Monthly Archives: August 2011 – כ״ח באב ה׳תשע״א

The Bird Cage Liner Gazette: Hurricane Irene

Lazer Beams: North Carolina’s Jonah Friday, 26 August 2011 North Carolina’s Jonah The Gemara says that sailors are mostly pious people. Why? Sailors see all types of life-threatening tempests and squalls at sea, so not only do they have the fear of The Almighty in their hearts, but they’re always calling His Name to save […]

Response to Glenn Beck – Restoring Courage – Jerusalem 2011

Glenn Beck came to visit in Jerusalem and I wanted to see him, even if it was from far off I just had to go to the Kotel that day. I spoke with some spectators standing around watching, the ones that spoke English liked him in the crowds and one lady that only spoke Hebrew […]

Family dinner in Jerusalem