Monthly Archives: July 2013 – י״ט באב ה׳תשע״ג

A response to the EU Boycott of Yesha Israel

IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism EU Recommends Boycott Against Israelis in Yesha EU court mandates labeling of Israeli ‘settlement’ products Margaret Thatcher’s Amazing Prophecy On The EU The Arab League Boycott and WTO Accession: Can Foreign Policy Excuse Discriminatory Sanctions? EU and UNHCR Blacklisting effects on Arabs The European Union Labels Itself Biased European Union […]

The Third Temple – Dayenu

Dayenu From the Pesach Haggadah How many levels of favors has the Omnipresent One bestowed upon us: If He had brought us out from Egypt, and had not carried out judgments against them Dayenu, it would have sufficed us! If He had carried out judgments against them, and not against their idols Dayenu, it would […]

Buy locally and live safe

The Green Zionist Alliance The Future is Local, the Future is Organic With all the concern about: Monsanto GMO Crops and GMO Food Links To Leukemia The Japanese Fukushima nuclear fallout Mutating Fruit, The use of Herbicides, Fungicides; and Pesticides Organophosphorus Pesticides killing school children in India US Companies use numerous questionable ingredients such as: synthetics […]