Tag Archives: Alternative News Media

Response to Glenn Beck – Restoring Courage – Jerusalem 2011

Glenn Beck came to visit in Jerusalem and I wanted to see him, even if it was from far off I just had to go to the Kotel that day. I spoke with some spectators standing around watching, the ones that spoke English liked him in the crowds and one lady that only spoke Hebrew […]

Glenn Beck or Everquest

Page 1 Blue Cat and Orange Tabby. Blue Cat: “If I want to hear the truth it costs money.” Orange Tabby: “How so?” Blue Cat: “Regular TV doesn’t host Glenn Beck anymore. He’s switched to his own network which costs $6 a month.” Orange Tabby: “You’d have to ask yourself if it’s worth the cost.” […]

The Bird Cage Liner Gazette – Chem Trails

The Bird Cage Liner Gazette – Chem Trails Southern California may succeed from North California… It’s the War of Southern Aggression that’s upon America– The end of California as we know it? Is this a premier for “Mexifornia”? Will their new flag have an eagle holding a Black Bear in its very talons?Chem Trails pollute […]