Auntie Nosebag’s Weekly Column

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological Forecast

Moonlight Sonata – Beethoven (Harp)


Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for August 2013

Is someone spying on you?

Cat with Headphones

Cat with Headphones


The 6th of August is a good time for love this month. This month is a time for you to have fun. Let the child in you play, lots of creativity coming your way. Jupiter bringer of good luck enters your 4th house of home and family also, with Mars your ruling planet very positive for you and your family. Do not have talks regarding money on August 26th. Good days are on 29th and 30th, 11th and 25th. Tonight is a good time to party at home. 14th a romantic day. Look into something you started in Dec. 2007 and try to make decisions about it on August 7th.


It’s a time to work on your home. Time to paint the living room? Buy or sell or rent? Perhaps it’s time to help someone in the family out. Perhaps you will be having guests over for a visit. Have a party at home.
Aug. 7th look at hour finances at this time. Don’t go on vacation during the end of the month, instead focus on career and home. Venus the love planet will be with you on Aug. 16th. Be careful what you say on the 26th. Go shopping for clothes during the first week in August.


Good time to make money except on the 7th. Also good time to travel this month. Watch out you don’t spend too much money though. Good time to shop during the first week in August…you might go with a Taurus friend.
Aug. 17th through Sept 10th will find romance in the air. You will be charismatic except for Aug. 26th for some reason.


You have good luck with you this month to start fresh. August 6th a window of opportunity all about earned income. Time to advertise your business for clients. August 7th not a good day, but a time to look at the past ventures and make adjustments. Aug. 20th financial matters come up, Neptune may bring confusion. Be careful. Good time to travel would be on 29th. Try not to be shy, you have good and favorable planets for romance.


Envision your future this month, now is the time, Mars and Mercury will energize you sub conscience mind in the 12th house. Reordering your priorities this month and lots of inward thinking. You will be less interested in socializing with crowds of people. Now is the time to visualize and prepare for next year when Jupiter will be entering Leo for extra good things coming your way. Trust your inner voice and intuition. Opportunities will occur on Aug. 6th. If born near this day you will feel this connection, (new moon in Leo). Aug. 20 emphasis on partner, be careful and don’t get carried away because of Neptune. Not a time to elope. 28th and 30th are good days. You will feel sparks on 20th with creativity. 27th Mars enters and you will feel excited. Work on your life now before Oct. 4th Monster Moon comes.


Aug. 6 – 16th will see promise involving sum of money. Full moon in Aquarius Aug. 20 you will complete an important project. Neptune brings you creative and artistic projects, but make sure there are no errors. Try to circulate and make new friends, network. First 2 weeks in Aug. is a good time to prep up your appearance and clothes. August 30th good day to travel or sign a contract. Also good day for romance.


Professional opportunities coming your way, good news. A time of reward for you. You have a great triangle going for you. Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune invitations will come up on the 6th. Aug. 7th deep thinking day. Aug. 20 romantic love. Mars entering Leo on 27th finds you will have lots of excitement coming your way.


Good news for you regarding work and job. Aug. 6th lots of appointments as Mercury will no longer be in retrograde. Creativity coming your way with lots of ideas. Aug. 27th things will pick up as Mars enters Leo. RE your living space, whether you move, fix, organize, clean or redecorate or repair make sure there is no water damage or problem with water (pipes). Full moon near Neptune. Aug 7th a key moment Jupiter opposition to Pluto your ruling planet. Good time to travel is August 30th.


Your sign wants to travel, if your partner would rather not then just go already. Beginning of the month is about carer and money. Very good time, favorable time, so get a job already. No one is stopping you. Don’t over spend so much with the credit card dear. Aug. 7th a difficult day. Aug. 20th you will feel a tug to go traveling towards water, perhaps you will take a shower. You will feel romantic after the 16th, sit on the rocker and pet your cat.


You are having an upswing in your romantic relationship. It could be about business as well. Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune triangle in your house of travel and commitment. Remarkable luck. Financial decisions in business and partnerships need to be settled, a good time would be on the 6th. Aug. 20th financial matters or salary to finish. If separating and you need to settle about money dispute do so before the 27th. Chances for travel will increase after the 21st.


Important decisions to make with your partner. Ether getting married or else signing papers or a collaboration in work. Joining forces with someone may occur. You enjoy being unconventional but take into account your partner’s feelings as well. Aug. 20th a good day. Neptune could put you in a trance so have a background check on your partner and be careful. 2nd half of August is a good time to buy clothes for you.


First 10 days of August, Neptune-Jupiter-Saturn all in water signs golden triangle of beauty and harmony. Love, children, creativity you may be involved in projects. Maybe unexpected sums of money coming your way. Opportunities will be coming for work, Perhaps a dog walk? Aug. 6th good time to exercise. Focus on health and fitness. Aug. 20th time to regroup and relax. Aug. 21st a time to look at your finances, be careful on your spending. Don’t sign anything on the 11th or on 25th or 26th. Good days are 29 or 30th for written agreements.

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for July 2013

Real Life Hamster Dance

We are having loads of fun cleaning everything with Econimica אקונומיקה (Bleach), Washing ALL the Floors,  shampooing the three kittens and Kichi, which is extremely dangerous since all Israeli Cats use Abir (Israeli ancient fighting arts). They may also use a Star Wars Light-saber but that has not been verified.

ninja cats

ninja cats

Cats-with-lightsabers-30crouching_abir_s Abir_Yehoshua_Sofer
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler December 1941

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler December 1941
Haj Amin al-Husseini who was, in many ways, as big a Nazi villain as Hitler himself. To understand his influence on the Middle East is to understand the ongoing genocidal program against the Jews of Israel. Al-Husseini was a bridge figure in terms of transporting the Nazi genocide in Europe into the post-war Middle East. As the leader of Arab Palestine during the British Mandate period, al-Husseini introduced violence against moderate Arabs as well as against Jews. Al-Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine in 1937 and subsequently went on the Nazi payroll as a Nazi agent. Al-Husseini played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in instigating a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941 as he urged Nazis and pro-Nazi governments in Europe to transport Jews to death camps, trained pro-Nazi Bosnian brigades, and funneled Nazi loot into pro-war Arab countries.
On 20 November1941, al-Husseini met the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and was officially received by Adolf Hitler on 28 November.
Al-Husseini’s own account, as recorded in his diary, states that Hitler expounded his view that the Jews were responsible for World War I, Marxism and its revolutions, and this was why the task of Germans was to persevere in a battle without mercy against the Jews,
According to the official report of the meeting, on November 28, 1941, Adolf Hitler told Husseini that the Afrika Korps would “liberate” Arabs in the Middle East and that “Germany’s only objective there would be the destruction of the Jews.”
“SS leaders and Husseini both claimed that Nazism and Islam had common values as well as common enemies – above all, the Jews,” the report states.
In fall 1943, it says, Husseini went to the Croatia, a German ally, to recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS.
Der Grossmufti von Palästina vom Führer empfangen.
Der Führer empfing in Gegenwart des Reichsministers des Auswärtigen von Ribbentrop den Grossmufti von Palästina, Sayid Amin al Husseini, zu einer herzlichen und für die Zukunft der arabischen Länder bedeutungsvollen Unterredung.
9.12.41 Presse Hoffmann

So here is something to think about.

Those Who Looked to Him Became Radiant psalms 34:6

Why are we told not to look an evil person in the face?

For the same reason those who look to Hashem become radiant. “What damages the eyes damages the soul.”Gemora Shabbos The soul looks out at the world through the eyes, so what enters the eyes enters the soul.

There is a common saying that “the eyes are the window to the soul.” This really means that you can tell what type of person someone is by looking in their eyes. Windows work both ways, so this also shows that what we look at reaches our very being.

When we look at small children we feel soft, and smile. When we look at a gentle countryside we feel gentle. Looking at a calm sea calms our mind.


Happy Thoughts

Happy Thoughts

     But how can we look at Hashem. Is this possible? No one can see Hashem and live.

     But we can look to Hashem by remembering Him, His Omnipresence, that He is right here even though we can only see His deeds, and not Him.

    We think about what we see, and we feel like our thoughts. Seeing happy things gives us happy thoughts, and happy thoughts make us happy people. Seeing sad things gives us sad thoughts, and sad thoughts make us sad people. Look at very nice things all day long, and you will feel very nice all day long.


Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for June 2013

It is going to be a hot summer.

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscopes

for Month of June 2013

Dear Readers, I just adopted 3 adorable kittens and….it’s a lot of work and takes lots of time. Sorry for the delay in June.


Transitions and changes in your future Aries. Full Moon eclipse falls on June 4th in your 9th house of future visions, shaking things up at work. Also you have a square going between Uranus and Pluto on the 24th. You will feel no one is listening to you except on the 11th when Jupiter enters your house of communication Darling. Focus on the things you can change and know the difference between what you can and can’t. June 19th New Moon in 3rd house of communication, but wait a minute on the 20th you will retreat at the Summer solstice being effected by Cancer the crab. Don’t talk so much on the 25th.


You will find yourself cleaning things…(that’s good Dear). Full Moon eclipse on the 4th, an important decision. Mars may make you blab your heart out. June 11th economic opportunities come your way, cash flow Dear. New Moon 19th more about finances. 24th Uranus square Pluto, you want to run away from life (don’t we all Darling). Saturn turns direct on the 25th.


Jupiter is pumping you up full of air on the 11th (gas-X?) Then Jupiter square with Neptune and you will be dreamy culminating on the 25th. On the 24th Uranus in 11th house of shared resources finds you clashing with others over money. June 4th Full Moon in partnership house. New Moon 19th sees you in a fresh start. Then comes Summer Solstice 25th Mercury enters Leo and you’ll be able to express yourself again.

Cancer the Crab:

You’ve now cleaned up cosmically and now you can pursue new interests. 4Th, Full Moon Eclipse in 6th house of work, plus square from Mars, stress at work. Prune your activities Dear. 11th starts a year of spiritual growth. Maybe you’ll start to go to Shul? You will find yourself wondering about the meaning of life. 25th Saturn turns direct in your 4th house of roots. 25th and 27th both will be good days.

Leo the Kitty:

The action starts on the 4th and doorways will open for you. 11th you will leave something and start something new. Gemini New Moon on 19th you entertain possibilities. 24th marks a start of transformation. Uranus squared in Pluto, Pluto in 6th house of health, watch what you eat Dear. You also may feel freaked for a while. 11th you will look at life and probably laugh your head off. You may get a wedgy on the 29th.


4fth Full Moon Lunar eclipse your family dynamics gets shook up. You are squared with Mars, instead of freaking out why not move your furniture around for improved Fung Shui. On 11th you will start a year cycle of growth. 19th New Moon you will feel both stressed from squares but relaxed in happy trines to Sun and Moon, go figure. On 20th Summer Solstice you will be helped by friends. 24th dramatic changes start up.


Patience is your key word, as you will experience changes, Venus in 9th house starts to retrograde til 27th. Reconsider your goals. 4th Full Moon Eclipse in 3rd house of communication. Lunar Eclipse squared with Mars in 12th house of secrets. 7th you will feel pushed into action. 11th alternatives will come before you. You may feel restless on the 19th. 24th you will be up to the task of Uranus squaring with 7th house of partners. You will feel a little stress at the end of the month , still you can make positive changes for the best.


You view people that talk too much with skepticism. 11th Jupiter enters Gemini in 8th house of transformation bringing insights and opportunity. 19 and 20th things will be easy to adjust to at this time. Try not to spend too much money on the 4th. You will want to expand your brain on the 20th. You will be adaptable and resourceful at the end of the month.


Your partnership is less stale but exciting. You will want to blab your head off on the 4th. Your Leo will be there to listen to you Dear. You will be working on your relationship this month according to the stars. You will feel restless and a bit distracted this month. Jupiter squares with Neptune on 25th you may get an idea. On 24th you may feel motivated for a change, perhaps you will change your underwear.

Capricorn the Goat-fish:

You may feel like delving into the meaning of life, questions…..your friends will be there for you when this happens. Philosophical Sagittarius full Moon on 4th. Eclipse may rattle you up but Moon trines with Uranus and you will break through to a new level of consciousness. Fresh business opportunities will happen on 11th. Summer Solstice in Cancer 7th house of partners focuses reminder that you aren’t alone, again. The bumpy roads will ease up on the 27th Dear.


You will have to balance between fun vs reality this month. You should not read that fantasy novel at this time. You may argue with others and not feel romantic. You have a square between Uranus and Pluto. Frustration in life plans. 19th you may feel indecisive. On 25th you will feel imaginative but confused about it.

Pisces the Fishy:

Your planets are just all over the heavens Dear this month activity at home and in your work. Mars square conflict with a colleague or something new at work. 11th reexamination of your life. New Moon in Gemini 19th fresh ideas. Harmonious Saturn trine will get you through rough waters. Summer Solstice = romance as Sun enters Cancer, also time to work with children or a creative activities. Squares later in the month effect teamwork and/ or money matters starting on 24th, but on 25th you’ll be smoothed over with imagination.

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for May 2013


Auntie Nosebag Crystal Ball Cat

Auntie Nosebag Crystal Ball Cat

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscopes

for Month of May 2013

Aries, the Ram

Mars will be in your 6th house of self-improvement. You will be making lifestyle choices. Many planets will be focused in your 2nd house, and this is about finances and possessions during the first part of May. The focus will be on tangible things in life, practical you. Venus will retrograde in your 3rd house of communication on the 15th which will make you interested in communication, busy busy busy you. 5th of May you may have a disagreement til the 9th when you dig your heels in if not checked. 13 – 16th you will receive a boost (your laxative takes affect) 16th – 17th you may feel frustrated, relax dear. New Moon eclipse on the 20th you will change your mind. On 22nd you may be able to influence others minds til the end of May. The second half of the month will have you writing, or involved with media, advertising, or just plain talking a lot. Ram on baby.

Taurus, the Bull

Venus retrogrades on the 15th traveling in the 2nd house of income til June 27th. Reduce your debts and become thrifty when purchasing your cat food. You may want to reconnect in a nostalgic way with someone from the past, (this always leads to a kick in the butt, I wouldn’t dear). You may pick up an old skill you flubbed around with when you were young (you can go on You tube for knitting tips – I did) On the 5th Scorpio in the 7th house of partners and you may become involved. Work out your relationships carefully (perhaps a visit to Dr. Dog is in order) The 13th your self esteem feels empowered by Jupiter. Sun in Gemini on 20th in 2nd house (keeping $ to the forefront) Gemini New Moon eclipse a few hours later, don’t overreach yourself but keep your wallet in your pocket.

Gemini, the Twins

Conflicting Twin messages headed your way, you feel a need to isolate at the same time Mercury in the 11th house of socialization. You will feel witty yet socially inept leaving your friends cold on the 5th. On the 9th Mercury enters Taurus in the 12th house of privacy and inner world, means a retreat for a while, or go on a holiday. Instead of having the universe take from you, why don’t you give of yourself instead. Mercury, Sun and Jupiter hide out. On 15th Venus retrogrades in Gemini staying in 1st house of personality til August 7th. 20th the Sun enters Gemini in solar eclipse, leaves you anxious. On the 24th your pace reves up again. Big wave of energy in the last part of May. This month is good for self-improvement, do it now. Even those with ascendent in Gemini, the eclipse will be felt more. You may have to let go of your role in life and make way for changes. You may have a good change ahead. If born 7th – 15th of June you will feel Jupiter transit more and you will feel powerful, lucky and prosperous.

Cancer the Crab

Sun in 11th house of Friends, good fortune and networking. Reap the rewards for all that hard work til the 20th. You will be talking lots on the 9th and then retreat into your crab-shell. May 15th Venus slows in the 12th house of secrets, escape from reality or holiday time and this will be felt til June 27th.Please take care of yourself. May 16 – 17 Jupiter forces will have stressful aspect with Saturn and Pluto. Reassess your relationships at this time. Gemini New Moon on 20th, Lunar eclipse in 12th house. Neptune squared, you may want to run away, but hang in there baby. Please focus at this time on something practical to pull you through.

If you give of yourself from your heart, the universe won’t take it from your pocket-book, be more kind to others. Keep your drama for your mama, or even your father.

Leo the Lion

And now it’s time for Leo the Lion, you are the best and it’s time for kitties to roar!!!
Leo the Lion, Leo the Lion, Leo the Lion!!!!!!!!!Meow! Yes, Jupiter is tripping you out in the beginning of the month with options. Don’t let Scorpio full moon let stupids from the past rain on your parade. You will feel less judgmental opposition on the 9th. Helpful trines on 13th – 16th fortifies your current position, (you took your vitamins supplement) Venus retrograde May 15th – June 27 in 11th house of Networking, goals and hopes will have you reassessing your love life, or lack of. Jupiter enters 10th house of career which forms negative aspect with Saturn on May 16th and with Pluto on 17th. Gemini solar eclipse on 20th shakes your 11th house, but you may make a new friend. 11th house is social house, join other like minded people, be part of something bigger than yourself, unless your obese baby. You may be acknowledged for what you have done. Eclipse in 10th house, get rid of old and bring something new in your life. Maybe a job?

Virgo the Virgin

(who would have guessed?)
Focus on your career goals top priority. On the 15th, Venus for 6 weeks retrograde in 10th house. Don’t freak out at work dear. This culminates when Gemini solar eclipse in 10th house reinforcing discontent at work. Don’t lose focus on your work. Mercury moves into your 10th house facilitating communication at this time, you will be discontented but talk a lot. Neptune square Sun, Moon conjunction. 3 aspects in Jupiter this month. May 7 – not such a good day. 16th Jupiter aligns not well with Saturn signaling future hopes, doesn’t work with present reality, but who cares have some ice cream. In December 22nd and March 2014 these aspects will come back to bite you in the butt once again. 17th will see one project leave and you will focus on a more important one.

Libra the Scales

You are freed from obstacles at this time but Venus your ruling planet retrogrades in the 9th house of adventure causing lack of motivation on 15th to June 27th. You will be looking at the past. You will be stable and can solidify long term plans for travel or education later in the year. Venus trine with Saturn. Scorpio full moon on 5th in 2nd house of personal resources, keep your wallet in your pocket dear. Mercury in 7th house of partnership to frugal Saturn serious discussion regarding money, and on 16 – 17th. Gemini New Moon eclipse on 20th excites 9th house of big ideas, shifts focus from money to hope for your future.

Scorpio the Scorpion

Lots of stuff for you Christy! Theme of relationships a heavy month, moon in Capricorn makes a person pessimistic and cautious, I see you working verses playing around. Time to correct your life and look to the future. Venus softens up Mars this month which will see opposite energies happening. You may need to relax, be careful Scorpio if your husband is a Taurus. Review your relationships this month. Eclipse happening, an important year for you and your self-worth. You may feel afraid but this could mean something new will happen. You will feel it more if born between 9th – 16th of November. You will be effected in your career or job. Do not succumb to your fears. This is temporary. You will be effected in 7th house of relationships and business people. Advise is be with people and pay attention to your family and things you love. Eclipse always brings upheavals, changes- You may let go of someone in order to find someone new in life. 28th October – 3rd November Scorps will feel Saturn transit, get yourself together at this time and this also will bring responsibilities which will strengthen you. Be clear on what you want with your partner as well as giving back. Clear as mud.

Sagittarius the Centaur

Many planets in the 6th house, material things. Stressful, you will see improvements needed. You can tackle this kind of detail work at this time. You will be fearless. Tangible and practical things, like work and service are in the air. You will be involved with reducing your debts, have more duties at work, be behind the scenes with your work, monetary rewards may not come your way. You will be organized now and perfecting yourself. Focus on your health at this time. Adopt another cat. Take better care of yourself, you may need to detox, (a laxative).

Check your house, job, body at this time. In the middle of May you can pay attention to your relationships and others. Lots of planets coming your way, Venus shows you will spend time with partners, pay attention to others, even business partners. With your job, more work will come after May 15th. Eclipse at this time will effect those born 24th – 30th of November, that’s you Yakov. You will feel more, you will have a change with property, home, or family. Old things to new coming your way. Don’t be fearful, change may occur even through June or July. Jupiter in 7th house, of relationships, partners, but not your wife – she stays, so does the cat, you will feel empowered.

Capricorn the Goatfish

Ha ha goatfish goatfish! You are a goatfish! Four planets in your 5th house of creativity, romance and love, child like joy, hobbies. You are the center of attention and may become spontaneous. Self confidence coming your way. You will shine at this time Capricorn. Creativity working for you in the 5th house, like I said. Focus will be on happiness. You will express yourself at this time. You will feel romantic towards your partner and going out or even be with friends. Also focus on children. Planets will move on in mid month to more introspective Virgo. You will focus on work and practical issues. Be more efficient, Capricorns are used to this and it will feel normal. Take care of yourself at this time with your health. May and June take care of business and personal needs. A maintenance time. Eat more fresh veges and fruits, detox darling. Time to fix even relationships at work. Those born in end of December to June 3rd it will effect you more, the eclipse. Big life changes will be felt.

Aquarius the Water-bearer

Age of Aquarius, the age of Aquarius, Aquarius! Aquarius. You remember that one?
Oh well, 4th house, lots of planets in the beginning of May dealing with family issues. Maybe helping with parents, or improvement on your home. Spend more time with your family. Focus on emotional well being, nurturing your soul, safe and happy. You may be cooperating and then in a few months you will be working on yourself. So now you will be at rest. You may be focusing on things of a personal nature. Mid May planets will move to 5th house which is creativity and joy, Leo, you will be inspired in life. You may throw a party. Issues of children will come up. Eclipse of 10th house in May will be good for you. Opportunities in your career. More authority at work. Those born 25th – 29th January Saturn transit you may feel down or feel criticism, delays upon you. Try not to be negative and it will pass. Preserver and be loyal til the end. Those born 5th – 12th of February will feel Jupiter more confident and connected to opportunities. The other Aquarius’s won’t feel this unfortunately.

Pisces the Fishies!

Til Mid May planets in the 3rd house you will be busy busy busy and communications getting information, net working more at this time. 3rd house is social, you will be busy with relatives and neighbors. You may travel around, far or local. Good time to sort out your business matters. The fish will be blabbing with more ease. Mind will become curious and learning new skills. You will be courageous and skillful at this time.
May 15th Information will be helpful, moving to the 4th house, (restful and emotional world of Cancer) you may become more sensitive at this time if that’s possible to be more. Dealing with family matters, home, parents, family. You will be taking care of your soul now. Eclipse in 10th house of career, changes and growth in your responsibilities in life. Brings something new, new opportunities for achievement. A good month for you.

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for April 2013


Forecast for the Month of April

Aries the Ram (March 21 – April 19)

A moving group of 5 planets will be in Aries starting on the 10th. You will get your chance after to have control. In March you had lots of responsibility but no control, this is about to change. You had unpleasant news, and now you may have good news in the beginning of April which already happened….dear me. Was it like I said? On the 6th Mars and Venus will meet each other. They will meet on Friday night, add an extra day if you live in the Middle east (Saturday night) a shiddah date? If you were born on the 4th to 8th you will be very affected so don’t hide at home. Whatever happens you may have good or different news dear. For the next 2 years you will have lots of positive energy from Mars. Venus will influence your looks, a new outfit or different eye shadow? If you were born after April 10th you will be talking a lot. After the 19th your mind will turn to finances, but don’t gamble and you will make up with your partner. Full Moon eclipse will bother you for 4 days , 25th – 28th, a sad day, but if you pray a lot it might go away, hope I’m wrong. On the 13th you may have lots of work to do. My advise to you is to pray about everything going well this month.

Taurus the Bull (April 20 – May 20)

We see 2 eclipses coming your way, April 25th full moon lunar eclipse will appear in Scorpio. Another on May 9th, The New Moon Solar in Taurus, which will be friendly to you. May 25th Lunar full moon eclipse in Sagittarius. April 25th a fateful day for you and another person, maybe in business world. Mars will be with you starting on April 20th – May 31st which is good. The 25th will affect where you live or else concern one of your parents. When Mars is in Taurus you will feel you are in charge, good news. Good time to travel on the 24th. You will find joy at the workplace at this time. 23rd good time for finances. First half of April will be a buildup of planets in the 12th house the house of secrets and privacy. I hope your birthday isn’t on April 28th, if so go to a spa and have a relax dear. Please to take care of your health, do not have an affair on the 6th or 7th in the Middle East. Not a good time for romance, don’t ask others for money and don’t travel on the 22nd. You need to pray about all that dear.

Gemini the Twins (May 21 – June 20)

5 planets in Aries filling the 11th house of friendship and wishes. Social life or travel plans, the 1st is a good day, but it already happened, was I right, he he? Oh dear, the 5th – 7th will be romantic, or you will be invited to a party, how nice. On the 10th friendships will be even more important to you with the New Moon. If your birthday falls on June 11 or near, 5 days either way you will feel the New Moon. Good time for love. Money will not be coming as you like on the 12th. 23rd is a good day. 27Th – 28th don’t travel, don’t sign any contracts at this time. Better time to travel will be in June 13 – 14th but it’s a good time to plan your trip. The eclipses will be in your 6th house of health. Saturn conjunct with the Moon, a large bill to pay. April 25th some important things to attend to. You will want to pray for good luck this month dear.

Cancer the Crab (June 21 – July 22)

The first part of the month will be great for business, especially April 10th. 5 planets in your career house till the 19th. Might be a good time to look for work some wheres. A great day on the 6th. Jupiter will bring you great luck, your guardian angel will look after you. An adventurous month in business. The 19th a surprise. The 23rd a good day to sign a contract . Be careful with communications all round. Be careful how you spend your money. 19th friends and career and networking. 25th long term decisions are forced upon you as the lunar eclipse is upon you. If your birthday falls on 27th you may feel the eclipse more than usual. April 27 – 28th money may be tight, so wait until payday dear.

Leo the Lion (July 23 – August 22)

The beginning of April a good time to travel, try getting out of the house and off the computer. Friendly planets in Aries another fire sign. Ninth house of adventure, learning, travel and deep thinking (who would have guessed …cough cough).
You will have lots of ideas. The 6th – 7th a good time for ideas, meetings, writing….check your spelling dear. 11Th, 12th, 15th – 17th good days for learning, matters of travel, the internet. If in court, the other side may want to settle. The 10th you will be powerful Lion. After the 10th you will be thinking along spiritual lines, maybe you’ll make it to Shul dear. The 19th will see career news coming your way. May 9th New Moon sees a solar eclipse working hard on the job with success in sight. April 28th will be a hard day, prepare yourself (financially, emotionally or physically. 6Th – 7th you may uncover a find, that new cat you’ve been waiting for will arrive. Solar eclipse may mean you might have to move, concern for Mom or Grandmother. Keep the prayers going. Good time for love. Be nice to your partner, spouse, or Father. Don’t overspend your money or ask for more headphones at this time.

Virgo the Virgin (August 23 – September 22)

Everything is about money, 5 planets in the 8th house: pay taxes, reassess your accounts, pay bills. If you owe it you pay now, if given money you will need to set up an estate. Maybe buying a new home. April 5th all about $. April 10th etc. 19th New news coming your way. Also, the 8th house is the house of transformation, a surgery but not to do with your head. 25th good time to travel. Lunar eclipse indicates you may need to help a female relative. If your birthday falls on August 29th or near it you will feel the eclipse even more. Don’t travel on the 27 – 28th, though wait til May. April 15th through May you may be romantically inclined. 20Th – 21st is good days. April 15 – May 9th a good time to go shopping. Time to make amends at home or at work. You will spend energy at keeping the peace as well. Good time to pray, anyway.

Libra the Scales (September 23 – October 22)

Many planets gathering in your opposite sign of Aries, but you can cope as you are the scale and can balance and compromise. A time to do your job at work, keep your head down. Venus is in the 7th house of marriage, focus on your partner, ups and downs, normal. Good days are 6th and 7th for love. You may want to go out to dinner at a nice restaurant but your husband’s chart says to eat a nice meal at home….you are both cardinal signs but, let the wife choose. Be patient all will work out for the good. You may hire a doctor, dentist, lawyer, manager, agent, a joint venture. You may see competition rise in some form in this month, keep sharp. If your birthday falls on Oct. 13 plus or minus 5 days you will be affected more with this, expert in a joint venture. April 15 – May 9th you will focus on money. Personal finances, especially near the 25th. 23rd is a good day as Jupiter is friendly. 27Th – 28th worries about money which will end around May 9th, don’t over spend dear. You may need to pray about this time regarding these matters.

Scorpio the Scorpion (Oct 23 – November 21)

Saturn orbiting Scorpio indicates new and bigger responsibilities. If you are an October Scorp this is quite a change. Hard work. Christy, you will be committed to a dream to work to achieve it. You will be rewarded when Saturn finally leaves Scorpio later in September of 2015. Keep up your health as you have lots to do, the planets in the 6th house are involved with work and health. You will get lots of calls on April 10th on Wednesday (don’t let Clair see this one). You will be energized as well til the 19th. Be careful on the 19th and 20th. April 25th serious news near or on this date coming your way, also a good time to make amends. 26Th – 29th changes may occur, eclipses bring illumination on those around you to transparency. Pluto will get you through it all so remain confident. You may feel everything more so if you are born near the end of October or beginning of November (that’s you Christy). A busy and productive month, but pray about things all the same.

Sagittarius the Archer (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Heavenly 5 bodies in your house of love, love, luxury, energy, confidence and surprises. April 10th you will be pushed into the social scene until the 14th. You may also do something about your looks (maybe you’ll change your underwear). April 4 – 6th days of fun, you will help your wife organize her pots and pans back left over from Pesach and nurse your cat back to health. Venus and Mars are together for this coming weekend also on the 10th it will culminate. You will be in a risk taking mood, you may have purchased the wrong kind of cat food while shopping. If you aren’t married and female you may be attracted to a man in uniform. If you have someone it’s a great time to get engaged. Match maker match maker make me a match! 23rd a great day, you will be irresistible, you will wash your beard! A time for creativity, the 25th you may experience a truth revealed. Medical concerns facing a female relative. You may experience frustration regarding work assignments as well. Eclipse may see something end, and a new beginning before you, be patient. This month don’t get involved with politics and keep mouth closed. Keep your wallet close to you this month. Don’t forget to pray this month for good mazel.

Capricorn the Goat (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

You are cardinal sign and may see a shift coming your way, perhaps involving your work, your home, or you may move. A large number of planets enter your 4th house of home and family. Venus, Mars, Uranus and the Sun. Opportunities will arrive after the 10th Entertain others at home (your wife may want to go out though) 6 – 7th. Perhaps hold a garage sale on Sunday. A time to launch something important at this time. 20th you may get a surprise. A good day on the 23rd, good news from family. Full moon eclipse something will culminate. Concern regarding an important friend, be cautious what you write down, you may regret sharing too much information. The eclipse will reveal who your true friends are. Those born near the 27th plus or minus a few days you will feel the eclipse more. End of the month be careful regarding money and your funds, you will be practical all round as Saturn is your ruling planet. In May things will brighten up and you can take a deep breath. Don’t pay attention to anyone who is negative, maybe let them go if you can. This month is about letting go and moving on, and for being positive. Don’t forget to pray for guidance.

Aquarius the Water barer (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18th)

Beginning of April will be a very productive month for you. Planets enter your 3rd house of communication, including Uranus (genius and disruption) Mars (energy) and Venus (beauty and romance) and the Sun. Uranus is your ruling planet as well. A good time to travel for you, don’t let others block your plans. 5 – 7th romance is in the air. Perhaps travel to see family. April 10th good day to sign a contract. If your birthday falls near Jan 6, New moon will affect you most. 19 – 20th great days for communication. 23rd good luck days ahead. Saturn in 10th house good for your career, this will stay with you til Sept. 2015! April 25 something going on at home. Maybe a new job coming your way? 27 – 29th not good time dear. But you have lots of good friends and help whatever happens. You must pray at this time extra hard. Try not to make mountains out of molehills. You will not be shy at work. Be careful with spending money too freely.

Pisces the Fish (Feb. 19 – March 20)

New projects regarding money management, cash flow. Perhaps Lionel will pay you for walking his dog at this time. Planets will conspire to help you financially, new projects coming your way perhaps. Planets in the 2nd house of salary, new projects or perhaps become employed. April 10th the New Moon may help you on your way, through 23rd. Something nice will happen on the 6 – 7th, a gift. Maybe you will be given a new cat at this time. You may be given the job of pioneer in a new realm, in science or even D & D. April 20th a wild card. 23rd a good day, lucky. 25th higher learning, perhaps study for your upcoming tests. Fulfillment at the end of the month, serious news. Moon is close to Saturn this month so anything creative will take time. What ever you decide to do, it will involve a bit of work, but the planets will get you through it all. If your birthday falls near the end of February you will feel the eclipse more, fortunately it falls in Scorpio a water sign and will be good for you. Avoid conflicts this month, be patient at work. End of month protect your heath, take things easy dear and remember praying lowers your blood pressure, so why not pray.

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for March 2013


Auntie Nosebag Rosh Hodesh

Auntie Nosebag Rosh Hodesh

What can I say….the planets have conspired to trip me up and I’m a bit late. I will do my best for you, as it is. I have peeked into April to make up for being late in March.


Don’t plan any romantic gestures til after March 12th. 22nd a very stressful day as the Sun enters Aries and then Venus arrives. More stress at the end of the month when Mars conjuncts with Uranus in Aries. This month just keep a low profile, don’t travel. Expect a visitor from the past, a surprise. April 13th objects will be cleared away. Planets end retrograde effect….but don’t spend all your money on pleasure, keep it in your wallet darling.


This month sees you on a personal quest. With the odd lunar influences coming by others will look to you and you can gain understanding of them. This month the moon will be entering opposition and conjunction with Saturn in Scorpio. You may feel ill at the beginning of the month (I did) until the 10th through the 12th. Around the 15th you will feel upset because of the moon. Then in the end of the month you will be back where you started. Love – don’t brood on the past, don’t become violent. At work don’t let others upset you. Do your own investing etc. Pay attention to what you are doing. Not a good time to travel in March and don’t get involved with arguments at home. April 13th you will feel energized with a cycle of growth and change.


Good times in romance, career. Don’t do stupid things with your money, wait darling. It’s a good time to travel for the twins. Watch out for details though. At home you will be loved. This month Jupiter will be very bossy but you are used to it. You have 2 planets in trine and you feel mellow. Planets and the Sun in Pisces are squared against Jupiter in Gemini, March 7th is not good, but it happened already so it doesn’t matter. This month you are impatient. Around the 12th Mercury is in retrograde. So is Mars. You will be on hold. April you’ll enter a period of independence at work.


Dear Cancer, the Sun and inner planets square aspects, you will feel everything strongly this month. You will not get along with your romantic partner and around March 7th your brain will lose focus and you’ll be sick, but since this already happened don’t worry about it, ha ha.
Around 20th no one at home will seem to help you. You must rely on yourself. I guess you will have to take the bus. Around the 22nd you will feel demands outside of the home. You will feel relieved around April 4th when your planets stop retrograding and pulls Mercury away. April be patient and avoid conflicts, your money is okay.


Ah romance is peaceful this month. At work don’t forget to move your toushe. This month don’t spend so much money. Did this advise come too late? Oh well. You will feel peaceful at home even though you spent too much money. In the beginning of the month Venus has moved on and you’ll have to go to a match-maker ha ha. You have a nice trine going, good aspects for now. Be kind to your friends. Planets in retrograde after the 12th in your house of future vision revealing your faulty logic. Planets are in trine March 13 – 14th so Pesach cleaning will be easier. In April be patient with your significant other, things looking good.


Stop being so crabby, and try not to get into arguments every where you go. Don’t be swayed by others as to your spending your money. Keep it in your wallet dear. It’s okay to travel this month. Take time out from home. Hide, the spotlight will be on you this month, if you are happy with this then relax, if not relax. Around March 20th this will dwindle. Around this time you will feel anxious because of Venus. Try to relax even though you will make mistakes even til April 4th. Try not to be too emotional. April you will be less crabby and more romantic. You may get depressed and suicidal at this time. Dealings with insurance and taxes will come but money will be alright.


Wishful thinking this month. Bide your time at work. Make no big moves financially this month dear. Good time to travel. You may feel others don’t understand you, unless they are another Libra, even at home so best to just wait for a more opportune time to deal with issues. It’s all the fault of Uranus in Aries, things will be better around March 12th. Later on don’t lean money to anyone. Around March 20th and 22nd not a good time to talk. 27th try not to notice how others perceive you. Let it pass. Words may come out tangled this month. April, good month ahead, lots of business and work, take care of your health.


Ideal time for Scorps to give their ideas. You can be bossy at work but feel playful. Don’t overstretch it on spending at this time. You will feel confident about traveling when you want. You can start fixing up you place this month. Make the most of the positive aspects going you way. Until the 20th. You may trip mentally but keep working on your projects that you thought were finished. April will be good, be nice to your clients as this effects your finances. So be wise and don’t sting anyone. Look before you leap.


You are the man this month or horse of the month, Mr. Romance. You can network at work, people look to you for advise. Try not to give too much money away, keep it in your wallet, or in your wife’s purse. You may enjoy company, the main focus is Jupiter opposite Gemini, you are ruled by Jupiter, you may feel the need to explore. Make friends. A good month for you. You will have tensions on the beginning of the month but since this already happened it doesn’t matter. Ha ha. You will be more constructive on the 8th of April. Great in interpersonal relationships. Again, keep your money in your wallet.


This month it’s best to play it safe and keep quiet. Do your own job at work goats. Delegate. Be careful with money. Don’t travel just yet. Later in the month will be better. Try to listen carefully to those at home to insure communications will flow. Try to just relax. Around the 20th you will feel better. Actually around April 4th your planets won’t be in retrograde anymore and you will make more progress. April will be a loving month. Great opportunities coming your way.


Things were not so good last month, but will improve in March. March 8th will be difficult but since this passed it doesn’t matter, (giggle). Money matters should be better at the end of the month. You can make travel plans for a vacation. This is a time you may feel relieved. 23rd a good day. You will get help around the 13 and 14th but things take too long and Mercury will be in retrograde in your 3rd house around the 12th. April, meetings and trips, you will benefit from others help.


Sun in Venus and Mars, not a good time for relationships, but things will improve and the end of the month for you fish. You may feel out of sorts for a while. Don’t spend a lot of money at this time. You are the center of attention at home, not just because you are a teenage girl. Hard to concentrate by the 20th things will feel better and you can have fun with your friends. 12th Mercury goes retrograde so you can reflect. Wait to see if you have any money in April 4th. April will be busy for you at work and you will have opportunities too.

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for February 2013

Auntie Nosebag February-2013

Auntie Nosebag February-2013

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope predictions for February 2013

Aries – February 14th may not turn out as you expected, you may have to take the time to communicate in a positive way to the one you love.  Make sure you aren’t late for work.  Be careful on Feb. 1st, odd day, Feb. 3rd will find you less grouchy, Feb 7 – 8 romantically inclined, Feb. 21st you will see clearly where you’re going.  This month is a more social month for you which will shift into spirituality.  Avoid traveling to a foreign country from 19 – 28th.
Taurus – February, a time to focus on career and home and family. This month will be complex.  Feb 3rd increased wave of increased sensitivity, and on the 13th, friends and co-workers will be confusing.  Feb. 19th you may become involved in participation in volunteer work.  Be sensible in which-ever work you put yourself into.  Be careful this month to stay away from irresponsible or unconventional forms of pleasure….please watch what you are doing on Feb. 7th.
Gemini – February you will focus on practicality, you need to keep your concentration this month especially with relationships, but your home will be alright.  Watch out for Feb. 1st, keep your mouth shut. Feb. 19th a career peak and success.  Feb 6, 9-10, 23 – 25 are upsetting days.  You may start to be influenced by Pisces making you day-dream, but you will want to study or teach while you do.  You will feel creative with money on Feb 7th.  On the 21st you will feel the need to express yourself but won’t be upset by any negative criticism.  Your focus will be on finding a good friend.
Cancer – You will be inspired starting Feb. 3rd, you will start to think in religious or philosophical interests, also you will think about making money.  Feb. 7th your dealing in finances, be confident. Feb. 13 – 19th you will be feeling things more than thinking your way around.  Please have a reality check at this time.  Finances are looking good 1st til the 15th.  But still be careful.
Leo – Finances, sharing with money, you may need a change, look at how your life works at this time.  In the beginning of the month you will be very happy, harmony especially so on the 7th, 13th finds you more sensible, but the 14th you are off again.  Then again on the 18th and 19th you are off your chart.  Time for self discipline.  21st will find you sensitive, challenges for your life, and also having a nice time.  25th and 28th you’ll feel like your old self and back on track.  A month for focusing on outer goals, money management, you are dependent on others for support.
Virgo – February you will shift on Feb. 3rd.  You will start to not be such a crotchety tush til 2025.  Feb. 7th, yes but then no, oh well. Ha ha.  Work is your focus for this month, that or just service.  Feb. 19 a social activity.  Feb. 8th you may want to gamble , you may be continuing to have lots of feelings you weren’t use to having.  You may feel irritated at the end of the month but forgiving of those who irritate you.  Focus on spiritual exercises like yoga to improve harmony.
Libra – Feb. 3rd you may be pulled into 2 directions, art vs mundane existence.  Feb. 7th you will want to invite company over.  This month will be all about relationships and friends, social you!  19th you will be more practical as this month your head will have many day dreams until the 21st.  Find ways to keep healthy, and when opportunities occur, keep up an interest.  Vitality for daily life comes from Mars coming you way this month.
Scorpio – You will be thinking a lot about L’Amour, Feb. 3rd the beginning of less feelings of a  suspicious nature.  Feb. 13th and 19th you will be in a loving mood.  You will be focused on children or children nearest your heart.  Feb. 7th you will be focused on work and your brain for a change.  Feb. 8th you may feel itchy so put on foot powder.  Focus on improving your life through meditation, visualizations, and creativity.
Sagittarius – February, a promising month but full of personal activities on your schedule.  This is slow down til April 13th.   4Th – 10th a good time for job opportunities.  Feb. 13th and 19th you will be focusing on your home life for a change, (I should think so, it’s your daughter’s 17th birthday!)  Feb. 14 and 19 don’t be confused but be practical.  7th you will feel dreamy and expansive.  21st you will forgive a relative or mend a domestic squabble.  You will be confused in your romantic endeavors.  You need to focus on the spiritual and less on material things.
Capricorn – February you move beyond the practical limits.  Neptune will occupy your mouth until 2025 and you will flow easier.  Feb. 7th someone will try to sell you something but be careful dear and perhaps consult your wife first.  Feb. 13th til March 2nd be careful to be logical as Mercury is in Pisces.  Feb. 19th you will be quick with words.  21st magical moments for you.
Aquarius – February 1st til 19th you will be egocentric, perhaps join a gym.  Feb 7th you will look at other’s needs.  3rd good day, 7th not so good.  14 and 19th attention to money matters, 21st you will feel spacy.  This month you must try to communicate and pay attention to others to keep balanced.  Be careful when you drive and don’t be rude to others when speaking.
Pisces – February you will be focused on the spiritual world, especially on the 20th.  The divine is in all aspects of life, money, love and school.  You will be very giving this month.  23rd you may have money coming your way.  Financial opportunities will come your way (another dog walk job?)  A very satisfying month for the fish. You will have a lot of energy this month maybe making changes to yourself in good ways, a renewed life path.  Don’t be afraid to be who you really are!  Happy Birthday!

Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Forecast for January 2013

Auntie Nosebag is in the Snow: January-2013

Auntie Nosebag is in the Snow: January-2013


Aries – March 20th – April 19th

A very busy month for your career as the New Moon in January 11th which will appear in Capricorn in your 10th house of professional progress. Move that toushe to success, now is the time Darling. Mercury in Capricorn will even let you sound mature without using a teleprompter. This month may see you volunteering at a charity. January 24th – a surprise from a friend….Jan. 24th through 26th very good days for you.

Taurus – April 20th – May 20th

A very good month for you, Learning or traveling will be strongly energized. You will be very busy at work in the area of publishing. January 20th will be a favorable time for money. If in a legal case, you will be favored for a good outcome. January 24th will be a good day for your career. January 25th will be a good day for your finances, and income. During the full moon you may have problems at home, you will have to just work things out Dear. January 19 and 20th are great days coming your way so enjoy.

Gemini May 21st – June 20th

First three weeks in January you will be blabbing incessantly about finances. Stars in Capricorn, the 8th house is filled with money, perhaps you will work out your taxes for the last year or get a student loan or you’ll be sending out bills. Something I see will involves a large chunk of money. The eighth house rules surgery too, you may have to see the dentist. January 30th is better for finances. Your mind will be very active this month. January 26th everything will be going your way. Saturn will be in your 6th house which rules your health so be sure and take care of yourself and not get sick.

Cancer June 21st – July 22nd

Collaboration will be your key to success this month. Romance is in the air for you, if married your spouse will order you around the house but you won’t mind. If not married perhaps you will gain a business partnership. Don’t schedule a big meeting on January 12th! Don’t ask. January 19th will be all about money. February 1st expenses will drop so be prepared. January 24, 25, and 26th are all about income. You will learn some life lessons this year as Saturn is in your Love or children sector for the next three years.

Leo July 23rd – August 21st

Work projects and health concerns. The January 11th new moon will have you focusing on how you do work, via tools. Do serious changes with regards to work after January 11th, but don’t change anything during February through March….perhaps in April will be alright. Remember that Mercury will be in retrograde during February through March which isn’t good. If you are looking for employment then January 11th is an opportune time. You may need to go to the dentist….I hate the dentist….also it may be a good time to start a fitness program. If you are single, the beginning of February will have you thinking of marriage, it’s all Mars’ fault. If married you may come up with a goal of some kind. You may have an enemy at work but you will prevail, January is an overall good month for you. January 22nd, partnership is favored, January 24th lots of ideas will form, January 25th is a very happy day, and 26th through the 27th are good days. Hopes and wishes are working hard to bring you good news this month.

Virgo August 22th – September 22nd

The golden month for love is coming your way, yes and that can mean babies! Goodness me. Especially after January 11th of the new moon has great powers for change, you may wish to upgrade your looks sweetheart, nip and tuck it or perhaps a new outfit will help. You may worry over money on January 12th. January 24th is a good day for news regarding cash. January 25th will be good news regarding your career. You will be very creative this month. January 30th you will be very lucky in your career.

Libra September 23rd – October 22nd

Big changes in your living situation for some reason this month. Repairs or even cleaning out clutter will happen. You are centered around your home and family. Big progress will be on January 11th the new moon. January 16th through 17th are good days for you. Mercury is in your home sector and will turn retrograde in the end of February through March so now is the time to do something, sign papers that need to be signed or buy an electric appliance like that mixer you spotted at Sears or Home Center. You will be thinking about Mom or Dad around this time. Now is the time to act before Mercury goes into retrograde. January 24 through 25th are good days for you. January 26th will be a party. January will be very good, basically.

Scorpio October 23 through November 21st

Big month for emails and phone calls! You will be very busy, lots of pet sits on the horizon. After January 11th you will be really connecting and communicating more so if that’s possible. You will be working the budgets, negotiating fees. The planets will be working very positively in your horoscope Scorpio, life will stabilize til September 2015. January 22 will be good for money, til June 25th, maybe a bank loan? Or tax refund? January 30th will be very positive financially. January 19th you will be thinking about your home or parents, January 25th will be a very positive day, January 28th will be good news career wise.

Sagittarius November 22nd – December 21

Big month for finances, you will be wise about your money and how to earn it. Everything will start on January 11th with the new moon taking action early as the days leading to the 21st the energy will weaken. Maybe generate a new business, or perhaps you will sell something around this time? In February 23 through March 17th Mercury will go retrograde and it’s not a time to sign papers. You need to be responsible at work and meet your deadlines. January 26th travel? January 22nd will bring good news regarding your career. January 24 thinking of your family and children, the beginning of January you will rant at your wife to cut your hair! January 24, 25, 26 are good days, January 30th Jupiter will stop retrograde action and so will you, a happy time.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19

A remarkable month for you, starting January 11th, perhaps a new goal, a new haircut? Personal dreams? You spend lots of time helping others, now will be a time to think of your personal goals. This may be a time when you will deal with finances and bills. January 22 still focusing on money, or buying something important. January 24 will bring good news, Jan. 25 very good day, Jan. 26 you may be signing papers that are important. Lots of work projects. January 30th starting perhaps a fitness program you hoped to start. You will have great opportunities this month.

Aquarius January 20th – February 18

You will be thinking a great deal, day dreaming or perhaps having a secret to hide. Many planets are in your 12th house, the house of privacy. You may be working ambitiously on a secret project that won’t be revealed until later, or else it could be a really bad habit you need to get rid of. A time to improve your health. January 22 Romantic day, January 24 a surprise, January 25 Love day, January 26 go out to dinner. This month is a very reflective month for you, it may be a month to visit a therapist. Don’t travel on January 12th

Pisces February 19 – March 20th

You have been working so hard in December and it will pay off, be patient. January will be a very social month for you. January 11th will be a new moon to focus on your house of friendship, hopes and wishes. An older person is your mentor at this time. You may also want to join a club. Wish house, it may come true, a big wish this month may happen. January 11 through January 18th , best by January 14th through 18th to schedule fun activities. January 19 things will quiet down and you need to be good to yourself Miss Fishy. January 22nd a good day and good fortune, January 24 good luck with money, January 25 home and family, news that’s good. January 30th a breakthrough.

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological forecast for December 2012


Auntie Nosebag December-2012

Auntie Nosebag December-2012


Auntie Nosebag’s Horoscope Page For December 2012

Aries:  A time of enlightenment for you at this time, as you will have remembered to pick up a light bulb from the drugstore.  You have had a rocky road of it in relationships this past year, in 2013 you can do some housekeeping in your life and toss out those you’ve outgrown like fungus filled leftovers in your frig.  Don’t let your body get worn out through the tough times, but keep your toush going.  2013 sees you growing in the workplace, a change will come through and then I see you working on balancing it all.
Taurus: Your call for abundance will be answered, (your Chinese food order will be delivered) so say yes to all eggrolls coming your way.  If you give more of yourself then you shall receive from the karmic rays around you.  The key will open doors, so don’t let the OCD make you repeat this process.  The planets will cause you to have personal tensions in the beginning of the month, so try practicing Yoga for a while until about the 16th.
Gemini:  Get out into the world of nature to find calmness.  Finish up old business from 2012 before tackling your 2013 ambitions. In June 11th of 2013, Jupiter will enter your first house, which brings good fortune your way.   December 3rd 2012 the Sun in Sagittarius is in direct opposition with Jupiter and the full glare of the Sun leaves you nowhere to hide.  Therefore may I suggest you try smiling and being polite to those at home, remember you still have your friends, even if it’s just Earnest the cat.  Just say no to yourself the next time you are tempted to buy that useless luxury item as things will be tight for now.
Cancer:  Before the New Year, focus on the practical side of life for a change.  The first week of December 2012 is something of an astrological pileup of planets and aspects.  It is up to you to ignore outside influences and concentrate on doing your own job in the way you know best.  The full moon in January 9th means that resourcefulness, and sharpness of mind will be in effect until around May 5th when emotions take over.  In conclusion, drink at least 2 cups of coffee in the morning until January 9th  when you should feel better, but remember to call in sick at work for Cinco de Mayo.
Leo:  Ah, romance is in the air for you single kitties, but nobody is available.  Now after the 19th of December you will lose some of your energy levels this year, your 11th house will be into social networking on your heart.  At work you may get criticized, just keep your trap shut and things will eventually settle down, remember you’re just great.  I just love those adorable big cats!  Be creative with finances (one way of putting it darling) and in May things will improve, rethink your methods at the end of this month. Any troubles you are having at times are all due to the Moon passing wind when the Sun and Jupiter are opposed (ah!  Sun and Jupiter are opposed, that explains your problems with that male Sagittarius in your life).
Virgo:  Home and family is the focus, or should be the focus in December, things will slow down during the holidays financially, but you will be noticed by others.  Spend quality time with your family to ease the tension at home.  Remember to be happy with what you have been given in life and don’t whine about not being able to afford a facelift. If you need to make a career change on around December 13th the heavens are at the ideal placement for it.
Libra:  You will be busy this December, running around, running around, and running around.  Reorganize yourself and focus on practical matters.  You will do well at work and be rewarded for your efforts.  Stay calm when things happen or people say upsetting things, try and look at it from the other side.  This does explain when that Capricorn will seem too silly and you will be feeling more serious.   When friends pull at you for help, they have to work out their own problems.  Do not make any big financial decisions at this time.  This is not the month for traveling for you either dear.  Don’t let what you say, when in a snippy mood; bite you in the toush in 2013.
Scorpio:  Those around you hold you in high esteem. November was party after party.  A little solitude may just be what you need to clear the cobwebs of your mind in the beginning of December.   Money will flow freely to you this month.  Around Dec. 19th you may hit a few snags at work, try to focus and be patient.  Don’t get involved in any arguments flying around, keep your nose clean and stay out of trouble.  When it comes to gift giving, don’t spend so much money at this time, remember it’s the thought that counts.  You don’t want to be in a binder with money later on if you spent it all for the holidays.  You don’t want to ask Dad for a loan.
Sagittarius:  This month you will get what you want.  Wow, I wonder what that means.  Revolutionary Uranus may put pressure on you for a change, (so what else is new).  Expect a surprise this month.  Don’t worry it’s probably not another baby but you know who might adopt another pet.  You will feel less worried at work when you learn to let others take some of the load.  Dec. 11th through 13th you may have struggles and conflicts, but after Venus arrives the stress will shift to the family easing by the 21st.  On the 23rd make amends to your family if you stepped on anyone’s toes, especially the cat’s (especially if you are married to a Leo!  Or have a Leo daughter).  You may be tempted to spend money on others, (a tip) ask your partner first especially if this person is a Leo.  It’s safer to let the kitty win. Remember to always talk things out before making a big decision that affects your family.
Capricorn:  November was very demanding, and December should slow down some.  January will have you become more efficient.  You may become more ambitious as you seek for more control; try to lesson tensions at home.  You will continue to transform yourself in your journey of self discovery.  Take time in any decision making.  Romance – be careful and not laugh at your partner at the wrong time, they may take this seriously and you have a tendency to be silly.  You may be accused of immaturity at this time.  Be careful in spending money this month, save up for your big plans ahead.  At the end of December you will feel very calm, a perfect time for you, your family and friends to get together.
Aquarius:  Networking this month and hanging out with friends.  Everything will be fine except for that glitch in Dec. 4th when the moon is in Leo.  Give your partner space mid December.  People from out of the past may come into your life.  This will be a month of serendipity.  You are very popular now.  Your sign may be intellectual air but your passions may become heated up during the coming year.  At work you will need to explain yourself in more practical terms and this way someone will listen to you.  Think of ways to earn more money instead of daydreaming.  Later in the month focus on your family at home, you need to.  You will find things better around the 26th when Mars is opportune.
Pisces:  Relax and take a good look at your important relationships at this time.   Dearest fishie, we all love you.  Try to gain a new perspective in your life in order to heal.  You may become involved in a group activity this month.  You have great potential this year to increase your spiritual awareness in the universe; you will eventually swim beyond the mundane.  Lots of pressure from the planets all squared at you… this builds up till Dec. 11th and oh no!  Neptune will join the other planets in the square and you will feel really mixed up.  Just keep to your regular tasks at work and things will calm down by the 21st.  Conclusion, fish tanks really should be kept round and not made rectangular.

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological forecast for January 2012

Auntie Nosebag January-2012

Auntie Nosebag January-2012

Auntie Nosebag’s Forecast for January 2012

Hello darlings…..isn’t life good. The worst is behind us and now we must look to positive beginnings of the coming new year for goyim. I have been on sabbatical these past few and will now try to catch up with you all dears. No time for mental breakdowns we must push on ahead!

Resist peer pressure and use your brains, January may be erratic beware of Jan 27th.
Ego clashes abound so keep your temper. Be careful of January 13th of opportunistic opponents. On the 24th and 25th things should improve.
Stop day dreaming and move your toush. Watch your spending this month. Don’t ignore the world around you dear. January 19th is good luck day for you.
Concentrate on what’s around you, you walk around in a fog. Stop being prejudiced and try to see things from the other person’s viewpoint in life. Remember to listen to others. Keep it a secret how much money you have.
Get out of your hermit crab shell. Try to give to others the kindness they’ve shown you. Take care of your family this month. Seek advise from a Virgo woman. Things will improve on Jan 13th and Jan 21st.
Stop being a grouch, you are too cold and distant. Focus on the positive around you, there must be something dear. Time to go on that diet. The 1st and 7th are good days and Jan 20th things will improve.
Kick your bad habits this month. You need to catch up on your phone calls and emails. Remember to call your Aunt. Beware of Saturn on the 7th and 10th of the month.
You need to watch your temper this month, calm down. Take a chill pill. Watch your pocket book and save for a rainy day. Take up meditation or go for walks to get rid of stress. Watch out for Jupiter on the 3rd and the moon on the 17th, things will improve by the 20th.
It’s time to Network and get out there and be your charming self, lay off the garlic when in social arena dear. If you need help don’t hesitate to ask your good friends you have lots. You should look out on the 6th but the 7th and 8th will be lucky for you.
Get on the track, you will experience a break through at an unexpected moment. You can handle whatever comes your way. An excellent time for business. Beware of a Virgo woman on the 23rd. Don’t sign any contracts on the 13th of January!
You’ve got to communicate to bring tranquility in your life. Be your charming self but plan what ever it is you will say to avoid putting your foot in it. Beware of romance on the 7th of January. The 13th will be lucky for you in business.
You are cool, try a little passion. Try to communicate this month. If you have to vent do it in a closet. Try to not procrastinate with things but set yourself to task in all your work. Be loving on the 5th and 6th. New career opportunities on the 19th. Be careful of the 12th and 13th regarding spending your money!

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological forecast for October 2011

Auntie Nosebag Astrology Forecast October 2011

Auntie Nosebag Astrology Forecast October 2011

Your career, reputation, role in the community and contribution to the world are very important to you at this time, and you can make significant gains regarding your ambitions. Recognition for your efforts and receiving credit for your accomplishments are likely now, if you’ve “done your homework.” This is an excellent time to ask for a promotion, or to engage the support of those in positions of higher authority.Personal growth is experienced by the Aries this month with the October 11th Full Moon in Aries. Emphasis on relationships. Friendships and careers are highlighted with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Libra. Money matters are focused upon this month with Venus in Scorpio from the 9 th on and the October 26th New Moon in Scorpio as well. The month ends with the alignment of Jupiter in Taurus with Pluto in Capricorn making financial success possible.
Once The Moon moves out of Aries on the 13th of October 2011 is the time you need to spring in to action. Get all of those necessary jobs you have been putting off out of the way. The next seven days will see you at your peak physically.Negatives:
Expect things to be a little out of your control on the 9th of October as The Moon kicks the otherwise calming Uranus out of its slumber, and the conjunction affecting Aries at opposition in Libra recedes.Aries Summary:
You will get your reward this month but only if you are serious and show how committed you are. Keep your feet firmly on the ground though, don’t let your heart rule your head. Allow The Moon and Uranus to work out their differences before acting at your maximum however. Yes you have been holding yourself back far too long, this is the month to prove just how strong and courageous you can really be. With the confusing conjunction in Libra out of the way and The Moon firmly out of Aries in the second part of October 2011, it is now completely under your control.

You have more energy and the inner resources to devote yourself to work and business-related assignments. You feel a strong determination to apply yourself to purposeful tasks and chores in your work environment. Although others may feel isolated by your self direction, you work with more efficiency and concentration when alone. In fact, you have an unbelievable capacity for enduring hardship and obstacles now and outwardly project to others that you can handle just about anything. Therefore, recognition or advancements in your work are possible, if you seize the opportunity to act on your ambitions.
Taurus October 2011 Horoscope and Forecast After a hectic, and at times upsetting September, life simmers down for you during the first week of October. Many of you will be in a new home or hideaway of some kind. Three planets in Libra encourage you to go shopping for art and furniture to make your new nest exactly how you want it.On the second and third of the month your attention might be focused on a nagging health problem that does not seem to go away. Several planets strongly suggest that you do not ignore any warning signs from your body about your health and that you seek medical attention. The problem is not necessarily serious and it even all may be in your head. The general message from Pluto and Mercury is that it is time for you to start looking after yourself better. In fact the first week of the month is an excellent time for you to start a fitness plan.On October 8th and 9th it is best to curb your famous tendency to be the dominant or most successful person in the room. Thanks to a vile placement of Venus in Scorpio others are not going to be as tolerant of you as usual. You could cause a huge rift in your social or business life if you insist on being sarcastic, overly critical or getting your way during these two days. No matter how right you think you are, you are going to need to bend or you might have a full-blown mutiny on your hands. This is especially true if you happen to be the leader of a team at work.The last two weeks of the month could bring stressful both emotionally and financially. Venus opposes Jupiter from October 14th to the 17th and Jupiter, the planet of wealth, just happens to be in your sign.When the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd things will get a much better financially. Mars also has a beneficial effect on your health on that day and you will feel more vigorous and positive than you have in a few weeks.On October 28th good news greets you! Mercury, the planet of both messages and travel, is going to send you on a trip that combines business with pleasure. This could be a convention or a seminar that helps you get ahead in your career.
Jupiter in Taurus throughout October 2011 is an empowering time for you, especially during the first two weeks of the month when your own ideas have a chance to grow from acorns in to sapling oak trees.Negatives:
Don’t lose sight of your goals when The Moon pushes past Jupiter on November 15th and makes you think twice about your impending tasks.Taurus Summary:
You are about to come across a golden opportunity that you will regret if you let it slip away, with the power of Jupiter in your court. You are in danger of getting stuck in a rut but don’t worry by next month things will improve and perhaps a chance to book that holiday you have been dreaming about. The planet Jupiter will give you inspiration and allow your ideas to bear fruit. By mid October the changeable Moon will give you reason to think twice before rushing ahead, but keep control and stick on task.
Relationships with others are harmonious and stable now. Someone older than yourself, more experienced, or in a position of authority is likely to assist you now in the things that are important to you. Government agencies and businesses also respond positively to issues and ideas that concern you. This is a good time for any communications with authorities or persons of social prominence. You are feeling confident and the serious-mindedness and maturity of your communications is appreciated by others. You have a greater rapport with others now, especially on issues that deeply concern you. Others seem less superficial and irresponsible to you, and you feel greater respect for them. Actually, others haven’t changed as much as it would appear; you are better able to communicate with others and see the more mature side of their personalities.The month begins with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your fellow air sign of Libra and this brings you a great deal of luck in the areas of money, love and career. There will be a lazier pace to life this first week and you will finally, after last month’s zany pace, get a chance to rest.During the first week of October Mercury in your sign is likely to bring you a gorgeous new piece of technology like a lap top or a cell phone. whatever it is this gadget is going to make your life a lot easier.Love planet Venus in the gentle sign of Libra allows you to spend some genuinely enjoyable and relaxed quality time with someone you love. If you are single you could meet someone new. This influence, which also favors long walks in the park and time spent with children and pets lasts until the ninth and then things stay quite hectic for you right up until Halloween.On October 8th and 9th it is best not to be too flirtatious with a new friend as it is likely to make someone jealous. However on the 9th you may find yourself getting an apology from someone who did you a serious wrong turn the summer before last. Finally, things will be set right and the two of you will be able to continue your relationship as if there hadn’t been any disagreement at all.When the Sun enters the seductive sign of Scorpio on the 23rd you are going to be at your wittiest and sexiest. Dress your best as your charming company is going to be sought out to be invited to numerous parties. The sun in Scorpio is also likely to invigorate your creativity; you may be inspired to go freelance or find innovative ways to make an existing business make more money.On October 28th your sign could receive great news about a cash windfall or royalties that you will finally receive. It could be that this money was due to you for some years.
If you want to start a new project and make it a success this month there are two periods when your capacity for learning will be at their highest. The 6th and 7th of October and then again on the 21st provide opportunities you should seize.Negatives:
The North Node at opposition in Sagittarius may well upset an otherwise balanced month with Jupiter in Taurus and Mars retrograde in Leo on October 24th.
Gemini Summary:
You are making yourself worse by dwelling on what might have been, instead look around at what you have now and learn to appreciate it and be grateful. You have a lot more going for you than you realize. The planetary alignments at the beginning of October and near the end of October 2011 will bring you new opportunities to reach your goal and give you a better chance to succeed. Be wary towards the end of the month when the North Node opposes Jupiter in Taurus and Mars retrograde in Leo may well try to divert your otherwise careful and well made plans.
Delicate sensitivity is required to handle the situations and feelings that arise now. It is good to release feelings that surface, but not wallow in them. For example, you might feel like crying, or you might feel very jealous or angry at someone, for no apparent reason. If the feeling becomes very strong, then it is best to express the energy in some form, whether it be allowing yourself to cry, letting the other person know that you are feeling jealous or playing a dynamic sport to release pent up frustrations. After the energy release, try to analyze the situation and discover the source of the problem. Take note of any situation where your response to something is out of proportion. You may become very irritated at someone over a relatively minor issue, or you may become zealously impassioned about some issue or idea that is actually relatively minor.October begins with three planets slowing the world down in the easy-going sign of Libra. The first week of the month will feel like everybody wants you to do all the work while they go out and have fun. In fact, that is probably true, however you will reap rewards for all of your hard work by the 9th both financially and in terms of recognition. The key for your sign to getting through the first ten days of this month is to keep your eyes on what you are doing and do not focus what is up with everybody else. You are also to stay away from gossip or expressing self-pity of any kind.Mark the 9th on your calendar as being a fantastic one for romance. Venus is going to align with Chiron in Pisces and a dream that is very precious to your heart is about to come true. Many Crabs will receive a marriage proposal on this day.This beautiful influence of Chiron in Pisces on Cancers could also bring you good news when it comes to your career. You could receive a bonus or be promoted before the fifteenth.When the Sun enters your fellow water sign of Scorpio on the 23rd you will have the will and the energy to get anything you want accomplished. You will have had good news about a financial problem that has been quite a burden for some time. Blessed relief is in sight for Crabs who may have had a hard time making ends meet for the last year and a half.On the 26th planets in Scorpio go a bit awry and you should beware of letting a power escalate into huge fight. It is better to walk away from a dispute. You should also be careful to take every safety precaution possible on these days.Positives:
With Uranus in Aries squared with Jupiter in Libra for the first part of October 2011 you will be a force to be reckoned with. Your physical peak could well come on the 3rd and 4th of October.Negatives:
The combination of Mars moving in Leo and The Moon in Cancer at opposition with Pluto on the 19th is a time you should lay low and avoid confrontations especially in the workplace.Cancer Summary:
Look further afield and you will find new opportunities in which to grow and with full support of Uranus and Jupiter in Aries and Libra you will certainly give others the chance to see what you can achieve, but don’t forget your roots. Do speak up for yourself however; make sure that you blow your own trumpet, you will be at your best the beginning of October with the help of Uranus and Jupiter. However with the influence of Mars and the Moon opposing Pluto it would be wise to keep your head down at certain times, especially on the 19th of this month.
Sharing your thoughts and ideas with your mate or marriage partner is rewarding to you now. A blending of similar interests and attitudes can help establish closer ties between you and your mate. In an ongoing relationship, pledges of love, commitment, and loyalty can be exchanged, or you can have a meaningful conversation which brings renewed vows. You or your loved one may be especially revealing with regard to affectionate feelings and open communications. Carrying out day to day routines and obligations with your companion should also prove more pleasant during this period. You may even receive an invitation or news of a wedding, birth, party or engagement now.Mars, the warrior planet, is in your sign all of this month which means that you will have the power to beat any other sign of the Zodiac at any game they want to play all month. When Mars is in an astrological sign it improves health, relationships and reinforces male virility. Many male Lions will be more “in the mood” than they have been for some time.The month starts out leaving you feeling a bit impatient. Life will go a bit too slowly for your liking. Three planets in Libra tend to put everything “on hold” and it may be next to impossible for you to get the answers you are looking for when you need them. This influence lasts until the eighth of October when Venus and Mercury join Mars in Scorpio and get life moving in the right direction again. Thanks to this cosmic configuration you will feel like you can do no wrong.You can expect to hear great news about your career yet again between October 12th and 15th thanks to a boost in good fortune from planet Mercury throwing a kiss to your sign. If you are one of those Lions who is freelance in the arts your life could be doubly blessed with a lot of money and fame. However be prepared for quite a grind; when Mercury aligns with Mars as she is in your case, the schedule tends to be grueling and exacting. You will be expected to perform and you will not be able to miss a single meeting or deadline!On October 28th you could have quite a big understanding with a loved one who is likely to be very peeved that you do nothing but work all of the time. Mercury faces off against the Mars in your sign which means that there is nothing that you can say that will make the situation better. You may have no choice but to grin and bear it, and then resolve to spend more quality time with this person as they demand.On the same day, wealth planet Jupiter could also bring you great news about a bonus you could receive for a job well done at work. Just remember to share the wealth with friends and loved ones who have been missing your company…
Although dominated by Mars, October 2011 is a relatively balanced month for the Leo. Your emotional and physical energies are evenly distributed but with a peak of mental fortitude right at the very start of the month on October 1st and a high point of physical prowess on the 26th.Negatives:
With The Moon in Aquarius at opposition with Mars on the 6th of October, you may well be swayed from your otherwise good decision making this month. A further opposition from Neptune in Aquarius on the 31st is also a point in time you must guard against negative outside influences.Leo Summary:
Be careful of looking through those rose colored spectacles this month, not everything is as bright as it looks, even when illuminated by The Moon. Make sure you do your research before you rush into anything. Learn to compromise instead of getting angry and upset with others, sit down and work out a plan that will suit everyone’s needs as well as those of your own. This month Mars gives you the balance you need in your way of thinking, but be wary on the 6th of October 2011 when this balance could be upset by The Moon’s influence in Aquarius.
Communications with others tend to be unsettled or may cause a few anxious moments. There could be problems getting a message straight or making sense out of a conversation you have with another individual. Similarly, something may be going on that is not apparent to you now. You may keep your thoughts at bay for fear that others will misinterpret your remarks. You might prefer to walk away from aggravating situations rather than put up a defense now. Business and personal affairs may be slow in getting off the ground due to inefficiency or lack of foresight. Use careful planning and common sense when starting important new undertakings during this period.For the past year and a half your sign has been greatly influenced by Pluto in Capricorn. Many of your concerns have been about money, and in particular a piece of property you own. You could be going through a divorce or a separation in which the terms are not quite fair or clear. There is also a great possibility that you are having issues with family members as well.This upsetting trend does continue throughout the month of October but the good news is that you will be better able to be less angry or emotional about the patterns that seem to keep repeating themselves. The key to getting on top of this big issue is to be patient. This is going to be especially important for your sign during the first week of October when three planets in Libra slow your progress right down. Legally and financially it may feel like you are caught up in a big snarl of red tape.Around the 8th, planets in Scorpio help life move forward at a faster pace and it will be easier for you to get phone calls and emails returned. However you still might feel for the next week or so as if you are being ignored. You might also feel like others are getting all the credit for your hard work.You do have a three-day window in October from the 12th to the 15th when Mercury, the planet of communication finally gives you the chance to talk to someone who has been avoiding talking to you about an important issue for weeks. You will be allowed to get a few things off of your chest and much to your surprise, you will be heard.One of your better days is going to be October 28th when Jupiter in the domestic sign of Taurus bring your good news about a family member. You could be invited to a wedding or a baby shower. You could also receive news that you are about to receive a bonus or an award for all of the hard work you did earlier in the month…The last three days of the month are great for an earth sign like you to rent an apartment, buy property, renegotiate a mortgage or take out a loan
The best thing about the month of October 2011 for Virgo is the peace and quiet afforded to your part of the Zodiac this month. Towards the end of the month things will get a little more exciting especially as Mars approaches, but this is more than canceled out by the none opposition balancing act of Uranus just over the cusp inside Aries and Neptune similarly positioned in Aquarius.Negatives:
On the 21st of October the conjunction of The Moon and Mars in Leo will oppose the similar paring of The Sun and Saturn in Libra. This combination will indirectly push you in directions you had better try resisting or face the consequences.October 2011 Virgo Summary:
is an ideal quiet time for Virgos everywhere to get to know their romantic partners better, especially if things go to very well to plan ready for Mars to add a little more excitement in the latter part of the month. Do your best resist other kinds of temptation at times, especially financially with your own hard earned cash. Don’t let other people decide where to put it. The Moon and Mars in Leo are an especially difficult combination to resist. Those who are helpful may be difficult to spot amongst the crowd who are not actually on your side.
Your imagination is charged now. Any artistic endeavors are This is a favorable time for love and marital relationships. You and a mate or lover can have the opportunity to enjoy mutual interests and find satisfactory solutions to any problems that might arise now. You will want your loving companion to be there for you, to share in your ups and downs and to show loyalty and commitment to the relationship. You expect the same devotion and affection which you lavish on your mate to be fully reciprocated now. Entertaining in your home or hosting an event or party with your mate or spouse would be rewarding to you. If you are currently unattached, this period may feature a brand-new love attraction whom you may meet during a social gathering.This month begins with the Sun, Mercury and Venus in your sign which brings you a dose of triple luck especially in the areas of self-improvement, career and love. This year the Sun conspires with Mars to help you finally resolve a nagging health problem; you will feel revitalized and more physically fit than you have in years.During the first week of October Mercury in your sign is likely to bring you a new piece of technology like a computer or a cell phone. Love planet Venus is likely to bring a kiss from an old friend who might be far away; the two of you will make plans to meet before the New Year.On October 8th and 9th it is best not to brag about any good fortune as Venus enters Scorpio and makes others jealous of your success. However on the 9th you may find yourself getting an apology from someone who wronged you about two years ago. The ninth is a day of spiritual healing for you as well and you may decide to contact several old friends that you may have had differences with over the years and make things right.The last two weeks of the month could bring some confusing emotional situations. Venus opposes Jupiter from October 14th to the 17th which means that some couples could be arguing about a lack of money. When the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd you can expect some scrapping with a mate, but the fun part will be making up after the fight is over.On October 28th your sign might be forced to walk on tiptoes to humor a loved one who is very out of sorts. Mercury squares Mars which means no matter what you say it could be interpreted as an insult. “Check your ego at the door” and refuse to take the bait for a fight no matter what someone says. However on the same day, wealth planet Jupiter could also bring you great news about a cash windfall; the money will be an unexpected but very welcome addition to your bank account.
The massive conjunction the affected Libra in September 2011 and the very start of October is almost over, and the further in to October we move makes all the difference. By the end of October the usual Libran balance is restored especially once The Moon has passed on its way in to Scorpio on the 26th.Negatives:
Don’t get out of bed on October 1st. The two major conjunctions in Libra of The Sun and Mercury, and also Venus and Saturn are even further compounded by the oppressing offset oppositions of Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Taurus. But remember, you are not in control, this is not of your doing, it’s not your fault. Just get through this day.Libra Summary:
The Libra daily horoscope for Tuesday September 20th 2011 just about sums up a how outside forces have during September and October 2011: You sometimes get stuck in negative thoughts, but this will pass with a positive outlook… This has been down to a huge planetary conjunction of The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and at times The Moon all in Libra at the same time. The best news is, the further Libra gets in to October 2011, the more Libra gains back control of their own destiny. The problems affecting all aspects of your life, especially those that we have to accept the will of others, namely romance and career, are coming to an end. October may start our of control, but by the end of the month it is your turn to show the universe who is boss.
You might sacrifice some of your own personal desires to prove your commitment and dedication to the primary relationships in your life. You can appear very devoted to your mate, but you may focus more on the intricate workings of your partnership than on the individual you are relating to. If you deny your own interests to the extreme just now, you may obsess over issues in your one-to-one relationships. You have to find a balance in your need to be of service in your primary relationships. On the other hand, if your passion is work and career, you may spend this time avoiding intimacy and closeness in your partnerships.The month begins with three planets in Libra, which makes life a bit slow and dull for your sign. Time will seem to crawl. It will also seem like almost everyone you know has a real problem stating what they want or making up their mind. Get used to being let down or “stood up”; just be patient.During the first week of October, Mercury, the planet of communication, may find you always sitting on hold for hours “waiting to speak to an agent” or shopping with someone who is very indecisive. Venus in Libra brings you mixed messages from a lover who does not seem to want to commit to a relationship either way. You will be pleased to know this person is actually bluffing or playing hard to get.Life becomes very exciting and dramatic from the 8th onwards when both Venus and Mercury enter your sign and bring you lots of flirting, proposals and attention from potential lovers.By the time the sun enters your sign on the 23rd the world will feel like it is your oyster. You will have had good news about a relationship and it is likely that you will have had some kind of breakthrough when it comes to your career success by the last week of October as well.On October 28th you are going to be pleasantly surprised by good news in your family. It is possible a sibling or parent will be getting married or having a baby and you will be invited to the celebrations. One hitch is that you might have to travel quite far to take part in the fun, but the planets promise that the trip will be well worth the time and money.However on October 28th and 29th you might want to watch out for an aggressive personality that might want to start some kind of war with you. Mars, the planet that rules bullies could bring a bizarre yet violent incident into your life so be sure not to escalate any arguments (no matter how much you are in the right.) Be careful not to express road rage as well.
As soon as The Sun crosses over in to Scorpio from Libra on October 23rd you will feel a mental boost. This will last right up and even past the 28th of the month.Negatives:
The first week of October could be a low point as Mercury follows in close formation with The Sun again. Do not make big decisions on the 7th of October when you will not be at your sharpest.
Scorpio Summary:
Once you have the first week of October 2011 out of the way and Mercury lessens in its affects on The Sun you will gain more confidence and power. You will have more ability to overcome any setbacks by standing on your own two feet, irrespective of what other people try to say or imply about you, and things will continue to get better right in to the next month. The period from October 23rd right in to late November 2011 is a time you can express yourself with confidence as The Sun shines at its brightest on Scorpio.
A romantic or platonic relationship may undergo difficulties at this time. A mate, friend or loved one may be indifferent to your attempts to keep relations peaceful, harmonious and free of discord. Conflicts of interest, tastes, and desires can be more evident and noticeable in your close relationships. You may have a hard time understanding or approaching someone who doesn’t share your thoughts and values. You may try to appease others now, but it may be a waste of time trying to fix a situation which must be left to work itself out. In work or career endeavors, your talents may take time to manifest productively and profitably.During the first week of October you will be frustrated by all of the travel delays, missing emails and unreturned phone calls that are caused three planets in the irresponsible sign of Libra. However life starts moving a little faster on the twelfth when the moon becomes full in the efficient can-do sign of Aries. Around that date many Archers will be making travel plans that combine business with pleasure.The ninth and the tenth of the month are lovely days to take a jaunt out to the country to browse an antique market or take a trip to a museum to learn about the past. The planet Chiron, a planet of healing and learning, might also have some of you signing up for further education that day.During the three day period that takes place from October 12th-15th you can expect to hear great news about your career; some of you will be promoted or receive a big bonus for a job well done. Freelance or artistic Archers will enjoy money and success thanks to blessings from Mercury; a planet that favors the humanities and the arts.Beware of an ego struggle that could take place between you and a family member on October 26th. Misunderstandings about money that is owed or joint property are very likely on this day. This is also not a good day for your sign to lend or borrow money no matter how desperate a crisis may be; beware of credit card or other loan offers as there is likely a hidden fee or interest rate that could affect you adversely in the future. Lie low and do not engage with someone who may seem vengeful and irrational.
Sagittarius achieves a rare astrological balance on October 18th with none of the usual fluctuating negative energies being focused in your direction. Take a moment of solace alone on that day and feel the benefits for the rest of the month.
October 2011 is something of a slow starter for Sagittarius. For the first week, or even longer you may well feel it difficult to motivate yourself to get anything done.
Sagittarius Summary:
Although October 2011 for Sagittarius starts off a little slow for you compared to those around you, stick to your guns and don’t be over influenced by outside forces to make rash changes. People will respect you more if you stand your ground, even if it means you to become a little more stubborn at times. Do note that although a moment alone is good on October 18th, the rest of the month of October you should seek a little more company.
October 2011 is a time to stand up and make some decisions about yourself and the people around you. Your friends family and colleagues are counting on you. The ideal time is just after The Moon leaves Capricorn around October 8th 2011, as you gain control of all aspects of your life. Do your best to get all of this out of the way, there is a short time frame of a couple of days before the lasting effects of the Librian conjunctions make any positive changes more difficult to achieve from the 10th of October onwards.Positives:
If you want to make a mark, pencil in October 6th and 7th as the best time during October 2011. As soon as The Moon is out of the way of Capricorn and won’t be back for a month will give you just the respite you need.Negatives:
The strongest opposing forces combine at their greatest on October 10th and 11th 2011, and continue for a greater or lesser extent until near the end of the month. The tumultuous conjunction effects on Libra are subsiding and spreading out over the cusp in to Scorpio, but are resonating against Capricorn via the conjunction of The Moon and Uranus in Aries on the cusp with Pisces. You may feel lacking the ability to control your own destiny at this time.This month Pluto is in your sign, as it has been all year. You are sick of repeating the same old patterns. Every day, the same upsetting emotional dramas keep repeating. Your sign is on a learning curve that lasts for the next twelve years and the lesson seems to be about dealing with issues of control.Be patient. Do not try to improve your relationships the first week of October. The planets are too volatile for you to get a sane reaction to even the most reasonable of requests. Three planets in the irresponsible sign of Libra guarantee that your attempts to be heard will go ignored; especially if you are dealing with family members and the topic happens to be money.
You do have a three-day window in October from the 12th to the 15th when Mercury, the planet of communication makes it easier for you to make your position clear to someone who has been quite passive-aggressive or even avoiding completely you for weeks. The outcome of the conversation might be much more positive than you expected.
The 14th to the 17th could be challenging financially. You could receive news that a lawsuit or dispute over a property is not going in your favor. This is also not a good time for you to buy a car or a house as Jupiter, the planet of wealth, is opposing your best interests.
One of your better days is going to be October 28th when Jupiter in the domestic sign of Taurus makes a lucky angle to Pluto in your sign. Some Goats could be getting a marriage proposal on this day or hearing news that they have a baby on the way.
The last three days of the month are great for an earth sign like you to rent an apartment, buy property, renegotiate a mortgage or take out a loan. The planet Jupiter favors nurturing family and humoring your nesting instincts.
This is a time when inner growth and healing can take place. Balance, resolution, and cooperation should be strived for in your personal relationships. You may gain a different perspective or take a new look at a situation or person that has hurt and troubled you in the past. An emotional encounter can be heart-warming and offer you valuable insights. In both your private and professional life, you have a keen sense of your individuality and of the direction you want to go. Other people will be drawn to your confident or unique approaches and some may even be willing to give your ideas a try.Three planets in the indecisive Libra during the first week of October make it hard for you to push a pet project forward but it is full speed ahead once Mercury enters the ruthless and ambitious sign of Scorpio on October 8th. You will find yourself inspired and feeling well and efficient. Do not be surprised if you get more done this month than you have all year; the planet Mercury will be helping you get ahead fast all month.The good news just keeps on coming from October 12th to the 15th when your ruler Mercury makes a beautiful alignment with the intuitive planet of Neptune. You make all the right moves strategically on these days and you will be rewarded with prestige and financially for being so savvy and diligent.A public ego struggle that could take place between you and a family member on October 26th. Mars, the warrior planet, is putting many in a stubborn or bad mood on that day so don’t bring up controversial matters unless you want to start World War III.The last three days of the month may bring good news about a recent investment you have made. A lucky influence from Jupiter also favors asking for loans or a credit line, particularly if it is to finance a business.
Neptune in Aquarius still has positive effects on you this month. There are several high points, such as the 12th of October when Neptune Trines with Mercury in Libra, and in very similar circumstances on the 22nd but Trined with The Sun this time.
The squared opposition of Jupiter in Taurus with Mercury and Venus in Scorpio on the 17th of October 2011 could be a cause for concern if you do not keep your wits about you.
Aquarius Summary:
You need to show patience and keep your feet very firmly on the ground, but still remain sharp enough to grasp each opportunity that comes your way during October 2011. Neptune in Aquarius will help you with the patience side of the equation, but it is up to you to break free of outside influence and do not allow those around you to push you off course in combination with the squared opposition of Jupiter in Taurus with Mercury and Venus in Scorpio in the middle of October 2011.
Romantic involvements and social activities can be primary concerns for you at this time. You find pleasure and enjoyment when you are intensely and emotionally involved in something meaningful and fulfilling. Existing love relationships are benefited through faithfulness, warmth, and devotion. You may find a safe haven in the security of a love union to uplift or distract you from any unpleasant issues in your life. Also, your work can be a source of satisfaction to you as well. Job-related goals and financial activities are productive or promising at this time. If you are unattached or single, you may have an opportunity to mix business with pleasure or meet a suitable mate through your employment.October launches with three planets in the lazy and fun-loving sign of Libra. This is an exasperating influence for you because it makes it seem like nothing gets done unless you do all of the work. The truth is that most of the responsibility to get things done really is going to be left up to you, however do not feel sorry for yourself. You will more than likely be recognized and well-rewarded for all of your hard work by October 8th when communication planet Mercury enters Scorpio…Mark the 9th on your calendar as being one of the best days of your life. Love planet Venus makes a beautiful alignment to Chiron in your sign. This means that something that you have dearly wanted to happen for years does finally take place. You will be beside yourself with joy at the events that unfold on this day. You will feel released from a great burden and like you have a fresh start! Some hard-working Fishes could even be promoted or put in better-paying positions of leadership before the fifteenth.When the Sun enters your fellow water sign of Scorpio on the 23rd you are going to feel like you are on top of the world. You will have had good news about a money problem that has been haunting your daily for some time and it is likely that you will have had some kind of breakthrough when it comes to your career.Beware of a power struggle that could take place between you and a family member on October 26th. Do not let a molehill grow into a mountain when it comes to a simple difference of point-of-view.
You may find yourself more interested in the occult than usual this month thanks to so many planets in the somewhat psychic sign of Scorpio dominating your sign’s spiritual life this month. The last three days of the October are particularly good for visiting a psychic or getting your astrology chart done. You will also feel more intuitive than usual and like investigating the world of the supernatural. A trip to a place from your childhood is also indicated at this time.
Your mental strengths outweigh your negative physical needs for almost all of October 2011 thanks to the duel balance of Neptune and Uranus just over the cusp with Pisces in Aquarius and Aries respectively, which even The Moon resonated with on the 9th. A day of thought for you.
The somewhat unorthodox focus of The Sun in Scorpio and The Moon in conjunction with Saturn in Libra, especially on October 26th will send different waves of negative energy in your direction. Think back to the 9th of October 2011 for the strength to get through.
Pisces Summary:
Make the most of October 9th and the Neptune in Aquarius and Uranus in Pisces very balanced for Pisces planetary alignments. Use this day to make your plans for the rest of what could be a very interesting and productive month for Pisces. Don’t get too ambitious with pie in the sky ideas but just concentrate on getting the simple things right for the best results and maximum payback. Hopefully by the end of the month you will also have the necessary strength to take charge at home and make a good compromise for everyone when the family conflicts that are ultimately heading your way actually begin.

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological forecast for September 2011


Auntie Nosebag after a CIA torture session

Auntie Nosebag after a CIA torture session


Relax in the full moon while in Pisces. Mars transits Leo from the 18th on bringing you social energy. You may feel confused so question what you hear. Never allow the past to influence your future. Don’t worry, things will improve next month.
At the end of the month you will have conflict bringing you stress so keep it simple stupid. Singles may meet that special someone but keep your options open. Your career will be good. Be careful and don’t take risky moves, use your common sense. If something is bothering you, explain why you’re unhappy.
Be careful you don’t lose money by being foolish. You feel best at home but watch your children’s activities and their friends, especially the last week of Sept. Your money looks good this month, but remember you can’t grow green if you don’t spread it around like manure. In romance, go with the flow.
Stress at home, try not to be a control freak. By the 12th you will want an adventure. You seem to be looking for love in all the wrong places but socially you will be active. Your money looks good by the 8th but don’t spend it all on stupid things.
Too many emails….sound familiar? I’m not kidding it was in the stars. Try not to lose your temper at work, take a chill pill. Delays in traveling and bad weather ahead. Singles, a new love may enter your realm. Your earnings will remain stable but expect a gift or return from an investment. Try not to be a fool in spending it all in one place .
*Sigh* it’s too much to ask for.
Too many expenses and not enough income. Your mouth will keep up a good pace at work. Relationships will be on the right track but curb your spending. Keep your coupons handy at the market checkout counter. At home speak your mind with your significant others don’t bottle it up.
Tensions with people and family. Don’t forget your best friend when being your superficial self. Job opportunities abound at this time. Keep up your network of friends to increase the possibility of meeting that right someone.
Take care of yourself as you may not feel well. You will have a great social life after getting over it all. Be honest with others and yourself darling. Now is the time to join a club to widen your network. You are in the fast lane this month. Things will improve next month financially, remember to be assertive in what is owed you.
Be careful of conflicts with friends. Your home is your fortress of solitude. You like to socialize this month, it’s also good for networking. Finish what you have already started before endeavoring into new things at work: maybe look for a job already.
Your in-laws are visiting and you will feel stress (ha ha ha ha), you may want to take that vacation soon. Car troubles at the end of the month. You may decide to join that gym this month to reduce that love handle problem. The 23rd look for something special….it’s in the horoscope even though it’s your birthday Alex. Money outlook is good, you will receive a gift.
So you don’t feel appreciated at home, go look for someone else. Try to move your tush at work and give a good impression once in a while. What is the matter with you this month anyway? Money will be tight so be careful: fool.
Full moon on the 12th, Pisces is lookin good. You will be motivated and a good influence on others. Work may show challenges by the 18th as Mars is in Leo. Focus those fish eyes and try to relieve your stress, fish enjoy taking baths.

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological forecast for August 2011


Auntie Nosebag 's cat jumps onto the table and gazes through her Crystal Ball

Auntie Nosebag ‘s cat jumps onto the table and gazes through her Crystal Ball


Aries: Mercury will be in Virgo retrograde on August 2nd. A time for misunderstanding so please back up all your records. August 26th things should head in another direction and you will be socializing with friends. You may see stress in the family, if someone dis’s you Honey, just let it roll off you like water on a duck and focus on maintaining your personal dignity.
Don’t blame Christy for all your problems.
Taurus: Venus is in Leo and Taurus will have a great month, however, don’t shoot your mouth off this month, you have to find a way to cork it. August 4th will be a good day for your career. Lots of socializing and fun this month. Remember not to obsess over things or people and don’t let the heavenly bodies cause break ups that you will later regret.
Gemini: Time to regroup your personal life and fall projects. Go on a vacation and refresh your brain: definitely needs something. Be careful you don’t dis your family this month as this isn’t cool. This is not a good time to become self-employed unless you have a lot of capital on hand you feel like throwing down the toilet. Try not to take unnecessary risks and don’t be so pushy.
Cancer: A month of delays and problems so double check your statements. Mars will arrive on August 3rd in your sign which will bring you a caffeine high. Be wary of taking a loan out or signing for your credit cards. Don’t trust others to make financial decisions for you. You will be focused on your love life this month or lack of. Keep away from the jelly fish in the waters of life.
Leo: Look at you Mr. Personality, just oozing charm and charisma. You will be floating away in romance but pull your head out of the water and look around in a practical and timely manner. Are you really ready and able to commit yourself? Or are you ready to be committed? Ha ha ha. Money will be slow nickels as opposed to fast dimes but watch for errors in bills and statements. Letters may get lost in the mail. Tap into your inner Lion strength to get things done without stepping on your family’s paws.
Virgo: Mix ups will happen. Postpone important decisions on personal matters. After August 21st you will be very attractive and you will exude charisma. This is a good time to display your artistic abilities. At work secrets and confusion will fly around so be careful, resist sharing information (gossip) and risk taking this month.
Libra: You too will be susceptible to mix ups for appointments and work or group activities. You will become more intuitive. Paint your toe nails pink this month girl. Romance will be in the air as Neptune moves into the 5th house. At work the tempo will be fast paced. You may find yourself changing majors, careers, or looking for alternative ways to become more productive.
Scorpio: You will find yourself a busy bookworm, scrutinizing libraries and the net. Your interests will focus on intellectual rather than emotional or romantic dialogues for now. Intuition will influence your home and family life. Your career may experience mix ups as Mercury retrogrades into your 10th house. Keep cool at work and stay focused, try to get along with Claire. Things will smooth out by the 20th.
Sagittarius: Travel mix ups this month (don’t get lost on the bus) delays and cancellations so please check your facts (use Google map),check things even at work and your bank statements twice. Career wise looks good this month so why not start job hunting mister (hint hint). Your focus this month will be on your family and your great stamina will have you trotting through. You may find yourself involved with your children’s educational needs or working with children.
Capricorn: Be careful your plans, communications and legal matters don’t get messed up through mix ups which is bad. Students may receive scholarships which is good. Relationships in career and family may have conflicts so be careful, on August 10th and 25th which is bad. Keep frugal in money matters, which is good. Post pone all money matters till September if you can. You may have to hold in the reins and cut back on expansion at work and business to cut costs or it could mean to cut back on fattening foods to avoid expansions of the waist.
Aquarius: Mercury in retrograde may cause misunderstandings and messed up appointments. Check your bills, statements and pay bills early. August 10th and 25th will be unlucky for business as you will become Mr. Grumpy. This will not affect your love-life, you cad you. Communications will be effected which will cause frustrations so you need to put off important discussions until after Mercury flies right again.
Pisces: Mercury turns retrograde on the 2nd causing miscommunications in close relationships and work till August 26th. Neptune once again will be in Aquarius on the 4th and the New Moon on the 13th creates a time to slow down and meditate. Take a bubble bath at this time. 21st August, Venus transits Virgo in your relationships. Work will be slow in coming. Find practical solutions to your problems and keep level headed. Forgo extra purchases a this time and avoid retail therapy darling.

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological forecast for July 2011


Auntie Nosebag July 2011

Auntie Nosebag July 2011


Welcome to July my dear readers….we started off with a bang in the form of a Solar eclipse didn’t we. I have been rather busy and depressed due to my cats activities so I’m sorry to have not warned you of the dangerous beginnings of this month. I’m hoping to post as much as I can before it’s August. July will be a good time to buy appliances and furniture.

Aries Squabbling planets will be disturbing the heavens, Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus will not be happy causing a loss in cooperation around you. Remember to not step on Christy’s toes at this time. Dysfunctional planets are in the cardinal signs, Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.
You may experience home repairs, moving, job changes showing impending decision making in the future.
Good days for you, July 7th, July 15th you will see things settling down. July 30 – 31 will be happy times and August will be a time of cleaning and repairs.
Taurus Don’t be rushed into anything hasty or rash decisions. Wait until July 7th before you travel. Also July 15 is good time to buy things and travel. July 27 good luck day for romance. July 30-31 good luck for home improvements. August you will see Mercury in retrograde so be careful.
Gemini Protect your health this month, good time to recuperate. Good days for you will be July 6-7th for money matters as Jupiter and Pluto will be working together for you. July 9th will be a social event, July 15th good for finances and loans, July 16-17, 20, 22nd, 27th, 30-31 all good days for you.
Cancer The eclipse in the beginning of the month probably upset you especially if your birthday was near the beginning of July. I hope none of the goats bite you at this time. This is a great time to review your life and pay attention to your health. A partner may come across as very heavy handed (another goat warning?). July 7- lucky in love, July 9-10th good again, 15th will be much more relaxing for you. Don’t schedule a wedding during August wait until September 18th….I’m not joking it’s in the stars.
Leo If you are trying to keep a dire secret, you will need to be careful because the solar eclipse will make things come out into the open….so be very careful. I’m so sorry I didn’t print this before that darn eclipse happened. You will feel pressure. Situations will resolve themselves by January 9, 2012. Protect your health and this includes mental health through psychoanalysis …July 7th good career day, July 15th you will find closure, July 27- lucky in romance, July 30 very lucky time for you especially if it’s near your birthday. Be careful of August 2 – 26 as Mercury is in retrograde and not good time to start or buy things.
Virgo A good time for your career, Mars is in Gemini during July through August 3rd you will have positive opportunities. July 6 – 7th good luck days, Virgos living abroad will see progress in their endeavors. July 13 – 19th Romance is in the air, July 26 will be an informative day, July 30th you will see productivity in your work privately, August 2 through 26th Mercury will be retrograde so don’t sign any contracts at this time.
Libra July will be a big month for you in home and your career. There will be a collapse of something worn out in your life, animal, vegetable, or mineral. You may see a thorn in your side. July 4 – 28th Venus will be helpful. July 7th will be a good day July 9th will be luck in career and finances, July 15th spend time with your mother. And fix your home as well. Maybe clean your place before Mom visits. July 30th a good time for friendship and if you want to take a vacation in August, leave the end of July.
Scorpio July 7th will be your good luck day as Jupiter is the bringer of gifts…I just love presents. July 26 you will have good luck in a job interview. Someone that is domineering toward you will seem unfair so use your wits to deal with it: if you don’t have any borrow some. This is a good time to stay away from Clair. July 15th will be a good day, good time for travel, your brother or sister will be involved maybe a time to visit them.
Sagittarius A time to get your accounting under control, you will need to pay attention to money matters even though you don’t enjoy this it needs to be done. You may not be getting along with your partner in business or home, try to compromise. Others temporarily will have more control over you which will feel like a girdle in your life. July 7th will be good luck financially, July 9th Uranus will go retrograde until December 10th so a time to slow down in your personal relationships. July 30th will be a good time for you, July 28th through August 21 will be romantic days ahead.
Capricorn Eclipses expose the truth in the beginning of July…You will feel challenges ahead. Expect someone you know to be very aggressive in a negative way so protect yourself in home and work, even your health. July 7th will be romantic day, July 9th you may change your mind about where to live, but a good day. July 30th Money matters will get a boost.
Aquarius Good month to get rid of bad habits. July will be a very productive month for you. July 7th good luck day, a good time to buy artwork or furniture, July 9th good time to travel, July 15th you may feel drained, July 30-31 will be a good time to get engaged or married. August will be a quiet time for you.
Pisces The focus is on home and family for you. Take care of your health through exercise or good walks. July 6th maybe clean your room. July 7th a spectacular day for you, July 5th – 7th good days for writing, July 15th good day for fun, you will feel settled over what has been bothering you…a social event in your life perhaps, July 30th you may get a new work project…(a new dog to walk?)

Auntie Nosebag’s Astrological forecast for May 2011

Let's give Auntie Nosebag a warm welcome after returning from her visit to the Sanitarium. (They will not let you know what is really going on).

Let’s give Auntie Nosebag a warm welcome after returning from her visit to the Sanitarium. (They will not let you know what is really going on).

Hello my friends, this is your Auntie Nosebag. I have been rather saddened by the death of my friend and collaborator Fraulein Schneflocker, but I’ve resolved myself to continue on after all I do have to pay the rent and life goes on. We shall all miss Fraulein very much..Here’s May:

Aries: Your month is going to be so happy I can’t stand it. The great benefactor Jupiter will be bringing you gifts of good luck and money. (maybe you can give Christy a call and give her a present) Try to make the most out of the first eleven days of May. May 17th is a good day to reap in investments from your past efforts. In May 24th this will be your surprise day so be spontaneous with Memorial Day Madness..
Taurus: May will bring really good luck for travel and broadcasting and academic opportunities. Jupiter will stand with you all year! May 11th sees Mars the energy planet going into Taurus for 7 weeks. On May 11, Venus will meet with Jupiter making it a special day for you. Secret talks, maybe a blind date? May 15th Venus and Mars the love planets will be in Taurus a very positive sign for romance or even a business partnership at this time. May 22 and May 25 are days to watch for as well.
Gemini: You will have a very busy social schedule with lots of opportunities this month. You’ll get lots of invites. When Jupiter is near: money isn’t far away for you. Your intuition will be very strong in May especially in the first half. Write down any interesting dreams you may have, they may be prophetic. Your good luck days will be May 10 and 11th. In the middle of May possible health care issues will arise regarding medical or dental issues. But remember the full moon will be friendly and if you work for Larry you probably at least have Dental insurance.
Cancer: The planets are having a party in your house of career and honors! Jupiter will be a house guest until June 4th. This month of May you need to go after your career goals, go for the gusto, Some planets in Aries will kick you in the toush, but it will get you moving…(maybe David could take a class towards a career?) Watch out for May 10 and 11th, exciting news will be awaiting. All month you have a Saturn situation going on so family situation putting strains on you, try to relax (Randy have some pineapple juice) (David play some music).
Leo: Most of the energy of your chart will be focused on your career (or lack of) Pluto will be working with the new moon and people will be viewing your work and influenced by it, (someone will notice You will have a breakthrough (you’ll have to fart) May 10 will see Mars enter your house of career and will boost you to success, Jupiter will join Mars in June. May 17th you may find yourself in the right place at the right time….so you may find the perfect place to live (hahaha…well it’s in the stars I just might be badly affected) The end of the month seems to bring your best opportunities for love….(so try not to fight with your father or even husband little kitty).
Virgo: Your ruling planet has finally popped out of retrograde and things will now be better for you. For some reason you have 8 planets sitting in your house of money, if you filed for a tax extension wrap it up by the first half of May. Saturn will get close to you in October which may be bad news. May 10 and 11th will bring a good chance to make money. Romantically this month’s energies are very strong and you will have very powerful magnetism…Days for love seem to be around May 21 – 22nd.(either for you or your dog)
Libra: Mercury is spinning very fast, you may be seeing your partnerships will hold lots of control in your life. You will have Uranus hanging out with you for 7 years which will effect your career study and you may see your culture norms won’t suit you any more. Good luck with money will happen on the 11th. Money will be coming around the 17th, May24th will look towards the possibility of romance.
Scorpio: You seem to keep getting lots of assignments coming your way, it may be feast or famine, hurry up and wait. Most of the planets will remain in your 6th house of work until May 11th (buy some prunes Christy?) Keep up with your health and take care of yourself, all these planets in the 6th house point to success in your physical goals. Good luck will be coming in the 10th, as was on the 1st of May. May 24th, a new job? Or something good as the Sun is in the 8th house of finances. Maybe a partnership will happen this month. Full moon on May 17th something important will occur, beginnings or endings, a fateful meeting? May 21 – 22 supportive environment for money.
Sagittarius: You have a good lookout on life, you’ll need it. Many planets are having a party in your house of love (that’s funny your wife wasn’t invited to that) Mercury will bring improved communication and lots of news (we’ve had news but I don’t know about personal conversations Yakov) Which all will increase your charm (cough cough). Some planets will leave, Mars will hang out with you til May 11th Venus and Mercury will stay til May 15 and Jupiter will stay til June 4th. Uranus will stay in your house of true love til May of 2019, Uranus will add surprise and excitement of your hou8se of love and and children. If your birthday was in the last part of November you will feel Uranus’s energies. Your day of Romance will be May 10th (too bad your wife has menopausal problems) At least your career will be on fire, you might want to take antacids.
Capricorn: May will be a banner month for you, April saw family problems but May sees this as exhausting. Now your house of home sweet home will have visiting planets of Jupiter which will bring you a present and good luck, Venus, will bring romance and beauty, Mercury brings communication and news, Mars brings action. You will make strides in your private life (Maybe Alex could go on a date or move out and get a roommate?) Sparkling day for you will be May 10th regarding home or family. Maybe even good news with your career. Uranus will be in your house of home life til 2019 which may mean you may move.(maybe Larry could go for a walk around the block) Romance will be heading your way starting May 11 until June 20th or even creativity will flow more easily. Special social event for May 17th, May 21 and 22 nice weekend for romance or friends, a real storybook month for you in May, enjoy.
Aquarius: 5 planets are in your third house of attitude, opinion and communications. You will be bold and confident. May 10 will be a good day for incoming money. You also may be traveling at this time. You may have contact with a sibling or cousin. This will be a productive month for you. May 20 – 22 sees harmony and spending time with family and friends. Your career may have opportunities during the full moon, May 17th around that time a new position or new job opening. May 21 – 22 may be a good time for a party. May 24 a surprise coming your way. June 1st an eclipse which may bring romance your way.
Pisces: The beginning of May brings financial gain. The number of happy planets have come to your house of money? This is good news (maybe you’ll receive some more dog walking clients this time.) May 10th will be a luck day for you as generous Jupiter will be in perfect alignment for Pisces. Also, this will be a month for your ability to communicate with east and perhaps take a class in creative writing at this time. (Your Hebrew class should become easier these last 2 months) Good time to travel or even go Shopping!!! May 17 may be a good time to be on skype or phone. May 21 – 22nd will be good for you for friendships and love…you might want to wear some perfume in later May through June 9th