Dungeons and Dragons

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Agent 26 contacts Z.O.T. H.Q. and was asked to send in her monthly report.
8 hours later. She finishes off her calculations and sends it off to Z.O.T.
Agent 26: “Sigh all done.”
Mrs. Whiskers daughters walk through the front door with their friends.
Sugar: “Hi Mom!”
Agent 26: “No!”
Sugar raiding the Refrigerator: “What’s for Dinner?”
Spice: “These are good.”
Mrs. Whiskers: “Yes, I made Spaghetti.”
Sugar: “We can start D & D after the cookies.”

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Mrs. Whiskers: “Poor Kitty doesn’t understand a sleep-over party.”
Agent 26: “Who are these human females?”
Sugar: “Thanks Mom.”
Agent 26: “How long are they staying for?”
Agent 26: “Say this isn’t happening.”
Girls: “Yammer, Yammer Yammer”
Spice holding Agent 26: “Let’s set everything up.”
Agent 26: “Noooooo!”
Spice and friends: “Shopping!”
Sugar: “Alright, we have to start by shopping for the equipment for the journey.”
2 hours have pasted.
Sugar: “OK, We have our gear. Now, we choose which way we go. You can go on the East road or the West.”
Agent 26: “I’m just wanting to GET OUT!”

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4 hours later Agent 26 hides under a bed. Sunrise, everyone is asleep.
Agent 26 looking dead tired: “meeeeeoooo.”
Agent 26: “I may need a new place to stay, must contact H.Q.”
Drone: “Just reporting in.”

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Drone: “What is the matter?”
Agent 26: “No Sleep.”
Agent 26: “3 girls came for a ‘sleep-over’ ugh.”
Drone: “You look terrible.”
Drone: “I think you need to find out when they are going home.”
Agent 26: “You think I can just go up to Mrs. W and ask?”
Drone: “Did you over hear anything?”
Agent 26: “Yes actually, they are leaving this afternoon.”
Agent 26: “I don’t know which was worse, when they left for 2 weeks – or the sudden all nighters?”
Agent 26: “The worst was Spice kept me on her lap while they played D & D all night.”
Drone: “Well, when they go you can sleep all Shabbat.”
Agent 26: “Shabbat!”