Yearly Archives: 2020

Coronavirus COVID-19 in Israel

Thank You Hashem for watching over Eretz Israel The ‘Avodah Zarah worshiping government’ requires you to wear a mask on the Bus even though it does not work For all the latest news, information and updates from Israel go to Israel COVID-19 Corona Tracker How to stay healthy in the Covid-19 Pandemic Why you […]

The New Nazi Boycott of the Jews by the United Nations Human Rights Council

You have read the news about the UNHRC’s Boycott List and what some Companies and Individuals are doing about it. Below is the background and the list of European funded, terror-tied NGOs that spread lies about Israel and the Jews living in Judea, Samaria, The Golan Heights and Jerusalem.   Read all about European Funded, […]

Be Prepared and Stay Healthy

Be Prepared, So that you are not a Statistic. Healthy eaters PROVEN by science to be 40% less likely to need hospitalization if infected with Covid virus, and 10% less likely to catch it in the first place Eating a plant-based diet can help protect against COVID-19, researchers find More Than 75% Of Americans Aged […]