Yearly Archives: 2013

Madam – Your cat is too fat

Obesity in Cats … and What to do About an Overweight Cat petMD Staff October 31, 2201 Ever wonder what to do about your overweight cat? Overweight and actually obese cats outnumber cats of normal weight and are being seen more and more commonly by veterinarians for various disorders. In fact, obesity in cats […]

A Portrait of Jewish Americans 2013

The Pew Research Religion and Public life project has done a survey of the Jewish American population. Jews are getting older, poorer, have a high intermarriage rate, and Jews are not raising their children Jewish, creating a loss of Jewish Identity † The Pew Research Religion and Public life project has done a survey of […]

Death in Advertising – Coke and Cigarettes

Remember the Marlboro Man? Remember when cigarettes were recommended by Doctors? They lied! Why Coke Is a Joke—New Ad Campaign Defends Aspartame What Chemicals are Really in Coca-Cola’s Coke Soda? High energy snacks and drinks link to bowel cancer The DARK HISTORY of CIGARETTES and why 32 million Americans are still addicted Licorice Root & […]