Monthly Archives: October 2011 – ג׳ במרחשוון ה׳תשע״ב

Jerusalem cats


Isru Chag – Sukkot

Isru Chag The day following a festival (such as the festival of Sukkot) is called Isru Chag (“tied to the festival”). Tachnun (confession of sins) and similar prayers are omitted throughout the remainder of the festive month of Tishrei. We put away the Sukkah for the next year. The Sukkah is made of cloth or […]

Anger Management

Orderly Dog: “triage!” Dr. Tweet in straitjacket screaming: “I hate People!” Dr. Dog: “humf” Mrs. Whiskers shocked Dr. Dog: “Mrs. Vhiskers just relax and tell me your dreamz.” Mrs. Whiskers: “Vell… well um…  Dr. Dog my last dream” Mrs. Whiskers: “I dreampt  that when my husband began yelling at me when he came home, I […]

A visit to Dr. Sigmund Dog

Mrs. Whiskers: “Dr. Dog thank you for seeing me at such short notice.” Dr. Dog: “Und please zit down.” Dr. Dog: “Now und can howw can z I help you?” Mrs. Whiskers: “Dr. Dog I been feeling so unhappy, I feel so out of place, so lost.” Mrs. Whiskers: “And so you see, I feel […]