Monthly Archives: April 2014 – כ״ח בניסן ה׳תשע״ד

YOM HASHOAH יום שואה

How Nazis taught German children to hate Jews The forgotten horrors that hide in the Holocaust’s long, dark shadow How many could have been saved if Israel was reborn in 1938 instead of 1948? British complicity in the German Holocaust National Socialist Movement rally and other Anti-Semites Yom HaShoah Thousands attend funeral in Jerusalem for […]

“What Needs to be Checked for Shatnez” Updated List

From Jerusalem Kosher With yomtov on the horizon many of us are buying new garments for family members. Often there is a measure of confusion surrounding what garments require checking to rule out the presence of shatnez.JKN’s shatnez expert presents the updated 2014 “What Needs to be Checked for Shatnez” list in PDF format. […]


Hitbodedut – An Introduction to Personal Prayer Emuna Outreach has been working overtime lately. We’re increasingly using the medium of video presentations to deliver the message of Jewish Outreach and Rebbe Nachman’s teachings far and wide, quickly and enjoyably. Olive_grove2 Today, you’re invited to ride out to the Judean Hills with me. Far off the […]