Category Archives: Aliyah: Jewish immigration to Israel

Aliyah – Jewish immigration to Israel; a new immigrant family from Los Angeles, California, adjusting to life in Jerusalem, learning Hebrew in Ulpan, dealing with the shops, the banks, the health care system and the bureaucracy. They are trying to keep in touch with friends and family in Los Angeles. They read the bad news from the United States and are grateful that they are here.

Problems to face when making Aliyah

Chanukah: Will Your Grandchild Be Jewish?

Happy Chanukah. So you think you are safe and secure in the Exile outside of Israel? Do you want Jewish Grandchildren? As of 2001 there was a 74% intermarriage rate in the American Jewish Communities. It is much higher now! Do you feel safe in Los Angeles, or New York with the storms, crime and […]

Learn Hebrew in 10 Day at Ulpan.


I really like the comics

In Mr. Whiskers’ kitchen, in Jerusalem, his two teen age new immigrant daughters from Los Angeles California, Spice, who is eating an apple, and Sugar, are sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper,which is in Hebrew. Their mother is thinking to herself ‘Oh, that’s nice seeing those two using their minds and reading’ Mother: […]