Rav Elchanan Elgrod-Practical Halachot-Bein Hametzarim-24July2014

All the practical Halachots. What a Jew need to know from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Everything dealing with Shabbat,the Hagim and everyday. Kishur Halachot Misirot

Rav Elchanan Elgrod-Practical Halachot-Bein Hametzarim-17July2014

Bein Hametzarim

Rav Elchanan Elgrod-Practical Halachot-Fast Days-10July2014

Kishur Halachot Misirot

Rav Elchanan Elgrod-Practical Halachot-Clothing-12June2014

All the practical Halachots. What a Jew need to know from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed. Everything dealing with Shabbat,the Hagim and everyday. Kishur Halachot Misirot