Category Archives: Ulpan

a new immigrant family from Los Angeles, California, adjusting to life in Jerusalem is learning Hebrew in Ulpan, The parents are taking Hebrew language courses 2 days a week for 4 hours a day.Which is less intense then the standard 5 day a week class. The teenage Girls are taking “Teen Ulpan” 5 days a week, getting ready for regular school in which the classes are taught in Hebrew only.

Learn Hebrew in 10 Day at Ulpan.


The Ham from ZOT: What’s wrong Mom?

Mother to her daughter Spice: “Ever since we’ve moved I have lost my identity, I’m suffering from memory loss… I’m in a downturn.” “When I was young I’d be able to pet my cat… but I’m so allergic to them and we’re not allowed a cat or dog here.” Agent 71(Mr. Whiskers Hamster): “Suddenly I […]

Ulpan: The sign said: “Learn Hebrew in 10 Days.”

Ulpan: The sign said; “Learn Hebrew in 10 Days.” You have a choice of 10 Days, 5 Days a week for 6 months or Twice a week for 10 Months, either way it’s hard work.[/caption] Mr. and Mrs. Whiskers are in the Hallway at Ulpan. Mrs. Whiskers is very mad. The sign said; “Learn Hebrew […]

Ulpan; Hebrew the easy way!

Click here for larger image Ulpan Teacher: “Yammer,yammer, Le ech bo” Mr. Whiskers: “What did she say?” Mrs. Whiskers: “I’m not sure.” Mr. Whiskers: “Write it all down. I can’t see the backboard.” Mrs. Whiskers: “I have the tape recorder going, you can listen at home.” Ulpan Teacher: “Blah blah blah yammer Yammer Lee le […]