The Bird Cage Liner Gazette: Mako, back in Action

The Bird Cage Liner Gazette 4-Sept-2011: Mako, back in Action

The Bird Cage Liner Gazette 4-Sept-2011: Mako, back in Action

EU Votes: PA given status just like the Vatican… They also gave Mr. Abbas a red checked Kippa, New livery to be designed by John Galliano.
Stanley Greenberg presents: CLINTON sponsored “The 400,000 suicide ROACH MOTEL Rally” joined by Tzipi Livni & Kadema Flash Mobs in Tel Aviv, Israel. So many stupids unite over being so stupid.
Noam Jacobson of Latma לאטמה Musician & Actor FAN CLUB
Israeli’s have the funniest sense of humor in the world.

Obama’s Libyan Adventure, and a Jihadist’s Dream

Larry Derfner sat on a wall… Larry Derfner had a great fall…
Super – hero Dog Mako Back in Action and working with Israeli Police Department after returning from rehab. You can’t keep a good dog down, reports Jerusalemcats correspondent. Cats unite with dog against enemies.
To ‘Ulman’ or Not to ‘Ulman’, That is the question?
It took so long to finally leave Russia, why look back?