What has happened to the religious Jewish life to the immigrant families that landed in New York City 100 years ago? |
Jews in New York had a great history. However they have forgotten their roots in Judaism and have gone off the path. Of stead of concentrating on Torah education and Talmud they concentrated on “Science” and “Social Justice”. Of stead of raising a Jewish Family with Torah with the mother being proud that her son is a Rabbi, they want their son to be a Doctor or Lawyer. What has the Reform produced in their “Rabbis”? What do they do to grow and develop the Jewish Family of stead of worrying about everyone else. Just look at the news and see all the intermarriage. Some will say “What is the big deal about intermarriage?” If you want to have a family who will pass on the Jewish life, Customs and Ways. Who will teach your children about Shabbat and the Holidays if they don’t live them day by day with the family? Who will teach them morals and ethics but by learning them by being with their parents by watching them live and interact with others? Life is not a video game but something you actually have to do. Remember you learn more from your parents by watching them then from a formal book education. We all carry “baggage” from our families while growing up, some good and some that needs to be looked at. From Pew: A Portrait of Jewish Americans 2013Trends in the Size of the Jewish PopulationUsing the 1957 Current Population Survey as a benchmark, it appears that the number of adult Jews by religion rose about 15% over the last half-century, while the total U.S. population more than doubled over the same period.12 As a result, national surveys that repeatedly have asked Americans about their religion (Gallup, the American National Election Studies, the General Social Surveys and the American Religious Identification Surveys) show a decline, over the long term, in the percentage of U.S. adults who say their religion is Jewish… |
Caroline Glick The American Jewish Community’s Moment to Choose |
Examples of what has happened to Jews in New York City:
Friday, March 4, 2016 Guest Post: Greek Jews Syrian Jewshttps://shilohmusings.blogspot.co.il/2016/03/greek-jews-syrian-jews.html * * * Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews * * * a short historical essay by Mr. Cohen, the moderator of the Derech Emet Yahoo Group: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Over the past 35 years, I noticed that the highest intermarriage rates [between Jews and non-Jews] are found in communities where Reform Judaism is most dominant, and the lowest intermarriage rates are found in communities where Reform Judaism does not exist.
Around the 1920s [of the Common Era], tens of thousands of Jews came from Greece to New York City, and tens of thousands of Jews came from Syria to New York City. In the 1920s, the numbers of Greek Jews and Syrian Jews in New York City were approximately equal. Their observance of Jewish rituals was also approximately equal.
Around that time, the Greek Jews of NYC decided to follow Reform Judaism, while the Syrian Jews followed Orthodox Judaism.
By the 1980s, the Greek Jews of NYC [and the USA] were so few in number that there was only ONE Greek Synagogue in NYC, and that ONE Greek Synagogue functioned mostly as a museum. The very few Greek Jews of NYC were intermarrying with Gentiles at a very high rate, and very few participated in any kind Jewish activities. One Greek Jew who I personally spoke to had decided to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day instead of Purim.
By the 1990s, the Syrian Jews of NYC had grown exponentially, with many new synagogues that did not exist in previous decades, and more-than-enough new Syrian Jews to fill those new synagogues with active members. Their rate of intermarriage with non-Jews was LESS THAN ONE PERCENT [<1%].
By year 2015, the Greek Jews of NYC were so few in number that their community had basically ceased to exist. They had no schools, and only that one synagogue which mostly functioned as a museum.
The Syrian Jews of NYC also added new mikvahs to their infrastructure, while the Greek Jews of NYC had no mikvahs. By year 2015 the Syrian Jews of NYC had two of their own monthly magazines, while the Greek Jews had none. By year 2015 the Syrian Jews of NYC had produced dozens of Rabbis, while the Greek Jews had none. In the early 1980s the Greek Jews still had their own social club, called The Pashas. In dramatic contrast, the Sephardic Community Center (which is misnamed, because it is really the Syrian-Jewish Community Center) has often been filled to capacity or near-capacity since it was built in year 1982, which is impressive, when you consider the large size of the SCC building.
The Sephardic Bikur Cholim (which is misnamed, because it is really the Syrian-Jewish Bikur Cholim) is very active with many programs and its own building. The Greek Jews of NYC do not have their own Bikur Cholim organization.
Less than a century later, the Greeks Jews [of NYC], who chose Reform Judaism, have vanished; while the Syrian Jews [of NYC], who chose Orthodox Judaism, enjoy a rapidly-growing community and seem to have a bright future. BOTTOM LINE: Reform Judaism causes entire communities of Jews to become extinct,
PS: This short essay reveals a piece of Jewish History
PS: The Persian Jewish community of NYC, which has never known Reform Judaism, also has an extremely low intermarriage rate. While I do not have exact statistics for Persian Jews, their intermarriage rate seems to be so low that it cannot possibly threaten their future.
PS: The difference between Greeks Jews and Syrian Jews is also demonstrated by their Hollywood celebrity representatives: 4 comments:Batya Medad said… Thanks for posting. Very interesting. 5/3/16 19:10 Anonymous said… Have always had the greatest respect for the Syrian Jewish community. They are probably the most intact Jewish community of all. Intermarriage was always almost unheard of; they were even reluctant for their offspring to marry within the Ashkenazic community; today, that is not true and, fortunately, the east/west are intramarrying, as should be. We are one people. They are even reluctant to having conversions within their midst. A great yasher koach to them – true descendants of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov. Whereas, apparently, the Greek community has kept up with the same hellinization as their ancestors, r’l. Just by turning to the Reform, rather than true Judaism, shows their mindset. 6/3/16 04:38 CDG, Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisrael Shlemah said… Unfortunately, my mother was cut off from the Syrian community she was born into by well-meaning Ashkenazi social workers in the 1930s and given to a non-religious Ashkenazi family. Long story; but to make it short, she married a non-religious Ashkenazi and I am the result. So, what’s a virtually infinitesimal percentage lost? It means a lot to me because I had a 100% chance of suffering the hardship it took me to return to Judaism at all, never mind the Syrian community; and, thankfully, I was still acceptable to return to our homeland. It’s been even harder for my mother. Note to Mr. Cohen: I just want to let you know that http://www.ArabsForIsrael.com doesn’t work any longer. You might want to check out the links you post to make sure they all work. It’s good that you spread them around. And, if your family comes from Haifa and goes back at least as long as 1900CE there (and probably much longer than that), there’s a chance I might be distantly related to you, sir. 6/3/16 19:39 Mr. Cohen said… www.ArabsForIsrael.com had been replaced by: http://ArabsForIsrael.blogspot.com/ |
Is this what has happened to the religious Jewish life?
The Jews are dying because of Jewish intermarriageFrom Pew: “The new Pew Research survey finds that, overall, 56% of married Jews have a Jewish spouse, while 44% of Jewish respondents are married to a non-Jew. Among Jews by religion who are married, 64% have a Jewish spouse and 36% have a non-Jewish spouse. By comparison, Jews of no religion are much more likely to be in mixed marriages; just 21% of married Jews of no religion are married to a Jewish spouse, while 79% are married to a non-Jewish spouse.” They are also marrying later: ![]() Remaining in the nest is also a trend for young men – in fact, even more so when compared with their female peers. Last year, 42.8% of young men lived with their family, a higher share than women but not one that surpasses the highest rates on record like the women’s share does. Read more at http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2015/11/women-not-leaving-nest-record-number.html#v2EhRRwkDu22MEkA.99 |
The Jewish Soul is dying because of Materialism and Assimilation.![]() An American Passover Greeting Card 2015 A family was ordering a McDonald’s like Clown Passover Happy Meal Voice on Speaker: “Welcome to the Seder Shack. May I take your order?” Father: “Yes, We’ll have three Matzo Meals, some Maror Nuggets with the special Seder Sauce, and a SuperSize kosher grape juice shake.” Son: “Dad, don’t forget the collectible Elijah cation figure!” The Card States: ” Passover in the not-so-distant future.” Overall trends of Jews in America
![]() Compared with older Jews, younger Jews are more likely to have no denominational attachment and somewhat more likely to be Orthodox Jews. http://www.pewforum.org/2013/10/01/chapter-3-jewish-identity/
From Pew: “Compared with older Jews, younger Jews are more likely to have no denominational attachment and somewhat more likely to be Orthodox Jews.” [In other words the younger Jews have gone away from the Conservative/Reform and have either dropped out of the Jewish Community or have returned to their roots and become a Baal Teshuvah. ] |
This says it all.
![]() Jews by religion are more likely to have participated in these kinds of programs than are Jews of no religion. http://www.pewforum.org/2013/10/01/chapter-3-jewish-identity/ Let’s start from Square One. If you DO NOT differentiate yourself as a Jew by living in a Jewish Community, by keeping Kosher (Real Kosher not “Kosher-Style”). By keeping Shabbat and the Holidays of stead of working 7 day a week like a Slave. By sending your children to a Jewish Day School of stead of Public School. To dress as a Jew of stead of a Goy (non Jew). Then how will your children know that they are Jewish? I will not even go into making Aliyah which is the real goal of Jews for the last 2000 years of not having an independent country to call their own. You can water something down till it is nothing and you can not tell what it is. This is the current state of Jews in America. Reform Judaism is so watered down that anyone with a brain will realize that they are now a Goy a non Jew and act like it. Just look at the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, who married a non Jew and now acts like a non Jew, or they can take action to correct the matter and return to their real Jewish roots becoming a Baal Teshuvah. Namely to return to your People, God and Country.
The choice is yours. “The Red Pill or the Blue Pill”.
Where are the Reform children, the Reform Schools?Not to worry the Reform and other non Torah ways are dieing out in America. From Pew:”Among married Jews, those who have Jewish spouses are much more engaged in the Jewish community in these ways than are those married to non-Jews.” http://www.pewforum.org/2013/10/01/chapter-3-jewish-identity/ |
American and Israeli Jews: Twin Portraits From Pew Research Center Surveys
Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist? |
New Reform curriculum: Further alienating Jews from Israel?Framing Israel: The Distortions of the New Boycott-Driven School CurriculumMax Samarov & Amanda Botfeld Researchers, StandWithUs 10January2016 http://www.thetower.org/article/framing-israel-the-distortions-of-the-new-bds-driven-school-curriculum/ The next phase in anti-Israel academic indoctrination is already here – at Hebrew schools across the country. Produced by Reform Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman, the new Kindergarten-12th grade course of study is entitled “Reframing Israel.” Assuming that the default approach to Israel among Jews is positive and sympathetic, the title does not bode well for supporters of Israel. it is crucial to note that the main author and the majority of contributors to Reframing Israel are part of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. This includes the writer of the curriculum’s “historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
This is what you have to look forward to living in America! |
It’s time to come home! Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream 1-866-4-ALIYAH UK 0800 075 7200 Come home to the Land of Emuna![]() Nefesh B’Nefesh: Live the Dream US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH | UK 020-8150-6690 or 0800-085-2105 | Israel 02-659-5800 https://www.nbn.org.il/ info@nbn.org.il Alyah : mode d’emploi http://www.jewishagency.org/fr/aliyah/program/7618 Choisissez celle qui vous correspond et inscrivez-vous sur notre site Internet en cliquant ICI ou par téléphone, en appelant le Global Center au 0800 916 647 The Mitzvah to Live in Eretz Yisrael
This is what you are missing not living in Israel. A very very large family that really cares about you! |
![]() Efrat Chief Rabbi Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, a Kohen himself, gets measured for his own set of Kohanim garments ![]() Gal Gadot – גל גדות I am sending my love and prayers to my fellow Israeli citizens. Especially to all the boys and girls who are risking their lives protecting my country against the horrific acts conducted by Hamas, who are hiding like cowards behind women and children…We shall overcome!!! Shabbat Shalom! #weareright #freegazafromhamas #stopterror #coexistance #loveidf 25July2014 |
![]() Rabbi Hier :’Jewish Diaspora is dependent on Israel’Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of Simon Wiesenthal Center says to Arutz Sheva that without Israel there will be no more Jews. Rabbi Hier spoke with Arutz Sheva about the honor he felt in being given the role. He said that the Jewish Diaspora is now dependent on the State of Israel for its survival. “I had the privilege, one time in my life, to meet [Israel’s first Prime Minister] David Ben Gurion,” he said. “I’ll never forget what he told us.” Rabbi Hier recalled that Ben Gurion told the group of American youths: “Tell your parents and grandparents, thank them for supporting the State of Israel, because without the Diaspora, we would not have been able to create the State of Israel.” “But he said, ‘tell them also, there will come a time when the Diaspora will be totally dependant on the State of Israel. Rabbi Hier said that “that time is now. If, God forbid, something happened to the State of Israel, every Jew living in chutz la’aretz (outside of Israel) – there would be no Jews. We are all dependent on the State of Israel.” |