

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-10December2024-THANK YOU, HASHEM, FOR THE MIRACLES
Israel missed the opportunity of doing mass teshuva after the miracles of the 6-Day War in 1967. History is repeating itself. Miracles in real-time right now:
1. The IDF is working overtime destroying the Syrian AF and sophisticated weaponry on the ground.
2. The Hermon has been liberated as well as strategic territory in the Golan.
3. Iran has left Syria with its tail between its legs.
4. Russia has retreated from most of Syria, confined to their AF and naval base on the Mediterranean.
5. Hezbolla is fleeing from Syria, chased by the rebels who seek revenge against them.
6. The leftist media here had doomsday predictions of hundreds of thousands of Hezbolla missiles raining all over Israel, Heaven forbid. None of it happened.
7. Civil Defense warned that we’d be for at least 3 days without electricity and water. None of it happened.
There are 100’s (1000’s) more pre-Moshiach miracles that I’m not even mentioning, such the liquidation of our enemies one-by-one and President Trump’s election victory…
All of Israel should be doing teshuva. At least, has anyone thanked Hashem? I will. Right now. If you also want to thank Hashem, repost this do give your followers a chance to thank Hashem. THANK YOU, HASHEM, FOR THE MIRACLES. The more we thank Hashem, the more reasons He’ll give us to thank Him.

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-10December2024-THANK YOU, HASHEM, FOR THE MIRACLES

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-10December2024-THANK YOU, HASHEM, FOR THE MIRACLES



“The G-d of vengeance has appeared” (Psalm 94:1)

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-12December2024-The G-d of vengeance has appeared
Pay close attention to Hashem’s timing: We are now in Kislev, the miracle month of Chanukah, and the week of “Vayishlach”, when we read Ovadiah’s prophecy of Hashem’s vengeace on our enemies.
Syria has always been our most dangerous enemy:
1. In 2007, Syria had North-Korean designed and built nuclear complex, a copy of the one in Yongbyon, NK, which produced plutonium for nuclear bombs. This was in the Syrian desert at Al Khibar, well isolated, concealed and heavily guarded. With Hashem’s help, Israel destroyed it in a daring “Operation Orchard,” the night of Sept. 5-6, 2007, the Syrians were only a few weeks away from producing bomb-grade radioactive materials.
2. The Syrians have had poison gas and chemical weapons for decades, along with at least 4 production facilities and dozens of stockpiles. Assad used them against his own people in the Ghouta attack of 2013. This too has always been a covert threat against Israel. Those of us who served on the Syrian border underwent special training how to protect ourselves from these nasty death agents. With Hashem’s help, this week, Israel destroyed at least 3 of the 4 production facilities as well as the stockpiles.
3. Sign of Moshiach: Hashem, with the IDF as His messenger, this week has destroyed this cruel enemy without a war. The cherry on top is Mount Hermon, which He has given us also.
4. Many of our young readers never heard of masterspy Eli Cohen, navigator Ron Arad and the valiant Golani soldiers atop Mount Hermon on Yom Kippur of 1973, wounded in battle and executed by the sadistic Syrians. Hashem doesn’t forget and He takes His revenge at the time He deems fit. In the case of Assad’s Syria, it has been this week.
Thank You, Hashem. In King David’s words, “The G-d of vengeance has appeared” (Psalm 94:1). And, in the words of Deborah, Judge and Prophetess, “Thus shall perish all Your enemies, Hashem” (Judges 5:31).
Anyone who can’t smell Moshiach on the way should schedule an appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-12December2024-The G-d of vengeance has appeared

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-12December2024-The G-d of vengeance has appeared


Operation Orchard

Operation Orchard



The Land of Israel has been gifted to us by Hashem

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-15December2024-The Land of Israel has been gifted to us by Hashem
The adjacent photo shows 3 prodigious tzaddikim zatza”l from the previous generation, whom I had the privilege of meeting personally and receiving their blessing: at left is the Lubavitcher Rebbe; top right is the Bostoner Rebbe and botom right is the Sadigora Rebbe.
Their common denominator was that they were uncompromising on the territorial integrity of the Land of Israel.
All 3 would have demanded Israel sovereignty over all of Mount Hermon and the Golan buffer zone, as well as the rebuilding of Gush Katif. These 3 teach us what uncompromising Jewish pride is.
Look what the Lubavitcher Rebbe said in 1982:
“The Land of Israel has been gifted to us by Hashem in our generation with open miracles. There is no doubt whatsoever that we are forbidden to touch it. No one has the right to touch it because it is ours as an everlasting inheritance! The Land of Israel belongs to every single Jew throughout the world, to every Jew of all previous generations, as well as to our children and grandchildren, given to us by G-d….
“There are those, Heaven forbid, who want to give away parts of the Land of Israel. These lands, still today, belong to Avraham, Yitzchok, and Yaakov, to the 12 tribes, to the 70 souls that went down into the Egyptian exile, to the 600,000 Jewish people, and to the generation which entered the land conquered by Yehoshua bin Nun. Not one single person is the owner to give away even one small piece of land, even half a piece, even one iota, because it is not his to relinquish!”
The IDF and Govt. must stop apologizing for taking all of the Hermon. The world condemns us anyway, so lets not heed them. It’s time to rebuild Gush Katif and make the Golan even stronger. Let’s not forget our biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria. There’s no such thing as territories. May Hashem bless us all with emuna and strong Jewish backbones. Kislev is the month to pray for both.

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-15December2024-The Land of Israel has been gifted to us by Hashem

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-15December2024-The Land of Israel has been gifted to us by Hashem



Syria:The collapse of the Assad regime, great opportunity, significant dangers

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-8December2024-syria-great opportunity-significant dangers
This is a historic day for the Middle East. The collapse of the Assad regime, the tyranny in Damascus, offers great opportunity but also is fraught with significant dangers.

We send a hand of peace to all those beyond our border in Syria: to the Druze, to the Kurds, to the Christians, and to the Muslims who want to live in peace with Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-8December2024-syria-great opportunity-significant dangers

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-8December2024-syria-great opportunity-significant dangers




Syria has fallen! Israel Attacks Syrian Military Assets.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2024-the IDF struck strategic weapons stockpiles in Syria
⭕ In 48 hours, the IDF struck most of the strategic weapons stockpiles in Syria to prevent them from falling into the hands of terrorist elements. 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗲’𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻:

⚓ Naval Operations: Israeli Navy missile ships struck 2 Syrian Navy facilities simultaneously: the Al-Bayda port and the Latakia port, where 15 Syrian naval vessels were docked.

🌊 Naval Targets: Dozens of sea-to-sea missiles with ranges of 80–190 km were destroyed. Each missile carried significant explosive payloads, posing threats to civilian and military maritime vessels in the area.

✈️ Air Force Operations: Manned aircraft flew hundreds of hours over Syrian airspace, conducting 350+ aerial strikes.

🎯 Targets Struck: A wide range of targets, including anti-aircraft batteries, Syrian Air Force airfields, and dozens of weapons production sites in Damascus, Homs, Tartus, Latakia, and Palmyra.

❌ Assets Neutralized: Numerous strategic assets, including Scud missiles, cruise missiles, surface-to-sea, surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missiles, UAVs, fighter jets, attack helicopters, radars, tanks, hangars, and more.

🪖 Ground Operations: The IDF conducted air strikes on 130 assets in Syria, including weapons depots, military structures, launchers, and firing positions.

🎥This footage is from the perspective of the munitions that were sent to strike these targets.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2024-the IDF struck strategic weapons stockpiles in Syria

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2024-the IDF struck strategic weapons stockpiles in Syria




Open Source Intel-tweet-8December2024-Israel Attacks Syrian Military Assets

The Israeli Air Force describes one of the heaviest attack days in Syria since the Yom Kippur War. Dozens of aircraft carried out nearly 100 strikes against Syrian army targets in rapid succession, focusing primarily on weapons, Assad’s Air Force, including aircraft.

Open Source Intel-tweet-8December2024-Israel Attacks Syrian Military Assets

Open Source Intel-tweet-8December2024-Israel Attacks Syrian Military Assets



Israel destroying chemical weapons plants in Syria

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-8December2024-Israel destroying chemical weapons plants in Syria
In addition to Israel’s capturing the Syrian Hermon and buffer zone to keep the Jihadis away from our border, our sources say that Israel has done a great service to humanity by today destroying the chemical weapons plants in Massyaf (w. of Hama) and Dummar (s. of Damascus).

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-8December2024-Israel destroying chemical weapons plants in Syria

Rabbi Lazer Brody-tweet-8December2024-Israel destroying chemical weapons plants in Syria



IDF strikes on a Assad weapons warehouse last night

Open Source Intel-tweet-10December2024-IDF strikes on a Assad weapons warehouse last night

Insane footage of IDF strikes on a Assad weapons warehouse last night.

Open Source Intel-tweet-10December2024-IDF strikes on a Assad weapons warehouse last night

Open Source Intel-tweet-10December2024-IDF strikes on a Assad weapons warehouse last night




Israel obliterated Syria’s remaining chemical weapons stockpile, air-defense systems, and air force

JoeHoo-tweet-9December2024-Israel obliterated Syria chemical weapons stockpile air-defense systems and air force
0vernight Israel obliterated Syria’s remaining chemical weapons stockpile, air-defense systems, and air force, including Iranian military positions.

And approximately $20 billion worth of Iranian supplied weapons

JoeHoo-tweet-9December2024-Israel obliterated Syria chemical weapons stockpile air-defense systems and air force

JoeHoo-tweet-9December2024-Israel obliterated Syria chemical weapons stockpile air-defense systems and air force




Strategic masterstroke by Israel

Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁-tweet-10December2024-Strategic masterstroke by Israel
Strategic masterstroke by Israel. In perhaps the most intensive bombing campaign in its history, Israel has destroyed the Syrian air force, air defences, navy & army assets plus defence industries & C2I. Looks also like chemical weapons neutralised/seized. IDF ground forces secured defence lines inside Syria. This eliminates a significant threat to Israel & further degrades & neutralises the remnants of Hizballah. It is also yet another hammer blow to Iran.

Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁-tweet-10December2024-Strategic masterstroke by Israel

Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁-tweet-10December2024-Strategic masterstroke by Israel



Israeli hamantashen destroys Syrian MIG-29 Fleet

Hashem-tweet-10December2024-Israeli hamantashen destroys Syrian MIG-29 Fleet
Syria 🇸🇾 has a large fleet of MiG-29 aircraft.


There are none left.
JerusalemCats Comments: That triangle is a hamantashen

Hashem-tweet-10December2024-Israeli hamantashen destroys Syrian MIG-29 Fleet

Hashem-tweet-10December2024-Israeli hamantashen destroys Syrian MIG-29 Fleet



Israel is destroying Assad’s navy

Eylon Levy-tweet-10December2024-Israel is destroying Assad’s navy
Israel is destroying Assad’s navy to prevent it falling in the hands of the Al Qaeda spinoff that just seized Syria.

Israel keeps the world safe.

Eylon Levy-tweet-10December2024-Israel is destroying Assad’s navy

Eylon Levy-tweet-10December2024-Israel is destroying Assad’s navy




Time to rethink the borders of the Middle East map

by Eric  R. Mandel, opinion contributor – 12/27/24 1:30 PM ET


Most Americans are unaware that today’s Middle East is an artificial construct created by British and French diplomats (Sykes and Picot) after World War I to advance their empires’ economic and political interests. They carved up the Middle East map with the stroke of a pen, and we have lived with the consequences ever since.


The San Remo Conference in 1920 codified colonial interests out of the remains of the defunct Ottoman Empire. Ethnic, religious and topographical considerations were ignored or minimized.


Now, just over a hundred years later, we are at another crossroads in the aftermath of the collapse of Syria, one of the Western-created nation-states. Many wars have been fought to keep these artificial states together, but they have more compelling reasons to be divided than to stay whole. As Conrad Black wrote in Brussels Signal, “The collapse of the Assad government in Syria must rank as the final unflattering death knell of the attempts at nation-building by the victorious Allied leaders at the end of World War I.”


Is 2025 the year we finally are ready to acknowledge the harm of jamming together religious and tribal groups who hate each other? The multi-ethnic state model works in the United States because Americans desire it. The world may not be ready to redraw the boundaries of the Middle East but it should not be under the false illusion that ignoring the false divisions will lead to fewer cycles of persecution, torture, religious extremism and authoritarian rule.


Syria, today’s shiny coin for international attention, is another mock nation imagined by the Brits and French. For the last 44 years, it was ruthlessly ruled by an Alawite minority led by the Assad family, who persecuted the majority Sunni population.


Unfortunately, the Syrian uprising in 2024 is led by Sunni jihadists funded by the ascendent Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Turkish President Recep Erdogan and his Qatari partners. Erdogan’s goal is the resurrection of the Ottoman empire and acquiescence to Turkish hegemony in the Muslim Middle East. The Muslim Brotherhood is the ideological bedrock of political Islamism and radical jihadism, which ranges from Hamas to al Qaeda to HTS (Tahrir al-Sham), the latter the most likely group to dominate Syria in 2025 and beyond.


HTS’ leader, Abu Mohammed al-Golani, appears to have learned the lessons of past jihadist confrontations with Westerners and will be patient to gain their misplaced trust. He knows if he says the words they want to hear — democracy, freedom of religion, tolerance, respect for human rights — they will offer tens of billions of dollars for reconstruction of his war-torn nation. America and the West are happy to be fooled over and over again.


Logic says Syria could be divided into an autonomous America-aligned Kurdish region, a small Alawite region on the Mediterranean Coast, and, unfortunately, a Turkish-dominated Sunni jihadist entity in the rest of the rump nation. Most of the Christian population has been chased away and exiled out of fear of persecution. Syrian Druze may prefer to join their families on the Israeli side of the Golan.


Despite the optimism of the Syrian people captured in American media, Syria today feels more like the early excitement of the Arab Spring (2011), which quickly turned into an Arab Winter of repression.


Iraq, another artificial nation, was created with British commerce and dominance in mind. The colonial powers installed a king not indigenous to Iraq as compensation for broken British and French promises. The Hashemites were given newly created monarchies in Iraq and Jordan. The Iraqi king was deposed in the 1950s, but the multi-ethnic and sectarian divided nation remained intact.


From 1979-2003, Iraq was ruled by the tyrant Saddam Hussein, who persecuted the majority population until the U.S. invasion, which led to cycles of vengeance and war without America doing what was most needed, creating three states in Iraq. The Kurds in the north, the Shiites in the south, and the Sunni majority in the center would form states roughly along ethnic and traditional lines. The Kurds, an indigenous people who were promised their own country, were betrayed by the European powers. Today, they are persecuted in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.


The Iranian-dominated nation of Iraq will keep oppressing its minorities until the Iranian empire of evil next door is overthrown by the Iranian people, something that should be an American foreign policy goal, stated publicly, supported with aid where possible, but not backed by U.S. troops on the ground.


Which brings us back to how this all happened. Skyes and Picot redrew the Middle East according to colonial desires while ignoring the profound differences in religion, culture, clan and territory that had been in place for centuries, spawning a century of strife and persecution.


So many of the promises were broken, leaving a bad taste in the mouths of Middle Eastern peoples with long memories. The ancient and indigenous Jewish people were promised, as the lines were being drawn by the colonial powers, an area from the Mediterranean through today’s Jordan, which was whittled down to less than 20 percent of what was pledged.


Yet, Israel could be a model for nation-states in the Levant because it was created for a people of shared history, tradition, indigeneity and religion. Unfortunately, unlike their Muslim neighbors, only they can give full rights to their minority citizens, because they adopted a Western-style democracy. This does not negate the possibility of autonomy for the Palestinians unless their lodestar remains the elimination of the Jewish State.


In Jordan, the Brits installed a Hashemite king from the Arabian Peninsula, but his monarchy is not indigenous to the Levant. Lebanon, another artificial construct, was initially supposed to be Christian-dominated in alliance with France, but is now a failed state due to demographic changes that led to a Shiite plurality allied with the hegemonic Islamic Republic of Iran.


Lebanon, too, should be divided, but the international and Western powers are blinded by their misconceived historical perspective, thinking that Lebanon, Syria and Iraq are millennial old nations, where in fact, they are less than a century old.


None of this is optimal, but this is the hand the region has been dealt. The Middle East has been such a basket case for so long that perhaps a newly reimagined region based on ethnic and religious realities is needed to reverse the damage colonial interests created a hundred years ago.


In America, the foreign policy pendulum has swung to the isolationist side, which risks missing an opportunity to advance our regional interests. We can learn from the mistakes of nation-building in Iraq while working with the people of the region who want to be our allies. This is a path forward for U.S. foreign policy.


Those Syrian rebel enthusiasts would be wise to listen to the lyrics of the rock band The Who, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” Under a new administration, America should help the Middle East learn to sing a new tune.


Eric R. Mandel is the director of the Middle East Political Information Network and senior security editor for the Jerusalem Post’s Jerusalem Report.



Islamic terrorists are capturing and torturing Christians in Syria

Cheryl E-tweet-9December2024-
It doesn’t ever matter which Islamists run a country… the end result is always the same. And as always, the entire world will watch and do nothing.
REAL JEW-tweet-9December2024-Islamic terrorists are capturing and torturing Christians in Syria

Islamic terrorists are capturing and torturing Christians in Syria.

REAL JEW-tweet-9December2024-Islamic terrorists are capturing and torturing Christians in Syria

REAL JEW-tweet-9December2024-Islamic terrorists are capturing and torturing Christians in Syria




The Syrian Druze of Mt. Hermon request officially to be annexed to Israel

6 Syrian Druze villages in the Suweida governate in southern Syria request to be annexed to Golan, Israel.
They fear the Islamists now controlling Damascus “They (HTS) will come for our women and daughters…”.

Deνiουs-tweet-13December2024-The Syrian Druze of Mt Hermon request officially to be annexed to Israel
The Druze of Mt. Hermon(Jabal Al Sheikh) request officially to be annexed to Israel.
“They (HTS) will come for our women and daughters…”.

Deνiουs-tweet-13December2024-The Syrian Druze of Mt Hermon request officially to be annexed to Israel

Deνiουs-tweet-13December2024-The Syrian Druze of Mt Hermon request officially to be annexed to Israel




Elder of Ziyon logo

Elder of Ziyon logo

Let’s compare how much Syrian territory Israel controls with how much Turkey illegally occupies

Elder of Ziyon 10December2024


Lots of antisemites are looking at Israel going into the former buffer zone in Syria to help defend Israel from any threats. They are saying that this is evidence of the “greater Israel” plan, of Israel’s ast expansionist desires to eventually control the entire region from the Nile to the Euphrates.


Let’s look at how much land Israel is now occupying. (Most maps from Critical Threats.)


Opposition Advances in Southwest Syria 9December2024

Opposition Advances in Southwest Syria 9December2024


It is the little patch of blue next to the much larger Golan Heights.


Now let’s zoom out and look at who is controlling all of Syria today.<


Reported Control of Terrain in Syria-9December2024

Reported Control of Terrain in Syria-9December2024


You can hardly see the blue area.


But look at the light yellow areas in northern Syria.


Those are controlled by the “Syrian National Army.” The SNA is a Turkish proxy – essentially, Turkey’s “Hezbollah.” It is funded by Turkey, armed by Turkey and all of its military decisions are made by Turkey.


Turkey controls 22 times the area Israel controls – 8,835 square kilometers.


And the Turkish presence is not only in the yellow sections. As of 2021, one think-tank counted 113 Turkish military bases and outposts in Syria: within 5 governorates: 55 in Aleppo, 43 in Idlib, 9 in Raqqa, 4 in Al-Hasaka and 2 in Lattakia.


Map of Turkey's bases and posts in Syria

Map of Turkey’s bases and posts in Syria


Unlike the Russian and Iranian bases in Syria, the Turkish bases are in no danger of being taken over by the rebels.


This has been going on for many years, and there are probably fewer articles about Turkish occupation of vast parts of Syria in the past decade than on Israel taking over tiny parts of Syria in the past couple of days.


But that is not the only thing that Western media has been downplaying about these areas.


Turkey considers a 20-30 km wide swatch of Syrian territory along its borders to be a “safe zone” – which is a buffer zone that it controls or intends to control. And within that zone are illegal settlements.


You see, Turkey has been expelling hundreds of thousands of Kurds from these territories – building settlements, and forcibly populating them with Sunni Muslim Syrian refugees who fled to Turkey. They are changing the demography of the area with settlements that almost no one talks about.


Turkey’s policy of occupation, ethnic cleansing and settlement enterprise in parts of Syria violates international law. Almost no one discusses this and European governments, fearful of Turkish reactions and threats to send millions of refugees their way, are reluctant to emphasize this – but no one outside Turkey disputes this.


How many Syrians has Israel displaced? From all accounts – zero.


Here is a great example where the main story is true – Israel did indeed take over 400 square kilometers of Syrian territory, as a temporary measure until there is a dependable government or other arrangements that can guarantee Israel’s security. But when you compare that to the entire size of Syria and the amount of land controlled by other foreign nations, the real story turns out to be the one that everyone is ignoring.



433 days ago, Israel found itself in its darkest hour

Itamar Avni-tweet-13December2024-433 days ago
🔺 Destroying the Syrian army 🔺 Route to Iran is clear 🔺 End to UNRWA ops in Israel 🔺 Druze call Israel to annex them🔺

Middle East Report / Friday, December 13

“War does not determine who is right, only who is left.”
– Bertrand Russell

🔺 433 days ago, Israel found itself in its darkest hour. The horrible slaughter of Israelis on #October7Massacre broke the hearts of Jews and many others around the world, but also shattered the dreams of ever sharing the land peacefully with the #Palestinians.

433 days later, after facing tremendous challenges on every possible front, I believe there is one clear victor. You don’t have to be religious to realize that the prayer for the IDF soldiers was true: “For it is the Lord your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you.” Events of Biblical scale are happening before our eyes as the Jews rise from the ashes to smite their enemies.

Jews rise from the ashes to smite their enemies

Jews rise from the ashes to smite their enemies

#Iran, the master of the evil ring of fire around Israel, as well as #Hamas and #Hezbollah, underestimated Israel’s ability to sustain the losses and keep fighting for 14 months. Hamas was minimized to the area of Khan Yunis. Hezbollah teased Israel for 11 months, then was struck with plagues it never imagined. And only a week ago did we witness the collapse of the Iranian-supporting regime in #Syria. A years civil war that lingered for 13 years ended with a blitz that took 11 days only, and old Syria was gone.

🔺 Never forget that Biden’s administration wanted to stop Israel from fighting for its life and survival. So many tease me that Israel is nothing without the US. In reality, it’s the opposite. Without the US the war would take 2 months, not 14. 40,000 Palestinians could still be alive, most of Gaza would be standing and the Israeli hostages would be home long ago.

🔺 All eyes on Syria now. On the range between losers and winners, #Turkey is certainly on the winning side. Turkey aided and supported the rebels and now Syria is hers. It can keep annexing the huge “buffer zone” that it created inside Syria along their shared border, by that have better access to the Kurds that it hates so much.

The Syrian people on the other hand are facing very challenging times. The Alawites are trying to escape into Lebanon or flee to other countries. What will be the fate of those who can’t run away?
The rebels, now the government, are hunting people from Assad’s regime. In videos down this thread, you will see what Syria will look like in the near future. Executions in the streets and fields, just like that. These are Israel’s new neighbors. The rebels, lest you forgot, are former Al-Qaeda or ISIS. Who knows what religious fanaticism they’ll bring with them?

The #Kurds are holding the eastern side of Syria, after retreating from other, central, areas, but it’s still quite a large portion of the country. The Kurds are supported by the US and under the radar they are in close ties with Israel. Can Syria be run in peace and harmony as a single state with these groups working together singing Kumbaya? I highly doubt it, certainly when one of the groups is led by radical Islam. The best solution (which should have been enforced right after WWI) is to create 3 states or cantons – Muslim, Kurdish and Druze. Let each have an autonomy in his area, and Israel could finally enjoy a friendly non-Arab neighbor on its border for the first time in 76 years. Just imagine.

An amazing story came out today from the #Druze villages along the #Golan border. Druze leaders of 6 villages near the Israeli border, joined together and called Israel to annex them to the Golan. They’d rather live as Israelis than put their faith in the hands of the rebels. As I said earlier, we are seeing tectonic plates moving in the Middle East, all thanks to Israel’s insistence to keep fighting till victory. The largest Druze concentration is located south of Damascus and close to Jordan, in a mountainous area called Mount Druze (Jabel al-Duruz). The video that was released today puts the Druze in clear danger – Israel, Jordan and the US must help keep them safe.

🔺 And now Israel, finally enjoying an Iran-free Syria. Once the picture became clearer, Israel knew it had a once in a lifetime opportunity to get rid of one of its greatest threats. On Sunday, when the news of the rebels entering Damascus arrived, Israel set out to one of its largest air campaigns ever – to destroy the Syrian army before anyone will put his hands on the weapons.

Israel has destroyed the Syrian air force

Israel has destroyed the Syrian air force

According to the IDF’s estimations, 86% of Syria’s air defense systems were destroyed. This practically gives the IAF freedom to fly without interruption above Syria (till recently one of the densest place on earth missile-wise) all the way… you guessed it… to Iran. 90% of the MIG-29 fighters, 80 of the Sukhoy-24, air defense systems, most of the Syrian navy, suspected locations of chemical weapons, intelligence bases, research and manufacturing sites and much more. Huge Iranian investment went up in flames in a matter of days.

It was a battle in the presence of one side only, zero Syrian resistance, which will cripple Syria’s ability to threaten Israel in the next decade. Another step that Israel took is to take control of the buffer zone on the border.

The Golan Heights

The Golan Heights

The armistice agreement (1974) after the Yom Kippur war included a demilitarized buffer zone guarded by UNDOF. These are the yellow lines you see in the map. As the rebels advanced south, they attacked a UN post in the buffer and Israeli forces went in to help. The Syrian army abandoned its posts and ran away, against the 1974 agreement, and the IDF filled the gap.
If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from October 7 (and yet need to implement in Lebanon) is that we no longer have the luxury to let barbarians reach our border. For that reason, Gaza now has a 1 km security strip along the borders. Anyone getting closer will be shot. For that same reason, an Israeli elite unit reached the higher peak on the Hermon mountain as its Syrian guards left it. The defense minister already instructed the IDF to prepare to stay there all winter.

🔺 As the negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza are gearing up, Israeli defense minister said “the war will not be over as long as there’s even one hostage in Gaza.”
Be skeptical about what you see in the news. 90% is fake, attempts by all sides to influence the other for a better deal. The major change this time is that Hamas suddenly finds itself alone. The only proxy still fighting alongside it are the Houthis. They launch drones and ballistic missiles from time to time which hardly makes any effect, but while they keep trying it seems that Israel is losing its patience. My guess is that we’ll see some kind of a retaliation in the next few days.

🔺 Last October, the Israeli Knesset passed a law with an astonishingly large majority (92:10, and against an American objection) that will forbid any #UNRWA activity in Israel. According to the new law, passed 59 years too late, UNRWA will not have any representation in Israel, nor supply any service or hold any operation on Israeli territory, directly or indirectly. All it’s activities in East Jerusalem will be stopped and Israel will take over. The law will take affect on January 28.

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of UNRWA, and many countries objected to the Israeli step. Lazzarini threatened UNRWA will have to stop its activities when the law kicks in. The workers in the West Jerusalem HQ already got their termination letters. Hallelujah.
The Israeli law, just to clarify, does not prohibit UNRWA from operating, only that it won’t be able to do so from Israel. It only makes sense that an organization educating children to die as martyrs in a holy war against Israel, won’t work IN Israel. No more inciting against the Jewish state while sleeping in a luxurious Tel Aviv hotel.
Besides, it’s about time Palestinians will pay for their education and healthcare with their own money. Maintaining them as a needy society that can’t do anything by itself for 76 years (except for terror) only keeps peace away.

🔺 In the meantime, Israel keeps hunting the participants of the Oct 7 invasion. Just like after the 1972 Olympics massacre, when Israel tracked and killed each and every terrorist who was part of the plan, the same happens now with a special Shin Bet team working 24/7 to bring justice to the Israeli victims. Every one who crossed the border that day knows by now that there’s a cross on his back. Time to say goodbye.

Got to the bottom of the Middle East Report but not following Chief Hasbara Officer yet?😘
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