Shocker! The Wife of Israel’s Prime Minister Says She is Suing Rabbi Tovia Singer!Posted 29November2022 Tovia Singer: Shocker! Is the Wife of Israel’s Prime Minister a Christian? Rabbi Tovia Singer RespondsPosted 31October2022 Tovia Singer: |
קמפיין שס – ילד רעב Shas campaign – Hungry boyA Fowl TaleThe presumptuous fowl thought that they could manage their own affairs better than the farmer could. They decided to hold democratic elections…Rabbi Lazer Brody Posted on 17March2013 The farmer was so frustrated – the fowl in the barnyard just couldn’t get along. They had plenty to eat and drink. They had dry bedding. They had a spacious barn and a beautiful barnyard with lush green grass and clear-water fish pond. The farmer provided them with all their needs. Yet they never seemed to be satisfied. If envy were fire, then the poultry barn would have been burned down long ago. In fact, the farmer had lost two previous poultry barns due to fires. He certainly didn’t want to lose a third one.
The presumptuous fowl thought that they could manage their own affairs better than the farmer could. One night, they held a clandestine meeting in the barnyard, thinking that the farmer was asleep. They decided to hold democratic elections. Whoever would receive a majority would govern the poultry barn.
The wise farmer was well-aware of everything that transpired in the barnyard. The chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese had never noticed the tiny yet sensitive monitors connected to the barn’s rafters which enabled the farmer to see and hear everything. “If the silly birds think they can handle their affairs better than I can, let them try!” Amused, the patient farmer let the poultry play…
During the weeks preceding the elections, the inter-poultry relations deteriorated to a new low. Instead of each flock presenting its own positive program for poultry progress, they just disparaged one another. The barnyard bickering became bitter and unbearable.
The turkeys pranced around haughtily, always pointing an accusing wing at the chickens and complaining, “We’re sick and tired of supporting you chickens. The farmer makes a mint selling our wing feathers as quills, for scribes the world over uses them to write Torah scrolls, tefillin and mezuza parchments. It’s about time the rest of you freeloading fowl stop depending on us for income. Go to work!”
The geese, just as smug as the turkeys, honked to no end in the chicken’s faces too. They’d boast, “Do you know why the farmer has no dogs? We are better that watch dogs! Thanks to our honking, everyone in the barnyard knows when a stranger is approaching. And furthermore, we bite too! An unwelcome visitor doesn’t easily forget being snapped in the leg by a goose. It’s about time the rest of you parasitic chickens begin contributing to the defense of the barnyard. Do you expect our goslings to put their lives on the line at a young age while your chicks just chirp away? No way! Enough with the preferential treatment of chickens. You must begin to equally share the defense burden…”
“And the economic burden too,” added the turkeys.
The ducks had nothing against the chickens. In fact, they had always lived in peace with the chickens. Yet, the ducks saw that if they don’t make a coalition with the powerful turkeys and geese, they might lose all influence in the barnyard and become outcasts just like the chickens.
The chickens suffered non-stop humiliation. The other birds united against them. One undaunted hen got up from her coop and gave a clucking cry, “So what if our husbands don’t seem to be working or defending the barnyard? Our master the farmer has tremendous joy and gratification from our husbands’ crowing at the crack of dawn. This wakes him up every morning. By virtue of our roosters’ crowing, the farmer gives us feed, water and fresh bedding every day. Besides, the eggs that we lay are what really generates the bulk of the income in the barnyard…”
The turkeys gobbled and the geese honked at the top of their larynxes, drowning out the chickens. “Are you hens crazy?” they guffawed. “Who ever heard such nonsense! Do you really think that your roosters’ crowing is what defends us? We defend ourselves! Your husbands are a bunch of lazy cockadoodles. And as far as your eggs are concerned, all do is make baby chicks all the time while freeloading from our already strained economy. Go to work! Stop having so many baby chicks! Send your husbands to help defend the barnyard!”
A few embarrassed roosters thought that if they stopped crowing and joined the ranks of the geese defenders, then there would be peace in the barnyard. But in truth, the roosters were never welcome in the ranks of the defenders. The female geese would honk in their ears all the time, driving the roosters insane.
Then, an argument broke out among the chickens. The black roosters refused to participate in the barnyard elections. “Since the beginning of our existence, our unwavering allegiance has been to the farmer. We don’t recognize any fowl regime. No one will ever force us to stop crowing.”
The white chickens and the brown chickens protested, “But we must be a part of the system! We must have our own political power; how else will we receive a fair share of feed, water and shelter? And, if we’re not in the government, the whole barnyard will lose its allegiance to the farmer. We might even lose the right to lay eggs and to crow.”
The non-stop arguing in poultry barn was like one big boiling cauldron. The chickens couldn’t even get along with each other. Now that the black chickens had boycotted the elections, an argument broke out between the white chickens and the brown chickens. The white chickens wanted sweet chicken feed, while the brown chickens demanded spicy chicken feed. Consequently, they split into two separate parties. If that wasn’t bad enough, the brown chickens couldn’t decide on a leader, so they appointed three brown roosters to jointly run the party affairs. Yet, in all the history of poultry, three roosters have never been in agreement on anything…
Sure enough, the elections were inconclusive. The chickens lost much of their electoral power because of those who refused to vote and because of their lack of unity. The ducks received slightly more votes than the other flocks, but lacked a majority. In order to govern, they needed the geese and the turkeys.
Meanwhile, the geese and the turkeys made a pact – either they go into the coalition together or not at all. The ducks had a difficult time dealing with all the geese-and-turkey demands, but in the end, gave in. Don’t expect ideology in poultry politics…
Meanwhile, with chaos in the barnyard, the weasels, foxes and wolves are lurking this very moment in the forest right outside the farm’s borders, just ready to devour all the plump poultry. The farmer knows that they are there, and only his constant vigilance keeps the predators away. |
Vote for a Torah Party in Knesset election |
סרטון ויראלי של יהדות התורה – “לך תעבוד יא משתמט” Viral video of Torah Judaism – “Go to work, you dodger” |
United Torah Judaism choice for generations-יהדות התורה בחירה לדורותTorah Judaism broadcast campaign תשדיר קמפיין ליהדות התורה |
United Torah Judaism – campaign No. 3 | 2015 {by} Torah Judaism fans}יהדות התורה – בקמפיין מס’ 3 | 2015 {ע”י אוהדי יהדות התורה |
2.6 מיליון ישראלים רעבים לשינוי2.6 million Israelis are hungry for change |
מה מפריע לארה״ב על ח״כ איתמר בן-גביר גזעני? / What’s Bothering the U. S. about Member of Israeli Parliament Itamar Ben Gvir?26November2022 כ׳ לחודש השמיני תשפ״ג
English follows the Hebrew. עשר אגורות (2¢): בקיצור המודעות האלה מפריעות לארה״ב. לכל אומות העולם יש זכות לארץ מולדת פרט לעם ישראל. (ואולי גם הכורדים) ברור שהאו״ם אישר לעם ישראל ליהודים את החתיכה הקטנה הזו של ארץ ישראל (שמאל) למרות שכל ארץ ישראל שייכת לנו.
הישמעאלים לא הסכימו אלא הם גם רצו את הכל. הם התקיפו אותנו ואז הפסידו.
שוב הערבים התקיפו אותנו בשנות תשכ״ז/1967 ותשל״ד/1973. בעזרת ה׳ אנו ניצחנו ואפילו כבשנו עוד חלקי ארץ ישראל נוספים.
בשנת תשס״ה/2005, ממשלת ישראל של אריאל שרון גירשה כמעט 10,000 יהודים מעזה. עד היום משגרים טילים אלינו מעזה. וגם משגרים טילים מדרום לבנון, ובמיוחד בשנות תשס״ו/2006, תשס״ט/2009, תשע״ד/2014.
הווטיקאן (הנוצרים הקטולים) רוצים את ארצנו. הם כבר קיבלו את קבר דוד המלך.
הנוצרים אורתודוקסים רוצים את ארצנו. הכנסייה הרוסית, הכנסייה היוונית, ואין צריך לומר הכניסייה הארמנית כבר כובשות את כל מה יכולים לכבוש. והממשלה נכנעה ובניגוד ההלכה לכתחילה לא למכור או אפילו להשכיר להם ביתים בארץ ישראל; ולא לתת להם חניה בקרקע. (משנה תורה, הל׳ עבודה זרה י,ד-ה [ג])
אלפיים שנים כל הנוצרים כבר טוענים שהתורה היא גם שלהם ולעשות איתה את מה שרוצים.
וכמה פעמים ארה״ב הציעו לנו לקבל חיילים שלהם למטרה ״לשמור״ אותנו? יש כבר חיילי ארה״ב כאן שמפעילים את מערכת ביטחון ״כיפת ברזל.״ יש עוד?
הרבה אומרים ״בואו נקים את ירושלים מחדש כעיר בינלאומית, עיר של כולם!״ וכולנו כבר יודעים מה זאת אומרת: עיר ללא יהודים.
להיות יהודי בארצנו
אם איתמר בן-גביר גזעני אז גם התורה גזענית.
לאברהם ולא לבני חם (אפריקה) או לבני יפת (אירופה)
ליצחק ולא לישמעאל (ערבים / מוסלמים) או לבני קטורה (מזרח הרחוק וכו׳)
ליעקב (ישראל) ולא לעשו (אדום / רומא / הנוצרים / המערב)
מי פה בעלי הבית? (ראו את המודעה למטה)
אנחנו (עם ישראל) באמת בעלי הבית בארצנו? או הערבים בעלי בית באמצעות מפלגת רע״מ שותף בממשלת בנט ואז בממשלת מעבר של יאיר לפיד?
אנחנו מחליטים את המדיניות שלנו בארצנו? או הממשלה שלנו פשוט הבובה של ארה״ב? ואז אנו חייבים למנות שרי הממשלה שלנו לפי רצונה?
ממשלת ארה”ב לא מוטרדת מאיתמר בן גביר כי הם מאמינים שהוא גזעני או פשיסטי או עוד כינוי מגעיל אחר שהם קרואים לו. אלא איתמר בן גביר מפריע לממשלת ארה”ב כי הוא מכשול שליטתם ממושכת בישראל.
Every other people on this earth is allowed a homeland, except the Jews (and I suppose the Kurds, as well)
In short, these ads disturb the U. S. Do all the nations of the world have a right to a homeland except the people of Israel? (perhaps also the Kurds)
It is clear that the UN approved this small piece of the Land of Israel (upper left) for the people of Israel and the Jews, even though the entire Land of Israel belongs to us.
The Ishmaelites did not agree but they also wanted everything. They attacked us and then lost.
We were attacked again in 1967 and 1973. With God’s help we won and even conquered other parts of the Land of Israel.
In 2005, the Israeli government under Ariel Sharon expelled almost 10,000 Jews from Gaza. To this day, rockets are fired at us from Gaza. Missiles continued to be fired from southern Lebanon, particularly in the years 5766/2006, 5769/2009, 5774/2014.
The Vatican want our Land. They have already taken over King David’s Tomb.
The Orthodox Christians want our country. The Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, and needless to say the Armenian Orthodox Church are already grabbing anything they can get their hands on. And the Israeli Government continues to surrender to their demands, and contrary to Torah Law under ideal circumstances not to sell or even rent them houses in the Land of Israel; and not to allow them foothold on the Land. (Mishneh Torah, Laws of Foreign Worship and non-Jews 10:4-5 [3])
Evangelical Christians have already been settling the Land of Israel, and with the support and encouragement of Jews and even rabbis!
For two thousand years all Christians have been claiming that the Torah is also theirs, and to do with it as they please.
And how many times did the U. S. offer us their soldiers for the purpose our “protection?” There are already U. S. soldiers here operating the “Iron Dome” security system. Are there more?
Many say, and even some Jews say, “Let’s recreate Jerusalem as an “international city, a city for everyone!” And we all already know what that means: a city without Jews.
To be a Jew in our Land (above) If Itamar Ben-Gvir is racist then the Torah is also racist.
To Abraham and not to the sons of Ham (Africa) nor to the sons of Japheth (Europe)
Who are the landlords here?
Do we decide our own policy in our country? Or is our government simply the puppet of the U. S. And we must appoint our government ministers according to the will of the U. S.?
The U. S. government is not bothered by Itamar Ben-Gvir because they believe he is a racist or a fascist or any other nasty name they choose to call him. The U. S. government is bothered by Itamar Ben-Gvir because Ben-Gvir will be an obstacle to their continued control over Israel.
Posted by Esser Agaroth |
כי מהגלות תצא חוצפה ודבר ערב רב מוושינגטון! / For Huzpah Goes Out to Us from Exile, and Orders from Wealthy Donors from Washington!24January2023 ב׳ לחודש האחד עשר תשפ״ג
English follows the Hebrew.
עשר אגורות (2¢):
למה טד דויטש והוועד היהודי-אמריקני טוען ששינוי סעיף הנכד של חוק השבות הוא “מסר בעייתי ליהדות העולם”? הלא-יהודים שמקבלים זכויות באמצעות הסעיף הנכד הזה הם לא-יהודים, ולכן אינם חלק מהעם ישראל. או אולי הם כן מבינים את זה טוב טוב. למה הם מודאגים כל כך משמירת הזכויות המתגברות ללא הרף של הלא-יהודים במדינה יהודית כביכול? האם חבר הקונגרס לשעבר טד דויטש וההוועד היהודי-אמריקני פשוט מתנהגים באופן פוליטי כרגיל? ומגשימים את רצונותיהם של התורמים העשירים, התורמים נשואים תערובת, התורמים שנשיהם עברו הגיור מזויף, והתורמים שהם ילדים של נישואי תערובת, ואפילו לא יהודים בכלל? האם הם פשוט מגנים על השפעתם (קרא: שליטה) על ישראל, בדיוק כמו שכל פוליטיקאי נוהג? האם יהודוני הגלות האלה מפחדים עד כדי כך שהם ממשיכים לדאוג על מה שהגויים חושבים עלינו? או משהו מרושע יותר מזה קורה? הם פועלים להביא גויים כמה שאפשר לארץ ישראל? וכדי להשמיד את עם ישראל מבפנים? למה טד דויטש והוועד היהודי האמריקאי מאמינים שיש להם הזכות לצואות אותנו בישראל איך לנהל את הממשלה שלנו? כסף. אנחנו חיים בארץ ישראל בתוך הטילים, פצצות, פיגועי ירי, דקירה, וטרקטור, ושומרים על הארץ כדי שיהיה לתורמים היושבים בנוחות בחו״ל ארץ לאן לחזור הביתה, בביאת המשיח, למרות שרבים מהם אפילו לא מאמינים בו. והם מצפים שאנו ״נעשה ונשמע״ לפי הפקודות שלהם? איזה חוצפה!
הלוואי שאני יכול לומר שהיהודים האלה (אלה מהם שבאמת יהודים) הם ציונים. אבל, מכיוון שהם לא מעוניינים בכך שארץ ישראל תהיה מאוכלסת ביהודים, וגם לא מעודדים את יהודי ארה”ב לעלות לארץ ישראל (רמז: זו הציונות האמיתית), אני לא יכול לקרוא להם ציונים. יהודי הגולה חושבים שיש לכם זכות בכלל להגיד לצוות לנו מה לעשות בארץ ישראל?למה טד דויטש והוועד היהודי-אמריקני טוענים ששינוי סעיף הנכד של חוק השבות הוא “מסר בעייתי ליהדות העולם”? מפני שהשינוי הזה יקשה להם להצדיק את נישואין-תערובת שלהם? שיגרום להם לחשוב על הגיור שנשיהם עברו על ידי התנועה רפורמית (יהדות המתקדמת)? לעצבן ולהכעיס את התורמים העשירים היהודיים והספקיים יפחית ואפילו יבטל את התרומות לישראל? כנראה התעצבנות כזו רק תפחית את התרומות. אלא כנראה התרומות לרפורמים / הפרוגרסיבים יעלו.
אל תקרא ״לפגוש״ אלא ״להשפיע ולשכנע״.
ולא בכיוון ההפך. הפרשה הזו, דווקא לקראת חג הפורים, מזכירה לנו שכל העולם הפוך לקראת הגאולה שנאמר…
Esser Agaroth (2¢): On the other hand, maybe they do understand this, and all too well.
Why are they so concerned about maintaining the continually increasing rights of non-Jews in the supposedly Jewish state?
Are these scared little, Jews of the exile, worrying their heads over what the goyim (non-Jews) with think? Or is there something more nefarious going on here, working to fill up the so-called Jewish state with non-Jews? The destruction of the Jewish People from within perhaps?
What makes Ted Deutch and the American Jewish Committee believe that they can dictate to those of us in Israel how we should run our government? Money. We live here on the frontlines, missiles, bombs, shootings, stabbings, tractor attacks, and all, making certain that they have a place to come home to, when the Mashi’ah (Messiah), in whom many of them do not even believe, finally arrives. And they expect us to follow orders, or else? Such insolence! I wish I could say that these Jews (those of them who are actually Jewish) are even Zionists. But, since they do not seem to be interested in having the Land of Israel inhabited by Jews, nor in encouraging Jews from the U. S. to relocate to the Land of Israel (hint: this is what Zionism actually is), I cannot even call them Zionists. If they want to have a say as to what goes on in Israel, then they need to move to Israel, and invest their blood, sweat, and tears in the homeland of the Jewish People, not in the temporary lands of refuge of the other nations. At the very least, they must begin encouraging mass aliyah (immigration to Israel) from the U. S. |
Not the other way around. As we approach the holiday of Purim, this situation reminds us that the world is upside down and backwards before Geulah (The Redemption), as it is said… |
…בַּיּוֹם, אֲשֶׁר שִׂבְּרוּ אֹיְבֵי הַיְּהוּדִים לִשְׁלוֹט בָּהֶם, וְנַהֲפוֹךְ הוּא, אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁלְטוּ הַיְּהוּדִים הֵמָּה בְּשֹׂנְאֵיהֶם . (אסתר ט,א)
TOP | |||
Devil Goes Down To Knesset, Loses Fiddle, Crown, Etc.“Somehow I also ended up invited to someone’s wedding? I might be hosting a Sheva B’rakhot? I don’t even know what happened there.” Jerusalem, 20February2023 – The personification of temptation to evil sought to score a victory today over human proficiency and ingenuity following a disgraceful loss to a violin-player from the southern United States [EDD: The Devil Went Down to Georgia · The Charlie Daniels Band] in a contest for the latter’s immortal soul, selecting what he thought was a softer target with people willing to sell theirs for much less – Israel’s legislature – only to depart in further disgrace and surrendering further treasures after encountering beings far more sinister, corrupt, and cynical than even he.
The Devil visited the Knesset on Monday hoping to achieve what he could not in an earlier competition against a young fiddler named Johnny in the state of Georgia. “I considered the Knesset an easy W,” he explained with a shake of the head before returning to the Stygian realm. “I went looking for a handful of politicians willing to sell their souls in exchange for various manifestations of success or advancement, but hadn’t prepared myself for the reality that each of them had no soul remaining for me to claim – and the depths to which they are willing to descend for personal or political gain. I lost another golden fiddle, my crown, a magic compass, charmed jewels, and a dozen other treasures before realizing it’s a futile endeavor. I barely got out of there with my title.”
“Really have to up my game,” the Devil admitted. “This lot… they’re impressive.” Satan acknowledged he had expected competition at his own game from some of the veteran figures in the Knesset, such as Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, MKs Ahmad Tibi, Mansour Abbas, Merav Mikhaeli, and Avigdor Liberman, but thought, it turned out in error, he would have an easier time seducing fresher political personalities. “The lawmakers here don’t mess around with ethics the way some other legislatures at least pretend to,” he realized. “I’ll chalk it up to poor research on my part, and the off-base assumption that as non-Christians, most of these folks would be more susceptible to my wiles. Yeah, no. It apparently doesn’t work that way, and my Christianity-based arguments don’t resonate here. Somehow I also ended up invited to someone’s wedding? I might be hosting a Sheva B’rakhot? I don’t even know what happened there.”
The Devil was last seen outside the compound, engaged in animated, openly incredulous discussion with an unflappable Chabad emissary who tried to gauge the Prince of Darkness’s interest in putting on T’fillin. Please support our work through Patreon. |
Today23/01/2025 – כ״ג בטבת ה׳תשפ״ה
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“BDS is an anti-Semitic campaign led by supporters of terror with one purpose: the elimination of the Jewish state.” Download the report MSA-report-Behind-the-Mask
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Why Do All These Rabbis Warn Against Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine?
Master of Universe, who can do anything!
Cure me and the whole world of the Coronavirus, because redemption is near.
And through this reveal to us the 50th gate of holiness, the secret of the ibbur, and may we begin from this day onward to be strong in keeping interpersonal commandments (i.e. being kind to others).
And by virtue of this may we witness miracles and wonders the likes of which haven’t been since the creation of the world. And may there be sweetening of judgments for the entire world, to all mankind, men women and children.
Please God! Please cure Coronavirus all over the world, as it says about Miriam the prophetess, “Lord, please, cure her, please.”
Please God! Who can do anything! Send a complete healing to the entire world! To all men, women, children, boys and girls, to all humanity wherever they may be, and to all the animals, birds, and creatures. All should be cured from this disease in the blink of an eye, and no trace of the disease should remain.
And all will merit fear of Heaven and fear of God, O Merciful and Compassionate Father.
Please God, please do with us miracles and wonders as you did with our forefathers by the exodus from Egypt. And now, take us and the entire world out from this disease, release us and save us from the Coronavirus that wants to eliminate all mortals.
We now regret all the sins that we did, and we honestly ask for forgiveness. And in the merit of our repentance, this cursed disease, that does not miss men, women, boys, girls, and animals, will be eliminated.
Please God, as quick as the illness came it will go away and disappear immediately, in the blink of an eye, and by this the soul of Messiah Ben David will be revealed.
Please God, grant us the merit to be included in the level of the saints and pure ones, and bless anew all the fruit and vegetation, that all will be healed in the blink of an eye, and we will see Messiah Ben David face to face.
Please God, who acts with greatness beyond comprehension, and does wonders without number. Please now perform also with us miracles and wonders beyond comprehension and let no trace of this cursed disease remain. And may the entire world be cured in the blink of an eye.
Because Hashem did all this in order for us to repent, it is all in order for us to direct our hearts to our Father in Heaven, and by that He will send blessings and success to all of our handiwork.
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Point of No Return: Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries
From the 1940s until the 1970s, and heightening with the founding of Israel in 1948, nearly million Jews were expelled from their homes across Arab countries such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Algeria and Iran.
Jews were frequently subjected to pogroms, systemic violence and religious persecution. Their exiles were largely attributable to Arab regimes increasing their hostility toward Jews because of the very existence of Israel.
Today, while stories abound of many Arab refugees, few are aware or even acknowledge this forgotten exodus of Jewish refugees. Only in Israel has Nov. 30, the day after the UN voted to approve the Jewish-Arab partition plan of Palestine, been marked to commemorate their plight.
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1948 Jewish 5 Palestine Pounds Note
January 2025 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -
An important piece of evidence: The British Palestine Exploration Fund survey map – 1871-1877 – The PEF people delineated every wadi, every settlement, tree, and home. They crisscrossed the territory, and an examination of the map shows how empty and barren the land was, and how few people lived there.
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity… Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people… to oppose Zionism.” Zuheir Muhsein, the late Military Department head of the PLO and member of its Executive Council.; March 1977, Dutch daily Trouw
London cab driver’s answer to a request from a Muslim to turn off the radio. (You just got to love the Brits.)
A devout Arab Muslim entered a black cab in London .
He curtly asked the cabbie to turn off the radio because as decreed by his religious teaching, he must not listen to music because in the time of the prophet there was no music, especially Western music which is the music of the infidel.
The cab driver politely switched off the radio, stopped the cab and opened the door.
The Arab Muslim asked him, “What are you doing?”
The cabbie answered, “In the time of the prophet there were no taxis, so get out and wait for a camel.”I wonder how many years (hundreds for sure) Jewish people have lived in Quebec. I don’t believe that they have ever demanded that pork be removed from the school’s menu where their children attend…
Excellent reply by the Mayor of Dorval, Quebec, to the demands of the Muslim population in his community.
Put some pork on your fork.
Too bad the USA doesn’t have the common sense to publish this nationwide, even if they have a muslim in the white house. Should also be posted on signs all along U.S. borders.Let’s hear it for a Quebec mayor.
Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb. The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval, has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why..
“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that’s where they chose to immigrate.
“They must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec .
“They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who so generously welcomed them.
“They must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (whereas the reverse is not true, in that Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants).
“That no more than other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity, their culture.
“And if Canada is a land of welcome, it’s not the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian-Quebecois people as a whole.
“Finally, they must understand that in Canada ( Quebec ) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain. The municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.
“For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Shariah.
“If you left your country for Canada, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere.
“Ask yourself the question, just once, “Why is it better here in Canada than where you come from?”
“A canteen with pork is part of the answer.”
If you feel the same forward it on.
This reminds me of a Morty Dolinsky story from the time he was head of the Government Press Office:
When the late Morty Dolinsky was in charge of the Government Press Office in the 1980s, he once famously replied to a reporter, who asked for information about the West Bank, that he knew no West Bank as he banked at Leumi. -
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