Yearly Archives: 2010

Zorro the Cat and three Senioritas

Click here for larger image Singing Cat: “Let me tell you friends about eh legendary Sephardic folk here… El Zorro!” Three single female Sephardic Cats admireing Zorro. Cat 1: ” He’s so handsome.” Cat 2: “Ah Zorro!” Cat 3: “And unmarried.” As Zorro tries to runs away, Cat 3: “One Minute Senior Zorro.” she grabs […]

Celestial Operator

Click here for larger image The Celestial Operator is a crystal ball which connects people to each other. similar to a video phone or Skype® or a galactic internet. Mr. Whiskers teenage daughter, Sugar and his wife at home. Sugar to her mother who is very sad: “Why’er so sad Mom?” Mom: “I miss your […]

Enterprising Cats and Dogs

A group of Cats are on a Trash Dumpster. Trash or Garbage Dumpsters in Israel look like green boats or ships, as in a 18th Century British Naval frigate or Whaler. An American Dog walks past: “Ha, Ha, Ha, Haah Ha, Ha, Ha Ha” Captain Cat: “Battle Stations Mr. Mew all paws on deck!” Mr. […]