UN, UNRWA and Terror

This is what the war is all about

The Building of the 3rd Holy Temple in Jerusalem

The Building of the 3rd Holy Temple in Jerusalem

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David
Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

The Truth Behind the Israel Hamas War: Israel’s War for the Holy Temple

Latma – Fake it Out (Israel-Hamas Satire)

UN Propaganda

United Nations logo

United Nations |
Peace, dignity and equality on a healthy planet |
The United Nations came into being in 1945, following the devastation of the Second World War, with one central mission: the maintenance of international peace and security.


UNICEF-United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UNICEF works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence. And we never give up.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

vs Reality

Click to download PDF file

Click to Download Systemic Anti-Israel Bias in the United Nations Institutional Apparatus


Obama and the UN betray Israel (yet again)

Caroline B. Glick

“The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus”
(October 25, 2023 / JNS) On her show, Caroline Glick tackles the following: U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres justifies the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas on southern Israel; former President Barack Obama lectures and lies about Israel; and the moral depravity of the world continues to be exhibited in cities and on college campuses.

Caroline Glick: Obama and the UN betray Israel (yet again)

Caroline Glick: Obama and the UN betray Israel (yet again)

Obama and the UN Betray Israel…Again | The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus

Posted 25October2023 JNS TV:
The UN Secretary-General justifies Hamas attacks, Obama lectures and lies about Israel, and the moral depravity of the world continues to shine through. All this and more on the Caroline Glick Show IN Focus!



SEE:100th anniversary of the San Remo Conference

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Finally someone says it! “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.”

And isn’t it great that the person who said it is UN Secretary General Antonio Gutteres, who presides over the organization that has played a defining role in creating, sustaining, and nourishing the fertile soil from which Hamas has sprung?

Let us examine the evidence (Part 1, Part 2 in the first comment):

Exhibit A: UNRWA.

This still temporary agency, established more than 70 years ago to settle the Arab refugees from the war of 1948 (Israel settled the Jewish refugees), was unable to carry out its mission throughout the 1950’s due to the complete refusal of the Arab refugees (later to be known as Palestinians) to be settled, knowing that this would mean they have abandoned their ongoing war against there being a state of sovereign and free Jews anywhere in the land.

Having failed in its resettlement mission, UNRWA was then hijacked by the Palestinians themselves to become the organization that enables Palestinians, uniquely among all the world’s refugees, to persist in the view that they do not need to accept new realities, new borders, and can go on thinking of themselves as perpetual refugees, generation after generation, until such moment that they can turn back the clock, have a “redo” and win the war against there being a state for Jews anywhere in the land.

UNRWA, its compounds, its education system, its almost exclusively Palestinian staff, have been the womb in which not only a unique Palestinian identity was consolidated, but one that was singularly focused on “revenge” and “return”. As a result, from the planners and perpetrators of the massacre of Israeli athletes in the 1972 Munich Olympics, to the current planners and perpetrators of the Oct 7 mass massacre, every generation trained murderers rose up to realize the dream of “return”, “Free Palestine” and “From the River to the Sea”.

(For more on this you may read this post of October 13 https://x.com/einatwilf/status/1712875687407726766?s=61&t=7v41xX2_j-eRVLBysOWtgA or the book “The War of Return” for the full and definitive review of UNRWA’s uniquely destructive goal in sustaining the Palestinian dream of “no Israel”)

Exhibit B: A whole administrative UN structure devoted uniquely to Palestinians

In 1975, the carefully developed Soviet replacement for the Tsarist “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” known as respectable “It’s only Anti-Zionism” was inserted into the UN through the “Zionism is Racism” UN General Assembly resolution. While the resolution was repealed in 1991 under US pressure, the entire infrastructure that it erected remained intact. These include three UN bodies with staffs and budgets that only exist to promote the Palestinian vision that the Jews deserve no state in any part of the land and it is worth noting that no other people have an entire division in the UN Secretariat dedicated to it:
(1) The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP)
(2) The Division for Palestinian Rights (DPR)
(3) The Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Human Rights Practices (SCIIHRP)

(For more on this go to https://ajiri.us/about)

Exhibit C: The UN “Human” “Rights” “Council” obsession with condemning Israel

In 2006 the UN established Orwellian named “Human Rights Council” to replace the rabidly anti Israel UN Commission on Human Rights. And yet, surprise, surprise, nothing changed. For example, every (every!) session of the UN Human Rights Council features a standing agenda item targeting Israel. No other country in the world is singled out in this fashion. In addition, since 2006 UNHRC passed 104 resolutions against Israel alone, compared with 97 against all (all!) other countries combined. Mind you, it’s not just the number. Resolutions against other countries are always framed in the softest language as in “we commend Sudan/Syria/Iran for their efforts to do better and if they could just try a bit harder, that would be nice”. Resolutions against Israel are always phrased in the darkest of dark words with clear definitive blame. And of-course these resolutions often establish more bodies and commissions with more staff and budgets entirely devoted to criminalizing Israel.

(For more on UNHRC’s obsession with Israel: https://unwatch.org)

Exhibit D: The UN General Assembly and its obsession with Israel

The legendary Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Abba Eban, already in the 1960’s made the evergreen observation (remember, this was before the “occupation” which Mr. Gutteres thinks is the cause of Hamas atrocities) observed that: “If Algeria introduced a resolution that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.” (Or my version that in the United Nations, the nations are only united against Israel).

The UNGA, with its automatic majority against Israel, has been the arena whereby repeated anti-Israel resolutions get passed, where days of “solidarity” with Palestinians are marked, and where ideas that exist in no other context, such as a “right of return” are repeatedly affirmed, leading people with little knowledge of how the UN works to assume that these form “international law” (they don’t).

I sometimes wryly conclude that it seems as if the UN General Assembly momentarily voted in November 1947 to uphold the international legitimacy to the establishment of a Jewish state in half of the land initially allocated by the League of Nations… and then has spent all subsequent decades trying to backtrack that.

And why does this matter so much? Because some of us might think that it should be obvious by now that the UN is useless and corrupt and hijacked, but it still retains the post WWII halo of an organization birthed on noble principles to create a more peaceful world. And this halo is why so much of the war against the Jews having a state is being waged in that arena. Those who seek the eradication of the world’s only Jewish state (“Keep the World Clean” in recent placards), need the authority of the UN to legitimize their annhilitionist cause. (For more on how high authority is needed to legitimize anti-Jewish ideologies in my speech here: https://youtu.be/1qGewRDWJGo?si=2IDhytGfl2uPbdbQ).

And that’s the UN. That’s the fertile soil from which generations of trained murderers of Jews emerged, whether they were called Fatah, DFLP, Hamas or Jihad. The names change. The soil doesn’t. Indeed, none of the carefully planned massacres by Palestinian terror organizations of sovereign Jews ever “happened in a vacuum”.

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Finally someone says it

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Exhibit C-The UN Human Rights Council

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-26October2023-Exhibit C-The UN Human Rights Council



Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called “refugee camps” in Gaza?

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called “refugee camps” in Gaza?

Why are there even places called “refugee camps” in Gaza? And why are two thirds of the people living in Gaza, who were born there and lived there their entire lives, called “refugees” from a war that ended more than seven decades ago? The answers to these question unlock the core of the conflict. Here they are (Part 1; Part 2 in the first comment):

1.The 20th century has been marked by a transition from empires to states. We begin the 20th century when much of the world is divided between empires. We end it when much of the world is divided between states. When lucky, those states were based on the self determination of a people who share a common history, language, ethnicity, background religion and connection to a territory. (Zionism emerged in this context based on the idea of self determination for the Jewish people in the only territory to which they were ever connected as a people). When unlucky those new states were artificially created by receding empires drawing boundaries, forcing different peoples to share one state, leading almost always to civil war, dictatorship, or both. This transition has been bloody. It involved two world wars and numerous regional and civil wars. In the bloody process of empires receding and new states emerging to replace them, tens of millions of people were displaced, fleeing across newly created borders, typically to new countries with an ethnic makeup similar to their own. This was true of Hindus and Muslim, Ukrainians, Poles and Germans, Bulgarians, Greeks and Turks and Arabs and Jews. This was not unique.

2.What was unique is that one group only of refugees from that time and those wars were allowed to maintain themselves as endless refugees in anticipation of one day winning a war they had lost. Those were the Arab refugees from the war of 1948, later to be known as Palestinians. All other refugee groups, except the Palestinians, were presented with a clear message: “it’s tough, it’s tragic, move on”. There was a clear understanding that in the most fundamental sense there is no going back – not in place and not in time (thus, there was no such thing as “a right of return”). To seek to go back would mean endless war. And so the message was forward looking and future facing. Tens of millions of refugees and displaced persons, among them millions of Jews, would build new lives in the new countries to which they fled.

3.Except Palestinians. The war that the Arabs of the land and the surrounding countries waged to prevent a Jewish state from emerging and gaining independence failed to achieve its goals. Despite the violent onslaught of 1947-49, Israel emerged as a sovereign state. But the Arabs of the land, sustained by broader Arab support, refused to accept this outcome. They proceeded to undo it through a variety of means, including repeated wars, economic boycotts, international condemnations and a complete refusal of the refugees themselves to be settled, as it would effectively mean accepting that the war was over.

http://4.To that end of keeping the war of 1948 alive until its goal of undoing the Jewish state could be achieved, a temporary agency established to resettle the refugees – UNRWA (initially called REWA, but the Arabs insisted on the letters UN so that it would appear to enjoy international legitimacy) – was hijacked by the Arab refugees. As a result of this hijacking UNRWA effectively became a Palestinian entity devoted singularly to sustaining and stoking the idea that uniquely among the world’s refugees, Palestinians don’t need to move on and can keep insisting on “return”, both in space and in time, to a time when there was no Israel. UNRWA thus became the mechanism by which the Jewish people alone were denied the right to to consider their hard won self-determination and sovereign statehood as a done deal.

(Part 2 continues in the first comment:)


5.One of the most important means by which UNRWA fulfilled its mission is inflating the number of Palestinians it registers as refugees. It does so by engaging in several unique practices, not applied to any other refugee population in the world: (1) Counting descendants of the original refugees displaced by the War of 1948 in perpetuity (by now into the fifth generation) automatically and with no qualifications; (2) Never removing any “refugees” from the count even if they acquired citizenship of another country, a status that for all other true refugees ends their refugee status; (3) Counting Palestinians who continue to live in the West Bank and Gaza, so in “Palestine” as refugees “from” Palestine. Once UNRWA’s inflationary practices are removed, almost none of the Palestinians who claim to be “refugees”, either as registered by UNRWA (around 5.7 Million) or self-claimed by Palestinians living in the West (a total of 8-9 Million) are actually refugees by any international standard. The vast majority of them are either (1) living in the West Bank and Gaza, and so clearly are not refugees “from” Palestine, still very much living there, and since almost all of them are by now second to fifth generation claimants they have also never been displaced by war – 2.2 Million; (2) Citizens of countries such as Jordan – 2.2 Million or various countries around the world – 2-3 Million. Citizens of countries are not refugees by any international standard. This leaves about 250,000 Palestinians who remain stateless in Syria and Lebanon, despite having been born there and never having been displaced by war. Those countries refuse to give them citizenship. They are certainly no longer refugees, but they are stateless. Of them, perhaps 30,000 are indeed refugees by international standards in that they were displaced by war, crossed the border and have not been given citizenship by any other country. Them, and only them, should be recognized as refugees. That is less than 1% of the total number of Palestinians who claim to be “refugees”.

http://6.In addition to its inflationary practices, the UNRWA compounds (“Refugee Camps”) and schools are the incubators in which the Palestinian national ethos of “revenge and return” was created and shaped. It is the ground zero Palestinian political organization in that it daily reinforces the Palestinian ethos that the Jews have no right to a state in any of the territory between the Jordan River and the Sea, and that Palestinians will one day undo Israel by means of “return”. Since the days of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, planned and perpetrated by UNRWA graduates, to the October 7th massacre by Hamas, also planned and perpetrated by UNRWA graduates (Muhammad Deif was raised in an UNRWA compound and studied in its school), UNRWA has sustained, nourished, educated and raised generation after generation of Palestinians dedicated to undoing Israel by “all means”, primarily violence and terror. Hamas, like Fatah before it, merely recruits UNRWA graduates ready to commit any atrocity in the name of “revenge and return”. It’s no coincidence that the two places where the perpetual refugee culture is strongest – Gaza and Lebanon – are also the most violent.

In short, why are there still millions of people claiming to be refugees from a war that ended more than seven decades ago? Because to the Palestinians, that war has never ended, and they continue to believe that one day, with enough patience and violence, they could still win it to achieve their original goal: no state for the Jewish people anywhere from “The River to the Sea”.
(The full history is of-course available in “The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream has Obstructed the Path to Peace”).


Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called 'refugee camps' in Gaza-1

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called ‘refugee camps’ in Gaza-1

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called 'refugee camps' in Gaza-2

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-1November2023-Why are there even places called ‘refugee camps’ in Gaza-2



Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian
“We need to understand that UNRWA is, first and foremost, a Palestinian organization. UNRWA started with the best of intentions to settle Arab refugees from the war, was hijacked by the Arab refugees themselves to become a purely Arab Palestinian organization, for the singular cause of ensuring that the Jewish state knows not a day of peace until it is undone.

UNRWA is a classic case of you get what you pay for.
So we need to make sure that we pay for something else.
For 75 years, money, legitimacy, support, services, aid, were given – were funneled – to the perpetuation of the myth that Palestinians are still – uniquely, from all the tens of millions of refugees throughout the 20th century – refugees from a war that we think ended 75 years ago. But they don’t think it ends until they win it to their cause of no Jewish state.

So all the Western legitimacy, the global legitimacy, the funding, the aid, the services were funneled to the perpetuation of the myth of the refugee status and to the belief and the fictional idea of a right of return.

And lest we think that return is an innocent idea of just feelings of nostalgia to a home that belonged to a great-grandparent in today’s Israel, October 7th is return.
October 7th is the realization of the Palestinian vision of return. It was never an innocent idea. It always had the element of violent, brutal triumphalism over the Jewish state. All the money supported that for 75 years.

So what we need to ask right now is not who will replace UNRWA – that doesn’t matter – but what? What will replace UNRWA?

And what needs to replace UNRWA is any mechanism that only funnels legitimacy, support, money and aid to those who are taken off of UNRWA’s rosters; those who are no longer registered as refugees; those who sign and make it clear that they understand that they’re not refugees and that they posses no such right of return. Only then can something be built.

So this is what we need to say: It doesn’t matter who replaces UNRWA – but what replaces UNRWA? Reverse the equation. Legitimacy, money, aid, services will flow only to individuals who have been stricken off UNRWA’s rosters, if it still exists, and who themselves testify that they understand that they’re not refugees, that they do not possess the right of return, and they have no intention of liberating Palestine from the river to the sea.

And I want to end with one thought: October 7th should put an end to the notion of “the poor Palestinians” – the ones who constantly need aid, aid, money, support. The Palestinians are a highly capable people. October 7th required years of planning, massive investment in infrastructure, strategy, discipline, vision – a perverse vision – but vision. The Palestinians are not an incapable people. They are a people with terrible priorities.
For a century they decided to devote all their substantial capabilities not to building something for themselves, but in order to destroy the Jewish state. And as long as this is their ideology, anyone who gives them any kind of funding, aid and legitimacy is guaranteed that this will be funneled to the destruction of the Jewish state and to continued war. And if people really want peace, and really want to abide by the principles and the vision of the United Nations, reverse the equations: Support those who want to put the war behind us, not the ones who want to keep fighting that war.”

My words yesterday at the @UNWatch Summit on Replacing UNRWA. Link to video here:



Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-27February2024-We need to understand that UNRWA is Palestinian


UN Watch-tweet-27February2024-Palestinian vision of return
“October 7th is the realization of the Palestinian vision of return. It was never innocent. It always had the element of violent, brutal triumphalism over the Jewish state. Aid should go only to those who declare no intention of ‘freeing Palestine from the river to the sea.’”

UN Watch-tweet-27February2024-Palestinian vision of return

UN Watch-tweet-27February2024-Palestinian vision of return

Einat Wilf at the International Summit for a Future Beyond UNRWA



Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN

The Persian Jewess-tweet-2March2024-Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN
500,000 Israelis are currently displaced due to the events of October 7 and nonstop rocket barrage from Gaza and Lebanon.

Many have nothing more then the clothes in their backs.

They receive ZERO AID from the UN.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-2March2024-Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN

The Persian Jewess-tweet-2March2024-Israeli refugees receive ZERO AID from the UN



Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN

Brianna Wu-tweet-12March2024-Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN
I used to think America disproportionately protected Israel from the international community until I looked into it. Now I see it the other way around. Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN and the wider international community.

Here is evidence for this belief:
✅ The number of UN resolutions condemning Israel is VASTLY more than countries with much more serious records of human rights abuses.
✅ The UNHRC has a permanent agenda item focused on Israel/Palestine, Item 7. No other country is singled out like this
✅ Objectively, the UN focuses much more time and attention on Israel than other extremely serious global issues

I know no one wants to hear the A word, but I think antisemitism is a primary factor. There are roughly 500 million Arabs in the MENA region and 9 million Jews.

America is often alone standing with Israel because we are a democracy, and American Jews and their allies work to elect leaders that understand the value of the alliance. This is unsurprising to me since we have the second highest population of Jewish people.
Alex Fleck-tweet-12March2024-
Hi Brianna. Yes, I understand the time constraints.
Do you agree with the substantive aspect of my argument though? That the US has acted unilaterally to defend Israel diplomatically in a way that is quite radical and different from what other Western countries have done?

Brianna Wu-tweet-12March2024-Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN

Brianna Wu-tweet-12March2024-Israel gets a VASTLY disproportionate amount of criticism by the UN




Judenstern_Yellow Star of David Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Judenstern_Yellow Star of David
Symbol that Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust, so that they could be identified as Jews.

Israel Ambassador to UN: We Will Wear the Yellow Star Until You ‘Condemn the Atrocities of Hamas’

“Some of you have learned nothing in the past 80 years. Some of you have forgotten why this body was established.”

Posted by Mary Chastain 30October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/israel-ambassador-to-un-we-will-wear-the-yellow-star-until-you-condemn-the-atrocities-of-hamas/


Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Gilrad Erdan, has had enough of the farce that is the United Nations.

Erdan and his team will wear the yellow star the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear until the UN comes to its senses and condemn Hamas:

“Some of you have learned nothing in the past 80 years. Some of you have forgotten why this body was established,” he says.

“So, I will remind you. From this day on, each time you look at me, you will remember what staying silent in the face of evil means.”

“Just like my grandparents and the grandparents of millions of Jews, from now on, my team and I will wear Yellow stars. We will wear this star until you wake up and condemn the atrocities of Hamas.”

Yonatan Gonen-tweet-30October2023-
Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wore the yellow badge at the Security Council:

“When Jewish babies were burned in Auschwitz the world was silent. Today Jewish babies were burned in Be’eri and the southern towns of Israel by the Nazi Hamas and the world is silent again. I will make you remember the shame of your silence every time you look at me.”

Yonatan Gonen-tweet-30October2023-Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wore the yellow Star of David at the Security Council

Yonatan Gonen-tweet-30October2023-Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan wore the yellow Star of David at the Security Council


Translation from Google:

Today I announced in the Security Council that a yellow patch will be worn to remind the disgrace of her silence in the face of the atrocities committed by the Hamas Nazis. I made it clear to the council members that we swore after the Holocaust, NEVER AGAIN, therefore there will be no ceasefire and we will continue until Hamas is destroyed, so that such atrocities will never happen again. Watch and share >>


Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-30October2023-
היום הודעתי במועצת הבטחון שאענוד טלאי צהוב כדי להזכיר את החרפה של שתיקתה אל מול מעשי הזוועות שהנאצים של חמאס עוללו. הבהרתי לחברות המועצה, שאנחנו נשבענו לאחר השואה, NEVER AGAIN ולכן לא תהיה הפסקת אש ונמשיך עד להשמדת חמאס, כדי שזוועות כאלו לא יקרו שוב לעולם. צפו ושתפו >>


Translated from Hebrew by

Today I announced in the Security Council that I will wear a yellow patch to remind the disgrace of her silence in the face of the atrocities committed by the Hamas Nazis. I made it clear to the council members that we swore after the Holocaust, NEVER AGAIN and therefore there will be no ceasefire and we will continue until the destruction of Hamas, so that such atrocities will never happen again. Watch and share >>

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-30October2023

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-30October2023



Israel halts UN staff visas as officials pan Guterres’s ‘truly insane’ Hamas remarks

After UN chief says terrorist massacres ‘didn’t happen in vacuum,’ Foreign Ministry says words ‘tarnish both him and organization he heads’; Edelstein says they fan antisemitism

By Michael Bachner and ToI Staff 25October2023 https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-halts-un-staff-visas-as-officials-pan-guterress-truly-insane-hamas-remarks/

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan, left, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, center, and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan browse the Yad Vashem Book of Names of Holocaust Victims Exhibit at United Nations headquarters, January 26, 2023. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan, left, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, center, and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan browse the Yad Vashem Book of Names of Holocaust Victims Exhibit at United Nations headquarters, January 26, 2023. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan, left, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, center, and Yad Vashem Chairman Dani Dayan browse the Yad Vashem Book of Names of Holocaust Victims Exhibit at United Nations headquarters, January 26, 2023. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Israel stopped issuing visas to UN officials Wednesday, a day after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appeared to say Hamas’s murderous October 7 assault on southern Israel was brought on by Israeli occupation.


The development came as Israeli officials continued to rail against the UN chief and demand his apology or resignation, with a senior lawmaker branding his words “truly insane” and adding that they were fanning the flames of antisemitism. The chairman of Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum accused Guterres of having “failed the test” of the refrain “Never again.”


An Israeli official confirmed the new visa policy to The Times of Israel on condition of anonymity, after Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan gave additional details in an interview with Army Radio.


“Due to his remarks we will refuse to issue visas to UN representatives,” Erdan said. “We have already refused a visa for Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths. The time has come to teach them a lesson.”


During a UN Security Council meeting Tuesday on the Israel-Hamas war, Guterres said, “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.


“The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing,” Guterres said.


He later added that “the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas. And those appalling attacks cannot justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”


Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza began after the terror group sent thousands of gunmen over the border to ravage Israeli border communities. Terrorists killed some 1,400 people, the vast majority of them civilians, massacring them at their homes and at a music festival. They also kidnapped at least 224 people and took them into the Strip.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, October 24, 2023. (Seth Wenig/AP)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, October 24, 2023. (Seth Wenig/AP)

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres speaks during a Security Council meeting at United Nations headquarters, October 24, 2023. (Seth Wenig/AP)

Israel evacuated all settlements and military forces from the Gaza Strip under the 2005 Disengagement. Since then it has faced years of rocket attacks from Hamas, which rules the Strip, and from other terror groups there, as well as multiple rounds of intense combat.


It has maintained a tight blockade of the territory since Hamas took control in 2007, as has Egypt, with Jerusalem saying it must do so to limit the terror group’s ability to arm itself for attacks. In the West Bank, settlements have expanded under consecutive governments with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly arguing the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority is not a partner for peace, having rejected several offers in the past.


Guterres’s comments drew outrage in Israel. On Tuesday evening, Erdan called them “shocking” and demanded that the secretary general resign, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen canceled a meeting with Guterres, and Minister Benny Gantz labeled the UN chief a “terror apologist.”


The strongly worded reactions continued on Wednesday morning.

The Foreign Ministry tweeted that Guterres’s remarks “provoke anger and astonishment and tarnish both him and the organization he heads,” reflecting “a biased and distorted attitude towards Israel on the part of the UN and especially on the part of the Secretary-General himself.”


“The UN Secretary-General must retract his words, engage in deep personal soul-searching and apologize for his statement, which distressed millions of Israelis who are still experiencing the consequences of the murderous terrorist attack of October 7,” the ministry added.

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-25October2023-
The severe assertions of the UN Secretary-General in his speech at the Security Council provoke anger and astonishment and tarnish both him and the organization he heads.

The Secretary-General’s assertions reflect a biased and distorted attitude towards Israel on the part of the UN and especially on the part of the Secretary-General himself.

The UN Secretary-General’s words support the monstrous violence of the Hamas terrorists and legitimize the heinous massacre of October 7.

The atrocities committed by the Hamas terrorists on October 7, the slaughter of women, children and the elderly, the abuse of bodies, the burning of bound children and the rape and abduction of hundreds of Israelis should be censured—there is no way to justify such monstrous atrocities.

The UN Secretary-General must retract his words, implement deep personal soul-searching and apologize for his statement, which distressed millions of Israelis who are still experiencing the consequences of the murderous terrorist attack of October 7.

@UN @antonioguterres

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary-General in his speech at the Security Council

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary-General in his speech at the Security Council

Likud MK Yuli Edelstein, the chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affair and Defense Committee, sent an English-language public letter addressed to Guterres expressing “a profound sense of shock” and saying it would have been “best had you said nothing at all.”


“Mr. Secretary-General, you opened by saying that ‘nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians.’ However, you then [made] an about-face and added that the ‘attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum.’ Statements of this kind legitimize murderers, rapists, and terrorists around the world — rendering your condemnations null and void,” Edelstein charged.


Edelstein tweeted a photo of the letter, adding in a Hebrew-language post that Guterres’s remarks had been “truly insane” and that “against the backdrop of surging antisemitism around the world, his grave remarks are fueling a giant fire [of hate].”

Yuli Edelstein-tweet-25October2023-

בעקבות דבריו המטורפים ממש, שיגרתי הבוקר מכתב גינוי וזעזוע למזכ”ל האו”ם.

על רקע האנטישמיות הגואה בעולם, דבריו החמורים הם בגדר שמן למדורה הבוערת בלהבות ענק.

Translated from Hebrew by

Following his really crazy words, this morning I sent a letter of condemnation and shock to the UN Secretary General.

Against the background of rising anti-Semitism in the world, his harsh words are like fuel for the fire burning with huge flames.

Yuli Edelstein letter 24October2023 to UN Secretary General

Yuli Edelstein letter 24October2023 to UN Secretary General

Yuli Edelstein-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary General crazy words

Yuli Edelstein-tweet-25October2023-UN Secretary General crazy words

Israeli leaders and US President Joe Biden have noted that the October 7 atrocities were the single worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.


Yad Vashem chairman Dani Dayan, who met with Guterres earlier this year at a Holocaust-related exhibit at the UN headquarters in New York, said the UN chief had “failed the test” regarding ensuring atrocities against Jews don’t repeat.


“The slaughter of Jews by Hamas on October 7th was genocidal in its intents and immeasurably brutal in its form. Part of why it differs from the Holocaust is because Jews have today a state and an army. We are not defenseless and at the mercy of others,” a statement from Dayan said.


“However, it puts to test the sincerity of world leaders, intellectuals and influencers that come to Yad Vashem and pledge ‘Never Again,’” he continued. “Those who seek to ‘understand,’ look for a justifying context, do not condemn the perpetrators, and do not call for the unconditional and immediate release of the abducted – fail the test.

“UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres failed the test.”

In a shock assault on October 7, Hamas bombarded Israel with thousands of rockets while over 2,500 gunmen breached the border with the Gaza Strip. The terrorists rampaged murderously through southern areas, slaughtering those they found, butchering entire families in some communities and also killing 260 at an outdoor music festival. Some victims were mutilated, raped and tortured. Dozens of babies were killed. Over 220 people of all ages were abducted and dragged to Gaza as captives. Four have since been released.


Israel has responded to the Hamas assault by vowing to destroy the terror group and launching intensive strikes in Gaza, saying it is hitting terror targets while trying to avoid civilian casualties. It has told over one million Gaza residents to evacuate the northern part of the Strip ahead of an expected ground incursion.


The Hamas-controlled Health Ministry says the strikes have killed over 6,000 Palestinians so far. Those numbers cannot be independently verified and are believed to include Hamas’s own members, as well as civilians killed by hundreds of misfired Palestinian rockets.

Agencies contributed to this report.




UN special rapporteur BANNED, Refused visa to enter Israel

Israel Katz-tweet-12February2024-The time for Jewish silence is past
The time for Jewish silence is past. For the @UN to regain its credibility, its leadership @antonioguterres must unequivocally renounce the anti-Semitic statements made by their “Special Envoy” @FranceskAlbs and remove her from her position immediately. Barring her entry to Israel will serve as a stark reminder of the atrocities committed by Hamas, including the ruthless targeting of innocents.

Israel Katz-tweet-12February2024-The time for Jewish silence is past

Israel Katz-tweet-12February2024-The time for Jewish silence is past

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-12February2024-UN special rapporteur BANNED
UN special rapporteur for the Palestinians, Francesca Albanese, has been refused a visa to enter Israel after comments that seemed to justify Hamas’s October 7 massacre.

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-12February2024-UN special rapporteur BANNED.png

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-12February2024-UN special rapporteur BANNED.png



UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to

OSINTdefender-tweet-21November2023-UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to
The Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eli Cohen has Delievered a Warning to the U.N. National Security Council from the Government of Israel which states that if the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is not able to get the Situation in Southern Lebanon back under Control and Remove the Military Capabilities of Hezbollah away from the Border in following with Resolution 1701, which Ended the Lebanon War of 2006, the Israeli Defense Force will be Forced to take “Military Action” which could lead to a Regional War.

OSINTdefender-tweet-21November2023-UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to

OSINTdefender-tweet-21November2023-UNIFIL act or IDF will be Forced to


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2023-Hezbollah launched rockets from UN compound
Hezbollah launched several rockets toward Israel last night, including from a point 20 meters away from a @UN compound in southern Lebanon. Additional launches have been made from the area toward Israel in recent days.

By continuing to fire at Israel from near a U.N. compound, Hezbollah endangers the lives of @UNIFIL_ personnel and continues to systematically violate UNSC Resolution 1701. UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander @aroldo_lazaro was notified of the incident.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2023-Hezbollah launched rockets from near UN compound

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-10December2023-Hezbollah launched rockets from near UN compound



UN and Women’s rights groups Silent About Hamas Attacks on Women

Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Amb. Erdan: UN Women maliciously disregards Hamas rape and murder

Israeli Ambassador to the UN lambasts UN agencies at Security Council for deliberately ignoring Hamas crimes against women and humanity.

Israel National News

22November2023, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/380775

Erdan shows photo of Hamas leader with child

Erdan shows photo of Hamas leader with child

Erdan shows photo of Hamas leader with child UN Photo/Evan Schneider

In an emergency United Nations Security Council meeting held today on the situation of women and children in Gaza, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan harshly criticized UN Women for its malicious disregard of the rape and murder of Israeli women by Hamas terrorists and UNICEF for its disregard of Hamas’ indoctrination of children to terror and use of children as human shields.


The Ambassador presented a photo of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, “This is Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas. And the child he is holding, is a victim of UNICEF’s indifference. A picture is worth a thousand words and this says all you need to know about Hamas’ treatment of children in Gaza.”


The Ambassador asked the Executive Director of UNICEF Catherine Russell, “Executive Director Russell, have you never seen this picture? Are you unaware of the terror summer camps that Hamas runs every year in Gaza to indoctrinate children to murder? So many Gazan children were born into a culture of hate. A culture that glorifies violence and educates kids to murder. It is a death cult that puts martyrdom ahead of life, coexistence, and the pursuit of peace. How many UNICEF reports have been written on this? None. While we teach our children to love and accept others, the children of Gaza are taught that the murder of Jews and Israel’s annihilation is their life goal. They are educated on this in their schools – yes, including UNRWA schools. Why has this child abuse never bothered UNICEF? There is absolutely no chance that UNICEF is unaware of this. So, Executive Director Russell, where has your organization been all this time?”


“Rockets have been found in children’s bedrooms in Gaza. Rocket launchers were located inside a scout’s youth movement clubhouse. Missile manufacturing facilities were found under mosques. And caches of assault rifles were found in UNRWA schools. We have not heard UNICEF’s outcry over Hamas’ exploitation of Gazan children as human shields. Where is it?”


The Ambassador presented a photo of Hamas terrorists surrounded by children, “This is a photo taken a few days ago in Gaza. These savage Hamas terrorists are walking around in broad daylight armed and in uniform, after effectively strapping children to themselves as live body armor. This is the enemy that Israel is defending itself against. This is who you hardly have a single word of criticism against.”


The Ambassador asked members of the Council, “Where have the briefers been for all of these years? Where are their voices now? Why are Hamas’ crimes almost non-existent in this briefing, when Hamas – and only Hamas – is solely responsible for the situation in Gaza? There is no other explanation for this other than apathy towards Gazans, coupled with burning hatred for Israel. This is not a briefing – this is an inquisition.”


Ambassador Erdan presented a photo of Naama Levy, one of the women taken hostage by Hamas who was raped by her captors. “I sent this picture of Naama Levy who was dragged out of the trunk of a jeep by a Hamas terrorist, as part of a video, wearing sweatpants soaked in blood around her backside….You want to discuss women in conflict? Women’s rights? Women’s dignity? What about the dignity of Naama Levy…Sadly, to our briefers, the horrors endured by these young women are not worthy of mentioning. After all, they’re Israeli – and as today’s briefing has made abundantly clear, Israeli victims don’t matter.”


“Nearly fifty days have gone by since these atrocities were committed – since young girls were savagely violated – yet the world is still waiting to hear a clear, public condemnation from UN Women against Hamas sexual crimes. Shame on you UN Women, shame on you. Is UN Women not charged with ensuring that, I quote from their website, “All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence?” Doesn’t the banner of the UN Women website currently say “Hashtag ‘No Excuses'”? Hasn’t the world come to believe women? Hasn’t the UN? To the UN and its agencies, Israeli women are not women. Israeli children are not children.”


The Ambassador presented a picture of Shani Louk, a German tourist who became an international symbol of Hamas’ atrocities when a video was posted of terrorists parading her nearly dead body in Gaza. “I also sent this picture of Shani Louk. Shani was dancing at the peace festival before she was abducted and murdered by Hamas. This is what her body looked like, with a Hamas terrorist on top of her. Look at her. Look at Shani.”




To the UN and leading women’s rights groups: The mass rape and sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on and since October 7th towards Israeli women is being shamefully denied, minimized…and even justified.
Hamas terrorists have admitted to these atrocities. Why are you ignoring them?

Apparently, it’s: #BelieveAllWomen…unless they’re Israeli.





Shurat HaDin-tweet-17November 172023-Enough with the double standard
Enough with the double standards!

Hamas’ rape and murder of Israeli women is met with global indifference of feminist movements.


Shurat HaDin-tweet-17November 172023-Enough with the double standard

Shurat HaDin-tweet-17November 172023-Enough with the double standard



Women’s Rights Organizations Still Stunningly Silent About Attacks on Women on October 7th

“The absurdity has reached peak levels since October 7”

Posted by Mike LaChance, 22November2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/11/womens-rights-organizations-still-stunningly-silent-about-attacks-on-women-on-october-7th/

Hamas attacks on Women 7October2023

Hamas attacks on Women 7October2023

Remember when Michelle Obama and celebrities launched a #BringBackOurGirls campaign on Twitter when girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram? No such campaign this time.

Benjamin Folkinshteyn writes at the Times of Israel:

#FeministsforRape and Other Observations

In the current Through-the-Looking-Glass world, absurdity has become the norm. Israel has been accused of the unspeakable crimes of . . . protecting LGBTQ rights (you can’t do that – that’s #pinkwashing!), substantial participation by Arab citizens in all walks of civil life (you can’t do that – that’s #democracy), and protecting the environment by being a leader in environmental sustainability (you can’t do that – that’s #greenwashing!), all to cover up its alleged crimes perpetrated against the Palestinians.


The absurdity has reached peak levels since October 7 with the timely re-emergence of the Queers for Palestine bloc, marching alongside Hamas supporters who justify terrorist atrocities as a response to the “occupation.” Putting aside the fact that Gaza has been Judenfrei with Israel’s withdrawal in 2005, the lack of self-awareness is staggering.


It is, of course, a well-known fact that Arab countries, and the Hamas-run Gaza Strip in particular, are Edenic paradises to LGBTQ-identifying individuals and other minorities compared to Israel. Examples abound. Thus, in 2016, Hamas executed one of its own high-ranking leaders, Mahmoud Ishtiwi for being gay. Just last year, Ahmed Abu Marhia was beheaded for being gay – his head was found on the side of a road. Many Palestinian LGBTQ individuals seek asylum in Israel due to their being persecuted in Gaza and the West Bank, not only by the authorities but even by their own families.


But that’s not all, folks. Even before bodies of the victims of Al Aqsa Flood pogroms were cold, “from the river to the sea” chants pierced the air in many US metropolitan areas in celebration of the surprising success of Hamas’s efforts at harmonious coexistence, which featured peaceful activities such as rape, beheading, mutilation, torture, and kidnapping.


Yet, to date, not a single prominent women’s rights organization in the US has decried these unspeakable brutalities against women. Where are the #IamShaniLouk posts? Where is former First Lady Michelle Obama with her #BringBackOurGirls hashtag diplomacy for the kidnapped women and children of Israeli, Arab and other communities? So much for #silenceiscomplicity!




MeToo unless you’re a Jew

Feminist groups are whitewashing Hamas’s crimes

17November2023  https://unherd.com/2023/11/metoo-unless-youre-a-jew/

Women Kidnapped by Hamas (Leonard Ortiz/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)

Women Kidnapped by Hamas (Leonard Ortiz/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images)

After accompanying British troops as they liberated Bergen-Belsen in April 1945, Richard Dimbleby produced one of the most viscerally horrifying — and powerful — dispatches in the BBC’s history. “I find it hard to describe adequately the horrible things that I’ve seen and heard,” he began, “but here unadorned are the facts.”


His language was spare, his descriptions factual — and yet, his bosses didn’t want to broadcast the report. A compromise was only reached after he threatened to resign and his script was cut in half. The reason, his son Jonathan later revealed, was that “the BBC needed more sources to support what had happened to Jews and worried that if you mentioned one group of people and not others, it might seem biased or wrong”.


The events of October 7 do not compare to the Holocaust, but a similar reluctance to consider both its primary victims remains. We see it in the defaced posters of kidnapped Israelis by people who claim they are “propaganda”, in the antisemitic disinformation peddled online, and in the weekly pro-Palestine demonstrations that fail to call out Hamas’s terrorism. But perhaps most peculiarly, we also see it in the silence of organisations and activist groups dedicated to fighting for women’s safety.


After Hamas terrorists set about murdering, raping and abducting as many women as they could, one might have expected widespread condemnation from the West’s feminist groups. After all, Hamas had provided enough evidence of its crimes — within hours, they were posting footage of abducted young women in bloodied trousers being paraded around Gaza. Even beforehand, its feminist credentials were hardly glowing: it mandates the hijab, has made it illegal to travel without a male guardian, and refused to ban physical or sexual abuse within the family.


The response among the majority of groups committed to ending violence against women and girls (VAWG) was threefold: to keep quiet, to disbelieve the victims, or to insinuate they deserved their fate. In the words of 140 American “prominent feminist scholars”, to stand in solidarity with Israeli women is to give in to “colonial feminism”.


Here in the UK, this approach is perhaps best embodied in the work of Sisters Uncut, a charity that boasts its own “Feministo” committed to “taking direct action for domestic violence services”. Until this month, the activists’ work has generally taken the form of media-savvy stunts: dyeing the water of Trafalgar Square’s fountains red, setting off rape alarms outside police stations, occupying the roofs of council buildings. Yet all paled in comparison to the demonstration it organised earlier this month: a call for Israel to put down its weapons that ultimately shut down London’s Liverpool Street Station.


Afterwards, the charity issued a 600-word statement, filled with references to “apartheid”, “genocide” and disproved reports that the IDF had bombed Gaza’s Al-Ahli hospital. There was no mention, however, of the 239 abducted Israelis, roughly 100 of whom are believed to be women, or the sexual assaults that took place on October 7. When journalist Hadley Freeman pointed out this wasn’t terribly feminist of them, the group responded by claiming reports of Hamas’s sex attacks amounted to “the Islamophobic and racist weaponisation of sexual violence”. Towards the end of their rambling statement, they concluded: “no people would ever accept being murdered, humiliated, dispossessed, racially targeted, oppressed, cleansed, exiled and colonised without resisting.”


Other feminist groups fell into a similar victim-blaming step. Southall Black Sisters, another charity committed to ending violence against women, did at least mourn the loss of life on both sides, but blamed it on “the Israeli government’s declaration of war on Gaza”. Elsewhere, Women for Women UK, which specialises in helping “women survivors of war” and calls itself a “non-partisan organisation”, has decided to raise money only for Palestinian women. Even Women’s Place UK, once viewed as an outlier for its brave campaigning for women-only spaces, decided to call for an “immediate ceasefire” without mentioning sexual violence.


In fact, the only VAWG charity in the UK to call out Hamas’s sexual violence was Jewish Women’s Aid. “Such acts have a permanent impact on survivors and damaging psychological effects on women, particularly women who are victim-survivors of sexual violence,” it said in a statement. “The public silence from many UK domestic/sexual abuse sector organisations further impacts the isolation and fear our clients are experiencing.”


For one British Jewish VAWG worker, who has been in the sector for 20 years, the silence of other organisations was to be expected: “I have seen this become a real thing in the last few years — where ideas are imported from America: that if you are white, you will always be the oppressor. If you are working for one of these charities, you are used to a victim/perpetrator narrative which is normally true in the domestic violence context, but not when it comes to geopolitics.”


She describes how, during mandatory training at the last charity she worked for, her team was told that Jews don’t experience racism. “Incredibly, they used the Second World War as an example of racism, but of anti-black racism because of how people from the West Indies were treated.”


For those whose daughters have been abducted by Hamas, the sense of betrayal is palpable. “It is unbelievable that groups like the Red Cross and UN Women are doing nothing to help our people,” Keren Sharf Shem, whose 21-year-old French-Israeli daughter Mia was kidnapped from the Nova music festival, tells me. “It is right that the people of Gaza are getting humanitarian aid, but we deserve the same… I know from a message Mia sent to a friend that she was shot in the leg. She also has a medical condition, and the hostage video showed her after surgery for an operation on her arm. That was weeks ago — I don’t know whether she is still alive. And there are other sick people there, as well as babies and a pregnant woman. Too many people seem to have forgotten them.”


To remedy this, Israeli feminists this week launched #MeToo_Unless_Ur_A_Jew, a campaign calling for the UN Women group to focus on the gender-based violence against Israeli women. “The UN Women is turning a blind eye to Hamas’s vicious war crimes by remaining silent,” they said.


In a similar vein, Claire Waxman, London’s first Victims’ Commissioner, wrote to Reem Alsalem, the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women and Girls, to ask why the organisation has stayed silent. In response, Waxman tells me, Alsalem claimed the evidence was “not solid” enough to warrant a statement. An incredulous Waxman points out that November 25 is the UN’s International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls: “How can we talk about eliminating violence against women and girls if we are tacitly saying it’s acceptable to rape Jewish ones?”


To counter this narrative, the Civil Commission on October 7 Crimes by Hamas Against Women and Children was also founded this week, and is currently collecting testimony about Hamas’s atrocities, ranging from victim reports and eyewitness accounts to footage released by Hamas itself. Many of those raped are dead or abducted; others are too traumatised to speak. But the story that has begun to emerge is unbearable in its horror — one of gang rape of women and children, of the dead bodies of women being hacked during or after sexual assault, and of genital mutilation.


Nachman Dyksztejna, a Ukrainian-Israeli, is one of those whose testimony bears witness to these horrors. A volunteer first responder with an organisation called Zaka, he was sent to several scenes of the massacre, including the site of Nova festival and several kibbutzim. To avoid repeating his trauma, Zaka recorded his statement alongside psychological support and sent me a written translation. Zaka also provided photographs that corroborate his descriptions. (The editors of this publication have also seen them.)


Dyksztejna’s testimony — reproduced in the next two paragraphs — is among the most harrowing I have read, and can be skipped if necessary:

“In Kibbutz Be’eri, I witnessed bodies of two women with their hands and legs tied to a bed. One of these bodies we found was sexually terrorised with a knife stuck in her vagina and all her internal organs removed. After brutally violating these women, Hamas detonated the house on them, so we found them beneath a pile of stones.

“The mini shelters scattered from the Nova party site to road 34, shelters that had been broken into, were filled with piles of women. Their clothing was torn on the upper part, but their bottoms were completely naked. Piles and piles of women, dead bodies, lying this way. When you took a closer look at their heads, you saw a single shot straight to the brain of each.”

In 1945, Dimbleby broke down several times while making his report about Belsen. “I passed through the barrier and found myself in the world of a nightmare,” he explained. But he knew he had to bear witness to the horror — just as Israelis today feel they have no choice but to report what they have seen. But when videos created by the perpetrators aren’t deemed “solid” evidence, is that enough? For so long the mantra for feminist organisations has been to “believe her”. Yet as the past month has revealed, it only goes so far — and becomes meaningless if you live in Israel.

Nicole Lampert is a freelance journalist who writes about arts and politics. nicolelampert



The Silence From International Bodies Over Hamas’ Mass Rapes Is a Betrayal of All Women | Opinion

Nov 22November2023 https://www.newsweek.com/silence-international-bodies-over-hamas-mass-rapes-betrayal-all-women-opinion-1845783
By Michal Herzog
First Lady of the State of Israel


Two days after the horrific Hamas attack of October 7, I met Rotem, a young mother of two small children from a Kibbutz on the Gaza border. I held my breath as she recounted how she ran with her children to hide while terrorists rampaged through their home, how they made it to the safe room and desperately held the door, praying the terrorists wouldn’t enter.


Her terror echoed accounts I’ve heard from abused women, except now the threat was not from a violent husband. And Rotem was not alone; she is one of thousands of Israeli women who simultaneously faced murder and rape by Hamas terrorists on that fateful day.


At the President of Israel’s Residence in Jerusalem, we are preparing for the day the United Nations General Assembly has designated the International Day for the Prevention of Violence against Women, which is observed every November 25. Every year, I host victims, civil-society leaders, activists, and scholars committed to women’s rights and safety on this day.


But this year will be different. Many things changed on October 7 when thousands of Hamas terrorists massacred Israeli families, burnt children and the elderly, and kidnapped hostages. This deeply impacted our visceral understanding of the cruelty of gender-based sexual violence—and our faith in the international organizations that claim to care about women.


It took me several days to grasp the monstrous nature and scale of violence suffered specifically by women on October 7. My first realization came when meeting volunteers of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers who discreetly told me of conversations with survivors. They heard testimonies that shocked them to the core.

 Israel’s First Lady Michal Herzog on a visit to the Levinstein Rehabilitation Center, embraces Noam, who was injured in the the NOVA music festival attack on October 7. Bar Netzer

Israel’s First Lady Michal Herzog on a visit to the Levinstein Rehabilitation Center, embraces Noam, who was injured in the the NOVA music festival attack on October 7. Bar Netzer

At the Nova music festival, where more than 350 young people were slaughtered and dozens kidnapped, witnesses hiding in the bushes saw terrorists gang-rape, then murder and mutilate women. A Hamas video from a kibbutz shows terrorists torturing a pregnant woman and removing her fetus. Our forensic scientists have found bodies of women and girls raped with such violence that their pelvic bones were broken. Those of us unlucky enough to have seen video evidence broadcast by the terrorists themselves witnessed the body of a naked woman paraded through Gaza, and another, still alive, in bloodied pants held captive at gunpoint being pulled into a jeep by her hair. This evidence, along with the explicit recorded confessions of captured terrorists, makes abundantly clear that mass rape was a premeditated part of Hamas’s plan.


And this crime is ongoing: The 240 hostages held in Gaza include many women and girls, and only when they are released will we know what they have endured.


In the 1990s, international agencies and legal experts finally began to see violence against women as a particular category of war crime. Organizations like UN Women exist to protect women from such crimes, while Israeli experts and activists have been involved in these international efforts. Thus, our second shock: The inconceivable and unforgiveable silence of these organizations when faced with the rape and murder of Israeli women.

 The parents and relatives of children kidnapped on October 7, along with families of hostages and their supporters take part in a demonstration outside the UNICEF headquarters to protest their silence to 40 children held hostage in Gaza on World’s Children Day on November 20, 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Hamas and Israel leaders have both indicated progress is being made to release hostages taken after October 7. Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images

The parents and relatives of children kidnapped on October 7, along with families of hostages and their supporters take part in a demonstration outside the UNICEF headquarters to protest their silence to 40 children held hostage in Gaza on World’s Children Day on November 20, 2023 in Tel Aviv, Israel. Hamas and Israel leaders have both indicated progress is being made to release hostages taken after October 7. Alexi J. Rosenfeld/Getty Images

It is not that condemnations of gender-based violence by Hamas have been weak or insufficient – there have been none at all. Statement after statement by organizations like UN Women, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) have failed to condemn these crimes. They failed us, and all women, at this critical moment.


As a woman and a mother, my heart goes out to women and children in Gaza suffering the consequences of the war started by Hamas. I believe they deserve aid and support. But this does not mean the erasure of the atrocities committed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7. The silence of international human rights organizations, and the unwillingness to believe Israeli women in the face of overwhelming evidence has been devastating.


For the Israelis who have always been on the forefront of the fight for women’s rights worldwide, this was a moment of crushing disappointment. A disappointment shared with me by one of our most prominent women’s rights advocates, Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, a former CEDAW vice-chair.

 Israel's First Lady, Michal Herzog Igal Slavin

Israel’s First Lady, Michal Herzog Igal Slavin


“I knew it would be difficult to get them to issue a reasonable statement,” she said of the UN committee in a Harvard Medical School video conference., “but never did I imagine that when faced with such undeniable atrocities – given the very purpose for which they have been established,– – that they would actually resort to not acknowledging it at all.”


Ignoring the “unprecedented, premeditated and extreme cruelty of the sexual violence committed by Hamas,” Prof. Halperin-Kaddari added, meant not only failing Israeli women but failing the entire international human rights system. “I still am a believer in this system. But this was a huge blow to this belief.”

I agree with every word.

To mark this year’s International Day for the Prevention of Violence against Women, Israeli women – Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Druze – will gather at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem. We will meet in the lingering shock of the violation of our rights, and with the profound sense that all of us who believe in those rights have been betrayed.


Yet we will persist in presenting the truth to the world and to every human rights organization. We owe it not only to our own victims, but to all women who will face these crimes in the future and must know that they are not alone.

Michal Herzog is First Lady of the State of Israel.

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.



UN Women took 1,176 hours to respond

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25November2023-UN Women took 7Weeks to respond
7 weeks.
49 days.
1,176 hours.

That’s how long it took @UNWomen to issue a statement condemning the raping and sodomy of Jewish women.

7 weeks.
49 days.
1,176 hours to denounce these horrors.

Because they’re Jews.

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25November2023-UN Women took 7 Weeks to respond

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25November2023-UN Women took 7 Weeks to respond


This is a “Form Letter” sent to both Gaza and Israel. @UN_Women DO NOT CARE about women.






After backlash over silence, UN Women tweets, then deletes, statement condemning Hamas attack in Israel

BY JACKIE HAJDENBERG 27NOVEMBER2023  https://www.jta.org/2023/11/27/israel/after-backlash-over-silence-un-women-tweets-then-deletes-statement-condemning-hamas-attack-in-israel

Israeli women protest outside UN Headquarters in Jerusalem, Nov. 27, 2023. (Flash90)

Israeli women protest outside UN Headquarters in Jerusalem, Nov. 27, 2023. (Flash90)

(JTA) — Nearly 50 days after Hamas’ attack on Israel left 1,200 dead, and after weeks of criticism over its silence about allegations of sexual violence during the attack, the  women’s rights group UN Women issued a statement condemning the terror group on Friday.

Then it deleted the post.

“We condemn the brutal attacks by Hamas on October 7 and continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages,” read the initial statement, posted on UN Women’s instagram page. It was soon replaced with a statement that dropped the condemnation of Hamas and only called for the release of the hostages.


Word spread quickly among Jewish women activists and Israelis, reigniting their contention that UN Women — an official arm of the United Nations focused on promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment — holds a double standard when it comes to gender-based violence against Israeli women. Some of the critics — including Sheryl Sandberg, a former top Meta executive — have lobbied openly on the topic. Many have used the hashtag “#MeToo_UNless_UR_A_Jew.”


Reached for comment, UN Women told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the Instagram post had been scheduled in advance and was deleted because the message in it no longer reflected where the organization wanted to put its main focus.


“In any social media team managing multiple campaigns and during a very busy time like the one we are now with 16 Days of Activism, mistakes can occur,” a representative for UN Women said in a statement sent to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.


In particular, said the media specialist, the release of some hostages over the weekend as part of a temporary truce changed the organization’s priorities.


“UN Women social media team had pre-planned days in advance [of] this particular post, but then the news broke on the release of hostages and we really wanted to focus on that,” she said. “UN Women has condemned the attacks by Hamas and the deaths of Israeli civilians from the beginning as well as called for the release of hostages, and we will continue doing so until the conflict ends. We have also called for all allegations of gender-based violence to be rigorously investigated, prioritizing the rights, needs, and safety of those affected.”


In late October, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza but voted down a provision condemning the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks. On Monday, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, held a session on crimes against humanity committed against women during the Oct. 7 massacre.


After an initial statement on Oct. 13 condemning the attacks on civilians in Israel, all of UN Women’s public comments about the war and its impact on women had centered only on Palestinians. Last week, Sima Bahous, the group’s executive director, called for an extension of the current temporary truce into a permanent ceasefire and for the release of all hostages.


The National Council for Jewish Women, which had previously criticized UN Women’s silence on sexual violence against Israeli women, said the group’s second statement last week was inadequate.


“The delayed issuance of a statement that fails to explicitly address the severity of Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel — such as the brutal murder of over 1,200 people in Israel, torture, and rape of women, as well as the targeting of civilians and families — is equally reprehensible,” the statement said. “Immediate and unequivocal acknowledgment of these atrocities is imperative, given the blatant violation of international law.”


This is a “Form Letter” sent to both Gaza and Israel. @UN_Women DO NOT CARE about women.






Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at UN Women and Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi

Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at UN Women and Palestinian politician Hanan Ashrawi

Exposed: UN Women Deputy Chief Endorsed 153 Tweets Attacking Israel & Zionism

18December2023 United Nations https://unwatch.org/exposed-un-women-deputy-chief-endorsed-153-tweets-attacking-israel-zionism/


A top official of UN Women addressed the United Nations by webcam from her home with a large “Palestine” poster and flag showing in the background, and since the October 7th Hamas massacre she has publicly endorsed 153 anti-Israel and anti-Zionist tweets, revealed a Swiss watchdog group today.


Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at UN Women, should be fired for her blatant and systematic violations of the the UN’s minimal requirements of neutrality and impartiality, said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, an independent non-governmental organization based in Geneva that released the following report documenting her partisan political activity.

Hillel Neuer-tweet-18December2023-Meet Sarah Douglas-UN Women
Meet Sarah Douglas, the Deputy Chief of Peace and Security at neutral UN Women. Last week she spoke to the UN from home next to a giant “Palestine” poster. Turns out she’s also endorsed 153 tweets since Oct. 7 accusing Israel of “genocide” & other sins: https://unwatch.org/exposed-un-women-deputy-chief-endorsed-153-tweets-attacking-israel-zionism/ 🧵

Hillel Neuer-tweet-18December2023-Meet Sarah Douglas-UN Women

Hillel Neuer-tweet-18December2023-Meet Sarah Douglas-UN Women

Sarah Douglas’ Political Activity Violates UN Impartiality

Sarah Douglas’ overt political activity, including her public endorsement of extreme statements by politicians and political organizations, as detailed below, amount to a material breach of her UN obligation to be neutral and impartial.  Article 101(3) of the UN Charter states that the “paramount consideration” in employing staff is “securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity.” The concept of integrity under the core values of the UN Staff Rules and Staff Regulations includes “impartiality.” Specifically, under Rule 1.2(f), UN staff are expressly prohibited from making “any kind of public pronouncement” that may adversely reflect on their independence and impartiality. While UN staff members may exercise the right to vote, they are prohibited from engaging in any political activity that reflects adversely upon “the independence and impartiality required by their status as international civil servants.”

Repeatedly Accused Israel of “Genocide”

Sarah Douglas liked a tweet by the Palestinian Feminist Collective accusing “the forces of empire” of helping Israel to commit “genocide” and “annihilate the Palestinian people.”


Similarly, Douglas has repeatedly liked tweets accusing America of funding and arming “the genocide of Palestinians” and “the genocide in Gaza.”


Likewise, she liked many tweets accusing Israel of “war crimes against the people of Gaza” and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.


By contrast, the UN Women’s Deputy Chief of Peace and Security failed to like a single tweet condemning Hamas for its open calls for genocide, including its pledges to repeat the October 7th mass murder, torture and rape of Israelis.

Sarah Douglas liked 11December2023-Genocide-Gaza-JVP

Sarah Douglas liked 11December2023-Genocide-Gaza-JVP


Sarah Douglas liked 15December2023-JVP-US-funding-genocide

Sarah Douglas liked 15December2023-JVP-US-funding-genocide


Sarah Douglas liked 16October2023-JPal-Fem-Collective-genocide

Sarah Douglas liked 16October2023-JPal-Fem-Collective-genocide


Falsely Accused Israel of Bombing Hospital

Douglas liked the tweet by UN Women chief Sima Bahous which falsely implied that Israel attacked the Al Ahli Arab Hospital on October 17th and “strongly condemned” the strike that “killed and injured hundreds of civilians.” In fact, the rocket was from Islamic Jihad; it did not hit the hospital but the parking lot of the courtyard; and the actual casualties were a fraction of that amount. The tweet was never deleted and remains on Douglas’ feed of liked tweets.


Celebrated Shutdown of American Bridges and Highways, Takeover of Party Conventions

Sarah Douglas liked tweets that celebrate shutting down bridges and highways in eight American cities.

She liked a tweet by IfNotNow celebrating the takeover of the California Democratic Convention to protest “the mass murder of Palestinians.”


And she liked a tweet by “Jewish Voice for Peace Action” that celebrated their shutting down of the Democratic National Committee headquarters.


Palestine Poster

Speaking via webcam from her home, Sarah Douglas addressed a UN meeting last week next to a large “Palestine” poster with the colors of the Palestinian flag. This is in breach of the UN rule that speakers show only a neutral background.

Sarah Douglas addressed a UN meeting

Sarah Douglas addressed a UN meeting


Openly Endorsed “Squad” Politicians Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC

Sarah Douglas likes numerous tweets of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Bernie Sanders and other far-left politicians.

Douglas liked a tweet by Rashida Tlaib claiming that “Israel is starving Gaza.”

She liked a tweet by AOC calling to condition aid to Israel, and others about pressing the Biden administration for a ceasefire and preventing the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians.

She liked a tweet by “IfNotNow” endorsing pressure on Senator Warren.


She liked a tweet by “Jewish Voice for Peace Action” which thanked 13 named Democratic members of Congress for opposing H. Res. 894, which condemnied the drastic rise of antisemitism in America. So a UN official is openly supporting and opposing specific votes in the US Congress and at the UN.


She also liked tweets by numerous other far-left and politicians who attack or criticize Israel, including Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush and Bernie Sanders.


Endorsed Code Pink and Other Radical Groups

Despite her obligation to be neutral in her public pronouncements, Sarah Douglas supports radical groups like Code Pink, liking their tweet that accused US Senators Graham and Rubio “and other AIPAC $$$ recipients” over the violence they’re backing against Palestinians, accusing them of “hate and lies.” She liked another Code Pink tweet that celebrated shutting down Chicago’s main highway to “free Palestine.”


Douglas repeatedly liked tweets by the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), a Geneva-based group that was long accused of being a Soviet front organization, and whose officials went to Libya in 1992 to sing praises of the “Gaddafi Human Rights Prize.” Douglas liked a WILPF tweet accusing Israel of “apartheid policies” which is allegedly a “feminist demand.”


She also routinely liked tweets from additional NGOs and lobby groups that advocate what Hamas wants, including tweets by Democratic Socialists and Amnesty International.


Promoted Fringe Jewish Groups That Oppose Israel and Zionism


Douglas has a particular fondness for liking tweets by fringe Jewish individuals or groups that condemn Israel.


She liked numerous posts by “Jewish Voices for Peace,” including one tweet saying “We’re proud anti-Zionistsm,” with the image of a placard reading, “Zionism breaks every single Jewish value.”


She liked a tweet by IfNotNow promoting their “#JewsForCeasefire” campaign.


In violation of UN rules against overt partisan political activity, Sarah Douglas openly engaged in political campaigning by publicly liking numerous posts such as a tweet by “Jewish Voice for Peace Action” lobbying for the US government to change its policy and demand a ceasefire, which read:  “Keep writing, keep calling, keep pushing. Check our tracker… to see who in Congress is working to save lives.”


Liked an article by radical academic who invoked his Jewish identity to accuse Israel of “genocide” and “Jewish supremacy.”


Intervened On UN Votes, Rebuked Countries For Not Backing Anti-Israel Resolutions


UN employees do not comment on country votes in UN bodies. For example, when the UN Secretary-General is asked about the UN election of dictatorships to the Human Rights Council and women’s rights bodies, he systematically declines to comment.


By contrast, Douglas has repeatedly endorsed tweets rebuking member states for their UN votes that she opposes. She liked a tweet by the group Karama which criticized “states who claim to support women’s rights looking the other way on violence against Palestinian women.” Similarly, she  liked an AOC tweet slamming a US vote in the Security Council.


Notably, Sarah Douglas has never liked tweets criticizing country votes on any other matter.


Her “Hero” is Antisemitic Denier of Hamas Massacre


Sarah Douglas tweeted a photo of herself with former PLO official and spokeswoman, gushing that she was “So excited to meet one of my sheroes today: Dr Hanan Ashrawi!!”


In fact, Ashrawi is someone who has promoted antisemitic blood libels, falsely accusing Israel of throwing a Palestinian child into a well. Ashrawi founded an organization, Miftah, that claims Jews consume Christian blood, and which praises suicide bombers.


Speaking on Sky News, Ashrawi recently justified the Hamas massacre and mass rape of October 7th, saying, “This was a deliberate act of resisting an occupation army.”



UN International Women's Day-Oct. 7 Rape Report-Israel_Hayom_EN

UN International Women’s Day-Oct. 7 Rape Report-Israel_Hayom_EN

After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by UN, UN gives Oct 7 Rape Report

Israel Katz-tweet-6March2024-critical to hear your voice as international women leaders
Distinguished women leaders, Following the publication of the @UN report on sexual violence committed by the Hamas terror organization, it is critical to hear your voice as international women leaders, in order to put an end to the atrocities that Israeli women are going through in the captivity of the Hamas.

#BringThemHome 🎗️

@VP @HillaryClinton @GiorgiaMeloni @Statsmin @katrinjak @nmusar @ZuzanaCaputova @SerbianPM @kajakallas @Zourabichvili_S @XiomaraCastroZ @EvikaSilina @IngridaSimonyte @sandumaiamd @KristoBorjana @DameSandraMason @Sheikh_Hasinaa @presidenciaperu @SigridKaag @MinColonna @KensingtonRoyal @MichelleObama @ABaerbock @melaniejoly @Kamikawa_Yoko @HankeBruinsSlot @hadjalahbib @Odobes1Luminita @GabrielMariya @gabisommerfeld @DianaMondino @SenatorWong @elinavaltonen

Israel Katz-tweet-6March2024-critical to hear your voice as international women leaders

Israel Katz-tweet-6March2024-critical to hear your voice as international women leaders


United Nations-tweet-5March2024-7 Oct attack by Hamas
In context of 7 Oct attack by Hamas & others, UN special representative for @endrapeinwar finds reasonable grounds to believe sexual violence occurred in multiple locations.

She also finds sexual violence committed against hostages & may still be ongoing. https://www.un.org/sexualviolenceinconflict/press-release/israel-west-bank-mission/
Malkah Fleisher-tweet-5March2024-After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to
After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by you:


🇮🇱 Am Yisrael Chai

Malkah Fleisher-tweet-5March2024-After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by you

Malkah Fleisher-tweet-5March2024-After 150 days of being thwarted, condemned, lied to and investigated by you


Jessica S-tweet-5March2024-67 Different Men Raped her
You know it occurred in multiple locations the DAY IT HAPPENED they filmed themselves doing it and you have had the evidence all along ! Shame on you for taking months to recognize the atrocities that have had an are still happening.

Jessica S-tweet-5March2024-67 Different Men Raped her

Jessica S-tweet-5March2024-67 Different Men Raped her



Israel forbids doctors from speaking to the antisemitic UN Human Rights Council


Israel forbids doctors from speaking to UN group investigating Oct. 7 atrocities

Officials say commission of inquiry formed by UN Human Rights Council in 2021 is led by three people with antisemitic and anti-Israel views

By Renee Ghert-Zand 16 January 2024, https://www.timesofisrael.com/government-forbids-doctors-from-speaking-to-un-group-investigating-oct-7-atrocities/

Click on the Title for the full article

Demonstrators gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. (Carli Fogel)

Demonstrators gather outside the UN headquarters in New York City on December 4, 2023, to protest the international community’s perceived silence on sexual violence committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli women during the October 7 massacre. (Carli Fogel)

JerusalemCats Comments:
The UN Human Rights Council Commission of inquiry to investigating Oct. 7 atrocities of Hamas on Israel is led by three people with antisemitic and anti-Israel views. Israel forbids doctors from speaking to the commission.
The UNHRC has a very long history of antisemitism

he U.N. Human Rights Council is made up of human rights violating thugs who are against Israel. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.

he U.N. Human Rights Council is made up of human rights violating thugs who are against Israel. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.


The U.N. Human Rights Council

The U.N. Human Rights Council


Hillel Neuer-tweet-20September2021-The U.N. Human Rights Council
The U.N. Human Rights Council—whose members include China, Cuba, Libya, Eritrea, Mauritania, Pakistan, Russia and Somalia (soon to be joined by Qatar, Malaysia & Kazakhstan)—is a key supporter of this week’s Durban 4 racism conference which has a tainted history of antisemitism.


Hillel Neuer-tweet-20September2021-The U.N. Human Rights Council

Hillel Neuer-tweet-20September2021-The U.N. Human Rights Council




UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter to put pressure on Israel

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-December 6, 2023-UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter
Today, the Secretary-General has reached a new moral low. He writes that he is activating, for the first time, Article 99 of the UN Charter in relation to the Israel-Hamas war, an article that can only be invoked in a situation where international peace and security are threatened.

The Secretary-General decided to activate this rare clause only when it allows him to put pressure on Israel, which is fighting the Nazi Hamas terrorists. This is more proof of the Secretary-General’s moral distortion and his bias against Israel.

The Secretary-General’s call for a ceasefire is actually a call to keep Hamas’ reign of terror in Gaza. Instead of the Secretary-General explicitly pointing to Hamas’ responsibility for the situation and calling on the terrorist leaders to turn themselves in and return the hostages, thus ending the war, the Secretary-General chooses to continue playing into Hamas’ hands.

The distorted positions of the Secretary-General only prolong the fighting in Gaza, because they give hope to the Hamas terrorists that the war will be stopped and they will be able to survive. I again call on the Secretary-General to resign immediately – the UN needs a Secretary-General who supports the war on terror, not a Secretary-General who acts according to the script written by Hamas.


Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-December 6, 2023-UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-December 6, 2023-UN Secretary-General activating Article 99 of the UN Charter

the Reaction

Eli Cohen-tweet-6December2023-Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace
Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace.
His request to activate Article 99 and the call for a cease fire in Gaza constitutes support of the Hamas terrorist organization and an endorsement of the murder of the elderly, the abduction of babies and the rape of women.
Anyone who supports world peace must support the liberation of Gaza from Hamas

Eli Cohen-tweet-6December2023-Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace

Eli Cohen-tweet-6December2023-Guterres’ tenure is a danger to world peace




UN General Assembly rejects motion to condemn Hamas, calls for ceasefire

29October2023 https://unwatch.org/un-general-assembly-rejects-motion-to-condemn-hamas-calls-for-ceasefire/


The UN General Assembly adopted an Arab-drafted resolution today calling for a “humanitarian truce” in Gaza, after rejecting a Canadian amendment that would have condemned the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by Hamas and demanded immediate release of hostages taken by Hamas.


Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Gilad Erdan called it “a day that will go down in infamy.”

The resolution was adopted by a vote of 120 to 14 with 45 abstentions.

Outrageously, the resolution failed to condemn Hamas for its October 7th massacre of 1400 Israelis, or for its abduction of more than 200 Israelis including children and babies, or even to mention the word Hamas.


The resolution also failed to recognize Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens against terrorism.

The resolution calls for “immediate, full, sustained, safe and unhindered humanitarian access…to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid” but, as noted by the Czech Republic, doesn’t provide assurances that this will not be abused by Hamas and other terrorists.


The text also calls on Israel, “the occupying power,” to rescind its order to evacuate northern Gaza.

Prior to taking action on the resolution, an amendment led by Canada did not pass, as it failed to reach the required two-thirds majority. That amendment would have “unequivocally reject[ed] and condemn[ed] the terrorist attacks by Hamas that took place in Israel starting on 7 October 2023 and the taking of hostages.”


UN Watch-tweet-27October2023-LIST OF SHAME: These EU countries just joined Iran, Syria and Russia in voting for a resolution that fails to name Hamas or specifically call for release of hostages.
Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland,Norway


UN Watch-tweet-27October2023-LIST OF SHAME: These EU countries just joined Iran, Syria and Russia in voting for a resolution that fails to name Hamas or specifically call for release of hostages. Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Norway

UN Watch-tweet-27October2023-LIST OF SHAME: These EU countries just joined Iran, Syria and Russia in voting for a resolution that fails to name Hamas or specifically call for release of hostages.
Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Norway


UN Watch-tweet-28October2023-Proving Abba Eban’s timeless observation: “If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring the earth was flat and Israel had flattened it, it would pass by 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.” This UN text fails to condemn the Hamas massacre or to support Israel’s right to self-defence.
United Nations-tweet–27October2023-
120 in favor
14 against
45 abstentions

Countries adopt resolution calling for immediate & sustained humanitarian truce in the Middle East during an Emergency Special Session of https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142847

UN Watch-tweet-28October2023-Proving Abba Eban's timeless observation

UN Watch-tweet-28October2023-Proving Abba Eban’s timeless observation

[EDD: The Reaction]


Hillel Neuer-tweet-28October2023-
BREAKING: 🇨🇿 Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová has just called to leave the UN for cheering Hamas terrorists. “Exactly 3 weeks ago, Hamas murdered over 1400 Israelis, more victims for their population than the militant Islamist organization al-Qaeda murdered in the US on 9/11. And only 14 countries, including ours, have spoken out clearly and understandably against this unprecedented terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas terrorists! I am ashamed of the UN. In my opinion, the Czech Republic has no place in an organization that cheers on terrorists and does not respect the fundamental right to self-defence. Let’s get out.”

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28October2023-Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová has just called to leave the UN

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28October2023-Czech Defense Minister Jana Černochová has just called to leave the UN


Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs logo https://jcpa.org/

The 1975 “Zionism Is Racism” Resolution: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of a Libel

Dr. Yohanan Manor
May 2, 2010

No. 97

  • The singling out of Zionism as a supposed form of racism was a device invented by the Soviet Union to justify its refusal to condemn anti-Semitism during the negotiation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination in the mid-1960s.
  • The failure of the Soviet-Arab strategy to expel Israel from the United Nations and replace it with Palestine led to the adoption in 1975 of UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX), which determined that “Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.”
  • For almost a decade, Israel and the Jewish people remained passive and did not attempt to challenge Resolution 3379. They greatly underestimated its impact and the damage it caused all over the world,  expecting unrealistically that it would fade away by dint of its sheer inanity.
  • The resolution’s revocation in 1991 was not an inevitable outcome of the end of the Cold War but was achieved mainly by convincing the United States to take the lead on the issue; the ostensible UN “automatic majority” was a manifestation of lack of leadership. Today, the efforts to undermine Israel’s legitimacy come mainly from an NGO network inspired and supported by Israel’s enemies, calling for a new counterstrategy.


United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379 (XXX) of 10 November 1975, defining Zionism as a form of racism, was revoked by the General Assembly sixteen years later on 16 December 1991.


The story of the rise and fall of this libel teaches a good deal about the role of anti-Semitism in international politics, its paralyzing effect on both the Jewish state and the Jewish people, and how such a libel was finally challenged successfully. Since the revocation of 3379, Israel’s international standing and legitimacy have steadily improved, increasing its ability to thwart ongoing attempts to negate its legitimacy.


How It Began

The idea of having Zionism condemned by the United Nations originated with the Soviet Union in the mid-1960s, before the Six Day War. It stemmed from the Soviet refusal to have anti-Semitism condemned by the UN. Since the Soviet Union could not openly voice such a position, it conditioned its acceptance of condemning anti-Semitism on a demand to condemn Zionism and Nazism. This occurred in 1964 and 1965 during the negotiation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination within the framework of the UN Commission on Human Rights.[1]


The Six Day War inflicted a severe blow on the Soviet Union’s weaponry and prestige, and it subsequently developed a more militant policy to regain and enlarge its influence in the Middle East. This policy was based on a near-total backing of the PLO. It was expected that this backing would bring both the “Arab street” and the Arab states to the Soviet Union’s side. This scheme went well and enabled the Soviet Union to gain strongholds in the Middle East, notably in Syria and Egypt, which were on the verge of becoming Soviet colonies.


The expulsion of the Soviet advisers from Egypt, the Israeli-Egyptian disengagement negotiations of November 1973, and the Israeli-Syrian disengagement agreement of May 1974 with the active involvement of the United States, apparently led to a Soviet-PLO plan to bring about Israel’s expulsion from the United Nations, with the PLO taking its place.[2]

On 22 November 1974, the PLO obtained UN observer status as a national liberation movement. In August 1975, the Organization of African Unity explicitly referred to depriving Israel of “its status as member.” At the General Assembly on 1 October 1975, Ugandan dictator Idi Amin called upon


the people of the United States of America…to rid their society from the Zionists in order that the true citizens of this nation may control their own destiny and exploit the natural resources of their country to their own benefit. I call for the expulsion of Israel from the United Nations and the extinction of Israel as a state so that the territorial integrity of Palestine may be ensured and upheld.[3]


In parallel, the Soviet Union and the PLO advanced an initiative to bring about a condemnation of Zionism. In December 1973, for the first time, Zionism was associated with racism in a General Assembly resolution on South Africa’s apartheid policy, condemning in particular “the unholy alliance between Portuguese colonialism, South African racism, Zionism and Israeli imperialism.”[4]


In July 1975, the Soviet Union and the PLO succeeded to have Zionism explicitly condemned at the UN International Women’s Year conference in Mexico City, which stressed in its final declaration that “Peace requires the elimination of colonialism, neocolonialism, foreign occupation, Zionism, apartheid and racial discrimination in all its forms.”[5] In August 1975, the Organization of African Unity in Kampala stated that “the racist regime in occupied Palestine and the racist regime in Zimbabwe and South Africa have a common imperialist origin…organically linked in their policy aimed at repression of the dignity and integrity of the human being”; while the Non-Aligned conference in Lima “severely condemned Zionism as a threat to world peace.”


Stern Western, above all American, opposition to Israel’s expulsion or suspension, notably an American warning that such a move would force the United States to reassess its UN membership,[6] thwarted this initiative – but also much increased the eagerness to advance a substitute for it, namely, the condemnation of Zionism as racism. This was formally achieved first within the framework of the Third Committee of the General Assembly on 16 October 1975, and then on 10 November 1975 by the GA plenary with Resolution 3379 (XXX), which “Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination.” The Soviet-Arab coalition won by 72-35 with two abstentions.


Although this result was far from resounding and fell short of the one hundred and more votes this coalition was used to obtaining at the General Assembly, it was followed by an explosion of joy. As Judge Hadassa Ben Ito, then a member of the Israeli delegation to this session, strikingly described this:


It was not only an excitement. The hatred was crawling on the floor. People embraced as if they had won the biggest victory of their lives…. We felt like pariahs. It is not only a sentimental reflection…. We should know that it was not just another resolution of the United Nations. Somebody like myself, who has never really felt personally attacked by, or maligned by an act of anti-Semitism, really felt it physically while sitting there.[7]


Two procedural attempts to postpone the debate and the vote on the draft resolution were rejected. In the Third Committee, a motion put forth by Sierra Leone was defeated by 68-45. In the plenary, a Belgian motion was rejected by 67-55, with fifteen abstentions and five absences.


It is likely that a resolute and coordinated effort by the United States, Canada, Australia, Western Europe, and Latin American and African countries could have mustered the additional votes necessary to secure a postponement (see Table 1). But this did not occur, probably, on the one hand, out of relief that the most ominous threat, Israel’s expulsion from the United Nations, had been foiled, and on the other, out of the inner conviction that this farfetched, aberrant, and shameful resolution from “Um-shmum” – a play on words coined by David Ben-Gurion to express the UN’s impotency -would actually have no palpable weight and the UN would do its best to forget it.


Table 1: Voting Patterns on Resolution 3379 by Blocs

UN Body

Third Committee

Third Committee

Assembly Plenum

Assembly Plenum

Motions and resolutions

Sierra Leone





postponement motion




















Western    21










Latin America 26















Eastern Europe   10








Other Communist

countries 5






League   20





Muslim Countries 6







African  38

















Middle Eastern    5









Asians   11














Total    142















<p ” align=”center”>32


Note: Y=Yes; N=No; An=Abstain; 4 As=Absent.

Source: Yohanan Manor, To Right a Wrong (New York: Shengold, 1996), 56.

The Jewish World’s Passive Posture

Except for the African American lawyer Eleanor Holmes-Norton’s statement[8] days after the resolution’s adoption that “an international committee of women had been set up to annul [it],” there was no other attempt, not even an Israeli or Jewish one, to act for its revocation. Instead, the Israeli and Jewish world viewed the resolution with disdain. For instance, soon after the adoption Rabbi Israel Miller, then chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, was told by the Israeli embassy to “ignore the whole issue, since it was nonsense.”[9] Israel expected that this nonsense would go away by itself and that disregard would achieve this result. This position, which was maintained for almost a decade, was itself sheer nonsense.


During 1976-1984 the “Zionism is racism” resolution was reiterated time and again, sometimes by even larger majorities (see Table 2). In 1980, at the United Nations’ Second World Conference on Women in Copenhagen, the notion of eliminating Zionism was for the first time included in an operative document, “The Program of Action for the Second Half of the UN Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace.” This meant that the administrative units of the UN secretary-general, notably the Office of Public Information, would have to include the defamation of Zionism in their activities.

Table 2: Resolutions on 3379 Adopted by International Bodies, 1976-1984


International body








UN Conference on Human Settlement







UN World Conference to Combat Racism








“Inadmissibility of hegemonism”

New York






Non-Aligned Movement




UN World Conference on Women







International Youth and Student Movement for the UN






Non-Alignment Movement

New Delhi



OAU, African Charter of Human Rights




UNGA on “Living conditions of the Palestinian people”

New York






UNESCO Conference on Cultural Policies







UN World Conference to Combat Racism







UN-sponsored Conference on Palestine




Non-Aligned Movement Summit

New Delhi



International Parliamentary Union






Source: Yohanan Manor, To Right a Wrong (New York: Shengold, 1996), 63.


After the resolution’s adoption, Zionism began to assume “mythical proportions in international discourse as a global cause of most world problems.” This trend was not confined to Arab-Muslim countries and the Third World; it also substantially penetrated Western circles, especially universities. For instance, in Britain in 1976 and 1977, eight student unions adopted “Zionism is racism” resolutions, openly flouting previously held policies not to deal with the Middle East.[10] Subsequently several student unions, such as those at the University of York and the University of Salford, decided to strike Jewish societies from their registers and to restrict their activities.


Some U.S. universities refused to invite lecturers recommended by Jewish organizations on the ground that most Jews were Zionists and, as Zionism was racism, Jews were racists. At the University of California at Riverside, Arab students prevented Jews from attending a program on racism on the ground that “Zionism is a form of racism.”[11]


The trend began to burgeon and win increasing academic sanction. In September 1983 at the Stony Brook campus of the State University of New York, Ernest Dube, a professor in the African Studies Department included Zionism in a course on “The Politics of Race” as one of the three forms of racism, the two other being apartheid and Nazism. One of the research subjects he proposed to his students was “Zionism is as much racism as Nazism,” and he defended this formulation by evoking Resolution 3379.


In Canada, a Jewish group asking to join Québec contre Racisme, an organization set up by Yvon Charbonneau, president of the teachers’ trade union of Quebec, was denied entry unless it renounced Zionism. In 1982, the general student organization of Ontario condemned Israel’s operation in Lebanonstressing that “The state of Israel is Zionism, Zionism is racism,” and decided not to admit Jewish student groups to its ranks. That same year the student federation at Ottawa University decided to prevent the Jewish students’ organization from meeting on the campus on the ground that Zionism was racism.[12]


During this period the vilification of Zionism turned into a permanent feature of international life. That Zionism was a metaphor for universal evil became part of “common knowledge,” accepted or at least not contradicted by almost the entire international body politic. This was not anticipated when Resolution 3379 was adopted, and it came not instead of but in addition to the consequences that were expected, placing Israel beyond the pale and giving anti-Semitism international sanction. During 1969-1972 there were four anti-Israeli resolutions per year at the United Nations. During 1973-1978 this number grew to sixteen per annum, and in 1982 it reached a peak of forty-four.[13]


The vilification of Zionism was not merely a second-best strategy to the one aiming to expel Israel from the United Nations altogether. In a sense it was even worse. Although Israel’s formal membership in the UN was indeed maintained, it was increasingly deprived of its basic rights as a member state. As explained by Jeane Kirkpatrick, the U.S. ambassador to the UN from 1981 to 1985, this involved “denying membership by denying participation,”[14] thereby instilling Israel’s illegitimacy by placing it in a state of growing irrelevancy


As noted by the Israeli academic Ehud Sprinzak, this meant Israel lost “the right to speak or debate in certain forums.” For him, labeling Zionism as racism was much more than an attack on particular policies of the Israeli government; it signified that “every war Israel has ever fought, including the War of Independence and the Six Day War, has been a racist war. Every military response to Arab terror has been a racist response. And of course every domestic law …is a racist one.”[15]


Nevertheless, official Israel did not regard the huge and mounting damage inflicted by “Zionism is racism” as sufficient reason to openly fight the resolution and act to overturn it. The Israeli Foreign Ministry often used two arguments to justify this inertia: that initiating action would be counterproductive since the “automatic majority” at the disposal of the Soviet Union and the Arab-Muslim states would result in reiterations; and that it was formally impossible to overturn a General Assembly resolution as there was no such precedent.


An Urgent Need to Act

By now, however, it was clear that reiteration by other international bodies had been an inevitable consequence from the start, and that the resolution constituted the global legal and political foundation for turning the Jewish state into an illegitimate one. Thus it came to be acknowledged, even by official Israel, that the resolution needed to be fought in itself directly, and not as merely another expression of anti-Semitism.


The question, at this point, was how? A central body was needed to direct this struggle. It took the form of the Steering Committee against the Zionism Is Racism Resolution, set up jointly by the World Zionist Organization and the Israeli Foreign Ministry. It was crucial to seek to overcome the so-called automatic UN majority, namely, by at least preventing reiterations and, more essentially, by undermining the validity and legitimacy of the resolution.


A first success was scored in neutralizing a Kuwaiti initiative seeking to obtain a reiteration of the resolution by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) at its annual session in September 1984 in Geneva. This was achieved by mobilizing both Israeli parties and Jewish communities worldwide to use their links with the political parties of delegates to the IPU to defeat the Kuwaiti initiative.[16]


The real challenge, however, was to find ways to undermine the validity and legitimacy of the resolution and divest it of any moral value. This was achieved mainly through a long series of international, national, and regional conferences in Israel, the United States, Europe, and Latin America, an international petition to the United Nations signed by over a thousand worldwide personalities calling on it to “disavow the abusive Resolution 3379 and rededicate itself to its founding charter,” and by parliamentary resolutions in the same spirit.


The first of these was a “Sense of the Congress resolution” adopted by the U.S. Senate in July 1985. Senate Joint Resolution 98 “formally repudiates UNGA Resolution 3379 and calls upon the Parliaments of all countries which value freedom and democracy to do the same.”


This draft resolution also needed to be adopted by the House of Representatives, and was, several weeks later. It proved decisive in preventing the reiteration of 3379 at the Nairobi Conference closing the UN Decade for Women. Ambassador Alan Keyes, chief adviser to the U.S. delegation, included references to the Senate resolution in his statements and received clear instructions from Washington that Zionism was not to be included in any paragraph of the final document to be adopted by the conference; if this occurred the U.S. delegation was to leave.


All this demonstrated that fighting Resolution 3379 directly could prevent its reiteration and that its abrogation was not a mission impossible but, rather, an attainable goal, albeit still very difficult. Although the Israeli Foreign Ministry began to count the prospective votes in the General Assembly, there was still a very long way to go.


At the initiative of the local Zionist Federation, the Australian government was convinced to table before the Australian parliament a remarkable resolution proclaiming that 3379 was inconsistent with the United Nations’ goals and recommending that “the Government of Australia lend support to efforts to overturn Resolution 3379 (XXX) in the UN.” Moreover, the Australian government further involved itself by checking what would be the position of each of the Asian countries. The results, however, were extremely disappointing.


Only a few other parliamentary resolutions were passed. These were in Peru (1987), the European Parliament (1987), and Uruguay (1988). Their wording was far less committing then the Australian and American ones. Most of the democratic countries remained uninvolved.

How the Repeal Was Achieved

It would take another five years to overturn “Zionism is racism.” The repeal was finally achieved not only thanks to the end of the Cold War, but first and foremost because the United States took the lead in this endeavor. This active involvement resulted from unabated pressure on the administration by Congress and American Jewish organizations. The U.S. administration put this issue even higher on its agenda than it was on Israel’s.


In his address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on 14 May 1989, Secretary of State James Baker called on the Arab countries to take measures to advance the peace process, end the economic boycott of Israel, and “repudiate the odious line that ‘Zionism is racism.’”[17] He thereby put the onus on the Arab states to show that they were serious about the peace process, while linking the peace process to the repeal.


At Yeshiva University on International Human Rights Day on 11 December 1989, Vice-President Dan Quayle did not link the repeal to the peace process but rather to the renewal of the United Nations. Referring to a UN General Assembly resolution cosponsored by the United States and the Soviet Union and calling on all UN members to respect the principles set forth in the UN Charter, Quayle made a resounding statement:


I call on the Soviet Union and other nations to join us in cosponsoring a second resolution in the General Assembly. That resolution will affirm that Zionism is what Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko rightly called it back in 1948: the National Liberation Movement of the Jewish people. This resolution would state that Zionism is not and never has been a form of racism, and would have the Zionism-is-Racism declared null and void. And this resolution would promote, and not set back the prospects for peace by focusing on the real issues in dispute, not on Israel’s right to exist.[18]


The official Soviet reaction was extremely disappointing, as the regime still clung to its traditional anti-Zionist stance. What was more surprising was the lukewarm response from many Western democracies, which held that the repeal was impossible without a breakthrough in the Middle East peace process. For instance, British prime minister Margaret Thatcher reacted skeptically to Quayle’s appeal by arguing that the necessary majority would be secured only if the repeal offered some substantial quid pro quo to the Arab side.[19] Actually, the democracies did not even make such an attempt.


On 30 March 1990, a public hearing in the Senate chaired by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan adopted a joint resolution calling on UN member states to repeal the “Zionism is racism” resolution and requesting the U.S. president to report periodically on progress toward repeal. John Bolton, representing the State Department, gave an optimistic assessment of the prospects for an overturn.[20] Moynihan, however, was infuriated by Bolton’s apparent self-satisfaction and criticized the State Department for its lack of energy in fighting the resolution, saying he wanted to see more action.


Moynihan went on to say: “The West imposed no consequences of any kind on those nations that associated themselves with this filthy proposition of the Soviet Union. I want to see the US cut assistance to countries which supported the resolution. How many of them received and are still receiving US aid?” Bolton replied that of the seventy-two that had voted in favor of the resolution, a clear majority were at that point receiving U.S. aid, and probably still did. Moynihan then asked him: “Did we ever tell one country, just one country, that you are getting American money, and you are not getting it any more until you change your mind?” On the defensive, Bolton answered: “I don’t know that any country’s ever been told that, Senator, but if I could leave one message with the committee here today, it is that the Bush Administration is most serious about having this resolution repealed.”[21]


Joint Resolution 246 was not only adopted by the Senate and House but also officially endorsed by President George H. W. Bush. However, Bush still found it appropriate to add a paragraph on the United States’ “determination to pursue efforts toward a comprehensive, just and lasting Middle East peace. In our view this peace must be achieved on the basis of UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, and the principle of territories for peace. It must provide for Israel’s security and recognition and for Palestinian political rights….”[22] Several weeks after Bush’s endorsement of 246, the troika then heading the European Union made a commitment to act for the repeal of “Zionism is racism.”


In mid-August 1990, the projected General Assembly vote for a repeal stood at 60-60 with forty abstentions. In mid-September, it was decided to postpone the repeal initiative. The U.S. press claimed this was an American decision aimed at preserving Arab support for sanctions against Iraq. Yohanan Bein, then deputy director-general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, was in charge of the issue of repealing the resolution. He claimed the postponement was an Israeli decision based on evaluation of how much support could be obtained.[23]


During the summer of 1991, there were once again indications that some were seeking postponement. A first indication came from J. S. Wall, private secretary of UK prime minister John Major, then another from Gareth Evans, Australian minister of trade and foreign affairs; they were concerned that there was not yet a majority in favor of a repeal. But the biggest blow came from the United States, which feared that a motion to defer concocted by Egypt, arguing that the repeal should be delayed until a peace conference opened or the peace process was firmly on track, would easily pass in the General Assembly in September.


Although this inclination to postpone probably reflected genuine concern for the repeal’s success, it also manifested tensions between Israel and the United States over the desirable framework for a Middle East peace conference. In June 1991, Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir expressed Israel’s reservations over UN participation in such a conference given the world body’s treatment of Israel over the years. Among many other one-sided UN positions, he mentioned Resolution 3379. Shamir never, though, cited the repeal of 3379 as a condition for accepting UN involvement in such a peace conference.


At the opening of the UN General Assembly in September 1991, Bush took an unprecedented step and raised the issue of the repeal plainly and directly, without linking it to any other issue. Pointing to the renewed role of the United Nations, which had put in place more peacekeeping missions in the previous thirty-six months than during its first forty-three years, he asserted

We should take seriously the Charter’s pledge to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors.


NGA resolution 3379, the so-called Zionism is racism resolution, mocks this pledge and the principles upon which the United Nations was founded. And I call now for its repeal.


Zionism is not a policy, it is the idea that led to the creation of a home for the Jewish people, to the State of Israel. And to equate Zionism with the intolerable sin of racism is to twist history and forget the terrible plight of the Jews in World War II, and indeed throughout history. To equate Zionism with racism, is to reject Israel itself, a member of good standing of the United Nations. This body cannot claim to seek peace and at the same time challenge Israel’s right to exist. By repealing this resolution unconditionally, the United Nations will enhance its credibility and serve the cause of peace.[24]


From then on there was a massive U.S. investment in the repeal endeavor.  Undoubtedly arm-twisting was used in the spirit of Moynihan’s exhortations. President Bush gave “unprecedented instructions to all his ambassadors [to warn] countries that failure to vote for revoking the resolution could affect their ties with the US.”[25] Finally, the draft resolution for a repeal was sponsored by eighty-six states and passed by 111-25 with thirteen abstentions.  


Unfortunately, the revocation of the “Zionism is racism” resolution was not exploited for political and diplomatic advantage by Israel and its supporters. Perhaps the sole, tardy exception was the initiating of a research on the overturn, which was to become this author’s book To Right a Wrong. It was donated to the libraries of more than 1,200 universities, mostly in the United States.


Israel’s Legitimacy Today

Since the overturn of Resolution 3379 more than eighteen years ago, two opposite trends have occurred. On the one hand, Israel’s legitimacy has been strengthened; on the other, there are ongoing attempts to undermine that legitimacy.


On the positive side, there has been an improvement of Israel’s international standing, notably at the United Nations where it has ceased to be a pariah state, regained full membership, and fully takes part in all activities at all levels and in all the specialized agencies. This represents a  complete departure from Jeane Kirkpatrick’s diagnosis of “denying membership by denying participation.”


Moreover, in 2005 the General Assembly unanimously supported the establishment of an annual Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the UN Holocaust Education Program was established. In January 2007, the United Nations adopted a resolution condemning any denial of the Holocaust, which it characterized as “tantamount to approval of genocide in all its forms.”


Progress regarding the condemnation of anti-Semitism was less clear-cut. Soon after the repeal of 3379, for the first time in the history of the United Nations, anti-Semitism was condemned in March 1994 by an official UN body. The fifty member states of the UN Human Rights Commission passed a resolution on “Measures to combat contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.” It referred explicitly to anti-Semitism both in its introduction and its operative paragraph, and it

requests the special rapporteur to examine according to this mandate incidents of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, any form of discrimination against blacks, Arabs and Muslims, xenophobia, negrophobia, anti-Semitism and related intolerance as well as governmental measures to overcome them, and to report on these matters to the commission at the fifty-first session.[26]


In December 2003, a General Assembly draft resolution on anti-Semitism was withdrawn under the pressure of the Arab-Muslim bloc. This effectively canceled a deal whereby Israel would drop efforts to include anti-Semitism in a draft resolution on religious intolerance in exchange for Ireland’s commitment to introduce a new resolution specifically on anti-Semitism.  In “compensation,” on 21 June 2004 a seminar on anti-Semitism was held at the United Nations in New York. But again, in August that year, Arab states vehemently opposed the introduction of a draft resolution on anti-Semitism to be adopted by the General Assembly.


In addition to this persistent reluctance to openly condemn anti-Semitism, UN bodies have adopted a series of anti-Israeli positions. Examples include the advisory opinion by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that “the construction by Israel of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and its associated régime are contrary to international law”; the positions expressed by the two Durban conferences in 2001 and 2009; the large number of anti-Israeli resolutions adopted since 2006 by the UN Human Rights Council, which replaced the discredited UN Human Rights Commission; and the Goldstone report.


Regarding the advisory opinion of the ICJ, Israel could probably have obtained a more objective and balanced one if it had cooperated with the court and presented the position taken by Israel’s High Court of Justice on this issue.


At Durban I, much of the hatred against Jews and Israel was manifested in the six-day NGO forum that was attended by six thousand representatives of about two thousand NGOs; the attacks on Jews were no less virulent than those on globalization. As for the official conference, its final report expressed concern about “the plight of the Palestinian people under occupation,” recognized “the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent State,” and recognized “the right to security for all the States in the region, including Israel.”


Although European countries and a few others blunted the more extreme anti-Israeli language introduced by Arab countries and Iran, in the end these European and other countries agreed to single out Israel albeit in more moderate and balanced terms. In addition, all states were called upon to counter anti-Semitism and the Durban I final report declared that “the Holocaust must never be forgotten.”


At Durban II, despite a statement by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, that “all disputed points such as reference to Israel, Zionism and Middle East had been deleted from the [conference’s final] declaration,”[27] nine countries decided to boycott the conference and twenty-three sent only low-level representatives. When Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the floor, most of the European delegations left the hall.


As for the UN Human Right Council, the twenty-seven resolutions it has adopted since 2006 have addressed four issues: human rights in Palestine (nineteen), human rights in Lebanon (three), human rights on the Golan Heights (three), and the council’s general mandate (two). In other words, they focused predominantly on the Arab-Israeli conflict and were always sponsored by the Arab-Muslim groups, which represent over 30 percent of UN members.


Thus, not surprisingly, Israel’s enemies, notably Arab and Muslim counties, are still using the United Nations to condemn Israel and undermine its legitimacy. This is, however, becoming more and more difficult for them and is actually largely confined to the sphere of the Human Rights Council.


Countering the Delegitimators

The bulk of the efforts to undermine Israel’s legitimacy do not come presently from the United Nations, but first and foremost from a coalition of NGOs that are functioning as the spearhead of an anti-Israeli network. This development was recently noted by the Reut Institute (Tel Aviv) in its report on the “Challenge of Delegitimization.”[28] It provides a preliminary analysis of this network’s components, differentiating between those genuinely criticizing Israel’s policies and the “delegitimators” who seek exclusively to ruin Israel’s legitimacy and bring an end to the Jewish state. Although the latter are presently using the Palestinian issue to achieve their aim, they are not dependent on it and even a settlement of the conflict would not put an end to their endeavor. The report contends that “It takes a network to fight a network” and indicates ways to create and operate such a complex.


The Reut Institute has rightly drawn attention to what seems today the most active factor in attacking Israel’s legitimacy. One of the lessons of Resolution 3379 should indeed be kept in mind: not to disregard what may be perceived as a less serious or even innocuous threat compared to a more serious one that had been foiled. In this case, the defeat of the attempt to expel Israel from the United Nations enabled “the planes to fly under the radar.” It is vital not to disregard and underestimate threats to one’s existence.


It is, however, not certain that Reut’s operative conclusion, “It takes a network to fight a network” is the supreme answer to the delegitimization endeavor. There is also still much room for exploiting successes in the United Nations and using them both to bolster Israel’s legitimacy and undermine that of the delegitimators.


In this spirit, Israel and the Jewish people should use all the existing means at their disposal, such as the repeal of 3379, the 1994 instructions to the special rapporteur on racism, and the 2005 establishment of the UN Holocaust Remembrance Day and Holocaust Education Program. Amazingly, the revocation of 3379 is seemingly not mentioned in Israeli textbooks whereas it is mentioned in Palestinian textbooks![29] The directive to the special rapporteur to review anti-Semitic deeds seems to have been utilized by Israel only for the first year. After that it seems that Israel did not provide him with adequate and reliable data on anti-Semitism.


By contrast, a British MP, Louise Ellman, provided a good example of how existing instruments can be used. On 28 January 2010, in the House of Commons, she took advantage of a session dedicated to Holocaust Remembrance Day to emphasize Hamas’s explicit aim of liberating all of Palestine and eliminating its Jews, quoting excerpts from a report on Hamas’s online magazine for children, Al-Fateh.[30]


In addition to exploiting successes, it is important to strive to bring about additional UN resolutions. These should include, among other things, the formal condemnation of anti-Semitism and the adoption of UN educational instruments to recognize and combat it.


All this is achievable despite the so-called automatic majority, which for too long has been a cheap pretext for inaction. As proved clearly by the voting results for the two 1975 attempts to postpone a debate and vote on Resolution 3379, even in those days the automatic majority was not so automatic, and it is even less so nowadays. Pertinent here is the 1985 observation by James Jonah, then assistant UN secretary-general, that the majority of the UN member states were moderate but tended to adopt extreme positions for lack of alternative leadership, whereas, with proper leadership, moderation could have taken the upper hand.[31] It is still not too late to promote, or assume, such proper leadership.

*     *     *


[1] “Haseif leginui Haantishemiut Behatzaat Haamana Lebeur Kol Tsurot Haaflaia Hagizit” (The Paragraph to Condemn Anti-Semitism in the Draft Convention to Eradicate All Forms of Racial Discrimination), top-secret report by Meir Rosenne, New York, 25 October 1965, p. 1, CZA (Central Zionist Archives) S110/12. [Hebrew]
[2] Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan noted that the Soviet side had not yet been properly researched and recommended scholarly investigation “to discover and reveal the origins and the motivations of the lie.” See Daniel Patrick Moynihan, “Z=R, Plus 9,” address to the study day “Refuting the Zionism Is Racism Equation,” President’s Residence, Jerusalem, 11 November 1984, p. 3, CZA/S110/40.
[3] Plenary Meetings, Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirtieth Session.
[4] Resolution 3151 (XXVIII), Section G, 14 December 1973.
[5] Final Declaration of the “Conference on the Equality of Women and Their Contribution to Development and Peace,” Mexico City, 2 July 1975.
[6] S.J. (Senate Joint) Resolution  98, adopted on 18 July 1975.<
[7] Tape-recording of the study day “Refuting the Zionism Is Racism Equation,” President’s Residence, Jerusalem, 11 November 1984, CZA/S110/40.
[8] The statement was made at a press conference at the UN press club several days after the resolution was adopted. Eleanor Holmes Norton was then heading the Human Rights Committee of New York. She is presently the District of Columbia’s nonvoting representative to the U.S. Congress.
[9] Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Suzanne Weaver, A Dangerous Place (London: Secker & Warburg, 1979), p. 180.
[10] Ann Hubert and Peter Wallison, “Zionism, Racism, and Free Speech,” Commentary, October 1978, 72; “Anti-Zionism at British Universities,” Patterns of Prejudice, July-August 1977, pp. 1-3.
[11] Ruth Raeli, The Implications of Resolution 3379 on Zionism, World Zionist Organization, Information Department, Research Division, May 1986, p. 45, CZA/S110/48.
[12] Ibid., pp. 45-46.
[13] Michael Curtis, “The United Nations, Zionism and Racism,” Global Affairs, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Spring 1986), p. 20.
[14] Jeane Kirkpatrick, address to the conference on “Z-R: An Assault on Human Rights,” cosponsored by the BBI, the WJC, and the WZO, Washington, 10 December 1984, CZA/S110/26.
[15] Ehud Sprinzak, “Anti-Zionism: From Delegitimization to Dehumanization,” Forum, 53 (1985), p. 5. In this article Sprinzak pointed to three major types of damage inflicted by Resolution 3379. The first was political: the harassment, isolation, and delegitimization of Israel. The second was cultural-symbolic: the introduction and activation of anti-Semitic stereotypes; the resolution had broken a taboo and provided a new justification for Jew-hatred. Third, there was psychopersonal damage: the tendency among Jews to feel unease over Zionism and Israel, fostering a restoration of the anxiety toward Zionism that Jews had felt before Israel’s establishment.
[16] The draft resolution tabled by Kuwait stressed that the Israeli military, legislative, and administrative measures designed to prevent Palestinians from implementing the right of return constituted “a crime against humanity” (paragraph 12). A memorandum attached to this draft resolution claimed that the “Jews were never planning to establish a national homeland for themselves…since its inception the Zionist movement was characterized by ethnic and racial discrimination based on the theory of the chosen people of God which is instilled in the mind of every Zionist.”
[17] Near East Report, 9 May 1989, 87. See: www.wrmea.com/backissues/0789/8907007.htm.
[18] US Information Agency (USIS), Wireless File, 11 December 1989
[19] JTA, 8 March 1990.
[20] US Information Service (USIS), Official Text, “Text of Senate Testimony by John Bolton,” Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, 2 April 1990.
[21] USIS, News Report, “Moynihan Links Aid Cutoff to Zionism Is Racism View,” Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, 2 April 1990. Moynihan added that he was awaiting the responses for a list of aid recipients and wondered whether these countries understood that their aid was in jeopardy: “We don’t like that resolution one damn bit…. Do they know that we don’t like it?” Bolton replied: “We are making it abundantly clear in our consultations in capitals.”
[22] The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 29 June 1990.
[23] Jerusalem Post, 18 September 1990.
[24] President Bush’s address to the UN General Assembly, New York, 23 September 1991. See: www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=20012.
[25] William Harrop, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, disclosed the existence of these unprecedented instructions.  Jerusalem Post, 29 July 1991.
[26] It was sponsored by Turkey with the support of Canada, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russia, Sweden, and the UK. The reference in the introduction was adopted by thirty-four votes with seventeen abstentions, while the operative paragraph was adopted by fifty-one votes with two abstentions.
[27] Deutsche Welle, 17 April 2009.
[28] This report was submitted to the Israeli cabinet on 11 February 2010. See: http://reut-institute.org/en/Publication.aspx?PublicationId=3766.
[29] Modern and Contemporary History of Palestine, Grade 11, Part 2 (2008), 71; History of the Arabs and the World in the Twentieth Century, Grade 12 (2009), 120-121. [Arabic]
[30] A report issued in 2009 by IMPACT-SE, the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education. See: http://www.impact-se.org/.
[31] Yohanan Manor, The UN and Zionism According to James Jonah, 31 March 1985, CZA/S110/16. [Hebrew]

Filed under: Anti-Semitism

Dr. Yohanan Manor

Dr. Yohanan Manor is a co-founder of IMPACT-SE and was the Board Chairman from 2005 to 2011. He is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) and received his Ph.D. at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques for his thesis on “Palestine in the Foreign Policy of Gamal Abd El Nasser.” He was a lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Political Science Department (1970-1984) and coordinator of the campaign (1984-1991) that brought about the revocation of the UN General Assembly resolution equating Zionism with racism.


Children Soldiers

Kosher Kockney-tweet-1December2023-Askar-UNRWA
A must watch, and a must share.
Comment and let me know your thoughts.

Honestly, if there is one video you should watch today. This is the one.

UNRWA – Askar (2023) a short but extremely revealing video by David Bedein.

UNRWA have created a Palestinian terrorism education system. UNRWA school and “refugee camp” where they breed terror.

It’ll take 7 minutes 55 seconds of your time.
Grab a coffee (or a cigarette, you’ll probably need one)

This is proof that the UN must be completely dissolved and all it’s staff members fully investigated.

I am stunned.

Kosher Kockney-tweet-1December2023- Askar-UNRWA

Kosher Kockney-tweet-1December2023- Askar-UNRWA

Askar-UNRWA Cradle of Killers – Summer 2023


Kosher Kockney-tweet-4December2023-UNRWA’s Child Soldiers
UNRWA’s Child Soldiers .
A must watch and a must share.
Take 12 minutes to watch this.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Hamas & Islamic Jihad Military Summer camp for UNRWA students.

How on earth can UNRWA be getting away with all this?

UNRWA schools send their students to a Hamas terrorism training camp:

“This summer, armed operatives (Hamas) signed up tens of thousands of UNRWA students ages 10 to 17

UNRWA youngsters learned to view the United States and Israel as the Devil”

Quotes from the children:

“Purify it of the Jews” – UNRWA school child talking about “Palestine”

“We’ll die as Martyrs” – UNRWA school child

“The Jews will not remain on this land, I say to the Jews: go back to where you came from. Get out of here before we annihilate you” – UNRWA school child

We need to pressure our governments and leaders to stop funding UNRWA immediately.

Film produced by the Bedein Center

Kosher Kockney-tweet-4December2023-UNRWA's Child Soldiers

Kosher Kockney-tweet-4December2023-UNRWA’s Child Soldiers

UNRWA’s Child Soldiers


Aviva Klompas-tweet-23November2023-Children Soldiers
When you read that children were killed in Gaza fighting Israel – remember that some of these “children” were handed guns and sent to fight while Hamas hid in their tunnels.

Aviva Klompas-tweet-23November2023-Children Soldiers

Aviva Klompas-tweet-23November2023-Children Soldiers


Alon Lavi-tweet-12December2023-Gaza is a dangerous place for children from Hamas
Gaza is a dangerous place for children, any place controlled by a terror organization like Hamas=ISIS will be.
A call to @UNICEF and @unicefchief to stop Hamas and make Gaza a better place.

Alon Lavi-tweet-12December2023-Gaza is a dangerous place for children from Hamas

Alon Lavi-tweet-12December2023-Gaza is a dangerous place for children from Hamas


Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza

Visegrád 24-tweet-27November2023-Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza
Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza.

To be allowed to start elementary school, it seems like Palestinian kids need to prove that they know how to fire off a couple of mortar rounds, take some hostages and storm a building.

Hamas must be vanquished for good

Visegrád 24-tweet-27November2023-Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza

Visegrád 24-tweet-27November2023-Kindergarten graduation ceremony in Gaza


leekern-tweet-3December2023-THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT
THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT. Palestinian society conditions their children to become violent racist sociopaths. That’s how they created monsters who cut the heads off babies whilst yelling Allahu Akbar on October 7th. If you want peace: call this out

leekern-tweet-3December2023-THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT

leekern-tweet-3December2023-THIS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CONFLICT




From the 2014 Gaza War Operation Protective Edge: מִבְצָע צוּק אֵיתָן, Israel Deserves an Apology

New map confirms: the Shuja’iya neighborhood is a terrorist stronghold where Hamas uses residents as human shields. pic.twitter.com/NVTPEbydq4

New map confirms: the Shuja’iya neighborhood is a terrorist stronghold where Hamas uses residents as human shields. pic.twitter.com/NVTPEbydq4

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

We were ordered to close all חלון תריסים (Window Shutters) at night. Arab Snipers?

UNRWA incitement

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) employees are constantly on Facebook inciting the Arabs to kill Jews. Here is just one example. http://elderofziyon.blogspot.co.il/2015/10/unrwa-teacher-wants-her-kids-to-die-for.html#.VihIr6fhlTA 20October2015

UNRWA teacher Hiba Yassin's Facebook page:"The #intifada of Ramadan" (meaning July 2014. Yes, UNRWA teachers were calling for a new intifada last year too,)

UNRWA teacher Hiba Yassin’s Facebook page:”The #intifada of Ramadan” (meaning July 2014. Yes, UNRWA teachers were calling for a new intifada last year too,)

This is an ongoing battle with UNRWA and the UN on what they claim to do and the reality.

UNRWA suspends employees after UN Watch exposed incitement to anti-Semitic violence

22october2015 http://www.unwatch.org/unrwa-suspends-employees-after-un-watch-exposed-incitement-to-anti-semitic-violence/

‍‍י״ד מרחשון תשע״ו – 2015/10/26  Another disgusting incitement cartoon on @UNRWA teacher page

‍‍י״ה מרחשון תשע״ו – 2015/10/27  .@UNRWA uses Hamas human shield victim for fundraising and demonizing Israel

ט״ו מרחשון תשע״ו- 2015/10/28 .@UNRWA teacher posts “Stab the Jews” video

UNRWA teacher Najlaa Nojom lives in Bethlehem.
She recently shared this video, glorifying stabbing Jews, on her Facebook timeline.

‍‍ל׳ מרחשון תשע״ו – 2015/11/12 Elder gets results – and @UNRWA teachers are angry that they cannot post incitement and Jew-hatred

…It should be noted that some of the most influential leaders of the Palestinian resistance were teachers in UNRWA schools who were able to perform their work without any restrictions on political freedom, and they are active politically.


Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-12March2024-UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until Return
Just listen to Palestinians:
This sign at the entrance to a “refugee camp” near Bethlehem says it all (why on earth are Palestinians “refugees” under the Palestinian Authority?!?):
UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until “Return”
(reminder that Oct 7 is what “return” is).

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-12March2024-UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until Return

Dr. Einat Wilf-tweet-12March2024-UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until Return


This sign at the entrance to a “refugee camp” near Bethlehem says it all (why on earth are Palestinians “refugees” under the Palestinian Authority?!?): UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until “Return” (reminder that Oct 7 is what “return” is).

This sign at the entrance to a “refugee camp” near Bethlehem says it all (why on earth are Palestinians “refugees” under the Palestinian Authority?!?):
UNRWA is all about serving Palestinians until “Return”
(reminder that Oct 7 is what “return” is).




Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA Telegram group
Just a few bad apples?

Here is our saved copy of the UNRWA Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers: https://groupchat.unwatch.org

There are 249,000 messages, replete with celebrations of Hamas terrorism: https://unwatch.org/unrwa-terrorgram/

There is not one case where an UNRWA teacher objected.

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA Telegram group

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA Telegram group


Click to download PDF file Click to Download the file UN Watch-UNRWA Terrorgram



UN finds out that UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism
1/ UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres said he was “horrified” to learn of UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism.

That’s odd.

September 3, 2015: UN Watch Report: UNRWA Officials Operating 12 Separate Facebook Accounts Inciting Terrorism


Report: 12 UNRWA-linked Facebook Accounts Incite Terrorism Against Jews

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism

Hillel Neuer-tweet-28January2024-UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism


Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-Seven years ago we sent warnings to UNRWA
Seven years ago, we sent warnings to UNRWA estimating that thousands of their employees were implicated in terrorism.

They did nothing. Worse, UNRWA attacked us.

Last week it was revealed in the WSJ that in Gaza alone, 1,200 UNRWA staffers belong to Hamas or Islamic Jihad.
Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-
Secretary-General Guterres was “horrified” to learn UNRWA staff participated in the Hamas massacre of October 7.

Yet in 2016, UNRWA’s top backer in Canada admitted: “Hamas dominates the UNRWA trade unions and its staff is replete with Hamas supporters.”


Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-Seven years ago we sent warnings to UNRWA

Hillel Neuer-tweet-7February2024-Seven years ago we sent warnings to UNRWA


12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives

Dr. Eli David-tweet-21February2024-12000 UNRWA employees in Gaza 2500 are official Hamas operatives
🚨 Breaking: New evidence revealed by @kann_news shows that out of 12,000 @UNRWA 🇺🇳 employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives, out of which 500 in “combat units” (i.e., terrorists whose job is to carry out terror attacks).

@antonioguterres, you there? Resign!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-21February2024-12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives

Dr. Eli David-tweet-21February2024-12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 2,500 are official Hamas operatives


Visegrád 24-tweet-5February2024-unwra terrorist
UNRWA is over

Visegrád 24-tweet-5February2024-unwra terrorist

Visegrád 24-tweet-5February2024-unwra terrorist


Eretz Nehederet-tweet-30January2024-We are UNRWA
The @UNWRA trend
@UN @StandWithUs

Eretz Nehederet-tweet-30January2024-We are UNRWA

Eretz Nehederet-tweet-30January2024-We are UNRWA

We are UNRWA [Eretz Nehederet satire]


Aizenberg-tweet-20February2024-Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes
Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes. This equals 80% of UNRWA’s total annual budget for all activities in Gaza. Yet the lie that Gaza was impoverished continued for decades while Hamas funded tunnels, rockets, RPGs etc. Time for the scam to end.

Aizenberg-tweet-20February2024-Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes.png

Aizenberg-tweet-20February2024-Israel seized ~$280 million of cash from Hamas safes in Khan Younes.png



Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that it is no longer possible to determine where UNRWA ends and where Hamas begins.

Oren Marmorstein-tweet-22April2024-Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that
Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that it is no longer possible to determine where UNRWA ends and where Hamas begins.

More than 2,135 UNRWA workers are members of either Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), while one-fifth of UNRWA school administrators are Hamas members.

The problem with UNRWA-Gaza isn’t that of a few bad apples; it is a rotten and poisonous tree whose roots are Hamas.

The Colonna report ignores the severity of the problem, and offers cosmetic solutions that do not deal with the enormous scope of Hamas’ infiltration of UNRWA.

This is not what a genuine and thorough review looks like. This is what an effort to avoid the problem and not address it head on looks like.

Israel calls on the donor countries to refrain from transferring their taxpayers’ money to UNRWA-Gaza, as these funds will go to the Hamas terrorist organization, and that violates legislation in the donor countries themselves.

Israel calls on the donor countries to transfer their funds to other humanitarian organizations in Gaza.

UNRWA-Gaza is part of the problem and not part of the solution.
There are other solutions.
UNRWA can not be part of the solution in Gaza not now, and not in the future.

Oren Marmorstein-tweet-22April2024-Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that

Oren Marmorstein-tweet-22April2024-Hamas has infiltrated UNRWA so deeply that



The tunnel system beneath UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza used by Hamas as their main intelligence server hub

Yaari Cohen-tweet-10February2024-hamas data center under UNRWA HQ
Official IDF Statement on the massive terror tunnel located underneath @UNRWA HQ in Gaza:

Acting on ISA intelligence, the forces discovered a tunnel shaft near an UNRWA school, leading to an underground terrorist tunnel beneath UNRWA’s main headquarters. The forces found electrical infrastructure inside the tunnel connected to UNRWA’s main HQ, suggesting it was supplying the tunnel with electricity—generated by the fuel provided through humanitarian aid. This 700-meter-long tunnel, 18 meters deep, contained multiple blast doors and various intelligence assets seized by the forces. Intelligence and documents found confirmed the offices’ use by Hamas terrorists. Large quantities of weapons, including rifles, ammunition, grenades and explosives, were uncovered hidden in the building’s offices.

📸: Footage showing the tunnel’s location, near a school.

Yaari Cohen-tweet-10February2024-Hamas data center under UNRWA HQ

Yaari Cohen-tweet-10February2024-Hamas data center under UNRWA HQ

These Findings Were Found Within UNRWA Facilities [Hamas data-center under UNRWA HQ]


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-11February2024-Amazingly, no one in Gaza noticed!
Construction workers
General contractors
Heavy digging machinery
Transportation workers
Truckers to bring in supplies and remove debris
Network engineers
Systems administrators
Years of digging in and under crowded neighborhoods

Amazingly, no one in Gaza noticed!

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-11February2024-Amazingly no one in Gaza noticed

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-11February2024-Amazingly no one in Gaza noticed


Dr. Eli David-tweet-11February2024-all cables go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination
Imagine you find lots of cables in your server room, connected to the main power supply, and all go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination.

What do you do? Nothing, according to head of @UNRWA. You simply “didn’t know” anything about the tunnel underneath 🤡

Dr. Eli David-tweet-11February2024-all cables go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination

Dr. Eli David-tweet-11February2024-all cables go down beneath the floor to some unknown destination



UNRWA staff linked to October 7th Massacre

Hillel Neuer-tweet-29January2024-1,200 UNRWA employees are Hamas or PIJ
BREAKING: The “few bad apples” line pushed by the UN has just been obliterated. The Wall Street Journal front page is reporting that an estimated 1,200 Unrwa employees in Gaza are actual “operatives” of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and about half have close relatives who belong to the Islamist terrorist organizations, according to Israeli intelligence estimates shared with the U.S. government.

The report said 23% of Unrwa’s male employees—the agency has a total staff of 12,000 in Gaza—took active part in the Hamas organization’s military or political framework, a higher percentage than the average of 15% for adult males in Gaza.

The information in the Israeli intelligence reports is based on sensitive signals intelligence as well as cellphone tracking data, interrogations of captured Hamas gunmen and documents recovered from dead terrorists.

Nearly half of all Unrwa employees—an estimated 49%—also had close relatives with official ties to Hamas and other terrorist groups.

The Oct. 7 intelligence reports seen by the Wall Street Journal identified an Unrwa Arabic teacher who was also a Hamas terrorist commander and took part in a terrorist attack on Kibbutz Be’eri, where 97 people were murdered, and about 26 people were kidnapped and taken as hostages to Gaza.

Another Unrwa employee, described in the dossier as an Unrwa social worker, played a role in absconding with the body of a dead Israeli soldier, which was taken to Gaza, the reports said. He also coordinated trucks and munitions distributions for Hamas before being killed.

📍Full story by @cjkeller8 & @davidluhnow @WSJ: https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/at-least-12-u-n-agency-employees-involved-in-oct-7-attacks-intelligence-reports-say-a7de8f36

Hillel Neuer-tweet-29January2024-1,200 UNRWA employees are Hamas or PIJ

Hillel Neuer-tweet-29January2024-1,200 UNRWA employees are Hamas or PIJ




How UNRWA Grooms Terrorists

by Bassam Tawil

  • By providing the residents of the Gaza Strip with various services, UNRWA exempted Hamas from its responsibilities as the governing body, such as creating a working economy that would pay for education and healthcare, and allowed it, instead, to invest resources in building tunnels and manufacturing weapons.
  • “They [UNRWA] teach us that the Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to us [Muslims], that Palestine belongs to us,” said Atif Sharha, a student at an UNRWA school.
  • “Yes, they teach us that the Zionists are our enemy,” said Nur Taha, a third-year student from Kalandia. “We should carry out an [terror] operation against them [Zionists].”
  • “The Palestinian matriculation exams [at UNRWA] have become a finishing school in extremism. It is as if the Palestinian Authority is cramming as much hate into the tests as possible, to ensure the twelve previous years of indoctrination stay with them into adulthood.” — Marcus Sheff, CEO at the Institute for Cultural Peace and Tolerance in School Education, i24news.tv, July 23, 2023.
  • Despite years of considerable condemnation of the textbooks, newly produced editions, approved by UNRWA, are exponentially worse….
  • Whatever hopes that anyone may have held for the trustworthiness of UNRWA have long expired, and were arguably misplaced at the outset. UNRWA, in its current state, has proven itself irremediably defective, unworkable and yet another massive stain on the already scandalously stained UN.
  • It is high time for the international community and those who actually want a better future for the Palestinians to liquidate UNRWA and take actions that truly help the Palestinians move forward to a golden life.
A still shot from the documentary film "Camp Jihad," featuring a summer camp in Gaza sponsored and funded by UNRWA

A still shot from the documentary film “Camp Jihad,” featuring a summer camp in Gaza sponsored and funded by UNRWA

More than 50% of UNRWA’s annual budget of $1.6 billion is dedicated to funding Palestinian schools. These schools have been fostering war-mongering hatred against Israel, and against Jews in general, while predictably churning out their final product: terrorists and terrorist sympathizers. Pictured: A still shot from the documentary film “Camp Jihad,” featuring a summer camp in Gaza sponsored and funded by UNRWA. (Image source: Nahum Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research)


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was originally a small agency mandated to provide basic humanitarian relief for Palestinians, including a vote for renewal every three years. Seventy-three years and four generations later, and with more than 30,000 employees and an annual budget of more than $1 billion, it has astonishingly become one of the largest UN agencies.


In the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, UNRWA has, in fact, long been operating as the de facto government. By providing the residents of the Gaza Strip with various services, UNRWA exempted Hamas from its responsibilities as the governing body, such as creating a working economy that would pay for education and healthcare, and allowed it, instead, to invest resources in building tunnels and manufacturing weapons. If UNRWA were not there, Hamas would have been forced to fill the vacuum and, for example, build hospitals and schools and find solutions to economic hardship, including unemployment and poverty.


As senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzouk said, in explaining why no cement could be spared from terror tunnels to build bomb shelters for Gazan citizens:

“The tunnels were built to protect the fighters of Hamas from [Israeli] airstrikes. As you know, 75% of the residents of the Gaza Strip are refugees. It is the responsibility of the United Nations to protect the refugees.”

Hamas was effectively saying: We are responsible for what happens underground, while UNRWA is responsible for what happens above ground.


In addition to evolving into a monster-sized agency, UNRWA has also morphed into a very costly incubator for terror. UNRWA-run schools emphasize and promote the “right of return,” a euphemism for flooding Israel with millions of Palestinians and turning it into a Muslim-majority Islamist state backed by Iran.


More than 50% of UNRWA’s annual budget of $1.6 billion is dedicated to funding Palestinian schools. These schools have been fostering war-mongering hatred against Israel, and against Jews in general, from the youngest, most impressionable ages and onward throughout the school years, while predictably churning out their final product: terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.


“They [UNRWA] teach us that the Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to us [Muslims], that Palestine belongs to us,” said Atif Sharha, a student at a UNRWA school in the Shuafat refugee camp, north of Jerusalem.

“I hate the Jews,” said Yousef, another student at a UNRWA school in Kalandia refugee camp, south of Ramallah.

“Yes, they teach us that the Zionists are our enemy,” said Nur Taha, a third student from Kalandia. “We should carry out an [terror] operation against them [Zionists].”


Marcus Sheff, Chief Executive Officer at The Institute for Cultural Peace and Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) studying these hate-policies, laments:


“The Palestinian matriculation exams have become a finishing school in extremism. It is as if the Palestinian Authority is cramming as much hate into the tests as possible, to ensure the twelve previous years of indoctrination stay with them into adulthood.”


UNRWA then re-inserts many of these hate-infused people right back into its institutions, perpetuating what the UN is keen on blaming Israel for: “the cycle of violence.”


UNRWA schools have been the focus of media scrutiny on many occasions. UNRWA’s textbooks, compiled by the Palestinian Authority, have been blasted for showy, hate-provoking and terror-inciting material such as “a grammar exercise that encourages Palestinians to ‘sacrifice their blood to liberate Jerusalem.'”


Palestinian textbooks produced by UNRWA contain “antisemitic, hateful, and violent passages,” according to IMPACT-se. Some of these passages in an Islamic education drill include labeling Jews as inherently treacherous. A poem included in the educational content glorifies the killing of Israelis, and portrays dying as martyrs by killing Israelis as a “hobby.”


In a grammar exercise, Jews, it is implied, are impure and supposedly defile the Al-Aqsa Mosque. (They do not. The Jews peacefully tour the exterior grounds, called The Temple Mount, a plateau on which the Al Aqsa mosque now sits. The site is the third-holiest in Islam, but in Judaism the holiest. The plateau is where two Jewish Temples once stood, mentioned in the Bible, before they were destroyed — the first by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BCE; the second by the Roman Empire in 70 CE).


Despite years of considerable condemnation of the textbooks, newly produced editions, approved by UNRWA, are exponentially worse.

“Terrorist activities against Israeli civilians are also part of the struggle against the Zionist occupation of Palestine. Thus, the new books exalt Palestinian terrorists who participated in such actions. Dalal al-Mughrabi, for example, who was killed in a terrorist attack she had led against a civilian bus… in which more than 30 men, women and children were murdered, is mentioned in four books, all studied in UNRWA schools at present. In all of them she is described as a heroine and martyr of Palestine.”

According to the textbooks used in UNRWA schools, Jews have no rights whatsoever or any legitimate status in Israel. A Jewish presence in the country is denied historically, geographically and religiously. No reference is made in the books to the history of the Jews throughout the region, either in Biblical or Roman times. Any connection is also denied of the Jews to their ancient capital, Jerusalem, which is presented as an Arab city since its establishment thousands of years ago. The Jews’ presence in Jerusalem today is bewilderingly presented in the books as an aggression against the city’s Arab character.


Beyond the textbooks, both UNRWA administrators and teachers have proudly displayed their approval of terrorism and hatred on countless occasions, including Hamas’s recent October 7 massacre, according to a report published by UN Watch, an independent non-governmental human rights organization, as well as IMPACT-se.


UNRWA math teacher Adnan Shteiwi, for instance, glorified Diaa Hamarsheh, the perpetrator of the March 2022 Bnei Brak shooting attack — in which he murdered four Israeli civilians and one policeman — as a “martyr” whose name should “forever remain in letters of fire, might, and magnificence.”


UNRWA’s Asma Middle School for Girls B encouraged schoolgirls to ” liberate the homeland by sacrificing ‘their Blood’ and pursuing jihad.”


Roni Krivoi, one of the Israeli hostages recently freed from Hamas captivity, reported that he had been kept prisoner in an attic for more than a month and a half, mostly starved and medically untreated. His jailer was an UNRWA teacher.


In Gaza — as with Ahmad Kahalot, Director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital, who admitted that he was the equivalent of a brigadier general for Hamas and that 16 of the hospital’s staff were also “terror operatives for Hamas” — the mesh of Hamas and UNRWA is also illustrated in the high-profile case of Dr. Suhail al-Hindi.


Al-Hindi served as both the principal of an UNRWA elementary school and as the chairman of the UNRWA employee’s union in Gaza. In 2017, UNRWA suspended al-Hindi after it received information that he had just been elected to the Hamas political bureau. UNRWA announced that al-Hindi no longer worked for the agency, but did not say whether he had resigned or been fired. Al-Hindi first said he “resigned” from UNRWA, but later clarified that he was taking early retirement.


The case of al-Hindi and other UNRWA employees suspected of supporting terrorism makes the point that UNRWA is “the money,” while thug terror-groups such as Hamas are “the muscle.”


UNRWA tries to keep up public pretense that its hands are clean, and has taken a belligerently defensive stance against these and other accusations, as it publicly claims that it has a “zero-tolerance policy for hatred.”


The Israeli news site Ynet , however, wrote recently about a UN Watch report:

“In it, some 47 documented cases of school staff promoting antisemitic material are recorded, as school staff openly violates the official UNRWA policy…

“It was only two years ago that UNRWA apologized for similar instances, claiming they were done erroneously and will not occur in the future, but with this latest report, that promise rings hollow.”

One UNRWA employee portrayed Adolf Hitler in a favorable light: “Wake up Hitler, there are people left to burn.”


In addition, as is well-documented, UNRWA has allowed its school buildings to be used by Hamas as storehouses for rocket and other weapons, terror tunnels, and to shelter jihadi terrorists. Hamas and other terror organizations have bet on the media frenzy that would ensue if Israeli forces strike a UN institution (or hospital, mosque, or even a church) that is being used for military purposes. Hamas has been launching rockets at Israel from alongside UNRWA schools, and, when possible, shooting from inside the schools, thereby taking advantage of the sanctuary that a UN institution, especially a “protected space” such as a school, ought to offer under legitimate circumstances.


Last week saw the media explode in condemnation of the Israel Defense Forces for blowing up an UNRWA school, despite the disclosure that the school had been used as a weapons depot and terror tunnels were found in its area.


UNRWA kindergartens have been discovered with weapons hidden inside toys or even in UNRWA bags, and UN officials are charged with being complicit in holding hostages, despite protestations to the contrary. It seems that “zero tolerance” had devolved into “zero oversight.”


When rockets were discovered in UNRWA schools in the past, UNRWA would reassure everyone that they had been turned over to “local authorities.” Those authorities, of course, were Hamas, who most likely relocated them to another equally inappropriate location.


Occasionally, UNRWA officials will make a minor fuss or put on a shocked and affronted façade for donors or the media, but reportedly do nothing in the way of changing the practice. In the upper echelons of UNRWA management, there have been accusations of serious breaches of ethics in the forms of nepotism, bullying, mismanagement of funds — as well as lack of accountability.


This is no small matter, considering that in 2022, annual worldwide contributions to UNRWA alone — not including direct donations to Palestinian governing agencies such as Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, nor to the many NGOs and other Palestinian-specific aid agencies — from 68 donor nations, including the Holy See, was $1.1 billion.


Extensive reports released by UN Watch and IMPACT-se have highlighted the malignant influence of terror organizations such as Hamas, Fatah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad on UNRWA institutions that either feign ignorance or offer enthusiastic complicity. The repercussions of these revelations are becoming an embarrassment.


Switzerland’s Parliament recently voted to stop funding UNRWA ($21 million annually), labelled Hamas a terrorist organization and unanimously banned it. “Hamas’ brutal terrorist attacks against Israel necessitate a clear position from Switzerland,” they said.


In 2018, the Trump administration, calling UNRWA an “irredeemably flawed operation,” completely cut America’s $300 million annual donation. The aid was reinstated by President Joe Biden almost immediately after he took office.


Many have called the very inception of UNRWA into question, as the UN already has an agency specifically designated for refugees: the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).


UNRWA remains a refugee organization distinctly apart from UNHCR based upon two premises: first, that the Palestinians will “return” to their homes in Israel by means of a the “right of return“; and second, that there will never be a resolution not to “return,” thereby making these refugees an eternal stick in the eye to Israel.


The first premise would effectively destroy Israel by imposing a demographic shift: flooding millions of Palestinians, demonstrably none too peace-oriented, into Israel.


The second premise would, and has been, effectively enslaving Palestinians as the crying faces that keep the international “pity-cash” flowing into the coffers of both Palestinian and UNRWA leadership.


Perhaps this may be at least one answer as to why, when UNRWA recently cried for more aid money for Palestinians, the organization was found to have an entire warehouse “filled to the brim” with food. When Gazans stormed the warehouse in October, they discovered copious amounts of rice, lentils, flour and oil.


Whatever hopes that anyone may have held for the trustworthiness of UNRWA have long expired, and were arguably misplaced at the outset. UNRWA, in its current state, has proven itself irremediably defective, unworkable and yet another massive stain on the already scandalously stained UN [such as here, here, here, here and here.] The agency has perpetuated the issue of the “refugees” by keeping them in camps while providing them with basic services, only.


Worse, UNRWA has deliberately created new generations of “refugees” by insisting that the descendants of refugees inherit the status of “refugee” – which on its face is nonsense. It is high time for the international community and those who actually want a better future for the Palestinians to liquidate UNRWA and take actions that truly help the Palestinians move forward to a golden life.

Bassam Tawil is a Muslim Arab based in the Middle East.




UNRWA: Your child abuse must stop

Lilia Gaufberg, 5February 2024,   https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/unrwa-your-child-abuse-must-stop/


As a former elementary school teacher and a human being, my heart breaks for the children of Gaza.


Picture a 5-year-old eagerly skipping to school, still navigating the intricacies of being in the world. In those formative years, curiosity knows no bounds, and imagination has no limits. Having witnessed this as an educator and experienced it as a child myself, I understand the permeable line between a young mind and the world it inhabits — a realm where everything appears possible. Drawings created, songs learned, and playtime activities all lay the groundwork for shaping one’s future self. A simple art class might spark dreams of becoming a sculptor, while an inspirational gym teacher fosters aspirations of winning the World Cup. Papier-mâché volcanoes explode with baking soda and vinegar, and a chemist is born.


Now, imagine you are a child in Gaza. You attend a school run by a UN agency, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), one of whose primary goals is to keep you, a child, in a perpetual state of victimhood by indoctrinating you into believing that you are, and will always be, a refugee, and that there is no way to escape from this identity. At school, you are taught that there’s an evil force — the Jews — out to destroy you and your people. Your textbooks in all subjects, from writing to math, are embedded with calls to maim and murder these nefarious Jews, and you are taught that if you don’t wage jihad against them, your life is rendered meaningless. You learn that heroes are people who blow themselves up on buses or massacre young adults at a music festival, rather than visionaries who cure diseases or write groundbreaking books. Dreams are maliciously stolen, and a singular path is laid out by teachers, leaving malleable minds with no choice but to succumb to the incitement. Oh, and there’s a good chance your teachers are Hamas members, too.


This is what the children of Gaza learn, day in and day out.


An excerpt from a textbook used in UNRWA schools (Our Beautiful Language, Vol. 2, Grade 1, 2023, p. 53). Source: IMPACT-se

An excerpt from a textbook used in UNRWA schools (Our Beautiful Language, Vol. 2, Grade 1, 2023, p. 53). Source: IMPACT-se

source: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/PA-Reports_-Selected-Examples_Update_Sept-2020.pdf

Click to download PDF file click to download READ: PA-Reports_-Selected-Examples_Update_Sept-2020


Evidence continues to mount of UNRWA staff’s involvement in the October 7th Hamas massacre, their assistance to Hamas in hiding Israeli hostages in Gaza, and the ties of thousands of UNRWA employees to terror groups. Dozens of countries around the world are freezing their aid to UNRWA in response, sparking outrage from some prominent voices, such as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. When I think about those children in Gaza, I say that any country who has not ceased financing UNRWA is complicit in child abuse. Anyone expressing horror at cuts to UNRWA funding by exclaiming something along the lines of, ‘b-b-but the children of Gaza!’ is actually perpetuating the abuse of the children of Gaza.


There is a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. That is a fact, and it is heartbreaking. We should all be concerned about it, and it must be effectively addressed. Let us be clear, however: it is a Hamas-perpetrated, UNRWA-upheld humanitarian crisis. The UN has mechanisms in place to effectively deal with humanitarian disasters. It is perfectly capable of bringing trucks of supplies into areas that need them and providing support for at-risk communities around the globe. I saw one example of this myself when I worked with South Sudanese refugees in Uganda: the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, was there, day in and day out, to assist people in need. There are alternatives to UNRWA, even within the confines of the UN itself. Calling to keep UNRWA in place because there is ‘no other solution’ is naïve and lazy at best and malicious at worst.


I have yet to have children of my own, but when I imagine my younger sisters and me growing up in an UNRWA school system instead of the American public school system, I feel sick. As kids, my sisters and I were instilled with the value of living meaningful lives and repairing the world. Who would we have become if we had attended UNRWA schools? I shudder at this chilling possibility; we would not be ourselves. If the children of Gaza are to have a real chance to dream, to play, to create, to evolve, and to think for themselves, two things must happen: Hamas must be eliminated, and UNRWA must be disbanded.


I dream of a real future for the children of Gaza, a future in which they can dream, too.


About the Author
I am an artist, writer, and content creator employed by the international and non-partisan Israel education organization StandWithUs. I grew up in Boston, MA and lived in Israel from 2017 to 2023, during which time I served in the Israel Defense Forces’ COGAT unit as a lone soldier. I recently returned to the United States, and I currently reside in New York. All ideas expressed on this blog are reflective of my personal opinions, perspectives, and experiences.



UNRWA: Raising the next generation of Terrorists

Dr. Eli David-tweet-14November2023-UNRWA-Raising the next generation of Terrorists
Palestinian children talk about the education they get in @UNRWA 🇺🇳 schools.

It’s all about killing the Jews. “I want to stab them again and again”, “I want to become a suicide bomber”, etc.

Thanks @UN 🇺🇳 for raising the next generation of terrorists.


Dr. Eli David-tweet-14November2023-UNRWA-Raising the next generation of Terrorists

Dr. Eli David-tweet-14November2023-UNRWA-Raising the next generation of Terrorists




The truth about UNRWA


By Ted Belman 25February2019  https://www.israpundit.org/trumps-war-against-unrwa-will-benefit-the-palestinian-refugees/

Not all refugees are the same.

The UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), created in 1951, is dedicated to the resettlement of all refugees except the Palestinian refugees, who fall within the purview of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).


According to UNCHR, a refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her home because of persecution, war or violence and who crosses an international border.


UNRWA, on the other hand, defines a Palestinian refugee as “persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine during the period 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 conflict, and their descendants.”


Unlike UNHCR, UNRWA does not seek to resettle its refugees, but rather is dedicated to preserving their status as “refugees”. In addition, it includes their descendants which UNCHR doesn’t. Finally, they need not have been “forced to flee”.


In August 2017, Pres Trump challenged UNRWA by rejecting UNRWA’s estimate of over 5 million refugees suggesting that the number was more like 500,000. In effect he was saying that a new definition should be operative. If he was to exclude descendants, there would be less that 20,000 people still living who fled in 1948


On Aug 31, 2018, The State Department announced that the US would make no further contribution to UNRWA. Therefore the pressure will build to find an alternate solution.


In 1920, the British Government’s Interim Report on the Civil Administration of Palestine stated that there were hardly 700,000 people living in Palestine. By 1948, the population had risen to 1,900,000, of whom 68% were Arabs, and 32% were Jews (UNSCOP report, including Bedouin).


This population growth took place under the Palestine Mandate pursuant to which, Great Britain was responsible to “facilitate Jewish immigration” in line with the “establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”.


Rather than doing so, she hindered it, while at the same time, she encouraged Arab immigration. She went so far as to prevent Jewish immigration, even during the Holocaust, when it was desperately needed.


The end result was that the Jews in Israel in 1948, were millions fewer in number than would otherwise have been the case and the Arabs were far greater in number than they should have been.


This great injustice to the Jews must be born in mind when crafting the Deal of the Century.

The vast majority of the Arab inhabitants of Mandatory Palestine in 1948 were economic migrants who entered Palestine illegally right up until the War of Independence in 1948.


The vast majority of Arabs who fled Israel or remained West of the Jordan River were illegal migrants and their children.

Joan Peters, after considerable research, made this case in her opus, From Time Immemorial.

Daniel Pipes, in his 1984 review of her book, wrote “In the course of research on this subject, she came across a “seemingly casual” discrepancy between the standard definition of a refugee and the definition used for the Palestinian Arabs. In other cases, a refugee is someone forced to leave a permanent or habitual home.  In this case, however, it is someone who had lived in Palestine for just two years before the flight that began in 1948.”


Had the standard definition been used, there would have been few refugees to deal with. Furthermore, by rejecting the standard definition, the Arabs who didn’t flee, who are registered as refugees under UNRWA, now number 2 million west of the Jordan River and 1.3 million in Gaza.


In 1948, though living in Palestine, they considered their home of origin to be Syria, in the main, but including Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt.


Not only were their numbers greatly inflated due to this new definition, but the Arab League prevented their naturalization in the countries they fled to, including their true countries of origin. Furthermore, the Arabs living outside of Israel as defined by the 1949 ceasefire line, yet still within the Mandatory lands, were also prevented from being naturalized.  This applies to Jordan also where there are currently 2 million registered Palestinian “refugees”.


Pipes concludes his review by stating “Thus, the “Palestinian problem” lacks firm grounding. Many of those who now consider themselves Palestinian refugees were either immigrants themselves before 1948 or the children of immigrants. This historical fact reduces their claim to the land of Israel; it also reinforces the point that the real problem in the Middle East has little to do with Palestinian-Arab rights.”


It is now 34 years after Pipes wrote his review. Like it or not, these Palestinian Arabs have put down roots making it more problematic to dispossess them. But one thing must be kept in mind. The reason that they consider themselves to be refugees is because they all claim the right of return to Israel as currently delineated. The corollary to this is that they do not claim the right to stay where they are. They can’t have it both ways.


Since Israel will not permit them to return, whether to Israel as it now stands or to Israel when its eastern boundary is extended to the Jordan River, the best option open to them is to relocate them in Jordan. Because Jordan was part of Mandatory Palestine, to which they originally migrated, these people should be considered as internally displaced persons (IDP) who fled their residences but never crossed an international border.


King Abdullah is dead set against this but his days as king are numbered. When Mudar Zahran, the Secretary General of the Jordanian Opposition Coalition, becomes the leader of Jordan in the not too distant future, he will invite all these Palestinians to relocate in Jordan where they will be naturalized along with the 2 million “refugees” already there. In addition, over 75% of Jordan’s population of 9.7 million are Palestinian.

According to Zahran, they will be provided with housing, jobs and social security.

In my article International Law and the State of Israel, I discuss the issue of population transfer and its legitimacy.


“After WWII and the crushing defeat of Germany and its allies, the victors changed borders and moved populations. It was their right.

Der Spiegel reported;

“But the people fleeing the Red Army were unaware that the Allies had already agreed with the Polish government-in-exile to hand over large parts of eastern Germany to Poland and resettle the Germans who were living there.


“All those who didn’t manage to escape in time fell victim to the frenzied expulsions that were carried out until July 1945. The organized resettlement of Germans and ethnic Germans from Germany’s former eastern areas and the Sudetenland began in January 1946. In all, some 14 million Germans lost their homes.”


“These expulsions were often done in a brutal manner and were carried out as part of a broader program of nation-building pursued by the new communist government between 1945 and 1949. “The centre-piece of this programme was an attempt to achieve the ethnic homogenization of the state, to ensure as close a match as possible between its ethnic and political borders.”


At no time did the allies object to this “ethnic homogenization”.

The flight of the Arabs from the Palestine Mandate and Israel, whether voluntary or forced, must be viewed in this context. It happened at the same time. The hypocrisy of the West is glaring. In post war Europe, they insisted on the ethnic cleansing as the path to stabilization and peace whereas in the case of the “Palestinian refugees”, the UNGA passed Res 194 in Dec 11/48 even before the war was over in which they recommended that the “Refugees” should be permitted to return. Fortunately for Israel, a recommendation has no binding affect and can be ignored.


President Trump, in configuring his Deal of the Century, should embrace the idea of ethnic homogenization as fundamental to establishing peace and assist in the relocation of as many Arabs as possible to Jordan which will be considered the Palestinian State. There can be no objection to him doing so because of Zahran’s intention to provide them with housing, jobs and social security. Besides, no one is suggesting that they should be forcibly expelled. Instead they should be induced to relocate or emigrate of their own free will. It will be for their benefit.



ngo-monitor.org logo

The UNRWA Constellation: Partnerships with UN Agencies and Terror-Linked NGOs

31January2024 https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/unrwa-constellation-partnerships-with-un-agencies-and-terror-linked-ngos/



The mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), while highly controversial, is widely perceived as relating to humanitarian and educational objectives. UNRWA’s website lists “primary and vocational education, primary health care, relief and social services, infrastructure and camp improvement, microfinance and emergency response.”


However, beyond its core role in fueling the conflict for the past 74 years, as well as severe problems with terror links, antisemitism (discussed briefly below) and corruption, UNRWA also engages in extensive politicized anti-Israel “advocacy work in response to the needs of Palestine refugees affected by the Israeli occupation,” such as “in-person protection briefings to external partners including the donor and diplomatic community.” This activity often involves partnerships with international and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as other UN agencies.


In this regard, UNRWA is part of the UN-NGO network dedicated to campaigns to demonize and delegitimize Israel, in contrast to humanitarian principles and promoting peace. Post-October 7, this entire system must be reviewed and reconsidered.


Moreover, UNRWA’s failure to engage in due diligence and to safeguard its aid from diversion by Hamas, as well as its intense involvement in political advocacy, demand a comprehensive independent audit and reform process. If the UN is unable to take these steps, donors should pull their funding.

Background: Funding

The United States is the single largest donor to UNRWA, having pledged $344 million in 2022 (29% of all commitments). Major funders also include Germany ($202M), the EU ($114M), and Sweden ($61M).

UNWRA, as part of the UN system, does not consider Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) to be terror groups. As such, it does not hesitate to partner with these groups, which are proscribed by UNRWA’s main donors. Nor does it screen employees for ties to Hamas et al, which is particularly concerning as, according to UNRWA’s 2022 Annual Report, 99.77% of staff in Gaza and the West Bank – 15,589 out of 15,624 – were local Palestinians.


Hamas’ and other terror groups’ exploitation of UNRWA and its facilities is well documented:

  • A study published by IMPACT-se (November 2023) documents the Antisemitism, Encouragement of Martyrdom and Violent Jihad, Violence in Math and Science, and Erasure of Israel in textbooks used in UNRWA schools.
  • A joint study by IMPACT-se and UN Watch (March 2023) found “compelling evidence of UNRWA’s gross and systematic violations of neutrality and other UN rules in their hiring of teachers and in their use of curricula inside UNRWA schools that constitute incitement to hatred, antisemitism and terrorism.”
  • Hamas and other Gaza-based terror groups have repeatedly and systematically abused UNRWA school grounds for terror tunnels and ammunition caches.
  • As noted above, UN agencies, UNRWA included, do not acknowledge that Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and PFLP are terrorist groups. Hence, UNRWA claims to prevent aid diversion and cooperation with proscribed organizations are façades. (For instance, at an October 2023 press conference, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini stated, “All our vendors and partners are vetted against the sanctions list…. UNRWA does not and will not divert any humanitarian aid into the wrong hands.”
  • The PFLP has an official unionized body of UNRWA employees, The Democratic Assembly of UNRWA Workers.
  • In 2021, UNRWA’s Gaza Director was forced to flee and resign after he admitted in an interview that previous IDF strikes appeared to be “precise” and “sophisticated.”

Since October 7, these phenomena have been confirmed:

Advocacy through UN-OCHA “Clusters”

A primary channel for UNRWA’s cooperation with NGOs and other UN agencies is through the UN’s OCHA-oPt branch. The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the “humanitarian arm of the United Nations Secretariat,” is tasked with coordinating “the global emergency response…in humanitarian crises.” OCHA-oPt acknowledges that its involvement in intense political warfare against Israel – as documented by NGO Monitor – is “unique as compared to other OCHA country offices globally.” While other OCHA missions in conflict identify critical humanitarian interventions such as “saving lives” as the top priority, OCHA-oPt’s Strategic Objective 1 is “The rights of Palestinians living under occupation, including those living under the blockade and other restrictions, are protected, respected and promoted … while duty-bearers are increasingly held to account” (emphasis added).


OCHA-oPt activities are implemented through Clusters – “groups of humanitarian UN and non-UN organizations [i.e. NGOs] in each of the main sectors of humanitarian action.” These “clusters” focus on issues such as food security, health and nutrition, education, sanitation, and protection.


UNRWA is an implementing partner in all OCHA-oPt clusters (see UN document from 2021) and participates in their political advocacy. For instance, according to OCHA-oPt’s 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan, “In 2023 UNRWA will seek to address the acute needs of the Palestine refugees [in the West Bank]… [by] monitoring and documentation of protection incidents to advocate…including persuasion, mobilization and denunciation – targeting duty bearers as well as international and national interlocutors.” In other words, UNRWA will level accusations of “war crimes” and “violations of human rights,” and seek condemnations of Israel from international bodies and various governments.

Lawfare and partnerships with terror-linked NGOs

UNRWA activities under the heading of “Monitoring and documentation” and “targeting external actors and duty bearers” are central to the NGO-led “lawfare” campaign against Israel.


UNRWA partners with the main NGOs behind anti-Israel lawfare, Al-Haq, Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), and Al Mezan. For instance, UNRWA was listed as an implementing partner on their joint project titled “Advocacy, monitoring and documentation of HR and IHL violations and related trends (with focus on grave violations against children across the oPt; IHL violations in Gaza; and settler violence and excessive use of force in the West Bank).”


The three NGOs have ties to the PFLP terror group:


  • On October 22, 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defense declared Al-Haq a “terror organization” because it is part of “a network of organizations” that operates “on behalf of the ‘Popular Front’.”
  • Al-Haq’s General Director Shawan Jabarin has been linked to the PFLP.
  • On October 8, Al-Haq signed a joint statement describing the October 7 massacre as: “Palestinian armed groups engaged in an operation in response to escalating Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.”
  • On October 12, Al-Haq Legal Researcher and Advocacy Officer Aseel Al-Bajeh tweeted, “We don’t need to speak of our right to resist, for it is not a right, but a way of being & survival for Palestinians. We don’t demand our right to narrate. Our ability to narrate was never out of our hands & resistance doesn’t need the pre- approval of static int’l law codes. Its not ‘our duty to expose the bloody barbarism of zionism, their actions as a fascist state & a ruthless army are more than sufficient to undertake this task. We remain attached to our land & in our humanity, as Pal Arabs no need to prove our humanity to those who have lost it.”

Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)

  • PCHR has multiple links to the PFLP terror organization. For details, see NGO Monitor’s report “Palestinian Centre for Human Rights’ Ties to the PFLP Terror Group.”
  • Founderand director Raji Sourani served “a three-year sentence [1979-1982] imposed by an Israeli court which convicted him of membership in the illegal Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine…” He was also denied a US entry visa in 2012.
  • In February 2014, the PFLP organized a ceremonyin Gaza honoring Sourani. Rabah Muhana, a member of the PFLP Political Bureau, delivered a speech at the prize ceremony. During the ceremony Sourani stated that “I was in the ranks of the Popular Front, and there were comrades who taught us with their own hands. This organization has given us much more. We hope that the direction and the sense of belonging that were planted inside us will remain in our minds. We don’t apologize and don’t regret our past, we are proud that once we were members of this organization and we fought in its ranks” (emphasis added).

Al Mezan

  • A number of Al Mezan board members, officials, and employees appear to have direct affiliations with Hamas and the PFLP.
  • Additionally, Al Mezan officials and board members speak at PFLP events, and many have posted material on their social media accounts promoting terror groups or utilizing antisemitic imagery and rhetoric.
  • For details, see “Al Mezan Center for Human Rights’ Ties to the PFLP Terror Group.”

Two of the other implementing partners, Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCIP) and Addameer, also have established links to the PFLP. See NGO Monitor reports, “Defense for Children International – Palestine’s Ties to the PFLP Terror Group” and “Addameer’s Ties to the PFLP Terrorist Group,” for more details.1

Islamic Relief Worldwide

According to UNRWA, “Partnering with Islamic Relief’s chapter in the US has opened opportunities for UNRWA to engage with Islamic Relief chapters in the UK and France, and with the umbrella organization Islamic Relief Worldwide.”


  1. Another lawfare-related project, almost certainly involving both UNRWA and PFLP-linked NGOs, and also consisting of “monitoring and documenting,” is the UNICEF “Working Group” on “grave violations against children.” The UN agencies and NGOs in the working group use false charges of abuse of Palestinian children in the effort to trigger sanctions against Israel. A core goal is to have the IDF included on a list of child rights abusers, published annually by the UN Secretary-General as an annex to the report on Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC). See NGO Monitor’s reports for more details.
    Reflecting a lack of transparency, perhaps in response to NGO Monitor research, UNICEF no longer publishes a list of its NGO and UN partners. As of September 2017, members of the UNICEF “Working Group” were: UNRWA, Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P), Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Mezan, B’Tselem, Terre Des Homme – Suisse, Save the Children, War Child Holland, World Vision, OCHA, UNESCO, UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS), and WHO.



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Gaza resident tells IDF: Hamas has control of UNRWA in Gaza

Civilian in Gaza tells soldier Hamas has control over the humanitarian aid which is brought into the Gaza Strip.

Gary Willig / 26December2023 /  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/382584


A resident of the Gaza Strip told the IDF that the Hamas terrorist organization directly controls the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the New York Post reported.<


In a recording obtained by the Post, the man stated that “the situation is terrible because the humanitarian people, those responsible for the humanitarian aid, are thieves.”


He further stated that “Hamas has their hands on UNRWA administration workers, and it manages UNRWA” and that Hamas ensures its own operatives receive any aid first before it is distributed to the civilians of Gaza as intended.


The IDF stated that the conversation was recorded when an IDF officer was delivering warnings to civilians in Gaza where they should evacuate in order to escape the fighting between Israel and Hamas and where to go to receive humanitarian aid.


UNRWA has long been criticized for its cooperation with Hamas, antisemitic incitement, and employment of Hamas terrorists.

It has been revealed that a teacher employed by UNRWA held one of the hostages kidnapped by Hamas during the October 7 massacre in an attic for 50 days without proper food or medical care.


Yesterday (Monday), the IDF reported that dozens of explosive devices were found inside UNRWA bags during operational activity in the area of the “Al Rafaa” and “Zavaha” schools in Tuffah in the northern Gaza Strip. This is not the first time Hamas weapons and explosives have been found inside UNRWA bags.


Earlier this month, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen wrote on X (formerly Twitter) that “UNRWA is part of the problem – not part of the solution. The organization educates to incitement to terror, and ignores Hamas’ cynical use of Gaza residents as human shields.”


Last week, Israeli President Isaac Herzog accused the United Nations of failing to facilitate the transfer of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, saying that three times as much aid could have entered the enclave if the UN had done its job properly.


“Unfortunately, due to the utter failure of the UN in its work with other partners in the region, they have been unable to bring in more than 125 trucks a day,” Herzog told French Senate President Gérard Larcher.


“Today it is possible to provide three times the amount of humanitarian aid to Gaza if the UN — instead of complaining all day — would do its job,” he said.



Honest Reporting New Logo

UNRWA-Hamas isn’t stockpiling fuel

HonestReporting-tweet-28October2023-Isn’t it amazing that @UNRWA’s commissioner-general seems to be under the impression that Hamas isn’t stockpiling fuel?

What are they firing rockets with? Willpower?




Wall Street Silver-tweet-3December2023-Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders
This is how it also works for countries and quality of life.
Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders

Wall Street Silver-tweet-3December2023-Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders

Wall Street Silver-tweet-3December2023-Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders


Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders

Heaven has strict immigration Laws Hell has open borders




Gaza: As Defenses Collapse And Men Surrender, Hamas Reportedly Turning To Female Terrorists For Help

IDF uncovers sniper rifle and ammo stuffed inside teddy bear in Gaza school.

Posted by Vijeta Uniyal, 9December2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/12/gaza-as-defenses-collapse-and-men-surrender-hamas-reportedly-turning-to-female-terrorists-for-help/


Israeli ground forces encircle the terrorist bastion of Khan Younis

Israeli ground forces encircle the terrorist bastion of Khan Younis

With Israeli military tightening the noose around terrorist strongholds across Gaza, the Hamas leadership is pressing female terrorists into service, the Israeli media reports citing IDF sources.


As Israeli ground forces encircle the terrorist bastion of Khan Younis, where Hamas’s Gaza chief and the planner of the October 7 massacre Yahya Sinwar is believed to be hiding, the Islamic terror group is sending women jihadists into harms way.


“In the past 24 hours, the elite IDF 98th Brigade has encountered multiple terrorists in Khan Younis, including the first time in which female terrorists were used in battle,” the Israeli news website Ynet reported Friday evening. “The females are reportedly taking on roles as observers, closely monitoring the movements of the brigade’s forces, and, according to suspicions, may also be carrying explosive devices.”


The news comes as Hamas terror fighters are surrendering to the IDF in large numbers, instead of dying in jihad in the hope of ‘heavenly’ rewards.

Yishai Fleisher-tweet-7December2023-Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern Gaza
Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern #Gaza

Yishai Fleisher-tweet-7December2023-Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern Gaza

Yishai Fleisher-tweet-7December2023-Mass surrender and arrest of #Hamas terrorists in southern Gaza


Hamas terrorists continue to use Gaza civilians as human shields, firing at Israeli troops from well dug-in positions insides schools, hospitals and residential buildings. On Saturday, terrorists attacked IDF soldiers from a United Nations-run school.


“Israeli forces fought a string of battles with Hamas terrorists in northern Gaza on Saturday as they pressed ahead with the ground offensive, with troops being attacked in at least two instances from within schools, the military said,” the Times of Israel reported. “At least two of the clashes took place inside a mosque and schools, including one run by the United Nations.”


Yoseph Haddad-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists beat Gazian and take humanitarian aid from them
This documentation proves how Hamas terrorists beat the residents of Gaza and forcibly take humanitarian aid from them!

This proves only who Hamas terrorists are and that the aid entering Gaza mostly ends up in the hands of Hamas!

Yoseph Haddad-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists beat Gazian and take humanitarian aid from them

Yoseph Haddad-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists beat Gazian and take humanitarian aid from them


IDF uncovers sniper rifle and ammo stuffed inside teddy bear in Gaza school

During the subsequent search inside the school, the IDF uncovered a weapons cache hidden inside a large teddy bear. “A teddy bear stuffed with sniper rifles and ammunition, along with various weaponry, was found in schools in Gaza,” the military disclosed Saturday.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9December2023-Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear
Israelis placed teddy bears to remind the world of the 137 hostages still held by terrorists in Gaza.

Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear.

Can you see the difference between the two?

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9December2023-Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-9December2023-Hamas hid sniper rifles and ammunition inside a teddy bear


The IDF reported the last bust inside a Gaza school:

During operational activity by the 551th Division yesterday, a large teddy bear was found containing sniper rifles and ammunition inside a school.

Additionally, in a nearby school, weaponry was found hidden in classrooms, some concealed in UNRWA bags.

The Hamas terrorist organization is using children’s games to conceal weapons, while deliberately putting the children of Gaza at risk. Throughout the war, weapons were found hidden in children’s items and play areas including in a girl’s backpack, under children’s beds, in schools, and in playgrounds.

Dr. Eli David-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists firing from within an UNRWA School
🚨 Breaking: Footage of Hamas terrorists firing from within an @UNRWA
🇺🇳 school in Gaza 👇

Yesterday @antonioguterres said 130 UN staff have been killed in Gaza.
Now you know why and how…

Dr. Eli David-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists firing from within an UNRWA School

Dr. Eli David-tweet-9December2023-Hamas terrorists firing from within an UNRWA School


Defense minister Gallant: Hamas-rule beginning to ‘crumble’ in Gaza

The Israeli military struck further terrorist targets, including Hamas commanders, terror tunnels and weapons depots, spread across Gaza. “IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip continues. IAF fighter jets struck terror targets and terrorists as ground troops continued combat in different locations,” the military revealed Saturday morning.


Amid recent IDF successes on the ground, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant assured that Hamas-rule is beginning to ‘crumble’ in Gaza.

The i24NEWS reported:

Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Friday he was seeing definite “signs indicating the terrorist regime of Hamas was beginning to break under the pressure of Israel’s military offensive.

“The results are very impressive,” he said. “I see signs showing Hamas is beginning to fall apart in Gaza. You all play a key role in this,” he said.

Report: Biden WH gives Israel ‘until the end of the year’ to wrap up Gaza op

Meanwhile, the Biden White House is reportedly ramping up to pressure on Israel to ‘wrap up’ the military operation against Hamas. According to the latest news reports, the Biden administration has given Israel little over three weeks to end its counter-terrorism operation in Gaza.


“Biden admin has given Israel ‘until the end of the year’ to wrap up Gaza operation,” the newspaper Israel Hayom reported Saturday. “Israeli officials cited as saying the deadline was relayed by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Israel last week.”


Hamas militants encounter Israeli troops in Gaza school



Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzouk

Tamer Masudin-tweet-25December2023-Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas
Palestinians deserve to starve according to #Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzouk.

“The aid that comes to Gaza must be distributed to the resistance fighters, and what remains is done Distribute it to the people. The attempt of some citizens to seize aid, as happened today in Rafah, will be fought with all force, and the people must offer what is expensive and what is cheap for the sake of the resistance, not steal the food of the resistance.”

According to #Hamas if you are a hungry #Palestinian, you deserve to be shot.

Tamer Masudin-tweet-25December2023-Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas

Tamer Masudin-tweet-25December2023-Palestinians deserve to starve according to Hamas



Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid
Well, nothing new to see here—just Hamas’ freedom rapists violently stealing the humanitarian aid from their civilian all over again.

Breaching the understanding they signed off to when they still acted like they’re just worried, caring, and need it for nothing but their people.

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid


Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid
Hamas terrorists have hijacked yet another humanitarian aid convoy after it crossed over the Rafah border from Egypt.

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid




Video of UNRWA Camps Showing Children Calling for Jihad Attracts Renewed Attention

by Deborah Danan 9August2014 https://www.algemeiner.com/2014/08/09/video-of-unrwa-camps-showing-children-calling-for-jihad-attracts-renewed-attention/

Camp Jihad from המרכז לחקר מדיניות המזה”ת CFNEPR on Vimeo.

A video of summer camps run by UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, is making the rounds on pro-Israel social media networks again with footage that shows Palestinian children as young as 6 calling for “Jihad against the Jews.”


“The resistance in Gaza is not enough,” says one camper in UNRWA’s school in Balata. “We need to unite and fight together.”


The Lawfare Project, which promoted the video, that was produced by the Center for Near East Policy Research, headed by David Bedein, makes the claim that US and Europe-sponsored UNWRA is abusing children with brainwashing methods that include games aimed at teaching the values of war and the Arab “right of return” to Israeli cities. It portrays children writing names on kites of the Israeli cities that they will one day recapture as theirs.


Children are taught to chant mantras such as “Palestine is an Arab land from the river to the sea. We want Haifa, we want Natanya.” Camp counselors tell stories of how their grandparents lived in places like Jaffa and Jerusalem and the many cars, palaces, villas and ships they owned before the “wolf” came. “Isn’t it true that Jews are the wolf?” asks one counselor.


“I dream that I will return to Sheikh Munis [Tel Aviv],” says one child, roughly 10-years-old. “I hope Abu Mazen will achieve this goal and will not disappoint, he has built great hopes.”


Another adds, “The right of return is our holy right. If not me than my grandchildren [will return].”

The songs that are sung include inciteful lyrics which range from tamer verses like “I will not forget my promise to take back my land” and “collect stones, throw them at Israelis” to the more radical such as “we are the revolutionaries and we are filled with rage”, “when we die as martyrs we go to heaven” and “with God’s help we will wage war.”


Another child who appears to be about 7-years-old is asked who the Jews are. “They are a gang of infidels and Christians,” she says. “I will defeat them.”


An older teenager is filmed as saying, “Attacking stage by stage is not the answer. We need to attack all at once.” He continues by saying “There will never be peace between us and Israel.”


In one instance, an older child explains one of the differences between UNRWA schools and regular schools within the PA. “UNRWA schools teach us about the Naqba,” she says. “Government schools also but the course load is less than our schools. They teach us a lot about the right of return, how life was before 1948.”


The video explains how funding for UNRWA comes from 20 donor nations, with most of the money coming from the US, Canada, and Britain. UNRWA schools hold summer camps on their premises every year in Gaza, Jerusalem, Nablus and Jenin.


UNRWA services 5 million descendants of Palestinian refugees from 1948 Arab-Israeli war.



Report: Teachers at UNRWA-run schools celebrated Hamas massacres

6November2023  https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/report-teachers-at-unrwa-run-schools-celebrated-hamas-massacres/


Teachers at schools run by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees have celebrated Hamas’s October 7 massacre of Israeli civilians, according to a new report.


Click to download PDF file Click to download UNRWA-Education-Textbooks-and-Terror-Nov-2023


The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), says it found at least 14 cases of teachers at UNRWA schools who lauded Hamas’s atrocities and other attacks by the terror group.


It also notes that an UNRWA-run school posted to its official Facebook page an event celebrating Hamas and its “jihad warriors” at the school.


It says textbooks used at UNRWA schools celebrate Hamas as “heroes” of jihad.



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

IDF reveals: Proof Gazan teachers worked for Hamas

In letters addressed to the head of the Gaza Education Directorate, the terror organization requests to make it easier for teachers to devote themselves to their work with the terror organization.

Israel National News 18January2024 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/383821

IDF Arabic Language Spokesman Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee on Thursday revealed documents that indicate that teachers in the Gaza Strip worked in the ranks of the Hamas military complex.


In letters, which were apparently addressed to the head of the Gaza Education Directorate, Dr. Mohammad Hamdan, Hamas asks the Education Directorate to make it easier for teachers to devote themselves to their work with the terror organization.


The official letters were located during IDF operational activity in the Gaza Strip.


In the first letter, Hamas asks the Gazan Education Directorate to relieve the teachers from their educational requirements so they can work full-time for the organization. In the second letter, Hamas demands that an easy schedule be made for the teachers due to their work in the military arm.


Other letters ask to exempt the teachers from adhering to the teaching schedule so they can train with the organization. The letter notes that the “schedule is not flexible.”




IDF: Troops in Gaza finding caches of Hamas weapons in schools, mosques and homes

By EMANUEL FABIAN 13November2023, https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-troops-in-gaza-finding-caches-of-hamas-weapons-in-schools-mosques-and-homes/


This handout photo released by the Israel Defense Forces on November 13, 2023, shows Israeli ground forces in the Gaza Strip amid the war against Hamas. (Israel Defense Forces)

This handout photo released by the Israel Defense Forces on November 13, 2023, shows Israeli ground forces in the Gaza Strip amid the war against Hamas. (Israel Defense Forces)

The Israel Defense Forces says ground troops continue to find Hamas weaponry and infrastructure during raids in the Gaza Strip, including inside schools, mosques, and the homes of terror operatives.


Troops of the 401st Brigade operating on the outskirts of the al-Shati camp located Hamas infrastructure in Al-Quds University, and a cache of explosives inside the Abu Bakr mosque, the IDF says.


It says that troops seized dozens of weapons, military equipment, and Hamas battle plans.

Troops of the 551st Reserve Brigade meanwhile raided the home of a senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative in the Beit Hanoun area, and found a weapons cache, including some in a child’s bedroom.


In another raid in Beit Hanoun, troops found a tunnel shaft, intelligence materials, and weapons, the IDF adds.


idfonline-tweet-13November2023-401st brigade’s combat team

לוחמי צוות הקרב של חטיבה 401, ממשיכים בביצוע פשיטות בפאתי מחנה ‘שאטי’ תוך מיקוד בתשתיות טרור הממוקמות במוסדות שלטוניים מרכזיים בלב אוכלוסייה אזרחית ובהם- בתי ספר, אוניברסיטאות, מסגדים ובתי פעילים >>

Translated from Hebrew by
The fighters of the 401st brigade’s combat team continue to carry out raids on the outskirts of the ‘Shatti’ camp while targeting terrorist infrastructures located in central government institutions in the heart of a civilian population, including schools, universities, mosques and activist homes >>


idfonline-tweet-13November2023-401st brigade's combat team

idfonline-tweet-13November2023-401st brigade’s combat team




Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Explosives found in UNRWA bags, terrorists hiding in schools

Nahal Brigade troops battle Hamas, Islamic Jihad terrorists hiding in schools in northern Gaza, dozens of explosives found in UNRWA bags.

Israel National News / 25December2023 /https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/382526

After receiving information regarding Hamas terrorists hiding inside schools, IDF soldiers of the Nahal Brigade in the 162nd Division conducted operational activity in the area of the “Al Rafaa” and “Zavaha” schools in Tuffah in the northern Gaza Strip.


During the encounter with the terrorists and their elimination, the soldiers located dozens of explosive devices in UNRWA bags, Kalashnikovs and 15 explosive belts. In one of Hamas’ attempts to attack the soldiers, a terrorist fired an anti-tank missile at IDF soldiers. Immediately afterward, the terrorist was eliminated by a precise strike from a tank.


Many terrorists who hid inside the schools were identified as operatives of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad and were brought in for questioning. Some of the terrorists that were brought in for questioning took part in the October 7th massacre.


“This is further evidence of Hamas’ use of the civilian population and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip as human shields for its terrorist activity,” the IDF stated.



The UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-2December2023-UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice
The UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice‼️
Our soldiers have irrefutably exposed how UNRWA aid – aid that is meant to benefit Gazan civilians – is exploited by Hamas to conceal missiles and rockets used to murder Israeli civilians.
I showcased Hamas’ cynical use of the UN’s aid, at the UN and to UN officials. The UN’s indifference to terrorists exploiting UN resources makes the UN a direct accomplice in terror!
Watch and retweet to spread the truth>>

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-2December2023-UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-2December2023-UN has officially become Hamas’ accomplice





Adam Albilya-tweet-1December2023-UNRWA-FAFO
Israel in Clear Statement: “Every resident of Gaza who held hostages — is a terrorist marked for elimination”

First publication: Following the exposure of News 13 last night regarding a teacher at UNRA and a doctor who held hostages in their home – today it was reported that the IDF is threatening those kidnapping terrorists: “Every person who held any of the hostages is a deadly terrorist.”

The meaning of this is that the IDF will not separate between “active” Hamas terrorists and ” mostly peaceful civilians” who held the hostages like Jew slaves. Whether they thought they were only “guarding” them or held them in exchange for making money:

Around they fucked — find out THEY WILL. [EDD: Proper Translation: THEY FUCKED AROUND – THEY WILL FIND OUT]

🛑 Spreading unsubstantiated claims about @UNRWA
must stop immediately.

Making serious allegations in the public domain, unsupported by any evidence or verifiable facts in support thereof may amount to misinformation.

FULL Statement ⬇️

Community-Notes-logo Readers added context

Claims against UNRWA have been documented for a long time.

The headmaster of an UNRWA school was a terrorist.

Film by David Bedein in Jenin, UNRWA policies and practices

UNRWA teachers celebrated Oct 7 massacre

UNRWA teacher holds hostage in attic

Adam Albilya-tweet-1December2023-UNRWA-FAFO

Adam Albilya-tweet-1December2023-UNRWA-FAFO


Hillel Neuer-tweet-2December2023-UNRWA’s tweet complaining
UNRWA’s tweet complaining about “unsubstantiated claims about UNRWA” just got Community Noted with lots of substantiated claims.

Hillel Neuer-tweet-2December2023-UNRWA's tweet complaining

Hillel Neuer-tweet-2December2023-UNRWA’s tweet complaining



UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.

Visegrád 24-tweet-4February2024-UNRWA funding has fallen
UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.


Visegrád 24-tweet-4February2024-UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.

Visegrád 24-tweet-4February2024-UNRWA funding has fallen from $1.17 billion to just $254 million.



UN staff and UNRWA School director among the Hamas Terrorists who surrendered today

miha schwartzenberg-tweet-7December2023-UN-UNRWA staff are Hamas Terrorists surrendered
A @UN staff and a @UNRWA School director, among the #HamasTerrorists who surrendered today.
Don’t take my word for it, the info is from Palestinian accounts, who thought…it’s a good idea to tell us all:).
These terrorists are from Shejaiya Battalion, responsible for heavy attacks on Israel.

miha schwartzenbergs-tweet-7December2023-UN-UNRWA staff are Hamas Terrorists surrendered

miha schwartzenbergs-tweet-7December2023-UN-UNRWA staff are Hamas Terrorists surrendered


Palestinian source:

Ramy Abdu-tweet-7December2023-Among those taken today in Beit Lahia
Among those taken hostage today in Beit Lahia are:
-Khalil Hashem Al-Kahlot, 65,
– Rafiq Ahmad Al-Kahlot, 60,
– Muhammad Ismail Al-Kahlot, 57
– Darwish Gharbawy, @unrwa
School director, 48
– Ahmed Akram Lubad, 56, @UN
In addition to the children
-Muhammad Hamza Al-Kahlot, 15 years old.
– Youssef Khaled Lubad, 15 years old

Ramy Abdus-tweet-7December2023-Among those taken today in Beit Lahia

Ramy Abdus-tweet-7December2023-Among those taken today in Beit Lahia


Adam Albilya-tweet-10December2023-Terrorists are a bunch of cowards
Terrorists are no longer what they used to be…

Oh, wait, they actually are what they’ve always been: a bunch of cowards who are only brave against kids and elderly.

Their ongoing investigation reveals that the most commonly used excuse for surrender is cited as “loss of communication with the leadership.”

Adam Albilya-tweet-10December2023-Terrorists are a bunch of cowards

Adam Albilya-tweet-10December2023-Terrorists are a bunch of cowards



From the 2014 Gaza War


The Price of Hamas’ Underground Terror Network

26July2014 https://www.idf.il/en/articles/hamas/the-price-of-hamas-underground-terror-network/

Hamas could be investing in the people of Gaza. Instead it invests in terrorism.

Construction materials meant for Palestinians routinely enter Gaza from Israel. To be exact, 4,680 trucks carrying 181 thousand tons of gravel, iron, cement, wood and other supplies have passed through the Kerem Shalom crossing since the beginning of 2014.

Imagine what Hamas could build with these resources instead of tunnels. Hundreds of homes and civilian structures for the residents of Gaza go unbuilt while the underground terror network continues to expand.

The price of Hamas underground terror network

The price of Hamas underground terror network



UN and Hamas: Partners in Crime

by Robert Williams


  • To understand how the UN effectively runs the Hamas propaganda war, it is important to know that the UN, through its agency for Palestinian refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), is effectively embedded with Hamas in the Gaza Strip…
  • “The UN has 13,000 employees in tiny Gaza. They know exactly what’s going on… They all knew Hamas’ terror infrastructure was in the hospital compound, where Israel wouldn’t attack. They lied to the world for 16 years. To paint Israel as evil.” — Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, November 16, 2023.
  • [T]he UN has sustained an incessant campaign, especially on social media, that accuses Israel of deliberately targeting schools, children, civilians, hospitals and healthcare workers. While those are protected from attack during war by international law, that protection does not apply to schools, hospitals and other civilian sites that are used for military purposes.
  • When Israel carried out an airstrike on an ambulance in northern Gaza, which was being used by Hamas terrorists, [UN Secretary-General António] Guterres expressed that he was “horrified” with Israel’s action, while ignoring Hamas’s war crimes. In practice, the UN and Hamas act as partners in crime.
  • Above all, the UN’s transparent complicity with Hamas should convince the US, finally, that much of the UN is a destructive organization that prolongs wars, and needs immediately to have its funding decimated, and be reduced in importance to the corrupt relic that it is, deserving no place in this century.


When a rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad exploded outside Gaza's Al-Ahli hospital, Hamas claimed within minutes that Israel had bombed the hospital and falsely asserted that hundreds of people had been killed there. The United Nations rushed to blame Israel, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres used his speech at the Belt and Road Summit in China to condemn Israel for the explosion. Pictured: The parking lot of Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza on October 18, 2023 after a rocket launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad landed there. (Photo by Shadi Al-Tabatibi/AFP via Getty Images)

When a rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad exploded outside Gaza’s Al-Ahli hospital, Hamas claimed within minutes that Israel had bombed the hospital and falsely asserted that hundreds of people had been killed there. The United Nations rushed to blame Israel, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres used his speech at the Belt and Road Summit in China to condemn Israel for the explosion. Pictured: The parking lot of Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza on October 18, 2023 after a rocket launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad landed there. (Photo by Shadi Al-Tabatibi/AFP via Getty Images)


Since October 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded southern Israel and massacred at least 1,200 and kidnapped another 240 Israelis and people of other nationalities, the United Nations has been acting as the unofficial propaganda arm of the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist organization.


The propaganda campaign’s main aim – besides smearing Israel – appears to be to build overwhelming international pressure on Israel to agree to an indefinite ceasefire , which will give Hamas the needed time to regroup and replenish to continue its terrorist activities and to avoid being eliminated by the Israeli Defense Forces.


To understand how the UN effectively runs the Hamas propaganda war, it is important to know that the UN, through its agency for Palestinian refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), is effectively embedded with Hamas in the Gaza Strip: it can be difficult to make any meaningful distinction between the two organizations. On October 7, in fact, as the Hamas massacre of civilians in Israel unfolded, UNRWA employees in Gaza celebrated. UN Watch wrote in a report last month:

“As soon as news of the horrific slaughter broke, which was livestreamed on social media by some of the terrorists, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staff immediately celebrated and justified it on Facebook… UNRWA has been a breeding ground for Palestinian terrorists from its early days… The perpetrators of the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre, in which 11 Israeli athletes were murdered… almost all were raised and educated in UNRWA schools… Likewise, Mohamed Deif, the commander of Hamas’s Al Qassem Brigades who masterminded the October 7th massacre, was also educated in an UNRWA school.”

According to Associated Press:

“From 2014-2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza, including $600 million in 2020 alone. More than 80% of that funding is channeled through the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, who make up three-fourths of Gaza’s population. Some 280,000 children in Gaza attend schools run by UNRWA, which also provides health services and food aid.”

The UN, through UNRWA in Gaza, likely knows everything that happens there, including the terrorist infrastructure of the underground Hamas tunnels and their use of hospitals and ambulances. Yet throughout this war, the UN has done nothing but feign “horror and shock” at Israel’s necessary measures against Hamas terrorists embedded within civilian society in Gaza. As the executive director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, pointed out:

“The UN has 13,000 employees in tiny Gaza. They know exactly what’s going on… They all knew Hamas’ terror infrastructure was in the hospital compound, where Israel wouldn’t attack. They lied to the world for 16 years. To paint Israel as evil.”

On October 24, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stooped to a new low when pushing a typical Hamas narrative of grievances. He said that the October 7 attacks “did not happen in a vacuum,” thereby seemingly justifying the terrorist attacks. Meanwhile, the UN has not bothered in the least to address in concrete and horrifying detail what happened during the October 7 massacre – the mass rapes, the horrific torture, the ruthless murders and the kidnappings.


This silence on what happened on October 7 is, sadly, in keeping with the UN’s demonization of Israel around the clock. The UN invokes international humanitarian law – which Hamas, not Israel, is breaking by building military installations in protected civilian spaces (which, when used for military purposes become unprotected) and using civilians as human shields. Meanwhile, the UN never calls for Hamas to stop using its civilians as human shields to protect its weapons and show dead babies to the television cameras – to imply that their deaths were Israel’s fault.


Why are Gazan civilians not allowed to take shelter from aerial bombardments in Hamas’s 300 km of underground tunnels? Why did the Israel Defense Forces have to protect the Gazans fleeing south for their lives — as Israel had cautioned them to — while Hamas tried at gunpoint to prevent them from leaving?


Everything that the UN says and does regarding to Israel’s military operations in Gaza turns Hamas’s war crimes on their head — to try to blame them on Israel. Meanwhile, the UN parrots as fact whatever outlandish claims Hamas produces, including Gazan casualty numbers, which oddly never include any mention of Hamas terrorists, but mostly women and children.


When Hamas claimed on October 17 that Israel had bombed Gaza’s Al-Ahli hospital, falsely asserting that hundreds of people had been killed, the UN rushed to blame Israel. Guterres used his speech at the Belt and Road Summit in China to condemn Israel for the explosion outside the hospital and to call for an immediate ceasefire, while Dennis Francis, president of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly announced that he was “shocked and horrified.”


On October 18, Israel published evidence showing that the strike on the hospital compound was a misfired rocket aimed at Israel and launched by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The UN said nothing. Instead, the UN has sustained an incessant campaign, especially on social media, that accuses Israel of deliberately targeting schools, children, civilians, hospitals and healthcare workers. While those are protected from attack during war by international law, that protection does not apply to schools, hospitals and other civilian sites that are used for military purposes.


Hamas’ unlawful military use of hospitals, schools and other civilian sites was first exposed years ago. Former US President Bill Clinton spoke about it in 2016. “When Hamas chooses to rocket Israel, it insinuates itself into hospitals and into schools,” he said.


NATO published a report in 2019, which bluntly stated:

“Hamas, an Islamist militant group and the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, has been using human shields in conflicts with Israel since 2007. According to the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the war crime of using human shields encompasses “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas, or military forces immune from military operations.” Hamas has launched rockets, positioned military-related infrastructure-hubs and routes, and engaged the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from, or in proximity to, residential and commercial areas.

“The strategic logic of human shields has two components. It is based on an awareness of Israel’s desire to minimise collateral damage, and of Western public opinion’s sensitivity towards civilian casualties. If the IDF uses lethal force and causes an increase in civilian casualties, Hamas can utilise that as a lawfare tool: it can accuse Israel of committing war crimes, which could result in the imposition of a wide array of sanctions. Alternatively, if the IDF limits its use of military force in Gaza to avoid collateral damage, Hamas will be less susceptible to Israeli attacks, and thereby able to protect its assets while continuing to fight.”

When Israel carried out an airstrike on an ambulance in northern Gaza, which was being used by Hamas terrorists, Guterres expressed that he was “horrified” with Israel’s action, while ignoring Hamas’s war crimes. In practice, the UN and Hamas act as partners in crime.


A Hamas terrorist who participated in the October 7 mass-murder of Israelis and was captured, said during a recent interrogation intercepted by Israel:

“Al-Qassam [the Hamas military wing] has its own ambulances, some of which are located on the military base. The appearance of the ambulances is similar to the civilian ambulances so that they will not arouse suspicion or be bombed by Israel.”

Another captured Hamas terrorist said:

“During combat, the ambulances are used, among other things, to evacuate fighters, commanders and operatives. They also transport food, cargo and weapons in them because that is the safest way to transport them.”

Yet another captured terrorist said that ambulances were useful to transport “important people” such as Hamas commanders because “the Jews don’t attack ambulances.”


When Israel published evidence of the Hamas military command center beneath Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, World Health Organization Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who covered up the transmissibility of the COVID-19 pandemic for China and is accused of trying to cover up three cholera epidemics in Ethiopia, immediately castigated Israel.


UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths, wrote:

“I’m appalled by reports of military raids in Al Shifa hospital in #Gaza. The protection of newborns, patients, medical staff and all civilians must override all other concerns. Hospitals are not battlegrounds.”

While these high-ranking UN officials disingenuously feign ignorance and expect the public to believe that they knew nothing about the Hamas base in Al-Shifa Hospital, foreign doctors and journalists have apparently been aware of it for years.


An unnamed British doctor, who worked at Al-Shifa hospital three years ago, recently said in a television interview:

“The main point was, when I was first asked to work there [at Al-Shifa], I was told there was a part of the hospital I was not to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot… implicit was that it was being used for non-medical purposes… I stayed away, but I saw a few dodgy looking non-medical characters going in and out all the time. It was a ward leading to a basement.”

A journalist from Italy related that in 2009, upon arriving in Al-Shifa Hospital to interview wounded members of Fatah, he came almost face to face with the Hamas command and control center beneath the hospital:

“Shifa is a very large compound. I got lost inside it, and at some point I ended up on an underground floor, and I found myself in front of two armed Hamas men in military attire, who told me to get out. I got the impression they were guarding a security door that gave access to their underground infrastructure. Several Palestinian sources I spoke with later on confirmed that Hamas’s command and control center was located under Shifa Hospital and that [Hamas leader] Ismail Haniyeh had been hiding there throughout the duration of Operation Cast Lead.”

It is also likely that the UN, with its 13,000 employees in Gaza, knew, as did the nurses and doctors at Al-Shifa Hospital, that Israeli hostages were being held at Al-Shifa. Israel recently revealed that Hamas terrorists brought hostages there in broad daylight on October 7, with healthcare staff even holding doors open for the terrorists.


The UN’s pretend show of “shock and horror” that Israel is eliminating its Hamas partner in Gaza is too transparent for anyone to take seriously, although the international mainstream media certainly does, parroting whatever Hamas and the UN allege as facts.


Above all, the UN’s transparent complicity with Hamas should convince the US, finally, that much of the UN is a destructive organization that prolongs wars, and needs immediately to have its funding decimated, and be reduced in importance to the corrupt relic that it is, deserving no place in this century.

Robert Williams is a researcher based in the United States.



Breitbart.com logo

THIRD Rocket Arsenal Found At UN School In Gaza

29July2014 http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/07/29/THIRD-Rocket-Arsenal-Found-At-UN-School-In-Gaza

The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) announced Tuesday that another rocket stockpile has been found at one of its schools in Gaza. This instance marks the third time since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge that a weapons arsenal has been found at an UNRWA school in Gaza.

Dan Williams-tweet-29July2014-UNRWA says rockets found on Tuesday

Dan Williams-tweet-29July2014-UNRWA says rockets found on Tuesday

UNRWA has yet to place blame on any individuals or organizations for placing the weapons stockpile within a children’s school. The UN body refused to do so on the past two previous occasions as well.


The UN body, after both previous findings, has handed the rockets it had found back into the possession of “the local police,” otherwise known as the terrorist group Hamas.


This week, UNRWA supplies and building materials had been found in Hamas’s tunnel infrastructure, which has been used to smuggle weapons and carry out attacks on the State of Israel.


The UN agency has a well-documented history of using their US taxpayer-funded facilities to promote anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda. It has in the past been accused of aiding and abetting radical Islamists in Gaza and elsewhere.

UNRWA was created in 1949 to provide relief and public works programs for displaced Arab refugees that had formerly inhabited the British mandate of Palestine. UNRWA is currently the largest agency-subdivision of the entire UN, employing over 30,000 staff. UNRWA has objectively failed in its primary goal of finding homes for those it has deemed “refugees”. From 1949 to present day, refugees recognized by UNRWA has grown from 750,000 to 5,000,000 people.


,h1>How Hamas assembles and fires rockets near Gaza homes

NDTV exclusive – how Hamas assembles and fires rockets

Published on 05August2014
Minutes before the 72-hour ceasefire began, this rocket was fired from deep within a civilian zone.
Watch more videos: http://www.ndtv.com/video?yt

They waited until they left Gaza to air the report.

This report is being aired on NDTV and published on ndtv.com after our team left the Gaza strip – Hamas has not taken very kindly to any reporting of its rockets being fired. But just as we reported the devastating consequences of Israel’s offensive on Gaza’s civilians, it is equally important to report on how Hamas places those very civilians at risk by firing rockets deep from the heart of civilian zones.

A France 24 TV journalist – who famously ducked for cover during a live interview when a Hamas rocket was fired right next to him – has also gone on the record to report how the rocket which caught him off guard was launched in a crowded civilian area and right in front of a UN building.

Exclusive: Hamas rocket launch pad revealed near Gaza homes

Published on 05August2014
FRANCE 24 has exclusive footage of a Hamas rocket launching pad that appears to prove the militant group has been firing from areas heavily populated with civilians.

The occurrence proves Israel’s contention that Hamas fires rockets from among civilians, using them as human shields and manipulating any civilian casualties that are thus incurred, in order to make Israel look bad.



United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA)

How the UN and the international community (including the US) keep Hamas going

08August2014 http://israelmatzav.blogspot.co.il/2014/08/how-un-and-international-community.html

UNRWA - United Nations Rocket Warehousing Agency

UNRWA – United Nations Rocket Warehousing Agency

Claudia Rossett has a devastating expose on how the United Nations and international community keep Hamas going.

Officially, Unrwa is a strictly humanitarian agency, providing Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and the West Bank, as well as Gaza, with “assistance and protection” in the form of schools, hospitals, construction, loans, jobs and other help. By the agency’s own account, in its 2014-15 budget “the core services UNRWA provides are comparable in nature and scope to those provided by a local or national government.”


But Gaza under Hamas is a place with only two basic industries: aid and terrorism. These are much entwined, and not solely because Hamas controls Unrwa’s staff unions in Gaza, where in 2012 a Hamas-affiliated slate swept 25 of 27 seats. In effect the U.N. group subsidizes Hamas. Among U.N. agencies in the Middle East, Unrwa is the largest employer, with a regular budget for 2014 of $731 million, and a total budget that, with emergency appeals, tops $1 billion.


The agency has roughly 30,000 staff on its payroll, almost all Palestinian. Some 12,500 work in Gaza, home to 1.2 million Unrwa-registered refugees, who account for about two-thirds of Gaza’s population. The U.N. agency’s welfare programs relieve Hamas of many of the costs of servicing the enclave it controls as its launchpad for terror.


With the agency handling household chores, Hamas—especially since its bloody takeover of Gaza in 2007, ousting the Palestinian Authority’s Fatah—has found the time and resources to amass rocket arsenals (Unrwa last month reported finding rockets stashed in three of its vacant schools), to bombard Israel (sometimes in close proximity to Unrwa premises), and to build miles of concrete-reinforced tunnels extending into Israel for terrorist attacks. Israel, in its counteroffensive, has been accused by the U.N. of deadly strikes on Unrwa schools serving as shelters.


How did it come to this? Created by the U.N. General Assembly in 1949, Unrwa began operations in 1950 as an emergency jobs and aid program for Palestinian refugees. It was supposed to be temporary but has been repeatedly renewed. The agency has now carried on for 64 years, vastly expanding its budget, programs and refugee rolls.


Unrwa is unusual among U.N. agencies in ways that render it especially unaccountable, even by U.N. standards. All other refugees world-wide fall under the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. Only the Palestinians have their own dedicated U.N. refugee agency, offering special access to the perquisites of the U.N. logo, stage and fundraising.


Almost all other U.N. agencies report to an executive board, allowing at least some chance of functional oversight. Unrwa reports directly to the entire 193-member General Assembly, where responsibility is broadly dispersed and easily avoided. According to a paper in 2010 by the agency’s own chief of legal affairs, Lance Bartholomeusz, Unrwa enjoys the added flexibility of having no clearly defined mission: “its mandate is not conveniently stated in one place and must be derived from all other relevant resolutions and requests.”


Thus unencumbered, Unrwa has ensured its own survival by transforming itself into the patron of Palestinian grievance, conferring refugee status down the generations, an unusual practice. The agency’s website reports that since 1950 its roster of registered refugees has grown from an original 750,000 to 5.3 million—a sevenfold increase, all eligible for the Unrwa dole. For the Palestinians, this has been ruinous, fostering within an otherwise enterprising culture a crippling sense of entitlement and dependency.

The United States is UNRWA’s largest donor. And rather than reevaluate, some Americans have a vested interest in keeping it that way.

In 2011 the agency opened an office in Washington run by two former U.S. government insiders: Matthew Reynolds, previously the State Department’s assistant secretary for legislative affairs, and Chris McGrath, previously a media-events director for Sen. Harry Reid. The job descriptions include representing the U.N. agency’s interests to the State Department and monitoring Congress on a daily basis to yield an “advocacy strategy dedicated to optimizing Unrwa’s relations with Congress.”


Thus U.S. tax dollars fund Unrwa officials now lobbying in Washington to obtain yet more money for an agency entwined with the rocket-launching, tunnel-digging rulers of Gaza. Mr. Reynolds, reached by phone this week, said he doesn’t answer questions from the media. Christopher Gunness, the agency spokesman, did not respond to repeated queries.

What could go wrong?


Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-9November2023-Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza’s civilians
Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza’s civilians.

While Israel is doing everything possible to prevent civilian casualties, Hamas is INTENTIONALLY putting innocent Palestinians in harm’s way.




Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-9November2023-Hamas doesn't care about Gaza's civilians

Israel Foreign Ministry-tweet-9November2023-Hamas doesn’t care about Gaza’s civilians

Israel Hayom 385_eng South Gaza UNRWA Camp 11-30-2023

Israel Hayom 385_eng South Gaza UNRWA Camp 11-30-2023


You vowed ‘Never Again’

1945 Jews could not defend themselves (Top image: Jews in Nazi Concentration Camp behind Barbed wire Fence) Today they can, because of Israel (Bottom Image: Women in the Israel Defense Force)

1945 Jews could not defend themselves (Top image: Jews in Nazi Concentration Camp behind Barbed wire Fence) Today they can, because of Israel (Bottom Image: Women in the Israel Defense Force)

Jews, Do you think that the Goyim will protect you?

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH

Lawfare against Israel

From the Passover Haggadah:

According to the instructions of Rabbi Isaac Luria, the wine cup is now raised and the Matzot are covered.

This is what has stood by our fathers and us! For not just one alone has risen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand!

Each of the soldiers in the bottom pic is the grandson of a man in the top pic. @GameOnJD@ScotsFyre @PolitiBunny pic.twitter.com/hooJ57HZaT

— יוסף חיים לוין (@Rabbi224) May 2, 2019

 יוסף חיים לוין @Rabbi224 Tweet-03May2019 Each of the soldiers in the bottom pic is the grandson of a man in the top pic. @GameOnJD @ScotsFyre @PolitiBunny

יוסף חיים לוין @Rabbi224 Tweet-03May2019 Each of the soldiers in the bottom pic is the grandson of a man in the top pic. @GameOnJD @ScotsFyre @PolitiBunny

Stephen Uzzell-tweet-15September2022-The Israeli soldiers in the bottom photo are the granddaughters of the four women at the front of the line at the Nazi concentration camp.

Stephen Uzzell-tweet-15September2022-The Israeli soldiers in the bottom photo are the granddaughters of the four women at the front of the line at the Nazi concentration camp.

“The coming into being of a Jewish state in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand, or even three thousand years.” (Winston Churchill)

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il


You vowed ‘Never Again’

Mike LaChance
Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) explains the meaning of #NeverAgain #Israel


Mike LaChance-tweet-11October2023-Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) explains the meaning of Never Again

Mike LaChance-tweet-11October2023-Nobel Prize winner and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) explains the meaning of Never Again



Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-Never again is now.

Yehuda Dov Galpert is a 96 year old Holocaust survivor who, after losing all his siblings in the war and witnessing his father’s death just weeks before liberation, resettled in New York and build a family with children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

He has a message for the soldiers fighting for our nation in Eretz Yisroel that he would like to be publicized.

Never again is now.

Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-Never again is now

Living Lchaim-tweet-5November2023-Never again is now



Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-9November2023-the survivors of the Holocaust statement
“Never have we, the survivors of the Holocaust felt the need to make a collective statement … until now.”

Incredibly powerful front page of the @australian!

On the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht and in the wake of the Oct 7 Hamas massacre, over 100 Holocaust survivors write joint letter.

“Never did we think that we would witness a re-enactment of the senseless and virulent hatred of Jews that we faced in Europe. The actions of Hamas are so familiar, so barbaric, yet instead of condemning this, the response across the globe is a shameful spike in antisemitism.

Our memories and our experiences in ghettos, concentration camps and in hiding – seeing our families and communities vanish – compel us to raise our voices and implore humanity to reject hatred, bigotry and violence.

We cannot allow history to repeat itself.

We ask you to stand with us.”

Read full letter here: https://origin.go.theaustralian.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Holocaust-letter.pdf
Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file Holocaust-letter

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-9November2023-the survivors of the Holocaust statement

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-9November2023-the survivors of the Holocaust statement


Sia Kordestani-tweet-20November2023-Ivanhorod 1942-Kibbutz Alumim 2023
Left: Nazi executing a Jewish woman with her child in Ivanhorod, 1942.

Right: CCTV screenshot of Hamas Nazi executing a young Jewish woman cowering, pleading for her life, in Kibbutz Alumim, 2023. Video below.

Never Again Means Destroy Hamas.

Sia Kordestani-tweet-20November2023-Ivanhorod 1942-Kibbutz Alumim 2023

Sia Kordestani-tweet-20November2023-Ivanhorod 1942-Kibbutz Alumim 2023


Im Tirtzu-tweet-24April2024-All Jews please make Aliyah asap
All Jews please make Aliyah asap 💔💔💔

Im Tirtzu-tweet-24April2024-All Jews please make Aliyah asap

Im Tirtzu-tweet-24April2024-All Jews please make Aliyah asap


Behind free Palestine rallies is Iran

Emily Schrader-tweet-4February2024-behind free Palestine rallies is Iran
Just in case you’re wondering who and what is behind these pro-terror “free Palestine” rallies, here is a tip.

These were handed out in London today.

Emily Schrader-tweet-4February2024-behind free Palestine rallies is Iran

Emily Schrader-tweet-4February2024-behind free Palestine rallies is Iran


Elad Simchayoff-tweet-14October2023-Germany, 2023: You vowed “Never Again”
Germany. 2023.
You vowed “Never Again”, and yet houses of Jews are being marked.
I’ve spoken to the person who took the photo yesterday in Berlin. it’s authentic and police is involved. There are other such incidents as well.

Elad Simchayoff-tweet-14October2023-Germany, 2023: You vowed "Never Again"

Elad Simchayoff-tweet-14October2023-Germany, 2023: You vowed “Never Again”


Yoni Freedhoff, MD-tweet-26October2023-We all knew it was bad

Yoni Freedhoff, MD-tweet-26October2023-We all knew it was bad


Jewish man: my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco

StopAntisemitism-tweet-11January2024-Jewish man-my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco
Jewish man: my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco

Audience members behind him: making pig noises

Are we in Germany 1939 all over again?

StopAntisemitism-tweet-11January2024-Jewish man-my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco

StopAntisemitism-tweet-11January2024-Jewish man-my family and I do not feel safe as Jews in San Francisco


Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-12October2023-We understand that two Jewish schools in London — Torah Vodaas Primary School in Edgware and Ateres Beis Yaakov Primary School in Colindale — have closed until Monday owing to fears surrounding antisemitism.

Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-12October2023-We understand that two Jewish schools in London — Torah Vodaas Primary School in Edgware and Ateres Beis Yaakov Primary School in Colindale — have closed until Monday owing to fears surrounding antisemitism.


Canary Mission-tweet-1January2024-Google search trends offer a window to society
If Google search trends offer a window to society, this is BAD. Since Oct. 7, there was an 1800% increase in Google searches for “kill Jews.” The terms “intifada revolution,” “From the river to the sea” and “Glory to our martyrs” jumped over 10,000%. https://www.mideastjournal.org/post/antisemitic-google-searches

Canary Mission-tweet-1January2024-Google search trends offer a window to society

Canary Mission-tweet-1January2024-Google search trends offer a window to society


The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-20October2023-Official Palestinian Authority document released today to all Palestinian mosques. In it contains a line calling on all Muslims to kill the Jews.

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-20October2023-Official Palestinian Authority document released today to all Palestinian mosques. In it contains a line calling on all Muslims to kill the Jews.

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-20October2023-Official Palestinian Authority document released today to all Palestinian mosques. In it contains a line calling on all Muslims to kill the Jews.


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-9October2023-difference between Nazis and Palestinians
Of course there is a difference between Nazis and Palestinians.

Nazis murdered Jewish women and children as one kills rats – something necessary to do but distasteful. They dehumanized them so people could exterminate them without guilt. It was an assembly line of murder and disposal of bodies.

For Palestinians, murdering Jews and celebrating those murders is their highest aspiration. Slaughtering babies is a source of honor and joy. Raping Jewish women is a badge of honor They will write songs and poems and make films celebrating the massacres in coming years. The vast majority of Palestinians are proud, not disgusted, by the orgy of violence on Saturday.

And if Palestinians had the means to kill 7 million Israeli Jews instead of 1000, they would eagerly do it. And they wouldn’t even try to hide it from the world as the Germans did.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-9October2023-difference between Nazis and Palestinians

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-9October2023-difference between Nazis and Palestinians


“Never Again” is now!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-30November2023-Never Again is now
Two released Israeli children hostages were “marked” by Hamas, so that if they flee, they would be identified. This was done by intentionally burning their legs to leave marks.

“Never Again” is now!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-30November2023-Never Again is now

Dr. Eli David-tweet-30November2023-Never Again is now


"Never Again" is now!

“Never Again” is now!


Israel Defense Forces-tweet18October2023-The BBC claims to be impartial and independent… But we were unable to verify those claims

Israel Defense Forces-tweet18October2023-The BBC claims to be impartial and independent… But we were unable to verify those claims


Garbage For Your Body - Garbage For Your Mind MSM is the mouthpiece of leftist elite. - Nothing but garbage

Garbage For Your Body – Garbage For Your Mind MSM is the mouthpiece of leftist elite. – Nothing but garbage


Reuters-tweet-18October2023-Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cited a marked rise in antisemitism in Canada

Reuters-tweet-18October2023-Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cited a marked rise in antisemitism in Canada


Caroline Glick-tweet-20October2023-New York is under jihadist occupation. Columbia is jihadist. NYU is jihadist. And Jewish women on the NYC subway get beat up because they are Jewish.

Caroline Glick-tweet-20October2023-New York is under jihadist occupation.
Columbia is jihadist. NYU is jihadist. And Jewish women on the NYC subway get beat up because they are Jewish.


Dumisani Washington-tweet-14October2023-Imagine being a Jewish man or woman living outside of Israel

Dumisani Washington-tweet-14October2023-Imagine being a Jewish man or woman living outside of Israel


Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US&CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH UK 0800 075 7200 Israel 02-659-5800 www. nbn.org.il
Alyah : mode d’emploi http://www.jewishagency.org/fr/aliyah/program/7618 Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur notre site Internet en cliquant ICI ou par téléphone, en appelant le Global Center au 0800 916 647
The Jewish Agency Global Service Center http://www.jewishagency.org/global_center US 1-866-835-0430 UK 0-800-404-8984 Canada 1-866-421-8912

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH

With emuna and prayer, Aliyah to Israel will be the best thing for you, your family and your children. Get the facts before saying no I can’t do it. Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH www. nbn.org.il. Just compare the costs of a Jewish Education for your children, US vs. Israel. Think about who they will marry in the US vs. Israel

Brooke Goldstein-tweet-25October2023-
I’m wondering if all the so-called progressive “Jewish” organizations and reform rabbis are still asking you to post Black Lives Matter and support all the social Justice woke causes now that it’s undeniable they are pro-Hamas. If you’re a member of a reform congregation or a donor to one of those progressive “Jewish” groups time to ask for an accounting. How did they enable these antisemites? By marching lockstep behind them. By abandoning Jewish pride for Jewish appeasement.
Igor Kaplun-tweet-26October2023-
You bet they are. @ADL , for example, recently posted to condemn white supremacy. Is that the most pressing problem right now?!

Brooke Goldstein-tweet-25October2023-abandoning Jewish pride for Jewish appeasements

Brooke Goldstein-tweet-25October2023-abandoning Jewish pride for Jewish appeasements

Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-14October2023-If the authorities will not act to uphold the law, we will

• Celebration of the Hamas terrorist atrocity
• Genocidal “From the river” chants
• War cries to Jews that “the army of Mohammed is returning”

Where were the hundreds of @metpoliceuk
deployed along the march?

If the authorities will not act to uphold the law, we will.


Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-14October2023-Celebration of the Hamas terrorist atrocity

Campaign Against Antisemitism-tweet-14October2023-Celebration of the Hamas terrorist atrocity



תהילים פרק קמ Psalms 140 Protection from Hamas.

פרק קמ

א לַמְנַצֵּ֗חַ מִזְמ֥וֹר לְדָוִֽד:
ב חַלְּצֵ֣נִי יְ֭הוָה מֵאָדָ֣ם רָ֑ע מֵאִ֖ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵֽנִי:
ג אֲשֶׁ֤ר חָשְׁב֣וּ רָע֣וֹת בְּלֵ֑ב כָּל-י֝֗וֹם יָג֥וּרוּ מִלְחָמֽוֹת:
ד שָֽׁנֲנ֣וּ לְשׁוֹנָם֮ כְּֽמוֹ-נָ֫חָ֥שׁ חֲמַ֥ת עַכְשׁ֑וּב תַּ֖חַת שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ סֶֽלָה:
ה שָׁמְרֵ֤נִי יְהוָ֨ה | מִ֘ידֵ֤י רָשָׁ֗ע מֵאִ֣ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵ֑נִי אֲשֶׁ֥ר חָ֝שְׁב֗וּ לִדְח֥וֹת פְּעָמָֽי:
ו טָֽמְנֽוּ-גֵאִ֨ים | פַּ֡ח לִ֗י וַחֲבָלִ֗ים פָּ֣רְשׂוּ רֶ֭שֶׁת לְיַד-מַעְגָּ֑ל מֹקְשִׁ֖ים שָֽׁתוּ-לִ֣י סֶֽלָה:
ז אָמַ֣רְתִּי לַ֭יהוָה אֵ֣לִי אָ֑תָּה הַאֲזִ֥ינָה יְ֝הוָ֗ה ק֣וֹל תַּחֲנוּנָֽי:
ח (יְהוִֹ֣ה)  אֱלֹהִ֣ים אֲ֭דֹנָי עֹ֣ז יְשׁוּעָתִ֑י סַכֹּ֥תָה לְ֝רֹאשִׁ֗י בְּי֣וֹם נָֽשֶׁק:
ט אַל-תִּתֵּ֣ן יְ֭הוָה מַאֲוַיֵּ֣י רָשָׁ֑ע זְמָמ֥וֹ אַל-תָּ֝פֵ֗ק יָר֥וּמוּ סֶֽלָה:
י רֹ֥אשׁ מְסִבָּ֑י עֲמַ֖ל שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ (יכסומו)  יְכַסֵּֽמוֹ:
יא (ימיטו)  יִמּ֥וֹטוּ עֲלֵיהֶ֗ם גֶּֽחָ֫לִ֥ים בָּאֵ֥שׁ יַפִּלֵ֑ם בְּ֝מַהֲמֹר֗וֹת בַּֽל-יָקֽוּמוּ:
יב אִ֥ישׁ לָשׁוֹן֮ בַּל-יִכּ֪וֹן בָּ֫אָ֥רֶץ אִישׁ-חָמָ֥ס רָ֑ע יְ֝צוּדֶ֗נּוּ לְמַדְחֵפֹֽת:
יג (ידעת)  יָדַ֗עְתִּי כִּֽי-יַעֲשֶׂ֣ה יְ֭הוָה דִּ֣ין עָנִ֑י מִ֝שְׁפַּ֗ט אֶבְיֹנִֽים:
יד אַ֣ךְ צַ֭דִּיקִים יוֹד֣וּ לִשְׁמֶ֑ךָ יֵשְׁב֥וּ יְ֝שָׁרִ֗ים אֶת-פָּנֶֽיךָ:

1For the conductor, a song of David. אלַֽמְנַצֵּ֗חַ מִזְמ֥וֹר לְדָוִֽד:
2Rescue me, O Lord, from an evil man from a man of robbery You shall guard me. בחַלְּצֵ֣נִי יְ֖הֹוָה מֵֽאָדָ֣ם רָ֑ע מֵאִ֖ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵֽנִי:
3Who plotted evil things in their heart; every day they gather to wage war. גאֲשֶׁ֚ר חָֽשְׁב֣וּ רָע֣וֹת בְּלֵ֑ב כָּל־י֜֗וֹם יָג֥וּרוּ מִלְחָמֽוֹת:
4They whetted their tongue like a serpent; the venom of a spider is under their lips forever. דשָֽׁנְנ֣וּ לְשׁוֹנָם֘ כְּמ֪וֹ נָ֫חָ֥שׁ חֲמַ֥ת עַכְשׁ֑וּב תַּ֖חַת שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ סֶֽלָה:
5Guard me, O Lord, from the hands of a wicked man; from a man of robbery You shall watch me, who plotted to cause my steps to slip. השָׁמְרֵ֚נִי יְהֹוָ֨ה | מִ֘ידֵ֚י רָשָׁ֗ע מֵאִ֣ישׁ חֲמָסִ֣ים תִּנְצְרֵ֑נִי אֲשֶׁ֥ר חָֽ֜שְׁב֗וּ לִדְח֥וֹת פְּעָמָֽי:
6Haughty men have concealed a snare for me, and [with] ropes they spread a net beside [my] path; they laid traps for me constantly. וטָֽמְנוּ־גֵאִ֨ים | פַּ֡ח לִ֗י וַֽחֲבָ֫לִ֥ים פָּ֣רְשׂוּ רֶ֖שֶׁת לְיַ֣ד מַעְגָּ֑ל מֹֽקְשִׁ֖ים שָֽׁתוּ־לִ֣י סֶֽלָה:
7I said to the Lord, “You are my God.” Hearken, O Lord, to the voice of my supplications. זאָמַ֣רְתִּי לַֽיהֹוָה אֵ֣לִי אָ֑תָּה הַֽאֲזִ֥ינָה יְ֜הֹוָ֗ה ק֣וֹל תַּֽחֲנוּנָֽי:
8God, O Lord, the might of my salvation; You shall protect my head on the day of battle. חיֱהֹוִ֣ה אֲ֖דֹנָי עֹ֣ז יְשֽׁוּעָתִ֑י סַכּ֥וֹתָה לְ֜רֹאשִׁ֗י בְּי֣וֹם נָֽשֶׁק:
9O Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked; do not let his thoughts succeed, for they are constantly haughty. טאַל־תִּתֵּ֣ן יְ֖הֹוָה מַֽאֲוַיֵּ֣י רָשָׁ֑ע זְמָמ֥וֹ אַל־תָּ֜פֵ֗ק יָר֥וּמוּ סֶֽלָה:
10The numbers of those who surround me, may the lies of their lips cover them. ירֹ֥אשׁ מְסִבָּ֑י עֲמַ֖ל שְׂפָתֵ֣ימוֹ יְכַסֵּֽימוֹ (כתיב יְכַסֵּֽומוֹ) :
11Let fiery coals descend on them; He will cast them into fire, in wars, so that they will not rise. יאיִמּ֥וֹטוּ (כתיב יִמֹּ֥יטוּ) עֲלֵיהֶ֗ם גֶּֽחָ֫לִ֥ים בָּאֵ֥שׁ יַפִּלֵ֑ם בְּ֜מַֽהֲמֹר֗וֹת בַּל־יָקֽוּמוּ:
12A slanderer will not be established on earth; a man of violence, the evil will trap him with thrust upon thrust. יבאִ֥ישׁ לָשׁוֹן֘ בַּל־יִכּ֪וֹן בָּ֫אָ֥רֶץ אִישׁ־חָמָ֥ס רָ֑ע יְ֜צוּדֶ֗נּוּ לְמַדְחֵפֹֽת:
13I know that the Lord will perform the judgment of a poor man, the cause of the needy. יגיָדַ֗עְתִּי (כתיב יָדַ֗עְתִּ) כִּי־יַֽעֲשֶׂ֣ה יְ֖הֹוָה דִּ֣ין עָנִ֑י מִ֜שְׁפַּ֗ט אֶבְיֹנִֽים:
14But the righteous will thank Your name; the upright will sit before You. ידאַ֣ךְ צַ֖דִּיקִים יוֹד֣וּ לִשְׁמֶ֑ךָ יֵֽשְׁב֥וּ יְ֜שָׁרִ֗ים אֶת־פָּנֶֽיךָ:



Jews in chul – we need your prayers

5November2023 https://www.thinkforyourselfpublishing.com/jews-in-chul-we-need-your-prayers/


I literally just got sent this from two people at once, at exactly the same time.

The Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade (main combat unit in the Gaza area), literally crying, begged to convey to us, the chareidi tzibbur, that we’re not awake enough to the war situation in Gaza and that the fighting is very difficult and dangerous.


The terrible situation is that soldiers are being killed each and every night.

He emphasized that the main fighting at night starts from 11PM and continues until the morning, but the hardest hours are 2-5AM.

He brings his soldiers further and further inward to fight, but he doesn’t feel like he has enough support from the יראים ושלמים staying up at night to daven and say Tehillim for the soldiers.


He requested that the chareidim take responsibility for organizing minyanim to say Tehillim, especially during those hours.

– *all the chevre to do is to co-ordinate prayer opportunities in Israel & around the world and in all our yeshivas.


NYC is 6 hours behind Eretz Yisrael.

The times of the hardest fighting in Israel are happening between 5-11 pm New York time.

Please, if you are reading this and you can do ANYTHING, however small, to get a bunch of people together in your network to start saying tehillim for the soldiers fighting in Gaza through the night, please do that right now.


As soon as you finish reading this – use the horrible tech for a good purpose, for once.

Just cut and paste the message from the Deputy Commander of the Givati Brigade, and get some tehillim organised for these times in your networks.

Get the shuls involved.

The schools involved.

And of course, say some yourself.

BH, we are seeing open miracles here that it’s not 1,000 dead soldiers a day, like our enemies are hoping for.

But even one more dead soldier is too much.

It’s a whole world.

And it’s a world that our tehillim – you and me, and our friends, neighbours and families – can protect.

So yalla!

And may we just hear good news.




State Department Issues Rare Worldwide Caution Travel Alert

“Pro-Palestine” rallies have infested the West.

Posted by , 19October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/state-department-issues-rare-worldwide-caution-travel-alert/

[EDD: More information]

SEE: What the Department of State Can and Can’t Do in a Crisis

Pro-Palestine London Rally

Pro-Palestine London Rally

The State Department has issued a worldwide caution travel alert.

The caution states: “Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.”


Worldwide Caution

Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.  U.S. citizens should:

OSINTdefender-tweet-19October2023-The U.S. State Department was released an Extremely Rare “Worldwide Travel Alert” stating that American Citizens should Exercise Increased Caution around the World due to Increasing Tensions in various Countries.

OSINTdefender-tweet-19October2023-The U.S. State Department was released an Extremely Rare “Worldwide Travel Alert” stating that American Citizens should Exercise Increased Caution around the World due to Increasing Tensions in various Countries.


The timing comes as we witness massive anti-Jew protests in the West, with Israeli and U.S. embassies accosted in Lebanon and Jordan.

The State Department already issued a “Do Not Travel” alert to Lebanon:

Do Not travel to Lebanon due to the unpredictable security situation related to rocket, missile, and artillery exchanges between Israel and Hizballah or other armed militant factions. Reconsider travel to Lebanon due to terrorism, civil unrest, armed conflict, crime, kidnapping, and Embassy Beirut’s limited capacity to provide support to U.S. citizens.

Citizens should not travel to Gaza. The department asked citizens to reconsider travel to Israel and the West Bank.

I say anti-Jew because the hate we see on display goes beyond Israel’s borders. None of the rallies are pro-Palestine or anti-Israel as advertised. The protests always have people yelling about murdering Jews or phrases calling for the extermination of Jews, like “from the river to the sea.”


Andy Ngô-tweet-15October2023-Wait, wait, oh Jews. The army of Muhammed is coming back

Andy Ngô-tweet-15October2023-Wait, wait, oh Jews. The army of Muhammed is coming back




Drew Pavlou-tweet-15October2023- Melbourne Palestine rally anti-Semitic chants

Drew Pavlou-tweet-15October2023- Melbourne Palestine rally anti-Semitic chants




Schtev-tweet-15October2023-a call for genocide of the Jews

Schtev-tweet-15October2023-a call for genocide of the Jews




Israel raises travel alert for Western Europe, other regions

Great Britain, France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, and Russia are among the countries where the travel warning was raised to level 2.

Israel's National Security Council raised its travel warning for countries around the world on Dec. 4, 2023. Credit: NSC.

Israel’s National Security Council raised its travel warning for countries around the world on Dec. 4, 2023. Credit: NSC.

https://www.jns.org/israel-raises-travel-alert-for-western-europe-other-regions/(December 4, 2023 / JNS) Israel’s National Security Council on Monday raised its travel alert levels for Western Europe, South America, Australia and Russia.


The update comes amid increased terror threats against Israelis traveling abroad nearly two months into Israel’s war with Hamas, dubbed “Operation Swords of Iron,” which was launched after the bloody massacre of Oct. 7. The last NSC security update was on Nov. 3.


“Since the beginning of the war, increased efforts have been detected on the part of Iran and its proxies, as well as on the part of Hamas and elements of global jihad, to attack Israeli and Jewish targets around the world,” according to the NSC statement.


The statement also highlighted “a continuous and significant increase in incitement, attempted attacks and widespread manifestations of anti-Semitism in many countries.”


Great Britain, France, Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and Russia are among the countries where the travel warning was raised to level 2, recommending increased precautions. Several countries in Africa (including South Africa and Eritrea) and countries in Central Asia (including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan) have been elevated to level 3, recommending reconsidering non-essential travel.


The NSC generally recommends that Israelis reconsider the necessity of traveling at this time and if the public does go abroad to make informed decisions based on the recommended precautions.


Travelers are encouraged to postpone trips to countries with warnings, with an emphasis on Arab and Middle Eastern countries, the North Caucasus, countries surrounding Iran and a number of Muslim countries in Asia.


The NSC also recommends travelers check whether any anti-Israel protests are planned at their destinations, even in countries without travel warnings, and to stay away from these demonstrations.


Israelis should maintain vigilance while abroad and pay attention to their surroundings, the NSC emphasized. Citizens of Israel should also avoid the outward display of Jewish and Israeli symbols and large gatherings of Jewish and Israeli officials.


Finally, the NSC recommends that travelers make sure to learn the phone numbers of local emergency services and of the local Israeli diplomatic representation if there are any.

Please be aware: The period during which Israelis may exit and enter Israel with their valid foreign passport, has been extended by PIBA until 31.12.2024


Unit: אגף בכיר דוברות, תקשורת והסברה
Publish Date 22.03.2022 Updated date 21.12.2023

The period during which Israelis may exit and enter Israel with their valid foreign passport, has been extended by PIBA until 31December2024

The period during which Israelis may exit and enter Israel with their valid foreign passport, has been extended by PIBA until 31December2024


South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13March-2024-South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship
There is seemingly no end to #SouthAfrica’s downfall into irrelevance and Jew-hatred.

‘When You Come Home, We’re Going to Arrest You’ |
South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship, Foreign Minister Says

IDF soldiers holding dual Israeli-South African citizenship will be subject to immediate arrest, the country’s foreign minister said. The Israeli army is preparing for other that may follow suit

Jonathan Lis and Yaniv Kubovich
13March2024 1:42 pm IST https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-03-13/ty-article/.premium/south-africa-to-arrest-israeli-soldiers-holding-dual-citizenship-foreign-minister-says/0000018e-36e3-d0ac-a1cf-3ef7f8650000

South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor announced this week that IDF soldiers holding South African citizenship would be arrested upon entering the country.

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13March-2024-South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-13March-2024-South Africa to Arrest Israeli Soldiers Holding Dual Citizenship


Jews, Get a Gun

Uri Pilichowski-tweet-30October2023-
Jews, Get a Gun

The Jews of Germany never thought Germans would kill them.
The Jews of The Tree of Life Synagogue never thought an American would kill them
The Jews of the South never thought the Palestinians of Gaza would break through the fence and kill them.

They were all wrong.

Antisemites, whether they are Arabs, white supremacist, or any other hater, they are coming to kill the Jews. They might not be able to kill all of us but they’re going to kill some of us. 1,400 of us were just killed because they were Jews.

Whether you live in Israel, America, Europe or some small city in Russia you’ve never heard of before, they’re coming to kill you, me, all of us. Those with the means to protect themselves will hopefully survive the next attack, those without the means to protect themselves have little chance of being spared.

Many people that had a gun in their homes in the South were able to protect themselves when Palestinian terrorists came to their town and house. Those without a gun had little chance.

Guns are muktzeh on Shabbat. I’ve carried a gun for the past five years on Shabbat, both within the Eruv and outside of it. In the back of my mind I doubted whether I was doing the right thing by carrying my gun on Shabbat. After the “Simchat Torah Massacre” I am no longer in doubt.

Ask yourself this question, if antisemites came into your home and you have a gun, you can save yourself and your family, if you don’t have a gun your last thoughts will be regretting not having bought a gun for whatever excuse you’re telling yourself now for not buying a gun.

Don’t be irresponsible. Buy a gun, take lessons and be ready for when the Jew haters come for you.

Uri Pilichowski-tweet-30October2023-Jews, Get a Gun

Uri Pilichowski-tweet-30October2023-Jews, Get a Gun


The Persian Jewess-tweet-21January2024-The latest trend for Girls Night-The Gun Range
The latest trend for “Girls Night” among my #Jewish mom friends is heading to the gun range to learn how to fire a Glock for self defense.

I’ve spent my whole life believing my kids would be safer WITHOUT a gun in our home.

But ever since protesters spilled into my neighborhood justifying RAPING TEENAGERS as a form of resistance and glorifying BURNING BABIES IN OVENS, my whole world view has shifted.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-21January2024-The latest trend for Girls Night-The Gun Range

The Persian Jewess-tweet-21January2024-The latest trend for Girls Night-The Gun Range


Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel

Mossad Commentary-tweet-13November2023-Israel


Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back
Not something you’d see very often 6 months ago, but a pretty normal thing you’d see now.

I know that it’s inconvenient that the Jews are able to fight back but you’re just gonna have to get used to it.


Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back

Hillel Fuld-tweet-14March2024-Jews are able to fight back





Does the Z in Gen Z stand for ‘zombies’?

The cruelty of the 18-24 demographic against Jews, and Gazans too, is the ultimate failure of free thought and it will destroy society


Molly Livingstone 21December2023,


Do you ever think that the Z in Gen Z stands for zombies? ‘Cause I kind of do. Or at least the ones who are pro-Hamas on college campuses, protesting Jewish-owned stores in malls or parading through the streets calling for genocide.


They come together in large groups. All of them are followers. They also don’t moan as much as they scream. However, like a zombie who has been dead and brought back to go after the living world, these Gen Zombies march to the same beat.


After a quick visit to the US and watching them do their thing, styled in their khaffiyas, masked with actual masks, it was clear that they were not only hiding their faces, but the truth. And boy, are these kids angry. I believe the therapy term is “projection.” And for those of us on the outside, it is quite clear that they are projecting the concept of oppression based on social media propaganda and assumptions.


If we think of the zombies like AI, without the I part, then we can see the basic algorithm to their angry madness. There is an oppressor and an oppressed. In America, that was clear for the Black Lives Matter campaign. The copy-paste takes a Western issue in American culture and inflicts it on a Middle Eastern conflict far away from home and definitely far away from reality.


In their version, the Palestinians are the oppressed and the Jews are the oppressor. And it is that simple. They literally see black and white. Which makes it all the more ironic, since that is somehow making this a race issue, and in fact being racists. Anyone who lives in Israel or understands Jewish culture is aware that Jews come in all colors and backgrounds, many kicked out of Arab countries over the last hundreds of years, and Arabs are not all dark-skinned.


The protesters claim a lot of crazy stuff. As I mentioned earlier, they are all followers, so they speak the same messages, one tweet at a time. In my brief encounter I heard the chant:


“Jews are doing genocide…from the river to the sea…,” you know the rest of that statement. Again we hear the zombies’ hypocritical anger. When I saw one of them holding a sign with “Free Palestine,” I made the silly mistake of engaging. In a calm voice, I said, “Yes, free Palestine…free them from Hamas.” My cute quip was quickly met with a barking-like noise from the zombie. Like one of those little lap dogs, which you always know to stay far away from….those dogs are nuts.


Before this war, I was convinced that climate change was humanity’s biggest mistake and would ultimately lead to our demise. Post-October 7th, it is the Gen Zombies who have taken over as #1 in that department. Their cruelty towards Jews and, frankly, to Gazans, is the destruction of society and the ultimate failure of free thought. They have gone from ridding the world of labels, to ridding the world of Jews. They prefer to decimate the world of the only democracy in the Middle East, so that a terrorist organization can run a dictatorship in Palestine.


We said never again.
The zombies say never, say never.

We celebrate life.
The zombies haven’t lived it.

We see the conflict as complicated and stale.
The zombies see it as a commercial between cat videos.

We mourn our dead.
The zombies are already dead.


My words are harsh. Controversial. But they expose the truth that we keep looking for. As Israelis, we are dumbfounded by this generation’s choice to justify raping women, murdering innocent children and kidnapping elderly. I want to go back to when zombies only existed in myths and movies. When the next generation focused on non-binary issues and saving the trees. Where their free thought provoked change, rather than repeating history.


While we bury another fallen soldier, we continue to fight for our freedom, for democracy, for our lives. It breaks us; we will need a ton of therapy, but we are not zombies. We are not the walking dead. While our fallen return to the earth, they become the seeds of change, growing a nation of compassionate strong leaders. The zombies will follow each other to the ends of the earth, before they can end us.


About the Author
Larry David once said, ‘I’m not an inventor. I’m an improver. I improve things that are broken.’ Whether it’s improvisation, comedy sketch, or stand up, Molly Livingstone is improving life in Israel one chuckle at a time, with an honest and hilarious view of the Holy Land.



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Why is anyone surprised that a Jew hater is being promoted in the NYC Dept of Education?

Promoting antisemitic Public School Supervisors has been going on for years. Op-ed.

Cindy Grosz /  25December2023  / https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/382544


Why is anyone surprised that a Jew hater employed by the New York City Department of Education was not only retained, but is heading to a new job with more responsibility and better benefits.


Last week, Hillcrest High School principal Scott Milczewski, leader in the school where a violent riot broke out attacking a Jewish teacher for attending a pro-Israel rally, announced that he is leaving the Jamaica school for a new job in the city Department of Education bureaucracy.


“It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that I have been offered, and accepted, the position of Director of Teacher Development and Evaluation within the Division of Teaching and Learning,” he wrote in a letter circulated among students, staff and parents.


Milczewski is just the latest in the line of “questionable” administrators that were able to overcome public calls for discipline and termination.


In 2016, I introduced the public to Rushell White, then principal of MS (middle school) 226. Not only did she attack a Jewish teacher, David Possner in a mural displayed on school property, she offended the Hindu community of students as well. Multiple staff members at that time reported to the New York City Department of Education complaints of her “Jew hate” that were well documented and reported by the Parent Advocates organization.


The former teacher’s union chapter leader Zev Angelou of MS 226 was subpoenaed to testify at the 3020-a ( a teacher termination hearing paid for by the Department of Education) of another teacher bullied by White, Clairesa Clay, and his description of the principal included words such as “bully” “pathological liar.”


Today, years later, Rushell White is a Deputy Superintendent overseeing 28,000 students, over 6,000 teachers and staff members, 47 principals and about 56,000 families.


I reported that Queens public school teacher, Lawrence Brenner, was told in 2009 by a controversial principal that “you white teachers are ruining little black children,” and was consistently harassed until Brenner, Jewish, was terminated in a hearing based on questionable evidence submitted by the principal, Antonio K’Tori.


After the firing of Brenner and multiple complaints about PS 15, the school supervised by K’Tori, another teacher sued the NYCDOE and K’Tori for alleged sex harassment in 2014 and that teacher was awarded $500,000. K’Tori was the principal in charge of Simon Watts, the elementary school teacher who was convicted of sexually abusing five of his students and was sentenced to 35 years in prison in 2013. Civil cases are ongoing by the students and one student, Neveah Thompson won $16 million dollars in 2021 in a civil suit judgment against the city.


But it was Brenner and not not K’Tori who was deemed incompetent to teach.

Why was K’Tori even employed in 2009? The Department of Education had removed K’tori from a Jamaica, Queens, NY school on September 10, 2004. He had been officially charged with a list of infractions including circumventing the school’s lottery system by accepting student applications, purchasing goods from unauthorized vendors and attempting to block special education classes. He was suspended without pay.


Brooklyn middle school principal, Principal Amanda Bueno told staffers in May, 2021, at MS 136 in Brooklyn, “If you have been watching the news in absolute horror, you are not alone.”


She urged teachers and administrators to demand government sanctions against Israel in an email on a school business address.Today, she is a head coach for the Department of Education, overseeing classroom instruction and model lessons.


I’m not surprised and you shouldn’t be either. You should be upset that your hard-earned tax dollars pay for this.

You should be angered by the failing test scores for years under the leadership of these people that the New York City Department of Education hires, maintains and supports with comfortable retirement packages and benefits. It should make you sick to realize this practice of education supervisors promoting antisemitism, racism and discrimination has been rewarded.


Don’t blame COVID. Don’t blame January 6th. Blame a system of biased evaluations for teacher and supervisor tenure, unions that are tied to politicians and a biased media.


For years, politicians representing the communities that these principals oversee schools in have had reading and math scores averaging 30 percent passing based on published reports.

The connection has to be exposed.

There are allegations of funds being stolen and indictments have been handed down.This is just the tip of the iceberg and not limited to New York.


Donald Trump was right in 2016 when he said the Department of Education needs to be diminished and/or eliminated.


And the result? Today we see young men and women protesting about a land they seemed to know few, if any, facts about after about 20 years of indoctrination in schools that are educationally useless.




Israeli Labor Party leader bemoans abandonment by global left

“I fail to see how shouting jihad and calling for a mass murder of Jews is pro-Palestinian,” said Merav Michaeli.



(November 14, 2023 / JNS) Merav Michaeli, the head of Israel’s opposition Labor Party, slammed the global political left in an article published on Tuesday for being “complicit” in Hamas’s crimes against humanity.


Speaking to Politico on the sidelines of the Party of European Socialists conference in Spain late last week, Michaeli said she thinks “something very bad is happening on the left.”


“It became very, very clear in this attack that people who consider themselves to be democratic, progressive, are supporting a totalitarian terror regime that oppresses women [and] the LGBTQ+ community,” she claimed.


“It’s important for me to emphasize to them that when you do not very strongly go against Hamas and what it does in Gaza, including to its own people, you are complicit,” continued the Labor leader.
“I fail to see how shouting jihad and calling for a mass murder of Jews is pro-Palestinian,” she said.


According to Michaeli, calling for a ceasefire now is “giving permission to Hamas to continue rearming itself, continue stealing food, water, medicine and fuel from its own people, and yes, rebasing itself.”


At last week’s meeting in Málaga, delegates from France, Ireland and Belgium called for a ceasefire in the fighting against the Gaza-based terror group.


Still, Michaeli reassured that the Jewish state still has some “very strong allies” on the center-left, adding that “the more you go to the left, the more there’s a big mix-up.”


Thunberg skews climate message


More than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed and thousands wounded in the Oct. 7 murderous attacks by Hamas operatives on southern Israel. In addition, terrorists took some 240 people hostage.


Earlier this week, a Dutchman confronted Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg at a left-wing protest in Amsterdam after she attempted to connect the climate movement with the Palestinians.

“I have come here for a climate demonstration, not a political view,” the man said before being escorted off the stage.


Thunberg, who was wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh worn by Hamas terrorists, subsequently led the crowd in a chant of “No climate justice on occupied land.”




As Liberal Jews Feel abandoned by the Left

What’s next?

By ADAM MILSTEIN 10JANUARY2024 https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-781583


Liberal Jews - Abandoned by the left (photo credit: COURTESY ADAM MILSTEIN)

Liberal Jews – Abandoned by the left (photo credit: COURTESY ADAM MILSTEIN)


All Jews agree on one thing…that all Jews never agree. At any Jewish gathering around the world, you’ll hear heated debates on food, religion, culture, and everything in between. Politics are no different, but the debate is louder.


James Baker once said “F*** the Jews, they don’t vote for us.” While perhaps untrue, Baker’s sentiment reflected a historical American Jewish political truism – the Jewish community votes Democrat. Since the early 1990’s, a growing number of Jews have shifted rightward, but the majority of the Jewish-American community reside in the “liberal” camp.


After the October 7th terrorist attack, prior to Israel’s ground operation in Gaza, the true sentiment of the left towards Jews was exposed. Protests on college campuses, airports, freeways, bridges, outside synagogues, and Holocaust museums forced Jewish Americans to face a stark reality. Leftist and their Muslim allies were exposed not only as anti-Israel but as plainly anti-Jewish groups. Mobilizing under a guise of liberation (“From the River to the Sea”), and civil rights (“justice” in Palestine), one thing became increasingly clear – for a large coalition of leftists and Muslims in America, Jews have no right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland and deserve no safety anywhere.

Liberal Jews’ residence among American leftists is now in peril.

The Shock

Historically and for good reason, Jews have been fixated on the antisemitism from the far right as our greatest threat. This focus on antisemitism’s political affiliation left us vulnerable. We have virtually ignored the growing warning signs of antisemitism from the Islamo-leftist camp. After all, Jews were an integral part of the left. In the name of Tzedek (Justice), we’ve marched with every marginalized community throughout American history. Yet, on October 7th, 2023, we marched alone. As our women had blood dripping down their legs, women’s rights groups didn’t express any outrage. They stood silent. As our children were identified by their ashes, children’s rights organizations were nowhere to be found. And as our civilians were brutalized, all human, civil, and LGBTQ+ rights didn’t march, didn’t organize, and didn’t protest. On the contrary – they stood with the attackers.


In the wake of October 7th, American Jews were left speechless. The wakeup call has been loud. The Jewish political home, the American left, turns a blind eye to war crimes and to the sexual mutilation of women, children and men when the victims are Jews. It has become evidently clear that in leftist spaces, the American Jew is dehumanized as a mere “oppressor”, an “Occupier”, a “Colonialist”, “White privileged”, and “Apartheid” supporter. Compassion for the deep trauma Jews sustained was nowhere to be found.


One must wonder, if killing Jews and raping women in Israel is ‘just’ and legitimate under the guise of a victim using ‘resistance by any means necessary’, what prevents our enemies from committing the same crimes in America? And where can liberal Jews find a political home?

The Evolution

Jewish-Americans, motivated by our people’s values, traditions and history, gravitated to the political left in America. With an emphasis on Tikkun Olam, American Jews embraced a critical role in social justice movements throughout history. Our commitment to ‘repair the world’ found common cause with social movements on the left, solidifying the Jewish liberal alignment.


We memorialize female ancestors like Deborah, who personified courage as the “woman of torches”. And we lionize Esther who taught of female strength and resilience and Ruth who embodied integrity and diligence. Guided by these matriarchs, Jews across the nation fought for women’s rights and Jewish women like Betty Friedan and Bella Abzug led the feminist movement.


Our scripture mandates us to advocate for the marginalized – “what is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor” (Babylonian Talmud, Shabbat 31a). Embedded in Jewish tradition is the notion that all man is “created in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27). Just as Abraham didn’t turn anyone from his tent, Jews fought for the rights of Black Americans. Jews helped establish the NAACP in 1909. And in 1965, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel embodied the Jewish community’s collective support for civil rights as he marched alongside Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma.


In 1967, Rabbis joined Cesar Chavez and urged Kosher communities to only support union grapes as the non-union grapes were forbidden as Oshek. The Jewish community continued its activism throughout the 2020 marches for Black lives and then again in 2021 to stop Asian hate.


Jewish Americans have served as indispensable allies, leaders, and activists on issues of human dignity, civil rights, and progress throughout American history. This allyship with the left was presumed to be reciprocal. October 7th changed everything.

The Reality Check

In recent years, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) ideology and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement carved out large pieces within the left’s agenda. Many liberal Jews have supported these developments believing that they’re the next phase of a long tradition of liberal activism. They were mistaken, no allyship with CRT, DEI, and BLM will protect them. Jews who tirelessly fight for acceptance and admittance in the intersectionality coalition will remain disappointed. We are not welcome.


Enamored with the seemingly laudable goals of DEI: to promote the representation, participation, and fair treatment of historically marginalized groups, liberal Jews ignored DEI promoters, and CRT advocates, as they advanced a radical agenda to fundamentally undermine American values. For years they have been promoting equality of outcome over equality of opportunity, collective identity (race, gender, etc.) over individual character, censorship of opposing viewpoints over freedom of speech, and a “victimhood Olympics” culture that crudely bifurcates society into oppressors and oppressed.


Liberal Jews failed to recognize how CRT and DEI initiatives, and intersectional theory would be weaponized against them. And today, we see how Jewish students are maliciously portrayed as wanton oppressors and colonialist abettors. American universities who fully adopted these doctrines are now hotbeds of antisemitism due to embedded leftist orthodoxy.

The Next Steps

So, where do liberal Jews go from here?

The “October 8th Jew” as Bret Stephens coined it, recognizes their home as a centrist. The October 8th Jew knows that the extreme left, like the extreme right before it, is no political home. The October 8th Jew is united in the mission to fight enemies of America, who always come first for the Jews. “Never again” must be backed by action and Jewish unity.


First, no more blind voting for Democrats or Republican for the sake of historical precedent. All Jews, including liberal Jews, must adopt a litmus test for candidates and support only those determined to fight antisemitism and support the U.S.-Israel alliance.


Second, pull support from organizations and academic institutions that promote the erasure of Jewish suffering and tacitly endorse Jew-hatred.


And finally, unite and support American organizations that protect and promote equality and inclusion rather than division and an ideology that aims to destroy Jewish life and American values.


Adam Milstein is an Israeli-American “Venture Philanthropist.” He can be reached at adam@milsteinff.org, on Twitter @AdamMilstein, and on Facebook www.facebook.com/AdamMilsteinCP.


This op-ed is published in partnership with a coalition of organizations that fight antisemitism across the world. Read the previous article by Dan Diker.




Make Never Again – Never Again

“Never again” happened again – a holocaust not in Europe but in Eretz Yisrael. How can that be?! What did we really mean by “never again”?

David Ben Horin Posted on 26November2023 https://breslev.com/4074472/

Make Never Again – Never Again by David Ben Horin

Make Never Again – Never Again by David Ben Horin

How can we make sure that the clarion call “Never again!” is permanent?


Rabbi Elchonon Wasserman said, “The Jews in Europe declared war on Hashem. Now, He has declared war on them. That’s why He’s sending His armies against them.”  (Parshat Noach, 5783 by Rabbi Avigdor Miller)  [Editor’s Note: Further examples of what prompted Hashem’s war can be found in Rabbi Miller’s book A Divine Madness.]


To guarantee that there won’t be another Kristallnacht, Auschwitz, or Gaza, we must swallow the hard truth:

Before each of these catastrophes, we were in open rebellion against God.

Holocaust #1

Throughout the 1930s, every European Jewish town had socialists, communists, and nationalists actively rebelling against the Rabbis. We asked to be Soviets. We asked to be Germans. We asked to be protected by the head of the Communist Party and the leader of Germany. They rebelled against the Torah. They told Hashem that they wanted nothing to do with Him.


So, on Kristallnacht, God gave us what we wanted.


Holocaust #2

For all of 5783, every motzei Shabbat, we gathered to tell our Father that He isn’t welcome on His Land. We did it with immorality, injustice, and violence. These are the three abominations that Hashem calls in the Torah “hamas” (המס). For an entire year we told God that we prefer Sodomite flags, locking up the religious, and beating up people for praying on Yom Kippur rather than loyalty to Him and His Torah.


We asked for “hamas”, and Hashem gave us Hamas.


All those demonstrations for “democracy” were nothing more than a cover for the real reason: They didn’t want the religious assuming power. The current government is the first one in the history of Israel to be 50% religious. So, for the first time in modern Israeli history, there were massive demonstrations against a democratically elected leadership.


In truth, the protests were against God and His Torah – our Torah. The preparations for these weekly rebellions were made during Shabbat. In essence, we told God that we preferred “hamas” to His holy day.


So, on Shabbat-Simchat Torah, He let us have it.


What’s the Message?

Our generation will have to live with the trauma of Oct 7. We will go about our lives fearing that it can happen again anywhere and anytime.


What our parent’s generation went through – the dread that another Holocaust might whisk them away to a horrible death – is what we are going through right now.


For 75 years, when we shouted, “Never Again!” the world said “Amen.”


Today, when we say, “Never Again!”, the world says something else.


Only Hashem can protect us. We have to embrace Him.


We didn’t in 1933.


We didn’t in 2023.


We must stop saying “Never Again!” to Hashem and His Torah! We must return to Hashem right now.   We must actively petition our government to return Torah to Israel. We must tell God that we want Him in our country. We must tell Hashem that we want our country to be forever His country.

God will destroy our enemy nations:

But My people did not heed My voice and Israel did not desire Me.

So, I let them follow their heart’s fantasies, I let them follow their own counsels.

If only My nation would heed Me, if Israel would walk in My ways. 

In an instant I would subdue their foes and against their tormentors turn My hand. (Psalm 81:12-15)


Hashem will never let anyone harm His people. He will never let a foreigner harass His nation – as long as we declare ourselves His nation by serving Him according to His law. This is how “never again” will truly be – never again.



David Ben Horin lives in Afula with his family, millions of sunflowers, and Matilda, our local camel. David‘s Israeli startup, 300 Marketing Solutions, is a lean marketing agency for startups and small businesses that creates and promotes SEO-optimized ROI-driven to the right audience on LinkedIn to make your business the star of the show.



Rising Antisemitism

Unbridled hatred for the Jewish people is being unleashed around the world. We say in the Nishmat prayer on Shabbat, “In all times of trouble and distress, we have no king, helper, supporter but You“. Only Hashem can protect His children.

Kalever Rebbe | Posted on 22November2023 | https://breslev.com/4073465/?_atscid=2_92797_86200982_4969218_0_Tawxttjaeucshh8uw

Rising Antisemitism by Kalever Rebbe

Rising Antisemitism by Kalever Rebbe

“Do not delay me, since the Lord has made my way prosper.” (Bereishit 24:56)

Antisemitism Unleashed

An unbridled hatred for the Jewish people is being unleashed around the world. Each of these haters can simply grab a knife or other weapon and attack a Jew. There are also masses of well-armed terrorists who want to destroy the Jewish people.


With the rising hatred and thirst for violence, it would be natural for there to have been many more attacks, chas v’shalom, against the Jews. Truthfully, there are many individuals who are constantly planning to attack us. They even make all the preparations. Hashem, however, foils their sinister plots and protects the Jews.


We are completely unaware of the countless times the Jewish people were in grave danger and Hashem saved us.

Foiled Plots

During the days of the Chozeh from Lublin, zt”l, there was one minister who passionately hated the Jews in his town, and he wanted to kill the local Rabbi.


The minister knew that the Rabbi woke up very early in the morning and that he would walk to shul in the dark. So, he devised a plan. One night, he asked his servant to dig a deep pit on the path that the rabbi would walk in the following morning, figuring that, in the darkness, the rabbi would not see the pit and would fall in, plummeting to the bottom.


However, Hashem intervened. That same night, a prestigious and wise guest visited the rabbi. They were engrossed in a deep Torah conversation as the hours ticked by. Finally, they retired for the evening far later than the rabbi was accustomed to. The following morning, the rabbi woke up a little later than usual and walked to shul while it was light. Seeing the pit, he simply walked around the dangerous obstacle.


When the minister learned the details about what had happened, he said: “Now I must praise the greatness of the Jews’ God! He is the Omnipresence that controls the events of this world. His Divine Providence protects His beloved children, the Jewish people. He saves them from dangers that they don’t even know about!”


When the Chozeh, zt”l, heard this story, he said: “The pasuk in Tehillim (117:1-2) says, ‘Praise the Lord, all gentiles, laud Him, all nations. For His kindness has overwhelmed us!’ Why do the non-Jews praise Hashem for the kindness that has “overwhelmed” the Jews, and not the Jews themselves? After hearing this story, I know the answer. When the pasuk describes this chessed, this kindness, it is referring to the Jews being saved from being harmed by the non-Jews. Only the non-Jews know how many of their wicked plots were foiled by Hashem and how many times Hashem has saved us, while those for whom these miracles occurred do not know that they happened.”

Hidden Miracles

During Nishmat – which we pray on Shabbat morning – we say: “in all times of trouble and distress, we have no king, helper, supporter but You“.


R’ Nosson Dovid from Shidlovtza, zt”l, explained that you need to divide this phrase into two ideas. First, we say that we understand that “in all times [there is] trouble and distress”, we are constantly at risk of being harmed at the hands of those who want to annihilate us, even when it isn’t publicized that we were living in “a time of trouble.” And therefore – we continue to say – we understand and acknowledge that “we have no king, helper, support but You”, because no other king can protect his people from the hidden dangers that surround them.


In fact, there is another more subtle miracle. Even when the non-Jewish governments and law enforcement officers uncover and, therefore, foil a terrorist attack, that is also a miracle; it goes against the natural order of the world. Those nations of the world don’t like the Jewish people. However, when they intervene on our behalf, saving the Jewish people from an attack, it is solely because Hashem inspires their hearts to help the Jews. As the pasuk says (Mishlei 21:1), “A king’s heart is like rivulets of water in the Lord’s hand; wherever He wishes, He turns it”.

On a Short Leash

R’ Yitzchak from Volozhin related that when he went to Nicholas, the Russian Czar, to lobby for the Jews, he noticed that in the palace there were large dogs that were natural predators. Whenever someone entered the chambers to meet with the Czar, the dogs would approach the visitor and gently lick their feet.


He asked one of the dog’s trainers, “How did you teach these animals to forgo their natural predatory behaviors?”

The caretaker explained that when the dog was chained to a leash, he felt that he was not free to do as he pleases. Therefore, the animal can control its natural tendencies. If the dog were unleashed, it would attack and devour the person.


The Gaon from Volozhin then explained, that the same can be said regarding how the Kingdom of Heaven oversees the Jewish people. The natural tendency of the world’s non-Jewish kings is to devour the Jewish people. The Jews are described as being a lamb surrounded by seventy wolves. When we see one of these nations acting benevolently towards the Jewish people and serving their interests, it is because those kings have been shackled and leashed by Hashem. If Hashem were to unleash them, they would immediately begin issuing harsh and evil decrees against the Jews.

Don’t be Afraid

This helps us understand the episode in Parshat Chayei Sarah that described the shidduch between Yitzchak and Rivkah:

Betuel was a king that ruled over an evil nation that despised Avraham Avinu. They wanted to kill his servant, Eliezer. Therefore, he poisoned Eliezer’s food. However, an angel came and switched the bowls of food. And, as the Midrash elaborates, Betuel ate the poisoned food instead and died. Eliezer was saved.


Immediately afterwards, her brother Lavan and her mother tried to postpone Rivkah’s journey to Avraham’s house. They feared that she would be harmed by the Jew-haters. However, Eliezer reassured them saying, “Do not delay me… ” Don’t worry about the Jew-haters, because you just witnessed that “the Lord has made my way prosper” – Hashem is the one who has made my journey successful. I naturally should not have been saved from that danger. I didn’t even know that there was a plot to poison me. Therefore, you don’t need to be worried about the Jew-haters, because Hashem will always protect His people.


The Kalever Rebbe is the seventh Rebbe of the Kaalov Chasidic dynasty, begun by his ancestor who was born to his previously childless parents after receiving a blessing from the Baal Shem Tov zy”a, and later learned under the Maggid of Mezeritch zt”l. The Rebbe has been involved in outreach for more than 30 years and writes weekly emails on understanding current issues through the Torah. Sign up at www.kaalov.org




Why is There Antisemitism?

Why do they hate Jews? Why does “equality and justice for all” and women’s rights and more apply to everyone – except Jews?

Rachel Avrahami | Posted on 22December2023 | https://breslev.com/4079704/

Why is There Antisemitism by Rachel Avrahami

Why is There Antisemitism by Rachel Avrahamiv

As I touched on in my previous article The Shocking Truth, the antisemitism that has reared its ugly head around the world in response to the current war in Gaza has reached previously unheard-of levels.


If you haven’t figured it out already, you can’t convince these people. They don’t want the truth; they don’t care about the truth!


Of course, there are some clueless people out there, but the stark reality of the genocide of Oct. 7 pushes people to choose sides. In fact, Rabbi Arush said that is one of the purposes of this war! Those that were not sure before where truth and good lies, and which side is evil, saw it plain and clear before their eyes. If at this point, they still don’t get it – they aren’t going to get it.


I’ve said since the beginning of the war that as we prove without a shadow of a doubt that Hamas broke international law a hundred different ways, the antisemites won’t care and won’t change their minds – their rationalizations will just get more and more ludicrous.


And that’s what we’ve indeed seen so far. Just when I think I’ve seen it all, I see a comment that Jews aren’t descendants from Abraham, or that Jews are an “invented race.” Or a recent post that Jesus was Palestinian which was made fun of by the official Israel feed… All those terror tunnels – 1,500 that the IDF has uncovered thus far – the IDF built those in 1982! Or the videos were faked! Oh, and the videos from Oct. 7 were faked too, just to justify the “Israeli colonizers” to go after another “Gaza genocide.”


For sure these outrageous claims by antisemites are classic psychopathic gaslighting. But this is still the sad reality – a good chunk of this world is living in total delusions against God, and His people.


The million-dollar question is: WHY?


Someone asked Rabbi Arush on a recent Q&A video why so many people aren’t changing their minds after seeing the videos of Oct. 7. He answered simply: “They are against God, who is Truth. They don’t want the truth. The problem is inside them, so no matter how much truth you show them, it won’t help, the lies will come right back to them.”

Jews represent God


That’s exactly it: Jews represent God. God is holy, and each and every Jew is holy!


We represent truth, and goodness. We are God’s nation, God’s people. We learn and teach the Torah, which is God’s Eternal wisdom and truth. Jewish law is God’s law!


And they don’t want that. The same liberalism that promotes equality, also promotes the freedom to do anything you want, so long as it doesn’t hurt someone else. But the reality of God negates that, because if there is a God who created you – then not only do you have a purpose in life, but you must now also follow His rules.


The reality is that the rules and regulations and laws of the Torah actually serve to reign in the lusts of the body and confusions of the mind. Torah laws give a human a fighting chance to reach up to Godliness, which is our purpose in life – instead of wallowing in muck. Without keeping Torah, a person isn’t free – they are a slave to their bodies, instead of the body serving the soul.


Of course, they don’t understand that – they want the freedom to commit every abomination and immoral act in the book, without consequences, without morality, without conscience. The very existence of even one single Jew in the world negates that, even if that Jew never says a word to anyone.


(PS The Kalever Rebbe also discusses this topic in his article The “Progressive” Culture? – I highly recommend you check it out!)


The Hidden Message

I would like to posit that there is an even deeper message behind this irrational refusal to care about facts, truth, and reality.


Rabbi Arush’s teachings are based on spiritual laws. Just like there are physical laws like gravity, so too, there are spiritual laws.


One of the laws that Hashem uses to run the world is called midda k’neged midda – measure for measure, tit-for-tat. For instance, someone who has mercy on others – Hashem has mercy on him – and the opposite, G-d forbid.


One aspect of this is that we can understand His messages because He does to us what we are doing to others, in order for us to understand our mistakes and repent.


Hence, if antisemites are stubbornly refusing to recognize the truth – then it must be that in some way, the Jewish people are also stubbornly refusing to recognize the truth! Both on a communal, and individual, level.


Just take a minute to contemplate that, with all of its ramifications.

And I challenge you to decide to do one thing differently because of it.


That being said, thank G-d! One of the miracles of the last couple months is that Jews now are starting to get it, starting to realize that if they hate us for being Jews–maybe we should go find out what being Jewish really is?

"If they haeis - maybe we should go find out what being Jewish really is?"

Because they want to kill us no matter what we wear, with or without a kippah, regardless of our political or religious opinions.


Update: If you still aren’t convinced of just how clear and present the danger is to Jews in America, journalist Ami Horowitz spoke to 35 random students on a left-leaning campus. 80% of them supported killing Jews around the world, specifically hitting soft targets like schools and synagogues. 50% were willing to put money towards the cause. Not one pushed back. Watch for yourself.


Rachel Avrahami grew up in Los Angeles, CA, USA in a far-off valley where she was one of only a handful of Jews in a public high school of thousands. She found Hashem in the urban jungle of the university. Rachel was privileged to read one of the first copies of The Garden of Emuna in English, and the rest, as they say, is history. She made Aliyah and immediately began working at Breslev Israel.  
Rachel is now the Editor of Breslev Israel’s English website. She welcomes questions, comments, articles, and personal stories to her email: rachel.avrahami@breslev.co.il.




Dear world: I don’t care

I don’t care if you’re out on the street, waving your flag and chanting your slogans. We won’t die silently the way you want us to

An Israeli soldier on patrol in the southern city of Sderot

An Israeli soldier on patrol in the southern city of Sderot

Avi Lewis   30October2023, 12:43 PM  https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/dear-world-i-dont-care/


I don’t care that you sympathize with Hamas.

I know you wouldn’t tolerate any of the things they did to us if they would’ve done it to you.


I don’t care that you’re outraged by Israel’s response to the massacre more than the massacre itself.

I know you would do everything to eliminate such pure evil if you experienced it yourself.


I don’t care that this doesn’t fit neatly into your carefully constructed narrative of ‘Israel as aggressor’ and ‘Palestinian as victim.’


The truth hurts sometimes, but hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your feelings.


I don’t care if you think we are at fault, that we had it coming, that Hamas’ actions’ didn’t occur in a vacuum (or to deny they ever happened).


If you feel that the poster of a kidnapped child hurts your cause, maybe yours is a lost cause.


I don’t care about your calls for a premature ceasefire, about your demand that we provide them with electricity, that we stop fighting for ‘humanitarian reasons.’


What of a humanitarian gesture to release our 230+ hostages – elderly, children, babies – snatched from their cribs?


I don’t care that you’ve rallied for Palestine as part of your march for LGBTQ rights, trans rights, workers rights, socialism, climate change, intersectionality, Black Lives Matter, fighting Islamaphobia and ‘all forms of racism.’


Your gullibility would be laughable if it wasn’t so hypocritical. None of those things exist under Hamas.


I don’t care that you ‘love Jewish people – just hate Israel’, that you have some friends that are Jewish, that maybe you’re ethnically Jewish yourself – and therefore you’re entitled to levy every libel in the playbook against us.


Words matter. They lead to actions. When a lie is repeated often enough it’s accepted as truth. You are laying the groundwork for more attacks against us.


I don’t care that you wave the flag of ‘human rights’, that you’ve become overnight experts in international law, that you shout fancy slogans you don’t understand such as proportionality, occupation and apartheid.


Your humanity is selective. In your mind, human rights don’t apply to us because we are undeserving. You didn’t speak up when our women and children were horribly assaulted.


I don’t care if you think we are colonialists, imperialists and settlers and that we should just go back to where we came from.


We are back to where we came from.

I don’t care if you believe in a one-state solution, a two-state solution, a federation, an internationalized Jerusalem or any other theory drawn up in your ivory tower.


We won’t readily hold out our necks and endanger our lives in order to satisfy your thought experiments and placate your conscience from afar.


I don’t care if you consider yourself anti-Zionist but not antisemitic.

We’ve seen enough Jews around the world attacked over the last 3 weeks under the guise of ‘anti-Zionism’.


I don’t care that you think we are too powerful, too technologically advanced, too sophisticated.


If we didn’t build ourselves up to this point we’d get eaten alive by Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Iran and Palestinian terrorism.

I don’t care that you blame us for 1948 refugees, for the fact that they have no state, for the keys that they wave in their fantasy of ‘right of return.’


Three weeks ago we got a glimpse of what that ‘return’ looks like and what it means for our children.


I don’t care if you think we aren’t real Jews, that Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, that Jews are a religion and not a nationality and so we deserve no state.


Your denials have zero impact on the strength of our ideals and the self-affirmation of our identity.


I don’t care that you accuse us of flaunting the myriad UN resolutions, inquiries and statements.


They reflect more on the institutional decay of the UN than on us.


I don’t care about your media coverage, the lies, the equivocation, the acceptance of Hamas talking points and statistics.


Your echo chamber is just another weapon in their strategic arsenal.


I don’t care that you accused us of bombing the Al Ahli hospital.

It was only a matter of time before you found a symbol for Israel’s wickedness. The subsequent retractions were a fig leaf once the truth emerged that Islamic Jihad was responsible and that the hospital is still standing.


I don’t care that you see us as a criminal state, a terror state, usurpers, baby killers, Christ-killers, Khaybar Jews or any other depravity that exists in your mind.


Your libels lay the groundwork for our dehumanization. Rings a bell. We will fight it.

I don’t care that you’ve inverted the truth by accusing us of genocide.


If positions were reversed and Hamas held the power we do now, you’d see what a genocide looks like.

I don’t care that you’re angry, boiling and outraged.


I don’t care that you’re glued to your TV screens and Telegram channels.

I don’t care that you’re mad.


I don’t care if you’re out on the street, waving your flag and chanting your slogans.

We won’t die silently the way you want us to.


For the first time in 2,000 years we are organized, we are motivated and we will defend ourselves.


We fight for light over darkness,


Morality over evil.


Not that it matters to you – but we will stick to the rules and hold the high moral ground not because you expect it from us, but because they are a value for us.


We will do so ethically and thoughtfully, for we are the People of the Book.


Our power and strength are a necessity because the alternative for us is:


Be’eri, Kfar Aza, Pittsburgh, Toulouse, Farhud, Hebron, Birkenau, Belzec, Babi Yar, Kristalnacht, Kielce and Kishinev.


Do you think for a moment that we would return to that reality just to make you feel a little better?


You are deeply mistaken…


For so, so long, I really, deeply cared.

I cared about fitting in;

I cared about what you think;

I cared about being a model citizen;

I cared about setting a personal example of how a tiny people in a tough neighborhood could still be a Light unto the Nations.


How the world’s oldest minority – now a majority here – could treat its own internal minorities par excellence amidst the complicated and messy reality of ethnic conflict;


How we could painfully dismember parts of our homeland and offer them on the platter of peace to Palestinians that want neither peace nor some parts (they want all of it);


How we could dazzle you with USB sticks, drip irrigation, operating system kernels, Nobel Prize winners, swallowable medical cameras, deep tech, quantum mechanics, generative AI and cures for disease.


But now I’m finally accepting that you don’t care.

You never did.

You don’t see and you don’t hear.

And because I cared about what you think so much, that so deeply hurts.

But you don’t have my best interests at heart.

You take issue with my base identity, with what I represent.

Don’t expect me to wait for your approval this time.

It doesn’t matter what I do, you’re not going to change.

It doesn’t matter how I act, because your issue is with who I am.

Now I’m going to block out your noise and do what it takes to win this war.

I no longer care

About the Author
Avi was formerly a news writer at the Times of Israel. Originally from Australia, he served in the IDF and today works in Israel’s thriving Hi Tech sector in Tel Aviv. He lives near Modi’in with wife and 3 kids


JerusalemCats Comments: So You think your safe outside of the Land of Israel?


NYC On “High Alert” For “Lone Wolves” After Hamas Attack On Israel

by Tyler Durden, 11October2023 – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/nyc-high-alert-lone-wolves-after-hamas-attacked-israel


New York City was placed on “high alert” Tuesday by New York Mayor Eric Adams, who told law-abiding residents not to “underestimate” the threat from lone-wolf terrorists who have been radicalized by Hamas.

New York Mayor Eric Adams

New York Mayor Eric Adams


We cannot let our guards down,” said Adams.

The announcement comes as Israel prepares to turn parts of the Gaza Strip into “rubble” following the terrorist attack.

New Yorkers should not “underestimate” the threat from lone-wolf style terrorists who have been radicalized by Hamas online, warned New York Mayor Eric Adams, as the horror of the Israel-Palestine conflict continues to send shockwaves around the world.


Speaking at a press conference, the Democrat may have warned the city to be on guard, saying: “Don’t underestimate lone wolves…people being radicalized online.”


He added that messaging social media sites – where Hamas has shared horrific footage of Saturday’s attack on Israel – can motivate people to carry out similar attacks.


Authorities in New York are paying “special attention” to communities of Hasidic Jews in the Big Apple while monitoring social media sites, he said. –Daily Express

Adams’ comments come days after Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israel over the weekend, in which more than 1,800 people have been killed on both sides.


Making matters worse for NYC’s Jewish population, which, outside of Israel is the largest in the world, has been disastrous border policies pushed by Democrats which have allowed a steady stream of illegal migrants to enter the country – most of whom are unvetted.


Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.’s Democratic Socialists of America party led pro-Palestinian rallies in Times Square after the Hamas attack.


Democratic Socialists of America party led pro-Palestinian rallies in Times Square 8October2023 - Photo by Stuart Meissner

Democratic Socialists of America party led pro-Palestinian rallies in Times Square 8October2023 – Photo by Stuart Meissner


Perhaps the FBI will be forced to do its job instead of targeting enemies of the Democrat party?

FBI New York-tweet-10October2023

FBI New York-tweet-10October2023



NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police

Richard Goldberg-tweet-26December2023-NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police
Pro-Hamas, not Pro-Palestine

Rioters, not Protesters

Large Riot, not Large Protest
R A W S A L E R T S -tweet-25December2023
🚨#BREAKING: NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Fights Between Pro-Palestine Protesters and Police at a Large Protest

📌#Manhattan l #NewYork

Currently, the New York Police Department has requested a Level Three mobilization for a large protest that is taking place in Midtown Manhattan, where Pro-Palestine protesters are reportedly engaging in fights with the police. Numerous altercations have broken out between the two resulting in reported injuries to multiple officers. The extent of the injuries is currently unknown at this time. Police have also Reportedly made multiple arrests

Richard Goldberg-tweet-26December2023-NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police

Richard Goldberg-tweet-26December2023-NYPD Calls for Level Three Mobilization Amidst Numerous Large Riots Between Pro-Hamas Rioters and Police



New York City supports Hamas terror

Ritchie Torres-tweet-15October2023-A NYC club known as The End is holding an “Intifada Fundraver,” glorifying the deadliest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

Ritchie Torres-tweet-15October2023-A NYC club known as The End is holding an “Intifada Fundraver,” glorifying the deadliest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.


Rabbi S Litvin-tweet-11March2024-open call to murder Jewish babies
This is in New York City.

It’s an open call to murder Jewish babies.

We have seen this before.

Pro-Hamas = Pro-Holocaust

Rabbi S Litvin-tweet-11March2024-open call to murder Jewish babies

Rabbi S Litvin-tweet-11March2024-open call to murder Jewish babies



NYPD told Eli Wiesel’s Son to Hide Israeli flag at Protest


Told to Hide Israeli flag at Protest, Eli Wiesel’s Son Complies

19December2023 | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem |

Elisha Weisel had an Israeli flag draped around his back and Hamas Terrorist

Elisha Weisel had an Israeli flag draped around his back and Hamas Terrorist

Elisha Wiesel’s Stand Against Antisemitism: A Voice in Turbulent Times, Upholding Father’s Legacy in Tense New York City Confrontation

Elisha Wiesel, son of the late Elie Wiesel, a renowned Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate, recently found himself in a tense situation during a protest in New York City. At this event, organized by Within Our Lifetime, Wiesel was advised by NYPD to remove his Israeli flag amidst a crowd of about 500 Hamas supporters, citing safety concerns. This incident has brought Wiesel’s activism and his stance against antisemitism into the spotlight.


Wiesel, continuing his father’s legacy, has become a significant voice advocating against antisemitism and for the state of Israel. Reflecting on the incident, Wiesel expressed his experience via Twitter: “500 Hamas supporters shouting slogans surrounded us. I put on an Israeli flag I carry with me. The cowards hid behind their masks. NYPD insisted I remove the flag as the situation was getting dangerous”​​​​.

Elisha Wiesel-tweet-18December2023-Elisha Weisel and Hamas Terrorist
Video of the Penn Station incident. 500 Hamas supporters shouting slogans surrounded us. I put on an Israeli flag I carry with me. The cowards hid behind their masks. NYPD insisted I remove the flag as situation was getting dangerous.

Elisha Wiesel-tweet-18December2023-Elisha Weisel and Hamas Terrorist

Elisha Wiesel-tweet-18December2023-Elisha Weisel and Hamas Terrorist

In his advocacy, Wiesel has often emphasized the importance of Israel as a safeguard against potential future atrocities against the Jewish people. He has said, “My father saw Israel as the only guarantee against a second Holocaust” and stressed that “hate is a stain that is hard to wash out”​​. His views echo the sentiments of his father, who was not only a witness to the horrors of the Holocaust but also a passionate supporter of Israel.


Wiesel’s public addresses have highlighted the continual threats posed by antisemitism and the need for vigilance. He has remarked on the historical and current situation in Gaza, stating, “When Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005, the hope truly was that with the help of the U.S., the European Union, and the U.N. and Russia, Gaza would become a thriving demilitarized country, powered by tourism, economically tied, to Israel, a new chance”​​.


Elisha Wiesel’s involvement in these recent events and his subsequent remarks are a testament to his commitment to combating antisemitism and supporting Israel. His actions and words resonate with the enduring legacy of his father and highlight the ongoing relevance of these issues in today’s world.



Canadian Jews time to Pack your Bags and make Aliyah

Canary Mission-tweet-5March2024-Hamas supporters block Montreal’s Holocaust Museum
“Settlers, settlers, go back home!” “We’re going to kill all your kids!” Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters blocked the entrance to an event by IDF reservists at Montreal’s Holocaust Museum. In Nazi Germany, the Jews were also told to “go back home” (ironically, to Israel). https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-790305

Canary Mission-tweet-5March2024-Hamas supporters block Montreal’s Holocaust Museum

Canary Mission-tweet-5March2024-Hamas supporters block Montreal’s Holocaust Museum




Hamas in Toronto

dahlia kurtz-tweet-24April2024-Hamas running public daycare in Ontario
A Jewish mum just dropped off her toddler at a public daycare in Ontario.

The daycare supervisor was wearing a keffiyeh.

Imagine dropping your Jewish 3-year-old off at public school, and the person responsible for their care was wearing a Swastika.

That’s what just happened.

@Sflecce @brianlilley

dahlia kurtz-tweet-24April2024-Hamas running public daycare in Ontario

dahlia kurtz-tweet-24April2024-Hamas running public daycare in Ontario


Ariella-tweet-5March2024-open call for violence against Jews in Toronto
Good morning Toronto!
Just another day with an open call for violence against Jews.

What is it that people think globalize the intifada means?
Ahuvah Berger-Burcat-tweet-6March2024-If you support this poster
If you post this, or support this poster – then don’t come crying when you fuck around and find out.
Xin Yang-tweet-Hamas Poster in Toronto
Outside the courthouse on University Ave
JerusalemCats-tweet-7March2024-Israel will hunt down these Hamas supporters
Israel will spare no expense in hunting down these Hamas supporters that are putting up these Posters calling to kill the Jews. There are consequences for your actions. You will get to visit Yasser Arafat and Osama Bin Laden. Remember the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre aftermath.

Ariella-tweet-5March2024-open call for violence against Jews in Toronto

Ariella-tweet-5March2024-open call for violence against Jews in Toronto

Ahuvah Berger-Burcat-tweet-6March2024-If you support this poster

Ahuvah Berger-Burcat-tweet-6March2024-If you support this poster




A GENERAL WARNING TO THE JEWISH PUBLIC and A Purim Lesson for Simchat Torah

1 Marcheshvan 5784 15October2023 http://palmtreeofdeborah.blogspot.com/2023/10/a-general-warning-to-jewish-public.html
Rosh Chodesh Bet


Every Christian and missionary organization is hoping to capitalize on the crisis situation in Israel in order to push their man-god idolatry onto Jews.  I wish I had the room here to name all the names and show you how much money they have already collected in “donations” to “help Israel.”  [One prominent group actually living in Shomron is trying to raise 29 million dollars].  But anyway we don’t want to give them the publicity.


They are talking amongst themselves about the great opportunity this presents to give gifts to Jews in the name of their man-god while they are feeling most vulnerable and hope they will think kindly toward that false religion as a result.


It is forbidden to accept these gifts, even in the name of pikuach nefesh.  The supplies on offer are also being provided by Jewish sources, so if you feel the need of them, you must go to a fellow Jew for those items and take nothing from the Christians.  It would be a chillul Hashem because they report back to their followers how the Jews do not take care of each other and how it is left to them to do it as an act of Christian kindness.


Their “love and kindness” is a poison.  It’s a sham and a spiritual crime deserving of the death penalty al pi halachahHKB”H can provide all your needs through acceptable avenues.  If He doesn’t provide it, you don’t need it.


A Purim Lesson for Simchat Torah


Since the murderous bloody massacre of our people on Shabbat-Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, I’ve seen a particular phrase used over and over in shocked awe:  “They [Hamas] killed men and women as well as babies and old people.”


That echoed in my mind.


“…to destroy, kill, and cause to perish all the Jews, both young and old, little children and women, on one day….”  (Megillat Esther)


“…in every province, wherever the king’s orders and his edict reached, there was great mourning for the Jews, and fasting and weeping and lamenting; sackcloth and ashes were put on the most prominent.”  (Megillat Esther


“…the Jews be ready for that day, to avenge themselves upon their enemies.”  (Megillat Esther)


This is the Jewish response to this kind of threat.  Sadly, the warning has come too late for so many.


With hopes and prayers for better days and good news…





We are letting them do it to us again

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again
Dear European Jews in the 30s,

I owe you an apology. For the last 40 years, I’ve accused you of being blind, and quite frankly, stupid!

I’ve said it thousands of times.

“Why didn’t they get out? How did they not see the writing on the wall? Were they that comfortable and assimilated that they really believed it’d be ok? And even if they believed that, when Germany started legislating against Jews, how was THAT not enough of a sign to get out??”

For years, I thought you were weak. I thought you were led to the gas chambers like sheep to the slaughter.

For years, I thought that your mistakes could never be repeated again. I thought we, the Jewish nation, would surely see the writing on the wall.

I said Never Again and deep down, I thought it would never happen again, because WE, the Jewish people would never let it happen again.

“We are not as weak as they were”, I told myself.

And now I have to say, I’m sorry. I didn’t understand you until about a month or two ago when I realized that I was wrong about you.

More precisely, I was wrong about us.

It could happen again. The Jewish people WOULD let it happen again. We ARE letting it happen again.

Antisemites in the United States congress? Yep.

Pop stars declaring their love for Hitler? Uh huh

Banning Jews from entering educational institutions? Sadly that happened too.

Jews being assaulted and beaten in the streets? Yep, so that’s now a thing.

Mass antisemitic marches across America? We are there…

Jews women being raped and murdered just because they are a Jew? Can’t believe I’m saying this but yea, that too.

So, my European ancestors, and I’m talking to you, Grandma, I’m sorry. You weren’t weak and we aren’t strong.

We are letting them do it to us again and we are again not reading the writing on the wall.

I always believed that if I, we experienced what you experienced, we’d get the hell out immediately.

I was wrong. My brothers and sisters are continuing to be sitting ducks waiting for the next attack, the next vandalism of a synagogue, the next hate crime, the next blood thirsty antisemitic march, the next murder.

It’s 2024 and we haven’t learned the lesson that Germany was not our home. Poland was not our home. Austria was not our home.

Today, America is not our home. South Africa is not our home. The UK is not our home. Australia is not our home.

We only have one home and that is Israel. Is everything perfect in Israel? 100% not. But in Israel, your people protect you and if God forbid bad things happen, and they happen, (you don’t have to tell me, my brother was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist), your government, your army, your people will retaliate and ensure it never happens again.

No one is protecting you at Harvard. Or MIT. Or Columbia. You’re on your own there and this isn’t going to end well.

So, my European ancestors, I’m sorry I judged you. You weren’t weak. You weren’t blind. You weren’t dumb.

You were Jews who refused to internalize that other nations don’t behave like us and just because we’d never try to annihilate a nation doesn’t mean they won’t.

To my brothers and sisters in 2024, please, I beg of you, internalize the lesson of history. It’s happening right before your eyes. Don’t wait till it’s too late.

Leave. Get out. Come home.

We are waiting for you with open hours. You worry about us in Israel? I get it. That’s kind. But here, our fate is in our hands (And Hashem’s) and we know what we need to do.

No one there has your back. We have your back here.

So come home. Help us help you.

Allow us to welcome you at Ben Gurion Airport with chants of Am Yisrael Chai instead of staying there to hear chants of Globalize the Intifada and From the River to the Sea.

This is your home and we want you here with us. We need you here with us.

If you won’t come home for you, come home for us. We love you and want you here safe in our embrace.

Come home. It will be the best thing you ever did!

We are waiting. I am waiting! 🇮🇱🙏✡️

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-1

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-2

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-3

Hillel Fuld-tweet-25April2024-We are letting them do it to us again-3





7 Marcheshvan 5784  22 October 2023  http://palmtreeofdeborah.blogspot.com/2023/10/time-is-running-out-to-board-ark.html

It may already be too late!!!

This is a follow-up to The Flood of Hamas.  It alludes to The Flood of Violence (חָמָס) that accompanies The Flood of Antisemitism at the End of Days.  See, Heaven’s messages are everywhere!  HKB”H is screaming to His Children, “Choose life!!”

How can the Jews of the Diaspora not see this!??  Don’t be fooled by fear of what is happening in Eretz Yisrael.  It’s not what it seems.  (See the next post which should be ready later today, iy”H.)  If you are already here, this is NOT the time to leave!!!


  • Yehudit: ‘…in America, antisemitism will rise to unimaginable heights.'”
  • “Rav Sheinberger: ‘The whole world will flood and Eretz Israel will be like Noah’s ark, floating on top.'”
  • Ovadia HaNavi (1:17):  “On Mount Zion there will be refuge….”
  • The Lubavitcher Rebbe (During the Gulf War):  “There is no safer place in the world today than Eretz Yisrael.  Heaven forbid that anyone living in Eretz Yisrael should think of leaving at this time.  On the contrary, whoever is planning to visit Eretz Yisrael should go without fear and should let others know of his trip as well, for this will raise the confidence of the Jewish people throughout the world.
  • SEE: Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz’s Third Prediction


Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD

Thousands of protesters demanding eradication of Israel clash with NYPD


About 100,000 protesters join pro-Palestinian march through London

About 100,000 protesters join pro-Palestinian march through London


Protests across Canada oppose Israel's onslaught against Gaza

Protests across Canada oppose Israel’s onslaught against Gaza


Today it is “thousands,” tomorrow it will be millions and nothing will stop them.  Hashem yerachem!  


Do you think what happened here cannot happen there???


Do you think you could possibly be safer outside the Land G-d gave us???

[EDD: Examples]

Visegrád 24-tweet-23October2023-The Minneapolis City Council candidate Zach Metzger filmed this clip of himself and fellow anti-Israel protesters trying to chase down an elderly man trying to drive past their protest which was blocking a major street.

Visegrád 24-tweet-23October2023-The Minneapolis City Council candidate Zach Metzger filmed this clip of himself and fellow anti-Israel protesters trying to chase down an elderly man trying to drive past their protest which was blocking a major street.


Andy Ngô-tweet-24October2023-
“Reproductive justice means free Palestine” Far-left protesters at the NYC Queers for Palestine direct action falsely link the long regional conflict to American social issues. Abortion is almost entirely banned in the Palestinian territories, even in cases of rape or incest. West Bank Palestinian women who seek the procedure will sometimes go to Israel. Photos courtesy of

Andy Ngô-tweet-24October2023-Reproductive justice means free Palestine

Andy Ngô-tweet-24October2023-Reproductive justice means free Palestine


Hamas to Nazi "I'll Take it From Here" grabbing holocaust survivor

Hamas to Nazi “I’ll Take it From Here” grabbing holocaust survivor


9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht

Israel-tweet-9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht
Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht, the November Pogrom of 1938, in which more than 100 synagogues and 7500 Jewish businesses were vandalized in Germany.

This horrific event was the culmination of years of incitement and antisemitic rhetoric against Jews.

In the past couple of weeks we’ve seen Jewish communities around the world face horrific antisemitism.

Antisemitism starts with words but it doesn’t end there.

More often than not it kills.

Israel-tweet-9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht

Israel-tweet-9November2023-Tonight marks 85 years since Kristallnacht


85 years since Kristallnacht

85 years since Kristallnacht



Arye (ARO) Sharuz Shalicar-tweet-8November2023-NIE WIEDER ist JETZT!


Translated from Hebrew by


Arye (ARO) Sharuz Shalicar-tweet-8November2023-NIE WIEDER ist JETZT!

Arye (ARO) Sharuz Shalicar-tweet-8November2023-NIE WIEDER ist JETZT!



The Night of the Broken Glass

Nov 9-10, 1938: “The Night of Broken Glass”, which in German was called Kristallnacht, was an anti-Jewish pogrom in Nazi Germany and Austria on…
Yaakov Bar Nahman Posted on 10November2023 https://breslev.com/366273/


“The Night of the Broken Glass”, which in German was called Kristallnacht, was an anti-Jewish pogrom in Nazi Germany and Austria on 9 to 10 November 1938. Kristallnacht was triggered by the assassination in Paris of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew. In a coordinated attack on Jewish people and their property, 91 Jews were murdered and 30,000 were arrested and placed in concentration camps. 267 synagogues were destroyed, and thousands of homes and businesses were ransacked. This was done by the Brown Shirt Hitler Youth, the Gestapo, the SA, and the SS. Kristallnacht also served as a pretext and as a means for the wholesale confiscation of firearms from German Jews in order to assure their being left defenseless.


This woke up some Jews to the unfolding dangers, but not enough. So very many chose to remain blind and stayed, waiting for the storm to go away. History was to recount what an immense mistake that choice was.


While the fledgling Nazi party was growing in size and power, the concept of what Jewish life is really about became  dried up, diluted, and all but lost. The Jewish community was crumbling. The Reform movement and the Enlightenment were taking their toll. Tens of thousands of Jews were losing all feeling of what being Jewish really is. Theirs was more like a drab, colorless, lifeless cardboard cutout rather than a living, vibrant spiritual life. It was devoid of anything that stimulates the heart and soul. When there is nothing to draw interest, nothing to love, nothing to respect; there is nothing to attract loyalty, there is no inner bond.   Even the most basic level of a Jewish soul desires spirituality. If “at home” their lives were devoid of spirituality, they would seek some semblance of spirituality elsewhere.


Together, this resulted in myriads of German Jews leaving Judaism. By the onset of WW 2, there were 10,000 Catholic and Protestant priests and pastors in Germany from Jewish families!


They sought the spirituality that had been stolen from them and replaced by the dried up version of Judaism they were  raised in.


Even among those who “remained Jewish”, many had adopted the attitude of, “Be a Jew at home and a human being outside”.


Is there any wonder that God let loose the Angel of Death with an ‘open license to kill wholesale’? This process and its horrific outcome was to become one of the most gruesome chapters in human history.


With the worsening socioeconomic situation in Germany, the increasing political radicalism, and the turning of Divine Providence against the Jews of Germany due to the vast number who abandoned Torah life and values, the stage was set for…


Holocaust, the Greek word for sacrifice.



With antisemitism surging, Diaspora synagogues are ‘afraid’ to mark Kristallnacht

As Holocaust survivors reflect on Oct. 7 and the ‘global pogrom’ during Israel’s war with Hamas, some Jewish communities avoid commemorating 85 years to the Night of Broken Glass

By Matt Lebovic 8November2023 https://www.timesofisrael.com/with-antisemitism-surging-diaspora-synagogues-are-afraid-to-mark-kristallnacht/


On the morning after Kristallnacht, or the "Night of Broken Glass," local residents watch as the synagogue in Ober-Ramstadt, Germany, is destroyed by fire in 1938. (CNS photo/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)

On the morning after Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass,” local residents watch as the synagogue in Ober-Ramstadt, Germany, is destroyed by fire in 1938. (CNS photo/United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)


NEW YORK — Jewish communities from South America to Europe are canceling plans to commemorate the 85th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s Kristallnacht pogrom Thursday night due to surging antisemitism following the Hamas massacres of October 7, The Times of Israel has learned.


That day, Hamas terrorists infiltrated southern Israel by land, air and sea in a shock assault and killed some 1,400 people, mostly civilians, amid acts of horrible cruelty. Over 240 people are now in captivity in Gaza, including dozens of children. In the wake of the invasion, Israel declared war and vowed to destroy Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, where mounting casualties from the Israeli offensive have shifted public attention away from the October 7 massacres.


Thousands of synagogues had planned to participate in an annual Israel-based Kristallnacht initiative called “Light from the Synagogue,” with congregations and Jewish organizations invited to keep their lights on all night to mark the German pogrom in which 99 Jews were murdered and 30,000 men sent to concentration camps.


“When we first started to plan how to adapt this beautiful project to Brazil, we were aiming for an interreligious effort,” said Hana Nusbaum, a Holocaust educator based in Sao Paulo.


“However, due to the rise of antisemitism worldwide, we don’t think the synagogues and other Jewish institutions would be comfortable with a physical demonstration of support that highlights their locations,” Nusbaum told The Times of Israel.


Kristallnacht commemoration organizers in Los Angeles and New York City told The Times of Israel about “bolstered” security for synagogue gatherings set for Thursday evening. However, unlike Brazil, there were no reports that Kristallnacht gatherings were canceled in the US so far.


Marking this year’s wartime commemoration, the iconic March of the Living program released testimonies of Holocaust survivors who reflected on antisemitism following the Hamas massacres of October 7.


“I never thought in my life that something as terrible as now would happen again,” said Tirza HaLivni, who survived Kristallnacht and later moved to Israel.


Kvutzat Yavneh’s synagogue during Kristallnacht commemoration ‘Light from the Synagogue’ (courtesy: Dalia Yohanan)

Kvutzat Yavneh’s synagogue during Kristallnacht commemoration ‘Light from the Synagogue’ (courtesy: Dalia Yohanan)


“On October 7, Hamas came and slaughtered children, young and old. I have to say honestly, all the lectures I give, and I give a lot, in Israel, in Germany and wherever I can, but I think back 85 years ago to how horrible it was, and here we are, experiencing it again,” said HaLivni.


Through March of the Living (MOTL), thousands of Israelis and Diaspora teens have toured Holocaust sites in Poland followed by visits to Israel. Many of the survivors solicited by MOTL this year were uncomfortable allowing the organization to use their full names, according to a MOTL press release.


“[They] feared for their own safety, were initially hesitant to speak out, [or] worried that revealing their identities could place them in immediate danger,” said the statement.


As for synagogues afraid to commemorate Kristallnacht this week, “Light from the Synagogue” organizer Dalia Yohanan said she was deeply upset by emails she received.


In Graz, Austria, onlookers watch a smoldering synagogue the morning after Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938 (public domain)

In Graz, Austria, onlookers watch a smoldering synagogue the morning after Kristallnacht, November 10, 1938 (public domain)


“I nearly cried when I read how many synagogues are afraid to share their locations,” Yohanan told The Times of Israel.

“We thought those days would never come back,” said Yohanan, who lives on Kibbutz Tirat Tzvi.

Although it appears there have not been Kristallnacht cancellations in the US, that is not the case in Europe. In Groningen, the Netherlands, for example, an annual “silent march” for Kristallnacht was canceled due to fears that Palestinian supporters would find it provocative.


“We don’t want the march to be viewed as a demonstration because it is not,” said Geert Volders, director of the city’s Stichting Folkingestraat Synagogue.


Historians regard “The Night of Broken Glass” on November 9-10, 1938, as a prelude to the Holocaust, as well as a “test run” for Hitler to gauge global reaction to his plans for Europe’s Jews.

‘Jews are not safe’

Outside the Jewish state, survivors are now reluctant to wear Jewish symbols, said Manya Wallenfels, a Polish-born survivor who lives in the US.


“I think twice before I wear my Star of David,” said Wallenfels. “It is a catastrophe what is happening today: not only Hamas but the antisemitism in the universities. Before, I went outside with a Magen David on my shirt, now I think twice about it,” said Wallenfels.


In Los Angeles, a Jewish man was attacked in public by a Palestinian activist and died several hours later. One California-based survivor interviewed by MOTL said “sleepless nights” became part of their lives again since October 7.


“The October 7 terror attack brought back so many memories of what I saw as a child,” said Maud Dahme, a survivor who lives in San Diego.


“When it all happened on October 7, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve had sleepless nights since and it just brought back so many memories. I don’t know how to cope,” said Dahme.

Jewish man murdered by Palestinian protestor

Jewish man
murdered by Palestinian protestor

A Jewish man falls to the ground after allegedly being struck with a megaphone by an anti-Israel protester in Los Angeles on November 5, 2023. (Screen capture/X)

Some survivors said the Hamas massacres shattered a relative sense of inner balance they toiled to achieve for decades.

“I am devastated to see how Jews are being attacked today. Jews are not safe,” said Nate Leipciger, a survivor who lives in Canada.


“I am very troubled by this and am struggling to retain my equilibrium,” said Leipciger, who was attacked on the street for being a Jew while growing up.


“My optimism is shattered. We must collectively feel the pain felt by parents whose child is abducted and threatened with death. Hamas’s barbarism is equal and almost exceeds what I experienced during the Shoah,” said Leipciger, most of whose family were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

“Hamas’s barbarism is equal and almost exceeds what I experienced during the Shoah

“It started with words and continued with actions. I am devastated to see how Jews are being attacked today. Jews are not safe. I saw where antisemitism can lead to and I am very concerned,” said Leipciger.


With hundreds of American synagogues set to go forward with Kristallnacht programs on Thursday, some have committed to keep their lights on all night, as per the Israel-based initiative.


For example, at Young Israel of Sharon, Massachusetts, a 90-minute “Light From the Synagogue” program will focus on “our light” having not been “extinguished” during the Holocaust or after the Hamas massacres.


According to Young Israel, many congregants in Sharon, located outside Boston, had not heard about the Kristallnacht event due to a strenuous news cycle. In gathering as many Jews as possible, the shul hopes to express “our continued presence and vibrancy,” said a flyer.



Antisemitic incidents surged globally since Oct. 7 but most aren’t reported. Here’s why

Up to 79% of antisemitic harassment is never divulged, according to experts who weigh in on ‘obstacles’ that deter Jewish victims – especially youth – from speaking out

By Matt Lebovic 21 November 2023, https://www.timesofisrael.com/antisemitic-incidents-surged-globally-since-oct-7-but-most-arent-reported-heres-why/

Illstrative: A hand-drawn swastika is seen on the front of Union Station near the Capitol in Washington, January 28, 2022. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

Illstrative: A hand-drawn swastika is seen on the front of Union Station near the Capitol in Washington, January 28, 2022. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

NEW YORK — John Michael Graves, 25, was walking out of his Moishe House residence in Seattle when he spotted half a dozen antisemitic flyers “plastered” onto poles near the unmarked building’s gate.


“I ripped them down. It’s not clear how they even knew it was a Moishe House,” said Graves, referring to a cooperative group home for Jewish young adults. The flyers read “F–k You Israel” with crossed-out Jewish stars and were affixed onto street poles during the afternoon of October 24.


“It really hit me in the gut,” Graves told The Times of Israel. But he and his fellow residents did not report the incident to the Moishe House movement, which says it reaches 70,000 Jews in 27 countries, including six locations in Israel.


“We were scared and — it sounds ironic now — because this is going in a newspaper and more attention is being drawn to ourselves — I didn’t want to make it a bigger deal than it was,” said Graves. He is one of four residents in his Moishe House, which are generally populated by a mix of young professionals and grad students.


“We are programmed to think it’s just some flyer, not an active death threat,” said Graves, who added that Moishe House has been an “incredible” resource for himself and other residents regarding the Israel-Hamas war.


“When I saw the posters, I felt my hand grabbing at my Jewish star necklace,” said Madison Holt, 23, another resident of Moishe House in Seattle.

John Michael Graves. (Courtesy)

John Michael Graves. (Courtesy)

“I couldn’t decide if I wanted to hide my necklace or not. I have always felt safe living here, but this definitely was a wake-up call for how things have changed since October 7,” Holt told The Times of Israel.


Since the unprecedented Hamas massacres of 1,200 people in Israel last month and the taking of some 240 hostages, the Moishe House movement has provided new resources to its “community builders” around the world, including access to emotional support services, said Graves.


Now, six weeks after the eruption of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7, world opinion has shifted away from recognizing and mourning these atrocities.


The reluctance of Graves and Holt to report this incident of antisemitism is part of a widespread phenomenon, experts told The Times of Israel. Nearly four in five Jews who experience antisemitic harassment do not report it to law enforcement or media, according to American Jewish Committee statistics.


Moishe House resident Madison Holt. (Courtesy)

Moishe House resident Madison Holt. (Courtesy)

“Varying degrees of trauma” are behind the lack of reporting, Anti-Defamation League (ADL) spokesperson Jake Hyman told The Times of Israel.


“Some people may report right away, while others may want to pretend it never happened, which would be understandable,” said Hyman.


An important development for universities, said Hyman, is the new “Campus Antisemitism Legal Line” (CALL) for any student, family, faculty, or staff member to “report incidents of antisemitic discrimination, intimidation, harassment, vandalism, or violence that may necessitate legal action,” said Hyman.


Intake reports will be handled by lawyers working pro bono to represent victims “who choose to move forward with specific cases,” said Hyman.


“CALL will also provide referrals to social services, mental health counseling services, and other relevant support services in their area,” said the ADL spokesperson.

Not in my name

Experts told The Times of Israel that many high school pupils and college students are afraid to document harassment because it’s “nearly impossible to report anonymously if one wants an investigation with actual results and repercussions,” said Yael Lerman, executive director of the Saidoff Legal Department at StandWithUs, a pro-Israel educational organization. (This reporter works for StandWithUs as the director of its Holocaust Education Center.)


“Students who file discrimination or bias complaints under their name nearly inevitably become targets for ongoing harassment or social media by individuals, by anti-Israel student groups, and even in-person,” Lerman told The Times of Israel.

Several copies of this flyer were posted onto poles adjacent to a Moishe House building in Seattle, Washington, October 24, 2023. (John Michael Graves)

Several copies of this flyer were posted onto poles adjacent to a Moishe House building in Seattle, Washington, October 24, 2023. (John Michael Graves)

The non-reporting of antisemitism extends beyond student bodies, said Lerman.

“Many Jewish professionals on campus are not reporting antisemitic incidents because they are scared by what they see,” said Lerman, an attorney who leads a StandWithUs-cultivated network of lawyers willing to defend victims of antisemitism on campus, for free.


“They delete evidence and hope that by not dealing with it, it will go away. The idea of holding antisemites accountable through the criminal justice system instead of remaining scared hasn’t taken hold yet in a broad enough way,” said Lerman.


With social media and evolving technologies, students and staff alike are “afraid of being doxed and targeted for more harassment by being willing to come forward as witnessing antisemitic attacks,” Lerman said.

Feelings of shame

The Israeli American Council (IAC) pointed to “shame” as one reason why so many American Jews do not report on antisemitism.


“We know this because when we do receive reports [of antisemitic incidents], many times students and parents will indicate that they have experienced several other incidents before deciding to report,” said Karen Bar-On, the IAC’s vice president of activism.


“Also, when we discuss the topic with community members or provide antisemitism training to educators and students through our school or community events, they will bring up cases they have experienced while admitting they have not reported them,” Bar-On told The Times of Israel.


Founded in 2007, the IAC represents more than 800,000 Israelis and their families living in the US. Bar-On echoed attorney Lerman in asking Jews to reconsider the importance of reporting antisemitic harassment, as opposed to brushing it off.


“First and foremost, we need to let people know how to report and constantly remind them what resources are at their service,” said Bar-On. “More importantly, community members must understand the importance of reporting and standing up to each and every incident they experience, no matter how ‘minor’ they may feel it is,” she said.

Abraham Foxman, national director emeritus for the Anti-Defamation League, speaks at the Israeli American Council’s eighth annual summit in Austin, Texas, on January 20, 2023. (David Finkel photography)

Abraham Foxman, national director emeritus for the Anti-Defamation League, speaks at the Israeli American Council’s eighth annual summit in Austin, Texas, on January 20, 2023. (David Finkel photography)

According to data collected by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in 2021, 79% of American Jews “targeted by antisemitic remarks did not report these incidents,” said Aaron Bregman, AJC’s director of high school affairs.


“Many high school students who face antisemitism, discrimination, or bias choose not to report these incidents, fearing social retaliation and potential isolation,” said Bregman.


Another factor involved in underreporting is that students “may not be certain whether they have experienced discrimination and may underestimate the severity of the issue,” said Bregman, adding, “Some students may also struggle to recognize and define antisemitic actions, hindering their ability to report accurately.”


Bregman told The Times of Israel that “uncertainty” around discrimination “often stems from a perception that [Jewish students’] experiences do not compare to the discrimination faced by their peers,” he said.


Several experts pointed to “microaggressions” as key to understanding the underreporting phenomenon. One long-time student services director at Ivy League universities said that far too many professors “challenge observant Jewish students about missing class during Jewish holidays,” she told The Times of Israel.


Additionally, students may assume they have documented an incident when, procedurally, they haven’t.

“Students think they have reported something when they comment on it in an institutional survey, but that reporting doesn’t get shared with the systems that track or even do anything about antisemitism on campus,” said the former Hillel professional, who asked to remain anonymous due to her position in academia.

Disbelief that anything will be done

Across the Atlantic, in Britain, a “large proportion” of antisemitic incidents in public schools and university campuses are never reported, said Dave Rich of the Community Service Trust, which has recorded and responded to antisemitism since 1984.


“The most likely reasons for not reporting are that they don’t feel anything will be done, or they don’t know how to report,” Rich told The Times of Israel.

Hamas supporters at a march in London, November 11, 2023. (Metropolitan Police)

Hamas supporters at a march in London, November 11, 2023. (Metropolitan Police)

Within Europe, the European Union has conducted research into antisemitism in 2012 and 2018. Findings demonstrated that “most antisemitic harassment was not reported to anyone,” said Rich.


“We don’t have specific data for non-reporting of campus or school-related antisemitism, but this gives some indication of what we might be looking at,” said Rich.


With private Catholic universities in the US now opening their doors to enroll harassed Jewish students, the public is still only seeing the “tip of the iceberg” regarding antisemitism, experts believe. Without a significant increase in victims reporting on incidents of harassment, discrimination against Jews may continue to fly mostly under the radar.



JerusalemCats Comments: This sums it up!

All About the Facts

This biting musical parody, featuring the talented Latma team, will have you laughing out loud. Parody about the European Union, the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority and the lies they tell and the lies they believe during the Peace Negotiations and News Reports..



Michael Oren: A War Against the Jews

Hatred of Israel cannot be distinguished from hatred of the Jewish people. Incontestably now, anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

By Michael Oren 26October2023  https://www.israpundit.org/michael-oren-a-war-against-the-jews/ Source: https://www.thefp.com/p/this-isnt-a-war-against-israel


“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews. When the Jew will hide behind stones and trees, the stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’?” —The Hamas Charter


“The conventional war of conquest was to be waged parallel to, and was also to camouflage, the ideological war against the Jews.” —Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews 1933–1945


It wasn’t the rallies with “Keep the World Clean” posters and chants of “gas the Jews.” Nor was it the glorification of Hamas paragliders by the Chicago branch of Black Lives Matter or, in New York and London, the tearing down of posters with the faces of Israeli children held hostage by Hamas. Not even the off-the-charts uptick in antisemitic incidents in Germany (240 percent), the United States (nearly 400 percent), and London (1,353 percent) convinced me.


It was, rather, one of those realizations that so many generations of Jews before me have experienced. A realization that they, like me, surely tried to push out of their minds until the reality became unmistakeable.

This war is not simply between Hamas terrorists and Israelis. It is a war against the Jews.

The insight began with the international media’s coverage of the conflict. Again, it wasn’t the press’s insistence on calling mass murderers “militants” or citing Hamas and its “Health Ministry” as a reliable source. For close to fifty years—as a student activist, a diplomat, a soldier, a government and military spokesman, and above all, as a historian—I’ve grappled with the media’s bias against Israel. I’ve long known that the terrorists are “militants” solely because their victims are Jews, and only in a conflict with Israel are terrorists considered credible.


Instead, it was the media’s predictable switch from an Israel-empathetic to an Israel-demonizing narrative as the image of Palestinian suffering supplanted that of Israelis beheaded, dismembered, and burnt. It was the gnawing awareness that dead Jews buy us only so much sympathy.


In fact, there is probably a formula. Six million dead in the Holocaust procured us roughly 25 years of grace before the Europeans refused to refuel the U.S. planes bringing lifesaving munitions to Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Fourteen hundred butchered Jews bought us a little less than two weeks’ worth of positive coverage.


Europeans, it’s long been said, never forgave the Jews for the Holocaust. Their guilt was collective and their antisemitism no longer socially acceptable. What a relief many of them felt when it became de rigueur to call Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians Nazi-like. Similarly, haters of Israelis can’t forgive them for being massacred by Hamas terrorists on October 7, and were relieved when, on October 17, they could go back to vilifying the “colonial apartheid state.”


October 17—that was the date of the al-Ahli Arab Hospital incident. Hamas claimed that an Israeli bomb hit the hospital and killed 500 civilians. Again, there was nothing new about Hamas blaming Israel for atrocities that never happened and counting as dead the many who didn’t die. What was unprecedented was the speed at which the world accepted this triple lie—not a hospital but its parking lot was struck by a Palestinian rocket, not an Israeli bomb, killing far fewer than 500. Nevertheless, reflexively, the world imputed evil to Israel.


Within hours of the al-Ahli bombing, both Israel and the United States revealed the truth behind it. Still, almost no one in the media apologized. A full week after the explosion, The New York Times was still bringing in “experts” to intimate Israel’s guilt. After all, the paper was subtly telling us, Israel is perfectly capable of bombing hospitals and, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, possibly bombed this one as well.


What was previously an inkling became, October 17, an epiphany. It marked the moment when I finally peered behind the headlines and recognized their ancient, vicious, core.


For many centuries, the term “innocent Jew” was an oxymoron. Jews were guilty by birth, by belief, and by ancestry. There is a religious tenet of Judaism, reenacted each year at Passover, that all Jews were present at the exodus from Egypt and when God gave the laws to Moses at Sinai. Twisting this is a Christian belief that all Jews were present at, and responsible for, the crucifixion. More than Pilate, more than Judas—a name not chosen randomly—the Jews were damned for deicide.


But killing God is only one of the sins for which Israelis—read: Jews—are being demonized in this war. Behind the reports of the deliberate Israeli bombing of Palestinian neighborhoods—reports that meticulously stress the number of children killed—lies the 144,000 children mythically massacred by the Judean King Herod.


Though understandably feeling vengeful toward Hamas and their allies in Gaza, the vast majority of Israelis do not want innocent Palestinians to die. Hamas, however, places its bunkers, rocket launchers, and headquarters in civilian areas. Though Israel warns these noncombatants to evacuate, Hamas tries to prevent their flight, sometimes at gunpoint. The goal is twofold: to kill as many Israelis as possible, and to kill Palestinians to win the sympathy of the world and so that Israel can be denounced internationally for war crimes.


Hamas’s strategy is clear. Yet much of the press prefers to ignore it. Instead, it repeatedly accuses Israel of seeking to inflict the maximum number of civilian deaths and especially of children. In the media’s rendering, Israel is the new Herod butchering Palestinian innocents.


Forgotten are the thousands of Gazans who followed Hamas terrorists through the ruptured fence into Israel where they joined in the mutilations and raping. Forgotten are the Gazans who beat and spat at a nineteen-year-old Israeli woman who was raped and paraded through their streets. Gone were Gazans who gave out candy and celebrated the slaughter of 1,400 civilians who were truly innocent.




‘There is No Antisemitism Here,’ South African Justice Minister Claims, Despite 631 Percent Increase in Attacks on Jews

by Ben Cohen 31January2024 https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/01/31/there-is-no-antisemitism-here-south-african-justice-minister-claims-despite-631-percent-increase-in-attacks-on-jews/

SEE: South Africa takes Israel to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, UN) for the Gaza War

The claim of South Africa’s Justice Minister that there is no antisemitism targeting the country’s Jewish community drew a forthright response from Jewish leaders on Wednesday, who also accused the South African government of “creating an environment that emboldens antisemites.”


In an interview with the BBC’s “Hard Talk” program on Monday, Justice Minister Ronald Lamola flatly denied that antisemitism — which has soared in South Africa in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in southern Israel and the Israeli government’s military response — was a problem.


When presenter Stephen Sackur quoted South African Jewish leader Howard Sackstein saying that he was “staring at my suitcase contemplating whether it’s time to leave the only home I’ve ever known,” underlining as well his fear that the ruling African National Congress (ANC) government had been “captured by radical Islamists,” Lamola dismissed these concerns outright, going on to attack the “Zionist state.”


“It’s a very unfortunate statement not backed by any facts, it’s a figment of his own imagination,” Lamola said.

Lamola added that the case charging Israel with “genocide” brought to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) by South Africa was “not against the Jews as a people, it’s against the Zionist State of Israel,” which was “maiming and killing the Palestinians as a group in Gaza,” he said.


The ICJ’s ruling last week essentially rejected South Africa’s argument, with no immediate order issued to Israel to halt the war, only the demand that assistance must be provided to improve humanitarian conditions and measures taken to prevent acts or incitement against the UN’s 1948 Genocide Convention.


When Sackur pointed out that there had been a precipitous rise in antisemitic attacks in South Africa since Oct. 7, Lamola fired back, “there’s no such…there is no antisemitism in South Africa against the Jewish people.”


A statement from the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) on Wednesday highlighted that between October and December of last year, in the weeks following the Hamas assault, 139 antisemitic incidents were recorded, compared with 19 in the same period of 2022 — an increase of 631 percent.


The statement pointed out that there had also been as “a sharp increase in physical attacks against Jewish persons or property, something which had occurred only rarely in previous years. There were six cases of physical assault, whereas the annual average had been only one in the preceding decade.”


Among the violent incidents recorded were two cases of assault outside a Johannesburg synagogue, an attack on a Johannesburg rabbi, and a Jewish community member being repeatedly struck over the head with a pole at a pro-Hamas rally in Cape Town. Vandalism included damage and desecration to Jewish cemeteries in Pretoria and Durban.


During the incident in Cape Town, the targeted individual was surrounded by dozens of violent protestors who bellowed “Viva Hamas” and “Murderers,” telling him “Hitler did not kill all of you guys, just so that we could all see exactly why he did it.”


South Africa’s Jewish community “has prided itself on the relatively low levels of antisemitism compared to other Jewish Diaspora communities,” the SAJBD remarked. “However our government has created an environment where antisemitism can flourish with Minister Lamola’s comments being an example. We call on Minister Lamola and the ANC Government to stop dismissing antisemitism and to stop creating an environment that emboldens antisemites.”


A report on South African antisemitism submitted by the SAJBD to the US State Department and shared with The Algemeiner described how South African Jews increasingly face opprobrium and hatred in their daily lives.


“A ‘naming and shaming’ process has been adopted, where people are encouraged to shun those characterized as ‘genocidal baby killers’ and the like,” the report noted.


In one of several hateful emails sent to members of the community, a Jewish doctor in Cape Town was virulently abused by a former patient who accused him of financial dishonesty.


“I don’t expect anything from a Jewish c*** like you; it’s true what they say about you Jews, it’s ******* huge noses ***** greedy,” the email ranted. It ended, “my sexy rat-eyed y*d, we are coming for you. Hail [sic] HITLER.”


Lamola’s denial of South Africa’s antisemitism problem followed his assertion last week that the ICJ case brought against Israel meant that Nelson Mandela, the late South African President who led the ANC in its struggle against apartheid, “will be smiling in his grave.”


ANC leaders have repeatedly invoked Mandela in a political campaign against Israel that has intensified over the last decade. However, Mandela was a supporter of the two-state solution, declaring in a 1993 address to the Jewish community, “As a movement we recognize the legitimacy of Palestinian nationalism just as we recognize the legitimacy of Zionism as a Jewish nationalism. We insist on the right of the state of Israel to exist within secure borders but with equal vigor support the Palestinian right to national self-determination.”




Some of the People Defending Hamas Are Using the Same Argument the Nazis Tried After the Holocaust

“I am a historian (like Khalidi), interested in the origins of ideas and arguments. It turns out that Khalidi’s premier talking point has a very specific genesis.”

Posted by Mike LaChance 28October2023


Martin Kramer notes that Rashid Khalidi of Columbia University is using the same justification that the Nazis used during the Nuremberg tribunals.


From his blog:

The Nazi case for Hamas


Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor at Columbia University, is no fool. He started out as a spokesperson for the PLO in Beirut in the 1970s, and he’s been at it ever since. A New Yorker by birth, he knows something about perceptions of the conflict in America. And he knows that terrorism has set back the Palestinian cause time and again. That’s why he’s spent much of his career trying to anesthetize America to terrorism, divert attention from it, or minimize it.


The horrific massacre of Israeli men, women, and children committed by Hamas on October 7 has made his mission much harder. “The current sentiment,” he told an Arab interviewer (in Arabic),

politically, popularly, and in the media, is overwhelmingly negative. This contrasts sharply with the past decade, which saw growing support for Palestinian political rights and strong opposition to Israeli policies…. They’re capitalizing on the deaths of Israeli civilians during the Al-Aqsa Storm operation…. Having lived in the U.S., particularly New York, for over half my life, I’ve never seen such an onslaught of lies and crude propaganda that are actually making an impact.

Khalidi recommends a number of talking points to his followers. He’s dropped some in reaction to new and awful evidence, but one remains constant. Here is how Khalidi has made it, on two separate occasions:


There are ways of making war, which advanced technological societies employ, which involve the killing of huge numbers of civilians, who are never somehow counted in the calculus. Oh, that’s collateral damage. Oh, we didn’t mean to do it. If a pilot does it from 1,000 feet, and kills fifty people, or some somebody with a gun comes in and murders fifty people, there is a difference, obviously, but in the last analysis, if this is a violation of the rules of war on the one hand, it’s a violation of the rules of war on the other hand… One kind of killing of civilians—only that kind—is called terrorism and another kind of systematic killing of civilians, with much higher death counts, is simply ignored.

Sound familiar? It should.

The ‘Dresden defense’


I am a historian (like Khalidi), interested in the origins of ideas and arguments. It turns out that Khalidi’s premier talking point has a very specific genesis.


It figured in the case for the defense in the Einsatzgruppen Trial, conducted by the Nuremberg Military Tribunal from late 1947 to the spring of 1948. The Einsatzgruppen were the paramilitary death squads of Nazi Germany, which carried out mass murder by shooting in Nazi-occupied Europe. They destroyed well over a million Jews, and two million people all told. After the war, their surviving senior commanders were put on trial at Nuremberg, charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes.


The chief defendant, SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf, had been commander of Einsatzgruppe D, which carried out mass murders in Moldova, southern Ukraine, and the Caucasus. An economist and father of five, he had supervised the killing of 90,000 Jews. Ohlendorf imagined that he had a moral conscience. The killers under his command, he told a U.S. Army prosecutor, were prohibited from using infants for target practice, or smashing their heads against trees.



americanthinker.com logo

When Gaza has Money, Hamas has Rockets

By John F. Di Leo
October 18, 2023 https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/10/when_gaza_has_money_hamas_has_rockets.html


Whether you grew up watching reality law enforcement programs or fictional mafia movies, there’s one thing everyone knows: When a known hit man murders a stranger, the odds are at least ten to one that he was paid to do it. Find the person who paid him, and you’ve identified the real responsible party.


This doesn’t just go for individual crimes, either.  The same principle applies on the grand scale.

On Oct. 7, 2023, a horde of Islamofascist terrorists known as Hamas launched simultaneous, carefully coordinated attacks on Israel.


Hundreds of rockets were fired into civilian communities in Israel.  Crowds of terrorists charged across the border and attacked private residences, shooting up apartments and houses, raping and beating innocent individuals and families. Squads sought out the partygoers at a music festival, slaughtering the unarmed with abandon. Hamas killed or injured thousands that day – mostly unarmed, unsuspecting civilians.


Israel is responding, as Israel must.  But on the world stage, Israel doesn’t have the ability to go much further back, to deal with the sources, as we can in regular domestic law enforcement.


Israel can attack the nearby perpetrators, the bloodthirsty demons of Hamas who gave the orders and managed the attacks.  But Israel is limited in what it can do beyond the Holy Land.


They can study, publicize their findings, try to shame the guilty on the world stage, but their reach is limited.

In much the same way as that hit man we identified can be caught by local police, but we need the FBI to capture the mafiosi who hired him, Israel can root out the Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip, but Israel is limited in its ability to go after the global villains who fund and direct Hamas.


Someone is buying Hamas all these missiles.  Someone provides them with training and gear, intelligence and equipment, rifles and grenades.  And these people who ship them money and weaponry, fully intending that the recipients will use them against innocent Israeli civilians, are just as guilty as the homicidal maniacs pulling the trigger.


It’s not even a secret.

The group that has been chanting “Death to Israel” for decades, the group that has taught their children and their allies to shout “From the river to the sea,” confirming in no uncertain terms that their genocidal goal is to wipe the nation of Israel off the face of the earth, is a client state of Iran.


Israel disengaged from Gaza in 2005, and ever since local elections were held in 2006, the people of the Gaza Strip have chosen the terrorists of Hamas to rule them.


The Gaza Strip is located on a stretch of seashore on the Mediterranean. Has its government sought international investors to build a modern economy to support its people?  Have they taken advantage of their 24 miles of potentially beautiful coastline to build resorts, or have they attempted to build manufacturing centers to provide careers and prosperity for their two million residents?


Time and time again, when Israel and others have tried to support the building of plants, factories, and logistics centers in the Gaza Strip, Hamas terrorism has necessitated Israel closing the borders and revoking import/export privileges.  It’s impossible to have a manufacturing sector without public utilities, but Hamas sabotage has destroyed such facilities. It’s impossible to manufacture goods without raw materials, but Israel has had to close down maritime traffic to Gaza because Gaza’s suppliers keep filling “humanitarian aid” shipments full of armaments.


Whether from Egypt, Turkey, Iran or Lebanon, Israelis have learned the hard way that allowing goods into the Gaza Strip means endangering the innocent civilians of Israel.  So Israel has had to crack down, again and again.


The events of October 7 prove the case. Hamas is not allowed to maintain a military; they get billions of dollars in aid from their foreign allies, money that could and should be targeted to improving the lot of their people, the so-called “palestinians,” of whom nearly half are children and teenagers.  But despite this very real need for humanitarian support and economic development, Hamas puts its energy, its funding, and its rhetoric into its single-minded war cry: “Death to Israel.”


And where exactly does Gaza’s funding come from?

The governments of Iran and Qatar are major donors, plus a global network of expats who either identify with the Gazans (a mixture of arab ethnicities, but primarily Egyptian) or with Hamas’ very public goal of destroying Israel and emptying it of Jews.


The history books tell us that Hamas was originally an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Egyptian terrorist organization. Today, however, Hamas is usually considered more directly a client of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, itself the Lebanese branch of the Iranian council of mullahs – an oligarchy that has ruled Iran with a bloody iron fist for almost 45 years now.


So it is that when Hamas moves a muscle, one can safely assume that Iran is the one pulling the strings.

The issue of Hamas’ funding sources has attracted a bit more attention than usual, in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks.  Israel has announced that it’s blocking whatever sources it can find with proof of the money going to weaponry. They have blocked bank accounts at Barclays and huge cryptocurrency accounts that have long been a way for investors to move money in violation of sanctions, crypto being more easily hidden from view than real currency or investments.


But these are the obvious sources – terrorist supporting rogue states and fellow islamofascist extremists. The really big money in Gaza comes from sources that many would assume are peacemakers.


The United Nations, in fact, is arguably the biggest single funding source for Hamas, having directed well over five billion dollars in spending to the Gaza Strip in the past decade.  Such money isn’t provided without strings, of course, but money is fungible. If one source covers food and water, that frees up the money from other charities to be spent on rockets and rifles.


Perhaps most shocking to Americans is the amount of U.S. taxpayer dollars that are sent to Hamas. Outside of an attempt by the Trump administration to block U.S. taxes from going to Hamas from 2017 through 2020, the Obama and Biden regimes have diverted tens of millions, again and again, whenever they could find an excuse.  Never for arms, directly, of course; but money is fungible.


One of the first visual images confronted by an economics student is the idea of “expending resources on guns or butter.” The larger a percentage of your income you have to spend on butter, the less you can afford to spend on guns, and vice versa.


As long as the United States, the United Nations, and other allegedly peaceful countries provide funds to Gaza, and as long as Hamas continues to direct Gaza’s treasury, it’s as if we peaceful westerners ourselves were the ones buying Hamas the weapons.


People who’ve been paying attention will recall the midnight flights of billions of dollars in currency that the Obama regime illegally sent to Tehran, a vision refreshed by the Biden regime’s gift of releasing billions in foreign funds to Tehran a few short weeks ago.


When Iran has money, their client terror states have rockets.

The courageous and talented Israeli Defense Forces can work on ridding Gaza of its homicidal anti-semitic population, but what can we do, here, a world away?


Well, at the very least, we can stand up on election day, and fire the American politicians who keep paying these hit men with our money. The Democratic Party has been funding these vermin for far too long.


John F. Di Leo is a Chicagoland-based international transportation professional and consultant.  A onetime Milwaukee County Republican Party chairman, he has been writing a regular column for Illinois Review since 2009.  His book on vote fraud (The Tales of Little Pavel) and his political satires on the current administration (Evening Soup with Basement Joe, Volumes I and II).


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-24April2024-Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses
Anti-Semitism on campuses in the United States is reminiscent of what happened in German universities in the 1930s.

The world cannot stand idly by.

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-24April2024-Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses

Benjamin Netanyahu-tweet-24April2024-Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses





UC-Berkeley Law Prof: Don’t Hire My Anti-Semitic Law Students

“It’s time for the adults to take over, and that includes law firms looking for graduates to hire.”

Posted by Mike LaChance October 16, 2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/uc-berkeley-law-prof-dont-hire-my-anti-semitic-law-students/


Steven Davidoff Solomon is trying to hold these students accountable. There is a lot of this going around right now and it’s encouraging.


He writes at the Wall Street Journal:

Don’t Hire My Anti-Semitic Law Students


I teach corporate law at the University of California, Berkeley, and I’m an adviser to the Jewish law students association. My students are largely engaged and well-prepared, and I regularly recommend them to legal employers.


But if you don’t want to hire people who advocate hate and practice discrimination, don’t hire some of my students. Anti-Semitic conduct is nothing new on university campuses, including here at Berkeley.


Last year, Berkeley’s Law Students for Justice in Palestine asked other student groups to adopt a bylaw that banned supporters of Israel from speaking at events. It excluded any speaker who “expressed and continued to hold views or host/sponsor/promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.” Nine student groups adopted the bylaw. Signers included the Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, the Queer Caucus and the Women of Berkeley Law.


The bylaw caused an uproar. It was rightly criticized for creating “Jew-free” zones. Our dean—a diehard liberal—admirably condemned it but said free-speech principles tied his hands. The campus groups had the legal right to pick or exclude speakers based on their views. The bylaw remains, and 11 other groups subsequently adopted it.


You don’t need an advanced degree to see why this bylaw is wrong. For millennia, Jews have prayed, “next year in Jerusalem,” capturing how central the idea of a homeland is to Jewish identity. By excluding Jews from their homeland—after Jews have already endured thousands of years of persecution—these organizations are engaging in anti-Semitism and dehumanizing Jews. They didn’t include Jewish law students in the conversation when circulating the bylaw. They also singled out Jews for wanting what we all should have—a homeland and haven from persecution.


The student conduct at Berkeley is part of the broader attitude against Jews on university campuses that made last week’s massacre possible. It is shameful and has been tolerated for too long.


It’s time for the adults to take over, and that includes law firms looking for graduates to hire.




CEOs Vowing Not to Hire Harvard Students Who Signed Letter Blaming Israel for Hamas Attack

“I would like to know so I know never to hire these people”

Posted by Mike LaChance, 12October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/ceos-vowing-not-to-hire-harvard-students-who-signed-letter-blaming-israel-for-hamas-attack/


Some of the student groups at Harvard who signed on to this are already scrambling to distance themselves from it. This is why.


The New York Post reports:

A dozen CEOs back Bill Ackman’s call to not hire Harvard students who blamed Israel for Hamas attack

At least a dozen business executives have endorsed Bill Ackman’s call to deny hiring members of student groups at Harvard who signed on to a letter blaming Israel for Hamas’ deadly attack on Saturday that killed more than 1,200 people, including at least 22 Americans.


Jonathan Newman, the CEO of salad chain Sweetgreen, was among a group of business honchos who seconded Ackman in urging that the signatories of the letter circulated by the a coalition of 34 Harvard student groups who “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence.”


“I would like to know so I know never to hire these people,” Newman wrote in response to Ackman’s post on X on Tuesday.


“Same,” David Duel, CEO of healthcare services firm EasyHealth, wrote in response to Newman.


The backlash and possible blacklisting has led to a flurry of backpedaling by four of the initial student organizations attached to the inflammatory statement — while board members of other groups have quit to distance themselves.


Late Tuesday, 17 other Harvard groups joined around 500 faculty and staff and 3,000 others in signing a counter-statement attacking the other groups’ letter as “completely wrong and deeply offensive,” according to the campus paper, the Harvard Crimson.


A third letter from nearly 160 faculty members also ripped Harvard’s response to the scandal, writing that it “can be seen as nothing less than condoning the mass murder of civilians based only on their nationality.”


Fears that some of the nation’s brightest young minds had doomed their futures led former Harvard President Larry Summers to caution against singling out students who were “naive and foolish” about what they were signing.


Joel M. Petlin-tweet-2November2023-message for the deans of law schools
Some of the largest law firms in the country have a message for the deans of law schools who have tolerated Antisemitic activities conducted by their students:

If you want your graduates to get good jobs in our law firms, stop producing Antisemites.

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-2November2023-message for the deans of law schools

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-2November2023-message for the deans of law schools

largest law firms-Letter to Deans

largest law firms-Letter to Deans


Joel M. Petlin-tweet-12November2023-message for the deans of law schools
More law firms keep lining up in the fight against Antisemitism.

There are now 2️⃣0️⃣6️⃣ firms that have signed the @sullcrom
letter to law school deans.

Each one sends an important message. I hope that they get it and remove Antisemitic students and faculty from their campuses.

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-12November2023-message for the deans of law schools

Joel M. Petlin-tweet-12November2023-message for the deans of law schools

largest law firms-Letter to Deans-12November2023

largest law firms-Letter to Deans-12November2023


Examples of Anti-Semitic Law Students

See Post: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/corporations/harvard-letter-israel-columbia-ivy-davis-polk-law-firm-student-rcna120881

NBC News-tweet-17October2023-Top US law firm Davis Polk announces it had rescinded letters of employment for three law students

NBC News-tweet-17October2023-Top US law firm Davis Polk announces it had rescinded letters of employment for three law students


The @ColumbiaSJP @ColumbiaJVP letter had nothing to do with supporting Palestine & everything to do with celebrating & glorifying the torture, murder and mutilation of 1,300 Israelis and abduction of an additional 200. Civilians. Women. Babies. Innocents.
Do better, @Newsweek.

HonestReporting-tweet-18October2023-The @ColumbiaSJP @ColumbiaJVP letter had nothing to do with supporting Palestine & everything to do with celebrating & glorifying the torture, murder and mutilation of 1,300 Israelis and abduction of an additional 200. Civilians. Women. Babies. Innocents. Do better, @Newsweek

HonestReporting-tweet-18October2023-The @ColumbiaSJP @ColumbiaJVP letter had nothing to do with supporting Palestine & everything to do with celebrating & glorifying the torture, murder and mutilation of 1,300 Israelis and abduction of an additional 200. Civilians. Women. Babies. Innocents.
Do better, @Newsweek


Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers

Noah Pollak-tweet-20November2023-Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers
Some of the biggest names in finance have signed a public statement declaring they will not hire Hamas supporters and anti-semites at their firms:

“We call on our colleagues to join us in pledging to protect and support our Jewish and Israeli employees, family, and friends against violence and hate.”

Signatories include @BillAckman, @CliffordAsness, David Einhorn, Michael Steinhardt, Sander Gerber, Jon Jacobson, Peter Feld, Seth Fisher, Jeff Talpins, Doug Silverman, Ross Stevens, @boazweinstein, @michaelfertik, Dan Sundheim, Ryan Tolkin, and many more. Over $1T total under management.

Thank you gentlemen for taking a stand.

Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers

Alex Berger New York https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/asset-manager-community-supports-israel

Asset Manager Community Statement of Support for Israel

We stand united in our support for the State and people of Israel. We mourn the senseless and barbaric acts of mass terror. We condemn Hamas and their collaborators.

The attack in Israel is an attack on all of us. Israel is the Start-Up Nation. Its innovations make the world a better place.

We stand with Jewish communities around the world, which are experiencing antisemitic harassment and violence. We are profoundly disturbed by people who are indifferent when confronted with Jewish suffering or who organize to blame Jews and celebrate hate. Supporters of hate will have no place in our organizations or our community.

We call on our colleagues to join us in pledging to protect and support our Jewish and Israeli employees, family, and friends against violence and hate.

Since 1948, the State of Israel has been a source of hope, strength, and innovation. Israel has given our industry and the world an abundance of moral, intellectual, and material gifts. Now, in Israel’s hour of need, we, the undersigned, pledge to do everything we can to support the Jewish state and the Jewish people. We support Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas, and against all people, states, and organizations who threaten the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Never again will we sit by while peace-loving people are slaughtered en masse.


The following are among the signatories to the petition.

Sander Gerber, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner, Hudson Bay Capital

Yoav Roth, Managing Partner, Hudson Bay Capital

Bill Ackman, Chief Executive Officer, Pershing Square Capital Management

Robert Agostinelli, Co-Founder, Rhone

Clifford Asness, Managing and Founding Principal, AQR

Brett Barth, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, BBR Partners

Zachary Berger, Managing Director, ArchPoint Investors

Andrew Bernstein, Chief Executive Officer, Aeolus Capital Management

Marty Burger, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Artisan RE Ventures

Douglas Cifu, CEO, Virtu Financial

Brett Cohen, JGB Management

Aaron Cowen, Chief Investment Officer, Suvretta

Alexander Crisses, Managing Director, General Atlantic

David Einhorn, President, Greenlight Capital

Isser Elishis, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Waterton Global Resource Management

Peter Feld, Managing Member, Starboard Value

Seth Fischer, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Oasis Management

Matan Friedman, Chief Investment Officer, Generate Capital

Stephen Goldstein, Senior Managing Director, Evercore

Adam Herz, Co-Founder, Coalition Investment Partners

Jon Jacobson, Non-Executive Chairman, HighSage Ventures

Todd Kantor, Founder and Managing Member, Encompass Capital Advisors LLC

Adam Katz, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Irenic Capital Management

Jeremy Katz, President and Chief Operating Officer, D1 Capital

Ilya Koffman, Founder and Managing Partner, Turnspire Capital Partners

Jonathan Kolatch, Partner, Jasper Lake LLC

Greg Lippman, Chief Investment Officer, LibreMax Capital

Marc Majzner, Founder and Chief Investment Officer, Clearline Capital

Candice Richards, MidOcean Partners

Evan Roth, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, BBR Partners

Steven Roorda, Partner, Stonebridge Capital

George Rohr, President, NCH Capital

Douglas Silverman, Managing Partner, Senator Investment Group

Paul Singer, Chief Executive Officer, Elliott Management

Michael Steinhardt, Steinhardt Management

Ross Stevens, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Stone Ridge Asset Management

Dan Sundheim, Founder, D1 Capital

Jeffrey Talpins, Chief Executive Officer, Element Captial

Udi Toledano, Managing Partner, Good Springs Capital

Ryan Tolkin, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, Schonfeld

Boaz Weinstein, Founder, Saba Capital

Rich Abbe, General Partner, Iroquois Capital

Aimee Almeleh, BlueMountain Capital

Alex Berger, Managing Director, Hudson Bay Capital

Scott Black, Chief Legal Officer, Hudson Bay Capital

Shlomo Cohen, Managing Director, Jones Trading

Halit Coussin, Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer, Pershing Square Capital Management

Seth Damski, Chief Executive Officer, Old City Securities

Victoria Drabkin, Senior Vice President, Macquarie

David Feldman, Portfolio Manager, L1

Michael Fertik, Founder & Managing Director, Heroic Ventures

Jay Freedman, Principal, KPMG

Ian Jacobs, Managing Partner, 402 Capital

Max Karpel, Partner, Akin Gump

Nadav Klugman, Partner, Mayer Brown

Sam Leffell, Hudson Bay Capital

Alan Leifer, President, Leifer Capital Advisers, LLC

Noam Lipshitz, Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig

Amy Margolis, Hudson Bay Capital

Michael Masri, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis

Abel S. Osorio, Partner, Turnspire Capital Partners

Greg Racz, President and Co-Founder, MGG Investment Group

Zoya Raynes, Managing Director, Bank of America

Brian Rebhun, Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

David Reichsfeld, JP Morgan

Adam Rosenbluth, Managing Director, Bank of America

Michael Roth, Ares

David Salanic, Co-Managing Partner, Whitefort Capital

Craig Sedaka, LibreMax Capital

Mark B. Spiegel, Stanphyl Capital

Matthew Weinstein, Portfolio Manager, Hudson Bay Capital

Rami Zaitchik, Director, Bank of America

Noah Pollak-tweet-20November2023-Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers

Noah Pollak-tweet-20November2023-Statement on Israel and Anti-Semitism From Leading Asset Managers



Harvard 2024


Harvard Chabad-tweet-25April2024-Harvard Passover 2024
I’m hearing from first-year students who, while studying for exams in their dorm room, are being confronted with terrifying chants of globalize the Intifada – a call for the murder of Jews. I’m now receiving calls from their parents who are frightened to learn that Hamas supporters are being allowed to camp out in Harvard Yard – in brazen defiance to the university’s explicit guidelines – and are chanting in support of terrorism and call for the murder of Jews.

The last two nights at the Harvard Chabad Seder table, along with Jews around the world, we read the words of the Passover Haggadah
how “in each and every generation they rise up against us to destroy us. And the Holy One, blessed be He, rescues us from their hands.” That those who seek the destruction of the Jewish people are receiving support from Harvard students and other university students around the country – as we heard today from Hamas, should shake every moral person to their core.

We call on University leadership to remove these Jew haters and Hamas lovers who are continuously and brazenly violating university code of conduct, not to mention their own humanity.

– Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi, Jackie and Omri Dahan Harvard Chabad Jewish Chaplain

Harvard Chabad-tweet-25April2024-Harvard Passover 2024

Harvard Chabad-tweet-25April2024-Harvard Passover 2024


Hillel Fuld-tweet–24April2024-Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating
One month ago, I heard this sentence over and over: “You are being an alarmist. Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating. It can never happen in America. The public wouldn’t allow it.”

Ladies and gentleman, Harvard, 2024.

Hillel Fuld-tweet-24April2024-Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating

Hillel Fuld-tweet-24April2024-Antisemitism in America is not so bad and you’re exaggerating


Yael Bar tur-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Yard 2024
Harvard Yard 2024: Jewish students woke up this morning to see posters of innocent Israeli hostages completely defaced.

Let’s put aside discussions of codes of conduct and ousted presidents for a moment. I want to ask @Harvard: what is the value of my degree when fellow students think that it’s acceptable to use intimidation and violence as an argument? What are they learning if they repeat hateful lies to a point where the face of a kidnapped baby held by Hamas for over 4 months is too offensive to bear?


Yael Bar tur-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Yard 2024

Yael Bar tur-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Yard 2024


AsperGirl-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze
1. Declare a boycott/moratorium on hiring Harvard grads
2. Recruit firms & large companies to sign on

Do we really want to encourage student bodies behind this culture? Students of the classes of 2024 – 2028 should be held to a standard


AsperGirl-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze

AsperGirl-tweet-15February2024-Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze

Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze

Harvard Graduate Hiring Freeze


Bill Ackman-tweet-31December2023-Company Background Check Won’t Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Bill Ackman-tweet-31December2023-Company Background Check Won't Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Bill Ackman-tweet-31December2023-Company Background Check Won’t Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Company Background Check Won't Turn Up a Harvard Diploma

Company Background Check Won’t Turn Up a Harvard Diploma




When You Realize Nearly Everyone In Your University Wants You Dead

How, how, how did this come to pass? There is no evil like the academic who provides the ideological foundation for the extermination of a people, and insists that you call that program “virtue.”

Posted by Andrew Pessin 22October2023  https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/when-you-realize-nearly-everyone-in-your-university-wants-you-dead/

University of Wisconsin–Madison 11October2023Hamas Israel Palestine Protest

University of Wisconsin–Madison 11October2023Hamas Israel Palestine Protest


Four days in, after explicit images of the slaughter had been blasting around the internet nonstop for days, my college administration, and my faculty colleagues, had remained silent. In contrast, when a single Black man died by a police officer far away a few years ago the place had exploded for days. When an administrator more recently scheduled an event at a venue that 40 years earlier had racist admissions policies there were weeks of outrage, the canceling of classes and then of the administrator. The misuse of pronouns here can get you disciplined on a bias charge, in this age of microaggressions and in the name of promoting inclusion.


But when (now) 1400+ Jews are slaughtered in cold blood, live on camera, there is—silence.

And not just slaughtered: bloodthirsty murderers going house to house, murdering entire families, children, grandparents, medics and first responders, raping women and little girls, abusing corpses, burning down houses with their families inside like in medieval times, paragliding into a music festival with automatic weapons gunning down 260 young adults (same age as our students), not to mention taking 200+ hostages (women, children, elderly) whom they have threatened to execute publicly (assuming they are still alive) —no different from the Nazi Einsatzgruppen, except that the Nazis didn’t have the ability to also livestream their atrocities—


There was silence.

Actually worse: business as usual. Chatter about upcoming events, department business, the usual weekly newsletters, announcements re upcoming meetings. Nothing to talk about, folks, it’s just Jews being slaughtered on the largest scale since the Holocaust.


“We must take care of our students”—a wonderful rallying cry that fills up our airwaves whenever any identity group is perceived to have received a harm, however abstract that harm is, however removed that harm might be from them directly and personally.


Except for Jews—whose family members, friends, and acquaintances were literally just gunned down, raped, burned alive, decapitated, all livestreamed. (They used one grandmother’s phone to film their execution of her, then posted the video to her own Facebook account so everyone she knew could witness it—which is how her family learned of her fate.)


How would they feel if that were their grandmother?

If they watched her be executed with their own eyes?

Did this community truly have no care or concern for its Jewish members?

I didn’t want to believe it.

But this isn’t just about my institution. Apart from a small handful of university presidents who responded appropriately (such as at the University of Florida), most were either silent like mine or (eventually) expressed tepid, neutral, general words of dismay without truly acknowledging what had just happened before our very eyes. Although admittedly these responses were at least marginally better than what happened and continues to happen on many other campuses: active, large, loud rallies where students and faculty and at least the occasional administrator openly endorsed and called for the deaths of Jews.


But only marginally: the silence, and the tepidness, convey the same message, if slightly less explicitly.

The problem is nearly—everywhere.


Other people saw the problem earlier, but for me it was around 2014 that I began to understand that nearly everyone not merely at my institution but at these very many institutions, including the best institutions, really—hated—the Jews. But since I first saw it I’ve also seen it getting worse, and now it is shockingly unambiguous. I no longer have the occasional worry that my concerns are maybe a little paranoid, apocalyptic, overly emotional.


It is now clear.

Many, many people in our universities don’t merely really hate the Jews, but actually—want them dead.

In 2023 America, not to mention around the globe.

Take a look at the rallies the first week after the massacre at Harvard, at Yale, at Princeton, at Columbia, at Georgetown, and at the University of North Carolina where one very excited young woman screamed exuberantly, “We are all of us Hamas!”


Hamas, which openly calls for, and acts to bring about, the death of every Jew on the planet.

At the University of Washington rally “for Palestine” a young woman Jewish student was filmed sobbing in front of a seemingly indifferent administrator, “Why are you allowing this to happen here? They want us dead!”


How, how, how did this come to pass?

Know this to start: Israel is home to half the world’s Jews, and the majority of the other half are closely connected to it, identify with it, support it, have family, friends, acquaintances there. It is safe to assume that most Jewish persons on your campus either know someone who was just murdered in their homes or taken hostage and perhaps soon to be executed publicly, or knows someone who does. That means not only that most Jews on your campus have just suffered an incalculable concrete personal loss, but that anyone who wants Israeli Jews dead must also want these Jews dead—because these Jews mostly support those Jews, and may even be related to them.


There is no comfort in imagining, well maybe they want to kill the Jews there, but here, in the US of A, in 2023, I am safe.

Do not forget that point.

This may be the US of A in 2023, but what we’re seeing is an old story, dressed up fresh for the 21st century Western world.


Years of lies, fertilizing the soil, all deliberately designed to delegitimize and dehumanize the Jew, to label the Jew as inhuman, demonic, pure evil. Once you are convinced that the Jew represents evil, then killing Jews becomes not only acceptable but even obligatory. If the Jew is evil, then you in turn must be a very good person in killing him. The Christians did this for centuries, portraying the Jew as literally the fleshly embodiment of evil in their rejection and crucifixion of Jesus. The Germans and the Nazis did this for decades in racial terms, inspired by the antisemitic conspiracy-theory forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion, even developing a whole academic discipline to document and thus demonstrate the evils of the Jews. After some decades of this program, killing Jews isn’t merely easier but becomes an act of virtue.


The newer lies, now also several decades old, are merely superficial variations on the older lies, aiming to better reflect the specific evils of today. The charges of “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” “settler colonialism,” “apartheid,” and more recently “Jewish supremacy,” not to mention probably every single thing most people believe about Gaza—you may be sure that all of these are lies, in fact easily documentable and demonstrable lies for anyone who takes a few minutes to honestly evaluate them. (Maybe people don’t know that rather unlike most “open air prisons” or “concentration camps” Gaza has four-star hotels and restaurants, luxury cars, ritzy malls, affluent neighborhoods, fancy beach resorts, and an obesity problem, not to mention a massive military infrastructure.) These charges don’t have to be true, they just have to be widely circulated, widely repeated, and widely believed, so that the Jew becomes the embodiment of whatever is considered most evil today.


And this is what the “pro-Palestinian” movement, along with its numerous “progressive” allies, has successfully accomplished.


After twenty years of the “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” (BDS) movement against Israel, orchestrated on campus by the now more than 200 chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), their short-term goal, that of damaging Israel economically, was a bust; but the long-term goal, the real goal, has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Whether or not a particular BDS resolution passes or fails on a given campus, the campaign itself soaks the campus in all the lies above for weeks on end, year after year. Most students don’t really follow the details, but come away thinking, man, those Jews with their genocide, apartheid, and supremacy, must really be pretty evil.


And now in 2023 no one blinks an eye when SJP asserts boldly, baldly, as if factually, on their recent social media celebrating the slaughter of 1400 Jews, that every single Israeli Jew is a “settler.” In today’s campus vernacular the slur “settler” rivals in evilness the slur “Nazi,” which they also sling against Israelis. If every Israeli Jew is a settler, then every Israeli Jew is evil, and therefore legitimately murdered. That includes the babies, and the grandmothers, and the unarmed dancing teenagers, and by the way it also justifies torturing them and raping the women before you murder them, which also occurred on a significant scale. (The first report to the Red Cross on the hostages noted that many suffered from “severe injuries due to rape.”)


Every Israeli Jew is guilty. And if every Israeli Jew is guilty, is evil, then so is every other Jew who supports them and may even be related to them.


There are no innocent Jews.

The actual Nazis couldn’t have orchestrated it better.


Those administrators, those faculty members, those students who say nothing while 1400 Jews are slaughtered—and livestreamed, with the most horrific recordings circulating the globe getting millions of views and shares and likes and celebratory comments—Do they remain silent because they too believe these Jews actually—deserve this?


One liberated kibbutz included the bodies of 40 babies.


Some beheaded.

Are there no innocent Jews, who don’t deserve this fate?


Babies, grandmothers, dancing peaceniks, living in their ancestral homeland, in an internationally recognized UN member state, in territory that is not disputed except by those who believe that no Jew is innocent?


If they can’t condemn this—if they remain silent—then they must believe these Jews deserve it. I can draw no other conclusion. Is it possible that these academic colleagues, sophisticated, educated, refined, “experts” in values—for do they not daily proclaim their expertise in values, in their anti-racism, their anti-hate, their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion?—is it possible that the people we work with, share offices with, who teach our children, share the belief and value system of the ancient and medieval Christians, the modern Nazis?


And of the contemporary Islamic Resistance Movement, otherwise known as Hamas?


Hamas has made no secrets of its views. From its founding charter—which literally openly endorses the murder of every Jew on earth, and quotes repeatedly, and “factually,” from the antisemitic Nazi-worshipped forgery Protocols in order to support its view that every Jew deserves to be murdered—to literally every action, every behavior, and every statement in the 40 years since, it has been telling you exactly what it thinks.


They tell us this openly, and have been telling us this openly for decades. A week after the massacre their leaders called on every Muslim on earth to bring the jihad to everywhere on earth, which prompted attacks in several European countries and had the FBI on alert here.


This isn’t hard to figure out. This movement is not about peace, about negotiation, not about “two states,” not about “justice,” not about Palestinian self-determination, not even about bettering the lives of Palestinians, all the things that should rightly matter to genuine progressives.


It is about murdering every Jew on earth, starting with the ones in Israel. (They also are interested in removing Christians, for the record, but the Jews are the first priority.)


That the animus is not restricted to Israeli Jews is also clear by the global reaction. Mass rallies in major cities around the globe, celebrating the slaughter and attacking local Jews and Jewish institutions. And back to campuses: SJP immediately launched a social media campaign celebrating this mass slaughter of Jews (which they call “resistance”), and then launched a campaign to “bring the resistance” to every campus they could, in order to “dismantle” Zionism on every campus. Lovely words—except when “resistance” openly means “slaughter every Jew,” when “dismantling Zionism” means removing, “by any means necessary,” anyone on campus who believes that Jews have human rights too, and when they illustrate their campaign with a celebratory image of the paraglider armed with automatic weapons about to embark on gunning down every unarmed dancing teenager in his sight.


This is open endorsement of, and incitement to, mass homicidal violence—occurring on, and directed towards, not only Israel and Israelis but our very campuses.


They don’t even hide it. They’re proud about it.

They were exulting in it.

“We are all Hamas!” the young woman in North Carolina screamed. Can you imagine if she were your roommate, your classmate, your student?


Hamas, SJP, have never hid their intentions. “Resistance,” and “By any means necessary,” even “decolonization,” are the sanitized way they like to put it, but as you see them chuckle in glee, in ecstasy, over this mass slaughter, giving those snuff videos millions of views and likes and glowing reviews, it looks a lot less sanitary.


When an openly genocidal Jew-hating group declares, and then perpetrates, their intention to slaughter Jews, is it not advisable to #BelieveThem?


And when a campus group does the same?



Is there any other identity group about which it would be acceptable to celebrate their mass slaughter, and campaign to bring that slaughter to your campus? What exactly are all those diversity and inclusion administrators paid to do, if not to prevent this?


Or at least condemn it?

But silence is what we got on my campus, and on many campuses.


Is that because people—our administrators, our colleagues, our students—agree? That every Jew is guilty, that every Jew is evil, that every Jew must be eliminated?


Is that what they are thinking, when they look at their Jewish colleagues, students—at you—even if they are good enough not to say it aloud?


That the answer is yes is supported by what, of course, predictably, happened next.


Jews began to defend themselves. And the world, including campuses, promptly erupted and continues to erupt in outrage at every single measure Jews take in so doing. There isn’t a single nation on earth that wouldn’t respond massively to such an attack, but when Jews do it, every measure is instantly labeled an aggression, an atrocity, a war crime, there will be international tribunals, etc. That is because in their eyes Jews do not have the right to defend themselves, the right that all other human beings have—because after a generation of the program academics and their students now apparently believe that Jews are so demonic they are not even endowed with the “human rights” championed by all the anti-Israel “human rights” NGOs, whose condemnations of Israeli self-defense are as loud as anyone else’s.


One other thing also happened next. The more decent among the academy did have some words of concern about the massacre but couldn’t resist even a nanosecond before appending to those words their “explanations,” their “context,” the “nuance,” the “what choice did they have” rhetoric—invoking, after all, the “blockade,” the “occupation,” the “apartheid,” etc. The lies, the damned lies, doing all the work, obscuring the fact that the Palestinians, even Hamas, did and do have many other choices available besides slaughtering Jews, including that of actually making peace with Israel.


One academic actually said the following to me. The reason she was silent to that point wasn’t that she hated Jews, she said, but that she was trying to understand the conflict from multiple sides, because it is after all extremely complicated. When this person was confronted with the mass sadistic slaughter of 1400 mostly civilian Jews including babies, in other words, her response was “I need to hear more perspectives.” Imagine saying on a campus today that you were suspending judgment on the George Floyd case, and on the general phenomenon of anti-Black racism, and while you’re at it on slavery too because the situation is “complicated” and there are other “sides,” including the side that held that all Blacks are evil and deserve to be enslaved or eliminated.


Is there any other identity group about which it would be acceptable to justify their mass slaughter by providing “context,” insisting on “nuance,” wanting to see the “other side”?


Academics are supposed to be in the subtlety and nuanced business, and indeed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex, and there is lots of room for reasonable debates about many aspects of it.


But that is not what’s going on here.

The issue at hand really is extraordinarily simple: either those raped and murdered and abused and burned and decapitated babies and families and grandmothers deserved that fate, or they did not. Any “but,” any “explanation,” any “context,” any “complication,” any “both sides,” any “all lives matter” (as many of those tepid university statements exhibited) blames the victim for their slaughter and comes down as a vote that they deserved it—because, in the end, because no other explanation is possible, they must believe that every Jew is evil, and that the medieval Christians and modern Nazis and contemporary Hamasniks have it right.


Anything less than outright unqualified condemnation of this act is a signal to your Jewish colleagues, peers, and students, that their very existence on this planet is an aggressive provocation to you. The tepidity and the silence may be marginally better than the “Intifada!” and “Resistance by any means necessary!” and “Death to the Jews!” chants heard on all too many campuses this past week, but they signify exactly the same thing.


Here is one other neat trick, pointing again to the same conclusion. Many instantly responded to the onset of the Israeli response by calling for de-escalation, by condemning genocide. Beautiful: who could be against de-escalation, and for genocide? But here’s the problem. Wasn’t Hamas’s mass sadistic slaughter of some 1400 mostly civilians just a little bit of a, you know, escalation? And part of an explicit campaign of, you know, genocide? How does one come out for de-escalation only after the Jew-slaughterers have finished their slaughter, and without even acknowledging that slaughter? How does one come out against genocide only after the openly genocidal group has finished its round of genocidal activity, and do so without even acknowledging that genocidal activity? Think about the message that sends to Jewish community members: we have no objection when you are attacked, but we condemn you when you respond. Or maybe: genocide is dreadful, except when it’s perpetrated against Jews.


Not to mention that there is a whole other mode of de-escalation, and genocide prevention, that these folks entirely overlook. They could demand that Hamas return all the hostages immediately and surrender, and then the war is over, instantly. You don’t get more de-escalating and anti-genocidal than that. Yet somehow that is not the mode they are calling for.


Make that condemnation of the Hamas slaughter, full stop, unconditional—and then perhaps we can have reasonable discussions about many things, including about the scope and nature of the Israeli response.


Anything else and the conclusion is inescapable: they just want Jews dead.

For the record, it is possible to be “pro-Palestinian” yet also condemn this massacre, full stop. That really isn’t so hard to work out. And yet finding a person or two on a campus taking that position will keep you busy for a pretty long time.


Even as I write this I cannot fully believe it, but it really is past denying. As that young woman at the University of Washington sobbed, “They want us dead.”


It is Hamas, I obviously believe, that is profoundly evil. But one thing to their “credit,” I suppose: they at least tell you who they are, they are open about it, they may be violent religious extremist fanatics but at least you know who you are dealing with.


But the academics—the professors, the administrators, now a full generation of students and young alumni—the people who justify that violence, who create entire ideologies that fertilize the ground by painting the victim as the evil one, as the one who deserves this extermination, are at least equally evil. They may not pull the trigger but they create the conditions that make the trigger pulling justifiable and therefore feasible, and do so in a massively deceptive way. The entire “Anti-Zionism” campaign of the past two decades was just that, a wolf in sheep’s clothing: take the eternal hatred of the Jew and wrap it up as “political critique,” or “human rights,” so that it will be allowed to enter the academic arena, where it will seep into the brains of unsuspecting students. In the past decade the “wokeness” and “diversity” program added fuel to this fire, prettying up that sheep, turning Western Jews into privileged white supremacist oppressors of people of color while their Israeli Jewish siblings oppress the Palestinians of color, so that in the name of all the higher virtues it became acceptable and then obligatory to start hating the Jews, all of the Jews, who now represent the ultimate evil in their 21st-century eyes. That is precisely what the medieval Christians and the modern Nazis did, and what those academic “progressives” and “Anti-Zionists” who have been propagating these vicious lies for many years under their various jargony names have been doing.


There is no evil like the academic who provides the ideological foundation for the extermination of a people, and insists that you call that program “virtue.”


“Death to the Jews!” at least has the decency to be explicit.

But the tepidity, and the silence from administration, from the diversity administrators, from the faculty, on so many other campuses—says the same thing.


They really want us dead.

[Featured Image: Pro-Hamas protest at University of Wisconsin (“Glory to the martyrs, glory to the murders”), via Twitter]


Andrew Pessin is Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies at Connecticut College, and Campus Bureau Editor of the Algemeiner. Among other works he is co-editor of Anti-Zionism on Campus: The University, Free Speech, and BDS. More information about him and his work may be found at www.andrewpessin.com.

[See Next Post: Not So Safe Space ]


Stumbled upon a protest today at the @UWMadison
campus, gross chants including “glory to the murders”

They believe the only good Jew is a dead Jew #IStandWithIsrael

Geoffrey Datz-tweet-11October2023-protest at the UWMadison campus-gross chants including-glory to the murders

Geoffrey Datz-tweet-11October2023-protest at the UWMadison campus-gross chants including-glory to the murders



The folks screaming “Intifada, Revolution” on college campuses aren’t talking about Israel anymore

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18April2024-The folks screaming Intifada Revolution
The folks screaming “Intifada, Revolution” on college campuses aren’t talking about Israel anymore.

They’re talking about America.

Wake Up and Smell the Jihad.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-18April2024-The folks screaming Intifada Revolution

The Persian Jewess-tweet-18April2024-The folks screaming Intifada Revolution




Why Can’t They Just Leave The Jewish Hostage Posters Alone?

Mentally healthy people just walk by a poster they don’t like. Psychopaths and sociopaths tear them down, and when you throw in DEI-infused dehumanization of Jews, you get the anti-Israel movement we now have.

Posted by William A. Jacobson, 9November2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/11/why-cant-they-just-leave-the-jewish-hostage-posters-alone/


NYU Students Destroy Israeli kidnapped Posters

NYU Students Destroy Israeli kidnapped Posters

There has been a wave of vandalism of posters placed in various locations of Israelis who were kidnapped by Hamas, other terrorist groups, and “civilians” on October 7.


While I haven’t done a rigorous statistical survey, anecdotally I and others have noticed that the poster-rippers and other violent anti-Israel protesters disproportionately are young women.

Ian Haworth-tweet-9November2023-Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women
Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women?
Israel War Room-tweet-8November2023-
NEW: A USC student is caught on camera laughing and tearing down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas.


Ian Haworth-tweet-9November2023-Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women

Ian Haworth-tweet-9November2023-Why are most of the people tearing down pictures of hostages women



William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-kidnapped poster destroyers are young women
What’s really striking is how many of these violent demonstrators and kidnapped poster destroyers are young women, seems like a significant majority
Ron M.-tweet-9November2023-
Higher education in America.
@UCLA: Covered faces wearing keffiyehs and beating the effigy of the Jew/PM of Israel.

Los Angeles. 2023.


William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-kidnapped poster destroyers are young women

William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-kidnapped poster destroyers are young women



StopAntisemitism-tweet-1November2023-NYC-couple tearing down flyer of kidnapped Israeli children
NYC – a couple is spotted on West 4th tearing down flyers of kidnapped Israeli children taken into Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

Recognize them? DM us!


StopAntisemitism-tweet-1November2023-NYC-couple tearing down flyer of kidnapped Israeli children

StopAntisemitism-tweet-1November2023-NYC-couple tearing down flyer of kidnapped Israeli children



Manhattan Mingle-tweet-This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against
This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against. Parents, it’s time to delete Tik Tok from your children’s devices! UES 79th Lexington @bethanyshondark @visegrad24 @canarymission @StopAntisemites @ViralNewsNYC


Manhattan Mingle-tweet-This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against

Manhattan Mingle-tweet-This young poster ripper is the logic we are fighting against



Viral News NYC-tweet-7November2023-She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages
Mill basen Brooklyn NY
This person came out with a knife and started cutting a poster of kids who were either killed or kidnapped by hamas terrorists.
She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages.


Viral News NYC-tweet-7November2023-She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages

Viral News NYC-tweet-7November2023-She cut the poster like she was trying to kill the hostages



Noah Pollak-tweet-7November2023-This is what our schools are producing now
It’s amazing how many of these psychos either work in higher education or graduated from college within the past few years. This is what our schools are producing now:
Canary Mission-tweet-7November2023-
NEW Canary Mission profile. Azali Ward, who is the VP of Student Mentor Leads for Diversity Chief Office @FordhamNYC
& an asst coach @BaruchCollege, helped rip down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. https://canarymission.org/individual/Azali_Ward


Noah Pollak-tweet-7November2023-This is what our schools are producing now

Noah Pollak-tweet-7November2023-This is what our schools are producing now



New York Post-tweet-9November2023-NYC woman ranted-I’ll kill you Jews
NYC woman who tore down hostage fliers ranted ‘I’ll kill you Jews’ before attack, victim says https://nypost.com/2023/11/09/metro/melissa-ugur-ranted-ill-kill-you-jews-victim-says/
“The incident unfolded as hate crimes against Jewish New Yorkers skyrocketed since the raging Israel-Hamas war started last month, with a whopping 214% surge in antisemitic incidents in October, the NYPD announced Wednesday.”


New York Post-tweet-9November2023-NYC woman ranted-I’ll kill you Jews

New York Post-tweet-9November2023-NYC woman ranted-I’ll kill you Jews


StopAntisemitism-tweet-17October2023-The lack of humanity is extremely concerning
HORRIFYING- NYU students walking around campus removing posters featuring missing Israelis being held in Gaza by Hamas terrorists.

The lack of humanity by your students is not only heartbreaking but extremely concerning @nyuniversity


StopAntisemitisms-tweet-17October2023-The lack of humanity is extremely concerning

StopAntisemitisms-tweet-17October2023-The lack of humanity is extremely concerning



There are many more examples posted at StopAntiSemitism, Canary Mission, and elsewhere on Twitter.


They have smug grins and a glee on their faces just like the sadists who tortured and mutilated Israelis on October 7. The posters for them are a proxy for Jews in the flesh. If you wonder how “normal” people can turn into barbarians, you are witnessing it in real time.


William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-It’s the same glee you see
It’s the same glee you see on the faces of the people tearing down the Kidnapped posters
John Roberts-tweet-8November2023-This Canadian journalist’s reaction to screening the raw footage of 7October
This Canadian journalist’s reaction to screening the raw footage of Oct. 7:
I watched Hamas hack innocents to death. The worst part was their glee | National Post

SEE: Sabrina Maddeaux: I watched Hamas hack innocents to death. The worst part was their glee


William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-It's the same glee you see

William A. Jacobson-tweet-9November2023-It’s the same glee you see


The posters attract these deranged haters like flies. They just can’t help themselves.

Why not just walk on by? Why not put up your own posters? Why the need to destroy? They are taking out some life frustration and letting loose the demons within them on Jews who are victims.


I read a really good description of what is at least part of the problem, by Antonio García Martínez writing at The Tablet:

The poster-rippers are merely physically enacting what most of the Western left thinks, which is that Jews cannot play the role of victim, no matter what atrocities they’ve suffered. Their ethnic antagonists, the Palestinians, have that role reserved for them, so don’t bother us with your tales of woe, Israeli Jews, no matter how sinister….


Westerners view the Middle East with a new wokified Orientalism: It’s an exotic stage on which to project (if not enact) their own political dramas around identity and oppression. The problem is that the liberal mind cannot imagine what’s inside the illiberal mind….


A lot of people are waking up to the dehumanization of Jews through CRT/’anti-racism’/DEI. We’ve been screaming about it for years. We even started a website to document how deeply the racialized pathology has spread (CriticalRace.org).


But we’re just “right wing” so we never penetrated the broader and mostly liberal American Jewish community. Now that Bari Weiss is writing about it, though, its okay for liberal Jews to call out the DEI monster:

People were to be given authority in this new order not in recognition of their gifts, hard work, accomplishments, or contributions to society, but in inverse proportion to the disadvantages their group had suffered, as defined by radical ideologues. According to them, as Jamie Kirchick concisely put it in these pages: “Muslim > gay, Black > female, and everybody > the Jews.”What we must do is reverse this….


The answer is not for the Jewish community to plead its cause before the intersectional coalition, or beg for a higher ranking in the new ladder of victimhood. That is a losing strategy—not just for Jewish dignity, but for the values we hold as Jews and as Americans….


It is time to end DEI for good.

It’s no coincidence that so many of the poster-rippers are in college or work at colleges. That is where the DEI-indoctrination is the most intense.


This is not a working class phenomenon.

NYScanner-tweet-27October2023-Friday morning in Forest Hills, Queens
Friday morning in Forest Hills, Queens. Seems like some good old New Yorkers are pissed.


NYScanner-tweet-27October2023-Friday morning in Forest Hills-Queens

NYScanner-tweet-27October2023-Friday morning in Forest Hills-Queens



This is a DEI-addicted illness.


Of course, there are other factors. Some are motivated by traditional Islamist Jew-hatred, some by traditional leftist-Jew hatred, some are just deeply unhappy and disturbed people with deep emotional problems who have found someone else to make miserable.


Mentally healthy people just walk by a poster they don’t like. Psychopaths and sociopaths tear them down, and when you throw in DEI-infused dehumanization of Jews, you get the anti-Israel movement we now have.



Liberals more distant from Israel

JPPI-tweet-6November2023-New JPPI Poll

New JPPI Poll: The survey examines whether the events make US Jews feel “closer” or “more distant” from Israel. In this question, there is a substantial decrease in the proportion of very liberal or fairly liberal Jews who consider that the events will make them feel closer to Israel, alongside a slight increase in those who estimate that the events will make them feel “more distant ” from Israel (notably, among very liberals, from 5% to 13%). Additionally, there is an increase in the proportion of those who believe that the events will “not change” their degree of closeness to Israel.

The survey was conducted among 696 Jews in the United States.

JPPI-tweet-6November2023-New JPPI Poll

JPPI-tweet-6November2023-New JPPI Poll


Elder of Ziyon-tweet-6November2023-If your entire worldview

If your entire worldview is that the world is divided between “oppressors” and the “oppressed,” then anything that shows that you are wrong and sometimes Jews can be oppressed enrages you.

Which is why people tear down the “kidnapped” signs. The signs violate their religion.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-6November2023-If your entire worldview

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-6November2023-If your entire worldview



Please walk away from the people in your life who are..

Jordyn-tweet-8November2023-Please walk away from the people
To my Jewish American brothers and sisters – I mean this with love: Please, PLEASE have some self-respect. Walk away from the people in your life who are liking or sharing social media posts wrongfully accusing Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing, or apartheid after Israeli communities were just massacred in the most inhumane, barbaric ways. I am begging you. Have some self respect and let them go.

Let. Them. Go.

Jordyn-tweet-8November2023-Please walk away from the people

Jordyn-tweet-8November2023-Please walk away from the people



How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus?

How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus?

A @UBCPsych study is recruiting Jewish students to take part in a study on stress and coping. If you self-identify as Jewish and attend a college or university, we would love to hear from you.


How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus

How are Jewish students coping with antisemitism on campus



Jewish students, university campuses can be tough places these days

noa tishby-tweet-3March2024-Jewish students university campuses can be tough places these days
I recently spoke to more than 4000 Jewish teens at @BBYOInsider. And I told them, very soon, most of you will go to college. That’s exciting. But for Jewish students, university campuses can be tough places these days.

So I want to run through a few things that you will encounter on college campuses. Because you need to be prepared.

When you get to college you’re going to run into groups which are a part of the boycott Israel movement. These groups will pretend to be all about justice, freedom and human rights, which is great, except that’s not what they are about. These groups intention is to destroy the only Jewish state in the world. They don’t hide it, they just hide it from you.

They will tell you that they don’t hate Jews, they just hate Israel or even better “Zionists”. Never mind that Zionism only means that Jews are allowed to have a state, like every other people, and that most Jews believe in that.

They will tell you that Jews have nothing to do with the Land of Israel. But the simple truth is: Israel is a massive part of Jewish identity. It’s where Jews and Judaism come from and where we have always had a presence. We’re called Jews because we come from Judea.

Why am I telling you all this? Because they want to tell you that your identity is wrong and that there is something wrong with you. That being Jewish, being a Zionist is something to be ashamed of. They want you to hide your Jewish identity.

But Jewish people are done hiding. We are not going to live in hiding. We live in a time when everyone is encouraged to celebrate who they are. Every identity is expected to be accepted. And should be. Gender identity. Sexual identity. Ethnic identity.

We have to celebrate our Jewish identity as well!

So now, at college and beyond: walk with your heads held high. Take pride in who you are and what you represent. Flaunt your star of David, invite all your friends for Shabbat. find a nice Jewish boy. We will not hide and we will not let the haters tell us who we are or who we can be.

Now go have a great weekend, have fun get inspired and don’t forget – Am Yisrael Chai

noa tishby-tweet-3March2024-Jewish students-university campuses can be tough places these days

noa tishby-tweet-3March2024-Jewish students-university campuses can be tough places these days



21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University, “Return home as soon as possible and remain home antisemitism explodes on campus.”

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home
🇺🇸✡️ — NEWS: Jewish Rabbi at Colombia University and Barnard College, Rav Elie Buechler, sent a WhatsApp message to all Jewish students warning them to “return home as soon as possible and remain home antisemitism explodes on campus.

“It deeply pains me to say that I would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home…”

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home-Rav Elie Buechler-21April2024
Rav Elie Buechier
Dear Yavneh,
What we are witnessing in and around campus is terrible and tragic.
The events of the last few days, especially last night, have made it clear that Columbia University’s Public Safety and the NYPD cannot guarantee Jewish students’ safety in the face of extreme antisemitism and anarchy.

It deeply pains me to say that I would strongly recommend you return home as soon as possible and remain home until the reality in and around campus has dramatically improved.

It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus.
No one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school.

If you need assistance please reach out to me.

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home

Belaaz News-tweet-21April2024-Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home

Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home-Rav Elie Buechler-21April2024

Jewish students at Colombia University Return home as soon as possible and remain home-Rav Elie Buechler-21April2024


Dr. Logan Levkoff-tweet-22April2024-Jews are not safe in NYC
Jews are not safe in NYC.

Shame on you @Columbia.
Shame on you @nyuniversity.
Shame on you @TheNewSchool.

@NYCMayor @GovKathyHochul it’s fucking time to do something.

Dr. Logan Levkoff-tweet-22April2024-Jews are not safe in NYC

Dr. Logan Levkoff-tweet-22April2024-Jews are not safe in NYC

Nefesh B'Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il

It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH



Israeli student at Columbia “We currently fear for our personal safety”

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia
I just got an email from an Israeli student at @Columbia.

Don’t listen to me. Listen to them:

“Dear Shai,

I am writing to you as a concerned Israeli student at Columbia University, along with 133 fellow Israeli students. On April 23rd at 8:00 AM, we addressed a letter to President Shafik, Co-Chair Shipman, and Co-Chair Greenwald, expressing our fears about our safety on campus and the critical need for immediate action. I have attached the letter for your reference. We are reaching out because we believe that our concerns are being neglected by the university administration, and we recognize the significant role that the media is playing in these recent events. We fear further escalation of violence on campus and want to ensure that our voices are heard and that preventive measures are taken to safeguard all students. We believe that increased media attention can help bring about the necessary changes and hold the university accountable for ensuring a safe environment for everyone.

We request that when posting the letter it is done anonymously, as we currently fear for our personal safety.”

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia


Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia_letter

Shai Davidai-tweet-24April2024-Israeli student at Columbia_letter



Columbia is currently preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22April2024-Columbia is preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus
🚨 Breaking: @Columbia is currently preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus.

A dark day in the history of the US 🇺🇲

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22April2024-Columbia is preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus

Dr. Eli David-tweet-22April2024-Columbia is preventing its Jewish professors from entering the campus



Not So Safe Space


Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university

Visegrád 24-tweet-3March2024-Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university
Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university, choking her as other “protesters” spit in the face of another Jewish student while shouting “Jew Jew Jew Jew”

Crickets in national media.

Antisemitic physical attacks at universities are becoming a norm

Visegrád 24-tweet-3March2024-Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university

Visegrád 24-tweet-3March2024-Anti-Israel Berkeley students attacked a Jewish girl at the university


Retsef Levi-tweet-19November2023-Liyam Chitayat antisemitism at MIT

Courageous and authentic testimony by Israeli-American MIT PhD, Liyam Chitayat, about antisemitism at MIT.

Commons in Boston, Nov 19, 2023.

@BillAckman @MIT

Retsef Levi-tweet-19November2023-Liyam Chitayat antisemitism at MIT

Retsef Levi-tweet-19November2023-Liyam Chitayat antisemitism at MIT

Antisemitism at MIT


Heartbreaking 💔- students at UC Berkeley plead with Vice Chancellor of DEI Dania Matos and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Steve Sutton to protect their Jewish students as promotion of Hamas intensifies on campus.

StopAntisemitism-tweet-16October2023-students at UC Berkeley plead with Vice Chancellors to protect their Jewish students

StopAntisemitism-tweet-16October2023-students at UC Berkeley plead with Vice Chancellors to protect their Jewish students



Kassy Dillon-tweet-5March2024-Smith College’s antisemitism problem
NEW: Mezuzahs were stolen from door frames and swastika graffiti has appeared near Smith College’s campus.

In response, the school’s president felt the need to condemn Islamophobia and have an advisory committee consider divesting from companies doing business with the IDF.

Kassy Dillon-tweet-5March2024-Smith College’s antisemitism problem

Kassy Dillon-tweet-5March2024-Smith College’s antisemitism problem



Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-
Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell
discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul


Kyle Becker-tweet-25October2023-
NOW: Jewish students at @cooperunion
are locked in the school library because a pro-Hamas gathering found out scared Jews were sitting in the library.

So they brought the protest inside and blocked all the exits. Then the banging started.
This is an attempted pogrom.

Kyle Becker-tweet-25October2023-Jewish students at cooperunion are locked in the school library

Kyle Becker-tweet-25October2023-Jewish students at cooperunion are locked in the school library

Whateverdear-tweet-25October2023-This is an attempted pogrom

Whateverdear-tweet-25October2023-This is an attempted pogrom

The Reaction to the pogrom

Benjamin B@dejo-tweet-26October2023-See below my email

Benjamin B@dejo-tweet-26October2023-See below my email

Benjamin B@dejo letter to cooperunion president

Benjamin B@dejo letter to
cooperunion president


Not So Safe Space

Eliana Rudee – Not So Safe Space 2017 contest video 1080p
2017 contest video from “Inspired by Israel” Video Contest http://www.israelvideonetwork.com/inspired-by-israel-video-contest-gallery/ on the Israel Video Network. http://www.israelvideonetwork.com/not-so-safe-space/ or https://player.vimeo.com/video/207474009
Written and Produced by Eliana Rudee, Actresses: Dana Mileguir
“Thank you to the Sderot Media Center for their footage! Published: March 20, 2017”


American-Greatness-logo https://amgreatness.com/


How Were the Universities Lost?

The Ivy league and their kindred so-called elite campuses may soon go the way of Disney and Bud Light

By 7December2023  https://amgreatness.com/2023/12/07/how-were-the-universities-lost/


After October 7, the public was shocked at what they saw and heard on America’s campuses.

Americans knew previously they were intolerant, leftwing, and increasingly non-meritocratic.


But immediately after October 7—and even before the response of the Israeli Defense Forces—the sheer student delight on news of the mass murdering of Israeli victims seemed akin more to 1930s Germany than contemporary America.


Indeed, not a day goes by when a university professor or student group has not spouted anti-Semitic hatred. Often, they threaten and attack Jewish students, or engage in mass demonstrations calling for the extinction of Israel.


Why and how did purportedly enlightened universities become incubators of such primordial hatred?

After the George Floyd riots, reparatory admissions—the effort to admit diverse students beyond their numbers in the general population—increased.


Elite universities like Stanford and Yale boasted that their so-called “white” incoming student numbers had plunged to between 20 and 40 precent, despite whites making up 68-70 percent of the general population.


The abolition of the SAT requirement, and often the comparative ranking of high school grade point averages, have ended the ancient and time-proven idea of meritocracy. Brilliant high school transcripts and test scores no longer warrant admissions to so-called elite schools.


One result was that the number of Jews has nosedived from 20-30 percent of Ivy League student bodies during the 1970s and 1980s to 10-15 percent.


Jewish students are also currently stereotyped as “white” and “privileged”—and thus considered as fair game on campus.

At the same time, the number of foreign students, especially from the oil-rich Middle East, has soared on campuses. Most are subsidized by their homeland governments. They pay the full, non-discounted tuition rates to cash-hungry universities.


Huge numbers of students have entered universities, who would not have been admitted by the very standards universities until recently claimed were vital to ensure their own competitiveness and prestige.


Consequently, they are no longer the guarantors of topflight undergraduates and professionals from their graduate programs.


Faculty are faced with new lose/lose/lose choices of either diminishing their course requirements, or inflating their grades, or facing charges by Diversity/Equity/Inclusion commissars of systematic bias in their grading— or all three combined.


The net result is that there are now thousands of students from abroad, especially from the Middle East, far fewer Jewish students, and student bodies who demand radical changes in faculty standards and course work to accommodate their unease with past standards of expected student achievement.


And, presto, an epidemic of anti-Semitism naturally followed.

In such a vacuum, advocacy “-studies” classes proliferated, along with faculty to teach them.

“Gender, black, Latino, feminist, Asian, Queer, trans, peace, environmental, and green”-studies  courses demand far less from students, and arbitrarily select some as “oppressed” and others as “oppressors”.  The former “victims” are then given a blank check to engage in racist and anti-Semitic behavior without consequences.


Proving to be politically correct in these deductive gut-courses rather than pressed to express oneself coherently, inductively, and analytically from a repertoire of fact-based-knowledge explains why the public witnesses faculty and students who are simultaneously both arrogant and ignorant.


At some universities “blacklists” circulate warning “marginalized” students which professors they should avoid who still cling to supposedly outdated standards regarding exam-taking, deadlines, and absences.


All these radical changes explain the current spectacle of angry students citing grievances, and poorly educated graduates who have had little course work in traditional history, literature, philosophy, logic, or the traditional sciences.


Universities and students have plenty of money to continue the weaponization of the university, given their enormous tax-free endowment income. Nearly $2-trillion in government-subsidized student loans are issued without accountability or reasonable demands that they be repaid in timely fashion.


Exceptions and exemptions are the bible of terrified and careerist administrators.

Faced with an epidemic of anti-Semitism, university administrators now claim they can do little to curb the hatred. But privately they know should the targets of similar hatred be instead blacks, gays, Latinos, or women, then they would expel the haters in a nanosecond.


What is the ultimate result of once elite campuses giving 70-80 percent of their students As, becoming hotbeds of dangerous anti-Semitism, and watered-down curricula that cannot turn out educated students?


The Ivy league and their kindred so-called elite campuses may soon go the way of Disney and Bud Light.

They think such a crash in their reputations is impossible given centuries of accustomed stature.

But the erosion is already occurring—and accelerating.

At the present rate, a Stanford law degree, a Harvard political science major, or a Yale social science BA will soon scare off employers and the general public at large.


These certificates will signify not proof of humility, knowledge, and decency, but rather undeserved self-importance, vacuousness, and fanaticism—and all to be avoided rather than courted.


Honest Reporting New Logo

Israel-Hamas War Proves America’s Ivy League Colleges Are Festering With Violent Antisemitism – Part One

“Astonishing,” “astounding,” “awesome,” and “incredible” were some of the adjectives used by Columbia University tenured professor Joseph Massad to describe the rape and murder rampage by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel on October 7. Massad, who…

Rachel O’Donoghue 5November2023 https://honestreporting.com/israel-hamas-war-proves-americas-ivy-league-colleges-are-festering-with-violent-antisemitism-part-one/

SEE: Why Antisemitism, Anger and Intolerance Have Infected America’s Ivy League Colleges – Part Two



“Astonishing,” “astounding,” “awesome,” and “incredible” were some of the adjectives used by Columbia University tenured professor Joseph Massad to describe the rape and murder rampage by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel on October 7.


Massad, who has taught Modern Arab Politics at the New York institution since 1999, lavished praise on the barbaric attack in a piece published in the Electronic Intifada, which is edited by Ali Abunimah and infamous for promoting hateful rhetoric.


“What can motorized paragliders do in the face of one of the most formidable militaries in the world?” Asks Massad in his opening line, referring to the armed paragliders who swooped on the Supernova musical festival and slaughtered hundreds of revelers. “Apparently much in the hands of an innovative Palestinian resistance,” he crows in response to his question.


It’s truly sickening stuff; a shameless celebration of wanton violence against primarily unarmed men, women and children by a professor at one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States.

And yet, it is not surprising.

Something is rotten in America’s elite educational establishments; Ivy League schools are becoming breeding grounds for extremism and intolerance.


This has been no better exemplified than in the weeks since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, when students at nearly every Ivy League college have attended marches and protests where they have openly voiced their support for the Hamas attacks and called for the extermination of the world’s only Jewish state.


HonestReporting-tweet-5November2023-Eretz Nehederet takes pro-Hamas university students to task

Eretz Nehederet or ‘A Wonderful Country’ takes pro-Hamas university students to task for ignoring what’s right in front of them.

HonestReporting-tweet-5November2023-Eretz Nehederet takes pro-Hamas university students to task

HonestReporting-tweet-5November2023-Eretz Nehederet takes pro-Hamas university students to task

Columbia University

Massad’s support for Islamist terrorism and indiscriminate violence against Jews is disturbing. Even more disturbing, though, is the Columbia University leadership’s refusal to take any action against — even to condemn — the academic.


Shortly after Massad penned the article, Columbia student Maya Platek started a petition, which has now been signed by nearly 70,000 people, calling on Columbia University to hold him accountable.


“Massad’s decision to praise the abhorrent attack encourages violence and misinformation in and outside of campus, particularly putting many Jewish and Israeli students on campus at risk. Moreover, many students have expressed that they feel unsafe in the presence of a professor who supports the horrific murders of civilians,” states the petition.


While the university has completely ignored the petition and the concerns voiced by Jewish students, members of the faculty have come out in support of pro-terror students, including more than 100 academics who signed a letter demanding that such students not face consequences for praising the attacks.


“In our view, the student statement aims to recontextualize the events of Oct. 7, 2023, pointing out that military operations and state violence did not begin that day, but rather it represented a military response by a people who had endured crushing and unrelenting state violence from an occupying power over many years,” the academics wrote of the attack.


The academics’ letter was released after a leading law firm rescinded job offers to students at Columbia University and Harvard University who signed statements in support of the attacks.


While Columbia University President Minouche Shafik joined forces with other college heads to announce a vague plan to combat antisemitism on campus, it appears to be a superficial effort considering that Shafik also praised the “persistence” of Columbia students accused of antisemitism.

Visegrád 24-tweet-1November2023-Jewish students at Columbia University

Jewish students at Columbia University in New York City release at statement saying they are being intimidated on campus and that the university is doing absolutely nothing about it


Visegrád 24-tweet-1November2023-Jewish students at Columbia University

Visegrád 24-tweet-1November2023-Jewish students at Columbia University


Harvard University

Among the worst behavior witnessed on college campuses since Hamas launched its attack on Israel last month has been at Harvard University, where students belonging to the recently-formed group Graduate Students 4 Palestine (GS4P) spearheaded numerous campus protests.


The most shocking scenes of anti-Israel and antisemitic hatred occurred at a so-called “Stop the genocide in Gaza” die-in demonstration at the Harvard Business School on October 18, when a pro-Israeli student attempting to film the protest was assaulted by a mob that had surrounded and taunted him with screams of “Shame, shame, shame.”


The mob of aggressive pro-Palestinian students reportedly included one of the founders of GS4P, Elon Tettey-Temalko, a graduate student at Harvard Divinity School, and Harvard Law Review editor Ibrahim Bharmal, whose name has since been scrubbed from the website page naming the board of the editors.

Aviva Klompas-tweet-1November2023-The pro-murder-pro-kidnapping mob

The pro-murder, pro-kidnapping mob is targeting and harassing Jewish students at @Harvard.


Aviva Klompas-tweet-1November2023-The pro-murder-pro-kidnapping mob

Aviva Klompas-tweet-1November2023-The pro-murder-pro-kidnapping mob

Antisemitism and hostility toward Israel and Israeli students are not new phenomena at Harvard — indeed it is a festering problem that has long been ignored by the university administration.


There have been numerous incidents at the elite college over the years, including the Cornel West tenure controversy, which HonestReporting has documented and is indicative of a culture of intolerance toward Israeli and Jewish students.


Just last month, Harvard refused to take action against Harvard Kennedy School Professor Marshall Ganz, who was found to have discriminated against Israeli students, subjecting them to “anti-Israel and antisemitic bias,” according to a third-party investigator.


Far from rebuking the academic, Ganz was praised for his civil rights work in the Harvard Gazette, which is the university’s official news website.

Cornell University

Classes had to be canceled at Cornell University and 21-year-old computer science student Patrick Dai was arrested after he posted several violent threats directed at Jewish classmates on a Cornell student forum.


Dai appeared in federal court earlier this month after he logged onto the forum using the screen name “Hamas” and threatened to slit the throats of Jewish people and described them as rats and pigs. In one post he warned he was “gonna shoot up 104 west,” in reference to a dining hall that mostly caters to Jewish students and is next to the Cornell Jewish Center.


While Cornell University’s president made the decision to cancel classes and condemned antisemitism on campus in a statement, it is clear that the problem of anti-Jewish hate at Cornell is more entrenched and widespread than one individual student.


Russell Rickford, a history professor at the college, issued an apology after he was filmed at an October 15 pro-Palestinian rally on the Ithaca, New York, campus praising the attack that had occurred one week previously. “Hamas has challenged the monopoly of violence” and “shifted the balance of power,” he told a crowd of young people. “It was exhilarating. It was energizing,” Rickford added of watching the attack unfold.


After initially standing by his statements, Rickford later rowed back on his remarks and apologized “for the horrible choice of words,” admitting they were “reprehensible.” He is currently on a leave of absence from the university and will not teach this semester.


Cornell president Martha Pollack and board of trustees chairman Kraig Kayser condemned Rickford and explained the college is “taking this incident seriously and is currently reviewing it, consistent with our procedures.” Whether that review will result in Rickford’s permanent dismissal remains to be seen.

Yale University

There have been accusations that Yale University ignores the problem of antisemitism on its campus — from inviting antisemitic speakers to visit campus and address students during Jewish holidays to anti-Jewish fliers being handed out on campus.


Yale also proved little had changed with regard to how it deals with antisemitism following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, including the university refusing to remove a professor who praised the Hamas attack.


Zareena Grewal, associate professor of American studies, ethnicity, race and migration, described the events of October 7 as “extraordinary,” adding in another post on X (formerly Twitter) that “Israel is a murderous, genocidal settler state and Palestinians have every right to resist through armed struggle, solidarity #FreePalestine.”


Despite a petition calling for her to be fired being signed by tens of thousands of people, Yale released a statement in support of Grewal’s right to “freedom of expression.”


Meanwhile, the Yale Daily News, which is the oldest college daily newspaper in the United States, published the most extraordinary apology after initial articles it published reporting on the Hamas attacks were later “corrected” to remove reference to terrorists raping and beheading people.


Explaining how the actions of murderous terrorists were sanitized in this way, the student newspaper’s editor Anika Seth explained they were “wrong to publish the corrections” and claimed they only did so because the “specific forms of violence” had not been independently confirmed by the source cited in the article.


“It was never the News’ intention to minimize the brutality of Hamas’ attack against Israel. We are sorry for any unintended consequences to our readership and will ensure that such erroneous and damaging material does not make it into our content, either as opinion or as news,” the apology added.


Zach Kessel-tweet-30October2023-Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas

At the end of a column by @sahar_tartak, editors at @yaledailynews affixed a “correction”, saying claims that Hamas raped women and beheaded men are “unsubstantiated”. @Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas.


Zach Kessel-tweet-30October2023-Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas

Zach Kessel-tweet-30October2023-Yale’s student newspaper is running cover for Hamas


Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!

Photo credit: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images




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Why Antisemitism, Anger and Intolerance Have Infected America’s Ivy League Colleges – Part Two

We recently examined the alarming escalation in antisemitism seen on US college campuses — specifically at the Ivy League universities of Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Columbia — since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on October…

Rachel O’Donoghue November 8, 202 https://honestreporting.com/why-antisemitism-anger-and-intolerance-have-infected-americas-ivy-league-colleges-part-two/


We recently examined the alarming escalation in antisemitism seen on US college campuses — specifically at the Ivy League universities of Harvard, Yale, Cornell and Columbia — since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war on October 7.


In this second part, we will look at the remaining four Ivy Leagues, charting how America’s most elite educational establishments have become havens of intolerance and why so many of their students harbor such hatred toward both Jews and the State of Israel.

University of Pennsylvania

Two weeks before Hamas’s barbaric rampage through southern Israeli communities resulted in the biggest loss of Jewish life in a day since the Holocaust, the University of Pennsylvania was embroiled in an antisemitism scandal when notorious Jew-hating musician Roger Waters was invited to speak on campus.


Waters, who is best known as a founding member of the rock band Pink Floyd and for goose-stepping on-stage while dressed as a Nazi, was asked to address attendees at the “Palestine Writes Literature Festival” before he was banned from campus following a backlash by critics who had noted that the event was scheduled to coincide with the Jewish High Holiday period, thus reducing the likelihood of Jewish students protesting antisemitic speakers.


In the lead-up to the festival, which went ahead as scheduled with Waters speaking remotely, numerous incidents of antisemitism were recorded on campus, including a swastika that was drawn inside the school’s Stuart Weitzman School of Design and the arrest of a man who entered the Penn Hillel and screamed statements such as, “F—k the Jews” and “They killed JC,” a reference to the myth that Jews are responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus.


In light of the Waters controversy, UPenn President Liz Magill belatedly announced her personal commitment to addressing antisemitism at the college, adding: “The University of Pennsylvania has a long and proud history of being a place for people of all backgrounds and faiths, and acts of antisemitism have no place at Penn.”

How utterly hollow those words were.

In the days and weeks after Hamas terrorists murdered and kidnapped more than 1,400 Israeli civilians, UPenn has again allowed antisemitism to rear its head on campus.


The university administration’s first statement to condemn the Hamas atrocity was more than a week after it took place. On Sunday, October 15, Magill sent an email to the university community.


“I want to leave no doubt about where I stand,” it said. “I, and this university, are horrified by and condemn Hamas’s terrorist assault on Israel and their violent atrocities against civilians. There is no justification — none — for these heinous attacks…”

However, the email apparently only came after Jon Huntsman Jr, the former governor of Utah and former US ambassador to China, Russia, and Singapore, told Magill that his charitable organization, the Huntsman Foundation, would be pulling donations from the university over the issue of antisemitism.


For some UPenn students, though, the email’s failure to mention Palestinians was akin to not recognizing their “existence,” and they organized a mass walkout of classes in response. Videos and photos taken of the protest show students chanting slogans such as, “Intifada, Intifada,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” and “Israel, Israel, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.” A handful of students reportedly harassed a rabbi who was manning a tefillin stand on the route marchers took.


Other wealthy UPenn donors have since followed Huntsman Jr’s lead and pulled funding from the college, including Marc Rowan, who contributed more than $50 million in 2018, and Steve Eisman, who demanded his name be removed from a university scholarship.

Canary Mission-tweet-5November2023-Canary Mission profile-Tara Tarawneh
NEW Canary Mission profile. Tara Tarawneh, a student at @Penn
& writer for Penn’s student newspaper, glorified the massacre of Jews at a pro-Hamas rally: “I remember feeling so empowered and happy…I want all of you to hold that feeling in your hearts.”

Canary Mission-tweet-5November2023-Canary Mission profile-Tara Tarawneh

Canary Mission-tweet-5November2023-Canary Mission profile-Tara Tarawneh


Princeton University

In August this year, Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli wrote a letter to Princeton University’s senior leadership about a book that was approved to go on the syllabus of the Near Eastern Studies Department’s “Decolonizing Trauma Studies from the Global South” course.


The book, “The Healing Humanities: The Right to Maim,” written by Jasbir Puar, falsely claims that Israel harvests the organs of Palestinians and that the country has a policy of trying to maim Palestinians.


Despite the text promoting a modern-day blood libel, Princeton’s President Christopher L. Eisgruber refused to remove the text from the syllabus on the grounds that it would be “censoring” the curriculum.


“Those who disagree with a book, or a syllabus, are free to criticize it but not to censor it,” he wrote. “Such arguments are the lifeblood of a great university, where controversies must be addressed through deliberation and debate, not administrative fiat.”


However, one must question the sincerity of Eisgruber’s view about fighting censorship, considering the fact that under his tenure, Princeton scrubbed the name of America’s 28th President, Woodrow Wilson, from its public policy school on the basis that Wilson’s “racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school or college whose scholars, students and alumni must stand firmly against racism in all its forms.”


Incidentally, as Michael Goldstein pointed out in the Jewish Journal, the inclusion of Puar’s antisemitic tome in the curriculum actually marked the second time the “Israelis harvest Palestinian organs” blood libel had been legitimized on campus. Just months before the Puar controversy, professional Palestinian activist Mohammed El-Kurd, who has accused Israelis of eating Palestinian organs and lusting after their blood, was paid to give the Edward Said lecture at the university’s English Department.


Many in Princeton’s undergraduate student body have also been gunning to pass a resolution in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign, which seeks to isolate and eventually dismantle the Jewish state.


What followed a March 2022 vote on BDS was reminiscent of something out of a banana republic. In total, 44 percent of students voted in favor, 40 percent voted against and 16 percent abstained, which was supposed to mean the resolution immediately failed, because abstentions prevented a majority.


However, a dispute ensued about how abstentions would be counted, with Eric Periman, then-president of the Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP), which sponsored the resolution, arguing the pro-BDS camp had won.


Around the same time that PCP was pushing for Princeton to support BDS, the group made crystal clear its real target when it held a protest outside the campus Center for Jewish Life (CJL) in which protestors held signs with phrases commonly used by Hamas such as, “from the river to the sea” and during which PCP President Periman suggested Princeton’s Jewish students were complicit in human rights violations.

Dartmouth College

Two pro-Palestinian students were arrested at Dartmouth last month after they allegedly trespassed on the grounds of the university’s Parkhurst Hall late at night and threatened to “escalate” and take “physical action” against college administrators in a document titled the “Dartmouth New Deal,” which demands the school divest from “Israeli apartheid.”


“You have until the first day of the winter term to publicly address our demands and outline a plan to meet them. If you fail to do so, we will escalate and take further action,” the document reportedly warned.


The arrests followed at least one pro-Palestinian rally in which attendees reportedly chanted, “Israel is a terror state.”


The Dartmouth Review-tweet-28October2023- Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters
Around 1AM today, Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters who were camped on Parkhurst Hall’s front lawn, charging them with a misdemeanor for criminal trespassing. The two students were released on bail later in the morning.

The Dartmouth Review-tweet-28October2023-Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters

The Dartmouth Review-tweet-28October2023-Hanover Police arrested two pro-Palestinian protesters


However, while Dartmouth has grappled with more isolated incidents of anti-Jewish hatred on campus, including a swastika being carved on the college green and a public menorah being shot at with pellets, it should be noted that the general response by the university leadership to the Israel-Hamas war last month has been commendable.


Spearheaded by a group of Middle Eastern academics at the college, two public forums were set up on October 9 that featured professors from Israel, Lebanon and Egypt discussing the conflict, which were attended by hundreds of students in-person and online.


Encouraging students to attend the forums, the university’s President Sian Leah said: “I watched with growing horror the Hamas attack on Israel this weekend, the escalating violence, and the devastating loss of life, especially among civilians… In every conflict, one of the most important roles a university can play is to help us understand it, and to make a space for dialogue and community.”


Leah’s dither-free response to the attacks, which was in stark contrast to the leaders of so many other colleges, was a welcome change from her predecessor Philip Hanlon, whose role in attempting to hire BDS-supporting Professor N. Bruce Duthu as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences had been criticized as another “chapter in the school’s history of anti-Semitism.”

Brown University

Brown’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), an organization that has a well-documented history of disseminating vicious anti-Israel propaganda and vilifying Jewish students, was already organizing pro-Palestinian campus protests as Hamas terrorists were still cutting their bloodsoaked path through southern Israel.


In addition to organizing several student walkouts, the group posted on October 12 a statement to its Instagram account in which it claimed Israel was responsible for the Hamas massacre and stated it stands in “solidarity with the Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation.”


At one such campus rally, an SJP member was captured on film telling the crowd: “Palestinians will die for justice and will die to return to our land. Glory to our martyrs from the river to the sea … Palestine is the hope of the world.”


Apparently, explicitly supporting a proscribed terrorist organization that is sworn to the destruction of both Jews and Israel is not enough to get the group banned from Brown’s campus.


Although Brown University’s President Christina H. Paxson has opposed calls for the college to adopt a pro-BDS stance, the school’s response to antisemitism among the Brown community has been criticized, particularly after several high-profile incidents at the college over the past two years, including swastikas drawn around campus and antisemitic threats directed toward Brown Hillel.



View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Brown SJP 🇵🇸🐻 (@brown.sjp)

Brown University-Students for Justice in Palestine-instagram-12October2023

Brown University-Students for Justice in Palestine-instagram-12October2023

Brown University-Students for Justice in Palestine-instagram-12October2023


It is not so difficult to explain why so many students — many of whom would proudly describe themselves as “anti-fascist” — are so intolerant toward Jews and Israel.


Wall Street Journal columnist Barton Swaim described the scenes on American campuses as a product of the Marxist theories that have been taught for decades in higher education establishments:

“That’s why they particularly hate Israel—a wealthy nation among neighbors whose poverty is relieved only by oil revenue. Israel is the one country in the Middle East where ordinary people stand a good chance of creating prosperity for themselves and their families. For modern progressive academics, weaned on the Marxian concept that wealth is the result of exploitation, that is precisely the reason for Israel’s guilt. They can’t behold its prosperity without concluding that the Jews have stolen their wealth from their neighbors.”

And that is the crux of it: for American students, Israel and Jews are privileged, and privilege is the new original sin.

Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!

Photo credit: Simona Granati/Corbis via Getty Images



StandWithUs Supporting Israel

StandWithUs Supporting Israel

The StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department has never been busier as we respond to the explosion of antisemitic events since the massacre by Hamas on October 7. In a given year, we typically receive around 270 requests for legal help. In the last few weeks, since October 7, we have received nearly 400 requests through our legal hotline.


In response, we are utilizing all legal tools at our disposal, including sending demand letters and preparing Title VI complaints against universities, filing discrimination complaints, building cases for potential lawsuits, holding campus police accountable for misconduct, and so much more.


While many of the cases are coming from StandWithUs-affiliated students, we are also seeing an influx of new students, professors, and community members who have never before reached out to StandWithUs. We are also utilizing the hundreds of lawyers in our pro bono network like never before. We are so grateful for the outpouring of support
from the legal community.

We Have Reached Out to Thousands of Universities Nationwide

In line with StandWithUs’ commitment to supporting students facing anti-Jewish bias, we’ve reached out to thousands of universities nationwide. We’ve reminded them of their legal responsibilities to Jewish and Israeli students and outlined specific actions they should take to align themselves with Title VI, civil rights laws, and criminal laws.
Read the letter here.

 Click to download PDF fileClick to download PDF file StandWithUs Letter to General Counsel and VP Student Affairs

Read an op-ed in Algemeiner about this initiative here or Below.

Reminding Schools of Their Legal Obligations During Anti-Israel Protests

In light of ongoing anti-Israel rallies and protests, the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department has written legal letters to universities and high schools. Sample university letters are UCLA and Pomona. For a high school sample letter, click here.

Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file UCLA Letter re Nov 9 Event, Pomona Letter Re Nov 9 Event and StandWithUs Letter to High Schools Regarding Walkouts

Setting the Stage For Title VI Civil Rights Filings

Check out an example of one of StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department’s recent demand letters to a university, setting the stage for a Title VI civil rights filing. This letter sheds light on the various challenges Jewish and Israeli students face on campus, including assault, disruptive protests, and illegal masking at George Mason University. Read the letter here, and explore other demand letters here.

Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file George Mason University Letter from StandWithUs


Taking Action Against Medical Professionals Espousing Bias Against Israel and Jews

StandWithUs, in collaboration with Stop Antisemitism and the National Jewish Advocacy Center, is actively working to hold medical providers accountable for expressing antisemitism. Such expressions may interfere with their ability to provide proper care to Jewish and Israeli patients. Keep an eye on our newsletters for campaigns targeting medical providers in your area and learn how you can support these efforts.

StandWithUs Legal Hotline

To report an antisemitic incident:

The Importance of Reporting Antisemitic Crimes 

This new fact sheet  from StandWithUs Legal explains how to report an antisemitic hate crime and how to interact with the police, including what information to give and ask for. See Matt Lebovics’s article HERE on the underreporting of antisemitic hate crimes, interviewing Yael Lerman, Director of the StandWithUs Legal Department.

Antisemitic Crimes Fact Sheet


Click to download PDF file Click to Download the Fact Sheet Antisemitic Crimes Fact Sheet
This fact sheet from StandWithUs Legal explains how to report an antisemitic hate crime and how to interact with the police, including what information to give and ask for. For any questions, please contact legal@standwithus.com.



Jewish Students are standing up to the Antisemites

The Persian Jewess-tweet-26April2024-Shofar Blast at UCLA
Shofar Blast as counter protest against the Pro-Hamas encampments at @UCLA.



The Persian Jewess-tweet-26April2024-Shofar Blast at UCLA

The Persian Jewess-tweet-26April2024-Shofar Blast at UCLA



Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-26April2024-A UCLA professor being schooled by a Jewish student
A @UCLA “professor” being schooled by a Jewish student on the definition of “genocide”

These schools are infected by Islamist, Communist, Leftist feelings and emotions of rage based on no logic. 🤦

Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-26April2024-A UCLA professor being schooled by a Jewish student

Afshine Emrani MD FACC-tweet-26April2024-A UCLA professor being schooled by a Jewish student




Jews on these campuses need to leave

Caroline Glick-tweet-5December2023-Jews on these campuses need to leave
Jews on these campuses need to leave. These Nazis are done with us. We need to be done with them — except for the lawsuits. Those need to be filed one after another, after another, until they are bankrupt. We can’t win them back. But we can make them poor.
Rep. Elise Stefanik-tweet-5December2023
🚨🚨🚨Presidents of @Harvard @MIT and @Penn REFUSE to say whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” is bullying and harassment according to their codes of conduct. Even going so far to say it needs to turn to “action” first. As in committing genocide.

THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE AND ANTISEMITIC. They must all resign immediately today.

Caroline Glick-tweet-5December2023-Jews on these campuses need to leave

Caroline Glick-tweet-5December2023-Jews on these campuses need to leave



Let’s Meet the Challenge of Rising Campus Antisemitism Through Legal Remedies

by Carly Gammill and Yael Lerman 9November2023 https://www.algemeiner.com/2023/11/09/lets-meet-the-challenge-of-rising-campus-antisemitism-through-legal-remedies/

The surge in anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment in response to Hamas’s October 7 massacre, especially its blatant celebration by people around the world, is cause for serious alarm. This is particularly the case on college campuses, where Jewish, Israeli, and Zionist students across the nation face incidents of ostracism, harassment, discrimination, threats, and violence in unprecedented numbers.


Of course, antisemitism and its glorification are not new phenomena. In 1939, for example, the freshman class at Princeton University voted Adolf Hitler the “greatest living person.” The following year’s freshman class repeated the vote with the same results, as, regrettably, did students at Georgetown University.


But we have two key advantages over our 1930s and 1940s counterparts. First, we know what happened the last time we hoped and waited for the antisemitic rhetoric rampaging universities to subside. Instead of being eradicated, it merely appeared to lay quiet for a few decades as it simmered and then exploded in the last few weeks, beyond any level we’ve previously experienced in the US.


We therefore have a duty to ensure that university administrators are on clear notice of their legal obligation to protect their Jewish and Israeli students from a pervasively hostile campus environment. And if they deliberately ignore our warnings, it is our duty to hold them accountable.


This is where our second advantage comes into play. We now have a powerful legal tool in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI). A cornerstone of American anti-discrimination law, Title VI prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs receiving Federal financial assistance. Recipients who fail to comply with their responsibilities under Title VI risk the loss of their Federal funding. While there is no confusion that the “national origin” category of Title VI covers Israeli students, the US Department of Education has repeatedly affirmed that its protections also extend to groups based on real or perceived shared ethnicity or ancestry, including Jews.

Click to download PDF file Click to Download UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS-antisemitism-dcl

In accordance with the lessons of history and the longstanding commitment of StandWithUs to support students in the face of anti-Jewish bias and bigotry, on November 6, 2023, our Center for Combating Antisemitism and the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department wrote to university general counsels and vice presidents for student affairs across the nation to remind them of their legal duties to Jewish and Israeli students and identify specific actions they should take to align themselves with the requirements of Title VI and other civil rights laws. As explained in the letter:


(1) While students generally have the right to express their views on campus, academic departments, student government bodies, and registered student groups, do not have the right to misuse university resources — such as official school social media accounts and access to email listervs — to propagate hatred or incite violence. Such actions run afoul of professional standards, violate university policies, and create a hostile environment for Jewish and Israeli students.


(2) Universities have the responsibility to ensure that hateful speech does not escalate to harassment, discrimination, or criminal conduct on campus. If and when it does, it is not protected by academic freedom or freedom of speech, and the university administration is obligated to take the necessary steps — including punitive measures — to remedy the harm caused and deter such conduct from recurring.


(3) It should be self-evident that Hamas’ massacre, dismemberment, rape, beheadings, and kidnapping against anyone, let alone children, babies, the disabled, and the elderly, can never be justified. Yet moral clarity on these matters appears to be lacking within higher education institutions. University administrators should set the tone on their universities by using their voices to unequivocally condemn such acts of terror.  This would clarify the university’s position as opposed to allowing the appearance by student groups who are pro-Hamas to represent the university.


(4) University administrators must ensure that faculty are unable to misuse their class time (including cancelling classes) for political indoctrination, especially when it may serve to marginalize Jewish students and support or promote terrorism.


(5) While the right to protest is generally protected under the First Amendment, allowing outside community members, who may harbor antisemitic intentions, to participate in student protests on university grounds is not necessarily protected. Administrators should do all in their power to limit non-student access to student events, check for valid student identification, and address unlawful behavior — including by making arrests where appropriate — to help protect the safety of all students.


(6) To the extent permissible under applicable law, universities should prohibit the wearing of masks during demonstrations. They should also ensure robust enforcement of laws prohibiting the wearing of a mask to conceal one’s identity during the commission of a crime. These actions can help prevent violence and harassment on campus and protect the safety of all students.


Universities today once again find themselves torn between asserting their inclusive values and acting on them. This time, we have the benefit of hindsight and the legal tools to protect students. It is the obligation of college and university administrators to apply both. And it is our organization’s mission to ensure that they do.


Carly Gammill is the director of the StandWithUs Center for Combating Antisemitism. Yael Lerman is the director of the StandWithUs Saidoff Legal Department. 



A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:

Please send this to anyone at a School, College or University. Parents, Students, Administrators and Teachers. These are Felony Death Threats. This violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/antisemitism-dcl.pdf
This is not free speech.
Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION-OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS-antisemitism-dcl

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies
Re-upping this meme for those who witnessed the disgusting worldwide demos on Shabbat.

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at 'pro-Palestinian' rallies:

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-29October2023-A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:

A guide to the chants at 'pro-Palestinian' rallies:

A guide to the chants at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies:


Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients & Impact

Daniel Pipes-tweet-24October2023-
I just rediscovered @MitchellGBard’s Nov. 2021 study, “Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients & Impact.”

According to @USEdGov figures, colleges and universities in 1986-2021 “received nearly $8.5 billion from [official] Arab sources.”



Daniel Pipes-tweet-24October2023-Arab Funding of American Universities Donors Recipients Impact

Daniel Pipes-tweet-24October2023-Arab Funding of American Universities Donors Recipients Impact

Click to download PDF file Click to download PDF file Arab Funding of American Universities: Donors, Recipients and Impact



‘Dark Money Nightmare’: How Qatar Bought the Ivy League

by Robert Williams
31December2023 https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20265/qatar-bought-ivy-league


  • “At least 100 American colleges and universities illegally withheld information on approximately $13 billion in undocumented contributions from foreign governments, many of which are authoritarian…. Speech intolerance—manifesting as campaigns to investigate, censor, demote, suspend, or terminate speakers and scholars—was higher at institutions that received undocumented money from foreign regimes.” — ISGAP report, “The Corruption of the American Mind,” November 2023.
  • Qatar makes it possible for Ivy League universities to claim that they receive no funds from the Qatari state, because the donations are funneled through the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, a not-for-profit organization established in 1995 by the Emir of Qatar. This ensures that the foundation can identify itself as a private organization, which enables Qatar to conceal its state funding as private donations.
  • “At the time of writing, the State of Qatar contributes more funds to universities in the United States than any other country in the world, and raw donation totals omit critical, concerning details about the nature of Qatar’s academic funding.” — ISGAP report, “Networks of Hate,” December 2023.
  • “We would pay them [journalists]… Some of them have become MPs now. Others have become patriots…. We would pay [journalists] in many countries. We would pay them every year. Some of them received salaries. All the Arab countries were doing this. If not all, then most of them.” — Former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim, February 2022.


Testimony by three Ivy League university presidents

Testimony by three Ivy League university presidents

The hapless testimony by three Ivy League university presidents from Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce can be traced to Qatar and its insidious campaign to buy itself influence in US academia. Pictured L-R: Claudine Gay, President of Harvard University, Liz Magill, then-President of University of Pennsylvania, Professor Pamela Nadell of American University, and Sally Kornbluth, President of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, testify before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce on December 5, 2023. (Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)


The hapless testimony by three Ivy League university presidents from Harvard, MIT and the University of Pennsylvania before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce can be traced to Qatar and its insidious campaign to buy itself influence in US academia.


Qatar, oil-rich and with an estimated population of only 2.5 million, is the largest foreign donor — that we know about — to American universities, with at least $4.7 billion donated between 2001 and 2021. Many of those billions went unreported to the Department of Education, according to research done by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP). Under federal law, colleges and universities that receive donations from foreign sources that total at least $250,000 must disclose such transactions to the Department of Education.


Qatar is far from the only authoritarian nation that donates to American universities. According to a Department of Education report from April 2023, American universities and colleges have received $19 billion from unreported sources, more than half of which has come from authoritarian and antidemocratic Middle East governments.


Flouting the law by failing to disclose foreign donations to universities has been declared a “dark money nightmare.”

Former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos wrote in February 2023:

“While there’s nothing inherently inappropriate about foreign-sourced gifts, there is a significant reason for concern if these gifts are not disclosed, as required by law.

“Unfortunately, the higher-ed lobby has made it no secret it opposes true transparency. The American Council on Education — the lobbying organization for colleges and universities — praised the Biden administration in an open letter for ending the investigations we launched into schools that were skirting the law and failing to report sources of foreign money.

“One major cause for concern is the high correlation between foreign gifts, especially from our geopolitical adversaries, and American universities that are home to major research laboratories, including those with Department of Defense contracts.”

To assess properly the damage that Qatari influence in the US is causing, it is important to understand what Qatar stands for and promotes. Qatar has for decades cultivated a close relationship with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, whose motto is: “‘Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Its aim appears to be ensuring that Islamic law, Sharia, governs all countries and all matters.


Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, has enjoyed Qatar as its main sponsor, to the tune of up to $360 million a year, and was until recently the home of Hamas’ leadership. In 2012, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the terrorist group’s political bureau, Mousa Abu Marzook, and Khaled Mashaal, among others, moved to Qatar for a life of luxury. This month, likely because of Israel’s announcement that it will hunt down and eliminate Hamas leaders in Qatar and Turkey, the Qatar-based Hamas officials reportedly fled to other countries.


Qatar was also home to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who was exiled from Egypt, until his death in September 2022. According to the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center:

“Qaradawi is mainly known as the key figure in shaping the concept of violent jihad and the one who allowed carrying out terror attacks, including suicide bombing attacks, against Israeli citizens, the US forces in Iraq, and some of the Arab regimes. Because of that, he was banned from entering Western countries and some Arab countries…. In 1999, he was banned from entering the USA. In 2009, he was banned from entering Britain…”

Qaradawi also founded many radical Islamist organizations, which are funded by Qatar. These include the International Union of Muslim Scholars, which released a statement that called the October 7 massacre perpetrated by Hamas against communities in southern Israel an “effective” and “mandatory development of legitimate resistance,” and said that Muslims have a religious duty to support their brothers and sisters “throughout all of Palestine, especially in Al-Aqsa, Jerusalem, and Gaza.””


Qatar also still is home to the lavishly-funded television network Al Jazeera, founded in 1996 by Qatar’s Emir, Sheikh Hamad ibn Khalifa Al Thani. Called the “mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Al Jazeera began the violent “Arab Spring,” which “brought the return of autocratic rulers.


In 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt, made 13 demands of Qatar: “to cut off relations with Iran, shutter Al Jazeera, and stop granting Qatari citizenship to other countries’ exiled oppositionists.” They subsequently cut ties with Qatar over its failure to agree to any of the demands, including ending its support for terrorism, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Jazeera.


The Saudi state-run news agency SPA said at the time:

“[Qatar] embraces multiple terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at disturbing stability in the region, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS [Islamic State] and al-Qaeda, and promotes the message and schemes of these groups through their media constantly,”

This is the kind of influence that US universities and colleges are more than happy to see on their campuses in exchange for billions of dollars in Qatari donations. According to ISGAP:

“[F]oreign donations from Qatar, especially, have had a substantial impact on fomenting growing levels of antisemitic discourse and campus politics at US universities, as well as growing support for anti-democratic values within these institutions of higher education.”

In November 2023 ISGAP published a report, “The Corruption of the American Mind: How concealed foreign funding of higher education in the United States predicts the erosion of democratic values and antisemitic sentiment on campus.” It found that there is a direct correlation between antisemitism and censored speech on campus and undocumented contributions from foreign governments, notably Qatar. According to the report:

“At least 100 American colleges and universities illegally withheld information on approximately $13 billion in undocumented contributions from foreign governments, many of which are authoritarian.

“In institutions receiving such undocumented money:

  • Political campaigns to silence academics were more prevalent.
    — Campuses receiving undocumented funds exhibited approximately twice as many campaigns to silence academics as those that did not.
  • Students reported greater exposure to antisemitic and anti-Zionist rhetoric.
  • Higher levels of antisemitic incidents were reported on their campuses.
  • This relationship of undocumented money to campus antisemitism was stronger when the undocumented donors were Middle Eastern regimes rather than other regimes.
    — From 2015-2020, Institutions that accepted money from Middle Eastern donors, had, on average, 300% more antisemitic incidents than those institutions that did not….

“Speech intolerance—manifesting as campaigns to investigate, censor, demote, suspend, or terminate speakers and scholars—was higher at institutions that received undocumented money from foreign regimes.”

Qatar makes it possible for Ivy League universities to claim that they receive no funds from the Qatari state, because the donations are funneled through the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, a not-for-profit organization established in 1995 by the Emir of Qatar. This ensures that the foundation can identify itself as a private organization, which enables Qatar to conceal its state funding as private donations.


In a report published this month, “Networks of Hate: Qatari Paymasters, Soft Power and the Manipulation of Democracy,” ISGAP wrote:

“At the time of writing, the State of Qatar contributes more funds to universities in the United States than any other country in the world, and raw donation totals omit critical, concerning details about the nature of Qatar’s academic funding. For instance, Qatar concentrates its donations within a contained number of elite U.S. universities to maximize its influence. This targeted approach suggests that strategic motivations for instance—to advance Qatari state interests, influence the Qatari strategy—rather than pure philanthropy.”

The issue of Qatar on US campuses, as serious as it is, is only part of a larger picture of Qatari influence in the US and the rest of the West.


Qatar funds US think-tanks, such as the Richardson Center for Global Engagement and the Brookings Institution, and infiltrates US media. In 2021, Qatar pledged that it would invest $10 billion in US ports. According to the US State department:

“In recent years, Qatar has significantly bolstered its U.S. investments through its sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), and its subsidiaries, notably Qatari Diar. In 2019, QIA pledged to allocate $45 billion to U.S. investments; it opened an office in New York City in 2015 to facilitate its U.S. investments. The fifth U.S.-Qatar Strategic Dialogue took place in Doha from November 2022 to March 2023 and further strengthened strategic and economic partnerships and addressed obstacles to investment and trade.”

In February 2022, former Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim said in an interview, according to MEMRI, that Qatar had many journalists “in different countries” on its payroll.

“We had Journalists on our payroll. In many countries, we would pay them. Some of them have become MPs now. Others have become patriots. I know them. We would pay [journalists] in many countries. We would pay them every year. Some of them received salaries. All the Arab countries were doing this. If not all, then most of them.”

Robert Williams is a researcher based in the United States.



Cornell Hillel Posts Warning After Threats To Jewish Students, Kosher Dining Hall

“Cornell Police Department is on site and monitoring the situation…. We advise that students and staff avoid the building out of an abundance of caution.”
Posted by William A. Jacobson 29October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/cornell-hillel-posts-warning-after-threats-to-jewish-students-kosher-dining-hall/


Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

104 West is the home of Cornell’s Kosher Dining Hall, and is also next to the Center for Jewish Living.

Cornell Hillel has posted a warning on Facebook that the dining hall is on lockdown after online threats:

Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

Cornell Hillel Warning Threats-10-29-2023

These apparently are some of the online threats:

Isaac de Castro-tweet-29October2023-There’s more.

Isaac de Castro-tweet-29October2023-There’s more.

Isaac de Castro-tweet-29October2023-There’s more.


[See referenced Tweet next.]

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-
Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul @HenMazzig

Annie Vail-tweet-29October2023-Currently on a @Cornell
discussion forum, the kosher dining hall (104 west) is now on lockdown and Jewish students are scared to leave their rooms. @GovKathyHochul

I have warned the Board of Trustees about the antisemitism problem on campus, but have been ignored, “Cornell did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Jacobson’s call to evaluate antisemitism on campus”.


We don’t know yet the source or seriousness of these threats, or who is behind them. (I should also add that at Legal Insurrection we have covered here a long line of campus hate hoaxes, so we can’t rule that out until more is known.)

But anti-Israel activists have been getting more and more aggressive, Anti-Israel Graffiti Appears on Campus at Cornell University.



Israel War Room-tweet-25October2023-Amid increasing Jew-hatred and several pro-Hamas rallies on campus

Israel War Room-tweet-25October2023-Amid increasing Jew-hatred and several pro-Hamas rallies on campus

The President of Cornell issued this all campus email at approxiately 7 p.m. tonight (emphasis in original):

Dear members of the Cornell community,

Earlier today, a series of horrendous, antisemitic messages threatening violence to our Jewish community and specifically naming 104 West — the home of the Center for Jewish Living — was posted on a website unaffiliated with Cornell. Law enforcement was immediately notified.

At this time, Cornell Police (CUPD) are on the scene and investigating. Police will continue to remain on site to ensure our students and community members are safe.

Cornell Police have also notified the FBI of a potential hate crime.

Threats of violence are absolutely intolerable, and we will work to ensure that the person or people who posted them are punished to the full extent of the law. Our immediate focus is on keeping the community safe; we will continue to prioritize that.

We will not tolerate antisemitism at Cornell. During my time as president, I have repeatedly denounced bigotry and hatred, both on and off our campus. The virulence and destructiveness of antisemitism is real and deeply impacting our Jewish students, faculty and staff, as well as the entire Cornell community. This incident highlights the need to combat the forces that are dividing us and driving us toward hate. This cannot be what defines us at Cornell.

All of our community deserves to feel safe at Cornell. If you become aware of any threats to your safety or to the safety of the community, please contact CUPD at 607-255-1111. We also encourage you to download the RAVE Guardian app, which will enable you to report any safety concerns to CUPD in real time.

In the days ahead, we will work to reinforce a culture of trust, respect and safety at Cornell. Regardless of your beliefs, backgrounds or perspectives, I urge all of you to come together with the empathy and support for each other that we so greatly need in this difficult time.


Martha E. Pollack




Why Was It So Hard For Elite Universities To Condemn Hamas Terrorism?

by Tyler Durden, 21October2023 – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-was-it-so-hard-elite-universities-condemn-hamas-terrorism

Authored by Marc Zvi Brettler & Michael B. Poliakoff via RealClear Wire,


America’s leading universities have an antisemitism problem—and it starts at the top. This past week, university presidents and deans across the country wrote to their students and faculties to express concern in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas. What they said, and what they did not say, provides a window into the culture of intellectual and moral rot and cowardice that reigns at these once-great institutions.


Those who attack Jews or Israel are all too often exempt from their excoriation. Hamas terrorists massacred some 1,300 Israelis, took approximately 200 hostages, most of them civilians, and left an additional 3,200 injured, but you would not know it from some university leaders’ missives this week.


At Harvard University, President Claudine Gay has issued three muddled statements, under pressure, on the horrific events. Her first statement was a tepid confession of “heartbreak” that implied an equivalence between the Hamas attacks and Israel neutralizing the terrorists. This embarrassment was signed by all the university’s senior deans. Only after a barrage of online criticism—and threats by donors—did she muster the strength to condemn the child killers. Not content to leave it alone, she has issued another statement, but still without criticizing the 30-odd student groups who professed to “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible” for the murder, rape, kidnapping, and torture of Jews, referring instead to the principle of freedom of speech. Let us be clear that these students have freedom of speech, but so does Claudine Gay. She has the right to condemn their words. In 2022, Harvard denounced in no uncertain terms “the capricious and senseless invasion of Ukraine.” Harvard knows how to speak clearly about Ukrainian victims but not, apparently, about Jewish victims.


Columbia University President Minouche Shafik offered a masterfully slippery statement: “I was devastated by the horrific attack on Israel this weekend and the ensuing violence that is affecting so many people.” While all lives matter, the mention of “ensuing violence” is a reference to Israeli targeting of terrorists—putting it on a par with raping and pillaging by Hamas. She implied moral equivalence.


The moral lassitude and obscurantism of Shafik’s statement trickled down. Columbia College Dean Josef Sorett emitted the following: “The events in Israel and Gaza over the past several days have shocked the world and impacted many of our students.” Dean Sorett’s “events in Gaza” are, of course, Israeli military operations undertaken in self-defense and in an effort to kill murderers, which he places on par with the door-to-door murder of civilians in Israel.


The dean of Columbia Law School did not outclass her colleague. Gillian Lester wrote to her students and faculty, “The violence that erupted in Israel and Gaza this past weekend is nothing short of tragic,” again implying a moral equivalence between the enemies of the Jewish people and their victims.


At Middlebury College, the senior leadership wrote to “acknowledge the untold pain, suffering, and loss of life unfolding from the violence happening now in Israel and Palestine.” President Laurie Patton seems unclear about who is making the violence “happen.” She goes on to warn against “hate, racism, ethnic discrimination, antisemitism, or Islamophobia.” The equivalence is complete, and we can move on to meet the real threat: Islamophobia. Compare this muddle to the perfect clarity of Middlebury’s official response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine: It “wreaked untold havoc in the lives of innocent civilians. Russia’s aggression against its democratic neighbor is a violation of international law, made only more egregious by its escalation in the face of international condemnation. I join that condemnation in solidarity with our Middlebury community.” How easy it would have been to revise that statement ever so slightly to say that Hamas “wreaked untold havoc in the lives of innocent civilians. Hamas’s aggression against its democratic neighbor is a violation of international law, made only more egregious by its escalation in the face of international condemnation. I join that condemnation in solidarity with our Middlebury community.”


The University of California–Berkeley, which spends $36 million annually on its Division of Equity & Inclusion, may be the most openly antisemitic campus in the country. Its law school is under federal investigation for discriminating against Jews. Student organizations there expressed their “unwavering support” for the Hamas pogrom. The president refused to condemn this statement. Instead, he expressed his heartbreak at “the violence and suffering in Israel and Gaza,” pointedly comparing Israel’s self-defense to the terrorist attacks themselves, gesturing, like too many others, to the “complex history” of the situation.


In reality though, no complexity is so great as to obscure the distinction between the intentional slaughter of innocents and targeted strikes against terrorists. Some schools eventually issued careful statements—but their initial reaction—or lack of reaction—is most telling, especially when contrasted with quick and decisive past declarations of outrage.


At Stanford University, the administration has covered itself in special disgrace by adding dishonesty to cowardice, despite finally acknowledging the horror. Criticized for its silence about the weekend’s slaughter, Stanford claimed in an unsigned statement that it “does not take positions on geopolitical issues and news events.” But when Russia invaded Ukraine, Stanford’s president released this statement: “The unprovoked, full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and the attack it represents on democracy, is beyond shocking.” He continued, “It has been remarkable to witness the courage and resilience of the Ukrainian people.” Stanford also commented when a child’s skipping rope was found in a tree in 2021, where it had been tangled for some years, officially denouncing it as a “a potent symbol of anti-Black racism and violence that is completely unacceptable under any circumstances.” Stanford discovered the principle of institutional neutrality, it seems, just in time for the Sabbath assault on Israeli civilians.


Under the principle of institutional neutrality, colleges and universities should indeed refrain from speaking corporately on contemporary social or political issues, unless they transcend the institution’s values as a whole (such as the wanton taking of innocent life by terrorists). Higher education’s mission is to encourage diversity of thought. But condemning brutality and savagery, whether the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a policeman, or the civilian carnage Hamas wrought, is not a political statement. No one has asked presidents to endorse Zionism or the two-state solution or anything vaguely geopolitical. They needed only to affirm human decency without which the university is a place of moral chaos.


However serpentine the ongoing contortions of these administrators, what is revealed in these official reactions by colleges is a cancerous moral rot and intellectual confusion. Bothsidesism is a symptom; the root cause is worse. They were perfectly able to rush to condemn the murder of George Floyd, the seedy depravities uncovered by the #MeToo movement, and the brutal invasion of Ukraine—as they should. They pronounce vocally and volubly on the events of January 6, 2021, and on horrible killings at houses of worship. They take flamboyant public positions on everything from affirmative action to climate policy to marriage equality. So why is it so hard to condemn the slaughter of Jewish babies? Why is it so hard to offer proper support and empathy to their grieving Jewish students?


The University of Pennsylvania’s president had no word of censure for Penn’s Palestine Writes festival, which ran between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and featured Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, notorious for exhibitionist antisemitism. Then came the anemic initial response of Penn’s president to the Hamas atrocities. Jon Huntsman, a Penn graduate and donor and a former governor of Utah, pinpointed the cause of his alma mater’s failure: “Moral relativism has fueled the university’s race to the bottom.” If only Penn’s administration possessed such moral (and pedagogical) clarity.


To be fair, some universities have offered proper statements that unambiguously condemn the pogrom of Hamas. But these are few and far between. The United States used to lead in higher education, but now we need to look for leadership abroad, for example in the exemplary statement of the German Rectors’ Conference that noted quickly, clearly, and unambiguously:


We are deeply shocked and appalled by the terrorist attack of Hamas on Israel, the terrible massacres, and the kidnappings. 


On behalf of all German universities, I would like to express our sincerest condolences and heartfelt sympathy. We are deeply saddened by the senseless loss of life. Our thoughts are with those killed and injured, those still in danger, and their families and friends.


As the German Rectors’ Conference, the voice of German universities, we stand in solidarity with the Israeli universities and academic colleges and all their members. We would be grateful if you could share this message of sympathy and solidarity with your member institutions.


Educational institutions have a responsibility to educate and lead—not only in subject matters but in basic issues of morality. Those who fail to condemn the slaughter of children and fail to show empathy to their students who identify with this slaughter, are failing their mission at the most basic level.




Antisemitic NGOs justify terror in three stages – opinion

It is incumbent that the audiences for NGO propaganda – diplomats, UN officials, journalists, academics and the government allies and funders of these NGOs – firmly reject lies and fictitious claims.

20OCTOBER2023 https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-769333

It must be difficult to be a pro-Palestinian propagandist these days. After all, how can you possibly defend the gruesome slaughter of over 1,400 innocents, torture, rape, defiling corpses?! Yet there is a network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are doing their best to justify the unjustifiable.


For the past week, my colleagues and I at NGO Monitor have carefully examined the output of NGOs that claim human rights agendas, many funded by European governments, and analyzed their claims and argumentation. We have identified a three-staged process by which NGOs work to erase the heinousness of Hamas crimes and fuel the international demonization of Israel.

Justifying and celebrating attacks

The first stage is open justification and celebration of the attacks as “resistance” against a “settler-colonial state.” For example, the 150-member Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) “saluted this honorable image that our people are sketching,” having faced, “for more than 75 years, a racist, fascist occupation,” and stated that “the Palestinian people… are resisting this with all valor and sacrifice.” BADIL, a Palestinian “return” NGO, wrote, “resistance is the most human and legitimate act” because “the Palestinian people have been suffering for 75 years of colonial-apartheid regime, ethnic cleansing, forcible transfer/displacement.”


Similarly, an advocacy officer from Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P) referred to “Palestinians resisting Israeli colonization & trying to take back their land.”


These and other examples demonstrate how the initial NGO responses celebrated the “accomplishments” of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist groups, i.e. the mass killing, abduction, and other heinous crimes against thousands of civilians.

Whataboutism and shifting focus

Next, NGOs moved on to stage two: trying to shift media and political focus by inventing Israeli atrocities that are similar to the actual brutality of Hamas. Palestinian NGOs have always delegitimized Israel’s right to self-defense and denied the existence of Palestinian terrorism, which they invariably decorate as “resistance.”


Israel’s military response targeting terror infrastructure in Gaza provided another opportunity to accuse Israel of committing the worst crimes. For example, a joint statement from the PFLP’s NGO network – Al-Mezan, Bisan, Al-Haq, DCI-P, Addameer, Union of Palestinian Women’s Committes (UPWC), and others – demanded that the EU “fully denounce Israel’s indiscriminate military reprisals…and intervene to protect the Palestinian people against Israel’s incitement to genocide.”


In another statement, Al-Haq accused Israel of “targeting male and female civilians and civilian objects in such a way that amounts to acts of genocide.” Zakaria Bakr, who heads the Union of Agricultural Work Committees’ Gaza Fisherman Committee, wrote, “We are living through an action of ethnic cleansing and genocide accompanied by starvation…what we are living through is more powerful and stronger than the holocaust which the Zionists talk about.” Palestinian Medical Relief Society Director Mustafa Barghouti published a statement referencing an Israeli “plot…to carry out the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip.”


Of course, all these NGOs, primarily funded by their European government patrons under the facade of “human rights,” were entirely silent on Hamas’s genocidal violence. Stage three is reminiscent of a standard tactic employed by those caught red handed – deny, deny, deny. As they recognized the need to salvage international support for the Palestinian cause, some NGOs began denying that the atrocities and crimes against humanity perpetrated by Hamas actually happened. Good Shepherd Collective, which describes itself as “an anti-Zionist, anti-colonial organization,” alleged that “zionists” (sic) were sharing “AI generated images, trying to convince us that Palestinian resistance fighters simply must be the barbarians they believe them to be.”


An official of Al-Haq, described as a “highly respected Palestinian NGO,” claimed that the Israeli Air Force bombed Israeli cars – burning the occupants – and that an Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs video of the aftermath was “deceptive and misleading.”

Denying Israel’s claims as honest

This third stage is particularly pernicious, since it is often accompanied by the notion – sometimes explicitly, sometimes implied – that Israel orchestrated the deception to fool the world into a permissive attitude towards war crimes in Gaza.


These three stages might be familiar. They are the same tactics used by antisemites who deny the Holocaust and its magnitude, e.g., claiming that only “a few hundred thousand were killed.” Or by those who suggest that Jews were persecuted because of their economic status, because “they engaged is usury,” or for their “social behavior.” And then there are conspiracy theorists like Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas who declare that Zionists cooperated with the Nazis or that Jews were behind the Holocaust.


The NGO propaganda playbook is not unique to the political dimension in the war to eliminate Israel or even to centuries of antisemitism against the Jewish people. But now, it a central front in a deadly conflict involving a heinously brutal terrorist group. It is incumbent that the audiences for NGO propaganda – diplomats, UN officials, journalists, academics and the government allies and funders of these NGOs – firmly reject their lies and fictitious human rights claims.


The writer is a researcher at NGO Monitor (www. ngo-monitor.org), a Jerusalem-based research institute. 



VIDEO: Israel Complies With The Law Of Armed Conflict When Defending Against Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians

Proportionality relates to loss of civilian life “which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated…. So there is some requirement of proportionality in international law, but it’s not proportionality between the casualties on your side and the casualties on the other side….’

Posted by William A. Jacobson 14June2021 https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/06/video-israel-complies-with-the-law-of-armed-conflict-when-defending-against-terrorists-hiding-among-civilians/

LIF-How Israel Implements The Law Of Arme Conflict In Targeting Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians-Speaker

LIF-How Israel Implements The Law Of Arme Conflict In Targeting Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians-Speaker

On Wednesday, June 9, 2021, the Legal Insurrection Foundation held an online event on How Israel Implements The Law Of Armed Conflict To Defend Against Terrorists Hiding Among Civilians. 


The event was a reaction to the outrageous lies, misinformation, and disinformation spread regarding Israel’s conduct in the May 2021 conflict initiated by Hamas firing thousands of rockets at Israeli cities.

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-speakers screenshot

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-speakers screenshot

The original event post has full biographies of the speakers. You know me and Kemberlee, and we were honored to be joined by two experts in the fields of international law and the law of armed conflict:


Eugene Kontorovich is a Professor of Law and Director, Center for the Middle East and International Law, at George Mason’s Antonin Scalia School of Law. As head of the International Law Department at the Kohelet Policy Forum, a Jerusalem-based think tank, he is recognized as one of the world’s preeminent experts on international law and the Israel-Arab conflict. He is a widely sought-after speaker. He has testified repeatedly in both houses of Congress, and regularly briefs visiting European and American legislators and celebrities on their trips to Israel. Legal Insurrection readers may recall Prof. Kontorovich’s must-watch lectures, The Legal Case for Israel, and The Legal Case for Israel’s ‘Settlements’.



Eli Bar-On concluded his career in the Israel Defense Forces holding the position of instructor at the IDF National Defense College (the INDC). Prior to that position Bar-on served as the Deputy Military Advocate General of the IDF (2012 to 2015), where he was in command of approximately 1,000 lawyers and legal experts, including prior to, during and following Operation Pillar of Defense & Operation Protective Edge. He also served as the Chief Legal Advisor for the IDF in the West Bank from 2009 to 2012. A prolific lecturer, Bar-on has provided expert presentations to hundreds of high level, international delegations in Israel and throughout the international community. He is a Senior Legal Analyst at The MirYam Institute, lecturing and writing on a variety of topics related to the law of warfare.


The presentations by Prof. Kontorovich and Col. Bar-On contain many interesting and important visuals:

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Legal Input into IDF Operations

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Legal Input into IDF Operations


Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Target Spreadsheet

Israel Law of Armed Conflict-Target Spreadsheet



Israel Complies With Law Of Armed Conflict – Highlights


Read More HERE


Israel Complies With Law Of Armed Conflict – Full Program



Calls for Israel to restrain itself are ILLEGAL | The Caroline Glick Show

Posted 15October2023 JNS TV:

Is Israel really violating international law in the war against Hamas?

The Biden administration, the EU, the UN, Arab nations and others have begun to wage a campaign to restrain Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas in Gaza. The campaign is based on allegations that there is a contradiction between Israel’s military operations and the laws of war.

To understand the nature of these claims, and what the laws of war require from Israel, as well as from the nations waging this campaign against Israel, Caroline spoke with Prof Avi Bell. Bell is a world expert on the laws of war and international humanitarian law.


Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Elder of Ziyon logo http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/

Better Question: What Does International Law Require The Rest of The World To Do About Hamas? (Daled Amos)

18October2023  https://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2023/10/better-question-what-does-international.html

daled amos

daled amos

By Daled Amos

These days, when people talk about what International Humanitarian Law requires in the aftermath of the Hamas massacre of Israeli citizens, the discussion falls first on what limitations need to be placed on Israel. Almost as an afterthought do a few people ask what international law requires of Hamas.

That in itself demonstrates an odd sense of priorities among the global community.

But a third topic in international law is being ignored, namely: what are the obligations of the international community in the face of this terrorist attack. By merely sitting back and focusing on Israel’s obligations, the nations of the world run the risk of themselves violating international law.


First of all there is the Genocide Convention. It was approved for ratification by the UN General Assembly in 1948 and went into effect in 1951. According to Article I:

The Contracting Parties confirm that whether committed in time of peace or of war, genocide is a crime under international law which nations are obligated to prevent and to punish.

The convention addresses an act committed with the intent to destroy, even in part, a

o  ethnical
o  racial or
o  religious group

Genocide includes — among other things — killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm and deliberately inflicting conditions with the intent to cause the group’s physical destruction in whole or in part. In addition to being directly involved in the genocide, this law also applies to conspiracy, incitement, complicity and even the mere attempt to commit genocide. In addition, the convention not only rulers but also public officials and private individuals liable for punishment.


Then there is UN Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), which was passed in response to the jihadist attack on 9/11, making this resolution especially relevant to the current situation, given the obvious similarities. It was passed under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, making it binding on all UN members, unlike other UN resolutions.


According to Article 2, All States shall:

(a) Refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists;

(c) Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support, or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens;

(e) Ensure that any person who participates in the financing, planning, preparation or perpetration of terrorist acts or in supporting terrorist acts is brought to justice and ensure that, in addition to any other measures against them, such terrorist acts are established as serious criminal offences in domestic laws and regulations and that the punishment duly reflects the seriousness of such terrorist acts;

According to Article 3, All States shall:


(f) Take appropriate measures in conformity with the relevant provisions of national and international law, including international standards of human rights, before granting refugee status, for the purpose of ensuring that the asylum seeker has not planned, facilitated or participated in the commission of terrorist acts;

(g) Ensure, in conformity with international law, that refugee status is not abused by the perpetrators, organizers or facilitators of terrorist acts, and that claims of political motivation are not recognized as grounds for refusing requests for the extradition of alleged terrorists;

Furthermore the resolution


5. Declares that acts, methods, and practices of terrorism are contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations and that knowingly financing, planning and inciting terrorist acts are also contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations;

On Sunday, Caroline Glick spoke with Professor Avi Bell — an expert in International Law — about the legal obligations of the rest of the world in response to the Hamas terrorist attack, and how nations are violating those obligations. Some of his insights are summarized in a JNS article published yesterday.


Bell makes reference to UN Security Council Resolution 1373, and illustrates how some of its requirements are being violated. For instance:


Resolution 1373 stipulates that all U.N. member nations must “Refrain from providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts.”

Any provision of any aid to Gaza, which is completely controlled by Hamas, is of course either “active or passive” assistance to Hamas, and hence illegal.


This puts the claims of the obligation to provide humanitarian aid to Gazans in a different light, considering how Hamas terrorists are sure to take – and have taken – the aid for themselves.


Professor Bell also points out how Qatar’s involvement, supported by the Biden administration, is also in violation of Resolution 1373:

Resolution 1373 also requires all U.N. member states to “Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens.”

Following Blinken’s visit to Israel last Thursday, he traveled to Qatar. Qatar houses Hamas’s top terror masters. They planned their atrocities from Qatar. Iran’s cash and arms are funneled to Hamas through Qatar. Qatar’s Al Jazeera satellite channel is an integral component of Hamas’s terror machine. On Monday morning, the IDF announced that Al Jazeera reporters are transferring information about IDF troop placements and numbers to Hamas both directly and through their broadcasts…

By embracing Qatar as an ally rather than punishing it for its central role at all levels of Hamas’s terror infrastructure, the administration is breaching international law, yet again. It is also betraying Israel.


Like Resolution 1373, article VII of the Genocide Convention also addresses the issue of extradition:


Genocide and the other acts enumerated in article III shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition.


The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force.


This becomes relevant because CDR David Levy writes about Hamas Leadership and America’s Extradition Option for The Begin-Sadat Center For Strategic Studies:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Hamas has conducted the most devastating terror attack in Israel’s history, demonstrating humanity’s worst depravity. The attack led to the tragic loss of over 1,200 lives, including at least 22 Americans, with many more individuals held hostage. The US has a responsibility to its citizens to demand the extradition of Hamas leadership to face trial in the US. Drawing upon precedent and previous successful extraditions of international terrorists, the US can leverage diplomatic relationships and military assets to actively pursue their extradition from Qatar, Lebanon, or other locations where they may reside. [emphasis added]

Levy writes that the fact that the US does not have an extradition treaty with Qatar does not have to make it impossible to get that country to hand over the terrorist leaders:


The US does not have extradition agreements with Qatar or Lebanon, but it has leverage. In requesting extradition from Qatar, Washington has some influence over Doha. Initially, Doha will almost certainly not accept. However, the US can orchestrate the desired outcome with a well-constructed “carrot and stick” approach. The US has a significant military presence in Qatar, including the Al Udeid Air Base, a crucial regional strategic asset. The future of this base and broader military cooperation, such as access to military sales, could be used as a bargaining chip. Economic levers could offer incentives like future trade deals or impose targeted sanctions against individuals or entities. Also, the US can endeavor to work with other allies, like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, to influence Qatar.

The article details examples of the US “holding those responsible for the deaths of its citizens accountable” and Levy brags that this is part of a long-standing US tradition. The article would be more convincing if we had not seen the failure of multiple administrations to apply the necessary leverage to get Jordan to hand over the mastermind of the Sbarro massacre, responsible for 16 deaths, including 2 Americans.


If a country like the US will not apply international law for itself, what are the odds we will see any country apply international law for others?



Prayer for the People of Israel During War

Rishon Lezion HaRav Yitzchak Yosef

Rishon Lezion HaRav Yitzchak Yosef

Prayer for the People of Israel During War

The Rishon Lezion HaGaon Rav Yitzchak Yosef requests that we pray for am Yisrael during these extremely dangerous days of war.

Rishon Lezion HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Posted on 09October2023  https://breslev.com/4060580/

In light of the on-going war in Eretz Yisrael, the Rishon Letzion, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, requests the following:

  1. Say the “Prayer for the Success of Am Yisrael” below upon the opening of the aron kodesh every day, immediately after the chazarat hashatz, before the half-kaddish
  2. Say Avinu Malkeinu
  3. Recite these chapters of Tehillim: 121, 130, and 142

Prayer for the Success of Am Yisrael

May it be Your will, Hashem our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers, that You be filled with mercy towards us and towards Your entire nation of Israel and save us from the hands of all our enemies and haters, and from the hand of all those who wish to harm us. Nullify their counsel and disrupt their designs, and may their hands create no enterprise, as it says, “Utzu eitzah – Plot and plan – and you will fail; confer, conspire – it will not come to be, because G-d is with us.” Hashem, foil the plans of nations and disrupt their designs, and may their swords go into their own hearts and may their bows break.


Please, Hashem, may You feel merciful towards us and towards all Your Jewish people. Rise from the throne of strict justice and sit on the throne of mercy, and go beyond the letter of the law, and annul all harsh and bad decrees on us, and make good decrees, salvations and consolations, for the sake of Your mercy, and tear up the evil decree on us and may our merits be read before You.


“Arise to help us and redeem us for the sake of Your loyalty.” (Psalm 34:22)


Please, Hashem, protect your servants, your flock, who are in captivity in Gaza, protect the army soldiers and the security forces, save them from snares. May no harm befall them, and may no sickness come to their homes, and save them from all kinds of mishaps and accidents that come into the world, and may all the sick people of Your nation receive a complete recovery, all the wounded, and hear our beseeching, for You hear the prayer of every mouth. Blessed [are You], Who hears prayers. May the words of my mouth and my heart’s reflections please You, Hashem, my Rock and redeemer.


May Hashem give might to His people; may Hashem bless His people with peace.  

Amen, Amen.

תפלה להצלחת עם ישראל

יהי רצון מלפניך ה’ אלקינו ואלהי אבותינו, שתתמלא ברחמים עלינו ועל כל עמך ישראל ותצילנו ותושיענו מיד כל אויבנו  ושונאינו, ומכף כל מבקשי רעתינו, הפר עצתם וקלקל מחשבותם, ולא תעשינה ידיהם תושיה, וכמו שנאמר עוצו עצה ותופר, דברו דבר ולא יקום, כי עמנו אל. ונאמר, ה’ הפר עצת גויים וקלקל מחשבותם, ויהי רצון שחרבם תבוא בלבם וקשתותם תשברנה

אנא ה’ יהמו נא רחמיך עלינו ועל כל עמך ישראל, עמוד נא מכסא הדין ושב על כסא רחמים, ותכנס לנו לפני ולפנים משורת הדין, ותבטל מעלינו כל גזרות קשות ורעות, ותגזור עלינו גזרות טובות, ישועות ונחמות, למען רחמיך, ותקרע רוע גזר דינינו ויקראו לפניך זכויותיו


קומה עזרתה לנו ופדנו למען חסדך (תהילים 34:22)

אנא ה’ שמור והגן על עבדיך צאן מרעיתך, הנמצאים בשבייה בעזה, הגן על חיילי הצבא וכוחות הבטחון, הצילם מפח יקוש, לא תאונה אליהם רעה, ונגע לא יקרב באהליהם, ותצילם מכל מיני פורעניות ותאונות המתרגשות לבוא בעולם, ושלח נא רפואה שלימה לכל חולי עמך, לכל הפצועים, ושמע נא את קול תחינתינו, כי אתה שומע תפלת כל פה, ברוך שומע תפלה. יהיו לרצון אמרי פי והגיון לבי לפניך ה’ צורי וגואלי.

ה’ עוז לעמו יתן ה’ יברך את עמו בשלום, אמן ואמן



Courtesy of Hidabroot



Hebrew Prayer for Members of the Israel Defense Force

Hebrew Prayer for Members of the Israel Defense Force Click for larger image

Hebrew Prayer for Members of the Israel Defense Force Click for larger image

Invoking God’s protection for the members of the Israel Defense Forces.
by Aish.com staffHe Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God, from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.May the Almighty cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, Blessed is He, preserve and rescue our fighters from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor.

May He lead our enemies under our soldiers’ sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: For it is the Lord your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you.

Now let us respond: Amen.

Prayer for the State of Israel

Hebrew Prayer for the State of Israel

Hebrew Prayer for the State of Israel

This traditional version of the Prayer for the State of Israel was published by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel in 1948.
Our Father who is in heaven, Protector and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the dawn of our deliverance. Shield it beneath the wings of Your love; spread over it Your canopy of peace; send Your light and Your truth to its leaders, officers, and counselors, and direct them with Your good counsel.
Strengthen the defenders of our Holy Land; grant them, our God, salvation and crown them with victory. Establish peace in the land, and everlasting joy for its inhabitants. Remember our brethren, the whole house of Israel, in all the lands of their dispersion. Speedily bring them to Zion, Your city, to Jerusalem Your dwelling-place, as it is written in the Torah of Your servant Moses:
“Even if you are dispersed in the uttermost parts of the world, from there the Lord your God will gather and fetch you. The Lord your God will bring you into the land which your ancestors possessed, and you shall possess it; and God will make you more prosperous and more numerous than your ancestors.”
Unite our hearts to love and revere Your name, and to observe all the precepts of Your Torah. Speedily send us Your righteous Messiah of the House of David, to redeem those waiting for Your salvation. Shine forth in Your glorious majesty over all the inhabitants of Your world. Let everything that breathes proclaim: “The Lord God of Israel is King; His majesty rules over all.” Amen. Selah.

This alternative version is adapted from the Kol Haneshama siddur, 1994.
Please God, bless the State of Israel. Protect it in the abundance of your love. Spread over it the shelter of your peace. Send forth your light and truth to those who lead and judge it, and to those who hold elective office. Establish in them, through your presence, wise counsel, that they might walk in the way of justice, freedom and integrity.
Strengthen the hands of those who guard our holy land. Let them inherit salvation and life. And give peace to the land, and perpetual joy to all its inhabitants. Appoint for a blessing all our kindred of the house of Israel in all the lands of their dispersion. Plant in their hearts a love to Zion. And for all our people everywhere, may God be with them, and may they have the opportunity to go up to the land. Cause your spirit’s influence to emanate upon the dwellers of our holy land.
Remove from their midst hatred and enmity, jealousy and wickedness. Plant in their hearts love and kinship, peace and friendship. And soon fulfill the vision of your profit, “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Let them learn no longer the ways of war.” And let us say, Amen.

WAR: Hamas missiles on Jerusalem on Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret 5784

Hamas Nazi Swastika Battle Flag

Hamas Nazi Swastika Battle Flag

Remember who you are dealing with!

Hamas Nazis: Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler December 1941

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler December 1941
Haj Amin al-Husseini who was, in many ways, as big a Nazi villain as Hitler himself. To understand his influence on the Middle East is to understand the ongoing genocidal program against the Jews of Israel. Al-Husseini was a bridge figure in terms of transporting the Nazi genocide in Europe into the post-war Middle East. As the leader of Arab Palestine during the British Mandate period, al-Husseini introduced violence against moderate Arabs as well as against Jews. Al-Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine in 1937 and subsequently went on the Nazi payroll as a Nazi agent. Al-Husseini played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in instigating a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941 as he urged Nazis and pro-Nazi governments in Europe to transport Jews to death camps, trained pro-Nazi Bosnian brigades, and funneled Nazi loot into pro-war Arab countries.
On 20 November1941, al-Husseini met the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and was officially received by Adolf Hitler on 28 November.
Al-Husseini’s own account, as recorded in his diary, states that Hitler expounded his view that the Jews were responsible for World War I, Marxism and its revolutions, and this was why the task of Germans was to persevere in a battle without mercy against the Jews,
According to the official report of the meeting, on November 28, 1941, Adolf Hitler told Husseini that the Afrika Korps would “liberate” Arabs in the Middle East and that “Germany’s only objective there would be the destruction of the Jews.”
“SS leaders and Husseini both claimed that Nazism and Islam had common values as well as common enemies – above all, the Jews,” the report states.
In fall 1943, it says, Husseini went to the Croatia, a German ally, to recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS.
Der Grossmufti von Palästina vom Führer empfangen.
Der Führer empfing in Gegenwart des Reichsministers des Auswärtigen von Ribbentrop den Grossmufti von Palästina, Sayid Amin al Husseini, zu einer herzlichen und für die Zukunft der arabischen Länder bedeutungsvollen Unterredung.
9.12.41 Presse Hoffmann

Yad Vashem

See: Yad Vashem – The World Holocaust Remembrance Center
There is no difference between Hamas and the Ukrainian Nazi Stephen Bandera following Azov Battalion


From the Passover Haggadah:

According to the instructions of Rabbi Isaac Luria, the wine cup is now raised and the Matzot are covered.

This is what has stood by our fathers and us! For not just one alone has risen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand!

Hamas has been ruled to be Amalek



On the Shabbat before Purim, the holiday on which we celebrate the foiling of Haman the Amalekite’s plot to destroy the Jewish people, the weekly Torah reading is supplemented with the Zachor (“Remember!”) reading (Deuteronomy 25:17-19) in which we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the earth.

Israel teddy bear display highlights Hamas' child hostages

Israel teddy bear display highlights Hamas’ child hostages


Israel left Gaza on Tisha B’Av 5765! What did the Jews of Israel get with the “Disengagement”?  Gush Katif and Hurricane Katrina

IDF dragging Jews from Gush Katif

IDF dragging Jews from Gush Katif

Chanah Angelica Kamen-tweet-15October2023-It's past time that we stop playing with our people like it's a chess board

Chanah Angelica Kamen-tweet-15October2023-It’s past time that we stop playing with our people like it’s a chess board


Tu B'Shevat 2024

Tu B’Shevat 2024


VIDEO SERIES: HaShabbat HaSh’chora – Documenting A Massacre

EDITORS NOTE: The following series called “Shabbat HaSh’chora” or “Black Saturday” depicts the events of October 7, 2023 when Palestinian militants from Hamas, along with other groups and civilians, invaded Israel and proceeded to systematically kill civilians, including women, children, the elderly and babies. They literally raped, pillaged and plundered their way through several Israeli communities close to the Gaza border.

When it was all said and done, more than 1400 people were killed. More than 245 hostages were taken, some dead, some alive.

The Judean decided to run this series with a heavy heart. There is so much misinformation out there about what happened, including that it never did happen or that Israeli forces were responsible. Social media channels have systematically been removing all videos depicting that day, whether they are redacted, blurred or edited to minimize the gore.

This series is not for the faint of heart however it is a must see for all those who doubt the barbaric nature of the Palestinians in Gaza, some who support Hamas and some who, from the video, just seem happy it all happened. The Judean invites anyone who wants to use these videos to dispell the lies and misinformation about that dark day, one that saw more Jews die in the most horrible ways since the Holocaust.


[EDD: This will be on JerusalemCats hidden from plain view for backup]

Chanah Angelica Kamen-tweet-13November2023-Footage of Hamas and Gaza civilians who lined up to rape women
It took a good few hours to stop feeling physically ill from only reading the article about the footage compiled.
Footage of Hamas and Gaza civilians who lined up to rape women. So many atrocities.

Hamas and Palestinian Civilians did it. Do you understand?

I beg you, do not under any circumstances watch the videos, but we just have to be understand what we’re dealing with and stop deluding ourselves that this society is against terrorism.

If we don’t take back Gaza after this, it will be a disaster.
May G-d rescue our hostages, and BH” may we be blessed with such a miracle and BH” with the utmost safety of our soldiers to #MakeGazaGushKatifAgain.

Chanah Angelica Kamen-tweet-13November2023-Footage of Hamas and Gaza civilians who lined up to rape women

Chanah Angelica Kamen-tweet-13November2023-Footage of Hamas and Gaza civilians who lined up to rape women



Israel is under attack


In the midst of Simchat Torah, thousands of terrorists entered from Gaza and massacred hundreds of people, women and children.
More than 700 were killed (and the number keeps rising…).
More than 2243 were wounded (including some 300 in very serious and/or critical condition).
Hundreds of civilians, including infants, children, women and the elderly, were kidnapped and are now being held captive and are victims of physical and mental abuse by Hamas.
More than 3,000 missiles were launched over Israel against the civilian population.

We need your help in these difficult times.

What can you do?

Recite a Psalm or the Tikkun Haklali for the salvation of the people of Israel, the healing of the wounded, the release of prisoners and the protection of our soldiers.

Share the message!
Help Israel spread the truth- most people are unaware of the incredible suffering the people of Israel are going through!

Please support us!
On social media, in your spirit, spreading the news, support Israeli businesses (click here to shop) and most of all, praying for Israel!

“Behold, the Guardian of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.”

Breslev English | Shivtei Israel 56, Jerusalem, Israel | 972-2-532-3339 ext. 3

idf-Who is Protecting the children Israel or Hamas?

idf-Who is Protecting the children Israel or Hamas?


Next Time think of Dresden, Germany before letting the fascists run things.

There are no words.







Silent Majority-tweet-13October2023-Golda Meir quote

Silent Majority-tweet-13October2023-Golda Meir quote


Here is the proof of Iran supporting and giving aid to the Nazi Hamas.

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-8October2023-Hamas terrorists thanking IRAN for the weapons money and rockets

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-8October2023-Hamas terrorists thanking IRAN for the weapons money and rockets


The drones used by Hamas in Southern Israel are American-made and supplied by the US to Ukraine

The drones used by Hamas in Southern Israel are American-made and supplied by the US to Ukraine

Mudar Adnan Zahran-tweet-11October2023-Hamas drones-American-made and supplied by the US to Ukraine

Mudar Adnan Zahran-tweet-11October2023-Hamas drones-American-made and supplied by the US to Ukraine

Mudar Adnan Zahran-tweet-11October2023-Our intelligence sources confirm: The drones used by Hamas in Southern Israel are American-made and supplied by the US to Ukraine, where Jordanian intelligence bought them from the Ukrainians and delivered them to Hamas upon orders from Rania Antoinette (the Kinglet’s wife) with funding from an Arab Gulf state (not Qatar). The shipment arrived in Jordan and was then transported by Jordan’s intelligence to Egypt, where it was received by Egyptian military intelligence, which smuggled it through the tunnels to Hamas with Sisi’s approval… The ongoing slaughter is the nasty work of Arab regimes on the verge of collapse, whose mere existence has become a threat to regional stability and world peace.

October 12, 2023 at 12:02 am

We know that the arms being shipped to Ukraine are being repurposed in some number, and the refusal of any oversight being attached to these weapons would further suggest that this is the very purpose of this lack of oversight. So the potential that the drones were American in origin should not be dismissed too quickly.


In addition to this, the recent exposure of the Jordanian arms smuggling program to support the Islamist terror attacks murdering Israeli’s would certainly indicate that Jordan would certainly not be opposed to facilitating a similar such arms transfer to Hamas.


Also, the weapons did come to Gaza, either by boat or thru the Egyptian land crossing, and it is clear that Sissi’s govt was aware of what was coming in full or partial detail, which would clearly indicate a reasonable conclusion that the arms were transferred to Hamas thru Egypt.


When considering whether Sissi would involve himself in such a transfer as Mudar suggests he conducted, the recent warming which has been taking place between Iran and Sissi should also be seen as a potentially relevant factor. Furthermore, the lack of any response taking place when Jordan was caught in the act of transferring such war contraband might possibly persuade Sissi that even if he were caught doing so, he might expect a similar lack of consequence which Jordan faces for their recent treachery.


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-12October2023-THIS is what the world needs to know about the civilians in Gaza

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-12October2023-THIS is what the world needs to know about the civilians in Gaza



Some Posts on X/Twitter are to graphic to Post. These are Nazis we are dealing with. See: Sanctions

[EDD: This image was blurred]

Israel-tweet-12October2023-Those who deny these events are supporting the barbaric animals

Israel-tweet-12October2023-Those who deny these events are supporting the barbaric animals



David Lange-tweet-8October2023-What they mean by a Free Palestine

David Lange-tweet-8October2023-What they mean by a Free Palestine




Chaskel Bennett-tweet-29October-2023-WARNING: The WhatsApp group chat of the Nir Oz Community Group has been published.
it is horrific, as one can imagine. I only share it because at this point
we are fighting a pr battle we can not win without authenticated information. This is painful to read, and I couldn’t finish it. I warn you in advance that the crimes committed here are beyond human comprehension. The kind of savagery and barbarism we’ve only heard about from our Holocaust survivors. H’YD


Chaskel Bennett-tweet-29October-2023-The WhatsApp group chat of the Nir Oz Community Group has been published

Chaskel Bennett-tweet-29October-2023-The WhatsApp group chat of the Nir Oz Community Group has been published


JerusalemCats-tweet-8October2023-Hamas missiles were landing in Armon HaNetziv Jerusalem every 15 minutes

JerusalemCats-tweet-8October2023-Hamas missiles were landing in Armon HaNetziv Jerusalem every 15 minutes


Measures Israel takes to minimize harm to Israeli civilians:

– Clear instructions on emergency updates via television, radio, internet, and red alert apps.
– Air raid sirens installed within hearing distance of every populated area in the country.
– Minimizing gatherings of over certain amount of people in areas in danger.
– Closing public areas and beaches in times of danger.
– Ensuring people going to work have access to a fortified area.
– Mandatory fortified rooms built in every home by law.
– Schools operating on Zoom so the children are at home.
– Public bomb shelters available in the streets with easy access.
– Training of local governments to respond to threats.
– Closing communities with gates, guarded by armed guards.
– Monitoring of communities by Israel Police and IDF.

Measures Israel takes to minimize harm to Palestinian civilians:

– Coordinating evacuation routes away from target areas
– Dropping leaflets warning of an imminent attack
– Placing phone calls directly to civilians informing them to vacate the area.
– Dropping a “roof knock” warning of imminent strike on the exact building being targeted.

Measures Hamas takes to maximize harm to Israeli civilians:

– Strategically choosing a date for their attack on a Jewish holiday and a day of rest, when a large music festival is taking place.
– Indiscriminate gunfire into large crowds
– Specifically choosing communities with a lot of unarmed civilians, senior citizens and children who cannot defend themselves.
– Firing unguided Iranian rockets into populated cities across Israel including Tel Aviv.
– Suicide bombers who add nails coated in rat poison in their bombs and bombs themselves in crowded markets, buses, and restaurants.
– Specifically targeting families, women and children.

Measures Hamas takes to maximize harm to Palestinian civilians:

– Urging civilians in Gaza to ignore all IDF warnings
– Blocking escape routes to safe zones
– Sabotaging humanitarian corridors with car bombs
– Raiding UNRWA warehouses
– Punishing civilians who try to protect themselves.
– Urging people not to leave buildings slated for removal, but to stand on the roofs.

The-Mossad-Satirical,-Yet-Awesome-tweet-October 17, 2023-Measures Israel takes to minimize harm to Israeli civilians

The-Mossad-Satirical,-Yet-Awesome-tweet-October 17, 2023-Measures Israel takes to minimize harm to Israeli civilians


Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-9October2023-Israel withdrawal from Gaza Strip in 2005 was Land for Peace;

Hussain Abdul-Hussain-tweet-9October2023-Israel withdrawal from Gaza Strip in 2005 was Land for Peace;

This is what they want. This is what it means to be ‘Pushed into the Sea’


Michael Benezra-tweet-8October2023-Appeared on the battlefield

Michael Benezra-tweet-8October2023-Appeared on the battlefield


StopAntisemitism-tweet-8October2023-Times Square-a swastika was spotted on the phone of a pro Palestinian supporter

StopAntisemitism-tweet-8October2023-Times Square-a swastika was spotted on the phone of a pro Palestinian supporter


Israel Defense Forces - Live briefing from Tel Aviv

Israel Defense Forces – Live briefing from Tel Aviv


The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-8October2023-Hamas beheading captured soldiers

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-8October2023-Hamas beheading captured soldiers


Mike-tweet-7October2023-Hamas terrorists subject women and little girls to public humiliation on the streets of Gaza

Mike-tweet-7October2023-Hamas terrorists subject women and little girls to public humiliation on the streets of Gaza



Elder of Ziyon-tweet-13October2023-Hey all you critics of Israel

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-13October2023-Hey all you critics of Israel

Elder of Ziyon 🇮🇱 (@elderofziyon) October 13, 2023

Hey, all you “critics of Israel:”

For years you’ve been saying that Hamas has moderated. That it changed its charter. That it accepted a two state solution. That it wanted peace. That if Israel would improve life in Gaza it would reciprocate with goodwill.

For years we “right-wing, extremist” Zionists have been telling you that you were wrong. Over and over again.

You disparaged us as warmongers. You had “experts” to back you up, from the finest universities. You had former ambassadors. Human rights leaders. The best of the best. You all agreed, Hamas was moderating, and not the same Hamas as the 1988 Charter and the Sbarro massacre.

You considered us to be the obstacles to peace while you met with and welcomed Hamas leaders and invited them to write op-eds in the @NYTimes

Hamas fooled you. They knew that you projected onto them your own desire for peace, for a two state solution, for them to repeal their charter that calls for the genocide of all Jews. So they played you. And you fell for it, totally.

You were fatally wrong.

And your coddling Hamas for so long – barely condemning their rocket attacks, ignoring their many other war crimes, all while publishing thousands of pages of articles condemning Israel – showed the Palestinian terror groups and their Iranian sponsors that you were their useful idiot allies.

Yes, you have been de facto allies of the group that just murdered the most Jews in one day since Auschwitz.

You treated us as the enemy and you treated the disgusting, immoral, murderous Islamist extremists as partners.

You spent 95% of your time condemning the only state in the region that actually cares about human rights for all and only a token amount of time on the true evil that Hamas and the other Palestinian groups have made no secret of sponsoring and supporting. And, amazingly, you pretended that this was helping bring “peace.”

You were dead wrong.

Do you have the slightest feelings of shame? Embarrassment? Or even maybe, responsibility?

Do you think for maybe a moment that since you were so spectacularly wrong about Hamas, maybe we “extremist Zionist fanatics” know more than you do on other issues?

Maybe you are even wrong with your obsessive demonizing of Israel as well. Maybe Israel really does follow real international law as understood by military experts, not wannabe experts from anti-Israel NGOs. Maybe Israel has done more to help Palestinians live in dignity than you are reading about in The Nation.

Are you honest enough to admit when you are wrong?

Or will you continue to be wrong and keep pretending that you know what you are talking about?


Nervana Mahmoud-tweet-11October2023-remembering the long history of bad choices

Nervana Mahmoud-tweet-11October2023-remembering the long history of bad choices


Nervana Mahmoud-tweet-11October2023:
I am accused of “justifying occupation”, which is a big fat lie.
My guilt is remembering the long history of bad choices & wasted opportunities.

Remember when hijacking airplanes, killing athletes were the Palestinian answer to Israeli occupation?

Remember when suicide attacks were marketed as the answer to the occupation?

Remember when firing rockets was the innovation of the resistance?

None of the above liberated Palestine.
Why, and how bloody pogrom and kidnapping women and children will?

the Jewish Virtual Library. logo https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org

the Jewish Virtual Library. logo https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org

First Intifada

(1987 – 1993)
By Mitchell Bard


False charges of Israeli atrocities and instigation from the mosques played an important role in starting the intifada. On December 6, 1987, an Israeli was stabbed to death while shopping in Gaza. One day later, four residents of the Jabalya refugee camp in Gaza were killed in a traffic accident. Rumors that the four had been killed by Israelis as a deliberate act of revenge began to spread among the Palestinians. Mass rioting broke out in Jabalya on the morning of December 9, in which a 17-year-old youth was killed by an Israeli soldier after throwing a Molotov cocktail at an army patrol. This soon sparked a wave of unrest that engulfed the West BankGaza and Jerusalem.


Over the next week, rock-throwing, blocked roads and tire burnings were reported throughout the territories. By December 12, six Palestinians had died and 30 had been injured in the violence. The following day, rioters threw a gasoline bomb at the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem. No one was hurt in the bombing.


In Gaza, rumors circulated that Palestinian youths wounded by Israeli soldiers were being taken to an army hospital near Tel Aviv and “finished off.” Another rumor, claimed Israeli troops poisoned a water reservoir in Khan Yunis. A UN official said these stories were untrue. Only the most seriously injured Palestinians were taken out of the Gaza Strip for treatment, and, in some cases, this probably saved their lives. The water was also tested and found to be uncontaminated.


This uprising or intifada was violent from the start. During the first four years of the uprising, more than 3,600 Molotov cocktail attacks, 100 hand grenade attacks and 600 assaults with guns or explosives were reported by the Israel Defense Forces. The violence was directed at soldiers and civilians alike. During this period, 16 Israeli civilians and 11 soldiers were killed by Palestinians in the territories; more than 1,400 Israeli civilians and 1,700 Israeli soldiers were injured. Approximately 1,100 Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli troops.


Throughout the intifada, the PLO played a lead role in orchestrating the insurrection. The PLO-dominated Unified Leadership of the Intifada (UNLI), for example, frequently issued leaflets dictating which days violence was to be escalated, and who was to be its target. The PLO’s leadership of the uprising was challenged by the fundamentalist Islamic organization Hamas, a violently anti-Semitic group that rejects any peace negotiations with Israel.


Jews were not the only victims of the violence. In fact, as the intifada waned around the time of the Gulf War in 1991, the number of Arabs killed for political and other reasons by Palestinian death squads in what amount to an “intrafada” exceeded the number killed in clashes with Israeli troops.


PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat defended the killing of Arabs deemed to be “collaborating with Israel.” He delegated the authority to carry out executions to the intifada leadership. After the murders, the local PLO death squad sent the file on the case to the PLO. “We have studied the files of those who were executed, and found that only two of the 118 who were executed were innocent,” Arafat said. The innocent victims were declared “martyrs of the Palestinian revolution” by the PLO (Al-Mussawar, January 19, 1990).


Palestinians were stabbed, hacked with axes, shot, clubbed and burned with acid. The justifications offered for the killings varied. In some instances, being employed by Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank and Gaza was reason enough; in others, contact with Jews warranted a death sentence. Accusations of “collaboration” with Israel were sometimes used as a pretext for acts of personal vengeance. Women deemed to have behaved “immorally” were also among the victims.


Eventually, the reign of terror became so serious that some Palestinians expressed public concern about the disorder. The PLO began to call for an end to the violence, but murders by its members and rivals continued. From 1989-1992, this intrafada claimed the lives of nearly 1,000 Palestinians.

the Jewish Virtual Library. logo https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.orgTerrorism Against Israel: Palestinian Suicide Attacks

(2000 – 2020)


Number of Suicide Attacks and Deaths

Number of Suicide Attacks and Deaths

Number of Suicide Attacks and Deaths

The last suicide attack was in 2008.

Number of Suicide Attacks Thwarted By Israeli Forces

Number of Suicide Attacks Thwarted By Israeli Forces

Number of Suicide Attacks Thwarted By Israeli Forces

Sources:Israeli Foreign Ministry;
Washington Post, (April 2, 2004);
Prime Minister’s Office;
McClatchey Washington Bureau, (January 11, 2006).


Israeli Missions Around The World

Israeli Missions Around The World

The Situation on the eve of the Second Intifada (2000)



The Second Intifada – a period of intensified Israeli-Palestinian violence – began in September 2000, with official Palestinian Authority media exhorting the Palestinians to violence. It erupted just as the most serious negotiations for a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians were being pursued. In the absence of any significant land barrier, Palestinian terrorists were able to cross easily from the West Bank into Israeli towns and communities where they staged murderous suicide bombings against civilians.


During this period, lasting until September 2005, Palestinian suicide bombers used increasingly powerful bombs to kill larger numbers of Israelis in their terror attacks. Over 1,000 Israelis were killed and thousands severely injured. Over 2,000 Palestinians were also killed during this period. The disproportionate number of Palestinian casualties was primarily a result of the number of Palestinians involved in violence. The unfortunate deaths of noncombatants was largely due to the practice of Palestinian terrorists using civilians as shields.


At the Sharm el-Sheikh Summit of February 2005, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and PA President Mahmoud Abbas agreed to stop all acts of violence and reaffirmed their commitment to the Roadmap for Peace.

Pre-2nd-Intifada Map

Pre-2nd-Intifada Map

This map is for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered authoritative.




Israel Home Front Command (Pikud HaOref)


Rocket and Missile Attacks


Supplies for Emergencies


In light of the development of fighting in the various sectors, you must prepare equipment that will allow you and your family to stay in the protected area for up to 72 hours:

  • Water supply of 3 liters per person per day, for 72 hours

  • Stock of dry and canned food

  • Battery operated lighting or flashlight

  • Means for receiving alerts and updates – a radio that runs on batteries and portable batteries for mobile phones

  • Medicines

  • First aid kit

  • Personal documents, certificates and cash

  • Equipment for babies or animals, depending on the needs of the family members.


Israel Home Front Command (Pikud HaOref) is the official address for Israeli citizens during these times Pikud HaOref / Phone: 104

Help Line for Holocaust Survivors

The Government has also opened a help line for Holocaust survivors to help with ANY NEED. For example, medical, social , psychological etc.. The number to call is *5105 or 03 5682651


Click to download PDF file Click to Download Home Front Command-Life-Saving Guidelines


Home Front Command: Life Saving Guidelines-1

Home Front Command: Life Saving Guidelines-1


Home Front Command: Life Saving Guidelines-2

Home Front Command: Life Saving Guidelines-2

click to Enlarge

Choosing a Protected Space


Secure space for everybody

Secure space for everybody

Why is it Important to Wait 10 Minutes in the Protected Space?


Why we Wait in the Protected Space for 10 Minutes?

Why we Wait in the Protected Space for 10 Minutes?

Lying down on the ground can save lives


Rockets and Missile Attack - Why is it important to lie on the ground

Rockets and Missile Attack – Why is it important to lie on the ground

During an alert – move away from the car


Why should I get away from my vehicle during a siren.

Why should I get away from my vehicle during a siren.

Unexploded and Unidentified Objects


Watch Out! Staying near fallen projectiles endangers lives

Watch Out! Staying near fallen projectiles endangers lives


Links: Foreign Embassy Alerts

 U.S. Embassy in Israel

U.S. Embassy in Israel

Emergency Preparedness


Security incidents can occur at any time and at any place.  As security incidents, including rocket fire, often take place without warning, U.S. citizens are strongly encouraged to remain vigilant and take appropriate steps to increase their security awareness.


In the event of mortar and/or rocket fire in Israel, a Red Alert siren may be activated.  Treat all such alerts as real; follow the instructions from local authorities and seek shelter immediately.  Know the location of your closest shelter or protected space.


For additional information on appropriate action to take upon hearing a siren or explosion in Israel, see the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command website (available on devices within Israel) or view the Preparedness Information PDF.  U.S. citizens may also wish to download the free Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command application on Android or Apple devices to receive real-time security and safety alerts; follow the link for Download Instructions in English.  Free commercial applications, such as Red Alert: Israel, are also available.


The situation in Israel continues to be unpredictable. Individuals should follow local government advice to increase their security awareness and remain safe. Mortar and rocket fire may take place without warning.


U.S. citizens in Israel who need assistance should contact the closest U.S. embassy or consulate using this crisis intake form.  Family members can also submit information on behalf of a U.S. citizen family member.


U.S. citizens who wish to leave and can do so safely are advised to check the status of the border crossings or verify flights have not been cancelled before heading to the Ben Gurion Airport.


U.S. citizens can find additional information regarding steps to take in case of mortar and rocket fire in the Country Information for Israel, the West Bank and Gaza (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/IsraeltheWestBankandGaza.html):


U.S. Embassy Jerusalem
14 David Flusser St.
Telephone: +972-3-519-7575
E-mail: JerusalemACS@state.gov
Website: https://il.usembassy.gov/

U.S. Embassy Branch Office Tel Aviv
71 HaYarkon St.
Tel Aviv
Telephone: +972-3-519-7575
E-mail: TelAvivACS@state.gov
Website: https://il.usembassy.gov/

Consular Affairs
1-833-890-9595 (toll free) and 606-641-0131 (local)
Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Country Information
Israel, West Bank, and Gaza Travel Advisory

Enroll in Safe Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security updates


Nefesh B’Nefesh

Emergency Resources & Preparedness

* Last updated on October 8, 2023 * https://www.nbn.org.il/life-in-israel/emergency-resources-life-in-israel-2/emergency-resources/

Important Numbers

  • Police – 100
  • Police (Non-Emergency) – 110
  • Ambulance – 101
  • United Hatzalah – 1221
  • Fire – 102
  • National Emergency Portal (Pikud Ha’Oref) – 104
  • 24-Hour Poison Control Hotline – 04-777-1900
  • Electric company* – 103
    • *Customer Service at the Israel Electric company available 24/7. You must have your contract number available when calling.
  • Municipality or regional council of that city – 106

Navigating Medical Emergencies

In case of a medical emergency, it’s important to know where to turn. When visiting your Kupat Cholim, ask them how to seek help during and after office hours. Contacting your Kupat Cholim first can provide the necessary information and Ishurim (approval) for an effective resolution to the medical emergency and help you avoid unnecessary financial charges.

Kupot Cholim:

  • Clalit *2700 -> 4 for English
    Leumit *507 -> 2 for English
    Maccabi *3555 -> 4 for English
    Meuhedet *3833 -> 3 for English

Urgent care centers:
Terem is a network of urgent care centers found in several cities throughout Israel (see: www.terem.com). You will need to present your Kupat Cholim membership card and there will be a fee. This will not be reimbursed by your Kupat Cholim (unless you have been sent with a Hafnaya – referral letter). There are some Kupot Cholim that have urgent care hours in their clinics. This is sometimes referred to as a Moked. Speak to your Kupat Cholim for more information. Services at an urgent care center can often save someone a trip to a busy ER. If the urgent care center cannot resolve the situation, they will send you to the ER with a Hafnaya. The referral is important as it will provide the hospital with background medical information dictating the need to go to the ER and generally cover the treatment.


Ambulance Service:
If you are not admitted to the hospital, you will be charged for the service of taking an ambulance. 24-hr observation in an ER is typically not considered admittance. You will be billed to the address listed in your Teudat Zehut. If you are admitted, make sure to present the ambulance bill to your Kupat Cholim together with your discharge papers to ensure reimbursement for services.


Do not hesitate to contact the NBN Answers and Advocacy Team at answers@nbn.org.il or by calling *3680 for guidance and support.

Going to the Emergency room:
If you need to make an emergency visit to the ER without a previous visit to a doctor or urgent care center, you will only need to present your Teudat Zehut (or at least know the number) to open a file. You will not need to present your Kupat Cholim card although you will need to provide the receptionist with the name of your Kupat Cholim and family doctor (if you have one). As in any country, be prepared to wait.
When going to the ER, if you are not consequently admitted to the hospital, or if you don’t have a doctor’s referral or a referral from your Kupat Cholim call line, you may be charged a fee for the emergency room visit.
An exemption from charges in the emergency ward is granted automatically for a number of specific health crises, including work injury, road accident, school accident, fracture, foreign object in the eye, joint dislocation, and stitches. For full details: www.health.gov.il

National Emergencies

It is important to be prepared for all eventualities, to have a plan in place, and to know how to protect yourself and your family in the event of a national emergency. Pikud Ha’Oref (The Home Front Command) is responsible for direction and guidance in times of national emergency such as rocket/missile attacks and earthquakes. The Pikud Ha’Oref website www.oref.org.il provides up-to-date information and important guidelines to be followed in times of national emergencies. Resources in English for emergency preparedness can be found here: www.oref.org.il.


App for the Home Front command:
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…
Apple: https://apps.apple.com/…/israel-home…/id999308676…


During times of national emergency, Nefesh B’Nefesh will post important directives and general information as needed. As always, never hesitate to be in touch with your Aliyah Advisor directly. The NBN Answers and Advocacy Team is available at answers@nbn.org.il or by calling *3680.

Where to Turn:

  • Gas Masks: At this time, there are no gas masks available for distribution. Should the need arise, the Home Front Command will open distribution centers throughout the country.
  • Missile Fire Alerts: Different types of missiles can have different ranges. The Home Front Command will provide instructions specific to each region in the country. A siren will be sounded warning citizens to seek shelter. The siren alert will also be heard on radio and television. One should seek immediate shelter.


Nefesh B’Nefesh-FIDF Lone Soldiers Program Resources:

NBN-FIDF Lone Soldiers Program
24/7 Hotline for soldiers and those in Israel: *6563
Email: LSP@nbn.org.il


IDF Merkaz Bodedim (Lone Soldiers Department)
Phone number in Israel: 03-5691000
WhatsApp: +972 52-943-7725
Email: me.bodedim@mail.idf.il


Eran (ער”ן) – Emotional First Aid
Hotline for those in Israel: 1201
WhatsApp: +972 52-845-1201
Email: eran1201@eran.org.il

Natal (נט”ל) – Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center
Helpline: 1-800-363-363

One Soul (נפש אחת) – Support for IDF Soldiers and Veterans
Helpline for those in Israel: *8944

Additional Resources

Nefesh B’Nefesh Services:
Have questions? NBN Answers is available to answer your questions and provide guidance by phone at *3680 or answers@nbn.org.il, Sunday – Thursday. We offer one-on-one meetings, and translation services for bills and paperwork received.


Municipal Coordinators:
A municipal coordinator offers assistance, information on local resources, and guidance through the local municipality. For a listing of Municipal Coordinators throughout the country, see: https://www.nbn.org.il/community-guide/municipal-klita-coordinators/


Yad Sarah:
Best known for its medical lending services and offers a wide range of other services in 100 locations throughout the country. See: www.yad-sarah.net


ERAN Emotional Crisis Hotline (for all ages) – 1201 extension #10 for English


Crossroads 24/7 Crisis Hotline for English-Speaking Teens and Young Adults 050-468-5463

SHIL (Sheirut Ye’utz L’ezrach):
A citizen’s advice bureau found in most cities throughout Israel offers a wide range of free services. See: www.molsa.gov.il

Revacha (Social Services):
Found in every municipal region, all Revacha offices have reception hours. No appointment is necessary.

National hotlines for men and women in cases of rape or sexual harassment:
Women – 1202 from any phone Men – 1203 from any phone



The Key to National Security

Other nations – even our allies – have been threatening us that we are in danger of political and international isolation. Should we really fear isolation?

Rabbi Lazer Brody
Posted on 27September2023 https://breslev.com/385792/

The Key to National Security

The Key to National Security

Other nations – even our allies – have been threatening us that we are in danger of political and international isolation. According to Moses, isolation is not something to be afraid of. Indeed, for the Nation of Israel, it’s even desirable. Moses declares in his final blessing of his people shortly before his departure from the physical world:


And Israel shall dwell securely, alone (Devarim 33:28).

Every year, we read the above passage on Simchat Torah, the day following the termination of the Sukkot holiday, when we complete the annual reading of the Torah and begin anew.


Let’s ask ourselves two basic questions: First, what’s the connection between the above-mentioned passage and Sukkot? Second, what’s the eternal teaching of the above passage?


Sukkot is concrete proof that the Nation of Israel is the nation of emuna and therefore above nature. The holy Zohar calls the sukkah, “The shadow of emuna”; in other words, who one dwells in the sukkah is literally




enveloped in the Divine Presence, tzila d’mehemnuta, the shadow of emuna. Spiritually, there is no safer place on earth.

How seemingly odd…


Jewish law requires that the sukkah be a temporary dwelling. The roof of a sukkah must be natural material that grows from the ground, such as river canes, tree branches, palm leaves and the like. The average sukkah roof can’t support the weight of a cat. A strong rain is enough to chase a family out of the sukkah. A good strong wind can send one’s sukkah roof into orbit around the neighborhood.


That’s security?

It sure is.

The sukkah is a place to learn and acquire emuna. We leave our permanent dwellings at a time when the weather starts getting cold. We learn that the only real security we have over our heads is not the roof of our permanent dwelling, but Hashem. For seven days a year, Hashem wants us to teach us how to completely entrust ourselves to His care, as King David says (Psalm 31:6), “I place my spirit in Your hands.”


The intrinsic message of the sukkah is that with a Jew, the illogical is logical and the supernatural is natural. Hashem’s relationship to His chosen people is on a completely different level than His “way of the world” relationship with the nations.


Normally, one feels secure under a concrete roof. But with bunker busters and non-conventional weapons, reinforced concrete no longer gives a person a feeling of security. That’s the point of the sukkah: under the palm-leaves or the river-reed roof – knowing that we are enveloped in the Divine Presence – we feel true security, for beneath a thatched roof in the Divine Presence is ever so much safer than under a concrete and steel roof in an environment devoid of holiness and therefore without the protection of the Divine Presence.


Sounds like a fairy tale, doesn’t it? Eyes devoid of emuna see the sukkah as some type of Jewish play house. But, with eyes of emuna, we know that the sukkah is the real deal; that’s why the pious almost never leave their sukkah for an entire week. Who wants to leave the Divine Presence even for a moment?


During Sukkot, the nations of the world look at us like we’re crazy, but that doesn’t deter the believer from happily erecting and dwelling in his sukkah. That’s the answer to our first question, namely, what’s the connection between “And Israel shall dwell securely, alone” and Sukkot? We, the nation of Israel, know that our national security doesn’t depend on armaments and fortifications. On the contrary – the only safe place in the world for a Jew is in a place where the Divine Presence hovers, and that’s the sukkah! Symbolically, we alone dwell in the sukkah; no other nation does. By dwelling alone, we live lives of emuna while protecting ourselves from both ideological and physical assimilation. The natural law that pertains to the nations of the world has nothing to do with the Nation of Emuna.


This brings us to our second question: what’s the eternal teaching of “And Israel shall dwell securely, alone”?


The subject of national security is one that never leaves the headlines of Israeli media. Especially in recent times, when no border can be termed “calm” and even countries who have no border with us such as Iran and Turkey threaten us, politicians are knocking themselves over to find solutions to national security. They haven’t been succeeding very well, as current affairs bear witness.


The moment our leaders recognize that for Israel, national security depends on two conditions: one, that we dwell alone – both physically and ideologically – within the Divine Presence and without outside influence. That means that our homes and our land must be places of holiness, and like the sukkah, worthy of the Divine Presence. So with all due respect to democracy, the Land of Israel cannot stand public displays of debauchery in any shape or form, for this is national suicide.


Second, our national security depends on emuna. We must realize that as the chosen people, Hashem requires us to live our lives according to the spiritual rule of emuna, which supersedes any natural concept of security such as military advantage. So by learning emuna, we strengthen ourselves and our country. That’s the key to our national security. Chag Sameach!


The Children

This little eight year old girl can only fall asleep by hiding in a storage unit for linen. That’s how she and her younger brother survived for hours during the Hamas massacre when terrorists went door to door in Kibbutz Alumim murdering entire israeli families. Since then she no longer sleeps in her bed.

Israel-tweet-23October2023-This little eight year old girl can only fall asleep by hiding in a storage unit for linen

Israel-tweet-23October2023-This little eight year old girl can only fall asleep by hiding in a storage unit for linen




“In every generation they rise up to destroy us” was, and is, a warning to be taken seriously.

DRY BONES-Generations Credit: Yaakov (DryBones) Kirschen.

DRY BONES-Generations Credit: Yaakov (DryBones) Kirschen.


Brooklyn-born (in 1938) cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen made Aliyah to Israel in 1971 and began drawing his Dry Bones cartoons in January of 1973. He is a member of both America’s National Cartoonists Society and the Israeli Cartoonists Society. Dry Bones was internationally syndicated and ran in The Jerusalem Post for 50 years, being reprinted by the New York TimesTime magazine, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal and other major media publications. The Dry Bones story has been covered by CBSCNNForbes and many others.


(October 24, 2023 / JNS) Hamas’s Oct. 7 pogrom has changed us.

It has smashed our youngsters with an explosive and frightening reality.

How will they deal with this trauma? What will they be like as adults? What will their Israel be like?

“Never again” is a great slogan.

But “In every generation they rise up to destroy us” was, and is, a warning to be taken seriously.


Bari Weiss-tweet-25October2023-
You hear stories from the Holocaust of people with little children in hiding, and I always thought, “How do you keep a child that small, that young, quiet in this situation?” But the energy was so heavy and we were so quiet.

I told my daughter, “You need to be as quiet as a mouse. We’re not talking now.” And she whispered through the whole day. Even when she fell over, she didn’t cry.

“‘I Understood My Life Is Going to End’: A Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room”

‘I Understood My Life Is Going to End’: A Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room

Bari Weiss-tweet-25October2023-Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room

Bari Weiss-tweet-25October2023-Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room




Family photos left on a refrigerator after Hamas terrorists set it on fire on Saturday's attack on the kibbutz on October 14, 2023 in Be'eri, Israel. (Amir Levy via Getty Images)

Family photos left on a refrigerator after Hamas terrorists set it on fire on Saturday’s attack on the kibbutz on October 14, 2023 in Be’eri, Israel. (Amir Levy via Getty Images)


‘I Understood My Life Is Going to End’: A Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room

Sofie Berzon MacKie on what went through her mind while terrorists attacked her kibbutz, and the first thought she had after she was rescued.

By Max Raskin
25October2023  https://www.thefp.com/p/my-life-is-going-to-end


Sofie Berzon MacKie is a British Israeli artist, a mother, and the director of Be’eri art gallery. She is a survivor of the Hamas massacre of Kibbutz Be’eri on October 7. Below, the writer Max Raskin asks Sofie about the 20 hours she spent under attack. This interview originally appeared on his Substack.  


Max Raskin: How do you feel right now?


Sofie Berzon MacKie: Relatively okay.


I lost track of time, in a way. I know it’s been 13 days since the 7th of October, and I think, “Wow, it’s already two weeks?” But at the same time… “Only two weeks?”


So it’s a really strange feeling of being disoriented in time. Time stretches and is compacted at the same time. I’m not so shaken anymore. I kind of have a vision of what needs to be done in the near future and that’s all I can hope for at this point in my life, where we lost everything. Besides we have our lives, that’s about it.


MR: If any of these questions are too personal or intrusive, or make you uncomfortable, please just let me know.


SBM: No, no, feel free. Really, ask whatever.


MR: Are you in therapy right now? How is your family dealing with it?


SBM: Well, of course I’m in therapy. I have a psychologist and also a psychiatrist. I need to take a pill every night or I have really bad anxiety attacks. And if I don’t take something to calm down, then I have the worst possible nightmares and I can’t sleep. So, I take a pill every evening. I go to sleep. I have this really deep sleep and I wake up with a very heavy feeling of, “Wow, another day in this surreal life that I now lead.”


But then the day goes by, and I get very busy trying to rebuild whatever I can with whatever I have right now. And the children are also, I think, okay. I have really strong children and they’re very smart and very resourceful. So, I hope—and I dare say, I know—that it might take some time, but the horrific ordeal we went through will be a very bad memory, but it will be just a memory. I don’t think we’re going to be post-traumatic in the long term.


MR: Let’s say someone woke up from a coma today and you were the first person they talked to, and they said to you, “Hey, great to meet you. What’s going on?” What would you say to them?


SBM: In a sentence, I would say that the most brutal, sadistic, inhuman, murderous attack was made on a peaceful civilian population—mostly left-wing, by the way—where 1,400 people were murdered in their homes. . . babies, the elderly, mothers. Another 200 are kidnapped, also children among them, without their parents. And now, in many ways, what we went through is very similar to the Holocaust, but much worse because it happened in our land, in our homes. So, if I had to summarize it, that’s it.


MR: I don’t know how to even broach it, but I think it’s important for people to hear the story of that day. Can you tell my readers what that day was for you?


SBM: So the day before was Sukkot. We were having a nice family dinner and we went to play tennis together, and it was a lot of fun. And we went to bed and woke up at half past six in the morning with ear-deafening explosions that didn’t sound anything like what I know. It didn’t sound like rockets, and there wasn’t the siren that goes off every time it’s a rocket. It was just something else.


So we jumped out of bed, me and my partner, and I woke my daughter up. She’s twelve and a half. And I told her to run. . . just run to the safe room. And I took my daughter, my little one, my toddler—she’s three years old—out of her bed, grabbed her, and ran and shut the window. We have a really thick metal window. And I slammed the door shut and just sat on the bed. My son sleeps there. And a few minutes later, the red color sirens went off and like 100 missiles went over our heads. I can hear them exploding right outside my house.


And then I opened my phone, which I took with me, and there’s this internal group that serves the kibbutz for important messages, and there was a message there that there is an indication of terrorists in Israel, but not in the kibbutz yet


And then the kids asked me, “Mommy, can they reach our kibbutz?”<


And I said, “No, we’re quite far from the border.”


We’re almost five kilometers from the border, and it seemed to me unimaginable that anyone can cross that distance inside Israel’s territory without the army responding and neutralizing them.


So that’s what I said, but five minutes later, another message, “There are terrorists in the kibbutz. Lock the doors. Close the windows, and shut yourself in the safe room and don’t leave.” So I thought it’s not the first time I received that message. It might be like two or three terrorists and they will be taken care of fairly quickly.


The mothers of the kibbutz, we have a WhatsApp group. We use it if anyone needs some sort of medicine or is looking for clothing and just mother stuff. It just exploded with messages, hundreds of them, of terrorists in people’s homes. And because I know the people writing those messages, I drew this map in my head, and I understood that there are hundreds of them all over the kibbutz. That was a very, very terrifying moment.


MR: You were getting messages from the mothers?


SBM: Yeah.


“We have terrorists in our house.”


“They’re shooting at my window.”


“They’re inside my house burning tires, and my house is on fire.”


And these pleas for someone to come and save us. And everyone was like, “Where’s the army? Where’s the army?”


And things escalated for hours on end. Mothers were sending their last words—pleading for someone to save them when you can hear the terrorists in the background—and then they were murdered. The most really horrifying things. I just sat there for hours listening to that group, my friends, and so many of them.


MR: And you knew these people?


SBM: Of course, of course. The kibbutz has 550 families, so of course you know everyone. We share our lives together. It’s a fairly tight-knit community, although people, of course, have their careers and not everyone works on the kibbutz. But we celebrate the holidays together and our children—the kindergartens are on the kibbutz grounds. Everybody’s everybody’s friend, on some level, of course.


So that went on for many, many hours. My children were terrified, absolutely terrified. I told them to stay away from the door, because we realized quite soon that the door is not bulletproof, because they started shooting through the door and injuring people inside the safe room and throwing hand grenades.


MR: Did they see your phone? Did you let them see your phone?


SBM: No. No, of course not. No. No.


MR: How did you talk to your kids?


SBM: We weren’t talking much. I told them, “There are terrorists in the kibbutz. Now you have to be very quiet and cannot talk.”


I was scared that my toddler wouldn’t manage the situation. You hear stories from the Holocaust of people with little children in hiding, and I always thought, “How do you keep a child that small, that young, quiet in this situation?” But the energy was so heavy and we were so quiet.


I told my daughter, “You need to be as quiet as a mouse. We’re not talking now.” And she whispered through the whole day. Even when she fell over, she didn’t cry.


And the kids at some point got so exhausted from the adrenaline and all the stress. And terrorists were shooting for hours at our house, and we could hear them outside our window of the safe room, shouting in Arabic.


MR: How long were you in that safe room?


SBM: Almost 14 hours, and then another 6 with the neighbors in theirs, until the army rescued us. We were in ours from half past six in the morning until after midnight.


We didn’t have any water, any food. . . nothing. So at one point, when it got relatively quiet and I couldn’t hear people shooting at our house anymore, we crept out of the room, because I was scared that if my daughter gets hungry, she’s going to start screaming and we’re doomed. So we took a calculated risk and left the safe room. And we brought a bottle of water and some cereal and dates, just grabbed it and ran back to the safe room.


Later on, I understood that they didn’t manage to break into the safe room, because it is relatively hard. . . if you hold down the handle, it’s kind of hard to open the door. . . but they just burned the houses. That really scared me. But when I understood that they didn’t break into our safe room, I ran to our bathroom. I grabbed all the towels and just opened the tap of the bathtub. I didn’t care how much noise it made. So, I soaked them in water and put them in a basket and ran back to the safe room, and I put them beneath the door and the window in case they tried to set our house on fire.


My kids got very tired at some point, so I told them, “Listen, just try to sleep.” And they fell asleep for, I think, five hours, and they woke up and it was, “Is it over, Mommy,” and I’m like, “Not yet, just please try to sleep.” So they slept most of the day


MR: How long were the terrorists in the kibbutz?


SBM: They were in the kibbutz even after we were rescued. They were there for days, until the army found the last one of them. Even after all of us were evacuated, the army was still there for days, I think for even a week.


MR: I’m not asking this in a spiritual or philosophical sense, but I guess I’m asking this question—how did you survive?


SBM: A series of the smallest coincidences, really. The most insignificant events decided our fate that day. And it’s really hard to comprehend, because the reality of being dead or alive, it’s this eternal situation. You’re dead, you’re dead. And if you’re alive, you’re here. And, on the other hand, the really meaningless occurrences that decided whoever’s fate.


I would say luck, but it’s not really luck. It’s just the way the dice was rolled that day.


MR: Did they shoot at your house and you just happened to survive?


SBM: Yes. They shot a lot. . . a lot at my house. They came into my house at one point. Some houses, they really didn’t leave for hours, until whoever the family was in the safe room was killed. Some houses, for five hours, they went and came back and went and came back.


MR: Did they try breaking into your safe room?


SBM: Yes. At one point, we heard voices. They didn’t really try. They were just there and they left. I was standing next to the door with a knife, because that’s what I had. But why they left, I don’t know


MR: Did your safe room lock?


SBM: No. You can’t lock it from the inside, but you can hold the handle down and then it’s almost impossible to open it from the outside. But, of course, they can shoot you through the door. They used hand grenades. And if they were really determined in getting in, nothing could stop them. There were houses that they took apart the hinges of the door.


MR: I don’t even know what to ask. I don’t even know what to ask. I mean, what goes through your head at that time? Do you pray? Do you think about how to solve the situation? Are you thinking about escape? What is actually going through your head?


SBM: First, disbelief that this is happening and thinking that the army will surely arrive. And then the hours went on, and they didn’t. And then at one point, when they were really on my house shooting at the window, trying to. . . I don’t know what they were trying to do to the outside wall. . . I could hear them hammering at it, at the wall, trying to break it. And then I was sure I was going to die, so I actually posted my goodbyes on Facebook, and I sent messages to my friends, family that, “Know I love you, but I’m not going to survive this. This is the day I’m going to die.” And I was very sad, not much because my life is going to end today, but thinking about the brutal way that I’m actually going to be murdered made me really, really sad. And I was so scared.


(courtesy of Sofie Berzon MacKie)

(courtesy of Sofie Berzon MacKie)

MR: As a woman, were you afraid?


SBM: I wasn’t thinking like they’re going to rape me or anything. I was just, as a mother, I think. . . seeing the terror on my children’s faces once they’re in the safe room—that was a thought that absolutely broke my heart. So when they were really on our house trying to get in, I just sat. I held them and covered their eyes, because I just didn’t want to see the look on their faces when they see the people that are going to murder them. I prayed. I don’t believe in God. Not that I don’t believe that the world is a spiritual place, but I don’t believe in Him in the way any religion explains this force that moves through the universe that creates all things. But I was, in my heart, just begging for some force to let me out of that room. We sat there for so many hours, my heart was pounding in my chest the whole time. At some point, I started really shaking uncontrollably because of the adrenaline rush. Complete terror.


MR: Physically—other than your heart beating—what does that physically feel like to be in that kind of situation?


SBM: I can’t even describe it.


MR: Do you want to throw up? Do you want to go to the bathroom?


SBM: You want to throw up. You want to run away. You have this urge, crazy urge, that you have to oppress, to open the door and run, just run. And you have to really stop yourself from leaving your home because you just want to run. To have to sit there and wait, all your muscles become stiff. Your body becomes stiff. Your heart is beating. I got extremely thirsty at some point. My mouth was so, so dry. My daughter had terrible cramps in her stomach. She had an awful tummy ache, and her head was throbbing. Your body is screaming that this situation is unbearable. But here we are.


MR: I don’t know if this is a silly question, but are there any moments of levity in that whole thing?


SBM: No. At one point, when I understood that I am going to die, I couldn’t stand the fear that took hold of me. It was beyond anything I ever felt in my whole life, the most extreme feeling of panic, and terror, utter terror. So, I kind of took a look at my life, and I became very grateful for what I have, what I had—for my life’s trajectory and the people I met and the people I loved and who loved me back. And that was a really deep moment for me. It was, I don’t know, spiritual in a way, that I understood my life is going to end. It’s a fact.


MR: People say your life flashes before your eyes. Is that what that was like?


SBM: Yes. You think about your childhood, your parents, your friends, things you did right.


MR: And did that make you feel good?


SBM: It made me feel at peace, and I felt all the fear just leaving my body, and I felt really at peace with my fate. I was still very deeply sad about dying this way. I felt like it’s unfair.


MR: How does that make you feel now when you think about it? Can you access that same peace? Most people get cut off in traffic and they’re pissed off, and it ruins their day.


SBM: Something really changed in me. It’s like I met the worst possible situation life could hand out to someone, really the worst. And I found. . . I’ll try to explain.


It’s like something inside me connected with the universe, with the fact that everything has a beginning and everything has an end, and this is my end. And I suddenly felt so peaceful, and I had this warm feeling, and I felt all the fear draining out of my body into this really deep acceptance that I’m going to meet whatever eternity is, after I go.


MR: Had you thought about eternity before? Do you believe in an afterlife?


SBM: I don’t believe in an afterlife, but I am very spiritual. And these ideas, I’m occupied with them and by them for a long time.


MR: Before this happened?


SBM: Yes, that everything is connected in the world. The infinitely large. The stars, when you gaze up, is connected to my body. It is inside me and I am inside everything. So I walk through life with that feeling. But it really was intensified, and the truth of that feeling overcame me and all fear just left me.


MR: What moment was that when that was actually happening?


SBM: That moment was really the peak of it. I just thought, “I can’t stand. . . ”


It’s like you’re mentally fighting for your life. Emotionally, you’re fighting for your life, although, in many ways, you’re just sitting in a room not doing anything. And then I kind of let go. . . “That’s it. It’s out of my hands. Whatever is going to happen, let it happen. You can’t stop it. There’s no need to be afraid. There’s just no need to be afraid. You can’t control the situation. Just let it go.”


MR: And then when did you come back and realize, “I might make it through this?”


SBM: I think it’s around half past four, I heard Hebrew outside my window. I heard only Arabic until that point. . . and gunshots. I heard Hebrew and understood that the army is outside my house. And then I had this thought, quite fleeting, actually, not even like an understanding, but just a glimmer of hope that I might make it through this day alive with my children. I think it was a quarter past six and my neighbor from upstairs called me and said, “Sofie, the army is here. They’re evacuating us. Get ready.” And I could hear them talking to the soldiers and telling them, “There is a family downstairs. You have to go and get them also.” So then, I was like, “Okay, I’m going to get through this. They’re here.”


MR: You hear stories of the terrorists using young kids to falsely coax people out of their houses to kill them. Were you at any point worried that they were playing a game on you and trying to lure you out?


SBM: Of course. All day long, they were banging on doors. They were knocking on the windows. They were dressed as the IDF. But when you hear a group of people speaking, you can recognize the language, and especially the language used by the army—nobody can fake that. But during the day we understood that they were pretending to be the army, but we also knew that the army hadn’t arrived yet, because we were in contact with the official statements.


But at quarter past six, they were banging on our door, “Open up. Open up. It’s the IDF.” And I just ran and collapsed into their arms.


I had 10 soldiers, two of them were officers, standing in my living room. I thought they were the most beautiful people I ever saw in my life. And I told them, “Take my children. Please, just take my children.” I handed my daughter to them. And they said to us, “You have two minutes. Pack the necessities that you will need, and we’re out of here.”


Then they helped us climb over the wall, and we were standing with our neighbors, two families, with 30 soldiers, in the most horrific scene. The sky was. . . it was green and orange and full of smoke. There were so many houses on fire, dead bodies scattered everywhere, puddles of blood, rockets exploding, and bullets started whizzing in front of us, so they understood that we can’t be evacuated yet. And they told us, “Please go upstairs to the safe room of your neighbors, and we will be back very soon.” And eventually, they came back at midnight. So we had another six hours, with no electricity at that point.


MR: Did you feel safe at that point?


SBM: Safer, yes.


MR: Like the military was in charge?


SBM: Yes. I knew that they were fighting them. I knew that families were evacuated at that point, not many, but they’re succeeding in evacuating them. I knew that they knew we were there, and I trusted that they would be back.


Luckily enough, we were at our neighbor’s house, because I think two hours after that I could hear terrorists inside my house—shooting from inside my house at the soldiers who were outside. My life was saved more than once that day.


And at around midnight they came back, and we didn’t answer the door when they came. We were too scared at that point. We didn’t answer the door. So they broke in. They tried to break in through the window. They started pulling the window apart, but then we ran and opened the door, and we were evacuated under fire.


MR: How were you evacuated? In an armored personnel carrier?


SBM: No, by foot. We had to walk. My daughter, my eldest daughter, was terrified. She said, “I’m not walking. They’re going to kill me. I’m staying here.” So one of the soldiers took her by her hand and said, “I am here with you. We’re going to make it.”


So we were three families. Thirty soldiers surrounded us in a ring, with weapons drawn. And we started walking. They told the kids to close their eyes and not open them until they tell them it’s safe, because the horrors—as I just said, there were dead bodies everywhere, butchered dead bodies, fire, blood everywhere, just insane. . .


MR: I feel like everyone is watching whatever videos they can get their hands on, even the most horrific things. . . people feel like a need to see. Do you watch any of it?


SBM: No. Not only do I not watch it, I’m actively blocking it out. After meeting with my psychologist, he rightfully said that “there is absolutely no use at this point even thinking about what happened. It’s only going to make the trauma linger on. So you just really need to work hard on your mental and psychological defense and block it out for now, until, I don’t know, in a year’s time, two years’ time”—these are his words. “When you’re safe and you have a home and you’re far enough from what’s happened to safely deal with it. But now, you just really have to block the memory out. Because otherwise, it’s going to turn into post-trauma, and it’s going to haunt you your whole life.” So I do as he said, and it’s really helpful advice.


MR: What does it do when someone wants to get your testimony?


SBM: When I say what happened, I remember it. But at this point, it doesn’t feel like I’m there. Something did change with my psychological capabilities, and some time has passed. For a week and a half after everything happened, I felt like what happened is still happening in the world somewhere. My life kind of split into two timelines and in one timeline, me and my family and my children, we were saved, but in another timeline, in another universe, it is still happening, and the end is still unknown, and it can still play out completely differently. And that’s how I felt.


So it was very scary to think about it because I had this feeling that if I don’t pay attention—don’t ask me to what, because I don’t know. It’s like I felt like I have to be on guard, because if I’m not, the end will be different and I will be killed with my children.


And that, when I come to think about it now, I don’t feel like that anymore. I feel like it was a horrible, horrible experience, but it is over. I am more grounded in reality. I don’t feel like I have these flashbacks where I’m still there physically. It’s like sharing a very painful memory, but a memory.


MR: And do you listen to the memories of others? As a photographer, you probably think about this a lot but there’s a kind of prurient interest or pornographic spectacle that people are curious about the rapes and the torture.


SBM: The people that are here, we survived, so none of us have these stories and we don’t know the specifics of what happened to our loved ones. Nobody gave us that information. I saw maybe one or two testimonies of people who were working in the kibbutz and what they saw, but no one was given any details and I’m glad.


MR: But these stories are starting to come out now. Are you avoiding them?


SBM: Yes, of course. I really can’t deal with that. It’s not like before. I used to watch these images. I can understand how things can be horrifying. I don’t have to see them. I remember when ISIS started releasing the beheading videos and they were found on YouTube. I think I watched one, and I was like, “Okay, no, I really can’t handle this. It’s just too much.” I’m definitely avoiding. . . how can I watch my community[’s] children being butchered and tortured? I don’t want to see.


MR: How does this make you think about the Holocaust?


SBM: I think in many ways, what we went through was very similar to the Holocaust. I can understand, maybe, a bit more, a bit better, what it really felt like, although Israel is very good at preserving the memory of the Holocaust. So through my whole life I’ve been reading testimonies, meeting Holocaust survivors, and I had a very good sense. I went to Poland also, to concentration camps when I was in high school, and it felt in many ways very similar.


I daresay it’s even a bit worse. It might actually be a bit worse.


Because it’s in our land, in our country, in our homes. We weren’t like guests in someone else’s country. This is our country. We have a very strong and capable army, and it happened in my home, in my land.


MR: Is your worldview changing minute to minute?


SBM: I think I hold very liberal, humanitarian ideas of the world. I think I was naive about Hamas and the people of Gaza, who, in many ways, I relate to and am an advocate for, in their justifiable call for freedom.


But I couldn’t imagine that any human being, as hateful as they are, could do the things that they did. It’s a really shocking revelation for me to understand that some people, and not some—a lot—because of the two to three thousand terrorists that entered Israel that morning, they were not all Hamas. A lot of them were also just citizens of Gaza who hate us.


The thought that people can be so hateful that they will shoot a baby in its head while she’s in her mother’s arms. . . and these are things I witnessed and heard happening in my kibbutz. Or kidnapping children. I feel so naive.


You see the world through the lens of who you are.


I saw the world through the lens of who I am, and I always believed that every person, as bad as they may be, there’s a sense of humanity that you can appeal to, that you can talk to. I think I was wrong. I think there is this force that some strain of humans possess, that to call them human is a disgrace. It is a disgrace for humankind to have people who can do those things walk amongst us and share our world. And that is something that has really changed in me—although I still want to believe that in Gaza, there are women like me, mothers like me, children like my children, who wish for peace. And I can’t believe that two million people are like that.


But maybe I’m wrong. I don’t know.

The remains of the Be’eri Gallery. (Courtesy of Sofie Berzon MacKie)

The remains of the Be’eri Gallery. (Courtesy of Sofie Berzon MacKie)


MR: What kind of impact does this have on how you think about what your life is going to be? How do you think about your next gallery opening? Before this happened, what projects were you working on?


SBM: Many. I’m co-director of a gallery—Be’eri Gallery—which is now burnt to the ground and nonexistent. We had nine artists in line for 2024. We were already working on their exhibitions with them. Personally, I was working on various projects.


MR: What was one of your personal projects?


SBM: I’m a photographer. I now call myself more of a visual artist, because I don’t only use photography, but I was photographing in my living room for the past three years—a series that was my way of thinking about and discussing my motherhood, my identity, my relationship with my home, with my dreams. That’s one thing. I have, still hanging, an exhibition at the Man and the Living World Museum in Ramat Gan, which is very much about what we just discussed—about the eternity and interconnection of all things. I made a series called Event Horizon where I used photography, manipulated photography with AI, in just a black room, a dark room, and very large pictures of shell-like organisms that are just half-alive, half-dead. . . thoughts about eternity and—I wouldn’t use the word afterlife—but the event horizon of the black hole.


MR: Are you interested in space at all?


SBM: Yeah, I’m very interested in that. I think a lot about time and beginnings.


MR: Are you a sci-fi person?


SBM: Yes.


MR: What sci-fi do you like?


SBM: Dune, by Frank Herbert. I read it when I was 14, and I—at that point I knew that I read the best book I’m going to read in my lifetime. And I just finished the Silo trilogy, and The Hobbit, of course


I actually thought about Silo, because it’s about the apocalypse of humanity and how the human race has to stay low in these silos buried in the ground until the world is ready for them to start their new life. That’s really what I’m doing right now.


MR: After everything that’s happened, has this changed your view about the cosmos and the interconnectivity of it or your view about the afterlife?


SBM: No. I think in many ways it’s actually reinforced my thoughts about the nature of things. I really had to face the idea that every life comes to an end and that my life will come to an end right now, and that that’s just how the world, how creation works. Things are destroyed and created from the beginning of time, and now it’s my time to be part of that. And it was really a moment of enlightenment. It’s kind of hard to describe what happens to someone who faces their death and accepts it, really, with your whole being. I feel like nothing scares me anymore. And I think for 10 days I was floating, not connected to time or to this place or to reality, in many ways.


But then I went for a bike ride here near the Dead Sea, and it was at dusk. I looked at the sea. And suddenly, this normal thought, my thoughts, my normal thoughts, just popped into my head—that the sea has been here for millions of years. I held on to that thought that I recognized myself in it, and suddenly, I saw the beauty of this world, and I could again feel how I am connected, how this beauty is part of me, and how I am part of everything.


Also, I understand that powers of destruction have always been part of our universe and it’s just part of everything. I hope that answered your question.


MR: This is the most powerful interview I’ve done.


SBM: Thank you. I’ve been interviewed a lot in the past two weeks, and this was really healing, in a way.


MR: Really?


SBM: Yes.


MR: Most of my guests describe my interviews as just really weird and uncomfortable.


SBM: No. I don’t feel like you’re weird or uncomfortable. I think we would have a similar interview even if I wasn’t going through this.


MR: What’s your plan right now?


SBM: Now we are going to stay here at the hotel, although it’s not so comfortable for me. Personally, I need a more quiet environment, more breathing space, and less grieving collectively, because every other person I see here has lost at least one person. So there’s a lot of pain and grieving going on, but my children desperately need their friends.


MR: Are their friends there?


SBM: Most of them are here. Some of my daughter’s friends were murdered. Two of her friends are missing. One of her friends is for sure abducted. And she’s twelve and a half, so her social life at this point is more important to her than her immediate family. There’s a psychologist who is working with her group and also with my son’s group, and so I’m here for them now.


MR: Listen, we come to Israel a lot. We’re going to be there soon. My wife’s actually about to give birth in the next few weeks. But when we’re there, I’d love to meet you in person.


SBM: Wow, that’s great. That makes me happy.


MR: It’ll be our first!


SBM: Wow, that even makes me happier. That’s amazing.


I actually thought that maybe we should have another child, although I decided that three is enough, and I have the most horrible pregnancies. But after we escaped from that thing, I was like, “Wow, I think we should just have another child.”


Regarding your question about the Holocaust, I can understand why people had the need to have large families. It’s really a statement of being alive in this world.



Max Raskin is an adjunct professor of law at New York University and a fellow at the school’s Institute for Judicial Administration. You can follow him on X @maxraskin. 



Hostage Israeli nurse taken by Gazan civilians and sold to Hamas

Who are the ‘civilians’ and who are the ‘terrorists’ in Gaza?

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-5January2024-who are the ‘civilians’ and who are the ‘terrorists’ in Gaza?
“She was taken by Gazan civilians who took her to a Hamas tunnel in Gaza and sold her to Hamas.”

Tell me again though, who are the ‘civilians’ and who are the ‘terrorists’ in Gaza?
Elad Simchayoff-tweet-4January2024-Hostage Israeli nurse taken by Gazan civilians and sold to Hamas
Unbelievable testimony by Nili Margalit, an Israeli nurse who was abducted from her house in Nir Oz.
She was taken by Gazan civilians who took her to a Hamas tunnel in Gaza and sold her to Hamas.
She took on the unofficial role of medically treating dozens of Israeli hostages, all injured, some elderly. She made detailed lists and demanded that medication be brought even at the cost of arguing with her captors. When she kept insisting on medication the captors sometimes denied the hostages fans. Staying 40 meters underground without ventilation caused them breathing difficulties.
She had to improvise treatments, she treated infected wounds with honey as there were no antibiotics.
It’s a story of (another) amazingly brave and resourceful woman


Elad Simchayoff-tweet-4January2024-Hostage Israeli nurse taken by Gazan civilians and sold to Hamas

Elad Simchayoff-tweet-4January2024-Hostage Israeli nurse taken by Gazan civilians and sold to Hamas




Daniel Aloni’s heartbreaking interview

Yaari Cohen-tweet-6January2024-Daniel Aloni’s heartbreaking interview
“After i covered my daughter with a blanket, i hugged her tight and i told her.. im sorry but we’re going to die”.

Part of Daniel Aloni’s heartbreaking interview to @N12News,

i ask you, please watch it, share it and understand this is what so many Hostages went through.

Yaari Cohen-tweet-6January2024-Daniel Aloni’s heartbreaking interview

Yaari Cohen-tweet-6January2024-Daniel Aloni’s heartbreaking interview





The “Golden News” that reached the Shin Bet about the Hamas attack on October 7 | Exposing “Ovda”

A few months before Simchat Torah, a concrete warning came from a human source in the Gaza Strip about a “major move” planned by Hamas – a week after Yom Kippur • The information came from a man known as “Mbu’a” – a person who heard from another source about the plan • Despite this warning, the Shin Bet marked the information as “insignificant” – and the attack did occur at the expected time • all the details

Ilana Dayan

Ilana Dayan

Ilana Dayan | Protective sleeve | The main edition | Posted 27December2023 http://www.mako.co.il/tv-ilana_dayan/Article-0a034bff26cac81026.htm?sCh=ec1c747d0c7e9110&pId=1053994317

Palestinians celebrate around an IDF tank that was attacked on October 7 (Photo: Reuters) Hamas attack on October 7 | Photo : Reuters

Palestinians celebrate around an IDF tank that was attacked on October 7 (Photo: Reuters)
Hamas attack on October 7 | Photo : Reuters


The information that could have prevented a disaster: Months before the Hamas surprise attack, the Shin Bet received concrete information about Hamas’s intention to carry it out, including the planned date – this is what Ilana Dayan and Sharit Magen revealed this evening (Wednesday) in the “Main Edition”. The information came from a human source that the Shin Bet operated in the Gaza Strip – according to which “Hamas is planning a major move in the week after Yom Kippur.”


The signs before the attack – coverage N12


Compared to the same “signs” that were lit the night before October 7, this time it is not about signals or transmissions that were received, but about information originating from “Youmint”, that is, human intelligence. This concrete information came from the mouth of a source known as “Mbo’a” – a professional term for someone who brings information from another means. That is, he did not hear the information directly, but from someone who knew how to tell him that he had heard about the program.


Ronan Bar, the incoming head of the Shin Bet (Photo: Flash/90) The information received was not forwarded to the head of the Shin Bet in real time. Ronan Bar, archive | Photo: Flash/90

Ronan Bar, the incoming head of the Shin Bet (Photo: Flash/90)
The information received was not forwarded to the head of the Shin Bet in real time. Ronan Bar, archive | Photo: Flash/90


However, the question arises, what happened to this golden information from the moment it reached the Shin Bet? The operator of that human source, passed the raw information to those who are supposed to handle this information. However, the warning was not marked as significant information. The assumption was that if it really came close to being implemented, additional intelligence would arrive As a result, the information does not pass to the higher levels, and did not reach the head of the Shin Bet Ronan Bar in real time.


Burnt cars at the Nova Barai party (Photo: Haim Goldberg, AP) The golden information that reached the Shin Bet months before the attack - which was not marked as significant information. Pictured: Hamas attack on October 7 | Photo: Haim Goldberg, AP

Burnt cars at the Nova Barai party (Photo: Haim Goldberg, AP)
The golden information that reached the Shin Bet months before the attack – which was not marked as significant information. Pictured: Hamas attack on October 7 | Photo: Haim Goldberg, AP


Since October 7, the Shin Bet has been trying to understand how they failed in the incident of receiving the information. As part of this attempt to understand the failure, they come up with the same information, which arrived as mentioned months before Simchat Torah, and was buried under piles of other information.


Shin Bet sources explain that the reported source “was relatively new, not an old source, and its reliability was also unclear.” In retrospect, they know to say that this is a source whose level of reliability is “very high.” The same Shin Bet sources emphasize: “There is no intention to overthrow the The responsibility for low ranks, in the Shin Bet, will not be “Shg. The question of what should have been done with this information – will still be examined. In the bottom line – there is no debate that we failed, and we did not warn of war.”


The Shin Bet responded: “At this time, the Shin Bet is focused on fighting. The Shin Bet is prepared to conduct in-depth and thorough investigations for the benefit of learning and learning lessons, and in this framework all the information that was available will be examined. In any case, the focus on one specific piece of information does not reflect the intelligence picture at the time.”



Mein Kampf sold at many Palestinian stores

SEE: From 9January2014 Sales Of Hitler’s Mein Kampf Are Surging

Eli Kowaz-tweet-4January2024-Mein Kampf sold at many Palestinian stores
While visiting different Palestinian cities in the West Bank, I was shocked to see Mein Kampf sold at many stores (even those that are not bookshops).

When you hear how many Palestinians talk about Hitler, you quickly understand why.

Listen to Yussuf from Bethlehem.

Eli Kowaz-tweet-4January2024-Mein Kampf sold at many Palestinian stores

Eli Kowaz-tweet-4January2024-Mein Kampf sold at many Palestinian stores



BREAKING: Israel at War | The Caroline Glick Show IN – FOCUS




When at War

Posted 8October2023 by https://www.mpaths.com/2023/10/when-at-war.html

When at War

When at War


by Reb Gutman Locks

When at War


War comes to us for a reason. When we fight amongst ourselves Hashem sends enemies to attack us. These attacks bring us together. Hashem wants the Jewish people to stay together, to love one another as true brothers and sisters should.


There has been terrible fighting among ourselves lately. The political protests have brought Israel to talk of civil war! Jews fighting Jews, hating one another!


Now that we have brought this evil war upon ourselves we must apply the remedy at once! Each of us must extend ourselves to love our fellow Jew, to love one another for no other reason than we are Jews. The sooner and stronger we come together, the sooner and stronger our enemies will be destroyed.




The spiritual fight back begins

8October2023 https://www.thinkforyourselfpublishing.com/the-spiritual-fight-back-begins/

This morning, before I wrote that last post, I was feeling pretty down.

***Excerpts from the Rav’s shiurim updated below – scroll down.***

After I wrote it, I started to feel a bit happier, but still not great.


Then, one of my Breslov friends sent me this:

“They” really didn’t want us dancing….

But today is still Isru Chag and we can still sweeten dinim!


And that’s when the penny dropped, that what the yetzer is really after is all the sadness and depression yesterday’s horrible stuff is causing.

So then, I called ‘Southern Command’ – my friend S. who lives on a moshav in the South and who got really taken out by the events of Simchat Torah.


And I told her:

Yalla! We need to get out of bed, get out of our apathy, get out of our fear and anxiety and yeoush – and we need to start dancing!

With our kids!

And we need to start saying Tikkun Haklalis, and telling our kids, friends and neighbors to say tikkun haklalis.

And to re-attach ourselves to our prayers, and to God, and to shout from the rooftops:



God is still with us!

God didn’t go anywhere!


Yes, some very bad stuff happened yesterday, but right now, our job as the real ‘home front command’ is to stand back up, connect to God, connect to our prayers and our emuna – and to encourage ourselves and the people around us that:



And that all this can and will turn around in a miraculous way.

As long as we don’t get depressed, and as long as we don’t stop praying and believing and doing our best to live our emuna.



Our soldiers need us!

The Jewish people need us, to keep dancing and praying and believing.

So yalla!

Start dancing.

Keep saying your tikkun haklalis.

Encourage others to join you and to stand strong.

That’s is the best and fastest ‘response’ to this – and turn off the lying news, too.

It’s working for the same people who arranged what happened yesterday.


And it’s trying to bring us all down, and to pull us away from God, and into fear and yeoush.

That is the real war being fought here.



These snippets are from Shiurim from the  Shivivei Or Newsletter, 326, given September 1st and 5th, 2023.


Bear in mind that at least some of the sections of the Gaza Fence were bulldozed down by the terrorists.


Shiur after the evening prayers, Elul 15th 2023, Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech.

“Sulfur and salt, a burning of all the land.”[1]

It’s written in the parsha that [after the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash] all of the land of Israel will be turned into sulfur.

And any Arab who tries to plough his field will encounter a mound of sulfur, and it will explode.[2]


Because sulfur explodes on the spot, like matches that ‘combust’ immediately.


And all the Arabs that try to ‘plough’ the land – seven years, they were all killed. They were all murdered.

Innocent people….pure holy souls that went up to Shemayim.

Until Serach bat Asher came, and began to dance.


And via her dancing, then everyone merited to have the complete redemption, may it be speedily in our days, Amen.


Second shiur, emphasising the importance of the women dancing again:

Shiur after the evening prayers, Elul 19th, 2023, Parshat Nitzavim-Veyelech.


“And the sister of Aharon,the Prophetess Miriam, took the drum in her hand, and all the women went out after her, with drums and with dancing.”[3]


Because Miriam just danced.


Pharoah said to her every day, I am going to kill you! I’m going to hang you! Every day. You are a criminal! You are transgressing dinah de’malchut dinah (the law of the land).


I’ve also got a daughter whose a criminal (Bitya bat Pharoah). I said every Jewish boy, should be drowned. Every Jewish boy – they should drown him! And she saw some Jewish boy , and she took him out of the Nile.


She had seven girls (maidservants), and they said to her: “If you take him out of the Nile, they will annihilate you! You should know that this is the end of you!”

And then, Rashi says holchot – they went.


[Rashi says: Our Sages said the word ‘holchot’ here is the language of death (Sotah 12b). Like it says in Bereishit 25:32, hinei, anochi holech la moot – behold, I am going to die…. They were going to die because they protested against her.]


The Angel Gavriel came and beat them to the ground, in the merit that the Prophetess Miriam merited just to dance all day and all night.


She merited to enter Gan Eden with her body.



[1] Devarim 29:22


[2] Yalkut Shimoni, Yirmiyahu, Chapter 9: “The Cuthites who were there, what did they do? They sewed here, and it burned. They sewed there, and it burned.” Then, there is an example given of a Cuthite who was ploughing a field in the valley, and it burst into flames.


[3] Shemot, 15:20.



Hamas-The practice of child sacrifice

Jeremy Gimpel-tweet-13February2024-Hamas-The practice of child sacrifice
“They’re not just using them as human shields, they’re using them as human sacrifices”

There is ancient Middle Eastern spiritual practice of child sacrifice. It’s hard for the modern mind to comprehend that inner desire of Gazans to sacrifice their children. The war against that evil was always at the heart of Judaism. Nothing has changed.

The War in Israel today is the war of Good against Evil.


Jeremy Gimpel-tweet-13February2024-Hamas-The practice of child sacrifice

Jeremy Gimpel-tweet-13February2024-Hamas-The practice of child sacrifice





Security cabinet approves declaration of war

8October2023 https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-765222


The security cabinet approved a declaration of war on Saturday night in accordance with article 40 of the Basic Law: The Government, the cabinet said Sunday.


Article 40 allows the government to order “significant military action that may lead, with a level of probability close to certain, to war.” The prime minister will be able to make certain decisions with only the approval of the security cabinet as well.


The cabinet also requested that the Knesset approve the activation of emergency regulations which would allow detainees to be held for extended periods without the detainee being brought before a court.


Israel is at War!

By Mordechai Ben-Menachem 8 October 2023 https://www.israpundit.org/israel-is-at-war-3/


Fifty years to the day of the Yom Kippur War; and once again a surprise attack of unprecedented viciousness.

The war began at 06:30 with the intentional targeting of children and families. They intentionally murdered children and mothers in their beds.


Expect a conflict that will last several weeks. As the poet said: “The vengeance of children’s blood is on the hands of Satan.” First, some 5,000 rockets were fired at civilians in the first half hour, then an additional 2,000 later. It then continued with attacks by land, sea and air. The sea attacks was intercepted and failed. Some of the attackers were apparently people from Judea and Samaria who infiltrated via work permits. Some 60 hang gliders were used to fly over the fence. Near Kerem Shalom, the southernmost border crossing, Gazan ‘civilians’ used tractors to bulldoze the fence so that Hamas operatives could enter using bikes and jeeps, while also entering the Erez crossing a little farther north. The initial objective of the infiltrating pigs was to butcher entire families in their homes, particularly children. E.g., they entered Kibbutz Be’eri, went house-to-house, to slaughter women and children. The world has not seen this kind of action since WWII. The incursions occurred in 9 towns: Netiv Haasara, Sderot, Kfar Aza, Nahal Oz, Be’eri, Ofaqim, Kibbutz Sufa, and Kerem Shalom. For context, I lived and grew up there.


At the end of Shabbat & High Holiday, when I turned my devices on, the first report that I saw was from the BBC. True to form, true to their history at least since the Holocaust, the BBC report was that 198 Gazan were killed by Israel because they had fired “a few dozen rockets”. The BBC has never been famous for the intelligence of a scarecrow, so let me make this clear so that even they can comprehend; 7,000 is nearly 590 dozen, and even for unintelligent cowards and antisemites like the BBC, 590 is not a few. This is not new to them.


There is NO DOUBT that the US’ $6B ransom payment funds this action DIRECTLY, despite Blinken’s nonsensical statements. Iran stated clearly that they fully intend to use these funds for whatever they chose. There is no doubt the Biden-Blinken funding of Hamas has funded this since the beginning of the current admin.


There is NO DOUBT that Biden’s open subservience to Iran, while openly ‘distancing’ from Israel, emboldens Iran. Iran has ‘called-all-US shots’ since the beginning of Biden’s residency.

There is NO DOUBT that German and EU funding if Hamas is directly culpable.

250-300 dead, 1,600 wounded, and the ridiculous Australian FM demands ‘restraint’ from Israel. “Australia urges the exercise of restraint and protection of civilian lives.” The statement is repulsive and all Australians that consider themselves human should be completely ashamed. The real question is does the Australian FM believe that civilization exists and should be valued. What excuse does this creep have for her statement?


Turkey: “We call on all sides to act with restraint and stay away from impulsive moves that will heighten the tension.”

This is NOT a war against Israel. This is a war against civilization. In Iran’s Parliament the members of Parliament are chanting Death to America, in unity. $6B is not enough, nothing is ever enough. It should be noted that apparently, some 40 Israelis were taken as hostages, apparently, some of them have already been eaten while still alive — cannibalism! There is precedent. We also saw Hamas video of a bound woman beaten to death. Hamas has placed these horrific videos as their top priority. Mosques in Jerusalem are actively inciting war against the State of Israel over their loudspeakers. These religious bodies receive funding from the State, their Imams, receive stipends and salaries. In Istanbul, residents demonstrated in favour of war. Hezbollah is threatening to join the war from Lebanon.


Trump, like him or despise him, brought stability and peace, peace that spread. Biden, since he began, has brought war and destruction everywhere. Within months of Biden stepping in, Hamas attacked Israel and the US response was sick. Biden’s fomenting of conflicts in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, West Africa, East Africa, Serbia, Taiwan and Korea, distract and dilute US resources. The planning and logistics, as well as the success in hiding this from Israeli intelligence, cannot be sourced in Gaza, they do not have the capability. There is no doubt that the Government has some explaining to do. Netanyahu’s message to Gaza residents: Get out now, what is coming has never been seen before. I sincerely hope this turns out to be correct. A lot depends upon the reactions of the world.


There is no time or place for equivocation.

There is no time or place for equivocation you are either in favour of civilization or cannibalism. It is that basic.

It is important to recognize that the MAJORITY of Arab countries are stating very strongly, that Hamas must be annihilated to its core, despite the blather of idiots like the FM of Australia US Congress must show that it remains a body monogamously married to morality. When does acting ‘morally’ towards the enemy become an immoral act? Do the people of Gaza deserve to be cared for? Does the civilized world have responsibility towards those citizens? The Obama people claimed ‘responsibility’ towards the citizens of Libya, and that was why Libya was reduced by NATO to hell.


Is that responsibility only relevant when it is convenient?



West Point Urban Warfare Expert: IDF ‘Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Military in History’

by Jack Elbaum 1February2024  https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/02/01/west-point-urban-warfare-expert-idf-implemented-more-measures-to-prevent-civilian-casualties-than-any-other-military-in-history/


The chair of urban warfare studies at West Point’s Modern Warfare Institute released an op-ed on Wednesday arguing that, during Israel’s war on Hamas, the country “has implemented more measures to prevent civilian casualties than any other military in history.”


John Spencer, who served in the U.S. Army for 25 years and did two tours in Iraq, took to the pages of Newsweek to push back on allegations that Israel is indiscriminately targeting civilians and even committing genocide.


“As someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade,” Spencer explained, “Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”


He wrote: “One of the best ways to prevent civilian casualties in urban warfare is to provide warning and evacuate urban areas before the full combined air and ground attack commences. This tactic is unpopular for obvious reasons: It alerts the enemy defender and provides them the military advantage to prepare for the attack. The United States did not do this ahead of its initial invasion of Iraq in 2003, which involved major urban battles to include in Baghdad. It did not do this before its April 2004 Battle of Fallujah (though it did send civilian warnings before the Second Battle of Fallujah six months later).”


“By contrast,” Spencer continues, “Israel provided days and then weeks of warnings, as well as time for civilians to evacuate multiple cities in northern Gaza before starting the main air-ground attack of urban areas. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) employed their practice of calling and texting ahead of an air strike as well as roof-knocking, where they drop small munitions on the roof of a building notifying everyone to evacuate the building before a strike.”


Israel’s use of hundreds of thousands of leaflets, almost 20,000 cell phone calls, 65,000 texts, and 6,000,000 voicemails to civilians, along with alerting civilians where its ground operations would be on a day-to-day basis, is also unprecedented, says Spencer. Not to mention pausing fighting for four hours “over multiple consecutive days” to allow civilians to leave war zones.


Israel may have needed to take such unprecedented measures because the conditions in which they are fighting are also unprecedented, according to analysts. Gaza is a small piece of land — only 25 miles long and, at its widest point, 7.5 miles wide — and extremely densely populated. To make matters more difficult, there are between 350 and 450 miles of tunnels under the strip, which is only 141 square miles, meaning almost the entire territory has Hamas infrastructure under it.


On this point, Spencer writes, “No military in modern history has faced over 30,000 urban defenders in more than seven cities using human shields and hiding in hundreds of miles of underground networks purposely built under civilian sites, while holding hundreds of hostages.”

Protecting civilians in such an environment is particularly challenging, which is likely one of the reasons Israel took the measures they have.


At the same time, the destruction in Gaza is widespread. More than half of the buildings are likely no longer habitable and the war has created a humanitarian crisis where people are unable to gain access to food and necessary medical care.


Additionally, the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health says almost 27,000 Palestinians have been killed during the war, although it does not differentiate between civilians and terrorists. Based on Israeli and U.S. estimates, the civilian-to-combattant casualty ratio is somewhere between 1.5-to-1 and 3-to-1, which is significantly better than the international average, which is 9-to-1 according to the United Nations, but still means thousands of uninvolved civilians have been killed.


“To be clear, I am outraged by the civilian casualties in Gaza,” Spencer makes sure to emphasize, “But it’s crucial to direct that outrage at the right target. And that target is Hamas.”



Hamas cowards are sitting in their cold Rafah tunnels

Hillel Fuld-tweet-11February2024-Hamas cowards are sitting in their cold Rafah tunnels
Hamas cowards are sitting in their cold Rafah tunnels with limited oxygen praying that Israel doesn’t initiate its plan to enter Rafah and liquidate it from Hamas terrorists.

They know this is the end for them. They know their leaders will be found and eliminated. They know the hostages, which was their only bargaining chip are in Rafah and are about to be found.

These little snakes are trying to do whatever they can to prevent this operation.

Of course, as always, the world obliges and pressures Israel to not enter Rafah.

There is no possible explanation of why the world is trying to prevent this operation other than the desire to keep Hamas alive.

There will be no “Humanitarian crisis” unless Hamas creates one.

Israel has already begun to notify civilians that they should evacuate, and has provided many places, all of which Israel already cleansed of Hamas, for them to go.

This is the final stronghold for Hamas. They know it, Israel knows it, and the international community knows it.

Biden himself has shown his true colors and is calling on Israel not to enter Rafah. Of course he knows full well that Israel has no intention of listening to a senile man who sees people where there are none and confuses Egypt with Mexico.

All the heavy guns are being taken out to prevent Israel from achieving victory. First the threat of freezing aid if Israel goes in. Then, when Biden realizes no one cares what he has to say, he pulls the Ramadan card.

The audacity to tell Israel not to attack Hamas on a Muslim holiday when this all started on a Jewish holiday on which Jews were murdered and raped is repulsive. Shame on you, Biden.

But here is the thing. The Jewish people are done listening to foreign governments who think they have any moral standing to tell Israel not to defend itself.

Israel will do what is good for Israel and if anyone doesn’t like it, well, too bad for them.

Hamas, here we come. Nowhere else to run. Nowhere else to hide. We are coming for you and you will die like the cowards you are, at the hand of the IDF, preferably a female soldier because, well, after what you did to Jewish women, I think we can agree that it’s only fair you are eliminated by Jewish women. Karma is coming for you.

It’s too late to surrender. You had your chance. The party is now over and Hamas is about to become a thing of the past.

Hamas will join the club with many nations and empires that tried to annihilate the Jews and failed. You guys can all sit in the depths of hell crying how unfair it is that the Jews are still thriving and flourishing as a nation while you and your people have been eliminated from the world.

Am Yisrael Chai but Hamas will soon be buh bye!

Hillel Fuld-tweet-11February2024-Hamas cowards are sitting in their cold Rafah tunnels

Hillel Fuld-tweet-11February2024-Hamas cowards are sitting in their cold Rafah tunnels



36 years of terrorism, rejection of peace and incitement of violence by Hamas.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-6December2023-36 years of terrorism by Hamas
36 years of terrorism, rejection of peace and incitement of violence by Hamas.

Hamas proved once and for all that if we do not stop them now, next time would be worse.


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-6December2023-36 years of terrorism by Hamas

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-6December2023-36 years of terrorism by Hamas


Here is why all of Gaza is being destroyed. Blame Hamas for building these terror tunnels underneath the entire Gaza strip and for placing their rocket launchers in all the red dots locations. Hamas has had more then 8 year to expand number of Rocket Launchers it has.

From the 2014 Gaza War

From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository


Map of rocket launches from 2014-07-08 to 2014-07-31

Map of rocket launches from 2014-07-08 to 2014-07-31

Map of rocket launches from 2014-07-08 to 2014-07-31



Gaza. everyone there is complicit and it’s like one big Hamas family

Marina Medvin-tweet-28December2023-one big Hamas family
Israeli hostage after being rescued from Gaza: “It is important for me to represent the real situation of the people living in Gaza, who they really are—everyone there is complicit and it’s like one big Hamas family.”
She was held by Palestinian civilians.
Whenever you see one of these music festival survivor videos, keep in mind these are peaceniks that went to the music festival because they wanted peace with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These are not right-wingers, these are people that are center-left or left-wing.

What they’re saying is hard for them to admit, their entire worldview has been smashed. Their souls have been completely stripped bare


Marina Medvin-tweet-28December2023-Gaza. everyone there is complicit and it’s like one big Hamas family

Marina Medvin-tweet-28December2023-Gaza. everyone there is complicit and it’s like one big Hamas family



Gaza civilians are neither innocent nor uninvolved

The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-4November2023-Gaza civilians participated in the October 7 massacre too
Remember: “ordinary” Gaza civilians participated in the October 7 massacre too.

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-4November2023-Gaza civilians participated in the October 7 massacre too

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-4November2023-Gaza civilians participated in the October 7 massacre too


Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Yes, they are ‘civilians’, but they are neither innocent nor uninvolved

When encountering Palestinian Arabs in Gaza, surveys show an 80%+ likelihood that they are terrorists, supporters, or sympathizers.Op-ed.

Dr. Avi Perry / 3January2024 / https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/382988


The international community, encompassing the global media, social media, political figures, and even supporters of Israel, tends to criticize the Jewish state’s defensive war for causing harm and casualties among “innocent” civilians in Gaza, rather than holding Hamas accountable. There is often a disregard for the reality that eliminating Hamas involves unavoidable collateral damage, given their use of civilians, hospitals, schools, private homes, mosques, and other civilian infrastructure for military purposes.


However, there is more. Contrary to the narrative portraying these civilians as innocent victims, a survey by the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) among Palestinian Arabs in Gaza and the ‘West Bank’ reveals widespread support for terrorism, rejection of peace, and ingratitude towards supporting countries. “…the results indicate that an overwhelming percentage of Palestinian Arabs support the October 7 massacre (75%), reject coexistence with Israel (85.9%), are committed to the restoration of ‘historical Palestine’ as a final resolution (71.1%), and support the creation of a Palestinian state ‘from the river to the sea’ (74.7%) as the end of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…”


This challenges the notion of the majority of these civilians being truly innocent. Consequently, when encountering Palestinian Arabs in these regions, there is a significant likelihood—over 80%—that they are either terrorists, active supporters, or sympathizers, contributing to negative perceptions and suspicions.


Regrettably, this majority, exceeding 80%, tarnished the reputation of the remainder. When faced with individuals from these areas, there is a natural inclination to harbor fear, suspicion, and generalizations, as there is a high probability—more than 80%—that these sentiments are accurate. While some may label it as Islamophobia, it differs from antisemitism, which stems from bigotry. Islamophobia is grounded in fear and suspicion, and equating the two is nothing but a display of profound ignorance.


Unfortunately, these characterizations extend to women and children as well. Alarmingly, children are indoctrinated from an early age to dehumanize and harbor hatred and hostility toward Jewish individuals, making them likely to grow into terrorists, terrorist supporters, or sympathizers. They cannot be deemed innocent in this context.


In fact, children were filmed beating with sticks a young hostage who was crying for his mother. Hordes of violent, looting civilians invaded Israel in the wake of the Hamas breach of the border on October 7 and others cheered, spit at and cursed hostages who were paraded through the streets, even violatng dead bodies..Civilians, including a doctor and UNRWA teacher, harbored hostages under inhumane conditions and when hostages were freed under the temporary pause in fighting, lined the streets to jeer at them.


Additionally, Hamas strategically employs the Gazan population as human shields, anticipating that if civilians are harmed, Israel will be blamed by the international community. This tactic, coupled with Israel’s commitment to trying to avoid civilian casualties, creates a challenging situation in dealing with Hamas effectively while attempting to avoid civilian casualties.


But notwithstanding the unintentional killing of Gazan civilians forced on the IDF by the Hamas’ human shield strategy, we can still draw glaring parallels to historical conflicts, such as World War II, where American forces intentionally targeted and killed many thousands of German civilians, as seen in the destruction of cities like Dresden. This strategy aimed to demoralize the enemy and expedite the path to victory. The use of atomic bombs on Japan also targeted civilians and ultimately led to the transformation of both Germany and Japan into allies of the United States.


Despite these actions causing intentional and significant civilian casualties, Presidents Roosevelt and Truman were not viewed as war criminals; instead, they were considered great leaders. The Nazis, along with many Germans and Japanese civilians, were perceived as being brainwashed by propaganda during WWII. Once the U.S. achieved their unconditional surrender, the subsequent baby boom generation enjoyed a period of prosperity.

Eradicating evil comes at a high cost, requiring a choice between bad and worse. In the current context, Israel faces a similar dilemma, and opting for a worse choice that leaves Hamas in power will result in more significant consequences for present and future generations.


Dr. Avi Perry, talk show host at Paltalk News Network (PNN), is the author of “Fundamentals of Voice Quality Engineering in Wireless Networks,”and “72 Virgins,” a thriller about the covert war on Islamic terror. He was a VP at NMS Communications, a Bell Laboratories – distinguished staff member and manager, as well as a delegate of the US and Lucent Technologies to the ITU—the UN International Standards body in Geneva, a professor at Northwestern University and Intelligence expert for the Israeli Government. He may be reached through his web site www.aviperry.org



Palestinian civilian in Gaza city: Hamas: Don’t give up!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-25February2024-gaza-civilians-hamas-do-not-give-up
“Innocent Palestinian civilian” in Gaza city:

“We are eating animal food, but we have a message to Hamas: Don’t give up! And we have a message for Jews: We already did October 7, and there will be October 8, 9, and 10.”

Zero sympathy for these “civilians”. You deserve it all!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-25February2024-Gaza Civilians-Hamas: Don't give up!

Dr. Eli David-tweet-25February2024-Gaza Civilians-Hamas: Don’t give up!



Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health data is fake

Max Meyer-tweet-10March2024-Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health data is fake
Wharton statistician looks at Hamas’ casualty data and concludes they are likely falsifying to maintain a rolling mean & linear growth — and they don’t know how to avoid making anomalies obvious to Western analysts

Women:Children R2=0.017
Men:Women is *negative* with R2 = 0.835

SEE: How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers

Max Meyer-tweet-10March2024-Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health data is fake

Max Meyer-tweet-10March2024-Hamas-controlled Gaza Ministry of Health data is fake


Max Meyer-tweet-10March2024-Classic sign of fake numbers
The utter lack of correlation between the deaths of women and children is especially strange.

Essentially, the split between women and children is different every day but the total always the same.

Classic sign of fake numbers!

Max Meyer-tweet-10March2024-Classic sign of fake numbers

Max Meyer-tweet-10March2024-Classic sign of fake numbers



Hamas continues to exploit civilian infrastructure as a terrorist hub.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-5December2023-Hamas exploits civilian infrastructure as terrorist hub
Hamas continues to exploit civilian infrastructure as a terrorist hub.

Al-Shati is one of many areas where schools and civilian buildings are used to launch rockets, store weapons and carry out attacks against the IDF.

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-5December2023-Hamas exploits civilian infrastructure as terrorist hub

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-5December2023-Hamas exploits civilian infrastructure as terrorist hub



Tunnel entrance shaft is booby-trapped inside a Gaza civilian building

Marc Zell-tweet-28February2024-tunnel entrance shaft is booby-trapped inside a Gaza civilian building
Some bad news from Gaza that got lost in the municipal elections coverage yesterday and today:

“Once again a tunnel entrance shaft is booby-trapped inside a civilian building. Result: another disaster for IDF warriors. During an operation conducted by the 162nd division in the Zeitun neighborhood, soldiers of elite unit from the Givati ​​brigade entered a booby-trapped house. There was an explosion in which two officers were killed and ten injured, including 7 seriously. The victims were all part of a group of Hesder Yeshiva students whose unit suffered casualties which at the beginning of the ground campaign.”(Hillel Biton Rosen)

We must never forget the courage and sacrifice being made by these men and women to protect our freedom, our democracy and way of life. May the memories of the fallen be a blessing for us forever and may Hashem send the wounded a full and speedy recovery.

Marc Zell-tweet-28February2024-tunnel entrance shaft is booby-trapped inside a Gaza civilian building

Marc Zell-tweet-28February2024-tunnel entrance shaft is booby-trapped inside a Gaza civilian building



Abu Yehuda

A blog about the struggle to keep the Jewish state

Good morning, International Community

Posted on October 13, 2023 by Victor Rosenthal https://abuyehuda.com/2023/10/good-morning-international-community/

Good morning, International Community.

I understand that the Secretary-General of your “United Nations” is distressed about a possible humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strip. “I urge all sides and the relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians trapped and helpless in the Gaza Strip,” said Antonio Guterres yesterday.


No, you will not be allowed access. You are advised to prepare to receive a flow of refugees at the Egyptian border, where you will need to provide food and shelter for them, as well as transportation to any country that will receive them. They will not be returning to Gaza.


You will be responsible for them, because you are directly responsible for the creation of the cultural pathology that gave rise to the outburst of pure evil that occurred last week. You are the reason that the displacement of a relatively small number of Arabs from Eretz Yisrael in 1948 was turned into a permanent and exponentially growing population dependent on the international dole and a festering sore of the most vicious hatred and terrorism.


While the millions of refugees created by WWII and the Holocaust, the breakup of the European empires, and the almost total expulsion of Jews from the Arab world were all absorbed in one fashion or another, this particular group of Arabs was encouraged by “humanitarian” policies to grow larger. Host countries (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon) applied true apartheid policies to them in order to prevent assimilation and to keep the pot of hatred boiling. No other “refugee” population exists for whom refugee status is hereditary. You paid for their food and healthcare, while accepting the idea that millions must “return” to a place from which a few hundred thousand fled 75 years ago. You paid for their “education,” while allowing it to become indoctrination in irredentism.


What did you expect to happen, International Community?

What did you expect would be the result of pouring billions every year into support for what is essentially a population created and nurtured to be a human wave to overwhelm the Jewish state?


Last week, the pustule burst and the infection flowed into our beautiful country, at enormous human cost. But we are not asking for aid to rebuild what your wards destroyed. We simply wish to be left alone to cauterize the wound. Over the past 75 years, you have demonstrated that you are part of the problem. We will not let you interfere with its solution.


Abu Yehuda

A blog about the struggle to keep the Jewish state

When We Said “Never Again,” We Meant It

Posted on 21October2023 by Victor Rosenthal


My heart is breaking. What I surmised yesterday, but was afraid to write has turned out to be true. I have never wanted to be wrong more than I do this morning. But I can’t pretend that “it will be OK,” as Israelis like to say.


The IDF has been ready for some time to begin the operation to eliminate Hamas from Gaza. The plans were made long ago, and updated regularly. Hundreds of thousands of reservists have left their jobs and families, at great expense to the government. The tanks are poised near the border. Why aren’t they moving?


The reason is that they have been ordered not to by the Americans. Whether or not they planned it, Hamas struck gold when some twelve Americans and ten British subjects were included among the roughly 200 hostages that were carried back to Gaza by the terrorists. Now negotiations are taking place, brokered by the despicable Qatari regime, to obtain their release. The demonic Hamas have released two American women (for what in return?) to prove that a deal is possible.


I’m not surprised and I’m not criticizing the US president and British PM for trying to protect their people. That is the top job of a government – a job, incidentally, that ours has been failing to do for some time. But that’s another story.


Now our government has a different job. This is our last chance, after the disasters of Oslo, the withdrawal from Gaza, the Second Lebanon War, the Shalit trade, the ongoing loss of Area C, and countless other losses and humiliations, to end our slide to destruction. If Hamas is not ripped out of Gaza by its roots, the immediate result will be the loss of the northern and southern parts of our country (who would live there?) and the evaporation of any honor and deterrence that the State of Israel still has. And then there will be no peace agreement with Saudi Arabia, no hope of preventing a nuclear Iran, and no possibility of obtaining sovereignty in the strategic hill country and the Jordan Valley. We are suffering the death by a thousand cuts, and today the knife is poised over a vital artery. We are at the point of no return.


Israel today has no choice but to invade Gaza and wipe out every trace of the poison that poured out of it two weeks ago today. Otherwise, we are finished here. And if we are finished, the Jewish people are finished too, perhaps for another 2000 years or perhaps forever.


The situation of the hostages, American, British, and Israeli, is horrific. You may ask: would I say the same thing if my children were among them? Of course not, because I am only human. But that doesn’t make me wrong.


Maybe there is some magic by which the IDF can effect an Entebbe-like rescue. Who knows? I’m sure the IDF is trying mightily right now to locate them. If we invade now we may lose some or all of them, and if there is hope of rescue, then perhaps we can delay a few days longer. Of course, we have already lost 1400. And every day the international pressure not to invade, thanks to the media’s embrace of Hamas lies about its suffering civilians, is growing, along with the vicious antisemitism that our humiliation feeds.


My heart is breaking. But I say to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense, and the Chief of Staff: do it. Give the order to start the tanks, to open fire with the artillery, to bomb every military target (even if it is called a “school” or a “hospital” or if it is the property of the UN). Do not allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, force Egypt to open the Rafah crossing, and let the world community express its love for the Gazan civilians there, in the northern Sinai. Make the campaign as short as possible and as brutal as necessary.


Show the world: when we said “never again,” we meant it.



Palestinian Authority replaced by Hamas

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-25February2024-Palestinian Authority replaced by Hamas
🔴Palestinian Authority PM Mohammad Shtayyeh’s govt could resign “within days” as part of a unity deal with the Hamas terrorist org, reports @skynewsarabia

REPORT ▸ https://www.jns.org/pa-govt-could-make-place-for-hamas-backed-technocrats-within-days/


Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-25February2024-Palestinian Authority replaced by Hamas

Jewish News Syndicate-tweet-25February2024-Palestinian Authority replaced by Hamas




PA to immediately reward families of Oct. 7 terrorists with nearly $3 million

The “pay-for-slay” stipends will continue for the rest of their relatives’ lives.

UPDATE DESK https://www.jns.org/pa-to-immediately-reward-families-of-oct-7-terrorists-with-nearly-3m/

(October 17, 2023 / JNS) The Palestinian Authority will pay nearly $3 million to the families of slain Hamas terrorists who slaughtered civilians in Gaza border communities on Oct. 7, Palestinian Media Watch reports.


The corpses of 1,500 Hamas terrorists were found after the massacre in which more than 1,400 Israelis were killed and more than 4,100 others were wounded. At least 199 captives were taken back to Gaza.

Pal Media Watch-tweet-15October2023-The Palestinian Authority will be rewarding the Hamas terrorists and their families with $2,807,000 - already this month. The PA has not only expressed support for the Hamas terror attacks, but under PA law it will be rewarding the terrorists.

Pal Media Watch-tweet-15October2023-The Palestinian Authority will be rewarding the Hamas terrorists and their families with $2,807,000 – already this month. The PA has not only expressed support for the Hamas terror attacks, but under PA law it will be rewarding the terrorists.

PA will pay $2,789,430 to families of 1,500 dead Hamas terrorist murderers, this month

Itamar Marcus  | 15October2023 | https://palwatch.org/page/34650

  • In addition, the PA will pay $17,590 in salaries to 50 new Hamas prisoners, this month
  • Total PA monthly payment will be $2,807,021 this month to reward Hamas terrorists for Saturday’s massacre

Under Palestinian Authority law, every terrorist who is killed attacking Israel is defined as a “Martyr” whose family is immediately rewarded by the PA with a 6,000 shekels ($1,511) grant and a 1,400 ($353) per month allowance for life.

This means each family of the 1,500 dead Hamas terrorists who invaded Israel will receive 7,400 shekels for this first month. Families of those terrorists who were married and had children will receive even more. The PA will pay at least 11,100,000 shekels ($2,789,430) this month as a reward for participating in last week’s murders and atrocities against Israeli civilians.

In addition, the 50 captured Hamas terrorist murderers will receive monthly salaries in prison starting at 1,400 shekels/month which will eventually rise to 12,000 shekels/month. Terrorists who are married and have children will receive even higher salaries. This month these newly arrested terrorists will receive at least 70,000 shekels ($17,590).

In total, the PA will pay at least 11,170,000 shekels ($2,807,021) in payments under the PA’s “Pay-for-Slay” program to the Hamas terrorists this month. This is a low estimate since as the war continues there will be additional Hamas terrorist “Martyrs” and prisoners. This figure is added to the more than 100,000,000 shekels/month the PA already pays in salaries to imprisoned terrorists and families of terrorist “Martyrs.”

The Palestinian Authority should be sending a big thank you to the EU countries and Norway, currently the largest funders of the PA because the PA could not possibly make these terror payments without them. These donor countries like to pretend that it’s not their money rewarding terrorists, but everyone knows that the PA could not reward terrorists without this generous foreign funding. When payments to teachers, police, and street cleaners are taken care of by international donors, the PA has the hundreds of millions available it needs to pay for terror.


An honorable partnership.


Under P.A. law, every Palestinian terrorist who is killed attacking Israelis is classified as a “martyr” and the family is rewarded with a 6,000 shekel ($1,511) grant and a monthly stipend of 1,400 shekel ($353) for life.


The Israel-based NGO and media watchdog estimates that each family will receive 7,400 shekels for the first month—11.1 million shekels ($2,789,430) in total to the families of the Hamas terrorists killed in the attack that began on Oct. 7.


“The P.A. sends every month half of its [Martyrs Fund] budget to the Gaza Strip. We see it from the budget reports. They call it ‘South Palestine,’” PMW director Itamar Marcus told JNS.


“We are used to seeing the P.A. and Gaza as two different things, but they get the same money,” Marcus stressed.

“We know that in the past, when Israel carried out operations in Gaza, and Hamas terrorists were killed in the airstrikes, there was suddenly a huge number of ‘martyrs,’ but they didn’t get the payments, so there were a lot of complaints about it from Gaza,” Marcus said.


“So now, according to the law the P.A. passed, they will pay all those [terrorists’ families] retroactively, starting this month together with those who carried out the attack on Oct. 7. We don’t know when it will be done but according to the law they will receive it starting this month,” he explained to JNS.


In addition, the 50 Hamas terrorists captured by Israel who participated in the massacre will be paid at least 70,000 shekels ($17,590) in total this month. As part of the P.A.’s “pay-for-slay” program, terrorists in Israeli prisons receive monthly stipends starting at 1,400 shekels per month that eventually increase to 12,000 shekels per month.


Terrorist prisoners who are married with children receive even higher salaries from the P.A.

In total, the P.A. will pay at least 11.17 million shekels ($2,807,021) in payments to the families of dead Hamas terrorists and to imprisoned Hamas terrorists who participated in the Oct. 7 massacre.


Palestinian Media Watch said that this was a conservative estimate, because as the war continues Israeli forces will kill and capture more Hamas terrorists.


“The Palestinian Authority should be sending a big thank-you to the E.U. countries and Norway, currently the largest funders of the P.A., because the P.A. could not possibly make these terror payments without them,” Palestinian Media Watch stated.


“These donor countries like to pretend that it’s not their money rewarding terrorists, but everyone knows that the P.A. could not reward terrorists without this generous foreign funding. When payments to teachers, police and street cleaners are taken care of by international donors, the P.A. has the hundreds of millions available it needs to pay for terror,” the NGO said.




Hamas atrocities explode the two-state myth

The United States may finally be prepared to let Israel defeat the Islamist terror group. But that shouldn’t lead to a push for a Palestinian state after that is accomplished.

Jonathan S. Tobin  https://www.jns.org/hamas-atrocities-explode-the-two-state-myth/
Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of JNS (Jewish News Syndicate). Follow him @jonathans_tobin.


(October 11, 2023 / JNS) At last. After 17 years of diplomatic pressure from the United States to limit its responses to Hamas terrorism, it appears that Washington may be finally prepared to let Israel strike a decisive blow against the Islamist group in Gaza. The scale—the death toll now exceeds 1,200 murdered—and the depravity of the atrocities committed during the Oct. 7 assault seem to have convinced the Biden administration as well as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that a maintenance of the status quo with Hamas isn’t an adequate response.


But it hasn’t taken long for the people who have been influencing and steering America’s Middle East policies for the last generation and whose mistakes paved the way for this slaughter to be back preaching their familiar sermons about the need for Palestinian statehood. That such people are still being taken seriously—let alone touted as foreign-policy “wise men”—is mind-boggling, especially when few in Washington seem to recognize that the Hamas state in Gaza is proof that their formulations are wrong. It’s not just that the beliefs of these Islamists are incompatible with a two-state solution, something that even liberals now concede. Rather, it is that the two-state solution is incompatible with any vision of peace.


Giving Israel room to act


Biden’s remarks delivered at the White House on Oct. 10, in which he compared Hamas to ISIS and cited the horrific crimes committed by Hamas, were not merely passionate but seemed to be a green light for Israel to “respond.” Just how far the Americans will go along with a ground invasion of Gaza or at what point Biden will seek to halt Israel’s efforts to end the threat from the terrorists remains to be seen. But for the moment, Biden’s sentiments offer Netanyahu and his new unity government the room they need to act.


What exactly a ground assault on Gaza would mean is far from clear. Indeed, a press briefing by the prime minister’s office conducted on Oct. 11 merely promised that when Israel was done, Hamas would be left with “zero military capability and zero motivation to attack again.” That may fall short of the demands being voiced by many Israelis for a campaign that will end with Hamas finished, but Netanyahu is clearly keeping his options open.


For now, the focus of Israel’s supporters should be on making sure that Biden sticks to his promise to have Israel’s back. The rhetoric of support for Israel and recognition that Hamas cannot be granted a pass for its barbarism is loud, and for the most part, bipartisan. But the indications of the outlines of a post-war debate about what the next step for U.S. foreign policy ought to be are already being made clear. The desire on the part of the foreign-policy establishment for a return to an American strategy rooted in the patent nostrum of a two-state solution is already being heard.


While Biden has avoided mention of two states in the current context, others have not.

Keeping Hamas alive

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who has been a particular favorite of Biden as he acted as a cheerleader for the Israeli protest movement that was aimed at toppling Netanyahu, has lost no time in weighing in to urge that Washington oppose an operation against Hamas inside Gaza and to return to efforts to pressure Jerusalem to make concessions to the supposedly “more moderate” Palestinian Authority.


Just as pointed was a piece by Richard Haas, the quintessential establishment thinker, former Bush administration staffer and president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, as well as an MSNBC talking head.


Haas sounded the traditional voice of caution that has always argued against doing something about Hamas, claiming that it “can’t be eliminated because it represents an ideology as much as an organization.” Sounding a theme that has been frequently deployed to deprecate counter-terrorism efforts elsewhere, he argued that killing terrorists merely creates new ones. “Efforts to destroy it risk building support for it,” he said.


That is a spineless argument that will fall on deaf ears in Israel as well as with decent people everywhere, as the shocking details of cold-blooded murders of men, women and children; decapitations of babies; rapes and kidnappings have created a consensus that those who ordered and committed these crimes must not go unpunished. The “ideology” of which Haas speaks is one that is grounded in the glorification of this inhuman behavior and the murder of Jews. Just like that of the similar beliefs of the Nazis, it, too, can and must be eliminated.


Going further, he claimed that the aftermath of the fighting must provide Palestinians with exactly the sort of political benefit that Hamas was hoping for. While he acknowledged that Israel would need to use its military to some limited extent, the only real answer is for it to produce “a credible Israeli plan for bringing about a viable Palestinian state.”


The Palestinian state already exists

The first thing that needs to be said about that is to remind the world about an obvious fact that is generally ignored. It is that there is already an independent Palestinian state in Gaza.


Do we really need to point out that Israel withdrew every soldier, settler and settlement from Gaza in the summer of 2005? It did not, as the George W. Bush administration and many in Israel hoped, become an incubator for peace. Instead, it became an independent Palestinian state in all but name. Hamas has ruled Gaza since mid-2007 in a coup after winning an election the prior year. It then transformed it into a terror base from which it has launched rockets and missiles against Israeli villages, towns and cities, a war crime in which it seeks to indiscriminately target civilians as well as cross-border assaults.


The “wise men” like Friedman and Haas claim that while Hamas are bad guys, they are merely extremists who give Palestinian nationalism a bad name. But this is untrue. While the “moderates” of Fatah that run the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria—where it autonomously governs the Arabs who live there—are, in theory, committed to coexistence with Israel, in many ways they are as radical as their Hamas rivals.


It is true that there is close cooperation between the Israeli security forces and the P.A. But that is more for the sake of keeping Abbas alive and his kleptocracy in power than for maintaining peace. Without Israel’s help, the corrupt P.A. leader—87 years old and serving the 19th year of the four-year term to which he was elected in 2005—would have been knocked off by Hamas long ago.


Is the P.A. different?

Abbas, an inveterate Holocaust denier as well as someone who denies the facts about Jewish history in the land of Israel, regularly spews antisemitism with as much vitriol as the Islamists in Gaza or Hamas’s theocratic funders in Iran. That’s also true of the P.A.’s official media and schools, which have been fomenting antisemitism and hatred for Jews among Palestinian children since it took over the territories after the 1993 Oslo Accords.


Abbas and his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, have funded terrorism with a “pay for slay” plan by which those who injure or murder Jews are rewarded with salaries and/or pensions for their families. Just as important, they have also repeatedly rejected Israeli offers of statehood and independence because it would have required them to recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state and effectively end their futile century-old war on Zionism.


They have always said “no” to peace because Palestinian national identity—whether expressed through the ideology of Fatah or that of Hamas—remains inextricably linked with efforts to eradicate the Jewish state rather than a desire to build their own nation. When Palestinians speak of the “occupation,” they don’t refer to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria or Jerusalem, but to pre-1967 Israel. Hamas is merely more explicit about that goal than the P.A.


The reason why the P.A. has repeatedly refused to hold another election is rooted in their justified fears that Hamas would defeat them and take control of the West Bank as well as Gaza.


For 16 years, Hamas has shown the world what a Palestinian state where (unlike in Judea and Samaria), the Israel Defense Forces could no longer operate would look like. And since unlike Abbas, they don’t rely on the Israelis to maintain control over their people, they don’t have to sometimes pretend to be more reasonable than they actually are.


Much like the routine terrorism that is rewarded with their “pay for slay” system, the barbarism of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks is a pure expression of the “ideology” that Haas thinks can’t be eliminated. And far from condemning these unspeakable crimes, the P.A. has predictably endorsed them. That took the form of a statement by Abbas in which he defended the attacks by saying that “Palestinians had a right to defend themselves against the terrorism of the settlers and occupation forces.” On P.A. TV, his Fatah Party urged Palestinians to “land more blows on Israel,” and to join with Hamas to join the terror, and to “strike the sons of apes and pigs” and “slaughter everyone Israeli.”


Were Abbas’s kingdom to be granted full sovereignty and independence, it would not just soon fall to Hamas as Gaza did. It would also behave in much the same manner as Hamas’s terrorist state. Many Palestinians may, like their Israeli neighbors, long for peace. But those among them that preach endless war are very much in the mainstream while advocates for peace are in the minority.


They won’t admit defeat

Peace between Jews and Palestinian Arabs requires the latter to do something they have stubbornly refused to do: admit defeat in their long war to turn the clock back not just to 1967 or 1948, but to 1917 and the Balfour Declaration. Perhaps a complete defeat of Hamas in Gaza will move them closer to that recognition, but as long as the West’s policy is aimed at allowing them to ignore reality, that won’t happen. Until there is a sea change in the political culture of the Palestinians, Israel will have no choice but to continue with an anomalous policy in which it seeks to avoid interference in internal Arab affairs but continues to protect its security by maintaining control over Judea and Samaria. It’s little wonder that the Western suggestions about replicating former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s Gaza experiment in the West Bank has always struck most Israelis as not just ill-advised but insane.


Oct. 7 provided even more proof not just of the insanity of calls for Israeli territorial withdrawals, but why a two-state solution is a formula for enabling the shedding of Jewish blood rather than advancing the cause of peace. Anyone prepared to look at the truth soberly and without the false preconceptions that have guided the peace processors since 1993 can now see that calls for two states are incompatible with Israel’s existence or peace. It’s time to realize that … and to stop taking those who continue to peddle such terrible and dangerous ideas seriously.


Jonathan S. Tobin is editor-in-chief of JNS (Jewish News Syndicate). Follow him on Twitter at: @jonathans_tobin0



International coalition against Houthi attacks on international maritime trade

Visegrád 24-twet-18December2023-international coalition against Houthi attacks

USA announces creation of international coalition against Houthi attacks on international maritime trade

Operation Prosperity Guardian will involve the navies of:

🇧🇭 Bahrain
🇨🇦 Canada
🇫🇷 France
🇮🇹 Italy
🇳🇱 Netherlands
🇸🇨 Seychelles
🇪🇸 Spain
🇬🇧 UK
🇺🇸 USA

Visegrád 24-twet-18December2023-international coalition against Houthi attacks

Visegrád 24-twet-18December2023-international coalition against Houthi attacks



Damien Symon-tweet-16December2023-incidents in Bab-el-Mandeb region
Amidst the maritime chaos unfolding in the Red Sea, here is a simple graphic detailing recent incidents in Bab-el-Mandeb region, this visual encapsulates current challenges faced by one of the globe’s busiest shipping routes

Damien Symon-tweet-16December2023-incidents in Bab-el-Mandeb region

Damien Symon-tweet-16December2023-incidents in Bab-el-Mandeb region

Click to download PDF file Click to Download file Navigating troubled waters Impact to global trade of disruption of shipping routes in the Red Sea, Black Sea and Panama Canal



Visegrád 24-tweet-20December2023-coalition preparing military operation

U.S. officials say the US coalition has started preparing the military operation (Prosperity Guardian) that is meant to completely destroy the military capabilities of the Houthis to attack ships in the Bab al-Mandeb Strait

Don’t mess with international maritime trade

Visegrád 24-tweet-20December2023-coalition preparing military operation

Visegrád 24-tweet-20December2023-coalition preparing military operation



Tracy-tweet-31December2023-UK preparing for attacks on Houthi rebels with US
⚠️🚨”an unprecedented statement is expected to be released by the UK and the US in the coming hours” >>

UK preparing for attacks on Houthi rebels with US

Britain’s military is preparing to launch a wave of air strikes against the Iranian-backed Houthis creating chaos in the Red Sea, raising the prospect of a significant spiralling of tensions in the region.

Under the plans the UK would join with the US and possibly another European country to unleash a salvo of missiles against pre-planned targets, either in the sea or in Yemen itself, where the militants are based.

A Whitehall source said the co-ordinated strikes could involve RAF warplanes for the first time or HMS Diamond, a Type 45 destroyer which successfully destroyed an attack drone with a Sea Viper missile in the Red Sea earlier this month.

It is understood an unprecedented statement is expected to be released by the UK and the US in the coming hours which will warn the Houthis to stop attacking commercial vessels or face the military might of the West.

Ahead of the statement, Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, said: “If the Houthis continue to threaten lives and trade, we will be forced to take the necessary and appropriate action.” https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/houthi-rebels-boats-yemen-red-sea-attacks-85mxc6gzt

Tracy-tweet-31December2023-UK preparing for attacks on Houthi rebels with US

Tracy-tweet-31December2023-UK preparing for attacks on Houthi rebels with US

Laddin-tweet-31December2023-Yemen is now declaring war on all American bases in the Middle East
Yemen is now declaring war on all American bases in the Middle East after America killed at least 10 Yemenis in the Red Sea today

Laddin-tweet-31December2023-Yemen is now declaring war on all American bases in the Middle East

Laddin-tweet-31December2023-Yemen is now declaring war on all American bases in the Middle East



Tomahawks from US Navy surface ships and strikes from FA-18s are hitting Houthi targets in Yemen 12January2024

Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)-tweet-12January2024-Tomahawks from US Navy surface ships and strikes from F/A-18s
Tomahawks from US Navy surface ships and strikes from F/A-18s off USS Dwight D Eisenhower are hitting Houthi targets in Yemen.

The questions are:

1️⃣ Why wait until after the largest attack against shipping on Jan 9?
2️⃣ Will this deter or embolden the attacks against shipping?
3️⃣ Will the insurance underwriters and commercial shipping firms think that the #RedSea is now safer?

While this may satisfy the military desire to hit the enemy, it may have made the area more dangerous.
Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)-tweet-12January2024-
U.S. and Britain launch strikes against targets in Houthi-controlled Yemen
https://nbcnews.com/news/world/us-britain-strikes-houthi-yemen-rcna133576 via @nbcnews

Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)-tweet-12January2024-Tomahawks from US Navy surface ships and strikes from FA-18s are hitting Houthi targets in Yemen

Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)-tweet-12January2024-Tomahawks from US Navy surface ships and strikes from FA-18s are hitting Houthi targets in Yemen




The first ship sunk by the Houthi

Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)-tweet-7March2024-The first ship sunk by the Houthi
New photos show the sunken bulker #Rubymar sitting with her stern on the bottom and her bow above water in the #RedSea. The first ship sunk by the #Houthi.


Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)-tweet-7March2024-The first ship sunk by the Houthi

Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)-tweet-7March2024-The first ship sunk by the Houthi



Two killed and six injured in a Houthi missile strikes

Sal Mercogliano-tweet-6March2024-Houthi killed innocent mariners
It was only a matter of time until the #Houthi killed innocent mariners.
Lara Seligman-tweet-6March2024-Two killed and six injured in a Houthi missile strikes
BREAKING: Two killed and six injured in a Houthi missile strikes on the MV True Confidence, a Liberian-owned vessel, in the Red Sea today, per two U.S. officials.

These are the first fatalities of the Houthi campaign against international shipping since November.

Sal Mercogliano-tweet-6March2024-Houthi killed innocent mariners

Sal Mercogliano-tweet-6March2024-Houthi killed innocent mariners




Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid
Hamas terrorists have hijacked yet another humanitarian aid convoy after it crossed over the Rafah border from Egypt.

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid

Oli London-tweet-17December2023-Hamas Steals Humanitarian Aid



Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid
Well, nothing new to see here—just Hamas’ freedom rapists violently stealing the humanitarian aid from their civilian all over again.

Breaching the understanding they signed off to when they still acted like they’re just worried, caring, and need it for nothing but their people.

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid

Adam Albilya-tweet-13December2023-Hamas stealing UNRWA humanitarian aid



Hamas open fire on desperate Gaza civilians trying to get humanitarian aid

Oli London-tweet-15January2024-HHamas open fire on Gaza civilians trying to get humanitarian aid
Hamas open fire on desperate Palestinian civilians trying to get humanitarian aid after aid trucks crossed over from the Rafah border from Egypt.

Multiple AK-47 rounds can be heard being fired as the Gazans flee.

Hamas have been captured on video multiple times hijacking humanitarian aid and firing on civilians that beg for food.

Oli London-tweet-15January2024-HHamas open fire on Gaza civilians trying to get humanitarian aid

Oli London-tweet-15January2024-HHamas open fire on Gaza civilians trying to get humanitarian aid



Innocent Palestinian civilians” killed the driver of an Egyptian humanitarian aid truck

Dr. Eli David-tweet-3March2024-Innocent Palestinian civilians killed the driver of an Egyptian humanitarian aid truck
🚨 Breaking: “Innocent Palestinian civilians” killed the driver of an Egyptian humanitarian aid truck, and looted the truck 👇


Dr. Eli David-tweet-3March2024-Innocent Palestinian civilians killed the driver of an Egyptian humanitarian aid truck

Dr. Eli David-tweet-3March2024-Innocent Palestinian civilians killed the driver of an Egyptian humanitarian aid truck




Gaza Palestinians murdered Egyptian humanitarian aid truck driver to loot the Truck

Dr. Eli David-tweet-3March2024-Gaza Palestinians murdered Egyptian humanitarian aid truck driver to loot the Truck
Today Palestinians in Gaza murdered the Egyptian driver of a humanitarian aid truck to loot it.

If that’s what they do to a Muslim “brother” who brought them food, imagine what they do to their “infidel” enemies… That’s what they did on October 7.

Dr. Eli David-tweet-3March2024-Gaza Palestinians murdered Egyptian humanitarian aid truck driver to loot the Truck.png

Dr. Eli David-tweet-3March2024-Gaza Palestinians murdered Egyptian humanitarian aid truck driver to loot the Truck.png




How did YOU help Israel and the Jews in it’s time on Need?

Teshuvah, Tefilla and Tzedakah (besides Aliyah)?


Hillel Fuld-tweet-10October2023-Let me tell you about the Jewish people

Hillel Fuld-tweet-10October2023-Let me tell you about the Jewish people

See: Israeli airlines add more flights to bring reservists home


Khna Tsdq (Kahane Was Right) – Israeli Kahanist Song

Kahane Tzadach (Kahane Was Right) – Israeli Kahanist Song


noa tishby-tweet-14October2023-A ray of light in the darkness

noa tishby-tweet-14October2023-A ray of light in the darkness


Translated from Hebrew by

This is Order 8 for all citizens of the State of Israel!
Our dear soldiers are scattered throughout the country, from north to south, and guard us with their bodies. It’s time to mobilize for them! ❤️

Recruiting for the IDF >>

ImTirtzu-tweet-10October2023- It's time to mobilize for them

ImTirtzu-tweet-10October2023- It’s time to mobilize for them

Im Tirtzu

Working hard to protect Zionism and the State of Israel


Donate: https://imti.org.il/project/63715/


Living Lchaim-tweet-10October2023-They are certified kosher and serving the IDF

Living Lchaim-tweet-10October2023-They are certified kosher and serving the IDF




Israeli airlines add more flights to bring reservists home

By  and 
11October2023 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/el-al-israir-add-flights-bring-reservists-back-israel-2023-10-10/


LONDON/JERUSALEM, Oct 10 (Reuters) – Israeli airlines El Al, Israir and Arkia added more flights on Tuesday to bring home reservists, according to their websites and Israel’s airports authority, though the prospect of more conflict also stoked sector worries about staff shortages.


Israel said on Monday it had called up an unprecedented 300,000 reservists and warned residents of Palestinian enclave Gaza to evacuate in a sign it could be planning a ground assault in response to Palestinian militant group Hamas’ unprecedented weekend attack.<
Separately, U.S. State Department spokesman Matt Miller said the U.S. government was in conversation with various carriers to “encourage” them to consider resuming travel in and out of Israel to help a number of American citizens leave the country.


American Airlines (AAL.O) on Tuesday temporarily suspended all flights to and from Tel Aviv through Dec. 4 after Delta Air Lines (DAL.N) said Monday it would cancel all flights to Israel through Oct. 31, while United Airlines has indefinitely halted flights.


Airlines for America, a trade group representing major U.S. carriers, said on Tuesday it remains in discussions with government agencies about the issue. “The situation in Israel is rapidly evolving, and our carriers continue to make individual assessments about operations based on security guidance and intelligence reports,” a spokesperson said.


While many major airlines have cancelled flights to and from Israel, domestic carriers have looked to ramp up capacity, at least in coming days. Many Israelis were travelling abroad the last week for a Jewish holiday.


On its website, Israir Airlines (ISRG.TA) said it was offering flights from Larnaca in Cyprus, Corfu in Greece and Batumi in Georgia to help bring Israelis back to the country.


Arkia was offering flights from Greek capital Athens to Eilat in southern Israel and from Marrakesh in Morocco to Tel Aviv, among others.


Flag carrier El Al (ELAL.TA) added a flight from Athens on Tuesday. El Al added that, while it wasn’t offering free flights for reservists, it was trying to keep prices affordable. Reservists were being charged $900 for flying from the United States, $650 from Bangkok, and $300 from Europe for flights under four hours, a spokesperson said.


Fears of staff shortages at airlines have grown, however, with the prospect of reduced flights looming.


Israir said its flight schedule could be reduced in coming days as its foreign crews were asked to leave the country while some Israeli staff were also recruited to fight.


Flights evacuating foreigners were also leaving Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport.


Iceland said on Monday night it had flown out 126 Icelanders, five Faroese, four Norwegians and 12 Germans who had been stranded in Israel from Amman, Jordan, on a government-sponsored plane.


The Israeli airports authority said 67,000 passengers were expected to travel through Ben Gurion on Tuesday, compared to an average of 80,000 under normal circumstances.


The authority added that it would restrict flights to Ben Gurion airport’s Terminal 3 due to security concerns.


“All our clients who planned to depart (to Israel) this week have cancelled their trip,” said Emilie Dumont, managing director of Digitrips, a French online travel company. The Union of Tour Operating companies (SETO), a French organization, recommended this weekend to cancel or postpone all departures to Israel until Oct. 13, she said.


Flights to Israel from Turkey were also being cancelled, including those of national carrier Turkish Airlines and budget carrier Pegasus, according to Flightradar24 – a flight tracking website. Turkish Airlines said on its website: “Our Tel Aviv (TLV) flights have been temporarily suspended until further notice.”


Additional reporting by Rajesh Kumar Singh in Chicago, David Shepardson in Washington, Tim Hepher in Paris, Anna Ringstrom in Stockholm and Doyinsola Oladipo in New York; Editing by Nick Macfie, Mark Potter, Nick Zieminski and Sandra Maler


The Persian Jewess-tweet-19February2024-EL_AL_ISRAEL
This beautiful @EL_AL_ISRAEL commercial has me crying like a baby.


David Oh-tweet-19February2024-My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL
My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL, She says that they let people seat in the toilet at takeoffs, the planes were full of Israelis coming back home to join the army. We have a wonderful people, great young generation.


The Persian Jewess-tweet-19February2024-EL_AL_ISRAEL

The Persian Jewess-tweet-19February2024-EL_AL_ISRAEL

David Oh-tweet-19February2024-My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL

David Oh-tweet-19February2024-My daughter is a flight attendant at El AL






More updates from the Rav

10October2023 https://www.thinkforyourselfpublishing.com/more-updates-from-the-rav/

In case you haven’t realised already, “the news” is lying to you.

Sure, there is some truth mixed in to all this, because without the element of truth, no lie would last long.

And this particular ‘lie’ has lasted 75 years and counting….

(At least.)

So, I am going to stick to just passing on emet, the real information you really need to know from our true tzaddikim.

Before we move on, a question: what happened to take out all the army bases on the border – and all the people in them – BEFORE ‘Hamas’ even came close to breaching the fence?

When we know the answer to that, we will know a whole lot more.


Here is what the Rav is saying, from yesterday, the main points, paraphrased in some cases.

  1. There is literally no-one to rely on except Hashem. Anyone who is waiting for ‘the army’ or the ‘the security forces’ to turn this around is living in fantasy land.
  2. The news is lying about everything, (including how this really happened, and who really did it.)
  3. The numbers involved are much higher than being reported.
  4. The more women and children are left in their homes without their men to protect them, the more they are at risk, God forbid.
  5. Only saying tehillim, learning gemara and paying tzedaka can get us out of this situation.


The Rav is putting a very strong emphasis on turning off the news, and to stop engaging with all the manipulated and manipulative ‘info’.

He’s asking people to say 3 books of tehillim a day now, instead of one – I am a third of the way through my first book today, and my advice is just to do something, whatever you can manage, but to for sure spend more time doing that something than surfing the net looking at more awful snuff videos from the attack, or reading media prostitutes who are being paid to tell you ‘Iran did this’.

Men should learn 10 pages of Gemara a day.


The Rav is not allowed to talk about money at all these days, in case they arrest him.

So, this is coming from me:

People should pay tzedaka to sweeten the judgement – money for blood.

And they should pay it to Shuvu, and have in mind that it’s for a ‘global redemption’ – a global pidyon – for the Jewish people to get out of this mess.

Even a tiny bit will do something awesome in shemayim.

Go HERE to do that online.



The Ravberland.com link above is currently not working, so use this link instead, in the meantime – it comes from a trusted source, one of the Rav’s gabbais who I know personally:



I am not getting into arguments about pidyonot here – go and read Likutei Moharan Lesson 180 about how they work generally.

And then, read this:

Know: There are 24 types of spiritual ransoms [pidyonot], corresponding to the 24 Heavenly courts of justice. For each and every court there is a unique corresponding ransom to ameliorate its judgments. Therefore a ransom is not always effective, since not everyone knows all 24 ransoms…

But know: There is a certain ransom that includes all the 24 courts of justice and is able to ameliorate [the judgments of] all the 24 courts…But among the tzaddikim, not everyone knows of this ransom. Only one in a generation knows of it…

Likutei Moharan I:215


That ‘One in a Generation’ in our generation is Rav Berland.

The Rav also said to pray with niggunim, with melodies, otherwise the prayers don’t ascend.

Preferably, he said to come and pray with Shuvu Banim (usually starts around 8-8.30 pm, on Ido HaNavi Street – it’s a crush, and bring your own chair as they are in v limited supply.)

You can also watch the livestream of the prayers on the website HERE (right hand side of the screen).


If neither of those options work for you, then the Rav says to find a place where they daven with niggunim, because that is how the prayers ascend.

That’s why we spend half an hour before the prayers at the Rav just singing ‘Or zeruah’, and then another half an hour afterwards singing Uman songs.

And sometimes, when there is a lot of stuff to ‘sweeten’, the singing and the dancing go on way longer.


So, to recap:

  1. Stay away from the news – it’s lying about everything, and is designed to make people waste all their time and energy on either falling into depression and despair, ranting about ‘Iran’ and ‘Hamas’, or being manipulated into view points and actions that further the agenda of the same scumbugs who arranged for all those people to get murdered on Shabbat.
  2. Up the tehillim and the gemara learning – at least one book a day, three if you can manage it (!), plus men to learn 10 pages of Gemara.
  3. Pay a pidyon – whatever you can manage, and have in mind it’s for a ‘global redemption’ for Am Yisrael, as well as for you and your family.
  4. Pray with niggunim – either join the Shuvu minyan online or in person, of find your own davening where they pray with melodies.
  5. Only rely on God.

Because there is no ‘State of Israel’ or ‘army’ waiting in the wings to rescue us from this situation.

As those poor people on Shabbat learned at an incalculable cost.


Take heart!

Prayers, teshuva and tzedaka can and will turn all this around!

God is with us.

He’s just waiting for more of the people who are so far away from Him to realise that, and come back home.

This is Gad Elbaz’s Mizmor Le David from Caesaria, I have it on repeat.

It’s Psalm 23:

Even if I walk through the gates of death, I won’t fear evil – because You are with me.

Gad Elbaz – Mizmor Ldavid – גד אלבז – מזמור לדוד



Remembering the Mercaz Harav Massacre

Im Tirtzu-tweet-6March2024-Remembering the Mercaz Harav Massacre
Remembering the Mercaz Harav Massacre
On March 6, 2008, a Palestinian Arab terrorist entered the yeshiva in Jerusalem and opened fire on young students who were learning Torah.
8 students were barbarically murdered, and 11 more were injured.
May their memory be a blessing 💔

Im Tirtzu-tweet-6March2024-Remembering the Mercaz Harav Massacre

Im Tirtzu-tweet-6March2024-Remembering the Mercaz Harav Massacre



Jews In Name Only supporting Hamas

Brad R. Torgersen-tweet-8October2023-Jews In Name Only supporting Hamas

Brad R. Torgersen-tweet-8October2023-Jews In Name Only supporting Hamas


Yoni Michanie-tweet-23October2023-
Boston University: Anna Epstein clearly believes that raping Jewish women on the corpses of murdered victims, that beheading Jewish infants in front of their parents, and torturing Holocaust survivors is an appropriate response to fighting an “occupation”
Is her Mother Jewish? Was she raised Jewish, Shabbat/Yom Tovim, Kosher, Modest Clothing, No TV, Jewish “Orthodox” Schools, Volunteer at Jewish NGOs? Did she live (Not just Visit) in Israel? What about Aliyah? Did her parents talk about living in Israel?

JerusalemCats-tweet-24October2023-Is her Mother Jewish? Was she raised Jewish, Shabbat/Yom Tovim, Kosher, Modest Clothing, No TV, Jewish "Orthodox" Schools, Volunteer at Jewish NGOs? Did she live (Not just Visit) in Israel? What about Aliyah? Did her parents talk about living in Israel?

JerusalemCats-tweet-24October2023-Is her Mother Jewish? Was she raised Jewish, Shabbat/Yom Tovim, Kosher, Modest Clothing, No TV, Jewish “Orthodox” Schools, Volunteer at Jewish NGOs? Did she live (Not just Visit) in Israel? What about Aliyah? Did her parents talk about living in Israel?


Hamas has been ruled to be Amalek



On the Shabbat before Purim, the holiday on which we celebrate the foiling of Haman the Amalekite’s plot to destroy the Jewish people, the weekly Torah reading is supplemented with the Zachor (“Remember!”) reading (Deuteronomy 25:17-19) in which we are commanded to remember the evil of Amalek and to eradicate it from the face of the earth.


Just as a Catholic Priest is not Jewish so is a “reform rabbi” not Jewish (Not discussing Laity), even if their mother is Jewish. The Reform in their 1885 Pittsburgh Platform formally rejected the Torah of Israel and Israel both as a State of Israel, The People of Israel and the Land of Israel:
Para.#4 “We hold that all such Mosaic and rabbinical laws as regulate diet, priestly purity, and dress originated in ages and under the influence of ideas entirely foreign to our present mental and spiritual state. They fail to impress the modern Jew with a spirit of priestly holiness; their observance in our days is apt rather to obstruct than to further modern spiritual elevation.”
Para.#5 “We recognize, in the modern era of universal culture of heart and intellect, the approaching of the realization of Israel’s great Messianic hope for the establishment of the kingdom of truth, justice, and peace among all men. We consider ourselves no longer a nation, but a religious community, and therefore expect neither a return to Palestine, nor a sacrificial worship under the sons of Aaron, nor the restoration of any of the laws concerning the Jewish state.”.

Pew-2016-03-08-Israel Reform Essay static identify

Pew-2016-03-08-Israel Reform Essay static identify

Relatively few Israeli Jews identify with either Conservative (2%) or Reform (3%) Judaism
http://www.pewforum.org/2016/03/08/comparisons-between-jews-in-israel-and-the-u-s/ .
Israeli’s know that reform is not Jewish but something else. The reform rabbis claim to be educated since they call themselves “rabbi” but they know nothing about Torah Judaism and are practicing “Tikkun Olam”.


Hamas Kids Terrorist Training Camps

Posted 26October2023 Israel Defense Forces:
Straight from Hamas’ social media: see the training camps where Hamas terrorists brainwash young children and teenagers. From 2:12-2:32, you see kids shooting IDF soldiers in a video game. From 5:53 until the end, you can see a Hamas terrorist training camp recruitment video in full, which ends with text on screen reading: “It prepares a generation… for liberation.”

Have you ever wondered what happens to humanitarian aid in Gaza?

SEE From 28July2014: Israel Deserves an Apology

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-17October2023-what happens to humanitarian aid in Gaza

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-17October2023-what happens to humanitarian aid in Gaza


Biden gives Hamas $100 Million in Military aid to Murder Jews

The reaction: Watch: Trump Slams Biden For Handing $100 Million To Palestinians

Tom Cotton-tweet-18October2023-Under present circumstances, “humanitarian assistance” = resupply for Hamas terrorists. President Biden continues to embolden Iran and its terror proxies.

Tom Cotton-tweet-18October2023-Under present circumstances, “humanitarian assistance” = resupply for Hamas terrorists. President Biden continues to embolden Iran and its terror proxies.

Under present circumstances, “humanitarian assistance” = resupply for Hamas terrorists. President Biden continues to embolden Iran and its terror proxies. – Tom Cotton 18October2023


Despite US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza, Biden announces $100m in Palestinian aid

“We know Hamas is going to commandeer that money, and Hamas is going to use it to advance terrorism,” stated Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a presidential candidate.

David Swindle, Menachem Wecker


U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and their respective governmental teams, meet in Tel Aviv about the war with the Hamas terror organization that rules the Gaza Strip, Oct. 18, 2023. Credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO.

U.S. President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and their respective governmental teams, meet in Tel Aviv about the war with the Hamas terror organization that rules the Gaza Strip, Oct. 18, 2023. Credit: Avi Ohayon/GPO.

See from 2014 Gaza War: THIRD Rocket Arsenal Found At UN School In Gaza

29July2014 http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/07/29/THIRD-Rocket-Arsenal-Found-At-UN-School-In-Gaza

(October 18, 2023 / JNS)  Later this week, U.S. President Joe Biden intends to ask Congress for “an unprecedented support package for Israel’s defense,” he said today at the David Kempinski Hotel in Tel Aviv. “The world will know that Israel is stronger than ever, and my message to any state or any other hostile actor thinking about attacking Israel remains the same as it was a week ago: Don’t. Don’t. Don’t.”


Moments later, Biden announced “$100 million in new U.S. funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank.” The monies will “support more than 1 million displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians, including emergency needs in Gaza,” the president said.


The announcement came less than two days after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken acknowledged, in remarks he delivered in Tel Aviv, that there are concerns about aid packages reaching civilians who need it.


“We share Israel’s concern that Hamas may seize or destroy aid entering Gaza or otherwise preventing it from reaching the people who need it,” Blinken said on Oct. 16.


“If Hamas in any way blocks humanitarian assistance from reaching civilians, including by seizing the aid itself, we’ll be the first to condemn it, and we will work to prevent it from happening again,” he said.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is running for president, attacked the president’s announcement. “They say it’s humanitarian assistance. We know Hamas is going to commandeer that money, and Hamas is going to use it to advance terrorism,” DeSantis stated.


“I say no U.S. tax dollars to the Gaza Strip. We still have hostages being held by Hamas. There are American hostages being held by Hamas. How are you funding them when they’re holding Americans, as well as others, hostage?” DeSantis added.


Biden did not say how, if at all, Washington would ensure that the $100 million would get to those in need.

Per the White House, Washington is working “through trusted partners including U.N. agencies and international NGOs.” It, too, did not say how it would guarantee that the aid reaches its intended recipients.


Also on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel “will not prevent humanitarian assistance from Egypt, as long as it is only food, water and medicine for the civilian population located in the southern Gaza Strip or which is evacuating to there, and as long as these supplies do not reach Hamas.”


“Any supplies that reach Hamas will be prevented,” he said.

Jerusalem won’t allow any assistance to Gaza from Israel, “as our captives are not returned,” the prime minister added. “Israel demands Red Cross visits with our captives and is working to mobilize broad international support for this demand.”

UNRWA supplies stolen

Earlier in the week, the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) posted—and then deleted—a series of messages on social media, where it noted that it “received reports” that “a group of people with trucks purporting to be from the Ministry of Health of the de facto authorities in Gaza removed fuel and medical equipment from the agency’s compound in Gaza City.”


Hamas currently controls the Gazan Ministry of Health, and an official Israeli Foreign Ministry social-media account stated that “even UNRWA is now saying that Hamas terrorists in Gaza are stealing emergency supplies and gas which are needed to help Gazan civilians.”


“Or in other words,” wrote Israel Katz, the Israeli energy and infrastructure minister, “Hamas is robbing the ‘humanitarian aid’ to the Palestinian people. There’s no reason to give them anything until we eliminate Nazi Hamas.”

Hold on $75 million in funds

On Oct. 3—four days before Hamas attacked Israel, killing more than 1,400, wounding 4,500 others and taking some 150 hostages, including American citizens—Blinken approved a $75 million aid package to UNRWA. Republicans had blocked the payment.


“Thank you, Secretary Blinken, for providing $75 million in food assistance to Palestine refugees in Gaza,” wrote an official UNRWA account. “This generous support from the American people will allow UNRWA to continue this critical aspect of its humanitarian and human development work through the end of Q1 2024!”


On Sept. 11, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller was asked in a State Department press briefing about the UNRWA funding.


“It seems that $75 million are still being held up in food assistance to the Palestinians, especially in Gaza. I guess it’s awaiting maybe the end of the fiscal year and so on, and I wonder if you could comment on this because the situation, as you’ve probably been following up, with UNRWA and with the distribution of food and the assistance of food in Gaza, cannot wait till the end of the fiscal year or the beginning of the new one,” said Said Arikat, Washington bureau chief for Al-Quds.


“I would say that we agree that funding for UNRWA supports the provision of food, health care, education, relief and social services, which are more vital than ever with the worsening violence in the West Bank and Gaza,” Miller responded to the ostensible question. (Arikate frequently attacks Israel in his “questions” at State Department press briefings.)


“We are committed to working with the UN and our international partners to provide rapid humanitarian assistance and to marshal international support for recovery efforts in a manner that benefits the Palestinian people,” Miller added. “So we would agree that this funding is important and are trying to move it through.”


Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) had put a hold on the funds, citing UNRWA’s “long history of employing people connected to terrorist movements like Hamas, promoting antisemitic textbooks and using its schools to store Hamas weapons.”


In 2021, following the Biden administration’s resumption of aid to UNRWA, Risch led a group of 20 Republican senators in sending a letter to the president urging him to hold funds until verifying that the U.N. agency does not employ Hamas members nor continue to use antisemitic textbooks.


Biden’s visit

17October2023  https://www.thinkforyourselfpublishing.com/bidens-visit/

Just got back from the Rav.

He said Biden is only coming tomorrow to give Eretz Yisrael away to the Arabs.

I.e. the ‘2 state solution’….

Does anyone honestly still have any doubt about who was behind what happened on Simchat Torah?

And second, the Rav said that all the women’s tehillim are saving the soldiers….

So continue!

I don’t have a lot of time to write at the mo, as the tehillim are taking most of my day up.

But as important things come up, I will try and share them here.

Also, it seems the matzav ruach is starting to bounce back, at least a little.

And tons and tons of people are coming off the news, in all sorts of different ways, at the moment.

Which means their ability to manipulate and control us is also being radically limited.


And may we just hear good news.



JerusalemCats Comments: Least We forget who our Enemy is:


Israel approves emergency regulations that could pave way to closing Al Jazeera offices

By Jeremy Sharon 20October2023, https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-approves-emergency-regulations-that-could-pave-way-to-closing-al-jazeera-offices/


The government has approved regulations that will allow it to temporarily shut down foreign news channels during states of emergency, such as the current war with terror group Hamas in Gaza, if it believes the outlet is damaging national security.


Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has led the charge to pass these regulations in order to shut down the Al Jazeera news channel, which he claims has damaged national security.


The regulations are retroactive, meaning broadcasts by the Qatari network since the war started can now be used as the basis for a decision to shut down the staunchly pro-Palestinian news outlet’s local branch.


“Israel is at war on land, in the air, at sea, and on the public diplomacy front. We will not allow in any way broadcasts that harm the security of the state… The broadcasts and reports of Al Jazeera constitute incitement against Israel, help Hamas-ISIS and the terror organizations with their propaganda, and encourage violence against Israel,” says Karhi.


According to the new regulations, the communications minister — with the agreement of the defense minister — will be able to order TV providers to stop broadcasting the news outlet in question; close its offices in Israel, seize its equipment, and shut down its website or restrict access to its website, depending on the location of its server.


The decision must be approved by the security cabinet, must be based on legal opinions by the security establishment that the outlet is indeed harming national security, and is subject to the review of a district court.


Such a decision will be valid for 30 days but can be extended for additional 30-day periods. The emergency regulations will be in place for three months, or until the specific state of emergency is formally ended by the government.



YNet Logo https://www.ynetnews.com/

Knesset approves bill to shut down Al Jazeera in Israel

New law approved in second and third reading stipulates Communications Minister could act against foreign media channels in Israel should they be found to harm the country; White House spokeswoman criticizes bill

Moran Azulay| 01April2024 | 20:02  https://www.ynetnews.com/article/b17yvd00yr


The Knesset approved Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi’s bill ordering Qatari news network Al Jazeera to cease its operations in the country in a final reading on Monday. “Hamas mouthpieces won’t have any freedom of expression in Israel. Al Jazeera will be shut down in the coming days,” Karhi said in a statement.


The law promoted by Karhi and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to shut down foreign channels (including Al Jazeera, Al Mayadeen, and others), was approved by the Knesset Plenum in second and third readings.


The law stipulates the Communications Minister could act to shut down foreign media channels in the country should the prime minister find it is harming Israel after reviewing at least one security assessment on the issue and conditioned by the approval of the government or security cabinet.


Actions will be approved by orders signed by the Communications Minister, and will include: closing down the channel’s offices in the country, confiscating broadcasting equipment, preventing channel reporters from broadcasting, removing the channel from cable and satellite providers in the country, blocking its websites in the country, and more.


“We have approved a quick and efficient tool to act against those who use the freedom of the press to harm Israel’s security and IDF soldiers and incite terrorism during wartime,” Karhi said in a statement following the law’s approval.


Prime Minister Netanyahu addressed the law on social media, writing on his X account: “Al Jazeera has harmed Israel’s security, actively participated in the October 7 massacre, and incited violence against IDF soldiers. The time has come to remove Hamas’ mouthpiece from our country. The terrorist channel Al Jazeera will no longer broadcast from Israel. I intend to act immediately in accordance with the new law to stop the channel’s activities.”


Despite Netanyahu’s praise, other members of his Likud party criticized the bill’s wordings. “The bill as presented by the Communications Minister is both ineffective and damaging,” Likud MK Amit Halevi told Ynet. “It’s absurd that our coalition will vote in favor of such a bill. It primarily reflects an extreme lack of judgment aimed at gaining popularity.”


According to Halevi, the approved law in its current form isn’t effective. “The overwhelming majority of Al Jazeera viewers in Israel’s Arab sector watch it via satellite dishes or the internet, not Israeli broadcasters. The agency’s internet servers and offices will reopen in Ramallah if shut down in Israel.”


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre criticized the law in a statement, saying, “We believe in the freedom of the press. It is critical. It is critically important, and the United States supports the critically important work of journalists around the world, and that includes those who are reporting in the conflict in Gaza.”


“So, we believe that work is important. The freedom of the press is important. And if those reports are true, it is concerning to us,” she added.



Al Jazeera admits the ‘rapes’ at Shifa hospital were a complete LIE

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25March2024-Al Jazeera admits the ‘rapes’ at Shifa hospital were a complete LIE
Al Jazeera admits the “rapes” at Shifa hospital were a complete LIE.


StopAntisemitism-tweet-25March2024-Al Jazeera admits the 'rapes' at Shifa hospital were a complete LIE.png

StopAntisemitism-tweet-25March2024-Al Jazeera admits the ‘rapes’ at Shifa hospital were a complete LIE.png



Honest Reporting New Logo

EXPOSED: Reuters Mideast Visuals Chief Openly Supported Terrorism as a Pro-Palestinian Activist

Reuters’ regional head of video and pictures in the Middle East has publicly supported terrorists while working for a pro-Palestinian organization, demonized Israel, and criticized the US for providing military aid to the Jewish state,…

HonestReporting Staff 23October2023 https://honestreporting.com/exposed-reuters-mideast-visuals-chief-openly-supported-terrorism-as-a-pro-palestinian-activist/


Reuters’ regional head of video and pictures in the Middle East has publicly supported terrorists while working for a pro-Palestinian organization, demonized Israel, and criticized the US for providing military aid to the Jewish state, HonestReporting exposed Monday in a revelation that calls into question his journalistic objectivity.


Labib Nasir, who is currently based in Dubai and editorially supervises Reuters visual content coming out of the region, openly praised terrorists at a media conference in Beirut in 2004 while he was working for the pro-Palestinian organization “Miftah.” According to the conference proceedings, in his public remarks, he said:

The militants or as they are now more commonly and frequently known as “terrorist” that attack Israeli military tanks bent on destroying Palestinian homes, are in fact defending their people and have an inalienable and internationally recognized right to resist attacks on their homes and neighborhoods.

Nasir continued to falsely claim that Israeli communities in the West Bank were not “civilian,” thus suggesting they were legitimate targets:

Illegal Jewish settlements, or more accurately colonies, are in fact built on stolen Palestinian property against international laws and inhabited by terrorist, racist ideologically fanatical armed settlers; they are not civilian Jewish “neighborhoods” or “communities”.

While his words are appalling in their own right — because they refer to communities inhabited by families and children — they resonate ever more loudly in light of Hamas’ brutal massacre of innocent Israeli civilians on October 7. How can a person who holds such views have any editorial say about Middle East coverage at this sensitive time? How can a person with such views be trusted to provide objective, unbiased content on the region? It cannot and should not be tolerated.


Nasir’s full address to the conference (which was ironically held under the title “Media Ethics & Journalism in the Arab World”) is rife with more inaccuracies and anti-Israel vitriol. To quote just a few:

  • He labeled as “silly” Israel’s right to defend itself from the very terrorism he supported, criticizing it as “a myth whereby the occupier is defending itself by invading and killing the occupied.”
  • He also said it’s important to note when Palestinian “armed fighters” are not killed in combat, as if it sanitizes them from any wrongdoing.


More examples of his activism include an opinion piece titled “Checkpoint Guide,” which refers to the everyday reality of passing through security checkpoints set up by Israel to protect its citizens against terrorists. In it, he called Israeli army soldiers “killer soldiers,” and demonized the Israeli “enemy” as an adversary of humanity:

There is no room to sink any lower, as you watch your enemy rolling down the mountain slowly but surely, humanity will prevail.

A decade later, years after he’d already been hired by Reuters, Nasir took part in a demonstration against Israel’s 2014 Gaza operation that targeted Hamas terror tunnels and publicly criticized the US for providing billions of dollars in military aid to the Jewish state, as quoted in Boston’s WBUR news:

Labib Nasir, a Palestinian from Jerusalem, says he’s angry with Israel, but also the United States government, which provides billions of dollars in military assistance to Israel.


“Most Americans have a limited view of it,” Nasir said. “I’m 100 percent confident that Americans, had they known the truth and seen the truth, that they would not stand for this.”

Unfortunately, it’s not the first time a biased Reuters journalist is exposed, as in the case of Henriette Chacar who has questioned the difference between Israeli civilians and combatants. But Nasir has risen to a much more senior position in the news agency.


Nasir attended the 2004 conference as the media and information coordinator for “Miftah,” an organization with an anti-Israeli agenda that was headed by then-senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi. Several months later he joined Reuters as a reporter and a producer in Jerusalem, clearly without a sufficient background check. He has climbed the news agency’s ranks ever since.


Did he attempt to set aside his activist agenda? Quite the opposite, as apparent from an interview he conducted in 2010 for Reuters with none other than his former boss Hanan Ashrawi. Any decent journalist would have excused themselves from doing so, but Nasir let Ashrawi get all her talking points across.


The problem is that Nasir understood the power of media already in 2004 when he stated in his conference presentation that: “The visual media have become highly developed in recent years and are a powerful tool that has forced itself into every house.”


Now, this activist-turned-journalist gets to decide what images from the war-torn Middle East are seen in every house worldwide and what stories are told in video and pictures — the most effective ways to influence hearts and minds.

And hundreds of media outlets that subscribe to Reuters rely on this coverage.


As the region is still reeling from Hamas’ atrocities, a person who openly supports terrorism and believes that Israeli civilians’ blood is forfeit should not be allowed near any newsroom, let alone that of one of the world’s largest news agencies which claims to uphold the strictest standards of unbiased journalism.


HonestReporting has submitted an official complaint to Reuters, calling upon it to take the necessary action to maintain the values its audience deserves.


Found this article informative? Follow the HonestReporting page on Facebook to read more articles debunking news bias and smears, as well as others explaining Israel’s history, politics, and international affairs. Click here to learn more!



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CNN, the Modern Der Stürmer Propaganda

“Die Juden sind unser Unglück!” “The Jews are our misfortune!”
[Slogan printed on the bottom of the anti-Semitic newspaper Der Stürmer]

The-Mossad-Satirical,-Yet-Awesome-tweet-22October2023-CNN, News you can trust

The-Mossad-Satirical,-Yet-Awesome-tweet-22October2023-CNN, News you can trust


Map of Israel according to CNN

Map of Israel according to CNN

For those that are graduates of Ivy League Schools, this is a Map of Israel.

GoogleMaps screenshot / Simcha Pasko - A map of Israel and the West Bank.

GoogleMaps screenshot / Simcha Pasko – A map of Israel and the West Bank.

Map of Sderot, Israel

Map of Sderot, Israel. From Wikipedia

Map of Sderot, Israel. From Wikipedia



‘Too many red lines crossed’: Israeli hospital bans BBC

The Galillee medical center “refuses to cooperate with media outlets that refuse to see Hamas as a terrorist organization.”


The Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya. Photo by Noam Falakasa/TPS.

The Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya. Photo by Noam Falakasa/TPS.

(October 22, 2023 / JNS) Citing BBC News’s “biased coverage” of the war against Hamas, staff at the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya banned a film crew from entering the hospital on Saturday, a hospital spokesperson said.


“When there is no clarity, and this is sometimes the nature of this situation, it is good for such a popular media outlet to check, delve and investigate before publishing its reviews to hundreds of millions of people in the world,” hospital director Professor Masad Barhoum told Jewish News Syndicate.


“In everything related to the BBC network, too many red lines were crossed, so when they asked to film at our medical center and interview doctors, it was clear that they were looking for manipulations and distortions, so we informed them that we have closed our doors to them until further notice,” he added.


Hospital spokesperson Gal Zeid told JNS, “I issued the announcement to the media in the hope that other bodies and institutions in the health system, including in the country as a whole, will show solidarity, certainly during the war, and refuse, like us, to cooperate with media outlets and parties that cover the reality in a biased way and refuse to see Hamas as a terrorist organization, which harms all citizens of Israel indiscriminately.”


The publicly funded British news service is facing harsh criticism for its coverage of the Gaza war.

President Isaac Herzog and other officials have blasted the BBC for refusing to describe Hamas as “terrorists.”

“We are dealing with one of the worst terrorist organizations in the world,” Herzog told visiting British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Thursday.


“I know that in modern democracies, like ours and yours, you can’t interfere per se, but since the BBC has a certain linkage and is known as British all over the world, there has to be an outcry for it to be corrected, and that Hamas will be defined as a terrorist organization there as well,” Herzog said. “What else do they need to see to understand that this is an atrocious terror organization?”


Meanwhile, the BBC was forced to apologize for its coverage of an explosion that devastated Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday night. Correspondent Jon Donnison reported from the scene that the hospital had been hit by a missile or shell, adding, “But it’s hard to see what else this could be really given the size of the explosion other than an Israeli air strike or several air strikes.”


The Israel Defense Forces released intercepted Hamas communications and security footage confirming that the hospital was devastated by a misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket.


Initial news reports and social media posts erroneously blaming Israel for the blast sparked Arab riots across the Middle East.


The New York Times and Hamas

Honest Reporting New Logo

SEE: Downplaying the Holocaust — Sulzberger & NY Times: Anna Blech at TEDxHunterCCS

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-20October2023-The nytimes has just rehired a NAZI

Ambassador Gilad Erdan-tweet-20October2023-The nytimes has just rehired a NAZI


JerusalemCats Comments: The people of Gaza elected Hamas just like the Germans elected the Nazis. The Nazis launched a surprise attack against Poland indiscriminately killing civilians, and Hamas with no warning attacked Israel on a holiday selectively targeting unarmed civilians including women and children. The Allies reduced German cities to rubble to win total victory over evil. If  Israel is forced to level Gaza to eliminate an evil that is a clear and present threat to it’s very existence Israel will be as justified as the Allies were during WWII.

Defense minister announces ‘complete siege’ of Gaza: No power, food or fuel

By Emanuel Fabian 9>October2023 https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/defense-minister-announces-complete-siege-of-gaza-no-power-food-or-fuel


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he has ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip, as Israel fights the Hamas terror group.


“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.


“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.


Eugene Kontorovich-tweet-9October2023-A belligerent commander may lawfully lay siege to a place controlled by the enemy

Eugene Kontorovich-tweet-9October2023-A belligerent commander may lawfully lay siege to a place controlled by the enemy


Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14October2023-Hamas is forcefully preventing their civilians from relocating to southern Gaza for their own safety

Israel Defense Forces-tweet-14October2023-Hamas is forcefully preventing their civilians from relocating to southern Gaza for their own safety



Another example of World War ll disproportionate force

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-21November2023-Allies Bomb Germany
Another example of disproportionate force

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-21November2023-Allies Bomb Germany

Elder of Ziyon-tweet-21November2023-Allies Bomb Germany

Allies Bomb Germany with 2,453,595 tons

Allies Bomb Germany with 2,453,595 tons

The Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The atomic bomb mushroom clouds over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right)

The atomic bomb mushroom clouds over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right)


Hiroshima atomic bombing

Hiroshima atomic bombingThe bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought about an abrupt end to the war in Asia, with Japan surrendering unconditionally to the Allies on 14 August 1945.




This is what it means to be “Pushed into the Sea”.

Ben & Jerry's-Push the Jews into the Sea Salt and Caramel flavor Ice Cream

Ben & Jerry’s-Push the Jews into the Sea Salt and Caramel flavor Ice Cream

Cannons of eight Arab states: Sudan, Algeria, United Arab Republic (then Egypt), Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Lebanese daily Al-Jarida, May 31, 1967.

Cannons of eight Arab states: Sudan, Algeria, United Arab Republic (then Egypt), Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Lebanese daily Al-Jarida, May 31, 1967.

Egyptian pamphlet literally titled 'Throw the Jews into the sea' before the 1967 war

Egyptian pamphlet literally titled ‘Throw the Jews into the sea’ before the 1967 war

Six Day War – Israeli victory – Documentary – War of Redemption

15 Seconds in Sderot, Israel


Hostages treatment by Hamas

Maccabi Lev-Ari-tweet-Hostages treatment by Hamas
By the time nine-year-old Emily Hand was released, she thought she had been in Hamas captivity for a year.

She told her father that they weren’t allowed to speak out loud, and she learned how to say, “be quiet” in Arabic.

Twelve-year-old Eitan Yahalomi said that when the kids cried, Hamas threatened them with weapons. So they learned to hold it all in.

The hostages were held deep in underground tunnels, sometimes alone, sometimes together. They were beaten with sticks, only given plastic chairs to sleep on, not allowed to shower, and had to wait hours to use the bathroom.

The hostages who came home were found to be suffering from severe malnutrition, and lost 5-10 kilo of weight on average. One lost 20 kilo, which is 44 lbs. They explained that they were only given one meal each day, consisting of just rice, sometimes bread, sometimes nothing. When they were held together, the men would give their portions to the elderly and children, to keep them alive.

Eitan, the sensitive little boy who was captured alone, told his parents that the terrorists forced him to watch an hour of horror footage from the October 7th massacre. The same footage that Israel showed in closed screenings to select journalists and politicians, many of whom ran out midway through, in tears.

When Eitan was brought into Gaza, on the back of a Hamas motorcycle, he said that civilians came out to see and they all happily beat him. Civilians. Of all ages.

The civilians of Gaza had the chance to save Ron Krivolli, but instead, they turned him in to Hamas. Ron was being held alone in an apartment building, and when it was bombed by the IDF, he took the chance to escape. He wandered around for four days trying to find his way to Israel. But ordinary Gaza people found him, and immediately brought him to Hamas.

Alma Avraham, the 84-year-old hostage who is fighting for her life in the ICU now, desperately needed medication. Her family begged the Red Crescent to bring it to her, but they refused. Yaffa Adar, the 85-year-old Holocaust survivor who was amongst the first to be released said she had begged Hamas to release Alma and other elderly women before her, who are barely still alive. Hamas so far only released hostages who have family members still in their cruel hands.

To top it all off, right before they were released, the hostages were given their first shower and change of clothing in over 50 days. Then they were forced to smile and wave at the masked Hamas terrorists, for photos. A propaganda display that an international public that is happily eating up.

The Gaza civilians didn’t get the memo though. They chased after the Red Crescent vans that escorted the hostages out of Gaza, jumped on the vehicles, and banged on the windows to terrify the children in one last display of barbaric cruelty.

Is your blood boiling yet? Because mine is.

#Hamas #Israel

Maccabi Lev-Ari-tweet-Hostages treatment by Hamas

Maccabi Lev-Ari-tweet-Hostages treatment by Hamas




Oli London-tweet-24November2023-government sponsored animal abuse in palestinian authority
There are thousands of stray cats and dogs in Palestine.

The Palestinian Authority’s official policy is to SHOOT and POISON all stray dogs and cats.

Stray dogs and cats subjected to this die in absolute agony.

Those poisoned convulse in seizures.

Those shot are often wounded and left to die slowly from their injuries.

Palestinian civilians are also encouraged to kill dogs.

In 2022 the mayor of Hebron, in West Bank offered citizens $5 for every dog they killed.

These tactics are so normalized that Palestinian municipalities post notices warning citizens not to be alarmed by impending gunfire, and post pictures of bloodied dogs on their Facebook pages, claiming to have made streets safer for people.

Source: OIPA International Organization for Animal Protection.

GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED ANIMAL ABUSE IN PALESTINE https://www.oipa.org/international/palestine-petition-killing-stray-animals/

Oli London-tweet-24November2023-government sponsored animal abuse in palestinian authority

Oli London-tweet-24November2023-government sponsored animal abuse in palestinian authority



JerusalemCats Comments: It is time to bring out the Dragons! The Russians have an equivalent, TOS-1A  Solntsepyok (“Scorching sunlight“) multiple rocket launcher capable of using thermobaric warheads


12-year-old Harry Potter fan championed by J.K. Rowling found murdered by Hamas

Shared by Israel’s X account, story of autistic girl and her grandmother helped world see massacres; pair originally thought captured by terror group in vicious Oct. 7 incursion

By ToI Staff 19October2023, https://www.timesofisrael.com/12-year-old-harry-potter-fan-championed-by-j-k-rowling-found-murdered-by-hamas/


12-year-old Noya Dan, seen here in a Harry Potter-inspired costume, was murdered by Hamas alongside her grandmother Carmela on October 7, 2023, in Kibbutz Nir Oz. (via X)

12-year-old Noya Dan, seen here in a Harry Potter-inspired costume, was murdered by Hamas alongside her grandmother Carmela on October 7, 2023, in Kibbutz Nir Oz. (via X)

The bodies of Noya Dan, a 12-year-old autistic Israeli girl, and her grandmother Carmela, 80 — who were initially believed to have been held hostage by Hamas in Gaza — have been found, the Kan public broadcaster reported on Thursday.


On Monday, while Noya’s fate was still unknown, Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling retweeted a post highlighting the child’s uncertain situation that was initially posted by the State of Israel’s official X account.


Rowling wrote, “For obvious reasons, this picture has hit home with me,” the author says, adding that kidnapping children is “despicable and wholly unjustifiable,” and expressing hope for the release of all captives in Gaza.


In the past 12 days, Noya’s voice was broadcast on Israeli media when her mother, Galit, shared her daughter’s final voice memos.


“Mom, there was a big boom at the door that scared me,” Noya said in Hebrew. “All the windows in Grandma’s house were broken at the entrance. Because there was another boom, there are many broken windows. Mommy… I’m scared,” she said.


Mother Galit told the Kan public broadcaster this week that “just because she is autistic doesn’t mean she doesn’t understand. She understands everything.”


The family, residents of Kibbutz Kissufim close to the Gaza border, had a large extended family dinner together the night before the devastating Hamas incursion. Knowing how close her daughter and mother were, Galit suggested Noya sleep over at her grandmother’s house in neighboring Kibbutz Nir Oz as a special treat.


Younger sister Tamar, 8, remained at home with her mother and father, Yinnon. Hours later, Kibbutz Kissufim was attacked by Hamas terrorists and the family hid in their saferoom while gunmen used their living room as a temporary headquarters, shooting out through the windows of the family home at their neighbors.


The two families texted and sent photos to each other from their saferooms throughout the morning, Galit told Kan. Grandmother Carmela optimistically said she’d send photos of her looted home once everything was over.


All communication was lost at noon with Noya’s final voice message.

[EDD: Updated tweet]

J.K. Rowling
Kidnapping children is despicable and wholly unjustifiable. For obvious reasons, this picture has hit home with me. May Noya and all hostages taken by Hamas be returned soon, safely, to their families.

Israel ישראל 🇮🇱
This beautiful 12 year old girl with autism was kidnapped from her home by Hamas terrorists and was taken to Gaza.

Noya, is sensitive, kind, funny and a massive Harry Potter fan.

@jk_rowling can you help us get her story out?

Share this and help us bring Noya home ♥️


Israel ישראל 🇮🇱
We are devastated to announce that Noya and her grandmother’s bodies were found yesterday.

Thank you @jk_rowling
for sharing her story with the hope that she would come home.

Our hearts are broken.

May their memory be a blessing.

J.K. Rowling-tweet-16October2023-Kidnapping children is despicable and wholly unjustifiable

J.K. Rowling-tweet-16October2023-Kidnapping children is despicable and wholly unjustifiable

Author Rowling’s repost of a picture featuring Noya, smiling and wearing what appears to be a Hogwarts school uniform and holding a wand, touched many, especially fellow Harry Potter fans, according to The Daily Mail, and cemented the horror of the massacre perpetrated by Hamas that killed some 1,400 people in Israel.


Closing a circle, in a message on X, Israel announced Noya’s death on Thursday, writing, “We are devastated to announce that Noya and her grandmother Carmela’s bodies were discovered yesterday. Thank you to all of you who shared her story to help us bring her home. Our hearts are broken.”




“Hundreds of dead people in Israel are still unidentifiable because of what Hamas terrorists did to their bodies.”

Video and images slowly being released by Israel show torture and abuse of Israeli living and dead during the initial Hamas attack, including a deceased victim having poles shoved deep into his eye sockets.

Posted by 15October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/hundreds-of-dead-people-in-israel-are-still-unidentifiable-because-of-what-hamas-terrorists-did-to-their-bodies/

Israeli Identifying the Dead-Hamas War Crimes 7October2023

Israeli Identifying the Dead-Hamas War Crimes 7October2023

Israeli is historically bad at public relations. It doesn’t parade the bodies of its dead and wounded in front of the cameras to show the depravity of its enemies.


Israel also has almost the entire international media against it, as well as Islamists around the world and western leftists, all of whom pump out propaganda to delegitimize Israel’s self-defense.


During this current Hamas attack, there are widespread claims denying that Hamas committed the brutality to which there have been numerous testimonies not only by Israelis, but also foreign journalists, diplomats, and U.S. military, who have seen the scenes firsthand or in images/video. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that from what he’s seen, it’s worse than ISIS.


Testimonies by Israeli first responders are horrific.


i24NEWS English-tweet-12October2023-Eye witness recounts horrific details of Hamas cruelty on pregnant women, children and innocent Israeli civilians

i24NEWS English-tweet-12October2023-Eye witness recounts horrific details of Hamas cruelty on pregnant women, children and innocent Israeli civilians

Israel very slowly, too slowly IMO, has started to release images and video. Even those images spawned an new industry of denial. An image of a dead and charred Israeli baby was subjected to unreliable and manipulated “AI” detectors by these ghouls, with the false result then used to deny Hamas’ crimes.


Alex Goldenberg
@AJArabic is amplifying a debunked claim that a photo of a burnt corpse of an Israeli baby is in fact an AI generated image of a dog. Their source? 4chan.

Experts have debunked the claim per @404mediaco.

Daily reminder: Al Jazeera is not a trusted source of information.


Alex Goldenberg-tweet-15October2023-@AJArabic is amplifying a debunked claim that a photo of a burnt corpse of an Israeli baby is in fact an AI generated image of a dog. Their source? 4chan.

Alex Goldenberg-tweet-15October2023-@AJArabic is amplifying a debunked claim that a photo of a burnt corpse of an Israeli baby is in fact an AI generated image of a dog. Their source? 4chan.


Israel is struggling to identify its dead because of the abuse of the corpses by Hamas. The creator and producer of the hit show FAUDA writes:

“Hundreds of dead people in Israel are still unidentifiable because of what Hamas terrorists did to their bodies. Think about that next time you refuse to call them ISIS.”



avi issacharoff-tweet-15October2023-Hundreds of dead people in Israel are still unidentifiable because of what Hamas terrorists did to their bodies

avi issacharoff-tweet-15October2023-Hundreds of dead people in Israel are still unidentifiable because of what Hamas terrorists did to their bodies

Israel has released more information, as published in this Jerusalem Post article, Israeli forensic teams describe signs of torture, abuse:

Military forensic teams in Israel have examined bodies of victims of last week’s Hamas attack on communities around the Gaza Strip and found multiple signs of torture, rape, and other atrocities, officers said on Saturday.


Around 1,300 bodies have been brought to an army base in Ramla in central Israel where forensic checks to determine the identity of the dead and the circumstances of their death are carried out by specialist teams.


Around 90% of the military dead have been identified and teams are halfway through identifying civilians, said Rabbi Israel Weiss, former army chief rabbi, one of the officials overseeing the identification of the dead. He said many bodies showed signs of torture as well as rape.


“We’ve seen dismembered bodies with their arms and feet chopped off, people that were beheaded, a child that was beheaded,” a reserve warrant officer identified only by her first name of Avigayil told reporters.


She said multiple cases of rape were found by forensic examination of the bodies, which have been stored in refrigerated containers.


“We do the identification with all the means that we have,” said a military dentist, identified as Captain Maayan. “We see them in severe stages of abuse. We see gunshots and we see signs that are purely torture.”

Israel Forensic Team Say Victims Were Abused, Burnt | News9

Here is a video of some of the abuse. Some of the images and video we’ve seen before, some are new. I had trouble sleeping after watching it last night. I’m not squeemish at all, but I almost threw up after watching Palestinians abuse the living and the dead, including long poles being shoved deep into the eye sockets of a dead Israeli.


The Jerusalem Post
(WARNING: Graphic content)
#Hamas murdered over 1,300 civilians and soldiers and kidnapped over 150 people during its attack on #Israel last week.

These are just some of the horrific scenes from the assault.

📹Watch and Share


The Jerusalem Post-tweet-15October2023-(WARNING: Graphic content) #Hamas murdered over 1,300 civilians and soldiers and kidnapped over 150 people during its attack on #Israel last week. These are just some of the horrific scenes from the assault. 📹Watch and Share

The Jerusalem Post-tweet-15October2023-(WARNING: Graphic content)
#Hamas murdered over 1,300 civilians and soldiers and kidnapped over 150 people during its attack on #Israel last week.
These are just some of the horrific scenes from the assault.
📹Watch and Share


(Video also here in case it disappears from social media.)

Private Israeli citizens are also beginning to document the crimes.


🚨 They say it didn’t happened. They say there is no evidence.
Here is the evidence!
A Google doc with links, video, photos. And it’s continuing to update.
Share it! Use it!
We must not allow them to erase and deny the horror!


Imshin-tweet-15October2023-They say it didn't happened. They say there is no evidence. Here is the evidence! A Google doc with links, video, photos. And it's continuing to update. Share it! Use it! We must not allow them to erase and deny the horror!

Imshin-tweet-15October2023-They say it didn’t happened. They say there is no evidence.
Here is the evidence!
A Google doc with links, video, photos. And it’s continuing to update.
Share it! Use it!
We must not allow them to erase and deny the horror!

You can read the Google Doc here. (Here is a downloaded pdf. as of this writing in case it disappears)

Click to download PDF file Click to Download Photo_Video Archive_ Civilian casualties intentionally executed by Hamas.docx.pdf Retrieved on 21October2023 Please check for updates at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qpk2asgZzGitpLSq1B0h4LGpcRizGUER/edit?rtpof=true&sd=true

This is ISIS-type tactics. Despicable and morally corrupt “Human Rights” activist Ken Roth (former head of Human Rights Watch) objects to comparing Hamas to ISIS, because Hamas has a political cause, not just “crazed love of violence.”

Kenneth Roth-tweet-14October2023

Kenneth Roth-tweet-14October2023


Watch these videos and images and its clear that Hamas, like so many other Palestinian groups, has a “crazed love of violence” against Jews.


Whatever has been released is just the tip of the Hamas iceberg – everything I’m hearing is that the abuse is much, much worse. Prof. Eugene Kontorovich’s statement, which we previously quoted, makes even more sense as more video and images are released.

Perhaps the greatest mercy Israel is showing to Gaza is not releasing to the public the full details of what was done by the invaders to their victims. Ostensibly for the sensitivities of the families, but also I think because what populace would be able to restrain themselves?


Posts regarding Hamas’ brutality




VIDEO: Gaza “Civilians” Loot Israeli Kibbutz Be’eri During Hamas Massacre

The looting included motorcycles, farm equipment, and whatever else they could get their hands on and drive away.
Posted by William A. Jacobson 10October2023 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/video-gaza-civilians-loot-israeli-kibbutz-beeri-during-hamas-massacre/

Gaza “Civilians” Loot Israeli Kibbutz Be’eri During Hamas Massacre

Gaza “Civilians” Loot Israeli Kibbutz Be’eri During Hamas Massacre


While Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian terror groups clearly carried out the bulk of the massacre of Israelis on October 7, 2023, Gaza “civilians” were active participants.


Hamas tried to blame those “civilians” for the carnage, which was a dishonest deflection but at least acknowleged that large numbers of Palestinians crossed the border during the attack.


Now there is footage from security cameras showing what happened in Kibbutz Be’eri (see our prior report here) during the attack – mass looting by Palestinian “civilians.”


The looting included motorcycles, farm equipment, and whatever else they could get their hands on and drive away.

Gaza “Civilians” Loot Israeli Kibbutz Be’eri During Hamas Massacre The looting included motorcycles, farm equipment, and whatever else they could get their hands on and drive away.

Gaza “Civilians” Loot Israeli Kibbutz Be’eri During Hamas Massacre The looting included motorcycles, farm equipment, and whatever else they could get their hands on and drive away.

Here is the video.

manniefabian-tweet-16October2023-Hamas's onslaught on Kibbutz Be'eri

manniefabian-tweet-16October2023-Hamas’s onslaught on Kibbutz Be’eri


(Video also here in case it disappears from social media).


Remember these “civilians” and the many thousands more who celebrated on the streets of Gaza when news of the attack broke. Remember also the large crowds hitting and spitting on the stripped body of a woman captive driven through the streets.  This wasn’t just an attack by Hamas, it was an attack by Gaza.


You also should scroll through this thread, which has numerous videos not only of the looting, but also the execution and brutalization of Israelis during the attack.

Luís Da Cruz-tweet-15October2023-To emphasize the brutality of these terrorists

Luís Da Cruz-tweet-15October2023-To emphasize the brutality of these terrorists




Destroying Israeli agriculture was part of Hamas’s evil plan

It didn’t quite work: Israelis are resilient and, knowing how important the crops are for the country, they went back to tend the fields under fire

Danielle Abraham  31January2024 https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/farming-on-the-frontlines/


Credit: ReGrow Israel - A burnt tractor at kibbutz Nahal Oz

Credit: ReGrow Israel – A burnt tractor at kibbutz Nahal Oz


After three months spent tirelessly scouring the news, I thought I understood what happened on October 7th. The loss was still too much to bear, but I thought I understood.


Then came the curveball.


During one of my many trips to the Otef (the Gaza Envelope) as part of my work with ReGrow Israel – an initiative dedicated to saving and strengthening the devastated farming communities in the western Negev – one sentence stood out. I was meeting with the head of agriculture in Nahal Oz and as the afternoon drew to a close, his words rang out clearly against the backdrop of distant artillery fire.


“Agriculture wasn’t collateral damage: it was a target, a deliberate target.” He went on to explain, with chilling detail, the precise, coordinated and systematic nature of Hamas’s agricultural terrorism.


They didn’t just destroy whatever they could find. They came with hammers and deliberately targeted key taps to flood orchards. 


They didn’t just kill Jews and Israelis. They sought out, massacred and abducted foreign workers to undermine a vital source of labor for the agricultural sector. 


They didn’t just wantonly steal whatever caught their eye. They went straight for the computer chips that regulate entire irrigation systems, starving whole fields and crops straight at the source. 


Even as someone working in agriculture, the fact that agriculture had been a deliberate target of war had been lost on me. This narrative has been remarkably absent from our collective conversations about October 7th.


It shouldn’t: it holds two important lessons for us all.


The first is a powerful lesson in resilience. I have never seen such resolve.


Two days after the attack that cost the lives of over 90 of his family and friends, Motti returned to Kibbutz Be’eri and stepped into his new role – a battlefield promotion of sorts. As the kibbutz’s Head of Farming lay in hospital, Motti gathered the cows that had been roaming free and herded them back to safety, navigating blood-stained streets and weaving between tanks.


Some of the fields belonging to Nahal Oz are currently green with young wheat, despite being located only 700 meters (four-tenths of a mile) from Gaza. How? Because they sowed those crops under fire. Many other kibbutzim have done the same, sharing what little equipment they can find so they can keep going, even at great personal risk.


The second lesson is the vital and unquestionable importance of agriculture for Israel.


Of course, farming was targeted: It embodies the Jewish people’s attachment to the land of Israel and our sense of stewardship over this little patch we call home. For residents of kibbutzim and moshavim, farming is part of their DNA.


Of course, farming was targeted. It underpins Israel’s food security and the slightest shock sends ripples throughout the country.


Of course, farming was targeted. It drives the economy of the western Negev and takes years to rebuild.


Of course, farming was targeted. Our unrivaled agricultural prowess is one of Israel’s proudest achievements. It’s a shining example of our tiny state helping to better the entire world: ushering in smarter and more sustainable farming that will feed generations to come.


We should never lose sight of the national role shouldered tirelessly by our farmers. We need them. They need us.


Rebuilding these communities isn’t just about helping some of the bravest and most inspiring people you’ll ever meet; it is vitally important to Israel.


Danielle is the Founder and Executive Director of Volcani International Partnerships (VIP), a leading Israeli agricultural NGO promoting agricultural innovation and tackling global hunger with Israeli agricultural expertise. Following the tragic events of October 7th VIP launched ReGrow Israel, an agricultural development fund bringing all stakeholders together to secure the future of the farming communities of the western Negev. A renowned advocate for Israeli agricultural innovation, Danielle is a sought-after speaker at prestigious global conferences including Harvard University, the World Food Prize, and the Milken Conference. Danielle started her career in Israel as a senior policy advisor in MASHAV – Israel’s agency for International Development Cooperation – representing Israel as a guest speaker at the UN, OECD and German Development Bank. Danielle holds a B.A. and an M.A. from the University of Oxford and lives in Tel Aviv with her husband and two children.




‘At least 40 babies killed’: Foreign reporters taken to massacre site in Kfar Aza

With terrorists’ bodies still lying in the grass, international press witnesses firsthand the shocking aftermath of Hamas’s slaughter of Israeli civilians

By Lazar Berman 10October2023, 4:16 pm Updated at 6:34 pm  https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-takes-foreign-journalists-to-see-massacre-site-in-kfar-aza/

An IDF soldier prepares to remove the bodies of Israelis killed during an October 7, 2023, attack by Palestinian terrorists, in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip, on October 10, 2023. (JACK GUEZ / AFP)

An IDF soldier prepares to remove the bodies of Israelis killed during an October 7, 2023, attack by Palestinian terrorists, in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip, on October 10, 2023. (JACK GUEZ / AFP)

The IDF took dozens of foreign journalists on Tuesday to see for themselves the death and destruction wrought by Hamas terrorists this week.


With explosions and artillery fire in the background, the crews, wearing helmets and flak jackets, picked through the destroyed Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where the bodies of Palestinian terrorists still lay outside of fire-scarred homes.


The journalists were protected by at least a company of IDF soldiers, clad in full combat gear as they continued to clear homes.

Reporters spoke of the stench of death in the air.


Still, the pastoral simplicity of the kibbutz with its lawns and one-story homes was evident, further underscoring how jarring were the atrocities that took place only days before.


“It’s not a war,” General Itai Veruv, head of the IDF’s Depth Command, told reporters. “It’s not a battlefield. You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms, and how the terrorists kill them. It’s not a war… it’s a massacre.”

IDF soldiers remove the body of an Israeli killed during an October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas terrorists, in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip, on October 10, 2023 (JACK GUEZ / AFP)

IDF soldiers remove the body of an Israeli killed during an October 7, 2023, attack by Hamas terrorists, in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip, on October 10, 2023 (JACK GUEZ / AFP)

“It’s something I never saw in my life. It’s something I used to imagine of my grandmother and my grandfather in Europe and other places,” he said.


A reporter from i24 News said that an IDF commander told her that they had found the bodies of some 40 babies, some of whom had been beheaded.


Israel has yet to organize a tour of the massacre sites for Israeli journalists, showing how strongly the country is prioritizing world opinion.

Israeli soldiers stand near the body of a Palestinian terrorist in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, south of Israel bordering Gaza Strip, on October 10, 2023. (Thomas COEX / AFP)

Israeli soldiers stand near the body of a Palestinian terrorist in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, south of Israel bordering Gaza Strip, on October 10, 2023. (Thomas COEX / AFP)

When Ukrainian forces liberated the Kyiv suburb of Bucha from [EDD: Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion not Russian] Russian forces in April 2022, Ukraine arranged similar tours for journalists to ensure widespread coverage of Russian war crimes against residents.


Earlier Tuesday, the IDF said it had finally regained control over the border with the Gaza Strip, some 72 hours after Hamas terrorists blew through sections of the barrier and launched an invasion, slaughtering over 900 Israelis and kidnapping more than 100 to Gaza.

The bullet-shattered window of a house at Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

The bullet-shattered window of a house at Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 10, 2023. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

Fighting continued in the kibbutz into Sunday.


As Israel continued to grapple with the emerging enormity of Saturday’s massacres and the military was formally notifying hostages’ families that their loved ones were being held in Gaza, air force planes bombarded wide swaths of the Strip.


Meanwhile, some 300,000 reservists girded for a possible ground invasion, sweeps to locate terrorists feared still hiding inside Israel continued, and tensions on the northern border threatened to snowball into a second front.

IDF soldiers on October 10, 2023, show members of the foreign press around Kibbutz Kfar Aza, one of the southern Israeli communities where Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023 (Channel 12 screenshot used in accordance with clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

IDF soldiers on October 10, 2023, show members of the foreign press around Kibbutz Kfar Aza, one of the southern Israeli communities where Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023 (Channel 12 screenshot used in accordance with clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

The IDF estimates that there are a small number of terrorists still hiding in Israeli territory. Overnight, Israeli security forces killed at least one Palestinian terrorist near Kibbutz Sa’ad.


Troops also exchanged fire with terrorists in Kissufim and Monday night saw police kill another terror suspect near Mishmar Hanegev, some 24 kilometers (15 miles) inside Israel.




The fruit of Kfar Aza

Overripe pomegranates highlight the loss of those who would have harvested them, but also point to the resilience of those who first planted the tree (Tu Bishvat)

Rachel Sharansky Danziger  24January2024, https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-fruit-of-kfar-aza/


Overripe pomegranates Image by Leopictures from Pixabay

Overripe pomegranates Image by Leopictures from Pixabay

On the 74th day of the war, I visited Kfar Aza.


I stopped to look at a pomegranate tree amidst the ruins.


The pomegranates on its boughs were overripe.


In and of itself, this fact was not particularly striking. It certainly couldn’t compete with the burned house across the pathway, where it took weeks and a team of archaeologists to find evidence of the owner’s death. It couldn’t even compete with the unburned house beside it, perfectly whole, yet marked with ominous red graffiti by ZAKA volunteers.


But my eyes kept coming back to the pomegranates all the same. Just as my thoughts kept returning to the overladen citrus trees we had passed earlier.


We all know what happened to the people who would have picked those fruits in a normal autumn.


The presence of the overripe fruit made those people’s absence real to me.

A ruined home in Kfar Aza’s young neighborhood. (Courtesy)

A ruined home in Kfar Aza’s young neighborhood. (Courtesy)

* * *

Now it’s the 110th day of the war, and tonight we will sit around our table to celebrate Tu Bishvat, New Year of the Trees. But it is hard to feel festive. Instead of focusing on the fruit we’ll eat tonight, my thoughts keep returning to the fruit of Kfar Aza.


Fruit is eloquent: its very existence tells the story of the process that created it. Each pomegranate tells us that a seed once turned into a shoot and broke the surface of the earth, a tree grew through different seasons, and flowers turned into fruit, and ripened, carrying summer’s warmth into the colder months.


The overripe pomegranates of Kfar Aza tell other stories, too.


Planting a tree is an investment in the future. Kfar Aza’s trees tell the stories of the people who chose to make this investment, people who loved their kibbutz enough to lay roots in it, who poured their efforts into building a future, a life, on this land. The trees are tall, telling the story of the years it took them to grow, years that the people of Kfar Aza used to build families, businesses, happiness. The canopies of those trees witnessed generations of residents growing and living and loving in their shade.


But the overripe fruit makes me think of another story, another process, another cause entirely — the one our enemies pursued while our people were nurturing life.


As the trees grew, and as our people built lives there, our enemies built tools to bring about our deaths. They tightened their control over Gaza, they dug tunnels, they accumulated weapons.


The overripe pomegranates of Kfar Aza bear witness to the fruition of their plans.


I look at the fruit we will soon cut open for our Tu Bishvat celebration, and my heart is heavy in my chest.

* * *

Tu Bishvat is meant to be celebrated when the boughs are bare of fruit, since it was originally a cutoff date between one year’s taxable fruit harvest and the next year’s yield. Yet as we prepare for this year’s Tu Bishvat, the boughs of the trees in Kfar Aza are still bowed down by last year’s fruit.


I too feel bowed down by the fruit of past processes, by the consequences of everything that brought us to this war.


I wish, more than anything, that we were done with these consequences, that we could look to the future free from their weight.

I wish that all of the captives taken by Hamas were already back home and that Hamas was already dismantled, that the war was won and that the horrible daily “released for publication” notices were a thing of the past.


It hurts to know that we have long way to go before any of these wishes can come true.

* * *

When I visited Kfar Aza, a kibbutz resident walked with us and spoke of the future. “The kibbutz voted to move to temporary homes in Kibbutz Ruchama,” he told us, and smiled. “That is, until we can go back home.”


I thought of this man, and of his smile, as I bought fruit for tonight’s celebration. I thought of him as I picked apples and pears grown right here in Israel, a plum from an Israeli orchard, and last but not least, one enormous pomegranate. How remarkable, I thought, that this man thinks of the future, despite everything he lived through, the hell he survived: 20 terrifying hours in a safe room with his wife and daughters, his neighbors’ deaths, the loss of his home — none of it killed his determination to move forward, plan a future, and even smile as he looks ahead.


The trees of Kfar Aza bear witness to the spirit and aspirations of the people who planted them. That spirit still lives in this man, in his smile. In so many like him, who are choosing life.


The pomegranate seeds will be red in my hands tonight, red like the blood — far too much blood — we have bled since Simchat Torah. One hundred and ten days worth of bleeding, of funerals, of grief.


But I will set my sadness aside tonight, and look to the future. I will ask myself what new fruit I wish to nurture into being, instead of focusing on our experiences of loss. I will hold the memory of the overripe pomegranates of Kfar Aza in my heart, but at the same time, commit myself to the spirit of the people who planted the pomegranate tree in the first place.


If they can go on putting down roots and building lives, how can the rest of us do any less?

* * *

God, when we open a pomegranate on Rosh Hashanah, we say, “May our merits be as numerous as the seeds in a pomegranate.” God, may we merit that we never again see overripe fruits in a devastated Jewish village. God, may our actions now, in this very moment, merit to be the seeds of a better tomorrow, of a safer, kinder, healing future in this land.


Rachel is a Jerusalem-born writer and educator who’s in love with her city’s vibrant human scene. She writes about Judaism, history, and life in Israel for the Times of Israel and other online venues, and explores storytelling in the Hebrew bible as a teacher in Maayan, Torah in Motion, and Matan.




Giving Gaza to Palestinian Authority is an insanely bad idea

Giving Gaza to Palestinian Authority is an Insanely Bad Idea-Caroline Glick-IN FOCUS

Giving Gaza to Palestinian Authority is an Insanely Bad Idea-Caroline Glick-IN FOCUS

Caroline B. Glick https://www.jns.org/giving-gaza-to-palestinian-authority-is-an-insanely-bad-idea/

The Caroline Glick Show “IN FOCUS”

(October 31, 2023 / JNS) Caroline Glick on her show “IN FOCUS” tackles several topics, including how the atrocities of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas continue to come to light in all their horrific detail; how Biden continues to pressure Israel for a quick end to the war, meaning leaving Hamas in place; and how insanely bad the idea is of giving the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority after Israel completes its goals.


Giving Gaza to Palestinian Authority is an Insanely Bad Idea | The Caroline Glick Show IN Focus




‘All the bodies were brutalized’: The truth about the Hamas attacks

The Horror Firsthand Caroline Glick sits down with Avigail Gimpel

The Horror Firsthand
Caroline Glick sits down with Avigail Gimpel

Caroline B. Glick https://www.jns.org/all-the-bodies-were-brutalized-the-truth-about-the-hamas-attacks/

“The Caroline Glick Show” with guest Avigail Gimpel, Ep. 76

(November 1, 2023 / JNS) Caroline Glick sits down with Avigail Gimpel—educator, author and chevra kadisha (burial society) member who handled the organization of corpses left in the wake of the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7. More than 1,400 people have been confirmed dead as a result of the terrorist infiltration into southern Israel.


With so many claiming that the atrocities are exaggerated or untrue, it is crucial to hear from someone who witnessed the brutality firsthand.


‘All the bodies were brutalized’: The truth about the Hamas attacks | The Caroline Glick Show



Rape is NOT Resistance

The Persian Jewess-tweet-28February2024-Rape is NOT Resistance
🔥Rape is NOT Resistance🔥



The Persian Jewess-tweet-28February2024-Rape is NOT Resistance

The Persian Jewess-tweet-28February2024-Rape is NOT Resistance





Amid war and urgent need to ID bodies, evidence of Hamas’s October 7 rapes slips away

Despite definitive witness testimony, global skepticism persists about the terrorists’ sexual crimes. ToI investigates how a mass-casualty event in a war zone made forensic determination impossible

Carrie Keller-Lynn

Carrie Keller-Lynn

By Carrie Keller-Lynn
9 November 2023, https://www.timesofisrael.com/amid-war-and-urgent-need-to-id-bodies-evidence-of-hamass-october-7-rapes-slips-away/

A soldier mans the makeshift mass casualty morgue at the Shura military base near Ramle, October 24, 2023. (Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

A soldier mans the makeshift mass casualty morgue at the Shura military base near Ramle, October 24, 2023. (Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Hebrew-language media reported on Wednesday that the Israel Police investigations unit, Lahav 443, has been collecting evidence from terrorist interrogations, witness testimony, and various footage sources about sexual crimes committed by Hamas terrorists during their October 7 onslaught.


These eyewitness testimonies from survivors of the Hamas massacre — in which some 1,400 people were murdered and 240 were taken hostage, the majority of them civilians — are horrific. The sexual abuse committed by Hamas includes acts of gang rape, genital mutilation and necrophilia.


But in the wake of the unprecedentedly large mass-casualty event, physical evidence of sexual assault was not collected from corpses by Israel’s overtaxed morgue facilities amid their ongoing scramble to identify the people killed, many of whose bodies were mutilated and burned. More than a month after Hamas rampaged through border communities near the Gaza Strip and a massive outdoor music festival, Israel is still identifying the dead through disaster victim identification protocols.


The decision — made under war footing and a pressing need to identify the dead — to not use time-consuming crime scene investigation protocols to document rape cases has, however, fueled international skepticism over Hamas’s sexual abuse of victims while it held control over parts of southern Israel on October 7.


The questions and outright skepticism come amid attempts to downplay the scale of Hamas’s atrocities on October 7, especially as international attention quickly moved on from the invaders’ brutality to the Israeli military response, whose aim is to dismantle the terror group.


There is significant evidence of systematic sexual abuse, but morgue officials have not designated individual cases as rape because of a lack of court-compliant physical proof. In addition to survivors’ testimony, a slew of Israeli officials, first responders, and morgue workers have stated that Hamas raped women as part of its assault. The Shin Bet has released clips from videotaped interrogations of captured Hamas perpetrators attesting to their orders to rape Jewish women.

A woman’s body, found on October 7, 2023, with a partially burned head and unclothed from the waist down; video was uploaded to social media and screened by the IDF as part of a raw footage compilation of Hamas atrocities (Screenshot)

A woman’s body, found on October 7, 2023, with a partially burned head and unclothed from the waist down; video was uploaded to social media and screened by the IDF as part of a raw footage compilation of Hamas atrocities (Screenshot)


Reflecting the government’s official position, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that Hamas committed acts of “murder, rape, kidnapping,” in Hebrew-language remarks, repeated multiple times over the past month. However, the government has not released explicit footage or pressed rape survivors to share their stories. Nor have the forensic services released formal reports on whether their findings were consistent with sexual abuse.


This seemingly official decision not to provide clear evidence of rape to international media has fed persistent criticism, mostly from abroad, and many media outlets are now framing the October 7 rapes as a claim rather than a fully substantiated fact. Social media is now awash with memes parodying “not believing women” who are Israeli or Jewish.


This skepticism of rape claims has been noted at home: On November 5, an Arab Israeli lawmaker said that a compilation of raw attack footage — which the MK, Iman Khatib-Yassin, declined to view when it was screened for Knesset members — did not show evidence of women being raped. (Her party leader swiftly asked for her resignation, and right-wing lawmakers are petitioning to remove her from parliament.)


Over a month after what Israelis are calling “Black Shabbat,” The Times of Israel has examined what we do and do not know about Hamas’s use of rape among the 1,400 killed, and why Israel’s sexual assault forensic process is at a seeming standstill.


The Times of Israel investigation is centered on evidence collected from the bodies of those slaughtered on October 7. An editorial decision was made not to pursue leads to survivors of sexual abuse, and the Defense Ministry declined to discuss intelligence related to the treatment of Hamas-held hostages.


Burnt cars are left behind at the site of the attack three days earlier by Palestinian terrorists on the Supernova desert music near Kibbutz Re’im in the Negev desert in southern Israel, on October 10, 2023. (JACK GUEZ / AFP)

Burnt cars are left behind at the site of the attack three days earlier by Palestinian terrorists on the Supernova desert music near Kibbutz Re’im in the Negev desert in southern Israel, on October 10, 2023. (JACK GUEZ / AFP)


Challenges to making official designations

Physical evidence for rape or sexual abuse can be collected from the deceased in a manner that would be admissible in court by either a forensic pathologist or a police crime scene investigations (CSI) unit. Of the two, only a forensic pathologist, or another medical doctor with special certification in sexual assault, can make a formal recommendation of what the findings suggest.


Rape, or sexual assault, can only be legally determined by the court because the crime requires an element of intent alongside a physical act.


Now, a month after the massacre, the window for collecting physical evidence of rape that can stand up in court is closed, said a forensic official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Under good conditions, authorities would have had about a week to collect evidence from bodies if they were promptly found and professionally handled.


But these were not optimal conditions for evidence collection. In the wake of the massacre, resources were overwhelmingly directed toward identifying victims — not their cause of death — a process that is still ongoing. The circumstances of the mass casualty event and the ongoing war contaminated crime scenes, or did not allow for the collecting of relevant evidence. And in many cases, the bodies were in such states of mutilation or decay when found that it was impossible to obtain evidence.


Bodies collected in the field are bagged and delivered to an emergency morgue set up at the Israel Defense Forces’ Shura Base, near the town of Ramle. Michal Levin Elad, head of the National Forensic Investigative Division of the Israel Police, spoke with The Times of Israel on October 31 at Shura and said that the base’s “prime mission is to identify victims; we were not concerned with how they died or what happened.”


Of the 1,400 people presumed killed on October 7, about 310 soldiers and 840 civilians have been identified. It is unclear if among them are the 58 police officers killed, as well. This means that around 200 bodies remain unidentified.


“We have been working 24/7 on three shifts, more than 100 people a shift,” and still the unit is struggling to process remaining corpses, searching for biometric data, she said. Levin Elad expected further remains to surface, as the army is still scanning the Gaza border area and finding “bones, teeth, and human tissue,” which is then brought to Shura.

Forensic identification lead, police commander Michal Levin Elad, at the makeshift mass casualty morgue at Shura Base, October 31, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)

Forensic identification lead, police commander Michal Levin Elad, at the makeshift mass casualty morgue at Shura Base, October 31, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)


Her unit is in charge of identifying civilians at Shura’s makeshift morgue, constructed out of refrigerated shipping containers. The military runs a parallel process for soldiers.


Given this strain, “we won’t be able to conduct a full CSI, with crime scene identification protocols,” said Superintendent Doron Avigdori on October 31. Avigdori heads the police forensics division in Israel’s central district, covering Shura.


Instead of going through CSI, which would make it possible to produce evidence of crimes, the bodies are being processed through the disaster victim identification (DVI) track, as is common for mass casualty events.


Bodies are scanned for postmortem biometric markers, and sometimes cross-referenced with antemortem information provided by families. Once an identification is made, a medical professional told The Times of Israel, “We try to bury the dead as soon as we can and we try not to make the process longer.”


It is not clear whether some bodies continue for further forensic processing after identification is made, or if rape kits were ever collected. A police spokesperson refused to answer a question about rape kits, saying instead, “This is not the point of this place [Shura].”

Refrigerated containers holding bodies at Israel’s makeshift mass casualty morgue at Shura Base, October 31, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)

Refrigerated containers holding bodies at Israel’s makeshift mass casualty morgue at Shura Base, October 31, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)


A second facility involved in identifying the dead is the civilian-run Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine. Abu Kabir is focused on a number of the most mutilated bodies, including charred remains that have little or no genetic material or biometric markers available for comparison, according to sources familiar with the issue.


While Abu Kabir does, unlike Shura’s morgue, routinely document the cause of death for bodies examined there, these bodies arrive in such a state that any tissue or fluid evidence related to sexual assault would have already been destroyed, a source within the facility confirmed.

Untrained personnel at the scene

According to Levin Elad, criminal forensic investigators were quickly summoned to the Shura base. Near the Gaza border, however, the majority of people who collected the human remains were not trained to gather evidence or preserve crime scenes. Instead, many were from body retrieval service ZAKA or medical organizations Magen David Adom and United Hatzalah, or from the army.


“All of the forensic investigators in the country came here,” to Shura, “and the people responsible for collecting the bodies [from the scene] were not forensics investigators,” Levin Elad said.

A ZAKA volunteer collects human remains in a house at Kibbutz Holit near the Gaza Strip on October 26, 2023. (YURI CORTEZ / AFP)

A ZAKA volunteer collects human remains in a house at Kibbutz Holit near the Gaza Strip on October 26, 2023. (YURI CORTEZ / AFP)


Additionally, many bodies were collected from active battle zones, as concealed terrorists were still being found in Israel for days after October 7. Furthermore, searching for survivors and maintaining security took precedence over preserving evidence, first responders said. Today, many of the hardest-hit communities are still within closed military territory.


Compounding this issue is that bodies continued to be found for days after a warm October 7, often already in significant stages of decay.


From direct encounters with bodies in the field and in morgues, several first responders and emergency workers gave on-record accounts of findings consistent with sexual abuse. The Times of Israel spoke with several people who had firsthand encounters with bodies they perceived to be abused.


Among them, first responder Simcha Greiniman, who leads one of the ZAKA Search and Rescue volunteer teams retrieving bodies across Israel’s south, said he saw direct evidence of sexual abuse, though he’s not qualified to determine it in line with Israeli criminal standards.


Speaking on October 26, Greiniman said he found the body of a woman at Kibbutz Be’eri, lying facedown on a bed, unclothed from the waist down. She had been shot in the back of her head.

ZAKA volunteer Simcha Greiniman in the ruins of Kibbutz Holit, October 26, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)

ZAKA volunteer Simcha Greiniman in the ruins of Kibbutz Holit, October 26, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)


His team, he said, only discovered her body three days after the massacre, and it was already in a state of decay.

“So you understand that we couldn’t see any [criminal forensic] evidence and that’s not our job. Our main goal is to bring the bodies to burial,” he said.

“It’s enough to suffer for the rest of my life from what I saw”

Asked if he had pictures from the scene, Greiniman said, “I don’t have one picture in my phone. It’s enough to suffer for the rest of my life from what I saw.”


Some emergency workers, he acknowledged, did photograph other scenes and sent pictures directly to official authorities, he said. The Times of Israel was not able to obtain images from various government sources, which cited both victim privacy and the need to protect intelligence sources.

What the victims’ bodies show

IDF Captain (Res) Maayan, part of the medical staff at the makeshift mass casualty morgue, at Shura Base, October 31, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)

IDF Captain (Res) Maayan, part of the medical staff at the makeshift mass casualty morgue, at Shura Base, October 31, 2023. (Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel)


At Shura, IDF Captain (Res.) Maayan, who said she was unable to share her last name, is a dentist and part of the medical forensic team working to identify bodies.


Maayan said on October 31 that she has seen several bodies that had signs consistent with sexual abuse.

“I can tell that I saw a lot of signs of abuse in the [genital region],” Maayan said, using her hand to euphemistically demonstrate. “We saw broken legs, broken pelvises, bloody underwear,” and women who were not dressed below the waist, she said.


Ina Kubbe, a gender and conflict scholar with Tel Aviv University, confirmed that these are signs consistent with sexual violence, but that a forensic investigation is required for any formal determination of rape.


Shari, another IDF reservist working in the Shura morgue, offered similar testimony from firsthand observation of the deceased, in a recorded video verified by the IDF.


Visegrád 24-tweet-24October2023-Israeli woman responsible for identifying female victims
An Israeli woman responsible for identifying female victims of the Hamas massacre confirms that Hamas terrorists raped children and elderly women.

Visegrád 24-tweet-24October2023-An Israeli woman responsible for identifying female victims of the Hamas massacre confirms that Hamas terrorists raped children and elderly women.

Visegrád 24-tweet-24October2023-An Israeli woman responsible for identifying female victims of the Hamas massacre confirms that Hamas terrorists raped children and elderly women.


“Yes, we have seen that women have been raped. Children through elderly women have been raped. Forcible entry, to the point that bones were broken,” said Shari, who asked not to share her last name. “We saw genitals cut off,” she added. Shari is part of a special women’s unit that prepares female soldiers’ bodies for burial after mass casualty events. She, too, is not legally qualified to determine rape.


The IDF has also screened, behind closed doors, a 47-minute compilation of raw footage from the Hamas assault, including a video of a mutilated woman whose undergarments had been removed. There are also pictures and videos uploaded to social media providing additional circumstantial evidence supporting rape claims.

“Yes, we have seen that women have been raped. Children through elderly women have been raped. Forcible entry, to the point that bones were broken”

In their own words: Hamas interrogations

Israeli intelligence services have released several clips from interrogations of Hamas terrorists captured after taking part in the October 7 attack.


In one video, a man said that terrorists were “having sex with dead bodies,” with the intention “to dirty them, to rape them.”

Gender violence scholar Kubbe said that “the concept of ‘dirtying’ is significant because it reflects the intention of the perpetrators to tarnish the honor and dignity of the targeted population.”


“By violating the physical and psychological integrity of individuals through sexual violence, the perpetrators aim to degrade and stigmatize the victims and their entire community. This can have long-lasting consequences, including social ostracism, trauma, and a breakdown of social structures,” Kubbe said.


Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-11October2023-And why take the kids and babies
And why take the kids and babies? “To rape them”.

This is a Hamas terrorist, during interrogation.

I can’t. I just can’t. They’re worse than even ISIS. What monstrous evil!

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-11October2023-And why take the kids and babies? "To rape them". This is a Hamas terrorist, during interrogation. I can't. I just can't. They're worse than even ISIS. What monstrous evil!

Arsen Ostrovsky-tweet-11October2023-And why take the kids and babies? “To rape them”.
This is a Hamas terrorist, during interrogation.
I can’t. I just can’t. They’re worse than even ISIS. What monstrous evil!


Another videotaped testimony by a captured terrorist who identified himself as Muhammed Nahed Ahmed El-Arsha said bluntly that Hamas committed acts barred by Islam, including rape.


“According to religion, all of what happened is forbidden,” he said, specifying that he meant “the kidnapping, the raping, the whoring of children.”


Emily Schrader-tweet-13October2023-Interrogation of Hamas terrorist
LEAKED FOOTAGE: Interrogation of Hamas terrorist captured by IDF security in which he admits both beheadings and rape. Disturbing!

Emily Schrader-tweet-13October2023-LEAKED FOOTAGE: Interrogation of Hamas terrorist captured by IDF security in which he admits both beheadings and rape. Disturbing!

Emily Schrader-tweet-13October2023-LEAKED FOOTAGE: Interrogation of Hamas terrorist captured by IDF security in which he admits both beheadings and rape. Disturbing!

Another interrogated terrorist also said that Hamas had given them permission to rape the corpse of a girl.


He said that compatriots did “things a person doesn’t do – beheading people, having sex with dead bodies, meaning the body of a dead young woman,” adding that: “It’s not humans that do that.”

Amichai Stein-tweet-23October2023-A Hamas terrorist
A Hamas terrorist who participated in the attack in his interrogation in Israel: Hamas ordered us to kill, behead and even to “have sex their bodies”

Amichai Stein-tweet-23October2023-A Hamas terrorist

Amichai Stein-tweet-23October2023-A Hamas terrorist


“Rape has been used as a tool of war and conflict throughout history, and it continues to be a disturbing and pervasive issue in contemporary conflicts as well,” Kubbe said.


She added that rape is “used as a tool to target specific ethnic or religious groups,” here Jews, and that sexual violence “can be a means of asserting dominance and control over the targeted group.”


All three of the videos linked above were screened on Israeli television channels, after being released by security services.




14 kids under 10, 25 people over 80: Up-to-date breakdown of Oct 7 victims we know about

Age, gender data for most civilian victims of Hamas onslaught, based on media tally, provides a picture authorities aim to complete as they continue efforts to identify bodies

By ToI Staff 4 December 2023,  https://www.timesofisrael.com/14-kids-under-10-25-people-over-80-up-to-date-breakdown-of-oct-7-victims-we-know-about/

A soldier mans the makeshift mass casualty morgue at the Shura military base near Ramle, October 24, 2023. (Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

A soldier mans the makeshift mass casualty morgue at the Shura military base near Ramle, October 24, 2023. (Yossi Aloni/Flash90)

Almost two months after the unprecedented Hamas onslaught on southern Israel, which left some 1,200 people dead, the exact data on those killed in the biggest terror attack in Israeli history is still shrouded in uncertainty.


There have been efforts to compile the available data, particularly the number of babies, children, and elderly people murdered on October 7, even as several members of emergency organizations have been quoted giving imprecise information.


Authorities have identified a total of 274 soldiers and 859 non-soldiers killed during the brutal assault. The latter figure includes 57 Israel Police officers and 38 local security officers. It is unclear which of these individuals were on duty when killed. Removing those victims leaves a figure of 764 civilians.


Partial data by Hebrew media covering the civilians — killed by thousands of invading terrorists and by some of the thousands of rockets fired that day at Israeli cities — reveals that they include two infants, 12 other children under the age of 10, 36 civilians aged 10-19, and 25 elderly people over the age of 80, accounting for 75 of the 764 civilians.


Israel has also named another 15 civilians and members of security forces (not included in the 764 above) who were killed and whose remains are held by terrorists in the Gaza Strip. There are 122 other Israelis and foreigners currently being held hostage in Gaza as a result of the October 7 assault — an unknown number of whom are dead — after a total of 109 hostages were freed by Hamas. Another hostage (a soldier) was rescued alive by IDF forces, and three bodies of slain hostages — two civilians and one soldier — were recovered by Israeli troops and returned to Israel (also to be added to the sum total of Israelis killed on October 7).


An additional seven Israelis are currently listed as missing, with their families having received no information from authorities about whether they were killed or abducted. An unknown number of foreigners are similarly unaccounted for.


An unknown number of bodies — in mid-November the number was around 100 — are still awaiting identification at the Shura pathological center near Tel Aviv, with difficulties in the process arising because of the state of the remains. Some of the remains are believed to belong to Hamas terrorists.


In summary, Israel has officially identified 1,151 people murdered in the Hamas onslaught, with an unknown number of others still awaiting confirmation, and some of the remaining Gaza hostages possibly dead as well.

An aerial picture shows the abandoned site of the weekend assault by Hamas terrorists on the Supernova music festival near Kibbutz Re’im in the Negev Desert, southern Israel, October 10, 2023. (Jack GUEZ / AFP)

An aerial picture shows the abandoned site of the weekend assault by Hamas terrorists on the Supernova music festival near Kibbutz Re’im in the Negev Desert, southern Israel, October 10, 2023. (Jack GUEZ / AFP)

Authorities have yet to provide an official breakdown on the victims. But the Walla news site has published data by age and gender for 756 of the murdered civilians for which information is available.


One of them was a baby under the age of one year — 10-month-old Mila Cohen, killed with her father and grandmother.

According to data by Haaretz, a Bedouin woman at the tail end of her pregnancy was shot in the abdomen while heading to the hospital to give birth, where doctors delivered the baby, but failed to save it.


Additionally, 12 children aged 1 to 9 — 10 boys and two girls — were murdered in the Hamas massacres, according to Walla.

Between the ages of 10 and 19, 36 civilians were murdered, 25 of them male and 11 female.

The largest number of confirmed civilian victims, 421, were in the age group of 20-40. Among them were 259 men and 162 women.

There were 161 victims between the ages of 41 and 64 — 102 men and 59 women.

Walla reported that 100 victims were aged 65-80, including 69 women and 31 men.

And 25 victims were over the age of 80 — 18 men and seven women.

With Israel using advanced technological methods — including from the field of archaeology — to locate the missing and identify more severely mutilated or burnt bodies, authorities hope to soon bring clarity, both to the families of still-missing loved ones, and to the general public, regarding the worst attack on Israeli civilians in the country’s history.




Hamas Using Chemical Warfare, Gassed IDF Soldiers to Death at Nahal Oz

Hana Levi Julian – 2 Tevet 5784 – December 14, 2023 – https://www.jewishpress.com/news/eye-on-palestine/hamas/hamas-using-chemical-warfare-gassed-idf-soldiers-to-death-at-nahal-oz/2023/12/14/


An investigation into the deaths of IDF surveillance soldiers at the Nahal Oz military base on October 7 has discovered that Hamas terrorists used chemical (gas) weapons to kill Israelis.


According to a report by Israel’s Channel 12 News, investigators examining the bodies of the surveillance soldiers at the base reportedly revealed they died from the effects of toxic gas.


The name of the gas, which caused suffocation and loss of consciousness within a few minutes of exposure, was not revealed.


The families of the IDF surveillance soldiers who were killed at the Nahal Oz outpost received the details of the investigation from an IDF reserve officer who shared the final moments experienced by their loved ones before their death inside the camp.


Fifteen female IDF observers and three female IDF officers died in the toxic Nahal Oz inferno. Six officers and one surveillance soldier managed to escape the toxic environment and survived to tell the tale to investigators. Of those remaining, six others were abducted by the terrorists who dragged them into Gaza.


The main finding, detailed by an engineering expert, indicated that an unspecified, toxic flammable substance was hurled into the entrance of a building housing the surveillance commander center at the base.


The chemical warfare was used to launch the October 7 attack by some 3,000 invading terrorists led by Hamas who decimated communities, tortured, raped, beheaded and burned people alive while thousands of rockets were fired at Israeli population centers across the Jewish State.


Some 22 communities and a number of Israeli military bases were overrun by the raging hordes; more than 1,200 people were slaughtered, the vast majority of whom were civilians. Another 240 people, including soldiers, were kidnapped and taken to Gaza.


According to the report, a soldier at the entrance to the building tried but failed to extinguish the flames ignited by the substance.


“They set fire to materials that ignited and spread, which contained toxic gases that could cause suffocation in a few minutes or even less than that,” the officer told the news outlet.


Smoke from the toxic flames entered the command center where 22 people, including many surveillance soldiers, were hiding. The soldiers soaked paper towels with water and stuffed them under the door hoping to block the smoke, but the strategy didn’t work.


“The soldiers began to leave the room and search for an exit. They were coughing and some couldn’t breathe,” the IDF officer told Channel 12.


“Some told us that they felt they were stepping on some people, they tried to pick them up, and with the rest of their strength tried to call to them. They were simply surviving and trying to figure out how to get themselves out of there.”


Realizing the emergency exit door was in flames, the struggling soldiers searched further.


Reaching a nearby restroom, one of the officers climbed in and broke the window. He helped five more of his friends to get out.


“The same officer tried to break another window, and the last survivor managed to get out of the opening,” the IDF officer shared with the bereaved parents.


“One of the officers climbed back into the bathroom. He shouted but there was no voice in response … There were also soldiers here who did not manage to make this climb,” the officer added.



The Press Tours Hamas Massacre at Kfar Aza, Israel

Kassy Dillon-tweet-20November2023-The Press Tours Hamas Massacre at Kfar Aza, Israel
This is what I saw at Kfar Aza, Israel.

Kassy Dillon-tweet-20November2023-The Press Tours Hamas Massacre at Kfar Aza, Israel

Kassy Dillon-tweet-20November2023-The Press Tours Hamas Massacre at Kfar Aza, Israel

The Press Tours Hamas Massacre at Kfar Aza, Israel



Interactive map – Hamas Terror

Mapping the Massacres https://oct7map.com/

Israel-tweet-31October2023-Interactive map – Hamas Terror

Israel-tweet-31October2023-Interactive map - Hamas Terror

Israel-tweet-31October2023-Interactive map – Hamas Terror


Hamas Massacre Videos

The-Mossad-Satirical,-Yet-Awesome-tweet-2November2023-Hamas Massacre Videos
Here is a new website that contains all videos and images of documented Hamas War Crimes from October 7th, including raw footage from the attacks.
The world must know the enemy we are fighting. The enemy whose clearly stated intentions are to rid Israel of its Jews and then the world.

Warning: the images are graphic and difficult to see.


The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-2November2023-Hamas Massacre Videos

The Mossad Satirical, Yet Awesome-tweet-2November2023-Hamas Massacre Videos



Israel’s Rabbis order 200+ vehicles with remains buried

Nov 21November2023 2:17 pm | Ticker, Virtual Jerusalem


7October2023 Hamas Massacre Burnt vehicles

7October2023 Hamas Massacre Burnt vehicles

In an unprecedented and grisly ruling, Israel’s chief Rabbinated has ruled that vehicles involved in the October 7 atrocities, believed to contain human remains, must receive a Jewish burial. The decision follows weeks of trying to scrape blood and flesh from the cars and trucks that were attacked on that day. Many of the vehicles were crushed and burned and the human remains within not always identifiable. Thus, with no certainty about the identities, the decision was made to bury all such vehicles.


ZAKA Tel-Aviv Update 23November2023

via E=mail  https://zakatelaviv.org/

In a unique response to the tragic events of October 7, Zaka Tel Aviv has recommended an unprecedented measure for preserving the sanctity of those lost on that day. Due to the inability to recover all remains from vehicles where many victims perished, the decision has been made to bury these vehicles. This decision, made after consultation with rabbinic authorities, is a first in Israel’s history. It reflects our deep commitment to dignity in death, especially in situations where traditional methods are not feasible. This approach, while awaiting final approval, symbolizes our respect for the deceased and offers a form of closure to grieving families.


7October2023 Hamas Massacre Burnt vehicles-zakatelaviv

7October2023 Hamas Massacre Burnt vehicles-zakatelaviv