Monthly Archives: September 2013 – כ׳ בתשרי ה׳תשע״ד

Angels on Ambucycles: Jews and Arabs saving lives

This is a Thank you to United Hatzalah for saving Yaakov, our classmate’s live. They are very fast and incredibility professional with the Ambucycles. Yaakov was not feeling good and had laid down on a bench in class. Someone call for an ParaMedic (EMT) and in a minute we heard the siren. Being we are […]

A classical education is the best

 With all the controversy about requiring the Haredi (ultra-orthodox) schools in Israel to teach secular subjects. I ran across these 2 exams from the United States secular (Christian) school systems. The first is from 1912, an Eighth grade test. The second, from Harvard from 1869, an entrance exam. Back then they taught a classical education […]