The Ham from ZOT:Israeli Peppers

Arab Sheep are stealing Israeli Grass

Arab Sheep are stealing Israeli Grass


MEOW Agent 26: “Those sheep are off limits and invading a Bayat Keneset yard”
Sheep 1: “I ate the Israeli grass again.”
Sheep 2: “ha ha”
Arab Goat: “If you buy Israeli peppers in Lebanon it’s bad but if you steal Israeli grass it’s okay.”
Arab Goat: “Aaabbbaaas says it’s not the produce, It’s paying for anything that’s the problem.”
MEOW Agent 26 to Ham from ZOT Agent #8: “Agent 8 – this is 26 – sheep have been on our grasslands this morning.”
Ham from ZOT Agent #8: “Yes, It’s vegetable Wars. Israeli Peppers have been siting in Lebanese Markets.”
MEOW Agent 26: “A message was intercepted from goats to the U.N. Building on the hill.”
Ham from ZOT Agent #8: “Yes, We will investigate. Good Job Agent 26.”

Arab Sheep are passing gas (Farting) and flames are coming out .

Arab Sheep are passing gas (Farting) and flames are coming out .

MEOW Agent 26: “The message was beware of Peppers but stolen grass is sweet.”
Ham from ZOT Agent #8: “Right 26, This looks like a job for the Ham from ZOT!” “We will contact you soon.”
Ham from ZOT Agent #8 to Ham from ZOT Agent #87: “We are going on the 8 Bus!”
Ham from ZOT Agent #87: “Really?”
MEOW Agent 26: “So what has HQ come up with?”
Ham from ZOT Agent #8 and #87, each on a Bird
Ham from ZOT Agent #8 “Israeli Hot Pepper spray.”
Ham from ZOT Agent #8 “A new fuel source – or stolen grass gives burning a$$.”

Arab Sheep grazing on Jewish Jerusalem land

Arab Sheep grazing on Jewish Jerusalem land

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