Rabbi Zvi Block-48 Ways of Jewish Values-01November2017

48 Ways of Jewish Values According to the teachings of Rabbi Noah Weinberg OBM In English With Rabbi Zvi Block  Toras Hashem 12422 Chandler Blvd Valley Village, CA 91607   (818) 980-6934 Founder of Aish HaTorah of North Hollywood, California 19:30 on Wednesday Evening יום רביעי בערב 1 November 2017 י”ב בחשוון, תשנ”ח at Young […]

Rabbi Akiva Tatz-The Secret to a Successful Marriage-28April2015

http://www.torahanytime.com/video/the-secret-to-a-successful-marriage/ Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz was born in Johannesburg, South Africa.[2][3] He graduated from the University of the Witwatersrand Medical School, graduating with distinction in surgery.[1] He then spent a year in St. Louis, Missouri as an American Field Service Scholar and subsequently returned there for elective work in internal medicine at Washington University.[4] He […]

Rav Moshe Beenstock-Likutey Moharan-29November2015

Insights into Rebbe Nachman’s Likutey Moharan.