Rabbi Sacks on The Mutation of AntisemitismRabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is correct in saying “The Jews are the “Canary in a coal mine“. What starts with the Jews will not end with the Jews.”![]() Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il There is only one safe place for Jews; Their only homeland of Israel. It is time to come home. |
![]() The IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitismhttps://www.holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definitions-charters/working-definition-antisemitism About the IHRA non-legally binding working definition of antisemitismThe IHRA is the only intergovernmental organization mandated to focus solely on Holocaust-related issues, so with evidence that the scourge of antisemitism is once again on the rise, we resolved to take a leading role in combatting it. IHRA experts determined that in order to begin to address the problem of antisemitism, there must be clarity about what antisemitism is.
The IHRA’s Committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial worked to build international consensus around a non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism, which was subsequently adopted by the Plenary. By doing so, the IHRA set an example of responsible conduct for other international fora and provided an important tool with practical applicability for its Member Countries. This is just one illustration of how the IHRA has equipped policymakers to address this rise in hate and discrimination at their national level. The working definition of antisemitismIn the spirit of the Stockholm Declaration that states: “With humanity still scarred by …antisemitism and xenophobia the international community shares a solemn responsibility to fight those evils” the committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial called the IHRA Plenary in Budapest 2015 to adopt the following working definition of antisemitism. On 26 May 2016, the Plenary in Bucharest decided to: Adopt the following non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism: “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” To guide IHRA in its work, the following examples may serve as illustrations: Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits.
Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries). Criminal acts are antisemitic when the targets of attacks, whether they are people or property – such as buildings, schools, places of worship and cemeteries – are selected because they are, or are perceived to be, Jewish or linked to Jews. Antisemitic discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries. Information on adoption and endorsementNational levelThe following UN member states have adopted or endorsed the IHRA working definition of antisemitism. Beyond the countries listed below, a wide range of other political entities, including a large number of regional/state and local governments, have done so as well. Albania (22 October 2020) Argentina (4 June 2020) Austria (25 April 2017) Belgium (14 December 2018) Bulgaria (18 October 2017) Canada (27 June 2019) Cyprus (18 December 2019) Czech Republic (25 January 2019) France (3 December 2019) Germany (20 September 2017) Greece (8 November 2019) Guatemala (27 January 2021) Hungary (18 February 2019) Israel (22 January 2017) Italy (17 January 2020) Lithuania (24 January 2018) Luxembourg (10 July 2019) Moldova (18 January 2019) Netherlands (27 November 2018) North Macedonia (6 March 2018) Romania (25 May 2017) Serbia (26 February 2020) Slovakia (28 November 2018) Slovenia (20 December 2018) Spain (22 July 2020) Sweden (21 January 2020) United Kingdom (12 December 2016) United States (11 December 2019) Uruguay (27 January 2020) OrganizationsThe following international organizations have expressed support for the working definition of antisemitism: United Nations
European Union Organization of American States Council of Europe |
Remember that Rev. Louis Farrakhan, the founder of the Nation of Islam started The Antisemitism that started the 1991 Crown heights Program.SHOCKING Antisemitism: SDSU invited Nation of Islam spokesperson, Ava Muhammad
![]() SDSU-Nation-of-Islam-spokesperson-Ava-Muhammad-22Dec2019-tweet, My college, @SDSU, invited a spokesperson of the Nation of Islam, Ava Muhammad, to speak on campus about reparations.
SHOCKING Antisemitism: SDSU invited Nation of Islam spokesperson, Ava Muhammad |
JUST NOW: Jews Attacked on NYC Subway
Read the description of the video for a real wake up call. |
Anti-Semitism Grows in Brooklyn
BDS Leader Shredded by Missouri State Representatives
It really take a special person to be banned by Israel. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was banned from Israel because of her BDS support.
Wicked JINOs – Jews In Name Only such as J-Street that hate Jews and spew Antisemitic Hate
J-Street’s antisemitic dogwhistleElder of Ziyon 08July2020 http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/07/j-streets-antisemitic-dogwhistle.html The Jewish Left has often accused members of the Right of engaging in antisemitic dogwhistles. A number of Trump campaign ads were specifically called out as highlighting Jews while saying codewords like “global special interests” and “large corporations.”
Perhaps the most famous recent example from the Left was the London mural of global financiers named Freedom for Humanity that Jeremy Corbyn praised before changing his mind:
I am more reluctant to call either of these antisemitic. Conspiracy theories, sure, but I think the bar needs to be higher for something to be considered unambiguously antisemitic; the mural included four non-Jewish men along with two Jews although it admittedly played on Masonic and Jewish caricature tropes.
Either way, though, if those two examples are considered to be antisemitic, then this graphic made by J-Street certainly is as well:
![]() J-Street-tweet-07July2020 US taxpayers should not foot the bill for West Bank annexation. Agree? Ask your senators to support this important amendment:
The President of the United States, appearing somewhat confused, looks up from a position of subservience for advice from not one but four Jews who can tell him what he should do. It is hard to say that this isn’t evocative of an Elders of Zion-level conspiracy theory of Jews controlling America. The graphic is designed in a way to hide what the photo was about – President Trump giving Netanyahu the pen with which he just signed the declaration of recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan.
[Update: J-Street tweet was so Antisemitic that it was offically declared Antisemitic by the U.S. Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism and The Simon Wiesenthal Center, both organizations that combat Antisemitisim.]
![]() USEAntiSemitism-tweet-08July2020 How dare @jstreetdotorg use this picture in this context. Their imagery uses #Antisemitism and crude anti-Semitic conspiracy theories to advance their agenda. They should withdraw this and apologize to @POTUS @realDonaldTrump and to #Jewish Americans who serve our great country.
Another example of Antisemitism
JerusalemCats Comments: To say that “Jews are not an indigenous people” is Antisemitic by the Working Definition of Antisemitism IHRA. Is the “rabbi” Jewish? How can a “rabbi” say he is a Rabbi without keeping the Mitzvot? Do you encourage committing Murder, Rape and Incest besides encourage violating the laws of Shabbat, Kosher, Family Purity and other laws? Have your read the Tanach (Bible), Gemara and other Jewish works? Your Tweet is especially bad given you repeat the Sin of the Spies and other tragedies which Jews mourn during the 3 weeks leading up to Tisha B’Av in which Jew mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, Israel! Hopefully you can repent and become a REAL Torah observant Jew. More reaction to rabbi andy Antisemitic Tweet
and reaction to #JewishPrivilege
![]() Hen-Mazzig-tweet-12July2020 #JewishPrivilege is when my grandparents were violently forced out of Iraq and Tunisia for being Jewish with only the clothes to their back. Along with 850,000 other MENA Jews they arrived to Israel with nothing, only spoke Arabic, and lived in a tent/tin shack for years.
![]() Ashager-Araro-tweet-12July2020 #JewishPrivilege it not knowing my grandfather from my mother’s side, because he was murdered for being Jewish in Ethiopia.
![]() Rabbi-Dan-Lieberman-tweet-13July2020 #JewishPrivilege is having your car firebombed on your driveway because you are a Rabbi
![]() Tough Falafel-tweet-13July2020: This is #JewishPrivilege? Signs State: No Niggers, No Jews, No Dogs. Marilyn Berger Kanes tweet-14July2020: My mom remembered these signs at beaches in Maryland. Very common in stores, etc.
Bernie Sanders is the American Corbyn
Bernie Sanders is the American Jeremy Corbyn
Can a Jew be an anti-semite? Bernie Sanders proves YES
![]() Sanders (1) is not religious, (2) is vehemently anti-Israel, (3) repeatedly lauded the Soviet Union at the time of the refuseniks, and (4) has welcomed leading Jew-haters like Sarsour and Omar to the ranks of campaign surrogate. So what exactly is he “proud” of?
![]() The “as a Jew” lady in the Bernie Sanders campaign’s “proud to be Jewish” video is a pro-Palestinian activist who hates Israel.
![]() Dov Hikind @HikindDov · Feb 28 While I and others were arrested by the KGB for helping our fellow brothers and sisters suffering under communism, @BernieSanders honeymooned in the USSR ignoring the plight of the Jews, just as he ignores Israel today. A MAN WHO SELLS OUT HIS OWN PEOPLE, WILL SELL OUT AMERICA!
Bernie Sanders Praise of Fidel Castro and other tyrantsWho supports Bernie Sanders and what do they stand for?Democratic Socialists of America’s ‘Blatantly Antisemitic Litmus Test’ of New York City Council CandidatesBenjamin Kerstein 18August2020 https://www.algemeiner.com/2020/08/18/dozens-of-state-legislators-slam-democratic-socialists-of-america-for-blatantly-antisemitic-litmus-test-of-new-york-city-council-candidates/
![]() Canary-Mission-tweet-21April2020 MUST WATCH VIDEO: The rhetoric of both SJP and White Supremacists is so similar, it will SHOCK you #NeverForget #YomHashoa2020 Anti-Semitism and CoronavirusCanary Mission 19March2020 |
This is Kristallnacht for US Jews caused by ANTIFA and other Antisemites such as Louis Farrakhan.It’s time to come home!Rabbi Alon Anava 02June2020 JerusalemCats Comments: ![]() Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il
![]() Black Lives Matters Fairfax, Los Angeles Shavuot PogromJewish store owner speaks about riot and looting incidents in LAJewish store owner speaks about Shavuot Riots and Pogrom in Los Angeles 30 May 2020L.A. Police to Jewish pharmacy owner: ‘Your store is your problem, not ours.’Yoni Kempinski , 02June2020 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/281227 Los Angeles store owner Jonathan Friedman spoke to Arutz Sheva about the riots in his community that destroyed his place of business. “Motzei Shabbos when we were boarding up my store and a bunch of other stores, a bunch of Jewish people getting together and helping each other out, we’re watching people going from store to store, looting stores. “After Shabbos there was close to no police around, and for sure none of them doing anything, and it was wild, it was crazy; there was no enforcement whatsoever. You had all the small businesses in the neighborhood with their livelihoods being stolen out of the front of their stores by these people with no regard for anything.” Asked if he experienced direct confrontation, Friedman says: “A few of them approached us to test the waters and see if they could get some of or our entire store, get some things, but they weren’t confrontational. “At one point one of them did go into a Jewish store across the street, and we right away went and made sure he left right away; the police actually saw us doing this and refused to get involved – they said they couldn’t help us which was shocking, because they have five Jews trying to protect another Jew’s store and this other guy looking to steal, and the police just said, ‘Sorry, sir; we can’t help you tonight,’ which was shocking; I mean, you’re living in a very big city like L.A., it’s not a common response.” What did the policeman say? “To quote the officer I spoke to while they were robbing my store – I was across the street – and he said ‘We’re focusing on loss of life before we focus on the goods.’ And in my case I said, ‘I’m not looking for special circumstances, but I own a pharmacy and they’re stealing all the drugs, which eventually is going to become your problem. And he said ‘Loss of life comes first, we’re focusing on that; your store is your problem, not ours.” Regarding synagogue vandalism, Friedman says “pretty much every synagogue was graffitied at some point. On Sunday they were painted over again, but every synagogue got graffitied.” “I hear what they’re protesting against… But myself and many other people don’t see what the synagogues and small businesses have to do with it. It’s kind of an unrelated party that doesn’t necessarily have to be involved here. A lot of these businesses are still suffering from their loss of business from coronavirus, all the restaurants and all those businesses, and now in addition to their loss of revenue now they have all their windows smashed. It’s something that just has no connection at all to what they’re protesting about.” “The past two nights they had a really strict curfew. Streets are very quiet as the night gets later, then in the morning everyone tries to put everything back and get back to work and try to resume the normal life.” |
[JerusalemCats Comments: This is a formal warning of what could happen to America, Play it safe and make Aliyah!A Message for the Silent Majority | Live From The LairIt’s time to rise up and prepare. If you don’t organize and fight for your country now, it’s already over. A civil war has begun, but only one side is fighting: Soon, normal people across America will pick up rifles and defend this nation against Black Lives TERRORISTSJune 29, 2020 by: Mike Adams https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-06-29-a-civil-war-has-begun-but-only-one-side-is-fighting.html |
![]() Second fire in 5 days burns Chabad Jewish Center in PortlandFirefighters put out a large fire at the Chabad Jewish Center in Portland, Oregon – the second at the building in five days.Marcy Oster, JTA , 20August2020 The building suffered extensive damage from the blaze, which broke out in the early morning, according to local news reports. “The arson team is currently investigating the Chabad House and we don’t have access nor are we able to comment as to motives or causes at this time,” according to a post Wednesday afternoon on the Chabad of Oregon Facebook page. A post following a fire Friday night at the building said “it seems it was caused by an electrical issue and no foul play is suspected.” The center’s Torah scrolls were removed from the building “a few months back” due to COVID-19, according to the post. Both fires started in the upper floor of the building and the causes are under investigation |
![]() A Farrakhan Supporter Led the LA Black Lives Matter Rally That Became a Pogrom“F___ the police and kill the Jews.”19June2020 Daniel Greenfield https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/06/farrakhan-supporter-led-la-black-lives-matter-daniel-greenfield/ Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.“It’s no coincidence that the riots here escalated in Fairfax, the icon of the Jewish community. I saw the Watts and the Rodney King riots. They never touched a synagogue or house of prayer. The graffiti showed blatant antisemitism. It’s Kristallnacht all over again,” Rabbi Shimon Raichik, a Chabad Rabbi in Los Angeles, wrote. These scenes from what the media has falsely called peaceful protests and the Jewish community in the Fairfax neighborhood of Los Angeles has called the Shavuot Riots, after the biblical holiday during which the worst of the attacks on the community occurred, has fundamentally divided Los Angeles Jews. Allyson Rowen Taylor, the former Associate Director of the American Jewish Congress in LA, and a co-founder of StandWithUs, passed on an account of hearing chants of, “F___ the police and kill the Jews.” “The antisemitic chants are not being widely reported. This is insane and very, very scary,” she noted.After the conclusion of Shavuot and the Shabbat, members of the Jewish community went to pick up the pieces, battling looters and checking out the damage. Even synagogues that had been untouched began evacuating their Torah scrolls to places of safety, unprecedented outside of a major natural disaster. Aryeh Rosenfeld, an Orthodox Jewish small business owner in the area, described to the Jerusalem Post hearing screams of, “F___ Jews” during the riots and looting as he tried to protect his store. The looting not only devastated countless small businesses in the area, but graffiti, some of it explicitly anti-Semitic, was scrawled across at least 5 Orthodox Jewish synagogues and 3 religious schools. “The attack on our community last night was vicious and criminal. Fairfax is the center of the oldest Jewish community in Los Angeles,” Councilman Paul Koretz said. “As we watched the fires and looting, what didn’t get covered were the anti-Semitic hate crimes and incidents.” Melina Abdullah, the lead organizer of Black Lives Matter in LA and a professor of Pan-African Studies at Cal State, had been very clear about her motive for bringing her hateful campaign to the area. “We’ve been very deliberate in saying that the violence and pain and hurt that’s experienced on a daily basis by black folks at the hands of a repressive system should also be visited upon, to a degree, to those who think that they can just retreat to white affluence,” the BLM-LA co-founder ranted. Melina Abdullah has a hateful record of appearing at Farrakhan and Nation of Islam events and praising the antisemitic hate group and its leader. When Facebook decided to remove Farrakhan over his hateful rhetoric toward Jews, the Black Lives Matter LA co-founder came to his defense. “Facebook and Instagram’s decision to ban The Honorable Minister Farrakhan along with known white-supremacists represents the ultimate in false equivalencies,” Abdullah complained. “As a Black community, we should be very wary when others attempt to silence our leaders. We should also think about how to organize beyond social media. I continue to appreciate the Minister’s fearless leadership and intense love for our people.” Farrakhan has praised Hitler, compared Jews to termites, and had declared, “Those who call themselves ‘Jews,’ who are not really Jews, but are in fact Satan”, claimed, “Hitler was trying to destroy the international bankers controlling Europe”, and boasted, “there has not been a black leader in America locked in a struggle with the Jewish community, but Louis Farrakhan.” And Abdullah has made no secret of sharing Farrakhan’s hostility toward Jews. When CNN parted ways with Marc Lamont Hill after he once again endorsed the murder of Jews, Abdullah accused CNN of standing “with a Zionist Israel that murders and terrorizes the Palestinian people.” The BLM-LA leader had complained that the Women’s March included “Zionists”. At the Women’s March, Thandiwe Abdullah, her daughter, now the co-founder of the BLM Youth Vanguard, had said that as a “black Muslim girl, it is very important to me that Black Lives Matter also values the lives of the Muslim women in Palestine” and accused Israel of “genocide”. Thandiwe also spoke at the Fairfax Black Lives Matter protest, where she ranted, “I know you want to tear some s___ up… if you want to set some corporations on fire, you know what? I don’t care about Target burning. I don’t care that capitalism burns. I don’t care that white people in their f____ office buildings are upset.” Not just Melina, but Black Lives Matter LA, had partnered with the Nation of Islam, as she had noted in the past, “Minister Farrakhan was calling on folks not to spend their dollars with the White corporations that keep us oppressed, and so we partnered with the Nation and helped to amplify that call.” The media not only failed to report the scale of vandalism against Jewish synagogues and schools, but treated it as a mysterious aberration while failing to report that BLM LA’s lead organizer had a history of anti-Semitism, and that BLM-LA had allied with one of the most vicious anti-Semitic hate groups around. It did not note her own statement that “violence and pain and hurt” should also be “visited” on the people living and working in an area which included one of LA’s major Jewish communities. The media repeatedly described Abdullah as an activist against police violence while ignoring her affinity for a racist black supremacist hate group whose leader has described Jews as satanic and subhuman. The level of duplicity and malpractice by the media which covered this up is its own hate crime. Imagine if a rally by a supporter of the KKK had turned into attacks on black churches and stores. The media would not be pretending that the two events were somehow separate and unrelated. The national media, the local media, and even the local Jewish media failed to cover these facts. In the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter riots, Los Angeles Jews, like millions of other Americans, found themselves deeply divided between standing with the rioters or their victims. And that unfortunately included some in the Modern Orthodox Jewish community. After the attacks on synagogues in Fairfax, the major Modern Orthodox synagogues in nearby Beverlywood, the more modern counterpart of the community, conducted Black Lives Matter sessions. Even though these same synagogues had to rush out their Torah scrolls to protect them from a racist mob, they did not voice any pain or outrage, or offer solidarity to their fellow vandalized synagogues. Unlike the statements by Young Israel and the Agudah, [http://www.danielgreenfield.org/2020/06/the-los-angeles-pogrom-that-no-jewish.html] the Orthodox Union failed to even address the attacks on synagogues. Local leaders urged Orthodox Jews, who were the victims of the racist violence, to atone for their imaginary crimes of racism and to take up the hateful slogan of Black Lives Matter. On a street in Beverlywood, high school kids from one of the more liberal schools in the area chalked slogans denouncing “white silence” and the same police who keep the mansions of their parents safe. In Fairfax, the more traditional Orthodox Jews, in black pants and white shirts, in dangling tzitzit and black hats, had cheered the LAPD and other law enforcement agencies as they rolled in after the pogrom, and Persian Jews handed out donuts and snacks to the members of the National Guard. There is an unbridgeable moral gap between the Chabad synagogue that opened its doors to the National Guard and the Modern Orthodox synagogues that opened their doors to black nationalists. And that gap in the Orthodox community can be seen in those teens cheering the LAPD in Fairfax and those chalking slogans against it in Beverlywood. That gap will determine which community has a future. A community that teaches its children that they are privileged racists and that standing up for Israel and for their own homes and synagogues has to take a back seat to black nationalism, has no future. As Rabbi Pini Dunner, of the Young Israel of North Beverly Hills, wrote, “If supporting BLM means collective suicide, you can count me out.” Those Jews who have had the courage to speak up have been told that now is not a Jewish moment. This is a time for empathizing with criminals, not for standing up for the victims of anti-Semitism. Jay Sanderson, the president of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, worried that focusing on the attacks on synagogues would detract from the important cause of the protests. “This is not about us,” Los Angeles Jews have been told. And yet the vandalism of synagogues and businesses, the cries of, “F___ Jews”, and the “F___ Israel” graffiti on a synagogue eloquently testify to the inescapable truth of anti-Semitism that it is about Jews. And if Jews don’t stand up when their synagogues and stores are attacked, who will?Paint can be cleaned off, glass can be swept away, and family savings and dreams can be put away, but there is a bigger price to be paid for failing to stand up to the rise of someone like Melina Abdullah. Bigoted mobs don’t go away when you fail to stand up to them. They gain power and legitimacy. And the price of standing up to them grows while the toll they take with each attack becomes unbearable. The true moral cost of the Los Angeles Pogrom can be measured in the fact that racists were able to get away with attacking synagogues while intimidating some Jews into keeping quiet and supporting them. |
[JerusalemCats Comments: Where does your food come from and how does your supermarket get it?:]Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police DepartmentsBy Summer Smith 12June2020 http://cdllife.com/2020/truck-drivers-say-they-wont-deliver-to-cities-with-defunded-police-departments/ As cities across the country are discussing defunding or disbanding their police departments, truck drivers are voicing concerns of safety. Seventy-seven percent of truck drivers say they will refuse to deliver freight to cities with defunded police departments. Truck driving is historically ranked as one of the most dangerous jobs in the country. In 2018, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic reported truck driving as the most deadly job in the country. Truck drivers have spent the last year on the front line of a global pandemic and protests. Now many are fearful of what might happen if police departments disband or are defunded. Truck drivers have been voicing their concerns on the CDLLife App. After reading about their concerns, CDLLife posted a poll on the app. We asked drivers on the app, “Would you pick up/deliver to cities with defunded or disbanded police departments? Why or why not?” As of June 13, 2020, we’ve had over 1,283 respondents and 79% say they will refuse loads to cities with disbanded or defunded police departments. ![]() CDLLife-poll 13June2020 Would you pick up/deliver to cities with defunded/disbanded police departments? 21% YES. 79% NO Here are some of their responses: “…if something was to happen and you have to take matters into your own hands, and then you risk being prosecuted for protecting yourself.” “This is not an area you need to act fearless and think you you’d look like a fool for saying no…Imagine what kind of fool you look like for driving into a hot spot and putting your life in danger.” “I will not deliver to an area with a disbanded police department. My life matter and I do this for my family. We are already at the mercy of these towns and cities with laws and hate against us for parking, getting a meal or even using a restroom.” “Simple. We may not like it all the time, but laws and order is necessary.” “Most places we go already can be dicy an about only time you see a cop is when lights is on behind you.” “For my own safety and security of my customers’ loads, I have already informed my dispatcher that I will refuse all loads to cities that have defunded their police departments.” The Minneapolis City Council reportedly plans to disband the city’s police department. “According to the Associated Press, on Sunday, a majority of the members of the Minneapolis City Council declared that they support disbanding the city’s police department. Lisa Bender, the city council president, said, ‘It is clear that our system of policing is not keeping our communities safe. Our efforts at incremental reform have failed, period.’ Bender added that the city council is committed to terminating Minneapolis’ relationship with the police force,” Forbes wrote. Other cities are planning similar but less dramatic options. For example, New York and Los Angeles said they will reduce budget and deploy other resources such as social and youth programs. [Interactive map gives you access to realtime info about active protests in the U.S.] *Updated to reflect sample size. According to the National Council of Public Polling, “the average poll has a sample size of 1,000 adults.” |
![]() Shocking Evidence Suggests Coordinated Effort To Orchestrate An Uprising Inside The United Statesby Tyler Durden 02June2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shocking-evidence-suggests-effort-orchestrate-uprising-inside-united-states Authored by Michael Snyder via TheMostImportantNews.com, Violence has erupted in major cities all over America yet again today, and we are being told to brace ourselves for more rioting, looting and civil unrest in the days ahead. The death of George Floyd was a great tragedy, and the vast majority of Americans agree that we do not want to see that sort of police brutality in our nation, and so this should actually be a moment that brings our country together. But instead, America is being torn apart. The protests against police brutality have been hijacked by sinister forces, and they are attempting to channel the outrage over George Floyd’s death in a very violent direction. As you will see below, law enforcement authorities all over the U.S. are telling us that they have identified a highly organized effort to orchestrate violence, and this appears to be happening on a nationwide basis. Let’s start by looking at what is happening in New York. According to the top terrorism official in the entire city, “certain anarchist groups” were making preparations for “violent interactions with police” before protests in the city even began…
And once the protests started, these groups used “a complex network of bicycle scouts” to direct rioters to locations where police officers would not be present…
These are not just mindless angry mobs. They are being directed with a purpose, and that is very alarming. In Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot has publicly acknowledged that there has been “an organized effort” to turn the protests over George Floyd’s death “into something violent” in her city…
Lightfoot did not really elaborate on why she believes there has been “an organized effort”, but officials in other cities have been willing to give the public more specifics. For example, law enforcement authorities in Minnesota have discovered “several caches of flammable materials” that were obviously intended to be used for rioting…
And in several other cities around the nation, law enforcement authorities have found bricks staged at or near protest sites. On Sunday, police in Kansas City announced that they had found “stashes of bricks and rocks in & around the Plaza and Westport to be used during a riot”…
And in Baltimore, law enforcement officials were racing to dismantle “mounds of bricks and bottles” that had been staged in downtown Baltimore…
In New York, a “cache of bricks” just happened to be sitting directly in the path of rioters on Sunday evening…
Even down in Texas, “a large pile of bricks” was stacked up in front of the courthouse in Dallas and huge stacks of bricks were pre-staged right along a path that protesters would be taking in Frisco. I don’t know about you, but I have a very hard time believing that all of this is just a giant coincidence. The fact that huge piles of pre-staged bricks are suddenly showing up at protest locations all over America indicates a level of planning and coordination at a very high level. Obviously we are dealing with something that is far more complex than just a few thousand angry people letting off some steam. With the U.S. economy in deep disarray and with a presidential election coming up in November, anger and frustration are likely to remain at very high levels in the U.S. throughout the summer, and that will give those that are organizing these efforts more opportunities to promote violence. Needless to say, the lawlessness that we are witnessing in the streets of our major cities is greatly alarming millions of ordinary Americans, and gun sales are going through the roof…
The thin veneer of civilization that we all take for granted on a daily basis is disappearing, and a lot of people believe that a lot more civil unrest is ahead. Our nation is more deeply divided than it has ever been in my entire lifetime, and that is not likely to change any time soon. So I would very much encourage you to do whatever you need to do to get yourself and your family prepared for what is coming, because America appears to be on the precipice of complete and utter chaos. |
![]() Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein calls on US Jews to make AliyahRabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, founder of Ateres Naava Seminary in Brooklyn, says living in America is ‘not for us’ anymore.Arutz Sheva Staff , 09June2020 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/281594 Time to GoTomer Devorah 09June2020 Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, the founder of Ohr Yitzchak, Ateres Naava Seminary for Girls, and Ohr Naava Women’s Institute in Brooklyn, called on American Jews to leave the United States and to make Aliyah to Israel. “All of us, we all need to get out of here,” Rabbi Wallerstein said in a video recording of one of his lectures which was posted online. “It’s not for us anymore everybody. It’s just not for us. We don’t belong here.” “It’s not for us physically, it’s not for us mentally, it’s not for us emotionally. Hashem (G-d) took away a lot of the money that was keeping us here, the education that was keeping us here. You want to ZOOM, if you’re in Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel), ZOOM to your rebbeim (rabbis) in America,” he added. “Hashem, help us. I should have the koach (strength) to lead you,” he said. “It’s written in all the sefarim (holy books), what’s gonna happen. Whoever’s stuck in galus (exile) when Mashiach (the messiah) comes, some of us are not even going to make it to Eretz Yisrael, and it’s the best place” for Jews. |
Now listen to the real NEW YORK expertsRabbi Meir Kahane speaks about “Making Jews a PRIORITY” in NY, 1971 |
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Portion in the PortionRakel Berenbaum Torah-Tidbits-1357-Vaera pgs. 74-78 25January2020 http://www.ttidbits.com THE PROMISE OF ANTI SEMITISMIn this week’s portion we find Bnei Yisrael in Egypt, groaning from the backbreaking work they endure. God tells Moshe “vegam hakimoti et briti itam latet lachem et eretz canaan…” God remembers the Covenant between the Halves, when He told Abraham: “Know for sure that your descendants will be foreigners in a land that is not theirs. They will be enslaved and oppressed.” (Bereshit15:13).What is so special about this covenant? God tells us that we will be foreigners, enslaved and oppressed. Sounds scary. Before the covenant God had told Abraham “I took you out of Ur Casdim to give you this land as an inheritance”. Abraham’s father, Therach, was a very successful businessman manufacturing and selling beautiful idols in Ur. Abraham himself could have grown up a proud citizen of Ur , assimilated into Chaldean culture. If not for Gd’s intervention in his life. Abraham understood that many years would pass until his descendants would settle permanently in the promised land. How would they keep their identity. How would his descendants know about this covenant? According to my husband, Avraham Tsvi, Abraham’s question., ”Bameh eda, ki arishena? can be understood as “How will I [my descendants] know, when I inherit it [the land]?” (The word Ki has four different meanings; one of them is Im, Ka-asher, “when”. And Bameh Eda’ is in the future tense, not the present tense.) This is antisemitism. The Jew is always seen as a foreigner, different. Forced to work harder than everybody else. He is denied the possibility to integrate. If he tries to, he is hated. Sometimes tortured, or killed. God had promised to Abraham that if Jews are trying to assimilate and there is a danger that they lose their Jewish identity, He would intervene and unleash antisemitism. Tsvi got this idea from the commentary Shem miShmuel of Rabbi Shmuel Bornstein, the Sochatschover Rebbe, on the Haggadah. At the Seder, after we repeat these words of the covenant, we all lift our cup of wine, and sing, “VeHi She’Omdo – This [promise] has stood by our ancestors and us. That not only one has stood upon us to make us disappear. But in every generation, they stand upon us to make us disappear. And the ‘Holy One, blessed be He’ saves us from their hands. “ For an individual Jew antisemitism is an existential threat, and assimilation sometimes looks like an easy way out. But from Abraham’s perspective, total assimilation was the danger. And, throughout history, antisemitism did prevent it. |
Tuesday, 05 June 2018 https://lazerbrody.typepad.com/lazer_beams/2018/06/rav-yehuda-zev-leibowitzs-third-prediction.html Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz’s Third Prediction
If I were running for office or attempting to win a popularity contest, I wouldn’t be writing this post. Many of our readers outside of Israel are not going to like this. But what can a person do if he doesn’t like the weather? Bury his head in the ground? Close the curtains and say that there’s no hurricane with killer winds outside? Once a person’s house becomes flooded, the closed windows and curtains don’t help anymore. There comes a time when one cannot escape the storm outside. Yet, once the storm is predicted, he doesn’t sit with folded arms until it washes him away. He can get in the car or on a plane and move to a more amenable climate. Don’t forget that the inclement weather, as well as the inclement political climate, all come from Hashem and for a reason. Be patient, I’m getting to the point. But first, I must preface and ask a question: Why are we so happy on Passover Seder night? Any 7-year-old will laugh and say, “What a dumb question! That’s when Hashem took us out of slavery in Egypt!” Is it such a dumb question when I show little 7-year-old Chaimk’e and his parents that in the three days that preceded our Exodus from Egypt in the Hebrew year of 2448 (1282 BCE), eight million Jews died, and that’s according to the conservative figure. Some say it was 10 million. Rashi explains that only 1 out of 5 Jews left Egypt in the Exodus; the other 4 died during the three days of darkness. Since a minimum of 2 million left, that means that at least 8 million perished! Why, therefore, do we not mourn during the three days that precede Pesach, and declare them as national Holocaust Days, when 33% more Jews died than during the entire six years of the Nazi Holocaust? Not only do we not mourn, we rejoice! What’s going on? Our sages rule that we do not mourn anyone who denies the Redemption and refuses to be a part of it, just as we don’t mourn a heretic who denies the veracity of Moses’s prophecy and the Torah (Rambam, Laws of Teshuva, 3:8, and other places). This notion is even anchored in The Code of Jewish Law (see Shulchan Oruch, Yora Deah 345:5; Mishna Berura on Orach Chaim 126:1, letter b). Moses, in the Name of Hashem, told the Children of Israel to arise, we must quickly leave Egypt. 80% didn’t listen to him. They paid a steep price but we don’t mourn for them. They had become used to Egypt and had no desire – despite what Hashem wanted – to leave Egypt. Even though they were slaves, they liked the Egyptian culture, music, pastimes and food. Moses said no, we must go to our Promised Land. Egypt is not our home. Moses’s voice saying, “We must go to our Promised Land”, echoes through all of our history. The periodic “Golden Ages” of our Diaspora have always been followed by calamity. The Golden Age of Jewry in the Iberian Peninsula culminated in 1492, when the horrendous Inquisition began. Jews were either killed, exiled or forcefully converted to Catholicism. The Golden Age of German and Eastern European Jewry ended in Hitler’s Holocaust. There is only one, true Golden Age in Judaism, and that’s when our exiles return home, Moshiach comes and our Holy Temple is rebuilt. Hashem wants to redeem His people but in the meanwhile, He won’t until they come home. The sand of that “meanwhile” keeps is emptying out from the top of that 2,000 year hourglass. When a certain date comes according to Hashem’s timeline, He won’t wait anymore and Moshiach will come whether we like it or not or whether we’re here in Israel or not. Rav Yehuda Zev, of saintly and blessed memory, lived through the Nazi Holocaust. He witnessed the slaughter of his parents, his siblings and his fiance. He never had children because of the torture that the satanic Nazis did to his body. He did not take the word “Holocaust” lightly – he lived through it and experienced it on his own flesh and in his own heart in the most excruciatingly painful way. Though scarred, completely, inside and out, he was a tzaddik of perfect emuna and not bitter in the slightest. He knew that everything was from Hashem. Yet, with all his heart, he did everything to prevent another Holocaust. He didn’t want Moshiach to come if the price would be tragic. A tzaddik of Rav Yehuda Zev’s caliber has 20/20 spiritual vision because nothing in this world can fool, sway or tempt him. No wonder he was so accurate in predicting the Arab Spring and Bibi’s inability to attack Iran as we wrote on our No Go post from this past Friday. A movie clip has now become public, where Rabbi Aharon Stern shlit’a from Bnai Brak, who was Rabbi Yehuda Zev’s personal attendant, reveals the tzaddik’s third prediction and says: “Before his death, Rav Leibowitz told me that the anti-Semitism in the United States is only going to continue to grow, until it gets to the point where the Jews will be forced to flee. They must come to Israel soon; if they wait too long, they’ll be lucky to exit with the shirt on their backs…come soon, the Redemption will be here in the Land of Israel, not anywhere else.” In case anyone doubts the veracity and authenticity of the quote, at the bottom of this post is the vid in Hebrew where you can see Rav Stern saying this (see minutes 2:48-3:40). Hashem wants to redeem us, so He wants us all here. But what about those who for any number of reasons can’t come now? What about those with joint custody on children from a previous marriage or those with an elderly parent? (Plug in your own reason…) Rav Shalom Arush shlit’a says that even if you can’t come now, you can do 2 things: 1) Pray daily for Aliya, so that you too can come home to the Land of Israel; 2) Spread emuna far and wide, in any way you can. This will protect you in the meanwhile, because the spread of emuna is also needed to expedite Geula, the full redemption of our people, speedily and in our days, amen!
With Most US Companies asking workers to work from home, you can work anywhere! Including From Israel!!![]() Oria Vidal, an Israeli native whose parents immigrated from France 20 years ago, plays on the beach in Netanya with her cousins Eden and Lena, who are visiting from Strasbourg, France. Netanya, a coastal city north of Tel Aviv, is home to a large community of French immigrants. Photograph by William Daniels Five Places That Should Boom From The Coming COVID Migrationby Tyler Durden 23June2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/five-places-should-boom-coming-covid-migration Authored by Simon Black via SovereignMan.com, Today’s the day. Across the Land of the Free, and much of the world, local governments are finally starting to allow businesses to re-open and employees to come back to the office. Offices in New York City opened this morning for the first time in months, after Comrade Mayor Bill de Blasio’s politburo finally approved the policy. The Republic of CHAZ, formerly known as Seattle, was approved for ‘Phase II reopening’ on Friday, both by state health authorities as well as local warlords. Other major cities and anarcho-communist enclaves around the world have been slowly re-opening over the past few weeks. And so far one key trend is obvious: A lot of people aren’t showing up. New York City’s major Wall Street banks, for example, are still keeping most people at home. Goldman Sachs only expects 10% of its workforce back in the office, and those are all ‘volunteers’. Morgan Stanley has less than 10% of its workforce nationwide at the office. Citigroup expects 5% of its workforce back in the office over the next few weeks, and JP Morgan isn’t requiring anyone to return to work right now. Companies in a variety of other industries have taken a similar approach. Microsoft, Disney, Twitter, Mastercard, Facebook, Nationwide Insurance, Google, Amazon, Square, CNN, Slack, Sales Force, PayPal, Shopify, and Apple are among countless others who have told employees they can keep working from home. And many of those changes are permanent; Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, for example, has said that potentially half of his company’s work force could end up working remotely forever. Twitter and Square have told employees they can work from home “indefinitely”. Nationwide Insurance announced a permanent transition to working from home. The CEO of banking giant Barclays called crowded offices with thousands of workers “a thing of the past”. Morgan Stanley’s CEO expects his bank to need “a lot less real estate” in the future. Disney’s chairman said his company will reopen “with less office space.” This is a pretty obvious trend– there will continue to be a LOT of people working from home. And if you can work from home, you can work just about anywhere within reason. We talked about this briefly last week – I told you that I expect a massive trend in migration from high tax, high cost urban places to lower tax, lower cost suburban and rural places. And the reasons are obvious. Plenty of people have been miserably cooped up in shoebox-sized apartments for the past three months due to local lockdown restrictions. And now they’re finally realizing– ‘if I don’t need to go to the office anymore, I don’t need to be in this city anymore…’ Plus they’re wisely thinking about the future. Sure, maybe medical researchers find the miracle drug to treat Covid-19. Or they develop a vaccine that Bill Gates will personally inject into each and every one of us at gunpoint. But then what happens if Covid-20 hits? Or an antibiotic resistant superbug is unleashed upon the world? Or people simply decide they don’t want to raise their children in a place where arson, vandalism, and looting are considered acts of heroism? This is not a passing trend. It’s a way of life. It’s unlikely that cities will become ghost towns… but people who understand what’s happening are really starting to consider new places to live. The arithmetic is quite simple. Someone can trade a $5,000/month hamster cage in Manhattan for a 4,000+ square foot home with water views and a spacious yard in sunny Florida, and still have plenty of extra money left over… with the added benefit that Florida has no state income tax. This logic makes five places very interesting for prospective migrants. … |
![]() The silent American JewsAs its charter makes clear, Black Lives Matter itself is structurally anti-Semitic. It accuses Israel of being an “apartheid state” and believes US military aid to Israel is the foundation of America’s problems.By Caroline B. Glick
The silence of the Jews of America in the face of rising anti-Semitism is stunning. Over the Shavuot festival on May 30, members of Black Lives Matter, (BLM) carried out a pogrom in Fairfax, the oldest Jewish community in Los Angeles, largely populated today by ultra-Orthodox Jews. They vandalized five synagogues and three Jewish schools. Most of the Jewish businesses on Fairfax Avenue were looted.
As Daniel Greenfield reported at Frontpage, Allyson Rowen Taylor, a co-founder of StandWithUs shared an account of the riots in which they chanted, “F**k the police and kill the Jews.”
Aryeh Rosenfeld, whose store was looted, told the Jerusalem Post that when he came to defend his store there were people driving through the streets screaming, “effing Jews,” at the Jewish store owners.
Greenfield revealed that the Jews were not incidental victims in a larger night of “anti-racist” rioting by BLM. BLM in Los Angeles is led by outspoken anti-Semites with intimate ties to the virulently anti-Semitic Nation of Islam.
Over the past several years both the BLM-Los Angeles head Melina Abdullah and her daughter Thandiwe Abdullah, who is the co-founder of the BLM Youth Vanguard, have racked up long records of anti-Semitic rants and fawning praise for Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan. Farrakhan who has praised Hitler, recently called Jews “termites,” and obsessively rails against Judaism and Jews.
As its charter makes clear, BLM itself is structurally anti-Semitic. While accusing Israel of committing “genocide,” BLM blames Israel for the US war against militant Islam. Its charter states, “The US justifies and advances the global war on terror via its alliance with Israel and is complicit in the genocide taking place against the Palestinian people.”
According to the BLM charter, US military aid to Israel is the foundation of America’s problems. Because of US military aid to Israel, BLM alleges, “Every year billions of dollars are funneled from US taxpayers to hundreds of arms corporations, who then wage lobbying campaigns pushing for even more foreign military aid. The results of this policy are twofold: it not only diverts much needed funding from domestic education and social programs, but it makes US citizens complicit in the abuses committed by the Israeli government.”
In other words, Israel is the root of America’s troubles at home and abroad. The charter accuses Israel of being an “apartheid state,” and supports the anti-Semitic boycott, sanctions and divestment campaign against Israel. It calls for local, state and federal action against Israel. Among other things, BLM demands that the US military budget be cut by 50%, “which will lead to the closure of over 800 US military bases in the US and around the world, and the elimination of the sale of weaponry to violators of human rights, reduces the use and stockpiling of nuclear weapons and return all troops back from the current theaters of war.”
So for BLM, anti-Semitism isn’t a bug. It is a feature. Hatred of Israel and the Jews is part of its DNA. This brings us back the pogrom over Shavuot in LA. Two aspects of the Shavuot pogrom expose the increasingly problematic nature of the relationship between the American Jewish community and the American left.
The first is the media’s indifference to anti-Jewish violence. Aside from a few Jewish reporters and Orthodox websites, the Shavuot pogrom was largely ignored. And when it was reported, the deliberately anti-Semitic character of the attacks was either downplayed or ignored altogether.
The media’s refusal to cover the pogrom makes clear that most US media outlets have accepted the limits on freedom of speech dictated by the left. Identity politics now dominate the left in America. BLM controls identity politics.
BLM considers Jews oppressors, not victims. So attacking them is not an act of bigotry. Jews – particularly Israeli Jews, Zionist Jews and Jews who dress in ways that identify them as Jews – are fair game. After all, if Zionism is Nazism and apartheid, then Israelis, Zionist Jews and “Jewy” Jews are racists. The graffiti on Beth El synagogue in Fairfax told the tale. “F**k Israel, Free Palestine,” they wrote.
The media’s subservience to the identity politics mob was exposed earlier this month by the forced resignation of The New York Times’ op-ed editor James Bennet and his deputy for the thought crime of publishing an op-ed by Senator Tom Cotton calling for the riots to be quelled – by military force if necessary.
This week, NYT announced their replacements. Charlotte Greensit from the Intercept will be associate op-ed editor and managing editor of the Times.
Greensit is a member of the mob. As such, last month she participated in the left’s newest blood libel that Israel is responsible for the alleged systemic racism of American law enforcement agencies when she tweeted, “Israeli security forces are training American cops despite history of rights abuses.”
The Times, which has long peppered its news stories with anti-Semitic undertones can be expected to double down on its anti-Jewish slant with Greensit in place.
The second aspect of the Shavuot pogrom that bears consideration is the low-key responses it generated from the Jewish community. Aside from a pro-forma statement by the Anti-Defamation League’s Los Angeles office, the Jewish organization that proclaims itself the go-to place for calling out and fighting anti-Semitism has been mum. Even the modern Orthodox communities in Los Angeles failed to condemn the attack on their ultra-Orthodox neighbors.
Greenfield reported that while the modern Orthodox synagogues quickly removed their Torah scrolls from their prayer halls to protect them from possible looters, the modern Orthodox communities refused to condemn the rioters even as they quickly removed their Torah scrolls from their synagogues to protect them. Rather than condemn the BLM rioters targeting their community and expressing solidarity with the victims and the police who stopped the riots from spreading, local modern Orthodox leaders told their communities to support BLM bigots and atone for their own imagined racist crimes. Only the ultra-Orthodox cheered the police and thanked them.
The silence of the Los Angeles Jewish community and the national Jewish organizations in the face of the assault against it isn’t unique. In New York, Jews have marched against anti-black racism while their community is subjected to repeated anti-Semitic assaults by their black neighbors. Few and far between have been the condemnations of Mayor Bill DeBlasio despite his repeated acts of anti-Semitic targeting and discrimination.
Last week DeBlasio sent police to padlock a playground in the ultra-Orthodox Williamsburg neighborhood in Brooklyn for coronavirus distancing violations. As the police physically blocked ultra-Orthodox Jewish children from entering the park, non-Jewish children played happily in neighborhood parks throughout Brooklyn and the rest of the city.
DeBlassio wasn’t available padlock the playground himself because he was busy participating in a mass protest with BLM in another section of Brooklyn.
Needless to say, New York Jews not only didn’t riot in response to the city’s bigotry against Jewish children in Williamsburg. When local Jewish leaders broke the locks on the playground in Williamsburg to let the children play, Jews from Park Slope and Manhattan didn’t join them. They were alone.
This is the context in which Cong. Elliot Engel, a 16-term incumbent and the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee was defeated in his primary race for re-election. Engel was long one of the staunchest supporters of US-Israel ties in the Democratic Party and a very liberal Democrat.
Jamaal Bowman, Engel’s victorious primary opponent supports the BLM charter’s call not to legislate curbs on BDS operations. He supports conditioning US military aid to Israel on Israeli concessions to the Palestinians. Bowman ascribes to BLM’s racist view of Israel, saying that as a (racially oppressed) African American, he identifies with the Palestinians. Both Bowman and the media that supported his campaign, (particularly Greensit’s colleagues at the Intercept) focused on Engel’s support for Israel. The undertone of their focus was clear – and anti-Semitic. They communicated the message that Engel the Jew is more loyal to Israel than to the voters of his district.
Instead of decrying Bowman and his supporters for their bigotry, many progressive Jews supported Bowman. As Peter Joseph argued in the progressive Jewish newspaper Forward, “Jamaal Bowman’s candidacy asks our community to return to its formerly broad-based concerns and demands that we recognize how urgent it is to address and repair the social, economic, and racial suffering in our nation.
“As this election pits a sixteen-term white Jewish incumbent offering more of the same against a younger Black voice offering a response to this moment in America, Jewish voters should express their aspirations for a better future.” In other words, Engel was too tribal and of course, too pro-Israel. Why are American Jews refusing to stand up for themselves? Three explanations present themselves. Either they are afraid to speak up, or they are unaware of the danger, or they are part of the problem.
Like their non-Jewish counterparts, many Jews whose businesses were looted by BLM expressed the support and concern for their attackers. While some of them may actually sympathize with the people who destroyed their income source, no doubt many are too terrified to criticize them. They don’t need any more trouble. And in the current atmosphere of mob rule, where the police charged with defending them are themselves under attack, caution may be the better part of valor.
The ignorant are a product of their environment. Most American Jews are Democrats and most Democrats get their news from the very news organizations that, as members of the identity-politics dominated left, are not reporting what is happening. Large organizations and liberal synagogues are openly supporting BLM. How are average Jewish Democrats supposed to know what is happening?
This brings us to the Jews that are part of the problem. This week, a group of far-left Jewish groups published an open letter to the community demanding that American Jews pledge allegiance to a “new covenant” based on seven new principles. The first principle: “Explicit endorsement that Black Lives Matter. Recognizing that Black Lives Matter is a statement that is inherently true and should be accepted without caveat or qualification.”
The other six principles are extrapolations and expansions of the first. So not only is the community not dealing with BLM’s structural anti-Semitism, radical groups now demand that the rest of the community make supporting these anti-Semites and embracing their anti-Semitic cause the first principle of a “new covenant” for American Jewry.
So far, Hillel International, the Reconstructionist movement and the San Francisco Jewish Federation among others have written letters of support for the “new covenant.”
On Monday, the Wall Street Journal called on members of the political left to wake up and oppose the thought policemen of identity politics. Sadly, it appears that the Jewish victims of those policemen will be the last to hear or heed the call.
JerusalemCats Comments: Are US Jews less then 5 years behind French Jews with Terror? Get out NOW!!Former NYPD commissioner warns US Jews: Protect your communities“We are in a dangerous place in history,” Raymond Kelly warned.By DONNA RACHEL EDMUNDS 15JULY2020 https://www.jpost.com/american-politics/former-nypd-commissioner-warns-us-jews-protect-your-communities-635210 Jewish communities in America should follow the example of those in Europe and put security measures in place in synagogues, Former NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly has said in an interview, as he warned that “we are in a dangerous place in history.” Budget cuts due to the coronavirus lockdown and an erosion of respect for police officers are creating a perfect storm that will see safety decline in New York and elsewhere, Kelly told Matthew Bronfman, chair of the International Steering Committee of Limmud FSU during an online interview.
“In the US the Jewish community needs to be more alert about who is entering community premises,” Kelly said, warning that in today’s environment, synagogues cannot be fully open environments. Kelly, who now heads the Anti-Semitism Accountability Project (ASAP), has visited ten European countries to meet with government and faith leaders to examine how antisemitism is being tackled on the Continent in comparison with the US, he said.
“Antisemitism there is not new. Neo-Nazis have never gone away, and populism is helping them flex their muscles,” Kelly noted. He acknowledged that the threat was slightly different in the two areas – in France, for example, antisemitism is driven by the left’s support for the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement and the Muslim community, combined with a government which, thanks to a national culture of secularism, is slow to recognize the religious rights of minorities. Consequently, people can walk around with openly antisemitic messages on their t-shirts without consequence, he said.
By contrast, it is more difficult to identify antisemitism in the US. “Antisemitic groups hang out on the net – only 20% of which is registered, with the antisemitic activities taking place on the dark web,” Kelly said.
Nonetheless, Jewish groups in the US should learn from the European example in putting stronger security measures in place. An attempted attack on a synagogue on Yom Kippur last year in the German town of Halle was foiled, saving 68 souls inside the building, after the gunman failed to gain entry, although he went on to kill two bystanders.
By contrast, Kelly raised the example of the Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue shooting in October 2018 in which 11 people were murdered after a gunman walked in and opened fire. But while antisemitism is on the rise, Kelly said that racism was not a problem endemic to the US police force itself. “I saw the video of George Floyd’s murder and it was a shock. I have seen police brutality, but it is normally a rash act. This was deliberate, studied; it was the worst incident of police brutality I have ever seen. The outrage is understandable,” Kelly acknowledged. But, he added, “this is not what police officers do. It doesn’t happen all the time. People become police officers to do good, and to risk their lives.”
Drawing on the lessons of a 47-year career with the NYPD, including two terms as commissioner, between 1992 and 1994 and again from 2002 until 2013, making him both the longest serving commissioner and the only commissioner to hold two non-consecutive tenures, Kelly said that, as commissioner, he placed a particular emphasis on ensuring the force reflected the diversity within the city.
“I brought in police officers who come from 106 different countries,” he said. And he warned that changes to policing in the city were making residents less safe. Current policy in New York and elsewhere requires officers to stand down in order to de-escalate tensions, but Kelly argued that the opposite approach should be taken. “Anti-crime units in New York were canceled, though they proved very effective in reducing crime,” he said, adding that in today’s climate, more people are willing to challenge the police.
“There is no question that the police are backing off,” he said. “They wear cameras, which some think is good, while others disagree, but it makes them act slower and with greater caution. They don’t engage as they once would have done. The result is increased violence and I don’t see us getting out of this situation any time soon.”
Added to that, the coronavirus pandemic and resultant economic slowdown, combined with a cultural shift to working from home, threaten policing budgets, placing further strain on the force. Kelly suggested that the closure of businesses due to the pandemic will lead to a $9 billion hole in the city’s budget.
“We have not yet come to terms with this,” he warned. “The Zoom economy is taking hold. Businesses are boarded up, there is no police presence, people feel comfortable [working away from] their office. This will impact on residential and commercial real estate.
“We are in a dangerous place in history,” he warned, noting that New Yorkers do not feel safe out on the streets. Overall, Kelly was pessimistic. “We need a change of administration in the city. There is precipitous gun violence, and we have to factor in the police hesitation in reacting. We need a change in direction, or the greatest city in the world will continue to go downhill. I hope things will improve after the next mayoral elections in 18 months.”
The interview took place as part of an online conference series organized by Limmud FSU. Although the organization generally runs peer-led, volunteer-based gatherings of Jewish learning that specifically reach out to Russian-speaking Jews around the world, during the coronavirus pandemic it has been providing digital e-learning opportunities on general topics in addition to Jewish ones. |
JerusalemCats Comments:The Main Stream Media and the Tech Giants such as Facebook and Twitter are promoting the hate and Antisemitisim![]() UNRWA teacher Hiba Yassin’s Facebook page:”The #intifada of Ramadan” (meaning July 2014. Yes, UNRWA teachers were calling for a new intifada last year too,) “Useful Idiots”, ‘White Privilege’, & Silicon Valley’s “Ministry Of Truth”by Tyler Durden 05June2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/political/useful-idiots-white-privilege-silicon-valleys-ministry-truth Authored by Tom Luongo via The Strategic Culture Foundation, When Gil Scott-Heron released the iconic song it was a cry for racial justice. But it was far deeper than that. Because Scott-Heron spoke the truth that media was subordinate to power.
That’s why he knew the revolution he spoke of would never be on television, the most powerful form of media in the world at the time. Controlled by very few because technology had not transformed communication, corporate media crafted whatever narratives it and those it was subordinate to wanted. And those narratives are always sick, divisive and foremost fake. Today social media companies are supposed to act as democratized distribution platforms for images, thoughts, and information from one end of the world to the other. And those in power now realize just how hard it is to maintain narratives in a world where they can be debunked in real time by millions of people. They lost major battles like Brexit, the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and others and have retrenched in the most predictable way all tyrants do, they censor, stop, remove, and bury anything that challenges what they want you to know.
But they’ve gone much farther than that. And after decades of honing narratives about uprisings against foreign leaders whose main crime was to defy the U.S. and/or European halls of power centered around fake money, fake wealth and, most importantly, fake news, they’ve turned that expertise on us in ways that are truly terrifying.
We live in a world today so suffused with fake news, misinformation, disinformation and purposeful confusion it’s worse than being in The Matrix. There, Cypher reminded us, the steak tasted good and the women were hot. He went back to sleep. For us:
The difference is we aren’t asleep. This isn’t The Matrix anymore. We jacked out of that nightmare to find a world even worse than we thought and now we’re crazy from being sleep deprived.
So now we’re a nation of noradrenaline-addicted, cortizol-drenched doom porn addicts as we realize there’s no one competent in charge and our neighbors are a bunch of whiny Karens.
Except that they aren’t wholly incompetent. What’s clear to me watching the riots spring up all around America over the dreadful murder of George Floyd is that hijacking this event is the distraction. Turning it into a racial issue with agent provocateurs starting trouble and creating images they want us to see and keep us fighting amongst ourselves is the goal.
Where is any of the looting, the brick-throwing, the arson, the mayhem intended to go but to destabilize and unmoor an already angry, anxiety-ridden, soon-to-be-desperate American lower and middle classes into even greater tribal behavior.
You know the violence and the rioting is the goal because the real revolution, the one where Black Lives Matters organizers tell Antifa, with police at their backs, to go home and stay out of their communities.
That’s the revolution the U.S. needs, the one where we see red and blue, black and white, left and right, masked and unmasked stop talking at each other and talking to each other.
Because when we do that, we break through the façade we see on our screens every day. The fake world fades when communication is achieved. Every peaceful gathering of people grieving an unfair and undeserved death should be celebrated one hundred times more than the any scene of looting, rioting and beating.
It’s too bad that everyone involved at a leadership level these riots actually want the chaos, so therefore, the only response from civil society is a civil war. Sad to say, but President Trump’s threat to shut down Twitter would almost be welcome at this point. Because Twitter’s primary function is for people to engage in the lowest form of communication. It just allows people to hive themselves off in their echo chambers and their Ivory Tower of virtue signaling and moral superiority without real consequence.
But I know that’s the wrong response because like it or not Twitter, Facebook and the rest of the new Tyrants of Silicon Valley’s Ministry of Truth still can’t control everything. Real truth seeps out and eventually people will simply tune out, turn on or drop the connection.
George Floyd’s death is a result of the U.S. turning slowly into a police state governed by nihilism and adrift spiritually and emotionally. That’s the story no one is covering. That’s the conversation we’re not having in America right now.
And before we can have that conversation an entire generation of kids fed a toxic brew of warmed-over communism with its inherent envy at those who have earned and an unearned sense of entitlement will have to learn the hard way that they are just pawns in an even bigger game of power.
Because if they win this war against ‘white privilege’ and ‘racial inequity’ and ‘property’ they are the useful idiots of the same people they think they are fighting against.
Like Dr. King I have a dream where people actually have that conversation about race, wealth and power. Because if we did, we just might focus all that anger and frustration where it needs to go. That’s the source of the real revolution that not only needs to happen but without a doubt prove Gil Scott-Heron wrong. [What you are seeing in the Media now are the “Jews-In-Name-Only” (JINOs) Crowd, That Scream Out: “As A Jew”. But Being Jewish means nothing to them. It is all a Political Act.]
New York City News The Attacks on Identifiable Jews in NYC Have Only Just BegunI saw the writing in the skyThe word is out. If you hate your life, if you are filled with rage, if you are mentally ill and off your meds—or on them, but they don’t help [EDD: or on Pot] —you can stab, shoot, sucker punch, and verbally humiliate a visibly Jewish person in publicBy: Professor Phyllis Chesler 1January2020 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/24968
![]() Most American Jewish organizations, including the ADL, have insisted that the greatest danger to Jews was coming from white Christian conservative men. They refused to name Islamic Jew hatred or black American, black Caribbean, or black African Jew hatred. Once Jewish blood is flowing in the streets and in the shuls, it is already too late, not to fight back, that is never too late, but to stem the tide of Jew hatred. The propaganda war against the Jews, the many thousands of Blood Libels, repeated in every language on earth, 24/7 for the last 50-100 years, has inevitably led us to where we find ourselves today.
We are in the midst of our own slow motion version of Kristallnacht, as my colleague Jack Engelhard has noted.
Now, all the well-meaning late-in-the-day calls for stepped up security measures, re-education, and rehabilitation; the grandstanding press conferences and petitions signed by “faith leaders” leave me cold. Even CAIR—the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States—held a solidarity rally with Orthodox Jews under siege.
Why cold? Because these are the very people who should have been sounding an alarm against Jew hatred long ago—instead of blatantly engaging in it; systematically denying its genocidal history and epidemic nature; viewing it as emanating from one source only: white, right wing, conservatives, as opposed to the entire Muslim world, aided and abetted by their lacky, the United Nations; by left wing “progressives” whose obsessive anti-Zionism is part of what’s new about Jew hatred; and by people of color, Muslim and African, in both in the United States and Europe.
For years, organized American and European Jewry have refused to take a courageous stand about Jew hatred. Please note that I am not calling this “antisemitism.” I have been using the phrase “Jew hatred” for many years now, sometimes the regrettably ungraceful term: “Judeophobia”. Scholar Shulamit Magnus has a very good piece about this. In short: Jews are not a “race,” we are a people, and we exist in all the colors of the rainbow. Arab Muslims and Arab Christians are also Semites and the term “antisemitism” applies to them as well.
Most big-monied American-Jewish groups have tended to universalize antisemitism as “racism” or “prejudice,” perhaps in the hope that Jew haters who oppose anti-black, anti-brown, and anti-immigrant racism would therefore magically realize that nearly half of all Jews, at least in Israel, are black, brown, or olive in skin color and that even white-skinned Ashkenazi Jews are human beings who are currently being verbally and physically menaced, shot down, stabbed, punched, and blown up in Israel and in the West.
I started writing about this almost full-time in the fall of 2000. I saw the writing on the sky. I’d seen it before in the early 1970s and 1980s, but never so clearly, never so alarmingly. Others did too. Some had been our shomrim for a long time. They were barely and only rarely heeded and were defamed as conservatives.
However, most American Jewish organizations, including the ADL, insisted that the greatest danger to Jews was coming from white Christian conservative men. They refused to name Islamic Jew hatred or black American, black Caribbean, or black African Jew hatred. The media happily kept quoting such views. Oddly, the ADL’s own stats, which they’ve released over many years, tells us another story.
In 2007, the ADL found that anti-Semitic (Jew-hating) views in the (non-African) American population was 14% as compared to 22% among Black-Americans.
In 2009, the ADL found that 12% of the (non-Black) American population held anti-Semitic views as compared to 28% among Black Americans.
In 2011, the ADL found that 15% of (non-Black) Americans held anti-Semitic views as compared to 29% of Black Americans.
In 2016, the ADL reported that (non-Black) Americans held anti-Semitic views 14% of the time as compared to 23% among Black Americans.
While such negative views appear to be going down, Black-Americans still hold Jew-hating views nearly twice as much as (non-Black) Americans do.
In the last fifty years Blood Libels against Israel and the Jews have intensified. By the 21st century, pro-Israel professors and students on campus in the West were very uncomfortable and objectively endangered. They had to hide their Zionist and totally fact-based views in order to survive—just as an increasing number of Orthodox Jews in Europe and America have had to hide their stars of David and their kipas under baseball caps.
A friend just called me from London. She is not Jewish but she posted a Jewish star and the Israeli flag on social media in solidarity with us. “I got blowback, I got yelled at, some of what I posted got taken down.”
Another friend also just called me in a slight panic. “I must discuss with you an antisemitic incident. I want your advice about how to best handle this.” I have not had time as yet to call him back.
As we’ve all said: The most dangerous of genies is now not only out of the bottle but is flying around right over our heads. There is no going back.
Random, lone attacks on visible Orthodox Jews by marginalized and mentally ill members of an underclass is fully underway. In France, you can torture and murder a sweet, elderly Jewish woman and get away with it as long as you’re “high on marijuana.” In Brooklyn, New York, my home town, on subways going to Brooklyn, in nearby Jersey City and Monsey, the word is obviously out. If you hate your life, if you are filled with rage, if you are mentally ill and off your meds—or on them, but they don’t help—you can stab, shoot, sucker punch, and verbally humiliate a visibly Jewish person in public.
One must ask: Why are Jews being targeted? Why not Christians or Muslims?
That’s because our entire culture, country, and world has been marinated in Jew hatred. Bits and pieces of it are flying all around just waiting to be snatched up and acted upon. That’s the genie.
Mentally ill people take certain ideas quite literally. Someone who is very bright may also be a paranoid schizophrenic or a manic-depressive who can latch onto a designated scapegoat and act upon what’s out there in the consciousness of the collective.
We assume, wrongfully, that a mentally ill person is so disabled by his or her illness that they are incapable of planning such attacks against Jews. And yet, clearly, they do scope out the best territory, buy weapons, plan a strategy, and carry it out. And, they also attack Jews spontaneously. There is an electrifying permission all around us.
Several conclusions.
-Mental illness should no longer be a “get out of jail card” in such instances.
-Jews must defend themselves as individuals and as communities. It must be made clear that we can do this, that there will be a price to pay for attacking a vulnerable and visible Jew. True, there is always the danger that Jewish self-defense will be seen and treated as provocation and retaliation might be far out of proportion. Our Israeli brethren deal with this problem every hour of every day. It is time for American and European Jews to seek their advice and consider how they “manage” the “matzav,”
-These recent attacks upon Jews in the United States are not similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. There is no political mandate, no politician who is planning to exterminate every single Jew in the West. However, there is a dangerous brew of anti-Zionism in the media, among European leaders, and, with many exceptions, in our current Democratic Party. This is part of the marinade in which lone and mentally ill people are stewing.
-There are also ideological Jew haters and Jew killers in the United States. So many Jihad attacks beginning with 9/11 have afflicted us. Calls for both Jewish and infidel deaths are rampant among fundamentalist and extremist Muslims. Certain Imams in American jails call for our deaths every day. To the extent to which African-American and Hispanic-American men are jailed (rightly, wrongly, unfortunately, unjustly), they sometimes re-enter society as Muslim soldiers. Or as supporters of Jihad. Similar calls are made in certain mosques every Friday or five times a day, every day.
The good news: Earlier today, a seventeen year-old Muslim boy, Ahmed Khalifa, saw a much taller, 31 year old African-American man suddenly assault a visibly Orthodox Jewish woman on the train. There was blood. She was crying. Her glasses were broken. Guess what? Khalifa-the-hero followed that man, Rayvon Jones, as he fled and managed to help the police find and arrest him. God bless this young man from Sudan who was trained to know right from wrong and who refused to act as a bystander’s at this moment in history. |
![]() On the precipice of a volcano – history repeating itself for US Jews
The bell curve of Jewish existence in the Diaspora tells a clear story: We start at the bottom, reach an apex, and then plummet into an abyss of terrifying violence.by Ariel Kahana Published on 30December2019 https://www.israelhayom.com/2019/12/30/on-the-precipice-of-a-volcano-history-repeating-itself-for-us-jews/ I’ve walked around dozens of cities across the globe while wearing a kippah, but this was the first time Jewish attire put me in danger and it’s clear that what I experienced last month is simply another incident in a wave that can no longer be denied. American Jewry is under attack. Jews are being attacked with knives and guns, physically and verbally, in broad daylight or the dead of night. They are being assaulted in the streets, in their synagogues, and on social media. The virulent eruption is neither isolated nor local. On the East Coast, the West Coast and the vast spaces in between, Jews are in danger simply because they are Jews. This wasn’t the case in America a decade ago, but is certainly the reality today. There’s no point in pretending anymore. The even worse news is that we’re only at the start of the wave. The bell curve of Jewish existence in the Diaspora tells a clear story: We start at the bottom, reach an apex, and then plummet into an abyss of terrifying violence. Such was our history in Spain, Egypt, and England, in Poland and Russia, Portugal and Iraq, and more. After the golden period, comes the period of hatred. This is what’s in store for our brothers and sisters in the United States. Such is the fate of the Jews, to which only Zionism has offered an alternative. From a state of destitution and indigence in impoverished neighborhoods, the descendants of Jewish immigrants in the United States climbed the social ladder to inhabit a broad range of key positions – in politics, media, business, culture, and technology. It is at this point, history tells us, that hatred begins to foment. This hatred permeated the intellectual elite in the US a long time ago, spread to the ground level and has carved out a niche in politics as well – due to the failure of Democratic leaders to clearly condemn anti-Semitism two years ago. These were the initial signs, which we all found convenient to ignore. American Jews, and us with them, hoped this time would be different, that history wouldn’t repeat itself. It is in this belief that they have marched in the footsteps of their forefathers. Then, too, they thought “this time will be different,” that “after all we contributed to the host nation, it won’t reject us,” and that “the lessons of the past have been learned and therefore history won’t repeat itself.” Until, of course, reality provided its inevitable, sobering wake-up call. The Jews in the United States, sadly, are sitting on the precipice of a volcano. The initial upsurge of lava is bubbling, signaling the massive eruption sure to follow. Maybe this will happen in five years, maybe 50, perhaps in the form of a series of shootings or a wave of neighborhood riots; maybe in synagogues or Jewish community centers; maybe in schools or in the streets. American Jewry is in danger. The time has come for it and us to open our eyes and reach the appropriate conclusions. |
JerusalemCats Comments: Are the Democrats going down the same ugly path as the UK Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn?Democrat backing for antisemitism is killing Jews
The underlying problem is that the Democrats don’t oppose racism or racial nationalism. They believe that under circumstances, such as a Jewish store in Harlem or in Jersey City, it might be justified.Daniel Greenfield, 17January2020 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/25042 Daniel GreenfieldThe writer is a popular New York City based freelance commentator and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He blogs at sultanknish.blogspot.com “Drugs and guns are planted in the Black community,” Joan Terrell Paige ranted on Facebook.
The two Black Hebrew Israelite killers, the former community organizer wrote, “went directly to the kosher supermarket. I believe they knew they would come out in body bags. What is the message they were sending? Are we brave enough to explore the answer to their message? Are we brave enough to stop the assault on the Black communities of America?” While some Democrats called on Joan Terrell Paige to resign, others defended her hatred of Jews. The Hudson County Democratic Black Caucus argued that “her statement has heightened awareness around issues that must be addressed.” “She said nothing wrong. Everything she said is the truth,” declared Carolyn Oliver Fair, the head of the North Jersey Chapter of the National Action Network. The NAN is Al Sharpton’s organization and has been addressed by every important Democrat from Barack Obama to Nancy Pelosi to Elizabeth Warren.
Virtually every 2020 Democrat has appeared at the National Action Network including Warren, Andrew Yang, Julian Castro, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Bernie Sanders despite its ugly history even before Fair’s support for murdering Jews. Sharpton had been the central figure in the Crown Heights Pogrom, he has a history of anti-Semitic slurs, and the NAN has blood on its hands. Unlike many contemporary hate groups, the National Action Network has the unique distinction of being the destination of choice for every major Democrat and for its role in the murder of 7 people. Those were the 7 who died in the Freddy’s Fashion Mart fire, 5 of them Latino women, who were killed when a black nationalist gunman ordered black people to leave before opening fire and burning the store. The worst racist hate crime in New York City was preceded by Sharpton denouncing the store owner as a, “white interloper”. Morris Powell, who had been on trial for breaking a Korean woman’s head during a previous protest, had headed the National Action Network’s Buy Black committee. Powell had chanted, “Don’t give the Jew a dime”, outside the store and praised the killer as, “A Black Man who struggled for his people to be free.” The New York Times headlined its piece on the black nationalist killer as, “A Life of Resistance.” The sympathetic profile of a racist monster who murdered seven people would never have been run about Dylann Roof or Robert Bowers. Nor would a racist massacre have been described as “resistance”. But the New York Times quoted an Imam in the Believers Mosque in St. Petersburg who praised the racist arsonist as “the type of person who would encourage people to get involved.” A former senior advisor to the Mayor of Tampa and Democrat campaign consultant described the killer as one in “a long line of people who thought it was up to them to stop talking, stop begging and start acting.” Those comments closely echo Paige’s justification of the Kosher market attack. It’s why it ought to surprise no one that she has not resigned from the Jersey City Board of Education. And isn’t likely to. Instead, John Flora, a Democrats running for Congress, defended her and urged other elected officials to “be prepared to demonstrate empathy. Was she still processing the event? Did it traumatize her? Flora is running for Congress on a bold platform of the Green New Deal, gun control, legalizing drugs, abolishing the electoral college and hating Jews. With the backing of local Democrats, it appears that Paige isn’t going anywhere. And Democrats won’t stop appearing at National Action Network events. Not even after the murders of 7 and 3 people. The underlying problem is that the Democrats don’t oppose racism or racial nationalism. They believe that under circumstances, such as a Jewish store in Harlem or in Jersey City, it might be justified. They have one standard for white nationalism and another for black nationalism. Had Dylann Roof been a black man shooting up a synagogue, we would be reading about his “life of resistance” in the New York Times. The tragedy of the Jersey City attack taking place on a street named after Martin Luther King is that while there are streets in every major city named after the civil rights activist, civil rights has fallen to identity politics. Where civil rights called for equality, identity politics is nationalism and supremacism. Democrats have used racial hatred for two centuries to appeal to a fractured electorate convinced of its own superiority and the unfairness of the system. That the electorate shifted races is a minor detail. The truly important thing to understand is that since 1828, the Democrats have gained and held on to power by convincing narrow groups that the deck is stacked against them and that only they can save them. This poison killed numberless black and white people across two centuries. It also brought countless wealth into the pockets of the politically connected. From slavery and segregation, to the fire at Freddy’s and the shooting in Jersey City, countless acts of racial violence were perpetrated so that Democrats could keep their hands on the pork and graft that really makes government, local, state and federal, run. Radical politics added an ideological motive. But all politics, whether radical or moderate, from the Dixiecrat to the Communist, is ultimately about the acquisition of money and power. Racism, white or black, is just a means of tribalizing the struggle for money and power by playing on racial fear and hate. The victims of identity politics, killed and wounded in random lynchings, are the collateral damage of progressive racism. A few dead people, in this case Jews, are a small price to pay for power. The rise in anti-Semitism is not mysterious. It is what happens when political factions back fringe groups convinced of the fundamental unfairness of society and the need to bring it down, whether it’s black or white supremacists, or Islamists, as weapons in a political war for control of the country. People are dying in racial violence across the country so that the Democrats can win elections |
![]() More on The Lancet’s Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic SicknessBy: Sarit Catz 1October2014 https://www.camera.org/article/more-on-the-lancet-s-anti-israel-anti-semitic-sickness/ On July 23rd, the medical journal The Lancet published a mendacious “open letter” leveling false charges against Israel’s actions during Operation Protective Edge. At the time, CAMERA countered the allegations with the facts and added:
Last week, The Telegraph, published in the United Kingdom where The Lancet is based, ran an article outlining the anti-Israel and frankly anti-Semitic views held by some of the open letter’s authors:
Much of this information was brought to light, and to the attention of The Telegraph, by NGO Monitor. NGO Monitor has long been working on this issue, last year publishing a monograph, “NGO Medical Malpractice: The Political Abuse of Medicine, Morality and Science.” Despite the obvious bias and bigotry of the open letter’s authors, Lancet editor Richard Horton told The Telegraph, “It’s utterly irrelevant. It’s a smear campaign.” He added, “I don’t honestly see what all this has to do with the Gaza letter. I have no plans to retract the letter.” Further, several of the authors have financial interests that should disqualify them from writing on the subject or at the very least should have been disclosed to Lancet readers. Scholars for Peace in the Middle East notes:
Given these facts, it is impossible to take issue with the assertions of Professor Sir Mark Pepys, director of the Wolfson Drug Discovery Unit at the University College of London, who wrote, “Horton’s behaviour in this case is consistent with his longstanding and wholly inappropriate use of The Lancet as a vehicle for his own extreme political views. It has greatly detracted from the former high standing of the journal.” If you have fifteen minutes and a strong stomach, you can watch the hate-filled David Duke conspiracy-theory video circulated by some of the Gaza letter authors by clicking here.[YouTube removed video] |
Downplaying the Holocaust — Sulzberger & NY Times: Anna Blech at TEDxHunterCCS
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations) |
Is the New York Times supporting Terrorist?The New York Times has a very long history of Antisemitisim starting with the Whitewashing of Hitler and the German NAZI Party Holocaust and continuing on to today. CAMERA Video: Why Is NY Times Downplaying Islamic Jihad?08January2020 https://www.camera.org/article/camera-video-why-is-ny-times-downplaying-islamic-jihad/
Why do Times reporters feel comfortable noting that a tiny but racist Israeli political party is “anti-Arab,” but not that Islamic Jihad is “anti-Jewish”? Why do they frequently suggest Israeli building in the West Bank is a violation of international law, but generally avoid saying the same about Islamic Jihad’s indiscriminate rockets fired into Israeli towns? And why do they pretend Islamic Jihad opposes the “occupation,” and not… “Israel’s existence”? NY Times: Anti-Jewish Terrorists are Just “Nettlesome” |
Anti-Semitism’s CollaboratorsBy Kevin D. Williamson 06March2019 https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/03/anti-semitism-louis-farrakhan-democratic-party/ The ‘It’s anti-Zionism, not anti-Semitism’ dodge doesn’t wash.The Democrats have a couple of problems: One is that they have spent many years complaining about being labeled “socialists” only to see their party come to be dominated by self-proclaimed socialists such as Senator Bernie Sanders (the gentleman from Vermont is a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination but is not a member of the party) and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who, in spite of her pricey education, does not give the impression that she could be relied upon to spell bourgeoisie. Now? “Don’t call us anti-Semites!” Well. If the Democrats have a minor socialist problem, they have a major problem in the form of Jew-hating weirdos, preeminent among them the Reverend Louis Farrakhan of the so-called Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has been an out-and-proud Jew-hating weirdo for many decades now, but Democrats still feel the need to make gestures of obeisance before him: Anti-Trump leaders such as Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour of the Women’s March have embraced Farrakhan and courted his favor. Barack Obama came a-calling in 2005 when he was ramping up his political career. The Congressional Black Caucus has consulted him. Bill Clinton stood alongside him at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, implicitly elevating the cult leader. California Democrats Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters attend Farrakhan’s public events, and Obama-administration veteran Eric Holder recently posed for a picture with him.
Farrakhan is an anti-Semite. About that there is no real debate. Eric Holder? Maxine Waters? Others who confer status and influence on Farrakhan and his gang? Maybe they aren’t anti-Semites. They certainly are collaborators.
MSNBC continues to prominently feature the Reverend Al Sharpton. He was Jussie Smollett before Jussie Smollett was in the matter of the Tawana Brawley hate-crime/rape hoax, and his rabble-rousing attacks on Jewish “bloodsuckers” and “interlopers” preceded the mass murder at Freddie’s Fashion Mart. He inflamed anti-Semitic passions leading up to the Crown Heights riots. Rachel Maddow and Chris Hayes apparently are content to be affiliated with him.
Newly elected Representative Ilhan Omar apparently cannot open her mouth without letting out an anti-Semitic libel accusing Jews of being unpatriotic (the “dual loyalty” canard) and of bribing U.S. political leaders into supporting Israel. The Jews, she insists, “push for allegiance to a foreign country.”
Representative Rashida Tlaib has similar problems and turns out to have been a contributor to one of Farrakhan’s batty publications. Members of the Democratic Socialists of America — Representative Ocasio-Cortez is a member — recently chanted eliminationist slogans calling for the liquidation of the Jewish state. “Oh, that’s not anti-Semitism!” their apologists will say. “That’s anti-Zionism.” Farrakhan has used the same line of defense. But it doesn’t wash. The viciousness and slander of the Democrats’ attacks on Israel are unique; give them a Cuban police state or a Venezuelan dictatorship and they’re kittens, but give them a polity full of Jews and they’re jackals. The double standards and unreasoning hatred of the progressive view of Israel simply does not have an equivalent associated with a non-Jewish state. Even their anti-Americanism is not quite as poisonous.
Anti-Semites? Collaborators? Something in between?
Strangely, the Democrats can, on occasion, work up some excitement on the question. Democrats love to lambaste the rich for weaponizing their fortunes in political fights. But Representative Jerrold Nadler accused a Republican colleague of anti-Semitism for rendering the name of billionaire progressive activist Tom Steyer as “$teyer.” Steyer, who has pledged many millions of dollars in support of sundry left-wing causes, is an Episcopalian, like his mother.
The Democrats bucked at being called socialists until their revolutionary vanguard began to come out as frank socialists. They complain about being called anti-Semites, too, which is a funny thing for friends and associates of Louis Farrakhan and Ilhan Omar to do. They can pass all the resolutions they like, but they will rightly be judged by the company they keep. |
Antisemitic Human Rights Lawyer are Terrorist is Suits
![]() Ministry Of Strategic Affairs Report On “Terrorists In Suits” https://4il.org.il Click to Download the Report. Ministry Of Strategic Affairs Report On “Terrorists In Suits” https://4il.org.il Click to Download the Report. Now New York has to deal with Antisemitic Human Rights Lawyer that are Terrorist is SuitsPair of Brooklyn lawyers including Ivy League corporate attorney charged in Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD cruiserBy Noah Goldberg, Catherina Gioino, Ellen Moynihan and Dave Goldiner ![]() Urooj Rahman prepares to toss a Molotov cocktail out of the passenger-side window of a van just before 1 a.m. Saturday, May 30, outside the 88th Precinct stationhouse. (Obtained by Daily News) She’s wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh. She’s holding a Molotov cocktail. And she’s ready to firebomb – a NYPD police car.
![]() Two New York Attorneys Arrested For Throwing Molotov Cocktail At Policeby Tyler Durden 01June2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/two-new-york-attorneys-arrested-throwing-molotov-cocktail-police
An NYPD surveillance camera reportedly recorded Rahman throwing the device toward a NYPD vehicle in Fort Greene. A video showed her getting out of a tan 2015 Chrysler Town and Country minivan driven by Mattis and moving toward the patrol car. She was observed lighting a fuse on a Bud Light beer bottle and throwing it through a broken window. It exploded inside of the vehicle and the two fled.
They are now charged with causing damage by fire and explosives to a police vehicle. If convicted, each of them faces up to 20 years behind bars. There is a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years.
Unlike Samantha Shader’s case discussed yesterday, the vehicle was unoccupied. However, the device did explode (unlike Shader’s Molotov cocktail). Still, Shader is looking at more serious charges of attempted murder. I would expect that additional charges might be sought.
Pryor Cashman’s website described Colinford Mattis, 32, as a member of the firm’s Corporate Group. That reported entry was deleted after the media learned of the connection.
However, two references remain on site. One describes the corporate team that worked on a deal to sell a $319 million stake in AccorHotels. Another entry refers to Mattis as being on the team that launched brand management platform WHP Global on the acquisition of legacy women’s fashion brand Anne Klein.
According to Pryor Cashman managing partner Ronald Shechtman, Mattis has been on furlough since April due to the pandemic. He said that Mattis’ employment status will be reviewed. Given the serious federal criminal charges, a review may be in order. |
The anti-Israel “human rights lawyer” who tried to firebomb an NYPD police car01June2020 http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-anti-israel-human-rights-lawyer-who.html And she’s not just wearing a keffiyeh for fashion. She’s an anti-Israel activist. She spent a summer interning for an anti-Israel NGO and she wrote an article for Fordham’s human rights newsletter accusing Israel of “apartheid.” As we have seen countless times, anti-Israel activism and support for terror is often hidden under a veneer of “human rights.” And here we see not only support for terror, but domestic terror itself by a “human rights lawyer.” This “human rights lawyer” likes to wear a ski cap with a skull and crossbones. In a final twist of irony, Rahman’s last name means “compassionate” in Arabic. Will any real human rights groups condemn Rahman? More to the point – are there any real human rights groups in existence? |
![]() Molotov-throwing Lawyer in Brooklyn Was Intern for Soros-funded Anti-Israel GroupJoshua Klein 12June2020 https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/06/12/molotov-throwing-lawyer-in-brooklyn-was-intern-for-soros-funded-anti-israel-group/
“Rahman attempted to distribute Molotov cocktails to the witness and others so that those individuals could likewise use the incendiary devices in furtherance of more destruction and violence,” a witness was quoted as saying to authorities in a detention memo from federal prosecutors for the Eastern District of New York.
Rahman was captured in a photo obtained by the New York Daily News wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh on her face and holding a makeshift Molotov cocktail. The keffiyeh, a chequered black and white scarf, has become a symbol of Palestinian nationalism.
NGO Monitor lists some of the radical organization’s political advocacy. The center co-authored the “Haifa Declaration” which calls for a “change in the definition of the State of Israel from a Jewish state” and accuses Israel of “exploiting” the Holocaust “at the expense of the Palestinian people.” Rahman wrote an article for Fordham’s human rights newsletter upon her return to the U.S., describing attending a flashpoint anti-Israel protest against Israeli troops. The article, titled, “Witnessing occupation, apartheid and resistance in Palestine/Israel” may be instructive in understanding her mindset and alleged criminal actions over the weekend.
Rahman expressed similar sentiments about the U.S. In a 2015 article for the same newsletter, she claims “militarized over-policing goes hand-in-hand with the gentrification of neighborhoods in New York City and throughout the country.” Rahman argues that “the process of gentrification runs its course with the help of institutionalized racism,” aided by police targeting of black and brown communities to pave the way for proponents of gentrification.
Rahman called for an “overhaul of policing in America” to end “gentrification’s violent effects on communities of colors,” echoing the central demand of some of the protest movement over George Floyd’s death. Appearing before Judge Margo Brodie, Salmah Rizvi, a former high-level Obama intel official reportedly posted $250,000 bail to secure the release of Rahman. Rahman reportedly had to return to federal custody after the U.S. Court of Appeals decided to reverse the decision by the District Court to allow her to post bail. When she first posted bail, Rahman’s friend, Rizvi, told the court, “I earn $255,000 a year.” “Urooj Rahman is my best friend and I am an associate at the law firm Ropes & Gray in Washington, D.C.” According to a report from Law360, the judge noted the strong evidence against Rahman, who was additionally accused of distributing incendiary devices to other rioters, but agreed to grant her bail due to the “willingness of family and friends to sign on as suretors.” Rizvi said Rahman interned at the Center for Constitutional Rights and has attended protests in the past but believes in non-violent resistance. “She’s never promoted violence and she’d never harm another human being,” she added The Center for Constitutional Rights where Rahman interned, is heavily financed by George Soros through his Open Society Foundations. The Center is a major hub for anti-Israel legal activism seeking to undermine Israel’s legitimacy. NGO Monitor summarized the CCR’s extreme bias against Israel thusly:
Rhaman, and Rizvi both took part in the radical Palestine Works 2014, summer week-long fellowship program together. Rizvi received her summer fellowship through the Ramallah-based radical organization Al-Haq which is also financially backed by George Soros Open Society Foundations. At the end of the weeklong Palestine Works program, Rizvi pledged to start the first chapter of Students For Justice in Palestine at NYU. (SJP) SJP chapters across the U.S. promote the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel on college campuses. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) says these chapters “regularly demonize Jewish students who identify as Zionists or proud supporters of the State of Israel.” |
JerusalemCats comments: Is the US going through the same Antisemitism as with the UK Labour Party?Yeger Accuses Colleagues, Media of Fomenting Anti-Semitism08January2020 | י”א טבת תש”פ | https://hamodia.com/2020/01/08/yeger-accuses-colleagues-media-fomenting-anti-semitism/
I appreciate the thousands of New Yorkers and those who came from elsewhere to stand tall this Sunday against anti-Semitism. I also think how we got to here should be discussed. For far too long, too many who hold public office, and those who portend themselves to be members of the media, have tinkered at the fringes of anti-Semitism. You market an “us vs. them” message against Orthodox Jews. You did this.
When you deliberately paint a portrait of Orthodox Jews as backwards members of society, who don’t vote how you like, don’t do what you want, don’t educate our children how you wish, you did this.
When an unprecedented verbal pogrom was unleashed in this chamber earlier this year for no purpose other than dividing New Yorkers and checking a box for your anti-Semitic friends, you did this.
I won’t be silent about who’s responsible. You attack our yeshivas regularly, repeatedly, with hatred. But when ever has anyone seen a group of yeshiva students run down a street and smack someone in the head? Why is that never discussed – how we raise our children to be honorable, intellectual, decent members of society, how we are kind to one another? You paint us all with a scarlet letter of derision. You did this to us.
Those of you who did this know who you are, and you’ve done this, and it’s you’re responsibility to stop it. And I’m asking you all not just to show up one day a year and take a couple of pictures. But do this for the other 364 days that you stand up and you hurt our community with your words, with your acts, with divide-and-conquer politics, with the things that are not necessary in this city, just because you don’t like how we think, or you don’t like how we dress, or you don’t like how educate our children. Leave us alone and let us be part of this city, without you festering hate on us.
Kalman Yeger BLASTS Politicians & Media Who “Tinker At Fringes Of Antisemitism” |
![]() 277 People A Day Leave New Yorkby Tyler Durden 07January2020 -https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/277-people-day-leave-new-york
Bloomberg reports Manhattan’s Flood of New Condos Could Take Six Years to Sell.
Despite the allegedly booming economy, there is little interest in moving to Manhattan. Rather, people have has enough of taxes. Tax the Rich, the Rich LeaveThe Washington Times reports Wealthy Americans Flee High-Tax States, Take Billions with Them.
Exodus Just BeginningPlease consider New York, California High-Tax State Exodus Just Beginning
Great Hit Tax ExodusPlease note More People Are Leaving NYC Daily Than Any Other U.S. City.
Illinoisans Leave State in Record Numbers, and So Are WeI commented on the great exodus four days ago in Illinoisans Leave State in Record Numbers, and So Are We
You Say Goodbye, I say Hello
Hello, hello, I know just why you say goodbye and say Hello. Escape Illinois: Get The Hell Out Now, We AreOn October 5, I announced Escape Illinois: Get The Hell Out Now, We Are Falling Home Prices Won’t Stem the TideMeanwhile, property prices in Illinois and New York are falling. California will soon follow. Falling prices will not stem the tide. People have had enough. Illinois SolutionIn case you were wondering, Illinois has a solution: Raise taxes. |
![]() Ben Shapiro: Most US Jews aren’t Jewish in their identityIn an extensive interview with INN, Ben Shapiro warns of the dangers of progressive ideology,Israel National News American conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro was in the Israel National News-Arutz Sheva studio for a very special interview that touched on many topics. When asked if liberals and progressives are “the enemy,” Shapiro told former Israel Hayom editor-in-chief Boaz Bismuth: “I don’t think that liberals and progressives are the enemy as people but I think that the ideas of liberals and progressives are extraordinarily destructive to the social fabric in the United States.”
“In order to have a functioning country you have to have a common philosophy, you have to have a common culture, and you have to have a common history. Progressives in the United States are fighting against all three of these things,” he says.Shapiro explains that to have a culture, a nation has to have a set of values or ideals.“When it comes to the culture of the United States that sort of requires you to at least speak the same language. You have to speak in terms of facts. And in the United States you have open debate over whether men and women exist caused by the left. It’s going to be tough to have a conversation with people when words have no meaning. When it comes to history, the left in the United States believes that the history of the United States is an unending series of calamities filled with brutality and evil. And again, you can’t have a nation built that way,” he says.
“The ideas of progressives are extraordinarily dangerous to the social fabric in any country,” he adds. Is is possible today for progressivism and conservatism to go hand-in-hand as was the case at times in the 20th century? “The idea that the right and left can’t have a conversation anymore that is a new thing,” Shapiro says. “The idea that if you are on the left you literally can’t get in the same room with somebody on the right and have an open conversation without attempting to wreck the person on camera, that’s a major problem.”
He sees a bleak future if “traditional liberals” continue to take their marching orders from the radical left and move increasingly away from the center-left of the political spectrum, where they used to reside.
“The future of the United States rests not on whether people like me speak. It’s really more on whether traditional liberals, people who disagree with me on taxes, on healthcare, whether those people are willing to tell the hard left it’s still important to have a conversation with people like me, or whether they decide they would rather get their policy done by working with the people on the left and then shutting the door on everybody else. A lot of liberals have been intimidated into believing that if they even have a conversation with people on the other side of the isle, this makes them bad. It’s more important to get done what they need to get done in terms of ramming the United States to the left, even if that means ending debate before it begins.”
Shapiro recalls that he entered into political commentary because of defending Israel. He was a philosophy major at UCLA and saw an editorial comparing former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to Adolf Eichmann. “I walked into the [newspaper] office and starting writing a column that turned into a syndicated column that turned into a career,” he says. The left has only become even more anti-Israel since then, he notes. “The left in the United States has now been taken over by a sort of ideology that suggests that anything that is successful must be inherently discriminatory and because Israel is successful it’s more discriminatory. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that the left’s ideas on Israel began to shift immediately upon Israel winning the Six Day War. Until then Israel was the darling of the left,” Shapiro says.
“What I’m worried about is the rising generation tends to be more progressive. What we’ve watched is that these people tend to come into jobs and then restructure the job. They tend to come into their companies and restructure the company around them. It’s not that they come into institutions and these institutions civilize them, which is normally the way people grow up instead.”
He also believes that many pro-Israel students on American campuses don’t know how to defend Israel or are intimidated by their progressive believes. “The number of people on campus who care about Israel is very low and the people who defend Israel don’t know how to do it. They tend to be very shy about defending Israel, specifically because in order to defend Israel you have to defend principles a lot of people on the soft left are uncomfortable with. You have to defend nationalism, you have to defend religion,” Shapiro says. “Israel is losing the left in America but I don’t think that has to do with Israel. That has to do with the left, the left has gotten significantly more radical over time. The left in America is starting to look a lot like Jeremy Corbyn’s left in Great Britain.”
On the topic of transgender people, Shapiro believes it is part of “secularism as a religion.” “Gender dysphoria is an actual psychological condition. It’s in the DSM 5. What the left has decided is that if you believe you are a member of the opposite sex, we all have to treat you as a member of the opposite sex, and in fact you are a member of the opposite sex. Once a society decides that standards of actual truth – the meaning of words – it’s gone too far, transgender ideology is violative of biology, it’s violative of reason, it’s violative of basic language,” he says. “What that is in the end is an attempt to cudgel you into joining a particular cult. You have to have skin in the game and the way you demonstrate you have skin in the game is by saying nonsensical things over and over… If you see secularism as a religion, and saying your pronouns as a ritual, then it makes a lot more sense than than the idea that men can be women and women can be men.”
There’s an instinctive human drive to reject all this stuff because it’s the evidence of your own eyes. Don’t reject the evidence of your own eyes in the name of ridiculous gender ideology that the left likes to propose as a measure of equality.” Shapiro sees modern liberalism as alienating traditional liberals and increasingly pushing them to the right. “You’re seeing liberals being driven into the conservative camp, people like Elon Musk [who] is not a conservative. He’s been driven into the arms of people on the right simply because the left has decided that if you are not willing to repeat all these mantras you can’t sit at the the table. If you shrink your table enough there won’t be a lot of people at your table anymore.”
If progressives don’t believe in “In G-d We Trust”, as it says on American money, who do they trust? “The government, the experts, you trust the experts always. And if the experts blow it, you trust them even more. It’s an amazing double down that they’ve done,” Shapiro explains.
“The experts failed on all of these things that they said that they could fix and simultaneously they told you that your moral system is wrong and they’re the experts on morality as well. You wonder why people are ticked off – that’s why people are ticked off. But they have no capacity to really see it.”
For him, this is more evidence that progressive political elites are out of touch with ordinary Americans. “There’s a major disconnect between the political class on the left [in the United States] and the people they’re purporting to represent,” he says. He sees certain parallels with Israeli society. “It’s a mistake to treat any population in a free society as though it’s incapable of getting ahead. From what I’ve seen in Israel, there’s a mistake that the Israeli government has recently been making a lot in its treatment of the Arab population as though affirmative action and more social spending is necessary and just and good because it’s somehow going to create layers of of success in Arab populations in Israel. I doubt it’s going to work for any population, whether you’re talking about Arabs in Israel, whether you’re talking about Black and Hispanic Americans, you have to treat everybody by the same rules and the same rules of success apply literally everywhere. If you get a job, if you get an education, you do these things, you’re going to be successful in a free society, and that’s true in Israel as well for Arabs who have all the same rights that Jews do in in the State of Israel with regard to these things.”
When asked about why Jews in America vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats, even after the presidency of Barack Obama and anti-Israel Squad Democrats in Congress, he notes that “this is the number one question that I always get asked on college campuses.”
“The answer is most [American] Jews are not particularly Jewish in identity. If you ask a Jew what’s your core identity they’ll say you know I like social justice and I’m very concerned with the issues of the world –Tikkun Olam – but not in the actual traditional sense,” he says.
“The idea is that most Jews in the United States are not religious. What [they] really are is a secular leftist who really doesn’t believe in G-d but feel some sort of very basic cultural solidarity that focuses on a particular history with with bagels and and locks and all the rest of this that’s not going to give you any sense of identity with the State of Israel. This is a big mistake that a lot of Republican politicians make with the Jewish population in America. They’ll go to a Reconstructionist synagogue and they’ll talk about Israel as though this is going to be a resonant issue. Israel is like number 15 on the list for these folks and even when it comes to Israel, they think of Israel in the same way that secular leftists think of Israel on the very progressive left.”
He notes that if you look at the voting patterns of Orthodox Jews in America, around 85 to 90 percent vote Republican and the less religious Jews get, the bigger the percentage of Jews voting Democratic gets.
“Are you talking about ethnically Jewish voters, or are you talking about self-identified Jews, or are you talking about people who actually practice Judaism? People who actually practice Judaism tend to care a lot about Israel. People who don’t practice Judaism don’t tend to care a lot about Israel. It’s not really a mystery.”
“There are lots of Jews who are not Zionists in the United States. For them it’s actually sort of embarrassing. The reason that a lot of progressive Jews identify as Jewish is just so that they don’t have to identify as white because if you’re white in the United States then this means that you’re part of the oppressor class but if you say that you’re a progressive Jew then you can dissociate from the rest of the Jews and you can say but I’m the good Jew.”
In terms of the 2024 US presidential election, Shapiro, who famously as a conservative did not vote for Trump in 2016, says he hopes that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis get the Republican nomination and not Trump.
Shapiro says DeSantis is “terrific. He’s wonderful.” Although he also praises Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, and hopes they are primary candidates.
“There are a bunch of candidates I think are really good on the right side of the aisle. I think that Donald Trump has an enormous amount of baggage. I think that he would have the toughest time beating a Democrat.”
When asked if he believes the 2020 election was stolen as Trump claims, he replies: “You can talk about how the election rules were were biased, you can talk about the mail in ballots. Were ballots falsified on mass? No. The the evidence is just not there for that. Donald Trump’s own people did not allege that in court. He alleges it now. The evidence again is not present for that. There are a lot of things that can be said about the way the election was conducted, again a lot of the rules changed because of COVID, some of those rule changes were really problematic legally speaking… but the the idea that hundreds of thousands of ballots were fabricated on behalf of Joe Biden or that a bunch of pro-Trump ballots just got dumped in a river somewhere. There’s no evidence to that effect that i’ve seen whatsoever.”
In terms of the upcoming Israeli elections in November, Shapiro says that if former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returns as prime minister, he feels that it’s good news for the country.
“The coalition government that was established simply in opposition to Prime Minister Netanyahu was obviously going to fall apart. It was only a question of when it was going to fall apart, literally the only thing holding it together was how much people disliked Benjamin Netanyahu. There’s been this this sort of log jam at the top of Israeli politics for a long time and it’s been exacerbated by of course the prosecutions of Prime Minister Netanyahu,” he says. “If Israel wishes to be governed in any way it’s got to be governed on the basis of an agenda and the agenda can’t just be we don’t like Bibi Netanyahu.” |
![]() 70% of secular Jews in the US, 50% in Europe married to non-JewsThe issue of intermarriage, viewed as a complex reality of Jewish life, prompts questions about how communities should treat the resulting children.By ZVIKA KLEIN
A dramatic new report by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) has delved into the world of Jewish intermarriage rates, shedding light on a key concern among Jewish leaders and policymakers worldwide. The report, titled “Intermarriage of Jews and non-Jews: the global situation and its meaning,” examines intermarriage prevalence across countries covering over 95% of the global Jewish population. Moreover, it contextualizes the data with Jewish fertility rates to gauge the threat of intermarriage to Jewish community sustainability around the globe.
Dr. Daniel Staetsky, Senior Research Fellow and Director of JPR’s European Demography Unit, authored the comprehensive report, bringing to the forefront some compelling insights about intermarriage in Jewish communities. Among the key findings are: 1. Global intermarriage prevalence: The report reveals that the overall prevalence of intermarriage stands at 26% worldwide. However, a stark distinction emerges between Israel, where intermarriage is relatively low at 5%, and the Jewish Diaspora, where it reaches 42%.
2. Impact of traditionalism: The report establishes that Jewish populations with the lowest intermarriage levels exhibit the highest levels of traditionalism. Religiosity and strong connections to Jewish heritage seem to serve as powerful deterrents to intermarriage.
3. Intermarriage in Europe and the US: Secular or ‘Just Jewish’ Jews in Europe and the US show the highest prevalence of intermarriage. Nearly 70% of secular Jews in the US and almost 50% in Europe are married to non-Jews.
4. Factors influencing intermarriage: The report suggests that factors like the availability of suitable Jewish partners play a relatively smaller role compared to traditionalism when comparing intermarriage rates across different countries.
5. Diverse patterns in Europe: Contrary to a single European pattern, the report reveals that the highest (Poland) and lowest (Belgium) intermarriage rates among Diaspora communities are found in Europe.
6. American Jews and intermarriage: Although often associated with high intermarriage rates, American Jews actually occupy a middle position in the global spectrum of intermarriage prevalence.
7. Interplay of intermarriage and fertility: While intermarriage rates have increased over time in the US, the report observes that this trend is somewhat offset by the growing Haredi and Orthodox populations. In Europe, the situation appears more stable over time.
8. Fertility: The report highlights that the impact of intermarriage on Jewish population trends today is overshadowed by the significance of fertility rates. Low fertility is a major concern for Jewish communities in the Diaspora, while Israel remains an exception with relatively high fertility rates.
Understanding demographic processes and trends in community developmentDr. Jonathan Boyd, JPR’s Executive Director, emphasized the importance of this report’s findings: “Understanding demographic processes and trends is an essential component of community development work, and is all-too-often overlooked when planning for our shared future.”
The report paints a nuanced picture of intermarriage, indicating that it is not a monolithic phenomenon. Instead, it varies significantly across regions and is strongly influenced by traditionalism and religiosity within Jewish communities. While intermarriage is often perceived as a potential threat to the sustainability of Jewish communities, the report highlights that low fertility rates represent a more pressing challenge.
By placing intermarriage in the context of fertility, the report calls for a more comprehensive approach to address demographic concerns. Policymakers and community leaders are urged to consider the impact of both intermarriage and fertility rates when devising strategies for community development and engagement.
For Jewish communities, the report’s findings serve as reference material for critical policy discussions. The issue of intermarriage, viewed as a complex reality of Jewish life, prompts questions about how communities should treat the consequences of intermarriage, including incorporating the offspring and spouses of intermarried Jews into communal activities.
Moreover, a policy scenario emphasizing the revival of traditionalism and increasing the volume of traditional practices warrants exploration. Jewish communities can look to the example of haredi (ultra-Orthodox) communities, which foster in-marriage through international matchmaking and migration, and consider how such methods can be adapted to enhance the availability of Jewish partners.
Additionally, fostering inclusivity and exploring the role of Jewish institutions in supporting and encouraging fertility in the Diaspora are essential components of community development. Acknowledging demographic realities and trends is crucial for ensuring a vibrant and sustainable Jewish future. |
The Great Conservative Migration And What It Means For The Future23September2020 > Brandon Smith http://www.alt-market.com/index.php/articles/4338-the-great-conservative-migration-and-what-it-means-for-the-future The signs really began to become visible at the end of January, 2020; there was an exodus of people brewing, and it was galvanizing fears on both sides of the political spectrum. The pandemic situation is cited by the mainstream media as the primary cause, but in reality the migration had started at least 3 years earlier. Americans were leaving certain states and cities behind by the tens of thousands, and these places were predominantly leftist in their policies and population. California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, etc.; all of these progressive states were bleeding residents since 2017, the pandemic just accelerated the situation.
There are a number of reasons given for the dramatic shift in population, but two specific reasons stand above the rest: Economy and political ideals. The pandemic itself is only a minor motivator. Consider the fact that residents of California left the state in droves for Texas over the summer DESPITE the problem of Covid infection spikes in major metropolitan areas of the Lone Star State. People didn’t care, they just wanted to get the hell out of California as quickly as possible.
Again, a main reason given by former Californians was politics. They are conservatives or moderates that felt isolated or trapped in a far-left cesspool and they realized their future life prospects depended on them transplanting to a more free and less bureaucratic place.
The fear among conservatives was that the pandemic would smoke leftists out of their hives and that they would spread to more conservative areas and “take over”. This does not seem to be the case. In fact, it appears that most leftists are stubbornly refusing to acknowledge that their states are dying and are actively defending state policies on the web. Check out the angry and delusional comments from California progressives on this opinion article in Arizona telling them to leave their failed policies behind if they move to the state.
These people are suffering from some serious saltiness, and the fact they they are still trying to claim that states like California are economically stable shows how truly delusional they are. Conservative states have nothing to worry about – The lefties are too dumb to relocate. They’re going to sit within the rotting corpses of the states they killed and pretend it smells like roses. This is what they do; when they are wrong or when they have failed they double and triple down. It’s their defining characteristic.
In my state of Montana real estate purchases have surged over the past year. Recent data on school enrollment numbers are up 15% – 20% in cities like Missoula. This includes new students in public schools as well as those registered for homeschooling, and it’s a massive spike for the region. The majority of new students are recent transplants from other states. I have spoken with hundreds of these people personally and ALL of them said they were moving to Montana because they were conservative, many of them were preppers and many of them wanted to be around other conservatives in the event that the world continues on its current downward spiral.
They do sometimes mention the coronavirus situation, but they generally are not worried about the virus itself. Rather, they are concerned about the virus RESPONSE. Meaning, they want to retain their freedoms, they do not like the draconian restrictions put in place in their former states and they are trying to escape the business lockdowns that are killing local economies.
Some states like California have responded as leftists typically do, by seeking to punish people for walking away from the collective. This includes a new Wealth Tax law in the works that would require people with high incomes such as business owners leaving California to continue to pay taxes to the state for 10 years, even though they no longer live there. In other words, successful business owners who leave California will have to pay taxes to two separate state governments at the same time.
California Assemblyman Rob Bonta, one of the people supporting the Wealth Tax proposal, asserts that the pandemic is the cause of California’s economic troubles including a huge surge in the homeless population. However, the spike in poverty and homelessness was escalating well before the coronavirus ever appeared. It was the hard-left policies of the state government that caused this mess; they can’t blame everything on Covid, though conmen like Bonta will certainly try.
The fact that leftist states are poised to institute punishments or disincentives for leaving (which is unconstitutional, by the way), shows just how bad the migration has become for them. Frankly, these state governments need to be taught a lesson, and one of the only lessons they understand is the loss of tax revenues.
It should not be surprising at all that conservatives are rushing for the exits, these places are on fire and progressive legislators are throwing Molotov cocktails for good measure. I’m only surprised by the speed and scale of the migration, the whole thing is happening so fast it makes your head spin.
As I have noted in previous articles, in my view the BEST case scenario we can possibly hope for as conservatives is a balkanization of the US based on ideals and principles. According to the economic data and social upheaval I am seeing, I think there is little chance we can save the whole country in the short term. Instead, conservatives organizing together regionally is the best bet in stopping widespread unconstitutional changes to our laws and usurpation of our culture.
In rural areas in particular we enjoy far more freedom and the majority of people have no interest in abiding by lockdown restrictions. We ignore them. A friend of mine recently had family visit from California and they were astonished at how ‘normal’ daily life was in Montana. They said just being able to go to a restaurant and eat there, or walk into a store without being forced to wear a mask was a strange feeling, as if they were visiting a foreign nation.
This is saddening to me. The coronavirus is certainly not worth this loss of liberty.
I suspect that the conservative migration will lead to some interesting side-effects. First and foremost there will be continued attempts to stop it. Eventually, states like California will try to implement measures beyond tax punishment. They may even try to exploit the pandemic as a rationale for locking down state borders in the name of “protecting citizen health”. I would not be surprised if hard-left states actively try to physically stop residents from moving away.
As the economy continues to decline and stagflation strikes, likely very hard in 2021 regardless of who is in the White House (you can thank the Federal Reserve for that), price increases will eventually prevent Americans from being able to relocate anyway. But, for the next six months at least I think the migration will continue to grow.
The congregation of conservatives today is perhaps the first time in a long time that we have sought to build a unified front for preserving the American way of life, free from big government, free from bureaucracy and free from socialist subversion. Without the migration, we have zero chance of achieving this, but there are some who will argue against it.
I have noticed that certain conservatives and moderates are claiming that by leaving places like California or New York the movement is “abandoning the fight” and exposing those regions to complete takeover. News Flash for these folks: You already lost those states. You lost that fight. They have been taken over. And, if you understand strategy in the slightest, you will wrap your heads around the need for a strategic withdrawal so that you can live to fight more winnable battles another day.
This mentality reminds me of the people that were arguing that conservatives should not start their own social media platforms “because the real fight is on Twitter and Facebook”. This is naive thinking. Those platforms are OWNED by the extreme left, and there is no one on these websites that will be convinced by your arguments no matter how reasonable or factual. It’s time to build alternatives that are more free and stop wasting our energies on lemmings that cannot be saved.
What I find most fascinating about the current migration is that it’s bringing together conservatives and moderates or “classical liberals” that have been alienated by modern social justice movements. In my opinion most moderate liberals are actually conservatives or libertarians and they’re just not ready to admit it yet, but I’m glad to see these people working together.
The fight that is coming will require us to ally with people that do not necessarily share ALL our views, and that’s okay. The goal is to get to the truth, and to use what works best and to maintain a set of shared cultural principles that value freedom. Americans aren’t relocating anymore out of convenience or economic incentives – it’s actually rather inconvenient and expensive to relocate these days. They aren’t moving due to climate or job availability or wages. They are moving because they have a shared desire to be free. It’s really that simple.
And, the sooner free peoples band together, the safer we will be from the statists and tyrants of the world. If that means the US is broken apart for a time in the process, then so be it. It’s better than having the entire country fall because rational people were isolated from each other. |
![]() The Blood on de Blasio’s Hands
He bungled his COVID-19 response, plunging the city into a charnel. Now he is blaming the Jewsby Liel Leibovitz 29April2020 [ Dov Hikind tweet-01May2020 | 1/3 MUST WATCH: Jewish NYers respond to @NYCMayor’s singling out of entire Jewish community for the actions of a few.]“My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple,” Bill de Blasio tweeted late last night. “The time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.” [JerusalemCats comments:Just compare the following two tweets from the Mayor to the Jewish Community and to the Muslim Community in April]
Ah, so that’s the cause of the trouble. It’s the nasty Jews! The sweaty hordes threatening their innocent neighbors with their diseased bodies and souls, as they did yesterday for a funeral for which the community coordinated with the NYPD. It’s true that throngs crowd Central Park daily, that in Riverside Park it’s nearly impossible to avoid maskless joggers panting their spit well within 6 feet of you. It’s also true that just yesterday hundreds of New Yorkers stood very closely together to watch the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds perform a flyover tribute to health care workers.
Don’t, for example, think for a second of blaming the mayor himself, who on March 2—long after Iran and Italy were both ravaged by the plague, and after New Yorkers already began dropping dead of the virus—tweeted that he was “encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus,” adding a flippant movie recommendation to boot. Yes, but focusing on that isn’t really fair! The mayor has been hard at work, day and night, on this problem, he assures us. Sure, he continues to travel from his Upper East Side mansion—which is surrounded by a park—to his favorite Brooklyn park for leisurely strolls, often without a mask, infuriating many of his constituents who are obeying his administration’s orders, sheltering in place, and avoiding precisely such precarious outings.
But mayors have complicated jobs! It’s true that the heads of other major American cities faced similar challenges and virtually all rose to the task, keeping the number of dead down everywhere but here. Cook County, Illinois, home to Chicago, has reported 1,347 deaths to date. Los Angeles has reported 1,000. King County, Washington, home to Seattle, reported 429. San Francisco reported 23. You might think, even after accounting for all other variables—New York’s high density, say—that the catastrophe visited on New York City wasn’t simply the work of the coronavirus but a man-made disaster, in fact one man’s self-made disaster. But you’d be mistaken. He isn’t the problem at all. The problem is this small and already-targeted minority, trust me.
Of course it doesn’t. Stop twisting yourselves into pretzels of befuddlement and shocked-shocked confusion about the mayor’s actions. If it walks like a worse-than-useless bigot and talks like a worse-than-useless bigot and tweets like a worse-than-useless bigot, I’ve got news for you: It’s not the effective and tolerant mayor of a great city. De Blasio might’ve been capitalizing on the behavior of a few Hasidic Jews when he railed against “the Jewish community” at large, but anti-Semitism doesn’t differentiate between those in long beards and black hats and Jews who are clean shaven and bare headed. In singling out the Jews for spreading the virus, the mayor was targeting all of us, making us all less safe.
Bill de Blasio is responsible for the thousands of deaths from COVID-19 he could’ve prevented by doing his job, and he is also responsible for the lives he continues to put in danger—the millions of New Yorkers increasingly unsafe and uncared for, and the victims of the violence some of them will cause others because their own worst fears and biases have been stoked. Everyone will suffer, everyone will pay—everyone but the one man who caused it all.
![]() Dov Hikind-tweet-01May2020-1/3 MUST WATCH: Jewish NYers respond to @NYCMayor ’s singling out of entire Jewish community for the actions of a few. His words had immediate consequence and the city’s 1.1 million Jews are feeling the harsh effects of the mayor’s fueling of the hateful flames of antisemitism! |
![]() The blatant anti-Semitism of Bill de BlasioHe has led the charge against Jewish New Yorkers, particularly as the coronavirus spread throughout New York City.Laureen Lipsky Published on 16July2020 https://www.israelhayom.com/opinions/the-blatant-anti-semitism-of-bill-de-blasio/ Instead of working towards securing the safety of New York City’s residents after a wave of Black Lives Matter riots targeted businesses, instead of protecting inner-city areas of New York where shootings are on a rise not seen in decades, instead of safely opening up the city to invite back those who originally left for the coronavirus shutdown, Mayor Bill de Blasio chose to allow a giant Black Lives Matter banner to be painted on Fifth Avenue. There might as well be a giant “Palestinian” terrorist flag splayed along a stretch of the upscale commercial heart of Manhattan. Black lives matter, all black people matter – black cops included, black innocent Americans who are being gunned down in certain neighborhoods because of the castration of police departments (their lives matter, too). But the group/movement Black Lives Matter is well-known for its blatant anti-Semitism, its anti-Israel rhetoric. The movement has not been “co-opted” by terrorist supporters and Jew-haters, as many erroneously state. Anti-Israel hate has been in its charter from the beginning. Members of BLM incited the Orthodox Jewish targeted pogrom in the Fairfax neighborhood in Los Angeles on May 30. Five synagogues were vandalized, along with three Jewish schools. Anti-Israel messaging was sprayed and “F**k the Jews” was heard in chants as the BLM anti-Semites were seen tearing through the area. That was the first in this year’s round of BLM public anti-Semitism. Most recently anti-Semitic chants were heard at a rally in Washington, DC, and online anti-Semitic messaging is prevalent on BLM posts. It is not surprising that de Blasio would support such a Jew-hating movement. For years, he palled around with Linda Sarsour, the original queen bee of anti-Zionist anti-Semitism, and a disciple of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. These days she has been eclipsed by Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, but her influence has been far-reaching in liberal spheres. Those targeting Jews were other minorities, mainly black and Hispanic New Yorkers. De Blasio did not push back against the dangerous new bail-reform law, which essentially gave a slap on the wrist for criminals and those who did end up in jail ended up being released shortly after committing crimes. He did nothing to protect his Jewish residents. When the Iranian-backed, terrorist-in-nature Al-Quds Day event was held last year in Times Square, the anti-Israel groups participating had to get a permit; that was allowed. Not even a few weeks ago, a “Day of Rage” protest/march was held in Brooklyn, these events explicitly target Israel which directly is an attack on Jews and often times leads to anti-Semitic incidents. Yet were there any neo-Nazi marches in New York City? Not that those should ever be encouraged, of course, but de Blasio would not give such an easy permit to white supremacists, as he does to every other Jew-hater. When New York was in the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, only the Hassidic Jewish community was the target of de Blasio’s ire. Yet there were overcrowding issues in the Bronx and house parties in Harlem. Being vigilant was all in the name of beating the virus, so most Jews did not say much. However, when a legitimate Chassidic funeral on April 28 was planned not only with the approval of the New York Police Department but with pre-approval of the Mayor’s Office, de Blasio showed up, “shocked” at the crowd size, and immediately fired off an anti-Semitic tweet directed at the Jewish community. The Jewish community in New York is not cohesive; dozens of vibrant groups make up the proud fabric of Jewry in New York, so to blame “all Jews” due to one pre-arranged funeral, while ignoring other groups who were gathering in large numbers, was absolutely anti-Semitic. One would think that letting Hassidic children play in neighborhood playgrounds would be far less a crime than thousands marching, many without face masks, but no. De Blasio ordered the police to fine parents whose children went without masks. This behavior towards the religious Jewish community was an injustice when such hypocrisy was on full display during the height of the BLM protests and interwoven riots. De Blasio’s anti-Semitic culture extends beyond himself. Earlier this year, Democrat Councilman Kalman Yeger pointed out the poison of anti-Semitism permeating within the City Council. And mere days ago, a City of New York tweet reminded residents to fill out the 2020 Census. It included a “Palestinian” flag among other flags representing the homelands of the city’s residents, but omitted the Israeli flag, despite nearly 2 million Jews living in New York City. To not call out de Blasio as a dangerous anti-Semite is a farce. |
![]() Hasidic rebbe calls on followers to immigrate to Israel – before it’s too lateRabbi Chaim Elazar Wassertheil, leader of the hasidic Rimenov sect, calls on followers to move to Israel, report says.Arutz Sheva Staff , 02May2020 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/279549 |
When you have a non Jewish health website complain about Antisemitisim things are really badGovernor of New York now attacking religious freedom of Jews … anti-Semitism is alive and well in NYOctober 14, 2020 by: Cassie B. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-10-14-ny-governor-attacking-religious-freedom-of-jews.html (Natural News) New York City’s Orthodox Jews believe they are being targeted by Governor Andrew Cuomo, who stated that he would close their houses of worship due to a lack of compliance with coronavirus restrictions.
Speaking to reporters on Monday, Cuomo stated: “I have to say to the Orthodox community tomorrow, ‘if you’re not willing to live with these rules, then I’m going to close the synagogues. … It’s a difficult conversation and you’re right on the line of government intrusion on religion.”
In addition, Democratic officials have suggested that several recent COVID-19 clusters are connected to large gatherings of Orthodox Jews. Five synagogues have already been fined $15,000 for having more than 10 people inside, which violates health code restrictions put in place during the pandemic. However, authorities lacked the power to shut them down entirely.
In the ultra-orthodox community of Borough Park in Brooklyn, thousands of people protested the restrictions that they feel are targeting their religious freedom. The restrictions affect tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews in New York and hundreds of synagogues there.
In particular, the new regulations are impacting a few big ultra-Orthodox communities in the Queens and Brooklyn neighborhoods that have seen higher-than-average rises in COVID-19 infections, along with cities upstate such as Monsey, New Square and Kiryas Yoel.
Ultra-orthodox communal association Agudath Israel of America said the new rules are “appalling to all people of religion and good faith.” The group said that it plans to explore measures it can take to reverse this “deeply offensive action.”
They sued Cuomo over the executive order, but a judge declined to temporarily block it after an emergency hearing on Friday ahead of a trio of Jewish holidays over the weekend, Hoshana Rabbah, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah.
The group had argued that the ruling affected Orthodox Jews disproportionately because they are not allowed to drive during religious holidays and are therefore unable to travel to synagogues in areas where there are fewer restrictions. And because technology is not allowed during the holidays, leaders did not have enough time to collaborate and strategize about how to move forward.
Although Judge Kiyo A. Matsumoto said she sympathized with the impact the order would have on the Orthodox Jewish community, she did not agree that Cuomo was unconstitutionally targeting a religious minority. She asked: “How can we ignore the compelling state interest in protecting the health and life of all New Yorkers?”
Agudath Israel called the judge’s decision a “crushing disappointment” but nevertheless reminded followers to obey health guidelines.
Cuomo, who is Catholic, tried to defend his move by claiming it aligns with Judaism, saying: “In Jewish teaching one of the most precious principles is saving a life… the Torah speaks about certain religious obligations that can be excused if you’re going to save a life. This is about saving a life. No large gatherings in synagogues – to save a life.” Catholic leaders also fighting against restrictionsOther religious leaders have also been expressing concerns. The Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn sued New York last week in federal court, saying that Cuomo’s actions will force more than 24 of their churches to shut down despite having “been reopened for months in strict adherence to all medical and governmental guidance without any COVID-related incidents whatsoever.”
U.S. District Judge Eric Komtiee ultimately sided with Cuomo in denying their request for a temporary restraining order in what he described as a “difficult decision.”
When you consider the fact that authorities are largely allowing rioters to assemble in groups of way more than 10 in the city and not fining them $15,000 for every violation, it’s easy to see why Orthodox Jews feel like they are being singled out by Cuomo. Sources for this article include:
![]() FEMA camps gearing up to provide necessary “slave wage” labor to U.S. corporations as manufacturing returns to America12August2020 by: Mike Adams https://www.clearnewswire.com/448769.html FEMA camps will become the “work camps” that provide dirt-cheap labor to politically-connected corporations that pay kickbacks to politiciansIn the same way that the U.S. prison system provides “slave wage” labor to politically connected corporations right now, FEMA camps are gearing up to function as work camps, where inhabitants are offered food and shelter in exchange for their factory labor output. FEMA is about to become the Auschwitz of AmericaWhat you need to understand about history is that the so-called “concentration camps” of Nazi Germany weren’t solely focused on murdering people; many were focused on producing forced labor pools for the politically-connected corporations and public works programs of the Nazi regime. All the corporations claiming “Black Lives Matter” don’t care one bit about Black lives, White lives or any lives… they are evil, malicious entities that exploit human lives for profitWe’ve all observed human history and we’ve known that every industrial hub in the history of the world relied on “slave labor” in one form or another, from the pre-Civil War slave plantations of America to ancient Rome and its slave labor class. The former Soviet Union relied on prison slave labor for its manufacturing might, and in China today, slave-wage workers are imported from poorer countries to provide dirt-cheap labor to corporations like Apple, under atrocious work conditions that resemble prison camps. (Why do you think Apple has managed to generate so many billions of dollars in profits? It was all generated from the sweat of slave labor camps.) |
When you have a non Jewish secular Business website talk about moving out it is time for Jews to leave and move to Israel.The Great Relocation: Americans Are Relocating By The Millions Because They Can Feel What Is Comingby Tyler Durden 23November2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/great-relocation-americans-are-relocating-millions-because-they-can-feel-what Well, this phenomenon is actually quite easy to explain. As our society comes apart at the seams all around us, vast numbers of Americans are seeking greener pastures. According to ABC News, the chaotic events of 2020 have caused “millions of Americans” to relocate. In New York City alone, more than 300,000 former residents have permanently moved to new addresses.
With so many interested buyers and such little inventory, it has definitely become a seller’s market…
If you want to sell your home, now is a really good time to do so.
So even though so many other sectors of the economy are deeply hurting at the moment, those that build homes are loving life right now.
If you can believe it, “Zillow surfing” has become “especially popular among teenagers”…
When life is miserable, people like to daydream about something better, and “Zillow surfing” allows them to do that.
Increasingly, Democrats are moving to “blue states” and conservatives are moving to “red states”.
![]() Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il As the economic suffering in the U.S. intensifies, the number of people wanting to leave will almost certainly go even higher. With each passing day, more new restrictions are being put in place to try to control the COVID pandemic, and these new restrictions are going to make our ongoing economic depression a whole lot worse. Already, it has become clear that another huge wave of economic pain is upon us. The Greater Los Angeles Food Bank says that demand is up 145 percent compared to last year, and the other day people waited in absolutely massive lines for up to 12 hours at a food bank in Texas just to get some food. Other Americans are stockpiling huge quantities of toilet paper and other supplies in anticipation of a very difficult winter. No matter what happens with the election, things are about to get really crazy in this country. Whatever you need to do to get prepared for what is ahead, I would do it as soon as possible. The clock is ticking, and it appears that our day of reckoning is nearly here. * * * Michael’s new book entitled “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon. |
![]() The New JewBy Karol Markowicz Photo Credit: Illustration using copyright free images It was early December when The Chosen Comedy Festival came to Miami. It had been a tough few weeks for Jews. Kanye was on his “I love Hitler” tour and it seemed like too many people wanted to hear what he had to say. The New York Times was running regular pieces about problems they saw in the Haredi communities of Brooklyn, and absolutely nowhere else, and even the secular Jews who nodded approvingly at the first write-up were starting to notice the obsession.
A rabbi friend once told me that Jews are the only people that when someone says “I hate you” say “let’s hear him out.” But at the end of 2022, Jews were finally unwilling to hear anyone out. The hatred at us had gotten old. We were collectively tired of being the target and we were craving being together in an actually safe space.
It had been 4 years since the Tree of Life shooting, 3 years since the Monsey stabbing. We weren’t over those attacks, at least in part because less deadlier attacks on Jews in places like Brooklyn were happening regularly both before and after those killings. We weren’t raw anymore. We were something else. Inside the community, something was shifting.
The easy explanation is political. Jews are moving rightward. Slowly. An Associated Press survey found that President Donald Trump’s share of the Jewish vote went from 24% in 2016 to 30% in 2020. Exit polls had 33% of Jews voting Republican in the midterm elections and exit polls require someone to tell the truth to a pollster, something a lifelong Democrat switching sides for the first time might not be ready to do. Some people credit the Jewish vote with swinging several close House seats in New York and ultimately netting Republicans the House of Representatives.
Florida in particular is becoming a home for the wayward right-leaning Jew. Florida Jews went 41% for Trump in 2020. Exit polls showed Gov. DeSantis climbing to 45% of the Jewish vote in his recent election. That number could be even higher; the campaign team will confirm after they finish combing through precinct data in the coming weeks.
For so long, Jews were seen as a political monolith. This was never exactly so. My own ex-Soviet-Jewish community in Brooklyn was always very conservative yet still rarely represented by Republicans. The so-called “ultra” Orthodox Jews of Boro Park and Williamsburg were also, of course, very conservative, but often voted Democrat anyway. Israeli-Americans, Syrian Jews, so many small pockets of Jews in America actually always leaned right.
The type of Jew that was a reliable liberal in the last 50 years was rarely an immigrant. Sometimes their families had been here since the turn of the century, missing the pograms in Russia, the oppression of the Soviet Union, the camps of World War II. American Jews have been the luckiest Jews in history but the Jews whose families had been here for a hundred years were something else beyond that. They did not know struggle or pain or true ostracism because of a faith you often couldn’t practice but also were not allowed to discard.
When they weren’t allowed into certain clubs, American Jews started their own and that was that. They did not worry, they did not fear.
The archetype of this Jew lived on the Upper West Side, always voted for the most left-leaning Democrat, spent a summer on a kibbutz, maybe, but otherwise felt little affinity for Israel. They didn’t need Israel’s security and didn’t know anyone who did. They could be counted on to criticize Israel and America openly and happily. Their lifelong security allowed for that.
Being Jewish was about shopping at Zabar’s and little else. There was a joke during the last few years that summed up what was happening with this community: “What’s the difference between Donald Trump and a liberal Jew? Donald Trump has Jewish grandchildren.” The shidduch crisis is very real in the liberal Jewish world. A 2021 Pew study found that “If one excludes the Orthodox and looks only at non-Orthodox Jews who have gotten married since 2010, 72% are intermarried.” When being Jewish is about bagels, people realize they can have the bagels and not think about religion at all.
This breed of Jew is the one so many think of when they think “Jewish community in America.” But that Jewish archetype is fading and a new one is coming to take its place.
The night of the comedy festival, Jews were desperate for connection. Some comedians alluded to it, the way we needed each other then. Our family had moved to south Florida 11 months prior from Brooklyn. We were escaping Covid restrictions that targeted our children, crime that was spiraling out of control and also looking for a Jewish community where two immigrant, right-leaning Jews could be ourselves and be safe.
Some of the first people I met in Florida were a wealthy Jewish couple in their 70s who both carry guns. I was wowed by them and reported about their existence to all of my friends back in New York. It turned out they were not as unique as I had imagined.
There’s a local gun group for Jewish gun owners in Boca Raton called “lox and glocks.” A Jewish friend of mine accidentally boarded the Bright Line train while carrying and then was forced to Uber from West Palm Beach back to his Miami home. I overheard a foursome of 80-something year old Jews, one in a wheelchair, discuss their favorite gun ranges as they licked frozen yogurt in Delray Beach. These were not the Jews we were used to.
The crowd at the comedy show was uniformly Jewish. One of the early comedians asked how many in the crowd were non-Jews. Two or three hands went up. There were cool Miami scenester Jews with Bottega Veneta bags, many Orthodox Jewish couples, Spanish-speaking Jews, groups of boychiks out on the town, Israelis, oy va voy, the Israelis.
The room laughed at in-jokes about getting into kosher restaurants in Surfside during season. They laughed at a woman imitating her elderly bubbie and zayde having sex. They laughed at comedian Modi’s famous joke about how Florida didn’t have Covid. “Oh yes, Florida. We were doing shows on Zoom because there was this thing called A PANDEMIC.”
And then comedian Judy Gold hit the stage. She had some early laughs but then she made an abortion joke and the vibe in the room shifted. We don’t all believe the same things anymore.
She persevered and got the audience back. But soon she joked about how Jews don’t have guns. The room was silent. “Really? No one likes anti-gun jokes?” That’s when the booing started. She was shocked. Frankly, I was shocked. I knew a change was happening but did not know it had arrived. What has been emerging, in Florida but also elsewhere, was a New Jew. This shift is partially political, yes. It does come with more votes moving from Democrat to Republican. But the main change is cultural.
The New Jew does not cower. He does not make excuses for those who hate him, whether white supremacist or black nationalist. She speaks plainly about threats, refuses to pretend they’re exclusive to the far right when she can see with her own eyes that they are not.
This New Jew might not be conservative but they are no longer of the left. His story is laid out in “The Turn” by Liel Leibovitz. He didn’t shift, the left shifted around him. She isn’t afraid of name-calling. As Leibovitz wrote “We have a better word to describe ourselves: free.”
The New Jew openly loves Israel and does not let anyone believe otherwise so that she can fit in with her usual political side. There is no “but…” same as one can love France or England and not launch into a dissertation about their political wrongs.
The New Jew remembers the Taffy Brodesser-Akner piece about how support for Israel is no longer in fashion on the left, how “we whispered to each other that it felt like the anti-Israel sentiment was actually a new way of being openly anti-Semitic, somehow wrapping it up in a Democratic cause” and how that piece made him sad. Today it would make him angry. How dare the mealy-mouthed left question the existence of the only Jewish state? We’re done explaining anything to anyone anymore.
When someone is found to be a Jew-hater (a term far preferable to the clunky “antisemite”) he thinks “please, just don’t take them to the Holocaust museum.” Having to prove our humanity to people who hate us is embarrassing and the New Jew refuses to do it. We are not here to beg “please don’t hate us” and show them how much we have been hated by others. We’re here to say we mean “Never Again.” We’re here to boo when you think we won’t have guns to protect ourselves.
Her favorite Jewish organization is Tikvah because they didn’t flinch when the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Manhattan demanded they disinvite Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis from their Jewish Leadership Conference. The boldness was appealing. The event went on, the protestors impotently raged outside, and the Jews inside got to say: we invite who we want.
The New Jew furtively discusses admiration for Bari Weiss if she’s at the beginning of her journey away from the left and brazenly Ben Shapiro if she’s exited the building.
Religiously, the New Jew is either Orthodox or shul-less. She noticed that Reform and Conservative synagogues stayed closed for too long during Covid and when they re-emerged they were temples to leftism not G-d. She fills in her worship at Chabad, because they’ll never turn Shabbat into a struggle session, but it’s not an exact fit. The shuls will get there. They’ll have to. Their empty pews will be their signal.
She has broken with Facebook or Instagram friends who said vile things about Israel while Jews hid from bombs in basements in Tel Aviv. He has looked at his family, or dreamed about the one he hopes to have, and said “Not us. Not ever.”
He discovers there are many others like him, so many others, and they’re welcoming and accepting as we all navigate together being independent Jews in the freest of countries.
The gun booing was telling because it wasn’t about quietly owning a firearm. It was about letting others know that you do. It was about standing up for that right, standing up against the idea that our people will always be sitting ducks. We will not be.
A real political realignment to accompany this shift is coming. It is not here yet. One issue, like support for Israel, often leads to change on other issues, like gun rights. One little time you pull out a thread and where has it led? The whole shawl of Jews-always-being-liberals unravels.
Israel is an imperfect example but it’s still instructive. Israel was once a left-leaning country. It is not today. The shift runs parallel to what is happening with Jews in America. Leftism rewards victimhood and the New Jews have decided to be victims no more. Karol Markowiczhttp://www.twitter.com/karol |