Category Archives: War News and Comments

How the war and attacks are effecting daily life in Jerusalem and the world

ISRAEL AT WAR 5784: Time and Again

#ShabbatShalom is a bit like the Jewish version of “TGIF” but with a dash of spiritual elegance. “Shabbat Shalom” is Hebrew for “peaceful Sabbath,” and it’s a greeting used by Jews around the world to wish each other a serene and meaningful day of rest. The expression of… — Rabbi Lazer Brody (@LazerBrody) June […]

Hamas on Campus

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Stop the Anti-Semitism on campuses Hamas on Campus The Chabad Rabbi of UCLA was just physically assaulted What the real intifada is Shmuel HaNavi bus bombing MFA-Suicide bombing of No 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem 19August2003 George Soros paying student protesters across US Colleges George Soros is paying student radicals who […]


History is repeating itself. Remember 30November. Don’t Be A Statistic! From UK: Make Aliyah! Have them call Jewish Agency to start the formal application  0800-085-2105 / 0800-051-8227 or email Depuis la France : faites votre Aliyah ! Demandez-leur d’appeler l’Agence juive pour lancer la candidature formelle 0-800-916-647 ou par courrier électronique à US & CAN 1-866-4-ALIYAH […]