The Face of Peace?

Love of Am Israel


Published on Aug 17, 2014

Part 1 here:…
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Film and Edit by Yaakov Lepon at King David Studio- Jerusalem 2014
We went to the south to show solidarity and support to the troops who were preparing to defend the country.
This is what jews do for their brothers in time of need…
(BRIEF HISTORY: In a broad gesture for Peace, with no preconditions, Israel withdrew its citizens from Gaza in the summer of 2005 and gave it to the Palestinians. Hamas, the controlling terrorist regime of Gaza, has since launched over 12,000 rockets and mortars AT Israeli citizens. The families of Sderot have been on the receiving end of the majority of rocket fire.)

Purity vs Impurity: choose Life and Purity

The Garden of Purity
The Garden of Purity Rabbi Shalom Arush’s amazing new edition to his English-language literary garden will help you realize your fantastic potential to live a happier, more fulfilled life. This book is a practical, comprehensive and reader-friendly manual to personal holiness, the key to every blessing in a Jewish man’s life. We all appreciate the virtue of loyalty. Loyalty begins with the love between husband and wife, then extends to the love of one’s children, one’s family and one’s nation. The same principle of loyalty applies to our relationship to The Creator; He alone sustains us and grants us every blessing in life. The holy covenant – the brit that is carved in the flesh of every Jewish male – is our pact of loyalty with The Creator. We therefore refer to the brit as “guarding personal holiness”, for like a loyal honor guard, we guard our covenant with The King of Kings. Only when a person attains holiness, can he begin to love his wife and enjoy true marital bliss. This is the exact opposite of what modern society thinks; for that reason, divorce is so widespread today, something that this book intends to prevent. Personal holiness is a prerequisite for true and lasting love, and every other blessing in life, such as ample income and wonderful children, as we’ll learn in this book.With Hashem’s Grace, through this book, Hashem will grant you a sweet and good life, true marital bliss easy and ample income, righteous and pious children and more spiritual and material abundance than you ever dreamed of. Don’t miss this ultimate life-changer! 400 pages deluxe softcover, translated by Rabbi Lazer BrodyISBN: 56-1860
Covenant of peace - marriage Covenant of peace - singles Book by Rabbi Shalom Arush, author of "Garden of Emuna" the sanctity of human affairs, the meaning and implications of spirituality and materialism, and the right way to achieve it. In this book, Rabbi explains and explains the Torah, and the great sages of Israel how by saving element, any Jew - win congregate in the Holy and altitude ascents work gained prominence as the name of the righteous. As usual, the rabbi explains and explains things from the point of view of faith, facilitator and guide step by step in a clear and straightforward in a simple and affordable. Special Edition for married men - highly recommended! 459 pages, paperback.
Covenant of peace – marriage Covenant of peace – singles Book by Rabbi Shalom Arush, author of “Garden of Emuna” the sanctity of human affairs, the meaning and implications of spirituality and materialism, and the right way to achieve it. In this book, Rabbi explains and explains the Torah, and the great sages of Israel how by saving element, any Jew – win congregate in the Holy and altitude ascents work gained prominence as the name of the righteous. As usual, the rabbi explains and explains things from the point of view of faith, facilitator and guide step by step in a clear and straightforward in a simple and affordable. Special Edition for married men – highly recommended! 459 pages, paperback.בריתי שלום – לנשואים ספרו של הרב שלום ארוש, מחבר “בגן האמונה” על ענייני קדושת האדם, משמעותה והשלכותיה הרוחניות והגשמיות והדרך הנכונה להשגתה. בספר זה, הרב מבאר ומסביר על פי התורה, דברי חז”ל וגדולי ישראל כיצד על ידי שמירת היסוד, יכול כל יהודי באשר הוא – לזכות לכנוס פנימה לקודש ולרום המעלות בעבודת השם כפי שזכו גדולי הצדיקים. כדרכו בקודש, הרב מסביר ומבאר את העניינים מתוך נקודת השקפה של אמונה, מנחה ומדריך שלב אחר שלב בצורה ברורה ועניינית באופן פשוט ושווה לכל נפש. מהדורה מיוחדת לגברים נשואים – מומלץ מאד! 459 עמ’, כריכה רכה. מק”ט: 42-1691
Gay and lesbian couples wed at Pride Parade!

Gay and lesbian couples wed at Pride Parade!


hedonists demonstrated in Tel Aviv
Gay and lesbian couples wed at Pride Parade!

Jerusalem rail attack video

The Face of Peace?

17August2014 night, a little over 1,000 Israeli hedonists demonstrated in Tel Aviv in favor of peace with Hamas. The pro-hedonist anti-emuna Israeli media gave them more coverage than they gave to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s funeral, may his saintly soul intercede on our behalf, where nearly 1,000,000 people attended. Will they ever learn? How are people willing to sacrifice the Land of Israel and the long-term welfare of the Jewish People just to satisfy their bodily appetites and trample the Torah? Surely, lust overrides intellect. Haven’t they learned from the Disengagement? Such people don’t want to be confused by the truth, especially when truth tells them that their bodily lusts are forbidden by the Torah. So, rather than fighting against their bodily lusts, they fight against the Torah. That in a nutshell summarizes the entire ideology of the hedonists, who among others, are members of the current Israeli Government coalition. Until their pleasure and business center of Tel Aviv was threatened, they did little to make life easier on the missile-ridden cities and towns of the south.

Hamas rocket-team commander being interviewed by AlMayadeen News as he prepares rockets for launching a mere two days ago - See more at:

Hamas rocket-team commander being interviewed by AlMayadeen News as he prepares rockets for launching a mere two days ago – See more at:

Look at the above photo of a Hamas rocket-team commander being interviewed by AlMayadeen News as he prepares rockets for launching a mere two days ago. He is at the entrance of a tunnel and underground launching pad, one of the many that are still unknown to Israel. All he awaits is the command from Hamas HQ – a hatch opens up in the ground, and a 4, 6, or 8-missile barrage gets fired at Israel. This can happen at any moment.

Hamas tunnel crew commander being interviewed on AlMayadeen 2 days ago - does this look like the face of peace? - See more at:

Hamas tunnel crew commander being interviewed on AlMayadeen 2 days ago – does this look like the face of peace? – See more at:

Hamas tunnel crew commander being interviewed on AlMayadeen 2 days ago – does this look like the face of peace?

Rav Shalom Arush writes in The Garden of Purity how lust drives people insane. How can a sane person think that Hamas will ever make peace? When they were given all of Gaza on a platter in 2005 by the hedonist Israeli government, they only used it as a springboard for more war. Since the disengagement, we’ve had nothing but intermittent war and terror.

As Israel negotiates in Cairo, Hamas is feverishly building more rockets,  as you can see in the Al Jazeera video from yesterday:

كتائب القسام تكشف عن تصنيع صواريخ “جي 80”
Published on Aug 16, 2014

خصَّت كتائب عز الدين القسام قناة الجزيرة بصور حصرية قالت إنها لعملية تصنيع صواريخ “جي 80” كانت قد استخدمتها في حربها على إسرائيل أثناء عدوانها على قطاع غزة.
تقرير: طارق الرفاعي
تاريخ البث: 16/8/2014
The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades singled out Al-Jazeera with exclusive pictures, which it said were of the process of manufacturing the “G80” missiles that it had used in its war against Israel during its aggression on the Gaza Strip.
Reporting: Tariq Al-Rifai
Broadcast date: 16/8/2014

And, the tunnel problem is far from over, as you can see in the Al Mayadeen video from two days ago, which shows Hamas activity in an assault tunnel, one of the many still unknown to Israel, as you see below:

الميادين تدخل أحد الأنفاق الإستراتيجية للقسام …

I wouldn’t call this the face of peace. Would you?


J80 missile production going on right now in Gaza - the missile has a range that enables it to reach both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

J80 missile production going on right now in Gaza – the missile has a range that enables it to reach both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

Image above – J80 missile production going on right now in Gaza – the missile has a range that enables it to reach both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

The only way to attain lasting peace in the holy Land of Israel is to rid it of publicly flaunted debauchery and government-sanctioned trampling of Torah. This means that we must make a peace treaty with Hashem. Until then, don’t expect to see the face of peace on our neighbors, who are none other than a stick in Hashem’s hand. It’s time for teshuva – the sooner the better.

– See more at:


US hypocrisy re Gaza civilian casualties


We all want to minimize civilian casualties, but wars in urban areas are chaotic. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2009, of the victims of U.S. airstrikes in Iraq from March 2003 to March 2008, nearly half, 46% were women and 39% were children.

By contrast, according to the UN, (Not friendly to Israel) 12% of all Palestinians killed in Gaza were women and 23% were children, far lower than the percentages killed in U.S. airstrikes in Iraq.

However, men, most likely combatants, killed by the US only 15 %, but most casualties by Israel have been men 65%!

Despite this superior Israeli record the White House, Pentagon, and State Department have all accused Israel in the harshest terms of doing too little to prevent civilian casualties. Yet Israel’s record on this score is much better than America’s.

Lest anyone complain about Mohammed Deif’s wife and child being killed (with him?), consider this about Osama Bin Laden’s sudden demise:

Osama bin Laden was killed in the raid, as were three other men and a woman: bin Laden’s adult son Khalid,[90][91] bin Laden’s courier (Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti), al-Kuwaiti’s brother Abrar, and Abrar’s wife Bushra.[57]

When Israel killed ‘Palestinian’ terrorist Abu Iyad in 1988, his family looked on unharmed.

On the other hand, when the US killed Anwar al-Awlaki, they also killed Anwar al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son as “collateral damage” in a car with another person – so, Awlaki (target) died, the other man (who may or may not have been a target) died and a teenager died. Score? Either 33% or 66% collateral on one hit – and both Awlaki and his son were US citizens.

The US shouldn’t talk to Israel about civilian casualties….


How Hillary Clinton Enabled Hamas’ Construction of Terror Tunnels

17August2014 Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn

Much has been said and written about the terror tunnels that Hamas built in Gaza. But too little has been said about who it was that put the cement into Hamas’ hands, thus making the construction of the tunnels possible in the first place.

Until now.

In a bombshell revelation, Dennis Ross, the senior Mideast policy adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2009 to 2011, has admitted that it was he who was assigned the task of pressuring Israel to ease up on its military blockade of Gaza.

“I argued with Israeli leaders and security officials, telling them they needed to allow more construction materials, including cement, into Gaza so that housing, schools and basic infrastructure could be built,” Ross revealed in the Washington Post on August 10. “They countered that Hamas would misuse it, and they were right.”

Not that Hillary’s State Department had been acting independently of the White House on the issue of cement. For example, Vice President Joe Biden told interviewer Charlie Rose on Bloomberg TV in 2010: “We have put as much pressure and as much cajoling on Israel as we can to allow them to get building materials” and other forbidden items into Gaza.

But now that Mrs. Clinton is attempting to distance herself from the president’s debacles in foreign affairs, Ross’ admission shows that it was she who sent her personal envoy to push for a policy that ultimately enabled Hamas to build the terror tunnels.

Israeli officials have long been justifiably concerned about the danger of dual-use items such as cement. On the one hand, cement could be used for innocent purposes such as home construction, in the hands of a peace-seeking, trustworthy government. But in the hands of untrustworthy elements – such as the Hamas terrorist regime that rules Gaza – it could also be used for other purposes. Such as terror tunnels.

President Obama recently remarked, in his much-discussed interview with Thomas Friedman of the New York Times: “Because Israel is so capable militarily, I don’t worry about Israel’s survival.” Secretary Clinton evidently shared that dismissive attitude when she sent Ross on his mission to put cement into Hamas’ hands.

It seems Obama and Clinton forgot that Israel is the only country in the world that is threatened with annihilation by a nearby regime rushing to build nuclear weapons. Israel is the only country in the world that, in the space of just 65 years, has been forced to fight four major defensive wars and five smaller ones in order to survive. Israel is the only country in the world whose next-door neighbors have built dozens of tunnels into Israel to perpetrate massacres of civilians.

Today, at least thirty-two terror tunnels later, we know that Clinton, Obama and Ross have been wrong, while Israel is right.

Hamas spent between $1 million and $10 million to build each of those tunnels, using as many as 350 truckloads of cement and other supplies per tunnel, according a report in to the Wall Street Journal, quoting Israeli military officials.

And it is “likely that there are additional tunnels” that the Israelis have yet to uncover, according to the Journal’s report.

Instead of lethal purposes, the materials used for each tunnel could have built 86 homes, or 19 medical clinics, or seven mosques, or six schools. But Hamas had other priorities.

And Secretary Clinton consciously turned a blind eye. Just as she turned a blind eye to other aggressive and anti-peace behavior by the Palestinians, such as the Palestinian Authority’s sheltering of known terrorists, its payments to imprisoned terrorists, the anti-Israel and anti-America propaganda that fills the PA-controlled media, and the anti-Semitic hatred in the textbooks used in the PA’s schools.

What are the real-life consequences of ignoring such Palestinian actions? An entire generation of young Palestinians have grown up incited to hatred of Jews and Israel, and glorifying terrorists as heroes and martyrs.

What are the real-life consequences of Mrs. Clinton putting cement into Hamas’ hands? The tunnels into Israel were used to carry out the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit and numerous other attacks in which Israelis were murdered. They were being prepared to carry out a mass coordinated attack on Israeli towns and kibbutzim this year on Rosh Hashanah.

Imagine a scenario in which a surgeon decided that she wanted to employ a controversial and risky technique. She was warned repeatedly that it was too dangerous, but proceeded anyway and in the process nearly killed the patient. Surely that would be deemed malpractice. The surgeon probably would be barred from ever again practicing medicine.

Secretary of Stated Hillary Clinton committed diplomatic malpractice. Her own top aide has revealed that it was she who put the cement into Hamas’ hands, even after Israel warned repeatedly that doing so was too dangerous. And Israel continues to suffer the consequences.

Another lesson of the Gaza war: Even as we condemn Hamas’s diversion of cement from the construction of housing to the construction of terror tunnels, let us not forget that it was Hillary Clinton who pushed through the policy that made those tunnels possible.

Moshe Phillips and Benyamin Korn are members of the board of the Religious Zionists of America.

Col. Richard Kemp on the IDF & Hamas in Gaza

Published on Aug 14, 2014
Address hosted by StandWithUs and Shivtei Yisrael synagogue in Ra’anana, Israel. Former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan, Col. Richard Kemp has a distinguished military career and is an expert in counter-terrorism. Col. Kemp spent significant time in Israel during the IDF’s defensive campaign against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, “Protective Edge”.

Rav Ovadia Yosef’s Funeral

Published on Oct 8, 2013

Over 850,000 mourners escort the rabbinical leader of the generation to his final resting place, Jerusalem, October 7, 2013

Gaza, 2014: War of Emuna

By: Rabbi Lazer Brody

Many people are disappointed that the recent round of hostilities, aka “Operation Protective Edge” or “Gaza War, 2014”, did not end in a decisive, clear-cut military victory for Israel. Indeed, in boxing, this would have been a split-decision, where in the absence of a knockout, the winner would be decided according to the points given by three judges at ringside. Militarily, Hamas claims victory, maintaining that their leadership and their power to fire rockets against Israel’s cities have both emerged unscathed. Israel claims victory, citing its successful campaign against the Hamas assault tunnels and the overall damage it did to Hamas. Nevertheless, no one in Israel can guarantee that all the tunnels have been destroyed. Furthermore, as we witnessed right before the recent ceasefire was declared, Hamas still succeeded in firing rockets on Israel’s southern cities and villages.

As the military and diplomatic smoke clears, the outcome of the current “Protective Edge” operation is identical to the outcome of the “Cast Lead” and “Defensive Shield” campaigns of 2008 and 2012. If the same pattern of hostilities continues, we can expect an additional war within a year. Why? There were four years between “Cast Lead” and “Defensive Shield”, and two years between “Defensive Shield” and “Protective Edge”. Continuing the pattern logically, there would be one year until a renewal of hostilities. And, what’s worse, the seeds of a new intifada (Arabic for civil uprising) seem to be sprouting, for terror in Jerusalem has once again reared its ugly head.

The above seemingly factual and logical look at our military and political situation in regard to Gaza is deceiving, for it doesn’t take emuna into account. With emuna in mind, the recent Gaza War has been a dazzling victory for Israel, not only against Hamas, but against the entire world. Let’s see what we have gained, thanks to Hashem’s limitless love for His People in Zion:

1. Jewish Unity – Unity among the Jewish People has always been a rare commodity. The lack of it led to the destruction of our Holy Temple, to exile and to Diaspora. Yet, this war saw our entire nation come together. Soldiers were flooded with food and gifts. The morale and spiritual reinforcement of the troops in battle was phenomenal. Outside of the traditional hate-mongers in the self-serving media, one can feel a true change for the better in regard to interrelationships among various sectors of the Israeli population. This is the unity that is a prerequisite for Moshiach.

2. The Hamas Doomsday scheme foiled – Most likely, Israel will create several investigative committees into the “failures” of the recent war, the most prominent of which is the military’s and the intelligence community’s gross underestimation of the tunnel threats. By way of the tunnels, many of which led to the hearts of the Gaza-area kibbutzim and villages, Hamas had planned to send at least 2,000 of its best fighters through ten different tunnels this coming Rosh Hashana. Simultaneously, ten different Israeli villages would have each been attacked by some 200 terrorists with automatic weapons, grenades and anti-tank missiles. Women and children would have been kidnapped and taken back to Gaza. With the Hamas terrorists wearing Israeli combat fatigues, the ensuing battles would have been utter bedlam, Heaven forbid. Hashem foiled the terror attack of history, for Hamas did not plan on this war, which was premature in their strategy.

3. The Emuna that “it’s all for the best” – the kidnapping and heinous murders of the three Yeshiva boys, martyrs Gilad Shaer, Naftali Frankel and Eyal Yifrach, may Hashem avenge their sacred blood, was a tragedy that all of Israel took to heart. No one understood how such a disaster could be for the good. But in retrospect, we all see that our martyred young men triggered a chain of events that led to operation “Protective Edge” and the discovery of the assault tunnels. The sacrificed lives of our three holy martyrs saved who-knows-how-many thousands of lives and foiled the terrorist plot of the century.

4. An International Victory – the current Gaza War took the mask off of international anti-Semitism. Hashem exposed the nations of the world, that their so-called “anti-Zionism” is none other than anti-Semitism at its vulgar worst. If Israel and the Arabs are fighting, why should Jews be attacked on the streets of Paris and why should synagogues in the USA be defaced? What’s more, Israel withstood tremendous pressure from the American executive branch of government and the US State Department, the UN and international media, all of whom displayed flagrant pro-Arab bias. As a result, the people of Israel are now fully aware of the Gemara’s statement that in these times before Moshiach, there is no one to trust but Hashem.

5. Revelation of Hashem – one can write several volumes about the miracles that took place during the recent war, many of which we saw with our own eyes in my hometown of Ashdod, where hundreds of rockets fell in over seventy different missile attacks. Despite the success of the “Iron Dome” missile-interception system, a number of rockets made their way through and fell in heavily-populated areas. One rocket made a direct hit in a crowded gas station on a Friday morning. Not only were there no fatalities, but a gasoline-tanker truck that held 35,000 liters (about 9,000 gallons) was burned on the outside, but its contents didn’t explode! What’s more, adjacent tanks of propane gas, ever so volatile, also did not explode. This could have caused an explosion that could devastate a tremendous area. And, this is but one miracle of many…

6. An end to the “Might of My Right Hand” Ideology – the war succeeded in showing Israel that Hashem wins wars, not the military. As we mentioned earlier, military intelligence was caught unaware and unprepared. Hamas tunnels were the springboard of two deadly ambushes. IDF equipment, such as the outdated armored personnel carrier that broke down and became a death-trap for its seven crew members, was frequently faulty and vulnerable. As many IDF officers testified anonymously, the government’s hesitation, vacillation and lack of clear objectives severely hampered the forces on the ground. The Israeli Army paid a dear price with the blood of over sixty martyrs. Yet, the IDF fought valiantly. In a phenomenal sanctification of Hashem’s name, Givati Brigade Commander Colonel Ofer Winter invoked Divine assistance by having his entire command say “Shema Yisrael” before they went into battle.
Gaza, 2014 is not only a war of Emuna for the people of Israel. This is a war of emuna for Jews around the globe. For a Jew, Israel – the Land of Emuna – is the safest place on earth. All the spiritual leaders of this generation have said that the Geula, the final redemption of our people, has already begun. Hashem wants us all to come home. And, judging by the stream of Jews who are making Aliya, the ingathering of the exiles is well underway. Thousands of IDF soldiers are proudly wearing tzitzit, what they nickname their “spiritual flak jacket”. We are winning the war of emuna and we will continue to win. Even if you’re still outside Israel, you can and must do your part. Help us spread emuna the world over. The light of emuna must extinguish the darkness of radical Islam – that’s the real struggle, and with Hashem’s help, we’ll prevail, amen!


For 90 Minutes, Jewish Leaders Tell UN’s Ban Ki-moon About Hamas Abuses, List 19 War Crimes

14August2014 Joshua Levitt

For a full 90 minutes on Wednesday, Jewish leaders told United Nations Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon about the litany of abuses of international rules of warfare – 19 in total – by Hamas in Gaza.

The group included Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, directors of The Simon Wiesenthal Center, the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman, Malcolm Hoenlein of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and representatives from B’nai Brith and Hadassah.

Rabbi Cooper told The Algemeiner on Thursday, “Bottom line, the Jewish world will have to be more proactive on the international stage, not only to defend Israel, but ourselves as well. We will continue to interact with Ban Ki Moon to insure that this important leader will be more responsive.”

In a follow-up note to Ban after their meeting, the SWC rabbis summed up the argument they presented. They said that “we must frankly ask you how many times will the world allow itself to be held hostage by Hamas? This is the third time since 2005 when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza that Hamas has brought death and destruction to the people of Gaza. Once again they are using the people of Gaza, the civilian infrastructure and UN facilities in its non-stop campaign to terrorize the Jewish state.”

During the 90 minute meeting, according to Rabbi Cooper, the SWC urged the UN to announce an official inquiry into the use of various UNRWA schools by Hamas to store and launch rockets for the benefit of the UN’s own reputation. They also called on the UN not to permit the UNRWA to supervise the billions in reconstruction funds expected for Gaza.

“The systematic hijacking of previous aid, cement, and building materials by Hamas to build an underground superhighway of terror is scandalous and a violation of the wishes of the donors who did not contribute funds for rockets or tunnels,” they said. “Those who failed to stop such theft and serial abuse of humanitarian aid, must be held accountable and should not have any involvement in supervising or dispersing of future funds.”

They also said that work shouldn’t begin until “the total disarming of Hamas and the destruction of all of the thousands of rockets and missiles Hamas still harbors.”

The Jewish human rights group that works to protect Jews against anti-Semitism also raised that core issue with Ban. “There has been an explosion of anti-Semitism and genocidal hatred against Israel from Europe to Australia,” they said. “Rather than denouncing this toxic situation Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, contributed to it by being so rabidly one-sided in her criticisms of Israel.”

“During her tenure there was no effort to investigate previous crimes against humanity by Hamas, including its own admission that 160 Palestinian children died building their terrorism tunnels. Her behavior demands a public censure from the Secretary General.”

They asked that “with a human rights disaster of epic proportions in Syria, with ethnic cleansing in Iraq, with a difficult situation in Ukraine and with continuing human rights outrages in North Korea,” the upcoming UN General Assembly “not be allowed to degenerate into an anti-Israel hate fest,” and noted that the UNGA will coincide with the Jewish High Holy Days.

“Anymore demonization of Israel emanating from the halls of the United Nations will only contribute to anti-Semitism globally,” they said.

To hammer home their point about Hamas violating human rights, although Israel is accused of doing so by the UN Human Rights Commission, the SWC rabbis left Ban with a detailed list they compiled of the 19 violations made by Hamas, with full notes and citations for Ban to reflect upon.

In further comments to The Algemeiner, Rabbi Cooper said Ban “refused to get involved with the travesty at UN Human Rights Council.”

Read the SWC’s list of Hamas’s 19 violations of the rules of war:

1) Hamas’ rocket attacks directed at Israel’s civilian population centers deliberately violates the basic principles of distinction (Additional Protocol I, arts. 48, 51(2), 52(1).) Any doubt about this is resolved by the fact that Hamas itself has boasted of its intention to hit population centres. It is well accepted in customary international law that intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking part in hostilities constitutes a war crime. (Rome Statute, art. 8(2)(b)(i))

2) Staging of Attacks From Residential Areas and Protected Sites: The Law of Armed Conflict not only prohibits targeting an enemy’s civilians; it also requires parties to an armed conflict to distinguish their combatant forces from their own civilians, and not to base operations in or near civilian structures, especially protected sites such as schools, medical facilities and places of worship. As the customary law principle is reflected in Article 51(7) of Additional Protocol I: The presence or movements of the civilian population or individual civilians shall not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations, in particular attempts to shield military objectives from attacks or shield, favor or impede military operations.

3) Use of Civilian Homes and Public Institutions as Bases of Operation – see (2) for citations.

4) Misuse of Medical Facilities and Ambulances – Any time Hamas uses an ambulance to transport its fighters it is violating the Law of Armed Conflict: Under Article 23(f) of the 1907 Regulations annexed to the Hague Convention IV Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land, which reflects customary international law, it is especially forbidden … [t]o make improper use of a flag of truce, … as well as the distinctive badges of the Geneva Convention. Article 44 of the First Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field (1949)also provides that: … the emblem of the Red Cross on a white ground … may not be employed, either in time of peace or in time of war, except to indicate or to protect the medical units and establishments…

5) Booby-trapping of Civilian Areas – see (2) for citations.

6) Blending in with Civilians and Use of Human Shields – As the ICRC rule states, lilt can be concluded that the use of human shields requires an intentional co-location of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives.

7) Exploitation of Children – Hamas has paramilitary summer camps for kids. There are reports, from this war and previous ones, of children fighting and being used for tunnel digging. violates the Law of Armed Conflict, including prohibitions against allowing children to take part in hostilities. As customary international law is reflected in this regard in Additional Protocol I, the parties to a conflict must take “all feasible measures” to ensure that children lido not take a direct part in hostilities and, in particular, they shall refrain from recruiting them into their armed forces. (Additional Protocol I, art. 77(2))

8 ) Interference with Humanitarian Relief Efforts – While Israel kept its end of humanitarian truces. Hamas used them to shoot rockets into Israel, including the Kerem Shalom crossing where humanitarian goods are brought into Gaza. All of these actions violate the Law of Armed Conflict, which requires parties to allow the entry of humanitarian supplies and to guarantee their safety. Article 59 of the Fourth Geneva Convention requires parties in an armed conflict to permit the free passage of [humanitarian] consignments and shall guarantee their protection. Article 60 of the same Convention protects the shipments from being diverted from their intended purpose, something Hamas has certainly done in the past and is reported to have done in this conflict as well.

9) Hostage-taking – The Fourth Geneva Conventions, article 34, says flatly “The taking of hostages is prohibited.” This is not an “arrest” as Israel-haters claim, and this is not a prisoner of war situation as Hamas has made clear – the purpose of Hamas’ hostage-taking falls under the definition on the International Convention Against the Taking of Hostages: “Any person who seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure or to continue to detain another person (hereinafter referred to as the “hostage “) in order to compel a third party, namely, a State, an international intergovernmental organization, a natural or juridical person, or a group of persons, to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the hostage commits the offence of taking of hostages (“hostage-taking ‘) within the meaning of this Convention.

10) Using the uniform of the enemy – Additional Protocol I prohibits the use of enemy flags, military emblems, insignia or uniforms “while engaging in attacks or in order to shield, favour, protect or impede military operations”. [3] Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, “making improper use … of the flag or of the military insignia and uniform of the enemy” constitutes a war crime in international armed conflicts when it results in death or serious personal injury. [4] According to some, this is considered perfidy, a war crime. (h/t Joshua)

11) Violence aimed at spreading terror among the civilian population – Rule 2 of ICRC’s Customary IHL is Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited. II It quotes Article 51(2) of Additional Protocol I prohibits “acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population”. Hamas rockets are aimed not only at killing civilians, but also at spreading terror among Israelis.

12)Targeting civilian objects, such as airports or nuclear power plants – Rule 7 of the Customary IHL says “Attacks must not be directed against civilian objects, quoting Articles 48 and 52(2)of Additional Protocol I.

13. Indiscriminate attacks – Besides targeting civilians and civilian objects, Rule 11 of the ICRC CIHL states flatly that “Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited. II By definition, every Qassam rocket attack and most of the other rocket and mortar attacks are by their very nature indiscriminate. See also Rule 71, “The use of weapons which are by nature indiscriminate is prohibited.

14) Proportionality in attack – ICRC’s Rule 14 states “Launching an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, is prohibited. Rocket attacks against civilians have zero military advantage, so by definition they are disproportionate to their military advantage. See also Rule 18: “Each party to the conflict must do everything feasible to assess whether the attack may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.

15)Advance Warning – Rule 20 of the ICRC CIHL states “Each party to the conflict must give effective advance warning of attacks which may affect the civilian population, unless circumstances do not permit. Given that Hamas has used the media and SMS calls to threaten Israelis, it is clear that they have the ability to warn before every rocket attack. Their failure to do so is a violation of IHL.

16) Protecting civilians – Rule 22 of the ICRC Customary IHL states, “The parties to the conflict must take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects under their control against the effects of attacks. Hamas not only has failed to protect civilians in Gaza by building bomb shelters, they have deliberately put civilians in harm’s way.

17) Attacking medical units – Rule 28 states, Medical units exclusively assigned to medical purposes must be respected and protected in all circumstances. Hamas has shot mortars at the Israeli field hospital, set up for Gazans, near the Erez crossing.

18) Protection of Journalists – Hamas has threatened journalists, implicitly and explicitly, accusing some of being spies and sometimes not allowing them to leave Gaza, making them effectively hostages. Rule 34 states “Civilian journalists engaged in professional missions in areas of armed conflict must be respected and protected as long as they are not taking a direct part in hostilities.

19) Mistreating the dead. Rule 113 says, Each party to the conflict must take all possible measures to prevent the dead from being despoiled. Mutilation of dead bodies is prohibited. Hamas has shown off an alleged chip cut out from the (presumably) dead body of Shaul Orono.

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Israel vindicated by UN damage assessment in Gaza, August 24, 2014

An analysis of the damage assessment data collected – on the Gaza War – by the UN Office of Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (which has never been biased in Israel’s favor), confirms that Israel attacked Hamas targets in a restrained manner:

*Israel did not retaliate by rote against Hamas’ systematic attacks on civilian targets; Israel bombed areas which harbored Hamas missile launching grounds and facilities, command posts, terrorists homes and hideouts, operational bases, weapon inventory and tunnels.

*Most of the damage concentrated in very limited areas of 25 square meters of less, while most of Gaza was not damaged at all or in a very limited manner.  Less than 5% of Gaza was hit by The Israel Defense Forces.

*The most populated areas of Gaza City, Jabaliya, Khan Yunes, Rafah and Deir el-Balah were  disproportionally-undamages: damaged in a very limited way or not damaged at all.

*The areas highlighted by the UN damage assessment report are compatible with the Israel Defense Forces briefings on the location of Hamas facilities, especially in the Shuja’iya area, which was the arena of the most intense battles.

*While Hamas concentrated its terror facilities – systetmatically and deliberately targetting Israeli civilians – in densely populated urban areas in Gaza, the vast majority of these urban areas were undamaged.

*Israel demonstrated exceptional efforts to minimize collateral damage – by urging civilians to evacuate ahead of bombings, thus forefeiting the surprise effect – guided by security requirements and not by retaliatory or political expediency.

*Israel followed surgical bombing tactic and not carpet bombing.  The attacks were not random nor indiscriminate.

*Most of the Israeli bombing hit areas which housed multiple tunnel entrances and shafts, as well as launching sites for mortars and missiles and other terror-related infrastructures.

*15% of Hamas rockets and mortars were short, hitting civilian targets inside Gaza.


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First aid for baby killed in J’lem attack: ‘Her parents put her in my arms’

United Hatzalah volunteer Avi Steinhartz was the first to give emergency treatment to 3-month-old Haya Zissel Braun; ‘I detached emotionally in order to give better treatment’.
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Avi Steinhartz, a United Hatzalah volunteer, was the first to administer first aid to 3-month-old Haya Zissel Braun, the infant who was killed in the Jerusalem Light Rail attack on Tuesday, and images featuring him carrying her have since become a symbol of the deadly attack.

“I took the baby and began to give her CPR. She had serious head injuries, the vehicle ran over her,” Steinhartz said.

“It was a very difficult incident – you have to repress your emotions in order to work properly,” he told Ynet earlier Wednesday.

Steinhartz carrying Haya Zissel Braun, moments after attack

Steinhartz carrying Haya Zissel Braun, moments after attack

Meanwhile, the medical staff at Hadassah Medical Center managed to identify a woman hospitalized in critical condition as a result of the attack as an 18-year-old citizen of Ecuador, who has been studying in a religious institution in Jerusalem. Her family is still abroad.

Steinhartz did not witness the attack, but was very close to the scene when it took place. Once the infant’s parents spotted him, they ran over and placed the baby in his arms.

Close up video of terror attack

“There was another woman next to me with a head injury, and other wounded people. I notified the call center, and more volunteers arrived shortly,” Steinhartz recounted the incident.

“I began to give her CPR, and once the ambulances arrived, I entered one of them with her. I continued to give her CPR treatment until the ambulance left for the hospital. I did not go with them, but rather continued to treat those who were wounded at the scene.”

Steinhartz immigrated to Israel at the age of 18, and has lived in Jerusalem ever since. As a father of three children, he said that in order to cope with the difficult situation, he had to detach emotionally. “You disconnect so that you can provide better medical care. There were many wounded and many people suffering from anxiety, who were in panic and screaming,” he said.

Haya's parents at scene of attack (Photo: United Hatzalah)

Haya’s parents at scene of attack (Photo: United Hatzalah)

“This is a very difficult time for residents of the city. Those who are supposed to protect us don’t do so, and deal with other things instead.

On Wednesday night, hundreds of people accompanied 3-month-old Haya Zissel Braun on Wednesday night to her final resting place at Har HaMenuchot in Jerusalem.

“You were pure. I want you to look down at me and smile,” crying, Haya’s father, Shmuel Elimelech said. “Tomorrow is your three-month birthday. It’s all now in God’s hands. We will remember you.”

Since the attack, there were two stone-throwing incidents in the Jerusalem Light Rail overnight Wednesday and early Thursday. Damage was caused to the Light Rail in the Shuafat area, but no one was hurt.