Charity: Random acts of kindness

Random acts of kindness help everyone.

Local Cats need a perk, take a cat out to lunch today.

Mr. Whiskers walking with his wife: “Good Morning בקר טוב ” to a Dog, the Dog owner giving a puzzled lookMr. Whiskers to a bird: “Good Morning בקר טוב ”

Mrs. Whiskers: “That cat looked so thin… and he’s right near our market too.”

“I have an idea”

Mr. Whiskers: “We could keep cat food in our pockets.”

Mrs. Whiskers is at home with her daughters cutting up egg cartons.

Sugar: “What are you doing?”

Mrs. Whiskers: “We saw some thin cats today on our walk.”


Not everyone is a smart, fat, cat; some just occasionally need a helping paw from time to time. Remember you could be in the same situation in the future, G-d forbid. So dig in your pocket the next time someone asks for something, and give him some cat food with a smile. because Hashem gave you all the blessings you have.


We are so lucky to live here in a free, safe country, were we do not have to worry about being rounded up and killed for being homeless, and poor.

In Israel, getting medical help is affordable

Page 2Mrs. Whiskers: “You take an egg carton and cut out little cups and…”

Spice: “that may be a lot of cat food, Mom.”

Mrs. Whiskers: “and put some cat food in it for a needy cat we may come across.”

“We can feed the cats in these bio-degradable cups.”

Mr. Whiskers: “Yes, the Cats and Dogs in Los Angeles are rounded up in death camps and executed in the city pound.” “the method of execution is lethal gas just like German!”

Two Cats at the Cat Doctor’s office. Doctor Cat: “I’m happy to hear your doing much better Mr. Katz.”

Mr. Katz: “Thank you Doctor, I’ve been taking Cat supplements lately. In Israel getting medical help is affordable Baruch Hashem!”


Every resident of Israel is insured for healthcare under the National Health Insurance Law through payment of monthly premiums to the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi). New immigrants are entitled to up to one year of free health insurance for the basic level of coverage, if they are not working.

Note: Ktinim Chozrim (returning minors), Ezrachim Olim (Oleh citizens) and Toshavim Chozrim (returning residents) do not receive free health coverage and are required to pay during the first year, even if they are not working. Please see Benefits for Katin Chozer and Ezrach Oleh and Healthcare for Returning Residents.

Every resident can choose one of the four health plans (Clalit, Leumit, Maccabi and Meuhedet) regardless of age or health state. The plans provide an identical basic basket of services, as required by law, but availability of services may differ by location. These include doctor visits, diagnostic and laboratory services, hospitalization including births and discounts on prescription medications. Note that not every type of service, treatment or prescription is available in the basket. It is possible to purchase supplementary insurance (Bituach Mashlim) from your health plan in order to receive wider coverage. Differences between the plans may exist in these supplementary insurances. See Kupot Cholim (Health Plans).

Currently, it is possible to register for health coverage at the airport. Please research which healthcare provider offers the best services in your new Israeli community, so that you will be prepared to register with a healthcare provider upon your arrival at Ben Gurion airport.

After your first 12 months as a new Oleh, your free health coverage comes to an end:

If you are already employed, Bituach Leumi will be automatically deducted from your salary on a monthly basis. Included in the Bituach Leumi (National Insurance) payment is the cost of Bituach Briut, basic medical coverage. The payment deducted by Bituach Leumi ranges depending on your salary, and it is generally in the range of 3%- 5%.

If you are not working, you will need to start paying Bituach Leumi directly in order to continue to be covered for Bituach Briut (health insurance). The cost of Bituach Briut is about 150 NIS, per adult (over the age of 17), per month. For retirees, the cost is approximately 160 NIS per person, per month. You will need to go into the Bituach Leumi office in order to sign up for this continued basic coverage.

Basic medications are covered in the basket of health services but the health department may have different specifications for these medications. If you take medications, it is critical to check the availability of your medications for your specific condition including dosage prior to your arrival in Israel. We recommend bringing a three-month supply of your medication.

Medical services are provided either in a clinic setting where family doctors and other specialists and services may be available, or in a independent office. This is dependent on your health plan and your location.

Click the link for more information about healthcare in Israel