Monthly Archives: June 2013 – י״ח בתמוז ה׳תשע״ג

Smuggling Tefillin into Auschwitz

Next time The Yetzer (evil inclination) talks to you about not wearing Tefillin watch this: Holocaust survivor Leibel Zisman tells how he smuggled Tefillin into Auschwitz death camp. 23June2013 

You are a Princess

A Princess is modest (Tznius) in her dress. It does not have to be expensive or fancy, just comfortable, not tight or stretchy, and can  cover up. Even as a teenager Princess (Queen) Elizabeth dressed properly. Cover your Elbows, and Collarbone. Your Skirt should be mid-calf or lower. And Please no pants. Men wear the […]

Yerusalayim Torah Academy Graduates June 2013

We are very proud of our 18 graduates! They are continuing to integrate into Israeli society next year. Visit us at: phone:054-668-8876 :טלפון from Nefesh B’Nefesh: Yerushalayim Torah Academy for Girls The goal of YTA is to ensure a successful absorption for new immigrants in high school by focusing on each individual student’s needs. […]