Wuhan Coronavirus COVID-19 in China

Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV) epidemic news


What you can do to battle the epidemic of the Wuhan novel coronavirus (COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV)


By YD Bergman 06February2020 https://ravberland.com/breaking-prayer-to-be-saved-from-coronavirus/

The World Is Hanging By A Thread

This morning (Thursday) after finishing his morning learning schedule and immersing in the mikvah, Rebbi Eliezer Berland shlit”a said in a stern voice:

“There’s a terrible decree of world destruction by the Coronavirus.”

The Rav went on to explain that all of humanity including animals and plants are in danger of complete destruction.

And began quickly stating gematrias as to the spiritual cause of this terrible illness. Among others ben adam l’chaveiro the commandment which includes all interpersonal laws has the same numerical value as corona in Hebrew 363.

Open hearing this and seeing the look of concern on the Rabbi’s face, his attendant asked, “What should we do?”

Rav Berland answered:

“We will write a prayer and the decree will be cancelled. The prayer should be translated in all languages and read all over the world. With that the virus it will leave as quickly as it came leaving no trace behind.”


Here is the prayer:


Master of Universe, who can do anything!

Cure me and the whole world of the Coronavirus, because redemption is near.

And through this reveal to us the 50th gate of holiness, the secret of the ibbur, and may we begin from this day onward to be strong in keeping interpersonal commandments (i.e. being kind to others).

And by virtue of this may we witness miracles and wonders the likes of which haven’t been since the creation of the world. And may there be sweetening of judgments for the entire world, to all mankind, men women and children.

Please God! Please cure Coronavirus all over the world, as it says about Miriam the prophetess, “Lord, please, cure her, please.”

Please God! Who can do anything! Send a complete healing to the entire world! To all men, women, children, boys and girls, to all humanity wherever they may be, and to all the animals, birds, and creatures. All should be cured from this disease in the blink of an eye, and no trace of the disease should remain.

And all will merit fear of Heaven and fear of God, O Merciful and Compassionate Father.

Please God, please do with us miracles and wonders as you did with our forefathers by the exodus from Egypt. And now, take us and the entire world out from this disease, release us and save us from the Coronavirus that wants to eliminate all mortals.

We now regret all the sins that we did, and we honestly ask for forgiveness. And in the merit of our repentance, this cursed disease, that does not miss men, women, boys, girls, and animals, will be eliminated.

Please God, as quick as the illness came it will go away and disappear immediately, in the blink of an eye, and by this the soul of Messiah Ben David will be revealed.

Please God, grant us the merit to be included in the level of the saints and pure ones, and bless anew all the fruit and vegetation, that all will be healed in the blink of an eye, and we will see Messiah Ben David face to face.

Please God, who acts with greatness beyond comprehension, and does wonders without number. Please now perform also with us miracles and wonders beyond comprehension and let no trace of this cursed disease remain. And may the entire world be cured in the blink of an eye.

Because Hashem did all this in order for us to repent, it is all in order for us to direct our hearts to our Father in Heaven, and by that He will send blessings and success to all of our handiwork.

coronavirus prayer

coronavirus prayer

אנגלית קורונא


Master of Universe, who can do anything! Cure me and the whole world of the Coronavirus, because redemption is near. And through this reveal to us the 50th gate of holiness, the secret of the ibur, and may we begin from this day onward to be strong in keeping interpersonal commandments (i.e. being kind to others). And by virtue of this may we witness miracles and wonders the likes of which haven’t been since the creation of the world. And may there be sweetening of judgments for the entire world, to all mankind, men, women and children. Please Hashem! Please cure Coronavirus all over the world, as it says abut Miriam the prophetess, “Lord, please, cure her, please.“ Please Hashem! Who can do anything! Send a complete healing to the entire world! To all men, women, children, boys and girls, to all humanity wherever they may be, and to all the animals, birds, and creatures. All should be cured from this disease in the blink of an eye, and no trace of the disease should remain. And all will merit fear of Heaven and fear of Hashem, O Merciful and Compassionate Father. Please God, please do with us miracles and wonders as you did with our forefathers by the exodus from Egypt. And now, take us and the entire world out from this disease, release us and save us from the Coronavirus that wants to eliminate all mortals. We now regret all the sins that we did, and we honestly ask for forgiveness. And in the merit of our repentance, this cursed disease, that does not miss men, women, boys, girls and animals, will be eliminated. Please God, as quick as the illness came it will go away and disappear immediately, in the blink of an eye, and by this the soul of Messiah Ben David will be revealed. Please God, grant us the merit to be included in the level of the saints and pure ones, and bless anew all the fruit and vegetation, that all will be healed in the blink of an eye, and we will see Messiah Ben David face to face. Please God, who acts with greatness beyond comprehension, and does wonders without number. Please now perform also with us miracles and wonders beyond comprehension and let no trace of this cursed disease remain. And may the entire world be cured in the blink of an eye. Because Hashem did all this in order for us to repent, it is all in order for us to direct our hearts to our Father in Heaven, and by that He will send blessings and success to all of our handiwork.

Israel: 972-58-346-0009 US: 917-284-9657


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From Rabbi Lazer Brody – Emuna Beams:Protection from Coronavirus

09 February 2020 https://www.brodyhealth.com/2020/02/protection-from-coronavirus.html

The Solution to the Coronavirus!! יש פתרון לקורונה

06March2020 http://jewishinfographics.com/2020/03/05/the-solution-to-the-coronavirus-%d7%99%d7%a9-%d7%a4%d7%aa%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%9f-%d7%9c%d7%a7%d7%95%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%a0%d7%94/

Repentance, Prayer and Tzedakah – Teshuvah, Tefillah, Tzedakah תשובה, תפילה וצדק

The Solution to the Coronavirus!! יש פתרון לקורונה<br /> Repentance, Prayer and Tzedakah - Teshuvah, Tefillah, Tzedakah<br /> http://jewishinfographics.com/2020/03/05/the-solution-to-the-coronavirus-%d7%99%d7%a9-%d7%a4%d7%aa%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%9f-%d7%9c%d7%a7%d7%95%d7%a8%d7%95%d7%a0%d7%94/<br /> Please take upon yourself something for improvement in one of these 3 areas for the protection of Klal Yisrael – and share it with us in the comments below to inspire others!<br /> קחו על עצמכם קבלה קטנה באחד מ3- תחומים אלו להצלת כלל ישראל – ושתף איתנו בתגובות למטה

The Solution to the Coronavirus!! יש פתרון לקורונה

Repentance, Prayer and Tzedakah – Teshuvah, Tefillah, Tzedakah


Please take upon yourself something for improvement in one of these 3 areas for the protection of Klal Yisrael – and share it with us in the comments below to inspire others!

קחו על עצמכם קבלה קטנה באחד מ3- תחומים אלו להצלת כלל ישראל – ושתף איתנו בתגובות למטה

Please take upon yourself something for improvement in one of these 3 areas for the protection of Klal Yisrael – and share it with us in the comments below to inspire others!

קחו על עצמכם קבלה קטנה באחד מ3- תחומים אלו להצלת כלל ישראל – ושתף איתנו בתגובות למטה



MESSAGE FROM THE GADOL HADOR: Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s Instructions on How to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones

March 13, 2020 https://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/featured/1839688/message-from-the-gadol-hador-rav-chaim-kanievskys-instructions-on-how-to-protect-yourself-and-loved-ones.html


THE GADOL HADOR: Rav Chaim Kanievsky

THE GADOL HADOR: Rav Chaim Kanievsky


The following letter was written by Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita regarding protection from the Corona Pandemic. It was translated and annotated by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the 5TJT.com.

Rav Kanievsky’s words are in boldface. Rabbi Yair Hoffman’s additions are in italics and in plain type. Rabbi Hoffman’s additions are the background that is necessary to understand Rav Chaim’s words. May we all have yeshuos. YH


Adar 5780

Regarding the concern of transmission of the Corona Virus Pandemic

Everyone must be mechazek to refrain from Lashon Harah and rechilus as it states in Arachin 15b: [Why is a leper so different, that the Torah states: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling” (Vayikrah 13:46)? He (Rabbi Chaninah) answered: By speaking badly] he separated between a husband and wife and between one person and another; therefore he is punished with tzara’as, and the Torah says: “He shall dwell alone; outside of the camp shall be his dwelling.”

They must further strengthen themselves in the midah of humility and to be maavir al midosav (let things slide) as the pirush haRosh on the side of the page says explicitly in the end of Horios [14a],

The Gemorah there cites a debate between Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and the chachomim as to who is preferable – a Sinai, one who is extremely knowledgeable or an Okair Harim – One who uproots mountains, one who is extremely sharp.

The Gemara explains that this is not just theoretical. Rav Yosef was a Sinai; Rabba was one who uproots mountains. They sent a message from Bavel to Eretz Yisrael: Which takes precedence? They sent in response: Sinai is preferable, as the Master said: Everyone requires the owner of the wheat, i.e., one who is expert in the sources. And even so, Rav Yosef did not accept upon himself the appointment of head of the yeshiva. Rabba did accept it upon himself and he reigned for twenty-two years, and then Rav Yosef reigned. The Gemara relates that in all of those years that Rabba was in charge, Rav Yosef did not even call a bloodletter to his home. Rav Yosef did not assume even the slightest authority, in deference to Rabba.

The Rosh explains in the name of the Ramah that since Rav Yosef lowered himself and did not wish to lord over Rabbah, his humility protected both him and his household members that not any of them became ill all of those years that Rabbah ruled and even an expert bloodletter was not needed to be called to his home.

Whoever strengthens himself in these the merit will protect him and his family members that not one of them will be sick.

[Rav] Chaim Kanievsky

Rav Chaim Kanievsky instructions to protect yourself

Rav Chaim Kanievsky
instructions to protect yourself




Tzfat Chief Rabbi Leads Prayer at the Kotel for China’s Coronavirus Victims

David Israel
22 Shevat 5780 – 16February2020 https://www.jewishpress.com/news/global/china/tsfat-chief-rabbi-to-lead-prayer-at-the-kotel-for-chinas-coronavirus-victims/2020/02/16/

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu at the Kotel plaza, July 18, 2016. Photo Credit: Mendy Hechtman/FLASH90

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu at the Kotel plaza, July 18, 2016. Photo Credit: Mendy Hechtman/FLASH90

Thousands of Jews came to the Western Wall from across the country to pray for the good health of people in China at the behest of Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of the city of Tzfat and member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, in response to his call on Thursday night for faithful Jews to assemble at the Western Wall on Sunday, to “pray for the people of China who are in great distress.”

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תפילה להסרת המגיפה מסין ומכל העולם-Prayer for removing the plague from China and all over the world תפילת המונים – קורונה


Prayer on Sunday at the kotel on the residents of China.

Prayer on Sunday at the kotel on the residents of China.


February 13 ·

תפילה ביום א’ בכותל על תושבי סין

“טוֹב ה’ לַכֹּל וְרַחֲמָיו עַל כָּל מַעֲשָׂיו”. אנו נקראים להתפלל על תושבי סין שנמצאים במצוקה גדולה. עשרות אלפי אנשים נמצאים בבידוד. מיליונים בהסגר. חמישית מתושבי העולם בחרדה גדולה. על כל אחד ואחד מהם נאמר: “חביב אדם שנברא בצלם”.
אנו נקראים להתפלל על תושבי סין, אנו נקראים להתפלל על כל החולים במדינות האחרות. להתפלל על העולם. ביום ראשון (16-2) בשעה 4:30 בכותל המערבי נתפלל כולנו. ויהי רצון שה’ ישמע תפילתנו ויקיים בנו. “וְנִבְרְכוּ בְךָ כָּל מִשְׁפְּחֹת הָאֲדָמָה וּבְזַרְעֶךָ”. (בראשית כח יד).
Prayer on Sunday at the kotel on the residents of China.

“Good God to all his actions for all his actions”. we are called to pray for the residents of China who are in great distress. Tens of thousands of people are in solitary. Millions in quarantine. Fifth of the residents of the world with great anxiety. For each and every one of them is said: “Habib Man created in gaffes”.
We are called to pray for the residents of China, we are called to pray for all the sick in the other countries. Pray for the world. On Sunday (16-2) at 4:30 at the western wall we will all pray. May the Lord hear our prayers and support us. “I will support you all the land of the earth”. (Genesis hand power).
Prayer on Sunday at the kotel on the residents of China.

“Tens of thousands of people are in isolation, millions under quarantine,” the rabbi’s press release said. “One fifth of the world’s inhabitants experience great anxiety. About each and every one of them it was said: ‘Beloved is man for he was created in the image [of God]’ (Mishna Avot, 3:14).”

“We are called upon to pray for the people of China,” Rabbi Eliyahu’s message continued. “We are called upon to pray for all the sick in the other countries as well. Pray for the world.”

“On Sunday, February 16, at 4:30 PM, at the Western Wall, we will all pray,” the rabbi urged. “And may God hear our prayer and make true through us the verse ‘In thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed,’ (Genesis 28:14).”

Earlier on Thursday, Rabbi Eliahu posted an exceptionally moving message, saying, “There is a tradition held by the people of Israel, that one blessing draws another. And when there was an epidemic in the nation of Israel, King David taught us to thank and bless every favor we receive from God, and so the plague stopped (II Samuel 24). That gift which we received from King David, we want to pass on to the Chinese people.”

“King David taught us to bless with a song,” Rabbi Eliahu continued, and called on all creative people, “composers, musicians and singers to compose a gift song from Israel to the Chinese people. A song of partnership, of prayer, of blessing.”



Torah Tidbits #1361 p.26-Atzeret Tefilla At the Kotel For Coronavirus

Torah Tidbits #1361 p.26-Atzeret Tefilla At the Kotel For Coronavirus


מיליוני סינים מודים לישראל

הללו – הקרן לקידום ישראל בעולם
February 20 at 11:45 PM ·
בסין מגיבים בהתרגשות עצומה למחווה הישראלית. תפילה בכותל עבור החולים בנגיף הקורונה.
הרדיו הבינלאומי של סין סיקר את התגובות, מרגש בטירוף.
אל תפספסו!

Elizabeth Rimini

Millions of Chinese thank Israel for Prayers for China’s Coronavirus Victims



Sweetening Judgments

23February2020 http://shiratdevorah.blogspot.com/2020/02/sweetening-judgments.html

from the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

When the messengers who bring suffering are despatched, they are made to take an oath: that they will neither set out nor return except on such and such a day, at such and such a time, and only [carry out their mission] by using the designated means. However, repentance, prayer and charity have the power to nullify [the enactment of] this oath.

Reciting the Torah chapters concerning the Choshen, the Breastplate [Exodus 28:15-30; 39:8-21] is a tikkun [rectification] for harsh judgments.

A person who suffers affliction should give charity. This charity will be considered as if it were a fee paid to a judge for his services, which when accepted, nullifies the verdict’s validity. And through this his suffering will be alleviated.

When a person rebukes his friend for the right motives, he has a thread of loving-kindness drawn over him.

A person who does not accept rebuke will experience suffering.

To sweeten harsh judgments, recite Psalm 39 and Psalm 77.

When the nations have issued an evil decree against the Jews, Psalm 62 should be said.

A person can determine and understand his sins from the suffering which he experiences.

There are four things which abolish harsh decrees: Tzedakah [charity], crying out to G-d, changing one’s name and improving one’s conduct.

Crying out to G-d helps the individual only prior to the final decree.

A person’s accusers are beaten off by the study of Torah.

A final decree accompanied by an oath cannot be abolished, even for the sake of an entire community.

The effects of a decree against a person apply only in a specific place. He can save himself by changing his location.

A person should tell others of his anguish so that they will pray for mercy on his behalf.

Accepting suffering with love is like bringing a sacrifice.

A person who falls down while walking should see this as a sign of a downfall on a spiritual level. Falling down while walking sometimes serves to nullify a pronouncement of death which has been issued against the person.

A person who finds himself suffering from harsh judgment should make it a habit to gaze at the Heavens.

The Holy One exonerates the person who teaches righteousness to the wicked.

A man of truth receives G-d’s lovingkindness undisguised by judgments.

Trust in G-d sweetens judgment and draws down loving-kindness.

Through faith [emunah] it is possible to convince G-d to follow your will.

Approved by the World Health Organization from China: Coronavirus Quick Test | Chinese Fortune Cookie

Approved by the World Health Organization from China: Coronavirus Quick Test | Chinese Fortune Cookie


Pandemic Denialism Disease (PDD) SPREADING FAST


Coronavirus “Perfect Storm” Now Exists Thanks to Biosludge, Open Borders, Filthy Liberal Cities

24January2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-01-24-coronavirus-perfect-storm-biosludge-open-borders-liberal-cities.html

(Natural News) The horrendously bad decisions of human beings who hold power in government, media and industry have brought the human race to a “perfect storm” of conditions that will strongly contribute to the spread and fatalities of the coronavirus pandemic now threatening the world.

As I relate in an emergency podcast below, the following conditions are now converging into a worst case scenario when trying to stop a pandemic (or a best case scenario for the globalists trying to achieve depopulation):

#1) Open borders policies that allow infected people to walk right across the border into the United States, with no health screening whatsoever.

#2) Sanctuary city policies that protect infected illegals from being discovered or deported.

#3) The widespread practice of biosludge distribution onto food crops. “Biosludge” is the raw human sewage sludge that’s collected by every city in America, slightly dried to reduce water mass, then loaded onto trucks and dumped on nearby farm fields. It’s sold to farmers as “free fertilizer” because it’s rich in nitrogen. It also means that any coronavirus which makes its way into the sewage system will be distributed by U.S. cities onto farm fields, obviously contaminating food crops and multiplying the effects of the pandemic. (See the full documentary at Biosludged.com to learn about biosludge.)

#4) The now-legal practice in Washington State of liquefying dead human bodies and flushing them into the municipal sewage system, where they become biosludge to be spread on crops. This practice was just recently legalized in Washington, and it means the dead will be used to fertilize the food crops that are fed to the living. When people start dying from coronavirus, will they also be flushed into the sewage systems?

#5) The practice — now common in filthy liberal cities — of allowing people to openly defecate in the streets, with no repercussions or arrests. Since viruses often infect human feces and other body excretions, this likely means that coronavirus will be found in the raw human feces that gets washed into storm drains during rain storms. The storm drains in San Francisco, Seattle and other coastal cities empty directly into the ocean, where viruses are then washed onto the beaches of North America, infecting beach goers and mixing with aquatic ecosystems to produce even more potentially dangerous variants of infectious disease.

#6) The continued attacks on natural medicine and the censorship of sources like Natural News that can teach people how to avoid or overcome infections even when pharmaceutical medicines fail (or are completely out of supply).

#7) The compromised human immune system due to widespread vaccination practices that actually weaken, not strengthen, the veracity of the human immune response. People who routinely receive vaccinations such as flu shots are discovered to be more vulnerable to future infections. Widespread immunization practices across North America, Europe, Australia and other countries have created a highly vulnerable population that can be easily infected with coronavirus.

These factors now converge to create a perfect storm for the coronavirus outbreak, which is actually a weaponized, engineered biological weapon being unleashed against humanity in order to achieve depopulation.

It will very likely succeed, since humanity has been begging for self-destruction through all the practices detailed above.

Most notably, the highest fatalities from any such pandemic will occur in cities; especially cities where the homeless are more populous and filthy, unsanitary conditions exist. In other words, liberal cities.

Listen to my urgent podcast for more details:


Coronavirus “Perfect Storm” Now Exists Thanks to BIOSLUDGE, Open Borders



New Analysis Suggests COVID Spread ‘Virulently’ in Wuhan in Summer of 2019

British press looking at a 2018 proposal showing the US and Chinese scientists planned to create a brand new coronavirus at the Wuhan lab.

Posted by 6October2021 https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/10/new-analysis-suggests-covid-spread-virulently-in-wuhan-in-summer-of-2019/

The COVID-19 pandemic timeline may bet getting a significant adjustment after the publication of a new report.

According to cyber security analysts from Australia, laboratories in Wuhan, China, ordered a substantial number of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests and associated equipment in the second half of 2019. The purchases indicate that Covid-19 was “spreading virulently” in the area as early as the summer of 2019, months before the government officially reported the first case to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Data compiled by Internet 2.0, an Australian cyber security company, found that the Chinese government spent nearly twice the amount on PCR tests — used to detect certain viruses — in 2019, compared to the previous year. While China procured the PCR equipment for 36.7m yuan (£4.1mn) in 2018, it spent 67.7m yuan (£7.6m) in 2019.

The report also found that the total PCR procurement contracts rose from 89 in 2018 to 135 in 2019.

The “notable, significant and abnormal” increase in purchases was mainly from four institutions — the People’s Liberation Army [PLA] Airborne Army Hospital, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Wuhan University of Science and Technology, and the Hubei Province Districts Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The analysts assert that the data indicates Chinese authorities addressed a coronavirus outbreak earlier than ­December or an increased focus on virological and pandemic research in Wuhan laboratories.

“You can see across the trend that, starting in May and all the way through to December, you see a massive increase in PCR procurement data. Some of this may be benign but taken together it gives us a trend that comprehensively challenges the official narrative that the pandemic started in December,” Cybersecurity analyst Robert Potter, who recovered the data, told The Australian.

“It also shows there’s a significant amount of procurement from the government level, the PLA and the Centre for Disease Control, as well as sensitive laboratories that are in the Hubei province.”

Former director of U.S. National ­Intelligence John Ratcliffe also told the news outlet that the increased purchase of PCR equipment in Wuhan in 2019 is significant.

“I think there’s more than just smoke here, I think there’s fire from a whole bunch of different sources,” he said. “I think that would be ­another compelling piece of evidence, if you need more. I don’t need more.”

Tied to this information is a report I had touched on last month mentioning a surfaced 2018 grant proposal showing that Wuhan scientists planned to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into the Chinese bat populations. This proposal is now making its way through the British media, as The Telegraph article reviewing the project shows.

A genetics expert working with the World Health Organisation (WHO), who uncovered the plan after studying the proposals in detail, said that if Sars-CoV-2 had been produced in this way, it would explain why a close match has never been found in nature.

So far the closest naturally occurring virus to Sars-CoV-2 is a strain called Banal-52, which was reported from Laos last month and shares 96.8 per cent of the genome. Yet scientists expect a direct ancestor to be around a 99.98 per cent match – and none has been found so far.

The [US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] Darpa proposals, leaked to the pandemic origins analysis group Drastic, show the team had planned to take sequences from naturally occurring coronaviruses and use them to create a brand new sequence that was an average of all the strains.

The Daily Mail also reported the expert’s assessment of the proposal.

The WHO expert told The Telegraph that the process detailed in the application would create ‘a new virus sequence, not a 100 per cent match to anything.’

‘They would then synthesise the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural viruses.

‘Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it.

‘This creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new ‘backbone’ that didn’t exist in nature but is very, very similar as it’s the average of natural backbones,’ the expert said.

British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, the US-based organization, made the bid. His company has worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), researching bat coronaviruses.

The WHO source who provided the analysis for the UK Telegraph revealed that he had raised a lab leak issue with other scientists and had been warned not to go on the record with his concerns.



“Unknown” Viral Pneumonia Outbreak In China Has Hong Kong, Taiwan Worried About SARS

by Tyler Durden 02January2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/unknown-viral-pneumonia-outbreak-china-has-hong-kong-taiwan-worried-about-sars

Authored by Nicole Hao via The Epoch Times,

Hong Kong and Taiwan are on high alert following a notice from Chinese authorities on Dec. 31 that 27 people contracted an “unknown viral pneumonia in the central city of Wuhan.


Viral Pneumonia Outbreak In China-01January2020

Viral Pneumonia Outbreak In China-01January2020


With some netizens likening the epidemic to the deadly outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus that killed almost 800 people in 2002-2003 after being covered up by Chinese authorities, the Hong Kong and Taiwan government have called for faster genetic testing after Chinese authorities said they were yet to confirm the cause of the outbreak.

As China has the technology to identify viruses within 48 hours, the authority’s slow response has led many to be suspicious as to why the disease has yet to be identified.

Emergency Notice for New Outbreak

On Dec. 30, Wuhan city Health Commission released an “Emergency Notice About Unknown Pneumonia.” The notice said that several Wuhan hospitals had received pneumonia patients with similar symptoms and that no further details were available.

The notice was soon spread by Chinese netizens via different social media platforms. Although the government soon censored this information, the notice was broadly spread among overseas Chinese communities.

On Dec. 31, state-run media confirmed the outbreak but also did not have any information about the cause of the infections.

The report said patients’ symptoms included fever, having difficulty breathing and invasive lesions in both lungs. 27 people from Wuhan had fallen ill, with seven of them in serious condition.

Most of the patients were sellers at the Huanan Seafood Market located close to Hankou Railway Station in the city’s Jianghan district. That same market was linked to all SARS cases seen in Wuhan in 2003. The market is not limited to selling seafood, netizens said, but also sees various animals including cats, snakes, and marmots.

The notice added that hospitals were planning to release two of the 27 infected people in the next few days after some more treatment, while 18 other patients are in a stable condition.

The state-run People’s Daily reported on the afternoon of Dec. 31 that the initial investigating team didn’t find an obvious human-to-human transmission, and that so far, no medical staff have been infected.

“The cause of the disease is not clear,” the newspaper said on the popular social media platform Weibo, citing unnamed hospital officials.

“We cannot confirm it is what’s being spread online, that it is SARS virus. Other severe pneumonia is more likely.”

The Chinese National Health Commission, a cabinet-level executive department for sanitation and health, said it has sent a group of experts to Wuhan on Dec. 31 to lead more tests and another investigation.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong and Taiwan have stepped up border screening and hospitals are on alert.

Hong Kong

Every day, there are four trains that run between Hong Kong and Wuhan. As a result, the presence of the disease in Wuhan has Hongkongers worried.

David Hui Shu-cheong, a professor of respiratory medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, told local media on Dec. 31 that the critical situation of Wuhan’s viral pneumonia reminded him of what Hong Kong faced with SARS in 2003.

Hui pointed out that in 2003, one out of four SARS patients was in serious condition. He said mainland authorities should arrange virus tests as soon as possible. Meanwhile, people should wear a facial mask and wash their hands frequently if they plan to go to Wuhan, he added.

Yuen Kwok-yung, microbiology professor at Hong Kong University, tried to calm down the public after acknowledging that the outbreak had similarities to the 1997 outbreak of bird flu and the 2003 outbreak of SARS.

He said at a government-organized press conference on Dec. 31:

“Now in Hong Kong and the mainland, the protection is better than 2003 … So I think people shouldn’t panic but must be alert, must follow the instructions from Hong Kong’s Department of Health and Hospital Authority.”


Fears about the disease has been a topic of great concern in Taiwan. People are worried that with the Chinese New Year holiday on Jan. 25, there is a heightened risk that the virus may be spread by Taiwanese businessmen returning from China.

Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) organized a press conference on the afternoon of Dec. 31. Lo Yi-Chun, the CDC’s deputy director, gave a briefing on the situation and said the agency had sent an inquiry email to China requesting information.

Lo said that once the Wuhan side has confirmed the type of virus, the Taiwanese government will set up an emergency working team to coordinate departments reacting to possible infections.

On Jan. 2, Taiwan News reported that a 6-year-old child who arrived in Taiwan on Dec. 31 after passing through Wuhan has developed a fever and is being closely monitored. However, the child was allowed to go home as they had not been traveling in Wuhan and had not been in contact with animals.

Since the first SARS epidemic, no additional cases of the virus have been reported so far worldwide.

The virus was first discovered in China’s Guangdong province in 2002, after which it spread to Hong Kong and other cities. At least 1,755 Hongkongers became infected with the SARS virus, of which 299 died. In neighboring Taiwan, 307 people contracted the virus, of which 47 died.

Globally, a total of 8,096 people from 31 countries contracted SARS, including Singapore, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and the Philippines.

There is currently no cure for SARS.



Chinese Officials Confirm Latest Health Crisis Caused By SARS-Like Coronavirus

by Tyler Durden 09January2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/chinese-health-officials-confirm-latest-outbreak-caused-sars-coronavirus

With the pace of economic growth slowing, a restive Hong Kong, a devastating pig ebola plague and a newly aggressive America looking to counter its ambitions on the world stage, Beijing is already struggling with its fair share of domestic and geopolitical issues. The last thing it needs is another quintessentially east-asian public health crisis.

Headlines about a new pneumonia-like illness spreading through China have appeared in the Western press over the past week. Officials in the region, including in Hong Kong and Taiwan, have been fearful of the virus’s spread since Beijing delivered a notice warning about the virus on Dec. 31, when just 27 people were infected. As of Thursday, a little more than a week later, the number had risen to 59 – with seven in critical condition.


Thermoscan area sign at airport

Thermoscan area sign at airport


Now, it appears public health officials worst fears have been confirmed: Preliminary tests indicate the mysterious illness may be caused by a new coronavirus, according to lead scientist Xu Jianguo, who delivered the news to China’s official Xinhua news agency, according to the BBC.

Xu said he and his researchers found the “new type” of coronavirus by testing infected blood samples and throat swabs collected from 15 people.

Crucially, coronaviruses can be the cause of a wide range of illnesses, from common colds, to infections like the SARS virus that originated in China in 2002 and 2003 and ended up killing 700 people around the world.


Wuhan, China Map

Wuhan, China Map


Courtesy of the BBC

Beijing’s confirmation seems to affirm the WHO’s suspicion that a coronavirus could be to blame for the outbreak.

While identifying the virus type is a start for authorities, “further investigations” are still necessary, said Gauden Galea, The WHO representative for China. For example, pathology investigators still need to understand how the virus spreads.

So far, zero cases of human to human transmission have been confirmed, while the Wuhan cases are thought to have been caused through exposure to animals linked to a live seafood and animal market. Of note, no healthcare workers have fallen ill with the mystery virus.

Remember, the problem isn’t just that this virus is happening, it’s that it’s happening now, just before millions of Chinese travel to see family and friends during the Chinese New Year holiday.



Two Nasty Traits Of This Coronavirus, Typically Not Seen Together

by Tyler Durden 27January2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/two-nasty-traits-coronavirus-typically-not-seen-together

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk,

Dr. Dena Grayson, who has years of training developing Ebola treatments, shares her concerns about this coronavirus.


Novel Coronavirus: Carriers, no symptoms

Novel Coronavirus: Carriers, no symptoms


I compiled what follows from a Series of Thirteen Tweets by physician (MD) and scientist (PhD) Dr. Dena Grayson. Emphasis is mine.

  1. Dr. Dena Grayson: Having YEARS of experience developing an Ebola treatment, I was concerned about this Coronavirus Outbreak from the outset, because this coronavirus strain is very contagious, causes severe illness, and NO treatments or vaccines are available.
  2. Dr. Dena Grayson: Unlike H5N1 “bird flu” (which does not spread easily between people) or SARS (which was spread by only a handful of “super spreaders”), this coronavirus DOES appear to spread easily between people, even after making the jump from an animal (this is not common).
  3. Dr. Dena Grayson: In addition to being highly contagious, this novel coronavirus can cause a SEVERE infection that can kill even healthy people. It’s rare to see BOTH of these (bad) attributes in the same novel virus. Usually, it’s one or the other.
  4. Dr. Dena Grayson: One way experts judge how deadly a pathogen (virus, bacteria, etc) is by the “case-fatality rate,” which is the # of deaths / # infected people. It’s WAY too early to know what this is, because it takes time for patients to succumb to the infection.
  5. Dr. Dena Grayson: Thus far, the case-fatality rate appears to be ~4%…but its’ WAY too early to know what it really is, due to spotty reporting (both of deaths and cases), and because patients are still sick and could die tomorrow, next week, etc., even if no new infections occur.
  6. Dr. Dena Grayson: Per @CDCgov, “Early on, many of the patients in the outbreak in Wuhan, China reportedly had some link to a large seafood/animal market, suggesting animal-to-person spread.” Now, many newly diagnosed patients have NO connection to the market, supporting human-human spread = BAD
  7. Dr. Dena Grayson: @CDCgov I get asked: “How will I know if I have the coronavirus?” Answer: it’s very hard to tell, because the symptoms are similar to having influenza — anywhere on the spectrum from a very bad cold to severe pneumonia with respiratory compromise.
  8. Dr. Dena Grayson: @CDCgov Although there are no specific treatments (medicines to combat the coronavirus) or vaccines, excellent supportive care, such as IV fluids, intubation (on a “breathing machine”), can help support patients while their immune system battles (and hopefully, defeats) the infection.
  9. Dr. Dena Grayson: @CDCgov In an “outbreak,” local hospitals can get overwhelmed, and there aren’t enough hospital beds, staff, ventilators (breathing machines). This appears to be the case in Wuhan, where authorities are working to build a 1000-bed (mobile) hospital in JUST 10 DAYS. This is ALARMING.
  10. Dr. Dena Grayson: @CDCgov China has a history of not accurately reporting outbreaks, so it’s hard to know exactly what is happening, especially with no free press, internet, etc. China’s massive response is VERY telling and strongly suggests that the Coronavirus Outbreak is VERY bad, especially in Wuhan
  11. Dr. Dena Grayson: @CDCgov How can you protect yourself and others? 1: Avoid contact with people who are visibly ill (even loved ones) 2: Stay home if YOU are sick 3: Cover your nose/mouth with a tissue (not hand) when coughing/sneezing 4: Don’t touch your face (difficult) 5: Wash your hands frequently
  12. Dr. Dena Grayson: @CDCgov Right now, the risk appears low in the US, with only a few isolated cases. Unfortunately, I expect that this will change, as more cases arise here, especially with global travel and how readily this coronavirus appears to spread (via droplets in the air).
  13. Dr. Dena Grayson: @CDCgov I will continue to provide commentary about the emerging Coronavirus as news emerges over time. In this Tweet link , you will find links to excellent @who and @CDCgov websites that track the Coronavirus Outbreak.

Outright Lies by China Over Virus Death Total

In regards to point number 10, please note Relatives Wonder Why Pneumonia Deaths Not in Coronavirus Tally.

A 53-year-old fitness trainer died on Wednesday after checking into a hospital in Wuhan a little more than a week earlier, said his niece. His family had expected the death certificate to reflect the deadly coronavirus, because as his condition deteriorated, his doctors told his family he was suffering from an untreatable virus in his lungs.

Instead, it recorded “severe pneumonia” as the cause of death, she said. The relatives of two other people who died in separate hospitals in Wuhan this week also described similar situations, saying the causes of death had been given as “viral pneumonia.”

The relatives of all three said the deceased hadn’t been included in China’s official count of 41 deaths attributed to coronavirus.

The Beijing News, a newspaper, reported this week that many patients weren’t officially labeled as carrying the new virus, even though their doctors and nurses said they were.

ZeroHedge has more sweep it under the rug cases in his report This is How China is Hiding the True Number of Coronavirus Deaths.

Beijing Lockdown

Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 tweet Ominous signs. Forbidden City (major tourist attraction) is now closed, and tours in #Beijing are now cancelled.

Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 tweet Ominous signs. Forbidden City (major tourist attraction) is now closed, and tours in #Beijing are now cancelled.


Ominous signs. Forbidden City (major tourist attraction) is now closed, and tours in Beijing are now cancelled. I fear that Beijing soon may be locked down, joining at least 11 of cities in China with a collective 50+ million people.

Blocking the Roads

Dr Dena Again

Sick – even potentially critically ill – patients line the hallway. Such scenes only happen when a hospital is overwhelmed.

Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 video tweet: VIDEO from a hospital in Wuhan, China

Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 video tweet: VIDEO from a hospital in Wuhan, China



Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 video tweet: VIDEO from a hospital in Wuhan, China

Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 video tweet: VIDEO from a hospital in Wuhan, China



Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 video tweet: VIDEO from a hospital in Wuhan, China

Dr. Dena Grayson-26Jan2020 video tweet: VIDEO from a hospital in Wuhan, China

Message From Wuhan Nurse

Jobiel-tweet-25Jan2020 There is another video with translation, shit is crazy out there

Jobiel-tweet-25Jan2020 There is another video with translation, shit is crazy out there


“The front line is much scarier than reported on TV. Much worse. Doctors estimate 1000, are infected. The government told us to cure these people but we have no supplies. There is nothing we can do. We just watch people die. I cannot take this anymore. Do not trust the government. You are on your own.”


I cannot confirm the accuracy of that video. The stress does sound real. If the video is real, that nurse is going to be in serious trouble for the last statement even if her 100,000 count is fictional.

Chris Martenson’s Must See Video

Also, please check out Chris Martenson’s Must See Video on the Coronavirus

We now have two PhDs, Chris Martenson whom I know personally as a straight shooter, and Dena Grayson whom I strongly believe is a straight shooter, now sharing similar concerns.

Economic Impact

A friend asked how this might play out economically speaking.

How it will and how it might and will are very different questions.

  1. If the China videos I recently added to this post are accurate, this could be like the Spanish flu.
  2. Alternatively it could die out.
  3. It could also be “contained” to China or Asia.

Those are vastly different scenarios.

Here is one setup on the Economic Impact of the 2003 SARS Outbreak.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick with SARS during the 2003 outbreak. Of these, 774 died.

I cannot begin to calculate the Spanish Flu scenario.

“The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet’s population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.”

That is extremely unlikely for many reasons including more knowledge of how viruses spread, better health care procedures, etc, but it is in the realm of possibilities.

Five Point Addendum

  1. Don’t confuse highly unlikely with impossible
  2. Don’t confuse possible with likely
  3. The odds of a fast mutating virus are not zero
  4. The odds of a mutation that results in very long incubation period are not zero
  5. Those who claim “impossible” understand neither viruses or math.

Expect a lot of “I told you so” comments from those in group 5.


Is History repeating itself?



BREAKING: W.H.O. Declares Global Coronavirus Pandemic as Person-to-Person Transmission Confirmed in USA

30January2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-01-30-w-h-o-declares-global-pandemic-coronavirus.html

(Natural News) The World Health Organization has now declared the coronavirus to be a global pandemic, after person-to-person transmission has been confirmed in the United States and other countries. This spreading of the pandemic across multiple countries qualifies it for global pandemic status.

The American people remain oblivious to the pandemic, as the fake news media has been downplaying the severity of the outbreak for days. Even many people in the independent media seem to lack any real understanding of how pandemics spread, and they don’t yet understand the mathematical models of exponential infections.

“The first case of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus in the U.S. has been confirmed in Chicago, according to state and federal health officials, as governments and corporations around the world are scrambling to limit the damage from the fast-spreading virus,” reported the Wall Street Journal minutes ago.

The WSJ notes that the coronavirus pandemic has spread to 15 other countries, with human-to-human transmission also confirmed outside both the USA and China.

The World Health Organization just concluded an emergency meeting in which a full global pandemic was declared.

This decision is actually a good thing, as it may give nations like the United States the political cover they need to block all flights from China — arguably the only way that further spread can be halted.

Given the “stealth” nature of the coronavirus and the fact that it can be spread by symptomless carriers who don’t even know they’re infecting others, isolation is the only answer to stopping the exponential spread of the pandemic. That means President Trump has a very short window of opportunity to order the halting of all flights from China, or risk further expansion of the pandemic in the United States.

This is a rare case where we agree with the WHO’s decision to declare a global pandemic. It’s the right thing to do, and it may allow governments to start enacting enhanced quarantines and isolation procedures that seem to be the only way to stop this.


Stopping the Coronavirus PANDEMIC will require shutting down society


COVID-19 3rd March Tuesday

Dr. John Campbell 03March2020


COVID-19 Immunity and social distancing

Dr. John Campbell 04March2020


Vital Global Information Please watch

Dr. John Campbell 13March2020



Quarantine isn’t enough: Wuhan coronavirus R0 is so high that even the most draconian lockdown measures can’t contain it

18February2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-18-wuhan-coronavirus-r0-so-high-lockdown-cant-contain-it.html

(Natural News) The latest basic reproductive number (R0) estimates for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) suggest that this thing is a whole lot more infectious than initially believed. It’s become so serious, in fact, that even communist China’s implementation of medical martial law is reportedly unable to contain it.

Some of the latest science into the outbreak reveals the number of people being infected by the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) is doubling every 2.4 days, with an R0 of between 4.7 and 6.6. If this is accurate, things are about to get a whole lot worse before they ever have the chance to get better.

A paper published in the journal medRxiv, which is associated with the British Medical Journal, suggests that quarantine and contract tracing alone “may not be effective” to fully contain the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), and that “early, strong control measures are needed.”

What these early, strong control measures might entail isn’t fully spelled out in this paper, though it does make mention of how the full closure of Wuhan changed the dynamics of other surrounding areas that have had to worry slightly less about the import of new cases.

Further, the paper estimates that the growth rate of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) has decreased from 0.29 per day to about 0.14 per day since January 30. Based on the paper’s calculations, this decreases the disease’s R0 from an earlier range of between 4.7 to 6.6, to 2.3 to 3.0.

Again, these are merely estimates, and as we’ve seen in recent days, the numbers are constantly changing. But the point is that, even with the most draconian of containment measures, the infection rate is still alarmingly high and there’s really no stopping this virus until it eventually runs its course.

Part of the problem is that the Wuhan coronavirus appears to be able to infect others even while still in incubation, meaning infected patients transmitting it to others aren’t necessarily even showing symptoms themselves. Listen below as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses this on an episode of The Health Ranger Report. (Hear more daily podcasts at Brighteon.com/channel/hrreport )

China doesn’t count SYMPTOMLESS carriers as being INFECTED

Don’t be fooled: The Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) outbreak is only just getting started

Despite this estimated decrease in its R0, the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) is “still rapidly growing,” according to the paper, and has spread to more than 20 different countries as of February 5. And how it will spread in these other countries in the coming days “remains to be seen.”

In other words, just because the rate of growth appears to be slowing in Wuhan doesn’t mean that the same is true everywhere else. Chances are there will be spikes in cases that begin to emerge well outside of China as the first few cases balloon into a few more cases, which in turn skyrocket, potentially.

Even with a lowered R0, of let’s say 3.0, this still means that the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) will spread to three additional people for every one person it infects, which means exponential growth. Unless its R0 can be brought down to zero or below, the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) is only just getting started, so don’t let your guard down quite yet.

The jury is also out as to how deadly the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) really is, with the official numbers not necessarily matching what’s actually happening.

“If the value of R0 is as high in other countries, our results suggest that active and strong population-wide social distancing efforts, such as closing down transportation system(s), schools, discouraging travel, etc., might be needed to reduce the overall contacts to contain the spread of the virus,” the paper concludes.

More coronavirus news is available at Outbreak.news.

You can also catch other episodes of the H.R. Report at Brighteon.com.

Sources for this article include:






Chinese Coronavirus Patient Reinfected 10 Days After Leaving Hospital

by Tyler Durden 21February2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/chinese-coronavirus-patient-reinfected-10-days-after-leaving-hospital


As we first reported on Monday, shortly after the US decided to break the quarantine surrounding the Diamond Princess cruise ship which had emerged as the single-biggest locus of coronavirus cases outside of China, hundreds of weary, homesick Americans were on their way home. And as more than a dozen buses sat on the tarmac at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport with 328 Americans wearing surgical masks and gloves inside, awaiting anxiously to fly home after weeks in quarantine aboard the Diamond Princess, U.S. officials wrestled with troubling news: new test results showed that 14 passengers were infected with the virus. The problem: the U.S. State Department had promised that no one with the infection would be allowed to board the planes.


A decision had to be made. Let them all fly? Or leave them behind in Japanese hospitals? At this point, according to the Washington Post, a fierce debate broke out in Washington, where it was still Sunday afternoon: The State Department and a top Trump administration health official wanted to forge ahead. The infected passengers had no symptoms and could be segregated on the plane in a plastic-lined enclosure (something we mocked on Monday when we said we can only hope that “plastic divider” was enough to keep the virus confined to its own class aboard the aircraft.”). At this point, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention disagreed, contending they could still spread the virus. The CDC believed the 14 should not be flown back with uninfected passengers.


“It was like the worst nightmare,” said a senior U.S. official involved in the decision, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. “Quite frankly, the alternative could have been pulling grandma out in the pouring rain, and that would have been bad, too.”


In the end, the State Department won the argument. But unhappy CDC officials demanded to be left out of the news release that explained that infected people were being flown back to the United States — a move that would nearly double the number of known coronavirus cases in this country.


In retrospect, the CDC will soon be proven correct in its dire warning that repatriating a full plane of both infected and healthy individuals could be a catastrophic error, because it now appears that not only can the virus remain latent for as long as 42 days, 4 weeks longer than traditionally assumed, resulting in numerous false negative cases as infected carrier slip across borders undetected, but far more ominously, it now appears that the diseases can re-infect recently “cured” patients, because as Taiwan News reports, a Chinese patient who just recovered from the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has been infected for the second time in the province of Sichuan, according to local health officials.


On Wednesday (Feb. 19), the People’s Daily reported that a man in Sichuan’s capital Chengdu had tested positive for the virus during a regular check-up just ten days after being discharged from the hospital. The report said he had previously been cleared of the virus by medical staff.


The Sichuan Health Commission confirmed the news on Friday (Feb. 21) and issued a community warning announcement in the patient’s neighborhood. The announcement said that the man and his family had been transported to a nearby health facility on Thursday morning (Feb. 20) and that health officials had sanitized the entire community, reported Liberty Times.


According to ETtoday, the patient and his family had been under home quarantine and had not left the house since Feb. 10. The authorities are still investigating the cause of the reinfection.


The news has stirred up heated reactions from Chinese netizens. Some suspect that the hospital discharged the man before he was fully recovered, and many have expressed concern about the worsening epidemic.


Several doctors from Wuhan, the epicenter of COVID-19, said last week that it is possible for recovered patients to contract the virus a second time. They warned that a recurring infection could be even more damaging to a patient’s body and that the tests are susceptible to false negatives.


Needless to say, with the US now repatriating over a dozen coronavirus-infected individuals, it will be absolutely critical to keep a close eye on any deemed healthy or cured, because it now appears that not only can the virus stay latent for nearly a month longer than previously expected, but cured patients can also get reinfected.


And all of this is probably why, in a far more gloomier sounding press conference, today the CDC warned that:


In short, it’s only a matter of time before the pandemic, which is already “contained” in nearly 30 cases in the US as of this moment, becomes uncontained, and the exponential chart of cases away from China, includes the US in it.



Hubei Doctors Warn Of Even-Deadlier Coronavirus Reinfection Causing Sudden Heart Attacks

by Tyler Durden 16February2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/hubei-doctors-warn-even-deadlier-coronavirus-reinfection-causing-sudden-heart-attacks

Doctors working on the front lines of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak have told the Taiwan Times that it’s possible to become reinfected by the virus, leading to death from sudden heart failure in some cases.


corona virus

corona virus


It’s highly possible to get infected a second time. A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesn’t help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure,” reads a message forwarded to Taiwan News from a relative of one of the doctors living in the United Kingdom.

The source also said the virus has “outsmarted all of us,” as it can hide symptoms for up to 24 days. This assertion has been made independently elsewhere, with Chinese pulmonologist Zhong Nanshan (鍾南山) saying the average incubation period is three days, but it can take as little as one day and up to 24 days to develop symptoms.


Also, the source said that false negative tests for the virus are fairly common. “It can fool the test kit – there were cases that they found, the CT scan shows both lungs are fully infected but the test came back negative four times. The fifth test came back positive.” –Taiwan Times

Notably, one of the ways coronaviruses cripple the immune system is via an HIV-like attachment to white blood cells, which triggers a ‘cytokine storm‘ – a term popularized during the avian H5N1 influenza outbreak – in which an uncontrolled release of inflammatory ‘cytokines’ target various organs, often leading to failure and in many cases death.

The cytokine storm is best exemplified by severe lung infections, in which local inflammation spills over into the systemic circulation, producing systemic sepsis, as defined by persistent hypotension, hyper- or hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, and often thrombocytopenia.

In addition to lung infections, the cytokine storm is a consequence of severe infections in the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, central nervous system, skin, joint spaces, and other sites. (Tisoncik, et. al, Into the Eye of the Cytokine Storm)(2012)

According to the 2012 study, “Cytokine storms are associated with a wide variety of infectious and noninfectious diseases and have even been the unfortunate consequence of attempts at therapeutic intervention.”

How do coronaviruses enter the body?

With SARS (sudden acute respiratory syndrome), another coronavirus, researchers discovered that one of the ways the disease attaches itself is through an enzyme known as ACE2, a ‘functional receptor’ produced in several organs (oral and nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, lung, stomach, small intestine, colon, skin, lymph nodes, thymus, bone marrow, spleen, liver, kidney, and brain).

ACE2 is also “abundantly present in humans in the epithelia of the lung and small intestine, which might provide possible routes of entry for the SARS-CoV,” while it was also observed “in arterial and venous endothelial cells and arterial smooth muscle cells” – which would include the heart.

This has led some to speculate that Asians, who have higher concentrations of ACE2 (per the 1000 genome project) may be affected to a greater degree than those of European ancestry, who produce the least of it – and have largely been the asymptomatic ‘super spreaders‘ such as Diamond Princess coronavirus victim Rebecca Frasure.

And so while more research on COVID-19 is urgently needed – we know that coronavirus can target ACE2 receptors, which are found in the cardiovascuar system. And we have seen evidence of both sudden collapses and neurological damage from footage pouring out of Wuhan, China.

If the virus can reinfect patients and cause cytokine storms and sudden death – possibly exacerbated by therapeutic intervention – treating the coronavirus which CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield says will become widespread throughout the United States ‘this year or next,’ it is vitally important to understand exactly how COVID-19 works, and how to treat it. That would require cooperation from China and a CDC team on the ground in the epicenter. For some unknown reason, however, China still refuses to grant US scientists access to ground zero.



A Beijing Hospital Confirms Covid-19 Attacks Central Nervous System

by Tyler Durden 04March2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/health/beijing-hospital-confirms-covid-19-attacks-central-nervous-system
Via CNTechPost.com,

Beijing Ditan Hospital affiliated to the Capital Medical University said on March 4 that the first patient with novel coronavirus pneumonia complicated with encephalitis was discharged from the hospital on February 25.

corona virus

corona virus

Liu Jingyuan, director of the ICU at the Hospital, presided over the treatment of the patient. He reminded that patients with conscious disturbances must consider the possibility that the virus may attack the central nervous system.

At present, patients with new type of coronavirus pneumonia can be combined with multiple organ damages such as severe respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), myocardial damage, abnormal coagulation function, kidney damage, liver damage, etc. However, no central nervous system involvement has been reported. The case report is the first in the world.

Previous studies on SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) have also shown that the coronaviruses that cause these two diseases also cause cases of central nervous system damage

coronavirus pneumonia complicated with encephalitis-231

coronavirus pneumonia complicated with encephalitis-231


According to the introduction of Beijing Ditan Hospital, two suspected cases of new-type coronavirus pneumonia have been treated since January 12 this year (confirmed on January 20). As of 7:00 on March 4, the hospital has accumulatively received 150 patients with new-type coronavirus pneumonia, of which the above patient is the only patient with new type of coronavirus pneumonia and encephalitis.

The 56-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital on January 24 with new coronavirus pneumonia, critical illness, and respiratory failure. After admission, he was given a combination of interferon nebulization, antiviral treatment, prevention of bacterial infection, and TCM syndrome differentiation. No improvement, high fever, fatigue, and dyspnea gradually increased.

On January 27 (10th day of onset), a chest CT showed that the range of ground-glass density in both lungs was enlarged, and some of them were consolidating. Short-term nasal high-flow oxygen inhalation, no relief in breathing distress, irritability, breathing 50 breaths per minute, partial oxygen pressure of 85%, intubation in the ICU, mechanical ventilation in accordance with the principle of ARDS breathing ventilation.

After 96 hours of treatment (day 14 of the onset), the patient developed frequent twitching of the maxillofacial and mouth angles with persistent hiccups.

On examination, the doctor found positive neck resistance, bilateral pupils and other large contours, sluggish light reflection, increased limb muscle tension, bilateral knee reflexes, bilateral Pap sign and ankle clonus, and no intracranial CT scan. Abnormal, the cerebrospinal fluid pressure was greater than 330mmH2O, the appearance of the cerebrospinal fluid was colorless and clear, and the biochemical test was normal.

Beijing Ditan Hospital’s Department of Critical Medicine, Laboratory Medicine, and the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Infectious Diseases Joint Working Group performed metagenome second-generation sequencing of the collected cerebrospinal fluid specimens and identified possible infectious pathogens. Other pathogens were excluded and a new coronavirus was obtained. Genomic sequence.

Gene sequencing confirmed the existence of a new coronavirus in the cerebrospinal fluid and clinical diagnosis of viral encephalitis.

Subsequently, the medical staff treated the patients with viral encephalitis after 14 days of mechanical ventilation and mannitol to control intracranial pressure, midazolam to control convulsions, gamma globulin, and methylprednisolone anti-inflammatory treatment, and observed the patient’s lung disease imaging gradually. Improved, neurological symptoms disappeared.

On February 10 (day 24 of the onset of illness), the trachea was intubated and the nasal cannula was given oxygen after fully assessing the patient’s respiratory and neural function. On February 18 (the 32nd day after the onset of illness), he was transferred out of the intensive care unit and continued to receive treatment in the new coronavirus ward.

Liu Jingyuan reminded that in clinical observation, there were many cases of cervical resistance, positive pathological signs, sudden disturbance of consciousness and even coma.

He said that in the face of such patients, it is necessary to be vigilant to the new type of coronavirus infection that can affect the central nervous system, timely conduct relevant examinations such as cerebrospinal fluid, and improve the work on SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid and gene sequencing of cerebrospinal fluid in order to better understand COVID-19. Explore and actively deal with related neurological complications, thereby further reducing the mortality of critically ill patients.



Scientists Discover More Aggressive Strain Of Coronavirus Responsible For 70% Of Current Infections

by Tyler Durden 04March2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/scientists-discover-more-aggressive-strain-coronavirus-responsible-70-current-infections

Chinese scientists studying the new coronavirus have found two new primary strains of the disease – one of which appears to be far more aggressive.


The researchers, from Peking University’s School of Life Sciences, discovered a milder “S-type” strain, and an “L-type” which is highly infectious and currently accounts for around 70% of cases, according to The Telegraph. The researchers cautioned that their preliminary findings looked at a limited number of cases (103), and that follow-up studies with larger data sets are needed to better understand the virus’s evolution.

A genetic analysis of the coronavirus found in a man who tested positive in the United States on January 21 also showed that it’s possible to be infected with both strains.

two major strains identified

two major strains identified

Via the
Daily Mail

Coronavirus, which was first detected in December 2018 in Wuhan, China, has infected at least 94,000 people – officially, and killed more than 3,200 as of this writing.

And while there are now two major strains identified, scientist Trevor Bedford of Nextstrain has been tracking 161 strains of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) in patients across the globe.

Bedford writes in a March 2 blog post that “The novel coronavirus which is responsible for the emerging COVID-19 pandemic mutates at an average of about two mutations per month.

Balaji S. Srinivasan tweet-28feb2020 Visualize the virus radiating out from China, mutating as it spreads.

Balaji S. Srinivasan tweet-28feb2020 Visualize the virus radiating out from China, mutating as it spreads.


Here is his latest situation report, and thread on the virus which provides a detailed analysis of what mutations have been found, and where (click the tweet to jump into the thread):





Cryptic transmission of novel coronavirus revealed by genomic epidemiology

02 March2020 by Trevor Bedford https://bedford.io/blog/ncov-cryptic-transmission/

The field of genomic epidemiology focuses on using the genetic sequences of pathogens to understand patterns of transmission and spread. Viruses mutate very quickly and accumulate changes during the process of transmission from one infected individual to another. The novel coronavirus which is responsible for the emerging COVID-19 pandemic mutates at an average of about two mutations per month. After someone is exposed they will generally incubate the virus for ~5 days before symptoms develop and transmission occurs. Other research has shown that the “serial interval” of SARS-CoV-2 is ~7 days. You can think of a transmission chain as looking something like:


ncov transmission chain simple

ncov transmission chain simple



where, on average, we have 7 days from one infection to the next. As the virus transmits, it will mutate at this rate of two mutations per month. This means, that on average every other step in the transmission chain will have a mutation and so would look something like:



ncov transmission chain mutation

ncov transmission chain mutation


These mutations are generally really simple things. An ‘A’ might change to a ‘T’, or a ‘G’ to a ‘C’. This changes the genetic code of the virus, but it’s hard for a single letter change to do much to make the virus behave differently. However, with advances in technology, it’s become readily feasible to sequence the genome of the novel coronavirus. This works by taking a swab from someone’s nose and extracting the RNA in the sample and then determining the ‘letters’ of this RNA genome using chemistry and very powerful cameras. Each person’s coronavirus infection will yield a sequence of 30,000 ‘A’, ‘T’, ‘G’ or ‘C’ letters. We can use these sequences to reconstruct which infection is connected to which infection. As an example, if we sequenced three of these infections and found:


ncov transmission chain sequenced

ncov transmission chain sequenced


We could take the “genomes” ATTT, ATCT and GTCT and infer that the infection with sequence ATTT lead to the infection with sequence ATCT and this infection lead to the infection with sequence GTCT. This approach allows us learn about epidemiology and transmission in a completely novel way and can supplement more traditional contact tracing and case-based reporting.

For a few years now, we’ve been working on the Nextstrain software platform, which aims to make genomic epidemiology as rapid and as useful as possible. We had previously applied this to outbreaks like Ebola, Zika and seasonal flu. Owing to advances in technology and open data sharing, the genomes of 140 SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses have been shared from all over the world via gisaid.org. As these genomes are shared, we download them from GISAID and incorporate them into a global map as quickly as possible and have an always up-to-date view of the genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus at nextstrain.org/ncov.

The big picture looks like this at the moment:


ncov nextstrain 2020_03_01

ncov nextstrain 2020_03_01


where we can see the earliest infections in Wuhan, China in purple on the left side of the tree. All these genomes from Wuhan have a common ancestor in late Nov or early Dec, suggesting that this virus has emerged recently in the human population.

The first case in the USA was called “USA/WA1/2020”. This was from a traveller directly returning from Wuhan to Snohomish County on Jan 15, with a swab collected on Jan 19. This virus was rapidly sequenced by the US CDC Division of Viral Diseases and shared publicly on Jan 24 (huge props to the CDC for this). We can zoom into the tree to place WA1 among related viruses:


ncov nextstrain 2020_03_01 wa1

ncov nextstrain 2020_03_01 wa1


The virus has an identical genome to the virus Fujian/8/2020 sampled in Fujian on Jan 21, also labeled as a travel export from Wuhan, suggesting a close relationship between these two cases.

Last week the Seattle Flu Study started screening samples for COVID-19 as described here. Soon after starting screening we found a first positive in a sample from Snohomish County. The case was remarkable in that it was a “community case”, only the second recognized in the US, someone who had sought treatment for flu-like symptoms, been tested for flu and then sent home owing to mild disease. After this was diagnostically confirmed by Shoreline Public Health labs on Fri Feb 28 we were able to immediately get the sample USA/WA2/2020 on a sequencer and have a genome available on Sat Feb 29. The results were remarkable. The WA2 case was identical to WA1 except that it had three additional mutations.


ncov nextstrain 2020_03_01_wa2

ncov nextstrain 2020_03_01_wa2


This tree structure is consistent with WA2 being a direct descendent of WA1. If this virus arrived in Snohomish County in mid-January with the WA1 traveler from Wuhan and circulated locally for 5 weeks, we’d expect exactly this pattern, where the WA2 genome is a copy of the WA1 genome except it has some mutations that have arisen over the 5 weeks that separate them.

Again, this tree structure is consistent with a transmission chain leading from WA1 to WA2, but we wanted to assess the probability of this pattern arising by chance instead of direct transmission. Scientists often try to approach this situation by thinking of a “null model”, ie if it was coincidence, how likely of a coincidence was it? Here, WA1 and WA2 share the same genetic variant at site 18060 in the virus genome, but only 2/59 sequenced viruses from China possess this variant. Given this low frequency, we’d expect probability of WA2 randomly having the same genetic variant at 2/59 = 3%. To me, this not quite conclusive evidence, but still strong evidence that WA2 is a direct descendent of WA1.

Additional evidence for the relationship between these cases comes from location. The Seattle Flu Study had screened viruses from all over the greater Seattle area, however, we got the positive hit in Snohomish County with cases less than 15 miles apart. This by itself would only be suggestive, but combined with the genetic data, is firm evidence for continued transmission.

I’ve been referring to this scenario as “cryptic transmission”. This is a technical term meaning “undetected transmission”. Our best guess of a scenario looks something like:


ncov transmission chain wa1 wa2

ncov transmission chain wa1 wa2


We believe this may have occurred by the WA1 case having exposed someone else to the virus in the period between Jan 15 and Jan 19 before they were isolated. If this second case was mild or asymptomatic, contact tracing efforts by public health would have had difficulty detecting it. After this point, community spread occurred and was undetected due to the CDC narrow case definition that required direct travel to China or direct contact with a known case to even be considered for testing. This lack of testing was a critical error and allowed an outbreak in Snohomish County and surroundings to grow to a sizable problem before it was even detected.

Knowing that transmission was initiated on Jan 15 allows us to estimate the total number of infections that exist in this cluster today. Our preliminary analysis puts this at 570 with an 90% uncertainty interval of between 80 and 1500 infections.

Back on Feb 8, I tweeted this thought experiment:


ncov seeding

ncov seeding


We know that Wuhan went from an index case in ~Nov-Dec 2019 to several thousand cases by mid-Jan 2020, thus going from initial seeding event to widespread local transmission in the span of ~9-10 weeks. We now believe that the Seattle area seeding event was ~Jan 15 and we’re now ~7 weeks later. I expect Seattle now to look like Wuhan around ~1 Jan, when they were reporting the first clusters of patients with unexplained viral pneumonia. We are currently estimating ~600 infections in Seattle, this matches my phylodynamic estimate of the number of infections in Wuhan on Jan 1. Three weeks later, Wuhan had thousands of infections and was put on large-scale lock-down. However, these large-scale non-pharmaceutical interventions to create social distancing had a huge impact on the resulting epidemic. China averted many millions of infections through these intervention measures and cases there have declined substantially.


ncov hubei cases 2020 03 02

ncov hubei cases 2020 03 02


This suggests that this is controllable. We’re at a critical junction right now, but we can still mitigate this substantially.

Some ways to implement non-pharmaceutical interventions include:

  • Practicing social distancing, such as limiting attendance at events with large groups of people
  • Working from home, if your job and employer allows it
  • Staying home if you are feeling ill
  • Take your temperature daily, if you develop a fever, self-isolate and call your doctor
  • Implementing good hand washing practices – it is extremely important to wash hands regularly
  • Covering coughs and sneezes in your elbow or tissue
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs
  • Beginning some preparations in anticipation of social distancing or supply chain shortages, such as ensuring you have sufficient supplies of prescription medicines and ensuring you have about a 2 week supply of food and other necessary household goods.
  • With these preparation in mind, it is important to not panic buy. Panic buying unnecessarily increases strain on supply chains and can make it difficult to ensure that everyone is able to get supplies that they need.

For more information please see:




Two ‘Unusual’ COVID-19 Features Convincing Scientists It Was Man-Made

by Tyler Durden 01June2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/health/two-unusual-covid-19-features-convincing-scientists-it-was-man-made

Two unique features of SARS-CoV-2 are convincing a growing number of scientists that it was man-made, and not the result of natural evolution, according to the Daily Telegraph.


First, the virus binds more strongly to human ACE2 enzymes than any other species, including bats.

Second, SARS-CoV-2 has a “furin cleavage site” missing in its closes bat-coronavirus relative, RaTG-13, which makes it significantly more infectious – a finding we reported in late February.

According to Israeli geneticist, Dr. Ronen Shemesh, the Furin site is the most unusual finding.

“I believe that the most important issue about the differences between ALL coronavirus types is the insertion of a Furin protease cleavage site at the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2,” he said. “Such an insertion is very rare in evolution, the addition of such 4 Amino acids alone in the course of only 20 years is very unlikely.”

Shamesh, who is working on a treatment for COVID-19, believes the novel coronavirus was most likely created in a lab, and did not evolve in nature.

“There are many reasons to believe that the COVID-19 generating SARS-CoV-2 was generated in a lab. Most probably by methods of genetic engineering,” he said, adding “I believe that this is the only way an insertion like the FURIN protease cleavage site could have been introduced directly at the right place and become effective.

Dr Shemesh, who has a PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and over 21 years of experience in the field of drug discovery and development, said it is even “more unlikely” that this insertion happened in exactly the right place of the cleavage site of the spike protein – which is where it would need to occur to make the virus more infectious. –Daily Telegraph

“What makes it even more suspicious is that fact that this insertion not only occurred on the right place and in the right time, but also turned the cleavage site from an Serine protease cleavage site to a FURIN cleavage site,” he added.

In January, a team of Indian scientists wrote in a now-retracted paper that the coronavirus may have been genetically engineered to incorporate parts of the HIV genome, writing “This uncanny similarity of novel inserts in the 2019- nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” meaning – it was unlikely to have occurred naturally.

Then, in February, a team of researchers in Nankai University noted that COVID-19 has an ‘HIV-like mutation’ that allows it to quickly enter the human body by binding with a receptor called ACE2 on a cell membrane.

Other highly contagious viruses, including HIV and Ebola, target an enzyme called furin, which works as a protein activator in the human body. Many proteins are inactive or dormant when they are produced and have to be “cut” at specific points to activate their various functions.

When looking at the genome sequence of the new coronavirus, Professor Ruan Jishou and his team at Nankai University in Tianjin found a section of mutated genes that did not exist in Sars, but were similar to those found in HIV and Ebola. –SCMP

According to the Nankai University study, the furin binding method is “100 to 1,000 times as efficient’ as SARS at entering cells.

This protein cleaving protein is highly promiscuous, it’s found in many human tissues and cell types and is involved in many OTHER virus types activation and infection mechanisms (it is involved in HIV, Herpes, Ebola and Dengue virus mechanisms),” said Dr. Shemesh. “If I was trying to engineer a virus strain with a higher affinity and infective potential to humans, I would do exactly that: I would add a Furin Cleavage site directly at the original less effective and more cell specific cleavage site.”

Meanwhile, Flinders University Professor Nikolai Petrovsky found either “a remarkable coincidence or a sign of human intervention,” telling the Telegraph that COVID-19 is “exquisitely adapted to humans.”

“We really don’t know where this virus came from – that’s the truth. The two possibilities is that it was a chance transmission of a virus…the other possibility is that it was an accidental release of the virus from a laboratory,” he said, adding “One of the possibilities is that an animal host was infected by two coronaviruses at the same time and COVID-19. The same process can happen in a petri-dish.”

“In other words COVID-19 could have been created from that recombination event in an animal host or it could have occurred in a cell-culture experiment. I’m certainly very much in favour of a scientific investigation. Its only objective should be to get to the bottom of how did this pandemic happen and how do we prevent a future pandemic.”

Meanwhile, if you can stand 26 minutes of adrenaline-inducing fear porn soundtrack, Australia’s Sky News has put together a segment obliterating the wet market theory, noting China’s poor track record of biolab security, and tying together much of the emerging findings supporting the lab-origin theory.


China invokes HOLOCAUST HORRORS as 40 mobile incineration ovens are deployed in Wuhan, labeled for disposal of “animal corpses”

19February2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-19-china-holocaust-horrors-incineration-ovens-burn-animal-corpses.html

Image: China invokes HOLOCAUST HORRORS as 40 mobile incineration ovens are deployed in Wuhan, labeled for disposal of “animal corpses” The words on the side of these incineration ovens say, “Garbage and Animal Corpse Placement Receptacle.”

Image: China invokes HOLOCAUST HORRORS as 40 mobile incineration ovens are deployed in Wuhan, labeled for disposal of “animal corpses” The words on the side of these incineration ovens say, “Garbage and Animal Corpse Placement Receptacle.”


(Natural News) Remember 13 days ago when we warned that “cremation vans” were running 24/7 in Wuhan, China while the crematoriums were backlogged with piles of dead bodies stacked in the cremation queues?

Now China has brought in 40 mobile incineration ovens to burn and destroy what the Chinese government calls “medical waste.” As you can see in the photos below, the incineration ovens are labeled for the disposal of “animal corpses.”

The deployment of incineration ovens, combined with the grotesque violations of basic human rights now being routinely committed by China in response to the pandemic, has invoked memories of the horrors related to the Holocaust of World War II.

As reported by the UK Daily Star, these incineration ovens are built to the size of 20-foot transport containers, and each can incinerate about 30 cubic meters of material. “Reportedly the incinerators have been sanctioned for the use by the Chinese military after a test in Golmud, Qinghai in January,” says the Daily Star.

Image: China invokes HOLOCAUST HORRORS as 40 mobile incineration ovens are deployed in Wuhan, labeled for disposal of “animal corpses” The words on the side of these incineration ovens say, “Garbage and Animal Corpse Placement Receptacle.”

Image: China invokes HOLOCAUST HORRORS as 40 mobile incineration ovens are deployed in Wuhan, labeled for disposal of “animal corpses” The words on the side of these incineration ovens say, “Garbage and Animal Corpse Placement Receptacle.”

(Image source: Weibo)

The words on the side of these incineration ovens say, “Garbage and Animal Corpse Placement Receptacle.” (Our staff reads Mandarin Chinese, so we have confirmed this.)

Each incinerator can burn up to five tons of material per day, which equates to about 16 dead human bodies or large animal bodies per unit, per day. Multiplied by the 40 incineration ovens which have now been deployed, this adds the capacity to burn up to 640 human bodies per day, even though they claim these ovens are for animal corpses and medical waste.

According to “official” Chinese government data that no one believes except the incompetent World Health Organization, daily coronavirus deaths in China are hovering around 100. It seems we are now supposed to believe China has an epidemic of dead animals that’s so large, they need 40 incineration ovens to burn animal corpses.

Chinese woman risks her life to tell the truth about communist LIES

But people inside the quarantine chaos in China are so fed up with the lies from their own government that they are risking their own lives to speak out. Check out this woman’s desperate plea from China, where she is sure to be thrown into one of the incineration ovens for recording this very video. We have confirmed she speaks with a mainland Chinese accent and pronunciation. Actually, I’ve even confirmed that myself since I can tell the difference between mainland Chinese Mandarin vs. Taiwanese Mandarin:


A partial transcript of what she’s saying: (h/t to Zero Hedge)

Only normal citizens are suffering. The government does not care about us. We can’t buy medicine with money. We can’t go to the hospital with money.

And in Hong Kong, I support your independence. I also support Taiwan independence. Tibet and Hong Kong, I support independence.

Not a single person can speak freely. If anyone speaks about the truth, they are detained, If they decide it’s 10 years or 20 years then it’s already decided. Even lawyers are useless.

I’m gonna tell you something. 1 person’s sacrifice 2 people’s sacrifice is a sacrifice that is necessary of a revolution. I will make a sacrifice for may parents, for my family, for our free lives.

I know it is dangerous for me to speak out. But I can’t take it anymore, I cannot.

No beds, no medicine, all the news from TV is a lie.

In this evil society I can no longer keep my mouth shut. No one is willing to speak out. I am going to stand up and make a voice. We really have to resist my fellow citizens. I can’t live like this anymore.

Here’s another photo of the incineration ovens along with some crew members who will no doubt be required to move all the corpses into the incineration vessels:


Incineration ovens along with some crew members

Incineration ovens along with some crew members

(Image source: Weibo)

The next wave of lies from communist China will no doubt involve some cover story for explaining why hundreds of thousands of people have gone missing and are nowhere to be found…



CREMATION VANS running 24/7 as China orders door-to-door mass roundups of infected citizens to be placed in “quarantine prison camps”

06February2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-06-cremation-vans-china-orders-door-to-door-mass-roundups-quarantine-prison-camps.html

hospital workers in protective suits with infected citizens

hospital workers in protective suits with infected citizens

(Natural News) Just when you thought China’s draconian measures to stop the deadly coronavirus pandemic couldn’t get any more draconian, the communist Chinese regime has announced a whole new level of medical tyranny: Door-to-door forced roundups of infected citizens who will be removed against their will and placed in “quarantine prison camps” that China absurdly calls “hospitals.” (Real hospitals don’t have bars on the windows of every patient’s room, see photos below…)

“Wuhan is told to round up infected residents for mass quarantine camps,” reports the New York Times, sounding almost exactly like InfoWars.com’s stories from weeks ago. (Isn’t it interesting how the mainstream media sooner or later sounds like the independent media when the truth comes out?)

“In an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus, China’s vice premier mandated on Feb. 6 that the Wuhan city government screen each resident’s body temperature by visiting their homes one by one,” reports The Epoch Times, warning that, “Chinese netizens are worried that the new regulation may inadvertently cause the virus to spread even more quickly.”

An official command from Vice Premier Sun Chunlan described the door-to-door mandatory medical search of every citizen in the region. Via TET:

At a Feb. 6 meeting on the outbreak response, Sun requested that the Wuhan government “use the whole city’s resources and visit each family, to find the four types of people” by taking their body temperatures.

The four types were referring to: diagnosed coronavirus patients; suspected patients; patients who have a fever and have yet to be diagnosed for the virus; and those who have close contact with diagnosed and suspected patients.

“You cannot miss any family, or any single person,” Sun said, according to state-run media.

Sun used “wartime” to describe Wuhan’s current situation, adding that all four types of people must be sent to the city’s quarantine centers or hospitals.

She threatened Wuhan officials that they would be punished if they miss any resident.

This means that merely having “close contact” with a “suspected patient” can result in you being placed under medical arrest, forcibly removed from your home and placed in a quarantine prison camp under military surveillance. There, you are very likely to be infected by other patients, of course, but China has a plan for that, too: Cremation vans that transport bodies straight from the “hospitals” to the cremation ovens in order to rapidly dispose of the bodies (see links and photos below).

The New York Times adds this quote from Sun Chunlan, who gave the order, sounding a whole lot like Hitler, Stalin or Mao: “Set up a 24-hour duty system. During these wartime conditions, there must be no deserters, or they will be nailed to the pillar of historical shame forever.”

As you read this article, remember that everything you are seeing in China today will come to America tomorrow. This has been true with Big Tech’s draconian censorship measures, the rollout of a “social media scoring” system that punishes dissenting views, as well as authoritarian medical mandates that are rapidly being ramped up across America (such as California’s SB 277 vaccine mandate law), following the blueprint of medical tyranny in mainland China.

The medical police state that has already become reality in China is just one CDC declaration from becoming the rule of law in America, as confirmed by the CDC’s claim of authority over all Americans during a pandemic outbreak. Click here to read the CDC’s full explanation of federal laws that allow it to run mandatory “medical police state” quarantine / roundup operations in America, just like we’re now seeing in China.

To repeat, everything you are seeing in China right now can be implemented in America with a single declaration from the CDC.

Everything China tries to implement only makes the pandemic spread more quickly

The effort is almost sure to spread the pandemic more rapidly, as it allows health “officials” who will surely be quickly infected with the coronavirus to invade every individual home in the entire region, spreading the virus from one home to another. The order, if fully followed, is almost guaranteed to accelerate coronavirus infections that have already exceeded 30,000, according to “official” Chinese numbers.

Remember, China is a communist nation that couldn’t control this coronavirus in a BSL-4 biohazard facility… how are they going to control it in the wild, on the streets of an open city populated by millions?

Via TET:

Sean Lin, a U.S.-based expert in microbiology and former virology researcher for the U.S. Army, [said], “her order worries me because the government cares more about politics than disease control, medical treatment, and humanitarian assistance.”

Netizens seemed to agree. Yanan, a Wuhan neitizen posted on Weibo that he and his family members have not left their home since Jan. 23 and are healthy so far.

“Now you [the government] will arrange a person from the outside to enter our home and measure our temperature by using a thermometer from the outside [which may be contaminated with the virus],” Yanan said.

He added that because his household does not have disinfectant products, he may not have the proper tools to prevent the virus from spreading when the staff takes their temperatures.

In other words, in a desperate effort to stop the pandemic, they are going to invade every home in the region and introduce new risk factors for spreading infectious disease, then medically kidnap the very people they are infecting and ship them off to quarantine prison camps where they are likely to die, but in order to avoid admitting to the deaths, they will burn the bodies in cremation ovens and pretend nothing happened. The plan is so disastrously ill-conceived that it almost sounds like something comrade Bernie Sanders would try to implement if elected President.

TET also reports how this entire effort may cause even more people to become infected:

Other experts, such as U.S.-based China affairs commentator Ai Li, were skeptical that taking body temperatures can accurately identify coronavirus patients, particularly as Chinese medical experts have already confirmed that some people infected with the virus may not exhibit symptoms during the incubation period—a timespan of up to 14 days—but can still spread the virus to others.

She also questioned the authorities’ decision to send suspected patients to quarantine centers, as they could cross-infect each other.

“If you see the videos [that Chinese netizens filmed] of the quarantine centers and makeshift hospitals, you will know immediately that even healthy people will be sick in that environment,” Ai said on a Chinese-language commentary show on YouTube.

Wuhan netizens shared videos of the conditions at those facilities, saying that there is no medicine, no medical staff, very limited food and drinking water, as well as cold, unsanitary environs with unstable electricity.

In other words, it’s a communist utopia! With this plan, China is making Venezuela’s dumpster-diving mass starvation apocalypse look like a fun day at the park.

China’s “hospitals” are military-run quarantine prison camps with bars on the windows

Remember when Hillary Clinton said that FEMA camps are “fun camps?” In China, military-run quarantine prison camps are called “hospitals.”

All the rooms have bars on the windows to prevent “patients” from escaping, while held under armed guard by military troops.

Here’s a recent photo of one of these facilities under construction. Notice the bars on every window? They’re welded into place:



Huoshenshan: the hospital built in 10 days in China over coronavirus outbreak

Huoshenshan: the hospital built in 10 days in China over coronavirus outbreak


More videos of these quarantine prison camp “hospitals” can be found at NationalFile.com.

Cremation vans running 24/7 as dead bodies are pulled out of the quarantine prison camps and piled into ovens

Just as the quarantine prison camps are being rapidly expanded to hundreds of thousands of beds, news is leaking out about the so-called “cremation vans” which are collecting dead bodies and ferreting them into cremation ovens to eliminate the dead as quickly as possible.

“In a bold claim, Chinese-language news outlet Initium believe that Chinese authorities have been cremating bodies in secret,” reports The Sun (UK). “This week, they interviewed people working at local cremation centres in Wuhan — where the virus originated from — who said bodies were being sent directly from hospitals without being properly identified and added to the official record.”

As The Washington Examiner relates:

“Also, one thing that #China is hiding is the number of death caused by the virus,” tweeted Deutsche Welle reporter William Yang. “Credible Chinese media outlet @initiumnews interviewed people working at local cremation centers, confirming that many dead bodies were sent directly from the hospitals to the cremation centers.”

The mass cremation of the dead is one way China avoids having to report both infections and deaths. After all, there’s no need to test a person after they’re turned to ash, so the coronavirus can’t be explicitly blamed for their death (plus, the hot fire burns away any last shred of any virus). This “final solution” is so ingenious by communist standards that the Chinese regime will no doubt soon expand this practice to the living, too.

The media is pretending the following photos don’t exist, claiming the pandemic is imaginary

As an interesting note about the level of mass mental illness which has spread even faster than the coronavirus itself, the lying mainstream media continues to claim that anyone reporting the truth about the coronavirus pandemic is a “fear monger,” even as those same media pundits practically claimed the world was coming to an end when the measles was spreading at Disneyland a few years ago. (Hint: That tiny measles outbreak produced exactly zero deaths.)

Now, the media seems to be claiming that there is no coronavirus pandemic and everybody is just imagining it, somehow. Anyone who even dares to talk about the reality of the pandemic in China is immediately branded a “fear monger.” Remember this is coming from the same lying mainstream media outlets that told us President Trump was working for the Russians, and if we didn’t urgently remove him from office, he would sell Alaska to Putin and throw all the children of the world into cages.

So, yeah, you can’t really believe anything the mainstream media reports. They don’t know the difference between a pandemic and a pan.

But that’s why it’s so important to show the world the photos of what’s really happening in China.

This photos shows a partial image of one of these cremation vans — i.e. “ambulance” in China’s twisted word games — as men in hazmat suits prepare to load up the body of another victim who collapsed dead on the sidewalk and apparently bled out:

Men in hazmat suits prepare to load up the body of another victim who collapsed dead on the sidewalk and apparently bled out:

Men in hazmat suits prepare to load up the body of another victim who collapsed dead on the sidewalk and apparently bled out:


Here’s a top-down photo of another body or patient being loaded into an ambulance while under cover of what looks like a hazmat isolation structure:

Body or patient being loaded into an ambulance while under cover of what looks like a hazmat isolation structure

Body or patient being loaded into an ambulance while under cover of what looks like a hazmat isolation structure


As you see these photos, keep in mind that the lying fake news journalists of the mainstream media are right now trying to convince the world that none of this is happening:

Body on Hospital floor

Body on Hospital floor


Here’s another dead body on the sidewalk that the mainstream media in America is apparently claiming is all staged, sort of like an Iowa caucus:

Dead body on the sidewalk

Dead body on the sidewalk


Remember, too, that the lying mainstream media claims this coronavirus is “no worse than the common cold.” Yet how many times have you ever seen medical personnel in hazmat suits loading bodies into ambulances merely because the person had a cold?

Medical personnel in hazmat suits loading bodies into ambulances

Medical personnel in hazmat suits loading bodies into ambulances


Stay informed about the coronavirus pandemic by reading NaturalNews.com and checking the new uncensored videos at Brighteon.com.


‘Burning Bodies In Secret’ – New Accounts From Wuhan Detail Coronavirus Outbreak

by Tyler Durden 31January2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/burning-bodies-secret-new-accounts-wuhan-detail-coronavirus-outbreak

Almost 2,000 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in China on Thursday, lifting the country’s total to approximately 9,692, surpassing all of the 2002-03 SARS epidemic in a matter of weeks. All of the deaths have been in China, now at 213. Globally, there are 9,816 cases of the deadly virus.

There have been doubts about the officially confirmed cases and deaths in China – could be much higher some claim.

The New Zealand Herald has published a new report that alleges Chinese authorities have resorted to cremating bodies in secret.

DW News East Asia correspondent William Yang cited a report from Chinese-language news outlet Initium, which said cremation facilities in Wuhan, the epicenter of the deadly virus, were receiving bodies directly from hospitals without proper identification and were excluded from the official record.

“So, there are reasons to remain skeptical about what China has been sharing with the world because while they have been more transparent about certain things related to the virus, they continue to be sketchy and unreliable in other aspects,” said Yang.

“Without properly identifying these patients, which means there are patients who died from the virus but not adding to the official record. That shows the current death toll of 133 that we are seeing is way too low,” he said.

We noted Thursday night that over 100,000 Chinese had been placed under observation for suspected coronavirus.

The virus has uncontrollably spread across China, forcing the U.S. State Department to evacuate diplomats and citizens from certain parts of the country, but has also warned Americans not to travel to the region because of the outbreak.

The new travel advisory was issued hours after the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a global health emergency. “Those currently in China should consider departing using commercial means,” the department said in the advisory.

Putting the coronavirus in the context of the deadly SARS epidemic, the coronavirus pandemic has now officially exceeded SARS in cumulative cases in just two weeks.

New accounts are showing that things have gotten so severe in Wuhan, that officials are locking people inside their own apartments.


Cronavirus quarantine-thepower of silence tweet-29jan2020

Cronavirus quarantine-thepower of silence tweet-29jan2020


Another video shows officials locking “infected residents” inside their homes, using metal beams to bolt doors shut.

Chinese party officials barricade an apartment of coronavirus infected residents

And here’s an alleged video of a crematorium in Wuhan via Twitter handle Harry Chen Ph.D. – showing trash cans “filled with ashes.”

A crematorium in Wuhan Harry Chen PhD 31Jan2020

A crematorium in Wuhan Harry Chen PhD 31Jan2020



Second Chinese City Bars Residents From Leaving Their Homes, Apple Closes All Offices & Stores In China

Tyler Durden 01February2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/second-chinese-city-bars-residents-leaving-their-homes-hong-kong-workers-demand-city


Though US has taken steps to stop foreigners who might be an infection risk from entering the country, airline employees are pushing for all American carriers to temporarily suspend all flights to and from China. The Association of Flight Attendants, representing 50,000 flight attendants at 20 airlines has called for “clear direction from our government to U.S. airlines to pull down all travel to China until the spread of coronavirus is contained,” in a statement shared by ABC News.

“It is critical that any crew potentially infected through travel to and from China not be assigned to any additional flights until safely through the fourteen-day incubation period,” the statement added.

Back in Wuhan, the government is dialing up the propaganda as public anger (which has been manipulated to focus on local officials who have been scapegoated by Beijing) crests.

Jack Posobiec tweet 1Feb2020 Chinese propaganda poster in Wuhan: "Today go home and stay indoors so tomorrow you can go outdoors and come home"

Jack Posobiec tweet 1Feb2020 Chinese propaganda poster in Wuhan: “Today go home and stay indoors so tomorrow you can go outdoors and come home”


Chinese propaganda poster in Wuhan: "Today go home and stay indoors so tomorrow you can go outdoors and come home"

Chinese propaganda poster in Wuhan: “Today go home and stay indoors so tomorrow you can go outdoors and come home”

There’s more where that came from.

* * *

Update (1230ET): Vietnam has become the latest country to strictly limit travel with China. SCMP reports that the country has banned all passenger plane traffic to and from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.

Apparently, Vietnam, which has confirmed several cases, including at least one instances of human-to-human transmission, doesn’t think much of the WHO’s assurances. Can’t say we blame them. Meanwhile, back in China, a citizen journalist took a video of a sea of unopened boxes allegedly containing medical supplies. We’ve reported in the past that the government is largely relying on ‘volunteers’ to open boxes and sort supplies, leading to massive backlogs.

But of course Beijing has everything under control…just so long as you don’t leave your house/apartment/whatever.

* * *

….To that end, a report reportedly signed by hundreds of doctors blaming the Communist Party’s leadership for waiting a month to inform the Chinese public and the international community that the virus could spread from human-to-human contact. The leadership was apparently aware of this fact as early as mid-December, yet they actively concealed it until the situation started getting out of hand and cases were being confirmed in neighboring countries.

China’s finance ministry has finally announced that it’s going to lift import taxes on American-made medical products needed to help combat the outbreak (it’s interesting how it took them nearly – checks notes – two months since the start of the outbreak to lift the trade-war tariffs).

ABC News is the latest American media outlet to collect footage from Wuhan via drone. The haunting footage clearly shows the scope of the lockdown. An entire city as big as New York, with almost nobody outside or in the streets.

We got some interesting corporate news overnight: Apple announced early Saturday that it would close all of its stores and offices in China at least through Feb. 9. Already, the factories of many of its suppliers (like Foxconn) have been impacted by holiday “extensions” that will keep them closed through at least early Feb.

As of midday on Saturday, at least 19 provinces, municipalities and regions have told businesses not to resume work before Feb. 10 at the earliest, according to CNBC, which also noted that Disney, Tesla several US airlines and myriad other American business have suspended operations in China. Hubei, the center of the outbreak, has reportedly extended its Lunar New Year holiday until Feb. 13.

On Saturday, Huanggang, a city of 6 million people near Wuhan, has banned residents from leaving their homes in an effort to stop the coronavirus. The ban states that 1 person per family can leave every other day to buy basic needs.

It’s the first city to declare a lockdown on par with Wuhan’s total ban of people leaving their homes. Meanwhile Huanggang’s mayor warned on Saturday that a “significant” increase in the number of confirmed cases on Saturday or Sunday.

Here’s a video of a doctor from Huanggang saying the media won’t dare report the true infection totals from Huanggang, adding that it’s almost as bad as Wuhan.

JASON CHEN A doctor was filmed saying the media does not dare to report the true figures of infections in the city of Huanggang tweet 25Jan2020

JASON CHEN A doctor was filmed saying the media does not dare to report the true figures of infections in the city of Huanggang tweet 25Jan2020

The scapegoating of local officials by Beijing continued on Saturday, when more than 300 party officials from Huanggang were punished for failing in their duty.

Global Times coronavirus officials sacked tweet-1Feb2020

Global Times coronavirus officials sacked tweet-1Feb2020

Though we’re hearing labels like these used far less often than we were just last week, it appears the “fearmongers” and “alarmists” were once again correct to be skeptical of the information coming out of Beijing. A few days ago, Zero Hedge was declared alarmists for discussing the possibility that nCoV could metastasize into a particularly deadly seasonal illness, like the flu. The mainstream press has now apparently decided to take the warnings of epidemiologists seriously.

Selina Wang virus comparisons tweet-1Feb2020

Selina Wang virus comparisons tweet-1Feb2020



2019-nCoV compared to other viruses

2019-nCoV compared to other viruses

When the WHO first declared that travel restrictions on China simply weren’t necessary, even as Beijing quarantined more than 50 million of its own people, we wondered how the organization could possibly expect the world to listen, considering that Russia had already closed its border with China, and dozens of countries had already imposed some kind of restriction, while more than 40 airlines had suspended routes to China.

On Saturday morning, Australia joined the US in temporarily blocking all foreigners who have recently visited China. Japan said it would bar visitors who had been to Hubei in the last 2 weeks, or had passports issued in Hubei, according to the New York Times.

Then we heard Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam tell the people that complete shutdown of travel to China wouldn’t be necessary. Once again, Lam was doing the leadership’s bidding to the detriment of her local popularity. By doing so, Lam has handed the workers all the ammunition they need to successfully challenge, and defeat, the city government.

Carrie Lam

Carrie Lam

Thousands of Hong Kong doctors, nurses and hospital employees have voted for a strike which could begin as early as Monday. The reason? To pressure the city government to close all borders with mainland China. This isn’t the first bout of virus-related unrest to rock Hong Kong. Last week, a group of locals set fires and rioted in response to rumors that the government planned to transform a newly built housing project nearby into a quarantine, according to SCMP.

Reports that the Hong Kong government has found 49 people from Hubei after searching about 500 hotels has only ratcheted up public anxiety. The individuals are reportedly being moved to quarantine centers.

The pledge of action by thousands of nurses and hospital workers is picking up steam as more local unions are joining the movement. Pretty soon, Lam will have no choice but to close the border with China, which would be a major blow to global confidence in Beijing


Hong Kong health care workers strike

Hong Kong health care workers strike


The alliance of health care workers have a few other demands: that the government make clear policies to ensure a supply of surgical masks, a halt on non-emergency services and an increase in the number of isolation wards at hospitals, as well as better support for medical practitioners and an open promise not to punish those who participate in the strike.

Back on the mainland, local authorities have taken to using drones to ‘name and shame’ anybody who disobeys the isolation orders. Here are a few examples:

Global-Times-quarantine-tweet-31jan2020 local authorities have taken to using drones to 'name and shame' anybody who disobeys the isolation orders

Global-Times-quarantine-tweet-31jan2020 local authorities have taken to using drones to ‘name and shame’ anybody who disobeys the isolation orders


Across China, drones are being loaded with disinfectant to spray public streets (another shock-and-awe measure with little real-world advantage).

Across China, drones are being loaded with disinfectant to spray public streets

Across China, drones are being loaded with disinfectant to spray public streets


Before we go, here’s a complete list of countries that have confirmed cases of the virus: Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, Malaysia, Macau, Russia, France, the United States, South Korea, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, Britain, Vietnam, Italy, India, the Philippines, Nepal, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Finland and Sweden.

Meanwhile, Thailand, Taiwan, Germany, Vietnam, Japan, France and the US has confirmed human-to-human transmission involving at least one person who hadn’t been to China.

The timing of this outbreak could not be worse: China confirms a case of H5N1 bird flu in Hunan, prompting authorities to cull 17,828 chickens as a precaution. Though we doubt mainlanders will be seeing many stories about that.

Leaked Video: Chinese Government Kidnapping & arresting Women at Will!!



Korean Air Flight Attendant Working LAX Flights Diagnosed With Coronavirus

26February2020 https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/02/26/korean-air-flight-attendant-working-lax-flights-diagnosed-with-coronavirus/

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – A flight attendant for Korean Air who worked several flights out of Los Angeles International Airport has been diagnosed with coronavirus.

The 24-year-old was diagnosed Tuesday in southern Seoul, according to the Korea Joongang Daily newspaper.

The flight attendant had worked flights between LAX and Seoul–Incheon International Airport on Feb. 19 and 20, according to South Korean media outlets.

The woman also serviced a flight from Tel Aviv, Israel, to Seoul on Feb. 15, South Korea’s Center for Disease Control said. She may have contracted the virus from a South Korean church group who were on a pilgrimage to Israel, the Yonghap News Agency reports.

So far, 30 members of that church group have been diagnosed with coronavirus, according to South Korean health authorities.

Korean Air has closed its operations center at Incheon Airport in order to disinfect the area.

Meanwhile, a 23-year-old U.S. soldier stationed at Camp Carroll in South Korea has also tested positive for coronavirus, U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) confirmed in a statement Tuesday.

He has been quarantined off-base.

“Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and USFK health professionals are actively conducting contact tracing to determine whether any others may have been exposed,” USFK said.

On Tuesday, concerns over the spread of the coronavirus forced organizers to postpone the Korea Times Music Festival at the Hollywood Bowl.

According to the Yonghap News Agency, South Korea has 1,261 confirmed coronavirus cases, including 12 deaths.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, is spread from person-to-person through close contact, usually within 6 feet, and mainly via respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. People are likely most contagious when they are most symptomatic.

(© Copyright 2020 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. City News Service contributed to this report.)

Did China’s Tencent Accidentally Leak The True Terrifying Coronavirus Statistics

Selina Wang virus comparisons tweet-1Feb2020

Selina Wang virus comparisons tweet-1Feb2020

2019-nCoV compared to other viruses

2019-nCoV compared to other viruses


JerusalemCats Comments: The numbers from China are not correct. See:

09 February 2020 News services have revealed at least one photo of hundreds of corpses in body bags STORED in an underground area in Guandong, China https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/caught-video-shows-china-bulldozing-piles-of-body-bags-into-giant-pit-photos-show-thousands-of-corpses-in-body-bags-stored-underground

09 February 2020 News services have revealed at least one photo of hundreds of corpses in body bags STORED in an underground area in Guandong, China https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/caught-video-shows-china-bulldozing-piles-of-body-bags-into-giant-pit-photos-show-thousands-of-corpses-in-body-bags-stored-underground


Did China’s Tencent Accidentally Leak The True Terrifying Coronavirus Statistics

by Tyler Durden 05February2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/health/did-chinas-tencent-accidentally-leak-true-terrifying-coronavirus-statistics

Ten days ago, shortly after China first started reporting the cases and deaths associated with the coronavirus epidemic, a UK researcher predicted that over 250,000 Chinese would be infected with the virus by February 4. And while according to official Chinese data, the number of infections has indeed soared in the past two weeks, at just under 25,000 (and roughly 500 deaths), it is a far cry from this dismal prediction, about ten times below that predicted by the epidemiologists.



coronavirus cases-4February2020

coronavirus cases-4February2020


Is this discrepancy possible? Is the epidemic truly far less serious than conventional epidemiological models predicted? Or is China merely hiding the full extent of the problem?

After all, it the WSJ itself reported in late January , China was explicitly manipulating the casualty number by listing pneumonia as the cause of death instead of coronavirus. Subsequent reports that Wuhan officials were rushing to cremate coronavirus casualties before they could be counted did not add to the credibility of the official data.

But the biggest hit to the narrative and China’s officially reported epidemic numbers came overnight, when a slip up in China’s TenCent may have revealed the true extent of the coronavirus epidemic on the mainland. And it is nothing short than terrifying.

As the Taiwan Times reports in a report first spotted by user @TheHKGroup, over the weekend, Tencent “seems to have inadvertently released what is potentially the actual number of infections and deaths, which were astronomically higher than official figures“, and were far closer to the catastrophic epidemic projections made by Jonathan Read.

According to the report, late on Saturday evening, Tencent, on its webpage titled “Epidemic Situation Tracker”, showed confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) in China as standing at 154,023, 10 times the official figure at the time. It listed the number of suspected cases as 79,808, four times the official figure.

And while the number of cured cases was only 269, well below the official number that day of 300, most ominously, the death toll listed was 24,589, vastly higher than the 300 officially listed that day.

Tencent screengrab as of late Feb 1, showing far higher infections.

Tencent screengrab as of late Feb 1, showing far higher infections.

Moments later, Tencent updated the numbers to reflect the government’s “official” numbers that day.

Screengrab showing higher numbers (left), chart showing "official" numbers (right). (Internet image)

Screengrab showing higher numbers (left), chart showing “official” numbers (right). (Internet image)


Screengrab showing higher numbers (left), chart showing “official” numbers (right). (Internet image)This was not the first time Tencent has done this: as Taiwan Times notes, Chinese netizens have noticed that Tencent has on at least three occasions posted extremely high numbers, only to quickly lower them to government-approved statistics.

This is where it gets even more bizarre: contrary to claiming that this was just a “fat finger” mistyping of data, observant Chinese netizens also noticed that each time the screen with the large numbers appears, it shows a comparison with the previous day’s data which demonstrates a “reasonable” incremental increase, much like comparisons of official numbers.

This led many in the mainland to speculate that Tencent has two sets of data, the real data and “processed” data.

In short, two camps have emerged: one, the more optimistic, speculates that a coding problem could be causing the real “internal” data to accidentally appear. The other, far more pessimistically inclined, believes that someone behind the scenes is trying to leak the real numbers, as “the “internal” data held by Beijing may not reflect the true extent of the epidemic.”

Indeed, as repeatedly pointed out here and according to multiple sources in Wuhan, many coronavirus patients are unable to receive treatment and die outside of hospitals. Furthermore, a severe shortage of test kits also leads to a lower number of diagnosed cases of infection and death. In addition, there have been many reports of doctors being ordered to list other forms of death instead of coronavirus to keep the death toll artificially low.

What is the truth?

We leave it up to readers, but keep this in mind: on Jan 29, Zeng Guang, the chief scientist of epidemiology at China’s CDC, made a rare candid admission about why Chinese officials cannot tell people the truth in an interview with the state-run tabloid Global Times: “The officials need to think about the political angle and social stability in order to keep their positions.

And then, on Monday, none other than China Xi’s called on all officials to quickly work together to contain the Coronavirus at a rare meeting of top leaders, saying the outcome would “directly impact social stability in the country.”

Well, if China is mostly concerned about social stability – as it should be for a nation of 1.4 billion – it is easy to comprehend why the entire political apparatus in China would be geared to presenting numbers which seem somewhat credible – in light of the barrage of videos of people dying on the street – but not so terrifying as to cause a countrywide panic.

Then again, if China indeed had over 154,000 cases and almost 25,000 deaths as of 5 days ago, then no attempts to mask the full extent and true severity of the pandemic have any hope of “containing” the truth.

Putting the coronavirus in the context of the deadly SARS epidemic, the coronavirus pandemic has now officially exceeded SARS in cumulative cases in just two weeks.

Putting the coronavirus in the context of the deadly SARS epidemic, the coronavirus pandemic has now officially exceeded SARS in cumulative cases in just two weeks.




SACRIFICIAL CITY? Chinese Authorities Go Door to Door, Dragging People Away to MANDATORY Quarantine Camps

By Daisy Luther 8February2020 https://www.theorganicprepper.com/chinese-mandatory-quarantine-camps/

If you thought things in China had hit rock bottom with the quarantine of more than 400 million people, you’d be wrong. Shocking reports are emerging that are even more dystopian than the quarantine itself.

Multiple sources report that officials in China are now going door to door and checking for anyone who might be infected. If a member of the household is running a fever or displays any other possible symptom, they’re being taken away to be put into quarantine. Even worse, it appears that some contacts of people who have been confirmed to be infected are being quarantined too – you guessed it – with those who are already sick.

Again, I must emphasize that we don’t get this kind of news from official sources. People who put up these videos are risking their lives. In fact, quite a few of the citizen reporters who have been providing reliable reports have suddenly vanished over the past two days. While we can hope they just lost possession of their devices or access to the internet, or perhaps voluntarily went into hiding, the truth is likely to be far more dire. This secrecy and anonymity, however, does open the door for fraudulent reports, so while I do believe that these reports and videos I’m citing are likely to be true, I have no way to confirm this for sure.

The “Wartime” Response

The person leading the response to the virus is Vice Premier Sun Chunlan. Sun has said that China, and particularly Wuhan, face “wartime conditions.” And it what has to be the most authoritarian imagery ever, she warned citizens to cooperate, saying, “There must be no deserters, or they will be nailed to the pillar of historical shame forever.”

Sun has organized a near-military response, ordering medical personnel to work around the clock visiting each home in Wuhan, a city of 11.08 million people. When there, they are to check the temperature of each person in the house and question anyone who may have been in contact with a person who has been infected.

The New York Times reports:

Ms. Sun said that anyone requiring treatment should be rounded up, if necessary, and forced into quarantine.

“It must be cut off from the source,” she said of the virus, addressing city officials at the shelter, according to a Chinese news outlet, Modern Express. “You must keep a close eye. Don’t miss it.” (source)

But are they actually going there for treatment? Or are they going there to die?

The death rate from the coronavirus in Wuhan is 4.1%, while the death rate in the rest of China is 0.17%, according to the NYT article. This disparity has led many to wonder chillingly whether Wuhan is being sacrificed on the altar of “the greater good.”

With the sick being herded into makeshift quarantine camps, with minimal medical care, a growing sense of abandonment and fear has taken hold in Wuhan, fueling the sense that the city and surrounding province of Hubei are being sacrificed for the greater good of China. (source)

At the same time that some people are being unwillingly rounded up, others are going to hospitals for help and being turned away. These people are going from hospital to hospital to get tested, but they are neither being tested nor treated.

And others are being trapped in their homes. I wrote in this article that many residents were finding themselves literally welded into their homes. The video below shows a police car keeping the door of an apartment building closed. (Waiting for the welders, I guess?)

Max-Howroute-tweet-8Feb2020 Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. The police car is blocking an apartment building exit due to #coronavirus outbreak. Chinese authorities are getting more “creative” with everything but the kitchen sink quarantine approach.

Max-Howroute-tweet-8Feb2020 Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. The police car is blocking an apartment building exit due to #coronavirus outbreak. Chinese authorities are getting more “creative” with everything but the kitchen sink quarantine approach.


In Heilongjiang, there is a complete ban on private cars. Here’s a video of the arrest of a woman who was caught driving.

Simon-Sessingo-tweet-7Feb2020 LEAKED VIDEO: #Heilongjiang issued a ban on private cars on the road. An unnoticed woman was stopped by police after driving on the road

Simon-Sessingo-tweet-7Feb2020 LEAKED VIDEO: #Heilongjiang issued a ban on private cars on the road. An unnoticed woman was stopped by police after driving on the road


The Quarantine Camps

In Wuhan, the center of the outbreak, hastily organized quarantine camps are housing the sick with what is said to be minimal medical care. The camps are being housed in public buildings like arenas and convention centers. Those being taken to these mandatory camps are people with confirmed cases of coronavirus, suspected cases of coronavirus because they’re showing symptoms, people who have close contact with those confirmed or suspected to have coronavirus, and those who are running a fever when the medical Stasi come and take their temperatures.

And this could make matters worse.

Moreover, experts fear that penning potentially infected people in large quarantine camps—set up in a sports stadium, an exhibition center, and a building complex—with minimal medical care could make the sick sicker and let the whole gamut of infectious diseases run rampant among the confined people. (source)

Imagine the effect of being taken to one of these camps on anyone who is taken into custody who actually doesn’t have the coronavirus. If they don’t have it already, it seems it would only be a matter of time before they, too, become infected, adding to the sacrificial air of the response.

The people in the video below are only suspected to have been in contact with an infected person, yet they’re being taken to be quarantined with the sick.

Nat-Shupe-tweet-7Feb2020 Disturbing from Communist China. Chinese government are only suspecting these people have been exposed & therefore are going to quarantine them w/ people who have #coronavirus. They are fighting because they don’t want to be quarantined w/ the infected.

Nat-Shupe-tweet-7Feb2020 Disturbing from Communist China. Chinese government are only suspecting these people have been exposed & therefore are going to quarantine them w/ people who have #coronavirus. They are fighting because they don’t want to be quarantined w/ the infected.


Are people spreading the word being punished with quarantine?

As I mentioned above, several citizen journalists who have been apparently reliable sources of information have completely vanished over the past couple of days. But that isn’t the only crackdown. This video alleges that authorities are checking cell phones to see if citizens are posting information about what is happening in China. (Although one must wonder how someone else was able to take cellphone footage of this and retain his or her phone.)

Max-Howroute-tweet-cellphone-7Feb2020 Hainan Province, China - police are checking cell phones and arresting people for posting the truth about #coronavirus outbreak due to censorship.

Max-Howroute-tweet-cellphone-7Feb2020 Hainan Province, China – police are checking cell phones and arresting people for posting the truth about #coronavirus outbreak due to censorship.



Some speculate that whistleblowers may be deliberately exposed to the virus by being put into quarantine with the infected as punishment.

What aren’t they telling us?

China has repeatedly turned down offers of assistance from the World Health Organization and has not allowed Taiwan to accept help from the WHO either.

Alex Azar, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services forced the issue in a press conference.

On January 6, we offered to send a CDC team to China that could assist with these public health efforts.

I reiterated that offer when I spoke to China’s Minister of Health on Monday, and it was reiterated again via the World Health Organization today.

We are urging China: More cooperation and transparency are the most important steps you can take toward a more effective response.

Beyond that, all options for dealing with infectious disease spread have to be on the table, including travel restrictions.

But diseases are not terribly good at respecting borders, so we would have to assess carefully whether the evidence recommends any steps beyond the thoroughly tested methods I just described. (source)

With this third very public offer of assistance, the Chinese government finally allowed a handful of American scientists into the country.

The government there has unleashed a wave of unsurpassed censorship with brutal punishment for those who flout it. This should tell anyone that as awful as the reports are, the reality is far worse.

I cannot fathom anyone watching these reports of mandatory quarantines, door to door checks, and authoritarian crackdowns who wouldn’t want to get prepared for the possibility of an extended lockdown here in the United States. Yet every time I read a report on this, I see some person in the comments section saying, “bUT ThE FLU hAs KiLLeD 8000 pEoPLe ThiS yEaR!”

And honestly, I believe that is the most ignorant response imaginable. I don’t care if you’re a doctor, an essential oil seller, or a member of Mensa. If this was comparable to influenza, would China be cutting its own economic throat during the busiest time of the year? Closing down the country at Chinese New Year would be the equivalent to the United States closing down the country for the entire month of December while banning Christmas, Hanukah, and New Year’s Eve. We’re talking billions of dollars in lost revenue in China right now. Billions.

Whatever the hell is going on over there, it is definitely much worse than the “flu.” And we don’t even know the half of it.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.


China’s tragic choice: Run the factories and sacrifice the workers, or halt the factories and lose the nation

11February2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-11-chinas-tragic-choice-run-the-factories-and-sacrifice-the-workers-coronavirus-pandemic.html

(Natural News) As the coronavirus pandemic continues to explode across China, the communist Chinese regime faces a desperate choice. I covered this in a special Saturday video report with InfoWars.com (see below), as well as on a hard-hitting interview today with Alan Keyes and Bob Sisson on the IAMtv channel (see video below).

Essentially, China must now decide to either run the factories and lose up to 15% of the workers to the virus, or close the factories and lose the nation to economic collapse and political revolution.

Yes, it’s that bad. (Welcome to the end of the world as we know it.)

If you run the factories and pretend the outbreak isn’t real, you keep the economy humming but you end up sacrifice a large number of workers who get killed by the coronavirus pandemic. While China currently claims a 2.1% mortality rate, realistic assessments put that number closer to 15%.

If you close the factories and enforce long-term quarantines to save lives, you suffer a devastating economic implosion, likely followed by massive social upheaval and possible collapse of the ruling communist regime. After all, people only tolerate communism when they have enough to eat and some of them are getting rich. Take away the food, the money and the public safety, and any regime will struggle to stay in power.

Watch my full special report interview with Alex Jones to hear more details, courtesy of Banned.video:

Alex Jones Breaking News ! Trump Calls For Investigation Of Coronavirus Origin

China is already taking the steps to protect the factories while sacrificing the people

It’s now clear that China has chosen to restart the factories, declare the pandemic conquered, cover up the reality of the infections and deaths, and order people back to work to keep the economic miracle machine running. In order to achieve this, China must:

1) Fudge all the daily infection and death numbers to create the illusion that the pandemic is waning. Watch for the daily updates to demonstrate a calculated slowing in the rate of infection.

2) Deny the CDC or WHO access to the front lines of the pandemic to avoid them finding out it’s exploding out of control.

3) Control the media by arresting (and executing) whistleblowers who try to speak out about what’s really happening there. Pressure the tech giants to censor independent voices and protect the official Chinese narrative (which is already being done).

4) Find clever ways to fake the science, such as launching new near-instant test kits that have a 50% – 70% false negative rate (which has just been done), meaning they fail to diagnose 50% – 70% of infections. This allows the government to further claim falling infection numbers.

5) Demand the nations of the world resume air flights and run well-funded propaganda campaigns to invite tourists to return to China.

The net result of all this, of course, will be a second wave of exploding infections and deaths, but as long as the communist regime can control the narrative, they can pretend none of this is actually happening. The WHO will obediently parrot the commie narrative, and China will lean on its U.S. spies such as Sen. Dianne Feinstein to pressure the U.S. government to resume international flights and open traveler traffic.

China will be seeking to export the pandemic so that other nations share the pain

Part of this goal is to export the pandemic to other countries to force them to “share the pain” of China. If your own ship is taking on water and sinking, the way to regain some competitive advantage is to blow holes in everybody else’s ships, in other words. By exporting the coronavirus to Taiwan, Japan, Korea and the United States, China can unleash economic chaos in those nations and shift the blame for a global outbreak, claiming those other nations failed to contain it.

Hence the whole purpose of pressuring the WHO to rename the virus, removing the word “Wuhan” from it entirely, in order to erase its origins from history.

Meanwhile, China is hard at work fudging the numbers, burning the bodies, arresting the whistleblowers, executing the dissidents, ordering Google to censor online videos, all while denying the reality of the pandemic outbreak. (The tech giants are more than happy to comply, since they all work for the pro-depopulation globalists now anyway.)

Behind the scenes, China has no doubt convinced themselves the coronavirus was an engineered bioweapons attack launched by the USA, and they surely want to return the attack by deliberately sending infected human weapons into Los Angeles, New York and Chicago, sneezing on cell phones and spreading viral mayhem at every opportunity.

Factory workers will be pushed until they literally drop dead

What all this means is that China is going to power through the pandemic at gunpoint, forcing workers to run the machines until they literally drop dead. At that point, rapid response cremation teams will scurry away with the bodies and heave them into mass ovens that are already running 24/7.

China will soon dispense will all safety gear such as hazmat suits, masks and gloves. For one thing, eliminating the gear creates the (false) impression that the virus no longer exists. But more importantly, the government has already come to realize that everyone is going to be exposed sooner or later. They know that roughly 85% will survive exposure and 15% will die. The 85% will be able to come into contact with the virus even while wearing no safety gear, since they’ve already been exposed and cured. According to media reports, even China’s own military and police personnel are already largely infected. It’s getting to the point where wearing protective gear is pointless.

Effectively, the Chinese government has now decided to run a massive medical experiment called, “expose everyone and see what happens.” They figure they can still survive after a 15% mortality rate, especially since Chinese citizens own no guns and have no First Amendment freedoms to speak out.

Watch my full interview with Bob Sisson and Alan Keyes for more details:


Once the virus has burned through China, they can deploy the virus as a global weapon with impunity

Here’s the final step in this nefarious plan: Once the coronavirus burns through the Chinese population, the entire nation of China is now immune to the pandemic, which means China can deliberately release the virus in California, for example, and cause mass chaos across the USA without fear of its own factories experiencing any further disruption.

It’s an incredibly simple matter to bypass airport screening and CDC measures. You could almost call it “amateur hour” in terms of bioweapons tactics: You simply inject 100 volunteers with the virus, put them on airplanes to 100 American cities, have them stay in hotel rooms for 3-4 days while the virus incubates, then order them to run around the cities sneezing on everything that other people touch, such as hand rails, grocery products, elevator buttons or door handles.

The virus does the rest of the work for you. Within a month, multiple outbreaks are reported across America, and China gets to decry the failures of the CDC, shifting attention away from its own failures, claiming that even the USA can’t contain the virus.

The CDC has zero defenses against a determined, deliberate spreading of the virus by a malicious party acting with ill intent. Any honest CDC intelligence officer would admit this. Outbreaks are difficult to stop even when the population is obedient and compliant. When bad actors wish to spread a pandemic, it’s child’s play. (12 Monkeys)

To achieve this status, China must first sacrifice up to 15% of its own population (well over 100 million people), and it must maintain control over the population through draconian police state measures (i.e. gunpoint control over all speech and ordering people to pretend that no one is missing or dead). In effect, China is now carrying out what can legitimately be called a “coronavirus holocaust,” complete with cremation ovens, secret police, the executions of political dissidents and much more. And the total deaths in China will almost certainly exceed six million, by the way.

Historians will be writing about this Chinese government holocaust for a hundred years, if humanity even lasts that long.

China’s long term plan to destroy America with bioweapons

Never forget that China has long followed a plan to completely destroy the United States of America using biological weapons. As J.R. Nyquist writes for The Epoch Times:

Did China’s Plan to Destroy the United States Backfire?

In a secret speech given to high-level Communist Party cadres nearly two decades ago, Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian explained a long-range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance.

He said there were three vital issues that must be grasped. The first was the issue of living space—because China is severely overpopulated and China’s environment is deteriorating. The second issue, therefore, was that the Communist Party must teach the Chinese people to “go out.” By this, Chi meant the conquest of new lands, in which a “second China” could be built by “colonization.” From this, arose the third vital issue: the “issue of America.”

Chi warned his listeners: “This appears to be shocking, but the logic is actually very simple. … [China is] in fundamental conflict with the Western strategic interest.” Therefore, the United States would never allow China to seize other countries to build a second China. The United States stands in China’s way.

“We are not as foolish as to want to perish together with America by using nuclear weapons,” the general said. “Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.”

The answer is found in biological weapons.

“Of course,” he added, “we have not been idle. In the past years, we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind.”

The ruling Chinese Communist Party considers biological weapons to be the most important weapons for accomplishing their goal of “cleaning up America.” Chi credits former Party leader Deng Xiaoping with putting biological weapons ahead of all other weapon systems in the Chinese arsenal: “When Comrade Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier groups and focus instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country.”

In other words, even if China loses 15% of its own population, it is still committed to destroying America at any cost. So we should expect a wave of deliberate biological terrorism to be unleashed on U.S. soil in the months ahead.



“It’s Like A Horror Film”: Botched Wuhan Quarantine Left Dead Bodies In The Street, Sick Waiting Days For Care

by Tyler Durden 12February2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/its-horror-film-afp-sees-dead-bodies-street-sick-patients-waiting-days-care-wuhan

Western media organizations have published a series of in-depth reports attempting to illuminate what life on the ground at the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak looks like. But few have captured the atmosphere of the situation quite like a team of AFP journalists who lingered in Wuhan after the lockdown, and have detailed their experiences in diary format.

The diary begins on Jan. 23, the day Wuhan was placed under lockdown. It starts as one might expect: Though the news was a shock, few tried to escape the city before the lockdown officially went into effect. Police chase the last travelers out of the railroad station.


coronavirus outbreak, Wuhan. Overwhelmed hospitals

coronavirus outbreak, Wuhan. Overwhelmed hospitals


But the situation doesn’t really start to escalate until Jan. 25, or New Year’s Day in China.

Those who went to worship at the city’s Guiyan temple, normally packed this time of year, found it empty: nobody was allowed inside.

“No-one is allowed inside in order to prevent the virus spreading,” a uniformed man – who is not wearing the compulsory mask – tells AFP.

On the fourth day of the crackdown, conditions in Wuhan really started to deteriorate. This marked the beginning of hard times for Wuhan. Overwhelmed hospitals arbitrarily turned people away if their swab tests came back negative for the virus. One man told an AFP reporter that he had been turned away by four hospitals, despite being seriously ill. “I haven’t slept,” he said. He was getting ready to wait in line all night to hopefully be admitted to another hospital.

For the first in their memory, the AFP reporters said Chinese out on the streets approached them to complain about the government’s handling of the lockdown.

“Like a horror film,” says one witness, who tells AFP bodies were left unattended for hours.

About 20 kilometers from the center for the city, police had set up roadblocks around the city’s perimeter. Nurses and other reinforcements were let in to help the exhausted medical personnel staffing the city’s hospitals.

By day five, all non-essential traffic had been banned from the city. Taxis have been requisitioned by the state to help transport people to hospitals.

One vast stretch of muddy ground in Wuhan was suddenly busy with cranes and heavy machinery as the state scrambled to build a new 1,000-bed facility. Soon, a second would begin nearby.

“We’ve got to go fast so we can beat the virus,” said one construction worker who had been working for nine hours, and was preparing to go off-shift near the construction site.

Volunteers ferry the sick to and from the hospital.

“We need to take the initiative and help out,” he says as he waits outside a clinic to take a patient home.

Countries have started to plan evacuations of their citizens from Wuhan. More than a dozen would eventually follow through. To boost morale, the government set up a display on the banks of the Yangtze river; four Chinese characters are lit up in pink: “Let’s go Wuhan.”

On day 6, the AFP spoke to a French doctor who had decided to stay in Wuhan, a Dr. Philippe Klein.

“It’s not an act of heroism,” he said. “It’s been well thought out, it’s my job.”

More signs of the government crackdown are beginning to appear: Guards take the temperature of customers at supermarkets and other stores hawking essential goods.

Then on day 8, the reporters saw their first dead body in the street. He’s a man, in his sixties, who is lying on his back in front of a closed furniture store. Officials in hazard suits slowly approach the body, taking every conceivable precaution.

The team of forensic experts who investigated the body are immediately sprayed with disinfectant. “It’s terrible,” one said. “So many have died in recent days.”

That was two weeks ago. Though there are fewer bodies in the streets, and sick suspects aren’t being turned away by hospitals so often, the situation has gotten considerably worse.

Epoch Times reporter Jennifer Zeng, who has been assiduously grabbing videos posted to Chinese social media and sharing them on Twitter, warned on Wednesday that the food shortage in Wuhan is becoming a crisis as the lockdown continues, despite the fact that China is supposedly once again open for business.


Jennifer-Zeng-tweet-12Feb2020-Super market in #wuhan running out of supplies, people lining up to buy, some starting to steal, one of the many scenes in #China during #CoronavirusOutbreak

Jennifer-Zeng-tweet-12Feb2020-Super market in #wuhan running out of supplies, people lining up to buy, some starting to steal, one of the many scenes in #China during #CoronavirusOutbreak


This is one of the most details reports describing the opening days of the lockdown, and it seems to comport with everything else we’ve come to understand about the outbreak in Wuhan. These are the consequences of Chinese officials not recognizing the virus’s potential because they waited to share information about the virus and its genetic sequence with the international community, as BBG reports.


Is coronavirus a manufactured bioweapon that Chinese spies stole from Canada?

29January2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-01-29-coronavirus-a-manufactured-bioweapon-chinese-spies-stole-from-canada.html

The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is located only 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market which is the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak dubbed the Wuhan Coronavirus.

The Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory is located only 20 miles away from the Huanan Seafood Market which is the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak dubbed the Wuhan Coronavirus.

(Natural News) In 2019, a mysterious shipment sent from Canada to China was found to contain hidden coronavirus, which Chinese agents working at a Canadian laboratory reportedly stole, obviously without permission.

Reports reveal that these Chinese agents were working undercover for the Chinese Biological Warfare Program, and may have infiltrated North America for the sole purpose of hijacking this deadly virus in order to unleash it at a later date.

That unleashing could be the coronavirus outbreak that’s currently dominating media headlines – with as many as 44,000 people now infected – despite blame being assigned to contaminated food sold at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, China – and here’s why.

It was back on June 13, 2012, when a 60-year-old man from Saudi Arabia was admitted to a private hospital in Jeddah with a seven-day affliction of fever, cough, expectoration and shortness of breath. The man had no known history of cardiopulmonary or renal disease, was on no medications, and didn’t smoke, and tests revealed that he had become infected with a previously unknown strain of coronavirus.

However, tests could not reveal where the man had contracted coronavirus. So, Dr. Ali Mohamed Zaki, the Egyptian virologist who was caring for the man, contacted Ron Fouchier, a premier virologist at the Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, for advice.

Fouchier proceeded to sequence a sample of the virus sent to him by Dr. Zaki using a broad-spectrum “pan-coronavirus” real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method to distinguish it from other strains of coronavirus. He then sent it to Dr. Frank Plummer, the Scientific Director of Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, on May 4, 2013, where it was replicated for assessment and diagnostic purposes.

Scientists in Winnipeg proceeded to test this strain of coronavirus on animals to see which species could catch it. This research was done in conjunction with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s national lab, as well as with the National Centre for Foreign Animal Diseases, which is in the same complex as the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML).

NML, it’s important to note, has long conducted tests with coronavirus, having isolated and provided the first genome sequence of the SARS coronavirus. This lab had also identified another type of coronavirus, known as NL63, back in 2004.

Formerly respected scientist allowed multiple deadly viruses besides coronavirus to be shipped to China

Fast-forward to today, and the recent discovery of the mystery shipment containing coronavirus can be traced all the way back to these samples that were sent to Canada for analysis, suggesting that the current coronavirus outbreak was likely stolen as a bioweapon to be released for just such a time as this.

According to reports, the shipment occurred back in March of 2019, which caused a major scandal with biowarfare experts who questioned why Canada was purportedly sending lethal viruses to China. It was later discovered in July that Chinese virologists had stolen it, and were forcibly dispatched as a result.

“The NML is Canada’s only level-4 facility and one of only a few in North America equipped to handle the world’s deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, Coronavirus, etc.,” explains a report by Great Game India, as republished by Zero Hedge.

“The NML scientist who was escorted out of the Canadian lab along with her husband, another biologist, and members of her research team is believed to be a Chinese Bio-Warfare agent Xiangguo Qiu,” it goes on to explain, adding that Qiu had served as head of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies Section of the Special Pathogens Program at Canada’s NML.

A formerly respected scientist in China, Qiu began studying powerful viruses in 2006. In 2014, many of these viruses she studied, including not only coronavirus but also Machupo, Junin, Rift Valley Fever, Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, and Hendra, all suddenly appeared in China as part of a massive hijacking.

Be sure to read the full report at ZeroHedge.com.

You can also keep up with the latest coronavirus news by visiting Outbreak.news.

Sources for this article include:



Bioweapons Expert: W.H.O. Is In On Biowarfare Weaponization Of Coronavirus



BIOWARFARE: Chinese communists “intentionally” unleashed “Frankenstein” COVID-19, says Wuhan scientist

22September2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-09-22-chinese-communists-intentionally-unleashed-frankenstein-covid-19-says-scientist.html

(Natural News) Appearing during a recent episode of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News, Chinese scientist Dr. Li-Meng Yan made the claim that the communist Chinese regime is directly responsible for unleashing and spreading the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Reiterating what she has been saying in other forums, Dr. Li-Meng explained how the “Frankenstein” virus was “intentionally” developed through genetic engineering to “make such harm” in the world.

The bombshell interview, which is gaining plenty of media attention, furthers the narrative that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is anything but a random occurrence in bats. Instead, it represents the essence of a man-made plandemic intended to cause global pandemonium and chaos.

According to Dr. Li-Meng, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been trying to silence her message, which implicates the regime in basically unleashing a bioweapon. She says her confession is being “suppressed” and made “to disappear,” though she has found numerous forums, including at Fox News, to spread it.

Almost immediately after releasing a report suggesting that SARS-CoV-2, as the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is also called, was man-made, Dr. Li-Meng’s Twitter account, which had 60,000 followers, was suspended. She has also been silenced by the left-wing media, which is completely ignoring her claims.

“This is created in the lab, this is from, technically owned by China military and also it is spread to the world to make such damage,” Dr. Li-Meng, who fled Hong Kong back in April for her own safety, told Carlson.

“Do you believe the Chinese government released this intentionally, on purpose?” Carlson further asked.

“Yes, of course it’s intentionally,” Dr. Li-Meng responded.

More related news about the China Virus, as President Trump is calling it, can be found at Pandemic.news.

Dr. Li-Meng worked in top coronavirus lab where “designer” viruses are made

Dr. Li-Meng’s background includes her work as a virologist in a World Health Organization (WHO)-run reference lab at the University of Hong Kong, where coronaviruses are routinely dissected and manipulated using genetic engineering.

“I work[ed] in the WHO reference lab, which is the top coronavirus lab in the world, in the University of Hong Kong,” she explained to Carlson. “And the thing is I get deeply into such investigation in secret from the early beginning of this outbreak.”

“I had my intelligence because I also get my own unit network in China, involved [in] the hospital … also I work with the top corona[virus] virologists in the world,” she added.

Dr. Li-Meng is convinced that she has “solid scientific evidence” of malfeasance concerning the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which she says “actually is not from nature, it is a man-made virus created in the lab.”

Carlson, startled by the claim, inquired further into the matter, to which Dr. Li-Meng responded that the Chinese military “discovered and owned the very unique bat coronavirus which cannot affect people, but after the modification becomes the very harmful virus as now.”

Dr. Li-Meng is planning to unveil even more evidence in the future towards this end, which she says will solidify her claims. This evidence will also detail precisely how the CCP developed the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to make it both highly infectious and pernicious.

As it turns out, virus genomes have their own unique fingerprints that function like identifiers as to their true origins. And the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Dr. Li-Meng contends, clearly shows that it originated from the Chinese government’s “own special bat coronavirus” that was modified for the purpose of targeting humans.

“What you’re alleging is even more shocking than I anticipated when we invited you on,” Carlson told Dr. Li-Meng, who confirmed that “big suppression” from the Chinese government is the reason why the truth about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken this long to get out there.

Sources for this article include:





The lies we are being told about the Coronavirus

05February2020 by: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-02-05-lies-we-are-being-told-about-coronavirus.html

(Natural News) Lies are a powerful form of magic; they can mislead large groups of people into making terrible errors, as well as cause them to be blind to the obvious. Lies make people hurt themselves while thinking they are helping themselves. It is a truly dark and horrific act of sorcery.

(Article by Brandon Smith republished from Alt-Market.com)

As the world stands at the edge of a global pandemic event, the people who are immune to the effects of lies have an opportunity to take action should the virus continue to expand beyond the borders of China. We have a small window of time, perhaps a couple of months, in which we can prepare ourselves for the fallout and ensure we are as protected as we can be. This means taking precautions to prevent viral transmission, increasing the strength of our own immune systems, prepping for the loss of supply lines and freight shipments to retailers, organizing family, friends and neighbors for mutual aid and security, as well as preparing for the inevitable government attempts at martial law.

Of course, a person cannot or will not take any of these measures as long as they believe that the virus is not a threat, or they think that the pandemic will have little effect on their daily lives. I have recently seen a discomforting level of propaganda and disinformation agents invading the media and discussion boards related to this issue. Whenever I see such an intense disinformation campaign surrounding an event, this tells me a couple of things:

1) If they are trying to overtly downplay the seriousness of the event while lying about the facts involved, it tells me that the event is a legitimate threat and it will probably get worse as time passes.

2) If they all push the same false narrative and talking points it tells me that this is an organized effort paid for by a larger party with extensive resources.

If the narrative glosses over or hides recently revealed evidence by claiming that the event is “all hype”, then it is designed to create inaction in the public – It is designed to make us apathetic, which means there is a concerted conspiracy to harm us. It is not just an attempt to hide the guilt of the people involved in creating the crisis.

So what are some of the most insidious lies being spread right now on the virus threat? Lets go through a quick list of those I’ve identified so far:

Lie #1: Deaths Caused By The Coronavirus Are Nothing Compared To The Death Rate Of The Average Flu…

This lie seems to be the most common being used to plant seeds of apathy in the public consciousness right now. I have even heard people on the street regurgitate it verbatim as they try to convince themselves that all is well. But even using official numbers, which are likely false and greatly reduced, the argument is simply wrong on every level.

There is a big difference between “number of deaths” and the actual “death rate” of a virus. The flu infects tens of millions of people annually around the world with deaths in the US numbering usually under 10,000. In the US in the 2019-2020 season so far, the flu infected over 9 million people resulting in 4800 deaths; meaning the death rate of the flu is minor compared to the number of sick. Flu deaths are usually collated over the course of a year, yet people are already trying to compare death rates to the coronavirus, which has only been active for a few weeks.

Keep in mind also that the CDC has been called out for greatly inflating influenza death rates in order to push vaccine propaganda. They consistently attach flu death numbers with pneumonia deaths; which I would point is is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Chinese are doing with the coronavirus numbers.

The coronavirus has been active for about a month in China, it has a hibernation of around two weeks, and, China has been lying extensively about the number of deaths associated with the disease by labeling most deaths due to pneumonia. We truly have no idea what the potential death rate of this illness is. What we do know is that it behaves much like SARS, which had a death rate of around 11%. According to official numbers the coronavirus transmits faster and has already killed more people in a few weeks than SARS did in over a year.

The notion that the virus only kills the elderly is also incorrect. The two deaths now confirmed outside of China were both men in their 30’s and 40’s.

When considering the issue of viral death rate, we have to take into account the capacity of local medical facilities in handling patient load. If hospitals are only handling a few cases at a time, then the patients will get better overall treatment and less deaths will occur. But, if hospitals are overwhelmed with thousands of cases at a time, as is happening in China, then treatment quality will go down and many more people will die. A minimal death rate outside of China today does not mean a minimal death rate tomorrow should the virus spread beyond hospital capacity.

With the flu, people can usually treat themselves with ease at home; the coronavirus is obviously much more dangerous. No country in modern times has EVER quarantined over 50 million people in 16 cities because of the average flu. The comparison between the coronavirus and the flu is patently ridiculous. There is no comparison. The coronavirus is on another level entirely.

Lie #2: The Coronavirus Came From An Animal Market And The Claim It Is Engineered Is A “Conspiracy Theory”…

The phrase “conspiracy theory” is usually exploited as a way to dismiss facts and evidence without consideration on the basis that the official story is the only story that has any validity. In other words, the official story requires no justification because the authorities are infallible and always have our best interests at heart.

The problem is, governments and the mainstream media have been caught lying over and over again about issues far less important than a global pandemic, so I’m not sure why we should trust ANYTHING they say ever. There is considerable evidence that China has been lying incessantly about the number of sick and dead due to the coronavirus, including leaked accounts from medics and other people at ground zero in Wuhan. These people are now being silenced by the Chinese government. In fact, the Chinese government was suppressing coverage and information on the coronavirus from the very beginning of the contagion, which helped allow it to spread unchecked.

Now, social media companies are taking action to remove people who try to document the facts of the virus and its potential source in the name of “stopping fake news”. Anyone who questions the official narrative is not only a “conspiracy theorist” but also a “danger” to the public. This narrative is supported by US government officials:

“These lies can cause immediate and tangible harm to people, and the platforms must act to stop them from spreading,” House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a statement to The Hill. “It’s critical that Americans receive verified, trustworthy information about the coronavirus and heed the advice of our country’s public health officials as we learn more about its potential impact here at home…”

The facts are the facts, and if the facts suggest a conspiracy, then so be it. Only 20 miles away from the market in question stands the LARGEST Level 4 Biohazard Lab in Asia, which studies directly into the world’s deadliest pathogens including SARS and coronavirus. In 2017, experts warned that a virus could escape the labs in Wuhan because of lax containment standards. To put this in perspective, it would be like an Ebola outbreak striking the city of Atlanta and then blamed on a food market only 20 miles from the CDC. It looks suspicious…

Last year, Chinese researchers were dismissed from a Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, Canada without public explanation, but the same lab was exposed last year for sharing deadly virus samples with China, including Ebola and henipavirus. One of the Chinese researchers work focus was the SARS virus. Media and government attention in Canada at the time of the scandal was on concerns that the lab in Winnipeg was supplying viral samples that would be used in China’s biowarfare programs.

According to a paper published by virologists in India, the coronavirus genetic code also contains proteins that are exactly like those found in HIV. Interestingly, coronavirus patients have been shown to respond positively to drugs that are meant to treat HIV and AIDS carriers. Through official pressure the paper has now been retracted and the authors have said they will “revise it”. But, the whole point of peer review is for the data to be examined by others in the field and then proven or disproven. If the data can be reproduced, then it needs to be taken seriously.

This is not what the CDC and other official institutions on disease study want. They seem intent on dismissing any information outright that suggests the coronavirus might have been made in a lab rather than in nature.

If true, the chances of coronavirus containing protein combinations identical to HIV in nature are astronomical, meaning, the virus was engineered. If the virus is proven to be engineered, then this makes future narratives and propaganda harder to implement. For example, it will be much harder to blame the pandemic on “global warming” if the virus was created by a bunch of guys in lab coats rather than in nature.

To repeat the facts, Wuhan is a hub for China’s largest biohazard labs and these labs are suspected by biological warfare experts of being involved in bioweapons testing. Until there is more independent examination of the virus (the original strain before mutation), no one knows for certain what the source is.

The mainstream media has been very aggressive in denying any links to bioweaponry, claiming that there “is no evidence” linking Wuhan’s labs to the virus; yet, there is FAR MORE evidence of the involvement of the biohazard labs than there is evidence proving that the virus originated an animal market. They have simply decided that the animal market story is the tale they prefer, and so it has become the official story.

Lie #3: The Virus Won’t Have Any Effect On America

The general thrust of the mainstream view of the coronavirus has been to assert that the US will not be affected and that concerns are “overblown”. The UN’s World Health Organization continues to refuse to take the event very seriously, and even Larry Kudlow, Trump’s Director of the National Economic Council, claims the damage to the US economy will be ‘minimal’.

Now, firstly I have to say I would take the economic analysis of a long time cocaine addict with a grain of salt. This is the same guy who was wildly incorrect in all his calls on the housing bubble in 2005-2006, and yet he is now advising the White House on financial crisis events? But lets set the incompetence of Kudlow aside for a moment and consider that perhaps he is just reading from a script prepared for him by others. Certainly, there are a lot of people out there that would like to keep the public ignorant of the depth of the situation, and they will give all sorts of half-assed rationales as to why they lie.

For the Chinese authorities, the pandemic is an undeniable fact of life, but they will say their economy and global image required the truth to be “tempered” to prevent civil unrest and to stop investors pulling from their money out of Chinese markets en masse.

For US authorities who waited far too long to start shutting down flights from China carrying multiple infected, the claim will be that they had to lie to prevent general panic and market panic.

For the UN’s World Health Organization that lied about China “containment” and actually downplayed the danger of travel to China for a time while the virus was raging and human-to-human transmission was confirmed, I see no excuse really. Their behavior, and the behavior of the US and Chinese governments makes me suspect that they WANT the pandemic to spread.

As I write this the 11th confirmed case of coronavirus has been identified in the US with many more suspected cases still under observation. Obviously, the virus is here already, but the issue of how much it will affect Americans is being diminished or buried in an endless stream of propaganda.

Given enough time, a viral outbreak that spreads as fast as the coronavirus with a death rate of 5% or more is going to cause negative effects in every facet of the US economy. But in our current window of the progression of the pandemic, I think it’s important to point out that even if the death rate is low in the US, there is no escaping the economic consequences attached to this event.

The US economy is interdependent with multiple nations, and is tightly connected to China. The greatest danger of globalism in terms of economics is that it forces national economies into losing the redundancies that protect them from systemic collapse. When one major economy goes down, it brings down all other economies with it.

Not only that, but the US financial structure is precariously unstable anyway, with record levels of national debt, consumer debt and corporate debt, not to mention steep declines in manufacturing and demand. The US sits atop one of the most massive economic bubbles of all time – The Everything Bubble, created by the Federal Reserve over ten years of stimulus measures, barely keeping the system alive in a state of zombification.

The bubble was always going to collapse. In fact, recent events in Fed repo markets suggest it was already collapsing. The coronavirus outbreak is a perfect cover event for this implosion. To understand why a collapse event might be preferred by a certain minority of people within the elitist establishment, read my last article ‘How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda’.

As I have argued for the past couple of years, all that is needed to bring down the US economy is one major trigger event. The idea that a global pandemic would not damage the American system already teetering on the edge of the abyss is simply absurd. This event has the capacity to cause crisis around the world, not just in China.

Lie #4: The Virus Is Contained

You are going to hear this lie often in the next month or two. I’ve heard it several times already from Chinese and US authorities in the past few weeks, and clearly their definition of the word “contained” must be different from mine.

China’s official sickness count and death toll rises exponentially by the day, and this is not accounting for the number of sick and dead they are hiding. Over 50 million people are now in forced quarantine and martial law measures have been implemented. Hong Kong’s hopes of containment have been dashed and officials now expect the outbreak to grow worse in the region.

Japan just announced that a man carrying the virus boarded a cruise liner and then departed, infecting at least ten people in the process and forcing the ship into quarantine for the next two weeks.

A woman in Santa Clara, California carrying the virus came back from China and had been in the US for around 10 DAYS before the illness was identified. Meaning, every single person she came in contact with in that time is now a potential carrier, and for the next two weeks they won’t know they are contagious. These are just a few examples of why it is foolish to write off this situation as “contained”; you cannot contain what you cannot identify.

The disinformation campaign seems designed to hide the true source of the virus, but also to keep the masses lethargic and inactive. We are meant to sit and wait while the virus and the potential economic catastrophe runs us over. Do not fall for the con; prepare accordingly, and never accept what lying governments and mainstream media outlets tell you as the whole truth. It is better to take precautions you might not need than to be found very stupid and desperate down the road because the “experts” told you it was all hype.

Read more at: Alt-Market.com



Citizen Journalists Who Exposed Beijing’s Lies In Wuhan Have Suddenly Vanished

by Tyler Durden 07February2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/citizen-journalists-who-exposed-beijings-lies-wuhan-have-suddenly-vanished

As we reported late Thursday evening, the death toll from the viral outbreak on mainland China has surpassed 600. With global markets once again in the red, Bloomberg reports that Beijing has silenced two of the citizen journalists responsible for much of the horrifying footage seeping onto western social media.

As BBG’s reporter explains, Chinese citizen journalists Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin have effectively been “the world’s eyes and ears” inside Wuhan (much of the film produced by American news organizations has consisted of drone footage). In recent days, SCMP and other news organizations reporting on the ground and publishing in English have warned that Beijing has stepped up efforts to censor Chinese social media after allowing citizens to vent their frustrations and share news without the usual scrutiny.


Chen Qiushi

Chen Qiushi


On Wednesday, China said its censors would conduct “targeted supervision” on the largest social media platforms including Weibo, Tencent’s WeChat and ByteDance’s Douyin. All in an effort to mask the dystopian nightmare that life in cities like Wuhan has become.

But that brief period of informational amnesty is now over, apparently. Fang posted a dramatic video on Friday showing him being forcibly detained and dragged off to a ‘quarantine’. He was detained over a video showing corpses piled up in a Wuhan hospital. However, he has already been released.

Chen, meanwhile, seems to have vanished without a trace, and is believed to still be in government detention. Last week, we shared one of Chen’s more alarming videos documenting the severe medical supply shortages and outnumbered medical personnel fighting a ‘losing battle’ against the outbreak.

The crackdown on these journalists comes amid an outpouring of public anger over the death of a doctor who was wrongly victimized by police after attempting to warn the public about the outbreak. Beijing tried to cover up the death, denying it to the western press before the local hospital confirmed.


2019-nCov contagion map 07 February 2020

2019-nCov contagion map 07 February 2020


The videos supplied by the two citizen journos have circulated most freely on twitter, which is where most in-the-know Chinese go for their latest information about the outbreak. Many “hop” the “great firewall” via a VPN.

“There’s a lot more activity happening on Twitter compared with Weibo and WeChat,” said Maya Wang, senior China researcher at Human Rights Watch. There has been a Chinese community on Jack Dorsey’s short-message platform since before President Xi Jinping rose to power, she added, but the recent crackdown has weakened that social circle.

Chen has now been missing for more than 24 hours, according to several friends in contact with BBG News.

Chen has been out of contact for a prolonged period of time. His friends posted a message on his Twitter account saying he has been unreachable since 7 p.m. local time on Thursday. In a texted interview, Bloomberg News’s last question to Chen was whether he was concerned about his safety as he’s among the few people reporting the situation on the front lines.

It’s all part of the great crackdown that Beijing is enforcing, even as the WHO continues to praise the Communist Party for its ‘transparency’.

“After lifting the lid briefly to give the press and social media some freedom,” said Wang about China’s ruling Communist Party, the regime “is now reinstating its control over social media, fearing it could lead to a wider-spread panic.”

With a little luck, the world might soon learn Chen’s whereabouts. Then again, there’s always the chance that he’s never heard from again.

I Found The Source of the Coronavirus

laowhy86 Apr 1, 2020

Since we are not being told the truth it is “Time to Connect the Dots”


“This Should Trouble Us Deeply” – Chilling Documentary Maps Out Likely Origin Of COVID-19

Tyler Durden 10April2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/should-trouble-us-deeply-chilling-documentary-maps-out-likely-origin-covid-19

Authored by Catherine Yang via The Epoch Times,

While The Epoch Times began publishing reports of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus on Jan. 2, most outlets had yet to pick up on the story because of the CCP’s lockdown on information. Three months later, over 200 countries and territories have been infected and the CCP virus has caused over 85,000 deaths infecting at least 1.4 million, but information is murkier than ever.

“We’ve pretty much heard every rumor under the sun. We’ve heard every theory, every crazy rumor, we’ve heard all these different narratives,” said Joshua Philipp, award-winning investigative reporter and host of the show “Crossroads.”

The rumors aren’t by accident: The CCP has been actively engaging in a disinformation campaign, and media outlets around the world have parroted the propaganda. As a result, entire nations have been operating under false information as they try to battle the pandemic within their borders.

Screenshot of the documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.” (Courtesy Epoch Times)

Screenshot of the documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.” (Courtesy Epoch Times)

Screenshot of the documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.” (Courtesy Epoch Times)

Philipp and his colleages at The Epoch Times and NTD Television thought it their responsibility to sift through all the information available, verify it, and put it into one place. The result is the just-premiered documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus,” which is available to watch online. Less than two days after its premiere, the documentary has around 1.6 million views across different platforms.

The film “really tries to sift through all of the rumors, all of the truths, all of the falsehoods, and show people as accurate a picture as possible of what really happened and where this virus actually came from,” Philipp said.

In it, Philipp pieces together the development of the virus and includes interviews that shed light on the Chinese regime’s actions and intentions.

Lives at Stake

It should be very telling that the nine-person panel the CCP created to address the pandemic, once it finally acknowledged the virus in January, is filled with propaganda officials, said China affairs columnist Gordon Chang in the documentary.

Many countries have accepted or bought faulty equipment from China, for example, and “they’re getting duped,” Philipp said.

“And, of course, this is because they don’t understand the Chinese Communist Party, they don’t understand how [the CCP] works, and, even as we speak right now, the Chinese Communist Party is claiming it’s over in China when it’s not.”

China affairs columnist Gordon Chang. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

China affairs columnist Gordon Chang. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

China affairs columnist Gordon Chang. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

“And what that means is, as they open things up and reopen flights, there’s a major risk to other countries,” Philipp said.

“If [these countries] don’t have accurate information, then what can they base their information on?”

As the documentary shows, the CCP’s delay in sharing information about the virus with other countries was not mere oversight. And beyond covering up the epidemic, China’s current actions and disinformation continues to endanger lives around the globe. The CCP has gone from denying the existence of the virus to spreading as many lies as it can to obscure the truth.

“This is an issue of human life,” Philipp said.

Why Would the CCP Lie?

From the beginning, the CCP has not been forthcoming.

“We don’t know what’s there, but the fact that the Communist Party is covering this up should trouble us deeply,” Chang said.

Those unfamiliar with the CCP will likely be shocked to discover the regime’s motives.

Philipp’s investigation of the CCP virus in this documentary goes back to the outbreak of SARS nearly two decades ago. The CCP tried to cover up the SARS outbreak as well, and The Epoch Times was one of the few media to expose this. There is precedent of the regime being untrustworthy in the event of an epidemic.

Philipp has been researching the CCP since 2008, and gave an example of its military approach to shed light on how the CCP can profit off this pandemic most consider a tragedy.

“One important thing to understand is they talk about war without morals. They talk about ‘unrestricted warfare’: war that does not take into account any concept of human rights, human dignity, human life. It is victory by any means. There is nothing they will not do, and we see the same thing in many parts of their system, including the medical system where altering the human genome is not a big deal to them,” Philipp said.

The documentary’s experts remind us: this is a nation that currently holds at least 1 million of its own people in concentration camps.

“They don’t care about human life when it comes to this regime—we’ve seen that in their human rights abuses,” Philipp said.

Epoch Times investigative journalist Joshua Philipp. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

Epoch Times investigative journalist Joshua Philipp. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

Epoch Times investigative journalist Joshua Philipp. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

The documentary shows another link to SARS, and how one of China’s top virus experts’ study of SARS at the Wuhan Institute of Virology led to breakthroughs in creating a coronavirus to infect humans. But to what end?

“The Chinese Communist Party has been very open about its biological warfare ambitions, they don’t even try to hide it. And it’s been a huge injustice that people have not held them to stronger account than they should have, because the Chinese Communist Party is able to act with impunity and nobody criticizes what they do,” Philipp said.

The documentary is a comprehensive look at what the virus is and what has happened, and Philipp hopes it can allow nations to make better-informed decisions.

Dr. Sean Lin, former lab director of the viral disease branch at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

Dr. Sean Lin, former lab director of the viral disease branch at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

Dr. Sean Lin, former lab director of the viral disease branch at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

At the very least, we can provide this as a package of information that will inform the entire world exactly where this virus came from, and exactly what needs to be done going forward,” he said.

“And at the very least, they will be more cautious when dealing with the Chinese Communist Party, especially at this time.”

“People’s lives are at stake and we find it very necessary to do this kind of work,” he said.

Talking Points

The information is perhaps more vital than ever, because while countries are turning to the World Health Organization for information, WHO is turning to the CCP.

General Robert Spalding, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former National Security Council senior strategy director, was in China when SARS broke out; he was evacuated, but he knows what a cover-up looks like. How the CCP handled the SARS cover-up is exactly how they have handled this one. He is among several experts who say the CCP clearly has no intention of ending the epidemic or curing the virus.

Senior investigative Epoch Times reporter Joshua Philipp in New York City. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

Senior investigative Epoch Times reporter Joshua Philipp in New York City. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

Senior investigative Epoch Times reporter Joshua Philipp in New York City. (Courtesy of Epoch Times)

“You can see that the WHO is essentially following the Chinese Communist Party’s guidelines,” Spalding said.

The WHO isn’t the only organization doing so; international organizations to individual academic institutions around the world are afraid to say something that may anger the CCP. In recent weeks, Philipp had reached out many well-known scientists who once suggested the virus causing this mysterious COVID-19 disease was created in a lab, but they no longer wanted to talk.

From the beginning, the CCP prevented organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying the origin of COVID-19, Gordon Chang said.

The CCP’s actions speak to a problem deeper than the virus.

“Every country has diseases, but in China they become national emergencies and global emergencies, because the real disease here is communism,” Chang said.

* * *
Watch the complete documentary below:

1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP 07april2020



World Health Organization’s China bootlicking and bad science has destroyed its credibility

by Tiana Lowe | 01April2020 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/the-whos-china-bootlicking-and-bad-science-has-destroyed-its-credibilityhttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/the-whos-china-bootlicking-and-bad-science-has-destroyed-its-credibility

There is very little reason to listen to the World Health Organization ever again. Ever.

Its functionaries aren’t just bootlicking tankies running cover for the Chinese dictatorship in the facile hopes of some greater good. The WHO has gone beyond even that disgrace, debasing itself for the Chinese Communist Party while spreading utter junk science. In just two months, this organization has permanently discredited itself and has no more credibility to lose.


The WHO’s dictatorial sycophancy long predates the coronavirus. Beijing’s stranglehold over the organization began in earnest in 2006, when its hand-picked candidate won the election to become the WHO’s director-general. When Margaret Chan, herself a Chinese national, took charge of the organization, so did the interests of the communist party.


Chan notoriously praised the North Korean healthcare system as the “envy” of “other developing countries” less than a decade after her predecessor, Gro Harlem Brundtland, claimed it was on the brink of collapse. Chan also allied the WHO with Bashar Assad, declaring the Syrian dictator “a president who is working for his people and his country” just a few years before he was caught red-handed massacring his own people. Syria also strong-armed the WHO into silencing a positive report about Israeli health conditions. Soon before leaving her post, Chan barred Taiwan, already limited to participating in WHO meetings solely as an observer, from the WHO’s annual assembly. Before leaving, Chan brought Xi Jinping to the WHO headquarters, the first such visit by any Chinese dictator.


Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chan’s successor and current WHO director-general, is not from China, but he is no less a puppet of the regime and friend to dictators. The Chinese Communist Party, the third-largest financial contributor to the WHO, backed the Ethiopian’s electoral bid, and it has certainly gotten its money’s worth in the current crisis.


Tedros appointed Robert Mugabe a goodwill ambassador of the WHO in 2017, just a month before the Zimbabwean dictator was sacked as the result of a military coup. Zimbabweans’ average life expectancy is nearly two decades shorter than that of Americans, and the socialist government routinely cannot pay its doctors, who are forced to perform surgeries without gloves and use rope instead of bandages. The WHO revoked the appointment only after global backlash.


In 2019, the WHO authorized the inclusion of an entire chapter on traditional Chinese medicine (that is, unscientific superstition) in the latest version of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.


“To include TCM in the ICD is an egregious lapse in evidence-based thinking and practice,” Scientific American wrote of the move. “Data supporting the effectiveness of most traditional remedies are scant, at best.”


Then came the coronavirus.

In January, Tedros met with Xi in Beijing, where the WHO director-general lavished praise upon the Chinese dictator for his “transparency” and handling of the matter.


“We appreciate the seriousness with which China is taking this outbreak, especially the commitment from top leadership and the transparency they have demonstrated,” Tedros said a month after Beijing had already lied to the world that the coronavirus couldn’t spread from human to human and allowed 7 million people, an untold number of them infected, to leave Wuhan and travel who even knows where.


In February, Tedros lambasted the United States and other nations for taking the sensible step of banning travel from China. He claimed there was “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.” He then lauded China for “making us safer,” pushing back on a European journalist asking if Beijing put “pressure” on the organization to give it such “effusive praise.”


Despite clear evidence that the coronavirus would shut down the global economy, the WHO declined to deem it a pandemic until March 11, when already over 100,000 cases had been confirmed worldwide. Shortly thereafter, WHO Assistant Director-General Bruce Aylward pretended not to hear a question from journalist Yvonne Tong about reconsidering the WHO’s Taiwan ban and hung up the video call. When he called back, Tong reiterated her question.


“Well, we’ve already talked about China,” he responded shortly before ending the interview for good.

All the while, the WHO has continued to claim, falsely, that masks do not protect people from the coronavirus, even though studies indicate that surgical masks are 90% effective, tea towels are 72% effective, and cotton T-shirts are 50% effective against bacteria one-fifth the size of the coronavirus.


A possible explanation? To save more masks for China, which has exported faulty ones to the rest of the planet and not only hoarded its own but also raided those of other countries.


The U.S. contributes $115.4 million to the WHO, more than any other nation and nearly three times as much as China. After the coronavirus crisis wanes, hundreds of thousands of American lives lost and millions unemployed, it’ll be well worth asking why and whether it’s still worth it.



US president Trump send Scathing Letter to W.H.O. Director-General detailing 14 ways the WHO failed the world

“You’ve Got 30 Days”: Trump Torches Tedros In Scathing Letter Slamming “Deadly” Failures

by Tyler Durden 19May2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/youve-got-30-days-trump-torches-tedros-scathing-letter-slamming-deadly-failures

President Trump fired off a scorching letter to World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Monday night detailing 14 ways the WHO failed the world while kowtowing to China, and made clear that countless lives could have been saved had the organization refused to lie for Beijing.

“On April 14, 2020, I suspended United States contributions to the World Health Organization pending an investigation by my Administration of the organization’s failed response to the COVID-19 outbreak,” the letter begins.

This review has confirmed many of the serious concerns I raised last month and identified others that the World Health Organization should have addressed, especially the World Health Organization’s alarming lack of independence from the People’s Republic of China.”

The letter lays out how the WHO and its director stood by while China lied, muzzled whistleblowers and destroyed samples – while ignoring evidence from Taiwan indicating “human-to-human transmission of a new virus,” after which the WHO “chose not to share any of this critical information with the rest of the world, probably for political reasons.

Trump then lists several claims from the WHO about the coronavirus “that were either grossly inaccurate or misleading,” including:

• On January 14, 2020, the World Health Organization gratuitously reaffirmed China’s now-debunked claim that the coronavirus could not be transmitted between humans, stating: “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) identified in Wuhan, China.” This assertion was in direct conflict with censored reports from Wuhan.

• On January 21, 2020, President Xi Jinping of China reportedly pressured you not to declare the corona virus outbreak an emergency. You gave in to this pressure the next day and told the world that the coronavirus did not pose a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Just over one week later, on January 30, 2020, overwhelming evidence to the contrary forced you to reverse course.

• On January 28, 2020, after meeting with President Xi in Beijing, you praised the Chinese government for its “transparency” with respect to the coronavirus, announcing that China had set a “new standard for outbreak control” and “bought the world time.” You did not mention that China had, by then, silenced or punished several doctors for speaking out about the virus and restricted Chinese
institutions from publishing information about it.

Travel ban double-standard

The letter points out that Tedros “strongly praised China’s strict domestic travel restrictions, but were inexplicably against my closing of the United States border, or the ban, with respect to people coming from China. I put the ban in place regardless of your wishes,” stating that the WHO director’s “political gamesmanship on this issue was deadly, as other governments, relying on your comments, delayed imposing life-saving restrictions on travel to and from China.”

Trump gets personal

Bringing it home, Trump slams Tedros as incompetent – writing that “Just a few years ago, under the direction of a different Director-General, the World Health Organization showed the world how much it has to offer. In 2003, in response to the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China, Director General Harlem Brundtland boldly declared the World Health Organization’s first emergency travel advisory in 55 years, recommending against travel to and from the disease epicenter in southern China.

“Many lives could have been saved had you followed Dr. Brundtland’s example,” said Trump.

In closing, Trump gave the WHO 30 days to commit to “substantive improvements” or he will make the temporary freeze of US funding to the organization permanent, as well as “reconsider our membership in the organization.”

* * *

Entire letter below:

• The World Health Organization consistently ignored credible reports of the virus spreading in Wuhan in early December 2019 or even earlier, including reports from the Lancet medical journal. The World Health Organization failed to independently investigate credible reports that conflicted directly with the Chinese government’s official accounts, even those that came from sources within Wuhan itself.

• By no later than December 30, 2019, the World Health Organization office in Beijing knew that there was a “major public health” concern in Wuhan. Between December 26 and December 30, China’s media highlighted evidence of a new virus emerging from Wuhan, based on patient data sent to multiple Chinese genomics companies. Additionally, during this period, Dr. Zhang Jixian, a doctor from Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, told China’s health authorities that a new coronavirus was causing a novel disease that was, at the time, afflicting approximately 180 patients.

• By the next day, Taiwanese authorities had communicated information to the World Health Organization indicating human-to-human transmission of a new virus. Yet the World Health Organization chose not to share any of this critical information with the rest of the world, probably for political reasons.

• The International Health Regulations require countries to report the risk of a health emergency within 24 hours. But China did not inform the World Health Organization of Wuhan’s several cases of pneumonia, of unknown origin, until December 31, 2019, even though it likely had knowledge of these cases days or weeks earlier.

• According to Dr. Zhang Yongzhen of the Shanghai Public Health Clinic Center, he told Chinese authorities on January 5, 2020, that he had sequenced the genome of the virus. There was no publication of this information until six days later, on January 11, 2020, when Dr. Zhang self-posted it online. The next day, Chinese authorities closed his lab for “rectification.” As even the World Health Organization acknowledged, Dr. Zhang’s posting was a great act of “transparency.” But the World Health Organization has been conspicuously silent both with respect to the closure of Dr. Zhang’s lab and his assertion that he had notified Chinese authorities of his breakthrough six days earlier.

• The World Health Organization has repeatedly made claims about the coronavirus that were either grossly inaccurate or misleading.

• On January 14, 2020, the World Health Organization gratuitously reaffirmed China’s now-debunked claim that the coronavirus could not be transmitted between humans, stating: “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) identified in Wuhan, China.” This assertion was in direct conflict with censored reports from Wuhan.

• On January 21, 2020, President Xi Jinping of China reportedly pressured you not to declare the corona virus outbreak an emergency. You gave in to this pressure the next day and told the world that the coronavirus did not pose a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Just over one week later, on January 30, 2020, overwhelming evidence to the contrary forced you to reverse course.

• On January 28, 2020, after meeting with President Xi in Beijing, you praised the Chinese government for its “transparency” with respect to the coronavirus, announcing that China had set a “new standard for outbreak control” and “bought the world time.” You did not mention that China had, by then, silenced or punished several doctors for speaking out about the virus and restricted Chinese
institutions from publishing information about it.

• Even after you belatedly declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020, you failed to press China for the timely admittance of a World Health Organization team of international medical experts. As a result, this critical team did not arrive in China until two weeks later, on February 16, 2020. And even then, the team was not allowed to visit Wuhan until the final days of their visit. Remarkably, the World Health Organization was silent when China denied the two American members of the team access to Wuhan entirely.

• You also strongly praised China’s strict domestic travel restrictions, but were inexplicably against my closing of the United States border, or the ban, with respect to people coming from China. I put the ban in place regardless of your wishes. Your political gamesmanship on this issue was deadly, as other governments, relying on your comments, delayed imposing life-saving restrictions on travel to and from China. Incredibly, on February 3, 2020, you reinforced your position, opining that because China was doing such a great job protecting the world from the virus, travel restrictions were “causing more harm than good.” Yet by then the world knew that, before locking down Wuhan, Chinese authorities had allowed more than five million people to leave the city and that many of these people were bound for international destinations all over the world.

• As of February 3, 2020, China was strongly pressuring countries to lift or forestall travel restrictions. This pressure campaign was bolstered by your incorrect statements on that day telling the world that the spread of the virus outside of China was “minimal and slow” and that “the chances of getting this going to anywhere outside China [were] very low.”

• On March 3, 2020, the World Health Organization cited official Chinese data to downplay the very serious risk of asymptomatic spread, telling the world that “COVID-19 does not transmit as efficiently as influenza” and that unlike influenza this disease was not primarily driven by “people who are infected but not yet sick.” China’s evidence, the World Health Organization told the world, “showed that only one percent of reported cases do not have symptoms, and most of those cases develop symptoms within two days.” Many experts, however, citing data from Japan, South Korea, and elsewhere, vigorously questioned these assertions. It is now clear that China’s assertions, repeated to the world by the World Health Organization, were wildly inaccurate.

• By the time you finally declared the virus a pandemic on March 11, 2020, it had killed more than 4,000 people and infected more than 100,000 people in at least 114 countries around the world.

• On April 11 , 2020, several African Ambassadors wrote to the Chinese Foreign Ministry about the discriminatory treatment of Africans related to the pandemic in Guangzhou and other cities in China. You were aware that Chinese authorities were carrying out a campaign of forced quarantines, evictions, and refusal of services against the nationals of these countries. You have not commented on China’s racially discriminatory actions. You have, however, baselessly labeled as racist Taiwan’s well-founded complaints about your mishandling of this pandemic.

• Throughout this crisis, the World Health Organization has been curiously insistent on praising China for its alleged “transparency.” You have consistently joined in these tributes, notwithstanding that China has been anything but transparent. In early January, for example, China ordered samples of the virus to be destroyed, depriving the world of critical information. Even now, China continues to undermine the International Health Regulations by refusing to share accurate and timely data, viral samples and isolates, and by withholding vital information about the virus and its origins. And, to this day, China continues to deny international access to their scientists and relevant facilities, all while casting blame widely and recklessly and censoring its own experts.

• The World Health Organization has failed to publicly call on China to allow for an independent investigation into the origins of the virus, despite the recent endorsement for doing so by its own Emergency Committee. The World Health Organization’s failure to
do so has prompted World Health Organization member states to adopt the “COYID-19 Response” Resolution at this year’s World Health Assembly, which echoes the call by the United States and so many others for an impartial, independent, and comprehensive review of how the World Health Organization handled the crisis. The resolution also calls for an investigation into the origins of the virus, which is necessary for the world to understand how best to counter the disease.

Perhaps worse than all these failings is that we know that the World Health Organization could have done so much better. Just a few years ago, under the direction of a different Director-General, the World Health Organization showed the world how much it has to offer. In 2003, in response to the outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China, Director General Harlem Brundtland boldly declared the World Health Organization’s first emergency travel advisory in 55 years, recommending against travel to and from the disease epicenter in southern China. She also did not hesitate to criticize China for endangering global health by attempting to cover up the outbreak through its usual play book of arresting whistleblowers and censoring media. Many lives could have been saved had you followed Dr. Brundtland’s example.

It is clear the repeated missteps by you and your organization in responding to the pandemic have been extremely costly for the world. The only way forward for the World Health Organization is if it can actually demonstrate independence from China. My Administration has already started discussions with you on how to reform the organization. But action is needed quickly. We do not have time to waste. That is why it is my duty, as President of the United States, to inform you that, if the World Health Organization does not commit to major substantive improvements within the next 30 days, I will make my temporary freeze of United States funding to the World Health Organization permanent and reconsider our membership in the organization. I cannot allow American taxpayer dollars to continue to finance an organization that, in its present state, is so clearly not serving America’s interests.



Grieving Chinese Families Can’t Bury Dead, Perform 2,000 Year-Old Tradition

by Tyler Durden 04April2020 – https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/mourning-chinese-families-cant-bury-dead-perform-2000-year-old-tradition

While the Chinese Communist Party claims they’ve suffered just 3,300 coronavirus deaths out of more than 60,000 who have died around the world as of this writing, evidence exists that the actual death toll across China is far higher – and could be more than 40,000.

And as long lines form at Wuhan funeral homes over the last two weeks, family members – some waiting up to six hours, have been collecting their loved ones in the hopes of giving them a proper funeral. In particular, mourning families want to be able to perform a ‘grave sweeping’ ritual that has been around for over two millennia – where families gather on the 15th day after the spring equinox to remove weeds and dirt from their ancestors’ graves.


Long lines have formed at Wuhan's eight main funeral parlors, including here at the Hankou Funeral Home. as relatives come to collect ashes before Tomb-Sweeping Day. (Weibo)

Long lines have formed at Wuhan’s eight main funeral parlors, including here at the Hankou Funeral Home. as relatives come to collect ashes before Tomb-Sweeping Day. (Weibo)

Unfortunately, due to the backlog in urns, lost bodies, and Chinese authorities banning, or severely limiting tomb-sweeping rituals due to the large crowds which gather at cemetaries, mourners in Wuhan won’t be able to pay their respects until at least May, according to the Washington Post – which suggests that beyond health safety reasons, Beijing wants to limit the number of people standing around, criticizing the government response to the pandemic.


tomb sweeping

tomb sweeping


“No one in the family got to say goodbye to Grandpa or see his face one last time,” said Gao Yingwei, an IT worker in Wuhan whose grandfather, Gao Shixu, apparently succumbed to the novel coronavirus on Feb. 7. The 76-year-old died at home; funeral workers in hazmat suits came to collect his body, telling the family it would be cremated immediately.

To this day, we have no idea how his body was handled, where his ashes are or when we will be able to pick them up,” Gao said. “I don’t even know which funeral parlor those guys were from.” –Washington Post

Cover up

As we’ve noted over the last several weeks, the numbers in China aren’t adding up – as crematoriums have been processing thousands of bodies per day, according to several reports.

The Hankou Funeral Home, for example, told Caixin that it has been operating 19-hour days; enlisting male staff to carry bodies while reporting they’ve received 5,000 urns in two days.

Using photos posted online, social media sleuths have estimated that Wuhan funeral homes have returned 3,500 urns a day since March 23. That would imply a death toll in Wuhan of about 42,000 — or 16 times the official number. Another widely shared calculation from Radio Free Asia, based on Wuhan’s 84 furnaces running nonstop and each cremation taking an hour, put the death toll at 46,800. –Washington Post

“It can’t be right . . . because the incinerators have been working round the clock, so how can so few people have died?” said one Wuhan resident identified only as Zhang, in a statement to RFA.

Also notable are the uncounted deaths – those who likely died of coronavirus but weren’t tested for the disease, such as 49-year-old Liu Cheng, who died February 12 of a “severe infection in both lungs.” He was not counted in the official coronavirus statistics, and was immediately cremated before his family could see him, according to the report.

Wuhan cemeteries have reported that they will sweep tombs during the memorial period, while some private funeral companies have offered to tend to graves for a fee while the families watch on live stream. And they have nobody to blame but the CCP for their early inaction and destruction of samples in what may have been able to be contained if they had acted sooner.



Mobile Morgue Trailers Being Deployed Near Major US Cities

Nation News Desk Published: 23 March 2020 https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/mobile-morgue-trailers-being-deployed-near-major-us-cities

In one of the most ominous developments in the U.S. Coronavirus outbreak, Mobile Morgue Trailers are being deployed outside of major US cities.

The photo … show several of these trailers stashed on a farm in Joliet, IL, southwest of Chicago.


Mobile Morgue Trailers on a farm in Joliet, IL, southwest of Chicago

Mobile Morgue Trailers on a farm in Joliet, IL, southwest of Chicago


For those who still erroneously think “This is just the Flu” may we respectfully point out that never before have mobile morgue trailers been deployed for victims of flu; This outbreak is NOT “just a Flu.”

And for those who are just flat out stupid, the reason these morgue trailers are being deployed is because officials believe the number of dead bodies coming from this outbreak will overwhelm local coroner’s offices.



China Continues To Flood The World With Defective Medical Supplies

Tyler Durden 04/25April2020 https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/china-continues-flood-world-defective-medical-supplies

Authored by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute,

More than a dozen countries on four continents recently disclosed problems with Chinese-made coronavirus tests and personal protective equipment. The problems range from test kits tainted with the coronavirus to medical garments contaminated with insects. Defective Chinese face masks, purchased by Spain’s Ministry of Health, were distributed to hospitals and nursing homes across the country, and more than 100 healthcare workers who used them tested positive for Covid-19.

A shipment from China of 8.6 million protective face masks and 150 tons of sanitary equipment arrives at Paris-Vatry Airport in France, on April 19, 2020. (Photo by Francois Nascimbeni/AFP via Getty Images)

A shipment from China of 8.6 million protective face masks and 150 tons of sanitary equipment arrives at Paris-Vatry Airport in France, on April 19, 2020. (Photo by Francois Nascimbeni/AFP via Getty Images)

Gatestone Institute recently reported that millions of pieces of medical equipment purchased from China by European governments to combat the coronavirus pandemic are defective and unusable.

Since that report, more than a dozen countries on four continents have disclosed problems with Chinese-made coronavirus tests and personal protective equipment. The problems range from test kits tainted with the coronavirus to medical garments contaminated with insects.

Chinese authorities have refused to take responsibility for the defective equipment and in many instances have cast blame on the countries that purchased the material. They have also called on nations of the world to stop “politicizing” the problem — at the same time that Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Communist Party have sought to leverage the pandemic to assert a claim to global leadership.

Spain, the epicenter of the coronavirus crisis in Europe, has experienced the greatest number of problems with medical equipment purchased from China.

After the epidemic hit Spain, the Spanish government purchased medical supplies from China in the amount of €432 million ($470 million). Chinese vendors demanded they be paid up front before making any deliveries. It now appears that much of the material being supplied by China is substandard.

In late March, for instance, the Spanish Ministry of Health revealed that more than a half million coronavirus tests it had purchased from a Chinese vendor were defective. The tests, manufactured by Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology, a company based in China’s Guangdong Province, had an accurate detection rate of less than 30%. Bioeasy had claimed, in writing, that its tests had an accurate detection rate of 92%.

After the swindle made international headlines, Bioeasy agreed to replace the tests. On April 21, however, the Spanish newspaper El País reported that all 640,000 replacement tests were also useless. The Spanish government is now seeking a refund.

The Chinese Embassy in Madrid blamed the Spanish government for purchasing the tests from an unauthorized vendor. Bioeasy, apparently, does not have a license to sell coronavirus tests. Spain, however, has also reported problems with material purchased from vendors that are authorized by the Chinese government.

On April 15, Spain’s Ministry of Health recalled 350,000 so-called FFP2 masks after laboratory tests determined that they were substandard. The defective masks were manufactured by Garry Galaxy Biotechnology, a company included on the Chinese government’s list of approved manufacturers of personal protective equipment. FFP2 masks are required to filter at least 94% of aerosols, but those delivered to Spain filtered only between 71% and 82% of aerosols.

The defective masks were purchased by the Spanish Ministry of Health and distributed to hospitals and nursing homes across the country. After the defective masks were recalled, more than a hundred healthcare workers who had used them tested positive for coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

In the northeastern Spanish region of Catalonia, local health officials on April 18 recalled 180,000 Covid-19 antibody tests — also known as serological tests — because of their low rate of detection. The tests, produced by the Chinese manufacturer Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech, were purchased by the central government in Madrid and distributed to regional health authorities to detect Covid-19 in two priority groups: healthcare personnel and elderly people in nursing homes. The Wondfo tests reportedly gave negative results to people who had previously tested positive for Covid-19, and also failed to distinguish between two types of antibodies, including those that confer immunity.

In the eastern city of Alicante, the General Hospital recalled 640 disposable medical garments after one of the boxes from China contained cockroaches. The hospital said that it had received a total of 3,000 garments in 75 boxes and that it found two insects inside one of the boxes. It added that given the shortage of medical supplies, the garments would be sterilized, not destroyed.

Other countries — in Europe and beyond — have also criticized the quality of Chinese medical supplies:

  • Australia. On April 1, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported that the Australian Border Force (ABF) had seized nearly one million Chinese-made faulty face masks and other protective clothing that was exported to Australia to help halt the spread of coronavirus. The material was valued at A$1.2 million (US$760,000). “We started seeing this stuff arriving roughly three weeks ago when news of the pandemic was really taking off,” an ABF official told ABC. “The dodgy material is coming via air cargo because there is a backlog of sea freight at Australian ports.”
  • Austria. On April 6, the Ministry of Economic Affairs confirmed that 500,000 masks ordered from China for use in South Tyrol were “completely unusable” because they did not meet safety standards: “The result of the quality control check showed that the masks do not meet an FFP standard. When putting on the masks, it is impossible to obtain a tight fit in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks.” Minister of Economics Margarete Schramböck complained that international providers of the urgently needed FFP2 and FFP3 masks had not delivered the required quality in nine out of ten cases. On April 9, Austrian media reported that the defective mask problem was far greater than initially thought. The Austrian Red Cross ordered 20 million masks from the same Chinese manufacturer that made the defective masks for South Tyrol.
  • Belgium. On March 31, the University Hospital of Leuven rejected a shipment of 3,000 masks from China because the equipment was substandard.
  • Canada. On April 7, the City of Toronto recalled more than 60,000 surgical masks made in China. The masks, valued at more than $200,000, were provided to staff at long-term care facilities. Toronto health authorities were investigating whether caregivers were exposed to Covid-19 while wearing the equipment. The masks represented around 50% of Toronto’s inventory of surgical masks, according to Matthew Pegg, Toronto’s fire chief and general manager of emergency management.
  • Czech Republic. On March 23, the Czech news site iRozhlas reported that 300,000 coronavirus test kits delivered by China had an error rate of 80%. The Czech Ministry of Interior had paid $2.1 million for the defective kits.
  • Finland. On April 10, the Managing Director of Finland’s National Emergency Supply Agency, Tomi Lounema, resigned after he admitted to spending €10 million ($11 million) on defective protective equipment from China.
  • Georgia. On March 27, Health Minister Ekaterine Tikaradze cancelled an order for 200,000 coronavirus tests manufactured by the China-based Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology Company. The move came after Spain reported that 640,000 tests that it purchased from the company were defective. She said: “Georgia had a contract with this company, but today it has been canceled. The money has not been transferred. We are negotiating with another company and at first, they will send two thousand tests. If the reliability of those is approved by us, we will purchase an additional quantity.”
  • India. On April 16, the Mumbai-based Economic Times reported that 50,000 pieces of personal protective equipment donated by China were defective and unusable.
  • Ireland. On April 6, the Health Service Executive (HSE) revealed that a large portion of the €200 million delivery of personal protective equipment supplied by China was found to be unusable for health care workers. The HSE told the Chinese company responsible for the delivery that unless the quality of the equipment being sent is guaranteed, there will not be any more deals between the two nations with regards to PPE. The government said that it was seeking a refund.
  • Malaysia. On April 16, Malaysian authorities approved the use of coronavirus test kits from South Korea after similar kits from China were found to be defective. A senior official in the Ministry of Health, Noor Hisham Abdullah, said that the accuracy of the Chinese tests was “not very good.” He expressed optimism over the South Korean tests: “Now that we have a test kit that is fast, portable and is cheap, that will make the difference.”
  • Netherlands. On March 28, the Netherlands recalled 1.3 million face masks produced in China because they did not meet the minimum safety standards for medical personnel. The so-called KN95 masks are a less expensive Chinese alternative to the American-standard N95 mask, which currently is in short supply around the world. The KN95 does not fit on the face as tightly as the N95, thus potentially exposing medical personnel to the coronavirus.
  • Philippines. On March 29, the Department of Health apologized for comments it made a day earlier that two batches of coronavirus test kits provided by China were substandard. Undersecretary for Health Maria Rosario Vergeire had said that kits made by Chinese manufacturers BGI Group and Sansure Biotech were only 40% accurate in diagnosing Covid-19 and that some of them would have to be discarded. The Chinese Embassy in Manila rejected those accusations and claimed that the kits complied with standards established by the World Health Organization. “The Chinese Embassy firmly rejects any irresponsible remarks and any attempts to undermine our cooperation in this regard,” a spokesman tweeted.
  • Slovakia. On April 1, Prime Minister Igor Matovič disclosed that more than a million coronavirus tests supplied by China for a cash payment of €15 million ($16 million) were inaccurate and unable to detect Covid-19. “We have a ton of tests and no use for them,” he said. “They should just be thrown straight into the Danube.” China accused Slovakian medical personnel of using the tests incorrectly.
  • Turkey. On March 27, Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said that Turkey had tried Chinese-made coronavirus tests but authorities “weren’t happy about them.” Professor Ateş Kara, a member of the Turkish Health Ministry’s coronavirus task force, added that the batch of testing kits were only 30 to 35% accurate: “We have tried them. They don’t work. Spain has made a huge mistake by using them.”
  • United Kingdom. On April 6, the London-based newspaper The Times reported that 17.5 million coronavirus antibody tests supplied by China were defective. The Chinese manufacturers of the tests blamed British officials and politicians for misunderstanding or exaggerating the utility of the tests. The British government, which reportedly paid at least $20 million (£16 million) for the tests, said that it was seeking a refund. Meanwhile, other coronavirus tests destined for the UK were found to be tainted with coronavirus.
  • United States. On April 17, the director of the Missouri Department of Public Safety, Sandy Karsten, revealed that 3.9 million KN95 masks manufactured in China were defective. The State of Missouri had signed a $16.5 million contract with an unidentified vendor for the masks and paid half in advance. The vendor is refusing to return the $8.25 million. Missouri Governor Mike Parson said: “We got cheated here in this state and we are going to go out there and try to get our money back and hold people accountable.” In neighboring Illinois, Governor J.B. Pritzker said that the state had spent $17 million on KN95 masks that may be unusable: “You know things come in shipments of a million — you can’t go through one mask at a time and so you try to take samples from the shipments that come in, make sure you got what you are paying for.” In Washington State, 12,000 coronavirus testing kits produced in China were recalled after some of them were found to be contaminated with the coronavirus.

On March 30, China urged European countries not to “politicize” concerns about the quality of medical supplies from China. “Problems should be properly solved based on facts, not political interpretations,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said.

On April 1, the Chinese government reversed course and announced that it was increasing its oversight of exports of coronavirus test kits made in China. Chinese exporters of coronavirus tests must now obtain a certificate from the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) in order to be cleared by China’s customs agency.

On April 16, the Wall Street Journal reported that millions of pieces of medical equipment destined for the United States were being held in warehouses in China due to the new export restrictions imposed by the Chinese government. “We appreciate the efforts to ensure quality control,” the U.S. State Department said. “But we do not want this to serve as an obstacle for the timely export of important supplies.”

U.S. Senator Kelly Loeffler from Georgia accused China of holding up shipments of test kits: “Testing is core to opening our country back up. I’m concerned that China’s holding up test kits. They’re playing games with trade policy to prevent us, the United States, from getting the testing that we need.”

The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the flaws of globalization by laying bare how the West has allowed itself to become dangerously dependent on Communist China for the supply of essential health care and medical products.

Andrew Michta, Dean of the College of International and Security Studies at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, explained:

“The Wuhan Virus and the attendant misery that the Chinese communist state has unleashed upon the world (very much including its own people) has laid bare a core structural flaw in the assumptions underpinning globalization. It turns out that the radical interweaving of markets — which was supposed to lead to the ‘complex interdependence’ that international relations theorists have been predicting for the better part of the century would lead to an increase in global stability… has instead created an inherently fragile and teetering structure that is exacerbating uncertainty in a time of crisis….

“If there is any good to come from the devastating impact on our nation of this pandemic brought about by the Chinese communist regime through its malice and incompetence, it will be the likely demise of enthusiasm for globalization as we know it across the West. After three decades of intellectual gymnastics aimed at convincing Americans that the off-shoring of manufacturing and the attendant deindustrialization of the country are good for us, the time has come for a reckoning.

“Since the end of the Cold War, Western elites seem to have been in thrall to the idea that various ‘natural forces’ in the economy and politics were propelling us forward to a digitally interconnected brave new world, one in which traditional considerations of national interest, national economic policy, national security, and national culture would soon be eclipsed by an emergent peaceful global reality. This virus crisis is a wake-up call, and while some argue we are waking up too late to effectively counter current trends, my money is on the ability of the American people to rally in a crisis and on the resilience of Western democratic institutions.

“Today, while battling the Wuhan Virus consumes the attention of our government agencies and health care systems, we should not lose sight of the foundational strategic challenge confronting the West in the emerging post-globalization era: We are in a long twilight competition with the Chinese communist regime, a struggle we cannot escape, whether we like it or not. Now is the time to wake up, develop a new strategy for victory, and to move forward.”


US says Chinese hacking COVID-19 vaccine research: Reports

US cybersecurity agencies are warning that Chinese hackers are trying to steal research on developing a vaccine against COVID-19, US media report.

Source: AFP/ad 11 May 2020 https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/china-us-hack-vaccine-research-covid-19-12722436

WASHINGTON: The US Federal Bureau of Investigation and cybersecurity experts believe Chinese hackers are trying to steal research on developing a vaccine against coronavirus, two newspapers reported Monday (May 11).

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security are planning to release a warning about the Chinese hacking as governments and private firms race to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, the Wall Street Journal and New York Times reported.

The hackers are also targeting information and intellectual property on treatments and testing for COVID-19.

US officials alleged that the hackers are linked to the Chinese government, the reports say.

The official warning could come within days.

In Beijing, Foreign Affairs ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian rejected the allegation, saying China firmly opposes all cyber attacks.

“We are leading the world in COVID-19 treatment and vaccine research. It is immoral to target China with rumours and slanders in the absence of any evidence,” Zhao said.

The warning would add to a series of alerts and reports accusing government-backed hackers in Iran, North Korea, Russia and China of malicious activity related to the pandemic, from pumping out false news to targeting workers and scientists.

The New York Times said it could be a prelude to officially-sanctioned counterattacks by US agencies involved in cyber warfare, including the Pentagon’s Cyber Command and the National Security Agency.

Last week in a joint message, Britain and the United States warned of a rise in cyber attacks against health professionals involved in the coronavirus response by organised criminals “often linked with other state actors”.

Britain’s National Cyber Security Centre and the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said they had detected large-scale “password spraying” tactics – hackers trying to access accounts through commonly used passwords – aimed at healthcare bodies and medical research organisations.