the-clock updates. It’s almost impossible to put it down.


However, the solution is specifically the opposite – stop looking at the news and start praying! Here is why:

Sitting around looking at “what is going on” is just a trap of the Evil Inclination. It might even dress up like a tzaddik, saying “Oh, you need to know what exactly to pray for, and to pray with more feeling.” This is all a lie, for a few reasons:

  1. The media is part of the Other Side, it’s not from the side of holiness. It sells lies and slander all the time. Even if it’s “true,” it’s not the whole truth, which is emuna and Hashem. Whatever you read is only taking you away from the simple emuna and truth of the Almighty God and the true emuna that Hashem loves you, everything is good, and it’s only getting better and better.I refer once again to Rabbi Arush’s article (Who Doesn’t Like to Pay?) about how the biggest judgements come specifically from our difficulty in truly believing this, and that being unable to believe that it’s only getting better can create the reality that it won’t, Hashem should save us!
  2. Watching the media makes it hard to hold on to your emuna, because the media makes us afraid, anxious, depressed, sad, and worse. All those negative emotions are the opposite of emuna! Rebbe Nachman teaches that what you are afraid of is allowed to rule you. That’s incredibly dangerous at any time, and especially right now. We want to be 100% only under Hashem’s personal Divine Providence. For that, we need to fear only Him and look only to Him and believe only in His power and guidance. If we’re looking only to His Providence, we are not biting our nails over what already happened and what might happen in the next moment.Only when we disconnect from the news, can we connect to the emuna truth we need to hear and repeat to ourselves constantly: Every bullet and every missile has its address; everything comes only from Hashem Who loves us. Even when, G-d forbid, He takes people in the sanctification of His Name, even that is good and from love in a way we simply cannot understand in this world. Every one of us is here for a purpose and a rectification. If it’s our rectification to die, then there is no escaping it. If not, there is even less reason to be afraid! Whatever it is, only Hashem is in charge – not Hamas, not chance, not the wind, and not anything else, including the Iron Dome!
  3. The media desensitizes you. You become numb. In addition to the fear and sadness which shuts down the heart and thus the ability to speak, you stop being sensitive to the suffering in the same way.Hence, now you have less emuna, more fear, and more numbness. Most of the time, that creates a blocked heart that cannot pour forth words of personal prayer or emotion into Psalms and the like. You become totally neutralized – which of course is the goal of the Evil Inclination that told you to “check the news” in the first place!


Why is this Evil Inclination to see what is happening so difficult to overcome? Because it’s part of the sin of Adam. In checking the news, we are grasping onto straws in a subconscious effort to take back some semblance of control when we feel so scared and so helpless.


The key is to take that fear and helplessness and turn it into prayer to Hashem! Because we truly are helpless – but only to Him! 


And Hashem has the biggest Hands and the biggest Shoulders that can protect us and carry us and provide for us, without or without natural means.


It’s very hard to let go of the desire to be in control, to be “like G-d” and know everything that is going on, as if it’s going to help us manage or control the future. But the more we can “let go and let G-d” so to speak, the more we will be more relaxed and filled with emuna – which Rabbi Arush calls “the ability to cope.” Who doesn’t need that right now?


Then there is simply the incredible amount of wasted time spent checking on the situation! Set a timer for five minutes and see how little you manage to do. I found it to be more like 15 – 20 minutes, multiple times a day!


Let’s compare that to praying for the Jewish people – every word is equivalent to the number of Jews, which thank G-d still stands at approximately 15 million according to Rabbi Arush. So, in five minutes you just did BILLIONS of mitzvot! Forget about one hour! Even one sentence is so precious!!!


Finally, there is the psychological reality that when someone does something to help himself, there is less trauma and feelings of paralysis and helplessness. Checking the news only adds to these feelings and makes everything WORSE, not better. But sitting down and praying makes you feel so much better, because here you actually did something to help yourself and the situation! There is just so much that needs to be done right now and so many prayers that need to be said – get to work! Who has time and energy to waste?


Hence, the Evil Inclination ensnares us and makes us think that by checking the news we’ll feel better and more in control. In reality, he is just selling us spam that makes us sick. He makes us unable to do what really will make us feel better and will give us power to make things better – words of emuna and prayer.


I readily admit that it’s really hard to stop checking in, but you’ll feel so much better as you conquer the drive, and really the addiction, to the news, to the news-feed, and everything like it. You’ll feel better because you’re not ingesting poison, and because G-d willing now you’ll be freer to pray and follow the rest of Rabbi Arush’s advice which really will help you take back your personal power!


Make sure to also read Rabbi Arush’s newest update on the situation, Redemption is the News here.


The Jewish people is counting on you now to do your part – don’t let the Evil Inclination neutralize you!


PS. After I wrote this article, a hidden tzaddik spoke about the great need to learn Torah and pray Psalms instead of listening to the news, “which is all nonsense; all the news is against religion, against Torah, against the Land of Israel.”


With Hashem’s help, I will be continuing this series with more advice on how to cope in the aftermath and the war, whether you’re in Israel or abroad.



Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.  
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.



Only fear Hashem

October 15, 2023  https://www.thinkforyourselfpublishing.com/only-fear-hashem/

I couldn’t get into my blog for three days…

Maybe it got hacked, maybe it didn’t.

Who knows.

In the meantime, I’m here to tell you that the only thing to fear right now is Hashem.


Like so many of us, I have been on a crazy roller-coaster ride of ‘OK’ and ‘not-so-OK’ the last week, but I feel like all the tehillim, all the prayers, the teshuva, the mesirut nefesh, the chessed, the people getting behind the Rav and following instructions – it’s all starting to send some light into what is still a very heavy and dark situation.


Our enemies are still pulling the wool over so many people’s eyes with all their propaganda about ‘Iran, Iran, Iran’.


And now also ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’.


Bottom line:

It’s the US that is behind what is going on now.

Without the shadow of a doubt.


But that’s not what I’m here to tell you, or harp on.

The truth is coming out all over the place – and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

But in the meantime, we need to keep the prayers and all the other stuff going.



The Rav a few days ago said this:

Everyone should take it upon themselves to say the Book of Psalms, because now they want to enter Gaza.

They are afraid and therefore they are pushing it off.

They are scared thousands of soldiers could die.

When you go in [to Gaza], you can’t tell who’s a terrorist and who’s a soldier.

They could start shooting each other, and a thousand soldiers could die from the gunfire of our own forces.

The war has been 4 days (during the lesson) and they have not yet entered Gaza, they are scared to death to enter Gaza – who knows who will live and who will die.


The Rav’s lessons are full of hints and secrets.


When he tells you: a thousand soldiers could die from being shot at by our own forces, he is hinting to some very terrible things about what is really going on here, God forbid.


In the meantime, please also do whatever you can to get the Rav’s prayers around to as many soldiers, people and bases as you can.

One of the Rav’s gabbays put out a message last week that even a tenuous link to the Rav – even just having one of his unnamed prayers in your home – is enough to be considered to be ‘connected’ into the circle of the Tzaddik.

This is the prayer the Rav wrote especially to protect our soldiers now:


Prayer for the soldiers

Prayer for the soldiers

Click to Enlarge

Print off a few copies, and give them out to as many people, as many soldiers, as you can.

They don’t need to know it’s from the Rav.


In the meantime, I am personally praying we stay the heck out of Gaza, and that this all ‘dies down’ again so we can get to the way more important job of figuring out who the real traitors in our midst are.

And which State, or ‘States’, planned and financed the terrible pogrom on so many thousands of Jews last Shabbat, with the help of those traitors in our midst.

God has His own way of dealing with our enemies, and sending hundreds of thousands of our precious Jews into narrow, booby-trapped alleyways, following orders from people who at the very least are covering up for the mass murderers of thousand of Jews doesn’t sound like the best plan, at this stage.


Remember this:

The Rav said that if a war does happen, God forbid, it will end with an earthquake.

He also said many, many times over the last few years that in the month of Cheshvan, the sea will be full of ships from the nations of the world coming to attack Israel.

And the sea will split miraculously, and all those enemy ships will sink to the bottom of the ocean.


When Gush Katif was destroyed as per the instructions of our same ‘friends’ in sheeps’ clothing 18 years ago, there was a lot of rumours discussing an imminent tsunami hitting Gaza, and explaining that this was the reason the Jews had been moved out.

Take a look at THIS (it’s a xtian blog, but it preserved some links on the ‘geula’ blogs from around that time.)

This is a snippet:

“A recent Jewish prophetic blog was posted on August 5, 2005 on both the Years of Awe and the “Moshiach and Geula, End of Days Prophecies, Geula, Moshiach, Gog and Magog,”orthodox and mystical Jewish blogsite that made the following claim.  The claimant for this post referenced the Hebrew site, Moriyah.org, stated:


Years of Awe and Moshiach and Geula – HaRav Baruch Shapira, ztvk”l, said ten years ago“I am a big prophet and head of the 36 hidden tzaddikim, and my prophecy is that in the future they will drive out complete settlements from the Gaza Strip, and immediately afterwards there will be a very strong earthquake in the area of Gaza and a huge wave will come and wash away the whole area into the sea, along with all the Palestinians.


Those tsunami rumours resurfaced again in 2014.


But the bit that was ‘missing’ from all those discussions is that you need massive earthquakes, in order to have massive tsunamis.

In 2023, right now,  the earthquakes are picking up all over the world.


A couple of months ago, the Rav talked repeatedly about big quakes hitting Israel, but said that the quakes won’t harm Jews, and will just cause the mosques and churches to fall.


Earthquake = tsunami = sea splitting and enemy warships being totally sunk to the bottom of the ocean = Gaza flooded.


(There is some weird kink in the topography of the sea bed in the Mediterranean, that appears to suggest that if a massive tsunami does hit, Gaza will take the brunt. But clearly, still a very serious circumstance, and still a lot of prayers required for everyone.)


So, let God do His thing.

And do yours, by praying, making teshuva and carrying on with the kindnesses and the charity.

Over the next 30 days of Cheshvan:

> Every day, women should aim for one whole book of tehillim a day – but do whatever you can manage, without letting yourself off the hook.

> And men should aim for three books a day, plus 10 pages of Gemara – but again, do whatever you can manage and push yourself to just keep doing a bit more.

> Turn off the lying news – it just pulls people into despair and fear.

And then the miracles will come.



The miracles are already coming.

A week ago this time – I truly thought we’d be in the middle of a war on three fronts, thousands of rockets every day and God forbid, thousands of precious Jews bogged down in Gaza being killed by yet more ‘friendly fire’ (ahem….)


None of that is happening.


And BH, it won’t happen at all.

But keep going with the tehillim and prayers!

Because only the ‘voice of Yaakov’ can finally destroy the ‘Iron Swords’ of Esav, once and for all.




From Parenting To Practicalities: Baby Forum Evolves For Wartime

By Ariel Grossman, NoCamels – 16November2023 https://nocamels.com/2023/11/from-parenting-to-practicalities-baby-forum-evolves-for-wartime/


Israelis struggling during the country’s ongoing war with Hamas have found support from an unexpected quarter – an online platform for new parents that now also offers access to a range of free services from temporary housing and professional counseling to babysitting and home-cooked meals.


The Jama website was created to help guide new parents through the first period after childbirth by connecting them to one another and offering them free and paid professional seminars.


But now, recognizing a broader demand during wartime, it has created a universal marketplace for Israelis wanting to offer their skills and services for free to those in need.


The original site was born in 2019, just a few months after co-founder and COO Maya Dayan Shalev found herself struggling with postpartum depression following the birth of her first child.


“When I became a new mom, I felt like I was diving into this world without any preparation, without anyone to guide me and without anyone to hold my hand,” she tells NoCamels.


“We used to raise kids in tribes, in communities, and somewhere along the way, things changed and we now do it all alone,” she says. “But it doesn’t have to be that way.”


When Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel from Gaza on October 7, killing 1,200 people and abducting 240 others, Israelis around the country rushed to help the victims and their families – and the soldiers quickly called up to wage war on the terror group.


But according to Maya, there was not a unified channel to coordinate the outpouring of goodwill.

“We saw that so many people wanted to help one another,” says Maya. “There was no one place that could organize everything in a smart way.”


Maya and her brother Kfir Dayan, Jama’s CEO and co-founder, quickly realized that they in fact already had their own platform that had been created solely to bring people together.


As Jama was created as a map showing users the location of other parents nearby with children of a similar age, it was easy to adapt to its new purpose.


“We took our map that usually connects between parents and parenting events, and turned it into a place to offer any kind of help you want, or to come and [accept] that help,” says Kfir.


The Jama team – which consists of both Israeli and Ukrainian developers – needed just 48 hours to add a new section and make it accessible to all Israelis in need.


The site’s artificial intelligence platform, which analyzes data provided during registration and subsequent navigation to provide the most relevant content, is now also used to suggest services required by the new wave of users.


“That’s what I love most about the Israeli nation,” says Kfir. “When you’re in trouble, people that don’t even know you will come and help you.”


The first feature of the new section, which is called Jama Help, was a way for people to advertise homes and rooms available to people who had to evacuate from southern Israel due to the security situation with Gaza.


From there, Jama Help expanded to include donations for army equipment and professional and psychological services. And then Israelis with no professional training in mental health also joined the platform, offering to do whatever they could for anyone in need.


“People wanted to offer any kind of help. There was someone who wanted to cook for others, teachers who wanted to teach students for free,” says Maya.


“It was amazing to see how much help there was in just a few days. It really warmed our hearts.”

Today, Jama Help is open to anyone who wants or is in need of assistance of any kind.

Registration for Jama Help requires providing some basic data such as location, a phone number and date of birth. For now, the site is only in Hebrew, but the siblings plan to make it available in English too.


Thousands have now signed up to both offer assistance and find a helping hand, says Maya.

Users who want to offer a service simply click on the plus sign at the side of the map, which takes them to a form where they select the kind of service they have, such as a vacant apartment or room or professional help, the dates and location of the assistance, and how many people can be accommodated.


And while there are other initiatives that attempt to coalesce both services on offer and requests for help on a single platform, Kfir says that Jama Help’s AI shows users the most relevant offers for them based on their activity on the website.


“I think that all of us as startups – and as people – have the ability to affect for good,” says Maya.


“That was the inspiration behind Jama Help: the belief that everyone has the ability to help, and the knowledge that we had the technology to make it possible.”




Functional Trauma Stress Disorder: Civilians Under Siege

November 5, 2023 by Lazer Brody

Functional Trauma Stress Disorder: Civilians Under Siege

FTSD-Functional Trauma Stress Disorder-Civilians Under Siege

FTSD-Functional Trauma Stress Disorder-Civilians Under Siege

Everyone is aware of PTSD – post-trauma stress disorder. This is the emotional and psychosomatic aftermath of war and severe life-threatening situations. Yet, few people – unless they live in the Ukraine, Israel or any other place with constant or prolonged wartime conditions, are aware of FTSD – functional trauma stress disorder.

The Severity of FTSD

Several aspects FTSD render it a greater challenge that PTSD. for example:

  1. While PTSD is post-trauma, FTSD is ongoing trauma.
  2. While PTSD is easy to recognize and identify, FTSD is not.
  3. Therapists are very familiar with PTSD, but less so with FTSD.
  4. While those with PTSD are usually willing to seek and accept help, those with FTSD might not even be aware that they need help.
  5. PTSD sufferers are rarely in denial. FTSD sufferers are liable to consider their suffering as a weakness and therefore use denial as a defense mechanism.

The FTSD Lab

The Current Simchat Torah War (aka “Iron Shields”) began with the Hamas massacre of 1400 innocent Israelis on October 7, 2023. That day was both Shabbat and Simchat Torah. The entire nation of Israel went from extreme joy to extreme fury and indignation. Hamas kidnapped another 241 people (at the time of this writing – the count goes up almost daily). Yet, the south of Israel continues to bear the brunt of the war. For years, southern Israeli cities, towns and villages have suffered intermittent rocket fire. Every child under the age of 16 has been born into the reality of bomb shelters. As a health coach, spiritual guide and former IDF combat soldier, many people have sought my help. The following is the result of my personal experience and observation.

The Symptoms of FTSD

People with acute FTSD suffer one or more of the following symptoms:

  1. Disorientation – in the middle of a task, they forget what they were doing. They go from one room to another, and forget what they wanted to accomplish. Perhaps they open the refridgerator and forget what they wanted.
  2. Fuzzy thinking and lack of focus – they read a sentence 3 times and either lose their place or forget what they read.
  3. Difficulty in concentrating – they experience sluggishness and require much more time to accomplish routine tasks.
  4. Fear of the future – they fear that the next missile attack will hit them or their home. They also have a doomsday outlook where small problems mushroom in their minds to life-threatening dangers.
  5. Short-temperedness – they are easily aggravated and react sharply or with anger.
  6. Futility – this is especially pronounced among civilians and all those who are not able to actively share in the war effort.
  7. Sleep Disorders – wake up multiple times during the night.
  8. Digestive disorders – from extremes of loss of appetite to heavily emotional eating and dinking.
  9. Headaches, muscle tension and tightening, diaphram pain, difficulty in breathing and similar psychosomatic disorders that cause actual physical suffering.
  10. Sadness and depression.

Coping with FTSD

Conventional therapy doesn’t have effective answers to FTSD. The reason is that emotional strength comes from the soul. FTSD is the result of the current trauma being stronger than the soul in its current state. If the soul is stronger than the body, then it can cope with the current trauma and overcome it. But, the more the body overcomes the soul, the more it suffers from FTSD.


Coping with and overcoming FTSD necessitates strengthening the soul. We accomplish that by learning emuna. The body might worry about danger, but when the soul is strong in emuna, it elicits Hashem’s help in overcoming the danger. That is how King David can so calmly declare, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You [Hashem] are with me (Psalm 23:4).


In light of the above, prayer, recitation of Psalms and especially personal prayer are wonderful relievers of PTSD. Reading emuna books and most effective in neutralizing FTSD. I strongly recommend 3 Words of Emuna for immediate relief and 13 Principles of Emuna for longterm treatment.

Don’t Be in Denial

Be honest with yourself. Don’t be in denial. If you experience one or more of the abovementioned 10 symptoms, admit it to yourself. Living in the south of Israel, at one time or another, I’ve felt each one. Yet, I’ve coped and continue coping with the very same advice I give you, And remember: you don’t learn emuna from eating chocolate ice-cream. Challenging times are a wonderful opportunity to gain genuine spiritual and emotional growth. May Hashem help us to be successful and may we hear good news from one another, amen!



Israel Looking To Replace All Palestinian Labor With Foreign Workforce

The Judean Staff News 10January2024 https://thejudean.com/index.php/news/2332-israel-looking-to-replace-all-palestinian-labor-with-foreign-workforce


In the aftermath of the heinous October 7 attacks, Israel’s Economy Minister Nir Barkat from the Likud party articulated a decisive albeit controversial strategy: phasing out Palestinian labor in favor of foreign workers, effectively shutting the doors to Palestinians which would have dire consequences for their economy, but bring many Israelis peace of mind. This shift is not just a reactionary measure to a single tragic event, but a profound reevaluation of national security and economic strategy.


On October 7, Israel experienced one of its darkest days, revealing vulnerabilities in its labor force composition. Speaking at a conferfence in Jerusalem, Minister Barkat pinpointed the employment of Palestinian workers as a security risk, alleging some were involved in intelligence gathering for Hamas. This accusation is part of a broader narrative that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is complicit, through its “pay-for-slay” program, in incentivizing violence against Israelis.


To mitigate this risk, Barkat proposes a radical overhaul of Israel’s labor market. The plan involves transitioning from Palestinian to foreign labor, emphasizing the need for rapid action. The minister’s plan is underpinned by the belief that foreign workers present a significantly lower security threat and can effectively fill Israel’s labor needs.


Currently, Israel hosts approximately 130,000 foreign workers but needs an additional 170,000 to meet demand. Barkat’s recent discussions with India’s economy minister highlight the global nature of this labor shift, with countries like India eager to participate. This move is not just about filling low-skilled jobs; it’s about strategically aligning Israel’s workforce with its economic ambitions, pushing Israeli workers towards high-tech and skilled sectors.


Barkat dismisses concerns of collective punishment towards Palestinians, arguing that Israel is not responsible for job creation in the Palestinian territories. He stresses that the PA must foster its own economic growth and employment opportunities.


In the broader context of Israel’s economy, Barkat remains optimistic. Despite temporary setbacks due to regional conflicts, he sees a pattern of resilience and growth in Israel’s economy, particularly in the high-tech sector. The government’s billion-shekel investment in building industry clusters, following Professor Michael E. Porter’s economic model, is a testament to this optimism. This initiative aims to foster public-private partnerships, boosting Israel’s competitive edge globally.


In conclusion, Barkat’s strategy represents a significant pivot in Israel’s labor and economic policies, driven by security concerns and economic aspirations. While the move may have profound implications for Israeli-Palestinian relations, it is seen by the minister as a necessary step in ensuring Israel’s long-term security and economic prosperity.



Indians Set to Replace Palestinian Workers From Gaza/West Bank in Israeli Jobs After October 7 Massacre

DomPachino101-tweet-1April2024-Indians Set to Replace Palestinian Workers From Gaza-West Bank in Israeli Jobs
Indians Set to Replace Palestinian Workers From Gaza/West Bank in Israeli Jobs After October 7 Massacre

“Thousands of laborers are expected to work in the embattled construction sector, which relied almost exclusively on Palestinian workers before war.”


DomPachino101-tweet-1April2024-Indians Set to Replace Palestinian Workers From Gaza-West Bank in Israeli Jobs

DomPachino101-tweet-1April2024-Indians Set to Replace Palestinian Workers From Gaza-West Bank in Israeli Jobs



Thousands in India flock to a recruitment center for jobs in Israel despite the Israel-Hamas war


Updated 3:04 PM GMT+3, January 25, 2024  https://apnews.com/article/india-israel-hamas-war-recruitment-jobs-646b684c10a4384213b399fe6c221151


LUCKNOW, India (AP) — Thousands of Indians flocked to a recruitment center on Thursday for jobs that would take them to Israel despite the three-month Israeli-Hamas war that is devastating Gaza and threatening to ignite the wider Middle East.


Many among the crowd of men, mostly skilled construction workers and laborers, said they would take their chances in a country embroiled in war as they are struggling to find jobs in India, where unemployment remains high despite a swelling economy.


Anoop Singh, a college graduate and construction worker, was told he would make about $1,600 a month if he was selected to go to Israel — significantly more than the $360 to $420 he could get as a monthly wage for the same work in India.


“That’s why I have applied to go to Israel,” he said as he waited at the center in Lucknow, the capital of India’s most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, for his job interview.


The men said they had heard media reports that Israel is facing a labor shortage after barring tens of thousands of Palestinian workers following Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel that triggered the war.



Israeli agriculture and the Gaza War


Imports to offset Israeli shortage of onions, tomatoes

This season’s yield of strawberries will also be lower than usual.



(January 18, 2024 / JNS) Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture will increase imports of onions and tomatoes to offset a projected shortage through the end of March.


No shortages of peppers, carrots, potatoes or sweet potatoes are expected.


A gap in the supply of cabbage has been narrowed, and it is expected to return to normal in about two weeks.


The ministry added that this season’s yield of strawberries will be lower than usual, but the scope depends on the availability of professional workers for picking.


Israeli agriculture is facing staggering losses in production and manpower. Before Oct. 7, Israel had 29,900 foreigners, mostly Thais, working in farms, orchards, greenhouses and packing plants. Nearly all have returned to Thailand.


Farmers also employed 10,000-20,000 Palestinians, depending on the season, but they are currently denied entry into Green Line Israel.

Israeli workers who might have filled the gaps have been called up for military reserve duty.


And because of security concerns, farmers near the Gaza and Lebanese borders cannot access many of their fields and orchards.


A survey of 389 farmers conducted by the MIGAL Galilee Research Institute in November found that 89% of Israeli farmers had experienced some form of damage, and 96% expected more during the next three months. While farmers in the Gaza and northern regions have had the greatest disruption, all areas have been severely affected, and the impact is expected to continue for months to come.


Nearly three-quarters of the farmers, 72%, said they have experienced disruptions to their workforce, even in areas not near Gaza or Lebanon such as central Israel and the Jordan Valley.


Access was another problem cited by farmers, with 23% saying they couldn’t reach their fields to plant, pick crops or perform routine fertilizing or irrigation work, or damage control. Those farmers were primarily near the Gaza and Lebanese borders.


When asked to estimate their expected losses, farmers on average predicted a 35% drop in both production and revenue. But farmers in the area near the Gaza border—regarded as Israel’s breadbasket—projected on average a 70% loss of produce and 69% loss of income.

Reader’s Comments:
Zelda Torna

Many of us in Israel would rather eat more sweet potatoes and fewer tomatoes —- rather than put our lives at risk 24/7 with Palestinian workers in Israel’s Farms & Agricultural areas. Given the situation in the world today, surely there are more than enough foreign workers who will do an excellent job, and will NOT be a threat. On the contrary, it will improve relations with their home country….. because Israel treats its workers very well. Remember, it was Hamas who killed the Thai workers…..




How cutting-edge Israeli med tech is boosting survival rates of war wounded

AI reviews scans at Sheba Medical Center and sends alerts to doctors’ phones, while at Hadassah, wounded soldiers recover quickly after surgeons remove bullets with robots

By Renee Ghert-Zand
17January2014  https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-cutting-edge-israeli-med-tech-is-boosting-survival-rates-of-war-wounded/


Dr. Gal Yaniv sits next to his computer at Sheba Medical Center that shows how Aidoc platform used AI to identify potentially lethal tiny aneurysm in brain of Nova festival victim and immediately notified relevant medical staff to take action, December 28, 2023. (Renee Ghert-Zand/Times of Israel)

Dr. Gal Yaniv sits next to his computer at Sheba Medical Center that shows how Aidoc platform used AI to identify potentially lethal tiny aneurysm in brain of Nova festival victim and immediately notified relevant medical staff to take action, December 28, 2023. (Renee Ghert-Zand/Times of Israel)


A 23-year-old woman was shot multiple times by Hamas terrorists from Gaza as they savagely attacked the outdoor Supernova music festival near Kibbutz Re’im on October 7. One of the bullets penetrated the woman’s left eye and lodged in the right side of her brain.


By the end of that horrific day, the terrorists had butchered 1,200 people in southern Israel, mainly civilians. An additional 240 were taken hostage to Gaza. Thousands of others, like the woman from the festival, were injured and rushed to Israeli hospitals.


Fortunately, the young woman survived.

She and other wounded civilians and soldiers have not only doctors and other medical staff to thank for saving their lives, but also new Israeli-developed medical technologies.


The death rate among wounded soldiers in the current war is 6.7 percent, which is less than half the rate during the Second Lebanon War and 2.5% less than that during Operation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014.


This can be attributed to faster evacuations from the battlefield to hospitals (an average of one hour and 6 minutes faster) and better protective equipment. However, medical advances based on new technologies developed since earlier conflicts also play a critical role in boosting the survival rate.

llustrative: Lahak-United Hatzalah medivac teams fly air rescue missions across Israel’s south on October 7, 2023. (Courtesy United Hatzalah)

llustrative: Lahak-United Hatzalah medivac teams fly air rescue missions across Israel’s south on October 7, 2023. (Courtesy United Hatzalah)

Artificial intelligence streamlines patient treatment

Upon arrival at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, the woman from the music festival underwent a variety of scans, and a bleed was detected in one of the arteries in her brain.


“I got a notification when any patient with a brain bleed came in that day,” said Dr. Gal Yaniv, head of endovascular surgery at Sheba.


That notification came not as a call from his colleagues at the hospital, but via an automatic alert to his computer and an app on his phone thanks to an artificial intelligence platform called Aidoc.


Every scan done at Sheba is pushed through a dedicated server programmed with Aidoc’s pathology-detecting technology. A radiologist will also read the scan, but Aidoc acts faster and is critically important when every lifesaving moment counts.


“Time is life. Aidoc sends the push notification to the relevant doctor wherever they are for treating the problem. When they get it, they can see the patient’s scans and begin streamlining their treatment plan and the necessary intervention immediately,” Yaniv said.


“In a mass casualty event like October 7 and the war, Aidoc is especially useful in assisting us to triage and prioritize care for patients,” Yaniv said.


“In a mass casualty event like October 7 and the war, Aidoc is especially useful in assisting us to triage and prioritize care for patients,” Yaniv said.


Yaniv is co-founder and chief medical officer at Aidoc, which provides 17 AI solutions for radiology (X-rays, computed tomography, and ultrasound). The company was established at Sheba in 2016 and has been used at the hospital since 2018. Now some 1,200 hospitals worldwide are using the platform.


Thanks to this advanced AI technology, Sheba’s neurovascular team was able to act quickly in the Supernova victim’s case. An angiogram detected a tiny aneurysm in a small distal vessel in her brain that had to be closed immediately to prevent a dangerous re-rupture, which would have likely led to death.


“Fortunately, everything was caught in time and treated properly and the young woman is now recovering from this and her other wounds in our rehabilitation center,” Yaniv said.


Using surgical robots to remove bullets and shrapnel

Prof. Leon Kaplan performs robot-guided minimally invasive spine surgery to remove a bullet from an injured IDF soldier at Hadassah Medical Center, December 2023. (Courtesy of Hadassah)

Prof. Leon Kaplan performs robot-guided minimally invasive spine surgery to remove a bullet from an injured IDF soldier at Hadassah Medical Center, December 2023. (Courtesy of Hadassah)

At Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Dr. Josh Schroeder, head of the spinal deformities surgery department, has used robots in his work for the last decade.


“Robotic spine surgery to treat scoliosis and other deformities is our bread and butter. The robot guides us in the placement of pedicle screws, for example,” Schroeder said.


While surgical robotic technology has been around a while, Schroeder, along with Prof. Leon Kaplan, and Prof. Meir Liebergall, used it in a novel way in late December to treat a soldier who had a bullet stuck in his sacrum, the large triangular bone at the base of the spine.


Leaving the bullet in the body was not an option, as it would affect the nerves going down the leg and could also lead to lead poisoning.


“The soldier was initially brought to another hospital, and they said they could only operate by opening up the body. We said we could do robotically-assisted minimally invasive surgery. It would take no more than one and a half hours instead of half a day. And the recovery would be much easier and quicker,” Schroeder said.


The Hadassah surgeons used the Mazor robotic guidance system sold by the Israeli company Medtronic. Hadassah has one such robot at each of its Jerusalem campuses. The surgery to remove the bullet from the soldier was done at the Ein Kerem hospital.

Bullet removed from injured IDF soldier by Hadassah Medical Center spine surgeons using robot-guided minimally invasive surgery, December 2023. (Courtesy of Hadassah)

Bullet removed from injured IDF soldier by Hadassah Medical Center spine surgeons using robot-guided minimally invasive surgery, December 2023. (Courtesy of Hadassah)


The team uploaded computed tomography scans from before the surgery and two “fluoro shots” (X-rays) taken in surgery. The robot merged all this input and calculated the exact location for the surgeons to go in and extract the bullet.


“We’ve also used the robot to do minimally invasive surgery to fix fractures in soldier’s spines, remove shrapnel, and treat various injuries of October 7 victims,” Schroeder said.


“We can do this because the robot gives us the perfect trajectory for going in to fix the problem,” he said.



Ellay Golan was burned alive by Hamas terrorists on October 7. Last week, she graduated medical school.

Israel War Room-tweet-6June2024-burned alive by Hamas terrorists on October 7-last week graduated medical school
On October 7, Ellay Golan, her husband Ariel, and their 18-month-old daughter Yael huddled in the bomb shelter of their home in Kfar Aza as Hamas terrorists ravaged the community. Somehow, they managed to hold the bomb shelter door shut as terrorists tried to break in, so the terrorists set fire to the house, hoping to smoke the family out.

Ellay, Ariel, and Yael stayed in the shelter as long as they could until they began to suffocate from the smoke. They managed to escape the house, Ellay and Ariel shielding Yael with their bodies as they fled through the flames. They hid in a tractor on the kibbutz for several hours. Finally, they were able to reach a group of soldiers at the entrance of the kibbutz, who took them by helicopter to Sheba Medical Center. Only after Ellay gave the first responders instructions to care for her baby did she lose consciousness.

Ellay suffered burns on 60% of her body and was in a coma for two months due to the damage to her lungs from smoke inhalation. The doctors didn’t expect her to survive. Ariel suffered burns over 40% of his body, and Yael 30%.

Thanks to the incredible treatment they received at Sheba, and in part due to an Israeli-invented burn treatment called NexoBrid, Ellay, Ariel, and Yael have made a tremendous recovery.

Last week, with her hands still bandaged from the burns, Ellay received her Doctor of Medicine degree from Ben-Gurion University. Mazel tov, Ellay, and may you make a complete recovery soon!

Israel War Room-tweet-6June2024-burned alive by Hamas terrorists on October 7-last week graduated medical school

Israel War Room-tweet-6June2024-burned alive by Hamas terrorists on October 7-last week graduated medical school