The Ham from ZOT: Arab Land Grab in Jerusalem

The Ham from ZOT-Land Grab Page 1

The Ham from ZOT-Land Grab Page 1

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MEOW Agent 26 on her cat perch, looking through binoculars at the Jerusalem hillside: “Ah!”
MEOW Agent 26 on the Computer and Cell phone: “Yes, Agents could be U.N. Or Rat Moving Company.
”Skype ZOT Agent 8: “This looks like we need someone from ZOT.
”Mrs. Whiskers is cleaning the girl’s room while Agent 26 pretends to sleep on the computer chair then MEOW Agent 26 finds a secure spot in the Apartment and puts on her Gem to communicate with Headquarters.
The Ham from ZOT-Land Grab Page 2

The Ham from ZOT-Land Grab Page 2

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MEOW Agent 26: “This is Agent 26, Suspicious activity detected this morning contact ZOT.” “Please Advise.
”MEOW Headquarters: “Continue surveillance and drop a few bird-mics. See what you can pick up.
”MEOW Agent 26: “Roger, over and out.”
Agent 26 at the window giving orders to the Birds: ”Remember, Play it safe!
”Birds: “ Yes, Sir!
The Birds fly in formation overhead.
The Ham from ZOT-Land Grab Page 3

The Ham from ZOT-Land Grab Page 3

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The Birds Pooping and flying over Arab Wolves disguised as Sheep,
Arab: ”They don’t suspect us. We will tell the sheep to eat the grass for now.
”The Birds Pooping and flying over Sheep,
Sheep: ”The wolves from Rat Moving Company say the grass is ours!
”Worm 1:”What a load of Crap.
”Worm 2: “Yep
”The Birds: M.O. T. Mission Accomplished, bird-mics planted. Over and out.
”MEOW Agent: ”Wolves plan on taking the grass through sheep.
”MEOW Agent: “They can Mow the lawn for now- But the land is ours forever! M.E.O.W. And Z.O.T. Are prepared.”