Never Forget, Never Forgive

Elon Musk-tweet-10March2024-Trying to help people understand

strongElon Muskstrong-tweet-10March2024-Trying to help people understand

strongElon Muskstrong-tweet-10March2024-Trying to help people understand


The So Called Experts promised Peace with Gaza-the Jews got Death

God’s miracle-99% success rate on 14April2024 against Iran’s 331 Missile-drone Attack

The Karens, Criminals, Narcissistic Megalomaniac Nannycrats and Naughty Beasts want ‘Pandemic Amnesty’

Then you have the “EVIL Vaxers” and their Zombies

God’s miracle-99% success rate on 14April2024 against Iran’s 331 Missile-drone Attack

Hillel Fuld-tweet-17April2024-miracle-99% success rate 14April2024
Professor of physics, Maximilian Abitbol, who is also an expert on the defense industry had this to say about the events of Saturday night.

This is a must read.

“I wanted to share something that is much more than a feeling. Something that comes from a real calculation: What happened in Israel on last Motzaei Shabbat was not less than the scale of the splitting of the Red Sea.

I am a Professor of physics and I worked for several years in the defense industry in Israel, in projects that are still the cutting edge technologies of the defence of the State of Israel.

When I look at what happened on Motzai Shabbat, on a scientific level – it simply cannot happen!! Statistically.

The likelihood that everything, but really *Everything* works out, does not exist in complex systems Like the defense systems that were used to defend Israel from the massive Iranian attack.

These systems have never, *but never*, not only in the State of Israel, been tried in real time!!

I took a pencil and dived into the calculations to check the statistic probability that such a result would materialize.

The large number of events that had to be handled, when each missile or UAV is handled independently (that is, human error or some deviation of one operation, is not offset by other successful operations), compounds the chance of making a mistake.

With all the high technologies, a breach was expected In the defense of the skies of the State of Israel.

Even if we got 90% protection it would have been a miracle!!

What happened is that everyone, but everyone – the pilots, the systems operators and the technology operators acted as one man, at one moment in total unity. If this is not an act of G-d, then I no longer know what a miracle is.

It is Greater than the victory of the Six Day War or the War of Independence. Those wars can also be explained through natural events.


The rescue that took place for the people of Israel on Motzai Shabbat is simply impossible naturally. I believe that this miracle saved the lives of many people from Israel.

If the defense system had failed to intercept a number of cruise missiles, the result would have dragged us into a very complex war.

I wouldn’t bet that next time it will work like this without Divine supervision.
The simple proof of what I said is that the managers of the defense industries, who develop and manufacture these systems guarantee no more than 90% success!

And we all saw, with our own eyes 99.9% !!!

Thank You Hashem!!”

M. Abitbol

Hillel Fuld-tweet-17April2024-miracle-99.9 percent success rate 14April2024

Hillel Fuld-tweet-17April2024-miracle-99.9 percent success rate 14April2024

Hillel Fuld-tweet-17April2024-miracle-99.9 percent success rate 14April2024



The Iranian Boomerang

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-20May2024-The Iranian Boomerang
The Iranian Boomerang: Pres. Raisi and FM Abdollahian “blessed” Israel multiple times in recent weeks that nothing would be left of it. The “blessing” came right back at them. Nothing is left of them. “Thus may all Your enemies perish, Hashem!” (Judges 5:31)

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-20May2024-The Iranian Boomerang

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-20May2024-The Iranian Boomerang



If Only You Had Listened:

A Prophet For His Time

18 Marcheshvan 5784 02November2023


Today is the 33rd yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir David Kahane,  ztz”l, Hy”d.  When HKB”H chose to take me as His daughter, He appointed for me the best teacher of Torah available to me, Rabbi Kahane, even though it was already seven years after his passing.  I learned from his books as well as directly from his son, Rabbi Binyamin Kahane, ztz”l, Hy”d, and his students, primarily Menachem Gottlieb, Lenny Goldberg, Rabbi Levi Chazan and Rabbi Yehudah Richter.


I thank HKB”H with all my heart for the men and women (Rebbetzin Libby Kahane and Rebbetzin Talya Kahane, ztz”l, Hy”d) who carried on his legacy so that I and so many others, my own children and grandchildren included, could benefit from his Torah wisdom, his commitment to the Truth, and his fearless defense of it in every realm of his life.


How ironic that a man who has come to symbolize to the world a voice and face of “hatred,” was, in fact, filled to his very depths with an overwhelming and completely unselfish love – for his G-D and for his people, to the point that he sacrificed his very life for both.  As everyone today must admit (and many do) “Kahane was right!”  He was a prophet for his time, a prophet for OUR time…


Rabbi Meir Kahane H”YD – Election Promotion Film 1988



I think this 2002 tribute that I wrote on the occasion of Rabbi Kahane’s 12th yahrzeit remains relevant, so I am reposting it here.  The only thing I would add is that we should not view ourselves as eternally bereft because every generation has its own Mashiach ben Yosef and we are destined in our days to welcome the one who will complete the task.


We Could Have Had Kahane, But We Chose Arafat


On the occasion of HaRav Meir Kahane’s twelfth yahrtzeit, I humbly and respectfully offer the following essay in thanks and appreciation for the Torah that I learned from his writings. His memory is certainly a blessing for me and so should it be for all Am Israel.


On one of the videos of Rav Kahane which I had the privilege of viewing at the yeshiva which he established in Yerushalayim, he made the following statement: “You have a choice. You can have here Kahane or Arafat. If you don’t want Kahane, you will get Arafat.” And as the saying goes, “Today, everyone knows that Kahane was right.”</i


From our inception as a nation until now, we have had only one choice…blessing or curse. Once we accepted the Torah, it was a given that we would certainly fulfill it as we pledged to do, but by which course? Willingly, out of love and obedience? Or, G-d forbid, by force of punishment and through terrible suffering and fear?


This is the picture of Redemption-in-Haste or Redemption-in-its-Time, a subject which figured prominently in Rav Kahane’s writings. Many of the Rabbi’s students believe that he was Mashiach ben Yosef. But we know from our sources that it was not a given that Mashiach ben Yosef would have to die. We also know that Mashiach ben Yosef can be both a person and a process, but if so, it would be plausible to assume that their fates would be interwoven. Can a case be made for this idea? I offer the following for your consideration.


The State of Israel, from it’s beginnings as a yishuv, was not recognized by his brothers, the majority of world Jewry, because he appeared too much like an “Egyptian.” The mostly secular Zionists were not at all what religious Jews expected to see as the hand of G-d restoring Zion. However, in time, it became clear to most that the return to the Jewish homeland would uniquely provide for the physical survival of the Jewish people just as Yosef had done during the famine in Egypt. Just as Yosef’s going down into Egypt eventuated in the nurturing of the family of Ya’akov into a nation of millions, so has the State of Israel uniquely provided for the Jewish people to return to its homeland and renew itself as a nation. But it has provided for something else as well, something which might not appear to be so desirable at first glance, but which was altogether necessary. It has uniquely provided for the re-emergence and re-identification of the mixed multitude—the Erev Rav.


“The Divrei Chayim writes:


Any kindness performed by the ‘mixed multitude’ (eirev rav) is done for their own benefit. We clearly see that the rabbis, chassidim, and laymen of this generation, for the most part, descend from the eirev rav (due to our many sins), and they want to rule over the masses. All of their deeds are done for their own benefit, to receive honor or monetary gain. Therefore, one should not associate with them, only with those who truly serve G-d and sacrifice themselves for His name, not for their own selfish gains. (VaYakhel) ” [Eim Habanim Semeichah, p.50]


Only with the reappearance of Yosef, would we be able bring the Erev Rav out into the open.  (And how the Erev Rav bark and bite and foam at the mouth whenever Kahane is in sight or hearing.) Mashiach ben Yosef is what makes it possible for Amiel Vardi to go out on the Sabbath and help Arabs harvest olives near Itamar. When threatened by Jewish residents of the area with warning shots, what was his response? Did he tell them that he was a fellow Jew? According to the newspaper report, Vardi said: “I am an Israeli. If you go on shooting, you will hit an Israeli.” The process of Mashiach ben Yosef is what makes it possible this week for a leading newspaper to refer to young residents of the Shomron as “skinheads in tzitziot” and for the politicians to “regret” the desecration of Shabbat for the dismantlement of Jewish homes and synagogues while warning about the threat halacha poses to the “rule of law.”


As Divrei Chayim says, “…they want to rule over the masses…” and as such they think they will kill Yosef and thereby destroy the Jews forever. Little do they know that this only hastens their own demise. They were only able to kill Rav Kahane because he was the last chance for Redemption-in-Haste. If he had been able to bring about the advent of Mashiach ben David through the democratic process of elections, Mashiach ben Yosef did not have to die—not Rav Kahane and not the State of Israel. But because of our many sins, we did not merit it and so Mashiach ben Yosef did die and so Mashiach ben Yosef will die, only to be resurrected by the hand of Mashiach ben David as the renewed Kingdom of Israel in the future.


It is no coincidence that the Persian Gulf War was launched only weeks after Rav Kahane’s cruel assassination. For the first time in the history of the modern State of Israel, the Jews failed to take the responsibility and initiative to defend themselves against an aggressor. The government in power was paralyzed by inaction as its people sat shaking in fear in sealed rooms with gas masks over their faces. Hints of things to come. Little did we know then that Rav Kahane’s removal paved the way for the Oslo death machine to roll into place. The rest, as they say, is history.


G-d, in His mercy, allowed us the comfort of Rav Binyamin Kahane’s words of truth and sanity to sustain us for a few more years, but our fate was already sealed. And since we did not listen and heed and act when it was time for such things, what have we arrived at today?


Today, we have the false messiah Effi Eitam heading the equally false religious-Zionist party Mafdal. When Effi Eitam rose so quickly to public prominence shortly after leaving the army on “principle,” it was legitimate to examine his words and actions and to determine what role he would play in our continuing drama. The favorable play given to his in-depth and detailed interview in Ha’aretz just as he took control of the NRP should have been a clue. Only after I heard him speak in English telling an audience of his supporters why the new security fence was a good and desirable thing was it clear to me that he had been planted by the evil regime as a decoy, a bone thrown to the religious public to make them think that they still had a voice in the government. What dupes we can be!


But Kahane was too extremist, so now we have Effi Eitam, a tranquilizer to calm us as we are herded like the faithless sheep we are straight to the spiritual slaughter…or so they think. As Redemption-in-its-Time progresses, the dawn is lightening on the horizon ever more and with the additional light, we are seeing more clearly than ever.


What happened at Pesach this last year? We are keenly aware that something happened. There was a shift of some sort in our reality. Suddenly, the army was back in Shechem and Hevron and even Aza! But, if these are the birthpangs of Mashiach that we are suffering through, where are we in the birth process? If we have taken the upper hand against our enemy, the Arabs, why do we not see more success?


We are facing a double enemy—a two-headed monster. The Erev Rav work hand-in-hand with the Arabs against us. People were getting too close to the light—too close to seeing the truth of our situation, so the battle shifted to a different realm. Tactics were changed, that’s all. Without stopping terror completely, the emphasis began to be placed in the political arena. I would suggest to you that the Arabs and Amalek have formed an alliance while Eisav has allied itself with the Erev Rav, so that all of our traditional enemies hover over the faithful of Hashem waiting for the opportunity to make the thrust that will finish us off for good.


Amalek is not only to be found among the indigenous peoples of the region, but as our history has proven time and again, it exists among the people of Europe. Is it any wonder that the EU is so very supportive of the so-called Palestinians?


And as for Eisav, he whom our sages told us was Edom/Rome and represents the Christian world, America stands as the prime representative and inheritor of that title. The so-called Christian Zionists are enamoured with the State of Israel and its leaders and politicians. They have regular love-fests, both here and abroad, where they all heap love and admiration on each other. The Erev Rav call for the West’s support because “we are a democracy just like you.” And the West responds, “We must support Israel because it is a democracy just like us. We share a Judeo-Christian heritage.”


When we will have become thoroughly and completely Americanized, G-d forbid!, we will have ceased to be the unique and treasured nation of G-d. Today, the only thing that has so far prevented this is the continuing war for physical survival. A ‘blessing’ in disguise. This is a battle on another front and we are fighting them all simultaneously—fighting for both physical and spiritual survival. While Amalek/Ishmael kill our bodies, Eisav/Erev Rav want to destroy our very souls. We should cease to be Jews and become democracy-worshiping Israelis instead.


An important lesson was taught this past Shabbat, but how many are willing to learn? We can only hope that Rav Kahane did not foresee the depths to which we would sink in our degradation at the hands of the Erev Rav. The lauded IDF stands today in disarray because soldiers were coerced by their commanders into violating the Shabbat through lies and subterfuge. As the Divrei Chayim says, “…they want to rule over the masses…”


One young soldier in a Nachal Chareidi unit, those established to enable fervently religious young men to serve in the army without compromising their religious principles, is not surprised. He tells of his chagrin at hearing the commander’s opening speech to the new recruits in which he informs them that the army is the means by which they will be mainstreamed into Israeli society. And this is no secret, that the army serves the regime as it’s change agent. Newspapers regularly report this aim at every opportunity they take to fault the chareidi public for not meekly acquiescing to self-annihilation.


The vaunted Jewish army which accepts goyim and attempts to turn them into faux-Jews through their own conversion courts and who allows 7,000 Christians to take their oath of allegiance on the Christian Bible; who, despite the pleas of hesder yeshiva rabbis, has begun mixing men and women in combat units and who brags to the world that their purity and morality rests on the fact that Jewish young men were sacrificed to save the lives of Arab women and children who by some accounts assisted and aided the terrorists in their midst. If we’d had our eyes wide open, we would not be so surprised.


The Arabs want to kill our bodies and we know this because we are bleeding and dying and burying our dead. We see the wounded and cover the graves and we know we have an enemy. Rav Kahane wanted us to understand that we have another enemy, no less lethal. He called it a modern-day Hellenism and the Erev Rav leads the way to spiritual destruction at their hands


How appropriate it is that we find ourselves at this occasion coming into the weeks just prior to Chanukah, that very holiday which commemorates our battle and victory over the Hellenists—the battle to remain loyal to our Holy Torah! And the purification of the Beit Hamikdash stands at the center of that story.


Denial of the Torah and our destruction as a unique nation are the goals which drive our enemies. Our identity and the realization of our destiny is bound up with one particular spot of earth which lies atop Har HaMoriah and this is not only our heart—our lifeblood—but the key to the end of everything.


From the beginning, the Zionists were not interested in keeping the Old City of Jerusalem. In recent years, stories have been written in the papers about how the city could have been taken in 1948, but certain orders never came. And of course, everyone knows, to our shame, how the Defense Minister gave over the Mount to the Arabs in 1967. We can follow the whole sad, sorry story right up until today when Jews are not even allowed to set foot upon Har Habayit. Those with limited vision wonder how it is that the Israeli government is so afraid of Arab reaction that it would not enforce its own laws regarding freedom of access to religious holy sites there.


Mashiach ben Yosef is both dead and dying. If we had any doubts, the destruction and continuing desecration of Kever Yosef is testimony to the truth of it. What stands between us and our holiest place in this world? When one looks, he sees the WAKF guards and the Israeli police. They work together hand-in-glove and anyone who has ever ascended to Hashem’s holy place knows how chummy they are together. They have much more in common with each other than they do with the religious Jews who go up to present themselves before Hashem.


The evil regime which is in the hands of the Erev Rav has common cause with the Amalekim and Ishmaelim and together with Edom/Rome/Am-reika, they intend to see the establishment of a Palestinian State with the Old City of Jerusalem as its capital, an event, thank G-d!, which will never come about, but they don’t yet know that. The only thing they fear is that Jews will come into possession of Har Habayit and begin to build a Temple there. This is why they must see to it that the Arabs remain in control and possession of it at all costs. This is why they stood by while the Mount was plundered and raped. This is what ensures their own survival, or so they think.<


The fact is that their power is in some mystical way tied to their control of Har Habayit. Our Sages have taught us that the Ishmaelim would have control of it for 1300 years in the merit of brit milah. How this enables the Erev Rav, I do not understand, but one thing I highly suspect is that the bulging and crumbling of the supporting walls is a sign to us that their power is crumbling as well. The best experts on the subject have said that it is no longer a question of “if,” but only “when” the wall will fall. And newspapers have been quick to point out that the Israeli government will reap the blame if anything goes wrong there. How ironic can it be that in their attempt to wipe out every vestige of evidence of our right to the place, it would only bring it down on their own heads.


Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook wrote in Torat Eretz Israel, p. 283:</i


“When people approach me with this proposition [to rebuild the Temple], I say: …Just as there is a precept to build the Temple, there is a sequence to its fulfillment. The Gemara says, “Israel was commanded with three precepts when they entered the Land: To appoint a King; to annihilate the seed of Amalek; and to build Hashem’s chosen house. And the Gemara continues, And how do I know which comes first? You have to say raise up a King. And how do I know whether to build the Temple first, or to annihilate the seed of Amalek? You have to say first annihilate the seed of Amalek. The Gemara is speaking of the initial entry into the Land and of the construction of the first temple, but the Rambam decides that this is generally true. ‘Israel was commanded with three precepts upon entering the Land…the King’s appointment precedes the war with Amalek, and the annihilation of Amalek precedes the building of the Temple.’ This is a clear order not a haphazard arrangement.”

Recently, I wrote an essay describing the idea that history is not so much linear as it is circular. If we look at these three in a circular fashion, we see that the Temple precedes appointing a king. This shows us that before Mashiach ben David will come to power, the Arabs and the Erev Rav will lose control of Har Habayit. We begin with Akeidat Yitzchak atop Har HaMoriah and end with the Beit Hamikdash HaShlishit.


Har Habayit is the key as Chanuka reminds us. It is the key to remaining Jewish; to remaining true to Torah; to retaining possession of the land; and to bringing in the final redemption. What else can we understand from Chanuka? That our mitzva is to publicize the miracle of lights with Light.


In this time in which we are suffering the death of Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David has not yet been revealed to us, what can we do? Each person must strengthen himself and those within his realm of influence. Look for the light of redemption that is breaking through in many places and reflect it out into every dark corner. Look for G-d’s hand in every event of our lives and make it known to as many as you can.


Hashem is seated on His high and lofty throne. He is in complete control and His plan will be accomplished. The important thing is that we not despair and doubt this great Truth, but that we encourage ourselves and each other with the knowledge that even now Hashem reigns and that “[His] testimonies are exceedingly trustworthy about [His] House, the sacred dwelling—….” (Psalm 93)


“Some with chariots, and some with horses, but we—in the Name of Hashem, our G-d, we call out. They slumped and fell, but we arose and were invigorated. Hashem save! May the King answer us on the day we call.” (Psalm 20)


15 Marcheshvan 5763



It is said that Mashiach lives in every generation, waiting patiently for the message that the time has come to reveal himself.

…the Gemara (Sanhedrin 98a) describes an encounter between Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi and Eliyahu HaNavi, during which Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi asked Eliyahu this exact question:

Said Rabbi Yehoshua to Eliyahu: “When will Mashiach come [i.e. reveal himself]?”

Said he: “Why don’t you go and ask him?”

“And where is he to be found?”

“He sits among the lepers at the gates to the city of Rome.”

“How will I know which one is him?”

“You will see,” said Eliyahu, “that the other lepers remove their bandages and clean their wounds all at once, while Mashiach removes them one at a time.”

Rabbi Yehoshua went. He said, “Shalom Aleicha – Peace to you my teacher, my mentor.”

“Peace to you, son of Levi.”

“When are you coming?” asked R’ Yehoshua.

Mashiach said: “Today.”

Later, R’ Yehoshua once again met Eliyahu. “Nu – Did you find Mashiach?”

“Yes. He lied to me. I asked him when he was coming, and he told me, ‘Today,’ [yet he never came!].”

Said Eliyahu, “Today – if you will heed My voice.”  (Tehillim/Psalms 95:7)


The events we are living today are preparing the way for an entire nation to heed the words of Mashiach ben Yosef and follow his lead.  That is the silver lining (and the purpose) for all that we are enduring.



Defy Divine commandments at your own peril; abide by the Divine guidance or risk courting your own downfall.

SEE: Purim for Cats

Psalm 20:7 These trust in chariots and these in horses, but we call on the name of HASHEM our God.

תהילים פרק כ

 ח: אֵ֣לֶּה בָ֭רֶכֶב וְאֵ֣לֶּה בַסּוּסִ֑ים וַֽאֲנַ֓חְנוּ בְּשֵׁם־יְהוָ֖ה אֱלֹהֵ֣ינוּ נַזְכִּֽיר׃

Quoth the Raven

“At the beginning of summer, when the “young ravens” leave the nest. Although already grown, the young are incapable of finding food, and since they have a voracious appetite, their parents fly to and fro in search of food for them, the air being filled with their cries, and hence the description: “He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry” (Ps. 147:9). These young ravens cry, as it were, to God to satisfy their hunger, as it says in Job (38:41): “Who provideth for the raven his prey, when his young ones cry unto God…?”


Haytham Algosaibi-tweet-15November2023-Defy Divine commandments at your own peril
Defy Divine commandments at your own peril; abide by the Divine guidance or risk courting your own downfall.


Haytham Algosaibi-tweet-15November2023-Defy Divine commandments at your own peril

Haytham Algosaibi-tweet-15November2023-Defy Divine commandments at your own peril




The Sin of the Golden Calf is Still With Us


21 Adar Alef 5784  01 March 2024
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Ki Tisa


From the Stone Edition Chumash Commentary on Parashat Ki Tisa


…the original intent in making the calf was not to worship it as a god, …the initiators of the project were the Eirav Rav, and …only an infinitesimal proportion of Jews actually worshiped it.  However, the sin was most grievous, nonetheless.  As is clear…, there were Jews, few though they were, who were guilty of idolatryThe rest of the people did not resist the Eirav Rav or the Jewish worshipersThis constituted either silent acquiescence or lack of faith, which was a condemnation of the nation as a whole.

Can anyone else see that we are still repeating the sins of the past instead of rectifying them???  Hashem yerachem!



This is exactly what a coup looks like

Caroline Glick-tweet-3March2024-This is exactly what a coup looks like

– דחיית הגשת תוכנית לכיבוש רפיח (נצחון) לקבינט ע”י הרמטכ”ל,

– בגידתו של גלנט בקואליציה,

– נסיעתו החתרנית של גנץ לוושינגטון,

– חידוש מרד קפלן,

– התדרוך של ברק שצריכים בחירות עד יוני כדי להקים מדינה פלשתינית,

– הודעת ליברמן הבקר שצריכים בחירות עכשיו.

ככה בדיוק נראית הפיכה.

Translated from Hebrew by

– Postponing the submission of a plan for the occupation of Rafah (Victory) to the Cabinet by the Chief of Staff,
– Gallant’s betrayal of the coalition,
– Gantz’s subversive trip to Washington,
– renewal of the Kaplan Rebellion,
– Barak’s briefing that elections are needed by June to establish a Palestinian state,
– Lieberman’s announcement that elections are needed now.
This is exactly what a coup looks like.

Caroline Glick-tweet-3March2024-This is exactly what a coup looks like

Caroline Glick-tweet-3March2024-This is exactly what a coup looks like



Why won’t Muslim countries accept Palestine Refugees ?

Faerie-tweet-3March2024-Why won’t Muslim countries accept Palestine Refugees ?
Why won’t Muslim countries accept Palestine Refugees ?

Faerie-tweet-3March2024-Why won't Muslim countries accept Palestine Refugees?

Faerie-tweet-3March2024-Why won’t Muslim countries accept Palestine Refugees?



New York City-WOLPalestine with Hand Grenade

Canary Mission-tweet-3March2024-New York City-WOLPalestine with Hand Grenade
A mob of anti-Israel protesters in Times Square on Saturday blocked an NYPD vehicle carrying a bomb squad sent to investigate after an Uber driver noticed that someone left a grenade in his back seat. When @WOLPalestine protesters declare, “By Any Means Necessary,” believe them.

Canary Mission-tweet-3March2024-New York City-WOLPalestine with Hand Grenade

Canary Mission-tweet-3March2024-New York City-WOLPalestine with Hand Grenade




Comment: T. Belman. At its core is the belief that peace is possible rather than the belief that there will never be peace. The left has long believed that what is necessary is to improve the living standards of the “Palestinians” in order to acheive peace. This a fantasy, not reality. There will never be peace.

The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune-logo

The Jerusalem Strategic Tribune-logo

The Intelligence Failure of October 7 – Roots and Lessons

by Amnon Sofrin November 2023

Hamas troops break down the Gaza border fence on October 7, allowing Gazans to cross into Israel. Photo credit: REUTERS.

Hamas troops break down the Gaza border fence on October 7, allowing Gazans to cross into Israel. Photo credit: REUTERS.

Hamas’ sudden attack on the kibbutzim and the towns neighboring the Gaza Strip caught the IDF and the country by total surprise. During the first 24 hours, beginning at 6:30 in the morning of October 7, the Hamas Nukhba (name of the commando troops, means “elite”) and those who came in with them conquered and held an area of about 4-5 kilometers depth inside Israel, and in places penetrated well beyond that. The lack of any forewarning accounted also for the confused and disorganized, albeit often individually heroic, actions of the military and the police throughout the day.


What went wrong? How could Israel’s intelligence community have failed to “ring the bell”? To understand we have to analyze both the failure at the strategic level of analysis and the collapse at the tactical level of collection and detection.

The strategic level

Hamas’ leaders planned the attack over a long time and at an impressively high level of secrecy. We presume, based on what we know at this stage, that the planning for this operation began in 2021 and was carried out by Hamas leaders in Gaza Mohammed Deif and Yahya Sinwar with a small group of people. The planning was very detailed; each unit was assigned a specific mission with files prepared for each targeted community and military base.


While the Hamas units had no prior idea as to what their mission would be before the morning of the attack, they were trained on generic models of an Israeli kibbutz as well as on models of Israeli tanks, bases and other targets. They were also studying the points of penetration above ground, once the attack tunnels system (of which there were more than 30 in 2014) were put out of use. And yet these activities went on without setting off alarms on the Israeli side.


At the strategic level of analysis in the Israeli intelligence community, as well as among the political decision makers and the highest military echelon, a widely-held groupthink took hold: namely, that Hamas was adapting to the duties of governance. Thus, Israel was willing to make sure that the economic situation in the Gaza strip would improve – by allowing the monthly delivery of money from Qatar (in suitcases – since the Palestinian Authority blocked the use of the banking system for these transactions); and by allowing more people from Gaza to work in Israel. The governing assumption, which seemed to be confirmed by events, was that Hamas’ leadership would have no incentive to launch a new confrontation with Israel since it would continue to focus on improving the lives of Gaza residents.


Moreover, the prevailing belief was that the Hamas leadership was deterred from new attacks after suffering what the IDF claimed, perhaps too conveniently, were serious losses inflicted by the Israeli Air Force during the fighting in May 2021. This groupthink seemed to be reaffirmed when Hamas chose twice, in August 2022 and again in May 2023, to stay out of the fighting when the IDF attacked leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza, leading to short rounds of fighting. Hamas did not interfere, and Israel’s decision makers saw this as confirmation that Hamas was deterred and had no incentive to launch another major confrontation with Israel, at least for some years (given that seven years had passed between the fighting in 2014 and the Hamas rocket attacks in 2021).


Another aspect of the intelligence failure – which wove together the strategic level of analysis and the tactical level of collecting and assessing Hamas’ military capabilities – was the lack of knowledge and understanding of the remarkable improvement in Hamas’ ability to launch such an organized and coordinated attack, and the nature of the simple but effective devices it acquired – with help from Iran – in order to overcome Israel’s defenses.

Hamas troops burn an Israeli tank on October 7, 2023. Photo credit: IMAGO/APAimages via Reuters Connect.

Hamas troops burn an Israeli tank on October 7, 2023. Photo credit: IMAGO/APAimages via Reuters Connect.

The tactical level

To understand this failure it is necessary to revisit Israel’s growing tendency to rely on its well-established technological advantages. The surveillance system deployed along the border was based on a range of remote-controlled sensors – ground radars, cameras, and so-called “see and shoot” systems – which gathered the information and transmitted it backwards to a control room manned by young and skilled soldiers, often female. Each one of them was an expert on the territory on which she was focused.


Some of these soldiers sense that what was happening was unusual, watching Hamas activists training on Israeli models. They reported to their commanders: but the latter, until very late in the day, did not pay much attention to these reports, since the belief was “Hamas is deterred.” (On October 6, there was a sense at the high command and in the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, that something was up, but very limited actions were taken and there was no expectation of an early morning attack the next day).


Moreover, the sensors deployed along the border lines were well recognized by Hamas’ intelligence gathering, and since they were remote-controlled they were very vulnerable to attack by relatively simple means, such as explosive devices or hand grenades dropped from small drones. The IDF’s Gaza Division, deployed along the border, relied also on the complex obstacles built all around Gaza Strip border and considered it to be impassable. With three of the observation balloons down for a variety of reasons, the IDF was all the more easy to blind on the day of the attack.

Member of Hamas’s Nukhba unit on October 7, captured by a surveillance camera in Kibbutz Alumim, Israel. Photo credit: South First Responders/Handout via REUTERS.

Member of Hamas’s Nukhba unit on October 7, captured by a surveillance camera in Kibbutz Alumim, Israel. Photo credit: South First Responders/Handout via REUTERS.

The Attack

Hamas gathered information over a long time. They knew exactly which sensors were observing which areas. They followed the IDF’s units’ reactions to specific provocations – how long it took to reinforce the area, on what roads reinforcements were moving, and other relevant patterns of deployment. They learned, through workers from Gaza who collected such information for them, about possible points of entry to military bases and civilian communities.


On October 7, early in the morning, the Nukhba of Hamas were called and briefed on their real missions. Each unit was equipped with a large amount of weapon systems and ammunition, food and water that were meant to enable them to stay inside Israel for a long time. At the opening phase they neutralized the communication systems connecting the sensors to the control center by using drones that attacked the surveillance posts with hand grenades and bombs. The control centers were blinded and could not tell where the breaks through the physical obstacle were taking place. In order to isolate the area and prevent reserve units from getting there, they landed activists using paragliders that set blockades on the main roads leading to the area.


The Hamas troops then broke into the Gaza Division Headquarters, close to the border, and cut off all communications from there. The Division commander, besieged within the base (with his family), could not communicate with other units, nor with his superiors (or with Air Force assets). Thus the higher echelons – the Southern Region Command HQ in Beersheva and the GHQ in Tel Aviv – were not at first fully aware of the extent of the attack and were relying on civilian calls for help to understand where the Hamas invaders were carrying out their bloody massacres.

Israeli soldiers in a newly-built surveillance and situation room opened in a new location. On October 7, Hamas destroyed their former base in Nahal Oz, killing at least 14 female soldiers and taking others captive. Photo credit: ISRAELI ARMY HANDOUT via REUTERS.

Israeli soldiers in a newly-built surveillance and situation room opened in a new location. On October 7, Hamas destroyed their former base in Nahal Oz, killing at least 14 female soldiers and taking others captive. Photo credit: ISRAELI ARMY HANDOUT via REUTERS.


Since the groupthink about Hamas being deterred prevailed at the higher echelons, the operational and tactical levels were also under that impression. They relied too much on the technology – the huge and sophisticated barrier, which cost 3 billion shekels (about 850 million dollars) to build, the surveillance systems and remote-controlled fire centers. At worst, they assumed that a few Hamas activists, at most, would try to cross the border and abduct a soldier or a resident to negotiate the release of people imprisoned in Israel (as happened in 2006 in the case of the soldier Gilad Shalit). The assumption was that if that were to happen, they would receive ample early warning sufficient to thwart such an attack.


Nobody within the Israeli intelligence community had the imagination to believe Hamas would be able to carry out such a complicated and coordinated attack and to succeed in killing so many people and abducting 240 hostages, carrying them to Gaza. If at all, such plans and capabilities were ascribed to the Radwan Force – Hizbullah’s equivalent (and role model) of Hamas’ Nukhba. IDF training exercises did have such Hizbullah scenarios. But the notion that Hamas would be capable of carrying out a massive attack was not given serious consideration.


The intelligence failure of October 7, 2023 had a predecessor 50 years and one day earlier, on October 6, 1973, when Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack. Both failures can be traced to Israel’s penchant for groupthink.

  • In the groupthink assumptions of 1973, the military command firmly believed and asserted that the Egyptian Army would not launch a war with Israel before 1975, as long as they were not equipped with attack aircraft and missiles that would enable them to hit targets In Israel. This assumption was not updated by new information, as detailed in Amir Oren’s description of the 1973 intelligence failure in these pages. In 2023, the groupthink assumption was that Hamas was deterred and had no incentive to launch a large confrontation with Israel.
  • Strategic level groupthink in both cases caused the military command to ignore warning signs at the tactical levels. In 1973 observation teams deployed along the Suez Canal reported irregular activities of the Egyptian forces on the west bank of Suez Canal, but these reports were rejected at the Southern Region Command’s Intelligence Department as well as at the Research and analysis division of military intelligence HQ in Tel Aviv. They were explained away as related to a planned large-scale drill of the Egyptian Army. Likewise, in 2023, the young women soldiers at the observation centers reported Hamas’ intensified training on the models of an Israeli kibbutz and an Israeli tank. There were also reports of individual operators at 8200, Israel’s signal intelligence unit, who raised similar indicators and were similarly ignored.


Israel’s intelligence technologies and overall capabilities have improved enormously in the 50 years since Yom Kippur 1973. But the intellectual failure in both cases was similar. The results this time were in many ways more tragic than those of the Yom Kippur War.


Amnon Sofrin was a career IDF officer, with the rank of brigadier general. Most of his service was in the intelligence branch. He later served as the head of the intelligence directorate of Israel’s External Security Service, the Mossad.




Israeli Parliament Members Break Down After Watching Videos of Hamas Atrocities on October 7

“I can’t talk about the content, I can’t talk about the feelings. Just one sentence: never forget and never forgive.”

Posted by 1November2023

Members of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, broke down in tears, and one fainted as they watched a 45-minute video of the brutality Hamas unleashed on Israelis on October 7.

Members of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, broke down in tears, and one fainted as they watched a 45-minute video of the brutality Hamas unleashed on Israelis on October 7.


They likely saw videos shown to journalists:










raz_sauber-tweet-1November2023-Knesset 45-minute video that reveals the atrocities committed by Hamas-2

raz_sauber-tweet-1November2023-Knesset 45-minute video that reveals the atrocities committed by Hamas-2




Do Not Weep. Lead


Israel’s triumphant blow over the enemy must be not only military, but also in the place most painful for it, the loss of the land that the enemy mistakenly imagined belonged to him. It is time for sovereignty.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Let us begin with four basic insights, axioms that we must instill in our consciousness:


Axiom 1: Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PLO) are one. Both organizations share the same aspirations, the same means, the same rhetoric, the same religion, and the same Koran.

Axiom 2: The world is hypocritical and loves Jews only when they are wallowing in their own blood. The moment that Jews rise and fight for their lives, they lose international legitimacy.

Axiom 3: Evolution in the Middle East dictates that the weak has not, does not, and will not survive.

Axiom 4: The State of Israel was not established to ensure the survival of the Jewish people, but for a much more profound and substantive purpose, to bring divine justice to the world.

We must act on the basis of these four fundamental insights.


There is no logic to decide to strike only in Gaza because the catastrophic disaster that took place on Simĥat Torah originated in Gaza. The Israeli strike should be painful and severe in the places that are the most painful for the enemy. Only then will they bow their heads and understand that the Jewish people are not to be trifled with.


The most powerful blow we can deliver to the enemy is the loss of territory.

The application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley is not only a matter of historical and moral justice of the highest order,  but also a decisive and triumphant blow against terrorism.


In order to implement this obvious step, there is no need for war, but a courageous decision by a courageous government and a courageous Knesset that understands the profound justice of the Jewish people living in its G-d given Biblical land.


Members of Knesset, government ministers, and Prime Minister, come to your senses!

Do not go out to the media weeping and stunned after witnessing the horrors during the screening in the Knesset. Why were you surprised by these sights? Was it new for you? If so, you are divorced from reality.


Reality in its entirety cries out that if we don’t wake up, we are striding toward sights like these G-d forbid. So emerge from viewing these horrors with a clear and strong decision to respond to the enemy in a language that it understands.


The 217 trucks of humanitarian aid whose entry into Gaza you are enabling, are indications of weakness. These attest to the fact that the enemy’s lives are more precious to you than the lives of the hostages.


The reality in which the current government, which witnessed the horrors and vowed revenge, is still debating whether to commit the folly of transferring more money to the Palestinian Authority that funds terrorism, is a delusional reality.


Is there a reasonable person who believes this is the way that security can be achieved and that these are the Middle Eastern codes through which we can accomplish anything?


The time arrived long ago to change direction, to forsake the path of concessions, allowances, grants, and delusional hopes that our enemies will be on our side.


Now, when ever expanding circles have opened their eyes and seen the evil and the horror, we must instill fear and terror in our enemies with every means at our disposal. The first and most painful of these means is restoring the land back to Jewish hands  and applying Israeli sovereignty over Judea, Samaria, and Gaza as well.


Leaders of Israel, do not wait for another black Shabbat to internalize this necessity. Apply sovereignty, settle the land, instill in the people a pioneering spirit, and learn from our wonderful people what determination, national pride, mutual responsibility, and striving for victory means.


With courage and unpredictability, we will also gain the appreciation of the United States and European countries. This is your great hour to prove leadership:  apply sovereignty!



Sabrina Maddeaux: I watched Hamas hack innocents to death. The worst part was their glee

Screened footage showed literal streams of blood, hacked off arms and legs, and an infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out

Sabrina Maddeaux

Published Nov 06November2023  •  Last updated 06November2023  •


A woman cries during the funeral of Israeli Col. Roi Levy at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem on Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Col. Roi Levy was killed after Hamas militants stormed from the blockaded Gaza Strip into nearby Israeli towns. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)

A woman cries during the funeral of Israeli Col. Roi Levy at the Mount Herzl cemetery in Jerusalem on Monday, Oct. 9, 2023. Col. Roi Levy was killed after Hamas militants stormed from the blockaded Gaza Strip into nearby Israeli towns. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo)


Over the span of 43 minutes, I watched 138 humans be murdered or witnessed their corpses, many brutalized beyond recognition and others clearly tortured, in the direct aftermath of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.


That’s 3.2 bodies per minute— and less than 10 per cent of the more than 1,400 people killed that day.


The Consulate of Israel in Toronto screened the footage, taken from a mix of body cameras, dashboard cams, CCTV tapes, and victims’ cell phones, some used by Hamas to record and livestream their sadism, for a small group of media on Monday. Not everyone made it through the full 43 minutes, with others moved to tears and outbursts of emotion.


There were babies. Toddlers. So many children of all ages. Young men and women dressed for a music festival, not the wanton slaughter that saw their bloodied bodies piled atop one another in scenes reminiscent of some of the Holocaust’s worst images.


Parents. The elderly. A dad who, attempting to hide from Hamas attackers with his sons, all three of them still in their underwear, was blown up by a grenade in front of his children. The two young boys, covered in blood, crying, throwing themselves on the ground in grief, as a Hamas gunman raids the family’s fridge and takes a swig of soda. One of the sons’ panicked voice as he realizes he can no longer see out of one eye.


The man’s wife as kibbutz security bring her to identify her husband’s remains. The moment she literally collapses and has to be dragged away from the scene, thrashing wildly, her legs folding under her like every bone had simply vanished from her body.


A family attempting to decipher whether the burned remains in front of them, skirt hiked up above bare genitals, is the loved one they’re looking for.


The literal streams of blood, the hacked off arms and legs, the infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out. The dog shot over and over again as its limbs splay in every direction until they don’t anymore. Mickey mouse pyjamas on a young corpse, skull fragments on floors, victims shot point blank. So much blood.


But none of what I’ve detailed so far was the worst part of those 43 minutes. The worst part was the glee.


The pure jubilation of Hamas terrorists as they filmed themselves killing and torturing; their excited voices bragging about their atrocities. The videos of them playing with victims’ heads with their feet, and excitedly shooting out the tires of a kibbutz’s ambulance before massacring its residents.


I’ll never forget the gore, but it’s the look of euphoria and pride in the terrorists’ eyes, cheering for the cameras as if they were the ones partying at a music festival that day, that will haunt me.


In the videos, Hamas attackers did not behave as soldiers or freedom fighters. They hunted their victims in their homes like serial killers in a horror film, peering through blinds, slashing through screen doors with knives, following families wherever they tried to run or hide. If they couldn’t find them, they’d use lighters to make sure fire did. They toyed with their victims’ lifeless bodies. They kept trophies, both physical and digital.


It’s unimaginable that anyone could watch this and still equate what happened on Oct. 7 to resistance or war. I’ve seen war footage; this was not that. These were terrorist attacks targeted at civilians and mass shootings of innocents. Hamas was indiscriminate in their cruelty, killing not for cause, but for pleasure.


I don’t know if the full footage will ever be made public, but if it ever is, every single Canadian should watch it to understand how far beyond any conceivable rules of engagement Hamas went, why this time was different, and why it must never, ever happen again.


National Post



Riding the charidee train

by Rivka Levy   28December2023

A couple of days ago, I got this email – even though I barely sign up for anything and I have no idea how they got my details.

Donation email IDF 910th Battalion

Donation email IDF 910th Battalion



No website…. no registered charity number…

But I click the link and it takes me to the donation platform, and this strange message:

Donation email IDF 910th Battalion-donation platform

Donation email IDF 910th Battalion-donation platform


I’m not an expert on what brigades and battalions there are in the IDF.


Please, feel free to write to me and tell me exactly what this ‘910th Battalion’ is, because on the Wiki page listing the IDF’s brigades it’s not mentioned at all.

Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s not.

Point is: I have no idea.


So then, I start scooting around to see who exactly is running this slick marketing campaign for the 910th Battalion.

Scrolling down that same page on the Rayze-it platform, I get to this:

Donation email IDF 910th Battalion-Rayze-it platform

Donation email IDF 910th Battalion-Rayze-it platform


They apparently already raised more than $16k….

But who are they?


And what is the connection to ‘EZRAT ACHIM’?


Apparently, EZRAT ACHIM is this organisation, being run out of Bet Shemesh.


Again, I don’t know if this is real, legit, or not – take a look at their ‘War support‘ tab and see just how much expensive military gear seems to be cropping up in those pictures…


The point is – the POINT IS – so many organisations have just jumped on to ‘the war’ to tap into all that fundraising ‘good vibe’ that is currently washing all over the place.


And probably, at least some of them are very good and ‘legit’.


But I would caution you to be extremely careful about where your money is really going.


While we’re on the subject….


How much of the extra $1 billion + that was raised by the beginning of December by places like the ‘Jewish Joint’ and the ‘Jewish Federations of North America’ – how much of that do you think actually got to soldiers who need equipment, and evacuees who are stuck in hotels while their livelihood went down the pan?


If you check out the JDC’s page on their war effort for Israel…. it doesn’t really answer that question.


At all.


If you go to the Wayback Machine HERE and click through the ‘evolution’ of that fundraising page since October 7th – it still doesn’t really answer the question of where did all that extra money actually go?!?


This is a screenshot from November 20, 2023, where the JDC talks about what they were going to do with all that extra cash being so generously donated by the Jews of North America:


The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee fundraising page-20November2023

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee fundraising page-20November2023


Maybe, all this happened and I just have totally, absolutely no idea about it.

Set me straight, tell me all about your first-hand experiences of how this money got to those who really need it.


Because in my small dalet amot, I am seeing none of this happening around me.


What I AM seeing is amazing local volunteer efforts, with so many people giving their time, effort and money directly to the people who need it.


But nothing to do – at all – with the JDC.


Here’s their ‘Israel Emergency fundraising page’ from today:

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Israel Emergency fundraising page

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Israel Emergency fundraising page


Does this sound like a ‘billion dollars’ worth to you?

Does it sound like most of this stuff even went specifically to the people directly involved in the atrocity of October 7th?


Where was the government funding in all this – or are we meant to believe that those 8,300 ‘traumatised children and parents’ were only getting therapy funded by the JDC and nobody else?


Compare and contrast with the screenshot from November – you can see for yourself, they raised funds for one thing, and then basically spent most of those funds on stuff they were already doing.


(If, at all.)


OK, we’ll stop there.

If our precious soldiers don’t have the equipment they need – let them come home already!

And let this most corrupt of corrupt, failed States find a different way to ‘solve’ the Hamas problem it created itself – with yet more of our taxpayers’ money.


And is continuing to support, by sending more humanitarian aid to Gaza, (including things like steel girders….) which Hamas just steals anyway.


So the Hamas has the strength and ‘energy’ they need to continue fighting against our poor soldiers.


Personally, I have a way, way better place to be putting my charity money.

It’s going to poor families who are learning Torah mamash lishma.


It’s going to keep the lights on at the shul down on Ido HaNavi.


It’s going to buy clothes for girls who can’t afford new skirts.


And it’s going, most of all, to try to ‘sweeten the judgments’ on our poor, battered nation, so that our soldiers can come home, the evil will fall – and no other precious Jew has to be killed or injured, on the path to geula.


BH, I will tell you more about that soon.


While I was typing this up, my newly-married daughter called me from the supermarket.


She was totally shocked at how much money she just spend – even in Osher Ad – to buy basic groceries for a week.


I don’t know what’s happening by you, but here in Israel, a lot of the food prices are starting to shoot up in a very alarming way.


I really am starting to fear for large families who don’t have a lot of cash, about how they can continue to buy even basic staples for their kids.


In this failed State that spends 60-100 billion a year on a useless army, that apparently can’t predict or stop massive ‘terrorist attacks’, can’t provide soldiers with even basic stuff like helmets and waterproof tents, and apparently also can’t give the families of reservists even basic financial help so they don’t implode while the husband and father is away fighting its wars for them….


I am feeling more and more like there needs to be a huge, massive re-organisation of priorities, even if Moshiach takes another few decades to show up, God forbid.


Make sure the kids have enough food – every single kid in the country.


Make sure the ‘holocaust survivors’ – many of whom are also used as fundraising fodder, in such a disgusting way – are cared for with dignity.


Stop spending all the money on hitech ‘start-ups’ that are just excuses to funnel taxpayers’ money from the poor to the super-rich-and-still-grasping-for-more people who run the show here – and everywhere else in the world.


All this ‘yuck’ just continues, until the small people stop buying into this warped paradigm, and start really, really calling out to Hashem to save us from the evil.


That’s our main job right now – it’s our only real option.


And boy, do we need to get on with doing that.



PS: This is a list of all the ‘official’ dead and wounded from the Gaza operation so far.


It’s already at well over a thousand…. 160+ dead, and well over 800 wounded.


We really need our soldiers back home, and out of the death trap that’s been carefully prepared for them by the same people who ‘let’ October 7 happen (at best….)


And someone else just sent me THIS interesting story, about Pfizer using wounded soldiers in Gaza for more medical experiments with zero informed-consent.



Tatty, come and rescue us all already. Please.

Reader’s Comments:

Avigail says:

Hi Rivka,

I don’t give to any American Jewish Fundraisers nor do i respond (usually) to the rash of emails that come after an emergency situation. They are playing on people’ emotions. I go directly to the source.
Most organizations that operate on donations have web sites. Supporting the organizations that you personally know something about is the safest bet that your donation money is going to good ground. I try my best to do away with the middleman. I am not especially trustful of the American Jewish fundraising organizations, esp when the CEO’s get a 6 digit salary, or more. I feel if they can afford to pay their CEO that much, they really don’t need my pittance. I don’t want to offend anyone, however, there are ways to check out an organization to see where there donation money’s go. Charity Navigator is a great source for checking out the financial statements, CEO salary, source of income, etc. I have often wondered if there is something like this site in Israel. The only time Charity Navigator has info on Israeli funds is if the organization has offices in the US, from my experience.




Update from the Rav

by Rivka Levy   2November2023

Just cutting and pasting this from

It’s very powerful, from October 31, 2023, before the 16 soldiers were killed yesterday.


The Rav is the only source of ‘news’ I trust, at this point.

From HERE.


Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland Shlit”a’s pained cry to say Tehilim for the protection of the Jewish people, especially now as our soldiers enter Gaza on the ground:

Now I read the Rambam [Hilchot Ta’aniot 1:1-3]:  It is a positive Torah commandment, that all those who say Tehilim are fulfilling a positive Torah commandment, because now it is “a time of stress for Jacob, but he will be saved from it” (Yirmiyahu 30:7).


50,000 soldiers enter Gaza now.  Every day, they progress only 100 meters.  More than 100 meters isn’t possible.


Already there are two seriously injured.

In the merit that girls took onto [themselves to dress] modestly, and to lengthen their dresses, in the meantime not a single soldier has been killed.

This is something that is above the natural order, itself these are miracles, but this will take a half-year if we progress only 100 meters.  This will take a half-year, and people don’t have a home — 130,000 people without homes, without parents.  The parents were taken — turned into ashes, like in Auschwitz, that they were turned into ashes.


It is impossible to even find the DNA, because the ashes became mixed with bricks and boards, and in cars people were burned.


Everyone fled to cars; then they poured gasoline on them.

They prepared gasoline and ignited all the cars.  Everyone turned into ashes, 300-1000 people turned into ashes.  300 turned into ashes, 300 were murdered at the party, and 300 are captives.


The Radbaz writes in Siman 40 that being captive is worse than death, because it’s impossible to know who they are torturing — the soldiers are certainly being tortured terribly.


So now we are found in a positive commandment.

Every letter of Tehilim that we say now is a positive Torah commandment.

Because now is “a time of distress for Jacob, but he will be saved from it.”  To scream and to blast Chatzotzrot (a type of trumpet prescribed by the Torah).  We need Chatzotzrot with Shofars, that trouble will not come onto the congregation, as it says, “Against an enemy who oppresses you , you shall blast Chatzotzrot” (Bamidbar 10:9).


That for three days it was impossible to retake the kibbutzim.

The government abandoned everything. 


People called for help, the soldiers progressed, but it was impossible to enter, because in every kibbutz there were 500 terrorists, endless terrorists.  It took three days to retake the kibbutzim — instead of protecting them to begin with.


They called, said that 5,000 men were crossing the fence.

There’s no fence, the most sophisticated fence in the world which cost 50 billion dollars.  If they would have given 100,000 shekels to some yeshiva, then the whole world is horrified — “those leeches, those blood-suckers,” Lapid goes out of his mind. 


And here they spent 50 billion on a fence of paper.  If they had made a fence of paper, of cardboard, that would have been a lot better.

There’s no remnant of the fence.


Now it is “a time of distress for Jacob” — there’s no government.

People waited forty hours for the army to come, and they didn’t come. 


In the meantime, they burned everyone alive.


There’s no houses, nothing.  It’s possible to build a house in a day. 


Five people are sleeping in a room of a square meter.  They don’t give them food, don’t give them anything — such a government has never arisen since the creation of the world, that in this way are abusing people who went through a holocaust.


The children are orphans, either there’s no father or no mother, or both are lacking, have already been turned to ashes.

This is obligatory for each person to know, that now is “a time of distress for Jacob,” and we are obligated from the Torah — like the Rambam says, that this is from the Torah — to say every moment another chapter of Tehilim, and another chapter of Tehilim.


Because now they are afraid that they’ll launch a million missiles.

They have maybe 100,000 missiles.  Egypt doesn’t care, it’s happy.  And the entire strip is full of missiles, they are shooting missiles without end.  Outside of Jerusalem, where missiles are not reaching here, because we are exactly in the middle of Israel, the furthest from Gaza, the furthest from Lebanon.


The entire north is under missile fire, the entire south is under missile fire; Kissufim is under missile fire.


And this is one of the ways of repentance, that at “a time of distress for Jacob,” you need to feel the pain of the Jewish people.

— 130,000 people without houses, without apartments, with clothes — they fled in nightgowns.

We see the Jewish people in distress, then everyone needs to say Tehilim.  And girls who can say three books of Tehilim, this is above everything.


Bachurim [young men] should smash their Xiaomi, because the Xiaomi is bringing on all the calamities.

They see pictures of nudity, then immediately 1,000 soldiers are killed at that moment.  We are every moment in the danger that 1,000 soldiers will be killed.


Because Hamas said that they are 40,000; really, they are 100,000, all of them armed with the most up-to-date weaponry, because Iran gave them the most up-to-date weaponry.


And even though we here in Jerusalem are the most protected — Jerusalem protects us, but we need to pray for all the Jewish people.

This is from the Torah, to feel the pain, that we are like in a holocaust.


This is all because they beat up [worshippers in Tel Aviv on Yom Kippur].

Baruch Hashem, they saw prayer in public in Dizengoff Square, it’s possible to pray.  A thousand girls came to pray.  Then [Tel Aviv mayor] Ron Huldai went out of his mind: A thing such as this, all Tel Aviv is praying all of a sudden — they gave them a murderous beating.


Right after this, they paid.  After ten days, they paid — unfortunately — a price that was too high.

And those who ascended to the Garden of Eden, these were Tinikot Shenishbu [like children taken captive and raised by gentiles and who don’t know not to sin].


They beat them up on Yom Kippur, and there are those did not fast at all.

In Be’eri, maybe five people fasted.  Now they admit everything; they said that everything is because they didn’t fast on Yom Kippur.


A person full of transgressions at least should fast once a year.


Across the road, it’s all Hamas.

Today all the Arabs are Hamas, all of them are with weapons, missiles, cannons.  We’re without anything, we have nothing, like it was in Egypt, that when when they left, [the Egyptians] came with tanks, 600 chariots — we are obligated to say Tehilim at least.


If people don’t scream and shout, and [instead] say that this happened by chance — this is cruelty.

If people see that everyone is in mortal danger, and don’t say Tehilim, the Rambam says that this is the cruelest person that can be.  This is cruelty not to say Tehilim — this is cruelty.  One needs to finish three book of Tehilim every day.

This person who doesn’t pray — this is mamash cruelty, because he caused soldiers to die.


And there will be another calamity, and another calamity, because it’s impossible to know, because in Germany, they said, “This is the last calamity.”  Every moment, they are ready to add another calamity to the calamities, to vanquish us. 

The Germans want to conquer all the Land of Israel anew — this is all so that we will repent.




More hints from the Rav

by Rivka Levy  30

Shavua Tov!

‘Weird world’ is continuing in Israel at the moment, with most of the population walking around in a semi-depressed state (at best….) because of what’s going on in Gaza.


The Rav didn’t come out for prayers over Shabbat, because he didn’t feel well.

BH, he will have a speedy recovery – please pray for Rav Eliezer ben Ettia to have a total refuah shleimah.

It’s not the first time – at all – that when the nation approaches some sort of serious crisis point, somehow it all gets ‘sweetened’ – as the Rav’s health takes a serious nose-dive.


BH, it won’t get to that again.


Bezrat Hashem.


In the meantime, lots of interesting stuff from last week’s bunch of shiurim, brought down in Shivivei Or 1043.

I translated the bits that most took my eye….


Have a read, think for yourself what is really going on here.

It seems to me that more and more people are calling out the lies all over the place….

We are not yet at the place where that’s translating into things changing tachlis on the ground. But geula comes riding slowly on a donkey, where one person, then another person, than another person, wakes up, and stops participating in ‘the world of lies’.


Until one day, we wake up and it’s simply imploded all by itself.

Hopefully, with no more of our young men getting their limbs blown off, or losing their lives.

(We already covered the idea that all the psychos ‘cheerleading’ for war, war, and yet more war, are literally insane…. we don’t need to belabor that point.)


Excerpt from Shiur given on Motzae Shabbat, October 23, 2024 at the Beit HaRav.

(The shiur is based on the teachings of the Pele Yoetz.)

A person doesn’t get married for the ‘yetzer hara’ (evil inclination).

Whoever gets married for their yetzer hara – it’s forbidden to go to their wedding.


The Rebbe (Rebbe Nachman) says on page 52[1] that it’s forbidden to go to the wedding, because the whole wedding is being done for the yetzer hara.


[The following comes from the Pele Yoetz, which the Rav reads out to the audience.]


This is more terrible than a person who slaughters children.”[2]


If a person slaughters his child, he doesn’t do anything [compared with bringing children to the world whilst in a state of lustfully serving the yetzer hara].


But, if he trains [his child] to serve the yetzer hara…


All the masons, the bonim chofshim (freemasons), their ‘symbol’ is the Beit HaMikdash (Temple).

They want to make a new religion, that the Beit HaMikdash will be in Jerusalem, and each person will do whatever he wants.


Everyone will come to ‘pray’, and everyone will just do whatever they want. And their whole goal is make a new religion, and the Beit HaMikdash will be at its centre – but each person will do whatever they want to do.


Everyone can come to their Beit HaMikdash to pray – an Arab, a notzri, it doesn’t matter. An Indian, someone from India, from China, Thailand, Nepal, Tibet, everyone – all the nations united under a single ‘Beit HaMikdash’.


And this is the symbol, of the Beit HaMikdash.


And even, even B.B. is a member there.

Everyone is a hever (member, but can also mean ‘friend’). Biden is a member.


They have protection.

Whoever is a member, so they work with the courts so that nothing should be done to them.


He can steal, kill – whatever he wants.


(So now, everyone should go and become a member of the bonim chofshim…. Everyone.)


[Watch the first couple of minutes of this interesting video of our dear PM addressing congress back in 2011…. and how chummy he obviously is with the then VP….Joe Biden… who obviously ‘crosses’ himself as he’s being addressed. We are so used to ‘weird’ from Joe Biden, this probably no longer registers on the ‘weird’ scale. But it’s still weird.]

Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu Speech at the Joint Session of Congress – May 24, 2011


[Skipping quite a bit]

So now, we are asking everyone, that on the night of Nital (xmas eve), not to hang around on the streets, and to be careful….

Because now, the Hamas, in another little while, will already get to Jerusalem.

Because the plan was for the Hamas to get to Ashdod. This was the plan of the medina.


That by way of this, they would pull the ‘right’ down. Everything was planned.


They went through all the security teams, from all the kibbutzim, and took their weapons away from them.


They sent them [i.e. The army units usually stationed on the border] to Huwara, they sent them to here, they emptied out the whole army.[3]


And those that came, they didn’t give them guns.

They told them, we don’t have the key to the armoury….We need to do a list – to give out [the guns] according to the list.


And like this, they dragged it out for two days, three.


They only got to Kissufim on the fourth day, in the morning. And the earliest they got there was 10pm at night (i.e. Motzae Simchat Torah), after they’d already slaughtered a thousand young men and a thousand young women.


All this was planned.


Now, they publicised that everything was planned, down to the smallest exact details, which day, and everything.

Everything was exact. Everything was exact. It wasn’t ‘stam’ (happenstance). Everything was exact, with the greatest degree of precision.


Mamash, like it was by the [….], where everything was also done precisely.


That’s how they managed to get six million to ‘ascend’ on the fire.


And now, 1,500 went up on the fire, and 400 soldiers, just in order to reconquer the kibbutzim from the Hamas.



[1] Of Likutey Halachot, Orach Chaim, Part 3 – written by Rabbi Natan Sternhartz.

[2] See Pele Yoetz, letter zayin, ‘Zugot’ (couples).

[3] In a footnote to this comment in the Shivivei Or Newsletter, the editor explains that in a seperate shiur, the Rav spoke about how shlichim from Chabad went around to army bases in the South during Sukkot with arbeh minot to have soldiers shake the lulav, etc, and they found that there were hardly any soldiers on the bases.


PS: I just found THIS article on ‘Freemasonry Watch’…. very, very interesting.


The whole site is very interesting, but the article linked to above explains a lot of the stuff I’m also tripping over, from different angles, about who is really running our little patch of the world.



‘The goal was a massacre of Tel Aviv’: Hamas’s full plan for October 7 revealed

As the horrors of October 7 unfolded, Hamas sought to initiate a second stage to their attack, which would have seen attacks on Tel Aviv and Dimona.

MARCH 26, 2024 02:23 Updated: MARCH 26, 2024 07:48<


In an interview with KAN to promote his new book, Ilan Kfir claimed that Hamas had an operative plan to reach the heart of Tel Aviv on October 7, but was ultimately thwarted. The veteran journalist published “Gaza Division Conquered,” in March, the first book published in Hebrew about the October 7 massacre.


“Today the picture is much clearer than it was on October 7. Hamas was not satisfied with the phase one plan – but the test was if the phase one plan was successful, they would go on to phase two – and it was prepared with large forces ready on standby and prepared to set off at noon. At the heart of the plan was a breach in two areas, in the north as well as in the south and east, towards Dimona, which was singled out by the group as a very central target. The goal of the operation would have been a raid on Tel Aviv. They marked several focal points in the city that were expected to be crowded in the afternoon and evening in order to carry out a mass massacre in the city,” the author stated.


“Whoever from Hamas was planning to arrive in Tel Aviv and the north would have been forces with the mental willingness to commit suicide, because they knew they had no chance of returning from there. It was a plan that was formulated and in very advanced stages,” Kfir said.


Hamas sought to initiate second phase on October 7

“Towards noon on October 7, when Sinwar and his central command realized that they had achieved success above and beyond what was expected, an order was given to the forces of phase two to set off. Here, they encountered a big surprise because unlike in the morning – when the fence was broken and there was minimal IDF presence in the area – there was already an assessment and a huge influx of forces into the Nevatim area where a large blockade was carried out. There is no doubt that if Hamas had carried out its second phase, the trauma and disaster on October 7 would have been doubled.”


Kfir hypothesized that had “Sinwar believed that if an attack on Tel Aviv and Dimona were reported in the news, Hezbollah in the north and the other terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria would also attack. This is a diabolical plan, and if it had succeeded, the reality would have been many times worse.”


He also said that “maps found with terrorists indicated that they intended to reach Kiryat Gat. After that, a plan was discovered by a certain force to attack Shikma Prison in Ashkelon and release terrorists. Another plan was to attack the Hatzerim air base. All this testified to Sinwar’s pretensions of carrying out something that had never before been done.”




They left each kibbutz with just one gun

by Rivka Levy 19November2023

Shavua Tov!

I am continuing to post up excerpts of the Rav’s recent shiurim from the last 3 weeks here.

They are giving way more info than you’ll find anywhere else, about what really happened here on October 7.

Here’s the latest excerpt.


Excerpt of shiur Thursday night, 27 Tishrey, to the ‘Mifal HaTorah’ – second shiur

Now [during the war] we need to say tehillim.

Bachorim are going, the young men who went out to save us allwere all killed. All those who went out to rescue us were killed.

The army didn’t even try to approach the area. The Kibbutz was full of terrorists, 1500 terrorists. In Be’eri, 500 terrorists. And in Kerem Shalom, 300 terrorists.

Three people (i.e. soldiers) stood against 300 [terrorists].


[Before this happened]

The State took away their guns.

After all, the […] are so stupid, they are such reshaim, they are such Amalekim – all the […], that three months before that Shabbat, they took away all the guns.


They took them!

They didn’t leave anything, just one gun per Kibbutz. One gun, with 50 bullets.


Now, a person has one gun, and 300 terrorists show up. So, he fires one bullet, two bullets, and they fire back at him…

Simply [the whole massacre on SimchaTorah happened because] there were no guns.

There were no guns!


OK, [so they asked] can we have guns?!

And they were told:

Wait a minute, we need more consultation.


But bring more guns, already – that’s how he asked the senior head of the police there. Can we distribute the guns? Can they be distributed, already?


He told [the authorities] we have already started distributing them.

[And the commander said] Wait a minute! We need to do this with yishuv ha’daat (a settled mind). We can’t just to this stam, like this. It’s not Shuvu Banim here, crazy people. Here, we are normal people.


They took away all the guns, from all the kibbutzim, and all the moshavs.

There are no guns.

They left a single gun to each whole kibbutz, with around 50 bullets. And now, 500 [terrorists] enter. In Be’eri, 500 terrorists came in.


It was impossible to approach [the kibbutz]. Whoever comes close, they immediately fire on them.

So, three soldiers decided to break through the machsomim (army checkpoints) – three soldiers!


All day long, they tell more stories, that three soldiers managed to get into one of the kibbutzim there, they stood at the gate, and they fired at the terrorists. They fired. And the terrorists fired back at them. And they fired back in return – until all the terrorists ran away.

Like this, they liquidated around 15 terrorists, and then the terrorists ran away.

The terrorists fired at them, but didn’t injure them. Until today, they don’t know why.


These [the three soldiers] decided  that they were going to enter [to save the kibbutz] – against the army, against the police.

The army didn’t give permission, because there are 500 terrorists there, what can you do, against 500 terrorists?!


It needs to come from the air, [the attack] needs to come from the moon, from Mars. We need to come with parachutes, wait! We need to plan it! We’ll come in another week…

In the meantime, another 1,000 young people were killed, another 1,000 children.


So, we need to know that these […] are Amalekim, mamash.

This is a reincarnation of Amalek.

And the Rabbi of Brisk said this, that ultimately, they will give everything to the Arabs.

Instead of blowing up Tehran, they will blow up Tel Aviv.

Because ‘you are robbers!’

What are you talking about?! Tel Aviv was built next to Yaffo!

[They will say] Yaffo belongs to the Arabs, Tel Aviv was [built] on the grounds of Yaffo.

So they will blow it up.


More and more of the first-hand stories are also coming out about what happened that day, from eyewitnesses.

Of course, not in our state-run propaganda news.

But if you go HERE, [] you’ll find a site in English called Eyewitness and first-hand stories from the massacre in Israel, October 7.

It’s not snuff movies, God forbid, but it’s full of people (survivors) just telling their stories, including some videos and pictures they took of what was going on at the Super Nova party when they were hiding in bushes, or in the kibbutzim in their safe rooms.

For anyone who is interested in piecing together the truth, it’s a very valuable resource.

And for anyone dealing with anti-Semites trying to claim that the slaughter of innocent Jews is all ‘fake news’ – it’s also a very valuable resource.


There are hints coming out here that the hostage situation is about to be resolved, but not in the way most of us were praying for.

Remember, even when things are very painful, they are all being orchestrated from Above, for the greater good.

And this time, nobody is about to forgive and forget what has gone here.

Very soon, all the truth will come out – and those responsible will be unmasked.

May it happen very soon, before any more good Jews lose their lives, God forbid.



Arutz Sheva

Analyst: ‘Vast majority’ of responsibility for October 7 is the IDF’s

Military analyst Yossi Yehoshua says October 7 massacre could have been avoided had IDF’s General Staff acted differently. ‘It is not connected to the identity of the Prime Minister.’

Israel National News 26May2024,


Military analyst Yossi Yehoshua believes that the responsibility for the October 7 massacre and the ensuing war rests mostly on the military echelon.


In an interview with 103FM Radio, Yehoshua explained, “The absolute majority of responsibility is on the IDF. Different handling by the General Staff’s echelon on that night would have prevented most of the incident. It is not connected to the identity of the prime minister.”


Regarding the war in Gaza, he added, “We are advancing in Rafah, we have 70% of the Philadelphi Corridor. We should be, eight months after the war began, with even better results against Hamas and dismantling its abilities.”


Slamming the management of the war, he said, “We should have finished the incident there a long time ago – months ago – and placed much greater military pressure on Hamas.” He did not raise the issue of American pressure and arms shipments.




IDF had concrete intel of imminent invasion and did nothing

26February2024 | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem,


Army intel was notified that hundreds if not thousands of Hamas terrorists switched to Israeli SIM cards at midnight on October 7

Multiple media resources report what has been kept under strict censorship till now. IDF army intelligence was notified that the Gazan cellular SIM cards had been suddenly replaced with Israeli SIM cards, a clear indication along with all the other reports, that a surprise invasion was planned.

And yet, according to reports, nothing was done and the political leadership was not notified.


This latest evidence contributes to the existence of anti-democratic forces in the IDF, intelligence, and security services that intentionally did nothing despite clear evidence of abnormal terrorist activity. In no case, it appears, the political echelon was notified. All of this darkly suggests that there was a conspiracy within the IDF and other agencies to allow a lapse that would ruin forever Benjamin Netanyahu’s reputation as Mr. Security.


In recent days, an extremely well-funded ad campaign sought to blame all on Bibi, because he was the head. But it seems to be backfiring as Netanyahu oversees the military and diplomatic campaigns with inimitable clarity and courage.

Unraveling October 7: Accountability Beyond Political Blame

The aftermath of the October 7 catastrophe has unfurled a narrative steeped in blame and political finger-pointing, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at its center. However, a closer examination reveals a more complex and disconcerting reality. It has become increasingly evident that the true failure lies not with Netanyahu personally but with a breakdown in communication and perhaps intentional obfuscation by elements within the military intelligence, the internal security agency, and possibly the Air Force. This disturbing scenario suggests a deliberate attempt to undermine the political echelon, using a horrific national tragedy as leverage in the broader context of protest against judicial reform and replacement of a democratically elected government not to the liking of the insurrectionists.


The notion that sections of the military and security apparatus may have withheld critical information from the government, and Netanyahu specifically, points to a deep-seated and deep disturbing issue within Israel’s security and governance structures. Such actions, if proven true, represent not just a failure of protocol but a direct challenge to the democratic oversight of the military by the elected government. This is a grave concern that transcends political affiliations and calls into question the integrity of the institutions tasked with national defense. It must be investigated to the end, and violators punished accordingly.

The Urgent Need for Investigation and Reform

  1. Comprehensive Investigation: There must be a thorough and transparent investigation into the conduct of military intelligence, the internal security agency, and other relevant bodies leading up to and during the events of October 7. This investigation should aim to uncover the extent to which information was withheld and the motivations behind such decisions.
  2. Accountability Measures: Should the investigation reveal intentional acts of subversion against the government’s authority, severe consequences must follow. This includes not only legal action against individuals involved but also systemic reforms to prevent future occurrences.
  3. Oversight and Transparency: Enhancing the mechanisms for oversight of military and security agencies by civilian authorities is crucial. This might involve reforms in how intelligence is reported to the government, ensuring that no single entity or group within the military can unilaterally decide to withhold vital national security information.
  4. Public Discourse: The Israeli public deserves a candid discussion about the balance between military autonomy and democratic oversight. This conversation is essential for maintaining public trust in both the government and the military, particularly in times of crisis.

The events surrounding October 7 and their aftermath have underscored a critical vulnerability in Israel’s security and political framework. Addressing this issue requires a commitment to transparency, accountability, and reform. It is not about absolving Netanyahu of personal blame. It’s about safeguarding the democratic principles that underpin Israel’s governance.


As Israel navigates these challenges, the need for unity and commitment to the nation’s democratic integrity has never been greater. Blaming Netanyahu is just a cover for those who have no shame and limits to advance their subversive political agenda.




2 jets, few plans and no clue: Probe finds air force unready and in the dark on Oct. 7

Partly based on official findings, TV report shows IAF struggled to mount effective response in first hours of Hamas attack; commanders less informed than TV viewers; ‘chaos’ in war room

By ToI Staff 12September2024


Hamas’s October 7 assault caught the Israeli Air Force woefully unprepared, with few aircraft at the ready and a paucity of training for a scenario of mass infiltration from Gaza, according to an investigative report Wednesday.


The examination, which the Kan public broadcaster said was partially based on the IAF’s own unpublished findings, is the latest to paint a damning picture of the military’s lack of readiness for a large coordinated attack from Gaza and its various failings as it struggled to mount a response.


The inquiry revealed flaws with the air force’s ability to collect effective real-time intelligence from the sky, problems with keeping sensitive material out of Hamas’s hands, and commanders operating with less information than Israeli news consumers, with Air Force Chief Maj. Gen. Tomer Bar reportedly only learning of the massacre of partygoers at the Supernova rave near Kibbutz Re’im some 10 hours after the attack began.


Questions over the seeming absence of significant Israeli aerial activity on the morning of October 7 emerged almost immediately, with many seeking to know why Israel’s vaunted air corps, equipped with some of the world’s most advanced weaponry and possessing total air superiority, were unable to slow or even stymie the low-tech Hamas attack.


A number of inquiries have been launched to examine the army’s readiness, response and decision-making, though conclusions have been released only piecemeal thus far. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has so far rejected the launch of an independent probe or state inquiry into the political leadership until after the war, now in its 12th month.


According to the Kan report, the air force was at its lowest level of readiness when Hamas terrorists started firing massive volleys of rockets into Israel at 6:30 a.m. on October 7, kicking off an unprecedented invasion that would leave some 1,200 people dead, hundreds more abducted into Gaza and the country shaken to its core.


That meant that the air force had only two fighter jets and two other planes at the ready that Saturday, which coincided with the Jewish religious holiday of Simhat Torah.


Keeping an eye on the Strip was a single surveillance drone, though nobody was at the helm to monitor its feed in real-time as thousands of Hamas-led terrorists streamed toward the suddenly porous Gaza border fence, according to the report.


Even had the air force had aircraft and pilots at the ready, the report indicated that there had been little planning for what to do in such a scenario. Once the air force did mount a response, it scrambled its planes to protect strategic sites such as offshore gas rigs, rather than send them on offensive missions near Gaza.


A senior air force officer described the scene at the branch’s underground war room while the attack unfolded as “chaos,” the disarray compounded by the fact that those in the bunker were siloed off from phones or television and reliant on information from the Israel Defense Forces’ Gaza Division, which had essentially been overrun and was barely functioning.


“What you saw on TV, we didn’t know. It’s unbelievable. Only in the afternoon, when I went up for the first time for a smoke, I opened Ynet and saw the Toyota with terrorists in Sderot,” the officer was quoted saying, referring to a widely circulated video that was one of the first to emerge from the invasion.


According to the report, Bar, the head of the air force, only learned that there was an outdoor rave under attack at 4:20 p.m., several hours after terrorists began their deadly rampage at the now infamous festival, where over 350 people were slaughtered.


A helicopter pilot who was the first to deploy to southern Israel said he was on his third sortie at around 2:30 p.m. when he was asked to provide cover to an infantry force sent to the scene of “a nature party,” marking the first time he’d heard about it.


He said he told the officer that he did not know what “nature party” was supposed to mean. “I thought he was speaking to me in code.”


Another officer quoted by Kan, in the air force’s UAV unit, said he had pushed for years for the military to plan for and conduct drills to prepare for the possible mass infiltration of Gazans into Israel, spurred by repeated demonstrations that saw thousands of Gazans mass on the border and occasionally make limited incursions into Israel.


The unnamed officer said only a single drill to prepare for the possibility was ever conducted, saying he believed commanders had only sought to “tick a checkbox” with the exercise.


“The thought that thousands of Gazan protesters on the fence would break into Israel and we would not know what to do became a nightmare that could happen at any moment for me, but the air force commanders didn’t think about it,” the officer was quoted saying.


According to Kan, the IDF only happened to lay out directives for the air force in case of a ground invasion of the country not long before the attack, and the plan was only partially implemented on October 7.


Israel’s first attempt to respond from the air came some 45 minutes after the attack began, but consisted of only a single drone which was ineffective in holding off terrorists attacking Kibbutz Netiv Ha’asara, Kan reported.


Only at 10 a.m. was a comprehensive air attack ordered to strike terrorists along the border, and it was only deployed an hour after that, according to the report. The inquiry described Hamas aiming rockets at fighter jet takeoff paths, complicating matters for aircraft attempting to take to the air. The report noted that the terror group had managed to gather sensitive intel on the air force and even drew up plans to attack an air base.


In response to the report, the IDF said it and the air force had “failed in its mission” but also said it had been able to deploy a response within hours, attacking hundreds of targets and helping evacuate many of the wounded.


It also denied that it had failed to drill for an infiltration scenario or that it had been unprepared on the morning of October 7, and said the findings of its investigation would be released to the public when finished.


The report is the latest to point to questionable decision-making and bedlam within the military that left thousands of people in southern Israel exposed in the face of brutal massacres and other atrocities that left whole communities destroyed.


An IDF internal probe into its response in Kibbutz Be’eri in July accused the air force’s elite Shaldag commando unit of poor decision-making for withdrawing from the kibbutz in the heat of battle in order to evacuate two soldiers.


Bar said in July that the air force had been at full “operational competency” ahead of the October 7 onslaught, pushing back against concerns that its readiness had been degraded by reservist pilots refusing to train in protest over the government’s planned judicial overhaul.



Why Benny Gantz is very afraid of an ‘effective’ commission of inquiry

Yossi Baum-tweet-7January2024-Why Benny Gantz is very afraid of an *effective* commission of inquiry

מדוע בני גנץ חושש מאוד מוועדת חקירה *אפקטיבית*

מפני שוועדת חקירה כזו, עשויה לשאול אותו שאלות מביכות בכמה וכמה נושאים. הנה חלקם, על קצה המזלג:

1. כשר ביטחון אסף נשקים מכיתות הכוננות בעוטף עזה ובצפון. אלוף פיקוד הדרום באותה עת היה אלמוני בשם הרצי הלוי, אגב.

2. כשר ביטחון אישר הכנסת עשרות אלפי פועלים עזתים לישראל. בסבירות גבוהה חלקם לפחות העביר מידע חשוב לחמאס לקראת הטבח ב7 באוקטובר.

3. כשר ביטחון אישר לארה”ב העברת מאות אלפי פגזים מהרזרבות בישראל (שישראל ‘בונה’ עליהם בעת חירום) לאוקראינה, ללא הצטיידות מיידית בהתאם

4. כרמטכ”ל קיצץ מכוח הצבא 600 טנקים (האלוף בריק, ראו ציוצים קודמים)

5. עשויה להיבחן גם תזת ה”סיכנתי חיי חיילים בגולני מטעמים ‘מוסרים'” והשלכותיה על רוח הלחימה בצה”ל ועל יכולת ההרתעה.

6. מה הוא ידע על בלוני ולווייני התצפית של צה”ל המכוונים לעזה, שלא תוחזקו וממילא לא פעלו ביום הטבח.

7. בזמן כהונתו כרמטכ”ל הועברה טייסת מסוקי הקוברה של צה”ל לירדנים חינם אין כסף, בהוראת אובאמה. בדיוק מה שהיה חסר בשבת השחורה.

8. כמי שהעלים מהקבינט ב’צוק איתן’ את מצב המנהרות מעזה לישראל, מה עוד הוא ידע או לא ידע, על המנהרות שחמאס חופר בעזה?

9. מאחר ומרבית ההכנות לטבח נעשו בתקופתו כשר ביטחון, מה הוא ידע או לא – על הכנות אלו?

10. יתכן גם שהוועדה תרצה לברר כיצד ומדוע מינה כמה מגורמי המפתח שאחראים ישירות לטבח. כמו:

* אהרון חליוה, שגנץ אישר את מינויו לראש אמ”ן. חליוה גם סגר את יחידת ‘חצב’ שאוספת מודיעין ממקורות גלויים.

* הרצי הלוי, אין צורך להכביר במילים. גנץ עשוי להזדקק להסביר מה היה כה דחוף למנותו בממשלת מעבר.

* יתירה מכך, הוא גם יצטרך להסביר את פשר המסמך שאישר את “דחיפות” המינוי, מסמך שלא הוכן ע”י אמ”ן אלא ע”י פקיד שלו…

* גם אלופי פיקוד הדרום, אלעזר טולדנו וירון פינקלשטיין, שתחת פיקודם הכין חמאס את הטבח, מונו על ידו.

שורה תחתונה: הרבה הרבה חמאה על ראשו של גנץ. לא ייפלא, אם כן, שגנץ עשה מעשה שלא ייעשה,

כשבמקום לגנות את הרמטכ”ל שמינה בעצמו את הוועדה שתחקור אותו – הוא מגבה אותו, ותוקף את המגנים.


Because such an investigative committee may ask him embarrassing questions on several topics.
Here are some of them, at the tip of the fork:
1. As the Minister of Defense collected weapons from the standby units in the Gaza Envelope and in the north.
The commander of the Southern Command at that time was an unknown named Hertzi Halevi, by the way.2. As the Minister of Defense approved the bringing of tens of thousands of Gazan laborers to Israel.
It is highly probable that at least some of them passed important information to Hamas in preparation for the massacre on October 7.3. As the Minister of Defense, the US has approved the transfer of hundreds of thousands of shells
from the reserves in Israel (which Israel ‘builds‘ on during an emergency) to Ukraine, without immediate equipping accordingly.4. As Chief of Staff, he cut 600 tanks from the army (General Brik, see previous tweets)5. The thesis “I risked the lives of soldiers in the Golani for ‘moral’ reasons”
and its implications for the fighting spirit in the IDF and the ability to deter may also be examined.6. What did he know about the IDF’s observation balloons and satellites aimed at Gaza,
which were not maintained and in any case did not operate on the day of the massacre.7. During his tenure as Chief of Staff, the Cobra helicopter squadron of the IDF was
transferred to the Jordanians for free, no money, on Obama’s orders. Exactly what was missing on Black Saturday.8. As someone who revealed to the cabinet in ‘Tzuk Eitan’ the condition of the tunnels from Gaza to Israel,
what else did he know or not know about the tunnels that Hamas is digging in Gaza?9. Since most of the preparations for the massacre were made during his time as Minister of Defense,
what did he know or not – about these preparations?10. It is also possible that the committee would like to find out how and
why it appointed some of the key factors that are directly responsible for the massacre. same as:* Aharon Haliva, whom Gantz approved as head of the AMN. Haliva also closed the ‘Hatsev’ unit
that collects intelligence from open sources.* Harzi Halevi, there is no need to say much. Gantz may need to explain what was so urgent
about appointing him to a transitional government.* Moreover, he will also have to explain the meaning of the document that
confirmed the “urgency” of the appointment, a document that was not prepared by Amman but by his official…* The commanders of the Southern Command, Elazar Toledano and Yaron Finkelstein,
under whose command Hamas prepared the massacre, were also appointed by him.Bottom line: lots and lots of butter on Gantz’s head. It would not be surprising, then,
that Gantz did something that should not be done, when instead of condemning
the Chief of Staff who himself appointed the committee to investigate him – he backs him up, and attacks the defenders.Sources:

Yossi Baum-tweet-7January2024-Why Benny Gantz is very afraid of an effective commission of inquiry

Yossi Baum-tweet-7January2024-Why Benny Gantz is very afraid of an effective commission of inquiry





Victory for Israel- Update # 1


The chain of news reports in these days of war, require a few quick responses to some events, statements and headlines.

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

Jewish labor

In recent weeks, since the black Shabbat, we have learned that we must go back to Jewish labor. It will fortify us, keep us safe in the villages and cities and reduce our terrible dependence on hostile, foreign hands.


It has been proven beyond any doubt that the Arabs who worked in the Gaza envelope acquired and transferred such precise military and civilian information that the despicable murderers came with accurate lists of the members of every family and after breaking into their homes, if they knew that there was another child, they demanded to know where he was.


It is inconceivable for us to put ourselves into such a situation again. We must protect our people and our Land and keep this danger far from us. We should begin by training our sons and daughters for work in the fields, in construction, driving, medicine, pharmacy, cleaning, gardening, etc. For this, we must even now establish vocational colleges to train the youth for this work.


But primarily, we must instill in the young generation the great honor that has fallen to them to be those who build this Land with their own hands, we must make clear to them the value and importance of Jewish labor as it was since the early days of Zionism.


And now, in wartime, we must act to mobilize all yeshiva students and students in colleges and pre-military academies that are not already mobilized for military service, for the holy work of strengthening the Land and the state.


Zionism always championed Jewish labor, for paving roads and work in the orchards. It was and still is pure patriotism. Now, it is also the order of the hour!


Ariel Danino is held in administrative detention. Why? What is his sin? It is difficult to know.

As we know, there is no legal process for administrative detention, there is no need to present evidence or witnesses. The reasonable person is most likely convinced that of course, it is done to a person who was a danger to the state, and his sin is more severe because it was done during wartime, but it is we should all  know the truth:


Ariel Danino works for news site Hakol HaYehudi -“The Jewish Voice”; he collects information on dangerous activities of Arabs, conducts investigations to help the system take care of failures. Ariel warns of the enemy’s  activity in sabotage, which is sometimes carried out disguised as civil activity. He makes his voice heard every way he can and his cry is the painful cry of the entire people. Now, it is our turn to cry out for him. Release Ariel immediately! Those who arrested him  are confused!

Shaul Mofaz

Former Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz “is proud of the expulsion from Gush Katif”, so he says, and even adds an explanation. Mofaz is convinced that if the expulsion had not been carried out, the residents of Gush Katif would have been slaughtered like those in the Gaza Envelope. And because he indeed cares for them so much, he mobilized himself for the task of expelling them from their homes. So very touching.


Let’s take another small logical step. According to the Mofaz school of thought, all of the kibbutzim and farming communities of the Gaza Envelope should also be expelled, since if only they had not been there, they would not have been slaughtered in the Hamas terror attack on Simhat Torah. But this is not enough. Why stop with the communities of the Envelope? If we expel all the Jews from Jerusalem, there would not be any terror attacks in Jerusalem and maybe we should adopt the slogan, “No Jews, no terror attacks” according to this logic, where would Mr. Shaul Mofaz go?


Mr. Mofaz, as a security person who worked many years alongside the pioneers in Judea and Samaria, you should know exactly why Jews settled precisely in Gush Katif. Out of a pioneering spirit and willingness to serve as a security belt for the entire country, just as the residents of the Gaza Envelope do, who defend Jewish villages with their presence.


Even the ordinary citizen without a high military rank understands quite well that without holding onto the land, our security is abandoned, and the deeper and stronger this hold is, the stronger and more stable is our security. Since the Six Day War, Israel has been pursued a policy of withdrawals and uprooting again and again and the longer Israel behaves this way, the more she loses the safety and security of her citizens.


Here is inevitable conclusion: Abandoning parts of the Land of Israel to foreigners brings disasters upon us. The correction is to restore Israel’s control over Gaza first. And afterward, over all of Judea and Samaria.

Thanks to the Security Forces

We must give many thanks to the soldiers and all members of the security forces for endangering their lives for the survival of the People and the Land in all of its parts, in the North, the South and the Center.


In Judea and Samaria as well, they are doing wonderful and vigorous work that is so effective that until now, more than a thousand terrorists have been caught and arrested and about a hundred have been eliminated. Good job! To our fighters, our soldiers and commanders. May G-d bless you and bring you success.

Haim Ramon

Haim Ramon spoke out vigorously in an interview that he gave to Maariv, which was published last Sabbath eve: “A Covenant with Satan. On the altar of the dream to annex Judea and Samaria Netanyahu and the Right sold their souls to Hamas when they stopped all attempts to topple the  terror regime in the Gaza Strip”.


Let’s clarify things: The Right, which desires sovereignty, does not want the same terror authority in power that the Left brought from Tunisia to rule over Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The wise and alert Right knows well that there is no fundamental difference between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. They both desire to destroy Israel. One does it with clear language and hate-filled, murderous eyes and the other does it with a suit and tie and polished English, which deceives the entire world and even some of us, and because of this he is even more dangerous.


The fact that until now, the government of Israel has not found within itself the strength to apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria is what brought about the endless disasters culminating in the events of Simhat Torah.


Let’s, just for a moment, imagine where road of terror ultimately leads. Let’s imagine giving up, G-d forbid, Judea and Samaria and going back to the 67 lines (Auschwitz borders, as the late Abba Evan called them). Is there any reasonable person who thinks that our security situation would have been better? Will the Palestinian covenant, which calls for the destruction of Israel and establishing a Palestinian state from the River to the Sea, ever change? Would they give up Jaffa, Acre, Ramla and Lod?


Enough of this delusion! If we do not open our eyes now, we will very quickly find that the next murderous pogroms are already on the way G-d forbid.

Concluding Words

Thank G-d, most of the people in Israel are mentally and emotionally healthy, our soldiers are healthy in mind and spirit. They understand well the overt tendency of the Arabs, they see what they are capable of inflicting upon us. We have already learned that in the Middle East, it is dangerous to speak “European”. We must speak the language of the Bible. “To you I will give this Land!”




Buried facts about the Gaza war

Connect the dots: It’s America and Iran against Israel.


Melanie Phillips



Melanie Phillips, a British journalist, broadcaster and author, writes a weekly column for JNS. Currently a columnist for The Times of London, her personal and political memoir, Guardian Angel, has been published by Bombardier, which also published her first novel, The Legacy, in 2018. To access her work, go to:


(May 16, 2024 / JNS) The extent to which the political class and the media are burying facts that undermine their poisonous narrative in order to defame and undermine Israel’s war of survival has become simply jaw-dropping.


The Biden administration has gone to great lengths to appease the genocidal and terrorist Iranian regime. It has funneled billions into Tehran’s coffers through sanctions relief. It has refused to effectively respond to repeated Iran-backed attacks on U.S. interests. And it is doing everything it can to prevent Israel from taking action that would damage America’s relationship with the Iranian regime, such as the destruction of Hamas, a vital force in Tehran’s proxy army against Israel and the West.


The American appeasement of Iran has left many people mystified. They should have been paying more attention.

Twelve days before the Oct. 7 pogrom, Jay Solomon reported on the Semafor site that Ariane Tabatabai, chief of staff to the U.S. assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict, was part of an “Iran Experts Initiative” created by senior Iranian Foreign Ministry officials to bolster Tehran’s position on global security issues, particularly its nuclear program.


In other words, Tabatabai was an agent of influence for Iran at the heart of the U.S. government and with the highest level of security clearance.


Semafor and the Iranian opposition group Iran International obtained a large cache of Iranian government correspondence and emails. These revealed that, in 2021, Robert Malley—who was the point man on Iran under both the Obama and Biden administrations until he was removed in June 2023 following a still unexplained “mishandling of classified materials”—had infiltrated Tabatabai into the U.S. State Department to assist him in his negotiations with Iran.


The day Solomon’s article appeared, 31 U.S. Senators wrote to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to express their concern. They wrote: “We find it unconscionable that a senior department official would continue to hold a sensitive position despite her alleged participation in an Iranian government information operation.”


They noted that, in March 2021, shortly after Tabatabai was appointed senior adviser to the undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, Iranian dissidents reported her long history of echoing the Iranian regime’s talking points.


That month, Adam Kredo reported in The Washington Free Beacon on these dissidents’ shock at Tabatabai’s appointment. They claimed she parroted the Iranian regime’s position at multiple public appearances and that her father was part of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s inner circle.


In April 2021, several members of the House of Representatives requested a review of Tabatabai’s security clearance. In response, the Biden administration dismissed these claims as “smears and slander.”


Even more astonishingly, Tabatabai runs the office overseeing hostage negotiations. Three weeks after the Oct. 7 pogrom, a reporter asked White House Spokesman John Kirby whether it was appropriate for Tabatabei to be in such a position given the claims made against her.  Kirby stalled. Tabatabai is still there.


Online, several commentators (including myself) wrote about this. The mainstream media studiously ignored it. Over the past few days, they’ve ignored another vital revelation.


From the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, Israel has been accused of disproportionately killing Palestinian civilians. The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry put out daily figures of civilians who had been killed that rose to more than 35,000, of whom the vast majority were said to be women and children.


These figures, promoted by the United Nations and used by both the Biden administration and the U.K. government to berate and threaten Israel, have fueled mass demonstrations and attacks on Jewish people worldwide.


On May 8, however, the U.N. Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs halved its figures for the number of women and children killed in Gaza from the number it gave the day before.


Preposterously, U.N. Spokesman Farhan Haq tried to maintain that the claim of 35,000 dead remained “unchanged” and the only new development was that more than 10,000 bodies still had to be fully identified.


This, however, was merely an attempt to cover up the fact that the U.N. had been putting out Hamas figures that were always demonstrably ludicrous since they did not differentiate between terrorists and civilians.


In early April, after statisticians authoritatively demolished these figures as “statistically impossible,” the Gaza Health Ministry quietly admitted that it had “incomplete data” for more than 10,000 of the individuals on its lists and revealed that it had even obtained some of its numbers from the media. Now the U.N. has felt forced to adjust its own figures while fudging the reason.


Given that Israel says it has killed some 14,000 combatants, the ratio of civilians to combatants killed stands now at around 1:1—a far lower proportion of civilians killed than any other country has ever achieved in war.


In other words, this is a total refutation of the incendiary lie of “disproportionate” killing of civilians with which the U.S. and British governments and Western media have been beating up Israel and fueling incitement against Jews around the world. Yet not one word has been heard about this from either the government or the media.


Now comes an admission by Fatah—the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority whose leader is P.A. chief Mahmoud Abbas—that it took part in the Oct. 7 pogrom alongside Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups.


Abu Muhammad, the official spokesman for Fatah’s military arm—the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades—said in a video message last week that the Brigades participated in the invasion “and together with our brothers in the Palestinian struggle organizations captured many Zionists; some of them were transferred to us and some are still in our hands.”


The Brigades, he said, were participating in the fighting against the IDF in Gaza and had carried out more than 470 “military missions” since Oct. 7.


According to a report by Arutz Sheva, the Brigades revealed on Telegram that, over the past few days, their forces had fired an anti-tank missile at a tank in the Jabalya camp, set off an explosive device aimed at a tank south of the Zeytun neighborhood and launched rockets at IDF forces at the Netzarim junction.


The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are yet another Iranian proxy army through which Iran can attack Israel under the cover of “plausible deniability.” As Phillip Smyth wrote last December in an article for West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center, elements in the Brigades have thanked Iran and Hezbollah for weapons and equipment and openly asked Iran for money. In 2023, an unnamed P.A. security source told The Jerusalem Post that the group was being paid by Iran via the terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad.


Just think about this: The military arm of Fatah, the P.A.’s ruling party, is holding Israeli hostages. Fatah’s military arm is fighting Israel in Gaza and the disputed territories. Fatah’s military arm is being funded by Iran. The Biden administration is funding the P.A. and appeasing Iran. The Biden administration is trying to force Israel to accept a P.A.-run administration in Gaza after the war.

And Ariane Tabatabai is still in her post at the Defense Department.


The mainstream media says nothing about any of this because nothing can be allowed to destroy the left’s driving narrative of Israeli oppression and Palestinian victimization.


Biden’s betrayal of Israel is widely attributed to his need to buy off the hard left of the Democratic Party. But his administration was rotten from the start, widely seeded with Obama-retread officials who are viscerally hostile to Israel. Some of them have histories of supporting Palestinian terrorist groups.


Now Iran is said to be nearing the ability to make nuclear weapons. When it announces it has succeeded, the United States and the United Kingdom will doubtless say they did everything they could to stop it. And if Israel tries to defend itself against this nightmare scenario, the West will accuse it of aggression.


The dots have been obvious for years. Connect them.



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Israel Declares Independence from Biden

The 76th Independence Day will be a true test of Israel’s independence.

13May2024 by


US President Harry Truman and Israel PM David Ben-Gurion

US President Harry Truman and Israel PM David Ben-Gurion


This week, Israel will mark its 76th Independence Day. Usually a day filled with parades and fireworks, the Israeli people will instead buckle down to the grim business of being at war.


Too much of the population is either deployed in the field or may soon be, displaced from their homes near the Gaza border or aware that at any moment rocket alerts could sound for incoming missiles from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen or Iran. This year, Yom HaZikaron, Memorial Day annually observed for the fallen, will overshadow Yom Ha’atzmaut or Independence Day.


Much like America’s Greatest Generation, the men and women who scrappily fought for Israel’s independence using crude weapons and WWII surplus gear are passing out of history. Few now remember a time when Israel did not exist and some have come to take it for granted. While Israeli Air Force jets won’t be doing flyovers for the 76th, the leftist protesters, some backed by foreign interests, will still continue their rallies and riots that only serve to aid Hamas.


And yet Israel did declare a new kind of independence before its latest Yom Ha’atzmaut.

After nearly half a year of pressure campaigns to end the war, the Biden administration followed through by announcing an embargo on offensive weapons to Israel. It’s not the first time. In 1947, the Truman administration had imposed an arms embargo on Israel. Truman, like the current Democrat in the White House, had played a familiar double game, offering diplomatic recognition to Israel and enthusiastic speeches to Jewish voters, even while privately promising Muslims the opposite and making sure that Israel would not have the weapons to defend itself.


When the Republican Party platform declared that it took “pride in the fact that the Republican Party was the first to call for the establishment of a free and independent Jewish Commonwealth” and condemned the “vacillation of the Democrat Administration”, Truman shot back angrily claiming that he supported the Democratic platform and its call for “the revision of the arms embargo to accord to the State of Israel the right of self-defense.” This was a lie.


Truman had supported the arms embargo from the beginning. Three months before the Democrat platform had been adopted, the administration had backed a UN resolution that included an arms embargo. Truman was saying one thing and doing another. Like Biden, Truman had been following political considerations. That was why diplomats had been warned to stay away from making any anti-Israel moves at the United Nations before Election Day.


Even under the arms embargo, Israel survived an invasion by five Muslim nations.

“You just don’t understand. Forty million Arabs are going to push four hundred thousand Jews into the sea. And that’s all there is to it,” Secretary of Defense James Forrestal had predicted.


Three generations later, Israel is still here.

Israel’s 76th Independence Day has come around again. Once again the Jewish State is fighting for its survival against Islamic genocidal violence and a corrupt political class in Washington D.C. It’s relearning the old lesson that presidents say one thing for public consumption and do another. And that independence is not just aspirational, it’s a simple matter of survival.


Biden’s betrayal of Israel was inevitable. The blindness of Israeli leaders to that eventuality, their conviction that if they followed every single guideline from the White House, they would have the support they needed to finish off Hamas in Gaza was a delusional fantasy. Israel’s best bet lay in quickly doing what it needed to do. Everything the Biden administration wanted only slowed down the war effort and doomed the very support that Israel had been counting on.


A day after delivering a speech at the Holocaust Museum about his support for Israel, Biden told CNN that the support was gone. But Truman had pulled a similar trick with a rally at Madison Square Garden when he told New York’s Jewish voters that he was responsible for setting up Israel “as a free and independent political state” even while it was fighting for its survival.


The Truman administration continued backing worthless UN truces (the predecessors of today’s equally duplicitous ceasefires) which allowed the Islamic terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood (the parent organization of Hamas) to continue attacking Jewish towns and massacring Jews.


While Truman was telling one thing to Jewish voters in New York City ahead of Election Day, Israel was evacuating children as part of ‘Operation Baby’ from front line communities under siege by terrorists during the latest ‘truce’. In Kibbutz Manara, the children had to be evacuated from the mountaintop in vegetable crates in a scene later recreated in the movie ‘Exodus’.


Manara had to be evacuated again after the Hamas attacks of Oct 7 and it’s estimated that half the homes in the community have been destroyed after Hezbollah Islamic terrorists have shot a rocket every day at the village. The people living there can’t go home. But unlike the Hamas supporters crying in Gaza, you won’t see their faces on the evening news.


After the 1948 election, not only weren’t there any arms sales, but the White House was upset that Israel had begun winning. The Egyptians had not only failed to push the Jews into the sea, but the Jews were now pushing them back into the Sinai.


A month after the election, in which 75% of Jews had voted for him, Truman demanded that Israel immediately withdraw or his administration would “re-examine” its mostly non-existent relations. Truman, who would later claim credit for creating Israel, had done little more than provide de facto (not de jure) recognition to Israel, while still maintaining the arms embargo.


Truman’s move allowed Egypt to control Gaza and turn it over to the Muslim Brotherhood for regular terror raids on Israel. And that led directly to the rise of Hamas and the current war.


It’s also why Truman ought to get more credit for creating Hamas than for creating Israel.

Truman did not actually begin selling weapons to Israel until 1950, well after it had survived the war, and only in order to also be able to sell weapons to its Arab Muslim enemies as part of an agreement with the UK to “maintain a rough balance of power between Israel and the Arab states.“


American Jews have long lived with the comforting “Eddie Jacobson” myth that Truman had intervened on behalf of Israel because of a plea from his longtime friend and business partner. The truth is that the Truman administration had opposed statehood, until Israel had gone ahead and declared it, had opposed any Israeli presence in Jerusalem, and blocked the pathway to victory, until Israel had gone ahead and won not because of Truman, but despite him.


Since then history has repeated itself again and again. And too many Israelis, who used to know better, bought into the silly myth that their country existed because Truman “liked” them. Millions of Jews were murdered in Europe despite all the politicians who claimed to like them, but then did nothing for them. Hundreds of thousands of Jews in Israel held off armies and built a state, not because politicians liked them, but because they fought for their independence.


The Oslo accords, made so that Israel would be liked, brought it to the brink of destruction. If Israel is going to undo that and the entire ‘palestinian’ colonial project, it has a limited time in which to act. Even after Oct 7, it was too consumed with being liked to do what had to be done.


Like America, Israel wants to be liked after Islamic terror attacks, when what it needs is to win.

On the 76th anniversary of its independence, Israel has once again been forced to declare its independence from a White House Democrat who publicly promised support while privately stabbing it in the back. Going into Rafah and finishing off Hamas will be a more meaningful celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut or Independence Day than any flag-waving parades.


Independence is not in the fireworks you shoot off, it’s in taking independent action.

Contrary to popular myth, foreign aid to Israel isn’t proof that Jerusalem controls D.C. but that D.C. controls Jerusalem. What’s often misleadingly described as aid isn’t a big check, it’s an entanglement with the U.S. defense industry that prevents Israel from fighting an extended war without permission. Since the War of Independence and the 1956 Suez Canal War, the priority has been to make sure that Israel won’t be able to unilaterally pursue a military campaign. Once denied weapons, Israel has been given them in exchange for being put on a leash out of D.C.


Oct 7 has become the ultimate test of Israel’s independence. And this Memorial Day and Independence Day will determine whether a nation of nearly 10 million is truly free to do more than mourn its dead, but once again take independent action to protect its living future.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


Fighting Middle Age-mindset terrorists with Middle Age technology

Kosher-tweet-13June2024-IDF-spec trebuchet

Fighting Middle Age-mindset terrorists with Middle Age technology.

The IDF soldiers built a TREBUCHET to clear foliage/bushes that Hezbollah have been hiding in and firing from.

Kosher-tweet-13June2024-IDF-spec trebuchet

Kosher-tweet-13June2024-IDF-spec trebuchet




From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A trebuchet[nb 1] (French: trébuchet) is a type of catapult[5] that uses a rotating arm with a sling attached to the tip to launch a projectile. It was a common powerful siege engine until the advent of gunpowder. The design of a trebuchet allows it to launch projectiles of greater weights and further distances than that of a traditional catapult.




JerusalemCats Comments: Israel like Russia needs to “Sanction Proof” it’s economy from the G7 and work with the BRICS Countries like India

Israeli MKs discuss overcoming US ‘settler’ sanctions

“We’re talking about simple families that work in agriculture. We must defend their right to live,” Likud lawmaker Amit Halevi told JNS.


(February 15, 2024 / JNS) Israeli lawmaker Amit Halevi (Likud) summoned an urgent meeting of the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee on Wednesday to explore ways Jerusalem can come to the aid of citizens who face international sanctions.


On Feb 1., U.S. President Joe Biden issued an executive order sanctioning “persons undermining peace, security and stability” in Judea and Samaria, citing “high levels of extremist settler violence, forced displacement of people and villages and property destruction.”<


The White House named four Israelis as the targets of sanctions: Yinon Levi of Meitarim Farm; David Chai Chasdai of Givat Ronen; Einan Tanjil of Kiryat Ekron; and Shalom Zicherman of Mitzpe Yair.


Biden’s “unacceptable” decision to levy sanctions was “not only unfriendly, but also unfair,” Halevi told JNS, noting that Israel takes “very strong—maybe more than needed” action against lawbreakers, “especially against the settlers in Judea and Samaria, unfortunately.”


Of the four, only Chasdai has ever run afoul of Israeli authorities. In 2023, he was sentenced to four months of administrative detention following his alleged participation in a riot in the Samaria town of Huwara.


However, fearing being cut off from the U.S. financial system, several Israeli banks have moved to proactively freeze the accounts of some of the sanctioned individuals, as well as their spouses.


“At the end of the day, it is a diplomatic [matter],” Tali Keisar, deputy supervisor of banks at the Bank of Israel, told lawmakers on Wednesday. “The Israeli banking system cannot be perceived as circumventing sanctions. This would harm the market and the economy.”


The committee meeting, which was also attended by representatives of the state, banks and the families harmed by the sanctions, focused on finding a solution.


“If the issue cannot be solved through political channels and if the regulator, the Bank of Israel, does not put out clear instructions, we suggest a new law. In these cases—when there are sanctions of foreign state of Israeli citizens— we must back those citizens,” said Halevi.


“Even according to the Biden presidential instruction, it’s not [required] that the Levi family, for example, should die of starvation,” he continued.


Sapir Levi told the committee that the family has been unable to purchase groceries and diapers for their children since Bank Leumi blocked a joint account with her husband earlier this month.


“We’re not talking about sanctions against businessmen that have billions, like [Roman] Abramovich, because he did business with Russia; we’re talking about simple families that work in agriculture. We must defend their right to live,” said Halevi.


One of the options suggested by coalition lawmakers entails the government providing affected families with an open-ended loan for the duration of the sanctions against them.


Halevi noted that Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken have, since the start of the war with Hamas, often urged Israel to take into account the rights of “uninvolved” civilians in Gaza.


“Let’s leave the question of whether Gazans are really not involved; this is another issue. But what about this principle?” charged Halevi.


During Wednesday’s summit, Committee chairman David Bitan and Moshe Passal, both of the ruling Likud Party, warned that “tomorrow,” Biden could decide to impose sanctions on all 500,000-plus Jews in Judea and Samaria, or on all Israeli soldiers who enter Rafah in Gaza.


On Tuesday, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman blasted the Biden administration’s sanctions of Jews in Judea and Samaria as a “disgrace” that could potentially apply to anyone who opposes the creation of a Palestinian state.


“So anyone who the State Department feels is hostile to creating a Palestinian terror state could wake up one morning and find his funds frozen at his local bank!” Friedman tweeted.


“Not only is this an unlawful interference in another nation’s internal politics (and a key ally to boot!) but it illegally punishes Israelis for exercising their free speech,” the ambassador claimed, calling the move a “remarkable betrayal” of the Jewish state.




Honenu to defend Israelis sanctioned by US administration

Honenu announced that its attorneys had sent a “warning letter” to the Bank of Israel demanding that the Israelis’ bank accounts be unfrozen.


(February 15, 2024 / JNS) The Honenu lawyer’s collective, which represents Israelis sanctioned by the Biden administration for “undermining peace” in Judea and Samaria, on Tuesday filed a complaint with local regulatory authorities as the first step in a legal battle aimed at having the sanctions removed.


Honenu retained Dr. J. Weinroth & Co. Law Office, which has also defended Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the past, to represent “the heroic farmers who are suddenly forced to think about how to transfer 100 shekels to the babysitter or how to get gas,” the group said.


Earlier this month, U.S. President Joe Biden issued an executive order targeting “persons undermining peace, security and stability” in Judea and Samaria, citing “high levels of extremist settler violence, forced displacement of people and villages and property destruction.”


The White House named four Israeli Jews as the targets of sanctions: Yinon Levi of Meitarim Farm; David Chai Chasdai of Givat Ronen; Einan Tanjil of Kiryat Ekron; and Shalom Zicherman of Mitzpe Yair.


Faced with the prospect of being cut off from the U.S. monetary system, Bank Leumi—Israel’s largest bank—subsequently informed Levi that his accounts would be suspended. Chasdai had his account at the state-owned Postal Bank frozen, while reports indicated that Tanjil’s and Zicherman’s accounts at Bank Hapoalim would follow shortly.


On Wednesday, Honenu announced that its attorneys had sent a “warning letter” to the Bank of Israel on behalf of the four families, demanding that the supervisor order the three financial institutions to “immediately remove all restrictions that were imposed on the bank accounts of the farmers.”


In the letter, Honenu stressed that Israeli banks have discretionary powers in individual cases and must examine the “unique and particular circumstances” of their customers before acting upon sanctions imposed by foreign countries.


Honenu vowed to “stand alongside these heroes who were hurt by the visceral hatred for the settlement” of Judea and Samaria.


“Our appeal to the supervisor is the first action within the framework of the legal procedures that we intend to take, as long as the cardinal damage is not rectified,” the organization said.


On Tuesday, attorney Marc Zell announced he would be filing a lawsuit against the U.S. government, the Department of Treasury, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State.


The suit will challenge the legality of Biden’s executive order, which was issued under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the National Emergencies Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act.


The suit is currently being drafted, and is expected to be filed within a couple of weeks. Zell is currently speaking to any potential plaintiffs.


Also this week, Israeli lawmaker Amit Halevi summoned a meeting of the Knesset Economic Affairs Committee on Wednesday to explore ways Jerusalem can come to the aid of citizens who face sanctions.


“If the issue cannot be solved through political channels and if the regulator, the Bank of Israel, does not put out clear instructions, we suggest a new law. In these cases—when there are sanctions of foreign states of Israeli citizens—we must back those citizens,” Halevi told JNS.


One of the options suggested by coalition lawmakers during the committee meeting on Wednesday entails the Israeli government providing an open-ended loan to affected families.


“We’re not talking about sanctions against businessmen that have billions, like [Roman] Abramovich, because he did business with Russia; we’re talking about simple families that work in agriculture. We must defend their right to live,” said Halevi.



Biden sanctioning Itamar Ben Gvir

Caroline Glick-tweet-26February2024-Biden sanctioning Itamar Ben Gvir
The Biden administration is telling the media that it is considering sanctioning Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. They keep this up they will have no influence on Israel whatsoever.

בממשל האמריקני בוחנים להטיל סבב סנקציות נוסף על ישראלים המעורבים, לטענתם, באלימות כלפי פלסטינים – כולל השר בן גביר או גורמים בעוצמה יהודית |

@AmichaiStein1 עם הפרטים


Translated from Hebrew by

The American administration is considering imposing another round of sanctions on Israelis who, according to them, are involved in violence against Palestinians – including minister Ben Gabir or elements of Otzma Yehudit | @AmichaiStein1 with the details

Caroline Glick-tweet-26February2024-Biden sanctioning Itamar Ben Gvir

Caroline Glick-tweet-26February2024-Biden sanctioning Itamar Ben Gvir




JerusalemCats Comments: Israel needs to copy what Russia did against the US Sanctions especially with Banking before it is to late. To Paraphrase German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller. “First they came for the “Settlers”, Then they came for the “Rightist”, Then they came for You.”
The Bank of Israel and the Banking regulators need to copy what the Russian Banking System did under sanctions and isolate the Israeli Banks from US Sanctions. Israel needs to require all Credit Card Processing be done in Israel; Israel needs to find an alternative to SWIFT, Israel need to get its Foreign Currency Reserve Exchange Account out of the U.S. The Bank of Israel and the Knesset need to change the regulations and the laws so that Banks cannot freeze Accounts because of US Sanctions. Israel needs to use a 3rd Country such as India to Process Dollar Transactions, Checks from the US. Join BRICS

Biden sanctions Israeli Iron Dome Company

David M Friedman-tweet-28February2024-Biden sanctions Israeli Iron Dome Company
This may be the dumbest move yet by the Biden Administration — sanctioning an Israeli company which is the only manufacturer of a key component of Iron Dome. Who needs BDS when antisemites have the US State Department?!!!

David M Friedman-tweet-28February2024-Biden sanctions Israeli Iron Dome Company

David M Friedman-tweet-28February2024-Biden sanctions Israeli Iron Dome Company



The congressional reaction to Biden’s sanctions of Israel

February 29, 2024

Cotton, Colleagues to Biden: Rescind Directives Punishing, Undermining Israelis


Contact: Caroline Tabler or Patrick McCann (202) 224-2353
February 29, 2024

Cotton, Colleagues to Biden: Rescind Directives Punishing, Undermining Israelis

Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), along with Senators Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi), Ted Budd (R-North Carolina), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Bill Hagerty (R-Tennessee), Josh Hawley (R-Missouri), Rick Scott (R-Florida), Katie Britt (R-Alabama), and Deb Fischer (R-Nebraska), today sent a letter to President Biden urging him to rescind his February 1 executive order and February 8 memo that are intended to undermine Israel.

In part, the senators wrote:

“Your February 1 EO grants the State Department broad authority to arbitrarily punish Israelis in Judea and Samaria, with no defined standards for determining when sanctions are warranted. Under the guise of ‘peace, security, or stability of the West Bank,’ it appears the State Department can punish arbitrarily any Israeli it wants. Yet, the State Department hasn’t acted against the Palestinian Authority, which makes ‘pay to slay’ payments to terrorists for murdering innocent Israeli families.”

Full text of the letter may be found here and below.

February 29, 2024

President Joseph R. Biden

The White House,

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20502

President Biden,

We write regarding your February 1, 2024 Executive Order 14115 and February 8, 2024 National Security Memorandum 20 undermining Israeli operations against Hamas in Gaza. Both documents undercut our most valuable alliance in the Middle East. We call on you to rescind both documents and to sanction terrorists and their supporters instead of their victims.

Your February 1 EO grants the State Department broad authority to arbitrarily punish Israelis in Judea and Samaria, with no defined standards for determining when sanctions are warranted. Under the guise of “peace, security, or stability of the West Bank,” it appears the State Department can punish arbitrarily any Israeli it wants. Yet, the State Department hasn’t acted against the Palestinian Authority, which makes “pay to slay” payments to terrorists for murdering innocent Israeli families. Nor has the State Department taken significant action to counter the surge in Palestinian terrorism in the West Bank, which increased by 350 percent in 2023, including 300 shooting attacks.

Your February 8 memorandum similarly—and falsely—implies that Israel is committing mass war crimes in its campaign against Hamas and threatens to cut off aid unless Israel meets arbitrary deadlines for providing “assurances” regarding international humanitarian law. Yet, we already have rules requiring aid recipients to comply with applicable law and in line with American interests. Moreover, Israel has provided ample evidence of the steps it takes to avoid civilian casualties, which Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council, John Kirby, acknowledged publicly.

You should immediately rescind both your February 1 order and February 8 memorandum. Further, please provide Congress no later than March 15 with a full explanation of what evidentiary basis and processes are intended to be employed when choosing to sanction Israelis while ignoring the serious crimes committed by the Palestinian Authority.

We appreciate your attention to this important matter.




Biden is throwing the Jewish state under the bus

Caroline Glick-tweet-6March2024-Biden is throwing the Jewish state under the bus
It’s official. Biden is throwing the Jewish state under the bus and going all in with the jihadist murderers and rapists.
RNC Research-tweet-5March2024-There’s gotta be a ceasefire because Ramadan
BIDEN: “There’s gotta be a ceasefire because Ramadan — if we get into a circumstance where this continues through Ramadan, Israel and Jerusalem, then you got — it could be very, very dangerous.”

Caroline Glick-tweet-6March2024-Biden is throwing the Jewish state under the bus

Caroline Glick-tweet-6March2024-Biden is throwing the Jewish state under the bus


Shelley G-tweet-15March2024-US Stalling Munitions Shipments
🚨US Stalling Munitions Shipments as Full Blown Conflict with Hezbollah, Rafah Offensive Looms🚨

Israeli officials say the US has stalled aid, which U.S. officials deny, as evidence the relationship between the two allies is growing increasingly strained.

Shelley G-tweet-15March2024-US Stalling Munitions Shipments

Shelley G-tweet-15March2024-US Stalling Munitions Shipments



Since 1990’s there were no actual negotiations

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-13June2024-Since 1990’s there were no actual negotiations
Recently a senior American negotiator admitted privately that since 1990’s there were no actual negotiations. Only negotiations were between US and Israel, as the US would extract improved Israeli proposals only for them to be rejected by Palestinians.
Same with the hostages.

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-13June2024-Since 1990's there were no actual negotiations

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-13June2024-Since 1990’s there were no actual negotiations




The US and the UK cannot be trusted.


By Ted Belman  5November2023

Israel owes its existence, not to Britain nor the US, but to Stalin.

Alex Markovsky wrote in For Israel, Failures Never Learned and Lessons for Today

“In 1947, Arab countries rejected a UN plan to partition the British mandate in Palestine into two states. Armed with British weaponry and guided by British officers, Arabs were convinced they could claim the entire territory by military triumph. If not for comrade Stalin, who supplied the Jews with weapons via Czechoslovakia and dispatched hundreds of seasoned Soviet officers and generals of Jewish heritage to Palestine, all of whom played a pivotal role in the formation, organization, and leadership of the Israeli army, including the air force, Israel would not exist.”

This support was short-lived but enough to get Israel through the War for Independence.

Neither the British Foreign Office nor the US State Department expected Israel to be victorious. Britain for its part, prevented Jewish immigration after WWII and did its utmost to confiscate all guns in the possession of the Irgun and other resistance groups and turned over all such weapons and her police stations to the Arabs when she departed. The US did its part by placing an arms embargo on Israel which was instituted before the war and lasted til the ‘67 War. Both expected Israel to lose and saw their interests as aligning with the Arabs and their oil.


In The 100 Year Betrayal of Israel by the West, I listed most of the betrayals, by Britain and the US, of which there were many, but did not go into their motivations.


The primary reason Britain published the Balfour Declaration was to influence American Jews to get the US to enter the war and Soviet Jews to keep Russia in the war.


After the end of WWI, Britain recalibrated her interests and came down decidedly on the sides of the Arabs as the above article attests.


Britain created the Mandate system in order to maintain her influence in the Middle East without being considered as a colonizer which was going out of style. In her role as Trustee under the Mandate she violated her duty to the Jews, the beneficiary, in every way possible. It is for this reason that Jewish resistance did its utmost after WWII to end the Mandate.


In The West should make amends to the Jewish people for this historical injustice. I highlighted how Britain put pre-state Israel at a disadvantage by actively preventing Jewish immigration.


This article highlights the fact that after WWII, Britain embraced ethnic homogenization in redrawing Europe’s borders and partitioning India as the path to peace. Der Spiegel reported;

“The centre-piece of this programme was an attempt to achieve the ethnic homogenization of the state, to ensure as close a match as possible between its ethnic and political borders.”

But she did the opposite in Palestine.

“But there was no attempt to move Muslims. Just the opposite. The United Nations created UNRWA to preserve the status of the “refugees” as it newly defined them. The rest as they say is history.”

Even the UNGA Res 181, passed in 1947, called the Partition Plan, was in violation of the Mandate which designated all the land for the Jewish homeland.

Though Britain ended the Mandate by leaving, she was hoping to return. Geoffrey Clarfield, explained, in a CIJR webinar, about the British Plan to Conquer the Jewish State in the 1950’s.

“Britain had led and financed the Arab Legion, which was managed by active British officers, in 1948 which allowed Jordan to conquer East Jerusalem and occupy Judea and Samaria. Britain begrudgingly recognized the state of Israel, exchanged ambassadors but was clearly on the side of the Arab League.”


“Thereafter Britain developed a secret military plan JOI 27 under the pretext of acting on its defence pact with Jordan to attack the Israel air force by air, wipe it out and send in ground-troops to consolidate the destruction of the seven year old or eight year old Jewish state.”

In The Failed British Double-Cross of Israel, Edward N. Luttwak expanded on this.

“…the British … were determined to remain in Palestine, contrary to their representations to the Jewish leaders and the U.N. In fact, they had worked out an operational plan to do exactly that: would plead for British protection, thereby ensuring the prolongation of British rule.


“Two bundles of heretofore overlooked documents prove that Avraham Stern was right in not trusting British declarations that they would end the Mandate and allow the Jews to establish a state, even within the shrunken borders envisioned by the U.N.


“First, there are the “Operation Cordage” documents, which envisaged a terrorist attack on Israel that would provoke Israeli retaliation against the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. The Israeli response would allow Britain to activate its commitment to defend the Hashemite Kingdom under the 1946 Treaty of London. This would provide the excuse for the British to launch all-out air attacks by the Royal Air Force from its Cyprus base and by the Fleet Air Arm from carriers, in order to destroy all Israeli air force and army bases, headquarters, and depots. “



“The other set of documents describes the U.S.-U.K. Plan Alpha worked out in 1955 by Francis Russell of the U.S. State Department and the leading Arabist of the British Foreign Office, Evelyn Shuckburgh (who would suffer acute stomach pains whenever forced to concede a very rare audience to Israel’s ambassador). Presented by Prime Minister Anthony Eden in his November 1955 Guildhall speech, Alpha would detach the Negev—yes always the Negev—from Israel to give it to Egypt—which was still then, if not for long, “British Egypt,” complete with army and air force Canal-side bases, garrisoned by 70,000 British troops.

U.S.-U.K. Plan Alpha

U.S.-U.K. Plan Alpha

This document is dated Aug 2, 1955. The full documents are available on TABLET.

On July 26, 1955 Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal and that changed everything.

Clarfield writes:

“Britain strengthened its diplomatic and military promises to Jordan, all on the assumption that it would help them in their secret plan to reconquer Israel.

“As one of the reports put it:

 “The Committee agreed that …it was important to keep Jordan cooperative at least until the situation in the Middle East subsequent to the Suez canal problem being solved, was clear.

“Simply understood this meant keep the alliance with Jordan strong, promise them the moon, invade Egypt, bring Nasser to his knees and then destroy the Jewish state by waiting for them to respond to the periodic cross border terrorist attacks from Jordanian territory that had been going on and off since 1948.”

“Almost at the same time that these plans were being developed the British Cabinet and the British High Command were also cooking up their plan to invade Egypt, destroy Nasser and reassert their power over the Suez Canal as Nasser had nationalized it. This plan never changed its name and was called Operation Musketeer.

“Whether they named it that because they wanted to go in with the French, the plan finally included the Israelis at the request of the French as the Israelis were receiving or about to receive Mystere Jets from France, as the Americans and the British refused to sell Israeli fighter jets.

“Throughout the planning and implementation stages of Musketeer a never changing priority was British bombing of Egyptian airfields in the Suez canal. This was so central to their battle strategy that they believed British and French ground troops would only intervene when the Egyptians totally lost their air power.

“The British very much insisted that the French do not sell Israel jets at this time. Musketeer in the early days never allowed for the remote possibility of Israeli participation but the French soon changed that.

“What the British feared was an Israeli attack on Jordan when France and Britain were to be tied up in Suez. The British high command spun many scenarios about what these Israelis might or might not do and what would be the appropriate British response.

“Eden would only go in with three Musketeers if he was promised that the British imagined Israeli invasion of Jordan would not happen and, the Israelis had to promise the British and French that this would not happen.”

Ben Gurion promised and the invasion of Egypt by Britain, France and Israel, began on Oct 29. 1956 and the invasion of Israel was shelved.


All for naught as Eisenhower sent them packing.

In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization was formed to liberate Palestine through armed struggle. But it took years for the notion of a Palestinian people to crystalize. In 1967, they were not recognized as such, nor were they considered a party to the conflict. Security Council Resolution 242 passed after the ’67 war, made no mention of them.


Since when did the Palestinians become entitled to a state? traces the role of all US administrations in creating a Palestinian state for a non-existing people. In 1982, the US went so far as to save Arafat and his 40,000 terrorists from certain destruction in Beirut and ferry then to Tunisia for safe keeping. Pres Clinton made certain that Arafat and his gang of terrorists were accepted into Israel as part of the Oslo Accords. The Oslo Accords have been trouble for Israel ever since.

You might ask yourself, why in the world would the US do that? Why indeed.

Starting with the Rogers Plan of 1969, the US has been at the forefront of creating a Palestinians state and no amount of Black Septembers, plane high jackings, Munich Massacres and terrorizinhg lebanon and Israel from Southern Lebanon detered them. Then after Oslo, no amount of intifadas could likewise deter the them.

How do you explain that?

Similarly, the US is ignoring the support extended to Hamas by the PA. The PA and Iran, it seems can do no wrong.

Fast forward to today. Is the US for Israel or agin it?

Apparently, the US is still working to ensure the creation of a Palestinian state.

Blinken recently advised the Senate

“At some point, what would make the most sense would be for an effective and revitalized Palestinian Authority to have governance and ultimately security responsibility for Gaza,”

To date, the Biden administration has supported Israel’s right of self-defense providing it is exercised in compliance with International law.

At the same time it has insisted that Israel:

Allow humanitarian assistance to enter Israel from Egypt, currently in excess of 100 trucks per day,
Restore the internet to Gaza.
Restore the flow of water into Gaza.
Refrain from arming its own citizens
Allow for a pause in the fighting which Israel has so far rejected.

With every demand the Biden administration imposes on Israel, it makes it more difficult to achieve victory and ensures more Israeli lives will be lost in doing so.

The reason Israel is so compliant is because she is dependent on US resupply of munitions and the US is controlling the resupply to make certain that Israel remains dependant on her.

The only reason the US is letting Israel crush Hamas is because she wants to instal the PA as ruler in Gaza and thereby usher in the two-state solution.

On October 20th , Caroline Glick wrote:

“In nearly every statement and speech U.S. President Joe Biden gave during his brief sojourn in Tel Aviv, he insisted that Hamas does not represent the Palestinians and that the Palestinian Authority is their true representative. The P.A., the president insisted, does not share Hamas’s goal of eradicating the Jewish state and the Jewish people. Biden foresees a future where the P.A. is in charge of the Gaza Strip, and Israel agrees to a Palestinian state in Gaza, as well as in Judea and Samaria.”

This will never happen. Israel is not shedding its blood in order to install the PA in Gaza.

Martin Sherman put it best in Gaza: The tragically belated death of a “conception”

“Clearly, the only way Israel can ensure who governs Gaza is to govern it itself. Moreover, the only way Israel can govern Gaza without imposing its rule on “another people”, is to remove that “other people” from the confines of Gaza, over which it is obligated to rule. Up until October 7th, it was possible to conceive of this being conducted in a non-coercive manner by economically induced emigration. Lamentably, that possibility has been overtaken by events. Now, such an exodus must be implemented coercively and rapidly.”

And he is not alone in thinking so. Jewish communities around the world call for Jews to settle Gaza and Amb. Friedman: No to 2-states; Yes to Israeli Sovereignty in Judea, Samaria and Gaza and Make Gaza Israel again




Biden, Democrats Turning from Israel’s Allies to Adversaries

By David Israel – 6 Kislev 5784 – November 19, 2023

SEE: US embargo of Israel during Protective Edge was total

Politico reported on Saturday that “Democrats’ unequivocal support for Israel’s military has been eroding in recent weeks,” beyond the familiar anti-Israeli position of the progressives in the House. Citing one Democratic Senator and one Congress Member, Politico revealed that “Democrats in the House and Senate are discussing how to create conditions for future military aid to Israel.”


Politico reported in a separate story (Biden orders top aides to prepare reprimands for violent Israeli settlers in West Bank) that “President Joe Biden directed top officials to prepare visa bans and sanctions for extremist Israeli settlers attacking and displacing Palestinians in the West Bank.”


The Cabinet memo circulated on Friday to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Friday, ordered them “to develop policy options for expeditious action against those responsible for the conduct of violence in the West Bank.”


Shortly after the Hamas attack, the Israeli government imposed a closure on the Palestinian Authority and barred entry for its residents, which included more than 100,000 Arab day workers. The decision also affected tens of thousands of PA Arabs with US citizenship. There’s no telling how many of them are Hamas sympathizers, nor does anyone in Israel have the time and resources to find out. It’s war, and you don’t take chances.


For that, Biden wants Israel to be punished.

According to Politico (Democrats in Senate, House discuss conditioning military aid to Israel), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) hosted a lunch on Wednesday for Senate Democrats where Shibley Telhami, the Anwar Sadat professor for peace and development at the University of Maryland, shared with them his take on the war in Gaza. Tom Friedman and Dennis Ross were in the meeting as well.


On Sunday morning, Sanders tweeted: “The Netanyahu government, or hopefully a new Israeli government, must understand that not one penny will be coming to Israel from the US unless there is a fundamental change in their military and political positions.”


Sanders released a memo titled, “Sanders Calls for Conditioning Aid to Israel Amidst the Growing Crisis in Gaza and the West Bank.” He acknowledged that “Hamas has made clear, before and after October 7, that its goal is to destroy Israel. Under those circumstances, Israel absolutely has the right to defend itself.”

And then launched into the following tirade:

“While Israel has the right to go after Hamas, Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government does not have the right to wage almost total warfare against the Palestinian people. That is morally unacceptable and in violation of international law. Displacing 1.6 million people from their homes, cutting off food, water, medical supplies, and fuel, and killing some 12,000 Palestinians – nearly half of whom are children – is in violation of every code of human decency. It must stop.”


The good Senator did not offer a solution to how exactly should Israel go after Hamas while not harming civilians in Gaza when Hamas surrounds itself with civilian human shields. He doesn’t offer a solution because he couldn’t care less.


In the past, we tended to belittle the influence Senator Sanders had on the more grownup Democrats who stood firmly in Israel’s corner, except, of course, when it came to the Iranian atomic program and the 2-state solution. But these days, the Sanders virus is spreading.


The Republican Jewish Coalition last week released this statement: “Democrat Senators – including Jacky Rosen (NV), Bob Casey (PA), Jon Tester (MT), Tammy Baldwin (WI), and Sherrod Brown (OH) – denied Israel the support it desperately needs at this perilous time. The Jewish community and pro-Israel supporters across the country expect moral clarity and righteous leadership from their elected officials – today, Senate Democrats failed.”


Clarification: the Democrats in the Senate blocked a rather haphazard move of House Speaker Mike Johnson to take $14.3 out of the IRS budget and award it to Israel. The calculated cost of this move was around $28 billion in uncollected IRS debt. It wasn’t a good bill, it was mostly for show, and it was dead on arrival. But the swift readiness of the Democrats to kill it, instead of negotiating an alternative extra-budgetary support to Israel, is telling.


The Sanders memo continued: “The US provides $3.8 billion a year in aid to Israel and the Biden administration wants $14.3 billion more (it doesn’t – DI). The Netanyahu government, or hopefully a new Israeli government, must understand that not one penny will be coming to Israel from the US unless there is a fundamental change in their military and political positions.”


Sanders repeats at every opportunity his wish that the Netanyahu government be toppled. One can only hope that the Biden government comes down first.


In any event, here are Sanders’s conditions, and, remember, this time around these anti-Israel ideas are shared by a growing number of Democrats in both houses:

  • An end to the indiscriminate bombing which has taken thousands of civilian lives and a significant pause in military operations so that massive humanitarian assistance can come into the region. This, in reality, means that Israel must lose the war on Hamas to qualify for continued US aid through 2028 (and who knows what happens then).
  • The right of displaced Gazans to return to their homes. What homes? There are very few upright-standing buildings in Gaza City. For the displaced Gazans to return home would require a massive investment of tens of billions of dollars, which is not currently forthcoming.
  • No long-term Israeli re-occupation or blockade of Gaza. Or, more simply put, an opportunity for Hamas to recuperate and resume its holy war to annihilate every living Jew (including Bernie Sanders).
  • An end to settler violence in the West Bank and a freeze on settlement expansion. Without, of course, an end to the repeated attempts by Arab terrorists to murder Jews in Judea and Samaria – the count stands at 38 since January 2023.
  • A commitment to broad peace talks for a two-state solution in the wake of the war. Or, let’s apply once more the plan that has been drowned in blood by Jew-hating Arabs since 1936. And it’s such a sensible plan, too. Let the two nations live in two separate countries. The only part not considered is the Arabs’ unrepressed need to kill Jews. Such a pity.

I don’t envy Bibi Netanyahu this week (or any other week). He is facing a well-financed, well-organized “free the hostages at any cost” movement at home aimed at jeopardizing the war on evil; and another unyielding coalition of Democrats, starting with President Biden and going who knows how deep into the ranks of Democrats on the Hill, also aimed at jeopardizing the war on evil.

Please, God, don’t let evil win.


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Biden’s Abuse of the Judiciary Has Extended to Israel’s Prime Minister

By Lauri B. Regan May 22, 2024


Every once in a while, there is a seminal article written that elucidates political calculations not obvious on their surface. In particular, foreign policy matters tend to be complicated to the point that most Americans focus little attention on understanding the motivations of presidents’ foreign policy decisions despite their broad national security implications.


One of the most important columns that comes to mind is Michael Doran’s brilliant essay from 2015 entitled Obama’s Secret Iran Strategy in which Doran explains Barack Obama’s motivation for empowering Iran as a regional hegemon at the expense of U.S. national security and regional alliances.


That column was followed in 2021 by another must read essay co-written by Doran and Tony Badran entitled The Realignment in which the authors conclude that in the Middle East, “Biden is finishing what Obama started. And his top advisers are on board.”


The authors discuss the influence of returning Obama advisors on a policy intended to realign the Middle Eastern order into “one that relies more on partnership with Iran.” They recognize this initiative as the “Obama-Biden-Malley-Blinken-Sullivan initiative” which they labeled “the Realignment” and concluded that despite Trump handing Biden a multilateral alliance designed to contain Iran in the form of the Abraham Accords (with Saudi Arabia on the cusp of joining), Biden instead chose Iran, “setting back the cause of peace” and delivering China and Russia a victory.


Empowering Iran is not the only commonality between the Obama and Biden administrations. Both also used (and continue to use) the federal government to go after their perceived enemies. Obama infamously used the alphabet city of government institutions from the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, and DOJ to shut down conservative not-for-profits, discredit and jail conservative voices, and destroy political enemies. And despite Trump’s win, Obama and Hillary Clinton organized the Resistance that bogged down his presidency culminating in two ridiculously partisan impeachments.


But Biden has taken that abuse of the powers of the federal government to new levels as he and his advisors determined that the only way to win a second term as a senile, corrupt, mean-spirited, lying, incompetent, incoherent fool would be to take down his political opponent through the exploitation of the judiciary.


The Democrats not only demonized and undermined the Supreme Court in the hopes of delegitimizing its decisions that limit Biden’s abuse of power; they also completely undermined Americans’ faith in law enforcement and the judiciary as we’ve spent over a year watching the unprecedented witch hunts against a former president of the United States. After FBI raids, a multitude of indictments, and illegitimate criminal prosecutions, Americans see a two-tiered justice system. They understand that the Democrat operatives pretending to be prosecutors and judges are actually tools of the Biden administration seeking to destroy Donald Trump and ensure a Biden second term in order to finish Obama’s promise of transforming America (and the world order).


Which brings me to the most recent seminal essay by Gadi Taub earlier this month entitled The Gantz Megillah in which Taub explained how the Biden administration “is using ex-IDF Chief Benny Gantz as its Trojan horse to impose U.S. demands – and ensure Israel’s defeat in Gaza.” Taub began:


In the eyes of the Biden administration Hamas is the smaller problem. The bigger problem is Benjamin Netanyahu. The U.S. is willing to live with Iran’s proxies everywhere, as part of its ‘regional integration’ policy – i.e., appeasing Iran. But they are unwilling to live with Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition.


He continued:


Wars provide opportunities, and it seems clear that the opportunity that the Biden administration saw in the Oct. 7 attacks had less to do with ensuring Israel’s security than it did with stifling any remaining resistance to Washington’s pro-Iran regional integration policy.


In other words, with the Realignment at risk given the Netanyahu wartime coalition’s determination to ensure that October 7th remains in the rearview mirror and Israeli citizens can return securely to their homes, Biden must resort to the same tactics that he and Obama used in their attempts to destroy Trump.


Team Obama/Biden (as Badran coined the partners-in-crime) began their anti-Bibi onslaught in a fairly tame manner — helping anti-Bibi protestors in Israel from behind the scenes and calling for a ceasefire while insinuating that without more humanitarian aid, Israel may be committing war crimes. That escalated with what Taub described as “the entire Democrat Party apparatus from Joe Biden on down” directly attacking Israel’s wartime leader:


Biden called Israel’s elected prime minister ‘a bad fucking guy,’ while Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer went so far as to explain to Israelis they made the wrong choice in their elections. Senior Democratic Congressman Jerrold Nadler went Schumer one step better, proclaiming Netanyahu to be the worst Jewish leader in ‘2,000 years.’


And while name-calling and cries of “Armageddon” (similar to Trump is a dictator threatening democracy) are something we’ve come to expect from Biden and Democrats; like Americans, Israelis so far aren’t buying it. Which means that Biden had to up the ante.


Not long ago the administration announced that it was sanctioning Israelis living in Judea and Samaria, which is abhorrent for multiple reasons but especially so given that it’s spent the past three plus years continually issuing sanctions waivers on Iran. It has also threatened to impose sanctions on a unit of the IDF in order to pressure Israeli officials to succumb to Biden demands that he hopes will end the war while he watches the election year clock tick away.


But the threats of an arms embargo, calls for regime change (of an American ally, not Iran!), interference in wartime strategies and decisions, international calls for a ceasefire and humanitarian aid including not exercising the U.S. veto power on an anti-Israel U.N. resolution, and calls for a Palestinian state ad nauseam (with rumors that the administration will join the U.N. in recognition of such a terrorist state) have not resulted in Biden’s intended results — the end of the war with Hamas surviving to attack Israel again in the future. Biden is now desperate as November is quickly approaching. And desperate times call for desperate measures.


Which is how we find ourselves with news that the International Criminal Court will seek to issue arrest warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant. If ever there were a case of moral depravity, issuing arrest warrants for the elected officials of the only democracy in the Middle East that was forced to fight a war of survival after 1,200 of its citizens were barbarically tortured and murdered while another 250 were kidnapped with over 130 remaining in captivity certainly qualifies. It’s a farce that three Hamas officials will also face arrest warrants. They are terrorists who murder. Netanyahu and Gallant are moral leaders who value life, freedom and peace.


To be clear, Joe Biden is the leader of the free world; he had the ability to stop this before the news of the prosecutor’s request for arrest warrants became official and he has the ability to put an end to it immediately. Pathetic statements of condemnation of the ICC by Blinken were joined by offers of condolences for the death of Iran’s President Raisi — a real tyrant. You can’t make this stuff up but American voters who actually do care about democratic institutions and moral leadership from our elected representatives aren’t fooled.


Where is the U.S. announcing sanctions on every official at the ICC involved in this farcical prosecution? Why is the U.S. continuing to fund the U.N. (after President Trump defunded UNESCO, UNRWA and withdrew from the U.N.’s joke of a Human Rights Council)?  Just as there was no Biden Oval Office speech after October 7th, neither is there one in the midst of the flourishing antisemitism on college campuses and U.S. streets. Team Obama/Biden want Bibi gone, they want a more compliant replacement who they can control (Taub describes how Gantz fits the bill), and they want the war over so they can claim a win ahead of the November election.


Just as Biden weaponized the American justice system against Donald Trump in order to win, he is now quietly turning to the international criminal courts to do his bidding by ridding Israel of their wartime cabinet leaders who will not abide by his demands that weaken Israel’s ability to survive the enemies who surround them.


Taub recognized:

It is not at all clear that Israel can survive four more years of a Democratic administration determined to carve out a Palestinian terror state in the heart of the land of Israel, as part of an ‘integrated’ – that is, Iran-dominated – Middle East. If it is to survive at all, Israel must break the noose that Iran is assembling around us, and which the Biden administration is actively promoting and protecting.


As a postscript, one more commonality has arisen between Obama and Biden. Despite admitting that he was inserting daylight into the strong U.S./Israel alliance, Obama was able to convince American Jews that he was a friend of Israel. They helped hand him a second-term victory following which he was – not surprisingly – completely unleashed to enter into the Iran nuclear deal, which put Iran on a glide path to nuclear weapons. And his final middle finger to Bibi and the Jewish people was allowing UNSC resolution 2334 to pass, which recognized any Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria, including East Jerusalem, as a violation of international law.


Similarly, a Biden administration official has just been videotaped admitting that he too will be unleashed in a second term to treat Israel as a pariah, which may include cutting off all military support.


Let’s hope this time, American Jews recognize a friend from an enemy when they vote in November. As Taub noted, it is not clear that Israel can survive four more years of Democrats in the White House.


Lauri B. Regan is Vice Chair and New York chapter president of the Endowment for Middle East Truth.



gellerreport-com-logo-Pamela-Geller is the founder, editor and publisher of The Geller Report and President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop Islamization of America (SIOA).

Biden Regime Refuses Israeli Request for Vital Apache Attack Helicopters

By Pamela Geller – on 26December2023


Israel is on the front lines of the global jihad. She is the thin blue line that keeps jihadi terror at bay against the West. Look at how Islamic terror proxies are turning major cities in the West (USA and Europe) into war zones. Denying Israel cripples the West’s war in defense of freedom and Western civilization. This will come back to bite us – in spades.

US rejects Israeli request for vital Apache attack helicopters

The IAF currently has only two squadrons of the vitally-needed air asset, and they are being flown around the clock to support troops in the field.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News


The United States has rejected an Israeli request for Apache attack helicopters to help its forces fight Hamas during the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, but the answer may not be final, Ynet reported Tuesday.


The IDF asked the Pentagon if it could purchase the choppers a few weeks ago, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also pressed his American counterpart, Lloyd Austin, for them, when the Secretary of Defense visited Israel last week, said the news site.


“Security sources” told Ynet that Israel is not taking “no” for an answer and that the Americans have not put a decisive kibosh on the acquisition.


The IAF currently has only 48 of these aircraft, which are being flown around the clock to support troops in Gaza and conduct airstrikes to deter Hezbollah terrorists in the north. They are so vitally needed that overage pilots in their fifties have been called out of retirement to fly combat missions so that the regular pilots and active reservists can rest a little more.


There is one squadron each of the AH-64A and D varieties, which have already been decommissioned in the U.S. as their Boeing manufacturer has gone on to produce the faster, stronger, AH-64E that has improved avionics, radar and other systems. The IAF has mulled for years whether to invest in the E version or wait for an even more advanced attack helicopter that won’t be on sale until the early 2030s.


The decision to go with 20 of the currently available Apache E’s was reportedly made in May, but none had yet been ordered. At the time, the idea was not to add another squadron but replace the oldest aircraft, for which it is very difficult to find spare parts anymore. Considering current circumstances, the phase-out may be drawn out over a longer period of time.


Israel is a specialist in upgrading its air fleet, both jets and helicopters, considering their steep cost. It has overhauled its Apaches over their decades of service with new radar and other systems. At least a quarter of its fleet also now boasts the most advanced, Spike precision missile system, designed by leading Israeli defense company Rafael. This system allows the pilot to fire at targets up to 30 kilometers away.


The war has proven that the IDF cannot simply rely on its large fleet of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles, which had taken over much of the surveillance and even operational support duties in recent years that helicopters had done in the past.


As a squadron commander explained to Israel Hayom in an interview early this year, long before the October 7 Hamas invasion that set off the current conflict, “There is a big difference when there is a combat soldier in the cockpit, and many times the soldier is needed, certainly the more complex the plan, when the weather is more challenging, when the fighting is more complicated, and you have to assist closely… and understand exactly what is required of you and what the mission is.”


The U.S. has been diligent in providing Israel with tens of thousands of other armaments since the start of the war on October 7, such as artillery shells, ammunition, guided missiles, spare parts, and even aircraft. The White House also circumvented Congress earlier this month to approve the immediate sale of $106 million worth of tank shells to help the IDF, something it is allowed to do on an emergency basis for its allies.



The results-Fatah

hanan_green-tweet-20November2023-Regavim’s new map

חשיפה: המפה החדשה של רגבים מפחידה אפילו למי שיודע ומכיר את תופעת הבתים הבלתי חוקיים שבונים הפלסטינים ביו”ש.

ראיתם איך המחבלים חצו את הגדר בעוטף עזה ויצאו לטבוח בנו? כך התוכנית המסוכנת שביצעה הרשות הפלסטינית על השולחן ובגאווה, תוך התעלמות בוטה של ממשלות ישראל, מסכנת את מדינת ישראל.

הבוקר בישראל היום

Translated from Hebrew by

Disclosure: Regavim’s new map is scary even for those who know and are familiar with the phenomenon of the illegal houses that the Palestinians are building in the West Bank.

Did you see how the terrorists crossed the fence in the Gaza Strip and went out to slaughter us? Thus the dangerous plan carried out by the Palestinian Authority on the table and with pride, while blatantly ignoring the governments of Israel, endangers the State of Israel.

This morning in Israel today

hanan_green-tweet-20November2023-Regavim's new map

hanan_green-tweet-20November2023-Regavim’s new map


wraps Israel 2023-עוטף ישראל 2023

wraps Israel 2023-עוטף ישראל 2023



The result-Hamas controls Judea and Samaria!

Israel-tweet-25November2023-Hamas executed Palestinians in West Bank
Last night, Hamas terrorists executed two Palestinians in the West Bank on suspicion of cooperating with Israel.

They hung their bodies on an electric pole and a Palestinian mob abused the bodies, filmed themselves and then uploaded the footage to social media.


Israel-tweet-25November2023-Hamas executed Palestinians in (West Bank) Judea and Samaria

Israel-tweet-25November2023-Hamas executed Palestinians in (West Bank) Judea and Samaria




3,000 terror attacks in Judea and Samaria since January

Palestinian terrorists have killed 14 people and wounded 155 others in Judea and Samaria since the start of the year.


(August 1, 2024 / JNS) Judea and Samaria saw more than 500 Palestinian terrorist attacks each month on average in the first half of 2024, according to figures Rescuers Without Borders (Hatzalah Judea and Samaria) published on Thursday.


In the first six months of this year, first responders recorded 3,272 acts of terrorism in the region, including 1,868 cases of rock-throwing, 456 attacks with Molotov cocktails, 299 explosive charges and 109 shootings.


Palestinian terrorists have killed 14 people and wounded 155 others in Judea and Samaria since the start of the year, according to the group.


Though the number of terrorist incidents recorded in Judea and Samaria saw a slight decrease compared to the first six months of 2023, the number of deadly incidents rose, Rescuers Without Borders said.


Rescuers Without Borders’s figures do not include the hundreds of violent attacks on Israeli security personnel occurring during ongoing counterterrorism operations in Arab towns under the control of the Palestinian Authority.


Rescuers Without Borders was founded in 2000, at the beginning of the Second Intifada, with the goal of establishing an emergency response infrastructure in Judea and Samaria. Eventually, the organization expanded the scope of its operations to include all of Israel.


The organization released its biannual report on Palestinian terrorism amid another wave of attacks throughout Judea and Samaria.


On Wednesday morning, an Israeli man was seriously wounded in a combined shooting and stabbing attack at the Okfim Junction on the Route 60 highway near Kiryat Arba, on the outskirts of Hebron in Judea.


The previous day, Israeli troops foiled a terrorist attack close to the Beit Einun Interchange near Hebron. Troops killed the terrorist after he tried to stab them, the army said. No Israeli casualties were reported.


Last week, three Israel Defense Forces soldiers were wounded in a terrorist shooting on Route 55 close to Nabi Ilyas in western Samaria. First responders said the attack was carried out from a passing vehicle.


The Jewish population in Judea and Samaria has surpassed half a million people, according to research published earlier this year. There were 502,991 Jews living in Judea and Samaria as of Jan. 1, according to the report, which culled data from Israel’s Interior Ministry.


The Jewish population living beyond the 1967 line accounts for 12% of all Jews in Israel. The report projected the population in the region to exceed 600,000 by 2030, 700,000 by 2035 and one million by 2047.



Terror Tunnels in Jerusalem

yedidya_epstien-tweet-4March2024-Terror Tunnels in Jerusalem

שוב נרדמים במשמרת?

תחת הכותרת: “מנהרות בירושלים לאן הן מובילות” עיתונאי ממזרח ירושלים

תיעד את עצמו נכנס למנהרות הנראות חפורות בתוך בית במזרח ירושלים.

פניתי למשטרה לקבל תגובה לבנתיים לא הגיבו.

Translated from Hebrew by

Falling asleep on shift again?
Under the title: “Tunnels in Jerusalem where do they lead” a journalist from East Jerusalem documented himself entering tunnels that appear to have been dug inside a house in East Jerusalem.
I contacted the police to get a response, but so far they have not responded.


yedidya_epstien-tweet-4March2024-Terror Tunnels in Jerusalem

yedidya_epstien-tweet-4March2024-Terror Tunnels in Jerusalem




Hamas is the UN

Matthew Foldi-tweet-25November2023-Hamas is the UN
Hamas terrorist ID next to his UN ID badge

American taxpayers fund this

Matthew Foldi-tweet-25November2023-Hamas is the UN

Matthew Foldi-tweet-25November2023-Hamas is the UN




Hamas Rejects Major Ceasefire Offer Until Israel Withdraws From Gaza

by Tyler Durden, 23January2024 –


There are widespread reports emerging Tuesday that Hamas has rejected the major Israeli offer of a 2-month pause in fighting, which is being widely called the most significant and far-reaching ceasefire plan since the Gaza war began. The jihadist militant group is reportedly demanding that all Israeli forces first withdraw from Gaza for the plan to be possible.


However, Israeli media has also said that talks may still be underway despite the early reporting that Hamas has rebuffed the plan. The Jerusalem Post cautions, “Senior Israeli officials on Tuesday told Israeli media that the Qatari and Egyptian mediators have not notified them of Hamas’s rejection of the two-month cease-fire deal proposed by the Israeli government.”


The proposed deal includes multiple phases at the end of which all remaining hostages held in Gaza would be released. There’s believed to still be over 130 captives.


We previously detailed some aspects of the plan, but it has since emerged through Egyptian negotiators speaking to the Associated Press that along with returning Palestinian prisoners in exchange, Hamas leaders in the Strip would be given safe passage to relocate to other countries.


According to Tuesday reports, “But Hamas rejected the proposal, insisting that no more hostages will be released until Israel ends its offensive and withdraws its forces from Gaza entirely,” an unnamed official said.


Neither side has publicly commented as of Tuesday morning, but fighting has continued raging particularly in and around the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis.


John Kirby last week: “We don’t believe a ceasefire is gonna benefit anybody but Hamas”

Israeli officials on Monday were cited as saying their outlook remains “cautiously optimistic.” Biden’s envoy Brett McGurk is in Egypt working with Qatar and other parties on hammering out the deal. According to more of the details via Axios:

  • Under the proposed deal, Israel and Hamas would agree in advance on how many Palestinian prisoners would be released for each Israeli hostage in each category and then separate negotiations on the names of these prisoners would take place, the officials said.
  • The Israeli officials said the proposal includes Israel redeploying Israeli Defense Forces so that some would be moved out of main population centers in the enclave and allowing a gradual return of Palestinian civilians to Gaza city and the northern Gaza strip as the deal is being implemented.
  • The Israeli officials said the proposal makes clear Israel will not agree to end the war and will not agree to release all 6,000 Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons.

The Israelis have yet to promise that will halt all military actions, but targeting would likely become more focused and smaller in scale. In the November deal, which included a successful ceasefire that held for a week, hundreds of Palestinians were freed from Israeli prisons.



Arutz Sheva

We are winning, despite the media failing us once again

It is the tiny disconnected far left elites in the media, universities, and Jewish-progressive foundations who have tremendous influence on IDF senior officials and career government staff, many of them retired failures, and want us to repeat their terrible mistakes. Op-ed.

Avi Abelow / 16January2024 /


Senior leadership of IDF and Shabak are now “advising” the government to allow Arab Muslim workers from Judea and Samaria to work in Jewish communities throughout Israel again as well as advising the government to strengthen the Palestinian Authority.


Many Israelis are in shock, because that was the exact “expert” advice they gave about allowing Gaza workers to work in Israel and giving Hamas money, to help them out economically and prevent terror. In the end, the massacre on Oct. 7th proved that theory tragically wrong. In the end, Gazan workers acted as spies, took part in the massacre, and celebrated with the whole Gazan population as the massacre was taking place. Israelis are in shock that the defense establishment is still stuck with the flawed strategic thinking of Oct. 6th!


If you ask me, every single one of the persons holding senior IDF and intelligence positions should have been fired on Oct. 8th for dereliction of duty. Yet, they are still in their positions pushing the same failed strategy as before the Oct. 7th massacre.


Now, I want to dig a little deeper, so please follow this timeline of events…


First the defense and media establishment claimed that withholding money from Hamas would lead to terror.


After Oct 7th the media establishment then blamed Netanyahu’s giving money to Hamas for what led to the horrific massacre.


Today the defense and media establishment claim that withholding money from the Palestinian Authority will lead to terror. (By the way, the only one standing and blocking this like a wall, stopping all payments to the Palestinian Authority, is Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich).


Do you think the defense and media establishment have learned their lesson?

Wait, that’s not all…

Here is another example…

The defense and media establishment pushed for Netanyahu to release 1,000+ terrorists so that Hamas would release Gilad Shalit, because Netanyahu was against it. He then agreed to it, after the tremendous media campaign, marches and protests, with the support of defense “experts” in the security establishment. Sinwar was one of those releassed.


After the Oct. 7th massacre, led by many of those terrorists released in the Shalit deal, the media establishment shamed Netanyahu for releasing the terrorists in the Shalit deal.


Today, the same retired elites of the defense establishment and media establishment are pushing for Netanyahu to stop the war and release as many terrorists as necessary for Hamas to free the captives.


You think our defense “experts” and media establishment have learnt anything?


Why stop there!!!

In 1993, the defense and media establishment supported recognizing the biggest Jew-hating arch-terrorist, Yassar Arafat, as a “peace” partner, pushing us to give away our land and give his army of terrorists guns!


Half the country, the right-wing of course, protested in the streets screaming that it would bring terror upon Israel, which it did. The defense and media establishment called us “enemies of peace” and delegitimized our communities and voices.


In 2005, this same defense and media establishment then supported the disastrous Gaza “disengagement”, which meant destroying 21 thriving Jewish communities in the Gaza Strip and expelling close to 10,000 Jews from their homes.


Half the country, the right-wing of course, protested in the streets screaming that it would bring even more terror upon Israel, including rockets on Ashkelon and massacred in Israeli communities, which it did. The defense and media establishment once again called us “enemies of peace” and delegitimized our communities and voices.


Today, the retired defense “experts” and media establishment are now blaming Netanyahu and the right-wing for the Oct. 7th massacre, calling to end the war and to bring down this government in the middle of the war in order to have new elections.


You think our defense “experts” and media establishment have learnt anything? The answer is a resounding No.

They are the most untrustworthy voices in the Jewish state of Israel for decades, demoralizing the nation and 100% responsible for creating the public pressure that led to the disastrous diplomatic and defense catastrophic decisions that paved the way for Hamas to commit the Oct. 7th massacre and take our people captive!


Ultimately, the IDF military and intelligence leaders are supposed to provide the advice, and leadership, to win wars and protect civilians from any harm, and they have consistently failed at this due to a misreading of reality, thinking that their duty is to “manage a conflict”, and manage an enemy population, instead of defeating a murderous enemy.

But, do not despair, there is an undercurrent of optimism in our reality today.


More than ever before in modern history, the Jewish people, especially in Israel, are very much united. It is only the tiny disconnected elites of the far left, who run the media, the universities, the major Jewish-progressive foundations that have tremendous influence on IDF senior and has-been (and more often than not, failed) retired officials, and career government staff, who have been leading the Jewish people to destruction for the past few decades.


And those days are coming to an end.

IDF soldiers pray / פלאש 90

IDF soldiers pray / פלאש 90

Thankfully, the Jewish people in Israel are more united than ever, more Jewishly identified as a collective than ever before, and, as a whole, seeing the truth about our reality more than ever before, despite the demoralizing establishment media who have begun saying that we have lost the war and should give up, with all signs pointing to the contrary.


And the good news is, that this time, we will win! We will beat our external enemies and we will beat the tiny minority of our leftist elites as well. It might seem impossible and daunting, but it is happening. That is why they are so scared and calling for new elections in the middle of a war, despite the fact that a majority of the Israeli public supports ending this war with a clear victory that allows Israel to remain in full control of the Gaza strip.

This is making the defense and media establishment go crazy. A good sign that we are winning!


All one has to do is see the spiritual revolution going on around us today in Israel, on so many levels. It is that spiritual revolution that is our true salvation, and it is unbelievable!

It is all up to us together with the one above. Do not forget it – we are winning!!!

Am Yisrael Chai!!!


Avi Abelow is the host of the Pulse of Israel daily video/podcast ( and the CEO of 12Tribe Films Foundation. After working as a change management consultant for Accenture in NYC and opening up their Israel office in Tel Aviv, Avi then produced the acclaimed movie “Home Game” about Gush Katif. Due to the success of “Home Game” worldwide, Avi made a career change to dedicate his time to using media, videos and social media to promote the politically incorrect truth about Israel, the Jewish people and the freedom-loving world. Today, Avi also is the Director of 12Tribe Films which manages



We can’t become addicted to America – opinion

Every American aircraft carrier that approaches our region exacerbates that concern, as, despite all the talk of shared values, not all of our interests align with those of our friend across the sea.



Our great friend, the United States, is worrisome, and to the extent that these days, the manifestations of its friendship in the military realm are deepening, that worry is gradually intensifying.


Every American aircraft carrier that approaches our region exacerbates that concern, as, despite all the talk of shared values, not all of our interests align with those of our great friend across the sea.


In that reality, the more the military power from the United States in our region increases, the more Israel’s ability to stand on its principles and safeguard its security and diplomatic interests, decreases.


A blatant example of this is the pressure currently being exerted on the Israeli government, even before the battle in the South has ended, to position the Palestinian Authority, in one form or another, as the alternative government to Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


The ostensible legitimacy for an American demand of that kind in the Gaza Strip is liable to get stronger when a similar demand is made regarding Judea and Samaria. We will, once again, find ourselves under immense American pressure to establish a Palestinian state in the heartland of the country and the South. We will be pressured to relinquish territories of our homeland, and once again, it will be ingrained in the consciousness of the Arab world that, ultimately, Israel was defeated.

Strategic depth is our most crucial interest

The dangerous idea of partitioning the land and establishing a terrorist state in its heart was a concept that appeared to have been removed from the negotiating table. Sadly, however, it is being reincarnated, and the search has already been renewed for the latest “moderate” Palestinian, with or without a tie, and with or without a prison uniform. As a result, names from the blood-soaked terrorist past, among them, Mohammed Dahlan and Marwan Barghouti, are resurfacing as partners suitable for leadership in the post-Sinwar era.


Is it reasonable that, for the sake of this absurd idea, our sons and daughters are fighting and sacrificing their lives in heroic battles in the Gaza Strip?


The most crucial interest that Israel must maintain for the security of its citizens is strategic depth. This is the only way to create a realizable and sustainable defense. Without it, Judea and Samaria will be like Gaza but even worse, threatening Kfar Saba, Herzliya, Netanya, and Azrieli with the same atrocities we experienced in Kibbutz Be’eri and Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7.


Alongside the appreciation for the support that it provides us, we must remember that wherever the United States sought to impose its political will, it failed. This was the case in Egypt, Libya, Iran, and Afghanistan. We do not have an extra state in which to conduct another experiment of that kind. Israel will not be the next.


The true American interest is a strong Israel. A strong Israel constitutes a secure democratic axis, and its weakening will not help the Americans in their struggle against the Sunni and Russian efforts to supplant them from the Middle East.


Weakening Israel would be immediately translated by our neighbors, who are also allies of the United States, as American betrayal in times of trouble, resulting in their turning to other allies.


During the first 10 months of the current Netanyahu government, the American administration did everything it could to weaken Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was boycotted: Talks were held with the heads of the Israeli opposition and Israeli President Isaac Herzog was turned into a bypass axis to Netanyahu, among other things. This, in turn, weakened Israel and its regional standing, essentially leading to the October 7 massacre.


It is undeniable that Israel needs the United States in the diplomatic, economic, intelligence, and security arenas, but all of these are not enough to cause it to capitulate to every demand that comes from Washington. The United States would prefer to see a strong and resolute ally, one that stands up for its interests, even against the White House.


Just as in the past, the leaders of Israel knew how to stand up to American presidents on critical issues, like sovereignty in the Golan Heights and east Jerusalem, the bombing of the Iraqi reactor, and even the establishment of the State of Israel, so too, the leaders of Israel need to stand up to the Biden administration. They must make it clear that Gaza will be under exclusive Israeli control, there will be Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, and the entire territory until the Litani River will be clear of Hezbollah terrorists. Only steadfastness of that kind will safeguard our security and preserve our regional standing.


The writers are co-chairs of the Sovereignty Movement.





“The Whole World Regrets that Hitler Didn’t Finish Off the Jews” – R’ Eliezer Berland Shlit”a

By David Simcha 21November2023

Why was Shimshon turned over to the Philistines?

Why did Shimshon kill every day a thousand Philistines in Gaza?

How did the Philistines attack Israel and in their audacity call Shimshon a savage (Pere Adam) when he fought back?

What miracle occurred for Shimshon?

The holy of words of Moreinu HaRav Eliezer Berland shlit”a:

Shimshon HaGibor was the greatest hero.  He would go to Gaza every day; he would kill a thousand of their soldiers, a thousand Hamas-niks.  It was impossible to harm him, so they decided to have him handed over.  They brought 3,000 soldiers [of Israel] to hand him over.  They said to Shimshon, “You know that we are under the Philistines.  Today Hamas rules here!  Who rules here?  Hamas!”

Today the Philistines rule over us; the Philistines today are Hamas!

They asked Shimshon: Why do you do this, every day killing a thousand of their men?

Shimshon answered: They took my wife – what can I do?

Freedom of expression – today in England they are holding protests in support of Hamas [saying]: Hamas are right, killing Jews is totally legitimate.  Since Hitler, the law still has not been repealed [that killing Jews is legitimate].  Hitler said that to kill a Jew is the greatest mitzvah.  Mainly this is in England, where they remain with the laws of the past.  They are conservative; they don’t change laws.  So we see that they are siding with Hamas, screaming, “Death to the Jews,” and the British government supports it; they are in favor of it.


They ask them why, what’s the meaning of this?

[The English answer:] This is the law from seventy years ago.

The same thing with Shimshon.  They asked him: Why do kill them?  This is against international law.  What are you doing to them?  They are poor people, oppressed.  What do you want from them?

Okay, so three thousand came to capture Shimshon.  Shimshon said to them: Don’t do anything to me.  Just don’t touch me.  I’ll hand myself over alone.  Swear to me.  I want you to swear to me an oath, lest you harm me.


And they said to him: No, we have come to arrest you.  “[They said to him, ‘No, rather we will only arrest you and give you over into their hand; but we will surely not put you to death.’  So they bound him with two new ropes] and brought him up from the rock” [Shoftim 15:13).  They put him on the top of the rock, three hundred meters high.


The Philistines are blowing shofars, trumpets, “We won, we won.  We have caught the savior of Israel, the greatest strongman.  What bandits these Jews are.  All of them are bandits, a people of murderers.”  Hitler said: I’m not willing to live together with them.  It’s impossible.  They just murder day and night.  We Germans are refined, [saying politely] “Bitte schon, Danke schon (you’re welcome, thank you very much)” all day.  They [the Germans] don’t come close to a person, never touch a person, only caress everyone.


They said, “Those Jews, those murderers, this will be their end.”  In the end, Germany fell; the poor thing, it fell.  Then they said, “Who made us fall?  The Jews!”


Those Jews who remained [are guilty]? – how many Jews remained already?  10,000 Jews?

Yes, they brought the Americans, brought the Russians, brought the English, brought the French.  We lost because of the Jews, because we left a few Jews alive.


Hitler said if a single Jew remains, a single baby, we’re lost.  There are no stubborn and murderous [people] like the Jews.  The whole world believes in this until this day.  Now there were attacks on Jews in the airport at Dagestan.  Some thousand Muslims attacked an airplane.[1]


So Shimshon found a fresh jawbone of a donkey – [“He found a fresh jawbone of a donkey, and stretched out his hand and took it.]  He struck down [a thousand people] with it” (ibid. 15).  “Wow, Master of the Universe, what a savage!  Wow, how did we come across such a savage!”


“Shimshon then said, ‘With the jawbone of a donkey, heap upon heaps; with the jawbone of a donkey I have struck down a thousand men!’” – every blow, a thousand men.  “When he finished speaking” – suddenly he faints from thirst.  He hasn’t drunk already for three days.  “And he cast the jawbone from his hand and he called that place Ramat-Lechi.”  There is a Ramat-Lechi in Beit Shemesh.  There is Ramat-Lechi; all of this is in the same area.


“He was very thirsty and called to Hashem, saying, ‘You have given into the hand of Your servant this great salvation, and now would I die from thirst?’”  Will this be my end after I struck down a thousand men?


Then the tooth [in the jawbone] split open and a spring came out of there, from the hole that was in the tooth, from the “hollow,” which is the hole.  “And God split open the hollow that was in the jawbone, and water came forth from it” — some flowing water, “and he drank” – cold water, cold like ice, “and his spirit was returned to him and he was revived.”

“Therefore, that place is called En-Hakkorei [Spring of the Caller],” and there Shimshon called to Hashem, and Hashem created for him a new spring, the spring of the jawbone.

“And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines for twenty years” – twenty and another twenty is forty.  For another twenty years, they had fear of Shimshon.


[1] In late October this year, a horde of Muslims stormed a hotel and airport in Makhachkala, Dagestan, a Muslim area in Russian, in search of Jews, upon hearing that a flight from Tel Aviv was arriving in the city.



6 Kislev 5784  19November2023

The news of note today is this very open and accelerating mini-war the United States is intent on waging against private Israeli citizens.  Since the beginning of Oslo (1993), well, not the beginning of the plan, but the beginning of its implementation, the United States has been monitoring and micromanaging what I call a “mini-war” against “Jewish” terrorism in Eretz Yisrael.  Since no such thing exists, the CIA and the Shin Bet had to manufacture it.


The first Jewish “terrorist” to be taken out (1990) was the head of that most dangerous of terror organizations called Kach, Rabbi Meir Kahane’s political party in Israel.  I’ll concede they might have had a point here.  Rabbi Kahane, a courageous and faith-filled scholar-warrior like King David who was having great success inculcating true Jewish values into a new generation, not only inspired terror in the hearts of the murderous Arab enemy, but the enemy ensconced in Washington, D.C., too.


A few years later, intent on shoving the Oslo debacle down the throat of our nation, a set-up of Dr. Baruch Goldstein (1994), who was lured into and then locked inside a room with murderous Arabs armed with axes, was used to create the myth of Jewish “terrorism.”  In an impossible effort to save his own life, he managed to kill over a score of Arabs who, only days before had been chanting “Death to the Jews.”  A doctor who was known for his humanitarianism as a physician was literally demonized, much the same as Rabbi Kahane before him and like Yigal Amir after him.


The assassination of Yitzchak Rabin (1995) was perhaps the most daring attempt to silence any opposition to capitulation to the American overlord. It was another set-up to smear the religious-settler public.  Then seeing that the son, Binyamin Ze’ev Kahane, was following in his father’s footsteps (Kahane Chai), they took him out along with his wife, and then followed Yehuda Ben Yosef (2003).


How many others since then, I’ve lost track, but I know 15-year-old “Hilltop Youth” Ahuvia Sandak was one of the more recent ones.  The entire group of them are at mortal risk.  Basically, anyone the US State Department and/or the CIA with the cooperation of the evil Erev Rav regime deems a threat to the full implementation of their wicked plans against Israel (which is nothing less than a war on God), will be eliminated.  Sometimes it’s an “accident” or “friendly fire,” but mostly they use Arabs or set it up like it’s an attack by Arabs.  They call it the “Cycle of Violence.”


Thanks to the retention of the British Mandate practice of Administrative Detention, Jewish citizens of the Democratic State Repressive Regime of Israel, can be arrested without charge, without the advice or representation of an attorney, without trial and for an unspecified period of time.  This has proved to be a very useful weapon in their arsenal against “the Settlers, the Hilltop Youth, the Jewish extremists, the Jewish terrorists” – well, let’s just call it like it is – ALL 500,000 of the Jewish residents of Yehudah v’Shomron!!!


And now, thanks to Rabbi Eliezer Melamed and the Rabbis of the Shomron who have done nothing to bring him to justice for his crime of establishing a base of avodah zarah inside the Jewish settlement enterprise there, that Christian Base of Operations (HAYOVEL) has now been publicly outed as a nest of spies visited regularly by high Washington officials and “connected” directly to the United States State Department.


This revelation comes at the very moment that Washington’s War on the Settlers has come out forcefully into the open.

Biden Says Two-state Solution Must Follow Israel-Hamas War, Slams ‘Extremist’ West Bank Settlers  October 25, 2023


PM pans West Bank attacks by ‘handful of extremists,’ says they’re not representative

Hours after issuing first public statement on settler violence since war’s outbreak, Netanyahu appears to downplay the issue, saying Biden’s concerns are ‘baseless’
November 9, 2023


Jewish Extremist Violence in the West Bank Could Trigger a Second Front
November 16, 2023


U.S. Prepared to Issue Visa Bans on Israeli ‘Extremists’ Attacking Palestinians in West Bank, Biden Says
The move, which President Biden revealed in a Washington Post op-ed, is the most significant punitive measure taken by his administration toward Israel since assuming power    November 19, 2023


“As we strive for peace, Gaza and the West Bank should be reunited under a single governance structure, ultimately under a revitalized Palestinian Authority, as we all work toward a two-state solution,” Biden wrote in the Washington Post.


Well, you get the idea.  Just google “settler violence” and you get pages and pages like this.  The campaign is really ramping up now.


So, yeah, here we are again, right back to the same issue. Any Jew whom they perceive as standing between them and their “Peace” (read Piece) goals is an enemy to be annihilated. When will we ever learn to view them the same way?  Because this is the truth: every Torah-loving, Torah-abiding Jew is a threat to them, as they are to us!  They are ultimately at war with God!  If we want to live in real peace in our land, THE AMERICANS (along with the murderous Arabs),…



Rabbi Meir Kahane – They must go


US out

US out



Pop quiz!

Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-
Pop quiz!

What do the following years have in common?

1937, 1947, 1967, 1991, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2019, 2020.

A: The years Israel accepted a peace treaty with its neighbors and offered concessions, painful concessions for peace.

B: The years the Arabs rejected a peace treaty with Israel because they don’t want peace with Israel. They want no Israel.

C: All of the above.

“But… but… They want peace! They want a state. They want freedom. They want independence.”

No problem, just don’t let the objective historical facts confuse you.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-Pop quiz

Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-Pop quiz


Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-Pop quiz - 83 Years of Arab Intransigence Rejection and Missed opportunites

Hillel Fuld-tweet-5November2023-Pop quiz – 83 Years of Arab Intransigence Rejection and Missed opportunites


Arutz Sheva

The Monaco Solution-Hamas and the PA have no place in Post-War Gaza

The Monaco solution is a practical model for those interested in genuine peace that is sustainable. It provides for self-government, independence and sovereignty, as well as, security for all parties concerned.

Leonard Grunstein


The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the ‘West Bank’ and the Gaza Strip, signed in Washington, D.C., on September 28, 1995 (known as Oslo II), formally ended even the pretense of the so-called ‘occupation’.


Lest there be any misunderstanding, the Palestinian Authority (PA) admitted this inconvenient fact in UN documents such as the recent 2023 UNESCO World Heritage Site designation relating to Jericho and in connection with UN aid regarding its property tax system in 2010. They describe the period from 1967-1994 (!) as the so-called “occupation period”. Indeed, the property tax documents expressly notes “After the occupied Palestinian territory was transferred to the sovereignty of the National Authority [PA], direct taxes and local taxes fell under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority.”


Oslo II provides for self-government in the areas assigned to the PA and critical and essential security arrangements. This included Gaza, which was subsequently taken over by Hamas. Oslo II also includes extensive demilitarization requirements. Thus, while Oslo II provides for the PA to have a police force, other armed forces were not permitted.


Article XIV expressly provides:


“…no organization, group or individual in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip shall manufacture, sell, acquire, possess, import or otherwise introduce into the West Bank or the Gaza Strip any firearms, ammunition, weapons, explosives, gunpowder or any related equipment.”


Article XV requires the parties to:


“take all measures necessary in order to prevent acts of terrorism, crime and hostilities directed against each other, against individuals falling under the other’s authority and against their property, and shall take legal measures against offenders.”


Had the PA and Hamas honored this milestone Agreement in good faith and kept the peace as intended, then what is commonly referred to as a two-state solution would have been implemented long ago.


Consider, for example, a similar model peace and security agreement involving France and Monaco, which has worked in practice for more than a century. Under the Franco-Monegasque Treaty of 1918, which was formally noted in the Treaty of Versailles, Monaco was recognized as a sovereign and independent state. However, it was France that was responsible for the defense of Monaco. France patrols the sea adjacent to and airspace above Monaco. The only security forces within Monaco are the police force and the Prince’s Guard; Monaco otherwise has no armed forces.


The foreign relations of Monaco are the responsibility of a Minister of State, who is a French citizen appointed by the Prince from among several senior French civil servants proposed by the French government. The cordial relations between the two states were further deepened in 2017 with the signing of a general security agreement.


The Monaco solution is a practical model for those interested in genuine peace that is sustainable. It provides for self-government, independence and sovereignty, as well as, security for all parties concerned, especially against foreign threats.


Just imagine if Hamas landed on Monaco’s beaches, took over Monaco and committed an October 7th invasion of France, brutally murdering French citizens, carrying out horrible atrocities and kidnapping French women and children and abusing them. It would be absurd to believe France would hesitate to use overwhelming force to eradicate Hamas and attempt to save the hostages. Is there any doubt that France would be morally justified in doing so, as well as, duty bound under its Treaty with Monaco to come to its defense?


In essence, Oslo II established a similar structure for Gaza as the Monaco solution. However, unlike Monaco, Gaza under the PA and then Hamas was not genuinely interested in living side by side in peace with Israel.


The PA was in charge at the beginning and entered into the 2005 Disengagement Agreement noted below. Hamas took over in 2007 and it might fairly be viewed as a foreign oppressive regime. It is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt and effectively an agent of the terrorist Iranian Regime. Even its leadership resides in Qatar, a foreign country. Other than wielding locals as pawns in a war against Israel, it has no interest in developing Gaza for the benefit of those living there.


Hamas’ raison d’être is seeking the elimination of Israel and the extermination of Jews, as a part of a grand scheme to conquer the west and eliminate Christians and other non-Muslims. As outlined below, its leaders view Gaza merely as a secure base of operations against Israel.


The PA is not much better. As Arafat stated, in his infamous speech in a Johannesburg Mosque, when he attended the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa, on May 10, 1994, the Jihad (Islamic Holy War) would continue and Jerusalem was not for the Palestinian Arab people, it was for the entire Muslim nation the Ummah). He also declared that the original Oslo Agreement of 1993 was nothing more than a temporary truce and his goal was to take all of Israel, starting with Jerusalem. He even said he was in need of the Moslems in the mosque audience to join as warriors of Jihad.


Abbas, Arafat’s deputy and then successor, has a long history of paying lip service to peace in discussions with US interlocutors and then laughing it off when addressing another audience. Thus, for example, Abbas said in an interview with the London-based Qatari daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi that he would not give in to the American and Israeli demand to stop payments to the families of prisoners and martyrs, calling them “fighters” and underlining his obligation to them. At the July 23, 2018 Ramallah ceremony, which was to honor prisoners, Abbas conferred medals on the families of the “martyred prisoners” and on the released prisoners, and said:


“We will neither reduce nor prevent [payment] of allowances to the families of martyrs, prisoners, and released prisoners, as some seek, and if we had only a single penny left, we would pay it to families of the martyrs and prisoners.”


He went on to stress:


“From our standpoint, the martyrs and prisoners are stars in the firmament of the Palestinian people’s struggle, and take priority in every matter. In 1965, a few days after the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution, the first mission undertaken by the martyr late president Yasser Arafat was to establish an institution to care for the families of the martyrs and the mujahideen of Palestine – for they are the pioneers and must be cared for, and we will care for them.”


He also expressed his deep appreciation for the activity on the prisoners’ behalf, and noted that it “paves the way for the liberation of Palestine.”


Is it any wonder that even the State Department reportedly determined that the PA had “not taken proactive steps to counter incitement to violence against Israel” and the “incitement to violence and glorification of terrorism occur in public statements and social media posts by PA officials and politicians, in official media broadcasts and social media outlets, and in school textbooks”.


Abbas’ deputy chairman at the PLO brazenly admitted that the PA security forces fight alongside terrorists against Israel and that they are all one.


It is also important to note that the PA reportedly does not have complete control over the areas it governs. Armed groups form rival factions, including Hamas, PIJ and others rein free. They are responsible for terrorist attacks on Israel and lawlessness, including in Jenin and Nablus. How can Abbas be trusted to govern Gaza or prevent it from reverting back into a terrorist state again? Moreover, as noted above, Abbas glorifies terrorists and rewards them financially under the PA Pay to Slay program. He also continues to block general elections for the PA, arrests and intimidates his political opponents, refuses to share power with others and muzzles freedom of expression.


We must also not forget the glaring failures of the past, which resulted from delusional fantasies that ignored facts like those summarized above. Remember that despite the fact that the PA utterly failed to honor Oslo II and even unleashed a new wave of terrorism directly contrary to the terms of the agreement, at the urging of the US, in a fool-hardy attempt to promote the ultimate goals of Oslo II notwithstanding PA willful defaults, a grand experiment was instituted. Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005. For all intents and purposes peace should have been achieved then.


As the wise Charles Krauthammer, Z”L wrote, “…Israel evacuated Gaza completely. It declared the border between Israel and Gaza an international frontier. Gaza became the first independent Palestinian territory in history. Yet Gazans continued the war…Why? Because occupation was a mere excuse to persuade gullible and historically ignorant Westerners to support the Arab cause against Israel. The issue is, and has always been, Israel’s existence. That is what is at stake.”


However, predictably, the Gaza experiment turned out to be a catastrophic failure, as most recently evidenced by the October 7th Hamas invasion of Israel and the murderous massacre, unspeakable atrocities and horrible kidnappings it committed. Evil Hamas is an antisemitic, racist, misogynistic, ant-LGBTQ, tyrannical and oppressive regime. Ever since 2007, when it took over governing Gaza, it has been in a perpetual state of war with Israel. Hamas and its terrorist cohorts, backed by the Iranian Regime, have also succeeded in infiltrating areas controlled by the PA in Judea and Samaria.


Moreover, the PA also continues to flout its obligations under Oslo II. Indeed, instead of curtailing terrorist activity against Israel, it actually encourages and rewards it, under its notorious ‘Pay to Slay’ program. Neither Hamas nor the PA has reformed and each continues to maintain school systems that are virtual factories of Jew hatred. All this in spite of pledges to reform and funding conditioned on that reform.


Yet, regardless all these undeniable failures, there are still some in the Biden Administration who express a fanciful vision for a post-war Gaza that is nothing more than a re-heated version, with some possible window dressing, of Gaza pre-October 7th.


It’s well past time to wake up and recognize that no matter how well intentioned, the Gaza post-2005 experiment was a fiasco.


It is perilous to ignore this fact. Not only did it not lead to a lasting peace, but by the US and EU ignoring, excusing or condoning malign actions by Hamas and the PA and even continuing to reward the terrorist regimes, directly or indirectly, with funding despite their malevolent deeds, it can fairly be said that they too bear some responsibility for October 7th.


Undeterred by all of the foregoing, Secretary of State Blinken reportedly nevertheless took up the matter of post-war governance in Gaza with PA president Abbas, who expressed his desire to take over Gaza. The absurdity of this initiative is risible. After all, Gazans had rejected PA rule in 2007 and polls showing Hamas candidates would likely also beat Abbas and his Fatah party, if an election were held on Abbas’ home turf in the PA controlled areas. It would appear that Blinken previously did pay lip service to the issue when he noted, an


“effective and revitalized Palestinian Authority” was needed to govern Gaza. Parenthetically, he just as well could have added for the PA controlled areas too.


However, did Blinken take up what was required in detail with Abbas?


-Indeed, did he tell Abbas that he must not make the Pay to Slay payments he promised to Hamas terrorists or their families or anyone else for that matter?


-Did he tell Abbas that he had to clean house and eliminate Hamas and PIJ operatives in the areas the PA controlled?


-Did he discuss what was required to reform the PA/UNWRA school system, including firing those teaching Jew hatred, eliminating antisemitic materials and revising the curriculum to acknowledge the existence and legitimacy of the Jewish State of Israel and teach respect for Jews, Christians and those of other non-Muslim faiths?


-Did he demand that Abbas finally amend the PLO Charter to recognize Israel and do so under PA law?


-Did he demand the repeal of the Pay to Slay law, as well as, the law prohibiting land sales to Jews?


-Did he call out Abbas for his Temple denial and Holocaust denial?


-Did he insist that Abbas talk about all of this in a speech broadcast not only in English but also in Arabic to his people and lay out the vital need for these reforms and the steps that would be taken to implement them?


=Beyond talk alone, what are the tangible consequences for the PA’s misfeasance and malfeasance?


-When will aid payments to the PA be cut off until these essential reforms are achieved?


None of the reports of the meeting speak about any of this. It appears that there is no genuine belief that any of these necessary reforms can ever be achieved. Yet the virtue signaling and pious pronouncements continue without any appreciation that they not only serve no useful purpose; but, even embolden wrongdoers, because of the lack of any true accountability and tangible consequences for malign activities. Delusions are what enabled the Gazan terrorist state to be created in the first place and after its catastrophic failure why risk repeating the same fatal mistake.


In reality there is no substantive difference between Hamas and the PA led by Abbas.


Neither has accepted the existence of Israel and the PA hasn’t tangibly demonstrated its abhorrence of Hamas’ atrocities. Indeed, Abbas has actually committed to paying the Hamas terrorists, who perpetrated the atrocities, ‘Pay to Slay’ rewards of millions of dollars.


It’s also reported that Abbas’ party Fatah bragged about its own participation in the atrocities. Murderous terrorists who attacked Israel on October 7th had PA pay-slips in their pockets.


The streets of PA controlled areas witnessed rallies in support of Hamas, glorifying their despicable misdeeds. The muted condemnation by Abbas of Hamas’ outrages on October 7th are reportedly only spoken in private and not publically and are qualified by falsely referring to targeting of civilians by both sides, as opposed to just by Hamas.


Beyond that it is reported that one of the leaders of the PA, in talks with the US on a plan to run Gaza after the Hamas war has been insisting that the goal of fully defeating Hamas is unrealistic and that instead Hamas should join the PA under a new governing structure. PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh reportedly revealed his preferred outcome of the Hamas war would be for Hamas to become a junior partner under the broader PLO.


In Gaza, Hamas terrorists felt comfortable publicly parading their hostages and showing videos of their atrocities. The sadistic murderers were treated as heroes. Celebrations over the massacre also broke out in the PA controlled areas. The PA has not reined in terrorists operating from the PA controlled areas against Israel. In addition, Fatah calls for everyone with a weapon to join in committing terrorist attacks.


In a recent interview, Khaled Mashal, a leader of Hamas, outright rejected the two-state solution.


He caustically noted how they keep pulling out the old merchandise of the two-state solution. He went on to say that there is a consensus among Palestinian Arabs that they were entitled to all of the existing land of Israel. He defined it as from the Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea and in the north from Rosh Hanikra to the south, Eilat and the Gulf of Aqaba.


He was very clear, no recognition of Israel, rather the elimination of Israel. He noted that this concept, embodied in the slogan ‘from the river to the sea’, is chanted in western capital cities by the Americans, western public and students.


Mashal said that October 7 has renewed this dream and hope and shown that it is a realistic idea, not merely a dream. He went on to discuss how Hamas coming to power was a necessity, in order to serve the people and to protect what he referred to as ‘the resistance’, meaning the goal of conquering all of Israel. It provided a political and administrative cover in all the Palestinian Arab institutions and gave the resistance a free hand to operate.


He noted that Hamas used its rule of Gaza to build up the resistance, including weapons, weapons production, planning, training and the tunnels, while its backs were safe. In this regard, he even took a swipe at the PA, noting Hamas operated without any security coordination with Israel as required under Oslo II and there was no PA in Gaza to persecute Hamas.


Both Israel and Egypt have made clear that neither wants to run Gaza. Indeed, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said Israel would not retain governance of Gaza after Hamas was eliminated. He offered, “The third step will be the creation of a new security regime in the Gaza Strip, the removal of Israel’s responsibility for day-to-day life in the Gaza Strip…”


The only way to have an alternative to the repugnant Hamas and PA terror regimes is to organize one.


Responsible parties must be identified and supported to create a way out of this moral morass. They cannot resemble in any way the tyrannical, kleptocratic, antisemitic, anti-Christian and anti-American Hamas regime, which on October 7th, not only murdered and committed atrocities against Israelis, Americans and others, but also murders and oppresses its own people.


It begins with the Biden Administration stopping to circumvent the Taylor Force Act. By failing to cut off any support for Pay to Slay, the Administration is, in effect, financially rewarding the murder of over 30 Americans and kidnapping of others held hostage. We also must not forget that as recently as November 6, 2023, an Israeli-American policewoman in Jerusalem was murdered by a terrorist, as well as the other thousands of Israelis, Americans (like Taylor Force ob”m and Malki Roth z”l) and others who have been murdered or injured by terrorists originating from the PA controlled areas, over the years.


There is a reason why the Taylor Force Act was adopted and the lack of a serious enforcement effort under the Act is inexplicable. In a time when an unequivocal demonstration of moral clarity is critical, the failure to enforce the relevant and most cogent provisions of the Taylor Force Act is inexcusable.


The Biden Administration must also desist from interfering with Israel’s sacred mission of eradicating the evil that is Hamas and its cohorts, in Gaza and elsewhere. Israel is conducting a just war and doing so in compliance with the laws of war.


October 7th demonstrated in no uncertain terms that the status quo, delusions about a peace process and two-state solution and the Biden Administration’s appeasement policies are an abject failure.


There’s a reality that’s inescapable. Israel, America’s loyal and invaluable ally and friend, exists in a hostile environment made all the more dangerous by the current Administration’s pandering to the terrorist regime in Iran and its proxies, as well as the PA. Virtue signaling for domestic consumption and mixed messaging only serves to embolden the terrorists. It’s time to be clear and unequivocal not only in general support of Israel and its mission to eradicate evil Hamas, but also in detail so as to avoid any ambiguity or misunderstanding.


Hamas’ goal was not just to massacre 1,200 Israelis, Americans and others, but also to destroy Israel and massacre Jews. As noted above, the elimination of Israel is also the goal of Abbas’ PLO and by extension the PA. It’s also the stated goal of the axis of evil, led by terrorist Iranian regime, backing Hamas, as well as its other proxies, as demonstrated by the Houthis firing ballistic missiles against Israel and the rockets fired by Hezbollah. They also threaten America, which they derogatorily refer to as the ‘Big Satan’ (Israel’s referred to as the ‘Little Satan’), Christians and other non-Muslims.


Peace is possible with a former enemy that wants peace; it’s not possible with a current enemy that doesn’t desire it. So long as the PA doesn’t truly recognize Israel in word and deed, insists on retaining Hamas and actually supports Israel’s destruction, it cannot be a true peace partner.


The Biden Administration must recognize that there’s no chance for peace with the current PA regime or Hamas. A hybrid formulation or less than totally changed PA, under new leadership genuinely committed to pursuing and promoting peace with Israel is just a transparent artifice, a proverbial distinction without difference or merit. The US must accept that the PA is not the answer and move on and seek other real alternatives.


The major goal of this defensive war by Israel is to ensure that evil Hamas is totally defeated, free the hostages, assure there is no longer any threat of missiles or rockets being fired into Israel and enable the hundreds of thousands of Israelis evacuated from southern and northern Israel to be able to return safely to their homes. Gaza must be totally demilitarized and security protocols must be but in place that prevent rearming, rebuilding tunnels or the pursuit of any war or terrorism against Gaza’s neighbors, Egypt and Israel.


Until then there must not be any equivocation or ambiguity about the US’s support for Israel and its moral imperative to prosecute its defensive war against evil Hamas to conclusion and to achieve the legitimate war aims outlined above. May Israel succeed in its sacred mission and may the valiant solders of the IDF and the hostages be returned home safely.




Bank Leumi blocks UNRWA bank account

UNRWA credit: Anas-Mohammed Shutterstock

UNRWA credit: Anas-Mohammed Shutterstock


4February2024 6
Roi Weinberger


The Israeli bank has written to the UN Palestinian refugee agency saying it was seriously concerned that money from the account was reaching terrorist groups.


Bank Leumi (TASE:LUMI) has informed the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) for Palestinian refugees that it has blocked its bank account, after it was revealed that 12 of its employees took part in the massacres by Hamas on October 7. Following the revelations the US, Germany, EU, UK and other countries halting their funding for UNRWA.


Bank Leumi said that it had identified unusual activity that has generated alerts in the compliance mechanisms of the bank’s risk management systems. Bank Leumi wrote to UNRWA explaining that recently, many money transfers have been identified in the account, in a way that does not allow the bank to trace their source and final destination. Leumi said it had demanded explanations from UNRWA representatives, but they had been unable to provide satisfactory explanations. Since such explanations have not been received, the Israeli bank said it had become seriously concerned that the money from UNRWA’s account was reaching terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip.


UNRWA’s annual budget currently stands at $1.2 billion, which comes mainly from donations. As of this moment, regardless of Leumi’s decision, about 75% of UNRWA’s budgets have been suspended, following the decisions of donor countries that have already announced the halting of funding.


Bank Leumi declined to comment further.

Published by Globes, Israel business news – – on February 4, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.




IRS urged to suspend nonprofit status of UNRWA American charitable arm

“It is no longer debatable; UNRWA is Hamas,” wrote the International Legal Forum and the National Jewish Advocacy Center.

David Swindle


(February 1, 2024 / JNS) Daniel Werfel, the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, received a joint letter calling for the suspension of the charity certification for a top funder of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, better known as UNRWA.


UNRWA USA is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides support for humanitarian work associated with the U.N. agency.


“It is no longer debatable; UNRWA is Hamas. Nor is it merely a ‘few rotten apples’ as some politicians and pundits have tried to suggest,” wrote the International Legal Forum and the National Jewish Advocacy Center. “The entire organization is a systematic incubator of hate, incitement and terror.”


Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO of the International Legal Forum, told JNS that the groups were “requesting in light of the recent evidence connecting UNRWA staff to the Oct 7 Hamas attacks and suspension of funds by a growing number of countries, including the U.S., that the exempt tax status of UNRWA USA be immediately suspended, pending an investigation, and then revoked.”


Ostrovsky told JNS, “At $3.8 million, UNRWA USA is the largest private donor to UNRWA in the United States.”


The letter stated that “providing support for an organization that incites and commits murderous violence while harboring members of U.S. designated terrorist groups that specialize in killing Jews and that call for Jewish genocide is obviously against both the law and public policy. UNRWA does all of those things, and UNRWA USA supports them.”




Iran’s Nightmares

The Iranian attack on Israel seems a historic blunder. It opened up a new chapter in which its own soil, thanks to its attack on Israel, is no longer off limits to any Western power.

By Victor Davis Hanson 25April2024


Details of the recent limited Israeli retaliatory strike against Iranian anti-aircraft missile batteries at Isfahan are still sketchy. But nonetheless, we can draw some conclusions.


Israel’s small volley of missiles hit their intended targets, to the point of zeroing in on the very launchers designed to stop such incoming ordnance.


The target was near the Natanz enrichment facility. That proximity was by design. Israel showed Iran it could take out the very anti-missile battery designed to thwart an attack on its nearby nuclear facility.


The larger message sent to the world was that Israel could send a retaliatory barrage at Iranian nuclear sites with reasonable assurances that the incoming attacks could not be stopped. By comparison, Iran’s earlier attack on Israel was much greater and more indiscriminate. It was also a huge flop, with an estimated 99 percent of the more than 320 drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles failing to hit their planned targets.


Moreover, it was reported that more than 50 percent of Iran’s roughly 115-120 ballistic missiles failed at launch or malfunctioned in flight.


Collate these facts, and it presents a disturbing corrective to Iran’s non-stop boasts of soon possessing a nuclear arsenal that will obliterate the Jewish state.


Consider further the following nightmarish scenarios: Were Iranian nuclear-tipped missiles ever launched at Israel, they could pass over, in addition to Syria and Iraq, either Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the West Bank, Gaza, or all four. In the cases of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, such trajectories would constitute an act of war, especially considering that some of Iran’s recent aerial barrages were intercepted and destroyed over Arab territory well before they reached Israel.


Iran’s strike prompted Arab nations, the US, the UK, and France to work in concert to destroy almost all of Iran’s drones. For Iran, that is a premonition of the sort of sophisticated aerial opposition it might face if it ever decided to stage a nuclear version.


Even if half of Iran’s ballistic missiles did launch successfully, only a handful apparently neared their intended targets—in sharp contrast to Israel’s successful attack on Iranian missile batteries. Is it thus conceivable that any Iranian-nuclear-tipped missile launched toward Israel might pose as great a threat to Iran itself or its neighbors as to Israel?


And even if such missiles made it into the air and even if they successfully traversed Arab airspace, there is still an overwhelming chance they would be neutralized before detonating above Israel.


Any such launch would warrant an immediate Israeli response. And the incoming bombs and missiles would likely have a 100 percent certainty of evading Iran’s countermeasures and hitting their targets.


Now that the soil of both Iran and Israel is no longer sacred and immune from attack, the mystique of the Iranian nuclear threat has dissipated.


It should be harder for the theocracy to shake down Western governments for hostage bribes, sanctions relief, and Iran-deal giveaways on the implied threat of Iran successfully nuking the Jewish state.


The new reality is that Iran has goaded an Israel that has numerous nuclear weapons and dozens of nuclear-tipped missiles in hardened silos and on submarines. Tehran has zero ability to stop any of these missiles or sophisticated fifth-generation Israeli aircraft armed with nuclear bombs and missiles.


Iran must now fear that if it launched 2-3 nuclear missiles, there would be overwhelming odds that they would either fail at launch, go awry in the air, implode inside Iran, be taken down over Arab territory by Israel’s allies, or be knocked down by the tripartite Israel anti-missile defense system.


Add it all up, and the Iranian attack on Israel seems a historic blunder. It showed the world the impotence of an Iranian aerial assault at the very time it threatens to go nuclear. It revealed that an incompetent Iran may be as much a threat to itself as to its enemies. It opened up a new chapter in which its own soil, thanks to its attack on Israel, is no longer off limits to any Western power.


Its failure to stop a much smaller Israel response, coupled with the overwhelming success of Israel and its allies in stopping a much larger Iranian attack, reminds the Iranian autocracy that its shrill rhetoric is designed to mask its impotence and to hide its own vulnerabilities from its enemies.


And the long-suffering Iranian people?


The truth will come out that its own theocracy hit the Israeli homeland with negligible results and earned a successful, though merely demonstrative, Israeli response in return.


So Iranians will learn their homeland is now vulnerable and, for the future, no longer off limits.


And they will conclude that Israel has more effective allies than Iran and that their own ballistic missiles may be more suicidal than homicidal.


As a result, they may conclude that the real enemies of the Iranian nation are not the Jewish people of Israel after all, but their own unhinged Islamist theocrats.



The Iranian Boomerang

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-20May2024-The Iranian Boomerang
The Iranian Boomerang: Pres. Raisi and FM Abdollahian “blessed” Israel multiple times in recent weeks that nothing would be left of it. The “blessing” came right back at them. Nothing is left of them. “Thus may all Your enemies perish, Hashem!” (Judges 5:31)

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-20May2024-The Iranian Boomerang

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-20May2024-The Iranian Boomerang


The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-24May2024-The IRGC investigative committee preliminary report on helicopter crash
The IRGC investigative committee preliminary report on helicopter crash:

1. The helicopter flew on its designated flight path and remained there until a minute and a half before the moment of the crash.

2. Throughout the flight, the pilot of the helicopter in which the President was flying was in contact with the pilots of the two helicopters that were flying alongside him.

3. No bullets or anything similar were found in all the components of the plane (ie there is no evidence that the helicopter was shot down by anti-aircraft fire).

4. The fire broke out in the helicopter after it crashed
on the side of the mountain.

5. Due to weather and ground conditions, the search for the helicopter was prolonged. It was eventually located by an Iranian drone.

6. There was nothing suspicious in the communication between the helicopter crew and the control tower.

The weather machine works.

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-24May2024-The IRGC investigative committee preliminary report on helicopter crash

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-24May2024-The IRGC investigative committee preliminary report on helicopter crash


Ph.Gritti-tweet-19May2024-The forests where Raisi’s helicopter crashed
The forests where Raisi and his Foreign Minister Abdullahian’s helicopter crashed are home to three species of wildlife known as wild boar, brown bear and Turkish wolves.

Ph.Gritti-tweet-19May2024-The forests where Raisi's helicopter crashed

Ph.Gritti-tweet-19May2024-The forests where Raisi’s helicopter crashed



Ebrahim Raisi ‘The Butcher of Tehran’

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra-tweet-20May2024-Ebrahim Raisi ‘The Butcher of Tehran’
When I first landed in Tehran in 1985 my first visual of the city was of 3 people hanging from a crane in a roundabout. It wasn’t the humane neck-break hanging, but the slow strangulation lift hanging. The man responsible? Ebrahim Raisi. Today his body was found charred beyond recognition. (Img not mine)

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra-tweet-20May2024-Ebrahim Raisi 'The Butcher of Tehran'

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra-tweet-20May2024-Ebrahim Raisi ‘The Butcher of Tehran’


Ebrahim-Raisi-'The-Butcher-of-Tehran'-Tehran in 1985-slow strangulation lift hanging

Ebrahim-Raisi-‘The-Butcher-of-Tehran’-Tehran in 1985-slow strangulation lift hanging


Jordan Schachtel-tweet-20May2024-NATO APPROVED lift hanging
Apparently NATO now supports this?
NATO Spokesperson Farah Dakhlallah-tweet-20May2024-Our condolences to the people of Iran for the death of President Raisi
Our condolences to the people of #Iran for the death of President Raisi, Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian, and others who perished in the helicopter crash.
Readers added context
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi killed thousands of innocent people for no reason, earning himself the nickname “The Butcher of Tehran”

Do you find this helpful?

Jordan Schachtel-tweet-20May2024-NATO APPROVED lift hanging

Jordan Schachtel-tweet-20May2024-NATO APPROVED lift hanging


Ebrahim-Raisi-'The-Butcher-of-Tehran'-Tehran in 1985-slow strangulation lift hanging-Crane Hanging

Ebrahim-Raisi-‘The-Butcher-of-Tehran’-Tehran in 1985-slow strangulation lift hanging-Crane Hanging




Telegraph: Iran’s Regime on Brink of Collapse

By David Israel – 18 Iyyar 5784 – May 26, 2024 –


The Telegraph Defense and Foreign Affairs Editor Con Coughlin, on Sunday, reported that “The rotten Iranian regime is on the edge of collapse,” and suggested that “Instead of appeasing its leaders, the West should be helping to bring about its downfall.”


Iran’s leadership places blame for the helicopter crash that claimed the lives of President Raisi, the foreign minister, and six others not on any failings in aircraft operations or maintenance, but on the West and its sanctions, notes Coughlin. These economic restrictions, they argue, have cruelly denied Tehran the ability to procure the necessary aviation parts to properly maintain the US-made Bell 212 helicopter in which the Iranian president met his untimely demise. This deflection of responsibility reveals the warped perspective through which Iran’s rulers view such catastrophic events.


“It’s hard not to see the death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash last week as a reflection of the Islamic Republic’s institutional decrepitude. As is generally the case when the mullahs find themselves under pressure, their default position is to blame the West,” Coughlin writes.


And so, as Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s portrayal of “business as usual” rings increasingly hollow, the regime’s glaring inability to ensure even the basic security of its highest elected official lays bare the stark reality facing Iranians, rapidly solidifying the perception of a government in terminal decline.


The mullahs’ faltering grip on power is becoming more apparent with each such incident that exposes their diminishing control and competence. As this pivotal event casts further doubt on the regime’s viability, the Iranian people’s eroding confidence in their leaders’ capacity to govern effectively only intensifies.


The regime’s fundamental fragility has not escaped the notice of ordinary Iranians, who have increasingly voiced their discontent through widespread protests, argues Coughlin. Denied a legitimate avenue to register their contempt for the leadership at the ballot box, the citizens have sustained a constant wave of anti-government demonstrations, braving the wrath of Iranian security forces. The regime’s desperation to suppress this simmering unrest is palpable, as executions have soared to record levels. Protesters, bloggers, and notable dissidents face death sentences under the catchall charge of “enmity against God” – a measure of the extremes to which the authorities will go to quell dissent.


The people’s defiance, undeterred by the brutal crackdowns, underscores the depths of their disillusionment with the ruling establishment. Despite the risks, Iranians continue to take to the streets, their relentless demonstrations a resounding rejection of the regime’s legitimacy and an expression of their unwavering demand for change. As the chasm between the populace and their leaders widens, the regime’s tenuous grip on power is laid bare, fueling escalating unrest that poses an existential threat to the once-formidable revolutionary government.


Coughlin concludes: “Rather than virtue-signaling their remorse, as the UN Security Council did by observing a moment of silence in honor of one of Iran’s most notorious killers, the West should be doing its level best to highlight the fact the regime’s days are numbered.”



The Karens, Criminals, Narcissistic Megalomaniac Nannycrats and Naughty Beasts want ‘Pandemic Amnesty’


No, There Will Not Be Any “Pandemic Amnesty”

BY TYLER DURDEN 03November2022 –

Authored by Mark Jeftovic via,

Nothing is Forgotten, Nothing Will Be Forgiven.

On the very first day of this year I wrote that the pandemic was over and that only the most brainwashed true believers would cling to the absurd narratives that enabled it. Since then, all of it has been exposed to be falsehoods, cluelessness and lies:

  • Vaccines were never tested or proven to stop transmission.
  • The fatality rate was around 0.005%
  • Ivermectin worked
  • Masks don’t
  • Lockdowns did more damage than good

…and the final straws for the credibility of all involved:

  • This thing came out of a lab, and
  • There is significant credible evidence of vaccine injuries and death

Innumerable careers, reputations and lives have been destroyed in order to enforce a completely debunked narrative as truth. The mainstream media, Big Tech, governments at all levels, neo-liberal glee clubs like the WEF, all coordinated to gaslight the entire population of the world that we were facing existential annihilation, and would have to henceforth trade in our civil rights to these authorities to escape it.


The economic damage is only now beginning to be felt in runaway inflation with central banks powerless to contain it, at risk of destroying what’s left of the economy.


We don’t need to enumerate the litany of injustice, ridicule and persecution  anybody who tried to counter these absurd narratives had to endure. Lost friends, family, jobs, position, businesses, cancelations, deplatformings – all of it.


So it is unsurprising, now that the edifice is crumbling, that those who piled on to the persecutions, those who feathered their nest being “on the right side of history”, seeing that it’s all turning to dust in realtime, are starting – one and all – to back away from their role.


Now the name of the game is to distance oneself from the most intense and virulent outbreaks of mass formation psychosis in recorded history:

Clifton Duncan-tweet-31October2022-You can fuck right off with this shit

Clifton Duncan-tweet-31October2022-You can fuck right off with this shit

There are many who were up to their eyeballs in this who will now try to frame themselves as “the voice of reason” who was trying to introduce some rationality into the conversation.

 Mark Jeftovic, The C̶r̶y̶p̶t̶o̶ ₿itcoin Capitalist-tweet-10July2022-We’re into the truly nauseating phase now

Mark Jeftovic, The C̶r̶y̶p̶t̶o̶ ₿itcoin Capitalist-tweet-10July2022-We’re into the truly nauseating phase now

Mark Jeftovic, The C̶r̶y̶p̶t̶o̶ ₿itcoin Capitalist-tweet-09February2022- every sociopathic zealot who wanted to literally wreck your life for non-compliance

Mark Jeftovic, The C̶r̶y̶p̶t̶o̶ ₿itcoin Capitalist-tweet-09February2022- every sociopathic zealot who wanted to literally wreck your life for non-compliance


Don’t believe them.

Nuremberg trials

Nuremberg trials

“Sooner or Later Everyone Sits Down to a Banquet of Consequences”

If the globally botched pandemic response accomplished one thing, it was to open many people’s eyes to how obsolete and ill equipped our current institutions are for handling a global crisis in this new, decentralized, multi-polar world.


While these insular elites believed they had Divine Right to “re-imagine” every aspect of our lives for some grandiose Great Reset, it’s these sclerotic, self-serving institutions they inhabit who are going to get their asses re-imagined. With a vengeance.


Here’s what you can do to reclaim your life, and take your power back from those who abused it and used their positions against you:

  1. Vote out any politician who imposed lockdowns or vaccine mandates – regardless of party affiliation. At least the ones who doubled down on them after it became clear how destructive and ineffective they were.
  2. Cancel all paid subscriptions to the mainstream media – you’re better off supporting the many independent outlets and those doing real journalism and providing high-signal content.
  3. Advocate for defunding state-run media apparatuses: NPR in the US, CBC in Canada, BBC in the UK, et al
  4. De-Google-fy your life: Start looking at alternatives to Big Tech. There are other search engines like Duck, Facebook is quickly becoming irrelevant, Twitter may be fun for awhile longer given the meltdowns over the Musk takeover.
  5. Don’t hire or do business with Covid fanatics. If you’re hiring or scouting vendors, check their socials: were they demonizing lockdown skeptics? Hashtagging “#Freedumb”? (Better start scrubbing those timelines, mofos)
  6. Buy Bitcoin. Yes, I’m shilling BTC because Bitcoin is the global opt-out – stacking sats is calling b/s on everything. 

Eva Vlaardingerbroek-tweet-01November2022-You can put that pandemic amnesty where the sun don’t shine

Eva Vlaardingerbroek-tweet-01November2022-You can put that pandemic amnesty where the sun don’t shine

There will be no pandemic amnesty. More likely, by the time this is all over, there will be pandemic tribunals.

*  *  *

Mark E. Jeftovic is the CEO of easyDNS, co-founder of Bombthrower Media, author and investor. Sign up for The Bombthrower mailing list to get updates straight into your inbox and get a free copy of The Crypto Capitalist Manifesto while you’re at it. Follow me on GettrTelegram or Twitter.

JerusalemCats Comments: Take a page out of History. Hang the Basters!

Nuremberg trials hanging

Nuremberg trials hanging

These are people that want to be forgiven for a Nazi and Stalinist Holocaust of the World that listened to these Mad Men. Of stead of the industrial holocaust of the Nazi German Holocaust of the Death Camps of Europe the Mad Men just sent an untested “Vaccine” that they knew would kill. They lied and used Israelis as Lab Rats and the Israel “Ministry of Health” did their best to kill as many Religious Jews as possible as they did in the 1950 and 1960s with the X-Ray “treatments” of Sephardi Jewish Children..


This type of hateful speech towards the unvaccinated will never be forgotten

Becca-tweet-12August2024-This type of hateful speech towards the unvaccinated will never be forgotten
I’m a Covid Vax injured nurse. This type of hateful speech towards the unvaccinated will never be forgotten.

When will people start believing that this shot was poison???
@elonmusk please retweet… Vax injured need to be heard!!!!

Becca-tweet-12August2024-This type of hateful speech towards the unvaccinated will never be forgotten

Becca-tweet-12August2024-This type of hateful speech towards the unvaccinated will never be forgotten




Watch: COVID Authoritarians Want Forgiveness – Here’s Why They Don’t Deserve It

by Tyler Durden, 31October2023 –<

Do authoritarians deserve a chance to be treated with grace and forgiveness?  The question is circulating regularly these days in the wake of the complete failure of covid pandemic response and the victory of the anti-mandate movement.  The answer relies on a series of counter-questions based on logic and predictable outcomes.  It’s the kind of discussion that covid cultists don’t want to have; they just want everyone to forget because they now have something to lose politically

Scott Galloway, Professor at the NYU Stern School of Business and member of the World Economic Forum’s “Global Leaders Of Tomorrow” list, is one of the cultists that now wants to be given a free pass as he debates the issue on Real Time with Bill Maher.


Eric Abbenante-tweet-28October2023- I wanted a harsher lockdown policy

Eric Abbenante-tweet-28October2023- I wanted a harsher lockdown policy


The question that we need to ask Galloway is:  How forgiving was he when confronted with people who opposed his authoritarianism?  Galloway was rabidly pro-mandate.  He consistently called for harsher punishments for people refusing to comply and he demanded that the unvaccinated be treated as second tier citizens banned from places of business.  As he argued in his blog titled ‘Half Of America Has Its Head Up Its Ass. It’s Time For A Vaccine Mandate’:

“Enough already. Federal law should require any citizen who wants to cash a government check, use public transport, or enter a place of business to show proof of vaccination…”

Galloway cited the ever present inflated CDC data on covid deaths in America as the justification for his authoritarian position.  Of course, data was available not long after the spread of covid indicating that the Infection Fatality Rate of the virus was a tiny 0.23% and that 99.8% of the population (including the unvaccinated) had nothing to fear.  Not only that, but the CDC has recently and quietly published information showing that around 95% of people who died with covid also had one or more comorbidities and 75% had at least four – Meaning, if you did not have multiple comorbidities your chances of dying from covid were incredibly small.

Do Galloway and those like him deserve a clean slate?  No, they don’t, and here’s why…

No Apologies

We hear many covid authoritarians talk about forgiveness but very few of them actually apologize for their behavior.  Galloway calls for “grace”, perhaps trying to appeal to the Christian notion of “turning the other cheek.”  He admits he was wrong on the mandates (because the data forces him to), but he doesn’t actually apologize for his behavior.  In fact, he excuses his behavior and the behavior of leftist politicians as them doing the best they could do given the imperfect information they had at the time.  This is a common tactic of misdirection.




As noted above, within months of covid becoming active in the US, the data was already available showing that the virus was not a legitimate threat.  So the claim that their information was “the best they had at the time” does not hold water.  There was more than enough evidence to warrant opposition to unconstitutional policies (frankly, even if covid had been more deadly it doesn’t justify violations of the Bill of Rights).  Millions of Americans tried to explain the truth to those panicking over covid, and they chose not to listen, calling us “selfish conspiracy theorists.”

But the greatest trespasses were among those analysts and “influencers” who used covid as an opportunity for political gain, knowing that there was information that debunked government and media spin.  The worst people are those that have no intention of making amends because they plan to try again.  People who do wrong and refuse to give a legitimate apology are the kinds of people that are likely to commit similar offenses in the future.

Mad With Power

The covidians were primarily from the left side of the political spectrum and wherever leftists were most concentrated is where the most egregious violations of liberty took place.  The political left went absolutely mad with power, with a large number of Democrats supporting Orwellian controls to punish people refusing to submit to the mandates.



There were calls to fine the unvaccinated, imprison people who question the vaccine, put the vaccinated on home lockdown and even take away their children.  In some states, like New York, there was active legislation put forward to create detention facilities for people that did not comply (covid camps).  That is some serious Stalinist behavior and we are still waiting for it to be addressed and for certain political leaders to be punished.

As the old saying goes: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”  We have now seen the character of the political left.  We have seen the character of people like Galloway, and they have been found untrustworthy.

It Can And Will Happen Again

The covid event was really a litmus test for authoritarian tendencies in the US.  At least half the public failed that test miserably.  We may not see another pandemic agenda in our lifetimes, but that doesn’t really matter.  There will be many other opportunities in the future for ignorant people and sociopathic people to act out on their darker impulses.  It is important to make a note of how the individuals around us behave when they think it’s safe to be evil, and we must remember who they are.  These are not people that should be given “grace” or trust down the road when the next crisis strikes; they have shown themselves to be unworthy of that.



No Amnesty for Lockdowners

Jeffrey A. Tucker 01November2022 Updated: 02November2022

Now that we can talk to our friends and neighbors about it, the reality is sinking in. What our public health experts and politicians did to this country was egregious. Inspired by the totalitarian lockdowns in Wuhan, China, and urged to replicate that policy by the World Health Organization in a report that Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health approved, all constitutional rights were thrown out by the government.


The churches were shut. The schools were closed, in some places for as long as two years, thus sacrificing the education of a whole generation. We faced restrictions on house parties. We couldn’t visit the elderly in homes, not even their sons and daughters who were paying the rent. There were even restrictions on travel between states: Quarantine rules made it impractical.


Health authorities specifically demanded the need to close all venues where people congregate. Nothing like this had ever happened before. Once people were allowed to crawl out from their domestic holes, they were forced to mask up (even though we had zero evidence that this would achieve anything!) and eventually get vaccine shots that everyone said would end the pandemic but obviously didn’t.


It’s been nearly three years of imposed hell. We now live with the after-effects, including terrible inflation, learning loss, drug addiction, rising crime, cultural nihilism, and wholly justified public fury, which are driving the Democrats to doom on Nov. 8 because it was the Democrats who leaned in and perpetuated all these policies long after they obviously failed.


So sure, people are upset. The right answer would be for our health authorities and politicians to apologize and beg for forgiveness. But nothing like that has happened. They just keep on pretending that all of this was fine. There has been no repeal of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s claimed power to quarantine you next time, and the Biden administration’s own pandemic planning scheme is to prohibit states from opting out the next time around.


So let’s discuss Emily Oster’s piece in The Atlantic in which she claims that everyone needs to immediately comply with some kind of amnesty that she has declared. We’re supposed to forget it all and move on. And why is this? Because, she says, there was so much uncertainty. They just didn’t know about the virus. It was the fog of war, after all, and everyone did their best.


“We didn’t know,” she wrote, and then kept invoking the supposed “uncertainty” of the times, a word she deployed five times. Why, if she (or they) were so uncertain, did they so quickly decide to wreck all liberty in the United States? The so-called precautionary principle would suggest that government should undertake no such policy because of the obvious harms it would impose. They did it anyway.


Here’s the problem. This is complete rot. We knew from February 2020 of the risk stratification of the disease’s serious outcomes. It was in all the papers. We had the data. We knew from the Diamond Princess experience in February 2020 that there were no deaths of those younger than the age of 70 on the ship. That comported with every bit of information we had at the time. Based on what we knew at the time, there was absolutely no case for locking down at all and every reason to not do this.


For that matter, Oster could have merely read the news. MSNBC on Jan. 30, 2020, reported that Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, formerly Barack Obama’s health adviser, said: “Everyone in America should take a very big breath, slow down, and stop panicking and being hysterical. We are having a little too much histrionics on this.”


On March 4, 2020, Slate reported: “There are many compelling reasons to conclude that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is not nearly as deadly as is currently feared. But COVID-19 panic has set in nonetheless. … Allow me to be the bearer of good news. These frightening numbers are unlikely to hold. The true case fatality rate, known as CFR, of this virus is likely to be far lower than current reports suggest.”


On the same day, Psychology Today reported: “Yes, this virus is different and worse than other coronaviruses, but it still looks very familiar. We know more about it than we don’t know. … It’s scary to think that an invisible enemy is out there to make you sick. But your doctor is not panicking, and you don’t need to, either.”


We can even turn to Fauci himself, who wrote as follows on Feb. 28, 2020, in the New England Journal of Medicine: “The overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1 percent) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10 percent and 36 percent, respectively.”


On March 17, 2020, legendary epidemiologist John Ioannidis broke it all down: “The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco. … One of the bottom lines is that we don’t know how long social distancing measures and lockdowns can be maintained without major consequences to the economy, society, and mental health. Unpredictable evolutions may ensue, including financial crisis, unrest, civil strife, war, and a meltdown of the social fabric. At a minimum, we need unbiased prevalence and incidence data for the evolving infectious load to guide decision-making.”


Wow, talk about prophetic! All of that happened. He knew this not because he was clairvoyant, but because he has a working brain. You can’t just shut down society without egregious consequences that affect health, economics, social relations, and so much more. In other words, authorities acted with extreme measures that were in no way justified by the data and did so with measures they knew for sure would massively damage the social fabric.


For that matter, we’ve known about the damage of lockdowns since they were first pushed in 2005–06. Famed epidemiologist Donald Henderson warned that such measures would turn a manageable pandemic into a catastrophe!


So here we are, living amid catastrophe. There are no apologies. There’s only coverup. Now, you might ask the following: Why, if the mainstream media from late-January through mid-February 2020 were counseling calm and urging against lockdown frenzy, and even Fauci was saying that we didn’t need a vaccine to get out of this pandemic, was there a sudden shift? What new evidence came in that caused Fauci, along with his minions and inner circle, to surround Trump in early March 2020 and demand that he greenlight the lockdowns?


Why did this happen? I have my own theories, but they’re only that. My suspicions are that 1) Fauci and his gang believed that they were culpable for the pandemic due to the National Institutes of Health’s funding of the Wuhan lab and so pushed the lockdowns in the hope of stopping the spread or just causing a chaotic diversion of attention, and 2) getting Trump to wreck the economy would be the surest path to unseating him in the November 2020 election. On the second point, it so happened that the manufactured disease panic allowed changes in absentee voting rules that ultimately led to Trump’s defeat.


Now, you could call this a conspiracy theory. I sincerely hope it isn’t true because it would be a scandal for the ages. And perhaps I’m wrong here, and there’s some other reason for the egregious actions that wrecked millions of businesses and lives. I would like to know what it is. But as for Oster’s excuse that we just didn’t know—that we believed that the virus was worse than it was, that masks would stop the spread, and so on—that claim is utterly baseless. So, too, does her demand for “amnesty” for the lockdowners fall flat.


We knew. We knew for sure, based on existing data what the nature of the threat was, and we knew for sure, based on historical experience and common sense, the deep damage that would be caused by the lockdowns. The plea of ignorance here simply doesn’t hold up to any evidentiary standard.


Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.



Moms for Liberty says NO AMNESTY for covid tyrants who committed “crimes against children”

04November2022 by:

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

Children School Pandemic-Mask-Hand Sanitizer

Children School Pandemic-Mask-Hand Sanitizer

(Natural News) In response to American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten’s endorsement of The Atlantic for demanding “amnesty” for covid criminals, Moms for Liberty co-founders Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice are saying no way.


In a statement to the independent media, Descovich and Justice explained that Weingarten endorsed the Atlantic piece because she knows that she herself is one of the criminals who deserves to be punished for her crimes against children.


“No amnesty for the people that committed crimes against children,” Justice is quoted as saying to Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily. (Related: Remember when Weingarten decided to remove her face muzzle during a speech in violation of local mandates because supposedly nobody could hear her?)


“Of course Randi Weingarten [president of American Federation of Teachers] wants to forgive and forget everything that happened during COVID, because she was a key player,” Descovich added to the conversation.


“She kept schools closed. What unions did to children for over a year, in some places, and continuing in some places, between forced masking, quarantining for weeks and months on end, to these children – it is not easily going to be forgotten.”

Weingarten’s abuse of children “destroyed their lives,” Moms for Liberty says

For two years, America’s school children were forced to wear covid veils (face masks), stay away from their peers, and live under the heavy boot of medical tyranny – all because of tyrants like Weingarten who thought they would get away with it.


“It destroyed children’s lives,” Descovich says.


“The trajectory for children that lost two years of education, when you look at the NAEP [National Assessment of Educational Progress] scores, you know, chances are a lot of these kids are not going to be able to graduate and their future is dismal because of women like her. So of course she wants to put it behind us and forget everything that has happened, but parents are not going to be able to do that very easily.”


What Descovich is referring to, here, is something called the Nation’s Report Card, which shows that scamdemic-related school closures led to children’s reading and math scores plummeting to the lowest levels in American history.


“The truth of the matter is – you know, Tina said they won’t be able to graduate,” Justice interjected. “The truth is they probably will, because the metrics are being changed, and they’re making it easier and easier to graduate.”


“We have, you know, declining student engagement, declining attendance, declining achievement scores, and yet graduation rates have never been higher. And so that just shows you this is a system that’s very intent on protecting itself. The union is very invested in protecting the system, and they want you to focus on what I like to call the alphabet soup: The CRT / SEL / DEI, ‘If only children felt safe and valued, if only this, if only that, then they could learn.’”


In other words, children in America are no longer learning reading, writing, and arithmetic, and are instead getting a steady diet of LGBT indoctrination, “diversity, equity, and inclusion” reprogramming, and various other anti-white, anti-American propaganda.


Together with the National Education Association (NEA), the AFT has reportedly pulled in some half a billion dollars in dues, nearly all of which ends up going towards far-left political causes.


“They are promoting radical progressive ideology in this country – they are so far away from their core issue of public education,” Descovich added about these two groups.


The latest news about the push for justice against the covid criminals can be found at

Sources for this article include:


Doc Anarchy-logo

Doc Anarchy

You want amnesty? We want reparations.

There will be no forgiveness without repentance


“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety”

  • Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Do you remember those videos of people dying in the streets of China in the early days of covid?

Something smelled wrong. As a medical professional, I have seen people in rough shape. Heart attacks, strokes, overdoses, and so on.


With the exception of a massive pulmonary embolism, I have never seen anything drop a healthy-appearing, well-dressed man like the person below.

Covid-19 victim on the ground-China

Covid-19 victim on the ground-China

Furthermore, when people die, they don’t fall flat on their backs in a perfect anatomic position like they’re playing the planking game. Sudden death is ugly. You twitch. You roll. Your froth at the mouth. This was simply not believable.


Still, it was hard not to get swept up in the hysteria. It was everywhere. Mainstream doctors and journalists were repeating fake talking points, inflated infection fatality data, and bad science.


The people who were supposed to be in charge of the public response (Fauci and company) were giving us mixed messages. “Don’t buy masks!” one week and, “e all need masks!” the next. This was taking place in the face of historic shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE). I remember being taught how to sanitize an N-95 mask for reuse with some bleach water and a paper bag.


Treatments for covid-19 were rudimentary. We didn’t understand the full effects on the body well enough yet so mistakes were made. Ventilators were abused early and often. In some cases, satanic physicians threw patients on the ventilator to prevent them from aerosolizing covid.


Early treatment was disorganized. Azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, and zinc became the go-to for those who were informed. Slowly over time, we got better.


But it was always one step forward and two steps back. While heroes like Dr. Zelenko created early treatment protocols, villains like Dr. Fauci said they would kill you. Doctors McCullough and Malone railed against the way we were treating patients. They were censored on social media and had their licenses challenged for their trouble.


In the end, mainstream medicine landed on the following foolproof strategy for treating covid: Stay at home and take Tylenol while you test yourself with a cheap home oximeter and come into the hospital when your oxygen drops below 92% one time. Then you’ll be admitted where you’ll sit in a dirty hospital bed eating seed oil chicken and watching CNN all day with another covid patient seemingly dying on the other side of the curtain. When you can’t tolerate nasal oxygen anymore we might try Bipap, but those are in short supply so here comes the ventilator. Oh, and when you die, your family can’t come to see you and you also can’t have a funeral.


This is not an exaggeration. I saw this exact series of events occur over, and over, and over.

Those who disagreed with the risk posed by covid, the idiocy of the proposed treatments, or the ridiculous social precautions were called science deniers. They were accused of trying to kill grandma.


In October, one covid hysteric had the audacity to request a pandemic amnesty. Emily Oster, the author, correctly points out that they were so wrong on so many different things. Turns out, actions do have consequences.


When they shut down “nonessential” businesses the ramifications were felt worldwide. Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of economics knew this was the case. The French economist Frédéric Bastiat wrote about this phenomenon over 150 years ago in “What is Seen and What is Not Seen.”


The government mandated that certain people stayed home. They were not allowed to spend money on certain products. Businesses either closed entirely or had their revenue slashed due to a massive drop in demand (or supply in some cases). That is what is seen.


What is not seen, are the second and third-order effects of these decisions. You don’t see the young man who was saving for a can and can no longer buy it. You don’t see the used car dealer who was going to sell him that car and use the commission to buy his fiance an engagement ring. You don’t see the jeweler who was going to use that money to grow his 401K.


This basic principle was completely ignored and swept aside in favor of “free” money printed by the Federal Reserve.

Mask mandates and social distancing were next. Once lockdowns were lifted, mask mandates and social distancing fell into place.


There are countless videos of Karens and Kens screeching at passersby who casually strolled too close to their 6-foot safety bubble while walking down the street in the bright sunshine and breeze.


The 6-foot social distance stickers every store had to install still remain in place, to this day in many places. A relic of a bygone era. Restaurantors were forced to buy and install flimsy pieces of plastic between customers as if the aerosolized virus doesn’t equilibrate in the room as we all learned in Physics 101.


Those who chose not to comply were given fine after fine. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. They had their livelihood taken away because they refused to comply with the asinine dictates of the tyrants in the local and federal governments.


If you were unfortunate enough to have a family member or loved one die during covid, you know the cruelty these people were willing to force on you. Funerals were banned to maintain social distancing. Family members weren’t allowed in the hospital as their loved ones took their final breath before being ventilated for the rest of their lives.


Grandmothers were locked up in nursing homes and told not to leave their rooms. For months these people were not allowed to see their children, grandchildren, spouses, and friends. Their entire lives were disrupted. They didn’t ask for that.

You will never get that lost time back.


Despite no good science supporting their use, masks became the great hope. If you simply wore this poorly fitted piece of fabric made in China that you shoved in your pocket, we could beat this virus.


Never mind the fact that medical professionals are taught how to properly don and doff PPE so as not to contaminate themselves or those around them. Surely, your pocket is plenty clean enough.


Do you think it’s possible that untrained people could get some covid particles on their mask, put that mask in their pocket and contaminate the entire mask, and then put it back on their face later, thereby infecting themselves with covid?


I’m not even going to get into double masking. That was nothing more than a final gasp to stay relevant from a sad, sorry man losing his grip on power. I won’t hold my breath on Fauci being punished for his myriad lies to the American public.


In September 2021, President Biden began the federal vaccine mandates. This elevated covid tyranny to a whole new level. It gave businesses and individuals the ability to legally discriminate against others on the basis of unproven medical therapies.


History is not on the side of those who pushed the vaccine mandates. Turns out, Big Pharma isn’t as truthful as we wished. Their vaccines aren’t as effective as they claim. Turns out, they aren’t even safe.


Despite the mountains of evidence against the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines, these were used as the basis for countless layoffs. People had their lives ruined because they didn’t want an experimental therapy to prevent a cold.


Broadly, you can break the country into two groups: covid hysterics and covid skeptics. Certainly, there are crazies on both sides. We can safely ignore those people.


Covid hysterics bought into mask mandates, vaccines, and lockdowns. They were willing to go along with, or actively enforced, these dictates.


Covid skeptics may have bought into some part of these but didn’t buy the entire narrative they were being fed. Ironically, if you agreed with the covid hysterics on 2/3 of their policy decisions, that remaining 1/3 made you a heretic.


After 3 years of covid, we are not in a good place. It is becoming more and more clear that the covid skeptics were more correct more often, especially on the important things.

That leaves us with the question: what do we do now?

One side (average citizens) was systematically oppressed by a more powerful group of people with a monopoly on the use of force (government). I would go as far as to call it abuse.


One critical part of our justice system is punishment or justice. Another critical part is reform. The last part is reparations. In order for there to be any covid amnesty, these three factors must be met. Here is my proposal:

  1. Punishment for those who committed covid tyranny
    1. Lockdown government officials stripped of office
    2. Lockdown governors, government officials, and “public servants” are held liable for their decisions through civil lawsuits
    3. Big Pharma is held liable for their products via civil and criminal lawsuits- this would require revoking their EUA
  2. Reform to our current system
    1. Revoke the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 which grants vaccine manufacturers broad protections and distorts the healthcare economy
    2. Punish lawmakers who create and support unconstitutional legislation
      1. If you create a law violating the 1st amendment you are open to civil lawsuits, for example
    3. Break up the American Medical Association and other credentialing agencies
      1. This would expand the marketplace of ideas within the medical community and greatly increase the supply of physicians, as well as the quality of care
  3. Reparations for those harmed
    1. Restore all lost jobs with 50% back pay, plus 10% contribution to Roth IRA
      1. This would make up for lost opportunity cost, as well as any financial hardship encountered by the federal mandates
    2. Refund all fees and fines levied by covid hysterics and government tyrants, plus 50% of the total amount for damages

We can never go back in time and change the past. If you banned your own children from attending Thanksgiving because they didn’t get a vaccine, you will have to live with it.


We can fix it going forward. This list is a good place to start. If you want Amnesty, start with repentance.

A nation cannot function when it’s this fractured. Battle lines have been drawn. We have seen what people are willing to say or do to their fellow citizens in order to have a little piece of mind.

If I find myself in a foxhole, I pray the person in there with me doesn’t have a mask on.

JerusalemCats Comments:

Perhaps the mainstream media is suddenly realizing that they may have to face some payback for their covid zealotry?  “We didn’t know! We were just following orders!”  It all sounds rather familiar.

Doctors, have you recommended that people take the Covid-19 Vaccine? You need to DO THE RIGHT THING!

This is what “We were just following orders!” will get you:

Option 1: Nuremberg trial and execution

Nuremberg trials

Nuremberg trials

Nuremberg trials hanging

Nuremberg trials hanging

Option 2: Hunt them Down and Kill them.

In a Saigon street, on February 1, 1968, during the North Vietman's Tet Offensive, South Vietnam’s police chief raised a gun to the head of a handcuffed Vietcong prisoner and abruptly pulled the trigger.

In a Saigon street, on February 1, 1968, during the North Vietman’s Tet Offensive, South Vietnam’s police chief raised a gun to the head of a handcuffed Vietcong prisoner and abruptly pulled the trigger.

Option 3: Hunt them Down and Eat them.

Cat eating meat

Cat eating meat

Cat eating meat

Cat eating meat

Canaan Dog

The Canaan Dog is Israel's national dog

The Canaan Dog is Israel’s national dog


The Canaan Dog is Israel’s national dog and although not everyone is familiar with the breed it is hardly surprising because they are among the rarest dogs on the planet. They are medium in size and boast having a distinctive wedge-shaped head. These lovely dogs only recently arrived here in the UK where they were an immediate hit, but with this said anyone hoping to share their home with a Canaan Dog might have trouble finding a puppy because fewer than 3000 dogs are known to exist in the entire world.


The Canaan Dog boasts being one of the most ancient breeds to have been developed in the Middle East where they were bred to guard and herd flocks of sheep. Over time and as the Israelites left their lands, they took their dogs with them, but only the fittest and strongest of these dogs survived the often harsh conditions they worked in. The dogs earned themselves a good reputation and were soon used by many Bedouin tribes of the desert to guard their herds and camps, a job the Canaan Dog did supremely well.

In the thirties guard dogs were needed to protect the many isolated settlements that were set up in Israel and the Canaan Dog was the perfect candidate for the job. At the time, these dogs were semi-feral which meant they could tolerate the harsh conditions of the region and today, many of them can still be seen guarding Bedouin flocks in the desert.

The breed has only just very recently been exhibited at shows here in the UK and as such, the Canaan Dog remains very much an unknown. They are still considered to be one of the rarest breeds on the planet although more interest in these dogs will ensure that with careful and selective breeding, the Canaan Dog may well become a popular choice as companion and family pet both here in the UK and elsewhere in the world.

Prof. Magnus Soderland having lunch break with a colleague-LG

Prof. Magnus Soderland having lunch break with a colleague-LG



If You Want Forgiveness, Emily, Here’s Your Program

By 03November2022

Being lectured to, condemned, ridiculed and hated by elitist bullies is bad enough on a single day or for one issue.


This behavior went on for over two and a half years, for nearly a thousand days, in a thousand ways.  The economic, social, interpersonal, and educational costs associated with the idiotic mandates and unscientific policies will last a lifetime for many, and certainly shortened the lifetimes of many more.


The suggestion printed by the WEF-loving, pro-war lefties at The Atlantic is that they and their global team of unscientific lemming-like nanny-state bullies – just possibly – were a bit misinformed (not their fault) in 2020/21 regarding masking, untested genetic injections, and actual death rates, etc (not their fault).  This bully squad accepted without question the lies their government told them (not their fault).  They not only eagerly, but radically and angrily defended and promoted those lies (partly their fault).


They hope we understand that it wasn’t entirely their fault, and that they are still smart and educated.  They really just wanted to live and survive a flu-like disease with a death rate comparable to any other bad flu – and their nagging and incoherent jammering and name-calling was just so we also wouldn’t die – unless we refused the experimental free required shot and continued to live our lives and try and keep our businesses open, then if we died it was kind of funny to them.


Their excuse was fear, but in reality it was not fear at all, and nor was it hate although it looked like it. It was contempt from Day One.  Leftover contempt from the Trump era, pumped up and recirculated via a government over-response to a disease that now we understand to have been created via gain of function in a government lab by American scientists, including several who had close personal and professional relationships with Fauci. It was individual contempt, political contempt, and institutional contempt for the masses as demonstrated by the Gates Foundation and its compadres, the Democratic Party, and numerous government aligned institutions and industries.


Emily Oster wants us to forgive each other, but it isn’t hate they dished out to us.  If it had been, that hate might be forgiven.  If they hated us because they didn’t know any better – and now they don’t hate us anymore because they know better – well, that can be forgiven.


However, contempt is not something that can be “forgiven” by the formerly contemptible. Their contempt for us has nothing to do with us, and it isn’t our problem.  Their contempt for us should be eliminated – not by our “forgiveness” which is irrelevant – but by their own internal change, their own decisions, individually, that we are at least their equals, and quite possibly, in the case of the COVID policy fiasco, examples they could and should have followed, rather than condemned.


There are some steps that, if taken, would make me believe that they are serious. Oster has tossed out a veiled and somewhat worried request for a kind of “forgiveness” and tellingly she also used the word “amnesty.” She knows what we all know:  crimes were committed, and citizen trust in governing institutions and their university/media/industry cohorts has been broken and will not be easily restored.


Clearly, most people harmed by the myriad of bad policies and bad attitudes by the virulent anti-critical thinking crowd are no where near ready to forgive.  There could be a time for that after court cases are adjudicated, government bureaucrats fired, politicians kicked out of office, and the books and the science comes out from behind the shadows.  When the ghoulish merger of government and big Pharma and the medical institutions is destroyed, and we gain back the freedom we should have always had with regards to our health care decisions and actions, then there could be time for forgiveness.


I’d like to see a 12 step movement embraced and acted upon by people like Emily.  Addicts, like the The bullying anti-science left wing are addicts – they gave over personal responsibility to think and act soberly and fairly, to the thing they are addicted to – government centralized power and their own comfortable sense of superiority over people who disagree with them politically. To this end, I recommend that Emily Oster and all of her peers and allies:

  1. Admit they were powerless over their knee-jerk acceptance of government messaging, that their lives had become unmanageable, and yet they remained arrogant.
  2. Come to believe a Power greater than themselves could restore them to sanity – and that power is not the federal government or its associated bureaucracies and lackey institutions.
  3. Made a decision to turn their will and their lives over to the care of God as they understand God.
  4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of themselves, and their actions, beliefs and behaviors over the past 3 years.
  5. Admitted to God, to themselves and to another human being the exact nature of their wrongs.
  6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  7. Humbly asked God to remove their shortcomings.
  8. Made a list of all persons they have harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
  9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
  10. Continued to take personal inventory and when they were wrong, promptly admitted it.
  11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve their conscious contact with God as they understood God, praying only for the knowledge of God’s will for them and the power to carry that out.
  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, they tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all their affairs.


I’d be happy if they simply looked into half of these 12 –  choose any six steps and go for it.  But I imagine that none of these steps is what Emily and her ilk had in mind.


Maybe when their icons are sitting in jail, having lied publicly one too many times, and having participated in mass murder, they will recognize their addiction, and seek to make a personal change.  With Covid, this group of almost a hundred million Americans demonstrated a thousand days of collapses in critical thinking, a thousand days of lockstep unwillingness to question authority, and a thousand days of animalistic rage and aggression toward those who displayed a healthy distrust of large, nontransparent and unaccountable organizations and institutions.


So far, none of this is being addressed.  No doubt we will suffer these kinds of freedom-destroying government-driven movements again, be the crisis a man-made disaster, a false flag, or an act of God.  Next time, however, the other hundred million of contemptibles among us might not take it lying down.

Karen Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. [send her mail], a retired USAF lieutenant colonel, farmer and aspiring anarcho-capitalist. She ran for Congress in Virginia’s 6th district in 2012.

Copyright © Karen Kwiatkowski

JerusalemCats Comments: Sorry Evil is NOT a 12 Step Program! Even Adult Children of Alcoholics don’t do that kind of Evil. They may kill themselves 50% of the time but they won’t do that kind of Evil, Especially to children.



Hospitals See Most First Quarter Defaults Since 2011

by Tyler Durden, 04April2023 –

By Andrew Cass of Beckers Hospital Review

Bonds of eight hospitals lapsed in “impairment” – meaning they experienced covenant issues amounting to a technical or monetary default – in the first quarter of 2023, the highest number of hospitals disclosing default since 2011, Bloomberg reported March 31.

Hospitals' Financial Challenges

Hospitals’ Financial Challenges


Only one hospital disclosed default in the first quarter of 2022, according to the report.

The data comes from Municipal Market Analytics. Lisa Washburn, the organization’s managing director, told Bloomberg that an unusual aspect of the impairments is some are coming from large, highly-rated systems.


“Some of the unusual parts about the impairments that we’re seeing is that they are coming from sometimes large, highly-rated systems,” she said in an interview. “That’s actually something that struck us at the beginning of the year when it started to happen because you wouldn’t expect normally to see covenant breaches happening for an A-rated system.”


Ms. Washburn said that is due to a combination of negative investment returns in 2022, federal COVID-19 relief funds drying up and rising costs, particularly labor, according to the report. She added that a backlog of patients who need to move to nursing homes but cannot due to staffing shortages also have affected finances.


“And now add to it that debt costs are higher,” she told Bloomberg.


Another source of pressure is competition for patients, Chris George, a senior managing director at FTI Consulting, told the publication


“You’re seeing a very slow evolution of care moving to an ambulatory setting,” he said.


“A lot of local hospitals, their biggest challenge is access to capital,” George told Bloomberg in an interview. “It’s going to be a tough year this year.”



Democrats BEG for covid forgiveness after DESTROYING the lives of millions

02November2022 by:

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

(Natural News) In anticipation of the coming Nuremberg 2.0 criminal trials that will seek the indictment of covid co-conspirators who mass murdered millions of people across the globe, Democrats are now begging for “amnesty,” hoping we will all forgive and forget what they did to the victims. The raw tyranny and authoritarian spite demonstrated by Democrats in their mad push for mandatory vaccines, cruel lockdowns of children and the economic destruction of small businesses is simply supposed to be waved away and forgotten, according to Emily Oster, writing for The Atlantic, a left-wing globalist propaganda mouthpiece.


Oster — who pushed for vaccines, social distancing and masks — claims that the people pushing all the covid tyranny simply didn’t know what they were doing.


In other words, they were all just following orders and should therefore be forgiven. This is the same excuse offered by Nazis in East Berlin, who begged for mercy after slaughtering innocent civilians who were merely trying to escape tyranny.


According to rigorous estimates published by Steve Kirsh, Ed Dowd and others, covid vaccines have already likely killed more than one million people in America alone. Globally, at least 20 million people have been killed by these vaccines, with billions facing disability due to vaccine injuries.

An epic backlash against the tyrants

The backlash against Oster’s article has been truly epic. Across the ‘net, pundits and truthers unleashed a backlash of fury against Oster and The Atlantic for daring to suggest that all their crimes against humanity should simply be forgotten and forgiven without even an apology from those who mercilessly pushed covid tyranny (and destroyed millions of lives in the process). John Nolte from probably said it best in a recent article, stating:


There will be no forgiveness before there’s a reckoning for the mercenary liars who abused our elderly and children.

There will be no moving on before there’s justice for those who were bankrupted, fined, jailed, mourned alone, forced into lonely despair, and stripped of youth’s magic and irreplaceable moments.


Most of all, there will be no reprieve because you are not sorry; because given the opportunity, you will do it all over again; because you are vicious, heartless, mercenary, politically-driven bullies only asking for amnesty so you can catch us off guard the next time.


Nolte is correct. The left-wing covid tyrants — sometimes called covidians — have no remorse. They offer no apology. They are begging for mercy simply because they got caught abusing others, and they hope to never face the consequences for their own actions.

If you want forgiveness, here’s what needs to happen

We call for a legal and lawful process of investigating and indicting all those who pushed covid crimes upon the world, followed by prosecutions and due process court hearings. Nuremberg 2.0 needs to get under way so that the truth is told and those responsible are exposed for their crimes.


In addition, we suggest all the following actions:


1) A nationwide apology by all the media outlets who pushed covid lies, vaccine propaganda, mask nonsense and social distancing disinformation. Front page. Large font. Full admission of guilt.

2) The reinstatement of all the people fired for refusing masks, vaccines, etc., with full back pay.

3) The construction of a “COVID Wall of SHAME” monument specifically naming the criminals who are found guilty in taking part in this global covid conspiracy that targeted humanity. At the same time, we must also erect a “COVID Wall of HEROES” to publicly acknowledge those who told the truth, who stood up to tyranny and who saved lives by resisting the covid insanity. (Let’s start with Z for Zelenko…)

4) We need some guarantee that left-wing tyrants won’t try this again, because they are constantly seeking new ways to control people, destroy lives and achieve global depopulation. How can we be assured they aren’t already cooking up another nefarious toxin or pathogen to unleash upon the world?

I cover all this and more in today’s podcast via

– Democrats are begging for covid AMNESTY because they got caught
– But they have NO remorse, and they aren’t sorry. They are EVIL.
– Dems need to offer nationwide APOLOGY for covid tyranny, censorship and lies
– Those who were FIRED need to be reinstated with back pay
– All assets of vax pharma executives should be SEIZED
– Funds should be used to pay families of VACCINE VICTIMS
– We donate nearly $14K to California attorneys suing hospitals for covid murder
– Why God rewards those who pay it forward and don’t hoard money for themselves
– Eurozone inflation soars beyond 10% as Europe faces winter of collapse
– Nearly 40% of small businesses in USA can’t pay rent
– The US economy has been WRECKED by Biden and the Dems
– Important thoughts about FORGIVENESS – but only after apologies are given
– Which items still work after an EMP attack






Hear the full episode here:

Situation Update, Nov 2, 2022 – Democrats BEG for covid forgiveness after DESTROYING the lives of millions


Grunt Proof

Grunt Proof

Grunt Proof 09February2023

Hard facts for stubborn people:

  • 1. The NFL is woke AF, and invests heavily on keeping us fat and dumb on the couch forever
  • 2. NBA is literally owned by China
  • 3. FOX “news” is also controlled opposition and State Media. Everything on tv is
  • 4. If you complied at all with mandates, despite how tough you talk, you would have helped the Nazis.
  • 5. Genocides don’t just happen overnight. It takes years or decades of propaganda, spoiled, lazy, and compliant generations, for the right people to take over and start killing. And by then, it’s too late for anyone to stop it.
  • 6. Despite how crazy the rest of the world believes we are, there’s a reason there’s no black and white footage of Americans being put into Gulags or gas chambers.


We the People-Today#preparedlivesmatter

We the People-Today



The Age Of Amnesia

by Tyler Durden, Dec 16December2022

Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via The Epoch Times,

The main defense of Anthony Fauci in his legal deposition this month was pretty simple: he forgot. He said that he couldn’t recall nearly 200 times and versions of that many more. He said that he was so busy running his huge agency plus shepherding vaccines that he couldn’t possibly remember this or that email implicating him in a censorship scheme. He gets thousands of emails a day and there is no reason to think any in particular would grab his attention.


It’s all a bit implausible because we saw him on TV several times a day for the better part of three years. He was the hard-working actor out there. I do TV and interviews several times per week but I try my best to throttle them back and turn many down simply because they truly drain away energy and focus from other work. In short, they are all-consuming. The notion that he neglected issues of message in favor of serious science is an incredibly obvious strain on credulity.


So what was the point of this line of answer? Yes, he wants to save his skin. No question about that. But it occurs to me that there is another point too. He wants to model for the nation and the world how to think about the whole of the last three years. His view is that everyone should forget about it.


You have surely noticed this happening ever since the opening following lockdowns and the rest. We are all just supposed to forget. We are supposed to move on. I’ve heard already a thousand times that we never had a lockdown. There seems to be little in the way of official memory of two years of school closures or the shutting of churches on holidays.


We are being told to forget about the medical mandates that displaced millions from their jobs. We had relatives die and we couldn’t attend their funerals but we are supposed to forget about all that. I see claims daily that the censorship never really took place or wasn’t that bad really, so we should shut up already.


What about all the politicians who violated stay-at-home orders, went on vacations or got hairstyles, or were photographed partying without a mask even as they imposed them on everyone else? Hey, mistakes were surely made but let’s not make too big a deal of it.


Indeed, it was amazing to me how the most egregious and global attacks on human liberty in the name of public health were very quickly memory-holed by the major media, which we now know was the answer to public health agencies themselves the entire time. We all stood by in shock and wondered if we were the crazy ones.


That, after all, is the whole point of Orwell’s Memory Hole, the invention of an alternative history of the recent past that contradicts our own memories and invites us to believe that we are crazy or obsessed or otherwise thinking about things that truly do not matter. This is why the Memory Hole was so important in Orwell’s book. It becomes a means by which the population is controlled in its thinking and therefore in its psychological capacity to resist the next round of impositions.


This is why cultivating a solid memory is so crucial to the preservation of the good and civilized life. The barbarians all around us are constantly inviting us to forget so that we do not learn lessons and do not apply the lessons we learn. Instead we become blank slates for the ruling class to write on daily and then we are more likely to believe them. Better to never learn lessons at all. If we must learn something, it should be along the lines that we need more control and more acquiescence in the future.


Movements that truly seek to prevent horrors of the past must also seek to preserve memory. This is why there are Holocaust Museums, for example, to help us understand experiences that were not ours but from which we can still learn. Indeed, this is the whole point of learning in general, to extract wisdom from people and events that have come before in order that we can be better prepared to build a future.


People who invite us to forget are more than likely up to no good. It’s not just that they want to replace a real narrative with a false one. They want history to start over at any given moment so that we are more easy to manipulate in the future.


Perhaps this is why basic memory skills have been so de-emphasized in early childhood education for so long. It’s a true tragedy because young people do have a remarkable capacity for memorization. They might lack the ability to think abstractly or process difficult strings of logic but they do have the mental power to hear and repeat, which is why a classical education puts so much emphasis on this and probably why modern education regards memorization as a waste of time.


The urge to forget plays out in strange ways in our time. When accounts are banned on YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, so too are the archives of those accounts blown away so that we can longer access information about the recent past. That is intentional, otherwise the banning would be a mere blocking of new content. No, the whole point is to wipe out what we know or think we know.


This is one of the tragedies of the Trump ban on Twitter, for example. We lost a narrative record over years of important data points, making even writing the history of our times more difficult. So when the account came back, so too did our memories and then we could scroll through and verify a version of events that is closer to reality rather than the fake history we were being told to accept from on high.


We’ve been through almost three years in which powerful elites have done their best to wipe out history. I recall the chills I got down my spine when major media organs began putting trigger warnings on links older than a few months. The clear message was: this is no longer valid or reliable because things have surely changed. This is also why Fauci kept saying that the science has changed. It was a call for us to forget all the statements that contradict his latest statements.


In this way, we have entered into an age of amnesia with a ruling class that wants everyone to forget the wisdom of the past and even the events of recent history, to forgive but mostly to forget and move on like good little pawns in their game. Just do what we are told and forget everything else.


We can all resist this little game. We can access and, more importantly, we can consult the wisdom of the ages through books and poetry and religious teachings. If civilization is to survive the onslaught, it will be because we choose to remember and act on those memories in defiance of every demand that we forget.




Professor Lockdown Denies Ever Calling For Lockdown

by Tyler Durden, 06November2023 –

Authored by Will Jones via The Brownstone Institute,


In one of the more bizarre moments at the Covid Inquiry so far, Professor Neil Ferguson, the architect of Britain’s lockdown, today denied ever calling for the first national stay-at-home order – in the latest instance of lockdown backpedalling. 


The Mail  has more.

Professor Neil Ferguson’s terrifying March 2020 models warned that 500,000 Brits would die unless tougher action was taken to curb the virus’s spread.


It spooked Boris Johnson into adopting draconian restrictions that saw the country told they “must stay at home.” Vaccines — considered the only safe route out of the pandemic — were still months away from being deployed.


But Professor Ferguson, who quit his role as a SAGE adviser two months after being caught breaking social distancing rules to meet his married lover, today insisted he didn’t tell officials to plunge the country into a lockdown.

He told the UK COVID-19 Inquiry that the situation was “a lot more complex.”

The inquiry is in its second module, which is examining core UK decision-making and political governance.

Hugo Keith KC asked: “Do you feel that you did confine yourself to the provision of scientific advice, or did you become, despite your best endeavours, irrevocably involved in determination of policy?”

Imperial College London’s Professor Ferguson, nicknamed ‘Professor Lockdown’ for his infamous modelling, said it was a “difficult question to answer.”

He said: “I know I’m associated very much with a particular policy.


“But as you’ll be aware from the evidence I’ve given in my statement and statements of evidence, the reality was a lot more complex. 

“I don’t think I stepped over that line to say ‘we need to do this now.’


“What I tried to do was at times, which was stepping outside the scientific advisory role, to try and focus people’s minds on what was going to happen and the consequences of current trends.”

The epidemiologist drew heavy flak for his team’s modelling on the Covid pandemic. 

Professor Neil Ferguson modelling on the Covid pandemic

Professor Neil Ferguson modelling on the Covid pandemic


Their work suggested 500,000 Brits would die if nothing was done to stop the spread of the virus and there would be 250,000 deaths if two-thirds caught Covid.


Worth reading in full.


Ross Clark in the Spectator says that perhaps the most remarkable revelation from Professor Ferguson’s inquiry evidence is that “he spoke to and emailed Ben Warner at No. 10 on March 13th, three days before the Imperial paper [Report 9] was published.”


Warner was a data scientist brought into Downing Street by Dominic Cummings and whom Cummings later credited for inducing pandemic alarm in No. 10, so Ferguson contacting him directly beforehand is significant.


However, Clark notes that in his email to Warner,

Ferguson then stopped short of damning the Government’s policy of mitigation rather than suppression. In fact, if the Government decided to continue with mitigation, he wrote, ‘there is a rational basis to that decision which I would say the science supports.’ However, he added, the Government should make it clear how many people were likely to die.


“Intriguingly, Ferguson then went on to write: ‘This event is in the natural disaster category and the cure (e.g. massive social distancing, shutdowns) could be worse than the disease.’ In other words, he had at least considered the possibility that lockdowns could cause more damage than they were worth – but neither he nor anyone else seems to have tried to model this.”

Republished from DailySceptic




Vaccines Could Impact Mortality and Risks of Other Diseases: Study

A recent review found non-live vaccines tend to increase a person’s risks of all-cause mortality, as well.

By Marina Zhang
8January2024 Updated: 10January2024


Apart from potentially preventing a particular disease, vaccines may cause persistent nonspecific effects that can affect a person’s lifetime survival.


In a review published on Dec. 26 in Vaccine, researchers found that non-live vaccines like influenza, COVID-19, hepatitis B, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP) tend to cause adverse nonspecific effects (NSE), increasing a person’s risks of all-cause mortality and the potential risk of infections from diseases they are meant to protect against.


A live vaccine contains a weakened form of the pathogen, which is less virulent but capable of replicating in the body, thus mimicking the actual disease progression. Non-live vaccines use inactivated viruses, fragments, or genes of the pathogen to trigger an immune response without pathogen replication.


Live vaccines elicit a much stronger immune defense, typically requiring only one shot, while non-live vaccines result in a weaker response, often necessitating multiple shots.


So far, research has identified several non-live vaccines that cause adverse nonspecific effects, namely DTaP and Tdap, influenza H1N1, malaria, hepatitis B, inactivated polio, and COVID mRNA vaccines.


The Vaccine study singled out DTaP, influenza, malaria, hepatitis B, and COVID mRNA vaccines.


On the other hand, live vaccines such as the oral live polio vaccine (OPV), the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine for tuberculosis, and the smallpox vaccines all have beneficial nonspecific effects, according to the study.


“Live vaccines … elicit epigenetic alterations that train the innate immune system and increase immunity to unrelated infections. In opposition, non‐live vaccines may promote ‘tolerance’ that increases susceptibility to unrelated illnesses,” the authors suggested.


The study was primarily based on decades of work from Danish researchers Dr. Christine Stabell Benn and professor Peter Aaby.


“Our work is a tribute to their great scientific work that has not been recognized,” biologist Alberto Rubio-Casillas, one of the study’s authors, told The Epoch Times.

Non-Live Vaccines Are Like an ‘Ill-Prepared’ Army

“Historically, we’ve thought about the innate immune system as the first line of defense,” Dr. Benn told The Epoch Times.

It was thought that innate immunity could not store memory. To use war as an analogy, the immune system’s “army” could not learn from previous battles with pathogens. Adaptive immunity, on the other hand, could learn and be trained, forming antibodies to fight against the infection.


Therefore, for a long time, vaccines were evaluated based on their effects on the adaptive immune system, and antibodies were measured following vaccination.


But researchers in the Netherlands have since shown that the innate immune system can be trained. After vaccinating people with the BCG vaccines and harvesting some of the patients’ innate immune cells, researchers found that after vaccination, the innate cells exhibited a more robust immune response and demonstrated improved clearance of tuberculosis, as well as other bacteria and fungi when compared to patients’ prevaccination status.


However, the opposite was shown for non-live vaccines.


Thus, the innate immune system actually does learn something from its previous battles. This is called trained innate immunity.


Live vaccines, which mimic an actual disease, enhance the effectiveness of the innate immune system in defending against infections. Non-live vaccines, on the other hand, weaken the immune system’s ability to fend off infections.


In a TED talk, Dr. Benn compared infections to a competitive tennis match and live vaccines to a tennis coach. The tennis coach may change tactics and strategies, training the body to have “a wide variety of tricks” against the pathogen. Non-live vaccines, however, are like tennis ball machines that shoot out balls at a specific speed and spot. If a person only trains with a tennis ball machine, he or she will be less prepared for an actual match.


“So you may be ill-prepared and even worse off when a real opponent enters the court, and the balls start coming and hitting elsewhere than what you trained for,” Dr. Benn said.

Nonspecific Effects

Some vaccines result in positive nonspecific effects, but others may result in overall adverse nonspecific effects. The order in which vaccines are administered also factors in.


While non-live vaccines cause negative NSEs, administering a live vaccine after a non-live one neutralizes negative NSEs, Dr. Benn said.

This has been shown in studies evaluating the safety of measles vaccines, which are often given around the same time as DTP, a non-live vaccine. Studies have found that if the measles vaccine are given after the DTP vaccine, there is an overall positive effect, whereas if this order is reversed, then there is a negative effect.


“It seems that effects are strongest as long as the vaccine is the most recent vaccine,” said Dr. Benn.


Dr. Benn added that the BCG vaccine has long-term beneficial nonspecific effects “in spite of other vaccines being given afterwards.”


The DTaP vaccine has arguably the most evidence of adverse nonspecific effects. Girls who took the DTaP vaccine had a 50 percent higher risk of dying than boys who got it. Compared to girls who were DTaP-unvaccinated, vaccinated girls’ risk of dying was over 2.5 times higher.


Dr. Benn’s studies have generally shown that girls are at a greater risk of developing adverse nonspecific effects after being administered non-live vaccines.


Live Vaccines Replaced With Non-Live Vaccines

Non-live vaccines are increasingly replacing live vaccines. For example, live oral polio vaccines are no longer available on the U.S. market, and a non-live version is administered instead.


This substitution of live vaccines with non-live can pose potential health risks to the general immunity of the population, as the immune systems become less trained and potentially “lazy,” said Dr. Benn.


However, the main reason non-live vaccines are preferred over live vaccines is that they are believed to be safer for people with depleted immune systems.


Since a live vaccine causes mild disease in the body, people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome can develop a disease from the injection and may die since their bodies are unable to clear infections. Conversely, non-live vaccines comprise only disease components, so they cannot induce disease.


In this aspect, Dr. Benn said that the “risk of getting the real disease with the live vaccines has been seen as a bigger threat than I think it deserves.”


Research suggests that people with weaker immune constitutions due to age or chronic disease may sometimes benefit from having their immune systems trained using live vaccines.


In one study involving hospitalized older patients randomized to get the BCG vaccine or a placebo, the incidence of disease among those who took the BCG vaccine was about half the incidence of disease in the placebo group.

Health Authorities Still Skeptical

Despite the evidence suggesting the potential superiority of live vaccines, Dr. Benn’s research has been largely unacknowledged by the mainstays of academia.


“In my interpretation, whereas most researchers now acknowledge nonspecific effects, the major health organizations are reluctant to accept our findings because [the findings] imply the possibility that some vaccines may sometimes be harmful. So it is easier just to dismiss the whole thing,” she said.


“The vaccine skeptics, on the other side, may find that our observations on non-live vaccines confirm their worst fears—vaccines can be harmful—but they may be more reluctant to accept the beneficial effects. And their focus on the negative effects may make the vaccine supporters take an even more rigid stance.”


Immunologists now largely agree that some vaccines cause nonspecific effects, but how these effects should be quantified remains controversial.


This is because the nonspecific effects of vaccines are dependent on context, whereas a vaccine’s specific effects are generally considered context-independent. For example, females may make more antibodies than males and younger people more than older, but most people still get some form of immunity.


“In contrast, because the nonspecific effects act on the broader innate and general immune system, they are dependent on other factors going on in the immune system … like other health interventions that can alter and modify the nonspecific effects,” Dr. Benn explained. Not everybody will have the same benefit, she added.


Additionally, pharmaceutical companies may be more reluctant to produce live vaccines because they are harder to culture and manufacture.


“If you have ever tried to bake with sourdough, it’s a little bit like live vaccines; they are very dependent on the temperature of the room, the water used to culture it, and so on,” said Dr. Benn.


“But basically, all the live vaccines I’m talking about—they have no patents anymore, they’re super cheap to produce, and it’s some of the cheapest vaccines we have to make.”


Vaccine Safety: NSEs Versus Adverse Events

Though live vaccines tend to cause positive NSEs, that is not to say they cannot potentially cause adverse events. NSEs are considered a separate entity from adverse events, Dr. Benn explained. According to her, in rare cases, live vaccines may induce the actual disease in some recipients, such as people born with gross defects in their immune systems or who have severe immunodeficiencies, like fulminant AIDS.


In the case of COVID-19 vaccines, live vaccines were likely not considered due to concerns about the formation of recombinant viruses when a vaccinated person comes into contact with the circulating viral strain.


However, despite their potential beneficial NSEs, the COVID vaccines may still be associated with adverse events due to the presence of highly toxic spike proteins, which studies now link to long COVID and vaccine injuries.


In the medical textbook “The Immune Response,” the authors wrote that, in isolated cases, live viral strains administered to individuals can regain virulence, causing disease in recipients. Additionally, there is a risk of contamination with other viral strains during manufacturing.




Florida Grand Jury’s COVID Policy Report: Interventions “Not Administered Based on the Best Available Scientific Data”

The Grand Jury followed the science behind COVID policies…and found little trace of it to follow.

Posted by Leslie Eastman 5February2024 at 07:00am


Back in 2022, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis asked the state Supreme Court to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate possible crimes and wrongdoings the pharmaceutical industry may have committed against the state’s residents related to the COVID-19 vaccine. The plan was to have the Grand Jury impaneled between 12 and 18 months to investigate allegations and evidence.


The Florida Grand Jury has issued its first report. It is a disturbing review of the willingness of public health professionals to cooperate and the lack of scientific rigor used in developing pandemic response plans.


The entire 33-page report offers a master class in the type of analysis thoughtful review regular citizens can engage in when considering important issues of the day: “In a way, this Grand Jury has allowed us to do something that most Americans simply do not have the time, access, or wherewithal to do: Follow the science.”


While the entire document is worth reading for anyone concerned about the impact of COVID-19 policy on the nation, I will hit a few highlights.


To begin with, the Grand Jury received little cooperation from those in the administration associated with public health matters. The panel cannot compel cooperation, but its absence during this process, especially from those associated with The Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is extremely disturbing.

“Unfortunately, not all our investigative efforts have been met with fulsome cooperation,” the grand jury report states. “Some prospective witnesses have elected not to testify, often citing potential professional or personal consequences arising from their involvement with the Statewide Grand Jury process.”


“Occasionally, prospective witnesses have raised concerns about the underlying fairness of this Body,” it adds.


None of the federal agencies involved in the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines have been forthcoming with information, the grand jury has discovered, and the panel said it has no legal power to force the agencies to furnish information.


“The Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Army, among others, all had a substantial hand in the contracting, approval and distribution process for the COVID-19 vaccines at the center of our inquiry,” the report states. “These agencies have elected not to provide representatives to testify before this body, and federal law prohibits us from compelling their cooperation.”

In addition to the vaccine, the Grand Jury also weighed science related to the benefit of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs)…and found it wanting, especially in the area of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs).

“We have never had sound evidence of their effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 transmission in the form of reliable RCTs that demonstrated statistically significant benefits,” it said.


The grand jury scathed health agencies and the federal government for “fail[ing]” to accurately inform Americans on masks.


“[They hid to] avoid the potential embarrassment of the public health advice they championed being invalidated by evidence,” it said.


The jury found the public was also mislead on “social distancing.” During the pandemic, many businesses and Americans were told to space people six feet apart.


“It is not nearly as important how far away people are from one another as it is whether they are in an interior or exterior environment and whether that environment is subject to adequate airflow,” the jury said.


On lockdowns, the grand jury found that their usage only “modest[ly]” benefitted the “affluent” who could afford to stay home at the expense of children and Americans through age 40.

The Grand Jury’s experience aligns with the congressional hearing in which master COVID-policy maker Dr. Anthony Fauci could not recall exactly what science the 6-foot rule was derived from.


The report also contained important facts which are familiar to Legal Insurrection readers but which were apparently ignored over the course of three years of pandemic mania.

  • Jurisdictions that enforced lockdowns “tended to end up with higher overall excess mortality.”
  • “There have always been legitimate questions around the impracticality of individual adherence to mask recommendations, but once it became clear that the primary transmission vector of SARS-CoV-2 was via aerosol, their potential efficacy was further diminished.”
  • Social distancing is not “nearly as important … as it is whether they are in an interior or exterior environment and whether that environment is subject to adequate airflow,” information that they said is still “missing from the CDC’s Social Distancing Guidelines.”

The best part of the report summed up the quality of the “science” used in establishing pandemic policy [highlights mine].

As for their effect on overall SARS-CoV-2 risk, we cannot ignore the fact that these NPIs were not administered based on the best available scientific data.


In fact, many public health recommendations and their attendant mandates departed significantly from scientific research that was contemporaneously available to everyone: Individuals, scientists, corporations and governments alike. Often this research was ignored by institutional policymakers. Occasionally it was even attacked.

It is a sad state of affairs when something as simple as following the science constitutes an act of heresy, but here we are.


Importantly, while some of these NPIs may have shifted risk to later in time or from one group to another or had some speculative efficacy against viral spread when used in perfect laboratory conditions, comparative evidence suggests they did not significantly change the overall risk profile presented by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in terms of excess death, especially once collateral consequences are taken into consideration.

In conclusion, the Grand Jury found little science to follow. Its next report will likely make for further fascinating and disturbing reading.


Here is an X-thread that offers a point-by-point analysis of this report.


Tracy Beanz-tweet-2February2024-First Interim Report
🚨READ: The first presentation of the FL Grand Jury investigating COVID.

Note: they state they aren’t finished yet.

I will offer perspective and thoughts once I’ve read this.



Click to download PDF file Click to Download the report SC2022-1710 First Interim Report


Tracy Beanz-tweet-2February2024-First Interim Report

Tracy Beanz-tweet-2February2024-First Interim Report




Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines’ Efficacy Exaggerated, Effectiveness ‘Well Below’ 50 Percent, Researchers Say

A key problem with the clinical trial is that the definition of vaccinated and unvaccinated is unclear, the paper says.


By Marina Zhang
26February2024 Updated: 1March2024,


Researchers allege that biases and manipulation of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine clinical data have exaggerated vaccine efficacy and underestimated vaccine adverse events.


While most clinical trials would evaluate the effects of a drug from the day it is administered, these COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are not being evaluated from the first day the vaccines are given. A later date is chosen, which inflates the vaccine’s perceived efficacy and safety, researchers say.


It could make an ineffective vaccine — a COVID vaccine with zero efficacy — have a perceived vaccine effectiveness of up to 48 percent, said researcher Raphael Lataster on Feb. 26, citing a paper authored by professor Peter Doshi from the University of Maryland and others.


Unclear Definitions of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

Mr. Lataster, associate lecturer at the University of Sydney, spoke at Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-Wis.) Feb. 26 roundtable discussion on COVID-19 vaccines and public health messaging. He summarized findings from a collection of four commentaries published in a peer-reviewed journal, of which two were authored by him.


“We have found in the studies varying definitions of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated. Generally what we find is that they are ignoring COVID infections in the partially vaccinated,” Mr. Lataster said.


“In randomized trials, it is customary to define ‘time zero’ as the point in time, for each trial participant, when eligibility criteria are met, treatment is assigned, and follow‐up begins,” Mr. Doshi and another author wrote in one of the papers.


Instead, COVID cases in vaccinated individuals are only counted weeks after a person is vaccinated. In Pfizer’s clinical trials, a person is considered vaccinated and their COVID cases are counted a week after they received the second dose, whereas in Moderna’s clinical trials, a person is considered vaccinated two weeks after their second dose.


By substituting some of Pfizer’s phase 3 clinical data and defining a person as vaccinated or unvaccinated according to Pfizer’s criteria in the clinical trials, Mr. Doshi and his authors found that Pfizer clinical trial could inflate a vaccine with zero efficacy to 48 percent. Their finding was published in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.


Additionally, they found that this hypothetical number could further inflate to 67 percent due to other real-life factors during vaccine rollouts.


As older people were more likely to get vaccinated early on due to being more at risk of infections, this may reduce the perceived vaccine efficacy.


However, people were getting vaccinated at the time when COVID cases were peaking and people were generating natural immunity to the virus. The subsequent decline in COVID cases coincided with increased vaccination rates, which would then inflate perceived vaccine efficacy, according to the paper.


Millions of Lives Saved Based on Modeling

The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been promoted to have saved millions of lives. However, Mr. Lataster said that those statements may not reflect what happened in real life.


Mr. Lataster has been invited to partake in a study reviewing whether the mRNA vaccines have saved millions of lives.


“There are many problems we found, over twelve issues with how the data is utilized and estimated. For one thing, it’s [based on] a model and the map is not the territory,” Mr. Lataster said. The study is currently unpublished.


He said that they have also been looking at verifying claims that COVID-19 vaccines reduced severe disease, hospitalizations, and deaths.


One of the problems that has been identified is that most of these studies do not define or have different definitions of what counted as a vaccinated person.


Significant Number of Unconfirmed COVID Cases

According to an FDA briefing document, Pfizer acknowledged “3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID‐19 in the overall study population.”


These suspected cases were split almost evenly between the treatment and placebo groups.


The Pfizer vaccines were estimated to have over 90 percent vaccine efficacy because while 850 out of around 22,000 people in the placebo group contracted COVID, only 80 out of 22,000 vaccinated participants contracted COVID. This difference in proportion of COVID cases is how the researchers calculated the vaccine efficacy


However, if all of the suspected cases were indeed COVID-19 cases, having a similar proportion of COVID-19 cases between the treatment and placebo group “would have drastically brought down treatment efficacy estimates,” Mr. Lataster wrote in his commentary.


“In any case, you can argue that figure is well below the 50 percent required for approval,” Mr. Lataster said.

Underrepresented Adverse Events

While Pfizer and Moderna phase 3 clinical trials followed adverse events from the day of vaccine administration, they defined an individual as vaccinated only if several weeks had passed following vaccination.


Therefore, some of the adverse events that may have occurred soon after vaccination and would therefore be more strongly linked to vaccination would not be attributed to the vaccine, leading to underestimated adverse event rates.


Also, the recording of the adverse events is mostly reliant on unsolicited reporting by vaccine participants, especially for serious adverse events, according to Pfizer’s fact sheet for health providers. If the participant dies following the COVID-19 vaccine, the trial researchers may be unable to track this since they need reporting from the participants, according to Mr. Lataster.


COVID vaccination adverse event reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reports System show that more than 12 percent of deaths occurred on the day or the day after vaccination.


Furthermore, the placebo group was later given the COVID-19 vaccines, effectively “unblinding” them. This meant that researchers would be unable to compare the placebo and the vaccine group for potential long-term safety signals.


The Epoch Times reached out to Pfizer and Moderna for comments.


Marina Zhang

Marina Zhang is a health writer for The Epoch Times, based in New York. She mainly covers stories on COVID-19 and the healthcare system and has a bachelors in biomedicine from The University of Melbourne. Contact her at




COVID-19 Vaccine Protection Among Children Plummets Within Months: CDC Study

Agency says results show why it recommends kids get an updated shot.

By Zachary Stieber, Reporter
23April2024 Updated: 24April2024


Children who received an original COVID-19 vaccine have little protection against hospitalization just months after vaccination, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


Children initially have 52 percent protection against hospitalization but that estimated effectiveness plummeted to 19 percent after four months, according to the paper.


Protection against so-called critical illness also dropped sharply, from 57 percent to 25 percent, researchers found.
The researchers include CDC employees and the paper was published in the CDC’s weekly digest on April 18.


The study covered children who received two or more doses of the original Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines from Dec. 19, 2021, through Oct. 29, 2023.


The study involved children aged 5 to 18 who were hospitalized with acute COVID-19 and tested positive for the illness and compared them to a control group of children hospitalized with COVID-19-like symptoms but who tested negative for COVID-19.


Researchers drew data from the Overcoming COVID-19 Network, which includes health care sites in most of the United States, and ended up with 1,551 case patients and 1,797 in the control group.


The study found that “receipt of ≥2 original monovalent COVID-19 vaccine doses was associated with fewer COVID-19–related hospitalizations in children and adolescents aged 5–18 years; however, protection from original vaccines was not sustained over time,” Laura Zambrano, a CDC epidemiologist, and her co-authors wrote.


It also recorded a similar drop in protection against critical illness, defined as being placed on mechanical ventilation, vasoactive infusions, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or dying.


The researchers asserted that the results highlighted the current CDC guidance that all people aged 6 months and older receive one of the newest COVID-19 vaccines, which were introduced in the fall of 2023 with clinical data from just 50 humans and no efficacy estimates. The CDC only publishes papers in its weekly digest, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, after they’re shaped to “comport with CDC policy.” The papers are not peer-reviewed.


Ms. Zambrano did not respond when asked for data suggesting that the currently available shots provide longer-lasting protection than the original vaccines.


The CDC’s website says, in promoting vaccination, that COVID-19 vaccines are “effective at protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and dying” but the hyperlink that ostensibly supports the statement goes to a page that is not live.


U.S. authorities have been moving COVID-19 vaccines to a once-a-year model, similar to influenza vaccines. The model features updating the formulation of the vaccines on an annual basis, in an acknowledgment that any protection the vaccines give quickly wanes. The formulation is typically updated in the fall.


Just 14 percent of children, and 23 percent of adults, have received one of the newest vaccines as of April 6, according to CDC estimates. The available vaccines are messenger RNA (mRNA) shots from Pfizer and Moderna and an alternative from Novavax.


Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, noted that, according to the new paper, the maximum effectiveness estimates against hospitalization were 61 percent, regardless of how the data were sliced, that more deaths were recorded among the case patients, and the median hospitalization duration was four days for both groups.


“I do not see how a clinician whose concern is treating patients and whose job does not depend on pushing mRNA vaccines would find this a basis for recommending shots—quite the contrary,” Dr. Orient, who was not involved in the research, told The Epoch Times in an email. “It reeks of conflict of interest.”


Stated limitations of the paper include not assessing post-infection immunity and a lack of sequencing data.


The conflict of interest section runs 688 words and includes some of the authors reporting funding from Pfizer and Moderna or ownership of Pfizer stock.




Autopsies Link 73.9% of Post-Jab Deaths to the Shot

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola<

  • July 05, 2024

Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file post-covid-19-vaccination-deaths-pdf


  • A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections
  • The study, initially censored by The Lancet, analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found cardiovascular issues were the most common cause of death, followed by blood and respiratory problems
  • Researchers suggest the spike protein in COVID-19 vaccines may be responsible for side effects, potentially causing inflammation and clotting in various tissues and organs
  • Another study in South Korea found increased incidences of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease within three months of COVID-19 vaccination, particularly with mRNA vaccines
  • The article mentions censorship of research critical of COVID-19 vaccines and suggests seeking help from organizations like FLCCC for those experiencing post-vaccination injuries

A bombshell study that The Lancet1 pulled within 24 hours is finally seeing the light of day. Now published in the peer-reviewed Forensic Science International journal, the systematic review of autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 shots revealed 73.9% “were directly due to or significantly contributed to” by the injections.2 Canadian oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis posted on X:3

“This is a victory of SCIENCE over CENSORSHIP!! Incredible perseverance by first author Nicolas Hulscher who didn’t give up after LANCET pulled our paper within 24 hours after 100,000s of downloads for no legitimate reason. Big pharma put the squeeze on @TheLancet but has failed to stop us.


Our paper was delayed by one year, and those actions of CENSORSHIP and CANCELLATION led to many deaths that could have been prevented. This paper could be a game changer.”

High Likelihood of ‘Causal Link’ Between COVID-19 Shots and Death

Researchers including Makis, cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough and Nicolas Hulscher, an epidemiologist with the University of Michigan School of Public Health, searched for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 shots through May 18, 2023.


Their systematic review included 44 papers with 325 autopsy cases and one necropsy case, which is an autopsy performed on an animal. The average age of the people in these reports was 70.4 years. Most often, the cardiovascular system was involved in the death, followed by hematological issues, or blood problems, and respiratory issues. In 21 of the cases, three or more organ systems were involved.

The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days, but most deaths occurred within a week of the last shot. Three doctors who are experts in figuring out causes of death and studying diseases looked at each case separately.


They carefully examined all the information available for each person who died and concluded that in 73.9% of the cases, COVID-19 shots either directly caused or played a significant role in the person’s death. Among them, the primary causes of death were:4

Sudden cardiac death (35%)
Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)
Myocardial infarction (12%)
Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) (7.9%)
Myocarditis (7.1%)
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)
Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%)

“The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death,” the researchers concluded.5

What Was The Lancet Trying to Hide? ‘Lots and Lots of Vaccine Deaths’

In the video above from The Jimmy Dore Show, they discuss why The Lancet almost immediately pulled the concerning study.6 The journal stated, “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with The Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology. Preprints with The Lancet reserves the right to remove a paper that has been posted if we determine that it has violated our screening criteria.”7 As noted by The Daily Sceptic on July 6, 2023:8

“Without further detail from the Preprints with the Lancet staff who removed the paper it is hard to know what substance the claim that the conclusions are not supported by the methodology really has. A number of the authors of the paper are at the top of their fields so it is hard to imagine that the methodology of their review was really so poor that it warranted removal at initial screening rather than being subject to full critical appraisal.


It smacks instead of raw censorship of a paper that failed to toe the official line. Keep in mind that the CDC has not yet acknowledged a single death being caused by the COVID mRNA vaccines. Autopsy evidence demonstrating otherwise is clearly not what the U.S. public health establishment wants to hear.”

The censored paper has now been peer-reviewed, however, and its findings add further support to those who have been sounding the alarm about COVID-19 shot dangers all along. The researchers explain, “We found by independent adjudication that 73.9% of deaths were attributable to fatal COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes,” adding:9

“These results corroborate known COVID-19 vaccine-induced syndromes and show significant, temporal associations between COVID-19 vaccination and death involving multiple organ systems, with a predominant implication of the cardiovascular and hematological systems.


Criteria of causality from an epidemiological perspective have been met including biological plausibility, temporal association, internal and external validity, coherence, analogy, and reproducibility with each successive case report of death after COVID-19 vaccination combined with population-based studies describing mortality among the vaccinated.


Our findings amplify concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and their mechanisms.”

To answer the question of why The Lancet pulled the paper so quickly, The Vigilant Fox said:10

“Another COVID ‘conspiracy theory’ becomes reality as a bombshell study CENSORED by The Lancet has now been peer-reviewed. What were they trying to hide, you ask? Lots and lots of vaccine deaths.”

What Makes COVID-19 Shots So Deadly?

Most of the COVID-19 injections are linked to deaths, which suggests they share a common factor causing side effects, most likely the spike protein, the study suggests.11


Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs. “Spike protein is a deadly protein,” McCullough said.12 It may cause inflammation and clotting in any tissue in which it accumulates.13 In fact, some suggest that spike protein in COVID-19 shots was designed to cause severe disease.


In a study published in the journal Science, by researchers with the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, it’s revealed that the S-2P spike protein used in several COVID-19 shots binds more strongly to the ACE2 receptors in the heart, lungs, kidneys and endothelial cells of blood vessels in the body compared to the spike protein of the original SARS-CoV-2 virus.14


“Given the average time (14.3 days) in which cases died after vaccination, a temporal association between COVID-19 vaccination and death among most cases is further supported by the finding that SARS-CoV-2 Spike mRNA vaccine sequences can circulate in the blood for at least 28 days after vaccination,” the featured study notes.15


Further, it’s been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus.16 The spike protein is known to have deleterious effects on the heart, and COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis and heart attack are well-described in peer-reviewed studies.17 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) has also been reported after COVID-19 shots in both adults and children.


“A possible mechanism by which MIS occurs after vaccination could be the systemic distribution of the LNPs [lipid nanoparticles] containing mRNA after vaccine administration and the consequent systemic Spike protein expression and circulation resulting in system-wide inflammation,” the researchers explain.18 Given the study findings, they suggest that anyone who receives a COVID-19 shot should be monitored for at least one year:19

“The implications of our study apply to cases of unanticipated death without antecedent illness among COVID-19 vaccine recipients. We can infer that in such cases, death may have been caused by COVID-19 vaccination.


Further urgent investigation is required to build upon our results and further elucidate the pathophysiologic mechanisms of death with the goal of risk stratification and avoidance of death for the large numbers of individuals who have taken or will receive one or more COVID-19 vaccines in the future.


Autopsies should be performed on all diseased individuals that have received one or more COVID-19 vaccines. Clinical monitoring of COVID-19 vaccine recipients is indicated for a period of at least one year after vaccination to ensure the absence of serious adverse events that may lead to death.”

Potential Link Between COVID-19 Injections and Alzheimer’s Disease

In addition to deaths related to the cardiovascular system, McCullough and colleagues found COVID-19 shot-related deaths also involved the hematological system, pulmonary embolism and the respiratory system, while adverse events related to the gastrointestinal, immunological and neurological systems have also been reported after COVID-19 shots.20


A separate study investigated the association between COVID-19 shots and the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).21 The study involved 558,017 individuals in Seoul, South Korea, who were divided into two groups — those who received a COVID-19 shot and those who did not.


The findings showed an increased incidence of MCI and Alzheimer’s in those who received a COVID-19 injection, particularly in those who received mRNA shots, within three months post-injection. The mRNA vaccine group exhibited a significantly higher incidence of Alzheimer’s compared to the unvaccinated group.


The study suggests a potential link between COVID-19 shots, particularly mRNA injections, and increased incidences of Alzheimer’s disease and MCI. “This underscores the need for further research to elucidate the relationship between vaccine-induced immune responses and neurodegenerative processes, advocating for continuous monitoring and investigation into the vaccines’ long-term neurological impacts,” the researchers stated.

Rampant Censorship Downplays the Truth About COVID-19 Shot Dangers

In another example of the rampant censorship surrounding COVID-19 adverse effects, a now-retracted narrative review published in the journal Cureus called for a global moratorium on mRNA COVID-19 shots.22 The review cited significant increases in serious adverse events among those who received the injections, along with an “unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio.”23


When factoring in absolute risk and the “number needed to vaccinate” (NNV), a metric used to quantify how many people need to be vaccinated to prevent one additional case of a specific disease, the review found “for every life saved, there were nearly 14 times more deaths caused by the modified mRNA injections.”24


As for the paper’s retraction, McCullough, one of the paper’s authors, called it a “stunning act of scientific censorship.”25 In addition to calling for a global moratorium on mRNA COVID-19 shots, the authors of the paper said the shots should be immediately removed from the childhood vaccine schedule, while boosters should also be suspended.


“It is unethical and unconscionable to administer an experimental vaccine to a child who has a near-zero risk of dying from COVID-19 but a well-established 2.2% risk of permanent heart damage based on the best prospective data available,” the paper notes.26


The moratorium is warranted based on the shots’ risks of serious adverse events, the mechanisms behind those adverse events, mortality data and issues with inefficacy, vaccine control and processing.27 As with the featured Lancet study, the Cureus study was already incredibly popular, with more than 330,000 views/reads/downloads in one month compared to the average Cureus paper, which gets only 2,700 in an entire year.28


With each unwarranted retraction, more people will begin to ask questions about why this crucial information is continuing to be censored and withheld from the public instead of openly debated and presented to the public.

Injured by a COVID-19 Shot? Here’s Help

If you’ve had a COVID-19 shot and developed any unusual symptoms, seek out help from an expert. The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has a treatment protocol for post-jab injuries. It’s called I-RECOVER and can be downloaded from


Dr. Pierre Kory, who cofounded the FLCCC, has transitioned to treating the vaccine injured more or less exclusively. For more information, visit McCullough is also investigating additional post-jab treatments, which you can find on Finally, if you’re suffering from long vax, be sure to review my strategies for boosting mitochondrial health to allow your body to heal.



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