Category Archives: Aliyah: Jewish immigration to Israel

Aliyah – Jewish immigration to Israel; a new immigrant family from Los Angeles, California, adjusting to life in Jerusalem, learning Hebrew in Ulpan, dealing with the shops, the banks, the health care system and the bureaucracy. They are trying to keep in touch with friends and family in Los Angeles. They read the bad news from the United States and are grateful that they are here.

The Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris

Charlie Hebdo shooting: Islamic attack on Paris offices of satirical newspaper on 7 January 2015 Here is a cartoon of Charlie Hedbo Mohammed  in solidarity with Charlie Hedbo (whose editor in chief and several cartoonists were among the dead,). Also (on the right side) cartoons from  Ann Telneas & Tom Toles from The Washington Post and […]

I Am Israel

This is Israel. (HD) The Volunteers: Answering the Call of History Mark Twain in the Holy Land, 1867, and the Innocents Abroad Quotations from The Innocents Abroad On Jerusalem It seems to me that all the races and colors and tongues of the earth must be represented among the fourteen thousand souls that dwell […]

YOM HASHOAH יום שואה

How Nazis taught German children to hate Jews The forgotten horrors that hide in the Holocaust’s long, dark shadow How many could have been saved if Israel was reborn in 1938 instead of 1948? British complicity in the German Holocaust National Socialist Movement rally and other Anti-Semites Yom HaShoah Thousands attend funeral in Jerusalem for […]

Tu B’Shevat-How and What to check for Bugs

It’s time for Tu B’Shevat A Rare Opportunity to Plant Fruit Trees in Israel   Tu B’Shvat, the Jewish New Year for trees, is this coming Thursday, January 16, 2014. From: Rav  Lazer Brody Why in the world does Judaism require a New Year for trees? Here’s a better question: The nations of the world, […]