Rav Micha Golshevsky-Tikunei Zohar-15September2014

Rav Micha Golshevsky
Rav Micha Golshevsky:The Source of the Jewish Holidays & Pathways to Joy
Rav Micha Golshevsky-Tikunei Zohar-15September2014

Tikunei haZohar (תקוני הזהר, lit. Rectifications (or Repairs) of the Zohar), also known as the Tikunim (תקונים), is a main text of Kabbalah. It is a separate appendix to the Zohar consisting of seventy commentaries on the opening word of the Torah, Bereishit (בראשית), in a style of Kabbalistic Midrash. Containing deep secret teachings of Torah, stirring dialogues and fervent prayers, the explicit and apparent theme and intention of Tikunei haZohar is to repair and support the Shekhinah or Malkhut — hence its name, “Repairs of the Zohar” — and to bring on the Redemption and conclude the Exile.

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