1 January is Sylvester Day יום סילבסטר

Once you know the history of Sylvester Day, you will just consider 1 January just a regular day and not a day to party.


Israeli calendar

Israeli calendar

Israeli society flows according to the Jewish calendar. Schools and businesses are closed on Shabbat, and the whole country shuts down on Jewish holidays like Yom Kippur. For that reason the secular/Christian new year has little significance. Yet when some ultra-secularists discovered that most of the world holds a “New Years party,” they didn’t want to feel left out.Yet they couldn’t call it “New Years” because that title was already taken by Rosh Hashana. So the name Sylvester was adopted in its stead. Celebrate Falafel Day 18 January and really have a Party!!


From Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Chapter 3 Law 2:

One should not follow the customs of the idolaters or be like them neither in (their) clothes, and not in (their) hair (styles), or the like; as it is said: 1 And ye shall not walk in the customs of the idolaters; and it is (again) said: 2 Neither shall ye walk in their statutes; and it is (again) said: 3 Take heed to thyself that thou be not ensnared to follow them…. Also everything that they do, of their customs or laws, even if one suspects that there is even the slightest idolatrous intent, a Jew should not imitate them. And so one should not cut his hair nor let the hair on his head grow as they do, but he should differ from them in his dress, his manner of speech, and the rest of his actions, just as he differs from them in his knowledge and his opinions. And so it is said: 7 I have set you apart from the peoples.

1) Leviticus 20:23 2) Leviticus 18:3 3) Deuteronomy 12.30 7) Leviticus 20:26


But why is 1 January named Sylvester Day?

Siege of Jerusalem - Year 1187

Siege of Jerusalem – Year 1187

Sylvester the Cat

Sylvester the Cat

In many European countries this day was named after Saint Sylvester. There have been three popes named Sylvester (who later became Saints), but the one after whom the day is named is Sylvester I (314-335). Christianity grew under his rule and it is believed that he died on December 31. In addition, during his rule it was believed that he had been swallowed by the Leviathan sea monster and that the monster would return in the year 1000 to destroy and kill. When it did not, people were relieved and they celebrated. The year before the Council of Nicaea convened, Sylvester convinced Constantine to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem. At the Council of Nicaea, Sylvester arranged for the passage of a host of viciously anti-Semitic legislation. All Catholic “Saints” are awarded a day on which Christians celebrate and pay tribute to that Saint’s memory. December 31 is Saint Sylvester Day – hence celebrations on the night of December 31 are dedicated to Sylvester’s memory.


Over the following centuries, the New Year reportedly brought much anti-Semitic activity:

On New Year’s Day 1577 Pope Gregory XIII decreed that all Roman Jews, under pain of death, must listen attentively to the compulsory Catholic conversion sermon given in Roman synagogues after Friday night services. On New Year’s Day 1578


Gregory signed into law a tax forcing Jews to pay for the support of a “House of Conversion” to convert Jews to Christianity. On New Year’s 1581 Gregory ordered his troops to confiscate all sacred literature from the Roman Jewish community. Thousands of Jews were murdered in the campaign. Throughout the medieval and post-medieval periods, January 1 – supposedly the day on which Jesus’ circumcision initiated the reign of Christianity and the death of Judaism – was reserved for anti-Jewish activities: synagogue and book burnings, public tortures, and simple murder.


example of anti-Semitic art work

The 1899 poster called “The Rat Catcher,” which depicts Jews as vermin and an economic threat to the German people.

Last week we celebrated Chanukah – the restoration of Jewish sovereignty, the restoration of once again living our national life according to our own calendar.

And this brings us back to the 10th of Tevet, which this year coincides with the Gregorian new year. It is distressing indeed to see Jews celebrating this day – as if it has any significance for us whatsoever! It is bad enough when Jews in the USA and Europe and other countries of exile hold new year’s parties on the 1st of January. But mired in exile, forced by circumstances to live their lives according to the Gregorian calendar – what else can we expect?


It is infinitely worse that Jews here in Israel have brought this paganism (yes, overt paganism) into our own country.


We often hear the casual excuses: It’s not a religious celebration; it’s simply an excuse for a party; it has no Christian or pagan significance. It is usually possible to conveniently ignore the contradiction.

10 Tevet - Jerusalem Under Siege

10 Tevet – Jerusalem Under Siege

But this year (2014), the decision is starker. This year, for the first time since 5699 (1939), the 1st of January, Sylvester, coincides with the fast of the 10th of Tevet.


The choice is far more blatant. Fast or feast? Mourn over the destruction of Jerusalem? Or celebrate this highly unsavoury pope and “saint”, who was instrumental in convincing the Roman Emperor Constantine I, the first Christian Emperor of Rome, to prohibit Jews from living in Jerusalem.


Live and celebrate according to a foreign calendar, instituted by Pope Gregory XIII – as vicious a Jew-hater as any pope? Or live and mourn and celebrate according to our calendar, for which the Macabbees fought?


Or think about the morning after drinking:

Fiddler On The Roof quote: Golde (the wife) to her Husband: “Well, what happened last night, besides you drinking like a peasant?”

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler December 1941

Hitler Greets a Catholic Cardinal

Hitler Greets a Catholic Cardinal

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler December 1941
Haj Amin al-Husseini who was, in many ways, as big a Nazi villain as Hitler himself. To understand his influence on the Middle East is to understand the ongoing genocidal program against the Jews of Israel. Al-Husseini was a bridge figure in terms of transporting the Nazi genocide in Europe into the post-war Middle East. As the leader of Arab Palestine during the British Mandate period, al-Husseini introduced violence against moderate Arabs as well as against Jews. Al-Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine in 1937 and subsequently went on the Nazi payroll as a Nazi agent. Al-Husseini played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in instigating a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941 as he urged Nazis and pro-Nazi governments in Europe to transport Jews to death camps, trained pro-Nazi Bosnian brigades, and funneled Nazi loot into pro-war Arab countries.
On 20 November1941, al-Husseini met the German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and was officially received by Adolf Hitler on 28 November.
Al-Husseini’s own account, as recorded in his diary, states that Hitler expounded his view that the Jews were responsible for World War I, Marxism and its revolutions, and this was why the task of Germans was to persevere in a battle without mercy against the Jews,
According to the official report of the meeting, on November 28, 1941, Adolf Hitler told Husseini that the Afrika Korps would “liberate” Arabs in the Middle East and that “Germany’s only objective there would be the destruction of the Jews.”
“SS leaders and Husseini both claimed that Nazism and Islam had common values as well as common enemies – above all, the Jews,” the report states.
In fall 1943, it says, Husseini went to the Croatia, a German ally, to recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS.
Der Grossmufti von Palästina vom Führer empfangen.
Der Führer empfing in Gegenwart des Reichsministers des Auswärtigen von Ribbentrop den Grossmufti von Palästina, Sayid Amin al Husseini, zu einer herzlichen und für die Zukunft der arabischen Länder bedeutungsvollen Unterredung.
9.12.41 Presse Hoffmann

10 Tevet was chosen to also serve as a “general kaddish day” for the victims of the Holocaust, many of whose day of martyrdom is unknown.

And the current history in Israel.

Jan 1, 1952 – Jerusalem 7 armed terrorists attacked and killed a 19 year-old girl in her home, in the neighborhood of Beit Yisrael.
Jan 1, 1965 – Palestinian terrorists attempted to bomb the National Water Carrier – the first attack carried out by the PLO’s Fatah faction.
Jan 1, 2001 – A car bomb exploded near a bus stop in the shopping district in the center of Netanya. About 60 people were injured, most lightly. One unidentified person, apparently one of the terrorists involved in the bombing, died of severe burns. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.



Arutz Sheva http://www.israelnationalnews.com/

Non-Jewish holidays and Gregorian Calendar dates

It is forbidden for a Jew to celebrate the holidays of another religion and it is not appropriate to celebrate civil holidays that were originally religious holidays.

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed

24December2024  http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/401225

Q: Is it permissible for Jews to celebrate the holidays of other religions and nations, such as Christmas, January 1st, or Chag Hakorban (Eid al-Adha)?

A: There are three types of non-Jewish holidays:


-Religious holidays, which Jews are forbidden to celebrate, such as Christmas and Easter for Christians, and Eid al-Adha for Muslims and Druze.


-Civil holidays that were originally religious holidays, which it is not appropriate to celebrate, but there is no prohibition against doing so. An example of this is January 1st.


-Clearly civil holidays that it is permissible to celebrate, including Thanksgiving in North America, Novy God for immigrants from the former Soviet Union, and the Independence Days of various countries.


It is forbidden to celebrate other religions’ holidays

A Jew is forbidden to celebrate the holidays of another religion, even when all those celebrating are Jews, and are doing so without any religious symbols. This is prohibited due to the Torah’s prohibition, “You shall not follow their laws.” It is written: “Like the practices of the land of Egypt, where you lived, you shall not do; and like the practices of the land of Canaan, to which I am bringing you, you shall not do; and you shall not walk in their statutes” (Leviticus 18:3).


One interpretation of this prohibition is that Jews should not imitate the customs of non-Jews that are rooted in their religion, as imitating them may lead to adopting their culture and beliefs, and abandoning the commandments of the Torah.


Celebrating the beginning of the Gregorian Year

It is not appropriate to celebrate civil holidays that were originally religious holidays, such as January 1st, marking the start of the new Gregorian year. However, in practice, as long as the celebration is held without religious reference, there is no prohibition.


Therefore, it is permissible for educators abroad to organize a celebration for Jewish youths on January 1st, so that they can celebrate the beginning of the Gregorian year with Jewish friends, and not be tempted to celebrate with non-Jews in a forbidden manner (as also ruled by Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz ztz”l, in M’arei HaBazak 5:46).


Additionally, when necessary, such as in the context of a business event, it is permissible to celebrate, since this date marks the end of the business year and taxes. However, when the participants are non-Jews, there are two limitations:


-It is forbidden to drink alcohol, and only kosher foods may be sampled.


-If it is a meal, it is even forbidden to eat kosher foods there (Peninei Halakha: Kashrut 29:12).


Celebrating Sylvester Is Forbidden

When the celebration of the beginning of the Gregorian year is called “Sylvester,” as is common in some Christian countries, the celebration becomes forbidden, as it changes from a civil holiday into a religious one. Sylvester was a pope who died on December 31st, so the celebration ties his memory with the beginning of the year. It should be noted that Sylvester worked to Christianize the Roman Empire, a process that caused much suffering for the Jewish people.


There were kosher businesses in Israel that wanted to hold a Sylvester party, but the kosher supervisors notified them that they would not be able to supervise the kashrut, and would therefore have to remove the kashrut certification from the business. The simple solution for them was to call the party “A Celebration for the Beginning of the Gregorian Year,” which would remove the prohibition from the celebration.


Christmas Tree

Q: Is it permissible for Jews to put up a Christmas tree for the beginning of the Gregorian year, as many do in the United States and Europe? Is it permissible for a maintenance worker to place a Christmas tree in a building he is responsible for? And is it permissible for a store owner to sell a Christmas tree to non-Jewish customers?

A: The Christmas tree, which Christians are accustomed to placing at the beginning of the Gregorian year, is a practice of a Christian holiday. Therefore, Jews are forbidden to place a Christmas tree in their homes, offices, or stores, due to the prohibition “You shall not follow their laws.” The same applies to other distinctive holiday symbols used by various religions, such as a Santa Claus figurine.


However, since the Christmas tree and other holiday symbols are not used for worship, they are not considered idolatry. Therefore, it is permissible for a Jew to provide them to non-Jews when necessary. For example, a Jew who owns a store that is asked to sell Christmas trees for the beginning of the Gregorian year may bring them to his store and sell them to non-Jews. Similarly, a Jew responsible for the maintenance of a building owned by non-Jews, and asked to place a Christmas tree there, may do so (see Shevet Halevi 10:141; M’arei HaBazak 3:111). A Jew who owns a printing press may fulfill an order to print greeting cards for the non-Jewish holidays, as there is no element of worship in the card (Masoret Moshe 4:52).


Permissible Civil Holiday – Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a civil holiday that the first European settlers in North America celebrated as an expression of joy for successfully settling in the new continent. The holiday meal typically includes turkey, which was discovered by Europeans in the new world. The settlers set it around the same time as Sukkot, when they express joy and thanksgiving for the year’s harvest.


Since it is a civil holiday, there is no prohibition in celebrating it. However, Rabbi Yitzhak Hutner wrote that since it is celebrated according to the Christian calendar, it is forbidden to celebrate it due to ‘avizrayhu’ (lit., ‘its accessories’, – prohibitions associated indirectly with idolatry). However, most rabbis wrote that there is no prohibition, including Rabbi Soloveitchik (Nefesh HaRav, p. 204), and Rabbi Feinstein (Igrot Moshe, Yoreh Deah 4:12). (Also in Mishneh Halachot 10:116; B’nei Banim 3:37; see also Torat Menachem, Sichot 1987, vol. 2, p. 54).


Novy God

Novy God is a civil holiday that was instituted during the communist rule in the Soviet Union as a substitute for the Christian holidays marking the beginning of the Gregorian year. Therefore, its status is similar to Thanksgiving, a holiday that does not have roots in a foreign religion. The translation of “Novy God” is “New Year.”


Indeed, it is forbidden to engage in practices that remind one of the laws of non-Jews, such as setting up a Christmas tree. However, if a different potted plant is placed instead of a Christmas tree, there is no prohibition.


It is appropriate for immigrants from the former Soviet Union who celebrate Novy God to assign it meaningful value, marking it as a day of thanksgiving for having had the privilege of immigrating to the Land of Israel, and contributing to the building of the nation.


Gregorian Calendar

Q: Is it permissible to use the Gregorian calendar date?
A: The Jewish custom is to use the Hebrew calendar, which expresses faith in God, the Creator of the world, and its months are those by which the holidays are determined. In modern times, as trade and scientific connections between cities and countries became numerous and complicated, there was an increasing need to use an agreed-upon date in letters, bills, and newspapers. Since Christian countries were the leaders, the date they used became the global standard. As a result, Jews who came into contact with non-Jews began using it as their main date, and most rabbis in Western Europe and the United States agreed that there was no prohibition.


Opponents of the Gregorian Calendar Date

On the other hand, some of the Gedolei Yisrael (imminent rabbis) strongly opposed using the Gregorian date, claiming that those who used it were being dragged after foreign culture and using an idolatrous date, since its origin is tied to the birth of oto ha’ish (Jesus) whom Christians made an idol. As the Chatam Sofer wrote: “Not like those who recently began counting… the birth of the Christian messiah, writing and signing that they have no part in the God of Israel, woe to them for they have repaid their souls with evil” (Drashot Chatam Sofer, vol. 2, p. 221).


His student, Rabbi Maharam Shik (Yoreh Deah 141), even wrote that this is a Torah prohibition, as it is written: “And you shall not mention the names of other gods” (Exodus 23:13), and our Sages learned from this (Sanhedrin 63b) that a person should not say to his friend “wait for me next to such and such an object of idol worship,” and similarly, according to him, it is forbidden to mention the date marking the birth of the man whom Christians made an idol.


However, even the Chatam Sofer himself used the Gregorian date “November 8, 1821” in a letter to the government (cited in Sefer Igrot Sofrim, p. 105). Therefore, he did not think there was an absolute prohibition, and he used it out of necessity. It seems his argument was that those using the Gregorian date do so unnecessarily, with the intent to resemble the non-Jews.


Other rabbis who prohibited its use also did not consider it a strict prohibition, but rather, that one should make every effort to avoid using it (Responsa Hillel Posek, Yoreh Deah 65; Yafeh LeLev Vol.5, Yoreh Deah 178:3). Similarly, this was the view of the Chief Rabbi of Israel, the Rishon L’Tzion, Rabbi Yitzhak Nissim (Responsa Yayin HaTov, Orach Chaim 8), and our teacher and mentor, Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaKohen Kook (L’Netivot Yisrael, vol. 2, p. 99).


The Opinion of the Majority of Authorities to Permit

However, even two generations ago, when the use of the Gregorian date was not as widespread as it is today, the majority of poskim (halakha authorities) ruled that lechatchila (optimally), it is preferable to use the Hebrew date rather than the Gregorian date, but in necessary situations, it is permitted to use the Gregorian date, as it is used in a secular context, just like the use of the names of the months and days of the week, most of which are named after idols. Some poskim added that, according to historians, this date is not the date of the birth of oto ha’ish, as he was actually born four to seven years earlier than the beginning of their counting of years (As’eh Lecha Rav 5:55; Yabia Omer, vol. 3, Yoreh Deah 9).


Practical Halakha

As a result of the development of transportation and communication, all countries became interconnected in countless ways, and the need for a universally agreed-upon international date for trade, contracts, email, communication, news, and history increased. The use of the Gregorian date thus became constant, and its religious context faded. Therefore, it is permissible to use it without restriction, though it is important to also write the Hebrew date.


We have also found that in recent generations, rabbis who interacted with the general public have regularly included both the Hebrew and Gregorian dates in their letters, as did Rabbi Goren ztz”l. Similarly, Rabbi Shalom Meshash wrote: “There is absolutely no prohibition to use the Gregorian date, and there is no concern about it” (Responsa Shemesh U’Magen, vol. 3, Orach Chaim 60:3). Likewise, the Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote: “In all our countries, it is simple practice to use it when there is some need or reason” (Shulchan Menachem, vol. 4, §16).


This article appears in the ‘Besheva’ newspaper and was translated from Hebrew.



Celebrate Falafel Day 18 January and really have a Party!!

How Falafel Saved this Holocaust Survivor’s Life

Revenge of the falafel, of the Holocaust survivor

19January2016 http://isrnosto.blogspot.com/2016/01/revenge-of-falafel-of-holocaust-survivor.html

71 years after the death march continues Dogo Leitner eat a double portion of the falafel in memory of that day • the private revenge, has become the operation of the hundreds of people.


On 18 January 1945, at noon, in the freezing cold of the 18 degrees below zero, the Germans took about 60 thousand people to a death march from Auschwitz-Birkenau, I among them,” said Holocaust survivor David (Dogo) Leitner from Ashdod. “A boy of 14 and a half. Without food, no strength. This date is impossible to forget,” recalls David.




Today, the unwritten testament that he felt obliged to uphold is every January 18th is coming to falafel in Ashdod and indulging himself in two large doses, Until to abdominal pain. ‘This is the revenge of the Auschwitz-Birkenau My private. “Every year join the Dogo more and more people that own story reached them. And yesterday, January 18, arrived with Dogo, to falafel, hundreds of people.


Today, his daughter and members of the “House of Testimony”, Nir Galim open in “Operation – Dogo” and call on everyone: “Go near falafel, ate and be documented with a sign” Am Israel Chai! ‘”. Dogo documented the “lamp January 18” as part of his exhibition “Taking at the age” that is placed in Home testimony to the heritage of religious Zionism and Holocaust education in Moshav Nir Galim near Ashdod. Since that exhibition, the legacy of Dogo ceased to be private, and many, as noted, are asking to join him.


Leitner was born in 1930 in Hungary. During the war, his family was taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau. The mother and two sisters had disappeared immediately, while Dogo and his father went to work. Dogo intended to be destroyed with another 4,000 children and even “won” two numbers stamped on his hands.On January 18, Dogo was to death march with the other prisoners in Auschwitz. He woke up in the hospital in Austria, saw the numbers on his hands and remembered who he is. Since 1990, follows Dogo groups to Poland. He tells to students: “From here, not leave sad. Am Israel Chai! Am Israel Chai and exists! Am Israel Chai and happy!”



Caroline Glick tells off Danish ambassador

JerPost Conf. 2: Caroline Glick

Jack Benny

  • Thug: This is a stickup! Now come on. Your money or your life.

[long pause]

  • Thug: [repeating] Look, bud, I said ‘Your money or your life.’
  • Jack Benny: I’m thinking I’m thinking!
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