Wonder Pot (Hebrew: סיר פלא, seer peh-leh) is an Israeli invention for baking on top of a gas stove rather than in an oven. It consists of three parts: an aluminium pot shaped like a Bundt pan except smooth-sided rather than fluted, a hooded cover perforated with venting holes, and a thick, round, slightly domed metal disc with a center hole that is placed between the pot and the flame.A Wonder Pot can be used to bake cakes, casseroles, rice, potatoes, apples, and even meat and chicken. |
Shavot Wonder Pot סיר פלא Recipe – Cheesecake
 The Wonder Pot for Shavot Cheesecake-P1 |
Shavot Cheesecake with a Wonder Pot
by Auntie Nosebag
30 Israeli tea biscuits crushed
2/3 Cup butter
13 Cup sugar
Mix cookies, butter and sugar together and place in the bottom of the greased wonder pot.
¼ Cup butter
¾ Cup sugar
¼ tsp. Salt
4 eggs, separated
2 Cups cottage cheese
½ Cup cream, or sour cream
grated rind of ½ lemon
1 tsp. Lemon juice
¾ Cup flour
Mix with beater all the ingredients except egg whites. Beat up the egg whites frothy and fold into cake batter and pour on top of the cookie crust and fill pan. Place on flame diffuser (bottom) of wonder pot and put on lowest setting and bake for 1 hour til sets.
Let the Cheesecake completely cool, then slide a sharp knife around the inside of the Wonder Pot to release the Cheesecake. Place your serving plate upside down on the Wonder Pot, Flip the whole thing over and gently tap the bottom of the pot to release the cake. |
 Mix with beater all the ingredients except egg whites. Beat up the egg whites frothy and fold into cake batter and pour on top of the cookie crust and fill pan. Place on flame diffuser (bottom) of wonder pot and put on lowest setting and bake for 1 hour til sets.
The Wonder Baker Pot סיר פלא, . The Cheesecake is done very quickly.. |
 Let the Cheesecake completely cool, then slide a sharp knife around the inside of the Wonder Pot to unmold the Cheesecake. Place your serving plate upside down on the Wonder Pot, Flip the whole thing over and gently tap the bottom of the pot to release the cake. |
Pesach Wonder Pot סיר פלא Recipe – Baked Potato סיר פלא-תפוחי אדמה
- Place 6 – 10 small or Medium Potatoes in the bottom of the Wonder Pot סיר פלא, they can even be standing up,
- Place lid on and Bake on Medium Heat
- Check the Potatoes
Medium Potatoes – 1 hour: If they are soft and done. If not fully baked cook for another 30 minutes
You can also Cut up Potatoes, Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, or any vegetable into chunks or slices. Drizzle Olive Oil on top and Bake
 Wonder Pot-סיר פלא-potato-תפוחי אדמה |
Pesach Wonder Pot סיר פלא Recipe – Potato Knishes
 first boil the clean potatoes |
 Chop up fresh onions and fresh large garlic then Brown then together in Olive oil be sure to use fresh garlic of stead of the small dried garlic from China. |
 Be sure to use fresh garlic of stead of the small dried garlic from China. |
 After boiling the Potatoes, drain the Potatoes and peel them. |
 Mix everything except matzoh meal then roll into big balls and roll in matzoh meal. |
 The Wonder Pot: bottom flame heat diffuser, the Pot and top cover with holes to let the heat out. |
 Place the heat flame diffuser on the center of the burner facing down so that the center dimple is facing down and the rim is up. |
 Place The Wonder Pot, סיר פלא, on top of the flame heat diffuser so that the bottom grove of the pot is on the rim of the flame heat diffuser. |
 Put the Potato Knishes in wonder baker all around, and bake for ½ hour and check and then another ½ hour til cooked, check so it doesn’t burn. Use a medium flame. Absolutely delicious. |
 Use a medium to low flame. Absolutely delicious. |
 It’s done
 It’s done. |
Pesach Wonder Pot סיר פלא Recipe
Potato Knishes
5 Cups mashed potatoes
3 eggs
¾ Cup matzoh meal
salt and pepper to taste
chopped up fresh garlic optional
2 onions
olive oil to line pot
Brown onions and garlic (if using) in pan. Mix everything except matzoh meal and roll into big balls and roll in matzoh meal, place in wonder baker all around, and bake for ½ hour and check and then another ½ hour til cooked, check so it doesn’t burn. Use a medium flame. Absolutely delicious.
Carol Umbehocker’s Delicious Squash Kugel for Passover
Baked Squash Kugel for Passover
3 lb. (1.36 Kg) Yellow summer squash
½ Cup chopped onions
½ Cup Matzoh meal
2 eggs
1/2 Cup of vegetable oil or 1 stick margarine (Kitniyot) divided in half
1 teaspoon Salt or to taste
1 Tablespoon. sugar
½ teaspoon pepper to taste
Wash and cut up the squash. Boil until tender. Drain thoroughly, then mash. Add all ingredients to squash and ½ stick of melted margarine.
Melt remaining margarine. Pour mixture into baking dish then spread melted margarine over top and sprinkle with matzo meal.
Bake at 350 degrees F or 180 degrees C for 1 hour or until top is brown.
Try fresh steamed vegetables as a side dish
 Try the Potato Knishes with steamed vegetables. |
 Try the Potato Knishes with steamed vegetables. |
Pesach Wonder Baker Pot סיר פלא Recipe-Wonder Pot Classic Cake By: Yaara Holtzman
http://www.kan-naim.co.il/artical.asp?id=4462 |
“מתכוני פסח מיוחדים ל”סיר פלא
זוכרים את ’סיר-הפלא יש לו תחייה מחודשת מכינים בו עוגות, שאגב לא מביישות אף אופה מקצועית, על… הגאז!
מאת: יערה הולצמן
זוכרים את ’סיר-הפלא?’ כן, סיר המתכת העגול עם החור, שהסבתות שלנו, השתמשו בו בימי ה’צנע’? ובכן, יש לו תחייה מחודשת! היות ולהרבה משפחות אין תנור מיוחד לפסח ולא כולם נוהגים להכשיר את התנור הרגיל. לפיכך, מכינים עוגות, שאגב לא מביישות אף אופה מקצועית, על… הגאז!
עוגת ’סיר פלא’ קלאסית
- 6 ביצים מופרדות
- 1 כוס סוכר
- ¾ כוס קמח תפוחי אדמה
- ¾ כוס שמן
- 1 כוס אגוזים קצוצים
- 1 כפית קינמון
- 1 תפוח עץ או גזר
- 1 אבקת אפיה
אופן ההכנה:
מערבבים את החלמונים עם ¾ כוס סוכר ומוסיפים את קמח תפוחי האדמה, האגוזים, אבקת האפייה, השמן והקינמון. מגררים תפוח עץ או גזר ומוסיפים לתערובת.
בנפרד, מקציפים את החלבונים עם ¼ כוס סוכר. מוסיפים לתערובת בתנועות קיפול.
משמנים את ’סיר הפלא’ ושופכים פנימה את התערובת. סוגרים את הסיר. מחממים את טבעת המתכת המיוחדת שרוכשים עם סיר ’ואופים’ ע”ג אש בינונית – נמוכה, למשך ¾ שעה.
עוגת שלוש שכבות
- 6 ביצים מופרדות
- 2 כפות קקאו
- 2 כפות קמח תפוחי אדמה
- 1 חבילה קוקוס
- 3 כפות שמן
- 2 כפות יין
- 1 אבקת אפייה
אופן ההכנה:
להקציף חלבונים עם 1 כוס סוכר. בנפרד להקציף חלמונים עם ½ כוס סוכר. להוסיף לתערובת החלמונים שמן, קקאו, קמח תפוחי אדמה ויין.
מחצית מקערת החלבונים המוקצפים להכניס לקערת החלמונים בתנועות עטיפה. לקצף החלבונים הנותר להוסיף את הקוקוס.
לשמן את ’סיר הפלא’ ולשפוך את מחצית מתערובת החלמונים לסיר.
להוסיף את קצף החלבונים והקוקוס ולשטח על גבי השכבה השנייה בעזרת כף.
לשפוך את יתרת תערובת החלמונים מלמעלה. לסגור את הסיר. לחמם את טבעת המתכת המיוחדת שרוכשים עם הסיר ו’לאפות’ ע”ג אש בינונית – נמוכה, למשך ¾ שעה.
* הכותבת יערה הולצמן, למדה עיצוב, ועבדה בתור ארט-דירקטורית וקופירייטרית במשרדי פרסום שונים. כיום היא עסוקה בעיקר בגידול ילדים, בישול וספונג’ה, ובין לבין היא גם “חוטאת” בכתיבה.
* מובא באדיבות אתר aish של “אש התורה” שהיא רשת בינלאומית וא-פוליטית של מרכזים לחינוך יהודי.
Special Passover Wonder Pot recipes
{This is a traslation into English via Google}
Remember the wonder pot has a reassertion prepare cakes, which by the way is not put to shame even a professional baker, the … gas!
By: Yaara Holtzman
Remember the ‘wonder pot?’ The metal pot with a round hole, our grandmothers, used during H’tzna? Well, it has a revival! Since many families have no special oven for Passover and not all of them tend to use the regular oven. Therefore, make cakes, which by the way is not put to shame even a professional baker, the … gas!
Wonder Pot Classic Cake
6 eggs, separated
1 cup sugar
¾ cup potato flour
¾ cup oil
1 cup chopped nuts
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 apple or carrot
1 baking powder
Mix the egg yolks with ¾ cup sugar and add the flour, potatoes, nuts, baking powder, and cinnamon oil. Grate an apple or carrot and add to the mixture.
Separately, beat the egg yolks with ¼ cup sugar. Fold add to the mix.
Grease the ‘Wonder pot and pour in the mixture. Close the pot. Place the metal ring on the Burner Flang facing up, put the Wonder pot on the ring and bake ‘with on medium heat – Low, for ¾ hour.
Three-layer cake
1 ½ cup sugar
6 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons cocoa
2 tablespoons potato flour
1 package coconut
3 tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons wine
Baking powder 1
Whisk egg whites with 1 cup of sugar. Separately whisk egg yolks with ½ cup sugar. Add the egg yolk mixture of oil, cocoa, flour, potatoes and wine.
Half a bowl of whites put in a bowl of egg yolks wrapping movements. Egg whites add the remaining coconut.
Lubricate the ‘Wonder pot and pour half of the egg yolk mixture into the pot.
Add the egg whites and coconut and flatten onto the second layer with a spoon.
Pour the remaining egg mixture on top. Close the pot. Place the metal ring on the Burner Flang facing up, put the Wonder pot on the ring and ‘bake’ with on medium heat – Low, for ¾ hour.
* The author Yaara Holtzman, studied design and worked as art director and copywriter in various advertising agencies. She is currently busy with raising children, cooking and mop up, and in between is also a “sinner” in writing.
Excerpted courtesy of a aish of “Aish HaTorah” which is an international network and a-political centers of Jewish Education. |
From epicurious.com Here is a Torte without Potato flour or Potato Starch that normally contains Sulfites used as a preservative or whitening agent that is lethal to asthmatics.
Mock Chestnut Torte
Yield: Makes 14 to 18 servings
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted Passover margarine
- 1/3 cup plus 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 6 large eggs, separated
- 1 1/2 cups cooked and mashed sweet potatoes, fresh or canned
- 1 teaspoon Passover rum extract (optional)
- 10 ounces good-quality semi-sweet chocolate, melted and cooled
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
Chocolate Ganache Glaze
- 1/2 cup water
- 6 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
- (optional)
- Unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
- Curls of semi-sweet chocolate
- Pureed strawberries or raspberries
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a 9-inch springform pan with baking parchment.
In a mixing bowl, cream the unsalted margarine or butter with the 1/3 cup sugar. Blend in the egg yolks, then the mashed sweet potatoes, rum extract (if using), and cooled chocolate.
In another bowl, with clean beaters, whip the egg whites gently until they are a bit foamy. Then add in the salt and whip on a higher speed, slowly dusting in the two tablespoons of sugar to form stiff, glossy (but not dry) peaks. Fold one third of the egg whites into the sweet potato/chocolate mixture and work them in well to loosen the batter. Then, gently fold in the remaining egg whites, blending well but taking care not to deflate the mixture. Spoon the batter into the prepared pan and bake for about 40 minutes. The cake rises and looks dry, and slightly cracked on top when done. The middle should be soft but firm. Cool in the pan for 20 minutes, then remove to a wire rack. At this point, the cake can be frozen for up to a month. Even if serving it the same day, chill the cake for an hour or two before finishing it with the ganache glaze.
Chocolate Ganache Glaze:
In a double boiler, bring the water to a gentle boil and add the chopped chocolate all at once. Remove from the heat and stir briskly with a wire whisk until all the chocolate melts and you have a thick glaze or sauce-like topping. Refrigerate for an hour or so. (You can also make this ahead and refrigerate it for up to a week or two. Simply warm it to the right temperature for glazing the cake.)
Invert the cake onto a cardboard circle or cake board so that the smooth, flat bottom faces up. Do not be dismayed if this is not a high cake — it is a torte and is meant to be a little less than statuesque. Pour the glaze over the cake and, using a metal spatula, even out the glaze and spread it along the sides.
Instead of the glaze, you can also simply sift some cocoa over the top of the cake or decorate it with curls of chocolate (using a vegetable peeler and a warmish chocolate bar). The cake can also be offered with a pureed raspberry or strawberry sauce, garnished with chocolate shavings, or left as is, with a citrus leaf, a sweetheart rose, or several berries in the center.
Source Information
Reprinted with permission from A Treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking by Marcy Goldman. © 2009 Whitecap Books, Ltd.
Epicurious.com © Condé Nast Digital, Inc. All rights reserved.