Aliyah, Health & News

Israel map throughout history

Map: Europe according to Russia-2010

Map: Europe according to Russia-2010

Map: Europe according to Germany-2010

Map: Europe according to Germany-2010

Growing Anti-Semitism in Europe Ruben Ridderhof - 14 August 2018

Growing Anti-Semitism in Europe Ruben Ridderhof – 14 August 2018

Growing Anti-Semitism in Europe

Ruben Ridderhof – 14 August 2018

‘Never again.’ Year after year people around the world repeat these words during Holocaust memorial events, and of course, they mean what they say. Yet European policymakers seem clueless about how to reign in the increase of anti- Semitism. In some countries, it seems that even the government itself is infected. Although not all Jews in Europe feel unsafe, they do feel a growing unease.

Map-The State Of Unemployment In Europe June2022

Map-The State Of Unemployment In Europe June2022


The State Of Unemployment In Europe

by Tyler Durden 14August2022 – 03:45 PM

As Statista’s Anna Fleck shows in the infographic below, based on new data from Eurostat, in June 2022 the EU countries (plus the UK) where unemployment was most widespread were Spain (12.6 percent), Greece (12.3 percent) and Italy (8.1 percent).

In contrast, Switzerland (2.0 percent), the Czech Republic (2.4 percent), Poland (2.7 percent) and Germany (2.8 percent) had the lowest rates.

This compares to the average rate for the European Union of 6.0 percent, which is an improvement on the 7.2 percent average of the year before.

Eurostat reports that around 12.931 million men and women were unemployed in the EU in June 2022.

This is an improvement on June 2021, when 2.311 million more people had been without a job in the EU.

In terms of youth, an estimated 2.546 million people under 25 were unemployed in the EU as of the latest reading.

The rate was slightly worse for women, at 6.4 percent, versus for men, at 5.7 percent.

World-Population-Cartogram-2015 Source:

World-Population-Cartogram-2015 Source:

These Are The States With The Most Hate Groups

These Are The States With The Most Hate Groups

These Are The States With The Most Hate Groups

Who-exports-what-goods-20160308 The map of the world shows each country's major export. Source: BofA

Who-exports-what-goods-20160308 The map of the world shows each country’s major export. Source: BofA

11 regions of North America

11 regions of North America

This map shows the US really has 11 separate ‘nations’ with entirely different cultures

Matthew Speiser Jul. 27, 2015,

Hypothetical map of a split up United States of America

Hypothetical map of a split up United States of America

"America according to Common Sense 2011 It's called a stereotype for a reason...

“America according to Common Sense 2011 It’s called a stereotype for a reason…

Native American languages spoken by US state_Map

Native American languages spoken by US state_Map


Obama as Walking Eagle

Obama as Walking Eagle

US Suicide rate by State infographic: Suicide rates rose across the US from 1999 to 2016.

US Suicide rate by State infographic: Suicide rates rose across the US from 1999 to 2016.

Suicide rising across the US

Suicide rates rose across the US from 1999 to 2016.


Antisemitism and the conflict – explained in two simple maps

30December2019 David
This is the entire story of antisemitism and the Israel / Arab conflict delivered in two simple maps. One map is based on Jewish populations in the 1930s, the other Jewish populations today. The maps are not just of Europe or the Middle East, but the entire Europe, Middle East and North Africa region. People love to make everything seem complex. Sometimes the best thing to do is cut out the noise:

Map: Jewish populations Europe and MENA region 1930s

 Map: Jewish populations Europe and MENA region 1930s

Map: Jewish populations Europe and MENA region 1930s

Map: Jewish populations Europe and MENA region 2010s

Map: Jewish populations Europe and MENA region 2010s

Map: Jewish populations Europe and MENA region 2010s

If anyone notices any important mistakes, let me know. The figures in the maps are a collation of official European pre-holocaust figures, scholarly estimates from the Arab ethnic cleansing of their Jewish populations and contemporary population figures. Only significant populations of 50k+ have been considered unless the population is smaller but still a sizeable % of the total population.Put the two images side by side and everything suddenly becomes clear. The horrific scale of the destruction of Jewish communities. But also the antisemitic obsession with Israel. Some spend their time arguing that anti-Zionism isn’t antisemitism, but just look at the maps. Tell me that having hounded, persecuted, expelled and murdered their Jewish communities throughout the regions, that the current obsession with that one tiny concentration of Jews that is left – the Jews in Israel – isn’t driven by antisemitism.


 look at the maps. It does not matter if the hate is coming from an Islamic flag, the Soviet flag or the Swastika. In the end they all got rid of their Jews. Now, chillingly, they all fixate on the oasis that the Jews ran to

look at the maps. It does not matter if the hate is coming from an Islamic flag, the Soviet flag or the Swastika. In the end they all got rid of their Jews. Now, chillingly, they all fixate on the oasis that the Jews ran to

Much of it was far-right genocide. In other places Islamist ethnic cleansing or rising Arab nationalism. Elsewhere it was soviet / marxist persecution. Each of these antisemitic forces points the finger at the other – most in total denial about the antisemitism in their own camps. But look at the maps. It does not matter if the hate is coming from an Islamic flag, the Soviet flag or the Swastika. In the end they all got rid of their Jews. Now, chillingly, they all fixate on the oasis that the Jews ran to.
Sometimes you don’t need to argue. You just need to stop and to look.

Leaving Mitzrayim and its Spiritual Realm


Posted on January 18, 2010 (5770) By Rabbi Pinchas Winston

At the end of the 430 years, on precisely that day, all the hosts of God went out from Egypt. (Shemos 12:41)

LEAVING MITZRAYIM IS NOT EASY. Indeed, it is far easier to leave Egypt than it is to leave Mitzrayim. Jews have come to and gone from Egypt for thousands of years now, but they have barely left Mitzrayim, if at all. In fact, every day of our lives we are trying to do exactly that, whether we are aware of it or not.

You thought they were the same place? Once they were, in Moshe Rabbeinu’s time. However, though Egypt has stayed where it was since that time, Mitzrayim has moved around and spread out. Now, it is possible to be as far away from North Africa as America, and still be in Mitzrayim, in a big way.

This is because Mitzrayim is a spiritual reality, while Egypt is a physical one, and though they can overlap, they don’t have to. For, though Egypt is defined by its geographical borders, Mitzrayim is defined by conceptual borders, and if you don’t know what they are, then you can “live” there and not even know it. And, to live there and not know it is to be stuck there.

This is why the Haggadah tells us each year to look at ourselves as if we too left Mitzrayim, because that is what we must do. Therefore, the Haggadah is really telling us to make a point of understanding what Mitzrayim is, so that we can recognize it for what it is, and escape it. Amazingly, so few Jews do, and as a result, so few Jews have.

Where to start? Well, to understand Pharaoh, the king of Mitzrayim as well as of Egypt that time, is to understand Mitzrayim. In very general terms, he was the bad guy. But, there have many types of bad guys throughout history, and we need to know precisely what kind he was, in order to know what we are trying to leave behind.

The following line from last week’s parshah is a good start:

Pharaoh said, “Who is God, that I should obey him and let the Jewish people go? I do not know God, nor will I let the Jewish people go.” (Shemos 5:2)

Now, from the above statement, one might assume that Pharaoh was unaware of God. However, as Rashi points out at the beginning of the parshah, that was not so, since Pharaoh specifically chose to drown the Jewish children to avoid Divine punishment, knowing that God punishes measure-formeasure, and that He promised never to bring a Flood again after the one He used to destroy just about all of mankind. Had Pharaoh just been playing a game with Moshe Rabbeinu?

No. As the commentators point out, though Pharaoh was aware of God, he was only aware of a certain aspect of God, which we call Elokim. This is the level of Divine revelation that is responsible for the creation of the entire world, and the day-to-day running of it, but in such a way as to give rise to the notion of something called “nature,” or consistent miracle, giving mankind the impression that there is a reliable order to everyday life.

In fact, so reliable that, in general, the weak fall prey to the strong, and the pure are victimized by the impure. Indeed, it is a world in which you can cheat and get away with it, at least for a while, and in some cases, a long while. People always have. People still do, causing many throughout history to ask the question: Why do bad things happen to good people, and good things to bad people?

The trick is, as Pharaoh learned from Noach’s generation, is to get out of the game while you are still ahead. It is possible, Pharaoh assumed, to play poker with Elokim. After all, there probably had been plenty of people who had lived freely, dying happily before the Flood ever came. And, had the rest of the people of Noach’s time simply heeded the warnings and done teshuvah before the Flood began, then they also would have had their cakes and eaten them too.

It’s like living in the path of a glacier. There is no question that doing so can be dangerous, but naturally-speaking, it takes a certain amount of time for a glacier to descend down a mountain, something that can be calculated. As long as nature is allowed to run its course unabetted, and the townspeople move in time, then danger can be avoided.

Likewise, Pharaoh gambled, since Elokim works, naturally-speaking, measure-for measure, and naturally-speaking, water was no longer an option for punishing him, then, naturally-speaking, he had time before God could find another way, naturally-speaking, to take revenge against him for his evil and genocidal behavior.

Moshe Rabbeinu was sent to Pharaoh to inform him that, though he may have been right until now, history demanded that another, higher level aspect of God enter the picture at that time:

Therefore, the wicked shall not be vindicated in judgment, nor the sinful in the assembly of the righteous. For, God attends the way of the righteous, while the way of the wicked will perish. (Tehillim 1:5)

It’s not that God, appearing as Hovayah, was going to break His own rules for Creation. It was that God, as Hovayah, was about to take advantage of rules built into Creation, mentioned right there in the fine print, that allow Him to overturn the natural order of Creation to expedite important historical events, such as the exodus from Mitzrayim.

“Hmm, interesting,” Pharaoh told Moshe Rabbeinu. “I can’t recall seeing that happen anywhere before. It would certainly be a first for history,” he mocked Moshe.

“Well, at least on this scale,” Moshe Rabbeinu mocked him back, unfazed by his intransigence. “And, you will be the first leader to be toppled in such a way!”

“Hmm,” Pharaoh thought more deeply, pulling at his long Egyptian beard, pretending to be weighing the odds. “It sounds menacing .” he said, faking concern, “but I am going to have to assume that you are bluffing.”

By Your light may we see light. (Tehillim 36:10)

Therefore,” Pharaoh continued, changing his tone and sounding menacing himself, impressing the Egyptian courtiers standing around him, “I think I will take my chances and not free your people. Indeed, I am going to increase their hardship, and let the people themselves blame their troubles on you and your God!”

Extend Your kindness to those who know You, and Your charity to the upright of heart. Let not the foot of the arrogant come to me, and let not the hand of the wicked move me. (Tehillim 36:11)

Like strong medicine that can only be taken in increments, the plagues were doses of Hovayah delivered in increasing amounts of revelation. Because, there is a downside to Divine revelation: decreased free-will. The point of free-will is to use it to do that which reveals the hand of God in life to mankind. The more God does it Himself, the less mankind has to do it on his own, and therefore, the less reward he will receive in the World-to- Come for doing so.

Therefore, for our sake, God remains hidden as long as possible, except to the person who has already found Him. And when history demands that He reveal Himself, He does so in increments, so that after each revelation, there is still some room left to make a free-will decision to say, “Hey, that’s gotta be the hand of God making all that happen!”

THAT is what it REALLY means to leave Mitzrayim, which, as we see from the story of the Exodus, can happen while a person is still in Egypt, or America, or anywhere else in the world of that matter. Indeed, a person can even be living in Eretz Yisroel and be living in Mitzrayim at the same time, though he is not in Egypt at all! There are many Jews doing exactly that today here in the Holy Land, because they insist on living on the level of Elokim, if even that.

The word “Charedi,” which means “one who fears,” only has meaning if the one whom he fears is God, and nothing else. Therefore, to earn that title, one must fear only God, and know that, no matter what someone does to him, it is all min HaShamayim-from God. The human perpetrators are only shlichim-messengers of God-though, as always, they’ll have to answer to God why they were so good at it.

In other words, being Charedi in the true sense of the term has less to do with the uniform that one wears than it does with one’s attitude towards Divine Providence, though obviously, on some level, the two issues will overlap. How one dresses is also an expression of one’s level of fear of God, or to be more accurate, of one’s seeing of God. And, certainly if one does dress the part, he should live up to the implication, or risk being a Chillul Hashem-a profanation of the Name of God.

And, since the reality of Mitzrayim is not tied to geography, mitzvos designed to help us break away from it apply even beyond the borders of Egypt, long after Pharaoh and his people were wiped away. Mitzvos such as the Eglah Arufah (Devarim 21:1), the ceremony performed upon finding a dead body, but not the murderer, or Petter Chamor (Shemos 13:11), which requires the owner of a first born donkey to redeem it with a sheep which must be given to the kohen.

In each case, the neck of the animal is broken from the back, the arufah, which in Hebrew has the same letters as Pharaoh. For, the attitude, in each case, that leads to the necessity of breaking the back of the neck is a Mitzrayim-like attitude, one of selfishness, and a lack of clarity regarding Who it is that gives man what he needs to survive, and therefore, how to treat other people.

Do you want to leave Mitzrayim, wherever it is that you live? Do you want to complete your journey that began over three millennia ago, perhaps even ahead of the rest of the nation, which will only do so once Moshiach comes? After all, that is why it is called “Keitz HaYomim,” that is, “the end of the days.”

Which days?

The 190 years that we left Egypt early, before we were done, leaving us still in Mitzrayim until this day. That is why, says the Ben Ish Chai, that the gematria of keitz is 190, to indicate that only once Moshiach comes and reveals God to all of mankind, will the words of Zechariah be fulfilled:

On that day, God will be one and His Name will be one. (Zechariah 14:9)

But, in the meantime, individuals can leave early. They can personally leave Mitzrayim early if and when they stop saying “Who is Hashem?” when they stop betting on nature, trying to have their cake and eat it too, trusting that, if nature is allowed to run its course, they’ll be enough time to do teshuvah, and leave exile while it is still safe.

Historically, the individuals who made the break and left Mitzrayim often left their host nation in exile on time as well. The nation, which like Pharaoh, gambled against time, historically, has always fared far less well. And, if you want more details, then you can buy my book, “No Such Victim: A Book About Divine Providence and How To Work With It,” on line at At the very least, it will help you leave your very own Mitzrayim.


Copyright © by Rabbi Pinchas Winston and Project Genesis, Inc.

Rabbi Winston has authored many books on Jewish philosophy (Hashkofa). If you enjoy Rabbi Winston’s Perceptions on the Parsha, you may enjoy his books. Visit Rabbi Winston’s online book store for more details!


US drought conditions 2014-06-03_usdm

US drought conditions 2014-06-03_usdm

Click to download PDF file Click to download US-drought-conditions-2014-06-03_usdm



Click to download PDF file Click to download  US-drought-conditions-2014-07-29_usdm



Click to download PDF file Click to download  US-drought-conditions-2015-03-24_usdm

Winter rainy season

Winter rainy season



Heavy rains from late October through March mark the rainy season in California, bringing the majority of yearly rainfall to the region. Each year during the winter rainy season,

Map showing how temperatures across the US at the beginning of January 2014 have differed from the average between 1981-2010

Map showing how temperatures across the US at the beginning of January 2014 have differed from the average between 1981-2010



Ohr Somayach


The Ten Plagues – Live From Egypt

by Rabbi Mordechai Becher
In the early 19th Century a papyrus, dating from the end of the Middle Kingdom, was found in Egypt. It was taken to the Leiden Museum in Holland and interpreted by A.H. Gardiner in 1909. The complete papyrus can be found in the book Admonitions of an Egyptian from a heiratic papyrus in Leiden. The papyrus describes violent upheavals in Egypt, starvation, drought, escape of slaves (with the wealth of the Egyptians), and death throughout the land. The papyrus was written by an Egyptian named Ipuwer and appears to be an eyewitness account of the effects of the Exodus plagues from the perspective of an  average Egyptian. Below are excerpts from the papyrus together with their parallels in the Book of Exodus.
(For a lengthier discussion of the papyrus and the historical background of the Exodus, see Jewish Action, Spring 1995, article by Brad Aaronson, entitled When Was the Exodus? )

2:5-6 Plague is throughout the land. Blood is everywhere.2:10 The river is blood.2:10 Men shrink from tasting – human beings, and thirst after water3:10-13 That is our water! That is our happiness! What shall we do in respect thereof? All is ruin. 7:20 …all the waters of the river were turned to blood.7:21 …there was blood thoughout all the land of Egypt …and the river stank.7:24 And all the Egyptians dug around the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river.

Papyrus dating from the end of the Middle Kingdom

Papyrus dating from the end of the Middle Kingdom

2:10 Forsooth, gates, columns and walls are consumed by fire.10:3-6 Lower Egypt weeps… The entire palace is without its revenues. To it belong [by right] wheat and barley, geese and fish6:3 Forsooth, grain has perished on every side.5:12 Forsooth, that has perished which was yesterday seen. The land is left over to its weariness like the cutting of flax. 9:23-24 …and the fire ran along the ground… there was hail, and fire mingled with the hail, very grievous.9:25 …and the hail smote every herb of the field, and broke every tree of the field.9:31-32 …and the flax and the barley was smitten; for the barley was in season, and flax was ripe.But the wheat and the rye were not smitten; for they were not grown up.10:15 …there remained no green things in the trees, or in the herbs of the fields, through all the land of Egypt.

archaeological proof of the splitting of the red sea-Chariot Wheel

archaeological proof of the splitting of the red sea-Chariot Wheel

5:5 All animals, their hearts weep. Cattle moan…9:2-3 Behold, cattle are left to stray, and there is none to gather them together. 9:3 …the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle which is in the field… and there shall be a very grievous sickness.9:19 …gather thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the field…9:21 And he that did not fear the word of the Lord left his servants and cattle in the field.

archaeological proof of the splitting of the red sea-Chariot Wheel

archaeological proof of the splitting of the red sea-Chariot Wheel

9:11 The land is without light 10:22 And there was a thick darkness in all the land of Egypt.
4:3 (5:6) Forsooth, the children of princes are dashed against the walls.6:12 Forsooth, the children of princes are cast out in the streets.6:3 The prison is ruined.2:13 He who places his brother in the ground is everywhere.3:14 It is groaning throughout the land, mingled with lamentations 12:29 And it came to pass, that at midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive that was in the prison.12:30 …there was not a house where there was not one dead.12:30 …there was a great cry in Egypt.
7:1 Behold, the fire has mounted up on high. Its burning goes forth against the enemies of the land. 13:21 … by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night.
3:2 Gold and lapis lazuli, silver and malachite, carnelian and bronze… are fastened on the neck of female slaves. 12:35-36 …and they requested from the Egyptians, silver and gold articles and clothing. And God made the Egyptians favour them and they granted their request. [The Israelites] thus drained Egypt of its wealth.

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Hail Pounds Saudi Desert, Kills Cattle in Swaziland

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz 9December2018

Hashem said to Moshe, “Hold out your arm toward the sky that hail may fall on all the land of Egypt, upon man and beast and all the grasses of the field in the land of Egypt.” Exodus 9:22 (The Israel Bible™)


UN To Investigate 10 Plagues As Possible Crimes Against Humanity

UN To Investigate 10 Plagues As Possible Crimes Against Humanity

The Council has already appointed Canadian professor William Schabas to head the commission, citing his experience with similar inquiries.


United Nations logo

United Nations logo

Geneva, April 1 – The United Nations Human Rights Council has appointed a commission to collect and analyze evidence that the ten plagues wrought against Egypt violated international law, and may constitute crimes against humanity.

Egypt submitted a request last month to the Council alleging that the release of the Israelite nation was secured under duress, and that the Israelite god had perpetrated mass atrocities in the process. As part of the negotiating strategy with the Pharaoh of the time, the Hebrew god YHWH repeatedly struck the nation with various calamities, disrupting life, agriculture, commerce, diet, and causing an unknown number of deaths and injuries. The request asked the Council to investigate, noting that although the events took place nearly 2,500 years ago, there is no statute of limitations on such crimes.


Specifically, the commission’s mandate includes a series of ten events in the year leading up to the Israelite exodus, with the addition of a mass murder allegation charging that on the way out, YHWH disproportionately smote the entire cavalry corps of the Egyptian military. The commission will also explore the evidence of two accessories to the crimes identified as Moses and Aaron, brothers who may have participated in some or all of the alleged atrocities.


Investigators will have to sort through varying accounts of the events, but the broad outline of the narrative has been broadly accepted for some time. After encountering Egyptian resistance to his demands, YHWH dispatched Israelite brothers Moses and Aaron to threaten the Pharaoh over possession of at least 600,000 Hebrew slaves that the god wanted to acquire for himself. YHWH allegedly transformed the Nile to blood, then caused a massive frog infestation; according to some reports, vicious and venomous other reptiles also descended upon the land. The first two came with a threat, but then YHWH brought lice with no warning.


The pattern repeated when Moses threatened and brought wild beasts and animal pestilence, but initiated boils with no warning – though some reports claim swarms of gnats instead of beasts; and again, when he threatened hail and  locust swarms, but caused thick darkness even in daytime with no advance warning. Finally, YHWH allegedly resorted to actual killing, when he smote all of Egypt’s firstborn males.


The commission will attempt to depose Egyptians claiming to be eyewitnesses or victims, then build a coherent case for or against recommending that the International Criminal Court open a formal criminal investigation. However, several important hurdles may impede its work, chief among them an apparent paucity of survivors to interview, leaving only documentary evidence of disputed veracity. Such problems have not hampered other UNHRC commissions in the Middle East, since they often amount to a technicality in the foregone conclusion envisioned by the report authors, but if a bona fide criminal case by the ICC is the goal, and not mere political posturing, then rules of evidence may eliminate the vast majority of universally accepted credible sources.


The Council has already appointed Canadian professor William Schabas to head the commission, citing his experience with similar inquiries.



Civil war RISK, state by state: Is your state likely to be drawn into kinetic conflict as the rule of law disintegrates across America?

29December2019 by:


Apocalypse Soldiers

Apocalypse Soldiers


(Natural News) Democrats are now all-in on the effort to spark a civil war in America before Trump can win re-election in 2020. The philosophy of Democrats, of course, is, “If we can’t rule it, we will destroy it.” And they know the Trump administration in inching closer every day to revealing the full breadth of corruption and criminality of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey and other treasonous criminals (including John McCain).
Notably, all Americans need to understand that until John Brennan, James Comey, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are arrested and indicted, there is no legitimate, functioning rule of law in America. If the most malicious, treasonous criminals can still walk the streets as free people, even after carrying out the most heinous conspiracy of crimes against America, then we do not have any functioning rule of law at all.
If a civil war is ignited in 2020, it won’t be like the North vs. South arrangement of 1861 – 1865. Rather, it will be structured as a series of state-focused mini-civil wars that pit the armed, rural, pro-American patriots against the treasonous, lawless, anti-American Democrats in their capital cities.
Conflict will be local or regional, in other words, not national. If such conflicts occur where you live, you could very easily find yourself caught up in life-threatening disruptions such as power grid outages, local martial law or truckers refusing to enter the war zones, resulting in long-term supply line outages of food, fuel, medicine and other important supplies.
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That’s why it’s important to consider the areas where local or regional civil war conflicts are likely to occur.

The states most likely to experience civil war conflicts if the lawless Democrats manage to ignite the war they want

Analysis: Such civil war scenarios are most likely to occur primarily in:

  • Democrat-controlled states
  • …that have large regions of conservative residents outside the capital cities
  • …where Democrats are increasingly aggressive in depriving rural residents of their Second Amendment rights
  • … and where gun ownership among private citizens is high

The states with the most restrictive gun laws are shown in the following map:


Strict gun control laws by state

Strict gun control laws by state

As you can see, states with the most restrictive gun laws include California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Minnesota, Illinois, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and virtually all the NE states except for Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
Among those states with the most restrictive gun laws, the states with the largest rural areas include California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Minnesota, Illinois and Pennsylvania.
This map shows the percentage of gun ownership among citizens of each state:


Gun ownership state map

Gun ownership state map

Note that even in anti-gun states with strict gun control laws, gun ownership is often one-quarter of the population or higher, indicating firearms ownership is very common.
And here’s a relatively recent map of which party is in charge of the governorships of each state (slightly outdated):


State Governers-2018

State Governers-2018

The states that fit the criteria for possible flare-ups of local or regional civil war are:

  • Virginia (due to its recent activity attacking 2A sanctuaries)
  • Washington
  • Oregon
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Minnesota
  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania
  • Illinois

I would put Oregon, Virginia, Washington and Colorado at the top of that list. Virginia, for example, is currently engaged in an active campaign to ignite kinetic conflict over “gun sanctuaries” (2A sanctuaries) which the ruling Dems of Virginia claim they will not recognize. They’ve also passed a new budget with extra funding designated toward throwing gun owners in prison. It’s almost like they’re begging for an armed uprising. (In fact, that’s exactly what they want so that the national media can paint gun owners as domestic terrorists.)

Other states that may experience local conflicts as the rural citizens seek to eliminate pockets of left-wing tyranny

Even in states that are currently run by conservatives, there are always pockets of left-wing tyranny that may be rooted out once the rule of law collapses. After all, Leftists have been violently attacking Trump supporters in the streets for years, demonizing them with false claims of being “Nazis,” even while Leftists themselves are running fascist censorship campaigns ripped right out of the Third Reich.
I’ve learned from various sources that cops, in particular, are ready to seek out and take out Antifa terrorists who have been involved in violent attacks targeting law enforcement.
Thus, there exists the potential for local conflicts in all the following states, although this risk is likely lower than for the states mentioned earlier:

  • Nevada
  • Utah
  • Idaho
  • Wyoming
  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Montana
  • Kentucky
  • Texas
  • Nebraska
  • Kansas
  • Oklahoma
  • Iowa
  • Missouri
  • Arkansas
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Michigan
  • Wisconsin
  • Indiana
  • Tennessee
  • Alabama
  • Georgia
  • Ohio
  • West Virginia
  • Maine
  • New Hampshire
  • Vermont

Among those states, the ones most likely to experience smaller, local conflicts are probably New Mexico, Texas, Michigan and Georgia, all of which are mostly rural states characterized by extreme corruption and tyranny of Democrats who seek to destroy the rights of rural citizens.

States with strong democrat control throughout

States where Democrat control is so strong that no pro-America forces are likely to challenge their power include:

  • Connecticut
  • Maryland
  • New York
  • New Jersey
  • Rhode Island

California has a special status in all this, given that Gov. Newsom has his own private army and has already completed a secret deal with communist China to turn the West Coast ports into military landing zones for invading Chinese troops. (Newsom is a total criminal who should be indicted for treason.) This means rural Californians may find themselves fighting not only Democrat-controlled anti-America forces in the left-wing cities, but also facing invading foreign troops. The best strategy for pro-America Californians living outside the cities is to let the cities burn and don’t get sucked into urban combat. Let the Chinese troops face off against the MS-13 gang bangers and see who emerges the victor, then blow their heads off as they try to move Eastward or Northward.
Remember: California’s West Coast cities are death traps without a steady supply of food, fuel electricity and water. Cutting off the supply lines to those cities once they are occupied by enemy forces is by far the most effective strategy to reduce the effectiveness of the forces moving through those regions.

Cities, suburbs and rural areas

No matter where you are in America, you don’t want to be near the cities when it all hits the fan. Given that unprepared people will be your biggest problem, you want to be as far away from population centers as possible.
This night lights map of the USA, overlaid with state boundaries, is particularly helpful for understanding this crucial point. When things go bad, you want to be as far away from the high-density lighted areas as possible:


USA Night light map

USA Night light map

Note that everything east of the Mississippi, except for the far northeast, is extremely dense in terms of population. The Eastern half of Texas is also quite dense, with way too much light in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio.
Denver is lit up, too, as is Phoenix. Along the west coast, you have extreme population density in southern California, plus the Bay Area, Portland and Seattle.
All these areas characterized by bright night lights are, of course, death traps in any collapse.
If you’re looking to get far, far away from other people, the answers are obvious: Utah, Wyoming, West Texas, Montana, eastern Oregon, Nevada, and so on.
You can even get away from a lot of it in northern California, or western Kansas, for example.
Take another look at the map and notice the total death zone of Chicago. Check out Detroit. Or Miami. How about New York City? These will be locations of mass death and desperation if anything goes wrong: power grid failures, food deliveries, pandemic outbreak, financial collapse, etc. I call these areas “suicide cities.”
One more thing to consider: All the coastlines are of course vulnerable to massive tsunami waves, which means offshore, deep sea bed earthquakes and volcanoes. There are also underwater landslides that produce horrific tsunamis, too.
Living in a coastal city is sort of like begging to be “suicided.” Living in a crowded coastal city with tons of other unprepared, pot-smoking dope heads wandering around is sort of like duct taping a shotgun pointing to your own head and super gluing your thumb to the trigger while begging a friend to tickle you.

Are you living in a “suicide city” from a survival point of view?

That said, the riskiest places to live in America — from a preparedness point of view, regardless of civil war risk — are Los Angeles, Seattle, San Diego, Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Miami, Charleston and Houston. All these cities suffer from one more enormous vulnerability: You can only escape in a very limited number of directions, since these cities are facing the ocean on one side. You have to go inland, which will of course be impossible when everyone has the same panicked idea. (Or you could buy a boat and then have fun facing the raping pirates of the lawless high seas…)
A city like St. Louis, on the other hand, has many routes of egress. You can escape into rural Illinois to join the meth heads, or you can run west into rural Missouri to link up with the meth traffickers and exploding meth manufacturing trailers. You could head south into the boot hill of Missouri where you will discover the marijuana growers and heroin smugglers, or you can go north into western Illinois where Democrats run child trafficking “safe house” operations. It’s your choice, you see. Because America is a free country.
You can run in any direction you want when exiting an inland city, but in places like Miami, you can only run north or south. (Unless you enjoy being eaten by alligators to the west.)
Terrain also matters, too. That’s why some people like The Ozarks for hiding out. It’s hilly and full of forests, sort of like the pot-growing counties of Northern California where outlaws are the law. Idaho is famous as rugged country, too, and parts of rural Colorado make for some really remote getaways.
You need to consider all these factors: Geography, proximity to high density population centers, ease of egress, the ability to stay hidden, proximity to the coast (or the southern border), and so on. This is why El Paso, Texas is a really bad choice, as it’s certain to be overrun by armed illegal drug cartels at the first opportunity. Las Vegas is also bad for the obvious reason: No water. Everybody will rush to Lake Mead, which will quickly turn into a Mad Max scenario of violence and gang control.

Extreme cold weather tends to weed out really lazy people after just one winter, for some reason

Also consider the fact that cold weather tends to chase away lazy people, which is a good thing. After just one winter without a power grid, there won’t be any lazy people still breathing in places like Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. Mother Nature sort of has a way of weeding out the weak under such circumstances.
That’s why lazy people tend to flock to Southern California and Miami, by the way: It’s easier to survive there by doing nothing and engaging in no planning whatsoever. These are the very kind of people who utterly refuse to prepare for anything, and they live one day to the next with no planning whatsoever for unforeseen events. When SHTF, these are the very same people who will demand your stuff and accuse you of “hoarding” if you don’t “share equally with everyone.” It’s amazing how mild weather automatically breeds socialism and commie lunatics.
It’s also not a horrible idea to live around people who are, themselves, preppers. You’ll find lots of those people in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. I used to live in Wyoming, and those are some really rugged, determined people there. Especially the ranchers and outfitters. They can survive almost anything. We used to rent snowmobiles and ride through Yellowstone Park when there was four feet of snow on the ground. Ah, the days…
For me, I’ve chosen to live in rural areas of Central Texas for lots of reasons, one of them being you can own, if you wish, a dozen .50 BMG rifles and that’s not considered strange at all. Slinging lead on a Saturday afternoon is practically the most popular past time in the region. As I say, if you don’t hear gunfire on the weekend, you’re either really isolated, or you live too close to a bunch of pathetic panzies who don’t know how to survive. Weekend gunfire is the music of liberty for real Americans who are going to make it through the coming hard times.
In fact, the way you respond to gunfire tells me everything I need to know about you. If your first inclination, upon hearing gunfire, is to panic and call the police, you are a weak-minded city dweller and probably not a survivor. If, on the other hand, it reminds you to practice your own rifle or pistol skills, and you appreciate having armed neighbors who can help lend their skills to the security of your community, then you’re probably going to be just fine.

Make a decision: Where do you want to be when the music stops?

I sincerely hope all this helps you decide where you want to be when it all comes down. Because chances are, you won’t have much of an opportunity to relocate by the time you realize what’s happening.
You won’t be able to go shopping for more supplies, either, without risking life and limb as part of a crazed mob ransacking all the retail stores. It’s safer to just stay home and safeguard what you already have.
Check out my list of the best survival and combat gear items I purchased in 2019. It’s a great list of stuff you’ll wish you had when SHTF. And don’t forget storable food, since without food, you can’t fight in self-defense no matter how much combat gear you own.
Read to stay informed about civil war events in America, and watch this video from to learn more: