![]() Healthy eaters PROVEN by science to be 40% less likely to need hospitalization if infected with Covid virus, and 10% less likely to catch it in the first place20July2021 by: S.D. Wells https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-20-healthy-eaters-proven-by-science-less-likely-covid.html (Natural News) One reason natural health advocates did not panic when the pandemic broke relies solely on the fact that we have faith in our immune systems because we eat right, supplement, drink clean water and use natural personal care products. Natural health advocates also don’t get neuro-damaging-chemicals, heavy metal toxins or protein “payloads” injected into our bodies regularly. That also means (we) don’t take a handful of prescription medications daily, if any at all. Remember, the people on pharmaceutical medications are and remain the sickest people in the country. There’s a reason for that, as we see their bodies break down, more and more, year after year. Now, science is proving that healthy eaters are much less likely to catch Covid, or need hospitalization if they do. King’s College London — scientists discover ultimate way to cut your risk of catching Covid, and how to avoid a severe case of it, if you doAre you eating clean (organic, local or homegrown) fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds daily? How many times is that your “meal?” Have you cut out processed foods from your daily intake? How often do you cheat? It’s time to take a really close look, because if you want to improve your immune system, eating on the 5-a-day plan, including greens, could be all the difference you’re looking for, and for good. Researchers at King’s College interviewed 600,000 people about their daily food regimen, and then monitored all of them for nine months to see if they came down with coronavirus, and if so, to track how long were they sick. Plus, all of the participants logged what they had been eating before the whole pandemic broke out. Result? Software run with all of the data revealed that the healthy eaters were 40% less likely to get sick with China Flu, and if they did, they were also less likely to need oxygen therapy to get through it. That’s amazing. So what does “clean eating” really mean, because we all want to avoid Covid, and especially a bad case of itLet’s start with organic fruits and vegetables, that are free of chemical pesticides, insecticides and toxic herbicides, like Bayer/Monsanto’s Roundup. That’s a fantastic start. Next, use clean, filtered water to drink for everything, including making your coffee and tea, drink mixes, boiling vegetables, making soup, everything. Remember, there’s all kinds of pollutants and contaminants in tap water, including other people’s medications. A Big Berkey water filter system is very affordable (costs less than a year of buying bottled water) and even filters out fluoride from tap water. If you’re a carnivore, keep the fat to a minimum (salmon is good), and don’t fry it, especially in canola oil, which is the deadliest of all processed oils (it coagulates in your blood like margarine). Try not to eat out at restaurants too often, because more often than not, they use canola oil, which lowers your immune system function by contributing to obesity. Also, avoid everything GMO. Bottom line: A plant-dominated food regimen can improve your immune system function, adding to the healthy microbes in the gut. Reflect on your daily intake so you can cut your chances of getting Covid and these Greek letter variants all the vaccinated people are spreading around. Why it is important now, more than ever, to eat organic food about 90% of the timeEnough complaining about the price of organic food, because the cost of healthcare for the “conventional” trade-off isn’t worth it, and not even close. We all need to protect the integrity of the food we eat and prevent genetically modified organisms from dominating our food, our digestive system and our cells in general. Science has proven GM foods to be toxic to animals, causing cancer tumors in vital organs and kidney and liver failure. Several animal studies show serious health risks linked to eating lab-concocted, gene-mutated, insect-and-weed-killing GM food, including immune problems, infertility, gastrointestinal problems and detriment to major organs. Vaccines add to this chaos, and together with genetically modified food weaken humans, making us much more vulnerable to cancer, early onset dementia and critical blood flow issues. Tune your internet frequency to FoodSupply.news for great resources about clean food that fosters ideal health. Sources for this article include: |
![]() Eating a plant-based diet can help protect against COVID-19, researchers find01August2021 by: Divina Ramirez https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-01-plant-based-diet-protects-against-covid-19.html
(Natural News) People who eat a plant-based diet are less likely to contract COVID-19 and become severely ill with the disease, according to a recent study by researchers from Harvard Medical School, King’s College London and the health science company ZOE. The researchers analyzed data from over 590,000 people from the United States and the United Kingdom who answered a survey about the foods they ate last February using the ZOE COVID Symptom Study application. The application allows users to record their symptoms in case of COVID-19 infection and to log when they’ve had a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. By early December 2020, 19 percent of the users who participated contracted COVID-19 based on positive PCR test results and symptoms reported via the application. “For the first time, we’ve been able to show that a healthier diet can cut the chances of developing [COVID-19],” said co-author Sarah Berry, a senior lecturer in nutritional sciences at King’s College London. A preprint of the study was released online in medRxiv. Eat more plant-based foods to avoid COVID-19Poor metabolic health and certain lifestyle factors are associated with an increased risk and severity of COVID-19, but data for diets are lacking. For their study, the researchers sought to analyze the association of diet quality with the risk and severity of COVID-19 and how that intersects with socioeconomic factors. To that end, the researchers examined data from 592,571 users of the ZOE COVID Symptom Study application from the U.S. and the U.K. The users completed a survey about the foods they ate in February 2020. The researchers scored users’ diet quality based on a scale that emphasized healthy, plant-based foods. The users were followed until December 2020 and asked to log if they had contracted COVID-19 or were hospitalized because of it. Diets with high quality scores were found to contain more plant-based foods, especially fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains. On average, people with high-scoring diets ate two pieces of fruit and three different vegetables per day. They also ate 200 grams (g) of fatty fish every week and limited their intake of refined grains and processed foods. People who eat plant-based foods have healthy microbes in their guts, said Tim Spector, a co-author of the study and a co-founder of ZOE. Having healthy gut microbes has been linked to better health. On the other hand, low-scoring diets were found to contain more processed foods. On average, users with low-scoring diets ate fewer than two pieces of fruit per week and went some days without eating any vegetable or oily fish. In addition, the researchers found that there were 72 cases of COVID-19 for every 10,000 person-months among users with high-scoring diets. Meanwhile, there were 95 cases of COVID-19 for every 10,000 person-months among users with low-scoring diets. Overall, the researchers found that users with high-scoring diets were 10 percent less likely to contract COVID-19 and 40 percent less likely to become severely ill with the disease than users with low-scoring diets. They estimated that nearly a quarter of users who became infected with COVID-19 could have avoided the disease if they ate a healthier diet. They also noted that users living in areas where plant-based foods were less available may face a greater risk of COVID-19 infection than users with easier access to those foods. How to get started on a plant-based dietThere is no need to go vegan to reap the health benefits of eating plant-based foods. Many healthy plant-based diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, still allow meats and animal products to a certain degree. However, you’re encouraged to limit your intake of those foods as much as possible. If you want to get started on a plant-based diet, keep the following tips in mind:
Fresh.news has more articles on the health benefits of eating plant-based foods. Sources include: How eating your five-a-day may spare you from Covid: People who consume plenty of fruit and vegetables and cut out processed foods ‘are up to 40% less likely to fall severely ill with virus’
By Luke Andrews Health Reporter For Mailonline Published: 13July2021 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9783301/People-eat-three-fruit-vegetables-day-40-likely-fall-severely-ill-virus.html
King’s College London experts asked 600,000 people to log what they were eating before the pandemic began.
Volunteers were divided into five groups based on how healthy their diets were.
They were also tracked for nine months and asked to tell researchers if they caught the coronavirus and log how ill they became.
Results showed those who ate the most greens were 40 per cent less likely to be hospitalised and need oxygen if they were infected.
And they were 10 per cent less likely to catch the virus in the first place.
The researchers defined the healthiest eaters as those who ate two pieces of fruit a day and three different vegetables.
They also had 200g of oily fish such as salmon and sardines every week and kept fatty and sugary processed foods to a minimum.
On the other hand, the unhealthiest eaters had fewer than two bits of fruit over the course of a week and went some days without eating any vegetables.
They also steered clear of oily fish, and consumed more fatty and sugary processed foods than recommended.
Professor Tim Spector, one of the researchers, said there was ‘no need to go vegan’ to reap the benefits of healthy eating.
But he said eating a more plant-laden diet could ‘improve your immune system’ and ‘potentially reduce your risk from Covid’.
Professor Spector said: ‘People who eat higher quality diets (with low levels of ultra-processed foods) have a healthier collection of microbes in their guts, which is linked to better health.’
Study co-author Dr Sarah Berry said: ‘For the first time we’ve been able to show that a healthier diet can cut the chances of developing Covid.’
The study was run through health-tech firm ZOE’s Covid Symptom Study app, which has been downloaded more than a million times.
The software — which allows people to log their symptoms and whether they had a positive test — is used to track the coronavirus outbreak in Britain.
Academics used data from more than 31,000 participants who were thought to have caught Covid across the UK and US.
Only a quarter actually tested positive for the virus — the rest were assumed to have been infected based on the symptoms they showed.
At the start of the pandemic there was a lack of tests available, leading to millions of cases being missed officially.
Participants were asked about what they ate in February last year, before the virus took hold.
They were followed until early December — through the first wave and the start of the second wave — and asked to log if they had the virus, or were hospitalised.
Data showed there were 72.2 cases of Covid for every 10,000 person-months among participants with the healthiest diets.
But for volunteers at the other end of the dietary spectrum, the rate stood at around 95.4.
The difference was even worse for cases of severe illness — defined as patients who were admitted to hospital and required oxygen.
After analysing the results for other potential factors that may have skewed the findings such as sex, ethnicity and underlying health conditions, they found those with the best diets were 40 per cent less likely to suffer severe disease and 10 per cent likely to catch the virus in the first place.
The study, which was published on medRxiv, also involved scientists from Harvard Medical School.
![]() More Than 75% Of Americans Aged 17-24 Aren’t Fit For Military Service: DODby Tyler Durden, 04March2023 – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/more-75-americans-aged-17-24-arent-fit-military-service-dod As the US military struggles to fill the ranks with new recruits, a new report from the Department of Defense reveals that the vast majority of Americans aged 17-24 are unfit for military service.
Citing a Feb. 16 congressional hearing, a DoD report reveals that 77% of Americans in the above age group could not physically qualify to enter the armed forces – a 6% increase from 2017.
A key factor is obesity – which hit nearly 42% in 2020. Meanwhile, a 2022 study cited by the Epoch Times found a link between receiving government food assistance and a greater chance of becoming obese through the consumption of unhealthy foods. A 2015 USDA analysis found that 40% of total SNAP participants were obese.
Last month, Military.com reported on an Army initiative to whip fat, low-scoring recruits into shape in ‘pre-basic training courses.’
“The Future Soldier Prep Course is giving young Americans who want to serve the chance to do so, by helping them not only meet our standards, but in many cases rise above them,” said Gen. James McConville, the Army’s top officer. “We started seeing positive results early on in the program, and I am happy to see it expand to additional installations so we can continue to attract and invest in our nation’s best talent.” ![]() U.S. Army trainees exercise as part of a course aimed at preparing potential enlistees who don’t meet fitness or test standards at Fort Jackson in Columbia, S.C., on Sept. 28, 2022. (Scott Olson/Getty Images) Applicants in the programs have 90 days to boost their scores or lose enough body fat to come into compliance with Army standards. So far, just 3,206 students have attended one of the courses, of which 2,965 have graduated and moved on to basic training. A Dangerous DilemmaIn September 2022, a U.S. Army general bluntly said that young Americans are either too obese, too sick, or too criminal to serve in the military.
“Some of the challenges we have are obesity, we have pre-existing medical conditions, we have behavioral health problems, we have criminality, people with felonies, and we have drug use,” Lt. Gen. Xavier Brunson told The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Washington.
Brunson called it a “condition,” saying that “this is not an Army problem, so nationally what we have to look at is what’s going on with our youth.”
The general’s statement came as a response to difficulties the U.S. military had reaching their target goals for recruits in 2022. This struggle, prevalent in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, has prompted security analysts and some U.S. institutions to declare obesity a threat to national security. Obesity a Security Threat“Each year, more than $60 million goes toward replacing the 1,200-plus first-term enlistees discharged for excess weight,” Irina Tsukerman, a security analyst and the owner of Scarab Rising, told The Epoch Times.
She said high obesity rates have narrowed the recruiting pool considerably, coupled with “falling intelligence and education standards.” She also noted that, along with reduced resiliency and flexibility, the military is less prepared to meet “asymmetrical or conventional challenges.”
Police departments struggle with similar challenges, according to Tsukerman.
“We have also seen the impact of poor fitness and obesity among police forces in urban areas,” she said. “Unfit officers facing high-risk scenarios are less likely to perform well at their jobs … the same can become a dangerous trend on the battlefield.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also classifies America’s obesity challenge as a security threat. The organization estimates that 1 in 5 children and 2 in 5 U.S. adults are now obese.
CDC statistics also show that 19 percent of active-duty service members suffered from obesity in 2020, which is up from 16 percent in 2015.
Active-duty soldiers struggling with obesity are also 33 percent more likely to suffer musculoskeletal injuries. Lowering the Bar?In response to this challenge, the U.S. military is adjusting its fitness requirements for some jobs, especially those that aren’t physically demanding, such as technology-based positions.
Tsukerman cautioned that lowering the bar within the U.S. military could set a dangerous precedent.
“While it is true that technical developments such as the use of UAV [unmanned aerial vehicles] and AI [artificial intelligence] have displaced some human participation in the field, much of the combat still relies on conventional human performance,” she said. “Therefore, national security directly depends on human forces being astute, situationally aware, and agile.”
Hunnes said it comes down to getting people on track with proper nutrition right out of the gate. She said healthy breakfast and lunch options for children and better nutrition for pregnant mothers is a good start to tackle obesity issues among today’s youth.
“We need communities, individuals, and governments to step up.” |
![]() Huge new study finds that obesity is the single biggest “chronic” factor in hospitalizations for COVID-19 in NYC, which explains why America is getting hit HARD14April2020 by: JD Heyes https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-14-study-finds-obesity-biggest-factor-hospitalizatoins-covid-19-nyc.html ![]() American fat burger – Obesity has been linked with COVID-19 complications in recent studies. Image: istockphoto (Natural News) “America the Fat” is not meant to be an insulting slogan, but rather a recognition of a societal reality. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most recent data, the “prevalence of obesity was 42.4 percent” in our population in 2017-2018, increasing from 30.5 percent in the years 1999-2000. The demographics with the highest rates of obesity are non-Hispanic blacks (49.6 percent) and Hispanics 44.8 percent). Why are these statistics important? Because now, obesity is responsible for sickening and killing more of us but not in the usual way — via heart disease and diabetes. Rather, a major new study has found that obesity is the leading “chronic” condition that has led to hospitalizations for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in New York City, according to ZDNet. While age is still the largest determining factor, obesity is the biggest co-morbidity, scientists at New York University have discovered. “The chronic condition with the strongest association with critical illness was obesity, with a substantially higher odds ratio than any cardiovascular or pulmonary disease,” write lead author Christopher M. Petrilli of the NYU Grossman School and colleagues in a paper, “Factors associated with hospitalization and critical illness among 4,103 patients with COVID-19 disease in New York City.” ZDNet notes further: Among other things, the presence of obesity in the study points to a potentially important role of heightened inflammation in patients — a phenomenon that has been a topic of much speculation in numerous studies of the disease. Petrilli and colleagues at the Grossman School, along with doctors at the NYU Langone Health center, studied the electronic patient records of 4,103 individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 in the New York City healthcare system between March 1 and April 2. It’s “the largest case series from the United States to date,” the authors write. A national epidemic has now fallen prey to a global pandemicThey added that they were motivated by their desire to understand “which patients are most at risk for hospitalization,” which they note is, of course, “crucial for many reasons,” such as how to triage COVID patients and anticipate future medical requirements. (Related: COVID-19 takes hold among the homeless in Los Angeles.) Now, the fact that blacks are the most obese, per capita, matters as well because recent reports state that coronavirus is disproportionately affecting that demographic — which, naturally, Democrats and their Left-wing media propagandists have turned into an issue of racism (like a virus has the ability to understand such concepts). Last week the racial disparities that have accompanied the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. became a major story. Officials in St. Louis, Detroit and a large swath of states reported that African American populations had been hit especially hard by the virus. A look at the data helps explain why. Behind the well-known daily numbers of the pandemic — the cases, hospitalizations and deaths — a mix of geography, socioeconomics and health factors make COVID-19, the disease associated with the virus, particularly dangerous for some minority groups. The network went on to concentrate mostly on the racial component and the ‘socioeconomic status’ of blacks — how they don’t have as much health insurance, good jobs, etc. But the science says those components have little to do with the fact that obesity plays a major factor in hospitalizations. That isn’t ‘racist’ and it has nothing to do with ‘socioeconomic’ status; most everyone who is obese, no matter their ethnicity, isn’t starving to death, that’s for sure. They just have poorer eating habits. In any event, a national epidemic has now fallen prey to a global pandemic, as the research shows. If this doesn’t spur people to start living healthier lives, no matter who they are, then nothing will. Sources include: |
![]() Study Finds Doing This Regularly Is Likely To Prevent COVID-19 Hospitalizationby Tyler Durden 19April2020 – 21:00 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/study-finds-doing-regularly-likely-prevent-covid-19-hospitalization Multiple reports have been issued over the past month carefully documenting many of the underlying health issues which make the chances much higher for COVID-19 infected individuals of landing in the hospital, and possibly death. Foremost among these is the pervasive American problem of obesity, and the often corresponding disease of diabetes. “Young adults with obesity are more likely to be hospitalized, even if they have no other health problems, studies show,” a New York Times report detailed days ago. However, in the first weeks and months of the crisis it seems there were few studies and reports advancing the opposite: what are ways and individual might prevent infection or at least greatly mitigate its severity? Newsweek reported Friday on new University of Virginia School of Medicine, which found regular exercise is behind healthier immune systems able to withstand and beat the virus. Specifically regular exercise is likely to prevent COVID-19 patients from developing severe complications like acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a common cause of death among the infected, the study found. “According to the study, between 3 and 17 percent of all COVID-19 patients will develop ARDS, while available data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between 20 and 42 percent of all patients hospitalized with COVID-19 will develop ARDS,” Newsweek reports. Of these about 45 percent of patients who develop severe ARDS will die, according to researchers. Per the report:
“Our findings suggest aerobic exercise is particularly potent in stimulating EcSOD expression,” Zhen Yan, head researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine stated to Newsweek. “With that said, weight training helps maintain or even increase muscle mass. More muscle mass will likely lead to more EcSOD production, hence more benefits.” Yan’s team used mice running “about 10 miles/day” as part of the studey. “Generally speaking, 30 min moderate intensity exercise per day would be enough to have many of the health benefits,” Dr. Yan added. ![]() American fat burger – Obesity has been linked with COVID-19 complications in recent studies. Image: istockphoto Further Yan emphasized the following following exercises as producing the most EcSOD in the body:
“Aerobic exercise can be easily done at home, such as [a] stationary bike, aerobic floor exercise and rowing machines. Of course, canoeing, biking and running outside with strict social distance are good options,” he said. |
![]() World’s 11 most powerful NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS that won’t kill your good gut bacteria24February2023 by: S.D. Wells https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-02-14-11-natural-antibiotics-wont-kill-good-gut-bacteria.html This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) The main reason the majority of Americans do not believe in taking supplements and natural herbs regularly hinges on their faith in their medical doctor’s advice, whose learning comes from colleges funded by Big Pharma, that made sure nutrition education was removed from “medicine” curriculum almost entirely, over a century ago. It’s all part of the Hidden History of Medicine, in a free download from Natural News.
Yet, your first line of defense against infections and illnesses is boosting your own immune system with natural remedies and indigenous cures. People need to stay on their game at all times and super-boost their immune system with Mother Nature’s gifts. You see, medical doctors don’t make any money if you stay healthy, for the most part, or even if you get sick, and then take natural antibiotics for healing, since they’re not patentable and they don’t make you sicker by just covering up symptoms, like prescription medications do. There’s the rub.
The worst part about prescription antibiotics is they kill your good gut bacteria, known as flora. Your gut is a very balanced microbiome, if you eat clean food mostly and supplement, where the good gut bacteria consists of about 85%, and the bad bacteria at around 15%. When a medical doctor’s patient takes antibiotics, it ALL gets wiped out. If the patient happens to be suffering from a viral infection instead, the doctor just sets up the patient for a very dangerous outcome, by decimating the immune system’s biological “seat.”
That’s why it’s important to stock up on natural remedies and natural antibiotics. They are not expensive, especially compared to medical bills (and getting sicker from not healing in the first place). Plus, they are preventative medicine to keep you from getting sick in the first place. Here are the world’s 11 most powerful natural antibiotics that medical doctors are never allowed to discuss as treatment or preventative medicine#1. Garlic #2. Apple cider vinegar #3. Ginger #4. Horseradish root #5. Onion #6. Habanero peppers #7. Oregano oil #8. Turmeric #9. Echinacea (Herb) #10. Raw honey #11. Colloidal Silver Garlic cloves are easy to find and amazing for the human immune system, and they serve as an antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal agent. Garlic contains a compound called allicin that’s a potent antibiotic that was used by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and ancient Chinese to combat sicknesses, including the common cold. Allicin is released when the garlic cloves are crushed or chewed.
Colloidal silver is even more effective than traditional antibiotics, and that’s why Big Pharma has viciously attacked it, saying it turns people silver (some guy drank whole bottles of it all day once). Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks used silver over a millennium ago for various illnesses and to fight infections, and it doesn’t harm your liver or kidneys, like prescription antibiotics can.
Ever heard of superbugs? They are infections people often get in hospitals when they have open wounds and hygiene leaves something to be desired. Apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, eradicates methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection) and resistant Escherichia coli (E-coli). These are infections that can spread rapidly and kill people. Often times, medical doctors sling antibiotics at them, which can add to the high morbidity rates.
ACV penetrates microbial cell membranes, significantly reducing their ability to spread and infect the human body. ACV is made from alcoholic fermentation of apples, sugar, and yeast, and the acetic acid has potent antimicrobial properties (according to scientific studies published by NIH) and high potency for defeating antibiotic-resistant microbes. That’s why Big Pharma will NOT tell you about ACV when you’re in the hospital dying from superbug infections. Can you say allopathic population control without coughing into your Covid mask?
Oil of oregano is one of nature’s most powerful medicines. One of the most potent remedies in the world, oregano oil beats down viruses and knocks back allergies to pollen. Produced from the perennial herb oregano, the oil is loaded with antioxidants that annihilate the free radicals that cause cancer. Pharmaceutical companies wish they could patent it.
Tune your internet dial to NaturalMedicine.news for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to Big Pharma for prescription antibiotics that cover up symptoms to deeper rooted ailments. Sources for this article include: |
![]() Top 5 DEADLY products physicians recommend to you13December2022 by: S.D. Wells https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-12-13-top-5-deadly-products-physicians-recommend.html This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author (Natural News) If everyone who died from bad medical advice could sue the doctors that dished it out, there would be no medical industrial complex in America anymore. It all started way back in the 1930s, when more than 20,000 US physicians jumped on the bandwagon and hawked cigarettes as being good for health and digestion. They went so far as to recommend their own favorite brands. Many people would say they didn’t know any better then, but that would be wrong. During the 1930s, scientists discovered that smoking was a direct cause of lung cancer, and those thousands of physicians continued recommending smoking for THIRTY more years. Go figure.
It’s no better now, and it’s almost a century later. Medical doctors literally get away with murder, by dishing out advice, drugs, and recommendations for medical devices that have a high ratio of killing their patients. Is it all about the money, still? Need some examples? Here we go.
The largest analysis of patients hospitalized with Wuhan virus revealed that most DIED after being put on a mechanical ventilator, and within just four days. This was a comprehensive study that included health records of nearly 6,000 patients at facilities in New York’s largest health system, Northwell Health. The death rate? Eighty eight percent. You would think that doctors would have stopped recommending mechanical ventilators at that point, but the scamdemic raged on.
In fact, the more people who died from Covid in hospitals, the more money those hospitals received from the Biden Regime. The hospital “protocols” for treating Fauci Flu are despicable and insidious. Follow the bouncing ball (of money).
Remdesivir shown in clinical trials to frequently cause acute kidney injury and renal failure, but doctors keep recommending it for CovidGot the flu that kills less than .05% of the population? How about going on a deadly prescription drug that kills your kidneys and has a high kill rate? Remdesivir was the first drug approved for coronavirus disease in 2019, yet clinical trials and case series studies had already revealed it FREQUENTLY caused acute kidney injury (AKI) and renal failure (need for replacement) in animal studies, especially including proximal tubular epithelial cell necrosis.
Wondering how comprehensive the reports on Remdesivir are? Over 1.5 million reports were registered from January through August of 2020, with nearly six percent of those patients suffering kidney disorders from Remdesivir. That’s nearly 100,000 patients who’s kidneys were decimated by a highly recommended drug that doctors were slinging at their patients, and that’s just for the first three quarters of 2020.
US physicians and US hospitals could easily be compared to third world hospices, as the treatments, conditions, and results are horrid. These are dirty doctors who accept bribes from Big Pharma to push deadly drugs, dirty vaccines, and deathly machines on innocent patients who most likely would have otherwise survived Covid-19 and all of its variants.
Then there are SSRI drugs, that are dished out like candy on Halloween to anybody who says they’re stressed, anxious, or depressed. These drugs cause horrific side effects and adverse events, and are the main culprit of young men going on homicidal and suicidal rampages across our country. Take a look at the 5 deadliest recommendations from physicians who should know better, if they don’t already#1. Cigarettes – from 1935 to 1965, thousands of medical doctors endorsed their “favorite brands” of cigarettes, recommending them for good digestion (after lung cancer from smoking was discovered in the 1930s) #2. Fauci Flu clot shots #3. Remdesivir for Covid-19 #4. Mechanical ventilators for Covid-19 #5. SSRI prescription drugs for fake diagnoses called “clinical depression” and “chemical imbalance” Bookmark Censored.news to your favorite websites for truth news that’s being censored from the rest of media as you read this. Sources for this article include: |
This is what happens if you do not prepare!
Click to Play Hotel California ![]() “Hotel California (Remastered)” from Hotel California (40th Anniversary Expanded Edition) by Eagles. Released: 2017. Track 1. Genre: Rock. It Begins: Hawaii Stores Empty Out On Coronavirus “Panic Buying”by Tyler Durden 02/27/2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/it-begins-hawaii-stores-empty-out-coronavirus-panic-buying Hawaii is urging residents to prepare for a potential breakout of Covid-19 amid new warnings earlier this week from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that the deadly virus quickly spreading across the world could cause a “significant disruption” to American life. Although there are no confirmed virus cases in Hawaii (the state Health Department says 80 people are self-monitoring for the coronavirus in Hawaii after recent travel to China), the CDC’s warning sparked a buying frenzy among residents this week as they emptied store shelves of food and supplies. Twitter handle @zoeywoeyzoey said, “Hawaii Sam’s club is sold out of toilet paper hand sanitizer alcohol.”
![]() zoey-tweet-sams-club-out-of-tp-26Feb2020 Hawaii Sam’s club is sold out of toilet paper hand sanitizer alcohol KHON Honolulu said flatbed carts “were overflowing with boxes of canned goods, bottled water, toilet paper, and paper towels” at Costco’s Iwilei location.
Hawaii Foodbank told KHON that residents are panic buying non-perishable foods and medical masks. They said the same fear that is seen in Asia has now spread to Hawaii.
“If there’s no inventory at the store, then there’s very little for stores to donate to the Foodbank and also at home if you’re stocking up and hoarding for your family, the last thing you’re thinking about is making a donation. It impacts us in a very great way,” said Hawaii Foodbank President Ron Mizutani. Honolulu Star-Advertiser said retailers across the state are experiencing shortages of 3M N95 masks. We noted last month that masks were selling out across the US. Prices of the masks have doubled or tripled since mid-January. |
![]() At Stores Across The Country, The Panic Coronavirus Hoarding BeginsTyler Durden 01March2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/meanwhile-costco-brooklyn-hoarding-begins Update (March 1): Increasing fear of a Covid-19 outbreak has forced many Americans out of their homes and millennials from their parents’ basements to panic buy food at Costco stores across the country this weekend: ![]() 01March2020-Increasing fear of a Covid-19 outbreak has forced many Americans out of their homes and millennials from their parents’ basements to panic buy food at Costco stores across the country this weekend
![]() kwolfgramm-tweet-1March2020-Mass fear of the corona virus cause people to panic and stock up on water, toilet paper and Clorox wipes at all the Costco stores. Crazy
And So On…MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW is coming to America
![]() As the lockdowns are lifted, don’t forget these 10 basic FACTS about the Wuhan coronavirus, or we’ll all suffer a catastrophic second wave of deaths planned by the globalists19May2020 by: Mike Adams https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-05-19-as-lockdowns-lifted-dont-forget-these-10-basic-facts-about-the-wuhan-coronavirus.html (Natural News) The globalists would love for the lockdowns to last forever. It’s the perfect globalist enslavement system: You stay home and stay off the streets, they skim money from the money-printing Federal Reserve, then they mail you big fat bailout checks along with vote-by-mail ballots so you keep electing them to send you more money while you’re slowly bled to death with currency debasement and medical police state surveillance. What more could a globalist hope for? That’s why it’s crucial that We the People beat this virus before the globalists finish us off. And the only way to do that is to get real about the threat of this very real, laboratory-concocted biological weapon system that has been deployed against humanity. Dr. Judy Mikovits agrees on this point, by the way, that the coronavirus went through a laboratory and is a very real, very dangerous pathogen that’s transmitted from person to person (see video below). And that makes it dangerous. All the more reason to get informed and learn how to beat this thing before we all end up starved to death and vaccinated like cattle with “kill switch” euthanasia jabs that are about to be rolled out across America. Yes, you are the lab rat for Big Pharma’s insane medical experiments, didn’t you know? And you can’t protest as long as you’re locked down. You can’t even criticize the vaccine depopulation agenda because you’ll be censored by Big Tech and the communist Chinese who now control Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Your only function from here forward, from the point of view of the globalists, is to die as quickly as possible so they don’t have to deal with you anymore. Because the globalists are literally at war with humanity, and your very existence is an affront to their agenda of depopulation and mass genocide against humanity. Sadly, far too many people still remain in a state of denialism about the existence of the virus and how it has been deployed as a weapon against humanity. Denialism isn’t a strategy for a pro-human victory against this virus. Those who claim the virus doesn’t exist or is “just the flu” are hurting humanity’s ability to fight back. They’re actually compromising human freedom by interfering with our grassroots response to defeat this globalist bioweapon before the death science engineers kill us all with their gain-of-function weapons that are specifically designed to target human tissue. So here are ten basic facts that I urge us all to keep in mind as we end the lockdowns and reopen our economies. If we forget these ten facts, we will pay a very steep price for complacency. We may, in fact, not survive the globalist plans for mass extermination. Defeat the virus and you defeat the globalists. They were almost defeated already, which is why they released this “nuclear option” bioweapon in desperation, by the way. It’s their last play, and if we defeat this virus, we can finally move against the globalists and “hang them in the streets,” so to speak, for their crimes against us all. Basic Fact #1) The Wuhan coronavirus was developed in a lab. This virus was engineered with gain-of-function properties to target human tissue and spread from person to person in “stealth” mode (asymptomatic carriers). That’s why it’s the most dangerous global pathogen we’ve ever faced — because it was engineered to kill human beings. No, this is no “natural” virus from bats. What a joke. Basic Fact #2) The Wuhan coronavirus was released in China, then spread across the globe. Never forget that this was released in China but could not be contained there. It spread so effectively that it encircled the globe almost overnight, even with efforts to block air traffic and close borders. None of those efforts worked, and the virus exploded worldwide anyway. This virus was never “contained” and will never be contained by any incompetent government. It will continue to spread as the lockdowns are lifted. Basic Fact #3) The Wuhan coronavirus is transmitted from person to person. It spreads from the lungs of one person to the lungs of another person. Hence the wisdom in wearing masks in shared indoor environments or public transportation. This also explains why its unmitigated infection rate is exponential, not linear. And it has just barely begun to infect a small percentage of the total human population. (There’s much more excitement yet to come…) Basic Fact #4) People who don’t know they are infected and show no symptoms can spread it to others (asymptomatic carriers). This is the “stealth mode” that makes this virus so dangerous. People spread it even before they know they have it, and they can bypass simple measures (such as temperature checkpoints) with ease. Basic Fact #5) The Wuhan coronavirus is orders of magnitude more deadly than the regular flu. The regular flu only kills about 1 in 4,000 who are infected (Infection Fatality Rate), or about 1 in 1,000 who are diagnosed and symptomatic (Case Fatality Rate). Yet the Case Fatality Rate for the Wuhan coronavirus looks to be about 10% so far, based on current numbers being reported around the world. That makes it about 100 times more deadly than the regular flu. (No, this ain’t the flu, bro.) Basic Fact #6) The Wuhan coronavirus mutates rapidly and can mutate to express affinity for different receptors in the human body. This means it can morph into a whole new form that nullifies all existing immunity or whatever vaccines might be working at the time. Literally overnight, this virus can render all vaccines obsolete, and it can reset every human being on planet Earth back to the “uninfected” status based on its receptor site mutations. Imagine going through two years of the ACE2 version of the coronavirus only to find out it then mutates to a whole new receptor and we get to start all over. That’s not science fiction… it’s a very likely outcome. Basic Fact #7) Because of the rapid mutation rate, a vaccine may never be developed that works against the Wuhan coronavirus. This is a fundamental science fact, and it probably explains why the CEO of Moderna — the vaccine company touted by Trump as offering a miracle treatment for the pandemic — is selling his own stock shares like mad instead of buying them up like mad. If he thought the vaccine was going to be a huge success, he’s be buying, not selling stock. Does he already know the vaccine will fail? That’s what it looks like. Basic Fact #8) COVID-19 is not an acute respiratory disease but rather a blood clotting / coagulation and inflammation disease, and ventilators are killing patients. This means the “standard of care” offered in most hospitals is actually a death sentence, which is why 88% of people who are put on ventilators end up dead. It also means the fatality numbers for coronavirus didn’t have to be as large as they are now, since many people were actually killed by ventilators when they really needed oxygen. Basic Fact #9) Nutrition plays a key role in preventing coronavirus infections and transmission. We now know that those who have excellent nutrition (vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, anti-inflammatory foods, etc.) almost never get killed by the coronavirus. We also know that natural treatments like chlorine dioxide have so far been shown to have a near-100 percent cure rate. But of course, anything that really works will be banned or criminalized because our world is controlled by a criminal drug cartel known as Big Pharma and the FDA. (The Food and DEATH Administration.) Basic Fact #10) The only reason the number of hospitalizations and deaths is now falling in America is because the social distancing lockdowns worked. Without the lockdowns, the numbers would still be following an exponential expansion curve, and we would right now be witnessing perhaps 30,000 deaths per day in the United States. Thankfully, we’re really seeing something much closer to 1,000 deaths per day, down from about 2,800 per day. That achievement is largely due to the lockdowns. In that realization is a stern warning for our shared future: If we end the lockdowns and pretend this virus is history, it will come back and bite us with a vengeance. Complacency will lead to catastrophe, which is why we must not become complacent as we work toward restoring more “normalcy” across society. Denialism is a losing strategy, but facing this virus armed with facts and nutrition and real science, we can defeat it and move to defeat those who built it. Join the pro-human resistance against the death science globalists who are trying to exterminate us allIt’s time for humanity to rise up around the planet and declare war on those governments, institutions and corporations that are deliberately working to exterminate us. It’s time for humanity to invoke its right to global self-defense and stop the atrocities being carried out against us by virologists, genetic engineers and vaccine Nazis. We either take a stand and fight for survival or we get exterminated in the next 1-2 years with wave after wave of deadly vaccines and depopulation bioweapons that will be released right on schedule. You think Fauci’s knowledge of a “second wave” is just a lucky guess? Nope, he’s in on it. He knows the second wave is coming because he helped fund the second wave of bioweapons that are being readied for release right now. You think the lockdowns will be over soon? Not a chance. They’ll have you under house arrest yet again before this year is finished, shivering with fright from a second round of bioweapons and engineered vaccines that actually spread the pandemic even faster. If you want to live much longer, it turns out you’re going to have to earn the right to live by fighting against those who are trying to kill you. And you can’t do that sitting at home collecting an unemployment check and voting by mail to elect the next round of complicit, corrupt criminals who are all bought off by Big Pharma death cultists. At some point, you’re either going to have to get off your ass and join the pro-human uprising or surrender to the vaccine euthanasia shots and die on your knees as a subservient vaccine slave. Which will it be for you? Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger on coronavirus plandemic |
![]() Prof. Karl Friston: “80% Of Brits Not Even Susceptible To COVID-19”by Tyler Durden 05June2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/prof-karl-friston-80-brits-not-even-susceptible-covid-19 As the threat of COVID-19 quickly fades from foreground and the damage from governments’ experimental panic-driven ‘lockdown’ measures, some experts are now asking an important question: why do different countries achieved such vastly different results in terms of fatalities due to Coronavirus?
The answers to this question will undoubtedly destroy official claims that the COVID lockdown was somehow science-based, let alone justified. As it turns out, a large percentage of the population were never susceptible to this virus. In other words: the threat was completely overblown, and lockdown and social distancing policies have never been based in reality. UnHerd reports… Professor Karl Friston is a computer modelling expert, world-renowned for his contributions to neuroscience. He has been applying his “dynamic causal modelling” approach to the Covid-19 pandemic, and has reached some startling results.
This is a highly informative interview with UnHerd host Freddie Sayer and Professor Karl Friston. Watch: Karl Friston: up to 80% not even susceptible to Covid-19UnHerd 04June2020 |
![]() Do You Realize How Messianic This Is?16 Adar 5780 http://palmtreeofdeborah.blogspot.com/2020/03/do-you-realize-how-messianic-this-is.html
We used to wonder how HASHEM would make this happen (make the foreigners leave and bring the Jews home), but we never doubted that HE would, and it would only be happening NOW and in this WAY because MASHIACH is already here and working on HIS behalf. We knew the day would come when flights would once again be grounded and the doors would close, but we always imagined it would be because of a major war. Maybe THIS VIRUS is actually the “merciful” path. And it would not be happening just now unless the old world was already finished and a new one was finally beginning. Nisan – the month of beginnings “Zion heard and rejoiced, and the daughters of Judah exulted, because of Your judgments, O Lord.” (Tehillim 97.8) PLEASE HASHEM! Let all your children live and survive to see and experience its completion!!
Take Vitamin D and Zinc to prevent DeathQuite Compelling EvidenceDr. John Campbell 13May2020
Planning a randomized clinical trial, moderate to high doses In the meantime, |
![]() Doc AnarchyRICE: The Myth that Won’t DieStop slowing the healing process22February2023 https://docanarchy.substack.com/p/rice-the-myth-that-wont-die Anyone who has had an injury in the last 50 years has probably heard the expression RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Well, it’s wrong. Erase it from your mind.
The term was coined back in the 1970s by Dr. Gabe Mirkin, a former sports medicine specialist (the field no longer exists). Since then it has been the mainstay of “conservative” therapy for both minor and more severe injuries not requiring surgical intervention.
I shudder to think about how many people have suffered longer than necessary due to this bad advice. Injuries need inflammation to heal. Inflammation is a signal the body uses to attract cells necessary for the healing process. Inflammation attracts macrophages. Macrophages release growth factors that promote healing. It would be silly to do anything that blunts the process. Turns out, ice blunts this process. When you apply ice to an injury you reduce the inflammatory response and prevent the release of IGF-1, a growth factor. This in turn slows the healing process leaving you with more pain for a longer duration of time.
Ice does have its role in injuries. In the acute setting, ice can be beneficial. Within a few hours of your injury ice can help reduce the pain in the area, mainly by reducing the swelling. If you need this as a crutch to get yourself through the rest of a game or until you get home, fine. But ice has no place in injury healing after about 4 hours.
I hear all the time, “I have always used ice and it works well for me.” Keep thinking that if you want. The placebo effect might be helping. But don’t confuse feeling better with healing. Ice numbs the pain. Heat heals the injury. These are two very different things. Rest is equally as bad when it comes to healing an injury. After you’ve ruled out fractures or complete tendon/ligament tears, rest is the enemy. Resting injuries is old-school thinking and it didn’t work. It does more harm than good.
Movement is what keeps the venous blood and lymphatics moving in your body. If you aren’t moving, inflammatory products stagnate in the area around your injury. This inhibits healing because the necessary healing products cannot reach the area.
The venous and lymphatic systems carry away fluid and any particles they can, reducing the swelling in that area. That means better healing.
The one caveat to this is you must move within your limits. If you have a broken bone, don’t move it. If you have a minor ankle sprain, you can move it as much as your pain tolerance allows.
Maintaining an adequate range of motion is also vital at this time. If you aren’t moving your tendons and ligaments through a full range of motion you are risking atrophy (death) of the associated soft tissue. If you don’t use it, you lose it.
Elevation and compression are next. These ones are hit or miss. If you want to try them, go for it. If you don’t, you probably aren’t missing much. The idea behind elevation is utilizing gravity to reduce inflammation and swelling. It makes it harder for arterial blood to get to the wound which may inhibit healing to a small degree. It also makes it easier for venous blood and lymphatics to return from the area which may improve healing.
Compression is a similar idea. Placing the injury under compression improves venous return and reduces arterial supply. It serves the same purpose as elevation. Plus, some people like the feeling of compression. Now that we’ve debunked the idea of RICEing your injuries, let’s discuss what you should be doing instead. We will use the acronym HMMM. HeatDon’t use ice. It is bad for your healing process. Heat does exactly the opposite. It promotes healing by attracting cells (like macrophages) that the body uses for healing. You can use heat early and often, many times throughout the day. I will concede heat often doesn’t feel as nice as ice does. But it will help promote healing and that’s ultimately the primary goal. Reducing pain is the secondary goal. MovementStay active as much as possible. It is not the time to binge-watch Netflix after you injure yourself. That is doing more damage than it is good. You need to keep the blood moving to provide the body with the healing factors it needs. I don’t care if all you can do is sit on a bicycle. Do it. MyofascialMaybe you can do this yourself, maybe you can’t. When you injure yourself the body reacts in many different ways. Muscles tend to tighten up in an attempt to prevent injury. When you’re in pain muscles tend to tighten up. This can inhibit the healing process (reduced blood flow and reduced tonic signals from the nerves). Reducing myofascial (muscle and soft tissue) tension can help tremendously. If you can perform self-massage (ankle, wrist, etc), great. In some cases, you may need to hire a massage therapist, acupuncturist, osteopathic physician, or chiropractor. MovementThis is listed twice because it is so important. You need to keep moving. Focus on maintaining a healthy range of motion in the injured area. You will not regret it in the long run. Other things can be useful for particular injuries, but as a general rule, these will cover you nicely. If you want to try traction, reiki, or other alternative treatments, great. Go for it. I feel obligated to make one note on the idea of prevention. People who are healthier are better at preventing injuries than those who are unhealthy.
Healthy people with sufficient muscle mass, stability, flexibility, and mobility are less likely to fall when they stumble on a curve. They usually have better bone density which means they experience fractures less often.
Healthy people also tend to eat better. This means they aren’t lacking the nutrients the body requires to heal itself properly. If you are malnourished (even if obese and malnourished) you won’t heal as well as someone who eats a healthy diet.
If you are unhealthy, the time to start improving your health is right now. Find an article in my archives (available to paid subscribers). Pick a topic that speaks to you and implement the changes for a month. See how you feel and let me know. Sustain it for another month. Then move on to the next aspect of health you need to improve. Stop using RICE. Use HMMM instead. If you enjoyed this article, share it. |
![]() The mortality rate for covid-19 is falling rapidly, and here’s how we can continue to improve it29September2020 by: Lance D Johnson https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-09-29-mortality-rate-for-covid-19-is-falling-rapidly.html (Natural News) In March 2020, the mortality rate for covid-19 was advertised as a scary 3.4 percent by the World Health Organization and experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci. As more data was collected over time, the mortality rate fell. The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) break down the mortality rate by age group. If an individual does become infected, the CDC has prepared a “current best estimate” of the mortality rate based on data collected from March through September and taking into consideration the R naught factor. The mortality rate for covid-19 should only concern those ages 70 and upBased on an R naught factor of 2.5, children between the ages of 1 and 19, if infected, are only at a .00003 risk of dying. The risk to schoolchildren is so low; schools should have never closed or implemented such strict behavioral controls. For young and middle-aged adults, ages 20 – 49, the risk of dying is still slight, approximately .0002. Almost every working age adult should be living their life as normal as possible, no longer controlled by arbitrary mandates. As with most infections, the risk of death appears slightly greater for those ages 50 to 69: The risk of death for those infected in this age group is .005. The only concerning mortality statistic is for people ages 70 and up. The mortality rate for infected individuals in this group is 1 in 20. Sadly, policies put forth by Governor Andrew Cuomo in New York forced positive covid-19 patients back into the nursing homes, putting the most vulnerable population at risk and driving up the mortality rate. How do we continue to lower the mortality rate?Improvements can be made to the mortality rate if every American started focusing on strengthening their immune system, instead of fearing their environment. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and zinc should be made readily available to any patient with symptoms of a respiratory infection. Despite its effectiveness around the world, this treatment protocol has been suppressed and lied about, driving up the mortality rate. Zinc and SeleniumMedical researchers from the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands found that the mineral zinc blocks viral replication for not only coronaviruses but all other RNA viruses, including poliovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, picornaviruses, and influenza viruses. Zinc works by correcting the proteolytic processing of viral poly-proteins. Zinc’s antiviral properties convey an up-regulation of interferon production, allowing the innate immune system to more rapidly respond to the virus to eliminate the infection from the body. Furthermore, zinc possesses anti-inflammatory activity and allows T-cell immune function to work efficiently, limiting cytokine storms that are observed in severe cases of covid-19. Other trace minerals are important for healthy immune function, including selenium. Vitamin DA study from Spain found that covid-19 patients respond well to vitamin D supplementation, even after infection. In the study, patients who tested positive for covid-19 were hospitalized 50 percent of the time when vitamin D was withheld. Two of the ICU patients did not survive. Another covid-19 positive group was given vitamin D. This group only saw one ICU admission (out of the 50 people studied) and that person did survive. Vitamin C and QuercetinA study titled, “Quercetin and Vitamin C: An Experimental Synergistic Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Related Disease (COVID-19)” found that quercetin interferes “at multiple steps of pathogen virulence,” including at “virus entry, virus replication, (and) protein assembly” to stop viral infection and proliferation. When quercetin is used in synergy with Vitamin C, the two become a prophylactic (preventative medicine) for the treatment of covid-19 and other respiratory tract infections. Licorice rootGlycyrrhiza glabra (licorice root) is one of many over-the-counter antiviral herbs that can be used to stop infections in the body. In vitro studies conducted on licorice root reveal antiviral activity against HIV?1, SARS related coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, arboviruses, vaccinia virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. Sweet wormwoodArtemisinin A is an active derivative of sweet wormwood herb (Artemisia annua /A. annua). This plant-based medicine inhibits SARS-CoV and other viruses in clinical studies. The plant’s concentration of aurantiamide acetate impedes cathepsin-L (CTSL), a protein that is critical for SARS-CoV-2 to gain entry into cells. Similar drugs are being developed to target CTSL to treat covid-19, and sweet wormwood herb provides the same medicinal mechanisms. To learn more on living with viruses and overcoming infections naturally, visit ImmuneSystem.News. Sources include: |
![]() Canada issues recall of masks containing graphene, citing health concernsHealth Canada says disposable masks containing graphene ‘may pose health risks,’ citing concern over ‘lung toxicity.’Arutz Sheva Staff , 04April2021 https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/299579 Canada has issued a recall on face masks containing graphene, citing potential “health risks” including “lung toxicity.” In a notice released on Friday, Health Canada stated that it “is advising Canadians not to use face masks that contain graphene because there is a potential that they could inhale graphene particles, which may pose health risks.” “Graphene is a novel nanomaterial (materials made of tiny particles) reported to have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Health Canada conducted a preliminary scientific assessment after being made aware that masks containing graphene have been sold with COVID-19 claims and used by adults and children in schools and daycares. Health Canada believes they may also have been distributed for use in health care settings,” the notice stated. “Health Canada’s preliminary assessment of available research identified that inhaled graphene particles had some potential to cause early lung toxicity in animals. However, the potential for people to inhale graphene particles from face masks and the related health risks are not yet known, and may vary based on mask design. The health risk to people of any age is not clear. Variables, such as the amount and duration of exposure, and the type and characteristics of the graphene material used, all affect the potential to inhale particles and the associated health risks. Health Canada has requested data from mask manufacturers to assess the potential health risks related to their masks that contain graphene.” The notice concluded that “Until the Department completes a thorough scientific assessment and has established the safety and effectiveness of graphene-containing face masks, it is taking the precautionary approach of removing them from the market while continuing to gather and assess information. Health Canada has directed all known distributors, importers and manufacturers to stop selling and to recall the affected products. Additionally, Health Canada has written to provinces and territories advising them to stop distribution and use of masks containing graphene. The Department will continue to take appropriate action to stop the import and sale of graphene face masks.” |
![]() New research shows that wearing a mask will not protect you against the coronavirusTuesday, November 24, 2020 by: Ethan Huff https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-11-24-wearing-mask-will-not-protect-you-against-covid19.html (Natural News) Danish scientists finally found a journal brave enough to publish new research they compiled to show that mask-wearing is, at best, a placebo when it comes to protecting against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Contrary to claims made by Anthony Fauci, establishment Democrats, and others that wearing a face mask is the most effective way to avoid infection, experts from across the pond discovered that covering up one’s mouth and nose does pretty much nothing to protect a person against the novel virus. Published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the study looked at 4,862 participants, half of whom were instructed to wear a mask in public. The other half were instructed to go about their lives as normal breathing fresh air. Antibody testing conducted later on in the research revealed that 42 of the participants who wore a mask showed up as positive compared to 53 of those who did not wear a mask. The other 4,767 participants all tested negative, regardless of whether or not they wore a mask. Because the positivity rate between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers was roughly equal at 1.8 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively, the researchers concluded that the difference was statistically insignificant – meaning masks cannot be scientifically shown to protect against the virus. “Our study gives an indication of how much you gain from wearing a mask,” stated lead author Dr. Henning Bundgaard. “Not a lot.” Dr. Christine Laine, Editor-in-Chief of the Annals of Internal Medicine, added a little more spin to the findings, suggesting that masks are “not a magic bullet.” The CDC on its website also explains that the “real-world” effectiveness of masks has not been scientifically proven, as any associated research is currently “limited to observational and epidemiological studies.” CDC journal declares face masks non-effective at preventing transmission of virusesIt apparently took a while to find a journal that was willing to publish these politically incorrect findings. Now that they have been published, the mainstream media is scrambling to come up with a response. The New York Times, for instance, is claiming that the study’s conclusion “flies in the face of other research suggesting that masks do protect the wearer,” though such research was not delineated. The Times went on to present statements made by the CDC in its latest bulletin claiming that cloth masks may – emphasis on the word may – help to protect the wearer. Whether or not they do for sure, however, has yet to be established. Desperate to maintain the pro-mask narrative, the Times went on to present various hypotheticals that could potentially negate the validity of these latest findings, such as participants not wearing their masks correctly. However, the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases, which just so happens to be published by the CDC, included a study of its own in the May 2020 edition that disagrees with the Times and actually validates this latest research out of Denmark. In that study’s abstract, scientists explain that after a review of various nonpharmaceutical personal protective measures and environmental hygiene measures as employed in various non-healthcare settings, a determination was made that face masks do “not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” “We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning,” the paper adds. In other words, pretty much everything the “authorities” are now telling people to do, from profusely washing hands to wearing a mask at all times to constantly using hand sanitizer, is certifiably useless as far as actual science is concerned. “Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect against accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids,” the paper concluded. “Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” More of the latest news about COVID-19 can be found at Pandemic.news. Sources for this article include: |
![]() Oxford Professor: Official Data Shows Face Masks “Made No Meaningful Difference” To Infection Ratesby Tyler Durden 30November2021 https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/oxford-professor-official-data-shows-face-masks-made-no-meaningful-difference-infection Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News, University of Oxford Professor Jim Naismith asserts that despite England dropping its mask mandate in July and Scotland keeping its rules in force, official data shows this “has made no meaningful difference” to infection rates.
Naismith goes on to argue that new face mask mandates imposed in England today are “unlikely to have much of an impact” in fighting off the spread of the Omicron variant. Despite flatlining case numbers and declining deaths, partly achieved because England chose to lift lockdown restrictions in the summer unlike many European countries, mask mandates are once again back in force. Face coverings are compulsory in shops, on public transport and numerous other venues arbitrarily chosen by the government. Highlighting the absurdity of the rules, face masks are mandatory in takeaways but not restaurants, meaning you have to wear one if picking up a takeaway but not if you stay inside the restaurant for a sit down meal. According to Naismith, Director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute and Professor of Structural Biology at the University of Oxford, masks are largely pointless. “The ONS survey results on prevalence shows that the Scottish and English approach to masking, although formally different since July, has made no meaningful difference to Delta,” writes Naismith. “In both countries very high levels of prevalence have continued for months. Thus the new changes announced are unlikely to have much of an impact if Omicron does indeed spread rapidly,” he added.
As the graph above illustrates, despite England dropping mask mandates and Scotland keeping them in place after July, infection rates were similar or indeed higher in Scotland. ONS graphs also validate such assertions.
“You can see the ONS graphs below for yourself, and he’s right,” notes Will Jones.
A comparison between case rates in Sweden (which never legally imposed face masks) and the rest of Europe is also very revealing.
![]() Paul-Joseph-Watson-tweet-11November2021-Despite vaccine passport schemes and high vaccination rates in many of the countries affected, COVID cases across Europe are surging once again. Naismith’s verdict on face masks is backed up by UK government SAGE adviser Dr Colin Axon, who dismissed masks as “comfort blankets” that do virtually nothing, noting that the COVID-19 virus particle is up to 5,000 times smaller than the holes in the mask.
As the video below illustrates, public health officials like Dr. Hillary Jones (and even Dr. Fauci himself) originally were correct in saying that face masks were pointless. However, as soon as they ‘got the memo’ that face masks were a tool of population control to keep people scared and compliant, their rhetoric on face coverings did a complete 180. Dr. Hillary Explains Why Masks 😷 Don’t Work (Last Year GMB 😂) |
It is time to start wearing a Mask for the protection of others.How to Significantly Slow Coronavirus? (featuring Minister of Health of the Czech Rep.) #Masks4AllPetr Ludwig / Konec prokrastinace [CZE] 28March2020
![]() Nassim-Nicholas-Taleb-tweet-31March2020 – This is the strongest statistical association I’ve seen w/ respect to the virus. Wear a mask, mandate others to wear masks, & remember that @WHO is criminally incompetent.
Here is the science behind the recommendation to wear a mask.From: JAMA Insights To mask or not to maskDr. John Campbell 07April2020 Everyone must wear a mask to protect against coronavirus. But which kind?Dr. Ben Fox speaks with Arutz Sheva, explaining which kinds of masks are most effective and which should be avoided – and how to wear them.Yoni Kempinski , 08May2020 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/279895 You must wear a mask. But which kind? Dr. Ben Fox answersArutz Sheva TV 07May2020 Arutz Sheva spoke with Dr. Ben Fox of the Assaf Harofeh-Shamir Medical Center, about the requirement to wear masks in public. “There are two reasons to wear a mask,” Dr. Fox explained. “The first reason is to protect ourselves: If somebody coughs, these droplets are coming towards me, if they get into my nose, I’m probably going to get sick with corona. The other reason is to stop me from infecting other people. Now obviously if we’re sick we shouldn’t be going out at all. But we know unfortunately that there’s quite a large number of people who pick up coronavirus, they’re walking around, they don’t know they’ve got it, and innocently spreading it around. And again, that’s a place where wearing a mask can be really effective at stopping the spread in the community.” The next question, he said, is what kind of masks people should wear, explaining that there are N95s, for healthcare workers, regular surgical masks, and a variety of homemade fabric masks. Calling the fabric mask market a “wild west,” Dr. Fox held up a disposable surgical mask explaining that “I think these are the way to go.” “The problem with the fabric masks is that we don’t really know – there haven’t been clear instructions from the Health Ministry on how to make them… There’s thousands of different kinds of fabric, different fabrics have different size holes in them between the fibers, we don’t how many layers of fabric, and we don’t have clear instructions how many masks we need per person and how we need to be cleaning these masks, washing them in the washing machine, at what temperature, do we need to add a capful of bleach each time, just to sterilize – we don’t know. We don’t know.” Dr. Fox also cited a Chinese paper which noted that during the first SARS epidemic those medical professionals “with high exposure” to the “previous coronavirus” who wore fabric masks were sick “with flu-like symptoms” 13 times more often than those who wore surgical masks. He also noted several possible explanations for the increase, such as touching the face more often, not washing the masks properly or frequently enough, or being involved in more risky activities, and said that there is no proof that the symptoms were in fact SARS. However, he said, “there’s very strong circumstantial evidence that a fabric mask, if you’re not really taking care of it properly, might increase the risk to ourselves.” Meanwhile, Israel’s Health Ministry issued guidelines for the use of masks, including how to make homemade masks. These guidelines, published on the Health Ministry site, state:
The guidelines also urge Israelis to wash their hands after touching a used mask of any type. How to make your own coronavirus protective mask: step-by-step instructionsHow to Make a Face MaskJOANN Fabric and Craft Stores 20March2020 Health ministry issues video explaining how to make homemade masksA new video issued by the Health Ministry explains how the public can make simple masks at home in order to comply with the latest regulations, which require everyone to wear masks when venturing outside. The video is in Hebrew, but can probably be understood well enough even without a strong grasp of the language. [See the video below] חבישת מסיכה מקטינה את סיכויי ההדבקה כאשר נמצאים במרחב הציבורי – כך תוכלו להכין מסיכה משלכם מבדים April 1,2020 איך מכינים מסיכה ביתית ללא תפירה?
The video was prepared as part of a group activity to reduce the infection of the corona virus. Members of the MAPA, the Hebrew University, the Weizmann Institute, the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center and the Sirtax Institute in Shenkar Study on the efficacy of masks and various materials in filtration: ![]() Filtration Efficiency and Pressure Drop Across Materials Tested with Aerosols of Bacillus atrophaeus and Bacteriophage MS2 (30 L/min) Daily Halachic Corner – Sefirat HaOmer! – 113 – The Corona Virus – 20 – Rav Dayan Elgrod!Breslev English 20April2020 |
![]() How to make your own coronavirus protective mask: step-by-step instructions22February2020 by: Ethan Huff https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-22-how-to-make-your-own-coronavirus-protective-mask-instructions.html
(Natural News) As the outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) continues to spread largely unabated, including far outside the borders of China, it’s starting to become painfully obvious that taking the appropriate precautions for you and your family is now of the essence. And one way you can do that, especially if you haven’t already purchased a bunch from the dwindling commercial supplies, is to make your own medical face masks at home. From what we’re seeing, supplies of these first-line tools of protection even here in the United States are starting to dry up as people wake up and see the writing on the wall, which is telling them that this thing probably isn’t going away anytime soon. And the more serious it gets, the quicker you’re likely to see medical face masks disappear entirely, or get jacked up in price due to widespread scarcity. The following do-it-yourself method comes from the University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital, which reportedly partnered with an entity called Science Park to develop a simple and effective way for ordinary people to help protect themselves against not just the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) but other respiratory “bugs” that enter and infect the body through the nose and mouth. “I hope this can alleviate the public panic,” says executive councilor and Elderly Commission chairman Dr. Lam Ching about these DIY protective face masks, which China especially is in desperate need of due to medical face mask shortages. “Scientific tests found these home-made masks can offer a certain extent of protection if one doesn’t have a mask at home.” Dr. Lam notes that thousands of people in China, including vulnerable seniors, are having to line up for hours on end – and sometimes even camp out overnight – just for the chance to get their hands on one of the few medical face masks that remain. “It’s not good for elderly to take such risks as queuing for a mask in the early morning,” he laments, further explaining how this dire situation drove him to seek out other options. After getting in touch with multiple local schools and talking to Professor Yuen Kwok-yung, Wuhan’s top microbiologist who’s trying to tackle the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) crisis, it was determined that the following method provides almost the same level of protection as commercial medical face masks. According to Joe Fan King-man, the assistant hospital chief executive at the University of Hong Kong – Shenzhen Hospital, these homemade masks recently underwent laboratory testing at City University and were shown to be 80-90 percent as effective as their surgical masks in terms of their ability to filter out aerosols and droplets. However, because it’s not the full 100 percent, Fan insists that they’re not to be used as a permanent substitute. “The homemade masks can only act as an alternative for those who don’t have any gear but need to protect themselves from infection,” he stresses. “They can never be a substitute or replacement for surgical masks.” Still, in the event of widespread shortages – which are sure to happen, by the way, and in some cases already are – having these on-hand is certainly better than nothing. Getting stuck with your pants down isn’t an option, and we’d be doing our readers a disservice if we didn’t share this pertinent information with you right away. Even if you don’t end up even needing to use them for this current outbreak, these homemade face masks will still serve you well as part of your preparedness and survival strategy because you’ll have them readily available when a crisis hits. There’s no such thing as being too prepared, after all. So, let’s get started.
Here’s what you’ll need, as well as what to do with itBefore you read on any further, make sure you have at least one roll of hygiene-certified paper towels, heavy-duty tissue paper, elastic bands, a hole punch, paper tape, scissors, plastic-coated steel wire, a pair of glasses, plastic file folders, and binder clips, as pictured below:
Once you have all of your supplies ready, follow these steps: • Wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap, and clean all solid items. • Place one sheet of paper towel on top of another. • Place one piece of tissue paper, which will function as the bottom layer of the mask, on top of the two pieces of paper towel. • Cut this entire stack of paper in half, making it two pieces. • Use the paper tape to seal off the two sides of the mask.
• Punch two holes at each sealed side of the mask with the hole punch.
• Attach the metallic wire with paper tape to the top edge of the mask, forming a nose wire bridge.
• Tie four elastic bands through the holes on each side of the mask. Once you’ve completed this portion of the project, it’s time to move on to making a protective shield for the front. For this, you’ll need to: • Cut the file folder into two pieces. • Attach one piece on the edge of the glasses using the binder clips. This protective shield can be reused over and over again, but just be sure to disinfect it after each use. Another thing to keep in mind is that you’ll need to use an actual plastic file folder, not cling film, air conditioner filter paper or cotton cloth, all of which were determined as part of university testing to be inadequate for providing true protection. Our hope is that you’ll take this all seriously and, at the very least, keep these things on-hand for your own protection in the unfortunate event that you actually need to use them. It’s better to be safe than sorry, wouldn’t you say? You can learn so much more about the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), including how to protect yourself in other ways, by checking out The Health Ranger Report channel at Brighteon.com. You can also keep up with the latest coronavirus news by visiting Outbreak.news. Sources for this article include: How to Make a Face MaskJOANN Fabric and Craft Stores 20March2020 |
![]() Isolation, quarantine and social distancing: Practice these essential strategies to stop the spread of coronavirus18March2020 by: Zoey Sky https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-03-18-social-distancing-strategies-to-stop-the-spread-of-coronavirus.html
(Natural News) Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases continue to skyrocket in America, and authorities around the world advise the general public to practice strategies like isolation, self-quarantine and social distancing. But what are the differences between these strategies, and when should you practice them? Why these strategies are necessaryIn America, testing for coronavirus started slow. The authorities first attempted to those who tested positive for the COVID-19 disease. Now, public health experts advise that it is crucial is to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. This ensures that those who need medical attention don’t overwhelm hospitals. If data from the experience of other countries battling the coronavirus pandemic holds, most of the infected patients will only have mild cases. However, findings from other countries also suggest that around 10 to 20 percent of patients could have more severe cases of the disease. Judging from the data, at least tens of millions of Americans may get infected with coronavirus, and hundreds of thousands of patients may require hospital care. Joshua Sharfstein, vice dean for public health practice and community engagement at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health, explained that a deluge of patients will overwhelm the health system. Practicing measures like social distancing can help America avoid Italy’s current struggles. In Italy, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases quickly catapulted from only several patients to over 27,000 cases. More than 2,100 deaths have been confirmed in the country. It is believed that the accelerated spread of coronavirus in Italy was partly due to aggressive testing. Additionally, hospitals in the northern part of the country were gradually running out of beds in intensive care units. The difference between self-quarantining and self-monitoringAccording to health experts, the two strategies overlap. Both self-quarantining and self-monitoring have one goal: To keep individuals “who have been exposed, or who might have been exposed, away from others as much as possible” for a certain length of time. In the case of coronavirus, this often means 14 days or the suspected incubation period of the disease. However, patients may experience symptoms only several days after exposure. When self-monitoring, you need to regularly check your temperature and take note of any signs of respiratory illness, like a cough, fever or shortness of breath. You also need to limit your interaction with other people. For example, if you attended a company conference and a person that you weren’t in close contact with tested positive for coronavirus, you need to self-monitor. Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, added that you need to self-quarantine if you talked to the infected attendee or if they accidentally sneezed on you. Self-quarantine is one level higher from self-monitoring because the person at risk of infection, even if they still haven’t experienced symptoms, is at greater risk of exposure. To illustrate, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, is self-quarantining since his wife tested positive for coronavirus after they returned from a trip to Great Britain. If you’re quarantined, you need to stay at home and avoid other people whenever possible for 14 days. Those who live with a family or roommates but want to self-quarantine must stay in their own room or spend time in a separate area in their house. A person in self-quarantine must also stay at home. Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, warned that people in self-quarantine shouldn’t sleep in the same bedroom as other family members. You should also try to use a separate toilet, if possible. If you’ve self-quarantined due to possible exposure and you develop a cough, fever or shortness of breath, contact a healthcare professional, local hospital or the public health department for further instructions. If you have mild symptoms, you may be instructed to rest at home and treat your symptoms natural cures. People with more severe symptoms and those in higher-risk groups, like the elderly and the immuno-compromised, may be directed elsewhere to seek medical care. Once test kits become more available, you may be required to visit a place where you can get tested. Isolation for coronavirusIf you test positive for coronavirus, the first step will be to isolate you at home or in the hospital, said Benjamin. He added that infectious disease precautions will become “much more rigid than in self-quarantine.” Medical staff looking after you will require more protective gear. While in isolation, you need to wear a mask when leaving your room or traveling from home to a medical facility so you don’t spread droplets that might contain the virus. Coronavirus and quarantinesQuarantines are necessary when under state or federal law, individuals or groups are on lockdown. To illustrate, passengers from cruise ships where other passengers were infected with coronavirus and other travelers who didn’t experience symptoms were told to stay at military bases for 14 days to see if they developed the disease. While America hasn’t closed off entire towns or cities since the 1918-1919 Spanish flu, the federal government and the states have the power to do so. Preventing infections with social distancingSocial distancing covers a broad category. It involves preventive practices such as:
Businesses can also practice social distancing by staggering work hours or letting employees work from home. On the other hand, governments can do it by ordering schools to close. Sporting events may be canceled, while concert halls, museums and theaters where large groups of people gather can temporarily close their doors. (Related: Social distancing and early testing could have PREVENTED 95% of all coronavirus cases in China.) Christopher Mores, a professor in the department of global health at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, advised that with social distancing, it’s important to be aware of how closely you interact with others on a regular day. Mores added that social distancing should teach the public how to effectively “break the lines of transmission” during a pandemic. Why these strategies are crucial even if you’re not sickIt may seem like the individual risk is low while the inconvenience of some measures is high, but taking these precautionary measures will benefit everyone in the end, explained Sharfstein. Even if you don’t get infected, you can still pass the infection to your family, officemates or even fellow commuters on the subway. The people you could infect may then require hospitalization, which could easily overwhelm hospital staff already caring for newborns, those with cancer or the survivors of car accidents. Sharfstein concluded that even if the coronavirus pandemic isn’t a threat to healthy individuals, not doing your part can make the disease “a threat to the community.” Stay at home, wash your hands regularly, and remain calm. You can get through a pandemic if you stay informed and practice strategies like social distancing. Sources include: |
![]() Navy study finds 1 in 5 sailors tested for coronavirus antibodies on carrier were asymptomaticStudy provides first data on how coronavirus affects healthy young adults.By Luis Martinez 10 June 2020, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/navy-study-finds-sailors-tested-coronavirus-antibodies-carrier/story?id=71162182 A new Navy study of hundreds of sailors aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt found that one in five who tested positive for antibodies were asymptomatic, while the majority of the sailors only had mild COVID-19 symptoms. The study conducted jointly with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also indicated the possibility that a small number of the tested sailors may have some form of immunity to the novel coronavirus. The carrier left Guam last week, after a 10-week interruption of its deployment to the western Pacific Ocean as the ship’s crew of 4,865 sailors was quarantined on the island following an outbreak aboard the ship. Ultimately 1,273 sailors, or about 26% of the ship’s crew was infected with the virus, including one who died. … |
![]() Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Italy Edward Livingston, MD; Karen Bucher, MA, CMI JAMA Infographic March 17, 2020 https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2763401?guestAccessKey=72f61225-c3fd-4fb1-81fd-09b6a1666aaa&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=031720 This Is Not A Drill: Why Covid-19 Could Be The Deadly Pandemic That Changes EverythingTyler Durden 25Februray2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/not-drill-why-covid-19-could-be-deadly-pandemic-changes-everything Authored by Cat Ellis via The Organic Prepper blog, It has been almost three months since the Wuhan coronavirus, now known officially as COVID-19, emerged in Wuhan, China. This novel coronavirus is the latest candidate to be the next major pandemic. We’ve learned a lot about COVID-19 in that time, and unfortunately, there is still so much we don’t know. One thing that has becoming impossible to ignore, however, is that this not a drill.
Like all outbreaks, it’s impossible to know for sure if any particular one will become the next deadly, global pandemic until it either happens or doesn’t happen. Unfortunately, COVID-19 is shaping into what appears to be the one that folks will be reading about in a hundred years in the same way we look back in history at the Spanish flu. What We Thought We KnewWhen the first cluster of 41 patients was identified in early December 2019 in Wuhan, China, early data suggested that the virus was only of real concern to the elderly, infirm, and those with comorbidities, such as diabetes and heart disease. These would be standard expectations of a viral respiratory illness, similar to the flu. However, further inspection of that cluster only showed about half with serious illness fit that profile, meaning the other half who sought hospital care were younger, presumably healthier adults. This novel coronavirus also had an early reported case fatality rate of about 2%, as reported by the World Health Organization (WHO). A mortality rate of 2% is concerning, but not all that alarming. It’s a little higher than the typical influenza case fatality rate. But, it wasn’t close to the case fatality rate of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), another coronavirus that can be fatal to humans and has a case fatality rate of 34.4%. As January progressed, we began seeing a handful of cases trickling into the United States and other countries. The first US case of the novel coronavirus was a young man who had returned from a trip to Wuhan. On January 21, 2020, the New York Times reported that he was a man in his thirties experiencing mild pneumonia. More cases popped up from travelers, for business or education, in the US. But, on January 30, 2020, just a little over a week from the first patient to test positive for the Wuhan coronavirus, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported that the United States had it’s first person-to-person transmission of the novel coronavirus. Cause for Concern GrowsWhat was not known from the beginning was the rate of transmission and what percentage of people who become infected will become seriously or critically ill. Worldometers breaks down the number of total active cases into mild and serious/critical categories. As of February 24, 2020, about 82% have a mild illness, and about 18% have a serious/critical illness requiring hospitalization. This is up from a rate of approximately 13% serious/critical cases just a few weeks ago. Could this mean that the virus is mutating to become more dangerous? Possibly. But it could also just mean that as more data is collected, this additional data gives us a clearer picture of the real case fatality rate. Remember that the data we’ve received from China all along has been questionable. As the virus spreads to countries with more transparency, what we thought we knew is bound to change. The same source cites the rate of transmission at between 2 to 3, meaning if there were a room with 10 people, and a person infected with this virus entered the room, you could reasonably expect 2 to 3 people to also become infected. For perspective, that is also 2 to 3 times as contagious as the flu. The Worldometers coronavirus tracker, which is in line with several other coronavirus trackers from Johns Hopkins, BNO News, and Visa List, also lists the results of closed cases, i.e. cases with an actual outcome. Of the known outcomes, 91% recovered and 9% were fatal. What this means is that out of all the confirmed COVID-19 cases, about 18% will lead to serious or critical illness requiring hospital-level care and that 9% of that subset will die. What about that 2% mortality rate? Part of the problem with calculating a case fatality rate is that you can’t actually know the true mortality rate (case fatality rate) until the outbreak is completely over. Until then, there are still cases without an outcome. In COVID-10, there are thousands more cases without outcomes yet. The case fatality rate of 9% comes from taking the total cases of fatalities (2,701) and dividing it by the total number of cases with outcomes (30,334), then multiplying by 100 to get a case fatality rate of almost 9%. What does all this mean?If this virus comes to your neighborhood, you most likely would have a mild respiratory illness. However, if you are one of the unfortunate people who become seriously or critically ill, there’s a 9% chance of becoming the next victim of COVID-19. COVID-19 has continued to spread. According to Worldometers on February 24, 2020, the United States currently has 53 cases of COVID-19, with 6 recoveries. Most of the cases in the United States are people who became infected elsewhere, traveled here asymptomatic, and developed symptoms here. Though, keep in mind there have been some person-to-person cases here as well. There are now more than 600 people in Washington state being supervised for COVID-19. The number had once been up to almost 800 but, has been reduced when no symptoms were observed after 14 days. And it isn’t just in Washington state – thousands of people across the country are in self-quarantine right now because they may have been exposed. What Is The Real Danger from COVID-19?Now that we are a few months out from the first known cases, we know COVID-19 is highly contagious, and it can cause about 18% of people infected to require hospital-level care. We simply will not have the beds or the medical staff to care for everyone, even if every hospital bed in the country were to be dedicated to Wuhan coronavirus patients. Even if we forgot about all the other sick people, those having babies, and those who were injured, there still would not be enough beds just for those with coronavirus. In The Wuhan Coronavirus Survival Manual, I touched on the hospital overload.
If this virus continues to spread, it would be reasonable to expect massive disruptions to modern life, manufacturing, shipping, and shortages of all kinds. The number of fatalities from other illnesses, accidents, and lack of services would be in addition to the fatalities from the coronavirus itself. If you are preparing for this, remember that you aren’t just preparing for a cushy 2-week staycation. You’re preparing for something that affects many other facets of your life. The entire system will be at risk in the event of a massive outbreak and shortages of all sorts could soon follow. Is COVID-19 the Next Pandemic?From the moment the Wuhan coronavirus appeared in mainstream US media, the message has largely been a call for calm, downplaying any risk to our nation. However, government actions and those of worldwide organizations tell a different story.
Experts from the Minnesota Department of Health and Minnesota University both warn families to prepare for a COVID-19 outbreak.
The article continues, covering the likelihood of hospitals reaching capacity, the need for plans to keep power and utilities running during an outbreak, for families to have communication plans, discuss who would take care of sick family members (assuming they wouldn’t require hospital-level care), and to have extra food on hand.
The official warning signs are everywhere if you are paying attention. Mandatory QuarantinesWhat comes with pandemics? Mandatory quarantines. We saw them in the Ebola outbreak of 2014, and we’re seeing them now in China. According to the New York Times:
This article discusses many of the dystopian measures used in China to quarantine people. Think that could never happen here? The CDC is already considering these extreme measures.
Don’t kid yourself. If things start spreading here as it has in other countries, the government will crack down so fast it will make your head spin. If things lead to the place that all the signs are pointing to, you’d be wise to get prepared for the possibility of being quarantined due to a pandemic. As well, remember that there are deep financial ramifications to people being unable to go about their daily business. Prepping for a Covid-19 PandemicI spent the weekend adding to the comfort and capabilities of my secondary location, and this week I’m putting up extra food. You may wish to do the same. Here’s a list of resources for those who want to prepare for the possibility of a pandemic, quarantines, and lockdowns.
Don’t expect a lengthy warning with time to run to the store if a mandatory quarantine occurs. You will be spending that quarantine with the things you already have on hand, so now is the time to prepare for that possibility. This Is Not A DrillWhile containment still remains the mainstay of WHO and CDC policy, if we pay attention to what our government, military, and world health agencies are telling us, they are preparing for a full-on coronavirus pandemic. We have authorities in infectious disease telling us to have food and plans in place in the event you suddenly find yourself under travel restrictions or in a full-blown, lock-down quarantine. I’m not sure what else there is to say except this is not a drill. I hope that containment will still save the day. Perhaps we will do better in the United States than some others will, and not see COVID-19 spread any further, unlike Italy with large clusters forming seemingly overnight, leading to school and work closings in multiple cities. While I always hope for the best, I also always plan for the worst. You won’t get much time to prepare if things begin spreading rapidly where you are. You’d be wise to do so ahead of time. * * * Cat Ellis is the author of The Wuhan Coronavirus Survival Manual |
![]() Are you prepared for the next Black Death? Here’s what you can do to prepare for a pandemic28October2019 / By Arsenio Toledo https://outbreak.news/2019-10-28-are-you-prepared-for-the-next-black-death.html From malaria, to Ebola, or even the flu, tons of diseases break out and kill hundreds or even thousands of people every year. Any of these diseases could easily turn into an epidemic. For example, in 2017 an outbreak of the bubonic plague – the same plague that killed 60 percent of Europe in the 14th century – and the pneumonic plague swept through the island nation of Madagascar, infecting over 2,348 people and causing at least 202 deaths. The next Black Death could be just around the corner. Experts believe that the next big pandemic could kill up to 80 million people. They even claim that the world is woefully unprepared for it. It’s time that you broke from the mold. Here are several things you can do to keep yourself safe if and when that day comes. (h/t to BioPrepper.com) Strengthen your bug-out locationBefore SHTF, make sure your bug-out location (BOL) is ready to protect you against an epidemic of massive proportions. The number one thing to consider is that your BOL is secure, concealed, and far from major population centers. Cities and towns are potential hives for the pandemic, and other people accidentally stumbling upon your BOL could be the death of you and your family. Keeping your BOL out of the way ensures safety. Stockpile the essentialsYour BOL needs to be fully stocked with everything you’re ever going to need. Food and water are your first priority, and you need to figure out a way to replenish your stores. A proper rainwater harvesting system will keep you from dying of thirst. Keeping a gun around will help you defend your BOL as well as make hunting game a possibility if you run low on food. You’ll also want a lot of natural immune system boosters. They are necessary to enhance your body’s ability to resist infection. (Related: Boosting immune system with natural methods offers many health benefits.) Head to your bug-out locationBe prepared to bug out at any moment. When you do, chances are it’s just going to be due to another seasonal flu. If that’s the case, you can always return. But if it’s much worse than that, it’s going to be difficult to leave, especially if you live in an urban area. Don’t hesitate; you’ll be thankful that you bugged out early when SHTF. Keep contact with other people to a minimumIf at all possible, reduce contact to zero. You could get the infection from anyone. You never know who may be carrying it. You and the other people in your BOL should be the only people you trust to be close to. If you have to meet with other people, do so only in case of an emergency and be sure to wear the proper safety gear. This means covering yourself from head to toe in personal protective equipment: Gloves, respirators, goggles, and clothing that fully encloses you. Remember the 30-feet ruleIf you absolutely have to make contact with people outside of your BOL, then make sure that all communication is done at least 30 feet away from each other. Yell if you have to, but under no circumstance should you be face to face with other people. Preferably, you would also be upwind of the person so that the disease, if it can be transmitted through the air, can’t get to you. Anyone who hasn’t been quarantined with you in your BOL is suspect, even if they don’t show symptoms. Many people may be carriers without showing any signs that they’re infected. It doesn’t matter if they’re a neighbor or a loved one. If they weren’t with you when you bugged out, they’re as good as strangers. Remember that diseases like the flu kill hundreds and even thousands of people each year. The next big pandemic is right around the corner, and you don’t want to be the person struggling to grab as many supplies as possible in the local supermarket when it’s too late. Preparing now can mean the difference between surviving and lying sick in a hospital bed. Sources include: |
![]() How to Stock Your Disaster PantryWorried about having enough food to last through the next mega-storm? Here’s our guide to a sensible backup food supply that will sustain a family for a month.By John Galvin 11March2013 https://www.popularmechanics.com/adventure/tips/g1812/how-to-stock-your-disaster-pantry/ When disaster strikes and your family, friends, and neighborhood need your help, the last place you want to be is stuck in a food line. A backup food supply that’s easy to manage and won’t break the bank is a cornerstone of disaster prep. The biggest question: How much food is enough? FEMA and the Red Cross suggest a two-week supply. On its website, the Mormon Church advises a more world-weary approach, advising its flock to keep a three-month supply of food “that is part of your normal daily diet” on hand. It’s not a bad goal, but the commercial food grid is usually up and running in much less time, so we suggest starting with a month’s backup. How much is that? “We need to debunk the one-size-fits-all solution to how much food you need,” says survival instructor Cody Lundin, author of the excellent disaster-survival manual When All Hell Breaks Loose and pony-tailed star of Dual Survival. “Age, sex, weight, height all factor in. Just ask any mom with three teenage boys who play football if they will eat the same amount of food as her neighbors with younger kids.” The first step is to figure out the basal metabolic rate—the amount of energy a body uses at rest—for each member of your family. Keep in mind that in a disaster situation, people aren’t usually at rest, so add more food to compensate. Visit a site like this one to calculate your family’s BMR. Our sample family has a husband and wife in their 40s (4400 calories per day), and a son and daughter between 9 and 13 (2400 calories per day). We then added 1000 calories as a cushion, putting our requirements at 7800 calories per day and 234,000 per month. Remember, you don’t have to buy it all at once. Each week, add a few extra items to the shopping list until you’ve filled up your basement shelves to your satisfaction. We built up a sample store of goods for this photo as a guide to the sorts of foods that store well and could keep a family of four well-fed and sane through the aftermath. “Canned goods are great for a disaster supply,” Lundin says. “They’re already cooked, they don’t need to be heated, you can eat them right out of the can, and they’ve got an expiration date printed on them.” First in First Out (FIFA) is the time-honored rule of thumb when it comes to rotating food in and out of your disaster pantry. Use the year-old bag of white rice for regular meals and resupply your stock with a fresh bag. Go for whole grains for health, nutrition, and satisfaction. “In my field courses we have 14 people, and on one night we eat the high-tech, freeze-dried, backpacker food that costs about $7 a person,” Lundin says. “Then the next night we cook rice and beans in a pressure cooker for about $5 for the entire group. They are always hungry after the backpacker food, and after the rice and beans they always say they feel full and satisfied.” What’s wrong with 250,000 calories worth of chocolate bars? If that’s all you have, then nothing. But because we’re talking about preplanning, we filled our pantry with enough food to build a 30-day diet made up of 55 percent carbs, 25 percent fats, and 20 percent protein. That puts us within the 2010 dietary guidelines suggested by the USDA for all age groups. The downside of all that rice, beans, dried pasta, dried milk, and instant coffee is that it takes water to bring them to life. Our month’s pantry requires 78 gallons of water. The downside of all that rice, beans, dried pasta, dried milk, and instant coffee is that it takes water to bring them to life. Our month’s pantry requires 78 gallons of water. SPAM? Hey, some people love it, and if you need an injection of calories, fat, protein, and salt, it’s not bad. Each can has 1080 calories, 96 grams of fat, 42 grams of protein, and hardly a carb. Deviled Ham is another high-protein, high-fat alternative. Don’t discount the need for coffee in the morning. The downside: It requires 8.5 gallons of water. Don’t forget your veggies (they will somewhat redeem the SpaghettiOs and SPAM). Only in a disaster should cling peaches and applesauce count toward your fruit intake. Peanut butter is loaded with protein and fats. Just don’t forget about food and nut allergies. Long a staple of preppers, dried milk can be used to create sauces, lighten your coffee, make yogurt, and, yes, fill a glass with milk. Crisco is probably the most stable, easy-to-store fat in the history of the world, but canola oil works well too.
Food Storagehttps://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/food-storage?lang=eng Overview… “We encourage [you] to prepare for adversity in life by having a basic supply of food and water and some money in savings. We ask that you be wise, and do not go to extremes. With careful planning, you can, over time, establish a home storage supply and a financial reserve.” (See All Is Safely Gathered In.) What am I supposed to have in my food storage?There are three main components of food storage:
Store foods that are a part of your normal diet in your three-month supply. As you develop a longer-term storage, focus on food staples such as wheat, rice, pasta, oats, beans, and potatoes that can last 30 years or more. Learn more about a long-term food supply. How much food storage do I need?Take the amount of food you would need to purchase to feed your family for a day and multiply that by 7. That is how much food you would need for a one-week supply. Once you have a week’s supply, you can gradually expand it to a month, and eventually three months. For longer-term needs, and where permitted, gradually build a supply of food that will last a long time and that you can use to stay alive, such as wheat, white rice, and beans. A portion of these items may be rotated in your three-month supply. (See All Is Safely Gathered In.) Where should I store my food storage?Make sure your food storage is properly packaged and stored in a cool, dry place. If water comes directly from a good, pretreated source, then no additional purification is needed; otherwise, pretreat water before use. Store water in sturdy, leak-proof, breakage-resistant containers. Consider using plastic bottles commonly used for juices or soda. Keep water containers away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Learn more about water storage and purification. How much does it cost?Costs may vary depending on where and how you purchase your food storage. It is important to remember that you should not go to extremes; for instance, it is not prudent to go into debt to establish your food storage all at once. Develop it gradually to diffuse the overall cost over time so that it will not become a financial burden. Longer-Term Food Storagehttps://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/topics/food-storage/longer-term-food-supply?lang=eng For longer-term needs, and where permitted, gradually build a supply of food that will last a long time and that you can use to stay alive, such as wheat, white rice, and beans. These items can last 30 years or more when properly packaged and stored in a cool, dry place. A portion of these items may be rotated in your three-month supply. Consider using this resource from the BYU Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science: “An Approach to Longer-Term Food Storage.”
Foods Lasting 30 Years or More
Properly packaged, low-moisture foods stored at room temperature or cooler (24°C/75°F or lower) remain nutritious and edible much longer than previously thought, according to findings of recent scientific studies. Estimated shelf life for many products has increased to 30 years or more (see chart below for new estimates of shelf life). Previous estimates of longevity were based on “best-if-used-by” recommendations and experience. Though not studied, sugar, salt, baking soda (essential for soaking beans), and vitamin C in tablet form also store well long-term. Some basic foods do need more frequent rotation, such as vegetable oil every 1 to 2 years. While there is a decline in nutritional quality and taste over time, depending on the original quality of food and how it was processed, packaged, and stored, the studies show that even after being stored long-term, the food will help sustain life in an emergency.
Product RecommendationsThe following suggested amounts are for one adult.
You may also want to add other items to your longer-term storage such as sugar, nonfat dry milk, salt, baking soda, and cooking oil. To meet nutritional needs, also store foods containing vitamin C and other essential nutrients. Packaging RecommendationsRecommended containers for longer-term storage include the following:
These containers, used with oxygen absorber packets, eliminate food-borne insects and help preserve nutritional quality and taste. Under certain conditions, you can also use plastic buckets for longer-term storage of wheat, dry beans, and other dry products. Warning: Botulism poisoning may result if moist products are stored in packaging that reduces oxygen. When stored in airtight containers with oxygen absorbers, products must be dry (about 10% or less moisture content). Storage ConditionsStorage life can be significantly impacted by the following conditions:
Dry Products for Longer-Term Food StorageProducts intended for longer-term storage must be dry (about 10% or less moisture content). Warning: Botulism poisoning may result if moist products are stored in packaging that reduces oxygen. Dry products that are not suitable for longer-term storage due to moisture content, oils, or other concerns include:
PETE Bottles For Longer-Term StorageBottles made of PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic can be used with oxygen absorbers to store products such as wheat, corn, and dry beans. PETE bottles are identified on the container with the letters PETE or PET under the recycle symbol. Other types of plastic bottles typically do not provide an adequate moisture or oxygen barrier for use with oxygen absorbers. Do not use containers that were previously used to store nonfood items. PETE bottles can also be used for shorter-term storage (up to 5 years) of other shelf-stable dry foods such as white rice. Moisture content of stored foods should be about 10 percent or less. When moist products are stored in reduced oxygen packaging, botulism poisoning may occur. Packaging in PETE Bottles
Where to Get Oxygen Absorber Packets Oxygen absorber packets are available online at store.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Unused oxygen absorbers can be stored in glass jars with metal lids that have gaskets. Oxygen AbsorbersOxygen absorbers protect dry foods from insect damage and help preserve product quality. They are used when dry foods are packaged in sealed containers. Oxygen absorbers can be purchased from home storage centers and Church Distribution Services, or they can be ordered from store.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. What are oxygen absorbers made of? Oxygen absorbers are small packets that contain an iron powder. The packets are made of a material that allows oxygen and moisture to enter but does not allow the iron powder to leak out. How do oxygen absorbers work? Moisture in the packaged food causes the iron in the oxygen absorber to rust. As it oxidizes, the iron absorbs oxygen. Oxygen absorbers rated for 300 cubic centimeters (cc) of oxygen work well for properly packaged dry food in containers of up to one-gallon capacity (4 liters). Is the use of oxygen absorbers equivalent to vacuum packaging? Oxygen absorbers remove oxygen more effectively than vacuum packaging. Air is about 20 percent oxygen and 80 percent nitrogen. Absorbers remove only the oxygen. The air left in the container is mostly nitrogen and will not affect the food or allow the growth of insects. What types of products can be stored using oxygen absorbers? Products should be low in moisture and oil content. If the moisture content is not low enough (about 10 percent or less), storing products in reduced oxygen packaging may result in botulism poisoning. What types of containers can be used with oxygen absorbers for food storage? Oxygen absorbers should be used with containers that provide an effective barrier against moisture and oxygen. The following containers work well:
Oxygen absorbers are not an effective treatment method for plastic buckets, milk bottles, or other types of plastic bottles not identified as PETE or PET under the recycle symbol (see right). What is the proper way to use oxygen absorbers?
Foil Pouches For Longer-Term StorageWhat type of pouch is available at home storage centers, at Distribution Services, and online at store.ChurchofJesusChrist.org? The pouches are made of multilayer laminated plastic and aluminum. The material is 7 mils thick (178 microns) and protects food against moisture and insects. What types of foods can be packaged in pouches? The pouches can be used to store foods that are dry (about 10% moisture or less), shelf-stable, and low in oil content. Botulism poisoning may result if moist products are stored in oxygen reduced packaging. How much food does each pouch hold? Each pouch holds 1 gallon (4 liters) of product. The weight varies by product. A pouch holds 7 pounds (3.2 kg) of wheat, 6.8 pounds (3.1 kg) of white rice, or 5 pounds (2.3 kg) of dry milk. Do foods react with the aluminum in the pouch? No. Foods do not come in contact with the aluminum because they are separated from it by a layer of food-grade plastic. The metal barrier is important in protecting the food from moisture and oxygen. What is the best way to seal pouches? Pouches should be sealed using an impulse sealer (see related instructions). Do not use an iron or another household heating device because it will not provide an adequate seal, especially for powdered products such as flour or dry milk. The impulse sealers used by Welfare Services (American International Electric AIE 305 A1 and Mercier ME 305 A1) meet the following specifications: 3/16-inch (5 mm) wide seal, 11.5-inch (305 mm) wide jaws, rated for up to 8-mil (205 microns) thick pouches, and equipped with a safety switch to cancel operation if the jaw is obstructed. Where can I find an impulse sealer? Impulse sealers are available at most home storage centers. Many stakes also have impulse sealers available. If you prefer, you may purchase an impulse sealer from Distribution Services or online at store.ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Is it necessary to remove all the air from the pouches? No. Oxygen absorbers remove the oxygen from the air in the pouches. The low oxygen content eliminates food-borne insects and helps preserve product quality. Is it normal for the sides of the pouch to pull in once the pouch is sealed? With most products, the sides of sealed pouches will pull in slightly within a few days of packaging. This is more noticeable with granular foods than with powdered products. How should pouches of food be stored? The pouches store best in a cool, dry, rodent-free area. Storage containers should not be in direct contact with concrete floors or walls. Are pouches rodent proof? Pouches are not rodent proof. If rodents or other pests are a significant potential problem in the storage area, the pouches should be placed into containers that are rodent or pest proof. Do not store them in containers that have been used to store nonfood items. Should emergency kits be packaged in pouches? Many emergency supply items are not suitable for packaging in foil pouches. First aid items and food rations, such as granola bars, are best stored in containers with removable lids to allow for frequent rotation. Pouch Sealer InstructionsFor Portable Operation of AIE (and ME) 305 A1 Sealers Please read the entire sheet before starting. Setting up
Filling pouches
Sealing pouches
Testing seals
Plastic Buckets For Longer-Term StoragePlastic buckets may be used to store food commodities that are dry (about 10 percent moisture or less) and low in oil content. Only buckets made of food-grade plastic with gaskets in the lid seals should be used. Buckets that have held nonfood items should not be used. To prevent insect infestation, dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) should be used to treat grains and dry beans stored in plastic buckets. Treatment methods that depend on the absence of oxygen to kill insects, such as oxygen absorbers or nitrogen gas flushing, are not effective in plastic buckets. Avoid exposing food to humid, damp conditions when packaging them. Dry Ice Treatment Instructions
Storage of Plastic Buckets
Is your Bug Out Bag Going to Get You Killed? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() Prepping for a pandemic: What you should do before, during and after it strikesFebruary 03, 2020 by: Zoey Sky https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-03-prepping-for-a-pandemic-before-during-after.html
(Natural News) Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably already heard about the outbreaks of coronavirus across the globe, particularly the pneumonia outbreak it caused in Wuhan, China, in 2019. It may be alarming, but don’t panic just yet. Instead, you must learn what to do in the face of a possible coronavirus outbreak. (h/t to ApartmentPrepper.com) Coronavirus: Deadlier than the common coldHealth experts searching for the source of the 2019-nCoV or the Wuhan coronavirus are baffled. This particular strain, also dubbed the novel coronavirus, is a type of virus that has never been encountered before. First identified in the mid-1960s, coronaviruses were named for their unusual crown-like shape. These viruses usually cause respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold. Many of the infected patients in Wuhan, China, worked or shopped at a wholesale seafood market that also sold live and freshly slaughtered animals. Experts believe this is how the virus crossed to humans from an animal host. Wuhan coronavirus symptoms include cough, fever and difficulty breathing. As a patient’s symptoms worsen, their condition can lead to pneumonia, kidney failure and even death. Wuhan coronavirus in the USAs of writing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed the first case of 2019-nCoV in the US. The patient is said to be an adult male in his 30s. He traveled through Wuhan to Snohomish County, Washington State, north of Seattle. The CDC warns that the public should make the necessary preparations since this won’t be the last case of infection. To date, there are 300 confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV, with six reported deaths. Authorities from China noted that 2019-nCoV can also be transmitted from human to human. The majority of cases are in China, but cases have also been reported in Japan and in South Korea. The CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) are closely monitoring these cases. Screenings for the new disease are also being conducted at three airports:
The patient from Washington State arrived in America before the screenings were initiated. CDC guidelines for 2019-nCoVThe CDC has issued the following guidelines for travelers who are about to visit Wuhan:
The CDC also has guidelines for those who traveled to Wuhan, particularly those who feel sick with a cough, difficulty breathing or a fever:
What to do before SHTFStay calm and take note of the following things you can do to prepare for a possible outbreak.
Monitor the news, don’t panic and prepare before the 2019-nCoV outbreak reaches your area. Sources include: Food Shipments Across US A Being DElated AS Prices Shoot Up |
![]() Health is wealth: 4 Medical preps you need to get ready before SHTF15April2020 by: Janine Acero https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-15-4-medical-preps-to-get-ready-before-shtf.html (Natural News) You may have heard of the old adage “health is wealth,” and judging by the current global public health crisis, it may be a gross understatement. Medical resources, just like food and water, will eventually run out, and you don’t want to get caught off-guard when this happens. Now is the perfect time to flex your prepping muscles. Here are four medical preps you must tick off your emergency preparedness checklist before SHTF. (h/t to SurvivalBlog.com) Preventative measures“Prevention is better than cure” is another old adage that couldn’t be more accurate, especially in the face of a global health crisis. Communicable diseases will become more prevalent when SHTF due to lack of sanitation and professional medical care, plus a limited amount of medical supplies. Young children, pregnant women, older adults and those with already weak immune systems are especially vulnerable to infections. To prevent the spread of illnesses in your home when SHTF, follow these simple tips:
Eye health and oral hygieneIt’s important to keep your eyes healthy, especially when SHTF as regular checkups will be next to impossible. If you’re already wearing prescription glasses, get one or two additional pairs with current prescription lenses for backup. If you prefer to wear contact lenses, make sure to stock a large supply of those along with cleaning solutions. You can’t afford to get an eye infection because of contaminated contact lenses especially in the middle of a disaster where medical care is limited. You should not neglect your dental health either. Be sure to stockpile toothbrushes, toothpastes, dental floss and mouthwash. Oral care may prevent life-threatening issues, which you also can’t afford to have in the middle of a disaster. Lifestyle habitsKeep your body physically fit to support your immune health and boost your defenses against infections and illnesses.
Medical stockpileStockpile remedies and supplements, as well as extra personal medications if you or a family member are taking prescriptions for an existing condition. Here are some notable home remedies and supplements that you should always have in your kitchen or medicine cabinet. (Related: Preventive medicine and prepping: 3 Things to do before SHTF.)
Before things take a turn for the worse, start safeguarding your health with these medical preps. Visit Preparedness.news to learn more. Sources include: |
![]() The homesteader’s kitchen: Tools and ingredients you need to preserve food before SHTFTuesday, October 27, 2020 by: Virgilio Marin https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-10-27-tools-ingredients-needed-to-preserve-food-before-shtf.html (Natural News) Food preservation will come in handy when SHTF. With resources running out, food that lasts a long time will help you better plan your meals and save what you’ve foraged or stockpiled for later consumption. But first, you’ll need certain tools and ingredients to preserve food. (h/t to FoodStorageMoms.com) DehydratorAs its name suggests, a food dehydrator is a small kitchen appliance used to dry foods like meats, fruits and vegetables. Without much moisture to promote rotting, food could last a long time with a food dehydrator. Mason jarsMason jars are commonly used for canning foods and are some of the cheapest, most versatile survival items. They can store salsas, juices, fruits, vegetables and more and can also be used to plan your meals. What’s more, you can start an indoor herb garden by using mason jars as planters. Pressure cannerA pressure canner is a pressure cooker for canning and home food preservation. Pressure canning is the only safe method for preserving low-acid foods like vegetables, squash, meats and dairy. It’s the only canning method that can achieve a temperature of at least 240 degrees, which is the minimum heat necessary to eliminate spores that can survive boiling temperatures. Spores grow well in low-acid foods so you’ll need a pressure canner to avoid botulism. Meat grinderA meat grinder is a useful tool in homesteading as it takes care of all the mincing, minus the blood and sweat on your end. You can use it to make ground meat, ham salad, sausage patties and even vegetables and fish. In addition, a meat grinder saves you money at the grocery store as you don’t have to pay more for meat that’s already been ground for you. Electric and manual peelerWhile you’ll do fine with just a manual peeler, having an electric peeler will help you peel food more quickly. This is especially useful if you’re processing a lot of foods and need another pair of hands to get the job done on time. However, you’ll still need a manual peeler in case of a power outage. Food processorA food processor is similar to a blender except it’s better at slicing and dicing fruits and vegetables. A blender, on the other hand, works better with liquids. Knives and knife sharpenerA set of knives is indispensable to any homesteader. Even if you have a meat grinder, peeler and food processor, you will still need knives to cut other sorts of things, such as large fruits and tough meat. While you can get a complete set of knives, all you really need are a chef’s knife, a slicing knife, a cleaver, a fillet knife and a paring knife. Don’t forget to keep a knife sharpener so you can keep your blades sharp. (Related: Using kitchen knives for survival.) CrockpotA crockpot, or slower cooker, simmers food at low temperatures. If you have other errands to do like tending your garden, you can use a crockpot and leave your meat slow-cooking for the rest of the day. When you return to your kitchen hours later, the meat has not just fallen right off the bone, but it is ready to be served or processed, too. Ingredients for food preservationEssential natural ingredients for food preservation include:
Securing these ingredients is relatively easy compared to the tools you’ll need, as the latter are more expensive. If you’re working on a tight budget, there are garage sales that may have some of these items. Canvass first before purchasing a product. For more homesteading tips, visit Homesteading.news. Sources include: |
![]() 25 Survival supplies you’ll need to stock up on before SHTF23February2020 by: Zoey Sky https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-23-25-survival-supplies-stock-up-before-shtf.html (Natural News) Starting a survival stockpile is one of the most daunting tasks for beginner preppers, especially if you have no idea where to start. The important thing is to do it before SHTF, not when things are already going south. The following items are versatile and can be used for many purposes. You can even use some of them for trading for other supplies. (h/t to UrbanSurvivalSite.com)
Beginners and experienced preppers alike should stock up on these items before disaster strikes. There’s no such thing as too many when SHTF. Sources include: |
![]() What I Bought to Prep for a Wuhan Coronavirus Lockdownby Daisy Luther 29January2020 https://www.theorganicprepper.com/what-i-bought-to-prep-for-a-wuhan-coronavirus-lockdown/ Panic over the coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China is becoming more widespread and people are frantically getting prepared in case this thing goes bad. Things like N95 masks and other PPE are pretty much sold out in stores across the nation and also on Amazon. (Here are some places you may still be able to find masks and PPE that are not yet sold out.) In light of this, the most common question I’ve been asked lately by readers is, “What do I need to buy?” Here’s what we know about the Wuhan Coronavirus.First things first, more important than purchasing a whole bunch of stuff is understanding the virus itself. You need to know how it spreads, what the incubation period is, and who is the most at risk. This article has information about what we know right now to be true. Now, keep in mind that what we currently “know” is being filtered by the Chinese government. We have a lot of reasons to believe that they aren’t being fully open with the rest of the world. For example, the numbers they’re reporting don’t really align with the complicated and expensive steps that China has taken to quarantine people and restrict their travel. But – we do have a small set of facts to work with and as we get more information, we’ll be able to add it to our plan and adjust our preparedness strategies accordingly. Here’s what appears to be true:
There’s a lot of information we can glean from the facts above, assuming they’re accurate. The most important thing is that the best method to avoid becoming ill is social isolation, also called “lockdown” or “self-quarantine.” There’s a lot of information about that in this book which is only available on Kindle. You can also check out this article. The other most important thing is to wash your hands, thoroughly and often. So, how do we prep for this? How do we get ready to go into lockdown? What does it mean to go into lockdown?If you are self-quarantining or going into lockdown, what does that mean exactly? It means no one goes out and no one comes in. Below is an excerpt from an article I wrote during the Ebola scare of 2014 that explains the rules of lockdown. Avoiding contact with people who have the illness is the only way to prevent getting it. Isolating yourselves is the best way to stay safe and healthy. This is the tricky part: How do you know that the time has come to get the family inside and lock the doors behind you? Lizzie Bennett, a retired medical professional, wrote an incredibly helpful article over on her website Underground Medic, which unfortunately is no longer up and running. Bennett recommends social distancing as the only effective way to protect yourself and your family from an outbreak of disease.
Once you’ve gone into lockdown, how long you must stay there is dependent on the spread of the illness. Times will vary. Bennett suggests these guidelines:
If the situation hits close enough to home that you decide to go it’s time to isolate yourselves, the rules to this are intractable. No one goes out. No one comes in.I know this sounds harsh, but there are to be no exceptions. If you make exceptions, you might as well go wrestle with runny-nosed strangers at the local Wal-Mart and then come home and hug your children, because it’s the same thing. Once you have gone into lockdown mode, that means that the supplies you have on hand are the supplies you have to see you through. You can’t run out to the store and get something you’ve forgotten. That means if a family member shows up, they have to go into quarantine for at least 2 weeks, during which time they are not allowed access to the home or family, nor are they allowed to go out in public. Set up an area on your property that is far from your home for them to hang out for their month of quarantine. If at the end of the two weeks they are presenting no symptoms, then they can come in. Now is the time to plan with your preparedness group how you intend to handle the situation. Will you shelter together, in the same location, and reserve a secondary location to retreat to if the situation worsens further or if someone becomes ill? Will you shelter separately because of the nature of the emergency? Decide together on what event and proximity will trigger you to go into lockdown mode. Make your plan and stick to it, regardless of pressure from those who think you are over-reacting, the school that your children have stopped attending, and any other external influences. If you’ve decided that there is a great enough risk that you need to go into lockdown, you must adhere to your plan. Check out this article. It was written for an Ebola lockdown but the rules remain the same, aside from the length of time for people to become symptomatic. A shopping trip to prep for Wuhan CoronavirusI’m currently visiting one of my daughters and we went out to shop for a potential pandemic. In the area where she lives, the coronavirus isn’t really on most people’s radar yet, so we had our choice of supplies. Here are the things you may need and the items we purchased ourselves. You probably have a lot of these things already, so check your inventory before going shopping. PPEWhile you want to have some personal protection equipment supplies, I recommend that instead of spending hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars on PPE, you focus the majority of your money on other things. PPE is only necessary for two reasons:
If you prep carefully enough and manage to avoid contracting the virus, your need for PPE will be limited. That being said, having at least a few masks and gloves is a good idea in the event that you must leave the house or if you have a sick family member. As far as PPE goes, obviously you want the best quality you can get your hands on, but remember that some protection is better than no protection. That isn’t to say you’ll be totally protected with a bandana – you won’t – but it’s better than going to some germ-laden place completely unprotected. Again, many places are sold out, but here are some places that still have PPE and masks available as of 2/3/20. We did not purchase any additional PPE because we were already pretty well-set with pandemic supplies like gloves and masks. (We stocked up heavily during the Ebola scare back in 2014.) Medical suppliesThere are other medical supplies you may want to stock up on. We particularly focused on things that boost the immune system and medicine cabinet basics.
So, you get the idea – things to keep you healthy and things to make you feel better if you do get sick. One of the things Selco noted in his article about pandemics is the breakdown in services and the system that can occur during a panic, and the scenes we’re seeing from China certainly back up what he had to say. Having the supplies to treat your own medical issues is very important. Cleaning suppliesWe also picked up some cleaning and sanitation supplies.
Even if you never use things like bleach or Lysol, this might be the time that you’ll want to do so. Sometimes situations call for natural remedies, but sometimes they call for chemical ones or a combination of the two. Particularly if a family member becomes ill, you’re going to want products that kill 99% or more of viruses and bacteria. During the outbreak, focus on wiping commonly touched surfaces like light switches, doorknobs, drawer pulls, and the refrigerator handle multiple times per day. Food and other suppliesThe next things you’ll want are the food and supplies that will allow you to stay home for one to two months if things go totally sideways here in the US. Longer is always better, but at a minimum, be prepared for 30-60 days. It’s most likely you’ll have power and water throughout this crisis, but be prepared for the possibility that essential services might not be available, just in case. Choose things that are easy to prepare for several reasons.
Choose items with a lot of nutritional bang for their buck. Remember, your goal is to stay healthy and keep your immune system ticking along. Make sure to include plenty of produce options to give yourself lots of nutrients. A few of the things we got (and this list is general – go with what your family will actually eat):
Again, this is a starting point. Check out my PDF book, The Stockpile Cafe for more ideas on meals you can create with shelf-stable foods. We also have buckets of freeze-dried food to fall back on if we were to go through all of these supplies. If you’ve waited too long and the shelves are nearly bare, here are some ideas for the last-minute shopper. Keep plenty of water on hand, too, just in case. If you go into lockdown, as you use up water, refill the container from the tap. If you have pets, don’t forget to get at least a one-month supply of goods for them, also.
If you have livestock, you’ll want to do a big run to the feed store for them too. Include bedding, food, hay, and any meds you might need for them. And be sure to have any personal hygiene supplies you might need over the course of a couple of months. It would be awful to have to go out in the middle of a pandemic because you ran out of shampoo.
And of course, add whatever other products your family uses on a regular basis. How are you prepping for the Wuhan Coronavirus?The most important thing that I can express right now is how essential it is NOT to panic. This is the time to calmly prepare, to top up your supplies, and to be watchful. Think of it like a hurricane watch. We first get informed it may be coming while it’s still safely out at sea. This gives us time to stock up, get the supplies for boarding up our windows, and prepare our property for a potential onslaught. Then, sometimes that hurricane turns out to sea or hits someplace else instead of us. And sometimes it comes straight for us. The thing is, we can’t know this soon which it will be. So pay attention but try not to fall for the hype and the drama. When you’re scared, you can become paralyzed or make poor spending decisions. Find some reliable sources and focus on those. Zero Hedge has been my number one source for information on this outbreak. What are you purchasing to prepare for the Wuhan Coronavirus? What do you recommend to people who are just getting started? Share your ideas, thoughts, and questions in the comments. About DaisyDaisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. |
What Are the Most Effective Natural Antibiotics?Medically reviewed by Debra Sullivan, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, COI on October 7, 2019 — Written by Chaunie Brusie, RN, BSN https://www.healthline.com/health/natural-antibiotics Do natural antibiotics really work?Antibiotics are used to kill or inhibit bacteria growth. Although you might think of antibiotics as modern medicine, they’ve actually been around for centuries. The original antibiotics, like a lot of today’s antibiotics, are derived from natural sources. Certain plant extracts, essential oils, and even foods have antibiotic properties. For example, some food and vegetable extracts can prevent the growth of bacteria in food. Sometimes, these properties extend beyond the food and can aid in your personal hygiene. Cranberry extract contains both antibacterial and antioxidant compounds, making it a home remedy for urinary tract infections (UTIs). Herbs can be antibiotics, too. A small sampling study of 58 Chinese plants found that 23 had antibacterial properties and 15 had antifungal properties. A 2014 studyTrusted Source found that an herbal therapy was just as effective as a chemical antibiotic in treating a small intestine bacterial overgrowth disorder. Keep reading to learn about five popular antibiotics that you can try at home. Option 1: Honey
Honey is one the oldest known antibiotics, tracing back to ancient times. Egyptians frequently used honey as a natural antibiotic and skin protectant. Honey contains hydrogen peroxideTrusted Source, which may account for some of its antibacterial properties. It also has a high sugar content, which can help stop the growth of certain bacteria. Additionally, honey has a low pH level. This works to pull moisture away from bacteria, causing the bacteria to get dehydrated and die off. To use honey as an antibiotic, apply it directly to the wound or infected area. The honey can help kill off the bacteria and aid in the healing process. If possible, opt for raw Manuka honey. This form of honey offers the most health benefits. You can purchase raw Manuka honey here. You can also ingest honey to aid in the treatment of internal infections. Simply swallow a whole tablespoon or stir it into a warm cup of herbal tea for a soothing treat. Honey is generally safe to use on the skin or in the body, though you should never give honey to an infant under 1 years old. Instead, consult your healthcare provider for an appropriate alternative. Option 2: Garlic extract
Garlic has long been thought to have antimicrobial properties. A 2011 study found that garlic concentrate is effective against bacteria. You can purchase garlic concentrate or extract at your local health food store. You may also be able to make your own by soaking a few garlic cloves in olive oil. Garlic is generally safe to ingest, but large doses might cause internal bleeding. Up to two cloves per day is considered an acceptable dosage. If you’re taking a garlic supplement, be sure to follow the dosage directions as provided. If you’re taking blood-thinning medication, consult your healthcare provider before using garlic as an antibiotic. Large doses of garlic can amplify the effects of this medication. You can also apply garlic concentrate directly to a wound or blemish.[EDD: NOT recomemded] Option 3: Myrrh extract
Many people are familiar with myrrh, but its ability to ward off harmful germs isn’t as widely known. Researchers in a 2000 study concluded that an extract of myrrh could kill off several everyday pathogens. This includes: Myrrh is generally well-tolerated, but ingesting it may cause diarrhea. If applying myrrh to the skin, it’s possible to experience a small skin rash. If consumed in large doses, myrrh may cause heart problems. Myrrh is typically prepackaged, so be sure to follow the dosage instructions on the label. Buy myrrh extract now. Option 4: Thyme essential oil
Many all-natural household cleaners use thyme essential oil. This oil has been shown to be especially helpful against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In a 2011 studyTrusted Source, researchers tested the effectiveness of both lavender and thyme essential oil. Both oils were tested in a pool of over 120 strains of bacteria. The researchers found thyme essential oil to be more effective at killing bacteria than lavender essential oil. Thyme essential oil is for external use only. You shouldn’t take thyme oil by mouth. Before applying to the affected area, be sure to dilute the essential oil with equal parts carrier oil. Common carrier oils include coconut and olive oils. Applying undiluted essential oil to the skin may cause inflammation and irritation. People with high blood pressure or hyperthyroid problems shouldn’t use thyme essential oil. Purchase thyme essential oil and a carrier oil now. Option 5: Oregano essential oil
Carvacrol is an ingredient found in oregano essential oil. It has important therapeutic properties that further activate healing in the body when inhaled. Oregano oil has been found to help heal gastric ulcers and reduce inflammation. To treat fungal infections on your skin, add one drop of oregano essential oil per teaspoon of a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil . Apply the mixture to the affected area. You can also diffuse oregano oil in the air to help clear sinus infections. You shouldn’t ingest oregano essential oil or use undiluted essential oil on the skin. You may also be able to eradicate bacteria in the home with a homemade cleaning agent made of:
Buy oregano essential oil here. The bottom lineBe sure to discuss your interest in natural antibiotics with your healthcare provider. They can help you explore your options and help you weigh the potential benefits and risks of each regimen. You shouldn’t take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. Taking antibiotics for the sake of taking antibiotics can lead your body to build up a resistance to the medication. You can learn ways to help prevent antibiotic resistance here. If your healthcare provider does prescribe you antibiotics, be sure to finish the entire treatment regimen. |
Aditional Symptoms: Loss of smell Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID |
How to DEFEAT a coronavirus infection
How to DEFEAT a coronavirus infection
Best Food to Counter Stress-Induced Immune Suppression
Benefits of Green Tea for Boosting Antiviral Immune Function
POWERFUL STEPS TO COMBAT THE CORONAVIRUS – Dr Alan Mandell, DCmotivationaldoc Hand washing, so importantDr. John Campbell 03March2020
From email 18February2020 From the desk of Dr. Nandita Shah…With coronavirus topping the news these days, I have many patients asking me what they can do to make sure they don’t succumb. Coronavirus, like any other virus whether influenza or SARS, can affect anyone who has come in contact with it. Confirmed cases are even being reported in India. It might help to know that the virus is not too deadly, it also resides in healthy carriers. This means that anyone with a high immune system may not succumb to this virus even if they are unfortunate enough to contract it. Building our immunity will not just help us withstand this novel virus, it will also help us build resilience towards other known and unknown viruses. With a growing and a particularly dense population, India is perennially at risk of a viral epidemic. It’s up to each one of us to take charge of our health right now. We can do this by eating and living the way we as humans are designed to eat and live by nature, i.e. eat as close to an organic whole food plant-based diet as possible, keep a check on vitamin B12 and D, consume plenty of water, have enough exercise and rest at the right time. This is what SHARAN recommends to anyone who takes their health seriously. The incidence of coronavirus is therefore a good wake-up call and we must remember its lessons if we are to safeguard ourselves from the fatal health implications of epidemics. The Corona Virus 2- Daily Halachic Corner – 95 – Rav Dayan Elgrod!Breslev English 16March2020 |
![]() How To Avoid Getting Infected By The Coronavirusby Tyler Durden 07March2020 -https://www.zerohedge.com/health/how-avoid-getting-infected-coronavirus As worldwide coronavirus cases blow past 100,000 sickened, the question on everyone’s mind is: “How do I avoid getting infected?” Peak Prosperity’s Chris Martenson goes through the best steps for self-protection in this video (jump to the 35m:10s mark for his summary): How To Avoid Getting Infected By The CoronavirusCrazy infectious with a serious complication rate near 15% and a case fatality rate of over 3%, many of us are likely to catch this virus, and most of us will probably know at least one person who dies from it. And with that many sick people, the health care systems around the world are going to be overwhelmed. Even if you don’t have the virus, you still may not be able to get critical care for other health emergencies (sickness, injury, baby delivery, etc) Chris shares some of the dozens of stories we’re receiving from health practitioners all over the world who feel shocked and betrayed by how poorly their hospitals are prepared for what’s coming.
So take steps now to increase your odds of being one of those who avoids covid-19 altogether. Reading the coronavirus preparation megathreads available for free on PeakProsperity.com is a great way to get started:
If you’re one of the many new readers here on Peak Prosperity, be sure you’re up-to-date on developments with the coronavirus. All of our latest covid-19 video updates, podcasts and articles can be accessed here for free. And here’s a brief list of the more recent material that Chris and I have published for our premium subscribers, to give you a sense of what’s behind the paywall (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access) |
Vitamin D and immunityDr. John Campbell • 09March2020 |
![]() Olivier Veran-tweet-14March2020 – Taking anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, cortisone, …) could be an aggravating factor of the infection
DO NOT Take Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxan, Diclofenac, Advil, Motrin Or Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Corticosteroids include prednisone, cortisone, and methylprednisolone. Ibuprofen exacerbates coronavirus diseaseWorld Health Organization recommends using paracetamol to treat coronavirus symptoms, instead of anti-inflammatories. Here’s why.Mordechai Sones, 18March2020 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/277457 The World Health Organization has recommended that people suffering from the symptoms of the virus avoid taking ibuprofen drugs such as Advil. Instead, the organization suggests taking paracetamol, such as Acamol (Tylenol). They studied why the disease pathway in Italy is more serious, finding that most patients took ibuprofen at home. Researchers joined the virus and ibuprofen in the laboratory and came to the conclusion that administering ibuprofen accelerates multiplication of the virus and is related to a more serious course of the disease. They recommend to avoid ibuprofen and to administer paracetamol, aspirin, diclofenac. Consultant Pediatrician in London John Greenwood was quoted as saying: “We have just been sent a medical alert that no one is to use anti-inflammatories (e.g. Ibruprofen, Voltarol, naproxen, and others) for pain or high temperature. Use paracetamol instead. There seems to be a link between severe cases of COVID-19 affecting young people with no underlying illnesses and taking anti-inflammatories. Initial reports started coming from French doctors on Friday. This has been confirmed by infectious diseases consultants here – there are four young people in ICU in Cork who have no underlying illnesses – all were taking anti-inflammatories and there are concerns this has caused a more severe illness.” A Lancet article entitled Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? says: “Human pathogenic coronaviruses (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus [SARS-CoV] and SARS-CoV-2) bind to their target cells through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is expressed by epithelial cells of the lung, intestine, kidney, and blood vessels.” “The expression of ACE2 is substantially increased in patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, who are treated with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II type-I receptor blockers (ARBs). Hypertension is also treated with ACE inhibitors and ARBs, which results in an upregulation of ACE2.5 ACE2 can also be increased by thiazolidinediones and ibuprofen. Suggest that ACE2 expression is increased in diabetes and treatment with ACE inhibitors and ARBs increases ACE2 expression. Consequently, the increased expression of ACE2 would facilitate infection with COVID-19. “We therefore hypothesize that diabetes and hypertension treatment with ACE2-stimulating drugs increases the risk of developing severe and fatal COVID-19.” Important French announcementDr. John Campbell • 16March2020 |
Reducing fever, good or badDr. John Campbell • 17March2020 |
![]() Retailers Lining Store Shelves With Props To “Hide Supply Shortage”by Tyler Durden 22October2021 – https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/retailers-lining-store-shelves-single-products-hide-supply-shortage Americans are waking up to the fact that shortages of everyday products such as ice cream, frozen food, soda, chicken, spices, coffee, fish sticks, snacks, and toilet paper are popping up all over the country as supply chains remain heavily congested 19 months after the virus pandemic first began. Instead of leaving some store shelves bare, which might insight fear and buying panic among consumers, some stores are lining their empty shelves with meaningless items to appear as full as possible. A little more than a week ago, hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe was one of the hottest trends across Twitter but was quickly squashed by Twitter police. People from all over the country went to their local supermarkets and big-box outlets to point out how supply chain snarls have left some store shelves bare. Retailers have since panicked, and social media users are now pointing out that some store shelves are lined with single items to “hide the supply shortage.”
A user tweeted a picture of what appears to be single boxes of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese lining multiple shelves. One of the most stunning attempts to keep the appearance that everything was fine was when one retailer lined multiple aisles with dozens and dozens of foldable chairs.
![]() Art TakingBack-tweet-21October2021-One retailer lined multiple aisles-with dozens and dozens of foldable chairs Some on Twitter explained this is just part of the retailers “fronting” merchandise which means they’re bringing everything to the front to make the store look as packed as possible.What’s troubling is that retailers are running out of items, and it’s becoming entirely obvious now as congested supply chains may suggest that certain products will not be available in time for the holidays. It’s okay if stores run out of PlayStations and Nerf Blasters, but if shelves in food sections start to go bare – this could be very problematic. Remember what happened in the Soviet Union right before the collapse? For now, retailers are creating the appearance that everything is fine so empty store shelves don’t spark buying panic that would strain supplies even more. |
![]() Authoritarianism In The Age Of Pseudoscienceby Tyler Durden 09May2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/authoritarianism-age-pseudoscience Authored by Colin Todhunter via Off-Guardian.org, Following the court decision in the US to award in favour of Dewayne Johnson (exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer and its active ingredient, glyphosate, caused Johnson to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma), attorney Robert Kennedy Jr said at the post-trial press conference:
Johnson’s lawyers argued over the course of the month-long trial in 2018 that Monsanto had “fought science” for years and targeted academics who spoke up about possible health risks of the herbicide product. Long before the Johnson case, critics of Monsanto were already aware of the practices the company had engaged in for decades to undermine science. At the same time, Monsanto and its lobbyists had called anyone who questioned the company’s ‘science’ as engaging in pseudoscience and labelled them ‘anti-science’. We need look no further than the current coronavirus issue to understand how vested interests are set to profit by spinning the crisis a certain way and how questionable science is again being used to pursue policies that are essentially ‘unscientific’ – governments, the police and the corporate media have become the arbiters of ‘truth’.
We also see anyone challenging the policies and the ‘science’ being censored on social media or not being given a platform on TV and accused of engaging in ‘misinformation’. It’s the same old playbook. The case-fatality ratio for COVID-19 is so low as to make the lockdown response wholly disproportionate. Yet we are asked to blindly accept government narratives and the policies based on them. Making an entire country go home and stay home has immense, incalculable costs in terms of well-being and livelihoods. This itself has created a pervasive sense of panic and crisis and is largely a result of the measures taken against the ‘pandemic’ and not of the virus itself. Certain epidemiologists have said there is very little sturdy evidence to base lockdown policies on, but this has not prevented politicians from acting as if everything they say or do is based on solid science. The lockdown would not be merited if we were to genuinely adopt a knowledge-based approach. If we look at early projections by Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in the UK, he had grossly overstated the number of possible deaths resulting from the coronavirus and has now backtracked substantially. Ferguson has a chequered track record, which led UK newspaper The Telegraph to run a piece entitled ‘How accurate was the science that led to lockdown?’ The article outlines Ferguson’s previous flawed predictions about infectious diseases and a number of experts raise serious questions about the modelling that led to lockdown in the UK. Ferguson’s previous modelling for the spread of epidemics was so off the mark that it may beggar believe that anyone could have faith in anything he says, yet he remains part of the UK government’s scientific advisory group. Officials are now talking of ‘easing’ lockdowns, but Ferguson warns that lockdown in the UK will only be lifted once a vaccine for COVID-19 has been found. It raises the question: when will Ferguson be held to account for his current and previously flawed work and his exaggerated predictions? Because, on the basis of his modelling, the UK has been in lockdown for many weeks, the results of which are taking a toll on the livelihoods and well-being of the population which are and will continue to far outweigh the effects of COVID-19. According to a 1982 academic study, a 1% increase in the unemployment rate will be associated with 37,000 deaths [including 20,000 heart attacks, 920 suicides, 650 homicides], 4,000 state mental hospital admissions and 3,300 state prison admissions. Consider that by 30 April, in the US alone, 30 million had filed for unemployment benefit since the lockdown began. Between 23 and 30 April, some 3.8 million filed for unemployment benefit. Prior to the current crisis, the unemployment rate was 3.5%. Some predict it could eventually reach 30%. Ferguson – whose model was the basis for policies elsewhere in addition to the UK – is as much to blame as anyone for the current situation. And it is a situation that has been fuelled by a government and media promoted fear narrative that has had members of the public so afraid of the virus that many have been demanding further restrictions of their liberty by the state in order to ‘save’ them. Even with the promise of easing the lockdown, people seem to be fearful of venturing out in the near future thanks to the fear campaign they have been subjected to. Instead of encouraging more diverse, informed and objective opinions in the mainstream, we too often see money and power forcing the issue, not least in the form of Bill Gates who tells the world ‘normality’ may not return for another 18 months – until he and his close associates in the pharmaceuticals industry find a vaccine and we are all vaccinated. In the UK, the population is constantly subjected via their TV screens to clap for NHS workers, support the NHS and to stay home and save lives on the basis of questionable data and policies. Emotive stuff taking place under a ruling Conservative Party that has cut thousands of hospital beds, frozen staff pay, placed workers on zero-hour contracts and demonised junior doctors. It is also using the current crisis to accelerate the privatisation of state health care. In recent weeks, ministers have used special powers to bypass normal tendering and award a string of contracts to private companies and management consultants without open competition. But if cheap propaganda stunts do not secure the compliance, open threats will suffice. For instance, in the US, city mayors and local politicians have threatened to ‘hunt down’, monitor social media and jail those who break lockdown rules. Prominent conservative commentator Tucker Carlson asks who gave these people the authority to tear up the US constitution; what gives them the right to threaten voters while they themselves or their families have been exposed as having little regard for lockdown norms. As overhead drones bark out orders to residents, Carlson wonders how the US – almost overnight – transformed into a totalitarian state. With a compliant media failing to hold tyrannical officials to account, Carlson’s concerns mirror those of Lionel Shriver in the UK, writing in The Spectator, who declares that the supine capitulation of Britain to a de facto police state has been one of the most depressing spectacles he has ever witnessed. Under the pretext of tracking and tracing the spread of the virus, the UK government is rolling out an app which will let the likes of Apple and Google monitor a person’s every location visited and every physical contact. There seems to be little oversight in terms of privacy. The contact-tracing app has opted for a centralised model of data collection: all the contact-tracing data is not to be deleted but anonymized and kept under one roof in one central government database for ‘research purposes’. We may think back to Cambridge Analytica’s harvesting of Facebook data to appreciate the potential for data misuse. But privacy is the least concern for governments and the global tech giants in an age where ‘data’ has become monetized as a saleable commodity, with the UK data market the second biggest in the world and valued at over a billion pounds in 2018. Paranoia is usually the ever-present bedfellow of fear and many people have been very keen to inform the authorities that their neighbours may have been breaking social distancing rules. Moreover, although any such opinion poll cannot be taken at face value and could be regarded as part of the mainstream fear narrative itself, a recent survey suggests that only 20% of Britons are in favour of reopening restaurants, schools, pubs and stadiums. Is this to be the new ‘normal’, whereby fear, mistrust, division and suspicion are internalized throughout society? In an age of fear and paranoia, are we all to be ‘contact traced’ and regarded by others as a ‘risk’ until we prove ourselves by wearing face masks and by voluntarily subjecting ourselves to virus tests at the entrances to stores or in airports? And if we refuse or test positive, are we to be shamed, isolated and forced to comply by being ‘medicated’ (vaccinated and chipped)? Is this the type of world that’s soon to be regarded as ‘normal’? A world in which liberty and fundamental rights mean nothing. A world dominated by shaming and spurious notions of personal responsibility that are little more than ideological constructs of a hegemonic narrative which labels rational thinking people as ‘anti-science’ – a world in which the scourge of authoritarianism reigns supreme. * * * As this article was going to press, it was announced that Neil Ferguson is resigning from his role as science advisor to Boris Johnson’s government, in the wake of the allegations he has broken the lockdown rules he himself recommended in order to meet his girlfriend . |
COVID-19 antibodies can fade within 2 to 3 monthsModerna coronavirus vaccine causes side effects in over 50% of patients; antibodies disappear in 2-3 months, rendering the vaccine pointless16July2020 by: Mike Adams https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-07-16-moderna-coronavirus-vaccine-causes-side-effects-antibodies-fade.html (Natural News) The widely-hyped Moderna coronavirus vaccine caused adverse events (side effects) in over 50% of clinical trial participants, including, “fatigue, chills, headache, myalgia, and pain at the injection site.” While it generates antibodies in the short term, new studies indicate those antibodies fade very quickly, rendering the vaccine pointless in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. The side effects of the Moderna mRNA vaccine are documented in a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a discredited, pro-pharma junk science rag that lies in favor of Big Pharma in every way possible. As published on Medicine.news, the NEJM was recently caught up with The Lancet in a junk science scheme that sought to discredit hydroxychloroquine through the use of fabricated data that was published in both journals (then was later retracted). The new study is entitled, “An mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 — Preliminary Report.” It details the astonishing degree of side effects experienced by study subjects, revealing that over half of study participants reported at least one side effect. This chart, from the study, also shows that the side effects are dose dependent, meaning the higher the injection dose, the higher the reported side effects, further strengthening the causal ties between the vaccine and the side effects: As you can see from the chart, 100% of study participants experienced side effects at the 100 ug or 250 ug injection volumes, during the second round of vaccination. 100% of study participants experienced side effects in the high-dose second round of vaccinationNotably, 100% of participants experienced headaches, local symptoms and systemic symptoms, while nearly 100% experienced chills, myalgia and fatigue, during the second injections. This study reveals that the vaccine becomes increasingly toxic with subsequent injections, meaning even if the fist injection is relatively well handled by the body, the second injection can be significantly more dangerous. Notably, with other studies now revealing that coronavirus antibodies fade quickly over the period of about 3 months, the mRNA vaccine from Moderna would have to be injected multiple times, perhaps as many as four times each year in order to maintain high levels of antibodies. But with each injection, the vaccine becomes more toxic and produces more side effects. As the study authors conclude, “Systemic adverse events were more common after the second vaccination, particularly with the highest dose…” Even with side effects impacting all participants in the second round, study authors claim everything’s fineYet, to no one’s surprise, all these toxic effects of the vaccine that increase with subsequent vaccines are not called out as an item of concern. Given that the study authors are, of course, paid by Moderna to produce pro-vaccine propaganda in the name of “science,” they conclude that all the side effects are perfectly fine, stating: (emphasis added) Across both vaccinations, solicited systemic and local adverse events that occurred in more than half the participants included fatigue, chills, headache, myalgia, and pain at the injection site. Evaluation of safety clinical laboratory values of grade 2 or higher and unsolicited adverse events revealed no patterns of concern… These safety and immunogenicity findings support advancement of the mRNA-1273 vaccine to later-stage clinical trials. Got that? The vaccine is increasingly toxic in higher doses and multiple injections, but it’s still awesome and should move toward production and widespread injections into potentially billions of human beings, despite no long-term safety studies being conducted whatsoever. That’s the vaccine industry in 2020: Screw safety and science, just approve the damn thing and collect the hundreds of billions of dollars from governments buying your vaccine, even if it harms or kills millions of people. Even when the vaccine invokes an antibody response, that’s not “immunity”Note that the production of antibodies in the blood is not the same as “functional immunity.” There is zero evidence that this vaccine makes anyone immune to coronavirus infections. And as Michael Snyder writes on EndOfTheAmericanDream.com, three studies have now found covid-19 antibodies disappear from the body very quickly, rendering antibody-producing vaccines practically worthless: Scientific evidence continues to emerge that indicates that COVID-19 is going to be with us for a very long time to come. Yesterday, I reported on a recent study that was conducted in China and another recent study that was conducted in Spain that both showed that COVID-19 antibodies start to disappear very, very quickly. In fact, the study that was conducted in Spain discovered that some patients that originally tested positive for antibodies “no longer had antibodies weeks later”. Well, now we have a third study to add to the list. A study of COVID-19 patients that was conducted at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ National Health Service Foundation Trust in London found that “just 16.7 percent of the patients had a potent antibody response” after a couple of months had passed… Researchers analyzed immune responses of patients and health care workers at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ National Health Service Foundation Trust in London and found that levels of antibodies that destroy the virus quickly declined after peaking several weeks after patients exhibited symptoms. The study found that 60 percent of the patients had a “potent” antibody response at peak of their battle with the coronavirus. After about two months, however, just 16.7 percent of the patients had a potent antibody response. As Snyder points out, this is a huge finding because it means that coronavirus vaccines will likely only work short-term. After perhaps 90 days or so, the vaccine “wears off” and the antibodies are no longer functional in the body. Even the presence of antibodies doesn’t automatically confer immunity, by the way. Again, from Snyder: In addition, experts are telling us that even if a COVID-19 victim develops antibodies, that does not necessarily mean that individual has immunity. In an article that he authored for CNN, Dr. William Haseltine explained that “only 15% of those who test positive for antibodies make the neutralizing antibodies necessary to develop immunity”… Not only do antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 fade, and perhaps fade quickly, studies have also shown that only 15% of those who test positive for antibodies make the neutralizing antibodies necessary to develop immunity in the first place. And not all of those who make neutralizing antibodies make them at high levels. Some of those infected make no antibodies at all. In other words, even if the mRNA vaccine from Moderna produces antibodies, the whole exercise may be pointless for two reasons: 1) Antibodies alone don’t confer immunity. Thus, the Moderna vaccine — which the Big Pharma pimping mainstream media has been hyping up as the savior of humanity — is probably a massive medical hoax that will scam world governments out of hundreds of billions of dollars for a treatment that flat-out doesn’t work. Worse than a hoax, this vaccine will clearly harm large numbers of people, given that 100% of study subjects are already experiencing adverse events in the high dose group, during the second round of injections. How toxic is this going to get during a third vaccine? Or a fourth? And is there any end to how many injections of the same vaccine will be mandated by a corrupt, criminal FDA, CDC and national media that makes all its editorial decisions based on the profit demands of the drug cartels? Finally, keep in mind that globalists who also promote the depopulation agenda are demanding this vaccine be given to Black people first. So wait: Take a toxic vaccine that doesn’t work but that causes huge side effects, and line up all the Blacks to be human guinea pigs? Sounds like globalists and the vaccine industry have a whole new plan for planet Earth beyond 2020, and it has nothing to do with halting the pandemic but everything to do with genocide. Don’t you find it astonishing that while hundreds of U.S. corporations are lining up to claim “Black Lives Matter,” many of those very same corporations are the ones producing the vaccines that will no doubt destroy Black lives? Readers Comments: And let’s not forget that the guinea pigs in the Moderna trials are the healthiest subjects money can buy. Wait until they start giving this abomination to normal people (I mean the standard citizen who is older, obese and taking the standard four or five toxic drugs)! And maybe we haven’t even seen the delayed effects of whatever adjuvant and other constituents and contaminants in the vaccine. |
![]() A closer look at the natural ways to protect yourself against coronavirus15March2020 by: Darnel Fernandez https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-03-15-natural-ways-to-protect-yourself-against-coronavirus.html (Natural News) In recent months, the coronavirus pandemic — originating from Wuhan, China — has been taking the world by storm with more cases being reported daily. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently announced that there are more than 118,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide and that 4,291 have lost their lives to the infectious disease. According to Tedros, the WHO expects to see the number of cases and deaths climb even higher in the weeks ahead. Because of this, healthy-minded people are looking into ways to strengthen their body’s immune system in an attempt to find some sort of protection against the novel coronavirus. How do you protect yourself against coronavirus?COVID-19 is a flu-like disease caused by a member of the coronavirus family that is closely related to the SARS and MERS viruses that have caused outbreaks in the past. The disease is caused by a virus designated as SARS-CoV-2 by the Coronavirus Study Group (CSG) of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. COVID, on the other hand, is short for “coronavirus disease.” Those with confirmed cases reported symptoms such as coughing, fever and shortness of breath. However, severe cases of COVID-19 can lead to pneumonia and death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released guidelines on simple ways to prevent illness by limiting exposure to the virus. However, boosting the immune system can also help the body fight off infections like the coronavirus. Below you can find a few science-backed, natural ways that can provide adequate protection against the novel coronavirus pandemic. (Related: Natural ways to boost your immunity as coronavirus spreads.) ElderberryElderberry is considered one of the most used medicinal plants in the world and has become a popular supplementary food against symptoms of the flu and common cold. While there are many species of elderberry, Sambucus nigra is often used for medicinal purposes due to the many health benefits it provides. However, Health Impact News reported that buying a prepared formula made with S. nigra is better than making your own from fresh berries. This is because elderberry contains natural toxins called cyanogenic glycosides which can cause vomiting, nausea, cramps and diarrhea. Recent research has established that elderberry could reduce the effects of the common cold and influenza. A study done by researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem enrolled patients who exhibited flu-like symptoms and asked them to take 15 milliliters (mL) of elderberry syrup four times a day for a testing period of five days. Their findings revealed that those who took the elderberry syrup recovered four days earlier than participants who took regular flu medications or a placebo. Furthermore, another study, published in the journal Nutrients, gave 312 economy class passengers a 300 milligram (mg) dose of elderberry extract three times per day. The researchers found that passengers who got sick during the flight experienced much tamer symptoms and had shorter periods of illness, suggesting a significant reduction in cold duration and severity. Colloidal SilverColloidal silver products are popular among holistic health circles and are touted as an effective antibacterial agent. However, recent studies have shown that colloidal silver can handle infectious viruses as well. In a study published in the Journal of Nanotechnology, a research team comprising of members from the University of Texas and Mexico University in Nuevo Leon found that silver nanoparticles could kill HIV-1 and other types of viruses in only three hours. The team incubated HIV-1 virus samples at 37 C and observed that the silver nanoparticle-preparations they tested eliminated 100 percent of the virus. There are also studies that focused on the efficacy of colloidal silver against respiratory viruses similar to the novel coronavirus. A study published in the International Journal of Nanomedicine found that silver nanoparticles reduced the viral infectivity of human parainfluenza virus type 3. Researchers from the University of Naples theorized that silver is capable of doing so by blocking the interaction of the virus with the cell. Vitamin C SupplementsVitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning that the body cannot produce it on its own and it must be gained from external sources. However, the vitamin plays many roles that promote overall health. A large portion of the world, especially in Asia and continental Europe, consider Vitamin C as a potent antiviral agent. Health Impact News reported that China has conducted several clinical trials that involved the intravenous application of vitamin C to treat patients with coronavirus. While vitamin C has not been tested against coronavirus until recently, previous research has already established its effectiveness against other types of viral infections, such as influenza. A study conducted by researchers from the Seoul National University College of Medicine looked into the anti-viral immune response of vitamin C and found that it exhibits responses even at early times of influenza virus infections through the increased production of the antiviral cytokine interferon (IFN)-a/B. Following safety precaution guidelines and even quarantining people can be effective ways to reduce the spread of coronavirus. However, these methods do not help in the event of coming into contact with the virus itself. Because of this, strengthening your immune system using natural ways should be considered as a viable and effective prevention protocol to keep yourself safe from the pandemic. Sources include: |
![]() Nutritional solutions against Covid that support immune function in the presence of ALL variants29November2021 by: S.D. Wells https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-11-29-nutritional-solutions-against-covid-immune-support.html (Natural News) Americans who take prescription medications are some of the sickest people on planet Earth, and they will most likely stay that way, by design. These are the same folks who lined up the day the Covid vaccine was first released, even though it was only “emergency use approval” with no tests for safety or efficacy. These are folks who think natural remedies are just for hippies with crazy conspiracy theories about vaccines and prescription medications being toxic for the human body. These are consumers who believe they can find helpful guidance for health and safety by using Google as their search engine. These folks need help, bad, and soon. Natural solutions you might want to learn more about, especially during the Covid crisisAmerican medical doctors downplay the importance and strength of taking vitamin D supplements, especially during a pandemic, when the sun is not a summer sun, and even more so for people with darker skin. This is science. This is nature. Embrace it. The other problem for millions of people is that they buy “pharma” made supplements, when they do delve into natural remedies, and those are next to dead, plus they contain added toxins. Look for organic. Most conventional shoppers hear the word mushroom and they think of the poisonous kinds that grow in their yard, that you can’t eat. Little do they know that some mushrooms grow off the bark on the sides of trees, soaking up all the nutrients from the tree. These have been consumed for millennia as indigenous cultures use them as medicine for all sorts of ailments, and to build immunity. Make no mistake, there are no MDs in America that are allowed to recommend this, especially in place of those blood-clotting Covid jabs. It’s rather unfortunate because medicinal mushrooms are right at your fingertips, in many health food stores and yes, online. Cinnamon is the ultimate spice that could help protect your life, especially during CovidHundreds of millions of people are struggling to understand why they still catch Covid after getting all the recommended vaccines. They can’t figure it out. They’re terrified of Covid, so they rush out and get injected with billions of spike proteins that are untested and serve as dangerous pathogens throughout the vascular system. This strains the brain, the heart and the central nervous system. The irony? None of it is necessary. At the food store and the supplement store, they sell cinnamon. If you don’t like it on your food, then take it in capsule form and experience the rich source of antioxidants that provides a big boost to your immunity system. Some people like it in their tea or coffee. Cinnamon helps reduce risk of heart diseases, including prion diseases caused by billions of spike proteins that are injected or created (mRNA) in the vascular system via Covid vaccines. Cinnamon use dates all the way back to Ancient Egypt, and was viewed as a gift fit for the kings. Ready to battle away the winter flu, cancer, the China flu and many other life-threatening diseases? Cinnamon can keep lung infections at bay, like Coronavirus. Cinnamon has been proven by science to effectively treat respiratory tract infections, some of which are caused by fungi or parasites. Cinnamon even helps lower blood sugar levels, giving it a potent anti-diabetic effect. Who knew? Supplement daily. Here’s the top 10 list for natural remedies that help support immune function: #1. Vitamin D3 #2. Medicinal mushrooms, including chaga, cordyceps and reishi #3. Licorice root #4. Garlic #5. Oregano oil #6. Zinc #7. Vitamin B12 #8. Cinnamon (fights lung infections) #9. Turmeric (especially with curcumin) #10. Vitamin C Want the best in truth news on your internet dial? Tune to FoodSupply.news and find out how to avoid this population reduction scheme by stocking up on organic, nutritious food and emergency supplies for the winter. Sources for this article include: |
![]() Aspirin found to greatly decrease covid hospitalizations25October2021 by: Ethan Huff https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-10-25-aspirin-found-to-greatly-decrease-covid-hospitalizations.html (Natural News) New research out of George Washington University (GWU) has found that over-the-counter aspirin could help to protect the lungs of patients who test “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). An investigative team looked at more than 400 Chinese Virus patients from hospitals across the United States who take aspirin for some other unrelated purpose. Compared to patients who do not take the drug, aspirin users were found to have: • A 44 percent decreased risk of requiring mechanical ventilation “As we learned about the connection between blood clots and COVID-19, we knew that aspirin – used to prevent stroke and heart attack – could be important for COVID-19 patients,” announced Dr. Jonathan Chow from GWU. “Our research found an association between low-dose aspirin and decreased severity of COVID-19 and death.” It has been known for some time that low-dose aspirin helps to thin the blood, which in turn can protect against blood clotting issues like a stroke. For people who have had a heart attack or a myocardial infection, taking low-dose aspirin regularly can help protect them against further complications. Even though the Fauci Flu largely affects the respiratory system, it is also associated with blood clotting, particularly in small blood vessels. These clots cause tiny blockages in the pulmonary blood system, potentially leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Taking low-dose aspirin reduces risk of covid infection by 29 percentResearchers from the Barzilai Medical Center in Israel came to a similar conclusion about aspirin back in March when they tested its effects on Chinese Flu-related blood clots. What they determined is that aspirin carries with it certain immunological benefits that in and of itself are anti-covid. Taking low-dose aspirin as a healthy person, scientists found, can help reduce the risk of contracting the Wuhan Flu by about 29 percent. “Aspirin is low cost, easily accessible and millions are already using it to treat their health conditions,” Chow added. “Finding this association is a huge win for those looking to reduce risk from some of the most devastating effects of COVID-19.” Keep in mind, though, that aspirin is still a pharmaceutical drug, albeit a much safer pharmaceutical drug than many other drugs out there that have FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approval. If use incorrectly or excessively at the wrong doses, aspirin can cause bleeding disorders and stomach ulcers. It can also cause other unintended side effects depending on the patient. Low-dose aspirin, however, admittedly comes with minimal risks. It is certainly a better option than getting “vaccinated” or going to a hospital for “treatment.” Millions of people are needlessly suffering due to having gotten injected for the Fauci Flu as opposed to taking this or another safe and effective precautionary approach. “This is precisely why the pharmaceutical industry will claim the research is invalid,” wrote one commenter at The Jerusalem Post about how aspirin could become the next ivermectin. “What possible profit can there be in a cheap, off-patent treatment?” “I noticed that aspirin will prevent the flu,” wrote another who claims that he and his family have been taking low-dose aspirin for years to prevent both viral infections and the seasonal flu. “Pop two aspirin right at the onset. If you feel a sudden fatigue, it could very well be that your body has started fighting a viral infection. That’s when I pop two pills, 325mg aspirin. Not the little 81mg pills that people take on a daily basis, but the normal sized pills.” More news stories about over-the-counter remedies for covid can be found at Cures.news. Sources for this article include: |
![]() Zinc deficiency and coronavirusWhat if the cure for the coronavirus were as simple as taking zinc?30March2020 by: Mike Adams https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-03-30-what-if-cure-for-coronavirus-as-simple-as-taking-zinc.html (Natural News) It’s now looking increasingly clear that zinc may truly be the “silver bullet” for stopping coronavirus infections and ending this global pandemic. This mineral is incredibly affordable, safe and widely available, yet no one in government or media is recommending that people take zinc, since it can’t generate the billions in profits found in prescription drugs and vaccines. This article isn’t a self-serving promotion, by the way. We don’t have any zinc products to sell. Rather, this article is about helping save lives using nutritional solutions that are available right now. While nothing is yet clinically proven to cure coronavirus — although chloroquine seems promising in several small trials — zinc now appears to be the most promising nutritional substance that could help end this global pandemic and get people back to work so that the economic collapse can be halted. Chloroquine works hand in hand with zinc, driving zinc into cellsThe combination of chloroquine and zinc appears to be especially potent. A study published in PLoS ONE is entitled, “Chloroquine is a Zinc Ionophore,” and it describes how chloroquine drives zinc into cancer cells, making those cells highly vulnerable to apoptosis (cell death of cancer cells). From the study: Chloroquine enhanced zinc uptake by A2780 cells in a concentration-dependent manner, as assayed using a fluorescent zinc probe. This enhancement was attenuated by TPEN, a high affinity metal-binding compound, indicating the specificity of the zinc uptake. Although that study was focused on cancer cells, we also know that zinc blocks coronavirus RNA polymerase activity, which is what the coronavirus uses to replicate. This paper, published in another PLoS journal, specifically talks about “zinc ionophores” blocking the replication of coronavirus in cell cultures: “Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture.” From the abstract of that study: Increasing the intracellular Zn(2+) concentration with zinc-ionophores like pyrithione (PT) can efficiently impair the replication of a variety of RNA viruses, including poliovirus and influenza virus. For some viruses this effect has been attributed to interference with viral polyprotein processing. In this study we demonstrate that the combination of Zn(2+) and PT at low concentrations (2 µM Zn(2+) and 2 µM PT) inhibits the replication of SARS-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and equine arteritis virus (EAV) in cell culture. More specifically, Zn(2+) was found to block the initiation step of EAV RNA synthesis, whereas in the case of the SARS-CoV RdRp elongation was inhibited and template binding reduced. By chelating Zn(2+) with MgEDTA, the inhibitory effect of the divalent cation could be reversed, which provides a novel experimental tool for in vitro studies of the molecular details of nidovirus replication and transcription. So we know that chloroquine + zinc drives the zinc into cells, blocking coronavirus replication. This is published science, not just a random theory. It is very likely, in our estimation, that most of the people dying from coronavirus are zinc deficient. We need to be testing the zinc levels in blood serum of coronavirus patients so we can gather all relevant data and confirm this pattern. Symptoms of coronavirus infections almost perfectly mirror symptoms of zinc deficiencyWriting for LewRockwell.com, Bill Sardi writes that all the most prominent signs of COVID-19 almost perfectly mirror symptoms of zinc deficiency. From his article: …[M]odern medicine is so steeped in its pharmacy of prescription drugs, with its blinders toward nutritional medicine, that it can’t see the obvious evidences of a trace mineral deficiency that results in the same signs and symptoms produced by COVID-19 coronavirus. He publishes this list of COVID-19 symptoms vs. symptoms of zinc deficiency:
He further writes: Dr. James Robb, a pathologist who performed early experiments with coronaviruses back in the 1970s, claims that zinc lozenges are the “silver bullet against coronavirus.” Zinc is required to maintain thymus gland function to produce life-long antibodies from T-memory cells. Zinc supplementation in the elderly, the high-risk group of coronavirus Infections, lowers illness markedly. Modern medicine needs to emphasize zinc therapy, especially during epidemics. In summary, it looks like zinc might be the single most important preventive measure, possibly in combination with chloroquine, to halt the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and get the economies of the world back to work. And that’s why the tech giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) as well as the corporate-run media will continue to censor all truth about zinc and chloroquine, because they actively hope to spread this pandemic and collapse the global economy. The best forms of zinc to consume as a dietary supplement are zinc gluconate, picolinate and acetate, by the way. Avoid zinc oxide, as it’s almost impossible to absorb. Beyond manufacturing medical masks and ventilators, we believe President Trump should order emergency production of zinc supplementation, making it widely available (perhaps at zero cost) to the entire population. This could substantially slow the spread of the virus and potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives in the USA alone. Stay informed. Read Pandemic.news. |
![]() Super Foods: How they help the bodyBy Jeffery Vaughn, 19th Medical Group / Published February 08, 2016 https://www.littlerock.af.mil/News/Article/764198/super-foods-how-they-help-the-body/ (U.S. Air Force graphic by Airman 1st Class Mercedes Taylor)LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. — Why do Super Foods work? Eating Super Foods can do four very important things in the body: they can decrease inflammation, can improve gut health, can increase antioxidants and could increase sulfur in the body. Here are four quick summaries talking about chronic systemic inflammation, gut health, antioxidants and the importance of eating sulfur-rich food. Chronic Systemic Inflammation Scientists believe chronic systemic inflammation in the body is the cause of many chronic diseases. If you can eliminate inflammation, you can eliminate the risk for the disease. The cause of chronic systemic inflammation is directly linked to the food we eat and the main culprit is sugar and processed foods. The further you separate yourself from sugar and processed foods, the less inflammation you may experience. In addition to eliminating sugar, adopting anti-inflammatory foods may reduce chronic systemic inflammation. Adding as many of these super foods such as whole grains, fatty fish and low-fat dairy to your diet as possible may help. Bottom line: eliminate foods with zero nutritional value and substitute foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Gut Health The digestive system may be the most important system in the body. This system breaks down everything taken into the body and is programmed to decide what is released to the blood stream and what is flushed out as waste. The digestive tract contains tight junctions and microvilli, similar to filters, in the intestinal wall. The intestinal wall cells break down food particles to decide what can enter the blood stream. “Leaky gut syndrome” occurs when the tight junctions begin to open wide like a faucet and big undigested food particles and toxins flow freely into the blood stream. Eating refined sugar, processed food, and products containing gluten can increase your risk for developing leaky gut syndrome. Inadequate amounts of stomach acid, too much bad gut bacteria or too little good gut bacteria may also play a role. Chronic stress can also lower immune health leading to leaky gut syndrome. Correct leaky gut syndrome by eliminating the wrong foods and eating the right ones: 1. Eliminate foods high in sugar, processed foods, and foods that contain gluten. Antioxidants The body undergoes oxidative stress every day and cells become damaged daily due to oxidation. When cells become damaged, they are called free radicals. Free radicals attack other cells to scavenge what they need for repair and end up damaging DNA. When external toxins such as cigarette smoke, pesticides and pharmaceuticals get into the mix, the body’s natural antioxidant mechanism can not keep up and it soon becomes overwhelmed. Antioxidants from the food we eat become the reinforcements the body needs to bring balance back at the cellular level. Antioxidants come from almost all super foods, especially fruits and vegetables. The most important thing to remember are different antioxidants do different things. Vitamin C captures free radicals and neutralizes them. Vitamin E on the other hand repairs cells. The more variety of super foods you eat, the more types of antioxidants you introduce to the body and more antioxidant power is available for repair. Foods high in antioxidants include dark green vegetables, blueberries, red berries, fish and sweet potatoes. Sulfur Foods Sulfur is so important because it offers detoxification which will remove the waste. It is a key player in removing waste. It makes cells more pliable allowing for better oxygen transport and waste removal. In addition, it also plays a major role in the creation of the most important antioxidant in the body: glutathione. Glutathione plays a critical role in the production of insulin and maintaining healthy blood sugar. If you eat a healthy diet with super foods containing sulfur, your body will make plenty of glutathione and keep you healthy preventing diseases like heart disease, cancer or dementia. Sulfur is extremely important if you have diabetes or want to prevent disease as it is the key to healthy cell growth and function. Some examples of foods high in sulfur are eggs, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and legumes. |
![]() Natural ways to boost your immunity as coronavirus spreads29February2020 by: Zoey Sky https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-29-natural-ways-to-boost-your-immunity-coronavirus.html (Natural News) During the last half of December 2019, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) began spreading throughout China. To date, researchers around the globe are scrambling to find a cure for COVID-19, which has already infected hundreds of thousands of people, and claimed thousands of lives. But what if the key to staying healthy during a pandemic is strengthening your immunity with supplements and herbal remedies? Boosting your immune system could be essential to protecting yourself and not succumbing to infections in the first place. What are the symptoms of COVID-19 coronavirus?The coronavirus disease may not initially cause symptoms, and if you’re infected, you may carry the virus (SARS-CoV-2) for two days or up to two weeks before experiencing any symptoms. This makes the disease even more dangerous. Common symptoms directly linked to COVID-19 coronavirus include:
Experts are currently studying the full list of symptoms. Expert: Vitamins that may help boost immunitySince a strong immune system is essential for enabling your body to fight infections, here are some promising natural protection strategies, according to nutritional experts. Vitamin C In an article titled “Coronavirus: Exploring Effective Nutritional Treatments,” written by Andrew W. Saul for the Orthomolecular News Service, he analyzed data gleaned from over 30 clinical studies to verify the antiviral power of vitamin C against different flu viruses spanning several decades. Saul found that vitamin C inactivates the virus and boosts immunity to continue suppressing the virus. Many cases showed that oral supplementation of at least 10,000 mg of vitamin C daily offered protective benefits. But when dealing with stronger viruses, one may require larger doses given intravenously, such as 100,000 to 150,000 mg of vitamin C daily. Vitamin C helps your body produce the antioxidant glutathione, as well as an antiviral called interferon. In cases where IV vitamin C is unavailable, individuals gradually increased their oral dose up to 50,000 mg daily before reaching bowel tolerance. Most people are able to consume five grams (5,000 mg) of powdered or crystal forms of high-quality ascorbic acid at a time every four hours, to the tolerance of their digestive tract. Andrew Saul writes, “Every virus seems to respond to this type of treatment, regardless of the whether it is SARs, Bird flu, Swine flu or the new Coronavirus flu.” (Related: Clinical trials of intravenous vitamin C treatments for coronavirus commence in China.) Vitamin D3 In a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled study where they gave the treatment group 1,200 IU (international units) of vitamin D3 during the cold and flu season. The control group received a placebo. The participants in the vitamin D group had a 58 percent reduced risk of flu. Vitamin D3 is a natural treatment for flu infections and it allows your body to create cathelicidin, an antibiotic protein that eliminates bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Vitamin D levels of 30 to 50 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) in your blood are believed to be enough, but research has found that levels of about 50 to 100 ng/mL are essential to prevent infection. You can get vitamin D by following a healthy diet full of food sources of vitamin D, and through exposure to sunlight. However, it is essential to take supplements during the winter season. Consider 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily, or follow the instructions of your naturopathic physician. If you already have the flu, your physician may recommend you take 50,000 IU daily for the first five days, then take 5,000 to 10,000 IU as a maintenance dose, but this depends entirely on your current blood levels, so get your blood tested by a competent clinical practitioner first. Silver According to a study from the Journal of Nanotechnology, silver nanoparticles kill HIV-1 and most kinds of viruses. Researchers who conducted the study incubated HIV-1 virus at 37 C and results revealed that silver particles killed 100 percent of the virus after only three hours. Silver binds to the DNA of the virus cell, which prevents it from multiplying. Silver prevents a virus from transferring from one person to another by hindering its ability to find a host cell to feed on. Without a host, viruses can’t survive. Use colloidal silver at doses of 10 to 20 ppm (parts per million) to prevent infections. It is best to use nanoparticle silver. Anti-viral foodsAside from taking vitamins C and D and colloidal silver, eating anti-viral foods is one of the best ways to protect yourself against infectious diseases. The foods below offer strong anti-viral properties.
Exercise regularly to maintain your physical health and wash your hands thoroughly to maintain proper hygiene. Follow a balanced diet and take supplements to boost your immune system and protect yourself against the dreaded coronavirus. Sources include: Comments: A positive article with reasonable suggestions. Below is a list for any flu season I’ve put together from the best sources I could find and from experience. First, maintain a positive attitude. Be rational; don’t buy into the fear. Almost every media story has an emotional approach. Pandemic is a scarey word, but what are the facts? Johns Hopkins is keeping track and reports this morning, Mar 1, 72 cases of Covid19, one death. The man who died was in his 50’s with underlying medical conditions. Older people, especially those with chronic illnesses such as heart or lung disease, are especially vulnerable. The CDC estimates 32,000,000 – 45,000,000 flu illnesses October 1, 2019, through February 22, 2020 with 18,000 – 46,000 flu deaths. 1 billion flu cases worldwide. A typical flu season. Why isn’t that in the news? It puts things in perspective. All flu illnesses will decrease with the coming of spring. Be well, America. What to do now? The Science? Antiviral meds…decrease time/symptoms? Alternatives, on your own |
![]() Isolation, quarantine and social distancing: Practice these essential strategies to stop the spread of coronavirus18March2020 by: Zoey Sky https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-03-18-social-distancing-strategies-to-stop-the-spread-of-coronavirus.html
(Natural News) Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases continue to skyrocket in America, and authorities around the world advise the general public to practice strategies like isolation, self-quarantine and social distancing. But what are the differences between these strategies, and when should you practice them? Why these strategies are necessaryIn America, testing for coronavirus started slow. The authorities first attempted to those who tested positive for the COVID-19 disease. Now, public health experts advise that it is crucial is to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. This ensures that those who need medical attention don’t overwhelm hospitals. If data from the experience of other countries battling the coronavirus pandemic holds, most of the infected patients will only have mild cases. However, findings from other countries also suggest that around 10 to 20 percent of patients could have more severe cases of the disease. Judging from the data, at least tens of millions of Americans may get infected with coronavirus, and hundreds of thousands of patients may require hospital care. Joshua Sharfstein, vice dean for public health practice and community engagement at Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health, explained that a deluge of patients will overwhelm the health system. Practicing measures like social distancing can help America avoid Italy’s current struggles. In Italy, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases quickly catapulted from only several patients to over 27,000 cases. More than 2,100 deaths have been confirmed in the country. It is believed that the accelerated spread of coronavirus in Italy was partly due to aggressive testing. Additionally, hospitals in the northern part of the country were gradually running out of beds in intensive care units. The difference between self-quarantining and self-monitoringAccording to health experts, the two strategies overlap. Both self-quarantining and self-monitoring have one goal: To keep individuals “who have been exposed, or who might have been exposed, away from others as much as possible” for a certain length of time. In the case of coronavirus, this often means 14 days or the suspected incubation period of the disease. However, patients may experience symptoms only several days after exposure. When self-monitoring, you need to regularly check your temperature and take note of any signs of respiratory illness, like a cough, fever or shortness of breath. You also need to limit your interaction with other people. For example, if you attended a company conference and a person that you weren’t in close contact with tested positive for coronavirus, you need to self-monitor. Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, added that you need to self-quarantine if you talked to the infected attendee or if they accidentally sneezed on you. Self-quarantine is one level higher from self-monitoring because the person at risk of infection, even if they still haven’t experienced symptoms, is at greater risk of exposure. To illustrate, Justin Trudeau, Canada’s Prime Minister, is self-quarantining since his wife tested positive for coronavirus after they returned from a trip to Great Britain. If you’re quarantined, you need to stay at home and avoid other people whenever possible for 14 days. Those who live with a family or roommates but want to self-quarantine must stay in their own room or spend time in a separate area in their house. A person in self-quarantine must also stay at home. Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association, warned that people in self-quarantine shouldn’t sleep in the same bedroom as other family members. You should also try to use a separate toilet, if possible. If you’ve self-quarantined due to possible exposure and you develop a cough, fever or shortness of breath, contact a healthcare professional, local hospital or the public health department for further instructions. If you have mild symptoms, you may be instructed to rest at home and treat your symptoms natural cures. People with more severe symptoms and those in higher-risk groups, like the elderly and the immuno-compromised, may be directed elsewhere to seek medical care. Once test kits become more available, you may be required to visit a place where you can get tested. Isolation for coronavirusIf you test positive for coronavirus, the first step will be to isolate you at home or in the hospital, said Benjamin. He added that infectious disease precautions will become “much more rigid than in self-quarantine.” Medical staff looking after you will require more protective gear. While in isolation, you need to wear a mask when leaving your room or traveling from home to a medical facility so you don’t spread droplets that might contain the virus. Coronavirus and quarantinesQuarantines are necessary when under state or federal law, individuals or groups are on lockdown. To illustrate, passengers from cruise ships where other passengers were infected with coronavirus and other travelers who didn’t experience symptoms were told to stay at military bases for 14 days to see if they developed the disease. While America hasn’t closed off entire towns or cities since the 1918-1919 Spanish flu, the federal government and the states have the power to do so. Preventing infections with social distancingSocial distancing covers a broad category. It involves preventive practices such as:
Businesses can also practice social distancing by staggering work hours or letting employees work from home. On the other hand, governments can do it by ordering schools to close. Sporting events may be canceled, while concert halls, museums and theaters where large groups of people gather can temporarily close their doors. (Related: Social distancing and early testing could have PREVENTED 95% of all coronavirus cases in China.) Christopher Mores, a professor in the department of global health at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, advised that with social distancing, it’s important to be aware of how closely you interact with others on a regular day. Mores added that social distancing should teach the public how to effectively “break the lines of transmission” during a pandemic. Why these strategies are crucial even if you’re not sickIt may seem like the individual risk is low while the inconvenience of some measures is high, but taking these precautionary measures will benefit everyone in the end, explained Sharfstein. Even if you don’t get infected, you can still pass the infection to your family, officemates or even fellow commuters on the subway. The people you could infect may then require hospitalization, which could easily overwhelm hospital staff already caring for newborns, those with cancer or the survivors of car accidents. Sharfstein concluded that even if the coronavirus pandemic isn’t a threat to healthy individuals, not doing your part can make the disease “a threat to the community.” Stay at home, wash your hands regularly, and remain calm. You can get through a pandemic if you stay informed and practice strategies like social distancing. Sources include: |
![]() The Lessons We Have Learned From The Coronavirus So Far…by Tyler Durden 14February2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/lessons-we-have-learned-coronavirus-so-far Authored by Brandon Smith via Alt-Market.com, Every disaster contains a lesson or a message that needs to be examined. Every tragedy, no matter how terrible, should be absorbed into the public consciousness and adopted as a cautionary tale; a part of our mythos. These events should not be cast into the memory hole to make life less stressful, they need to be taken seriously. Otherwise, the damage done and the lives lost are all for nothing.
Refusing to examine the dark side of life and its dangers has become a staple of our society, to the point that it has given birth to a kind of religious cult. Naive optimism has become a virtue, a misplaced form of faith that encourages people to remain oblivious in the face of adversity. And the more precarious our system becomes, the more these people see unicorns and rainbows. It is truly bizarre. Some of us understand the mechanics of our economic, political and social machine and recognize that they are broken. The system cannot be fixed because it has been corrupted by people with evil intent (globalists); it is designed to fail. The agenda? To crash almost everything and then replace it with a centralized behemoth, a global empire. The intent is to force the masses to accept this “new world order” using a false choice – We can have chaos and death, or “order” through total Orwellian control. Peace, sovereignty and freedom are not offered as choices. As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled ‘Hard Road To World Order’:
The answer offered to every disaster is always more centralization, even if centralization was part of the problem from the beginning. The coronavirus pandemic event will be no different. As was hinted at during Event 201, a coronavirus pandemic exercise run by Johns Hopkins, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum only three months before a REAL coronavirus outbreak took place in China, the goal will be to use the event to create a central economic authority to distribute resources to “counter the virus”. You see, the elites never let a good crisis go to waste. But this plan requires complicity and apathy among the public. It requires our consent in order to work. For if we continue to undermine and resist it the globalists will never feel safe and secure. Like a cancer, they will eventually have to be cut out and removed if the system is to ever be truly fixed. The pandemic might be an opportunity for the elites, but it is also a learning experience for the rest of us, and it might even bring some clarity to issues that have been hotly debated for several years. But what are some of these lessons? Lesson #1: The Prepper Movement Was Right All AlongOver the past decade I have seen some extremely odd responses to the prepper movement, including a lot of aggression and hostility not to mention numerous hit pieces and hatchet jobs in the media. What is it about individuals being prepared for a potential crisis that sends so many snowflakes into a meltdown? Why do they care? If you think that survivalism is all “conspiracy” and “doom and gloom” then why not ignore it like you ignore everything else? If preppers were wrong, then nothing happens, and all we did is spend some of our money on supplies that we will use anyway over time. No harm no foul. Yet, the mainstream acts as if the preparedness mindset is a criminal action that damages the rest of society. Of course, as we can see from the coronavirus event in China, preppers were right all along. Almost every single potential problem we have warned about and written about over the years is now plaguing the Chinese citizenry, and most of these problems could have been solved by prepared citizenry. Over 600 million people in China are now under lockdown; essentially martial law. Supply lines are dwindling in some areas, food is limited, medical treatment is nonexistent for many. The people in quarantine are completely dependent on the government for their survival and that same government has been systematically dragging people out of their homes and forcing them into makeshift “hospitals” (prisons) where they are almost certain to become infected. If ever there was a scenario where prepping was called for, this is it. I can’t recall how many times I’ve heard people argue that prepping is “pointless” and that all our concerns over a crisis event are “overblown”, but we are now facing a pandemic in modern times, not to mention possible economic collapse. The only argument these people can make now is that the virus “won’t spread to the West”, but that is an assumption based on blind faith rather than science or logic. And even if it ends up being correct, what does it hurt to prepare anyway? Lesson #2: Supply Lines Will Be Damaged Or RestrictedAs noted above, preparedness is the first step to solving most problems, because most crisis events tend to result in similar consequences. In China, food and other goods are being rationed and supply lines in some areas are shut down completely. The only option is to have what you need BEFORE a breakdown occurs. In the US, retailers are dependent on highly coordinated “just in time” freight networks that supply only what a store needs for normal shopping traffic for the week. In the wake of a calamity, stores will empty in a matter of a couple days. If freight lines are slowed down or cut off because travel is restricted due to viral outbreak, then what you have in your home is basically all you will have until the restrictions are lifted. After studying the history of plagues and pandemics, I would conclude that the average viral event will last at least 1 year, sometimes longer. The Spanish Flu of 1918 did not burn out in the US for two years. Anyone who claims the coronavirus will be gone in a matter of a couple of months is probably lying, or is making ignorant assumptions. Prepare for the long haul if the pandemic hits US shores hard. Lesson #3: Never Trust GovernmentAll governments lie. They will claim they do this to “protect us from ourselves” and to “avoid panic”, but politicians and elites do not care about this. They do not lie to protect society, they lie to maintain power and control, and sometimes, they lie because they want to keep the public docile and vulnerable. For, the more inactive and vulnerable we are, the more dependent we will all be on them when disaster strikes. The viral outbreak in China has thoroughly illustrated why governments cannot be trusted. China has consistently lied about the infection and death rate surrounding the coronavirus. Numerous health officials in China have leaked information indicating the threat is FAR larger than the government admits. Some of these brave people been punished or have died in the process of trying to warn the rest of the world. Currently, China is claiming a minimal and slowing infection rate, but on the Japanese cruise ship Diamond Princess, we have a large scale example of the coronavirus in action. The 3700 passengers of the Diamond Princess are being slowly tested for the virus, and authorities have found at least 175 people infected out of 490 tested so far. That’s an infection rate of at least 35%! Some people may argue that a cruise ship is close quarters and so the infection rate would be higher, but your average Chinese city is also very close quarters. The data coming from the Diamond Princess suggests that the Chinese are lying extensively about the scale of the outbreak. With hospitals completely overwhelmed by a 30% to 35% infection rate, the quality of care would collapse and many people would die. The Chinese government has resorted to censorship and threats in order to keep the citizenry quiet. This includes punishing people who are accused of “posting rumors” about the true extent of the damage caused by the virus and the threats have been specifically directed at medical staff that are the closest witnesses to the outbreak. The overall purpose of the lockdown appears to be an attempt to suppress the real infection rate and death rate. The mass quarantine itself allows the government to streamline the cover-up; they can more easily imprison the sick and then dispose of their bodies with less public observation, and they never have to report the real death statistics. If the government has nothing to hide, then why try to restrict all information coming from professionals on the ground? They claim they want “transparency” after the debacle that was their response to the SARS outbreak in 2003, but obviously this is not true. Do not think for one second that this would not happen here in the US or in Europe either. We have already heard Donald Trump dismiss the virus threat on multiple occasions, and if it does strike here, do not be surprised if Trump’s response is as draconian as China’s. To understand why, read my article ‘Trump Cannot Be Anti-Globalist While Working With Global Elites’. Lesson #4: Expect The Virus To Eventually Arrive In Your CountryIn the US, the argument from the apathetic crowd is that we only have 12 cases, so what is there to worry about? I would remind those folks that the ONLY people that have actually been tested for coronavirus in the US are people that have arrived specifically from China in the past few weeks, who are showing symptoms and who voluntarily bring up this fact to health officials. This means that people who come from Singapore, Thailand or any other nation in Asia that has also been exposed to the virus have likely not been tested at all. With a dormancy period of two weeks (and according to some studies up to 24 DAYS), the coronavirus has no symptoms yet it can still be highly contagious. I would also point out that hospitals nationwide have been given a very limited supply of coronavirus tests (only 200 tests nationwide), some of which have been proven faulty, so, if the outbreak becomes prominent, they won’t be able to give an accurate number of infection cases anyway. We are in the early stages of this pandemic. I definitely would not give the all clear yet. Unless the US government plans to shut down ALL flights into the US right now, there is no way to prevent the outbreak from coming here in the long run. Lesson #5: Enforced Quarantine Is Not Necessarily For Your BenefitAs I noted in my article ‘How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda’, there are many times in which the establishment creates crisis events deliberately, or, they exploit natural crisis events to further their agenda. In the midst of a viral outbreak, most people given the proper information and warning would prepare. They would stock supplies and self isolate (or group isolate if they are organized) until the infection burns out. But this is not what the establishment wants. They do not want people who are independent and self reliant during a disaster; they want people that are completely unprepared and dependent. This is why they will continue to lie about the extent of the danger until it is too late. This is why it took the UN’s World Health Organization at least two months of the coronavirus spreading through China before they finally admitted there might be a crisis in the making. And, this why forced quarantine will be used to push people out of their homes and into centralized areas where they will be more susceptible to infection, not less. Take the example in China to heart, because it may be exactly what we face in the near future. The point being – If you and your neighborhood or community already have a plan in place to survive an outbreak, do not allow government to interfere with it, because your chances of getting sick or dead grow with every moment of government involvement. Remember, these are the same people that tried to keep you in the dark about the danger; they are not to be relied upon or cooperated with. Lesson #6: Expect Martial LawIf a viral outbreak spreads through the west, do not be surprised if martial law measures are implemented. If you live in a major city and you see or hear about checkpoints being set up, get out immediately. As we’ve seen in China, once the walls are put up you will not be able to get out. Rural areas are less likely to be effectively locked down by authorities because it would require too many personnel to achieve this. Major population centers on the other hand will be easily cut off. There is a question here of how to respond. Should Americans go along with martial law? Would it be for the “greater good”? I am highly skeptical. Like I said, all governments lie and they lie to control, not to help. If martial law measures are interfering with an effective quarantine that individuals or communities have already put in place, and if the government is putting you at risk, then you might have to fight back. At least in the US we have the means to do this if necessary. You will not be seeing many people dragged from their homes as easily as they are in China right now. Frankly, if I was a CDC or FEMA employee trying to force people into centralized quarantine I would fear for my life as last I checked those hazmat suits are not bullet proof. Hopefully, we will get lucky, this will not be the case and the coronavirus stays primarily overseas. If it doesn’t, though, then expect that everything that is happening in China today will happen here tomorrow. |
This article is all over the media. How The Pandemic Crisis Will Probably Develop Over The Next Year04 March 2020 Brandon Smith http://alt-market.com/index.php/articles/4133-how-the-pandemic-crisis-will-probably-develop-over-the-next-year
For a while now I have been hearing it said that Americans are “in a panic” over the coronavirus outbreak in the US, and that mainstream media outlets are “feeding the fear”. This is an odd conclusion to come to and something worth noting, because the truth is mostly the opposite. For the past couple of months the WHO, the CDC and even Donald Trump have been dismissing Covid 19 as nothing much to worry about. The WHO actually still refuses to call it a pandemic even though the virus meets all of their own criteria. Until recently the mainstream media was also been pumping out article after article on why Covid 19 is “no more dangerous than the flu”. With the official death rate at 2.3% to 3% (changing by the week), the virus already has higher mortality than the average flu. If we take into account the fact that multiple medical professionals within China have revealed (despite threats of punishment) that the Chinese government is hiding the true (and much higher) death and infection statistics, then the official data goes out the window. We can’t even trust the infection numbers from the CDC in the US, because they been refusing to test most people unless they have recently traveled to China. Because of government lies we have to assume that the crisis is more pervasive than we know. And so far the average American is oblivious to it. While we do see a handful of videos of crowds stockpiling supplies at Costco or Walmart, there simple is not enough of them. Frankly, I would prefer to see a nationwide rush to stock up on necessities; at least then we would know that a large number of people will not starve immediately following a supply chain disruption. The more people that have supplies, the less desperation and potential crime there will be. Only in the past week have the media and certain government representatives suddenly decided to take the pandemic issue seriously. Why wait until there are large community outbreaks in South Korea, Iran and Italy before instituting some travel guidelines? Why are flights still moving back and forth from these places to the US? Why is Trump’s economic adviser Larry Kudlow telling the country that the pandemic “is contained” and there’s no threat to the economy? Why is the Surgeon General of the US telling people to ‘Stop buying N95 masks’ because they will not work for you; they only work for medical and CDC professionals? This is warped fuzzy logic, and it’s bizarre. I believe this behavior is quite deliberate, and that for the past two months there has been a conspiracy to downplay the danger and keep as many people as possible passive and unprepared. Governments and the media have changed their tune in the past week because the threat can no longer be hidden. The outbreak is here, as we have seen in Washington State where nine people have died already. So, now that there is no longer any question that the US will experience outbreak conditions, we have to ask how this will play out over the coming months because this will determine how we prepare and what problems we will face. This is how I see the pandemic escalating in 2020… Multiple Community Outbreaks In The US Get ready for Washington State to become a large community infection event involving thousands of people. The virus’ incubation period of up to 24 days while a person is still contagious makes isolation and quarantine impossible. What is happening in Washington State will happen in other states. Going by the speed of the outbreaks in Italy and South Korea, it is likely that two weeks from now the American public will finally realize how bad the situation actually is. The government at this stage will demand “voluntary quarantine” of individuals who think they might have the virus. Testing will finally increase, though hospitals will have to test each person 2-3 times to get accurate results. Expect a lot of false negatives that end up ultimately as positives for the infection. The government, while admitting that the virus is spreading, will continue to downplay the threat to keep people as apathetic as they can. The authorities will clam that this was done “for the greater good” in order to avoid mass panic, but they don’t care about preventing “panic”, they care about control. The more desperate people are in the aftermath of a crisis the more likely they are to trade their freedoms for some semblance of security. Travel Lockdown Within the next two months we will probably see at least a handful of government enforced quarantines. Watch for checkpoints going up on main roads and highways testing for fever and symptoms, and if you live in a high population area it may be time to get out. The biggest threat may not be the virus but the subsequent economic crash as supply lines are cut off. I find most people are more driven by conscience than we often see displayed in movies and TV shows, but without organization and a move to become self sustainable, some people will inevitably turn to violence to get what they need. In the span of perhaps three months, the majority of airline flights out of the US will stop. All interstate travel will be restricted. If you need to go somewhere other than where you currently live, now would be the opportunity to do it. Vaccine Promises There will be hundreds of announcements by government officials and the media hinting that a vaccine is “right around the corner”. Don’t believe it. On average a vaccine takes 1 year to develop at minimum. That is the fastest it could be accomplished an this is under the best possible circumstances. Also, keep in mind that Covid-19 has many similarities to SARS, and the last time they tried to develop a vaccine for SARS it caused an “immunopathologic lung reaction” in test animals, meaning a negative reaction that can cause death. They also found the vaccine caused liver damage through hepatitis. I would not trust any vaccine or drug cocktail coming from the CDC and FEMA, especially if it is fast-tracked into existence. The only purpose to constantly injecting vaccine promises into the public consciousness would be to give people false hope and to make them docile as they sit inactive waiting for the authorities to save the day; as well as to keep stock markets from plunging too fast. The bottom line is, a vaccine can take up to ten years to produce, one year if there is a massive effort and mountains of money invested. There will be no legitimate vaccine in 2020. Election Disruption… … The Extent Of The Crash An economic crash is built into this event. There is no way around it, and I am not simply talking about stock markets, which are a meaningless trailing indicator. With supply chain and labor disruptions central banks can do nothing to intervene, and stimulus measures would be pointless except as a placebo for the masses. But how bad will it actually get? I am doubtful of total breakdown of government unless there is a larger scale rebellion against martial law measures. The system will remain somewhat functional, but constantly inadequate to help the public. The system’s only purpose will be to keep people inactive and in check as their prospects turn worse and worse. Agencies like FEMA and the CDC will attempt to herd the public into “treatment centers” and camps in the worst hit areas. Gun confiscation on the grounds of “national emergency” provisions will eventually be suggested as some people will resist. If you and your community have had success in self quarantine do not expect to be left alone. In fact, expect interference that will put you and your community at risk. Finally, a “solution” will be presented to the world by global institutions like the WHO and the IMF. As the globalists suggested in their “Event 201” pandemic exercise which simulated a coronavirus outbreak killing 65 million people and was staged TWO MONTHS before the real pandemic started, the great fix will be to form a global financial authority to manage the response. And thus we see the beginning of global governance… The solution to the problem is not more centralization, more globalization and more government power; the solution is decentralization and localized response. The solution is for people to be less dependent on the system and more self sufficient. And, the solution is self quarantine organized around a local model, not federal government enforcement. If these measures are not taken soon by individuals with foresight, the elites within the establishment will make this particular crisis into a hell on earth for everyone. |