Modesty for Women – Wig Vs Scarf

Modesty for Women – Wig Vs. Scarf

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Rav Ovadia Yossef on Wigs / Sheitels (with English translation)


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Peah Nochrit (wigs)
This is Absolutely Forbidden!!!

There are more than 20 poskim who say that this is completely forbidden, it is absolutely forbidden to go out of the house into the public streets wearing a peah nochrit (wig). It is just as if you are going out with a completely uncovered head. Just like it is forbidden for a married woman to go out with her hair uncovered, it is equally forbidden for a married woman to go out with a wig on.
There was a great gaon, Rebbe Pinchas Horovitz, a world sized giant, Rebbe Pinchus Leibush Horovitz, he took his beit din with him and they took a Sefer Torah with them and they pronounced a cherem (a decree of excommunication) on any woman who would wear a peah nochrit (wig). Who can violate a cherem of a man as great as this?! He was a giant, a giant in Torah… To violate his cherem… Who would violate such a persons’ cherem? This is in addition to the fact that there were many Gaonim who have written explicitly that wigs are forbidden.

Tzniut Posters 013

Any Rav who is lenient regarding wigs will face judgement for it in the future!

The Gaon of Vilna writes in his sefer on the Mishnayot explicitly that wigs are forbidden.

The Gaon Yaabetz writes extensively in his sefer ‘Mor Uktziah’ and in his sefer ‘Tshuvot Yaabetz’ very explicitly that wigs are absolutely forbidden!

The Chatam Sofer writes, “After the Gaon Yaabetz has thusly said, it is certainly necessary to forbid wigs.”

The Maharif Chiyut in his sefer ‘Ish Chiyut’ writes in one of his teshuvot (halachic responsas), “It has already been forbidden by the greatest of the world and there is no room for leniency in this matter. Only the apikorsim (heretics), the minim and apikorsim are the ones who are lenient in this matter. Everyone else is very cautious in this matter.”

Rav Chaim MiSanz writes in his sefer ‘Shu”t Divrei Chaim’ as follows, “It is the actresses, wild and immodest women, they began with this practice. Many have learned from them, we have mixed with the goyim and learned from their ways.”
To my great sorrow, I have heard of many good girls who would prefer to wear a cloth head covering, and the boys, those learning in the Yeshivot are making conditions not to date them unless they commit to only wearing a wig after marriage. What Yeshiva students are these? These are ignoramuses, fools, wicked people! They are defaming the name of Hashem. People who ask for things like this learn in a yeshiva?! What Torah are they learning? They will have to face judgement for this in the future.
The author of the sefer ‘Atzei Arazim’ in Even Haezer writes,

“I am certain that any Rav who is lenient in the matter of wigs will have to face judgement in the future!”

Jerusalemcats Comments:

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OU Torah Tidbits 1163 Page 66 18Dec2015 OU Center

From the Jerusalem OU Center:  OU-ttidbits-1163-pg66-18Dec2015

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OU Torah Tidbits 1163 Page 66 18Dec2015

Other comments:

  1. If all this is true, why is it that wigs from sheitel machers are very common in the Ashkenazic world? I realize that women in India donate their hair in front of their avodah zarot. Yet, the sheitel macher is a respected profession amongst Ashkenazim. And believe me, I know how expensive real hair can be. We are talking around $1000. I understand that Sephardim have never accepted sheitels as a proper head covering. So I would expect this ruling from Rav Ovadia. But in the Ashkenazic world?? I am amazed that this was a problem. In the US, observant women regularly wear them. sorry for my confusion on this issue. Here in Israel we have given up on the sheitel for the snood instead. My wife always hated them anyway.

  2. I’ve got flyers with probably 15 or more Ashkenazi Rabbis forbidding them as well. Rav Elyashiv, Rav Vosner, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Chatam Sofer, Rav Yonatan Eibshitz, and many more.
    As far as what they do in the US… We all know what the prophets say about whats coming to the lands of Edom…

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The Concept of Modesty

January 16, 2012

Modesty or tzniut is a very misunderstood concept in Judaism. It is not something that is necessarily defined by the clothes you wear, nor does it apply only to a woman, as we will soon explain G-d willing. When I looked up the actual word tzanua I found it to mean; decent, humble, modest and meek. I was thinking about it for some time, and it became clear to me that the whole concept of modesty only applies when you put G-d in the picture. That is, one has to be decent, humble, modest and meek in front of their Creator. Hashem then opened my eyes to find in Rebbe Nachman’s writings something which I believe will help us tie all the above together for a much better understanding of the concept of modesty. Following is a translation of Sichot HaRan #136:

Rebbe Natan writes: I heard a further discussion on the lesson appearing in Likkutei Moharan 172 on the verse, “The whole world is filled with His glory (Isaiah 6:3),” from one of my companions.

The main thing is to nullify every one of your negative personality traits. You must strive to do so until you have totally obliterated your ego, rendering it into absolute nothingness before G-d. Begin with one trait and annihilate it completely. Then work on your other traits, one at a time, until they are totally nonexistent. As you annihilate all the negative parts of your own personality, G-d’s glory will begin to shine through you and be revealed. It is written in Ezekiel 43:2, “And the Earth was alight with His glory.” G-d’s glory is like light.

The larger an object, the greater it’s shadow. A thin rod casts a very small shadow, while a more substantial object casts a larger shadow. A great building will cast an even larger shadow. As more light is obstructed, a greater shadow is cast. The same is true of G-d’s glory. The material obstructs the spiritual and casts a shadow. The denser the object, the deeper a shadow it will cast.

When you are bound to a negative emotion or desire, it obstructs G-d’s glory and casts a shadow. G-d’s light is then hidden from you. But as you nullify these emotions and desires, you also remove this shadow. And as the shadow departs, the light of G-d’s glory is revealed.

When a person is worthy of annihilating the shadow completely and making it into absolute nothingness, then G-d’s glory is revealed to all the earth. There is no obstructing shadow, and the light can shine through in all of its’ glory.

It is written, “The whole earth is filled with His glory.” ‘Filled’ is melo, which can also be read milo – from nothing. “From nothing is all the earth His glory.” When there is nothing – nothing casting a shadow and obstructing His light – then His glory is revealed in all the earth.

Now I think we can get back to our explanation of modesty. The real idea of being modest in front of Hashem lies in making yourself bitul nullified in front of Hashem. Then we can fulfil our mission and the true purpose of creation which is to reveal G-d to the whole world.

With that being said, let us now apply this new understanding to clothing and how we dress. If we are wearing our clothes in order to reveal, accentuate, draw attention to and display our bodies, than we are doing the exact opposite of what is necessary to allow G-d’s glory to shine through us. Instead of revealing Hashem through our dress, in this case we are using our clothing to in fact cast a bigger shadow which actually blocks out Hashem’s light.

It should also be clear to us now, that this concept applies equally to men and women. It is not anymore a question of how long or short your skirt is, how tight and stretchy it is, or how long and flowing that wig you are wearing is for women, and similarly for men, how tight and fitted your suit is, how pointy and shiny your shoes are, etc. Now we can look at modesty with a whole different approach; and that is, am I putting on my clothing to draw attention to myself, which takes away the attention from Hashem, or am I using my clothing to cover and conceal my body which will allow Hashem’s glory to fully shine through me. This should be the real question we ask ourselves every morning when we stand in front of the mirror and get dressed.

May we all merit being a fitting vessel to allow G-d’s light to shine through us, and may we be worthy of seeing the fulfilment of the prophecy that the whole world will be filled with G-d’s glory, Amen.

A Letter of Encouragement to Women by Rabbanit Leah Kook

July 17, 2012


This is how our mothers looked-1

This is how our mothers looked-1

This is how our mothers looked-2

This is how our mothers looked-2

This is how our mothers looked-2

This is how our mothers looked-2



Rabbanit Leah Kook Letter

Rabbanit Leah Kook Letter


To all my precious Rebbetzins and to all the good and kosher Daughters of Israel who are publicly sanctifying the name of Hashem. Our Father in Heaven is pleased with you, and the heavenly angels take pride in you. You resemble the Kohen Gadol who wore many beautiful and holy garments for the honor of Hashem. The Kohen atoned for the sins of Israel with his holy and pure garments, so too it is in our generation; women and precious girls who are wearing clothing for the honor of Hashem such as the shawl and respectable and holy head coverings are atoning for the generation. It’s worth it therefore to stay strong in spite of the bit of insult and mocking you may receive for the sake of our Father in Heaven and for the sake of our Holy Torah and for the sake of Tzniut (modesty)!

If you could only see what incredible pleasure you are bringing to the Creator of The World you would be as happy as Miriam the prophetess with her drums. Sara Shnirer who was the epitome of modesty and concealment, who was totally faithful and connected to her Father in Heaven, had stones thrown at her because of this. She was not upset; rather she turned to Hashem and said, “With these stones, I will build for Your honor the Beit Yaakov School.”

So it is the same with you, you holy and precious souls who are so beloved above. You are bringing joy to all the worlds with your modesty, head coverings, shawls, and extra coverings – done for the sake of Heaven with humility and happiness. With this we will build for our Father the righteous women’s gallery in the Heavenly Beit Hamikdash.

I love you all with all my soul and I pray for you all 24 hours a day. My feet are in Teveria, but my heart is in Yerushalayim the Holy City.

Your Tehillim are protecting all of Israel. Waiting every moment for the complete and final redemption, G-d willing.
Your sister, Leah Kook

Here are 2 sample videos, just search tichel, mitpachat, Tasmina

How to wear a Tichel/Mitpachat – Jewish Hair covering – Jewish Modesty

Pashmina Hair Wrapping How-To (tichel mitpachat)

Winning Working Woman in 5

No matter what your career or job is, if you follow the following guidelines that will take you less than five minutes to learn, you’ll be a guaranteed success at work…

By: Rabbi Lazer Brody Update date: 7/8/2018

It’s not easy to be a working woman, especially a working wife. If you must leave home to augment the family income, or even if you’re still single and supporting yourself, the name of the game the name of the game is to do your job in a businesslike fashion and leave your social life for home. The workplace is for work, not for socializing, which leads to wasting time, lower productivity and much worse…


There’s a secret in Judaism: Debauchery destroys income. You see this in the media every day. Some super-talented individuals get caught in scandalous behavior and, despite their super abilities, they destroy their career, income and future with their own indiscretions.


No matter what your career or job is, if you follow the following guidelines that will take you less than five minutes to learn, you’ll be a guaranteed success at work – a winning working woman. The more you follow these guidelines, the more you’ll invoke Divine blessing and assistance in everything you do.


Here goes:


1. Your speech should be courteous and polite, but official and in no way intimate. Never call a man by his first name, and don’t inquire about his life. Substitute “How are you, Sam?” for “How may I assist you, Mr. Stein”. Keep the verbal exchange to the bare minimum that’s required in your work.


2. Every woman likes to make a snazzy appearance in public. But, when you keep your dress and makeup modest, you move up the ladder and become distinguished, which has much more class than simply being snazzy. Men have an instinctive respect for a woman with class–not even a crass idiot would come on to a woman of true royalty, because women of true royalty wouldn’t be caught dead in a short skirt or a low-cut blouse. They wear tailored suits with a high-collared blouse, and a minimum of makeup. Remember, you too are royalty–you are the King’s daughter. Don’t cheapen yourself to attract cheap attention. Even if you work in a butcher shop, you’re not a piece of meat.


3. If your female coworkers dress immodestly or use crass language, find yourself a new job. The bad apples in the crate spoil the good ones. Even a bride in a lily-white gown smells terrible if she walks through a cow shed.


4. Be very careful in your relationship with your boss. Don’t tell him your personal problems and don’t listen to his. This is imperative, since many men take advantage of female employees. The minute your boss makes an eyewink out of line, inform him that you are the female kick-boxing champion of Brooklyn or Jerusalem and your husband is 6’5″, jealous, a black belt in Krav Maga and eats 3-lb. rib-steaks for breakfast. If that doesn’t deter your boss, resign.


5. Put a copy of Guard Your Tongue with a picture of the Chofetz Chaim on your desk. Even somebody with excessive cheekiness is embarrassed to misbehave while looking at a picture of the Chofetz Chaim. Also, instead of taking part in idle chatter, learn two halachas (laws) from the Chofetz Chaim–that’s superb body language to express that you’re not interested in small talk, and certainly not rudeness.


If you’re married, call your husband during your coffee and lunch breaks. It’s wonderful to speak to each other during the day; it brings you closer to each other, and keeps your mind focused on him.


The above guidelines work best in a wholesome atmosphere with wholesome people. If your work involves repeated contact with unwholesome coworkers or clients, then for the sake of your marriage and your own spiritual purity, pack up and leave.


To paraphrase the priestly blessing, may Hashem give you the aura of our ancestral mothers–Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. G-d bless and success and a fantastic income, amen!

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