1. Divide dough into 4 equal parts. Knead each part into a smooth ball and roll each ball into a ropelike strand. Lay the strands side by side and pinch together at the top.
2. Grasp the leftmost strand and pass it to the right, under the two strands adjacent to it, and then back toward the left, over one strand (the one closest to it now).
3. Grasp the rightmost strand and pass it to the left, under the two strands adjacent to it (which have already been braided), and then back to the right, over one strand.
4. Alternately repeat steps 2 and 3.
5. When done braiding, pinch the ends of the strands together.
Festive Knot Rolls
1. Form a ball of dough and roll it into a long, ropelike strand, about 12 inches (30 cm) long and 1 inch (about 2 cm) in diameter.
2. Form a loop with one long end and one short end, as shown.
3. Thread the long end through the loop.
4. Pinch the two ends together on the bottom of the roll.
1. Shape the dough into six strands of equal length.
2. Lay three strands horizontally on a floured surface, then weave the other three strands into them vertically. Lift the bottom strands as needed to weave the top strands in. The ends of the strands will stick out.
3. Now braid the ends together on all four sides.
4. Gently tuck the braided edges underneath the middle section. Voila! A round challah!
Braid a Round Challah for Rosh Hashanah
Figure-Eight Rolls
1. Form a ball of dough and roll it into a long, ropelike strand, about 12 inches (30 cm) long and 1 inch (about 2 cm) in diameter.
2. Arrange the strand as shown.
3. Grasp the short end in your left hand, and with your right hand pass the long end under the short end. Thread the long end through the loop, from the top of the roll to the bottom.
In order to determine whether our dough requires separating challah, and whether we should separate challah with a blessing or without a blessing, we must consider the type and the amount of flour used and the liquid contents of the dough. Type of FlourThe obligation to separate challah applies to dough made with flour produced from one of, or a combination of, the following five grains: wheat, barley, rye, oat and spelt.
Amount of Flour
The amount of flour used determines whether challah is separated with a blessing or without a blessing, or is not separated at all.These are the amounts of flour required for separating challah (according to the opinion of Rabbi Chaim Naeh; see other opinions)
Separate challah with a blessing:
When using at least 1,666.6 grams (3 lbs. 10.8 oz.) of flour.
Separate challah without a blessing:
When using flour weighing between 1,230 and 1,666.6 grams
(between 2 lbs. 11.4 oz. and 3 lbs. 10.8 oz.).
Do not separate challah:
When using less than 1,230 grams (2 lbs. 11.4 oz.) of flour. All flour used when preparing the dough, such as flour used when rolling the dough, should be included in the calculations.
When Measuring Flour in Cups
It is preferable to measure the amount of flour in units of weight (grams, pounds, ounces) rather than in cups, because different types of flour have differences in moisture content, and the manner in which the flour is measured affects the measuring results. When flour is measured in cups, it is best to avoid the “gray areas” in the diagram below.
The Amount of Flour Required for Separating Challah – in Cups*
* The figures were calculated with a standard 8 oz. (230 cc) measuring cup containing sifted white flour. The figures were calculated based on the opinion of Rabbi Chaim Naeh.
Liquid Contents
In order that challah be separated from the dough, the majority of the dough’s liquid content must be one of the following: water, wine, milk, bee honey, or olive oil.
There is a difference of halachic opinions as to whether the obligation to separate challah applies to dough whose liquid ingredients are only fruit juice or eggs. It is therefore preferable to add a bit of water, wine, milk, bee honey, or olive oil to the dough and separate challah without a blessing.
Different Types of Dough
The mitzvah of separating challah applies not only to challah or bread dough, but also to any dough that meets the requirements of flour and liquids as detailed above, such as the dough of cakes, cookies, and pizza.
If one prepares a dough or batter with the intention of cooking or frying it (such as doughnuts or blintzes), challah should be separated without a blessing. However, if one’s intention is to bake even a small part of it, challah should be separated with a blessing.
Combining Doughs
When preparing more than one dough, and each dough does not have the required amount of flour needed to separate challah, the doughs may be combined, and challah can be separated.
If one is concerned that the different doughs should not get mixed together (such as bread dough and cake batter), they should not be joined.
To combine the doughs, lay them next to one another so that they touch, and separate challah with a blessing. If it is difficult to combine the doughs, one may leave them in their bowls and cover them with a cloth or some other covering so that they appear to be one mass of dough.
Separating Challah After Baking
Challah is usually separated from dough before it has been divided or shaped. In some cases, however, challah needs to be separated from the finished product, after the baking is done.
When separating challah from cake batter, challah may be separated after the cake has been baked, since it is difficult to separate a portion of unbaked cake batter.
If you have forgotten to separate challah from any type of dough before it was baked, you can separate challah after baking.
If you are separating challah from baked goods, cover them all with a cloth or place into one container. Then take a piece from one of the baked goods and say the blessing if required.
Remember not to partake of the baked goods until challah has been separated.
Amount of Flour – Different Halachic Opinions
Amount of Flour – Different Halachic Opinions
Prayers for Hafrashat Challah
The moment of separating challah is an especially propitious moment for praying for family and loved ones. You may, of course, offer a personal prayer in your own words, or you can say one of the following.
May it be Your will, our G-d, the G-d of our Fathers, that You bless our dough, as You blessed the dough of our Mothers, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah. And may we be blessed as in the verse: “You shall give the first yield of your dough to the kohen to make a blessing rest upon your home.” (Ezekiel 44:30)
Some have the custom to recite the following verse twice before reciting the blessing for separating challah (Sefer Chukei HaNashim):
May it be Your will, our G-d, the G-d of our Fathers, that the mitzvah of separating challah be considered as if I observed every one of its details. May my raising of the challah be considered as the sacrifice that was offered on the altar, which was willingly accepted. Just as giving the challah to the kohen in the past served to atone for sins, so may it atone for my sins and I shall be like a person reborn, free of sin and transgression. May I be able to observe the holy Shabbat and Festivals with my husband (and our children), and be nourished from the holiness of these days. May the influence of the mitzvah of challah enable our children to be always nourished by the hands of the Holy One blessed be He, with His abundant mercy, loving-kindness, and great love; and the mitzvah of challah be accepted as though I have given a tithe. And now, as I am fulfilling the mitzvah of challah with all my heart, so may the compassion of the Holy One Blessed be He be aroused to keep me from sorrow and pain always, Amen.
From the OU Orthodox Union January 18, 2008 https://oukosher.org/blog/consumer-kosher/halachos-of-hafrashas-challah/#fn150302750550cf4c73e2e89 Which items require Hafrashas Challah? If one bakes bread, cake, crackers, or cookies with flour from the five grains, one must separate challah. This is true whether one prepares a thick or a thin (pourable) dough.1 It is generally assumed that the five grains are wheat, barley, oats, spelt, and rye. If one bakes with other grains there is no obligation to separate challah. The Dough: Challah is not separated from some loose batters and sweet pastries (as opposed to a heavy batter/dough, like that of bread or babka).. Therefore, when baking cakes and pastries in quantities large enough to warrant challah being taken, consult with a competent rabbinic authority. The Flour: Challah is separated when the dough is made of one or more of the following five grains: wheat, rye, barley, oat or spelt. The Liquid: Any liquid content of the dough qualifies to require separating Challah (e.g. water, oil, juice, eggs etc.). However, in order to definitely be able to recite the blessing, some of the liquid content should be water. Therefore, when baking a recipe that does not call for water, it is advisable to nevertheless add a little water into the mix. The Dough: Challah is not separated from some loose batters and sweet pastries (as opposed to a heavy batter/dough, like that of bread or babka).. Therefore, when baking cakes and pastries in quantities large enough to warrant challah being taken, consult with a competent rabbinic authority. How much do I have to bake? If one bakes with the volume of 43 1/5 beitzim of flour, one must be mafrish challah.2 There is a difference of opinion when translating this amount into contemporary terms. According to some opinions, one is obligated to separate challah when kneading dough that contains more than 2 2/3 pounds of flour.3 Others have the practice to separate challah only if the dough is made with close to four pounds of flour. However, the common practice is to recite a beracha only if five pounds of flour is used in the dough. The Quantity: In order to separate challah and recite the blessing, the dough should contain at least 59 ounces of flour (i.e. 3 lbs. 11 oz., or 1 and 2/3 kilograms). If the amount of flour is between 43 (2 lbs. 11 oz.) and 59 ounces (1.230 to 1.666 kilograms), challah should be separated without a blessing. But if the dough contains less than 43 ounces of flour, challah is not separated. When is the hafrasha done? When baking bread or a cake with a thick dough, one should separate challah after kneading the dough but before the bread is baked.4 However, when baking a cake with a batter that can be poured, the challah is separated after the cake is baked.5
When separating challah for several batches of dough at one time (when each one contains the shiur challah), all of the dough should be in close proximity to each other at the time of the declaration. If the dough is not in a bowl or container, it is sufficient for all of the dough to be in the same room as the person who is separating the challah. However, if the batches of dough are in bowls or containers, one should be careful (לכתחילה) that while separating the challah the bowls should be open and touching.7
However, if one or all of the containers does not contain the shiur challah, this method does not suffice.8 In such a situation, one should place all of the dough into one large container before separating challah. Similarly, if one bakes several small batches of bread or cake and then puts them all together in a bag, container, or freezer,9 one must separate challah if the combined batches make up a shiur challah. For example, if one baked cookies in three separate batches with each batch containing two pounds of flour and he then placed all of the cookies into a cookie jar, one must separate challah from the cookies.10 From Chabad.org https://www.chabad.org/multimedia/video_cdo/aid/1924092/jewish/Do-It-Yourself-Taking-Challah.htm
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Jerusalemcats Comments: [If you have made Aliyah to Israel and there is the Beit Hamikdash, You are dealing with Kodesh, You need to do Netilat Yadayim and go to Step 6]
1. Place the dough in front of you, before it has been formed into any sort of shape.
If you are separating challah from a loose batter, or if you forgot to separate challah before baking, see “Separating Challah After Baking.”
2. Some have the custom to give charity or wash hands (netilat yadayim) without a blessing before fulfilling the mitzvah.[Your hands are now in a state of Taharah (ritual purity)]
This is a favorable time for personal requests and prayers (see prayers for Hafrashat Challah).
3. Recite the blessing.
It is the custom to stand while performing this mitzvah.
[ברוך אתה יְיָ אלהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצוותיו וציונו להפריש חלה [מין העיסָה
Translation: Blessed are You, L-rd our G‑d, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to separate challah.
Separate Challah Prayer-Ashkenazim
Separate Challah Prayer-Sephardim
4. Remove a small piece from the dough, lift it, and say:
Separate Challah Prayer-Say-This is Challah
The piece of dough can be of any size. The custom is to separate a kazayit – 28 grams (approximately one ounce), or the size of a ping-pong ball. [If you have made Aliyah to Israel and there is the Beit Hamikdash go to step 6]
5. Burn the separated dough or wrap it in two layers and discard it.
It is preferable to burn the piece of dough that has been separated, but not in the oven. If the challah is burned on the gas range, it should first be well wrapped in aluminum foil so that the dough does not touch the grate. Another option is to place the piece of dough inside a tin-can and burn it on a lit gas range.
If burning the challah cannot easily be done, it may be wrapped in two layers of a material such as aluminum foil or plastic bags and discarded.
http://www.secretofchallah.com/17997/customs The following are some special spiritual benefits credited to the mitzvah of separating challah, along with some customs practiced while performing the mitzvah of seperating challah:
While preparing challah and other foods for Shabbat, it is customary to say, “lichvod Shabbat kodesh,” “in honor of the holy Shabbat.”
Some have the custom, while kneading the dough, to recite Psalms and pray for people who are in need of G-d’s help and salvation.
Because of the great merit credited to the mitzvah of separating challah, it is worthy to bake especially for the sake of fulfilling this mitzvah at least once a year, ideally during the Ten Days of Repentance (Siddur Kol Eliyahu).
The following custom has recently become common in Jewish communities: Forty women devote their prayers while separating challah to the merit of a person in need of salvation (such as recovery from illness, a worthy mate, or the birth of a child).
The mitzvah of separating challah is recognized as a segulah for an easy, safe birth. It is customary to separate challah at least once in the ninth month of pregnancy.
According to our Sages, the mitzvah of separating challah brings with it a blessing for a good livelihood into our home.
14/02/2025 – י״ז בשבט ה׳תשפ״ה
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“BDS is an anti-Semitic campaign led by supporters of terror with one purpose: the elimination of the Jewish state.” Download the reportMSA-report-Behind-the-Mask
Help support a needy Tzadik
Help support Jerusalem Cats
Ministry Of Strategic Affairs Report On “Terrorists In Suits” https://4il.org.il Click to Download the Report.
Common Palestinian surnames that confirm where ‘Palestinians’ originate from
Why Do All These Rabbis Warn Against Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine?
Master of Universe, who can do anything!
Cure me and the whole world of the Coronavirus, because redemption is near.
And through this reveal to us the 50th gate of holiness, the secret of the ibbur, and may we begin from this day onward to be strong in keeping interpersonal commandments (i.e. being kind to others).
And by virtue of this may we witness miracles and wonders the likes of which haven’t been since the creation of the world. And may there be sweetening of judgments for the entire world, to all mankind, men women and children.
Please God! Please cure Coronavirus all over the world, as it says about Miriam the prophetess, “Lord, please, cure her, please.”
Please God! Who can do anything! Send a complete healing to the entire world! To all men, women, children, boys and girls, to all humanity wherever they may be, and to all the animals, birds, and creatures. All should be cured from this disease in the blink of an eye, and no trace of the disease should remain.
And all will merit fear of Heaven and fear of God, O Merciful and Compassionate Father.
Please God, please do with us miracles and wonders as you did with our forefathers by the exodus from Egypt. And now, take us and the entire world out from this disease, release us and save us from the Coronavirus that wants to eliminate all mortals.
We now regret all the sins that we did, and we honestly ask for forgiveness. And in the merit of our repentance, this cursed disease, that does not miss men, women, boys, girls, and animals, will be eliminated.
Please God, as quick as the illness came it will go away and disappear immediately, in the blink of an eye, and by this the soul of Messiah Ben David will be revealed.
Please God, grant us the merit to be included in the level of the saints and pure ones, and bless anew all the fruit and vegetation, that all will be healed in the blink of an eye, and we will see Messiah Ben David face to face.
Please God, who acts with greatness beyond comprehension, and does wonders without number. Please now perform also with us miracles and wonders beyond comprehension and let no trace of this cursed disease remain. And may the entire world be cured in the blink of an eye.
Because Hashem did all this in order for us to repent, it is all in order for us to direct our hearts to our Father in Heaven, and by that He will send blessings and success to all of our handiwork.
הסערה הבאה שרת התרבות מירי רגב הורתה להכניס ללוגו הרשמי של חגיגות היובל לאיחוד ירושלים את המילה שחרור ירושלים במקום איחוד העיר נשלח על ידי איתמר אייכנר אחרי
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From the 1940s until the 1970s, and heightening with the founding of Israel in 1948, nearly million Jews were expelled from their homes across Arab countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Algeria and Iran.
Jews were frequently subjected to pogroms, systemic violence and religious persecution. Their exiles were largely attributable to Arab regimes increasing their hostility toward Jews because of the very existence of Israel.
Today, while stories abound of many Arab refugees, few are aware or even acknowledge this forgotten exodus of Jewish refugees. Only in Israel has Nov. 30, the day after the UN voted to approve the Jewish-Arab partition plan of Palestine, been marked to commemorate their plight.
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The Canary Mission database was created to expose individuals and groups that are anti-Freedom, anti-American and anti-Semitic in order to protect the public and our democratic values.
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Issuer Israel Issuing bank Anglo-Palestine Bank Limited Period State of Israel (1948-date) Type Standard banknote Years 1948-1952 Value 5 Palestine Pounds Currency Palestine Pound (1948-1949) Composition Paper Size 105 × 68 mm Shape Rectangular Demonetized 23 June 1952 Number N# 207999 References P# 16
February 2025
Jerusalem-80-percent- Jewish-British-1864-Census
An important piece of evidence: The British Palestine Exploration Fund survey map – 1871-1877 – The PEF people delineated every wadi, every settlement, tree, and home. They crisscrossed the territory, and an examination of the map shows how empty and barren the land was, and how few people lived there.
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity… Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people… to oppose Zionism.” Zuheir Muhsein, the late Military Department head of the PLO and member of its Executive Council.; March 1977, Dutch daily Trouw
London cab driver’s answer to a request from a Muslim to turn off the radio. (You just got to love the Brits.)
A devout Arab Muslim entered a black cab in London .
He curtly asked the cabbie to turn off the radio because as decreed by his religious teaching, he must not listen to music because in the time of the prophet there was no music, especially Western music which is the music of the infidel.
The cab driver politely switched off the radio, stopped the cab and opened the door.
The Arab Muslim asked him, “What are you doing?”
The cabbie answered, “In the time of the prophet there were no taxis, so get out and wait for a camel.”
I wonder how many years (hundreds for sure) Jewish people have lived in Quebec. I don’t believe that they have ever demanded that pork be removed from the school’s menu where their children attend…
Excellent reply by the Mayor of Dorval, Quebec, to the demands of the Muslim population in his community.
Put some pork on your fork.
Too bad the USA doesn’t have the common sense to publish this nationwide, even if they have a muslim in the white house. Should also be posted on signs all along U.S. borders.
Let’s hear it for a Quebec mayor.
Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb. The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval, has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why..
“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that’s where they chose to immigrate.
“They must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec .
“They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who so generously welcomed them.
“They must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (whereas the reverse is not true, in that Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants).
“That no more than other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity, their culture.
“And if Canada is a land of welcome, it’s not the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian-Quebecois people as a whole.
“Finally, they must understand that in Canada ( Quebec ) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain. The municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.
“For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Shariah.
“If you left your country for Canada, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere.
“Ask yourself the question, just once, “Why is it better here in Canada than where you come from?”
“A canteen with pork is part of the answer.”
If you feel the same forward it on.
Judea and Samaria not West Bank
This reminds me of a Morty Dolinsky story from the time he was head of the Government Press Office:
When the late Morty Dolinsky was in charge of the Government Press Office in the 1980s, he once famously replied to a reporter, who asked for information about the West Bank, that he knew no West Bank as he banked at Leumi.