Rav Mordachai Naim-Chofetz Chaim Shmiras Halashon Ch5-Likutey Eitzot-Gemara Beitzah 2A-2B-20April2015

Rav Mordachai Naim
Rav Mordachai Naim: Gemara, Chofetz Chaim
Rav Mordachai Naim-Chofetz Chaim Shmiras Halashon Ch5-Likutey Eitzot-Gemara Beitzah 2A-2B-20April2015

Chofetz Chaim: Shmiras Halashon
What may one say? What must one say? How should it be phrased? What is forbidden? How can one be in violation without saying anything? The questions are many. The answers are vital and they are here.

Likutey Eitzot
“The main thing is not the learning, but doing,” said the Rabbis.
In spiritual matters the basic question is “How to…?” How to
have faith? How to pray? To develop trust? To show love? How to
achieve happiness? This translation of Likutey Etzot, compiled is a comprehensive collection of Rebbe Nachman’s practical guidance and teachings on all aspects of life, presented subject by subject.

The Talmud, Gemara Beitzah
everything about Yom Tov and Muktzah
The Talmud is a central text of Rabbinic Judaism. The Talmud has two components.The first part is the Mishnah, the written compendium of Judaism’s Oral Torah “Instruction”, The second part is the Gemara, an elucidation of the Mishnah and related Tannaitic writings that often ventures onto other subjects and expounds broadly on the Jewish Bible. The terms Talmud and Gemara are often used interchangeably, though strictly speaking that is not accurate.
The whole Talmud consists of 63 tractates, and in standard print is over 6,200 pages long. It is written in Tannaitic Hebrew and Aramaic. The Talmud contains the teachings and opinions of thousands of rabbis on a variety of subjects, including Halakha (law), Jewish ethics, philosophy, customs, history, lore and many other topics. The Talmud is the basis for all codes of Jewish law and is much quoted in rabbinic literature.